#Tirchel would def look at anyone that goes “what of void”
cryptidblue1 · 11 months
So that Unbalanced AU idea...
So, I had a thought that if I ever had the spoons to write this idea in a proper story and not just make up snippets and such that each chapter would have like these excerpts from scholarly papers, journals, letters, etc. that would take place like far in the future when Hallownest is really gone and people are you know, piecing together its history. Before it goes into the actual, you know story of everything going sideways because of Vessels surviving and having a hivemind and stuff. *sparkle hands* so I'm just going to put those random excerpts here since I'm fighting enough as it is with the spoons for the one fic I started and trying to be motivated to keep going. So yeah, dumping ground time for fic bits and snippets.
A word, a symbolism, a place of home, or a place of awe. There are many connotations connected to what seems to be a simple word. How this world has become such an important word for many, especially among bug kind is ambiguous at best; unknown at worst. All that is known is that Kingdom has become a word one attaches to a civilization that has transcended the boundaries of simple clan and groups squabbling for survival in harsh climes and dangerous locales.
Ah, but one can not just band a group together and call themselves a kingdom. No, while there are those who attempt such; creating clans and groups of villages under one rule. The title of Kingdom has always been of Sacred connotations. For every great Kingdom that has risen and whose name has been whispered among travelers and pilgrims, it has always had a touch of Divine to them. Whether it be by blessings, by the founding be from one of holy dispositions, by one with ichor flowing in their shell, or even by a god themselves taking interest in the realm of mortal affairs. These places imbued with sanctifying power have always risen higher and greater than any purely mortal civilization has ever achieved.
Yet, what causes these beings of higher and seemingly astronomical power to set foot onto a land and decry it to be under their domain?
A question that will likely be one of the questions pondered by scholars for decades to come.
It is these questions that have made many a scholar turn their gazes, and hone their blades towards a Kingdom that boasted not one, but at least five different gods through its rise, fall, and rebirth. A Kingdom of great renown and growth, and thus an even greater tragedy when its fall would show us why when Gods feud, all shall suffer. For who does not know of the great Kingdom of Hallownest? One whose origin seems tumultuous and mired in conflict and possessive grips of gods from times far older than even we may truly understand. The hints and findings of those brave enough to enter into the depths below the ruins of what had once been the great palace of the Pale King. The records of before the Pale King, where the Radiance had ruled, and even the scattered remnants that showed the rise of Hallownest under the Pale King’s gaze, and the plague that would bring it low. Each excursion into the depths, and the findings of those who had lived through this era of uncertainty and conflict have created a tapestry that each new thread only adds vibrancy and clarity to what we know of this Kingdom of Gods.
What is unclear in all of our findings of this kingdom from so long ago, the question that haunts every chronicler and history seeker wishing to know the truth of the path that led to its rebirth…
What stopped the Radiance’s curse for a time?
In all findings and piecing of a timeline of this city, there seems to be a blatant attempt to hide away the time period when the Pale King found a way to stop the plague riddling his subjects and when the plague returned somehow even more terrible than before. Even the means in which the plague was completely eradicated from the paths and depths of this kingdom is contradictory and purposefully shrouded from the attempts of history to record the ruins of this kingdom finding its footing once more and rising again for a time. Even the journals of those who had sought out answers when survivors of this time were alive and aware, can not seem to agree on what happened. The frustration in the words and pen strokes of these seekers of the truth is clear to any to see as they list the many ways that citizens refused, were clearly unaware, or obfuscated the answer to the main question being asked during the clean up at the plague’s end.
Perhaps there are answers hidden amidst artifacts that are rarer than the most precious of gems. Artifacts of the royal family, and of those that are only ever called Vessels when written about. A title only ever seen in passing within the few documents that point to there being more than just a battle of Gods in that era of Hallownest’s history. A title and speculations from a more radical branch of scholarly pursuit that have taken on the notion that there was another God involved in all of this.
An even more radical faction within the Studium has even begun believing that this tumultus time was the birthing of new gods.
This scholar finds these hypotheses fairytale-like and outlandish with how little evidence there is to support these theories of just what happened during the era of the Dreaming Plague. Thus, they shall only be mentioned as proof that every avenue was listened to at the time of the writing of this report. However, as this is meant to be a postulation of historical facts presented from actual evidence and records found and excavated from the depths of Hallownest, these theories will not be given more than a passing mention as we delve into the history and mystery that was a Kingdom considered to have been one of the greatest of Kingdoms to have ever risen.
May the blessing of Argos, They who have given us, of the Kingdom of Aeldum, the gift of Knowledge, find favor in my report of the Kingdom of Gods.
—Tirchel, Professor of Archaeology and Scholar of Divine History. Citizen of the Kingdom of Aeldum. Season of Rain Year 785 A.P.
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