#US ​Elections
nezreblogz · 2 months
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batboyblog · 3 months
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captainjonnitkessler · 4 months
You know I used to think "tumblr's absolute refusal to actually engage with the Trolley Problem in favor of insisting that there must be a third, morally pure option that doesn't require them to make a hard decision and anyone who asks them to make a binary choice is just a short-sighted idiot is really fucking annoying, but I guess it's not actually doing any harm".
Anyway that was before we asked tumblr at large to decide between "guy aiding a genocide but making progress elsewhere" and "guy who would actively and enthusiastically participate in a genocide and would also make everything else much, much worse for everyone elsewhere" and the response was that there must be a third, morally pure option that doesn't require them to make a hard decision and that anyone who asks them to make a binary choice is a short-sighted idiot.
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boreal-sea · 9 months
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This thread is incredibly important to read.
It is also extremely difficult to read. I don't know if I need to point this out, but the document itself is obviously full of bigotry so please take care of yourself if you choose to read it. Antisemitic phrases like "cultural marxism" and "global elites" appear before the document even really gets rolling, and are mixed in with transphobia, racism, and more.
If you want a taste of how this document starts in the first main section about "The Family", here is a taste:
"This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists."
It is all bad. ALL of this document is bad, and dangerous, and threatens the lives and the safety of everyone living in this country.
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the-final-sif · 7 months
Shoutout to all the people of Ohio who just passed abortion, contraception, and reproductive rights of all people into constitutional law by a fucking 12+ point margin despite the state legislature desperately trying to do everything they can to fuck up the vote. I'm so proud of y'all!!
Edit: Trans people fucking rule, sex work is cool and deserves respect, sex isn't a binary, gender critical theory is based on terrible disproven science and is just Phrenology for sex.
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We are not going to let that fuckwad DeSantis gain a foothold in the 2024 election.
You are going to fucking vote for Joe Biden, and you are going to give us a fucking chance to save our country from fascism, and you aren't going to fucking complain about it, because there is literally no other choice.
We will not let another election be a close call. Are you listening?
Vote for Biden. Vote for whatever Democrat is most popular in your local elections. Our system sucks, but this is what we're working with. Just fucking vote.
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xtruss · 5 months
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Map of The US With Trump's Shadow Looming. Image: Alberto Miranda
America Will Need A New Vocabulary To Discuss Its Presidential Election! Unprecedented, Uncharted, Not Unthinkable
— November 13th, 2023 | By John Prideaux
Barring unforeseen illness or death, the 2024 presidential election will be a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. This will be confirmed by the party primaries, which in 2024 will be completed much earlier than usual. Normally the incumbent president is chosen as his party’s nominee without much of a fight. On the Democratic side that will happen again. But the Republican side, where one candidate is so far ahead already that he has been able to skip the early debates, will be much weirder.
In a typical primary cycle, Americans have to wait until the end of March, or beyond, to know who the challenger is likely to be. This time the Republican primary could in effect be finished by the end of February. Americans would then be subjected to a full eight months of a general election campaign between two unpopular candidates—while America’s allies around the globe hold their breath.
If the primaries are less relevant than usual, the attention of politically engaged Americans (particularly those who do not wish to see a second Trump presidency), will shift from Trump the candidate to Trump the defendant. The former president’s federal trial for attempting to overturn the 2020 election starts on March 4th, the day before “Super Tuesday”, when 13 states will vote in the Republican primary.
His campaign will take advantage of this timing, portraying the cases against Mr Trump as a left-wing plot to prevent him from winning a second term and inviting his backers to vote for him (and donate to his legal fund) as an act of defiance. One of Mr Trump’s favourite political techniques is to turn whatever he stands accused of back against his accusers. Thus, while he is actually on trial in a federal court for undermining American democracy, he will claim that the real threat to democratic freedom is the federal court.
The coronations of the candidates will take place in Milwaukee, where the Republicans will hold their convention in July, and Chicago, where Democrats will gather in August to enthuse about four more years of Mr Biden (at the end of which their candidate would be 86 years old). The choice of locations is another reminder of the outsized importance of the Midwest in an election year, and the extent to which the contest to choose the president is not really a national election.
It Is Hard To Overstate How Important The Outcome Will Be, For America And The World
If the vote is close, as most presidential elections are now, then the result will come down to what happens in six states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. This means states with a combined population of 50m people, a bit more than Spain but fewer than Italy, will choose the next president. A bigger swing in either direction could bring a few more states into play: Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, perhaps even Florida.
The federal cases against Mr Trump are unlikely to be litigated by November 5th, the day of the election, because Mr Trump’s legal strategy will be to delay and then to appeal. As a result, for the first time, America will have a presidential candidate on the ballot who stands accused of federal and state crimes. Words like ”uncharted” and “unprecedented” were worn out by the end of Mr Trump’s first term. America will need new ones for this election.
It is hard to overstate how important the outcome will be for America and the rest of the world. America’s next president will face some predictable problems. The trust funds that pay for Social Security and Medicare (health care for pensioners) are running out of money. Nuclear proliferation in Iran and North Korea will be in the in-tray again. And there is the looming question of Taiwan. China-watchers in the West believe there is a narrow window, which overlaps with the next presidency, during which the People’s Liberation Army would have the advantage in a conflict over the island. The president chosen in 2024 will thus be in charge in the moment of maximum danger.
Most crises, though, are of the unexpected sort. In 2016 Mr Trump campaigned on ending American entanglements in the Middle East. Less than a year later, he gave the order to launch 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at targets in Syrian territory. The last year of his presidency was consumed by mishandling the spread of a new virus. Mr Biden’s presidency has been steadier and more successful, but the subjects that have demanded most of his attention—the bungled retreat from Afghanistan, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and a war between Israel and Hamas—were unforeseen.
A second Trump win, though, would be predictably awful. Plans will be laid over the next 12 months to staff his administration with true believers. The full effect is hard to imagine. What would it mean for foreign policy, or action on climate change? Would other countries elect nationalist populists in imitation again, as Brazil did in 2018?
For America, the questions are even bigger. What would it mean for the country’s democracy to re-elect a man who governed as Mr Trump did, who was impeached twice by the House of Representatives—and who tried to overturn the result of the last election? ■
— John Prideaux, United States Editor, The Economist
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dickgirlsdaily · 4 months
Fundamentally, if the democrats lose the presidency in 2024, it will not be because of "voter apathy" or "the idealistic left" or Cornell West or whatever third party candidate the liberals end up blaming. It will be because the democrats have failed to meet the lowest standards of many Americans.
You can talk about strategic voting until you're blue in the face, but fundamentally, people need reasons to vote for a candidate. There are people in this country watching as their family members get slaughtered by American arms, sent to Israel by Joe Biden. The people watching their families get murdered in Palestine have no reason to support Joe Biden. How can you ask them to?
"Sorry your family got bombed, but I need you to vote for the man who is directly responsible, or *real* people are going to suffer too."
It was at this point While I was drafting this post that I heard he just started bombing Yemen. It's like he's doing everything in his power to sink his own fucking campaign, are you shitting me? This isn't a matter of "stupid commies not being realistic enough", he's not just working for the status quo; just about every action he has taken since October 7th has been an escalation of conflict in the Middle East and made it worse for everyone living there. This is exactly what I'm talking about.
You can scold people for voting wrong as much as you want, but fundamentally the way that democrats can win elections is by pursuing good policy. If the only argument you can come up with in favor of Joe Biden is that he won't do 1 or 2 of the terrible things that Trump wants to do, then that will simply not appeal to the people who are most intensely affected by Biden's failures (not to mention people who have moral objections to genocide, even when it doesn't affect them). You can scream and cry all you want, people are not going to just overlook his role in the ethnic cleansing of Gaza just because he is the Less Bad Genocider.
If a republican wins the presidency in November, you can blame the hundreds of thousands of voters/nonvoters who should've agreed with you and put aside every moral concern they ever had about the Biden administration... or you can blame the one fucking guy whose massive foreign policy failures are going to tank his re-election campaign.
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kostektyw · 1 year
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some buttons for the fellow voters out there
Edit: more designs and some info available here :)
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
It was a really, really good political news day today in the US (4/4/23)
For anyone who hasn't heard, not only did Trump get arrested, but also:
-We found out that the legal case against him in this prosecution (stormy daniels hush money case) is SIGNIFICANTLY stronger than people had speculated. Like, wow do they have receipts.
-In fact, the evidence was so entirely there that the new question on prime time news (well, at least on msnbc lol) is "Hey, why didn't the federal courts prosecute him for this already???)
-Trump FAILED UTTERLY in his attempts to rally mass protests and demands for "death and destruction" if he was arrested. There was no violence at the arrest at all, and as for Trump supporters? They failed to show up in any kind of numbers--reportedly only about a hundred people were protesting the arrest
-We (aka Judge Janet Protasiewicz) WON what is widely considered to be the most consequential election of 2023, a Wisconsin state supreme court election that handed control of the state supreme court to the left
-Because of that election win, it is now extremely likely that abortion will be legal in Wisconsin, and that Wisconsin won't be able to throw out electors in the 2024 presidential election
-ALSO bc of this, Wisconsin, the most gerrymandered state in the country, will probably get nonpartisan, accurate maps, which COULD FLIP THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in 2024
-In Chicago, Brandon Johnson, union organizer and former teacher, won the election for mayor, in a decisive win progressives, esp for meaningful criminal justice reform and investment in mental health (whereas the other guy was campaigning on hiring hundreds of new cops and being super tough on crime)
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destielmemenews · 7 months
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nezreblogz · 1 month
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batboyblog · 3 months
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Project 2025
If this sounds bad to you, please remember to vote Democrat up and down your ballot from President to the most local elected official
and Mobilize and volunteer this year, any amount of work helps
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instantbee · 1 year
On the one hand, not having a Speaker of the House is indicative of very serious issues in the American populace. It shows a divisive political dialogue and a country in crisis. The last two times this happened both preceded horrible periods of disruption in our country by about 10 years, the Great Depression and the Civil War. So it's not a great look and does make one nervous about what is coming down the pipe On the other hand it is genuinely so fucking funny
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vyeoh · 1 month
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(The Washington Post)
For those who don't know, the US Supreme Court just ruled that states are allowed to enforce trans healthcare for minors. Undoubtedly, this will trigger a wave of other states that either hope to pass or have already passed policies to do the same. This is going to kill children, and harm more in long-lasting ways.
So, how can you help?
FUCKING VOTE. I don't care if you don't like Biden, he's not the only one on the ballot. Vote representatives into your city council who will turn our city into a sanctuary city. Vote for governors and state reps who will, even if they don't pass new protections, oppose bans being pushed through. Chsllenge and kick out conservative incumbents who are banking on their races being obscure enough for people to not vote in.
Anyone telling you voting is useless is either lying to you or grossly uninformed and think saying this is the edgy new take that will make them look hip and informed. Yes, the system is broken. But short of burning the whole thing to the ground (which personally I'm not a fan of as I quite enjoy having like. Roads and the FDA) what we can do is to change it for the better, by starting with the local races and working our way up.
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directactionforhope · 2 months
By the way, even if you fully plan to vote for Biden in November (because Trump would be worse and has declared that if elected he would ban Palestinians from entering the US x, x, x, x)...
You can and I would argue should call or email Biden or whatever other Democrats represent you and just straight up lie about it. Tell them "I'm a constituent, and I've voted for you in x number of elections, and thanks to your support for the genocide of the Palestinian people, I will never, ever vote for you again."
Politicians, Democrats, and especially Biden need a fire lit under their asses, because the vast majority of them clearly aren't going to do shit without one. Or, worse, be like Biden and actively be the reason that Israel can continue its genocide on a political, monetary, and military level.
Tell Biden and other politicians that you will never vote for them again. It doesn't matter if it's true. It will help pressure US politicians to stop this genocide, and therefore it's the right thing to do.
Obviously this also applies to other countries where politicians are supporting Israel's genocide, especially countries that have cut funding to UNRWA (list here).
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