#UN Career Tips
businessabroad · 7 months
How to succeed in your test at the United Nations #14
Mastering the UN's Hiring Exams: Tips for Triumph
The road to securing a job at the United Nations often includes a crucial testing phase. Our latest video, "How to Succeed Your Test at the United Nations - UN Jobs #14," is your guide to conquering this step with confidence.
From written exams to language proficiency and competency-based interviews, we delve into each testing format and reveal strategies for success. With advice from those who've passed and proven stress management tips, this video is a valuable resource for all UN job hopefuls.
Embark on your test preparation journey with us and move one step closer to your UN career goals.
#UNCareerJourney #TestPreparation #UNHiringExams #JobSearchSuccess
Here are all the videos in this course.
The Benefits of Working at the United Nations
UN Duty Station: What it is and What you Can Expect
The Process of Getting A Job at the United Nations
How to Apply For A Job At The United Nations
United Nations Levels and Salary - What are they?
Type of Contract at the United Nations
United Nations Steps and Contract Negotiation
United Nations Jobs, Job Role, and Posting Locations
UN Job Opportunities - How to Increase Your Odds
Best Places for Your Family to Live
How are you Competing Against
United Nations Official Languages
This is What the UN's Application Process is Like
How to success your test at the United Nations
Before Passing Your Interview at the United Nations
How to Successfully Interview For a Competency-Based Job
List of Questions used in Competency-Based Interview
What to do After the Interview at the United Nations
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mrsrileywrites · 4 months
Hear me out... Older boyfriend Simon Riley that's a math genius 😅
smut, smut...
You are in college, the career you choose has nothing to do with math but it's the first year and you have to take that class, it's required and you have always struggled with numbers!!! 
So here you are sitting in the high chair on your kitchen isle, you've been working on that damn work sheet for the past hour, spent the last twenty minutes stuck on a random exercise you have wrote and erased so many times you are about to rip a hole in the sheet.
You think on giving up, just fail the class, get a part time job and pay for tutoring next semester so you'll pass and get done with it.
Simon is sitting on the couch, watching TV, he's been looking at your struggling from the corner of his eye. You sigh un frustration, rubbing your face about to burst into tears when he stands up and walk towards you. "What's wrong, love?", he acts oblivious.
You explain to him, your voice cracking and it tugs at the strings of his heart, he sits next to you taking a look at the work sheet, he's silent, focused, his brows slightly creased, he's so handsome, you think.
He puts the sheet in front of you and explains the exercise,he makes it look so easy, you look at him intently, you didn't know he was so good at math, and his big hand moves to squeeze your thigh, "pay attention, love" he says sternly, and you do, you try your damn hard to focus and get it right cause you want to make him proud.
And no matter how hard you try, you just can't, you don't get it :( "I can't, Si... I'm just dumb" you pout, tears welling in your pretty eyes.
"Don't say that, baby, you are not dumb" he speaks to you oh so sweetly and you just look at him. He sees the struggle on your eyes, you just need motivation he thinks.
That's how you end up bent over your kitchen isle, your pants and panties pooled at your ankles, Simon rubbing the tip of his cock at your entrance, he looks at your work sheet from over your shoulder and speaks on your ear, "C'mon baby, focus on your sheet, what does it say?". You stutter as you read the exercise, your fingers holding your pencil so tight it might snap in half any minute.
Simon enters you slowly as you write wonky numbers on the sheet, he thrusts slowly guiding you through the math problem and when you get it wrong, he's movements come to a halt, your pussy flutters around his fat cock, and you whine in frustration pushing your ass back seeking some sort of friction, his hand on your hip holds you in place.
"C'mon baby, get it right and I'll fuck you properly" and you try again, your brain scrambling for the right answer, writing with a shaky hand until you get it right and Simon rewards you, he thrusts into you vigorously as he praises you "my smart girl, so good for me" and you moan, your pussy clenching at his praise, his hand moves to rub at your clit and you feel the band tighten on your lower belly, Simon's eyes move to see where his cock disappears inside you and the recoil of your ass with every snap of his hips, you always take him so well, it makes his cock twitch inside you.
"Si... I'm gonna..." You whine. "I know baby, I know... you squeezing me so tight" he grunts on your ear thrusting faster and harder, his finger still rubbing your clit until you cum, your body shakes as he spills his seed inside your tight cunt.
Side note, that Ghost skin is my favorite cause I get to see his forearms and those cool tattoos... I need this man so bad my ovaries are gonna combust 😩
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bangtanflirt · 10 months
(Un)natural Instincts (Part 3)
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angst, fluff, smut
Pairings: OT7 x Fem Reader, Human CEO Reader, Human Assistant Yoongi, Wolf Hybrids Joon, Jin, Hobi, Jimin, Tae, and Kook.
Basic premise: You and your assistant end up rescuing six wolf hybrids. No part of the process is easy.
Part 1 > Part 2 > Part 3 > Part 4
General Warnings: Hybrid abuse and lab experimentation, hybrids as second-class citizens/owned property, future smut (Minors DNI, 18+ content)
Specific Warnings: torture collars, needles, surgical collar removal (implied not shown), drugs, one mention of euthanasia, misogyny in the workplace
Jungkook tries to hide behind you the second he walks into Dr. Gong’s office. The doctor greets both of you in a friendly manner, guiding Jungkook to the patient bed while you stand close by.
You can tell she wants to ask about the collar, but refrains. Even if she did, you’d have to make up some lie, as the product isn’t officially released yet. But you’re thankful she doesn’t. Dr. Gong is one of the top hybrid doctors in the country, and you’re sure her usual clientele expect her not to ask questions when it comes to their hybrids.
She wastes no time checking the wolf’s vitals and getting the needle ready.
Jungkook turns his head away when the blood is being drawn, choosing to look at your face instead. You make sure to tell him how good he’s doing every three seconds.
The receptionist comes in with an assortment of drinks and snacks as you wait for the results to come through. The second you give permission, Jungkook is diving his hands straight to the banana milk, making both you and the doctor chuckle.
“How did you do it Ms. Shin?”
“Do what?”
“Domesticate a 40% wolf hybrid? I mean, it’s remarkable. You two must have a really great bond.”
Yeah…a great bond.
You chuckle nervously, “We do.”
You and the doctor make more small-talk as Jungkook eats and drinks his way through every snack in front of him. When the results finally come in, the smile from Dr. Gong’s face drops immediately.
“What’s the matter? Is it severe? What’s the allergy?”
“It’s not severe, very mild actually…but the substance…”
“What is it Doctor?”
“Y/N, I need you to be completely honest with me, have you been giving Jungkook any substances lately?”
Substances? The hormones are in his bloodstream, but there couldn’t be anything sketchy in there when it’s been patented…could there?
“What substance did you find?”
“Fevocaine. To be specific, when I did an allergy test, fevocaine showed up. However, when I ran a secondary drug test specifically for fevocaine detection, the report was all clear. This is an advanced version of the drug that somehow goes undetected when tested for, I would have had no idea if not for the allergy test. You know how serious this is, don’t you? I’m going to need to get the police involved.”
Fevocaine? One of the most high-alert drugs on the government’s system? Oh…Kang was done for.
It’s not long after you, Dr. Gong, and Jungkook sit with the authorities that the Pet Paradise research facility gets raided. You guide the police there yourself, watching researchers scramble as their hormone development lab is found stashing copious amounts of the banned drug.
A special type of joy overtakes you when you see Kang Byung-hun grace the TV the next day, handcuffed and yelling over and over again about how he did nothing wrong. You know better than to think it’s over, as Kang’s lawyers are sure to put up a fight, but right now you just want to celebrate this moment. Jungkook watches alongside you, letting the question on the tip of his tongue drop at last.
“Does this mean I can see my pack again?”
“I don’t see why not. I’ll talk to the feds and figure it out.”
That’s the first time Jungkook hugs you, sobbing happy tears into your shoulder.
You have your schedule cleared for the next day, taking an emergency leave for the first time in your career.
“We really have to thank you once again for your cooperation, Ms. Shin. I know you’re a very busy woman.”
The head of the investigation, Special Agent Kwon, ushers you into a seat in his office.
“I’m just glad this is all sorted out. Fevocaine is no light matter.”
“It definitely is not. May I ask what brings you here today? If I remember correctly, we got all the statements we needed from you already.”
“I’m here to follow-up on what will happen to the hybrids. Jungkook is still under my care, and as you can imagine, he’s dying to be reunited with his pack.”
“Ah yes, I’m sure. Well, we’d love to reunite them. Thankfully, the fevocaine was given in doses too low to leave long-term impact, so the plan is to de-collar and give all the hybrids to the state.”
“To the state? Like an adoption center.”
“But they’re 40% wolf…they won’t ever be adopted once the collar wears off. Will they be released into the wild?”
Agent Kwon shifts uncomfortably in his seat.
“We can’t release lab-hybrids into the wild.”
“So then what?”
More uncomfortable shifting.
“If they can’t be adopted, the shelter will have to consider euthanasia.”
No. Absolutely the fuck not.
“Let me take them.”
“You heard me. I’ll adopt all six right now.”
“Ms. Shin, I don’t think that’s—”
“Rational? Probably not. But it’s better than the alternative. You and I both know no state-funded rehab is going to make a difference. I can give them what the government can’t. I can give them an actual fair shot at life.”
There’s a pause as the agent mulls it over.
“If you’re that adamant about it, I’ll see if I can figure something out.”
You get a call later that day, telling you that you have clearance to go ahead with the adoption procedures. It’s the first time you initiate a hug with Jungkook, telling him the good news.
“Thank you Y/N. Thank you so much. I don’t know how we’ll ever repay the kindness you’ve shown us.”
He’s sobbing again, and you hold him steady in your arms.
It’s the next day and you can’t help but feel antsy about your driver taking Jungkook to Dr. Gong without you. You know he doesn’t like doctors, but he needs his collar off as soon as possible.
You’re in the office kitchen when you get a call to begin the adoption process. All the worrying over the hybrids has you completely forgetting where you are and how you’re seen here—because the next thing you know, gossip is running wild.
And now you’re seen as everything you didn’t want to be.
The men aren’t exactly subtle, making jabs about how you’ve been an emotional push-over this entire time and how the mask is finally slipping off. You try to ignore it, but you can’t escape.
“Maybe she’ll invest in the HoloPad if we give her a sob story for it. She’ll buy six versions herself, I bet.”
“You think she has some supercharged maternal instincts from bottling it down all these years? She sees the six as her little babies?”
“This is going to be really good for the company. Six hybrids mean six ways to get dicked down. Maybe she’ll finally stop being a frigid bitch!”
“This was supposed to be the investment that give us our bonuses, and she snitched to the police because she couldn’t handle seeing hybrids cry…not even people…but hybrids! How can anyone take her seriously?!”
You told yourself you’d never cry at work, no matter the countless times you’ve wanted to, but you can’t help the tears from falling today. You’re in your office with the blinds closed, but it still feels like you’ve broken the promise to yourself: the promise to not let the people here break you.
There’s a gentle knock at the door.
“One moment” you say, frantically reaching for the powder foundation to hide your crying face.
“It’s just me.”
You stop, breathing a sigh of relief.
“Come in.”
Yoongi enters tactfully, making sure the door isn’t open enough for anyone to see you.
He sets a mint tea on the table, as well as a packet of ginseng which he mixes into it in front of you.
“Try this, it’ll calm you down.”
You don’t question it. He pats your back as you down the drink, watching over with worry etched into his features. It takes a while for the tears to stop falling and your breathing to steady, but he patiently stays by your side.
“Is it true that you’re adopting all six?”
You nod, putting the now empty cup down.
“The collar effects are going to go down Y/N…it’s way too dangerous.”
“If they do end up clawing my face off, I really think I deserve it at this point.”
It’s your poor attempt at a joke, but Yoongi isn’t laughing.
“Let me move in.”
“Excuse me?”
“Let me move in for a while. I can’t let you live there alone with six wolf hybrids. I won’t.”
“Yoongi, I appreciate you looking out for me, but the last thing I need are additional rumors. The people here are going to have a field day with the sugar-mommy jabs if you move in.”
“Y/N, they’ve been calling me your sugar baby since the second week I’ve been here. They’ve never cared for the truth when it comes to you. We’ll keep it low-key, but if they find out then they find out. Your safety is the priority here.”
He’s got a point. How much could anyone say that hasn’t been said already? And, as much as you’re trying to keep it from showing, you are scared of what could happen once their natural instincts kick in.
“Fine. I’m picking them all up after work tomorrow. I’ll text you when we’re all back home and you can come.”
The second you open the door to the doctor’s office, you’re ambushed by a mop of brown hair in a hospital gown.
You peel him off to take in his new appearance, with white, blood-stained bandages replacing where the collar once was.
“He was asking for you every five minutes.” Dr. Gong comments from her desk.
“Thank you so much for letting him stay here while I was working.”
“It actually turned out for the good, gave me some time to monitor his vitals and behavior. This isn’t exactly a case I’m used to seeing. I should probably monitor the ones tomorrow too.”
You give Jungkook a sympathetic look as he tugs tightly onto the sleeve of your blouse.
“And I bet you were so good for Dr. Gong, weren’t you Jungkook?”
He looks over in the doctor’s direction, only feeling confident enough to respond once she gives a reassuring nod.
“I w-was. She told me I was really brave.”
“He was scared, but he followed directions really well.”
“I even got a reward! Apparently, these taste really good” He holds up an orange lollipop, only to realize that he’s half-crushed it in his fist. He looks so devastated that you feel bad for wanting to laugh.
“Doc, you don’t happen to have any more of those, do you? I think Jungkook forgot his strength for a second.”
Dr. Gong smiles before tossing another one in his direction.
Jungkook entertains himself on the sofa in the waiting room, watching “Extraordinary Attorney Woo”—aka his first assignment from you. You fondly watch through the window of the office as he pulls out a little notepad and pen, eager to jot down the key points.
You turn your attention back on the doctor, ready to be briefed on next steps.
“As far as I can tell, the collar removal process went as smoothly as possible. I’ll give you a wound care kit and instructions before you leave today, but the wounds should heal in the next twelve days. For the changes inside his body, the synthetic hormones will take around twenty days to fully leave his system. I have to advise you to be careful of your safety as this process occurs, because his high level of wolf can make him dangerous in as little as ten days.”
You let the weight of her words sink in, the whole situation becoming more and more tangible now.
“I’ll be careful.”
She gives a nod before continuing, “I understand the other five are coming for collar removal tomorrow as well. It will be the same for all of them. Oh and one more thing,”
She shuffles through a file before placing a piece of paper in front of you,
“This is a record of his last heat suppressant. He’s due for a shot next week. My guess is that the other five are too, so you can schedule that with the receptionist accordingly.”
You’d been meaning to ask Jungkook when his next heat would be and how to prepare, but you’d completely forgotten heat suppressant shots were a thing; most owners would rather not deal with the “inconvenience” of their hybrids in heat.
“Is it necessary to keep them on it? Their hormones have already been messed with enough.”
“I wouldn’t advise them to be taken off of it for at least the next month. Give some time until after removal of the collar since it’s best to keep everything else in their bodies as stable as we can right now. If you still feel this way after then, you can stop scheduling the shots.”
 You nod, “Thank you doctor. You’ve been such a great help throughout all of this.”
You wince as you undo the bandages and gauze, seeing the exposed wounds. He jumps the second you touch his skin with a cotton pad, applying the saline solution as gently as you know how, with the antibiotic cream right after.
“Here you go” you say, handing him his prescribed pain meds. “You have to take one every eight hours. It’s really important you don’t forget, or it will hurt really bad. Understand?”
He nods, making a face as he swallows the bitter pill. It’s not even one second after he swallows it that you’re holding the allergy one up in front of his face.
“Are you excited to see your pack tomorrow?”
His face goes from contorting in disgust to the biggest grin imaginable.
“I’m so excited! I missed them so much!”
“I can’t wait to get to know them. They’ll be getting their collars off in the morning, observed for a few hours like you were today, and I’ll pick them up right after work. My assistant will come a bit after, he’s staying over too. You were sleeping last time he was here, so I didn’t get a chance to introduce you.”
“Someone else will be staying too? For the night?”
“For a while actually. He’ll be helping me take care of all of you.”
You don’t dare say the real reason to the boy’s face.
“We won’t cause trouble, I promise! We’ll be really really well-behaved.”
“I bet you will be,” you chuckle, fluffing his hair, “but wound care for all of you is not easy for me to do alone. You’ll all love Yoongi, I promise.”
You aren’t completely lying; having Yoongi here is going to be a huge help in that regard, but the main reason is still because of how wrong all of this can go…because you can’t trust any of them yet…not even your sweet Jungkook.
Work is the last place you want to be right now, especially with the snickering and gossiping at an all-time high. It doesn’t help that you’re handing over your duties to the COO today, taking three weeks off to properly help all six of the hybrids. It’s the first time you’ve ever taken time off, and you’re paranoid about handing things over to someone else. It’s not like your COO, Hwang Minhyun, isn’t reliable or competent—quite the opposite, actually—but you’re just not used to giving someone control like this. Yoongi assures you he’ll stick by Minhyun’s side for the whole three weeks, reporting everything you need him to, and that makes you breathe a little lighter.
It feels like you’re taking a walk of shame when you leave work.
You know the latest whispers, people saying you’re taking time off because you got your feelings hurt…because you’re too sensitive…
It stings.
But you can’t let it show, and you certainly can’t break down when you have five hybrids waiting for you at Dr. Gong’s.
You drive with infinite worries in your head, almost running a red light on the way.
This time when you enter through the door, there is no hybrid running into your arms. It’s the exact opposite, with five bodies flinching and huddling together in fear—neck bandages matching Jungkook’s. They no doubt remember you as one of the many people ogling them at the facility.
There’s a social worker right by them, but he doesn’t look all too pleased to be there. Hybrid social work is considered the lowest position, and most don’t do it with much diligence.
Dr. Gong brushes past the group to welcome you, “Welcome back Ms. Shin. Happy to say all of the removal procedures went well.”
The social worker steps up,
“Hello Ms. Shin. I’m Jo, the social worker in charge of this case. I’m here to collect a few signatures and hand the hybrids off. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you as well” you say, meeting his handshake.
The hybrids’ ears stand straight on their heads at the mention of being handed off, you see their eyes widen in alarm, one of them—Jimin, you remember—squeaks.
“We-we’re going home with her?”
Jo shushes the wolf, glaring sternly before turning his attention back to you.
“Sorry about that.”
You raise a brow, “Why is he asking that? Surely, they know what’s happening right now?”
He gives a nonchalant shrug, “I don’t think anyone’s told them yet.”
“What do you mean? Why haven’t you told them?”
“With all due respect Ms. Shin, keeping them in the loop isn’t part of my job description. I just need to make sure they follow orders.”
The annoyance on his features makes your right hand itch to slap it off of him, but you take a deep breath, not wanting to make a scene in front of the terrified wolves. You need to be tactical and get them adopted as soon as possible.
“Of course, my apologies.” You deliver your signature tight-lipped smile.
Dr. Gong takes charge of the conversation, speed-running the post-surgery instructions as they are identical to yesterday’s. She tries to give them lollipops, but they start shaking harder and she quickly tucks them back into a drawer.
It’s not long before you’re signing the adoption papers, double checking to make sure Jungkook is included in the agreement as well. It baffles you that he doesn’t even need to be present for his adoption—a clear indicator of how much care the government gives towards hybrid autonomy.
“They’re all yours. I’ll schedule a house-visit in two weeks, to make sure they aren’t a danger to you. If we find anything alarming, the state will take them, as stated in the papers.”
It doesn’t go unnoticed that there’s no mention of whether or not the hybrids are safe. It breaks your heart knowing not even their own social worker cares about that.
“Thank you. I’ll take them off your hands now.”
The car ride gives you déjà vu, with four of the hybrids in the back, eyes trained on the floor. Namjoon takes the seat beside you, putting on his guard hybrid senses on display as he sits with his chin protruding in deep concentration. He’s the only one not looking down, but instead on the road.
“Sorry for springing all of this on you guys,” No one looks up, but you continue, “Jungkook is so excited to see everyone again.”
Suddenly, ten pairs of eyes are trained on you.
Namjoon speaks in an instant, forgetting to ask for permission in the haze of hearing his youngest packmate’s name “Jungkook? Our Koo?! He’s with you…he’s alive?!”
They really didn’t know a thing.
You can’t imagine how hard it must’ve been for them, seeing him get taken away and having no idea if he was even alive. You hope Kang Byung-hun and his researchers are having a great time rotting in their prison cells right now.
“He’s alive and well, got his collar taken off yesterday.” You give the warmest smile you know how.
You hear various sighs of relief, paired with low whispers that you can’t quite make out in the back.
A/N: I cannot believe how much positivity and love this series is receiving so far. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! I love reading your thoughts and seeing you as invested in these characters as I am, and it gets me so excited to write future parts!
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stevieschrodinger · 4 months
I really want to write this as like a fully fledged, 100k word fic, but I just do not have the time. I need to get the idea down so here it is.
So modern AU. Steve is an Alpha, always known he wanted to help people, little boy who wants to be a police officer or a firefighter, that sort of thing. Mother humors him, Dad is disinterested, both parents are hands off to the point of being borderline neglectful without actually crossing the line - the second Steve can legally get out, he goes to college. Ends up taking an interest in Omega studies, of all things - which leads neatly into the career choice that Steve didn't even know he needed.
By the time Steve is 23 he's leading his own little team under the watchful eye of his superior - Jim Hopper. They're a special branch of the FBI, geared specifically to finding and breaking up illegal Omega abduction and trade rings. Steve's good at what he does - really good - top of his class for firearms, has an affinity for the Omega he comes into contact with, and his control over his Alpha is pretty second to none. Steve can radiate comfort in the middle of a firefight if he has to - if it means keeping these people safe.
Steve sees some pretty horrible shit - he's miraculously well adjusted, goes to his mandated therapy sessions like a good boy, and gets on with Hopper surprisingly well for how surly the guy can be.
Steve's worst attribute is that he's a workaholic - he has a history of failed relationships, so he gives up entirely and has no social life to speak of.
And then Steve's out with his team - it's taken months to track this down. Steve's been supervising undercover agents, starting with a tip off about illegal drug trades that pinged Steve's radar as Omega hormones. So rather than heading in and arresting at base level, Steve, with Hopper's nod, pulls the thread.
They assumed the hormones were heat inducing - they were wrong, and what they find is horrifying. The drugs have been used on un-presented kids. Stolen kids, as young as 11, to try and force them into presenting as Omega. These kids have been abducted from everywhere, no sense to it that anyone can see - except that these kids all come from poor families. Marginalized by society - in a lot of cases, kids that haven't even been reported as missing.
To top it off - the kids are being abused. Neglected, starved, left in filthy conditions and being regularly sexually assaulted. It is by far the worst thing Steve, or even Hopper, in his long carer, has ever seen.
They go in, break up the ring, the perpetrators are either killed in the ensuing firefight or captured and brought in.
Steve sustaining only minor injuries in the altercation, continues on with his job to clear out the kids and get them to safety- in his haste to get to where the final group of kids are being held, sets off a booby trap of some sort.
Steve is badly injured- his lower left leg taking the vast majority of the damage- for the first time in his career, Steve panics. But then he has a kid with him, big brown eyes and a mop of curly hair, skin too pale and drawn, dirty fingers and bare feet. And this kid is trying to comfort Steve, obviously understanding that this is a rescue. By the time the rest of his team get to him, Steve is finding comfort in the scent of un-presented pup - the little guy curled up right against Steve.
The pup is, evidently, also finding comfort in Steve, both of them locked together, faces buried in each others scent glands.
They wont let go of each other, even in the ambulance, and it's decided pretty quickly that if they're keeping each other calm, to let them stay that way. On arrival to the hospital, they're both sedated for their own good - Steve wakes up to find he's missing his left leg from the knee down, and Hopper asleep slouched in the chair next to him.
The first thing he does is ask about the pup - Hopper tells him what he can, the kid is called Eddie, was small because he was starved and actually was thirteen years old - and he's safe and well, already reunited with his uncle.
Steve can relax. But not really. Because once his leg heals, he's in physio, and then learning to regain his mobility with a prosthetic, also dealing with the deafness the explosion left him with in his left ear, and the scarring that stretches all the way up to his left hip.
Hopper is determined not to loose Steve off his team - he basically invents a roll for him, if he wants it - Steve is too good to be wasted, so he goes back to work for Hopper in an investigative roll. He'll never work in the field again, but he becomes the brains behind a lot of successful operations.
But still, he's listless, missing the hands on aspects on his roll. He treads water for nearly two years, before he happens to have a conversation in the office break room, with one Robin Buckley.
Steve's known Robin for years, she's an Omega behaviorist, and works a lot with traumatized Omega, rehabilitating, therapy, that kind of thing. She's always been there, on the periphery of Steve's team, taking the Omega off their hands. After Steve's rescues, it's with Robin that the real work often begins. From the conversations they've had previously - Steve handing over information about conditions he'd found Omega in, likely what they've been put through, and anything else that will help Robin do her job, he's always found her sympathetic but no nonsense. He's always respected Robin.
And maybe that's why their conversation easily slips into Steve confessing his listlessness - and what prompts Robin to suggest he retrain. She's heard herself how bombproof Steve's Alpha is in the field - would he be interested in a day or two a week with her team? Positive Alpha exposure is often a vital step in the reintegration process.
Steve thinks about it. He talks about it with Hopper. Between them both, Steve figures he has nothing to loose, and Hopper agrees to release Steve a day a week to Buckley's department on a trial. Steve takes on extra training - bolstering up his Omega Studies qualifications from College. Steve loves it. it's fulfilling. It gives him the hands on aspect of his job he'd been missing.
And then Hopper lands a file on his desk - it's come to them via unorthodox means, through a local doctor, then a hospital specialist, then flagged by Buckley's team as it's an old rescue case. A closed case. And Steve opens the file to find a picture of himself, grainy, black and white, but unmistakably Steve. He's sitting on a gurney, someone desperately doing something to the mess of his leg, but in his lap, the curly haired pup he hadn't let go of that day.
The pup who, apparently had presented an Omega. Steve reads, doing the math, reading the hospital records from that day. The kid had presented basically the second he'd woken up. He'd presented, most likely, while Steve was in surgery still.
That stirs something in Steve. Something a little unfamiliar; the feeling that he hadn't been there and he should have been.
There's another picture, Edward Munson, the kids put on weight, he's grown some. Still has big brown eyes looking out of a very pretty face; and that stirs something in Steve too.
Munson basically hasn't been okay since the rescue. At first they put it down to the usual stuff, the kid had survived being abducted, drugged, sexually assaulted, physical harm, that kind of trauma can take years to work though, decades, a lifetime. But everyone is maintaining there's something a little off with this kid, something else wrong, something hindering his recovery that really shouldn't be; it's like he's mate sick.
But he doesn't have a mate.
The one time they tried to expose this kid to an Alpha, it ended so badly he became aggressive. And then someone dug deep enough to find this photo, to read this file.
Steve's standing up before Hopper gets to the end of the question, yes, he wants to see the Omega, yes, he's going to work with the Omega.
There's a frustratingly long song and dance around it - Buckley wants to follow protocol to the letter, so their first meeting is in one of the Omega work rooms, just Eddie and Steve, very calm, very controlled, with Robin and Hopper observing from the other side of a one way glass mirror.
Eddie backs away at first, is dubious of Steve, but Steve has a worn shirt with him and leaves it on a chair within reach, and once Eddie, finally scents it, he bursts into tears, "is it really you?" he sobs, and Steve confirms that it is, and Eddie is climbing into Steve's lap, still sobbing, "I thought I'd never see you again."
And they stay like that, until Robin finally breaks them up, but Eddie will not let go of Steve, not completely, and Steve doesn't want to let go of Eddie either, but he has to.
He has to make his case. He has to explain that that sixteen year old Omega, a decade Steve's junior, is without doubt Steve's mate. There's a lot of back and forth, they need the uncles blessing, which after a thirty second conversation with Eddie, Wayne doesn't hesitate.
Steve takes Eddie home, with instructions from Hopper to take all the time he needs.
This is where the real work starts, Eddie is traumatized, has been mate sick since the day he presented, and needs a hell of a lot of work. Their bond is solid, but formed in trauma, so the attachment issues become almost immediately apparent.
They put in the work - Eddie has a therapist who is not Steve, and Steve still goes to his own therapy sessions like a good boy. They deal with a lot of things, Eddie's night terrors, his awful relationship with food, his inability to settle, the panic attacks. Eddie's first heat, where nothing happens because Eddie is still terrified of sex. They work through Eddie's confused feelings; Steve falls utterly and completely in love.
Eddie slowly picks up his reading - the education he's missed - starts gently with a distance learning course. Steve goes back to work, a gentle three half days a week to start with.
They get through it all, and make a life together.
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theragethatisdesire · 10 months
can i get levi with the stay with me tonight prompt o.o (#8 i think :3)
HEY KAT HEY!!!! thank you so much jdkfaljdl i remember when you hit 1k and i was just so immensely proud of you and so happy to be moots and i still am!!! so thrilled to see you here<333
yeah you absoLUTELY can you are officially the first person to get me to write a levi drabble/fic and ofc it would be you that pulls it out of me
Reluctantly, you sit up, grimacing slightly at the scratch of the Survey Corp-issued sheets against your bare, oversensitive skin, at the ache deep in your bones and beneath your legs from a long day of training and a long night with him.
He's your Captain, you're his subordinate. It's inappropriate beyond measure, could easily ruin his career, but at this rate, you're not sure who needs this arrangement more. You aren't sure when it started, whether that be during sparring practice, pinned underneath him in full view of your comrades, on those long missions outside the walls watching each other be illuminated by a campfire, the one time you snapped back at him to the chagrin of everyone else around.
It started at some point, but you only know where it ended up, with you continuously sneaking out of your barracks and into his private captain's quarters, sliding beneath the sheets and letting him work sounds out of you that would make a prostitute blush.
You jump at the light pressure of a hand on your spine, not pressing, but a feather-light touch.
"What time is it?" Levi grumbles in that tousled, unbuttoned tone he gets only in moments like these. You relish it, love that for now, that voice is only for you, not for anyone else.
"Close to 1:00," you answer, eyes flicking over to the clock on the wall, "long day tomorrow?"
"Moreso for you than me," Levi props up on his elbows, and you make the mistake of turning over your shoulder to look at him, look at the way his muscles ripple under porcelain skin.
Your eyes draw to a particular scar on his ribs, the one you had hesitantly asked about on your first night together, the one you now know makes him shudder if you run your tongue over it. You avert your eyes instantly when a slow throb starts to build between your legs, despite the wreckage that already lies there.
"Why is that?"
"ODM review," Levi's eyes soften ever so slightly, an apology, "I have meetings with the Commander most of the day, so I need you and the squad to head over to the training area and teach the cadets how to check their ODM gear properly. There's been too many close calls during their training. Commander Erwin suspects that they weren't properly taught how to check their gear before heading up."
You groan, rubbing at your tired eyes. "I wish you would have told me that before I came over here. I'm exhausted."
"I'm sorry," Levi's voice is quiet, a little wounded. You can only sigh, knowing that trying to assure him that it was worth it, that you'd go weeks without sleep, without food, if it meant you could lay here with him only a few hours longer is fruitless.
"It's okay," you find yourself leaning over, pressing a tender kiss to his cheek. It shocks both of you, you pulling back with wide eyes, a blush rising to the tips of Levi's ears. "Um, okay, well...I'll head out then. Sounds like we both need the rest."
Levi's lips tighten into a thin line, and he nods curtly. This is the pitfall of your arrangement with the Captain; eventually, the sun has to rise, and the moment has to be end. With certain death looming over your shoulder at the start of each day, you don't have the guts to tell him how you really feel, that it's all so much more than a stress-relieving hookup for you, especially when you doubt the Captain feels that way for you in return.
You slide out of his sheets, feeling incredibly exposed, and scrounge around on the floor for your uniform. Just as you're sliding the unbelievably un-sexy standard-issued underwear over your legs, Levi speaks again, rattles you to your core.
"Wait?" You turn to him, nose scrunched in confusion. Levi's eyes flit around the room, searching for anything that isn't your confused, naked form.
"Stay with me tonight." Even his posture as he says it is anxious, uncomfortable in a way you've never seen.
"Stay with you," you repeat slowly, "here?"
"Yes, here," Levi can't help but roll his eyes, "you need to catch up on your sleep. I wake up before everyone else on base, I can make sure you get back to your quarters without being seen. Stay with me."
"Why do you say it like it's an order?" You're stunned initially, your surprise eventually winding down into suspicion.
"You don't have to, I just- I- I want you to. Get some rest, I mean." Levi's face is hard, but his eyes are pleading. That same little flush is rising from his cheeks to his ears, betraying him. You raise an eyebrow at your Captain, trying to shove off the prickly, exciting feeling erupting all over your body.
"Okay?" Levi eyes you, eyebrows lifting in just the smallest admission of astonishment.
"I'll stay with you," you let your underwear fall back down your legs, clamber back into the bed with him, "for tonight."
Levi lets an arm fall around your waist, curls his body around yours, makes you shiver at the intimate nature of your position together. Just as your eyes begin to flutter closed, you feel the lightest little kiss on the nape of your neck.
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milawritesstuff · 1 year
Ok!! My first request was for a Pedri fluff. I made it short and sweet. Hope you like it.
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“It’s so cold.” You whispered to Pedri who scooted closer to you. You were both wrapped in a blanket, on the sand overlooking the beach. He turned to look at you, the light of the moon shined down on his brown eyes that now looked lighter. He looked at you intensely which made your cheeks burn because no matter how long you two had been together every look he gave you still gave you butterflies. You smiled and he turned back to face the sea.
“We can leave if you want.” Offered Pedri. “No, no, let’s stay.” You responded. The thing was that Pedri’s career had taken off and the past few months had been a whirlwind. You two couldn’t go out anywhere without him being recognized. You didn’t mind it, after all this was his dream. But getting stopped every few steps and taking pictures while also trying to keep your relationship hidden was taking a toll on you. This right now was the perfect moment, sure it was 3am but there was nobody else on the beach. The night sky was shinning down on you and all you could hear was the waves crashing in the distance.
Pedri looked at you and smiled. He leaned in closer and with the tip of his nose touched yours. You giggled. He gave you a kiss on your forehead and you proceeded to rest your head on his shoulder. “Sabes que the quiero?” You know I like you? Whispered Pedri. You smiled. “You’ve told me several times.” You responded wittingly. A slow chuckle came from him. “You always know exactly what to say.” He said jokingly.
“But I’m being honest, I’ve never felt this for anyone else.” He explained as he turned his body towards you. His brown eyes looking down at you with the most sincere look. His hair frazzled from his hoodie. He leaned in closer and with his fingers lifted your chip up only for your lips to meet his. It was a soft and sweet kiss. You could feel him smile a the kiss ended. “Pedro I-” but before you could say anything else he interrupted you. “I don’t just like you, I love you.” You stared at him intensely, almost in shock. You two had been together for a while but you knew it took a lot for him to finally say those words. You bit your bottom lip. “Well are you going to say anything?” He asked hopeful. You giggled. “No seas un tonto.” Don’t be silly. “I love you too, Pedri.”
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angelsinluv · 1 year
there's always so much shit on bloggers who don't post proof just because a bunch of loser ass anons want it to feed into their insecurities on why the fuck they fail.
a teacher can give you a study guide, give you all the answers but its up to YOU to apply what you're given to succeed. you think all these successful big and small businesses, self made models, celebrities, and shit succeeded once and it was all up from there? hell no. i guarantee their career went up and down. their orders sold out then suddenly went stagnant n they were scared for their lives because they quit their 9-5 so they can fully commit, models got casted for one season and 0 the next, businesses get shut down, no one refused to take their offers, fucking da vinci took a break from mona lisa for 14 years because shit got in the way, walt disney had to eat dog food because he was in financial ruins and yall shit cry and throw the fuck up because the 3d shows you the opposite and you REFUSE to persist so you complain on the internet, putting the blame on others INSTEAD OF TRYING AGAIN.
you can cry about how ugly and stupid you feel to a friend and they can hype you up, tell you you're not, give you fashion and makeup tips and make you feel like GOD for the next few days and then what if you feel sad again??? lift yourself up. TAKE THE GUIDANCE AND KEEP GOING you can't keep crying to others and complaining and expect to be babied every single time. this behavior would not pass EVEN outside of the law. you'd get kicked to the curb so fucking fast. with the law, you can get things without doing any physical action yeah but this isn't an excuse to be lazy if you don't want to change self and take a leap of faith.
i will say this again. it doesn't MATTER IF YOU ARE SHOWN PROOF. if someone has a low ass self concept, self esteem, don't have any self love or discipline, they WILL MAKE excuses to debunk the proof. "you were already rich, you're just lucky, it was just a coincidence, it was just a misunderstanding" etcetc it can go on. we are not going to put our privacy at risk for strangers who don't want to put in the effort like we all do.
its un fucking fair to us who are willingly dealing with haters on anon just so we can put out advice BECAUSE WE WANT TO
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pleasecallmealsip · 3 months
L'Ami du Peuple No 214, Tuesday 7th September 1790, my translation
L’Ami du Peuple au sieur Necker
From the Friend of the People to Sire Necker
Si votre démission, Monsieur, n’était pas feinte, si votre retraite était sans retour, si vous aviez rendu fidèlement vos comptes, si vous étiez puni de vos malversations, la justice satisfaite m’imposerait silence. La haine que j’ai portée à un administrateur infidèle, à un ministre dangereux, à un suppôt redoutable du despotisme, expirerait avec votre pouvoir et je ne verrais plus en vous qu’un particulier dont je dédaignerais de m’occuper un moment.
If your resignation, Sir, were not a pretence, if you were to retire with no return, if you had given your explanation faithfully, if you were punished for your malversations, I would be made silent by justice well-served. The hatred that I have held for an unfaithful administrator, for a dangerous minister, for a dreadful supporter of despotism, would expire along with your power and I would no longer see you as anyone other than a private individual whom I would loathe to dwell on for one moment more.
Mais je crois assez connaître votre caractère ambitieux, pour me défier du parti que vous venez de prendre, pour regarder votre départ comme l’effet d’un orage que vous prévoyez et dont vous voulez éviter l’éclat, ou comme le dernier des pièges que vous voulez tendre aux Français. Vous le couvrez du prétexte de l’altération de votre santé, du retour de ces maux qui vous ont mis l’hiver dernier sur le bord de la tombe et qui n’empêchèrent pas le mort ou le mourant de figurer à l’Assemblée nationale pour séduire le peuple. Vous alléguez aussi les inquiétudes mortelles de votre compagne chérie qui vous presse d’aller retrouver l’asile dont vous a tiré l’Assemblée nationale. Mais en dépit de vous, la vérité vient se placer au bout de votre plume.
But I believe I understand your ambitious character well enough to distrust your recent course of action, and see your departure as the effect of a storm that you anticipate and whose thunder you wish to avoid, or as the last of the pitfalls that you wish to set for the French. You mask it with the excuse of the deterioration of your health, of the return of those illnesses that put you at death’s door last winter and did not prevent the dead or dying from standing in the National Assembly to seduce the people. You also put forward the deadly worry of your beloved companion who is pressing you to return to the asylum from which the National Assembly has taken you. Yet regardless of you, the truth appears on the tip of your pen.
En achevant sa phrase, l’ex-ministre donne aux pères de la patrie la clef de l’énigme. “A l’époque de mon arrivée, Messieurs, leur dites-vous, vous approchez du terme de votre session et je suis hors d’état d’entreprendre une nouvelle carrière.” Ce qui signifie : Il faut, Messieurs, que je prenne enfin mon parti ; il n’y a que des gens de votre espèce qui puissent maintenir en place un agent de la mienne ; vous approchez de la fin de votre bail et je suis hors d’état de lutter contre vos successeurs qui, probablement, s’aviseront d’abord de vouloir faire leur devoir, qui m’éplucheront des pieds à la tête et qui me forceront de changer de marche, si plutôt ils ne me livrent à la vindicte publique.
As he finishes his statement, the ex-minister gives the fathers of the patria the key to the enigma.
“At the time of my arrival, Gentlemen,” you say to them, “you are approaching the close of your session and I am not in no fit state to undertake a new career.” Which means: I must, Gentlemen, take my side at last; only those of your type can keep an agent of my type in place of power; you are approaching the end of your lease and I am in no fit state to fight your successors who, probably, will dare to do their duty first, will examine me from head to foot and will force me to change my course, if not expose me to the public vengeance.
Permettez-moi de jeter un coup d’œil rapide sur la manière dont vous justifiez votre administration. Voici vos propres expressions : “Vous m’avez demandé, Messieurs, un compte de la recette et de la dépense, à[1] commencer du premier mai 1790. Je vous l’ai remis. Vous avez chargé votre comité des Finances de l’examiner. Je crois qu’il aurait déjà pu reconnaître s’il existe quelque dépense ou quelque autre disposition digne de reproches. Cette recherche est la seule qui concerne essentiellement le ministère, car l’inspection des titres, la révision des quittances sont particulièrement applicables à la gestion des payeurs, des receveurs et des différents particuliers comptables.” [1] On dira sans doute que le comité des Finances s’entendait avec le fripon, pour n’avoir fixé qu’à cette époque la reddition des comptes.
Let me take a glance at the way you justify your administration. Here are your own expressions:
“You have asked me, Gentlemen, for an account of the revenue and expenditure, starting [1] from the 1st of May 1790. I have given it to you. You have tasked your Finance committee to examine it. I believe that they would have already recognised if there exists any expenditure or other arrangement worthy of reproach. This investigation is the only one that the ministry is essentially of concern to the ministry, since the inspection of the securities, and the reviewing of the receipts are particularly applicable to the management of the payers, the receivers and the various private individuals taking accounts.”
[1] Marat’s note: It will be said doubtlessly that the Finance committee went along with the rascal, having only secured accountability at that time.
Ce qui veut dire que sans s’amuser à vérifier les pièces, vraies ou fausses, le comité des Finances doit se borner à examiner si vous avez bien additionné et soustrait. Or, soyez-en sûr, Monsieur, personne ne s’avisera de douter de votre savoir-faire.
This means that without wasting time checking the documents, be they true or false, the Finance committee must be limited to examining if you have correctly added and subtracted. Yet, you may rest assured, Sir, nobody will dare to doubt your know-how.
La fin de votre lettre est digne d’observation. La voici : “Les inimitiés, les injustices dont j’ai fait l’épreuve m’ont donné l’idée de la garantie que je viens d’offrir. Mais quand je rapproche cette pensée de ma conduite dans l’administration des Finances, il m’est permis de la réunir aux singularités qui ont accompagné ma vie !”
The end of your letter is worth noting. Here it is:
“The enmities, the injustices that I have stood the test of have prompted me to think of the guarantee that I have now offered. But when I bring this thought together with my conduct through the administration of Finances, I am entitled to see it as one of the singularities that have characterised my life!”
Ce n’est pas là, Monsieur, soit dit en passant, le langage d’un administrateur intact, qui s’est empressé de mettre sous les yeux du public, le fidèle tableau de sa gestion, ce n’est pas là le ton d’un cœur pur, oppressé de douleur, qui s’enveloppe dans le manteau de son innocence, moins encore celui d’une âme fière au-dessus de la calomnie, mais le ton d’un homme sans honneur, qui ne s’était jamais offensé des soupçons injurieux tant de fois élevés sur son administration, au milieu même du sénat, mais celui d’un petit intrigant éconduit. Vous accusiez l’injustice du sort. Eh ! qu’y a-t-il donc de si étrange dans ce qui vous arrive aujourd’hui ? Depuis dix ans, vous receviez nos adorations en vous moquant de notre simplicité, et vous nous accabliez d’emprunts. Vous avez affecté de rendre compte de votre gestion dans un temps où rien ne vous y obligeait; vous avez imposé ce devoir à vos successeurs; vous avez refusé dès lors de vous y soumettre vous-même, malgré les instances du public; vous vous êtes joué des ordres des représentants de la nation; enfin vous avez remis un compte où l’on ne comprend rien; vous nous avez donné mille raisons puissantes de vous regarder comme le chef des accapareurs du grain et du numéraire, le père du projet de famine qui a fait notre désespoir une année entière; vous nous avez épuisés par un impôt vexatoire; vous avez opprimé les pauvres dont vous vous disiez le père; vous vous êtes opposé au plan de la liquidation des dettes de l’Etat. Vous fuyez au moment où l’on vous en demande un meilleur, et vous avez le courage de vous plaindre ?
This here, Sir, is incidentally not the language of an intact administrator, who quickly gave the faithful record of his management, to put it under the eyes of the public, this is not the tone of a pure heart, overwhelmed by sorrow, protecting itself in the cloak of its innocence, still less that of a proud spirit beyond the reach of slander, but it is the tone of a man without sense of honour, who has never been offended by the injurious suspicions levelled so many times against his administration, even among the Senate, it is the tone of a little scheming man spurned. You blamed the injustice of your lot. Eh! But what in your current situation is so surprising? For ten years, you have received our adorations while mocking our simplicity, and you have overloaded us with loans. You assigned yourself to account for your management at a time where you were under no obligation to do so; you imposed this duty on your successors; you refused thereupon to submit to it yourself, despite the insistence of the public; you toyed with the orders of the representative of the nation; finally you left us with an account that is incomprehensible; you have given us a thousand compelling reasons to regard you as the chief of the monopolisers of grain and of cash, the father of the famine project that has caused our despair for a whole year; you have depleted us with a vexatious tax; you have oppressed the poor whose father you claimed to be; you have opposed the plan of the liquidation of the debts of the State. You flee as soon as we ask for a better account, and now you have the nerve to complain?
Vous accusez le destin de la singularité des événements de votre vie. Que serait-ce si, comme l’Ami du Peuple, vous étiez le jouet des hommes et la victime de votre patriotisme ! Si, en proie à une maladie mortelle, vous aviez, comme lui, renoncé à la conservation de vos jours pour éclairer le peuple sur ses droits et sur les moyens de les recouvrer ! Si, dès l'instant de votre guérison, vous lui aviez sacrifié votre repos, vos veilles, votre liberté ! Si vous vous étiez réduit au pain et à l’eau pour consacrer à la chose publique tout ce que vous possédiez ! Si, pour défendre le peuple, vous aviez fait la guerre à tous ses ennemis ! Si, pour sauver la classe des infortunés, vous étiez brouillé avec tout l’univers, sans vous ménager un seul asile sous le soleil ! Si, accusé tour à tour d’être vendu aux ministres que vous démasquiez, au despote que vous combattiez, aux grands que vous accabliez, aux sangsues de l’Etat auxquelles vous vouliez faire rendre gorge, si, décrété tour à tour par les jugeurs iniques dont vous auriez dénoncé les prévarications, par le législateur dont vous auriez démasqué les erreurs, les iniquités, les desseins désastreux, les complots, la trahison, si, poursuivi par une foule d’assassins armés contre vos jours, si, courant d’asile en asile, vous vous étiez déterminé à vivre dans un souterrain pour sauver un peuple insensible, aveugle, ingrat! Sans cesse menacé d’être tôt ou tard la victime des hommes puissants auxquels j’ai fait la guerre, des ambitieux que j’ai traversés, des fripons que j’ai démasqués, ignorant le sort qui m’attend et destiné peut-être à périr de misère dans un hôpital, m’est-il arrivé de me plaindre ? Il faudrait être bien peu philosophe, Monsieur, pour ne pas sentir que c’est le cours ordinaire des choses de la vie. Et il faudrait avoir bien peu d’élévation dans l’âme pour ne pas se consoler par l’espoir d’arracher, à ce prix, 25 millions d’hommes à la tyrannie, à l’oppression, aux vexations, à la misère, pour les faire enfin arriver au bonheur.
You blame fate for the oddity of the events in your life. But what if, like the Friend of the People, you were toyed by men and victimised for your patriotism! What if, plagued by a life-threatening disease, you had, like him, renounced the preservation of your living days to clarify the rights and means to recovering rights to the people! What if, from the instant you were healed, you had sacrificed for them your repose, your waking hours, your freedom! What if you were reduced to bread and water to dedicate all your possessions to the res publica! What if, to defend the people, you had warred on all their enemies! What if, to save the class of the unfortunate, you fell out with the whole universe, without holding for yourself one single asylum under the sun! What if, you were alternately accused of being bought by the ministers you unmasked, by the despots you combatted, by the great ones you condemned, by the bloodsuckers of the State from whom you sought reparations, what if, you were in turn under the decrees of the iniquitous judges whose prevarication you would have denounced, by the legislator whose errors, iniquities, appalling purposes, schemes, and treason you would have unmasked, what if, you were pursued by a mob of assassins armed against your livelihood, what if, running from asylum to asylum, you were determined to live underground so that you might save an insensible, blind, and ungrateful people! Always under the threat of eventually falling victim to the powerful men I have fought against, to the ambitious men I have crossed, to the scoundrels I have unmasked, with no idea of the lot that awaits me and probably doomed to perish miserably in some hospital, have I ever complained? A quite unsound philosopher alone, Sir, would be able to deny that this is ordinarily the way things go. And quite undignified a soul alone would not find solace in the hope to wrest, at this price, five and twenty million men from tyranny, oppression, from vexation, and from misery, to see that they eventually find their own happiness.
Quant à vous, Monsieur, vos destinées sont un peu différentes. Vous avez sacrifié les adorations d’un peuple idolâtre aux sourires d’une cour perfide, dont peut-être vous avez encore la faveur. Mais il vous reste des trésors. Vous ne passez plus pour Aristide, mais vous êtes encore Luculle. Est-il un seul monarque qui ne s’empressât de vous offrir une retraite honorable, est-il un seul plaisir dans la vie que puisse donner la fortune et qui vous soit refusé ? Voluptés, honneurs, dignités, tout vous attend. Vous pouvez disposer de tout, excepté de l’estime des cœurs droits et des âmes élevées, ou de la gloire qui n’est pas non plus le prix de l’argent.
As for you, Sir, your destiny is a little different. You have sacrificed the adorations of an idolatrous people for the smiles of a perfidious court, whose favour you still will have. But you are left with treasures. As Aristides you can pass no more, but as Lucullus you remain no less. Is there a single monarch who would not be quick to offer you an honourable retirement, is there a single pleasure in life that fortune grants denied to you? Voluptuousness, honours, dignities, all await you. You can own everything, except the esteem of upright hearts and dignified souls, and except glory, which money still cannot buy.
Quoi qu’il en soit, Monsieur, si votre retraite n’est pas jouée, dès aujourd’hui, je m’impose à votre égard un éternel silence. J’ai travaillé à votre chute avec un zèle peu commun ; mais à l’instant que vous n’êtes plus un homme public dangereux, vous redevenez pour moi un particulier sans conséquence.
Be that as it may, Sir, as long as your retirement is not a prank, from today, I impose on you an eternal silence. To defeat you I have worked with quite uncommon zeal; but the moment you stop being a dangerous public figure, to me you revert to being a private individual of no importance.
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izzyspussy · 3 months
Happy birthday!! I'd love a reading if you're still offering them!
Thank you, Jules! Pullulate for you also. The first card represents earth, or something that is nurturing for the next step in your life; the second card represents a seed, or something for you to begin right now that will grow out of the first card; and the third card represents a sprout, or the first indication that your new endeavor is successful!
Reading the sideways card left-to-right, you pulled Three of Cups reversed, Ace of Coins, and Five of Wands. (Also only realizing now I forgot to un-reverse the Cups to take the glamour shot lmfao.)
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This is a tough read tbh! My conclusion here is basically "something's gotta give". You have a close knit support group, and you've had plenty of time with yourself to recuperate or figure yourself out, and now it's time to get back into it. You are ready and you have all the support you need to start on the project you've been putting off because you weren't sure it was really what you wanted. You've been thinking about it long enough, go for it now! It will be challenging (and perhaps competitive, knowing you a lil bit I'd say this is probably career related) exactly like you're worried about, but that's actually a good sign in this case. You can handle it!
Hope that was accurate or helpful, or at least fun, Jules! Thank you for the birthday wishes and thanks for asking :) If you want to tip me you can tip this post or you can v en mo me @/calicojacket, but of course no pressure! <3 <3
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iwanthermidnightz · 10 months
Hi iwhm! I have been a long time follower (and fan!) of your blog (and you). Hope you're doing well <3
I'm hoping to learn about fashion, pertaining specifically to the LGBTQ+ community. Any tips on where I could start? (I have ZERO fashion sense and want to revamp my wardrobe)
I remember you expressing your interest in fashion, so I was wondering if you have any tips/resources on how I could begin my journey. Any help is appreciated!
Also, what a time to be alive!! THEY WERE PUBLICALLY IN THE SAME ROOM FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SIX YEARS! Thrilling indeeed!
Sending lots of love from across the globe <3 thankyou iwhm! ♡
Hi sweet anon! Thank you for following me, I hope you’re having a lovely day where you are! When I said I love fashion I meant that keeping up with designers, models, runways, photoshoots, red carpets and trends is something that I enjoy (and I really love that following Karlie’s career for so long has taught me a lot about those things).
But since you asked specifically about lgbtqia fashion, I will of course share a few resources I’ve found informative when it comes to learning about lgbtqia fashion and signaling. The first step is having a basic knowledge of our history. It really helps in understanding the context of how we have used fashion and accessories to signal to others who may be “like us” for decades.
Now as far as modern day fashion, it really a culmination of all of these historical aspects and eras. I believe we as queer people (umbrella term) all have to experiment to find what works for us, style wise.
I think in your case it really is down to trying different things that you may not have thought to before… if you are super femme maybe try a few pieces that are more androgynous? There are ways to do this and still find middle ground. Again, its kind of hard to explain because I would never want to tell someone how to express themselves. You are valid no matter what you wear! I hope this helps a little!
And yes what a marvelous time! The last few weeks have been totally insane in the best way! 🥰
Below is a TikTok user that I’ve found very informative specifically about lesbian/sapphic fashion history. She’s a historian! And dressingdykes.com is her website! She even posted a video (during lavendergate) explaining how lavender has been historically used by sapphics.
Other links: A Queer Fashion History, Lesbian Fashion History (video), Lesbian Fashion: Stereotyping the Signal, A Queer History of Fashion: From The Closet to the Catwalk
These are just a few resources. It’s my hope to one day put together a masterpost/archive of all things lgbtqia history with resources, books and videos etc. But this would be a long term project!
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businessabroad · 7 months
United Nations Steps and Contract Negotiation #7
Seal the Deal: Mastering Contract Negotiations at the UN
Stepping into the United Nations might seem daunting, but what happens when you get through the door? "United Nations Steps and Contract Negotiation #7" is your insider's guide to understanding the pivotal stages of becoming part of this global organization.
Contract negotiations can be a game-changer in your career. This video is your mentor, unpacking the essentials of negotiating your UN contract. Learn to articulate your value, negotiate effectively, and steer clear of common pitfalls.
Whether you dream of working in peacekeeping, development, or any other UN field, mastering the art of negotiation is key. Join us as we reveal the strategies to help you secure the UN position and contract that fit your career goals.
#UNContractNegotiation #CareerAdvice #GlobalImpactJobs
Here are all the videos in this course.
The Benefits of Working at the United Nations
UN Duty Station: What it is and What you Can Expect
The Process of Getting A Job at the United Nations
How to Apply For A Job At The United Nations
United Nations Levels and Salary - What are they?
Type of Contract at the United Nations
United Nations Steps and Contract Negotiation
United Nations Jobs, Job Role, and Posting Locations
UN Job Opportunities - How to Increase Your Odds
Best Places for Your Family to Live
How are you Competing Against
United Nations Official Languages
This is What the UN's Application Process is Like
How to success your test at the United Nations
Before Passing Your Interview at the United Nations
How to Successfully Interview For a Competency-Based Job
List of Questions used in Competency-Based Interview
What to do After the Interview at the United Nations
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richardsphere · 3 months
Leverage Redemption Log: The Too Many Rembrants Job
Ok so guy is running around, scenes are flashing everywhere. He's apparantly not too great a person ("whole life i have prided myself on never taking a side"... ) Im gonna say he looks like a little grey man type. Seems like he's feeling rather conflicted about whatever situation he's stuck in. Like this is not his lifestyle. --- Three days earlier, Sophie wakes up to an empty bed. (god... It hits me a little but i cant imagine how this must've hit people who watched it originally and sat through years before it un-cancelled)
The revival seems intend to do the "sherlock-graphics text conversation" thing that has become popular in the intervening years (i dont love that style, but i understand the economy of it. Only 1 shot can now show text and reaction rather then having to cut from a shot of a phone held in someone's hands to a shot of the face. I dont love it but i understand the utility of it.)
I Notice during the toast that Hardison's actor is credited as a "special guest star" (makes sense, i understand his career really took off between the original show and the revival so that makes sense) As far as excuses to write Hardison out of the story (outside of cameo's) are concerned, saying "Leverage International has over a dozen teams, all of whom need supervision and the research has always been his thing even in the OG run" is a pretty good and natural flowing explanation for it.
First heist of the new run: Distracting a grieving widow. Time to steal ourselves some therapy. --- I dont like the Big Text Transition Cut-in. BOSTON MUSEUM OF ART printed in such a big font you cant see the museum is a waste of an establishing shot.
I assume this "Harry" is the same guy that i have been told is the reboots mythical "lawyer" role. (a role that feels out of place in the line-up. Even if I remember the Cheerleading episode and the way that Nate's job was mostly knowing which crimes he could trick the bad guys into getting arrested for it still feels weird.)
Phoenix Wright points out that our prospective mark (opioid crisis billionaire) cant actually remove the painting halfway through but that they could cancel future donations.
But it seems Sophie has made her decision, she follows the lawyer till he admits which painting it is. Then all-but openly admits she's stolen it before. (guess we needed to tip our new castmember off somehow. Still feels clunky, but i'll respect it as a "Sophie's been out of the game for 8 years" thing)
In shock: Parker is getting therapy something i've been strongly opinionated on since the 12 step job. Sure its a child psychologist rather then an adult psychologist but its good. (different things work for different people, and the list of people to whom she could honestly admit to her life without risking arrest is slim. Take what you can get Sophie.) ---
"this is not what it looks like" "cause it looks like you're stealing a Rembrandt, and you've got a 2 minute window, tops... Hurry on" real "Uncle Iroh correcting his muggers knife-stance" energy here. Just the look on his face when he says "you want me to keep..." like i dont know what the Opiodbaron has on him to make him do this but he's so out of his depth. "is that my wallet?" "sure hope so, it has all your creditcards in it" this guy just knows his life is ruined now, the look on his face that all sensibility and reason has left the universe as these 3 people just casually chat with him mid-burglary.
Parker the cartwheel was entirely unneccesary. This is not an acrobatics job this is a "walk there and put the thing on the camera" job. No need to show off.
"where did you learn to do that" "youtube" absolute Timmy Turner"I inherited the internet" level of answer right there.
"So right now they're busting down the firedoors and an enterprising employee is coming in through your escaperoute" (i mean it was pretty well thought out for a complete amateur... that sounds more insulting then i meant it but i meant it as a compliment) --- Further flashback to him first starting to work for MarkyMcMarkface. "im not an anybodies side, im a lawyer" Ah i can see im gonna get really sick of the "evil lawyers are scum of the earth" jokes really quickly with this sequel series arent I? "not my medication, im the one who convinced him to pay out, you just need to put down the shovel... so to speak". Those are definitly the words of a man balancing his desire to do good, with his ability to be in position to do anything at all. (i like when characters have that dynamic. Its much more interesting then "cackling villain or heroig paragon"). Im giving this line a full on 9.8/10 for establishing this guy.
"my name will live on in these museums forever" well that is a line that definitly cant get twisted into "this is the famous art-thief who stole all this art" after Leverage Inc-ternational is done with framing him he'll realise the downside of herostratic fame. --- "are we taking him as a client or wiping his ID and dumping him in Venezuela" "I'd like to vote no on that"
"wait, i think i've deduced you are thieves. And you were there not to steal the Rembrandt? And now that you know the owner is vermin you want to help me ruin him?" yeah that is the premise, good deductive skills, absolutely love how fish-out-of-water he is. (the hell is going on?) That is the voice of a man speedrunning his way through the 5 phases to acceptance that his world will never make sense again. --- I like how Sophie mentions a theft and parker just reviews the heist. Good way to show the runners still understand her character, she doesnt care about the painting she cares about the swagger of the theft itself.
"well, he's already an inside man" "and we can bonk him on the head later, if we have to", " thank you... that did not sound right". --- "a month is a long time when you're the one not doing the stabbing". Ok i think we're overplaying the stabbing. That happened one time in season 1 of the original series, i think this is a bit of flanderisation. (still a great line, if i knew anyone who did throwpillows i'd get it done on one) --- I like the acknowledgement that art forgery is intense. With the need to duplicate materials as well as colours. And i like that Elliot still is Mr. Know A Guy, --- Ok so they realise they cant sell it (cause they didnt think to fake a Rodin) and use it to double down his reputational insecurities "cant sell it to you, owner wont sell to someone who might lose it due to future lawsuits".
Mark is calling a security check on sophie and it cuts to break (as if anything he could find isnt hidden by Hardison)
--- Lovely story, irish mob, father operated in the place they stole the painting, looking to offset it. Passes inspection (especially when the inspector is on your side) definitly written for Nate not Elliot but it'll work. --- "do i even want to ask who this actually belongs to?.. Thought so." at least he's quick on the uptake.
So it is at this point in the episode that i felt a need to I google wether the actor is dead. (he isnt, he got accused of SA but was cleared by the court in the end. Still public opinion being fickle and him never having been a Pirates of the Caribean level famous actor. I understand that is definitely a career killer.)
Bunch of eulogies for Nathan, "at least he burned" 8.8/10 --- Elliot taking the role as an excuse to rough the guy up a little bit before "losing" the negotiations. (note: they've clearly learned some lessons. Elliot made sure to check what the mark plans to do with the painting. No "oh shit the fiddle-purchaser thinks he's the fiddle here." Thats what 5 christmass specials and an 8 year interlude's worth of experience gets you) --- Lucille is a foodtruck now, (well, its more "air force 1" rules. Any plane with a US president is airforce one, any foodtruck with a Hardison is Lucille) --- Looks like Mark has decided to just kill elliot and take the painting. Also looks like this scary woman (RIZ security) is gonna be a recurring antagonist. (she has too much "presence" to be a one-off)
Ah the old "let me explain the fight choreography, then work my way through the choreography and look like a WarProphet-eer" stint. (Guy Ritchie Holmes did it better, but it gets a passing grade) I do like the little compliment RIZ woman gave. Elliot Spencer: "The Rembrandt of Violence". --- "smart thing to do would be to run" Smart thing yeah, but you guys dont do the smart thing, you guys do the Cunning Genious Bastard thing. Parker is notably absent in this scene, or anything that has been happenign in this part of the plot. (she's off doing the plan this is a distraction/back up for)
Elliot coming in like a rhinocerous. Lawyerman Flashback. "If i cant give them anything, and I cant be forgiven, I need to take something from him."
Back-to-present Lawyerman walks into the museum (sirens blaring), puts gasoline/kerosine/alcohol/other chemical accelerant on the painting and burns it. (the alarm is already blaring, which means something already set it off. The paintins already been swapped for a fake, as have all the others probably. We're framing our Mark for an Insurance scam again cause we cant beat the classics, especially if we're doing a Revival Series Pilot) --- Lawyer walks up to Mark and gets gutpunched. Mark is on the phone talking his secire and secret Maltese bank details (Sophie or Hardison? Place your bets. I think its Sophie, usually this would be a Hardison thing but it would show her as being "back" as an actress) --- "I said one job... The job's not done". Good line (7.6/10), and i like the subversion of the expectation that just 1 heist would be enough to get her "back in the game". making it a two parter helps divy up the load a little on selling both the grieving process and Harry's joining with the crew.
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hearth-and-veil · 6 months
I learned my Libra Lesson
Not too long ago, I posted about how someone said your rising sign represents the skill or lesson you need to master. My rising sign is Libra.... I'm distinctly un-Libra. Libra is about balance, harmony, and equilibrium. None of these traits are things I have ever placed a high value on, honestly. Too wishy-washy. I'm like the living embodiment of, "Do or do not, there is no try." I don't do maybe, I don't do grey, I don't do equivocations.
While I am trying to work on being a bit more balanced overall, such as removing my emotional dependence on my career (which is not fucking easy for my Capri-Sun ass), I don't think that the actual lesson was to embrace the grey area that I hate so much. I think the specific lesson I was supposed to learn was this: You can't do everything for everyone.
I don't just help my friends. I do things for them. I take on the full weight of decisions and responsibilities. I shelter them from their mistakes and the consequences of their actions, and fix things for them. As a result, they never learn. The scales remain heavily tipped and never balance out. Then, when I step off, they fall.
That's what I needed to learn. I can help, guide, and support but I have to stop doing everything for my friends. Of course I don't want to see them fail, but I have to allow it. Of course I don't want them to get hurt, but they need to learn from their mistakes. In 80% of my friendships, I have never let the relationship be equal. I need to let my friends be my equals.
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
Sigh I told a pastor from a work group chat about my cancer remission + deconversion. Generally I'm guarded about sharing this kinda thing with anyone who'll then say "How can I pray for you?". Reeks of my old life. I can't believe I used to serve on le ex-church's prayer team, standing in front of the whole hall, doing the same.
But I just got curious about how he'd respond to me finally telling him I deconverted ages ago. And he's trying to offer support when in fact I don't want any form of support from church-y folks. He's not quite getting the message based on how un-chatty I'm being with him, when I was chattier with him pre-deconversion. Yet it wouldn't be best to block him..I can only 50% shoo him away with a broomstick..coz he asks me at times for resources and tips for his own pastoral counselling career. He was sort of my junior during training, though he studied on a different campus.
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itsokaydean · 1 year
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Right, right. Now, you promise me you'll write it down. [ exhales, and sharply cuts off the dismissal with the tone of a grade-school teacher. ] Ed? Write it down. [ cupping his forehead, pinching middle-aged wrinkles in a last ditch effort to hold it together through shuffling murmurs. by all measures, ed zeddmore oughtta be rotting in shreds, felled by that initial hunt, forgotten and unrevenged. but fate, she was and remains a bitch. two years after sam's final job - austin, werewolveshumanbydayfreakanimalkillingmachinebymoonlightwerewolvesarebadassstopitsam - the ex-ghostfacer tracked found him, or his number anyway. pled for help on a hunt, the absolute moron, no amount of argument enough to dissuade him and the begging was . . . not dignified to say the least. sam --okay, he caved. a moment of weakness or callous disregard? either way, it was the beginning of a new chapter. networking hunters tipped off by guess-who wrought havoc on his phone and solitude, a new generation familiar enough with the ~winchester epic~ to seek guidance and not take 'no' for an answer. same as any hunter worth their salt. anyway, harry never did forgive ed. that, perhaps, is the sole reason sam tolerates the headache that is mentoring a man six years his senior in this ugly, dead-end career. or maybe it's to fill the silence. connect with people, remember. against his ankle, miracle yawns plaintively and rolls onto his side to blink sleepily at his owner, tail flickering when sam un-grinches slightly. just a tiny smile. -- nah, he's fine without. ] Gotta go. Read it back to me, I don't have all night. [ nod, nod. ] Good. I won't pick up again this week, so don't bother. Try not to die. [ ends call instantly. he has plans for a quiet evening away from the tug-'o-war hassles of a world to which he's no longer indebted. he's given enough. endured enough. taking one final swig of his beer and tossing the phone to bookmark his current read. ] Hey, boy, long day? … yeah, me too. Wanna check out the stars? [ aging knees creak when he heaves himself upright, only to crash back into his seat wide-eyed and darting a glance to the fuzzy blur or miracle, already running for the hills. the silence is loud. slowly unpeeling from the chair to stand again, senses heightened. red! white! flashing, red, white, red. books careen to the floor. sam slams gut-first into the table. every bottle sent shattering to the ground. drowned beneath the furious alarms. earthquake or…? he stumbles toward the commodore 64 just as the mayhem lifts like a curtain, lights reverting to normal, screeching ceasing in a pattering echo. his eardrums ring in the silence. a distant bark zeroes his attention. deftly, sam side-steps to collect his knife - a relic now - and think, think, where he'd left his retired firearm. shuffling as silently as a man his age can, he follows the whines and heavy panting down the hall to . . . light pouring from one of the rooms, one room he knows shouldn't be lit. back skirting the wall in a rush to peek and his grip on the hilt goes numb. Dean. It's like looking at a ghost. Miracle, at its feet, sets his jaw. rushing forth, he shouts for the dog to "go!!" as he slams the hilt of the blade into the intruder's nape, followed be a swift heel to the soft of his knee. shoving the guy to his knees and drawing the knife up high against its throat. ]
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BONUS - Five Favorites: The Fat Man
Created by Dashiell Hammett, The Fat Man was one of radio's most popular mystery shows. It was on the verge of spinning off into a series of movies with radio star J. Scott Smart reprising his role of private eye Brad Runyon. But then Hammett ran afoul of the House Un-American Activities Committee and the crimesolving career of the Fat Man came to an end. In this month's bonus episode, I'm sharing my five favorite adventures of Runyon - "the fast-moving criminologist who tips the scales at 237 pounds." We'll start with the show's first episode - "The Nineteenth Pearl" (originally aired on ABC on January 21, 1946). Then, he tries to help a woman who's being pressured back into a life of crime in "The Black Angel" (originally aired on ABC on July 8, 1946). The Fat Man tries to help a friend who witnesses a murder in a neighboring apartment in "A Window for Murder" (originally aired on ABC on October 3, 1947), and Runyon heads to Mexico to solve a case south of the border in "Murder Wins the Draw" (originally aired on ABC on April 1, 1949). Finally, in "The NIghtmare Murder" (originally aired on ABC on January 17, 1951), a man hires Runyon to prove he's guilty of murder.
Check out this episode!
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