#Top Resume Writing in United States
resumewriterrs · 6 days
Professional Resume Writing Company in California, US – Art2write
United States of America (USA)
The United States of America (USA), commonly known as the United States (US or U.S.) or America, is a country primarily located in North America offering a booming economy, cultural richness, and a promising future. Many professionals from all over the world travel here to find their ideal employment, and as a result, the demand for RESUME Writing Services are increasing daily. Discover United States charm and beauty, where success and innovation meet in a welcoming atmosphere.  
Professional Resume Writing Company in California, United States
Are you looking for the best resume writing company in California, United States?
Then Art2Write will prove to be the best resume writing company for you because, to date, no one has been disappointed with theresumee writing and resume development services of Art2Write.
Resume writing refers to creating a document that comprehensively summarizes a person’s education, work experience, skills, achievements, and qualifications.
Resume Writing Service is a professional service that specializes in creating or editing resumes for individuals seeking employment opportunities. These services are often used by job seekers who want to ensure their resume stands out and effectively presents their qualifications and experience to potential employers.
Why are resume writing services important in the United States market?
California has become the most sought-after place for job seekers in recent years. However, getting a job in California is a tedious and time-consuming affair. To stand out among your competitors, to highlight your achievements and skills, and to impress the potential employer in the minimum time to get noticed, you need a very effective and attractive resume. A resume that not only fulfills all the requirements of California employers but also precisely and accurately puts your educational and professional credentials in such a manner that you get an advantage over your rivals.
Resume Writing Company in California
To get the most suitable and compelling resume, sometimes you need professional help. That help will be more profitable if it comes from the leading resources and the top of the industry. Art2Write is the number one resume-writing company in California and has been helping job seekers for many years.
Professional Resumes Writers in California
We, at Art2Write, with over 15+ years of experience in resume writing services, have earned a trusted name in the industry. Our clients are very successful in their job searches with a well-drafted resume in their hands. Since our first step into the industry to date, we have helped thousands of job seekers start, change, or advance their careers in a fruitful way.
In California, unlike other places in the world, a resume holds crucial importance. Here, recruiters demand a detailed resume, including your personal information, qualifications, background, etc.; therefore, you may need a new resume if you want to apply for a job in California. Being the number one resume writing service in California, Art2Write has a team of creative writing experts with in-depth industry knowledge who can formulate an effective and defensive resume that helps you get noticed.
Art2Write is a premiere online resume writing service where we understand that every person has a unique set of qualities and skills; therefore, every resume must be written to maximize the marketability of those skills and credentials.
Our expert resume writers are also aware that the competition in jobs is high these days, and an employer gives hardly a few seconds to see each resume, which means a resume should be such that it can impress the employer in those few seconds only. The accurate and effective portrayal of your credentials and skills from our expert resume writers, resume designers, and keyword analysts will help you receive the much-awaited interview calls.
We also provide other resume services like resume editing, video resumes, LinkedIn profile making, cover letters, etc. Our ten years of experience in the industry have earned us not only a reputation but also a wide network, which helps us distribute resumes to thousands of companies in California so that you can get more interview calls in a minimum amount of time.
Art2Write is the one-stop solution for job aspirants who want a well-paid job in California.
Our professional resume writing services for California ensure that your resume gets noticed every single time. Art2Write is the most successful resume-writing company in California, United States. We have thousands of positive reviews and a staggering success rate of 98.60%, which speaks for itself.
Our overall resume writing services, like resume writing, resume editing, resume distribution, and LinkedIn profile optimization for California and the United States, receive the best customer satisfaction rate month over month. In April 2024, it was 97.95%; currently, in MAY 2024, it is 98.50%. Our individual resume writing service received an overall satisfaction rate of 98.90% until MAY 04, 2024.
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Address – California, United States, 90011
Website –   https://www.art2write.us/
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Looking for the best resume-writing company in the United States? Art2Write is an award-winning company with top resume writers offering the best professional resume writing service.We exclusively offer Resume Writing Service, Cover, and LinkedIn Writing Services. For over 20 years, Art2Write has been preparing professional resumes with an in-depth understanding of the local job market and recruiter requirements.
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evilwickedme · 1 year
Ooh, do you have any good Jason fic recs?
anon I cannot tell you how long I've been waiting to see those words!!!! yes I have good Jason fic recs in fact I have so many good Jason fic recs that after narrowing it down I still have fifteen links for you
I have read more fanfic for Jason Todd than maybe any other character ever. I do not understand the hold this man has on me but it's simply the situation we're in. anyway
Jason comes home fics
Make a Little Birdhouse In Your Soul is hands down my favorite. I'm talking favorite DC fic, top fics of all time period, not just from this list. I love this fic series. It is actively and regularly updating, thank fuck, because that little boost of serotonin is everything keeping me going I swear
The 70 Days After Groundhog Day is technically from Dick's POV, but it's about the aftermath of a timeloop that Jason was stuck in. it's. oh my god it's so good. just trust me on this one.
Emotional Motion Sickness is the "bruce goes to therapy" fic series we all want. canon get on this level
Retrograde Motion - I never used to like de-aging fics; not for any particular reason, I just never vibed with them. Recently I decided to see what all the fuss was about (bc there's so goddamn many in this fandom) and I'm glad, because I opened this fic and it's just. oh my god. the use of the de-aging trope here is truly incredible. after a whole week of dipping my feet into the trope I never need to do so again, because this fic made me fucking lose it. this is not going where you think it's going. also, for some reason there's not that much rebirth outlaws fic, and I really like what this author did with that team
matching wounds haha just gonna sneak my fic series on here and pretend that it was an accident, wait how did that get there (some jayroy later in the timeline too which can be read on its own if Jason coming home fics aren't for you)
other non-ship
Too Much Fucking Salt deals with the straw that broke the camel's back. I've read all 22k words of this in one sitting more than once. this is the anti "Jason Todd comes home" fic (this is in itself a whole genre of fic too honestly).
take his name out of your mouth (you don't deserve to mourn) is about Jason mourning himself, which he fucking deserves to. also he smokes a joint with Dick
Sown in Winter is about Jason pulling himself out of a depressive episode partially through the power of Stardew Valley. also technically jayroy, but it's honestly incidental to the story for the most part imo
I do read other ships for Jason but unabashedly this is my favorite, so
A Solid Resume - competency kink. that's all I have to say.
Tenderize is a series of oneshots all of which slowly build Jason and Roy's life together and coparenting lian and I just !!! could also double as a Jason coming home au but honestly that's mostly in the first fic. also a lot of discussion of various chain grocery stores in the united states that I will probably never actually step foot in
Dick Grayson and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Two to Three Weeks (But Who's Counting) is so fucking funny I die every time I reread this. there's a scene early on in a coffee shop that just. I don't even know what to say everything about this is perfect. I AM the girl sticking her nose in their business, at least spiritually.
dust devils on the horizon isn't even the only western au I've bookmarked for these two. something about jayroy and horses, man
unity of time: april 27th, 2020 is just,,,, super sad, man, idk what to tell you. it's f!jayroy, but happens after Roy died in sanctuary during the 24h of Jason's death day, so all of it is very fucking depressing. It's also fucking beautiful. I want to reread it now.
Promise After That I'll Let You Go is a poisonivory fic. I was introduced to poisonivory through the daredevil fandom earlier this year and may I tell you when I found out that this author writes for jayroy I lost my goddamn mind. this is my personal favorite, but I almost recommended at least two more aus. Their jayroy sugar daddy au is one of the only sugar daddy aus I've ever truly enjoyed. also really like the one where roy has had feelings for dick since their teen titans days but still starts a fwb thing with Jason. poisonivory can make me into kinks I'm not even into I s2g. anyway this one has lian literally dragging roy back into jason's life
finally, Reciprocation (or: Sex as Violence) shouldn't even really count as a jayroy fic but I feel weird putting it in the other category since it is sort of a jayroy fic. it's ace-aro!jason, which is one of my personal favorite interpretations of Jason (with so much textual evidence wtf), but there's still like... a lot of sex in this. Jason does not have a healthy relationship with sex in this fic. I would describe this as ending in a QPP for jayroy and lian.
honestly there's a lot of good jason and roy and lian fic out there I didn't rec cause this is already long enough
so yeah this is my very VERY pared down fic rec list for Jason Todd let me know if you want more and thank you so much for asking
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souurcitrus · 3 months
List of events that occurred from 1980 to 1988 in Earth-18104. The story behind these events is not completely complete, some are well summarized. Most of these events happening here are taken by other medias, like the movies and the comics, but doesn't follow Marvel Canon or the time-line established so faithfully, and include stories of my OCs.
The (N) at the end of names serves to indicate character births. I will include more events as I write more about the characters.
List of Events of Earth-18104 (Resume)
1980 -
• Alongside his friend Mendel Stromm, Norman Osborn (25) founded his company Osborn Chemical, also known as Oscorp.
• He also married his college sweetheart Emily Lyman and they had a son, Harold "Harry" Osborn. (N)
• Unfortunately, his wife became ill and died, which caused Norman to bury himself in his work and rarely have time for young Harry.
• June 5 - Peter Parker is born, son of CIA agents Richard and Mary Parker. (N)
• Alicia Reiss's mother, Marcia Deaton, died from radioactive isotopes involved in the explosion that killed her husband years earlier. While Alicia (14) grew up to become a noted sculptor, Phillip Masters (51), her adoptive father, was heartbroken over Marcia's death.
• Adrian Toomes (33) and his wife Cheryl had their second daughter, Valeria Toomes. (N)
• Ben Grimm (18) received a football scholarship to the State University of New York, where he studied alongside his childhood friend, Reed Richards (17), who rented the Baxter Building, at 42nd Street and Madison Avenue, and decided to rent the entire top floor to transform it into a laboratory/house, which he shared with Ben.
• In college, the two met a foreign student, a scientific genius named Victor von Doom (18), who quickly formed a rivalry with Reed.
• (The Dane's plane crash)
• When Lorna Dane was five years old, her stepfather Arnold discovered that she was not his biological daughter and decided to confront his wife. He took Suzanna and Lorna to fly in his plane and a fight broke out between the couple.
• Lorna was upset about the flight and began crying, triggering the manifestation of her immense magnetic abilities, which caused her to emit a magnetic pulse that destroyed the plane and killed her parents, as well as giving her hair its iconic green color.
• Lorna was the only one who survived and was found by her real father, Magneto, who was attracted to the location by his magnetic pulse.
• Believing that she was not ready for his abilities or the life he could offer her, he had Mastermind use his illusionary powers to rewrite Lorna's memories of that day, leaving her to believe that her parents died in a car accident. plane when she was a child, so she was raised by Arnold's sister and her husband.
• Wanda and Pietro Maximoff (12) lived a happy childhood, traveling with their family and adoptive parents throughout Central and Western Europe.
• As they grew, their mutant powers emerged and with the protection of their family, they had complete freedom to explore their abilities. Wanda had a strong connection with magic, while Pietro manifested super speed, which he used to his advantage on many occasions.
1981 -
• By the age of eighteen, Reed Richards had earned four degrees in fields such as engineering, mathematics, and physics.
• Meanwhile, Ben Grimm (19) quits college and joins the United States Air Force and becomes a highly skilled fighter pilot. At some point he started dating Dr. Linda McGill.
• Franklin Storm gambled away the family fortune, ending up in a penitentiary for murder after accidentally killing his loan shark. His children went to live with their aunt Marygay Dinkins, who ran a boarding house.
• Sue (16) told Johnny (8) that her father had died, and he would not discover the truth until years later.
• While her sister went to college, Johnny, who was very attached to Sue and saw her as a substitute mother, suffered greatly when she left. In his early teens, he was attracted to automobiles and became a mechanic at a young age.
• Stephen Strange (37) studied magic with the Ancient One for seven years and returned to the United States where he became a mystical consultant and protector of New York's Sanctum Sanctorum, alongside Wong, the librarian of Kamar-Taj.
• During his last years at university, Henry Pym (18) met Maria Trovaya, a Hungarian immigrant studying in the United States with whom he begins a relationship.
• Unknow to him, Maria was daughter of Dr. Janos Trovaya, a Hungarian geneticist and entomologist, secretly involved with the HYDRA and the Red Room.
• Since then, Strange has fought demonic entities, his reputation has grown, and he has even become an occasional consultant to local and federal authorities.
1982 -
• Clint Barton (16) adapted his archery skills to become a star of the carnival, a master archer named "Hawkeye," also known as "The Greatest Shot in the World."
• One day, he found Jacques Duquesne (29) and his brother Barney Barton (21) embezzling money from the circus where they lived. Before he could stop them, Jacques beat him and left him behind, escaping with Barney from the city.
• After this, Clint's relationship with his brother deteriorated.
• Greer Nelson (21) met William Nelson when he joined the Chicago police. They quickly became close and began a relationship. Will, wanting to be the hero in their relationship, tried to convince Greer to leave the police force and be a housewife, but Greer refused, wanting to maintain her independence and sense of adventure.
• Gabriel Summers, later known as Vulcan, is born. (N)
• Years after Xavier divorced, Gabrielle Haller a teacher, was living in Paris with her son, David (3). She met and married Daniel Shomron who helped her care for her son.
1983 -
• Matt Murdock (18) got a scholarship to State University. On his first day he met Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, who was also studying law.
• Foggy and Matt immediately formed a strong friendship and Nelson often joked about his blindness, while Murdock teased Nelson about many of his poor life choices.
• (EVENT Captain Marvel - Incomplete)
• Carol Danvers (28) and Maria Rambeau (30) were chosen as test pilots for Project PEGASUS, a joint scientific project between the Air Force, SHIELD and NASA, under the command of military scientist Doctor Walter Lawson, who was secretly the Kree soldier Mar-Vell in disguise.
• Danvers and Rambeau, receiving the pilot callsigns "Avenger" and "Spectrum" respectively, would continue to fly under Lawson's supervision together.
• Lawson (or Mar-Vell) became a mentor to Carol, for whom he developed a special concern, while Carol was inspired by Lawson's passion for his work and his desire to use his skills to end wars.
• One morning, while on a reconnaissance flight, Danvers and Rambeu noticed an unknown ship approaching. Danvers did her best to avoid the attacks, but was hit. As she lost control, Carol's Kree powers activated for the first time and the cabin filled with light.
• Carol survived the fall and was found by Walter Lawson. A few days later, she woke up to find that she was in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody.
1984 -
• Henry Pym (21) started working on a formula for shrinking objects, but was having difficulty finding funding. He also noticed how distant his girlfriend Maria Trovaya was becoming and began to suspect that she was hiding something.
• Bobby Drake's (7) mutant powers emerged very early.
• One day he woke up feeling strangely cold, his hands were pale, his lips were purple and his body couldn't stop shaking. Despite this he didn't feel sick or weak, the cold didn't bother him in the slightest.
• At the hospital, doctors were unable to diagnose what was wrong. Bobby's core temperature dropped to fatal levels and yet he was apparently completely healthy.
• Doctors told the Drakes that their son probably wouldn't survive the night unless there was some kind of miracle.
• The next morning, Bobby was feeling better, his body had returned to normal temperature, although his skin was still pale. His mother prayed gratefully, believing that a miracle had indeed occurred, but Bobby and his father thought otherwise.
1985 -
• (X-Men - Marvel Girl)
• Jean Grey (10) was playing with her friend, Annie Richardson, when she was hit by a car. The stress awakened Jean's telepathic powers that linked her empathically to Annie, allowing her to feel her life slipping away.
• The traumatic experience left Gray in a withdrawn and deeply depressed state. Not being able to control her newly awakened telepathic abilities forced her to isolate herself from other people to maintain her sanity.
• Months later, a psychiatrist recommended that her parents consult Professor Charles Xavier (48), who revealed to Jean, but not to her parents, her mutant status.
• To protect her, Xavier decided to block her intense telepathic abilities by erecting psychic shields until she developed the necessary maturity to deal with them.
• He also helped her unlock her telekinetic abilities, teaching her how to levitate and manipulate objects.
• Howard and Maria Stark die in a car accident.
• Their son, Tony Stark (21) inherits his father's business, Stark Industries.
• In a short time, it transformed from just a munitions company into a multinational corporation with a range of interests that encompass virtually every type of contemporary scientific industry and leading the cutting edge of electronics.
• Tony also bought the company that built the car his parents were driving when they lost their lives and fixed the flaws in the brake system.
• (EVENT - The Incredible Hulk)
• Bruce Banner (23) earned his doctorate in nuclear physics at Caltech and wanted to pursue philanthropic hallmarks of science, but was unable to receive any funding for his projects.
• Lacking options, he began working at a United States Department of Defense nuclear research facility in New Mexico.
• There Banner met General Thaddeus Ross, and his daughter Betty, with whom he ended up falling in love. Banner designed and supervised the construction of the "Gamma Bomb" or "G-bomb", a nuclear weapon that has a high emission of gamma radiation.
• He was present at the site for the first bomb detonation, however, upon seeing that a civilian, Rick Jones, had breached security and entered the restricted testing area, Banner entered. His assistant, secretly a double agent, detonated the bomb and intense waves of radiation reached the surface.
• Banner was irradiated with highly charged radioactive particles, which altered his body, causing him to frequently transform into the immensely powerful humanoid monster known as "The Hulk".
• Eventually, Henry Pym (22) became the hardest-working biochemist in the world, but the lack of innovation in his experiments eventually became too much for him.
• While working on a development program paid for by the Roxxon Oil Company, Pym was distracted by an ant farm and when his employer picked up on the case, Pym finally lost his temper.
• Grumbling about not being able to use his imagination, Pym angrily threw the ant farm across the room and quit his job.
• That same night he met with Maria Trovaya, who took him to the beach to relax. Lying in the sand, Pym expressed his desire to spend the rest of his life with her, just enjoying her presence.
• Maria joked about Pym being a "very hard-working ant" and said she doubted he would know how to relax if it weren't for her.
• Back at his apartment, Henry was inspired by Maria's words and his father's motto and decided to use his scientific prowess to try and fight crime while continuing to create his size-changing formula.
• Using ants as an example, he began studying entomology and began experimenting to find a way to reduce objects to "ant size" as well as restore them to normal.
1986 -
• After graduating from high school, Helen Cho entered college, where she graduated and became a geneticist and began working at U-GIN, a highly advanced bioengineering company based in South Korea known for her work in elaboration of regenerative tissues.
• Biologist Barbara Morse (22) was chosen by SHIELD to become an agent, being trained by several agents as well, receiving the codename Angente 19. Additionally, Barbara's propensity for insulting her opponents in battle earned her the codename of "Mockingbird".
• CIA agents Richard and Mary Parker are killed by the Red Skull and accused of treason during a mission. Young Peter Parker (6) was adopted by his uncle and aunt, Ben and May (42) Parker.
• (The Ghost Rider)
• When Johnny Blaze (22) found out that his father, Barton, was dying of cancer, he was embarrassed for planning to skip the Quentin Carnival, refusing to attend the shows with his father.
• One night, a strange man approached Johnny and offered him to sell his soul in exchange for Barton's health. Skeptical, Johnny accepted, and the next morning Barton was cured of cancer and gave Johnny his favorite motorcycle and let him go away with his beloved Roxanne.
• Despite the agreement, Barton would die almost instantly afterwards while attempting to set a new world record with a 22-car jump. About to leave Carnival, Johnny heard of his father's death and was devastated and went after the man he made the deal with and discovered that he was a demon, Mephisto.
• That same night, Johnny transformed into Ghost Rider and almost lost his soul to Mephisto, were it not for Roxanne's timely intervention proclaiming her love for him and temporarily driving Mephisto away through her purity of feelings.
• Realizing he could never free himself from his curse, he abandoned the Carnival where he grew up, taking Roxanne with him. The two would continue traveling the West seeking to escape Mephisto and remain safe.
• As he grew up, Kevin Brashear (16) fell in love with his father's work, Blue Marvel, and became his partner in Adam's countless adventures over the years.
• Stark Industries designs the Helicarrier designs for SHIELD.
• After months of work Henry Pym finally discovered what he called Pym Particles, which at the time he distilled into a chemical formula that, when exposed to the skin, caused objects to shrink in size, and a specially made antidote could restore them to normal.
• After successfully shrinking a chair, Pym presented his discovery to the Scientific Research and Development Committee.
• By displaying the shrunken chair, Pym's ideas were ridiculed, and when he accidentally mentioned a possible military application for his formula, the humanitarian committee rejected his grant.
• Leaving the committee, he met with Dr. Vernon Van Dyne, who wanted to obtain funding for his own invention, a gamma ray beam that he believes would allow him to contact worlds other than Earth's solar system.
• Normally accompanying her father to scientific meetings, Janet Van Dyne (20) met up with Pym.
• Expressing her attraction to the young man, she invited him to dinner when they first met and he quickly declined, saying he already had someone he was interested in.
1987 -
When her son was still a child, Gabrielle Haller realized that David (7) was autistic and took him to see a psychologist who confirmed his diagnosis. After that, she took David to the premiere of Return of the Jedi, making David a fan of the saga.
• (EVENT Iron Man - Incomplete)
• (February)
• While in the Middle East for a field test of a prototype weapon, Tony Stark (23) was kidnapped by the terrorist faction known as the Ten Rings and was seriously injured.
• Faced with imminent death and desperate to survive, Tony found the inspiration he needed to create the miniaturized arc reactor to power an electromagnet that held shrapnel from his heart.
• However, the arc reactor had another purpose - it would power Tony's escape plan and revolutionize modern weaponry.
• After coming of age, Angelo Unuscione (18) moved to North America and legally changed his name to Gunther Bain. He used his ability to create a virtually impenetrable force field to launch a career as a flamboyant and invincible costumed fighter known by the stage name Unus the Untouchable.
• Upon completion, Natalia Romanoff (25) was injected with the "Soviet Spider-Soldier Serum." Survival was not guaranteed, but she proved capable of handling it.
• Transformed into Black Widow, Natalia joined the service as an assassin, seductress, spy and saboteur. She often worked alone, but also carried out missions with other Black Widows and the Winter Soldier, with whom she began a secret relationship.
• (X-Men - Iceman)
• May 5 - Bobby Drake's powers manifested again during his 10th birthday. He accidentally froze his pool while his parents were cooking burgers; when they returned to the yard, they found their son skating on the frozen water.
• William and Madeline immediately knew that their son was something different than they thought, something more like the superhumans appearing on TV lately. Concerned for his safety, they told Bobby to be careful with his powers because others would fear them.
• Bobby, on the other hand, found the idea of ​​being a "superhero" very exciting. After this accident he began to train his powers in secret and little by little he learned how to cover his body with snow.
• (June)
• Tony Stark returns to the United States.
• After Iron Man's debut, Clint Barton (21) decided to become a vigilante, using his archery skills to fight crime.
• Just a few months after his debut as "Hawkeye" Clint Barton was handpicked by SHIELD director Colonel Nick Fury for his skills, becoming one of SHIELD's most skilled agents, where he served alongside Agent Mockingbird, Barbara Morse (23).
1988 -
• (February)
• Warren Worthington III (12) was enrolled at St. Joe's Catholic School. There he continued to excel in sports, breaking the high jump record.
• Henry McCoy (14) attended Bard College. Despite being a promising and intelligent student, his mutation made him a target for bullies; even teachers often ignored him.
• One day, when he was being harassed by some of his classmates, Henry was pushed into traffic. He was saved from a fatal accident thanks to his agility. Upon witnessing this, the coach of the local football team became determined to make Henry play for the Bobcats, the school team.
• Henry became an instant star on the field, winning game after game and becoming a rising star.
• (EVENT - Ant Man)
• After many more tests, Henry Pym (25) decided to foolishly test the Pym Particles on himself, shrinking in size, despite protests from his girlfriend Maria Trovaya.
• He ended up being chased by a mouse and ran out of the house, where he stumbled upon an anthill. Fortunately he was found by Maria, who took him back into the house and helped him find the growth formula to restore himself to normal.
• To celebrate his victory in his project, Maria took him out to dinner.
• At the restaurant, the two were interrupted by Janet van Dyne, who was surprised to discover that Pym actually had someone in his life.
• Annoyed by Janet's presence, Henry tried to dismiss her, but changed his mind when he saw that she was accompanied by Janet's father.
• While Maria was upset about the interruption of her meeting, Pym invited the van Dynes to join them and explained his research, and although Vernon was unimpressed, Janet became even more enamored with Pym, which drew Maria's fury, who left the restaurant without speaking to Pym.
• Confused by the turn of events, Pym tried to talk to Maria, but she ignored him and went home. Embarrassed by her behavior, Janet tried to apologize as well but Pym left angrily.
• For the next few weeks, he did not hear from Maria and continued to study and learn how ants communicated.
• (May)
• Henry Pym then began designing a special communications helmet that allowed him to communicate with ants, as well as a suit woven from Unstable Molecules that protected him from insect bites.
• Testing these new inventions, Pym found himself in danger when he frantically tried to find the proper frequency to make the ants obey his commands.
• An ant failed to fall under his control, and when it attacked, Henry was shocked to discover that although he had shrunk in size, he still retained his average strength that he had at normal height and was easily able to fight the ant.
• Trying to get closer to Henry, Janet offered to finance his research, which made her closer to the scientist, much to Maria Trovaya's anger. Henry, on the other hand, felt a genuine friendship with the young woman and amused her with all his latest ant discoveries.
• Henry first became Ant-Man for the purpose of fighting crime, when he took a government position trying to develop a way to make people immune to radioactivity. The notes on this formula were the target of a group of spies who tied up Henry's colleagues.
• Unwilling to divulge any information, Pym was locked in an office until he was ready to speak. This allowed Henry to use his formula to decrease from size and, like Ant-Man, rescue his colleagues. Using his control helmet, he commanded an army of ants to help untie his fellow scientists and then attacked the spies.
• The spies panicked from all the insect bites and were soon incapacitated and tied up by scientists who had no idea how they broke free or what happened to their captors. Ant-Man silently escaped and returned to his normal size.
• After this, as Ant-Man, Pym established a connection with law enforcement in New York City and developed technology that allowed him to learn about ongoing crimes and police activities through a network of ants.
• (August 6, Saturday)
• (Summers' Incident)
• The Summers family was returning home from a family vacation in Christopher's old private plane.
• Scott (12), Alex (10) and Gabriel (6) were sleeping when the plane caught fire and began to fall. His mother woke them up and tied them to the same parachute, then pushed them out.
• Scott had trouble opening the parachute and they were already very close to the ground. He managed to protect his brothers from the fall, but ended up suffering a major impact, hitting his head on the ground and breaking his legs.
• Upon seeing Scott's injury and Gabriel's dispair, Alex ran to find help. After telling police about the incident and Scott receiving medical help, Alex and Gabriel taken in by different foster families, separated from their older brother.
• The head injury damaged the part of Scott's brain that would allow him to control his optic blasts. When he woke up in the hospital, he felt extreme sensitivity to light and intense pain in his eyes.
• (August 11, Wednesday)
• A few days later Scott still didn't know where his brother was and couldn't call his grandparents to let them know his situation.
• Enraged, he accidentally launched an optical blast that destroyed several floors and the hospital's roof. Soon afterwards he fell into a coma.
• Alex Summers was placed in the care of Andrew and Joanna Blanding, being raised alongside their daughter Haley. Alex was pressured to act as a replacement for Todd, the couple's son who had died years ago, which he tried to do as best he could.
• For a long time, he was frustrated because no one had information about his parents or siblings, and he could not communicate with his grandparents, often failing to remember where they lived.
• After a few years living with the Blandings, Alex grew up and gradually forgot about his old life, becoming unaware of the existence of his powers.
• Charles Xavier (50) and Moira MacTaggert heard about Scott Summers and visited him in hospital, hoping he would wake up one day so they could take him to Graymalkin Manor.
• (August 20, Saturday)
• While on leave from the United States Marine Corps, Frank Castle (32) met a woman named Maria, with whom he instantly fell in love.
• (September 1, Thursday)
• (EVENT Ant-Man and Wasp)
• By this time, Henry Pym was developing a way to graft a wasp's wings and antenna onto a human body, which would protrude from their bodies once shrunk by Pym Particles
• When Dr. Vernon Van Dyne perfected a gamma-ray beam device, there was an accident in his laboratory. A fire broke out, causing an explosion that collapsed the entire building beneath Vernon.
• Although the authorities warned Janet that it was an accident, she was not completely convinced and called Henry Pym for help. As Ant-Man, Pym investigated the murder and was surprised by Van Dyne's bravery in wanting to avenge his father when they discovered that Vernon had in fact been murdered.
• Pym and Maria became closer to Janet during her time of mourning, as they continued to deal with crime on the streets.
• As a crime-fighting duo, Ant-Man and the Wasp have fought many villains. The Wasp, with her smart and cheerful attitude, proved crucially beneficial to Ant-Man's career, as she displayed masterful competence as a superhero.
• Deciding to reveal his secret identity to Van Dyne, Henry developed a suit with synthetic wings and antennae and began experimenting directly on Janet, exposing her to Pym particles and teaching her how to use the Wasp suit.
• Additionally, in between her adventures, she constantly expressed her desire to become romantically involved with Pym, but continued to be rejected because he was still in love with Maria.
• With a growing reputation as a charismatic celebrity, the Wasp also frequently entertained fans, hospital patients, and even Henry Pym and Maria Trovaya, telling them various fantasy stories
• (November)
• Three months after they met, Maria informed Frank Castle that she was pregnant, offering him the chance to leave as she was willing to raise the child alone, only for Castle to propose to her, resulting in their marriage. Months later their first daughter, Lisa, was born.
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koyangii · 2 years
I need more dramas like this: Not me (2021) review
Hello, BL tumblr! I know, it’s been a while, but here I am, with another BL review. This time, I’m writing about Not Me (2021), a series that came out in December of last year. 
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Actually, I’ve never imagined this drama would impact me that much. Honestly, I started to watch it because I was keeping up with “The Eclipse”, another really good BL in which one of the protagonists is played by First Kanaphan, who also plays Yok in “Not Me”. I fell in love with his puppy eyes, his big and sweet smile and, of course, his amazing acting ability. So here I am, watching everything he is in, hahaha! 
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(I mean, look at this cute face and tell me you didn’t fall in love)
But you’re not here to read about my crush, right? So, let’s start the real deal: my review on “Not me”. As usual, beware: spoilers ahead! 
“Not me” tells the story of two twins: Black and White, both played by Gun (aka Atthaphan Phunsawat). Like their names, their personalities are quite opposite: White is soft and insecure, while Black is tough and assertive. Although being really different from each other, the brothers always had this really strong connection, to the point of one feeling pain if the other was being beaten up. Maybe that was the reason for their parents’ break up, which also led to the complete separation of the twins. White started to live with their father in Russia and Black stayed with their mother in Thailand. 
After some years, White returns to Thailand with a degree in International Relations. His dad is excited by the idea of his son working as a diplomat in the Ministry of Thailand, given that he was also on that field, being an ambassador. He takes White to a dinner with important people and suddenly, White starts to feel very sick. A few hours later, he wakes up in a hospital bed and receives a phone call. It’s his friend, Todd, who notifies him about Black also being hospitalized, but severely injured. 
Worried about his brother, White goes to the other hospital and visits Black, who is in a critical health state. Unsure about what led his brother to that situation, but still determined to keep his word on taking care of him, White decides to find out the person behind Black’s injuries. Relying on Todd, White disguises himself as his twin and starts to impersonate him. 
And that pretty much resumes the plot. 
However, things are not that easy. After experiencing a few hours living like Black, White ends up realizing that he didn't have idea of how his brother actually was as a person, given that he only remembered him from childhood memories. He especially notices that by meeting with Black’s friends: Sean (Jumpol Adulkittiporn aka Off), Yok (Kanaphan Puitrakul aka First) and Gram (Harit Cheewagaroon), young and poor college students united by the urge of making justice by their own hands. They usually gathered in a garage, owned by a man named Kumpha (Phromphiriya Thongputtaruk aka Papang), who also trained them in many different ways (shooting and fighting, for example). 
At first, White sees Khumpa and the boys as troublemakers. Their main motivation is to fight inequality and injustice and for that, they first wanted to stop Tawi, a major businessman who owns a monopoly and is responsible for disrespecting ambiental and labor laws. However, they meant to do that by acting in ways White considers too dangerous and over the top. He doesn’t understand their motivations, but slowly, he starts to realize the importance of the issues approached by them. Actually, he goes even further, recognizing himself as part of the problem because of his privileged situation. Hence, he begins to help them in his own way, trying to get popular support for the movement. 
During this process, White is not the only one who changes, but also the other characters and their relationships. Some new friendships are made, others get stronger and even transform in romance. And that is one of the reasons I enjoyed this drama so much: the connections develop naturally, the dialogues are believable. Usually, I get this really cringe feeling from some situations on BLs, but I didn’t feel it once while watching “Not Me”. 
Speaking of romance, this BL portrays romantic love in such a beautiful way. The major couple is composed by White and Sean and they have sort of an “enemies to lovers” dynamic, which ends up in a relationship built on trust. Their first kiss scene is just mesmerizing: the chemistry, the cinematography and the soundtrack - which by the way are other big features of this series - everything was on point. 
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There are also two secondary couples: the artists, Yok and Dan, along with Gram and Eugene (Rachanun Mahawan).
 I love the dynamic between Yok and Dan: both reveal society’s hypocrisy through their art, but the first one is a straight-forward and passionate boy, meanwhile Dan is composed and carries a lot on his shoulders, constantly trying to redeem himself by aiming to be the perfect police officer. Dan is hurt and Yok helps him to release his feelings - his pain - using art. My favorite scene of them is the one when Yok draws a nude portrait of Dan. It could be sexualized and pure fan service, but instead, it was intimate. One could feel the vulnerability from the screen. I can’t express how touching and beautiful this scene was.
Lastly, the other couple is a straight one and is also very well developed. Eugene is a really nice character, contradicting the usual female role in BLs, which is basically to disrupt the gay couple. This was another thing I liked about this series: women are well represented. They are significant to the story and have their own motivations. 
In conclusion, “Not me” gathers everything a good drama should have: esplendid writing, direction, cinematography, soundtrack and acting. Actually, speaking of the acting, I would like to highlight Gun’s performance, which was outstanding. The twins were portrayed so well: there were so many big and small nuances that helped us, the viewers, distinguish the softness of White and Black’s - how can I put this? - unique personality (LOL). Also, I cannot fail to mention First’s acting, provided that he was the reason I started to watch this BL in the first place (no punchline intended, haha). I’m just impressed by his acting skills: Yok is so different from the character he played in “The Eclipse”, he is definitely an amazing professional. 
Moreover, I hope “Not me” changes how BL productions are being made. I could make a list of BLs problems that need to stop right now, but that is not the topic of this review. Besides, some of them I've already listed here. I think that, as consumers of this type of content, we should really pay attention to what we choose to watch. Some may say that the number of views is unimportant, but I strongly disagree: the number reveals what the consumers want to watch. If we keep giving attention to BLs that misrepresent women and  the LGBT community, for example, producers will continue to give this type of content for us. Think about it when you’re watching BLs. 
Finally, that pretty much resumes my thoughts on this series. In my opinion, everyone should watch it, but if you enjoy mature stories, which address society’s issues with a good dose of romance, although this is not the main focus of the drama, you will like - possibly love - “Not me” for sure. I hope you liked the review and don’t forget to share your opinions with me! 
Bye, bye, and see you in the next review! 
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richincolor · 2 years
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New Releases
Five new books coming out this week, including the highly anticipated sequel to the romance we all loved "Love from A to Z." I swear I wasn't going to buy any more books for the rest of the year because my TBR pile is about to topple over, but some of these look to interesting to pass up.
We Are the Scribes by Randi Pink Feiwel Friends
Ruth Fitz is surrounded by activism. Her mother is a senator who frequently appears on CNN as a powerful Black voice fighting for legislative social change within the Black community. Her father, a professor of African American history, is a walking encyclopedia, spouting off random dates and events. And her beloved older sister, Virginia, is a natural activist, steadily gaining notoriety within the community and on social media. Ruth, on the other hand, would rather sit quietly reading or writing in her journal.
When her family is rocked by tragedy, Ruth stops writing. As life goes on, Ruth’s mother is presented with a political opportunity she can’t refuse. Just as Senator Fitz is more absent, Ruth begins receiving parchment letters with a seal reading WE ARE THE SCRIBES, sent by Harriet Jacobs, the author of the autobiography and 1861 American classic, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.
Is Ruth dreaming? How has she been chosen as a “scribe” when she can barely put a sentence together? In a narrative that blends present with past, Randi Pink explores two extraordinary characters who channel their hopelessness and find their voices to make history.
Love from Mecca to Medina (Love from A to Z #2) by S.K. Ali Salaam Reads
Adam and Zayneb. Perfectly matched. Painfully apart. Adam is in Doha, Qatar, making a map of the hijrah, a historic migration from Mecca to Medina and worried about where his next paycheck will come from. Zayneb is in Chicago, where school and extracurricular stresses are piling on top of a terrible frenemy situation and making her miserable.
Then a marvel occurs: Adam and Zayneb get the chance to spend Thanksgiving week on the Umrah, a pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia, tracing the hijrah in real life, together. Adam’s thrilled, and Zayneb hopes for a spiritual reset—and they can’t wait to see each other.
But the trip is nothing like what they expect, from the appearance of Adam’s ex in their traveling group to the anxiety gripping Zayneb everywhere they go. And as one wedge after another drives them apart as they make their way from one holy city to another, Adam and Zayneb start to wonder: was their meeting just an oddity after all? Or can their love transcend everything else like the greatest marvels of the world?
Beneath the Wide Silk Sky by Emily Inouye Huey Scholastic
Sam Sakamoto doesn’t have space in her life for dreams. With the recent death of her mother, Sam’s focus is the farm, which her family will lose if they can’t make one last payment. There’s no time for her secret and unrealistic hope of becoming a photographer, no matter how skilled she’s become. But Sam doesn’t know that an even bigger threat looms on the horizon.
On December 7, 1941, Japanese airplanes attack the US naval base at Pearl Harbor. Fury towards Japanese Americans ignites across the country. In Sam’s community in Washington State, the attack gives those who already harbor prejudice an excuse to hate.
As Sam’s family wrestles with intensifying discrimination and even violence, Sam forges a new and unexpected friendship with her neighbor Hiro Tanaka. When he offers Sam a way to resume her photography, she realizes she can document the bigotry around her — if she’s willing to take the risk. When the United States announces that those of Japanese descent will be forced into “relocation camps,” Sam knows she must act or lose her voice forever. She engages in one last battle to leave with her identity — and her family — intact.
Emily Inouye Huey movingly draws inspiration from her own family history to paint an intimate portrait of the lead-up to Japanese incarceration, racism on the World War II homefront, and the relationship between patriotism and protest in this stunningly lyrical debut.
Night of the Raven, Dawn of the Dove by Rati Mehrota Wednesday Books
Katyani’s role in the kingdom of Chandela has always been clear: becoming an advisor and protector of the crown prince, Ayan, when he ascends to the throne. Bound to the Queen of Chandela through a forbidden soul bond that saved her when she was a child, Katyani has grown up in the royal family and become the best guardswoman the Garuda has ever seen. But when a series of assassination attempts threatens the royals, Katyani is shipped off to the gurukul of the famous Acharya Mahavir as an escort to Ayan and his cousin, Bhairav, to protect them as they hone the skills needed to be the next leaders of the kingdom. Nothing could annoy Katyani more than being stuck in a monastic school in the middle of a forest, except her run-ins with Daksh, the Acharya’s son, who can’t stop going on about the rules and whose gaze makes her feel like he can see into her soul.
But when Katyani and the princes are hurriedly summoned back to Chandela before their training is complete, tragedy strikes and Katyani is torn from the only life she has ever known. Alone and betrayed in a land infested by monsters, Katyani must find answers from her past to save all she loves and forge her own destiny. Bonds can be broken, but debts must be repaid.
Drizzle, Dreams, and Lovestruck Things (Songbird Inn #1) by Maya Prasad Disney-Hyperion
Four sisters, four seasons, four flavors of romance.
The Singh sisters grew up helping their father navigate the bustle of the Songbird Inn. Nestled on dreamy and drizzly Orcas Island in the Pacific Northwest, the inn’s always been warm and cozy and filled with interesting guests—the perfect home. But things are about to heat up now that the Songbird has been named the Most Romantic Inn in America.
Nidhi has everything planned out—until a storm brings a wayward tree crashing into her life one autumn . . . and along with it, an intriguing construction worker and a yearning for her motherland. Suddenly, she’s questioning everything she thought she wanted.
Avani can’t sit still. If she does, her grief for Pop, their dad’s late husband, will overwhelm her. So she keeps moving as much as she can, planning an elaborate Winter Ball in Pop’s memory. Until a blizzard traps her in a barn with the boy she accidentally stood up and has been actively avoiding ever since.
Sirisha loves seeing the world through her camera, but her shyness prevents her from stepping out from behind the lens. Talking to girls is such a struggle! When a pretty actress comes to the Songbird with her theater troupe, spring has sprung for Sirisha—if only she can find the words.
Rani is a hopeless romantic through and through. After gently nudging her sisters to open their hearts, she is convinced it’s finally her turn to find love. When two potential suitors float in on a summer breeze, Rani is swept up in grandeur to match her wildest Bollywood dreams. But which boy is the one she’s meant to be with?
Ultimately, the magic of the Songbird Inn leads the tight-knit Singh sisters to new passions and breathtaking kisses—and to unearth the truest versions of themselves.
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psatalk · 6 days
Highcon’s innovations for digital finishing at drupa 2024
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Highcon, a developer of digital cutting and creasing systems for various formats, substrates, and applications, will unveil multiple solutions at drupa 2024. The highlight will be the Highcon Beam 3 digital die-cutting machine and the Highcon Beam Writer for offline writing of DART foils. Highcon’s booth (Hall 9, B24) will feature not only their new solution portfolio but also showcase their customers' work and samples from the Vulcan prototype. This was revealed during the pre-drupa media event in late March in Dusseldorf.
Designed for the folding carton segment, the Highcon Beam 3, with the optional Beam Writer for offline writing of DART foils, allows customers to produce around 50% more per shift compared to the Beam 2.
“Our top news story today is for folding cartons. Highcon is today announcing the new Highcon Beam 3 digital die-cutting system and the new Highcon Beam Writer. Together, these two systems represent an important performance leap,” said Simon Lewis, SVP of marketing, strategy, and business development at Highcon.
According to Highcon, the Beam 3 was developed in response to customer and prospect feedback over recent years. A converter can run 10 jobs with an average run length of 1000 sheets per shift, typically achieving an ROI in less than two years with a two-shift operation. Before the first Beam 3 ships to drupa 2024, Highcon will perform a field upgrade to an existing Beam 2 system at Eurographic in Poland.
The new Highcon Beam Writer, compatible with all existing Beam systems, enables customers to create creasing rules using Highcon’s proprietary DART system and 5th Generation Consumables offline. For every 100 jobs per month, Beam Writer can free up more than 16 hours of Beam capacity, or two full shifts, enhancing productivity and capacity.
Solution for Corrugated Industry
Highcon will also introduce the Highcon Vulcan for the corrugation industry. The Vulcan supports boards up to 5mm thick, including microflute, B-, C-, and EB-flutes, with a maximum sheet size of 1.4 x 1.7 meters (55” x 66”) and a maximum throughput of 3000 full-size sheets per hour (up to 7000 sqm/hr or 75,000 sqft/hr). It features a job changeover time of 5-10 minutes, combining physical creasing with laser cutting.
Four ‘Foundation Customers’, including Thimm, The BoxMaker, UDS (Poland), and Grupak (Mexico), placed deposits on Vulcan systems in 2022. In 2023, Schumacher Packaging joined the Foundation Customer program and signed an MOU to purchase 5-10 units of Vulcan from Highcon before 2030. Despite a slowed development pace due to the tough economic environment in 2023, Highcon plans to resume the program fully before the end of 2024, with the first Vulcan unit targeted to ship for Alpha testing in 2026.
Upgraded Beam 2
At drupa, Highcon will also showcase the upgraded Beam 2. When paired with the new optional Beam Writer, it will offer corrugated customers approximately 50% higher productivity per shift for typical job baskets, the company stated.
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videshevidhya · 18 days
Workings in Canada benefits are numerous and they are sure to make a positive differencein the living standards of any individual or family. The benefits include having access to asafe and clean environment, a well-developed public transport system, healthcare,education, and good working conditions. A few of the major benefits of Canadian migrationare explained below:
1. Standard Of Living: Benefits of working in Canada include enhancing one’s standard of living. In addition tobeing ranked 9th in the United Nations (UN) quality of life ranking in 2016, Canada hasranked 9th out of 200 countries in the UN’s annual Human Development Index (HDI).
2. Medical Benefits: Among the Canada working benefits, having access to state-funded healthcare is notsomething to be underestimated. Canada provides state-funded healthcare facilitiesthat enable people from all walks of life to have access to quality healthcare withoutworrying about paying heavy fees.
3. Safety and Security: Benefits of working in Canada include having access to a safe and clean environment. Itis no wonder Canada was named the world’s most peaceful country in 2007 by TheEconomist.
4. Growing Economy: Having access to career opportunities and good working conditions is one of benefitsof working in Canada. Since mid-2016, Canada’s economy has grown at a 4.3 percentannual rate. Based on data from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund,Canada ranks 20 out of the top 25 richest countries in the world with a GDP per capitaof $45,981. Canada is also one of the most powerful countries in the world as it is amember of the G8 and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD).What is the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program(SINP)?
The SINP is an immigration program under which the Province of Saskatchewan selectsindividuals from other countries who intend to settle in Saskatchewan and nominates them to thefederal government for landed immigrant status. The SINP eligibility criteria reflect the specificneeds of Saskatchewan’s labor market and economy.
ENGLISH FOR INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITY ⇒ Candidate must have basic skills of reading, Writing and Understanding English Language. ⇒ Or Recommendation letter (From School, College or Current Work Place).
1. Min. Age Criteria : 22 years 2. Experience: Must be Min 2 Years 3. Salary Range: $14CAD to $25CAD per hour (Can go Higher based on experience) 4. Overtime: 150% 5. Contract: 24Months 6. Type of Work: Full time (Min 40 Hrs. per Week) 7. Other Benefits: Will be as per Canada Labor Law
DOCUMENT REQUIRED FOR REGISTRATION & PRE -ASSESSMENT ( Annex ‘A’) ⇒ Passport front and back page ⇒ Photograph ⇒ Detailed Resume with Job Duties ⇒ All Education document ⇒ Experience Letter ⇒  Salary $14 CAD -35$CAD
STEPS FOR CANADA WORK PERMIT PROCESS Step 1: You need to submit all your Documents as listed In Annex “A” Step 2: You will receive Pre Assessment whether you are eligible or not? If you are eligible you need to start processing along with the Registration Charges, First Installment + GST Applicable (Non Refundable, Non Transferable) for application. Step 3: Concern authorized representative will apply for principle approval at SINP (Govt. of Saskatchewan Portal) Step 4: On receiving the application Login ID and Password You need to pay Second Installment + GST (Refundable, if visa issued Non Refundable). Step 5: After receiving approval from SINP, application will be submitted to Canadian High Commission and Appointment for Biometric provided. Step 6: If you receive Medical requisition from Canadian High Commission, you will have to undergo medical test at Approved Medical Centre, appointment for the same will be schedule by us. Step 7: Once receive the visa stamping Final Payment will be taken as Salary Deduction in 6 Months installment. (Non Refundable).
⇒  Various Category jobs Available (Agriculture, Hospitality, Sales, IT, Nurses, Admin & Account jobs) ⇒  IELTS not mandatory ⇒  Dependent can apply ⇒  Fast track option to get Canadian PR with Family ⇒  Entrepreneur, Employer Driven and International Skilled stream (90% applicants are eligible) ⇒  100% transparent process ⇒  99% Visa success ratio ⇒  Total Min. Process time 3Months ⇒  Application will be represented by ICCRC Registered Lawyer.
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Advantage of studying Biotechnology in ITALY | Free Education
Unilife abroad career solutions
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High-Quality Education
 Italian universities are renowned for their excellence in scientific research and education. Studying biotechnology in Italy provides students with access to top-notch faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and cutting-edge research opportunities.
Research Opportunities
Italy is home to numerous research institutions and biotechnology companies that are at the forefront of scientific discovery. Students have the opportunity to engage in groundbreaking research projects and collaborate with leading experts in the field.
Interdisciplinary Approach
 Biotechnology programs in Italy often integrate various disciplines such as biology, chemistry, engineering, and computer science. This interdisciplinary approach equips students with a broad skill set and prepares them for diverse career paths in biotechnology and related fields.
Industry Collaboration
 Italy has a thriving biotechnology industry with strong ties to academia. Many Italian universities collaborate closely with biotech companies, pharmaceutical firms, and research centers, providing students with internship opportunities, industry projects, and networking connections.
Innovation Ecosystem
Italy fosters a dynamic innovation ecosystem with startup incubators, accelerators, and technology parks focused on biotechnology and life sciences. Students interested in entrepreneurship can access resources and support to launch their own biotech ventures or join startup teams.
A rich cultural experience, with opportunities to explore the country's history, art, and cuisine. Immersion in Italy's cultural heritage enhances the overall educational experience for international students.
 Compared to other study destinations such as the United States or the United Kingdom, studying biotechnology in Italy can be more affordable in terms of tuition fees and living costs. Many Italian universities offer scholarships and financial aid programs to support international students.
Career Services
Universities in Italy typically offer career services and support to help students with job placement and career development. Career services may include resume/CV writing workshops, interview preparation, networking events, and job fairs where students can connect with potential employers. Career advisors provide guidance and assistance to students seeking internships, part-time jobs, or full-time employment opportunities.
Unilife Abroad Career Solutions
Contact us : 8428440444 , 8608777070 ,  8428999090
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swldx · 7 months
BBC 0526 16 Nov 2023
6195Khz 0500 16 NOV 2023 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from SANTA MARIA DI GALERIA. SINPO = 55344. English, pips @0500z fb newsroom preview. @0501z World News anchored by Neil Nunes. The US and China have agreed to resume military-to-military communications in an effort to ease rising tensions, President Joe Biden says. Mr Biden also said both leaders had agreed to establish a direct line of communication with one another. The United Nations Security Council on Wednesday called for urgent and extended humanitarian pauses in fighting between Israel and Palestinian Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip for a "sufficient number of days" to allow aid access. The 15-member council overcame an impasse, which saw four unsuccessful attempts to take action last month, to adopt a resolution that also calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages held by Hamas. The United States, Russia and Britain, who are council veto-powers, abstained from Wednesday's vote on the resolution drafted by Malta. The remaining 12 members voted in favor. The Kremlin has launched a wide-ranging campaign to force Ukrainians in occupied territories to become Russian, an investigation has found. Ukrainians are being denied healthcare and free movement unless they take up Russian citizenship, evidence suggests. Venezuela's state-run oil company PDVSA on Monday was loading a supertanker with crude and fuel for Cuba, maritime documents showed, an unusually large volume to help its political ally overcome an energy crisis with repeated blackouts. Madagascar is holding presidential elections despite an opposition boycott following weeks of protests. One of the UK's most senior generals was warned in writing in 2011 that SAS soldiers were claiming to have executed handcuffed detainees in Afghanistan. But instead of referring the evidence to military police, Gen Jenkins placed it in a classified dossier and locked it in a safe. A top leader of the notorious Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang will stand trial in New York on terrorism charges, the U.S. Justice Department said on Wednesday. El Salvador citizen Elmer Canales, known as "Crook de Hollywood," was arrested by Mexican authorities last week and sent to Texas, where a federal court on Wednesday ordered him to face trial in New York. Iceland's south-western peninsula could face decades of volcanic instability, warns the Icelandic Met Office (IMO). Earthquakes and fears of an impending eruption have led to the evacuation of the small fishing town of Grindavik. @0506z "Newsroom" begins. MLA 30 amplified loop (powered w/8 AA rechargeable batteries ~10.8vdc), Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 185°, bearing 49°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 7877KM from transmitter at Santa Maria di Galeria. Local time: 2300.
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studyabroad123 · 7 months
How GRE Coaching Can Help Indian Students Achieve Their Dream of Studying Abroad
When embarking on the journey of pursuing higher education abroad, the GRE (Graduate Record Examination) plays a crucial role in shaping your future. This standardized test is a pivotal component of the application process for various graduate programs, especially in the United States. To maximize your GRE score and boost your chances of securing admission to your dream institution, many students turn to GRE coaching services, and Collegepond stands out as a prominent choice.
Collegepond is a renowned name in the field of GRE coaching, offering a comprehensive and tailored approach to help you achieve your GRE score goals. Let's delve into why Collegepond's GRE coaching is highly regarded and how it can significantly contribute to your academic and professional success.
Personalized Guidance: Collegepond understands that every student has unique strengths, weaknesses, and goals. Their GRE coaching programs are designed to cater to your individual needs. The coaching sessions are personalized to identify your strengths and address your weaknesses, ensuring that your study plan is efficient and effective.
Experienced Instructors: The quality of instructors is a crucial factor in any coaching program's success. Collegepond boasts a team of experienced and highly qualified instructors who are well-versed in GRE content and strategies. Their guidance and expertise will help you navigate the intricacies of the GRE with ease.
Comprehensive Curriculum: Collegepond offers a comprehensive GRE curriculum that covers all sections of the test, including Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing. They provide a deep understanding of the test structure, question types, and effective strategies for each section, ensuring that you are well-prepared on test day.
Effective Study Materials: Collegepond provides students with a wide array of study materials, including books, practice tests, and online resources. These materials are continuously updated to reflect the latest GRE trends, enabling you to practice with real GRE questions and adapt to the test's evolving nature.
Simulated Testing Experience: To help you gauge your progress and build confidence, Collegepond conducts regular simulated GRE tests. These mock tests simulate the real test conditions, giving you a feel for the actual GRE examination. They also provide valuable feedback and insights into your performance.
College Admissions Assistance: Collegepond doesn't stop at GRE coaching. They offer comprehensive services that extend to the entire application process, including assistance with preparing your statement of purpose, resume, and shortlisting universities. Their holistic approach ensures that you receive support at every stage of your application journey.
Track Record of Success: Collegepond has a track record of helping numerous students achieve impressive GRE scores and secure admissions to top universities. Their success stories are a testament to their commitment to student excellence.
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addingcolors · 10 months
University of Michigan
The University of Michigan, commonly known as UMich or simply Michigan, is a prestigious public research university in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Founded in 1817, this institution has a rich history and consistently ranks among the top universities in the United States. With its sprawling campus, world-renowned faculty, and diverse student body, the University of Michigan offers an unparalleled educational experience.  
One of the university's defining characteristics is its academic excellence. Michigan offers various undergraduate and graduate programs across various disciplines, from the liberal arts to engineering and everything in between. The university's esteemed faculty, experts in their respective fields, are dedicated to fostering a stimulating and innovative learning environment. Students can engage in cutting-edge research, participate in internships, and gain practical experience that prepares them for successful careers.  
The University of Michigan's Acceptance rate  
The University of Michigan is one of the top-ranked universities in the United States, attracting many applicants yearly. As a result, the acceptance rate at the University of Michigan is highly competitive. In recent years, the university has seen a decrease in its acceptance rate, reflecting the increasing number of students applying to the institution.  
According to the University of Michigan's website, the undergraduate acceptance rate for the 2022 academic year was just under 20%. This means that out of every 100 applicants, only 20 were admitted. This low acceptance rate highlights the competitiveness of the admissions process at the University of Michigan and the high qualifications required for admission.  
Admission prerequisites  
Undergraduate Admission Prerequisites:  
High School Diploma: Applicants must have completed a recognized secondary education program or equivalent.  
High School Coursework: UMich typically expects applicants to have completed a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum, including courses in English, mathematics, science, social studies, and a foreign language. Taking advanced or honors classes can also be beneficial.  
Standardized Test Scores: UMich is known for being test-optional for the undergraduate class entering in Fall 2023 and beyond. However, students may still choose to submit their scores if they believe it will enhance their application.  
Letters of Recommendation: UMich may require one or more letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, or others who can speak to the applicant's academic abilities and character.  
Personal Statement/Essay: Applicants usually need to write a personal statement or essay as part of their application. This essay provides an opportunity to showcase their personality, experiences, and motivations.  
Extracurricular Activities: UMich values well-rounded applicants who have demonstrated engagement in extracurricular activities, leadership roles, community service, and other accomplishments outside the classroom.  
Graduate Admission Prerequisites: Graduate admission requirements will differ depending on the specific graduate program. Each graduate program may have its own set of prerequisites, which may include:  
Bachelor's Degree: Generally, prospective candidates are asked to have completed a bachelor's degree or similar attainments from an authorized educational entity.  
Standardized Test Scores: Some programs may require GRE (Graduate Record Examination) or other standardized test scores. However, in recent years, some programs have been moving away from requiring standardized tests.  
Letters of Recommendation: Graduate applicants often need to submit letters of recommendation from academic or professional references.  
Statement of Purpose: Many graduate programs will require applicants to write a statement of purpose or a research statement detailing their academic and career goals.  
CV/Resume: A curriculum vitae (CV) or resume may be required, outlining the applicant's educational background, work experience, publications, and other relevant achievements.  
In conclusion, the University of Michigan is an exceptional institution with a legacy of academic excellence, vibrant campus life, and a commitment to inclusivity. With its world-class faculty, extensive academic offerings, and personal and professional growth opportunities, Michigan provides students with a well-rounded and transformative education. 
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resumeglitz · 1 year
Who is the best online resume maker?
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In light of the fact that hundreds of people have applied for the same job in recent years, using a reputable resume writing service to create a compelling, insightful, and captivating resume is essential. After you submit your resume, there are no more chances. That implies, making the best first-time impression that lands you a meeting ought to be your center command. The main reasons you might want to use Visual Resume, the best resume writing service in the world with the best online resume maker, are outlined here.
Resume Glitz, the resume writing service, is a career development company with highly trained writers, editors, and designers who are skilled in the creation of professional CVs or resumes. These resumes will do the magic of catching the attention of HR officials and putting their clients on the shortlist for a job offer. We have the expertise to meet the needs of your job recruiter thanks to our decades of industry experience.
Visual and Graphical Resume Organization
Assuming you need your last cleaned, altered, and designed resume to be in a graphical configuration, you can anticipate that we should get it in a specific order for you. We have the best software and tools to design the resume so that it appeals to recruiters and HR professionals and is highly visual.
Completely polished, well-edited, and formatted resume 
The appearance of your resume by the best online resume maker is just as important as the content. Most selection representatives are enraptured by the look before we even continue to actually take a look at what the substance involves.
Expertly, Hand-Made Resume
A great deal of resume organizations attempts to sidestep the difficult work by utilizing robots and layouts to make terrible and unpolished resumes for their client. Not only is this a bad practice, but The jobseeker's resume also does not meet the recruiters' requirements. This immediately results in dismissal and complete rejection of the resume.
Success and excellence in the past 
One of the characteristics of the best resume writing services from our best online resume maker is a talent for excellence in our work. We figure out the best outcome, and we guarantee that our client's resumes get them shortlisted for various meetings and eventually assist them with landing their ideal position offer. Rather than attempting to make it happen all alone, you can use our history of outcomes of our top resume-composing organization in support of yourself.
Excellent and Receptive Customer Service 
The best CV writing services from our best online resume maker offer the best customer service. We stand by listening to the clients, comprehend their work proposition, take them through a cycle to get the draft of their resume done, and in particular present the last record on time. In order for you to meet the deadline and complete the ATS scan on time, we are also in charge of the procedure and delivering the final document to you.
Writing a LinkedIn Profile
As a global résumé, your LinkedIn profile lets recruiters get in touch with you from anywhere in the world. Resume Glitz curates your LinkedIn profile material to make it visible and powerful. We also create material that is optimized for LinkedIn search and matches with LinkedIn Jobs. With our LinkedIn Profile writing from our best online resume maker, you can be certain of increased exposure and interaction on the network, increasing your chances of interacting with high-profile HR Recruiters and landing your dream job.
Documents for Migration
We prepare resumes, applications, and selection criteria for job searchers and applicants with our best online resume maker who is relocating outside of India to nations such as the United States, United Kingdom, Singapore, Australia, and Canada, among others. We guarantee that rules are followed and that particular instructions issued by authorities are implemented in the letter. Our formats are international and may be utilized in the majority of nations throughout the world. We also create resumes in the Europass format.
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careeralley · 1 year
Transform Your Resume: 5 Expert Tips to Stand Out
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Job searches are highly competitive. Even though unemployment rates across the United States are currently low, the number of applications for the average job opening in the US can vary widely depending on factors such as the industry, location, and level of the job. However, studies have shown that on average, a job opening in the US receives around 250 resumes, but this number can be much higher for popular or highly desirable positions. The percentage of job search applicants that actually get called for an interview can vary widely depending on factors such as the industry, location, level of the job, and the quality of their application. However, studies have shown that on average, about 2% to 3% of job applicants get called for an interview. This means that for every 100 job applications submitted, only 2 to 3 candidates will be invited to an interview. To increase your chances of getting noticed by potential employers, it's important to make your resume stand out from the crowd. Here are five expert tips to break away from the traditional mold of plain resumes. By implementing these tips, you'll increase your chances of getting called in for an interview at your desired employer. Let's dive in and spice up your resume! Consider the following - Use specific numbers to quantify your past accomplishments. - Incorporate your personal hobbies to showcase your personality. - Seek feedback from company employees to tailor your resume to the company's needs. - Highlight your experience with reputable brands, such as Fortune 500 companies. - Look for online resume guides to gain insights and tips on how to create a standout resume. - Use strong action verbs to describe your achievements and responsibilities. - Customize your resume for each job application to highlight relevant skills and experiences. - Use a professional and visually appealing design to make your resume stand out. - Include relevant keywords from the job description to ensure your resume passes through applicant tracking systems (ATS). - Use a summary or objective statement at the top of your resume to showcase your skills and career goals. Use numbers to demonstrate past accomplishments Many job applicants want to showcase their achievements on their resumes. However, simply listing their responsibilities is not enough to impress potential employers. Instead, applicants should quantify their accomplishments with specific numbers. CareerAlley Resume Review Partners Improve your chances in job interviews by optimizing your resume. Our partners specialize in resume writing, reviewing, and tailoring to specific job requirements, ensuring job seekers stand out to potential employers. Boost Your interview chances We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. For instance, instead of stating that they managed a company budget, they should mention that they created and maintained a budget of $250,000 for administrative resources at a Fortune 500 company. This detailed information can grab the attention of resume screeners and help applicants stand out from the competition. Want to land your dream job? Your resume could be the key! Check out these 5 expert tips to transform your resume and make it stand out from the crowd! #jobsearch #resume #careeradviceClick To Tweet Be unconventional Including your personal hobbies on your resume may seem unconventional, but it can help you stand out from other applicants in the competitive job market. While maintaining professionalism, showcasing your unique interests can demonstrate your personality and make you a more memorable candidate. In a sea of similar resumes, incorporating your hobbies can catch the eye of a potential employer and increase your chances of getting an interview. So don't be afraid to be different and show off what makes you unique! Ask a company employee for feedback on your resume Reaching out to an employee at the employer you're looking to get hired by can demonstrate an interest in working for them. Further, asking for feedback can show that you really do care about how well you're perceived by human resources departments. If an employee remembers that you reached out to them, they're also more likely to throw in a good word about you to hiring managers. Use an established, tried-and-true guide When it comes to job applications, companies carefully scrutinize resumes to assess potential candidates. A resume with errors or lacking attention to detail may quickly be overlooked, leaving applicants out of consideration for an interview. Instead of assuming you know all there is to know about resumes, consider looking for an online resume guide as a starting point. These resources can provide valuable insights and tips on how to create a standout resume that impresses potential employers and lands you an interview. Remember, the small details matter and can make all the difference in setting your resume apart from the rest. If possible, humbly boast about your work with big companies Fortune 500 companies hold a higher level of brand value compared to lesser-known companies. Adding these reputable brands to your resume can boost your chances of standing out among other applicants. Be sure to mention by name any big companies you've worked with in the past. Job searches are highly competitive, and even strong candidates may not get called in for interviews. Implementing these five expert tips, including highlighting your experience with reputable brands, can improve your chances of landing an interview and possibly even securing your dream job. Don't let the competition discourage you – take the necessary steps to make your application stand out. Additional Resources How to Write Killer Cover Letters & Resumes How to Write Killer Cover Letters & Resumes by Douglas W. Hadaway. The book offers expert advice and practical tips on crafting compelling cover letters and resumes that stand out in today's competitive job market. How to Write Killer Cover Letters & Resumes $9.99 Stand out from all the rest by crafting letters and resumes that will blow people away. This career reference guide provides a simple, compelling and foolproof way to create both cover letters and resumes that are uniquely powerful and, most importantly, virtually guarantees you the high value job interviews and career you really want. Buy on Amazon Learn More at Walmart We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 04/11/2023 09:33 pm GMT The Only Resume and Cover Letter Book You'll Ever Need! The Only Resume and Cover Letter Book You'll Ever Need! by Richard Walsh is a comprehensive guidebook that offers expert advice and practical tips on crafting effective job applications to stand out in today's competitive job market. The Only Resume and Cover Letter Book You'll Ever Need! $27.39 This comprehensive guide offers a wealth of resources for job seekers, including hundreds of sample resumes and cover letters that have been successful in landing interviews and job offers. Buy from Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 03/10/2023 09:53 pm GMT No Mistakes Resumes: How To Write A Resume That Will Get You The Interview No Mistakes Resumes: How To Write A Resume That Will Get You The Interview by Giacomo Giammatteo is a valuable guidebook that offers expert advice and practical tips on crafting effective resumes to stand out in the competitive job market. No Mistakes Resumes: How To Write A Resume That Will Get You The Interview (No Mistakes Careers) $12.99 Buy from Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 12/04/2022 12:36 am GMT Knock 'em Dead Resumes: A Killer Resume Gets More Job Interviews! Knock 'em Dead Resumes: A Killer Resume Gets More Job Interviews! by Martin Yate is a comprehensive guidebook that offers expert advice and practical tips on crafting effective resumes to stand out in the competitive job market. Knock 'em Dead Resumes: How to Write a Killer Resume That Gets You Job Interviews $14.95 $6.48 At a time when companies can draw on resume banks containing millions of documents, you'll need to create a concise and powerful resume if you want to stand out. Buy from Amazon Buy from Walmart We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 12/04/2022 12:31 am GMT Read the full article
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chestcity89 · 1 year
The Facts About Outsourced Payroll Management For Small Businesses Uncovered
Sign up with the 920,000+ business who count on ADP for payroll companies and income tax assistance supported by incomparable proficiency. We can aid you. Locate other companies and nonprofits that offer assistance to individuals along with Social Security Disability and also aid you discover the information you need regarding who is entitled to receive Social Security Disability coverage. View how we may aid people along with Social Security Disability and provide insight to create your retired life a excellence. When you choose ADP, you opt for a remarkable pay-roll platform created for the technique you operate. Along with ADP and its state-of-the-art tax unit, there is actually no cause to overcompensate for bad service efficiency (only like we have carried out for numerous months right now). This aids ensure low expenditures receive to the desk so that your organization obtains the greatest feasible gains on your investments. There is no requirement to recompense for poor business efficiency. Payroll processing that’s faster and simpler — regionally and globally Employee and supervisor self-service — online or along with our mobile app Certified, experienced payroll specialists offered 24/7 Basic combination with business software, time monitor, Human resources units and ERPs Find bundles for your service size MEET OUR CLIENTS Payroll is so fast it conserves me a heap of opportunity. We offer our private touch stands anywhere in the world, so you can leave behind your settlement info anywhere in the world. Specifying up brand-new workers is also obscenely basic. In the office we deliver out a list of settings we want to participate in, and we'll schedule their hiring before it is released to the public. Our very first employee who desires to join the provider is our brand-new Senior Director of Talent Development, a position that is an strange one for me. There are lots of various people who will certainly operate for us, lots of of whose positions are very desirable and many of whom look like we've been to the Oscars. A Reliable Source coming from tax withholdings to direct down payments are carried out in 2 moments, max. 45 mins, and max. 60 mins. Your neighborhood income tax office will be capable to assist you out along with this company, or you may choose it up directly coming from your neighborhood workplace for approximately $5. This service works effectively along with some various other individual accounts you might be taking into consideration that may not be covered by the personal tax exception or the private income tax credit score.
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Such a time-saver that I don't require to choose an Human resources individual or extra profile person. I can perform my research. In simple fact, I just started performing this work today. I believe this is what folks are presuming when they decide whether to work with me: "I'll receive it carried out before you get it done.". They could possibly invest hours and days writing about what helps make the a lot of feeling to them, and after that choose me for the project they're going to take care of. Daniel Ledbetter Managing Director, Palmetto School of Career Development In add-on to taking work off your platter and releasing up opportunity for you and your workers, ADP keeps on top of transforming regulations and requirements — to assist keep you compliant and safeguard you coming from potential greats and fines. We function with a riches of clients who yearn for to recognize and discover coming from us, and for our productive implementation, one of our greatest methods is to acquire your resume completed and ready for publication. Our pay-roll services likewise sync your pay-roll data with various other solutions, like opportunity keep track of and advantages. When it comes to payroll companies for Uber, the specialist titan's mobile payments service has been on a roll, giving up to $5,000 a month for complimentary. But it's likewise one-stop store for paying for your cars and truck trips, producing it something of an escape hatch for Uber's motorists. ADP gives customized pay-roll solutions, solutions and software for organizations of all sizes. When it happens to its company model, K.V. is even more than simply a product. It's a organization opportunity. In 2017, in addition to providing retail establishments, K.V. acquired $3 billion in customer credit history coming from additional than 100,000 companions. K.V. stores its personal in company alliances with the leading seller establishments in the nation. We give direct deposit and mobile phone pay-roll solutions that combine with time and appearance tracking. We sell our platform at the most attractive expense, and we deliver straight debit (Direct Debit) remittances to people who produce down payments from opportunity to opportunity. We likewise deliver quick transmissions, which permits us to supply on-the-spot settlements within five mins. Thus much is at concern. That's why we're thus curious in helping you.
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seoengineerindia · 1 year
Your chances of getting noticed by recruiters and hiring managers and ultimately landing a job increase when you use a professional CV writing service. Although CV Writing in Dubai services can differ in price, method, clientele, and services offered, they all have the same goal: to boost your chances of securing an interview. These businesses usually have different pricing tiers to accommodate clients of varying means and life circumstances regarding CV writing. While a seasoned worker may need minor tweaks to their current CV, a recent college grad may prefer a CV Writers in Dubai service to develop an entirely new document.
We Find Jobs is the leading employment agency in the United Arab Emirates, with services including CV writing, CV distribution, and LinkedIn management. Your chances of getting an interview in your desired field will increase dramatically after using our first-rate services. We aid businesses of all sizes in locating and recruiting top talent and provide job-seekers with the best possible chance of being hired. 
There is no doubt in our minds that your resume is crucial to increasing your professional standing and being presented with desirable employment possibilities. If you want to make a solid first impression and stand out from the crowd, have no doubt that our skilled CV writers will take the utmost care when crafting your CV. We'll help you discover work more quickly, and together we'll be even more successful.
A Best CV Writing Services in UAE would look much more polished and professional than writing your own. Hiring a professional to design your CV, cover letter, or resume can save you time and effort. Having a professional handle, the writing of your CV frees you up to focus on other aspects of your job hunt, whether you're presently employed and utilizing your free time to look for new opportunities, or you're unemployed and using your time to research companies, network, and find job openings. 
In addition, having a completed resume is a lot quicker than writing one from scratch, which means you may start applying for jobs as you find them and land one much sooner. An error-free spelling, punctuation, and formatting of your CV are just a few more benefits of working with a professional writing agency. A well-edited CV can demonstrate your commitment to excellence to a prospective employer.
Contacts Us:
Business Name /Contact Person:- We Find Jobs / Carl Evans
Country/Region:- UAE
Street Address:- Dubai Media City
City:- Dubai                                                                                      
State:- Dubai
Postal Code:- 11720
Phone No:-+971 55 429 4595
Email Id:- [email protected]
Web :- https://www.wefindjobs.ae/ & https://bestcvwritersuae.com/ 
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gigslist · 2 years
Netflix Open Call Casting 2023 and Casting Directors’ Contacts!!!
Netflix USA Casting 2023 Audition Open Call Roles, Casting Directors and Agencies
Sounds great, but it’s not simple. You don’t want to apply to just one role. You want to be considered for every project without having to resubmit. Agents and directors cast through their own databases first, before posting to the boards. You want to get in the talent agent’s and casting director’s own databases.
How To Apply For Netflix USA Casting 2023?
Step #1
There’s a few hoops first before you get on Netflix’s books. Prepare an attractive profile, photos, resume, education, awards and previous productions. Side gigs are OK, even working in a coffee shop. It shows your real life versatility. Less makeup is more. Avoid Plastic Princess and Ken Doll faces and photoshop. Casting directors want the real you, so they know what they’re working with. Same for press photos. Don’t look like an influencer. More natural always looks more original.
Step #2
Register your profile with a reputable talent agency to get on that agency’s list. Start with a local agency to refer you to a bigger agency when they think you’re ready. Work on few gigs and get continued training to practice while you wait for your big role. AList are always honing their craft and how to handle being in public, being nice and managing budgets. Start small, get to know the industry from the inside as you observe in the background.
Top Agencies to Get Your Local Agency to Ask:
Best Overall: "https://www.wmeagency.com/" William Morris Endeavor
Runner-Up, Best Overall: "https://www.caa.com/" Creative Artists Agency
Best for Theater: "https://kmrtalent.com/" Kazarian/Measures/Ruskin & Associates
Best for Background Roles: "https://www.centralcasting.com/" Central Casting
Best for Working Actors: "https://gersh.com/"  Gersh
Best for Beginners: "https://www.boalswinnett.com/" Boals, Winnett & Associates
Step #3
Ask your talent agency to contact a top casting director to get you on their list
Important Note: Casting directors only accept talent submissions through an licensed agency. But you might be able to write a nice short note to ask what agents they recommend. And be very nice!!!! Nobody wants to work with Duchess Debacle.
Most Notable Casting Directors and Contact Info
(To the best of my research. They actually like hand written letters. )
Tara Rubin (“Prince of Broadway,” “Summer: The Donna Summer Musical,” “Jersey Boys”) https://www.tararubincasting.com
Cami Patton (“Parenthood,” “The Americans”) Address: 4640 Lankershim Blvd, North Hollywood, CA 91602, United States Phone: +1 818 509 5779
Nina Gold (“The Crown,” “Game of Thrones”) Email Address [email protected] Nina Gold Casting Ltd Office Phone Number 020 8960 6099 Fax 020 8968 6777 Address Nina Gold Casting Unit 20, 135 Salusbury Road, London, NW6 6RJ
Victoria Thomas (“Django Unchained,” “Hidden Figures”) Address: 8500 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 521, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 or 9021 Melrose Ave, Ste 200B, West Hollywood CA, 90069 Phone 310 274 5932
Kim Coleman (“Dear White People,” “BlacKkKlansman”) Los Angeles (310) 860-0433 https://www.facebook.com/people/Kim-Coleman-Casting/100063516888843/
Bernie Telsey (“This Is Us,” “The Greatest Showman”) Risa Bramon & Billy Hopkins Casting 451 Greenwich St # 500 New York, New York 10013-1757, US https://mcctheater.org/
Carmen Cuba (“Stranger Things,” “Magic Mike”) Address: 846 N Cahuenga Blvd, Building A, Room 200, Los Angeles, CA 90038 Carmen Cuba Casting Tel: 323-993-5469
Alexa Fogel (“Atlanta,” “The Deuce,” “Pose”) Beech Hill Films Address: 330 W 38th Street, Suite 1004, New York, NY 10018
Cindy Tolan (“Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt,” “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks”) sarahfinnco.com HQ Phone (323) 745-0591 Company Sarah Finn Address 588 N Larchmont Blvd Fl 1, Los Angeles, Ca
Top American Casting Websites
To get more gigs and industry contacts.
Actors Access
Casting Networks
Casting Frontier
Now Casting
GigsList.info of course:)
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