#Tom Hayes
sbahour · 1 year
Tonight I rewatched "Native Sons: Palestinians In Exile" which was screened by the @Palestine Museum US. A timeless 1985 film about Palestinian refugees by my good friend, American filmmaker Tom Hayes. Sadly, not much has changed. In the post-screening conversation, Tom said it all in a few words: "[Palestinians are an] abandonment of humanity." I remember screening this film at Youngstown State University when it first came out.
https://youtu.be/pU0dBvwm19I (57:22)
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news4dzhozhar · 5 months
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The full documentary is available for free on the YouTube account of the producer. I encourage you to watch it and share far & wide. People must understand the history. Watch it here:
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gahellhimself-blog · 6 months
. Portraits .
And the occasion to promote myself
My commissions are open for portraits like these, send me a message ;)
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romulusfuckingroy · 11 months
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succession as textposts part 2 (part 1)
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kuyokuyosuru · 18 days
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post-it ideas :3 I really wanna have succession themed office stuff lol
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cthaehart · 1 month
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Hiiii! I’m opening Pre-Orders again! They will be open until May 31st
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222png · 7 months
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this was revealed to me in a dream
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thewaitisogre · 1 year
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i’m really intrigued by how in succession there is always conflict when it comes to sleeping. you will never see two people sleeping soundly in bed. one always has to be having an existential crisis or they can’t sleep or they leave.
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shrikebrother · 8 months
succession characters as lps
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part two, part three
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shivroy · 12 days
perverts of the world unite. there's SO much going on here i hope you enjoy (please read the content warnings beforehand to decide if you want to look) (minors do not interact)
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jadethirlvvall · 1 year
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filmgifs · 6 months
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PUNCH (2022) dir. Welby Ings
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syndianites · 2 months
Concept: Fighting Styles
Tom being the best fighter for a while in s1 not because he was technically skilled, but because he was reckless. For a group not used to having to fight or die, as a zombie he didn't feel the same strain on his body as he fought.
Heavier swords, more power behind his movements, less pain after each hit taken. Tom took over the battlefield because he was a zombie, unable to feel the consequences of his reckless, destructive behavior.
Which is why, when the playing field was leveled through gear and improvement, Tom started to fall behind in combat prowess. Why Jordan began to outmatch Tom.
Jordan was pure technical skill. He was meticulous and methodic in his practice, preferring the discipline of bows over the raw power of swords. He took his time, planned his blows, and knew where to best hit his opponent. Tom didn't feel pain as much as the others, but a good strike still would take him down and have him grit his teeth.
Tucker focused on his swordsmanship and working shields into his style. If Tom was sheer force, Tucker was a solid defense. The first time Tucker blocked Tom's sword and held firm, a shift happened between them. It wasn't Tom dominating every fight anymore. It was a genuine battle, an actual dance of blades.
Sonja isn't a fighter, but she's quick and agile. Unless she has to make a stand, she runs, darting between trees and bushes and rocks and leaving people behind in a daze of twists and turns. When she has to fight it's with a single shortsword, allowing her to sneak in quick, shallow hits that wear you down over time. Against Tom, she is at a disadvantage, but if need be she can work to wear him down until one of the others arrives.
Wag doesn't fight in any traditional means. He is a magic user through and through, even when stripped of it. With his magic he is a force to be reckoned with, able to conjure up a quick defense or blast out a strong offense. Without it, he works on deceptions and slight of hand. It's similar to magic, really, all about getting the opponents focus away from what you're really trying to do. While his form with a sword is sloppy at best and his bow aim is barely there, as long as he can get you distracted he stands a fighting chance. And if things go south, one good misdirect is all he needs to a quick exit.
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meraki-yao · 5 months
This is a mess of a brain rot
So once upon a time I wrote some ideas of what would happen if we put Nick's characters in a room
Yesterday I was reading a fic from Chinese RWRB fandom where George (Mary & George, Nick) Marco (The Kissing Booth, Taylor), and Tom (The Beneath My Feet, Nick) were side characters and school friends with the daughter oc of the fic
All of them are pre-teens, Tom is an adorable, shy baby, George is the prettiest boy in school and has boys literally falling over their feet for his smile, and Marco is Tom's boyfriend who walks him home and defends him from bullies (as much as a boyfriend as a kid can be)
And I was reminded of a fic series from my other fandom (it's Chinese) where the author basically rounded up the actors' other characters (who kinda had either no chemistry or a shit relationship storyline in their original work), made them housemates, and basically paired them up and created a big cross over rom-com
And I immediately started brainstorming and thinking of an RWRB/ Taylor Nick Universe version of the same concept: Henry as an Eng Lit student and Alex a Law student, Robert (Cinderella, Nick) can be Henry's cousin who's doing a musical theatre degree, Marco, Tom, Johnnie (High Strung, Nick) (and maybe Conor (Handsome Devil, Nick)?) could all be music students, George's whole trajectory maybe can be translating into a sugar daddy situation still with some form of King James, maybe all of Nick's characters are in one apartment complex and all of Taylor's characters neighbouring them etc etc... This whole idea got me so freaking excited
And then a slew of questions flooded my mind: How do I want to do this? Comic? Ask blog? Fic? Bullet point posts? Am I gonna commit to this? Is there even an audience for this? How much bullshit can I come up with?
Also, what the fuck am I gonna do with the characters? I only really know Henry, Alex, Conor, Marco, and maybe Robert, and maybe Timmy. I don't really have the time or the interest to watch all of the boys' filmography (sorry I love the boys with all my heart but I'm a really plot-driven viewer when it comes to shows/movies), what am I gonna do with that? What am I gonna do with shipping? I say this with all the love for Taylor but Nick does have a larger filmography thus more characters than he does, and even just with Marco I have no idea who to pair him up with because there are so many possible good ship dynamics but I prefer just sticking to one ship? What the fuck?
Yeah I don't fucking know if there's a point I'm trying to make or a conclusion I'm trying to reach but here ya go Welcome to the mess that is my mind
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thatwhicheats · 2 months
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I’m sorry or something
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it's the hair for me.
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goodbye to the mullet!
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