#Tim hasn't checked a calendar in a month
arrowmaker15 · 4 months
(Dick, sliding down the bannister)
Dick: It's Christmas Eve!
Jason: I know.
Tim: It is?
Dick: Everyone got their gifts for each other, right?
Jason: Steph got more than all of you.
Steph: Aw!
Cass: Yes.
Duke: Of course?
Tim: It's December? I checked the calendar yesterday and it said November.
Damian: *tsk* of course, Grayson.
Barbara: Technically I don't need to get you anything.
Alfred: So who all is coming?
Bruce, sighing: Everyone.
Also Bruce, muttering: Again, for the hundredth damn time...
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suzukiblu · 8 months
excerpt from the one where omega!Jason gets knocked up and accidentally goes home about it:
if you never see me again, it was possibly tim but probably damian who did me in, he types out resignedly. in which case, either fair or fair play
ok but what if it was dick tho?? Roy asks. 
then i want you to burn down this whole fucking city in my fucking name, Jason says. 
it would be our honor, loveliest, Kori says hopefully not too sincerely. 
Then again, "burned down by a sexy alien on a vengeance bender" is a lot better of an end than Gotham really deserves at this point. And anyway, Jason's not gonna tell Kori how to live her life. 
He puts his burner away and looks up at the manor. The lights are on, obviously. It's getting dark, so why wouldn't they be? 
He still really wants that stupid cookie. 
Jason sighs again, then gets off his bike. He'll just go up and knock, and if no one's too busy to answer then he'll just . . . go in for a little while. That's all. 
Technically he has a key, but he's never fucking used it and he's never fucking going to, outside of a possible life or death emergency. 
This isn't his home. Not anymore. 
So yeah. He's not gonna use that key. 
Jason walks up to the door. 
It smells like Bruce has touched it. Not especially recently–not any more recently than this morning, at least–but still. It smells like Bruce has touched it. 
Which it obviously would. It always does. Bruce is the pack alpha, after all. He scents this door all the damn time. It's always smelled like him. This stupid fucking door has smelled like it belongs to Bruce for a lot longer than Jason ever got to. 
It smells like Alfred has touched it too. And Dick, and Damian, and Duke, and . . . 
Fuck, he can even smell Selina on it. 
No trace of himself, though. 
He hasn't been in Gotham, Jason reminds himself. He hasn't been in Gotham and he doesn't belong in the manor anyway and this isn't his home anymore. 
So it shouldn't hurt, that this stupid fucking door doesn't smell like him. 
It really shouldn't. 
It shouldn't, but . . . but he still feels off, kind of, and he just . . . he isn't really . . . 
He feels off.  
Really, really off. 
The door is really bothering him. And he really wants a cookie. And . . . and something . . . 
Something's wrong. He's forgetting something. 
Is he forgetting something? 
Jason frowns to himself and pulls out his burner again. Checks the notes app. Checks his calendar. Checks his . . . 
Jason stares at his apps. 
Stares at his cycle tracker, which he hasn't opened all month. 
Or all of last month. 
Stress heat, he reminds himself. Stress heats throw off people's cycles all the time. And he's never been all that regular anyway, really, especially since dying and getting dumped in the pit. 
Except he's been being an absolute fucking emotional lunatic for weeks now and he already misses Roy and Kori after three lousy days and he came to the fucking manor without even fucking meaning to and . . . 
Jason, very calmly, unlocks the front door with the key he's never once used. Then he bolts into the manor and beelines for the second-nearest bathroom, because Bruce is always over-prepared and that's the one where they always used to keep the pads and tampons and birth control and fucking pregnancy tests. 
And still is, apparently. 
Jason finds a test. He takes the test. 
He sits down to wait for the test. 
He doesn't think a single damn thing, because it'd be pointless. He doesn't have all the information. No point in catastrophizing when he doesn't even know anything yet. 
So he doesn't think. 
The timer on Jason's phone flashes. He looks at the test. 
It's positive. 
And if it's accurate, then doing the math, "bred" has got to be bleeding into his scent by now. Which Roy and Kori were probably already subconsciously noticing at least a week ago, so no fucking wonder they've been talking about their fucking feelings in the middle of fucking kill floors and saying they want to fucking mate him and won't stop sexting and fussing over him. 
He's pregnant. He's pregnant and he probably fucking smells pregnant and he's in the fucking manor like this. 
He really is the stupidest motherfucker alive or dead. 
. . . and he's pregnant. 
Jason snaps the test in half and buries it in the bathroom trash and just . . . thinks. Or tries to think, at least. He's pregnant, and he was stupid enough to let himself come to the manor like he's actually a part of this pack–like he's a fucking traditionalist or a romantic coming home to present his pack with his pups and nest up with them all safe and protected until he whelps. Like this pack would even want his pups, much less to put up with him and all his bullshit for that long. 
God, he's such an idiot. 
He should've fucking known. He should've just gone to the opposite side of the goddamn planet and denned down there and blocked Roy and Kori's numbers and deleted all the Bats' and broken his phone for good measure. He should've paid more attention to taking his birth control on time while he was on the road and not begged Roy and Kori to knot him raw for his heat no matter how good it'd felt. He should've . . . he should've . . . 
He should've . . . 
Jason paces from one end of the bathroom to the other. He paces back the other way. He thinks about panic-texting Roy and Kori for advice or sneaking out to get an abortion before anyone can find out he's bred or never telling anyone this happened ever or running away to Talia or having a fucking anxiety attack on the fucking bathroom floor. 
He thinks, very briefly, about going and presenting the pack with his pups. 
Like he's an absolute fucking moron or something. 
But he thinks about it, and once he's thought about it . . . once he's considered it . . . 
Jason twists his hands together. Jason paces the bathroom. Jason grits his teeth. 
Jason thinks about presenting the pack with his pups. 
Presenting the Wayne pack with his pups. 
Not the Bat pack. 
His hands fist against his sides.
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