#Tiggs Leo
Dex, shaking his head: There’s a sucker born every minute
Tiggs: Yeah, and they all come to fuckin' Coruscant
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clonewarsarchives · 3 years
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Volpai bartender Tiggs Leo in 2.22 Lethal Trackdown
character design by Randy Bantog
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Star Wars Alien Species - Volpai
A Volpai bartender known as Tiggs Leo was the owner and operator of Moshi Bar, a tavern located in the Coruscant Underworld. Tryphon Leo was a smuggler who once owned the Smuggler's Guide and died attempting to locate one of Maz Kanata's treasure vaults.
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Volpai were a tall and lanky species, with four arms and eyes apiece. They could have orange or blue skin.
Examples of Names: Tiggs Leo, Tryphon Leo.
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Well-attended TS Eliot event on May 14th
Despite the combination of Mother’s Day and the soccer final in Rotterdam, and although it was raining cats and dogs towards 15.00, people flocked in to our TS Eliot event last sunday!
TS Eliot
Leiden poet Leo van Zanen (leovanzanen.nl), familiar to many of our loyal customers, gave a fascinating lecture on the (American-born) British poet TS Eliot. To celebrate the centennial of Eliot's first major publication: Prufrock and other observations, Van Zanen focused on The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, the major poem in this book of verse. Showing both Eliot’s humorous and serious sides, Van Zanen also entertained his enraptured audience with many interesting details on Eliot’s work, such as the fact that Broadway blockbuster famous Cats was based on Eliot’s book Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats.
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
The spellbound audience listened breathlessly to the renderings (in English and Dutch) of the poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock following Van Zanen’s lecture, and an animated discussion on Prufrock, Eliot and poetry in general brought this interesting afternoon to its close. Yet another of our special events!
Save the date:
Our next event is on September 24th:
Lecture on Jane Austen by Wim Tigges
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Event November 24th, 2019 16:00h: Light Verse
Op zondag 24 november organiseert de Mayflower Bookshop een lezing over light verse en plezierdichten. Gastsprekers Dr. Wim Tigges en drs. Leo van Zanen geven een gecombineerde lezing over light verse, ook wel plezierdichten genoemd.
Tigges, oud-docent van de sectie Literary Studies van de Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen (Universiteit Leiden), vertelt over de overeenkomsten en verschillen tussen light verse en nonsenspoëzie. Hij illustreert dit aan de hand van limericks en nonsensalfabetten van de Britse nonsens dichter Edward Lear (1912 – 1888) en van zijn Amerikaanse confrater Edward Gorey (1925 – 2000). Daarna bespreekt Van Zanen, dichter en podiumkunstenaar,  de ontstaansgeschiedenis van enkele versvormen en hun plaats in de Nederlandse poëzie aan de hand van diverse anekdotes en voorbeelden.
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tcw-screenshots · 11 years
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