#Tiger's Chains
fishyfishyfishtimes · 6 months
Woah mama! I appreciate the traction of the first shark poll, so here is another for so many beloved friends who did not fit the first one! Shark fans,
I truly did have many of the species listed here in mind with the previous poll, I just did not have the space and had to prioritise some sharks I knew were longtime favourites! But worry not… no more! SHARK FANS COME GET YOUR JUICE!!!!
What shall I do with the info in the two polls? I dunno. Maybe make another poll with even more sharks? Maybe combine the winners and make them fight to the death? Who knows! Let’s see.
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defensivegayzing · 6 months
i'd love to see your take on indra tbh!
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definitely one of the operators I always wanted she looks so cool
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kitamars · 2 years
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in which i take the aa-tnb pipeline and shove it into the hadron collider
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tabletopresources · 3 months
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Check out Tabletop Gaming Resources for more art, tips, and tools for your game!
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goferwashere · 3 months
It’s a bit long so I added a cut 😭 I spent the past three days on this
Please just assume that just about every monster on this list comes with super strength unless stated otherwise.
Glass Joe:
Human - Monster Hunter/Boxer
- Wants to retire, but knows that without him some of the more unruly and dangerous monsters would dominate the circuit.
- Not everybody knows that *he’s* the infamous monster killer within the WBVA. Some do, but he doesn’t want it to be common knowledge. He needs the edge of “Poor, weak Glass Joe” to get the jump on his opponents.
- He doesn’t kill often, only if things get extremely out of hand. He’s basically the only thing keeping the humans and monsters from starting a full out war in the WVBA.
- Despite his job, He’s friends with a couple of the other boxers. Some knowing that they were monsters, some that he assumed were human and were actually monsters, and some that were just human.
- He doesn’t have anything against monsters, only those who try to take advantage of their power.
- He still trains and goes into the ring, trying to enjoy himself. To be fair, he does still enjoy boxing despite everything else he’s doing. Even if his record does stand at 1-99.
- On that note, his one win wasn’t an accident. He fully intended to win that fight, lacing Nick Bruisers gloves with Garlic so he’d be fighting with his hands essentially on fire.
- Even though he’s got a serious job, he far from a serious guy most of the time. He’s friendly with just about everybody, and tries to be civil with the people who treat him like shit.
- He’s also still clumsy. Almost died a few times as a result.
Von Kaiser:
Vampire - Boxer
- Being turned during his military service, he’s gotten good at hiding the obvious signs. He covers his bite mark and eye bags, and excessively dyes his skin using turmeric. (It fades fast though, leaving his skin looking a healthy colour.)
- Claims he has a garlic allergy, which makes him sad because he quite enjoyed garlic before turning.
- Enjoys the perks of being a vampire, but just can’t seem to keep up with the amount of blood his body demands. So he often twitches and looses focus, being sluggish and tired quite often.
- He enjoys the chase when tracking down his prey. It makes him feel powerful.
- Is 100% on the monster’s side. He believes that they’re superior, and will often be snarky with the human boxers (even if they’re ranked higher than him).
Disco Kid
Human (Possessed by Kid Quick) - Dancer/Boxer
- Disco is being possessed by the ghost of a boxer that was killed during one of his matches (yes that’s his unfinished business)
- Whenever he’s doing anything involving boxing, that’s Quick’s doing, but personality wise that’s always been Disco
- Disco is surprisingly chill with it, always wanting to try boxing but never having patience to train (so Quick does it for him lol)
- His personality leaks into Quicks movements and taunts, since despite liking boxing he’s got ‘no flair’ (As Disco puts it)
- Doesn’t have any super strength, but if they work together they can pull of some nasty combos, with Quick grabbing them and pushing them into Disco’s attacks (Disco isn’t a huge fan of that though, so it’s only really a last resort.)
- He’s honestly nervous when he finds out about the monsters in the WVBA. Quick assures him that they’ll be fine as long as they keep their heads down.
-…Which of course, Disco would never do. So when he gets mixed up in the drama he doesn’t really have anyone to blame but himself.
- He knows that he should *technically* count as a monster, but him and Quick are in support of the humans.
King Hippo
Tulpa - Boxer
- He was created by a little boy who loved boxing, and created him. Giving him a backstory and a cool design. He thought about him so much that he just. Spawned one day.
- The only thing on his mind was boxing, so that’s what he did. He has no idea that he was just a figment of some random kid’s imagination, but I doubt he’d care (or believe it) if he was told. His only goal is to box.
- Not really involved in any of the WVBA human/monster drama. He’s rather quiet outside of the ring.
- Nobody is really clear what he is, but everyone has mutually agreed that he’s not human. No way.
Piston Hondo
Human - Boxer
- Everyone who knows him has a lot of respect for Hondo. He fights fair, and his technique was able to beat actual superhumans (granted, some of those wins may have circumstantial).
- Some of the other boxers are really confused as to how he can keep his ranking, and make speculations as to how he does it, but no one can come up with a solid theory.
- Unless he’s exposed to be a dirty trickster like Ryan, or doped up like Soda, everyone just has to respect the insane effort he puts in.
- Hondo is oblivious to the fact that the WVBA is infested with monsters, and has always thought that international boxing would naturally have more difficult opponents. Nobody knows what would happen if he found out, but nobody wants him give up if he did. Just about everyone (regardless about what side they’re on) will band together to keep Hondo in the dark.
Bear Hugger
Werewolf - Boxer
- He’s more or less happy with being a werewolf. Obviously he’s mad when he has to lock himself up during the full moon, but otherwise he’s chill.
- Essentially a Disney princess with how well he gets along with wildlife. Like. It’s actually insane.
- Thought he’d do well in boxing, so quite literally trained with bears before going to NY. He thinks it’s noisy and polluted, but stays to hopefully bring down the champion and take the belt home to show his friends.
- Cheers on everyone, regardless of what they are. He doesn’t really care about the fate of the WVBA and is just there for a good time.
Great Tiger
Human - Informant/Boxer
- A skilled magic user. He’s been learning since he was a little kid, and the jewel on his turban gives him a good chunk of extra power.
- Uses his tricks to get intel and feed it to Joe.
- He *LOVES* to stir the pot. He knows that he’s safe, and may even stick out his neck for Joe, but will never do anything that’ll put himself in harms way.
- In the same vein he’s always listening to drama. He will gossip like a high schooler, and he knows everything about everyone. He loves being cheeky and keeping other boxers in the dark about what he knows.
- Literally the personification of “🎶I know something that you don’t know~🎵”
- He’s basically on an even playing field, so has no trouble keeping his place in the major league. Honestly, he’s more in it to see how this drama will play out, and who’ll come out on top.
Don Flamenco:
Siren - Matador/Boxer
- He very much using his ability to charm people all the time.
- This includes getting the ref to give him decision wins (even if he doesn’t deserve it), and always to leave a good first impression on just about everyone he meets.
- Yes, sometimes it’s also to pick up ladies (and men? Sometimes? Depends on his mood…) but will never go too far with it.
NOTE: While I think it would be totally in character for him to sleep with them, I don’t want that for him since that’s not consensual. so let’s say that despite seeing humans as lesser he doesn’t want to cross that line. (For his *own* sake of course. The last thing he would do is use tricks to woo “lesser creatures” to bed with him.)
- He’ll whisper under his breath after taunting, convincing the opponent to throw the match. But he’s not great at it, and will sometimes encounter someone who doesn’t have great hearing. He usually loses those matches.
- Wants an all-monster WVBA. He can manipulate just about anybody, and generally sees humans as lesser (Unless they’ve proven to him otherwise, like Joe and Hondo) so he wants them out.
- He’s very charming and friendly, but if you get on his bad side he is NASTY. Like ruin all your relationships and steal yo girl/man nasty. (He keeps all that under wraps though, he can’t have his image be tarnished.)
Aran Ryan:
Human - Boxer
- To everyone’s surprise, he’s actually human. But for all the craziness he projects out in the ring, he’s a smart guy.
- He taunts boxers by trying to get them to hit him because he knows that one wrong move and they’d expose themselves. If they hit him too hard (he figures that one punch would be enough to kill him with their strength) he might die but knows that it’ll be hell to pay for their opponent as well.
- Same with the headbutts, it throws them off their rhythm because they need to react, even if they didn’t feel it.
- That’s why he cheats, because he knows that without it he’d stand no chance.
- But still, you can’t be asking people you know could kill you easily to hit you and be mentally stable. He’s still eccentric about making it as a boxer, this is just an extra challenge to him.
- Has a disdain for monsters, and will do just about anything he can to gain in upper hand in those fights. That flail has gotten him out of a few sticky situations.
Soda Popinski:
Human - Boxer
- He can only compete fairly (at world circuit level at least) because he’s doped up to hell and back.
- Way into the idea of the ‘indomitable human spirit’. He truly believes that human ingenuity can overcome any challenge, and this is no exception.
- He 100% wants to get monsters out of the WVBA. But because he knows that he’s already got a big enough target on his back for cheating he can’t make a big fuss publicly.
Bald Bull:
Minotaur - Boxer
- Nobody’s really sure where he came from, but some people have seen him in his Minotaur form and that’s been enough for the others to accept them onto their side.
- He’s close with a lot of the other monsters, and follows along with their plan to have monsters take over the WVBA circuits. He only does so for them, he doesn’t have a personal agenda.
- This is the first place he’s really felt accepted, so will do what his friends ask of him even if he isn’t entirely on board with it.
- That said, he does belittle the human competitors quite often. To their face and while they aren’t present.
Super Macho Man:
Dragon - Supermodel/Bodybuilder/Boxer
- Got tired of living in a cave, and made it to LA to see what had become of humanity.
- By god, he loved it. He’d chosen a particularly handsome form (even though he didn’t know it at the time) and loved the attention he got from the ladies. He quickly picked up on our customs and had plenty of gold to sell (after years of hoarding it up in a mountain somewhere, he figured that now was the time to use it).
- Always wears enchanted golden jewellery, because the last thing he wants is for his facade to slip. He doesn’t need all of it, but to him it’s a necessary precaution.
- He can breathe fire. He does it often as a party trick, and has even figured out how to change its colour.
- His skin is also very hot to the touch. You’d think he was always just finishing with an intense workout.
Mr. Sandman:
??? - Boxer
- Nobody knows, and nobody is brave enough to ask. He seems to beat monsters with relative ease, so everyone assumes he must be one as well, but nobody can figure him out.
- Everyone wants to keep him out of what’s happening, because he’s a loose canon. Nobody knows who’s side he belongs to and nobody wants to find out they’re his enemy.
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foggyboxxy · 10 months
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sketch of our crown prince Kiriona Gaia heir to the whatever
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in-tua-deep · 2 months
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Drew representations of the three unchained sun gods from my dream about the golden peacock trickster! Erythristic animals are so excellent
It was nice to draw again after such a long break ♥️
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whumpetywhump · 10 months
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The Romance Of Tiger And Rose - Ep. 18
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scuddish · 2 years
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EAMON FARREN as ALEX LINGUA FRANCA 2019 | dir. Isabel Sandoval
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desertdruidcrafts · 6 months
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My party is in the Shadowfell in my home game, so you all get a variety of creatures and residents of the plane of shadows. Including Zon-Kuthon and some kytons, a baku, death's heads, and more creepy monsters for gothic horror and spooky fun.
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kumatajdg · 4 months
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Commission for "Shmineh" of Tigress from Kung Fu Panda stuck in ancient stocks! And an alternate variant in her Kung Fu Panda 3 outfit.
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saeflin-art · 3 months
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New key chains arrived today and I love how they turned out :D don't have an online store yet but I'll have them at all events this year (Overload & Auckland Armageddon)
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yoshiyoshitaniart · 10 months
Tiger Wallet Kickstarter
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Stretch Goal unlocked! This cute little guy is available on the Tiger Jacket Kickstarter! I love his toe beans the most
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mineral-vulture · 10 months
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Some time ago I bought this pair of brass bat wing pendants and got an idea of making these semi matching necklaces. I say semi since there is a subtle difference of what beads I used when making them.
The wing necklace on the left is made with small faceted stone beads (probably some type of agate), small round brecciated jasper beads, and agate (it is either spider web agate or birds eye agate) beads.
The wing necklace on the right is made with small faceted stone beads and agate beads like the left bat wing necklace except I used red tigers eye for this necklace.
If you are interested in these halloween themed necklaces you can purchase them on my storenvy here
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This is so niche, but I just watched Water for Elephants and I can’t stop thinking about a thenamesh circus au! So here’s my prompt: Thena is the star of the show, married to the cruel ringmaster who thinks he owns her. Then lo and behold, a certain sweet handsome and strong stable hand shows up and OBVIOUSLY they fall in love!!! Do whatever you’d like to with that LOL but let the drama and angst ensue
"Thanks for the help, Gil," two of the stage hands waved to him as they continued breaking down the ring and its rigging.
"Any time, guys," Gil waved back. He was the newest addition to the crew of the travelling circus. He really got the impression that the ring leader didn't actually want to hire him, but that it was his wife - the star headliner - who actually wanted to.
The animals needed proper veterinary care, not just Kro looking at them and saying that they could do the show until they died. No one really argued with the boss, except Thena.
No one knew how the stunning trapeze artist ended up marrying such a monster of a man. His story was that they met young and fell in love and he whisked her away to pursue their dreams together. It didn't take a genius to know that it was clearly only half of the story. But she was his wife, and the shining star of their travelling circus. So what Thena said was top priority.
Gil had spoken with her a few times while taking care of the animals. She cared for them very deeply, which warmed his heart. Especially in comparison to how Kro viewed them as nothing but walking dollar signs.
"We can get a few more shows out of it!"
"He has a bad leg!"
"Y'know when it can rest? When it's dead!"
Gil frowned, moving away from the walkway back to his personal train car and off to the side of things. It was dark out, with only the glow of their work lamps lighting things. But he could see that head of sparkling blonde hair anywhere.
"Move," Kro snarled, whether she was his wife or not. The white horse was cowering behind her.
"No," she stood against him, although he had no problem grabbing her for it. She leaned her face away from his. His hands gripped her arms, easily encircling her lithe and delicate muscles. "Stop it."
"Are you choosing a horse over me," he kept his eyes on her as he leaned into her space, "dearest?"
Thena was tough--she never had any problem with Kro's temper whenever he had a fit during rehearsal or when they were setting up. But it would be a lie to say she didn't have a certain shiver in her when he called her that. "No."
Gil only realised he had said anything when the arguing couple turned towards him. He gripped his satchel in his hand but walked closer. He told himself to stay the course as Kro at least let go of Thena and stepped away from her.
"You say something?" the ring leader glared at him. Gil was not a small man, but this beast was something else. Gil often caught himself wondering if he ever ended up accidentally hurting his incredibly delicate - incredibly beautiful - wife.
"S-Sorry," Gil cleared his throat, dipping his head slightly to look up at him more. The ring leader liked flattery and feeling like he was the king of them all. "I just...I saw Angus and wondered if you needed a hand with anything."
"Mind your own, Vet," Kro snapped at him, straightening out his red performing jacket.
"No, Gil, wait!" Thena rushed, reaching out and pulling him towards her and the horse. "Angus' leg--it will heal, won't it?"
Her eyes were so, so green.
"The beast is gettin' sold to the factories by the third stop this week," Kro argued immediately.
"Gil, please," Thena pleaded again, although Kro's eyes moved to how her hands had moved to grip his sleeve. She pulled them back to herself, still standing in front of the quivering horse.
"Uh," he gulped. Horse's were fragile in the legs, and he couldn't guarantee the healing would happen quickly. But he looked from Thena to Kro, who looked ready to aim between poor Angus' eyes here and now. Gil nodded, "y-yeah. Angus is pretty young. With what it would cost to get a new horse and teach it the routine, you might as well just let Angus rest for the next two shows, three--tops!"
Kro huffed, already plenty angered just for having to argue about it. He straightened up to his full height again, looking down at Gil, "three shows?"
Gil crossed his fingers behind his back, "three shows."
"Fine, the beast lives."
Thena reached behind her, patting Angus' mane between his ears.
"But if it's any more than that," Kro glared at Gil in particular, leaning his head closer as he began walking away, "you'll put him down yourself."
"Yes, sir," Gil nodded. He could do that much; if anything, it would be kinder than however Kro would do it, he was sure.
Kro looked over his shoulder after a second, eyeing Thena. "I'll be waiting...dearest."
There was that shiver, "yes, dear."
Gil waited until Kro was moving away again to go over to her, "are you okay?"
She rubbed her hands over her bare arms, still in her sparkly - and sparse - performing costume. "I'm fine."
Gil had his doubts about that, but there wasn't much of anything he could actually do about it. He nodded, moving to take Angus' bridle in hand gently. "Does...he wasn't hurting you, was he?--when I came out here?"
Thena smiled at him, although there was something awfully morose about it. It looked like a smile, but it felt like she was crying. "No, Gil. He wasn't hurting me."
Gil gripped the leather straps tighter. Whether he believed that or not, if there ever came a day when he could no longer take the words at face value...
Thena took a step forward, making him even more aware of how ghostly she was. She was such a shining star when she was up on the high wires. But she was just a little thing, up close and personal. "Don't let him catch you worrying about me. He'll throw you from the train without hesitation."
Gil believed that too. But he also believed that if he ever saw that beast being too rough with her, he wouldn't be holding himself responsible for his actions. "I'll be sure to hide it from him, Miss."
Thena smiled, maybe even laughed to herself, and his heart twisted even more in his chest. She had such a pretty smile. "Take care of Angus for me, Gilgamesh? He'll need his rest for the next few days."
"'Course, Miss," Gil responded automatically, although he didn't take a single breath as Thena's hand just barely brushed over his as she stepped away and made her way back to the luxury sleeper car she and the ring leader shared.
She and her husband.
Gil turned to the horse, who was exhausted after just barely completing the show on an injured leg. "C'mon, boy, let's get you some calcium and a brace. Miss Thena's counting on you."
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lazybakerart · 10 months
Before I started TRG and saw your gemcham art, I was like "Classic Lazybakerart, very cool outfit concepts, hope the ones in the show aren't boring!"
But that's- they just dress like that! Keefe literally wears a collar with a lock! Kelvin has jeans with chains on the knees! That's just them. Incredible. You definitely improved the outfits by adding rainbows and cutouts though 🩷
AWWW, why thank you~~~
the outfits on this show are so A+++ for every single character, though keefe and kelvin's wardrobe are so particularly bonkers (and have hit me harder than anything else). shout out to tony cavalero who apparently insists on showing the most amount of skin in every scene possible and giving us the slutty subby keefe we know and love~~*~**~*~*~
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