#They Are Doing Magician Stuff. Badly.
rontra · 9 months
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night shift (+ variant)
playing around w stipple beast
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followerofmercy · 15 days
I think Freminet has some of the most interesting dissonance in his self perception of any Genshin character.
Like, of the Hearthlings we know, he's one of the most emotionally mature and intelligent. Lynette might still have him beat, but after playing her hangout... I dunno. I think they're tied. Lyney is Crumbling, Alrecchino is. Well. Arlecchino. Everyone else is a deeply traumatized child or adult and Freminet seems to pretty regularly be people's emotional support. His character stories talk about getting his vision by saving a bunch of other kids on a dive that went bad. The Selkie event literally had him being a therapist for a grownass woman, citing his past experiences with all the other Hearthlings that have died or killed themselves. And he handled that situation WELL. Yeah, he seems to live in a fantasy, but goddamn he's alive and a lot of people in his position aren't so clearly something is working.
Either his or Lyney's character story talks about the time Freminet had reached out to Lyney to try to ease his burdens, which resulted in Lyney blowing up at him. That probably contributed to Freminet thinking he's not good at it, but I think the reason Lyney reacted so badly was BECAUSE Freminet is actually a good support. He can't allow himself that from the little brother he's supposed to protect.
Freminet seems to both cry and dissociate often, but like... Kiddo you are in fact the only person in this family actually processing your emotions. Lynette dissociates 24/7. Arlecchino. Lyney lies and tells everyone he's fine and would literally rather die than admit otherwise. In comparison, Freminet is doing FANTASTIC
Freminet also gets a lot out of helping people! Like anyone, he needs to feel useful and needed. He seems to be an excellent mentor to the younger Hearthlings and perfectly competent on his own, but when you put him in a room with Lyney and Lynette who baby him and insist that THEY take care of HIM, he withdraws into himself.
Like, Freminet by himself feels like a young man and Freminet with the magician twins feels like a teenager. I have no idea how old he actually is. Logically, he would be OLDER than them! He's been with the House much, much longer and his experience shows. I think it's fascinating that they love him SO MUCH and yet, they just Cannot let him help them. Which is hurting him.
(Lynette is much better about not babying him and that is probably why their relationship is so much better than Freminet and Lyney's. Also why she keeps having to mediate between them. Because Lyney charges off trying to Fix Everything and that just makes Freminet feel useless and he doesn't want to get in the way and- you get the point)
Idk. It's hard to tell what things the previous director said to him vs what Arlecchino has said to him. I'm inclined to think our Arlecchino was the one that said he cries too much, but in a "crying in front of your enemies will get you killed" way and she herself is too fucked up to realize how "you cry too much" could be damaging.
Also I try not to consider gameplay stuff when it comes to story, but Freminet also has some of the most BRUTAL animations. He SMASHES HIS EMOTIONAL SUPPORT METAL PENGUIN INTO HIS ENEMY'S FACE. He doesn't think he's the most amazing fighter, and by Fatui standards he probably isn't, but he is winning fights against most grown men.
Tldr Freminet thinks he cries too much and is a burden and isn't good at helping people when he's actually the most mentally stable Hearthling send tweet
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Petition for a story about someone with magical powers who hides them very badly. They’re constantly pulling whatever is needed out of thin air and suddenly appearing behind people when they shouldn’t be and their friends know they have magic powers but they always have a half-arsed “Nooo I’m just really organised” or “you just didn’t see me pick that up” excuse and their friends mostly politely pretend to believe them until they do the next Obvious Magic Thing.
Except they legitimately do not have magic powers and are 100% serious. They’re just really overorganised and have the right thing and have a whole bunch of hidden pockets int heir clothes because they like to carry a lot of stuff. They were a professional magician for many years and tend to automatically palm objects and tend to automatically move very quickly and silently. They know their friends don’t believe their (completely accurate) explanations but are tired of breaking things down step by step and have given up trying to seriously convince them. They just have to accept that whenever a new person is added to the group, somebody’s going to take them aside and be like “this guy doesn’t want anyone to know they’re a magic user so just don’t talk about it in front of them,” and know that there’s nothing they can say about it that won’t make them look more like a badly hiding magic user.
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because this has been on my mind wrapping up the epilogue, here is a little story about how writing fanfiction for very silly sometimes awesome sometimes genuinely terrible SYFY show the magicians changed my life for real.
i started writing help, i’m alive in may 2020. as i have stated many times on this blog, the overarching goal from which this story sprung was my passionate desire to give quentin coldwater each and every last thing he deserved: i wanted to follow him all the way through a downward spiral, and then i wanted to figure out what it would take for him to climb out of the darkness and make it to somewhere he actually wanted to be. the first part of that, the part that became damage control, was some of the easiest writing i’ve ever done, even accounting for the hours spent google mapping the most depressing road trip of all time. the second part was harder, and not just because it wound up being more than four times as long (lmao). it was thornier; there were more threads to weave through; and, frankly, quentin was so fucked up that it took a lot of effort even to outline what it was he needed in order to change. i had written one story already in which the pivot happened entirely internally, an act of self-forgiveness that proved transformational, and i knew that this time i needed to give him more: actual wants, actual actions, an actual life, with actual ties not just to the people already in his circle but to the world beyond. once i had that outline, the first four chapters flowed pretty easily, anchored by the goal of hitting the story’s first big win, which is when quentin finds a way to fix something for the first time since his magic broke; chapter five was where i got stuck.
by that point, it was fall. i had quit my teaching job mid-pandemic with some modest savings, no back-up plan, and a growing realization that after five years in the classroom, teaching was no longer something i could see myself returning to; working obsessively on this story was, among other things, a great way to quiet the constant humming freak-out of what the fuck i was going to do with my life. in october doing some jump squats after sitting in bed all day i threw my back out so badly i couldn’t walk to the bathroom unassisted and paid a hundred dollars to talk to a telehealth doctor for fifteen minutes for some muscle relaxants. the pain sucked, but so did not knowing whether i was going to be better by election day — i’d signed up to be a poll worker, and i really could have used the money.
i’d started dipping my toe in some local volunteer stuff when i quit, but it was during this time that i signed up for the first time for a particular project i was really excited about joining. i did the zoom training with my camera off because my back still hurt too much to sit up; the follow-up involved scanning and emailing some personal documents and signed agreements. i didn’t do it the next day because, whatever, my back fucking hurt; i didn’t do it the day after that because…? and then, well — then i started feeling like i had missed my chance, and it was too late now.
now, here’s the thing: i say feeling like because by this point i had learned enough about the world that i knew — like, knew — that, objectively, taking a few days to send an email (during a pandemic, while i was having previously established health issues) is not considered by most people to be an unforgivable crime. i knew that i should still send the email. and i also had learned enough about myself that i could actually recognize the thing happening in my brain as an example of the kind of overly self-protective mechanisms in which i have many years of practice; i knew by then that i was an absolute expert at finding reasons to not do things that felt like they were based in truth but were really just cleverly disguised manifestations of fear, because if you do things then bad things might happen, but if you don’t do things then nothing bad happens, except that you ruin your own life. i knew all of this!! i could diagnose and analyze exactly how i was once again perpetuating the same anxiety-driven patterns that had governed so much of my life. i was conscious of the workings of my own unconscious. but i still couldn’t bring myself to send the fucking email. instead i was spending 16 hours a day alternately lying in bed and gingerly pacing in my apartment to regain mobility, feeling like shit about the fact that i wasn’t sending the email and also trying fruitlessly to unpack whatever was going on in chapter five.
the election came five days into this mess, and i did feel well enough to go work the polls. this was a great way to experience election 2020, by the way; i had to leave my apartment at like 3:30 in the morning and by the time the returns started coming in i was too delirious to have any emotions about them whatsoever. it was also, not to be a shill for electoral politics, genuinely kind of inspiring: all these people lining up to Do Democracy, the deployment of translators to assist across languages, the columbia undergrad from the neighborhood we were in i was paired with at the info desk who told me he wanted to go into politics and said very seriously, upon hearing i had a friend in the grad school there, “you should tell them to join the union.” plus, you know, the high of doing something, surrounded by other human beings, at a time when that sort of thing had been in short order for the work-from-home crowd for months, and i personally had recently been confined to my bed for several days.
leaving the site that night, entering my twentieth consecutive hour awake, i felt this weird mix of spiritually rejuvenated and psychologically worse. i had just lived through this physical proof of how doing things is both not that scary and kind of awesome, i had spent a day living in alignment with the kind of person i wanted to be, i felt a fresh rush of love for my city and its people — and i still couldn’t imagine sending the fucking email! it was like i was looking at the thing i wanted most through a pane of glass, and the glass was actually really easy to break, so the only thing stopping me was that i was too much of a baby to do it.
and the thought that i had then, i fucking swear, was: i would be such a fucking hypocrite if i wrote quentin coldwater into a happy ending i’m too cowardly to give myself.
which is, first of all: SOOOOOOOO corny, like omg. unbelievably cringe. embarrassing as hell. but it was also my truth at that moment in time. i had no faith in my own ability to change, but i had spent five months and counting thinking about almost nothing else except the story i was writing in which quentin also has no faith in his ability to change but is brave enough to do it anyway, and i really felt like — i could not live with myself putting these ideas out into the world and refusing to integrate them into my own life. i could not write this promise that something better was possible for quentin if i wasn’t even going to try to make it possible for me. i could, apparently, live forever with my constant self-sabotage, but i couldn’t live with myself making this story a lie (this story being, again, fanfiction for a TV show that was, at its best, so great, and also, at its worst, so, SO stupid).
and like… that worked. i emailed the documents the next day; i attended my first monthly zoom meeting that weekend, during which the election was officially called, which felt like a good omen. i summoned the idea that had presented itself to me that night — don’t be a hypocrite! do what you would want quentin to do! — again a while later when my email got lost in the shuffle and i had to send a check-in following up, and again every other time something came up where my fear had to war it out with my desire. (or, well, most other times — it's a work in progress, and yes, i do still find myself calling upon this logic to this day.)
my life now looks more like the happy ending i wrote quentin into than it did almost four years ago, when i started this story, or even three years ago, when i finished it. it looks more like that future than i ever imagined my life could look when i was writing it, and not just because, as i have mentioned before, a few weeks after my election night revelation, i did do as quentin did and befriend a community-minded extrovert who invited me to join a book club. even the fact that the final part of the epilogue has taken me so much longer than expected is a funny case of life imitating art, because while i have had work and illness and travel and general life stress, i have also had many days in the past few months where i was not very productive because i was simply too busy doing something fun — the kind of never-quite-solved balancing act quentin was set to deal with in the epilogue back when i first started kicking it around, well over two years ago at this point, but which was not really applicable to my own life until basically now. and it sounds even to my own ears so, so, so insane to say this, but it’s true: i can trace every aspect of that shift to the fact that i wrote this story, and that writing it fundamentally changed something inside me for the better. (shout-out to the people in the comments who noted that the story was, in a meta sense, my own version of quentin’s coffee maker; i knew you were right, but i don’t think i knew how right until this recent bout of reflection.)
i don't really know that there's a take-away here, because "quit your job and write four hundred thousand words about a weird TV show with a niche audience" is not exactly universally applicable advice. but if i were to try to find one, i think it would be something like: i felt really crazy and kind of embarrassed the entire time i was writing this story, not because i was writing fanfiction, or because it was incredibly horny and wildly self-indulgent, but because it mattered to me so, so deeply. it was one thing to have a fun goofy hobby, even a fun goofy hobby i took semi-seriously and poured a lot of time and effort into, but it was another to actually, like, care, and to care a lot, which i did. but if i hadn't accepted that this story mattered to me, i don't think it could have been as personally transformational as it wound up becoming. the heart wants what it wants, and you're only going to find out what that is if you're willing to listen to whatever rhythm it beats.
i solved chapter five on the way home from the poll site, by the way. i knew there needed to be some problem with quentin’s first semi-successful attempt to mend the coffee maker, but i couldn’t figure out how it tied in thematically with where he was in his life. on the bus it hit me: quentin and the coffee maker were both trying to remain unbreakable. an appealing idea if you’ve been broken, but one more conducive to stagnancy than to growth; you can stay there for a while, but eventually you need to let yourself want more.
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theminecraftbee · 3 months
some smallishsona social links i've thought up:
XIII (DEATH): zombiecleo. i know this is the obvious choice but also i'm not immune to obvious choices. cleo is a "florist" that joe knows. florist is in the world's biggest scare quotes; between the fact they're the one who's willing to give the team weapons and fence stuff they got from the other world, and also the conspicuous full-body burn scars, joel is VERY willing to bet that cleo is not, in fact, a florist. he's not stupid though. he's not about to like, ask if she's in the yakuza or something. because then they would kill him. he is ALREADY unwillingly at constant risk of death by shadow monster, he doesn't need yakuza coming after him, thanks.
cleo's social link starts out about their begrudging willingness to do joe a favor by handing high-schoolers various weaponry, but also their continued attempts to explain that they're making a mistake. (joel KNOWS okay it's not HIS fault there's a demon in his head and his life is full of tarot cards now, give him a break.) however, as the social link continues, it reveals details of cleo's life, the story of how they ended up with those burn scars, and how they can move past the tragedies of their past.
V (HIEROPHANT) xisuma. this one feels a little obvious, went back and forth on whether this should be tfc instead but landed on xisuma. a man joel meets in a tea shop who is very concerned about joel's mental state, considering how joel came to town in the first place. joel thinks this is extremely rude, thanks, especially since if it hadn't been for the fact it was tea, not alcohol, joel would be half-convinced xisuma had been trying to drink his problems away.
the social link focuses on xisuma trying to mentor joel very badly, and also the reveal that part of why xisuma is so concerned for joel is that he wants to make up for his failures to take care of his younger brother. at the end of the social link, xisuma starts to reconcile with his brother and family, and joel maybe reluctantly admits it's nice to have an adult with nothing supernatural going on with them that's somewhat concerned for him. not that he needs supervision or anything, but...
XVI (TOWER): doc. was going through the suggestions people gave me and was surprised to realize just how UBIQUITOUS this was as a suggestion. however, yeah, this fits his character archetype to a t. doc is a disgraced scientist who is willing to give joel his inventions to test; joel's courage social stat needs to be like a 4 before he can even initiate this social link, and joel first finds out about doc from rumors in town about a madman scientist who got someone killed in a lab accident. the inventions provide various perks in battle, though, and frankly by the point in the story joel has high enough courage to start this one his attitude is starting to become "fuck it we ball", so.
doc's social link starts with doc leaning into his terrifying reputation. however, as the social link continues, it becomes clear doc is actually trying to make a working version of his clean fuel generator that couldn't possibly ever cause an explosion like the one he faced again. in the end, it's revealed the original design was sabotaged, and there was nothing doc could have done to prevent the tragedy--except, maybe, be willing to share his plans with others to catch the sabotage, because joel helps doc figure that out.
this social link MAYBE has some thematic relevance. don't worry about it.
I (MAGICIAN): scar. one of joel's earliest social links and teammates, i'm debating if he was one of the people who was teamed with grian before joel arrived. scar himself has a largely magic-based garu persona. he's also the party's early healer, although he later gets supplanted in this role when impulse joins as the actual party healer, and his build is actually more focused on heavy-hitting magic and status effects. (think ann, or reload mitsuru). i think if i go with my current theme for the team's personas (mythological lovers/mythological figures related to love or bonds), i might make his persona majnun?
anyway, he's very VERY scar, a fast-talking, smooth-playing, optimistic kind of guy, who DEFINITELY won't end up having a mid-story breakdown about whether or not he's wanted or needed on the team, absolutely not, no way, it's not like that's the magician's role in a persona game or anything. as a social link i think scar's social link is about him dragging joel into his school black market schemes and the two of them hitting it off during this, but also, a bit, about scar confiding his loneliness and feelings of inadequacy as something more than the comic relief. he's one of the earliest available social links, second only to skizz, and ends up being one of joel's closest links, magical tarot powers be damned.
VII (CHARIOT): skizzleman. joel's earliest social link, who develops a persona thanks to joel having to rescue him from the other world. a cheerful, friendly guy with a slight sense of distance under the surface, skizz works to keep himself strong and the people around him happy, sometimes to the point of excluding his own emotions. he's an agi user, although his persona is largely focused on physical skills rather than magic (he's the team's physical heavy-hitter), and i might make his persona patrolcus? (all of these personas are things you can argue with me, btw.)
skizz's social link is about him trying to find ways to lighten the moods of the other people in joel and skizz's apartment building who were moved in there because they didn't have elsewhere to stay, and his ability to remain cheerful despite often being rejected in this. it's also a social link about digging more into the history that lead to skizz feeling alone enough to be Vanished and in need of rescue. because he's so plot-central in that way, though, his actual SOCIAL LINK is more lighthearted shenanigans about the various schemes skizz comes up with to try to get other people to cheer up, and eventually ends with joel and the others turning it around to give skizz that same cheerful stuff.
anyway these are the guys i've definitively assigned to what social link now i am having SO MUCH FUN with this au,
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ryuichirou · 5 months
I saw your delinquent Deuce art and suddenly thought of this. Do you have any headcanons for the bad boy? I'd love to hear them if yes
Anonymous asked:
how many piercings do you think deuce has? i can imagine when they finally get intimate, ace is surprised by a tongue piercing and nipple piercings
Since our yesterday's post has opened a conversation about delinquent Deuce and you want some thoughts/headcanons, let's talk about it!
To answer the second Anon while we’re at it, I think Deuce used to have his tongue and his ears pierced. The tongue one Deuce did to impress his senpai, and it was exactly that senpai who poked a hole in his tongue. It wasn’t all that professional or sanitary, it happened behind some combini store, so Deuce was super nervous, but senpai did a surprisingly good job so Deuce didn’t even catch any infections. Deuce still remembers the tingles and the adrenalin he felt while trying to stand still while the guy that he respects a lot handled his tongue.
The other guys actually did ask him if he was going to have his nipples pierced, but Deuce got defensive and kinda mad about it and refused. In actuality he was embarrassed and kind of scared that it’d hurt a lot more than his previous piercings… So he didn’t end up doing it. Ace however, when he learned that Deuce used to have piercings (yep he felt it on his tongue), immediately asked if he had anything done with his nipples. He said is as a joke just to tease Deuce, but Deuce looked at him so seriously, in a “who told you?” way.
Deuce also almost got his shoulder blade tattooed; he was anxious about it but wanted to do it quite badly to spite everyone in the world. But then that situation with his mom happened, and Deuce’s attitude towards his own life changed overnight, so he ended up not getting that tattoo. The guys from his gang probably thought that he chickened out.
Delinquent Deuce used to be especially mad at teachers and straight-A students; to him it always felt like they were mad at him for existing and mocking him for being stupid, so he lashed out at them a lot. Sometimes he got so mean and wicked that even his senpais were impressed. This is actually a reason why despite not being the oldest, Deuce kind of had his own minions who respected him: the guy was a legend lol it was very bad. But he did respect his senpais..! They taught him how to drink and smoke!
Yeah, Deuce used to drink and smoke. He didn’t really like it, but he got used to the taste rather quickly. And yes, he did finish other people’s cigs and let others drink his beer. They didn’t mind sharing at all, so Deuce indirectly kissed a lot of guys lol … but he also kissed some of them directly when he got drunk.
I can actually see two routes when it comes to Deuce and all the boykissing stuff that occurred during his wilder years. One way to look at it would be to assume that Deuce, while being aggressive and constantly angry, is still our naïve and oblivious Deuce, who doesn’t necessarily think much about these things, but gets pressured into making out when he gets drunk. He might even get carried away and end up letting the other guys touch him/touching them in return, but it would be the result of Deuce not thinking/being drunk/being kind of taken advantage of. In that case, Deuce might not even consider this something serious these days…
Another way to look at it would assume that Deuce’s sexual awakening occurred during his rebel phase, so he ended up being quite active with the guys he was surrounded by. Of course, he’d still have sloppy drunk makeout sessions, but they would feel more intentional and probably driven by his desire to just piss the world off. Plus, Deuce is very eager to be good at _something_, and this could be that _something_ that Deuce gets praised for doing by his senpais. Both scenarios could work depending on how you look at it I guess lol
To Ace, Deuce’s delinquent years’ stories feel like pulling a never-ending scarf out of the magician’s hat: whenever Ace feels like he has heard all the shocking details, Deuce suddenly blushes and reveals something else. And the shock on Ace’s face makes Deuce even more embarrassed. Ace, however, kind both amazed (wow, another excuse to tease Deuce!), pissed (no way, you’ve done this too?!) and turned on (…).
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hajihiko · 9 months
do you have headcanon godtiers for any of your little guys
You know'nt what you started BOY DO I
Akane: I started with her because I think she eludes a lot of what the classpects do or are. She definitely has a lot of heart, but I don't think she's as toed in with romance and souls/the self as Heart is. She would forego using a strife specibus, as Void players do, but she doesn't really have anything else going on with Void. I settled on.... Page of Mind. Hear me out! Pages start out as particularly unimpressive, but later on absolutely explode with power. Akane is, for the lack of a better way to put it, not exactly big on thinking. She would seem particularly unsuited for her class until you realize she bypasses the actual thinking part usually associated with Mind, and goes straight into core instinct and core knowledge- her danger sense and ability to just. Move on from stuff. A Mind player might be prone to overthinking, but not her! She just sort of knows exactly what's up and flips the whole planning thing on its head. She could also be a destructive class in this, though. Sorry about your booty shorts Akane. Page of Mind, role of the Giver, archetype: Warrior.
Sonia: Also a bit difficult, but I settled on Mage of Life. Mages are an understanding class, and Sonia wanted to understand normal Japanese school life and see it for herself. Mages are also notoriously lacking in their own aspect, or it tends to serve them badly- Sollux being nearly fucking unkillable, lacking in Doom, and Meulin having a history of unfortunate romance and being mind controlled (wasnt hat a thing?), lacking in Heart. Both understand their aspect in others, though. Sonia is a kind and understanding person to others, but barely has a life of her own when she's a princess (this would also work for Heart). As for powers, she definitely seems like a healing type, so that fits too. Life players are also usually rich! Mage of Life, role of the Visionary, archetype: Prophet.
Fuyuhiko: I thought of Blood pretty immediately, both because of what it means (connections) and because, yknow. Yakuza, murder, that stuff. I flip flopped a bit between classes, but I think Prince would work pretty well. Prince is a destructive class, either destroying the aspect or destroying with it, and he could fit both. He kills via his connections (Peko and the Yakuza), but he also destroys his chances at connecting with others by acting angry and aloof, and his connections are what constantly put his life in danger. In the end he destroys his strongest connection with Peko, by refusing to play along with her plan, but that births other connections. Connection and bond rebirth in poofy asshole pants! Prince of Blood, role of the Destroyer, archetype: Royalty.
Kazuichi: REALLY HARD ACTUALLY. I stumbled into Heart for him, which I think is probably fine. But class? I guess I'd go with Heir. I'm not sure about the Becoming Aspect thing, I don't see how that fits, but heirs do have something to do with change. Kazuichi tried really, really hard to change himself (change his soul, aka Heart aspect) to be something he's not, and to change Sonia's obvious lack of interest in him. I'd be open to him being one of the classes where the aspects fuck them up, too. As for powers..... manipulation, basically. But in a fantasy power sense. Heir of Heart, role of the Innovator, archetype: Magician.
You know he's gotta be a Hope player. You know it. He's gotta. Also, he's the Ultimate Ultimate and Ultimate Some Guy, and the protag, so he gets to be a master class. Muse of Hope! The ultimate inspiration for others, through the most passive means (just being himself). Muses are also probably tied to martyrdom, or need to die to fully activate their aspect, and he did pretty much die in the Kamukura programme, for the sake of "hope" aka Hope's Peak Academy's agenda. Hell, his super Sayian mode even sort of fits the colour scheme.
As IZURU, however. He flips into being a Lord. Most active class, absolute command over his aspect (which in this case, also means the Talents, since those were lauded as hope things even though they're sorta the opposite). Destroyed Hajime with his own "birth", therefore sealing the martyrdom part. Muses and Lords both also have to do with conducting, similar to how Hajime controls the trials more or less, and Izuru triggered the game's corruption then sat back and watched. Muse and Lord of Hope, role of the Master, archetype: the Conductor.
Impostor is way too Void coded to be literally anything else
Sorry, Gundham, but you're not a Lord. Could be a Witch though.
Peko is totally a Knight of Blood (ayo karkat moment)
Nagito can be nothing but Light, with his luck, and a Thief takes from others to use for themselves, which is basically what he does. VRISKA KINNIE
I'm a Muse of Life myself! I actually literally got that on a test. I think it's pretty cool hehe
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jessysapphireblue · 7 months
Teach me Luffy x Oc
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Nicknames included are Lu and Je, which you can replace with your own name. Oc is a female plus born magician. This here is a Luffy smut, so anything who is uncomfy with this, just skip. 18+! Also! For the sake of this one shot, she will be having long silky hair. Thank you, enjoy.
Walking across the deck back to your room, you hummed a tune after your refreshing bath with Nami and Robin. The heat was unbearable in the last time for them but since you harbor elemental magic, it doesn´t take a turn on you. Opening your door, you switched the light on, only to be met with a low growl. "WHA!", you jumped up, ready for an enemy, in your hand glow an yellow orb as you scanned your room. "Turn the light off, Je!", your captain growled, sitting on your couch in only his boxers, arms and legs outstretched.
"And what the hell are you doing here? my poor pump, I swear", you relaxed and dismissed the yellow orb. "I take it that you want to sleep here?", you asked him while picking up his discarded clothes and lied them next to him. "mmh...why did you never told me you have a cold room?! We are dieing of the heat and you here are living in a paradise!", your boyfriend pouted at you, making you laugh.
"Well, first, I don´t feel any change, second, I´m a magician, sudden temperature changes go through me, bub" "I also want! The room is so sticky and suffocating", he whined and let his arms drop into his lap, looking at you with the most puppy eyes you ever saw. "Aww, my poor captain" "Yes! Yes I´m poor. I demand to sleep here!", he crossed his arms, drawing another laugh from you. "Ok ok! everything for my captain" "Good!", he shouted, voice dripping in happiness, and watched you move to your desk, storing stuff away in a short cotton dress, barely covering your thights, while your long hair rested naturally over your butt.
"Hey, Je?" "yes?", you turned to your boyfriend, giving him your full attention, which made his heart warm. "I have a question" "Out with it", you leaned back against your desk, legs crossed and waiting for your boyfriend to talk. "Can you eat woman?"
Silence flodded your room as you looked at your boyfriend, blinking. "Why and where-" "Shanks and a few of the crew said that as I overheard them and Sanji also mentioned it a few nights back but I forgot to ask you but now I remember!", he gave you a big innocent grin. "So, can I eat you?"
You felt the heat on your cheeks as he asked it, fully unaware of anything. "Lu, let me ask you. What do you think it means?" "Nibbling on your skin!" Your turned away, hand over your mouth, eyes closed from the innocence of this man. "Je, everything ok?"
"Yes, yes love. Ehm, this is not what this all means", you wanted to keep his innocence so badly. "Then what does it mean?" Turning your head back to him, you breathed out. "Well...how do I say this?" "Or is it uncomfy for you, since your past?", he asked, now looking at you, making you shake your head.
"No...they, never did it" "...Then can I be first?!", he smiled, clearly eager for it, bouncing in your couch. "...how about we kiss first? When you still want to know, I´ll tell you"
There was a moment of silence before his rubber arms pulled you onto his lap, a wide grin on his lips. "I never say no to your kisses! You know it. But this time you kiss me!", he demanded and directly pluckered his lips, making you laugh before cupping his cheeks. "I love you", you whispered before kissing him softly.
His lips moved sloppy against yours before you found a rhythm, slow and no need for rush. Pulling a bit away, your captain whined. "I want more. I command you to kiss me more", he looked serious at you, making you nod, as he pulled a strand of your hair behind your ears, making you move in for one more kiss.
One of Luffys´ arms steadied your butt, pulling you more on his lap, while the other pulled your neck in for a deeper kiss.
Following both of your instincts, your tongue licked his teeth, as he directly opened his mouth, and his tongue went for yours, poking and swirling along it, like an invite to play.
It became heated, your hands moving into his hair, moving through it, hands burried in it, both of you panting, drool slipping down your chins, while Luffys´ hands grabbed your tights and lifted you up, along with himself.
He made a beeline for your bed, dropping your both onto the matress as it bounced, causing to break the little makeout session you both had.
Hovering above you, his eyes were wide blown, panting while looking at you. "Wow", he breathed out, catching his breath, as your chest heaved with every breath you took. "whatever that was, it was amazing!", he admitted, making you smile softly. "Do you want to continue?" "Yes! It feels different but good!", he admitted and sat up, making you move against your headboard, head resting against the pillow, and he came to you.
"Tell me", he demanded. "Give me your hand", you said and he did it. You breathed out, a blush spreading over your cheeks again as you lied his hand on your underwear. "T-This", you closed your eyes tightly, "This is the part to eat a woman out", you nearly jumped over your words but deciaded not to, taking all the courage you had before opening one eye.
Luffy sat there, not taking his eyes off but you could see that his face was the same one when he thought about something. "Ah! You mean your pussy!", he declared with a bright grin, "That is called >pussy eating< Je", he laughed and you were confused. "HOW! How and why do you know what that means?!", you asked him.
"Ah, back at Foosha before Ace set sail, Makino said some stuff. I didn´t paid attention to the words and before I set sail, Makino told me these again. And some of the bandits told me this. This is easier to remember", he laughed at you, and you simply pulled your legs to your body, head resting in between them, feeling so embarrassed that you could vanish.
"You´re funny! Je, so funny" Luffy held his belly as his laughter rang through your room, making you feel even more pouty.
After a few, he finally caught himself, tapping your head, which made you lift your head. "So, can I try you? See how you taste?" You were so ready to punch him with your pillow. "Makino probably also told you not to be reckless with woman in this point" "She did! But I love you. You´re my girlfriend. And I want to know all of you! So?"
You were unsure if you should punch him or kiss him. "You´re an idiot" "I´m your idiot. So?" Looking into your eyes, you saw how serious he was before breathing out. "If you don´t regret it" "You? Never!...so how do I do this?", he asked, unsure of it.
"First, my panties must go away" "Ok!", he beamed and pulled your legs up, causing you to fall back against the pillow, and the end of your little dress fell onto your belly. Luffy swiftly pulled your panties away, leaving your bare core for his eyes to feed.
You felt like you could vanish into an abyss and hid your red face behind your hands. "This is it? It looks like a fruit, like a peach, in color" "L-Luffy, y-you ehm, spread- oh dear", you wanted to explain it to him but you simply couldn´t. The shame washed over your body.
"Spread?", he tilted his head a little before he lay his index and middle finger on your outer lips, then spread it. "Whoa! Like a secret cave!", he stated and that statement made you burst into laughter.
A bright smile came over him as he finally let your legs go, moving up to see your face. "You laughed! Finally" "What do you mean?" "You were so shy! This should be fun for both sides, right? So I want you to laugh and smile", he said before pecking your lips, which made your eyes widen.
With Luffy, it was never pressure. He just wanted to have fun and this was a discovery with you where you should be more than comfortable. Touching his face, you smiled softly at him. "Thank you", you said as he laughed. "So can I now taste you?" "No biting, please", you directly added. "Ok", he grinned and you saw him spreading your legs before he lied on your bed, and you lied on your pillow to give him more room. He smiled at you before spreading your lips again, giving you a quick lick.
A tiny gasp left your lips, as Luffy began to taste you. "Wow", he said. "W-What?" "You taste incredible", he said before literally diving into your core, licking and slurping you, making your legs shake.
In response, your boyfriend stretched his arms around your tights, holding you in place before he continued his actions. His nose was brushing more than often over your clit, making you gasp, your hand moving into his hair to get some grip.
He himself groaned, hands moving around your abdomen before pushing your cloth more up, so that he could reach your breasts, cupping them. Humming in satisfaction, you lifted your hips, a moan slipping past your lips.
This made Luffy perk up, as he replayed this action, drawing another moan from you, your hand tighten around his hair. The free hand, came in contact with the wall your bed rested against, trying to grip something.
His hands that rested on your chest, played to their hearts content. "L-Luffy, I´m so c-close", you breathed out. "Ok", he replied before he latched his lips onto your clit, sucking on it. Your eyes widen, hips moving, moans slipping past your lips, whining and arching when you finally came undone.
Your boyfriend was still lapping you up, as you came down from your high, his hands snapping back to its normal size, making you look as he finally let your pussy go, a string of saliva still visible.
Your hand falling from his hair to your abdomen. "You taste incredible...but now I want more", he breathed out, coming over you, touching your plush skin. "I want to see you fully", he lifted the rest of your sleeping dress over your head, throwing it away careless, still looking at you. "Je, I want to make you mine, fully! is it ok?" "Lu", you were kinda shocked on how he knew this but he simply took your hand kissed your wrist. "I want you to be my one and only. I want to hear your voice more, I want to see you shaking, I want to be the one who make you feel good!", he said so uncompromising that you were speechless.
"Please. You know that I would never hurt you like they did", he whispered, his owl eyes so soft, that it made your heart squeeze. How did you get someone like him? Your mind was a mess with love for him. "I love you", you simply said, eyes so soft and glossy that your captain was shocked, a little blush spreading across his cheeks before he smiled. "I won´t let you down"
"You never did, and never will" "So cute!", he flung on you, making you both laugh before he sat up. Just then you realized he was fully naked. "When did you-" "when I was eating you out, it felt amazing! So?" You simply nodded and Luffy pushed your hair from your face, his thumb gliding across your lips. "You sure?" "Yes", you said and your captain spread your legs a bit more, making himself comfy in between them, lining his dick against your entrance. "Will it fit?", he asked you, "looks so small" "You´ll wonder", you chuckled and grabbed one of his hands before he breathed out and plunged inside you, making both of you moan.
"S-So hot...tight", Luffy groaned out, eyes travel to your shaking form. "Je, you ok?" "Y-You´re bigger than I thought" "oh...shishishi! sorry", he beamed before moving out, and back inside.
He quickly found a rhythm, rocking you, sweat glisten over his skin, dropping onto yours, your moaning, eyes closed, hands trapped on each side of your head by your captains´ bigger ones. "Don´t", he groaned, making your eyes peek open. "W-What?", you breathed out as he pounded you into your mattress. "wanna....eyes...see you", he breathed out through lidded eyes, making you open your eyes fully to him. "Damn. Just my type", leaning down, he let your hands go, just to put them under your knees, bringing you closer and that he could kiss you.
"Not. enough", he pulled away and sat fully up before stretching his arms around you, lifting you also up to sit fully onto his lap, making him smile. "Perfect", he simply said, holding your hips while he continued to pound into you, moans and gasps escaping you, strands of your hair perfectly covering your chest.
"Luffy", his name left your lips, making him shudder, causing him to look at you as you kissed him, sweaty skin mixing, sticking against each other but neither cared.
Movements becoming sloppy, eyebrows furrowed, hands tighten around your hips, making you moan into his ear as he couldn´t held it anymore, releasing.
You shuddered as you also came undone, both of you clinging to each other like you nearly lost each other, Luffys´ head in your neck, licking away your sweat before you parted from the hug, looking at each other. "Sorry", he panted, hair sticking to his face, yours not better. Swollen lips from kissing, you lifted yourself up, making your captain smile. "Looks good"
"Oh, you", you gently slapped his shoulder, making him laugh. "This was amazing, Je" "It was. Thank you", kissing his forehead, followed by his lips, he smiled into it. "Tired", he said before falling back onto the mattress, followed by snoring.
Looking at him, you laughed loudly before kissing his nose. "Thank you, my love"
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So, this was my first Luffy smut, I hope I did him justice this is how I imagined it would go down.
Thanks for reading this endless stuff. Love to all who did it
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argentum-in-aqua · 1 year
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Because I know tumblr likes pictures, and while I definitely want to update this at some point, it absolutely works for now (EDIT: Also the photos are half mine [second one on the top row, all but the hands on the bottom] and half from Unsplash - the update I want to do is to make all of them mine)
ARGENTUM IN AQUA (Blood on the Snow, Silver in the Ashes, Fire in the Sky) All student magician Jonathan Fest wants is to keep his head down and finish out his first year of university without failing his exams too badly. Unfortunately for him, fate and the two secret societies warring in the shadows of the city have other plans.
Enter stage left Archer, a gentleman scholar with a past a good deal more chequered than his present would suggest; Sabbat, a thief and assassin whose loyalty to the few people he counts as friends is as unshakeable as his temper is fiery; and Viola, lady's maid, bodyguard, and surrogate big sister to the only daughter of the most famous family of magicians in Sacaan. Thrown together by a series of unexplained events, the four magicians soon find themselves facing down a cunning adversary and an escalation in the shadow war which could spell disaster not just for them, but for the city as a whole. Penny dreadfuls, it turns out, are a lot less fun when you're in one. Argentum in Aqua is an ongoing LGBTQ+ gaslamp fantasy serial which you can read for free over at my site: saranadosfiction.com
Content warnings: Contains a fairly large amount of swearing and, given several of the cast are vampires, non-trivial amounts of blood/upchucking (though more Gentleman Bastards/Six of Crows levels than First Law), as well as some stuff around addiction, mentioned suicide and self-harm (as a ‘you won’t get the satisfaction if I take control of my own ending’ response), PTSD and mental illness.
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paramaline · 9 months
what made you watching foundation? and what made you keep watching it? i see you reblogging stuff and i’m right on the edge of watching… push me over?
anon i am so tickled by this message thank you. i have to warn you up front that i've got an intense love/hate thing going on with foundation and cannot "recommend" watching it per se…overall i think it's bafflingly badly written & poorly paced for the amount of money apple has spent on it! but it's giving me just enough of what i want that i keep coming back for more, and perhaps…just perhaps…it will do the same for you. and i would certainly love the company!
i started watching it because i grew up on the books that the show is (very loosely) based on, and also because jared harris is the puppet master who cursed my dick, so i'm going to see it through no matter what. i thought the first season was a fucking slog but for what it's worth i'm genuinely starting to enjoy myself about halfway through season 2. i think the show is at its best when it focuses on the bizarre family dynamics that arise from its space opera weirdness...like how the galactic empire is ruled by three differently aged clones of the same guy, plus their android mommy/wife/advisor/bodyguard/servant/captor. or the woman who goes on a quest across time and space to find her family, only to discover that her mother is a troubled nerd who is younger than she is and her grandpa is an angry ghost trapped in a four dimensional polyhedron. or the charming scoundrel magician missionaries who sell gadgets and half-fake religion to rubes on the outer rim of the galaxy. the cringey dialogue and clumsily inserted action sequences are still painful, and i don't think the show has a core sense of what it wants to be ABOUT. but i think foundation is learning how to laugh at itself a little, and how to lean into the compelling oddness of these character combinations, and that's working for me.
how else can i sell it…if you love beautiful sci fi vistas, it's got a lot of those. if you love seeing women of color populate what was originally a very Mid Century White Dude vision of the future, this show delivers. if you love watching jared harris suffer, he sure does that. if you love robots, laura birn gives a bewitchingly strange and compelling performance as an immortal android, and i know the Deep Lore so i can guarantee that her character is only going to get freakier. and if you love male nudity, lee pace is naked, like, ALL the time. that's all i've got. all i can say is that my mind tells me i should advise you to skip it, but my heart wants you to join me 🤖❤️
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rokkenjimaisland · 1 year
Ren's "similar to Umineko" list! (now overhauled)(You're welcome)
Stuff on here reminds me of Umineko for a variety of reasons. If I add to it, I'll just edit this post and add the date I added it to this list. Separated by genre this time.
Under the read-more, with the "why it reminds me of Umineko" blurb after the title rather than a whole plot synopsis like I had done in the previous list
Feel free to rec stuff in tags or in comments etc. if I haven't read/played/watched it it might be hard for me to add it but I'll definitely add it to my own list of things to check out!
VIDEO GAMES The House In Fata Morgana - Visual novel, Unreliable narration, witch haunting an illusory mansion for thousands of years, cycles of abuse and trauma, Gothic setting, romance 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors - Visual novel, "The killer is among us" (lol), murder mystery scoping out paranormal/metaphysical elements and twisting them into its own crazy logic, romance NieR Replicant - It's up to you to find your own happiness whatever that means to you despite the circumstances of the world you're living in or your own birth Alan Wake - Author creates and infers reality around him, horror setting, unreliable narration, creations rallying against their creator Alan Wake 2 - see the above, it's the sequel, except Alan Wake 2 is an actual survival horror. I didn't like Alan Wake 1 much but I'm LOVING 2 so far. The Forgotten City - I haven't played this just saw someone on Twitter say to play it if you like Umineko so I'm trusting their recommendation Pathologic Classic HD - Questions of morality, wishy-washiness on the reality of the fantastical elements of the town's culture, meta universe shenanigans forcing you to contend with "none of this matters, so why do/should I care?" Patho 2 can probably go here too but I am playing that at the moment.
ANIMANGA Naoki Urasawa's Monster - "Why did the culprit do this?" over "Who is the culprit?", murder mystery, cycles of abuse, questions of character identity, the ultimate "victim of circumstances has created the monster" situation Shiki - Sleepy town being annihilated by an unknown threat, humans doing unspeakable things in the name of justice, the question of the antagonist's morality/justice is brought to the forefront and maybe they were right all along...? Princess Tutu - Characters who have been created for a story and are living out a narrative sort of against their will, the narrative as a framing device and also a prison, love love love lots of love, the death of the author and what this means for a tale and the characters within it too--if you can only call them characters I Want To Hold Aono-kun so Badly I Could Die - romantic relationships as a way to combat your personal loneliness, horror and romance and how they intersect...kind of hard to explain this one unless you've finished Umineko but this manga really reads like AU Bato[redacted] to me so far, lots of supernatural elements, learning how to find happiness
TV Succession - Rich people dealing with their abusive and unpredictable father deciding who will be the successor for the family business and dragging everyone else into it, cycles of literally every sort
MOVIES Knives Out (2019) - Rich family called to a house to discuss the ailing patriarch's will only for him to be murdered, murder mystery Haven't seen Glass Onion yet but that too. Decision To Leave (2022) - Confessions of the unspeakable as acts of love, Another time another place maybe it could have worked, I created myself to love you, tragic romance, the sea as a motif representing character worlds Memento (2000) - it's up to the watcher to interpret events as they happen and piece them together, the most unreliable narrator of narrators, just go in blind The Prestige (2006) - Magicians get into a big dick competition and destroy their relationships for the sake of greatness, branches into metaphysical territory for the sake of pursuing magic House (1977) - Group of girls visit an ancient family home, horror setting, love is always enduring for better or for worse, witches, using other bodies to fulfill your own wish
BOOKS The Locked Tomb Quartet - Cites Umineko (and 999!) as an inspiration and Muir is a very very referential reader so it's kind of hard to say stuff without spoiling TLT also so honestly just go read it. Magpie Murders - Murder within a murder And Then There Were None (duh) - Directly inspired Umineko and the murders within Umineko The Last Unicorn - Characters acknowledge they are living in a fairy tale, the unicorn is often called the only 'real' one in the group due to her immortality, dream-like narration and fantastical whimsy, ocean representing character strife House Of Leaves - The metaphysical book of metaphysical books with stories within stories within stories and extremely unconventional formatting, house as a vehicle to tell a horror story IT - Two stories in different times existing side by side to inform the reader how to read it. I never finished reading this either though sorry </3 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead - metafiction play about characters and the absurdity of their existence, repeating stories, tragedy is only a story and the characters within only exist to tell that story regardless of their own individuality Wuthering Heights - toxic romance the novel, idk why I didn't have this here yet. Honestly I'm not super big on this book but it's a classic for a reason. Dread, isolated spaces, fucked up romance, ghosts, etc.
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aoyama-division · 6 months
Karada's Thoughts on Pixel Syndicate
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Anika Kiyozaki
"I think I've seen this woman before. But where? ...Oh yeah! I think she used to be a famous race car driver! Man, I remember watching her zoom in and out of the tracks! And she didn't give a damn about whose vehicle she trashed as long as she hit the checkered line first! I was a fan of her, but... I guess driving like that was bound to end badly. When she got in her accident, I was shocked that she was still alive, though she retired soon after. I kinda stopped watching racing after that...
"I had no idea she was a doctor now, though! That's kind of a huge leap from racing, don't you think? And not to quote Tomi, but... what the heck is a 'hypnotherapist'? Does she put people in a trance or something like a magician? If so, I'll pass. I don't know if that stuff would have any effect on me..."
Shian Meizono
"I remember her! She stumbled into Luis's restaurant one time while she was here in Aoyama and pretty much ordered everything on his menu! I don't know if she finished all that she ordered, but damn, watching her eat made me hungry. And I'd just finished lunch too! She kinda reminded me of that red-haired girl with the hot, dangerous mom from Edogawa...
"Tomi and Lu say she works as some sort of bounty hunter, hunting people that try to run away from court or something. Glad I don't have to deal with her! ...Though, I wouldn't mind getting to know her more..."
Makina Setsukura
"I've heard of her! She uploads videos of herself playing video games onto YouTube! Honestly, it was by chance that I clicked on one of her videos, to be honest. And no offense or anything, but... I get the sense she's not as good as she claims to be. The few videos I've watched, she's made more than a few mistakes. Plus, she's not as good as that 'glasses girl' whose #5 on the Gamer Board or something..."
Pixel Syndicate
"Wow, another Akihabara team? This makes, what, the third team to sponsor that city now? I mean, not that I blame them. Like I said before with the other team, Akihabara is a cool place to hang out at! I wish I had more time to go there, but my work schedule often keeps me here in Aoyama. Still, the few times I do go there, I always make sure to have a good time.
"As far as this team goes, no offense to them, but I don't see them getting past the first round. Plus, I'm kinda rooting for the other Akihabara team, the Otaku Corps! I mean, if you're gonna represent a city as cool as Akihabara, you need to like have some of the culture down. And those other three girls have that jammed pack! So... sorry to this team, but my vote's going for the other guys! ...But hey, if you do manage to beat them, I'll personally apologize to all three of you. But I'm not holding my breathe there!"
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timeskip · 1 month
003 + trucy wright and that hxh dude from ur pfp :3
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you
Trucy Wright:
How I feel about this character: I LOVE HERRRR I love her so much. She's such a silly weirdgirl but she has this underlying tragedy that makes me ACHE. Oh Trucy the girl that you are. The magician that you've become. The masks you put on and the way you still love so strongly despite it...
All the people I ship romantically with this character: None super strongly. Athena and Jinxie, I guess!
My non-romantic favorite pair for this character: PHOENIX AND APOLLO !! Her family!!!!!! I love them!!!!!!!!
My unpopular opinion about this character: Is it unpopular that I think she forged the ace? Not sure if I think it was under Phoenix's instruction or if she did it on her own but I TRULY think she's the one who did this. Her morals are... a little grey. But it's okay because she's silly :3c
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: AA6-2 could've been everything and it frustrates me that it ISN'T. It had a lot of good Trucy moments and I liked seeing her be the defendant, but it didn't dig into the hurt in the Gramarye family at all. I KNOW she has some kind of feelings about following the legacy of a family like that. Her family who left her behind, and her father only leaving her with the Gramarye magic... And there was nothing she could do about it!!! I doubt she understood how bad it was when she was young but after being with Phoenix for years she must have SOME idea... aughhhh I want canon to touch on it so badly. Gramaryes are so interesting.
My OTP: Trucy/Athena, maybe? Still not big on shipping her lol
My OT3: N/A
Gon Freecss (HxH protag!!)
How I feel about this character: He makes me feel so many emotions... He's a sweet, lovely kid who's also horribly reckless and self destructive and it makes me cry a million tears :')
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Killua, and... that's about it! Most other characters are too old for him.
My non-romantic favorite pair for this character: Can't go wrong with the rest of the main characters, of course I love how sweet his relationships with Kurapika and Leorio are :') And also Mito... that's his mom!!!!!
My unpopular opinion about this character: I haven't seen much discussion of this so idk how unpopular it is but. His lowest point as a character wasn't even holding Komugi hostage (which was a reasonable action even if not morally good, knowing that Pitou would kill him as soon as they were able if he hadn't) or saying none of it means anything to Killua (it puts you in Killua's shoes so it hurts the most FOR THE VIEWER but it is not Gon's worst moment) his lowest moment was when he cut Pitou's time limit short not because of anything Pitou did, but because POUF DISOBEYED GON.!! THAT WAS FUCKED UP AND COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY!!!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I seriously don't mind that canon didn't show us Gon apologizing to Killua BECAUSE !! the story is still ongoing and I have a feeling it was written like that so that it's intentionally a loose end to bring us back to the Gon and Killua relationship once the present stuff in the manga is finished, but it's such an obvious blank spot that I'm so curious! What's going on about them now! What does Gon feel about it!!! And I also want to see him get his nen back!!! I want to know how he's going to come back into the story!!!
My OTP: Killugon (feels like stating the obvious)
My OT3: N/A
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aria0fgold · 2 months
AO3 Tag Game!
Thank you for the tag @misty-wisp :D This looks so fun!
How many works do you have on AO3?
12! And it's steadily increasing as I get more (and randomly) ideas to write fics bout >:3c
What's your total AO3 word count?
126,004! Whoooaaa... That's a lot :o Ngl, I barely visit the statistics of my ao3 account so I didn't expect that one.
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
Okay, so... it's 5? I think. On my main ao3 account it's 2 though! OMORI and Mahoyaku! Buuuut! I've written for Persona 5 (with Magic Kaito) but I'm... too shy to put it in my ao3 account so it's just in my tumblr. The other 2 is somewhere else... (I've written a oneshot for Genshin Impact in an old ao3 account that I don't wanna open up again cuz it's so embarrassing for me... I don't even wanna read that oneshot, I'd die of embarrassment. And the other one is Honkai Impact 3rd, I forgot where I put that one but I do know I wrote a oneshot with Bronya and Seele for it).
Top five fics by kudos:
It's all from OMORI!
Once again, from the beginning - I did not really expect this one to have as much kudos as it has now, like, tbf yea it's my most well planned one but it's still so crazy to see the kudos on it-- wai when did it pass that number-- I never really check the kudos but wtf happened here.
The Tune of the New Morning - How did this one get that many kudos too??? This is my very first OMORI fic and ngl, whenever I look at it I get the very strong urge to rewrite everything from the beginning cuz of how badly planned it is. If OAFB is well planned, this one is terribly planned. I literally make things up as I go.
Magician in the Mirror - Is in the top 3!!! Lookit!!! :D The work I'm proudest in cuz this is my 2nd fic and also the one I just went ham on! I wanted it out during anni and it was all a last minute thing but I'm so glad it turned out well despite that!
The Pawn and the Bishops - I didn't expect to see this one here but alas... it is... I quite like this one though! It's the first one I've written with a fairly heavy and gloomy atmosphere and I think I did pretty good on it!
And thus, the snake ate no more - I see you're here too... This one is actually like a mix of my planning between OAFB and TNM in which that it's in the middle of well planned and terribly planned. Think of it as the middle child of my longfics. With OAFB being the spoiled youngest and TNM the unplanned first child.
Do you respond to comments?
YES! As much as I can! I like receiving comments and I like responding to them as best as I can but I also get pretty nervous bout it... so I end up barely responding anyway oh boooooo.
What's the fic with the angstiest ending you've ever written?
I??? Don't think? I have written any with an angsty ending yet? I'm a sucker for hurt/comfort so most of the fics I've written so far always had a happy ending so! Maybe in the future 👀 Maybe.
Do you write crossovers?
Is the Kaito Kuroba from Magic Kaito in Persona 5 now as Akiren and Co.'s friend stuff I've written considered crossover? If so then yes! It's actually pretty fun to write one! :D
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
I don't think so? Pretty happy that I haven't yet, thank goodness!
Do you write smut?
Nope! I don't know if I would though, truth be told I don't have much knowledge with writing smut, I barely read any stories (novel wise) with it as a guideline cuz I... I can't visualize it well enough, my brain is not equipped for it (I try to read smut and spend the next few minutes figuring out the characters' positions. Yall smut writers out there impressive with it cuz honestly how).
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope and thank god for that!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I HAVE!!! AM SO HAPPY BOUT IT!!! :D Someone translated Magician in the Mirror to Chinese and it's so cool!!! I think there's only a Chapter 1 of it but it's so cool and nice and sweet and awwwwww.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Alright, sit down. This is very important. I need you to listen closely, attentively, and carefully... I Love CaiOwe/OweCai. I LOVE CAIN/OWEN!!! OWEN/CAIN!!! CAIN&OWEN I LOOOOOVVVEEE ANYTHING WITH CAIN AND OWEN!!! It's my all-time favourite ship, nothing can compare to Cain and Owen from the hit japanese game, Mahoutsukai no Yakusoku aka Mahoyaku aka mhyk aka Promise of Wizard. They're my most favourite ship I'd go to war for em, I love em so so much, I adore em sooooooo much, I see any fanart of em and my day gets better immediately. They're my lifeblood, my ambrosia, my everything. I love caiowe/owecai with all my heart...
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
Looks at oafb, tnm, and attsanm... I'd like to believe that regardless of how much time had passed, I would be able to finish any of those three though. Hyperfixation gone or not, I wanna finish em!
What are your writing strengths?
I think it'd be monologue? Inner monologue? What do you call that thing where it's just the narrator focusing on the characters' thoughts and feelings and their overall view on the situation??? I think I'm pretty good at that, maybe. And somehow I'm good at accidentally setting things up, I don't know how but I just accidentally do things that connects stuff.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogues... I'm so bad with dialogues most of the time I spend in writing is getting the dialogues right. I'm also really bad at descriptors, I'm bad at describing things so I just try to either describe something as best as I can with the help of searching through the internet or get around that part by just being poetic.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I think it's pretty neat! :o I feel like I've seen fics like that before but can't really remember though I did think it added detail to the story of it!
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Uhhh, I think it waaaaass Honkai Impact 3rd? I think it was the Bronya and Seele fic I've written somewhere that or it was the Genshin Impact fic instead. It was either of those two.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written so far?
Magician in the Mirror!!! It's my favourite I've written so far and the one I'm proudest of! And a lil biased, but the latest favourite one that I've just recently written is Look back, Orpheus which is a fic for caiowe from mhyk! Once again, from the beginning is the 2nd favourite though :3
Thank you again for the tag! Dunno who to tag though but for anyone that sees this, feel free to do it! :D
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aeoki · 1 year
SHINSEKAI - Magicians of ES: Chapter 7
Location: Tohoku Town (SHINSEKAI) Characters: Mika, Shuu & Tsumugi
< A few minutes later. Near the log-out spot in the main street of “SHINSEKAI”. >
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Mika: Ngh~... This is troublin’. Who would’ve thought leavin’ would cost “SSG”?
Shuu: Yeah. I think that sort of rule is unavoidable, though. This must have been the result of the management not wanting the “actors” to simply leave of their own accord.
It was mentioned that there is a possibility everything that happens in this “SHINSEKAI” would be broadcast in the show, after all…
The management must want to gather as much material for their source of funding as they can.
What should we do? The fee required to leave is quite expensive.
It’s not as though we cannot afford it, but for us whose “SSG” is about to hit zero, it’s a painful payment.
Mika: ‘Cause I trusted Onii-chan and left things to you, most of the money we had were gradually lost in the battles with the other units.
Shuu: Well, that’s not the only reason why we don’t have money.
Mika: ………?
Shuu: But even so, I find it difficult to agree with what you’ve said about it all being my fault.
Mika: Uh, no, it is your fault, though, Onii-chan. I had a feelin’ early on that this game wouldn’t be up your alley and figured I should be the one to step forward instead.
The events and battles that trigger in this “SHINSEKAI” are basically like a variety TV show…
So there was a chance that I’d be able to do a better job than Onii-chan.
I’ve got experience doing a lot of different jobs.
Shuu: Indeed. Compared to me, you must be closer to what people would call a typical idol.
But through the numerous trial and error I’ve experienced in this “SHINSEKAI”, I’ve gained an understanding of “idol-like work” other than performing.
I’m confident that I can produce results and win next time.
Mika: Where did that confidence come from…? That’s what someone who’s on the brink of ruin after losin’ gamble after gamble would say…
Shuu: Hmph. If this is a gamble, then this will go nowhere unless I start betting. I think we need to increase our current “SSG” before it hits rock bottom.
Mika: Yeah. I wonder if there’s a mission that’s suitable for us.
Tsumugi: “I come bearing good news for you all!”
Mika: Woah, there he is, the support character Tsumu-chan-senpai!
Shuu: Shoo, shoo! Stay away! Be it the real one or the fake one, I don’t have any good memories of getting involved with you!
Tsumugi: “Say what~? Don’t be so harsh. I have good news for you two, you know?”
“You can take on a very easy mission near this log-out spot. It’s a form of aid for those who want to leave but don’t have the money for it.”
“It would be a crime to keep you in ‘SHINSEKAI’ against your wishes, after all. That’s why this loophole exists.”
“And you two have enough money to take on that mission.”
“You’re in luck. If you had just a little bit more, this help mission would not have been triggered.”
Mika: Really? Not havin’ money is the same as losin’ your head, but good things can come to you 'cause of that, huh.
Tsumugi: “Yes! It’s a godsend, in other words! Don’t miss out on this chance! Trust me and take hold of happiness with your own two hands!”
Shuu: That sounds absolutely suspicious hearing that from you, I can feel tears welling up in my eyes.
Mika: What should we do, Onii-chan? It’s rare for such an attractive opportunity to come by, but this is a game…
Tsumugi: “Yes! It’s okay! It’s not fishy at all! This is not a scam!”
Shuu: You’re not saying that on purpose, are you?
Tsumugi: “Actually! This is a mandatory event~! The main intention behind it is to force people who don’t want to leave ‘SHINSEKAI’ to leave!”
Mika: Ohh~ You hear all sorts of stories of gaming addiction, huh. There are people out there who don’t want to return to their realities since there are gloomy stuff and things they don’t like there.
Tsumugi: “Yes! That’s why you can’t ignore the event and no matter how badly you do in it, you’ll receive enough money to leave!”
“It’ll be worth it for you two!”
“And also! Tadaa ☆”
Mika: Ahh, Oshi-san!? T-Tsumu-chan-senpai, why did you throw Oshi-san into the lake? You’re a murderer…!
Tsumugi: “He’s not dead~ I simply sent him back to reality first! Did you know? The lake in this mansion’s garden is the log-out point between reality and the game!”
“First, I’ll throw your companion into the lake and make him leave by force, then that would give you a reason to go after him! That’s how it works~♪”
Mika: It won’t work unless I’m in a unit, though, right?
Tsumugi: “A different event will trigger for those who enter ‘SHINSEKAI’ alone!”
“‘SHINSEKAI’ is still in the testing stage, so it’s not exactly perfect but a lot of thought has been put into designing it.”
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lordelmelloi2 · 5 months
Hi it’s lexi… 6 and 17
oh my god you guys its Lexitypemoon. Lexi Typemoon you will Always be famous oh my god. Lexi typemoon is in my inbox you guys (HI LEXI 🐛)
#6. Who usually likes to cook most of the food? Or do they always take turns with eachother in that part?
Since Rosesona taught Waver how to do more things in cooking, they take more turns. Waver's already been pretty competent about it, but now they're doing more international cuisines and experimenting around. As for who has more energy to do it: this is variable. Both of them are tired all the time so while they Ideally try to do a new dish every 2 weeks they often fall back on the kind of easy-to-make stuff that isn't difficult to work with. Although slowly they're adapting to that too by doing more meal prep together... Usually Rose suggests a new recipe to try and comes up with the list of ingredients they need to hunt down.
#17. Do they always hold hands with eachother everywhere they go?
buauwuawauauuhuh 🙈 How nice that would be. But no. Well -- in London for a bit, no. It's a little precarious for a while because in the part of their story where they go back to Waver's original dimension, to London in 2004, they can't really show PDA because of Waver's status as a Clock Tower Lord.
However after a while Rose has no choice but to reveal he more-or-less works for Zelretch and is another Magician of the 2nd Magic. (It's not even that he necessarily Works or is Employed by him, it's almost like doing favors sometimes, since Zelretch's "canonizing" ability means he can do less investigative work than Rose can, who doesn't have such an ability attached to his Magic). This throws the Clock Tower into an absolute uproar, but also gives the El-Melloi family a lot of leeway as to what they can and can't do because that's essentially like having a nuclear bomb on their side since Rose's dedication to the family is made very clear during that event. So after that, because Waver no longer fears for his life or his loved one's lives as badly, they can show a little more PDA -- holding hands in public, even kissing, after a while. It's no longer a secret that the two of them are together.
(Doesn't mean they don't still face some precarious situations, but it means they're less scared, which is the key).
In Chaldea, ... not really, either, but it's not like they have to, because their connection is something they don't really need to constantly physical about. When they're on a date or something or intentionally spending time together, they will be. You know. When it's an appropriate time to be affectionate with each other, they will be. Waver and Rose are kind of that boring adult couple in a way. They can't really afford to be all over each other, and given that there's kids around they take care of, they won't be doing that anyways because it's just not appropriate. But they want to be good role models so they'll still every so often show ways they love each other. Constantly hand-holding no matter where they go -- just not realistically feasible. In Rose's words, "I need both of my hands to perform magecraft with so I can make sure we aren't going to fucking die."
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