#The timing wasn't very expected nor was the timing convent and I apologize for not being able to discuss it sooner.
shelbystales · 8 months
Tomato Plants - One Shot
Word count: 6227
Requested: yes by anon
Summary: You are Tommy's friend, but one night, when he walks through your window, everything you know about your relationship with him changes.
Warning: fluff and virgin smut
English is my second language so I apologize in advance for the grammar mistakes
The moon had already been casting its pale glow over the night for quite some time. The streets of Birmingham lay shrouded in darkness, creating an atmosphere thick with potential dangers. Common sense dictated that nobody in their right mind would even consider venturing through these streets alone at such an hour. Of course, Tommy Shelby wasn't exactly known for adhering to conventional wisdom, but deep down, his very presence was enough to deter anyone from approaching him. After all, this was his city. He moved through the night like a phantom, a figure both feared and revered in these alleys and backstreets.
Meanwhile, you were safe inside your bedroom, the turmoil of your thoughts making it impossible for you to sleep. Your attention remained fixed on your reflection as you continued to brush your hair. The soft bristles glided through your locks, each stroke a momentary distraction from the thoughts that kept you awake. The flickering candlelight illuminated your features, casting a warm glow across your room.
Outside, Tommy's movements were calculated and noiseless as he made his way up the side of the building to reach your second-floor room. All because he found himself craving the company of a friend who meant more to him than he’d like to admit. His gloved fingers found secure holds on the window ledge as he ascended easily, landing on your balcony window. 
You heard distant noises, assuming it was the wind you didn't give it much attention, as the sounds soon faded into the background and were replaced by a peculiar stillness. It was in this moment that you felt a subtle shift in the air, a presence that was neither expected nor familiar. 
Instinctively, you turned your gaze towards the window, heart skipping a beat as your eyes met Tommy's as he stood outside your window. His figure was partially obscured by the darkness, his expression unreadable. A shiver of surprise ran down your spine, and your breath caught in your throat as Tommy motioned for you to open the window, his movements swift and urgent
"Tommy?" you uttered softly to yourself as you rose from your chair. Hesitation gripped you for a moment as your mind raced through the implications of his sudden appearance. 
Your parents were sound asleep in the room next to yours. If your father knew Tommy was here... that would spell trouble, as he had strictly forbidden you from having any connection with him. But the curiosity and the longing desire to see him again prevailed, urging you to follow his unspoken invitation.
With cautious determination, you crossed the room and approached the window, your eyes never leaving his. With careful movements, you unlocked the latch and pushed the window open, the cool night air filling the room..
"Tommy, you really shouldn't be here," you whispered, your voice just a little nervous.
"I wanted to see you," he murmured
"My dad would kill you if he knew you were here," you whispered, your apprehension showing.
"He could try," he countered, a daring smile gracing his lips.
You stole a glance outside the window, scanning the quiet streets for any signs of prying eyes. "Come in before someone sees you," you urged, grabbing onto his collar and playfully pushing him inside, forcing Tommy to take a step forward, crossing the threshold from the darkness outside into the warmth of your room
You closed the window as soon as he walked in. Your heart raced as you looked at him, his presence being a mixture of danger and desire. The longing that had kept you awake night after night was now standing before you, real and tangible.
You and Tommy have been close friends for ages but now your father was particularly wary of Tommy's growing reputation and had become increasingly insistent on keeping you away from him. Doing his best on keeping you locked up inside your house, only allowing you to hang with your female friends and always accompanied by someone he trusted. 
It’s been almost two weeks since you last saw him and you must admit that being around him again felt nice. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked trying to decipher him, something that was hard to do
Tommy's fingers brushed a loose strand of hair away from your face, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. "I had to see you," he confessed, his gaze unwavering as he looked into your eyes. 
“So you climbed a wall like a fucking spider?” you chuckled, a teasing grin on your lips. “Gosh, Tommy… and now what?” Your voice was laced with curiosity as you perched yourself on the edge of your bed, looking at him with a mixture of playfulness and inquiry.
Tommy's gaze held yours, a spark of determination igniting in his eyes. 
"I've got a plan," he said, his voice a low murmur that carried an air of excitement. "How about we take a little adventure, just you and me? Like the old times, eh?"
The mention of 'the old times' brought a nostalgic smile to your lips. Back when you were kids, you and Tommy had been inseparable, always finding yourselves in one scrape or another. Running barefoot on the streets of Birmingham, having fun and causing confusion wherever you were. Those memories held a special place in your heart.
Tommy Shelby always was a source of mystery and excitement, he had a way of injecting life back into the dullest of moments. Since your father had prohibited you from seeing him, your life had become an unbearable tedium. The thought of an adventure with him was like a breath of fresh air, promising a break from the stifling routine that had taken over your days.
The mix of intrigue and excitement danced in your eyes as you leaned in a bit closer, the anticipation palpable. "An adventure?" you echoed, your voice tinged with curiosity. "What kind of adventure are we talking about here?"
Tommy's lips curved into a half-smile, his eyes gleaming with a playful glint that was all too familiar. "How about I keep it a secret?" he suggested, his tone conspiratorial. "Trust me, you'll enjoy the surprise."
"Alright, Tommy Shelby. Surprise me." you chuckled softly 
With a shared smile, a sense of anticipation hung in the air, creating an electric atmosphere that seemed to buzz between you. For an instant you felt like a child again.
He took your hand in his, a familiar touch that sent a rush of warmth through your veins. 
You always felt a magnetic pull towards Tommy, a connection that went beyond friendship. But despite the lingering attraction, you had never dared to cross that line. He was your close friend, someone who had been by your side through thick and thin, and you feared that any romantic involvement could jeopardize the bond you both cherished so much. Besides, you often convinced yourself that Tommy had no romantic interest in you. After all, he is a man who always gets what he wants, and if he hadn't pursued you after all these years, it was a sign that he didn't see you in that way.
Holding your hand, you both moved towards the window, ready to embrace the mystery of this spontaneous adventure, a sudden realization struck you like a bolt of lightning.
"Wait," you said, halting in your tracks as a thought occurred to you. "Shouldn't I change clothes first?” You passed your hand over your satin nightgown
Tommy glanced at you, his lips curving into a half-amused smile. "Yeah, probably a good idea," he agreed, his eyes lingering on your body for a moment longer before he turned his back, giving you the privacy you needed.
You made your way to your wardrobe and quickly selected a warm sweater and comfortable pants, eager to make the most of the upcoming experience.
As you began to change, your eyes caught a reflection in the window glass. Tommy sat on the edge of your bed, his back turned to you as he gazed out the window. The moonlight lighting his best features, his eyes weirdly seeming bluer. 
As you started to undress, a sudden impulse gripped you as an audacious thought crossed your mind, taking a step to the side, positioning yourself so that your body was reflected in the glass, allowing his gaze to land on you through the reflection. 
The idea was impulsive and with a daring curiosity, you began to undress. Your heart raced in your chest, you knew it was a reckless move, an unexpected gambit in the unspoken dance between you and Tommy. But in this moment, you felt a surge of confidence, a desire to seize the opportunity to show him a side of you he had never seen before.
Unbeknownst to you, Tommy's senses were as sharp as ever. Though his back was turned, he watched you intently from the moment your figure appeared in the window's reflection. His fingers curled into the fabric of the bedspread, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. His heart rate quickened subtly as he resisted the urge to turn around, his inner struggle evident in the clench of his jaw.
You had your back turned to him as you bent down to put on your pants, an unintentional but daring tease that had his heart racing. The audacity of the moment both surprised and intrigued him. Tommy's grip tightened on the edge of the bed, his knuckles turning white as he grappled with the flood of emotions that your actions had stirred. He wondered if you knew he could see you, but he assumed not. He wanted to look away, but his gaze felt drawn to you. 
He felt a mixture of surprise, curiosity, and a primal sort of longing that he had tried to keep buried. He had always been the master of control, but in this moment, control seemed to slip through his fingers.
Finally, you were dressed and ready, the air heavy with the tension that had built between you. As you turned around, your eyes met his in the reflection of the window. His expression was a mix of surprise and something deeper, an emotion he rarely allowed himself to feel so openly. His chest tightened as he struggled to find his composure.
He cleared his throat, recomposing himself as he searched for the right words. "Ready?" he asked, his voice steady but laced with an underlying tension that matched the electric charge in the room.
Your gaze held his, and there was a flicker of knowing in your eyes that made his pulse quicken further. "Ready," you affirmed, your voice carrying a newfound confidence. It was as if you sensed the effect you were having on him, and that only added to the magnetic pull between you.
Tommy went first, gracefully navigating the exit and extending his hand to help you out. You accepted his offer, feeling a rush of excitement as your fingers brushed against his.
With every step he took, you followed, mimicking his movements as you descended the building, stepping where he did and holding at the same places.
He landed first and as you neared the ground, Tommy's held you by the waist as he guided you with a sure but gentle grip, ensuring your safe descent. Your heart raced as you felt his proximity, your face only inches from his as he helped you down. The scent of his aftershave enveloped you, an aroma that sent shivers down your spine.
For a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still. Your eyes met his, the intensity of the moment hanging in the air like a tangible force. As your feet touched the ground, the moment passed, but its impact lingered in the air. Your breath caught in your throat as you stood before him, your heart racing.
"This way," Tommy said, his voice slightly husky, breaking the charged silence that had enveloped you both. You followed his lead, walking side by side, the city's labyrinth of streets and alleys stretched out before you.  
As you navigated the streets together, Tommy's presence felt like a shield against the uncertainties of the night. His confident stride matched your own, and his occasional glances in your direction sent a jolt of anticipation through your veins as you found yourself drawn to him in a way you had never allowed yourself to fully acknowledge before.
As you walked, the city unveiled its hidden beauty to you. Cobblestone pathways glowed under the dim streetlights, revealing a world that existed beyond the surface. The air was filled with the distant echoes of laughter from inside the houses and still opened pubs and the soft rustle of leaves, creating a symphony of intimacy that enveloped you both. The city's architecture seemed to tell stories of its own, each building holding secrets of the past.
Tommy led you down the creaky wooden stairs, his steps confident as he descended into the darkness. You followed closely, the anticipation of what lay ahead building with each step. At the base of the stairs, another heavy wooden door stood before you.
With a subtle push, Tommy opened the door, and you stepped into a dark room. Your eyes adjusted to the dimness, and you realized you were in some sort of storage area. Wooden crates and barrels were stacked haphazardly, and the air smelled faintly of aged wood and dust and horse shit?
Tommy made his way through the cluttered room, and you followed, curiosity piqued. He stopped in front of a large wooden door and glanced back at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"This is where the real adventure begins," he whispered, and then he pushed open the door.
You stepped through the doorway and found yourself in a dimly lit stable. The scent of hay and horses filled the air, and you saw them, beautiful horses, each one a magnificent creature in its own right.
Tommy walked toward a particular horse, a sleek and elegant animal with a glossy black coat. He ran his hand along the horse's neck, his eyes filled with admiration.
"This," he said, his voice low and filled with excitement, "is the surprise. We're going to take this horse for a ride."
You looked at him in surprise. "Tommy, are you suggesting we steal a horse?"
He flashed you a sly grin. "I've had my eyes on this beauty for a while"
With a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, you approached the horse Tommy had chosen. “Who’s the owner?” you asked a bit unsure, caressing the horse's fur. 
“No one that matters” he answered “Ready?” he asked 
You couldn't help but chuckle at Tommy's cryptic response. With a grin, you nodded in response to his question. "Ready," you confirmed, the anticipation of the unknown adding a hint of thrill to your voice.
Tommy helped you onto the horse, his touch gentle yet firm as he adjusted your position in the saddle. Once you were settled, he climbed behind you, his body so close to yours you felt your heartbeat race. His strong arms encircled your waist as he settled in behind you on the horse. With a shared sense of adventure, you spurred the horse into motion, and it responded eagerly, carrying both of you away from the stable and into the darkness of the night.
“Where are we going now?” you asked as tommy held the heins
Tommy's warm breath tickled your ear as he leaned closer to speak over the sound of the horse's hooves. "We're going to a little cottage out in the wild" he replied, his voice low and tinged with excitement.
As the horse carried you both further away from the city, the surroundings grew more rustic, with the dirt path leading you into the heart of the countryside. Tommy's grip on the reins remained steady, guiding the horse with ease.
“You bought a cottage?” you asked, surprised by the unexpected turn of events.
“No, the owner is away. Traveling,” Tommy explained, his voice holding a hint of amusement.
“Are we going to commit another crime? Break into someone's house?” you asked, your tone a mixture of curiosity and teasing.
Tommy chuckled at your question, the sound a low and mischievous rumble. “That was never a problem for you before,” he remarked, his eyes glinting with a shared sense of adventure.
As the horse's hooves kicked up a fine spray of dirt and leaves, you couldn't help but smile at Tommy's response.The wind blowing in on your hair felt like music to your ears. 
The night was beautiful, the sky was so full of stars that it was impossible to count. 
The cottage came into view as you followed the winding dirt path deeper into the wilderness. It was a quaint, picturesque little house with ivy climbing its walls and a charming thatched roof. The soft glow of moonlight bathed it in an ethereal glow, casting long shadows that danced across the garden.
"Here we are," Tommy announced as the horse came to a gentle stop in front of the cottage. You dismounted gracefully, your anticipation building as you looked around.
Tommy followed suit, and the two of you stood in front of the cottage, the night alive with the sounds of nature. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a key, unlocking the door with a practiced ease.
"Tommy Shelby, you should know that breaking and entering don’t involve a key," you teased, a playful glint in your eyes.
He shot you a smirk as he pushed the door open, revealing a cozy interior. The cottage was rustic and inviting, filled with the scent of wood, dirt and old books.
"This place belongs to an old woman I know," Tommy explained. "She's away visiting her children and asked me to check on her tomato plants."
You couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected turn of events. "Tomato plants? That's why we're here?"
Tommy shrugged, his gaze flickering with amusement. "Couldn't say no to her. She bakes good bread for us in the betting shop" you smiled at him
You stepped inside, taking in the cozy ambiance of the cottage. It was a world away from the bustling streets of Birmingham.
He worked on lighting the fireplace, and once lit, the warm light flickered across the room, casting a soft and inviting glow over everything. It was a scene that felt like it belonged in a storybook, a far cry from the gritty streets of Birmingham you both were accustomed to.
You turned to Tommy, a playful glint in your eyes. "So, are we really here to check on tomato plants in the middle of the night?"
Tommy chuckled, his voice carrying the warmth of the moment. "Well, it's a good excuse, isn't it?"
You nodded in agreement, secretly delighted by the whimsy of the situation. "It 's perfect."
As you both explored the cottage, you discovered charming details that added to the rustic charm of the place. Antique furniture and shelves filled with books lined the walls. It was as if time had stood still in this cozy haven, shielded from the chaos of the outside world.
Eventually, Tommy's eyes lit up as he found a bottle of whisky. With a contented sigh, he poured himself a glass. 
You continued to explore the cottage, brushing your fingers over the spines of the books that lined the shelves. The titles varied, a mix of classics and forgotten novels, each one holding its own story and secrets. You couldn't help but wonder about the woman who owned this cottage.
“There are so many books” you said with excitement
"I knew you would like it," Tommy replied as he settled himself on the couch, a warm smile on his face. He had always admired your passion for reading, understanding that books were a way for you to escape the confines of your sheltered life.
Your father's overprotectiveness had only grown as you entered your teenage years. He had become obsessed with controlling every aspect of your life, determined to shield you from the world he considered dangerous. And he worried too much about your interactions with men. “You need to be a wife to someone, no one wants something used” his words sent shivers down your spine. The freedom and independence you had once enjoyed when you were younger were now distant memories.
It seemed that every year, as you grew older, the walls of your world closed in a little tighter. The rules, the expectations, they all felt suffocating. But tonight, in this secluded cottage with Tommy by your side, you felt a fleeting taste of the freedom you had been denied. 
Tommy took a sip of the whisky, his eyes half-closed in appreciation of the drink's warmth. The crackling sound of the fireplace added to the cozy ambiance of the cottage, casting flickering shadows on the wooden walls.
You finally selected a book that caught your interest and joined Tommy on the two places couch. As you started to read the book you had chosen, Tommy watched you with a softness in his eyes. It was a side of you that he cherished, the way your face lit up when you delved into a good story. He knew that, in a way, this was your own form of rebellion against the strict rules imposed by your father… little did he know the contents of those books you read. When you were kids and you started to see Tommy less and less, whenever you met you would talk for hours about the stories you were reading. 
Eventually, you set the book aside and turned to Tommy, your eyes meeting his with a soft smile. "Thank you for this, Tommy," you said, your voice filled with gratitude. "I needed a break from it all."
he replied, his voice gentle "You deserve moments like these."
“Do you have a cigarette?” you asked, making him chuckle. He grabbed in the inside pocket of his suit and placed the cigarette on your lips, gently lighting it for you. you took a drag inhaling the smoke, feeling the soothing effects of the smoke.
“Missed it, hm?” he asked making you smile
“I did,” you said, letting the smoke out. 
Tommy watched you as you exhaled the smoke, a faint smile playing on his lips. He had always been aware of your occasional indulgence in cigarettes, a vice you had kept hidden from your family. It was one of those small rebellions that allowed you to reclaim a bit of autonomy in your controlled life. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette for himself, lighting it with practiced ease.
As the room filled with the soft haze of cigarette smoke, you and Tommy started to share stories and laughter. With each shared moment, the connection between you deepened, and a sense of comfort and familiarity settled over the room. The crackling fire provided a soothing backdrop to your conversation, its warmth mirroring the growing warmth between you and Tommy. With your cigarettes in hand, you both settled into comfortable silence, the occasional flicker of the firelight casting shadows across your faces.
Tommy's gaze remained fixed on you, his eyes tracing the contours of your face with a fondness that he had long suppressed. He had always admired your spirit, your determination to be true to yourself despite the constraints of your upbringing. And tonight, as he watched you exhale a plume of smoke into the room, he couldn't help but feel a growing attraction that had simmered beneath the surface for years.
Tommy leaned closer, the distance between you shrinking as he extinguished his cigarette in an ashtray on the table. 
“You look beautiful tonight, you know?” His hand reached out to brush a stray strand of hair away from your face, his touch sending a shiver down your spine.
Your heart began to race as you met his intense gaze. Your breath caught in your throat as Tommy's words washed over you. You had always seen him as a man of few compliments, his tough exterior often hiding the tenderness that lurked beneath. But this, this was different.
The air seemed charged with electricity as Tommy's fingers grazed your skin, and you couldn't help but lean into his touch, your eyes never leaving his. The warmth of his hand against your face sent a thrill coursing through you, and you felt a surge of desire that matched the intensity of his gaze.
"Tommy," you whispered, your voice filled with a mixture of longing and anticipation.
Before another word could be spoken, Tommy closed the remaining distance between you, his lips meeting yours in a kiss that was both tender and passionate. It was a kiss that held all the years of unspoken feelings, a kiss that spoke of desires that had long been suppressed.
Your lips moved together with a rhythm that felt both familiar and new. As you melted into each other, the world outside ceased to exist. The room was filled with the soft sound of your mingled breaths, the flickering firelight casting playful shadows on the walls. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated passion, a moment that had been a long time coming.
Tommy's hands moved to your waist, pulling you closer until there was no space left between you. The heat of his body against yours sent a delicious shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but sigh into the kiss.When you finally broke apart, gasping for breath, your foreheads rested against each other
When you finally pulled away, your lips swollen and your breath ragged, you met Tommy's gaze once more. His eyes were dark with longing, a hunger that mirrored your own.
"What took you so long?" you whispered again, your voice filled with playful teasing.
He smiled, a soft and tender smile that reached his eyes. His hand gently held your chin and pulled you into a kiss again. this time more intense and passionate.Your hands found their way to his hair, tangling in the dark locks as you deepened the kiss. 
His breath against your neck sent shivers down your spine, and you couldn't help but arch into his touch as his hands roamed over your shoulders. The kiss along your jawline left you trembling, your body aching for more. 
With his hand on your waist, he guided your movements, and you willingly straddled him, feeling the heat of his body beneath you. The sensation of his lips meeting yours was electric, and your mouths moved together in a passionate dance that left you breathless. Desire coursed through every inch of your body as Tommy's tender caresses and lingering kisses sent waves of pleasure and anticipation rippling through you. 
His tongue parted your lips, and the taste of him was addictive, a blend of desire and longing that matched your own. His palms slid down your shoulders, finding the small of your back and pulling you even closer against his chest.
As the kiss deepened, you felt your knees grow weak, the intensity of your desire threatening to overwhelm you. The world outside faded away, and you were consumed by the fiery connection between you and Tommy.
Their lips separated and he looked into your eyes. Staring back at him, you nodded.Tommy's gaze remained locked with yours as he slowly and sensually unbuttoned your blouse, his fingers deftly moving over each button with a deliberate pace. The anticipation in the room was palpable, and every touch sent a thrill of desire coursing through you.
With the last button undone, he gently parted fabric, revealing the soft curves of your body beneath. His eyes roamed over your exposed skin, his desire evident in the hunger in his gaze. His mouth found his way to your neck, then moved down to your collarbone. 
With a shared sense of urgency and desire, you and Tommy began to help each other shed your clothes, each layer revealing more of the tantalizing beauty that had been hidden beneath.
As you undressed him, you couldn't help but admire his body, a body that had seen its share of battles and triumphs. The scars and imperfections only added to his allure, a testament to the life he had lived.
Tommy's hand cupped your face, his touch tender against your skin as he searched your eyes for any sign of hesitation or uncertainty. His concern for your well-being was evident, and he wanted to make sure that you were comfortable with the path you were both about to embark on.
"We don't have to do this if you don't want to," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of care and desire.
But your response was resolute, your voice filled with a deep longing and determination. "I do," you affirmed, your eyes locked with his. There was no doubt in your mind, no hesitation in your heart. This was what you both wanted
As Tommy's lips left a trail of kisses on your skin, your heart raced with a heady mix of anticipation and desire. Every touch, every caress, sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, and the intimacy of the moment was almost overwhelming.
He moved on top of you, placing your back gently against the couch, his body pressed against yours, and you could feel the warmth of his skin against your own. The weight of his desire was palpable, and it ignited a fire within you that burned with an intensity you had never known, he kissed your breasts, gently pressing and caressing them. 
His lips found yours once again, and the kiss was filled with a hunger and longing that left you breathless. As he moved to kiss your core, your breath caught in your throat, and your body arched with anticipation.
His movements were slow and gentle, a surprising tenderness that left you feeling cherished and loved. Tommy had a reputation for being rough in bed, but this was different. This was your first time, and he wanted to make it special for you. And he was impressed, he was enjoying this as much as you. 
As he gently pulled down your pants, your heart raced even faster, and a flush of desire spread through your body. He kissed the flesh of your inner thigh, gently pressing his lips against your skin. Tommy's hands moved with a gentle and sensual touch, caressing you over your panties. The sensation of his fingers against your skin sent shivers of pleasure coursing through your body, and you couldn't help but gasp softly at the exquisite sensation.
His fingers traced delicate patterns, exploring every inch of your most intimate places with a tenderness that made your heart swell with affection for him. As his fingers continued their sweet exploration, your desire grew, and you could feel the heat building within you. He pulled your panties down, exposing yourself completely to him. 
His tongue met your clit with a tantalizing flicker of sensation, and a gasp of pleasure escaped your lips. The exquisite feeling of his mouth against your most sensitive spot sent waves of ecstasy coursing through your body, and your fingers tangled in his hair as you arched your back, seeking more of his touch.
Tommy continued to use his skilled tongue to drive you to new heights of pleasure. Each flick and swirl of his tongue on your clit sent electric pulses of sensation through your body. Your whispered exclamation of "Shit" was a testament to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through you.
As the pleasure built, your breaths came in shallow gasps, and your hands held onto Tommy's hair, not wanting him to stop. The knot in your stomach tightened and coiled as waves of pleasure coursed through your body. Each flicker and caress of Tommy's tongue intensified the sensation, leaving you gasping for breath. It was a delicious ache, a sweet torment that made your body arch and tremble.
As Tommy's skilled touch continued to work its magic, The knot in your stomach tightened even further, coiling with anticipation. Tommy's skilled touch, his devotion to your pleasure, pushed you right to the brink.
Your fingers clung desperately to his hair, your breathing growing even more erratic as you teetered on the precipice of climax. The sensations coursing through your body were almost overwhelming, and you could feel the intense release just moments away.
With a shuddering breath and a cry, you finally surrendered to the waves of ecstasy that had been building within you. Your body trembled as the pleasure overtook you, and every nerve ending seemed to light up with the intensity of the release.
Tommy began to move back up your body, his lips planting tender kisses along the way. His lips met yours in a slow and passionate kiss, and you tasted the remnants of your shared desire on his mouth.
Tommy rested his forehead against yours, He smiled gently, his eyes filled with warmth and affection “you ok?” he asked and you nodded.
“Y-yes” Your voice caught in your throat as you struggled to convey the overwhelming sensations that had just washed over you.
Your hands moved with a sense of purpose, reaching for his belt and deftly undoing it. The anticipation hung in the air, and every movement felt charged with desire. Tommy watched you with desire, his eyes locked on yours as you worked to free him from his clothing.
With a shared sense of urgency and desire, Tommy helped you remove his clothes, freeing his hard cock from the last remaining barriers between you.
“Oh, you are very big” you said bluntly, making him chuckle
His chuckle was a mixture of amusement and affection, and he couldn't help but find your candidness endearing.
"Is that so?" he teased, his voice laced with humor as he leaned in closer, his body brushing against yours as he kissed your lips “I’ll be gentle” Tommy's teasing remark and the tenderness in his voice made you smile as his lips met yours in a sweet and reassuring kiss.
You felt the tip of his cock gently pressing at your entrance. You adjusted yourself on the couch. Tommys eyes were on you, his face so close to yours his nose often gently brushed yours. 
“Relax” he whispered as you closed your eyes, kissing your cheek. The pressure grew stronger and you held tighter at his skin. 
“Fuck” you moaned as you felt himself slowly sliding inside you. He was moving slowly, giving time for you to adjust to his size. The sensation of him sliding inside you elicited a moan of pleasure from your lips.
“Yeah, you’re so fucking tight” he whispered at your ear. Finally inside, he started to slowly thrust against you. At first, you felt some pain, but it soon went away and waves of pleasure consumed you. 
He moved my hips slowly back and forth, sliding his cock halfway out before pushing back into you. Both moaned each time he thrusted forward. Pulling him down to you, your lips found his.
"How do I feel?" he whispered in your ear. "Do I feel good?"
"You ... feel ... amazing," you answered in between the sounds of pleasure you couldn't help releasing each time both your hips thrust into each other.
"So do you," he breathed in your ear. "I knew you would."
"You ... you thought about this?" you asked surprised
"All the fucking time" he said, kissing your lips. 
As Tommy's pace quickened, the sensations between you both intensified. Pleasure surged through your bodies with each thrust. Your moans grew louder, and you clung to his skin. 
"God that feels so good!" You moaned, feeling the same knot as before, form inside you. 
Tommy's own desire and urgency mirrored your own, his movements growing more fervent as he neared his own release. The longing that had simmered beneath the surface for so long was now driving both of you towards an climax
 Tommy's thrusts grew more intense, his own desire pushing him closer to the edge.
Finally, in a crescendo of shared ecstasy, you both reached the peak of pleasure, bodies quivering with release. The room was filled with the sounds of your moans as you both were drowning in each other's pleasures. 
He rested his head on your chest, feeling the gentle rise and fall of your breath against his cheek. Your fingers traced soothing patterns along his back.
"You okay?" he asked in a soft, almost vulnerable tone, his voice tinged with the lingering vulnerability of the moment.
"More than ok" You whispered, your voice filled with affection and a sense of contentment. Your fingers continued to trace soothing circles on his back as you held him close, as he moved to kiss you. 
“I have to take you home” he said
“Can I see you again tomorrow?” you asked
Tommy nodded, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, I'll come by tomorrow," he replied, his eyes filled with warmth. "I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon, ey"
You smiled back, your heart swelling with happiness at his words. "I'll be waiting," you said, your voice filled with anticipation.
With a final, lingering kiss, Tommy reluctantly pulled away and helped you get dressed.
A/N: idk how I fell about this, I tried to write it more passionate but i feel like it lacks tommy's intense sex hahaha. Well yeah. hope you guys like it
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crisalidaseason · 2 years
People probably won't care but I'm gonna say it anyway.
It's interesting how Armin's character was built and I don't think people notice that very much. I have a few points about him that I wanted to share.
Warning: Those are my interpretations based on canon information. I am not an expert nor a phsychologist, please don't take this personally. I respect everyone's opinions and I expect to be respected as well. Also, english is not my native language and I apologize for any mistakes.
We see him very young being bullied for most likely his appearance and behavior. From a very young age his self esteem was damaged. Besides that, he was always very intelectual and well spoken, we all know those kind of kids get super picked on because they don't really fit with the majority.
He probably has a lot of abandonment issues because of his parents. We don't know much about them, but a child will always question why they were left behind even if it was for a "good cause". Besides, his parents died because they wanted to explore the world and I think Armin would feel even more betrayed by that.
Meeting Eren and Mikasa doesn't mean he was instantly safe from the bullying. Even if he was protected, the damage is already done. Eren and Mikasa helped him a lot, but healing self esteem problems is complicated and children don't know how to do that. Besides, Armin would feel like a burden to his friends and try to offer something in return.
This entire situation set Armin up to rely on his words and brain to defend him and his friends. He wasn't born a manipulator and he doesn't manipulate for his own pleasure. He turns into a manipulator as a defense mechanism because he doesn't trust his strength (even after becoming a soldier or inheriting the Colossal Titan). When he has to kill or manipulate people we can see it's not a pleasant thing for him.
His morals are twisted by the environment he's inserted. He isn't a good and perfect angel, but also not an evil mastermind. He cares about his loved ones and will do anything for them, including mass murdering an entire army and ships. Does he like killing massive amounts of people? No. But he does it anyway. At the same time he sacrifices his best friend so humanity outside paradis can keep existing. There are many other situations that Armin has conflicting morals and I find it so human and relatable.
The leadership role he is sometimes given is not conventional. He can be a good leader, but he's never the in the front line when it comes to actually leading (remember that Armin is a brain and words person, but does not have an imposing figure nor does he radiates confidence). The ones close to him know he's a good strategist (Erwin himself told him so) but the outside people won't see him like that. Without the shield of Erwin, Hange and his friends he has a hard time being heard and this must mess with his head a lot.
When Eren goes completely brain damaged on season 4 we see an interesting side of Armin. He is stressed 24/7 and also exhausted. At this point he is conflicted between helping, stoping and understanding Eren. Also, he is also watching Mikasa's pain and sorrow over Eren's behavior. They used to be a trio with established roles between them and now everything is a mess and he feels useless and helpless. We see Armin snap at the table scene. Pure rage is NOT something we have ever seen on him before. Suddenly he goes for the violent option when he is all about words and calculated actions. Can you imagine how much built up anger he had to just burst in blind rage like that?
In paths we can see how vulnerable he is. When he screams at his own self laying on the ground. He is screaming and telling horrible things about himself. It felt like he was always waiting to breakdown and finally he couldn't wait anymore. He seems like a very "suffer in silence" guy. Sometimes he might even tell how he feels but mostly will keep it to himself.
In the end, when he is about to confront Eren, he is determined but also a mess. He puts on Mikasa all his trust. He really is trusting her ability to finish this nightmare of the rumbling despite her very painfull and damaged feelings. He knows Eren is gonna die, knows that Mikasa will have to do it and also knows he has to get the blame. It takes so much to know all of this and not hesitate for a moment.
Overall, I think Armin is a very complicated character (almost all aot characters are complicated). He has a special place in my heart and sometimes I would like to chat with Isayama about him.
That's all, folks!
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everydaychurch · 5 years
Beauty from Ashes (Part 2) by Warren. Read pt 1 first
Before I left Detroit the Lord spoke something to me. I was sitting in my pick-up truck waiting to go into my soon to be ending job (Yes God does have a way of speaking to us in ways only we can understand). As I  was offering my prayers to start my work day I heard, in the depths my heart  “Warren, I will restore to you the woman of your youth”. Honestly I was disappointed. I wanted my marriage back. I know now that wasn’t going to happen. I also wondered who this girl could possibly be and questioned if I was just hearing voices. Maybe I was crazy. So after I came home to Seattle, back now for months, with those disastrous dating attempts that resulted in my swearing off dating behind me, I get a text from an old high school girlfriend I friended on Facebook. We talk on online for several months. Since later she had a trip coming up to Seattle from Spokane on vacation I agreed to meet her for coffee. I had sworn off dating and had no intention of a relationship with anyone. Starting any romance other than being friendly was off limits at this point. I had been spending most of my time working on myself and focusing on my relationship with God. A good friend was also walking with me as a helpful counselor and support partner.
As I walked to the meeting place agreed upon (Starbucks) I wasn't the least bit nervous to see my old high school girlfriend Julie. My main goal was to hopefully apologize for being such a bad high school boyfriend. Then out of nowhere the same voice from the year before saying the woman of my youth would be restored to me spoke again. As I walked up to the her table, still maybe 40 feet away, the voice spoke to me again asking  “Can you be married to Julie the rest of your life?”.
 I was a little freaked out. 
However, the presence of God was with us as we caught up on life and we could sense it. The next few days were wonderful as we met again the following Sunday.
Did I mention that when God asked me that question while approaching Julie at Starbucks my first reaction without hesitation was “yes”? 
It was obvious. We dated for a year (300 miles away from each other). We have been married for 4 years. God did promise to renew. Not the way I expected of course but I know everyday of my life Julie is a direct gift from God. He had a plan before I did ( I didn’t have a plan) Julie is by no means my salvation but reuniting with Julie further helped change my perspective on how I see God. This was supernatural as far as I was concerned. Julie is a widow. I don’t think she ever anticipated marriage again so late in life either but I know God is renewing her too and changing her view on the nature and goodness of God as well. 
I have been blessed through work as well. I have gone from $17 an hour to a financial figure I could never remotely anticipated. I have been able to take good care of Julie.She has health concerns and does not work. I can pay the bills and have a nice home and car. I am certainly grateful at that alone;  BUT God was not done yet. 
I was able to share 2 years with my step-daughter Ellie. She is in college now and back in Spokane. I think I did a pretty good job helping Ellie get ready for adult life. I didn’t have to do much. She is very mature and has a strong faith in Jesus. I can honestly say I love her. I am still not, nor was I perfect, but I like to think I didn’t screw it up and am a positive influence. I have incredible in-laws as well. I love them and they love me too. That is such a gift.
I also have a much better relationship with my kids and grand kids. Ministry and church life were rough on them and I didn’t do a very good job of protecting them from the time obligations my position supposedly required. I failed to nurture. I wasn’t giving to them with the attention they needed and deserved. There seems to be a running story of “PK’s” or Pastor’s Kids in culture today as if its a funny joke that the pastor’s children are the trouble makers or the ones that grow up to be the most anti-church or anti-god humans. There is truth in that, but its not humorous. Its a tragedy. You can pass blame on church culture for this, but the reality is that it has nothing to do with church culture. The buck stops with the dad. I was ultimately responsible.
I would like to believe I am a much better dad today because of what I have been through and that my deeper, more accurate view of God has taught me how to love them and treat them with the dignity they deserve and as the wonderful adults they are. If I knew then what I know now I don’t think I would have let my church position take priority. Insecurity, fear, and a mentality of works may have possibly ruined the ability of my children to understand  the truth of God. My prayers are always for them to feel loved and know love from God and for them to truly know Him. Only God can do this and I know God can do this.
My daughters are so precious to me. Not a possession, but unique individuals who have their own purposes, talents, strengths and weaknesses, They are all smart, artistic, passionate for justice, good moms, and hard workers.
Another big surprise of God’s restoration is what happened in November of 2017. We had moved a few miles away from my old church where I was once on staff and where Julie and I  lived across the street previously when we were newlyweds. Julie, Ellie, and myself were looking for and trying churches in our new city. Nothing was sticking. Nothing felt right.
I believe when you find the right church you know it. It will be clear and peaceful. Let me backtrack the story a bit. When I first came home to Seattle in 2013 I ran into my former Senior Pastor’s wife Mary in Safeway. I explained to her how I was divorced now. I used to feel I had to explain this whenever I ran into anyone who knew me before when married the first time. That’s a story in its own right. I rarely even think about having to justify this to anyone anymore. Mary was full of Grace and urged me to come talk with her husband. I thought. “No way is that going to happen”. It didn’t end the way I would have preferred while on staff at this church. Many of the challenges I faced in my role there  were magnified by my lack of maturity and my misunderstanding of the true heart of God. My faith neurosis blemished the good things that were accomplished under my ministry . Like a house on fire I surely never wanted to enter that building again, especially after a divorce from a spouse who was once also on staff there. I am sure my pride had a lot to do with that. Pride fueled by shame.
God can be funny sometimes. He does the unexpected.
Jump back ahead 2 years as Julie, Ellie, and I are church surfing with no success. A persistent voice starts speaking to my heart saying “go talk to Steve” (the pastor). I hear this over, and over, and over again. It doesn’t stop until I set up the eventual appointment. I had a boss once who had a motto when ever there was silence between two people that went like this “Just have a conversation”  We were going to have a conversation. I had no clue what the result would be.
Gracefully in the two hour meeting that followed with Steve, Mary, Julie, and I an amazing occurrence of healing took place. Love broke out. We were invited to come back. To be restored. To be protected. We began attending Northwest Church right away and still attend to this day. I am part of the Worship Counsel, teach guitar, and play guitar on the worship team. I never thought in a million years something like this would ever happen. 13 years had passed since I was a staff member there. It was like a son returning home to his family after a long journey. Steve is retired now and change is in process but I am excited for what the future holds. More opportunities and restoration continues that quite frankly blows my mind.  
I was unexpectedly asked to be a part of a team that traveled in May 2019 to Nashville to serve in music worship for the Chaplains portion of the Foursquare Church’s National Convention. Wow. I didn’t plot, plan, or ask for any of that but the door opened. Julie went with me. More evidence of the wonderful nature of Jesus in action. Quite a contrast of my former false beliefs.God was pouring out His love beyond expectations and I knew it.
I had been to National conventions in many years past. I always felt so inadequate when I did. I recall feeling that if people really knew me they would certainly challenge my attendance. So I would play the pride game. Espouse my position of course since I served at a large church. This was my off-based, ugly attempt to justify myself. This gathering was certainly different. I just felt blessed for the opportunity and gave what I had to offer. It was very freeing. No stress at all. A National Convention doesn't justify your position with God, Jesus justifies your position with God.  
God has certainly proven over and over again, through all the difficulty I have endured who He is. How He loves people. How He loves me. When that light bulb finally went on for me my perspective on everything changed. How I view God now changed how I see myself and how I see the rest of the world around me. I no longer wrestle with the mind games of “if” God loves me or not. I am secure in knowing that He does love me deeply and its much easier to respond to His love when that is etched on your heart.
I am not suggesting a different gospel than what the bible clearly teaches. We are still sinners saved by grace. Jesus is our savior and Lord and He is the only way to reconciliation. We must acknowledge our sin and need for redemption. We must know Him and know that He laid down His life on the cross for our sin. His words are clearly written; “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” John 14;6. 
However let me end with this; He is a relational God. Slow to anger and full of grace. He wants all to know Him and follow Him. He wants to be the honored centerpiece in all our lives. He knows all our issues. He is patient. He sees you right where you are. He knows how to untangle false assumptions of who, and how He is. He wants us to love others in the same way; but we have to walk out our lives with Him to the fullest so we can do that. To love others as naturally as breathing. 
The Gift of Jesus Christ is above all the entanglements, sin, and struggles we have gotten ourselves into. He is our hope, our joy, our healer, our restorer, and our re-newer and so much more
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