#The birthday animatics gonna go hard
thesimulacrumb · 4 months
Don't you just love it when angst just lines up on the perfect day?
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waywardsunlight · 1 year
Post Hoot 4/28/2023
Cissy, Dana, Rebecca, Sarah, Avi, and Zelda Black
Reactions to the finale? 
Sarah cried really hard when she saw the Quincera (“a whole chapter in my life is over” line). Avi was excited to play a villain, Sarah said they were scary. Avi liked to play with character. Dana loved seeing Avi’s evil Raine, said it was intense. They said they wanted to see more evil Raine, but Dana wanted to avoid it. Rebecca’s birthday was the week the finale came out, talked about their appearance in the episode. Cissy started crying, said it was neat.
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Cissy had been travelling, and got back right on time to see the finale, she was super tired. Cissy was crying, her kids were asking her if she was crying. Avi cried too. Sarah said she was choked up but she was more excited. Avi felt like it was surreal. Cissy said “no sequel” “we can hope” “It would be fun to do more but it would require Disney to agree” Dana. Sometimes Dana gets so pissed off about the cancelling. Rebecca said the finale aired and they were back to being angry. Wished they had gotten more episodes. Sarah was angry, upset and sad about the cancellation but she loved the finale. “It couldn’t have been more impressive”.“There’s always gonna be a thousand things we want to improve but it came out well” Dana
Dana loved the fight scene between Luz, Eda, and King v Belos. 
Music? How does it work? Brad has been on since season 2, he already knew the style of the show, so for every animatic, you put in temp music, and you send the composer the stuff and the spot notes, follow the concept of the temp music but add a horror genre spin on it. Brad’s first take on the episode was great. TJ did a remix for the epilogue, Dana cried hearing the remix for the epilogue. 
They brought back every single actor for the bye. Everyone’s last line is bye!!! Hooty originally had a line where he kept saying goodbye. Hooty coming out of Papa Titan’s eye? “I won’t say much, in hopes I get to do more in the future (slim chance), this youtube reviewer- The3rdBill got it right in an offhand comment”
“How did the writing change for season 2/season 3?” Dana had an ending she wanted, wasn’t able to do it bc too much set up. All of season 2A was written without the knowledge of the cancellation, Follies was the first episode fully written with the knowledge it was cancelled. Dana wanted to do more with galdorstones, coven heads, Bat Queen, it’s easy to see what we had to prioritize. It was a hard situation in the writer’s room. We did our best and we’re happy people still connected to it.”
“Keep being loud about how much you love the show”
“Support the Etsy artists!” Had a pin by SophieScrubs
“It’s not like we had whole episodes written that were trashed, they were one sentence ideas”- they were in Dana’s head “I’m just happy with what came out” 
“We kinda got to go out, 45 minute specials, it was fun to work with”
Cissy “There’s no way you can’t be a fan”, Cissy was wearing a King beanie and got recognized as a fan in Ireland!
Sarah met people who liked her shirt and the show lol (didn’t say if they knew who she was) Rebecca wore a king sweatshirt in DisneyLand, saw somebody else with a king sweatshirt and they side-eyed her lol “Anyone who ignores Rebecca can catch these claws”
Owlberts in the title of the show, Stringbean is there too, the L and S, when they made the pilot, they had a different logo, it wasn’t made intentionally but they saw it and they liked it.
Luz had a connection with snakes, having her reclaim snakes.
Sarah was a snake believer!!!
A lot of ppl had ideas in the writers room, Dana loves bad puns and loved snakeshifter (the guy who has Barkus named after him), Beastkeeping bc Dana loves animals, Oracle bc she could see the future of the show.
“Avi needs wrangling” Sarah, they joked around.
Raine’s Palisman: The Palisman was disguised as the violin, Raine smashes their violin- it was the staff part of the Palisman that was smashed.
Did they Clawthorne family ever discover they were descendants of Evelyn and Caleb? Eda and Hunter don’t know, the rest I won’t say.
Who had the old house? Who did that belong to? 
Sarah has a Stringbean! 
“The artistry of the fandom is inspiring” Cissy
Somebody’s making Cissy a Lilith one.
Caleb, Evelyn, Flapjack? “Save it for the spinoff” Dana: “One detail I like to think of, is when we were writing TTT, Flapjack is not Evelyn, to Belos he saw Flapjack as the culmination of the corruption in his brother “if it weren’t for you”, you can see a hint at it in the halloween decorations, Evelyn’s hand had Flapjack. First magic Caleb was introduced to, Evelyn was hiding her ears and pretending to be human, follow this bird into this portal? “Dog owners passing eachother and becoming friends and bonding over dogs”. I like to think that Evelyn and Caleb was sweet- platonic curiosity to romantic, it was good for a bit.
“Who did the shack belong to?” We never got to explore this, it was originally the home of Caleb and Philip, Eda comes out there for the first time when coming out of the portal door. Eda fixed it!!! Everything doesn’t matter, google death of the author, I am just a fan now bc the show is finished. If you prefer your version, it’s valid rn.
Eda becomes the owl beast before getting Owlbert. There was going to be an episode where they showed her reclaiming the image of the owl and learning to carve palisman with Dell.
When Luz and Hunter went down to the basement originally, there were graves down there for Philip and Caleb, based off old buildings in connecticut (no story purpose)
Belos concepts when he was taking over animals, didn’t end up in the show, Belos animal designs, alluded to but not shown
Eye on the portal is Papa Titan? Yes. 
Hunter is bisexual, Willow is pansexual.
Amity and Lilith rekindled mentor relationship, Lilith has a lot of history, Amity likes history + reading. They liked the blueprints for the library.
Cissy hadn’t seen anything she didn’t speak lines for, Cissy just got her lines/scenes.
Apparently they’re not supposed to bring the scripts home, before the pandemic they got full scripts
“Excuse me I’m talking” Avi (joking), Avi and Sarah are high energy
Avi didn’t have time to read the script, Sarah was confused when Luz died
Sarah got the script when Flapjack died, she said “no! Take me!” and they said “you’re going too”
Avi had trouble with the “you’re fluffy” line
Rebecca sent animatics to help the actors, it was easier for them to see the animatics
“It’s always up to the showrunner to show as much as they can” we go pitches in house with our own voices, Dana did Terra in For the Future animatic.Dana hates hearing her own voice, she talks really fast in her reads. When you pitch, you also do the sound effects. When they did the pitch for the finale (hour and a half), the line that got Rebecca choked up when Dana did Luz’s “Eda, King, thank you” “we got you kiddo”
There’s a recording of all of season two b  and season three of Dana pitching doing the lines.
If the show had not been cut short, would Amity and Hunter have had more time? Everyone would’ve gotten more of a chance to talk to each other- yes. Hunter would’ve talked to more characters like Vee and human realm kids, Camila. Literally everyone would’ve had more time. Dana loves the sibling relationship.
Luz and Raine barely interact, they’re bickering jokingly. “I’m sorry you didn’t get to hang out” Dana, “we can’t get the hexsquad to hang out”
Where did Luz attend school after WAD? She went to human realm high school, she had renewed motivation, even if high school was difficult, she had a goal, having a safe space for her and a family outside of the human realm made high school more bearable (that was the cause for Dana, having that escape was good).
Gus’s hair!! :D Emmy designed him. Dana designed Emira, Skara, Eber for the finale. Dana had two others but she forgot. 
King’s dad’s name is unpronounable. 
Does the Collector visit often? Has their relationship with their siblings improve? (STRONG LAUGHS) Dana can’t say much about the Archivsts, the Collector didn’t have a flashforward design bc they didn’t grow up that much, got a little taller but not really. Immortal space child. Dana was inspired by creepy dolls, and a nightmare. JBO had a google folder with cool references of creepy dolls, liminal nightmare scapes, stars. We know who is the Collector is gonna be but what’s their vibe. That was one of the most fun parts after the shortening. The Collector was always a part of it, not solidified, but yeah they were a part of it. The Collector has stayed connected, visits. Dana loves fan comics about King and the Collector. 
Won’t answer questions about the archvists. 
Hooty doesn’t have to be vacated from the owl house if he doesn’t want to, the door has a star motif on it, when the door isn’t active, Hooty can be there, but the portal door can fold up but Hooty is buddy. 
Who are the current residents of the Owl House? Raine and Eda’s business is their business, not all love stories end in marriage, that doesn’t diminism any kind of love? They live together in the owl house. Raine moved in.
Zach Markus invented Matt so he gets to answer Matt questions.
Vee and Masha dating? It’s hard to say, bc we didn’t include Masha in the finale, Vee has a crush on them. Yeah! Maybe.
Sarah’s husband is texting saying hi lol.
Odalia? Divorced. The kids happily live away from her. They see her when they have the energy to, they recognize she’s toxic and they don’t have to put up with her if she’s being awful. May have been explored if more episodes. Rachael MacFarlane (VA) is great. She’s not British, she’s just pretentious.
King’s Tower? Dana’s thinking… “dumb answer. The plans we had, it had something to do with… it was related to someone who you all know who may have amnesia
There was gonna be a moment for other characters to get eye glow (strong emotions)
What’s the mouse that looked like alador? In the boards, Dawn animated the scene, he has a pose where he looked like a t-rex, Dana saw it and thought he looked like Remy from Rattatoue, when they got to the scene with the lab, he remembered that convo and drew in the rat and Dana laughed so hard “keep it, don’t change it” “It’s his palisman”
“A show should be enjoyed as is, knowing how it’s made is also cool” “when the show got darker- we got to do the fun stuff we got to do, if we all tried to force ourselves to write a happy go-lucky show they’d be unhappy, we’re gonna put our feelings into this” It was a dark writers room for a bit.
Sarah likes the darker elements, mentioned the masks (maybe TTT?), not totally removed from reality
“It clearly struck a chord, we lived through a global quarantine, we’re feeling the fallout of it”
“What was extremely hopeful for the crew was that the characters would have a happy ending, Luz gets to study magic, the characters stay together and form a community” 
They got questions they couldn’t answer like about the quince 
They don’t know if this is the last post hoot
They opened presents but they didn’t get one for Avi bc they didn’t know they’d be there until 2 days before. Rebecca got them funko pops of Lilith and Luz. Rebecca said thank you.
“Hey disney, if you’re watching, this could be you”
Elizabeth (Camila VA) called her mom to translate stuff into spanish. 
Said byeeee!
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sage-nebula · 18 days
💫✨ people I’d like to get to know better ✨💫
thanks for the tag @caffernnn !!
last song i listened to: So I'm actually going to plug three songs that I've been absolutely obsessed with over the past weekend and have been listening on repeat as a result, all by the same artist -- Lydia the Bard, over on YouTube.
Lydia makes villain songs for the Disney princesses (among other Disney female characters). Her first handful were just lower pitched versions of their songs (or songs from their movies), but as she progressed she started changing lyrics, and now she's really grown and is making the songs more and more unique, culminating in finally creating a wholly unique villain song for Tinkerbell, which just came out and is my favorite.
"Fall Little Wendy Bird Fall" recontextualizes Tinkerbell's animosity toward Wendy. In this version, Tinkerbell and the other fairies of Pixie Hollow brought Peter Pan and the other Lost Boys there because, due to the nature of fairies' existence depending on humans believing in them, fairies were dying all around them as humans grew up and stopped believing. So the only way to secure their own lives was to make sure their humans never grew up. But Wendy threatens that by making Peter and the others long for human lives. Therefore, Tinkerbell sees her as a threat who must be taken out to save her own and her friends' lives. Not only does this song make Tinkerbell a far more compelling character, but the vocal performance is stunning, and the animatic that goes with it is amazing as well. Literally obsessed.
The other two I'm obsessed with are Meg's (where Hercules betrayed her as well & she kills Hades & takes his power) and Isabela's (where Mirabel doesn't get to her in time, and her resentment over the arranged marriage drives her to snap). Meg's is a bop and has a killer line in "In time they'll say I was cruel 'cause I cared", and I'm sorely tempted to use her final look at the end of the animatic as my Halloween costume this year. Meanwhile, Isabela's is also killer musically of course, and has equally fire lines like, "What could you possibly expect was gonna happen when you made me? / Tend to a plant with poison and expect a flower, are you crazy?" They're both just so good.
favorite color: Purple! Specifically cool shades, and especially cool shades that are more pastel, mixed with grey. I also like blues and greens that are faded like that, too.
currently watching: A little while ago I had started rewatching Sabrina the Teenage Witch since I hadn't watched it since middle school, but once I got to season four it got . . . bad . . . and it has continued to be bad . . . so I've kind of stopped watching lmao. I've lately been rewatching Jenny Nicholson's videos, but I finished that, so now I've gone back to rewatching Jenna Marbles videos. Oh, and I really love this series on YouTube called Bistro Huddy! It's hilarious, and Drew (the guy who portrays all the characters) is fantastic, he really melts into the roles so you almost forget it's one guy doing all of them. Highly recommend checking it out.
spicy/savory/sweet: Honestly depends on my mood, but I do have a strong sweet tooth, so honestly it's hard to go wrong by offering me ice cream or a cookie or something similar.
relationship status: Currently dating the lovely @skimmingthesurfaces 💜 She's actually going to be here this weekend for my birthday! (My birthday is on Tuesday, so I'm very blessed to have her with me for the whole weekend.)
current obsession(s): Aside from the songs mentioned above, I've been really thinking about one OC in particular of mine, and her story / novel . . . she's a character that I first created when I was about 13 or so, and has gone through a lot of development since then, but I've been fleshing out a lot more of her story and how she fits into this new original world I've created (since she was originally created for a Legend of Zelda role play, albeit even back then she came from a country outside of Hyrule). I really love and cherish her a lot, even though most other characters think she fulfills the "girl who is stupid" role in the adventuring party, and on some level she also believes this about herself, and to be fair she's not academically gifted at all, but to be even more fair the school and in fact overall society she was raised in was extraordinarily fucked up and no one actually tried to teach her in a way that would help her learn and in fact learning disabilities were seen as personal failings and --
Ahem. Anyway. I have long since described her as "pure of heart, dumb of ass," and in many ways she is, but for the second half, she's not in the way most everyone around her growing up assumed she was (including herself), or like, even if she is it wasn't 100% her fault (like yeah she slept in class and that was on her, but also she wasn't going to learn whether she was awake or not because her teachers were not going to be able to teach her the material because it was a One Size Fits All approach to teaching even when it really wasn't -- and that's only scratching the surface of the problems in her school / culture, it's a huge systemic thing). But yeah I've just been thinking about her a lot. Karin's my girl and I love her lots.
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sadevergreen · 2 years
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OK so the image isn’t that important or great but i’ve been really obsessed with the song Birthday Suit by Cosmo Sheldrake and i cannot get the idea out of my head about King Rentheking’s story arc aligning with the lyrics-
(the photo is just like focus because originally i wanted to do little drawings for each of the lyrics sort of animatic style but then i couldn’t finish it in one sitting and i decided i didn’t need to finish it) so instead of doing that, i’m gonna just go through the lyrics and what part/ why i think it aligns with the storyyyy thus far!
“Weighed down by morning, in my birthday suit” - sun rise over the crastle, ren wearing his lil crown and big ol king cloak -> i think the crown and power/ responsibility has been a lot of pressure on ren and i think he is scared and desperate, he’s pulling last ditch efforts to try to live up to what bdubs accidentally(?) cursed him to
“lift up the evening, just for a while” - down in the vault w/ impulse setting up the costume party and secretly leading everyone down there -> it’s almost like accidentally a flex from impulse- he has more power than the king! it seems absurd but bare w/ me; he got everyone to conjugate together, no one actually listens to the king, impulse just gave out the kings diamonds full stop- ya see where i’m going? and some of that is ren’s own fault, like in rens desperation he is further severing his connection with his people
”backwards, upside down, and inside out. so hold on or we’ll all fall down” everyone scattering like that one scene in ratatouille all fleeing in different directions -> they all left cause they know they were doing something they weren’t supposed to and they didn’t want to be get caught. ren is a bit of a tyrant, they knew what would happened if they stayed. the ‘hold on or we’ll al fall down’ is so HDJFJJSJFJJS to me because there is something to lose on both sides almost?? like for ren, if he goes too far he’s going to be overthrown so he has to hold on to whatever he can to retain power because he’s lost support and credibility. like he broke the one thing he was hired to fix. but for everyone else, they’re already getting the short straw! they have no money anymore with rens hoarding and the stupid royal emeralds, the laws are getting more and more absurd, like what else are they supposed to do? they have to be strong and fight ren because if they don’t, he’s just going to keep digging himself into a hole and dragging everyone down w/ him.
”oh, heave the oceans too, won’t you?” like just imagine all the billboards proclaiming the laws -> more just an idea of everyone (even rens own team) becoming fed up with his bs. just like ‘oh ofc, we won’t afk or do anything apparently! great!’ just sarcasm hhh
“i’ll keep my ears on” doc chillin in his garden in the perimeter -> i love how doc literally was just like ‘no’ and made his own country- its wonderful and we love him for it <3 but yeah just doc silently overhearing everything happening and being glad he’s not a part of it and doesn’t have to abide by rens laws
“i’ll keep my eyes open” either watcher grian overseeing it all from his lil cave w/ the rift OR ren paranoid and nervously checking behind him -> ren knows he’s gonna be shut down soon, with the soup group and everything, that’s why he’s becoming so desperate. everywhere it seems someone wants his head on a stake
”i’ll keep my legs in sight and wait, ‘til we all fall down” a possible future scenario, ren being beheaded as a formal gesture of his finality -> ‘til we all fall down’ except it’s ren’s head in a basket- i think everyone is just WAITING until ren falls down and no more king!! c’mon we all know how positions of power work on the hermitcraft server smh
alright and that concludes these ramblings of a lunatic!! of you read through that, tysm!! i’ve had these thoughts for a while and i’m glad to have a space to voice ‘em. but genuinely so many props to ren for pulling this off??? like it’s very hard to play the villain and be someone that everyone hates and is wishing for their demise but he does it so well and continues to put in that one of a kind effort and flair that we’ve come to known X) UGH I JUST LOVE THIS SERIES SO MUCH JEJJFJSJCJJDJFJ OKK BYEEE AND IF YOU EVER WANNA TALK TO ME ABOUT HERMITCRAFT PLS REACH OUT LOL -jeddie
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ratabethchase · 1 year
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I posted 19,126 times in 2022
That's 4,359 more posts than 2021!
51 posts created (0%)
19,075 posts reblogged (100%)
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I tagged 461 of my posts in 2022
#ask - 10 posts
#asks - 9 posts
#slay - 3 posts
#&lt;3 - 3 posts
#percy jackson - 3 posts
#!!! - 2 posts
#i dont want him to think its not in a bro way and i dont even know how much physical contact we have even had but. like. yearning dude. - 2 posts
#nice - 2 posts
#the 1 by taylor swift - 2 posts
#i have three windows open at all times - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#friendly reminder that space junk in orbit that is more than 10 cm in width (i think) can do incredible domino effect-like damage. and this
My Top Posts in 2022:
9 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
9 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
neurotypical friends do not understand
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26 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
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woah woah woah! i might delete this a bit later cause i think im gonna work on it some more tomorrow but. still reeling over that fact i made this.
[ID: two similar glass cups of tea next to each other. the one on the left is a reference photograph for a painting on the left. the reference has a big leaf in the cup and a simple background whereas the left does not have either. the painting has two hearts above it, one brownish-pink and the other green.]
26 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
ten songs i love by different artists
omg thank you @existentialvoidofexistence for tagging me!! i was very close to reblogging your post just to be an asshole but you're lucky <3
Stand Tall from Julie and the Phantoms
I could listen to this song a million times and i would literally never stop going absolutely bonkers at it. I love it so so much dude i need to rewatch jatp
2. Hate Myself by dodie
just. such a good song. i struggled to pick a dodie song because i love all of them so much but this was the first to come to mind
3. Bad Reputation by Joan Jett
This is such a headbanger and i have been listening to it recently bc my band might do a cover of it which will be fun. i dont know if i can sing like joan jett though
4. That's Not My Name by The Ting Tings
i have no idea how i even found out about this song but it goes so hard .
5. Madison by Orla Gartland
madison is my proof to my irls that i listened to orla gartland before heartstopper because when i was writing my english creative piece i had it stuck in my head so i named the two characters madison and orla.
6. Waiting in the Wings from Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure
legit have not even seen this show. i just watched this animatic on youtube and i have been hooked on it ever since. it just makes me Feel Things.
7. Real Gone by Sheryl Crow
the song from cars. my brother has watched cars so much out loud that i have grown to love this song. my teacher also saw me listening to it once and got excited that i also liked sheryl crow
8. My Tennessee Mountain Home by Dolly Parton
omg showing off that broad music taste. country music gets so much slander and for what. i love this song so much.
9. 1985 by Bo Burnham
10. Bright Lights Bigger City/Magic from Pitch Perfect
i am obsessed with pitch perfect. it is so misogynistic and so feminist at the same time.
honestly though. these are just the most recent songs ive listened to lol!
no pressure tags for some mutuals and some people i see in my notes quite often:
@yaznomarbles @woweejoeyrichter @wands-n-lillies @ironghostie @guyhusbands @franken-pigeon @hillerska-official @fluencca @an-odd-idea @wouldthehill @whyare-youlooking
@insanitysmiles @comradebacterium @auaddict @bluedragonbaby @coffeeflavoredtears525600 @cowboy-lesbian @darkarfs @murkat @brorphine @repetitive-tautology
jeez that was a lot more tags than i thought i would do but. yeah. do it or dont do it
34 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rainyclouds02 · 2 years
Okay I'm writing because I just wanted to vent, just wanted to write a big ass wall of text to put my emotions in order don't mind me.
Techno was the reason for why I got into Minecraft, I was never a fan of the game before him. In 2020 I saw the Sad-ist animation Dream vs Technoblade a few days after it was released at random in YouTube recommended. Watched it and thought it was awesome, didn't even know it was related to Minecraft or anything. In the end of the animatic the pig girl had kicked that green dude's ass and won and I was happy cause I was routing for her (yes, while watching the animatic I thought he was a girl cause of the hair). So looking through the comments I found out that those characters were actually real people and went to check it out... that was when I meet Technoblade.
I watched his videos and through him got to know a lot of mcyt from the dsmp, and it was amazing, it was an entirely new world for me to get onboard on. And just like that I was so invested, during the major big events, during c!schlatt administration, during c!tubbo's execution, during the war between Pogtopia and L'manburg, c!Wilbur's death, Philza joining, c! schlatt dying, c!techno being betrayed, c!tommy being exiled, the destruction of L'manburg... everything, I was there for all that, they helped me get through the toughest parts of the pandemic. But even though there were all these streamers and all this content I was always looking for Techno, If he was in it than I always watched from his pov cause I knew it was gonna be fun ya know? Cause he was just so funny and great, he is the potato king and the pvp master and a force to be reckoned with, and in the rare time when he posted a video I knew for sure it was gonna be as good as the potato war, and to cherish it a lot because he didn't post often ya know?
When he first posted about the cancer I watched the video in disbelief and kept expecting for him to just say "bruhh you nerds actually believed that it was just a joke", but he didn't, he was serious, he was serious and I was in shock, like what do you mean, he's 23 years old there's no way there's just no way, bet by this time in the next year he will already be much better. There's no way, there's just no way, well, here we are.
... the last video he posted was on my birthday, april 2... Idk, idk how to feel, idk what. It was too fast. It was all to fast and I was not prepared.
I already lost someone from my family to cancer before, I think that's why this is hitting me so hard, it never gets easier.
My prayers go to his family, his friends, all the people he helped along the way through donations and in general, but most of all, they go to him. I pray for you techno, you were a great person and I'm very sad to see you leave so soon, you will be missed, but never forgotten.
Descansa em paz porquin.
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eveninglottie · 3 years
30 questions
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs (lol absolutely not) you are contractually obligated to know better tagged by the ever wonderful @heysales
name/nickname: charlotte but I go by charlie on the Net
gender: female???
star sign: aquarius
height: 5′7″
birthday: 02/15
time: 12:30am
favorite bands: I mean I don’t have favorites as much as I have bands I find and listen to over and over again, right now that’s Nothing But Thieves and Sleeping with Sirens and a channel on yt called Cryo Chamber that does weird ambient mixes with titles like Songs for a Broken World and Dystopian Ambient and they have a series of videos with music for eldritch gods and Hastur is my faaaaaaave
favorite solo artists: evelynn from kda (don’t come for me)
song stuck in my head: right now it’s Unperson by Nothing But Thieves or Devil’s at Your Door by SWARM because of an animatic I saw about mollymauk and had to go walk around for a while because I Felt Things
last movie: just watched die hard with the fam
last show: the latest season of gbbo
when did i create this blog: 2015
what do i post: good question
last thing googled: I just looked up who forthright was because I saw their book on amazon and I wanted to see what fandom they wrote for 
other blogs: a lot but mostly to save titles I like sdkvjbad
do i get asks: I dooooooo and it’s always nice people telling me about my fic and I don’t deserve it truly
why i chose my url: I was originally eveningshadowrising (from the waste land I’m SO CULTURED) but I didn’t like it and I realized I had missed an amazing opportunity for chucklottie as a username but I didn’t want to confuse people by totally switching (which is also why I haven’t changed my icon in 5 years) so we get eveninglottie, which I do like because it sounds like “yes this is the evening version of charlie a chill version who is in pjs and drinking hot chocolate”
following: 132, which I should probably go through and cull because I keep seeing people pop on my dash like “I don’t want this”
followers: 988, which is hilarious to me because I have been in the 960s-980s for like two years, no kidding, despite the fact that I usually get a new follower once every week or two I don’t know what’s going on
average hours of sleep: 8 but it feels like 4
lucky number: 42. I’m basic.
instruments: a tiny violin for me tragic life
what am i wearing: a neon yellow nasa shirt from walmart and a flannel and leggings I’m very Streamer Chic rn
dream job: to write :/ but like, get paid to do it. or honestly at this point I would pay to be able to write again SO
dream trip: scotland and then I would never leave
favorite food: uuhhhhh idk...gnocchi?
nationality: american
favorite song: maybe Dante’s Prayer by Loreena McKennit? her music makes me cry
last book read: currently reading Vengeful by ve schwab but I’ve been reading it for three months because I no longer have the ability to do anything I once loved
top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: UUGGGHHHH I’m gonna steal kel’s answer and say Howl’s Moving Castle, really just the ghibli extended universe WAIT NO I WOULD live as a borrower. I wanna live as a very small person. so either Epic or the Secret Life of Arietty slash that stuff, I was also about to say zootopia but I don’t like what that says about me so I won’t. idk why but the world from the web comic from eliza’s monsters. I still think about that book/world a lot. right now I’d like to be able to live in a universe that lets me write so maybe the sims so I could just sit at my desk all day and fill in the bubble over my head.
I tag @idrelle, @luzial, @esssteee, @salexectria, @swiftofhearts, and @evilbunnyking because I have no idea who else is active on here anymore skadvlhj
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alfreedomm · 4 years
as lack of human communication continues to drain me day by day, I see Nines in my dashboard and I get the energy to actually be productive. *insert vent below the cut*
I’ve been cooped up in my room for most of the days and barely talk to people which has led to me being demotivated and not have the energy to do anything productive. I have my own personal deadlines for art but I haven’t had the inspiration or motivation to do any of it and my lack of productiveness has just been eating away at me and I’ve been pressuring myself to draw or do something.
Yesterday was kinda hard on me. I woke up first thing to quite triggering content for me and fell asleep with more triggering content being the last thing I saw... in fact I actually cried myself to sleep as I felt uncomfortable and sick.
Today I’ve only drawn one thing and I’m not even happy with it. I have a personal deadline to finish an animatic by tomorrow for Alfred’s birthday but I feel so tired and demotivated I don’t have the energy to do it.
I have no segue into how DBH has been helping me with this but I have this Connor doll that I bring around with me almost everywhere and whenever I feel stressed or upset I just.... hold him.... seeing fanart of certain characters and reading some fanfiction for them has been helping me to calm down as well. While I still don’t have any energy or motivation, they bring me some comfort and reassure me that it’s ok to not be productive sometimes and that I need to give myself breaks and not be too hard on myself.
I don’t think I’m gonna draw anything else today, but I am going to shower and order an ice cream.
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jefferoni-quotes · 5 years
Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing
A oneshot based off of this animatic - THIS ONE - by @invireso ! Sorry it took so long-
Words: 3,018
TW: For blood, death and general sad times. I like angst oops-
- - -
Beware... beware Be skeptical
John, Alex and Thomas were always close friends. Well "friends." They were more like business partners. Perhaps like a trio of bandits galloping around the Wild West, taking out those in their way. They may not have been particularly fond of each other, but no matter what they had their groups back. Nothing got in the way of their jobs.
Their jobs being essential assassins. The group of vagabonds would be set a wealthy upper class target, and they were to dispose of them.
Of their smiles, their smiles Of plated gold
Alexander was definitely the groups leader. He ensured everyone had a job, a position and that's they stuck to their assignment like Elmer's glue. He was the brains behind the project. He was like the choreographer of their deadly dance.
John was act two. If the brawn didn't work, he would launch to attack, as if he were a rabid hound crouching in the dark shadows of an alleyway, just waiting for his prey to scamper past. He was ruthless and merciless. Heartless no doubt.
And Thomas? Well Thomas was the brawn. They strongest of the three by an overwhelming amount. His height was also good for intimidating possible witnesses into leaving the premise.
They were the perfect deadly salad.
Deceit, so natural But a wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning!
Then came that day.
The men had been given a rich woman to take out. Her name was Martha Wayles, a 24 year old female from Virginia who'd recently moved to New York.
Alex, John and Thomas were hidden in a tucked away alley, watching the woman move down the street, her phone in hand. Alexander clicked his tongue, signifying that she was coming their way. Hamilton and Laurens had pulled up their neckerchiefs up to cover their mouths and noses, but Jefferson concluded it would look more sketchy if a man in a mask lunged out of the darkness towards you. So he played it casual.
Baa, baa Black sheep Have you any soul?
Thomas saw the cool metal of a knife glint in the shimmering sunlight and took it by the handle from John, peaking out the wall. He chewed nervously on his lip, fingers hovering over the material tied loosely around his neck,
No, sir By the way What the hell are morals?
He ducked his head back in and turned to watch Alexander carefully swing a baseball bat over his shoulder and it brushed last his pony tail.
John clutched the cold steel of a pistol and narrowed his eyes, ready in case anything went wrong.
Jack, be nimble Jack, be quick Jill's a little whore
Martha scrolled aimlessly through her Facebook feed, chucking lightly at some sort of dead meme. She tapped a happy birthday message out to her good friend Dolley on Facebook.
And her alibis are turning tricks! So could you tell me how you're sleeping easy?
Thomas waiting for the brief signal from Alex. When the smaller man nodded he sprung into action, keeping the dagger behind his back and beginning to pull up his neckerchief.
Martha spun around when she heard faint footsteps behind her. She made eye contact with a man. He was tall with dark skin and curly hair. She felt a small flush run to her cheeks. Thomas went pink and coughed awkwardly before allowing the knife to slip from between his fingers and clang to the floor.
How you're only thinking of yourself?
"Uh, I'm, um..." Thomas bumbled stupidly. "I'm Tho-Thomas Jefferson."
Show me how you justify Telling all your lies like second nature?
Alexander grit his teeth and whistled, a sign for Thomas to leave. Jefferson heard the calling card and chewed the bottom of his lip. "I'm sorry, I have to go. It was nice to meet you!" And he scampered off, sighing into his hands. Hamilton was going to kill him.
"What the hell was that?!" Alexander gesticulated in anger.
Thomas shrugged.
"You're so dumb." John added.
Listen, mark my words one day You will pay You will pay!
That night at John and Alex's shared home an argument broke out. But no normal yelling. There was rage bubbling in their veins and if you were there, you would be able to smell the fury in the air. "What the fuck was that today?!" John started.
"I dunno, man!" Thomas answered calmly.
"'I dunno, man' isn't a respectable reply, Jefferson! You were supposed to kill her, yet you actually friended her on Facebook!?" Alexander shot back furiously.
"To be fair, she added me first."
"I can't believe you! What's gotten into you? We used to be the perfect team. Like the reverse Musketeers!" John yelled, sticking a pointed finger at Thomas' face.
"Get out of my face!" Thomas slapped his hand away. "Maybe I don't wanna be a part of this stupid group anymore! I wanna settle down!"
"Thomas, we're like a clan, you can't leave!" Alexander pressed.
"I can and I will! Damn you all to hell!"
Karma's gonna come collect your debt!
Thomas stormed the home, slamming the door closed so hard it shook the hinges.
Over the next months, he and Martha Wayles formed a close romantic relationship. He took her out. Just... not with a weapon.
He'd never believed in the idea of soulmates yet... here he was. His mind had been flipped because Martha was the half he was missing, and man it felt good.
In fact. It didn't take long for him to propose. To with Martha accepted, tears gathering in her eyes.
Aware aware You stalk your prey
Alexander grit his teeth and scrubbed his hands together. John stood on his left, and he dug his nails into his palms. They watched through the large - if not slightly dirty - pet shop window at their old buddy and his fiance. Thomas held up a black kitten, and watched Martha's face break into a glittering grin.
The cars zoomed past them, yet both Hamilton and Laurens seemed to forget, or many ignore, the metropolis around them. They gazed on with a deadly stare as the owner of the store placed the cat in a carrier and filled a bag with all the things the couples needed to raise their cat. And then, the two walked out, but Alex and John were no where to be found.
With criminal mentality You sink your teeth into the people you depend on
The photos that were pinned on the cork-board in the two' shared bedroom were slowly disappearing, but Thomas nor Martha noticed. John spread them across his table. He couldn't help but smile at some of them where Thomas looked especially happy, quickly changing his expression to stern when Alex waltzed in.
Alexander stared over John' shoulder at the pictures and shifted them around. He paused on the one of Thomas asleep with the cat lying on his chest, and Martha hushing with a smile. The two can almost hear the woman's dazzling laughter and kind of softened. Kind of.
There was another of the couple on the day Thomas proposed. They were close, beaming with glee and love. The shining engagement ring may not have been the centre of the photo, but John's eyes were still drawn to it.
The last one they focused on was what appeared to be a nice selfie of Martha and Thomas, but they were being photo-bombed by their cat, that they had named 'Sabrina.'
Infecting everyone You're quite the problem
Alexander finally snapped from his nostalgic trance and snatched a red Sharpie from the pot on top of the desk. He scratched big, crimson exes over Martha's face in the pictures with a serpent like hiss. John looked up at him, hurt surging through his eyes which he quickly masked as satisfaction. Alex tossed the pen across the room, capless, meaning it would dry out quickly. John wanted to go pick it up but sat stoic still instead.
The two had skipped the wedding, finding it unnecessary to attend. They were past the point of caring about Jefferson's feelings, already knowing how they were going to break him. Martha had to go.
Fee, fi, fo, fum Better run and hide
But now, it was the after party. Alexander and John had invited themselves, and were fully prepared.
They scanned the room, searching for their target. And there she was. Standing by her new husband, holding his arm lovingly and gazing up at him in admiration. John looked at Alex, and the greasy haired male nodded discreetly. John strode off towards Thomas, tapping him on the back. Alexander snickered at their old partners shock and watched notedly as Laurens led Thomas off.
I smell the blood of a petty little coward!
Once Thomas was out of the picture, Alexander sauntered over with his phone in hand. He glanced at John, who caught his eye with a knowing smirk. "Hey, Martha!"
She turned around and smiled sweetly, crinkles showing up by her eyes as she did. "Hello, do I know you?" She sipped from the champagne flute in her hand.
"I'm... an old friend of Thomas'..." Alexander beamed dashingly before holding up his phone happily.
"Oh! You must be... Alexander Hamilton?" Martha held out a finger as she asked.
Alex nodded and gestured to his phone again. "Can I have a photo...?"
Martha giggled. "Yes! Of course!" She took one last sip of her champagne before swinging an arm around Alex as he held up his phone in selfie mode.
Alexander coughed loudly. "Oh, sorry, Martha."
Jack be lethal Jack be slick
John took the signal and walked away from Thomas mid-sentence. Thomas looked around in confusion and chugged some alcohol.
Laurens dug into his pockets, and pulled out three little pale, pink pills. John quickly scattered behind Alex and the new bride just as his partner took the photo. He dropped the drugs into the remainder of her drink with a smirk. Now, all they had to do was wait.
Jill will leave you lonely Dying in a filthy ditch!
Martha walked away from Alexander with a wave, starting up towards Thomas. She drank down the rest of her champagne as she skipped up to him.
Then, she stopped. She coughed. And then she dropped her glass.
"Patsy? Sunshine, are you alright!" Thomas rushed forward, avoiding the shattered glass like the plague.
Still retching her lungs up, she reached forward and clenched the front of Thomas' suit. "Tommy..." Martha managed to spit out.
Thomas widened his eyes. "Someone call for help, goddamn it!" He yelled, watching people scrabble left and right, calling ambulances and policemen. Everyone except from two people. Two that stood solemnly in the corner with their heads down.
So could you Tell me how you're sleeping easy? How you're only thinking of yourself?
Everyone was whisked away from the scene.
"Martha! Let me see her!"
"You killed my wife, you bastards!"
Show me how you justify Telling all your lies Like second nature!
Thomas placed the white lilies on the vibrant grass by his late wife's grave, tears streaking down his cheeks. Shadows loomed over the gravestone and Thomas turned to his left where Alexander placed a tender hand on Jefferson' shoulder. "Hey, buddy..."
"A-Alex?" He shuddered, tears continuing to fall like crashing waterfalls down his cheeks. "Wh-What are you doing h-here...?"
John cleared his throat to announce his presence.
"J-John? You t-too?"
"Come on, let's get you home." John nodded, almost smiling as Alexander smirked knowingly at him.
Listen! Mark my words someday You will pay, you will pay!
Alexander helped Thomas into the back of their 4x4, and John climbed in the passenger side. "I'm so sorry about your wife, buddy."
Thomas just hung his head, gathering his spinning thoughts. "They think I did it." He finally came out with. "The cops had suspicions it was me, but I would never-"
"We know, Tommy... it's alright. You'll be fine." Alexander stared straight ahead and turned the key, the engine starting with a low grumble.
Karma's gonna come collect your debt!
Alexander sat out in the car as John lead Thomas into his home. "You sure you'll be okay on your own?"
"I just need some time to myself." The taller insisted, leaving Laurens at his doorstep. "Bye, Jackie."
"See ya, Thomas."
Maybe you'll change Abandon all your wicked ways Make amends and start anew again
That next evening, Thomas was crouched over his office desk in his home, photo album open. He traced over the image of Martha in one, where she looked so happy... He flipped the page, and where several photos that were originally on his cork board should've been, there was instead the white paper. He narrowed his eyes and flipped again. He smiled sadly as his gaze fell to a selfie of Alexander and his wife.
Maybe you'll see All the wrongs you did to me And start all over, start all over!
There it was. Small but there. The obvious puff of his friends ponytail. Of Johns hair. Thomas blinked, unsure he was seeing it correctly. And then. It clicked, something in him snapped. Martha's beautiful laugh rung through his head, her beaming smile filling his mind. It went silent, before the image of her crying and gripping his suit as she choked suffocated him. Thomas cracked.
Who am I kidding? Now let's not get over zealous here!
The thundering rain beat off Alex and John's house windows, the lightning flashing across the sky lit up the rooms with bright white light. They lay, reclined on the sofa, self righteously sipping a cold beer each.
You've always been a huge piece of shit! If I could kill you, I would! But it's frowned upon in all fifty states
With a clap of dark thunder and a blast of lightning, Thomas was there. He paused for a millisecond, looking up at the red brick home. The grey curtains that clouded the living room were drawn shut. Thomas kept his hand wrapped around the handle of his blade, stepping forward. He knocked gently on the door, listening for the shuffling inside.
Having said that Burn in hell!
The handle was tugged down and Jefferson kicked the door fully open, glazed eyes landing on John who was sat on the couch. Alexander stumbled back and fell onto his back, as Laurens leapt up in horrified shock. He was seeing scarlet, clouding his vision as he charged up to John. The man ran, he sprinted up the stairs and could feel Thomas hot on his heels.
Alexander fumbled for his phone, shivering as he pressed the numbers to call.
John tripped up over the stair, and tried to shuffle backwards as Jefferson stood over him. His lips twisted into a sinister smirk, all the rage blocking out the rapidly approaching police sirens.
So tell me How you're sleeping easy? How you're only thinking of yourself?
Red. It's a horrifically tranquil colour.
Or blood. And blood is the substance that was coating the pristine walls of the home. The door busted open again, but this time it wasn't a murderer. It was someone from the NYPD.
Show me How you justify Spreading all your lies like second nature?
The policeman rushed in and helped Alexander to his feet. "Are you alright?"
Alexander nodded. "Y-yes, I'm fine... B-but, J-John-!"
The man patted his shoulder and looked up the stairs, where Thomas was creeping down. He let Alexander go and calmly started forward. "Drop the weapon." Thomas just looked at him through his hair. "I said drop the weapon!" Jefferson kept his hand firmly wrapped around the blade. "Come down the stairs, keep your hands in the air."
"They killed her." Thomas whispered.
"Pardon?" The policeman watched as Thomas stumbled down the stairs.
Jefferson looked up. "They killed her!" He yelled.
"Sir, drop the knife and kindly put your hands behind your back."
Thomas ran forward and he stumbled back. "Sir, stop." He reached for the gun that was rested by his side. Jefferson hit the front of his helmet.
He ran back, still being targeted by the killer. The officer, who's name tag read, J. Madison, threw his helmet away as the cracks were starting to cloud his vision.
Listen Mark my words one day You will pay, you will pay
James leaned against the alleyways wall, fear filling his eyes. He looked up at Thomas who was looming over him and held out his hands. "N-now... lets not b-be to rash." He attempted to keep the waver from his voice.
Thomas stopped. He didn't even notice the knife falling from his hand and hitting the concrete floor with a clang. When he looked at the police officer, all he could see was the terrified look of his late wife. He stumbled back, hands cupping his face as his hardened facade crumbled.
Karma's gonna come collect your debt!
Madison took Jefferson's moment of weakness as it flittered by. He grabbed it and ran forward, hitting the man in the face, He caught him by enough surprise to easily drag him to the police car.
Thomas looked down at his hands. There may not have been anything there, but there was metaphorical blood all over them. He looked up front into the mirror, looking over the police-mans face. When James looked back at him, Thomas immediately gazed back down.
He should've been destroyed that he was going to jail, yet he found himself numb. At least he'd rid the world of a murderer.
Karma's gonna come collect your debt!
He was escorted to a cell, and all his belongings were stripped of him. He was handed a stereotypical orange jumpsuit which he was commanded to change into. And he did. From there, he sat himself on the lumpy bed.
His face slowly contorted into a sickly sweet smile as he clasped and unclasped his hands on his lap. Thomas pushed his hair behind his ear and didn't stop smiling.
Karma's gonna come collect your debt!
- - -
I’ll be writing more oneshots, so I’ma open up requests! Thanks for reading!
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ramunestation · 6 years
This is a little belated update on tumblr but I’m happy and relieved to announce that I was granted my Masters Degree in Storyboarding for 2D Animation and can finally show you all what I’ve been on and “Birthday Party” is one of them.
These past three years have been the most intensive and rewarding time in school. “Birthday Party” is a simple story that is part of a much bigger tale in mine and @hinoart​‘s webcomic “Here in the West”. Thanks to these characters, my thesis project was a complete success. 
It’s important to me to share how these girls came to be where they are today.
So this is gonna be a long post. Get some coffee/cocoa/snacks and read on if you like:
Animation and I have a long and complicated relationship. I flirted with the idea of an Animation career but I didn’t have the courage that time to pursue it. When I left high school, I had no clue on what I wanted to do and the common pressures of college life and being whisked away into adulthood was stifling. Thanks to one bad English teacher, my initial dream of becoming a writer was dashed and I fell into a very long dry spell.
Despite that, Art was the only field I wanted to work in and I thought about becoming a comic artist. At the community college, I took all the art courses I could find to build up my fundamentals and anything related to Illustration. My teacher at the time, Blair Thornley, suggested that I should consider getting into animation. However, I shied away at the thought but I did dabble in animating small things like eye blinks and pixel art. Nothing more than that.
In 2012, I studied abroad at Osaka University of Arts; in Tondabayashi, Japan. (A prefecture in Osaka). Ironically, I was burned out on art. I wasn’t into any recent anime or manga, my Japanese was poor, and I lost all motivation to pickup a pencil. Then I asked myself, “Why did you come here, at all?” 
As lost and confused as I was, I couldn’t give [art] it up. It’s damn near impossible to dismiss something that’s very much apart of you. So, I went back to the nearest point where I felt an ounce of inspiration, which was rewatching DC cartoons and catching up on shows that friends recommended me over the years. By doing so, I ended up watching “Motorcity” a few months after it’s release and (as cheesy as it sounds) this show changed my life.
I often refer to Motorcity as my “Second Renaissance” because it was the same excitement that I felt when I obsessed over Sailor Moon all those years ago and I knew this was something special. Looking back, most of my frustrations stem from being stuck, artistically. My skills were limited and I didn’t push myself hard enough to tackle my weaknesses, such as: drawing men, technical machinery, extreme perspectives, etc. and Motorcity threw me in head-first to face them all. The urge to draw became more like a desperate need and nothing was going to stand in my way; not even myself. But most importantly, this show inspired me to write again.
As I delve deeper into Motorcity, I had an epiphany about what I wanted to with my life. I finally found a clear direction and I gave myself permission to pursue an Animation career. When I left Japan, I felt greatly accomplished and I couldn’t wait to start the Masters Program at my dream school, the Academy of Art University.
Like many fans, I made an OC for Motorcity and partnered up with Hinokit’s character. A shameless self-insert, to be frank. However, in the years that led up to this project “Birthday Party”, these original characters developed and evolved into their own entity that merely share the same universe as the show. All the training I endured helped me push these characters further and with Hinokit’s help, the webcomic and this animatic are the results of that labor. Although the chances of Motorcity being revived is slim to none. This is my way in honoring their memory. 
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luxuriant-starlight · 7 years
I Won’t Say I’m In Love - Ch. 4
What’s this?? A new chapter?? Three days later??!?!?!?! 
Unheard of!
But not really! Ya gurl has had hella time on her hands, so I’ve managed to crank out another chapter in less than a week! Hope y’all enjoy!
Note that the characters in this story are aged up (they’re 18), and do consume alcohol in this chapter, so be wary of that!
As always, the inspiration for this fic is from an animatic by the lovely @pepper-bottom, who y’all should definitely check out! 
Thanks for reading, lovelies <3
Words in this Chapter: 1.9k
[AO3] // [FFN]
Chapter 4 - Mari and Alya Are Lobsters
 Marinette was just. A mess that morning. To be entirely fuckin’ frank.
 But, then again- what would you expect from a girl who had literally just been rejected by the man she had very much considered to be her potential soulmate for almost the entirety of her teenage life.
 Ugh. She didn’t even want to flashback to that.
 The way he looked so… so sorry. Like he pitied her.
 She just felt so devastated. So heartbroken.
 So… humiliated.
 Marinette had cried herself to sleep every night this week. How could she have been so stupid? Of course there was someone else. Of course there was.
 And yet, through all her anguish…
 She couldn’t stop thinking about last night.
 Chat Noir had come to visit her. He really was sweet, for an alley cat.
 He’d seen her crying into her tea on the railing. She was blasting Kelly Clarkson (obviously- what else does one play after they’ve been rejected?) and replaying that awful moment Adrien turned her down over and over again.
 But he came to comfort her. Of all the things he could’ve spent that night doing, he went out of his way to cheer her up even after-
 Well, even after she had shattered his heart.
 Not that Marinette did, of course. It was Ladybug who had rejected him.
 But still. She’s seen the sadness in his eyes since the day it happened. She knew she hurt him. She knew the last thing that kitty needed was more heartbreak.
 And yet, he took it all on, just to make her feel better.
 That sounds so stupid, now. But the gesture really touched her.
 And, you know, maybe it was her tender, weakened heart. Maybe it was her exhaustion. Maybe it was dehydration from all the crying. Maybe it was just the way his eyes shone in the moonlight.
 Whatever it was, her broken heart felt warmer. Her cheeks did, too.
 She had flirted with him.
 And yeah, obviously, she has flirted with him before. But it was always casual. It never meant anything. She had never felt anything. Maybe she would have if not for her love for Adrien…
 But that was over with, now. There was nothing and no one holding her back.
 Chat Noir was present in her life and loved her (err...well, he loved her superhero persona, at least). He had smiled and stumbled over his words and blushed in a way she had never seen before last night. And when he leaned in, she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t a little tempted to-
 Okay, woah. What is going on with you??? He’s one of your best friends, and your partner. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. You just got your heart broken.
 Okay. Maybe her conscience was right. It doesn’t make sense to let yourself fall for someone else before you’ve even let the dust settle on the person you loved before.
 She was just vulnerable. She had a moment of weakness. That was all.
 Exactly. Don’t get your hopes up.
 No matter how nicely he’s filled in that suit over that past few years, or how much he seemed to want it, too. Or how strong his jaw is or tight that leather is or-
 “Mari, are you even listening?” Alya demanded, jarring Marinette out of her deep train of thought.
 “Oh- uh- sorry, what?”
 Marinette had totally spaced out. She was walking home from school with Alya, who was telling her about the new camera she’d been wanting and finally bought, and she’d been totally ignoring her. Yikes.
 “Were you thinking about him again?” Alya asked, softening her tone.
 “Him- no- uh- what makes you think I was thinking about him, haha?” Marinette stumbled, laughing nervously.
 “Because I’m your best friend, and your face has Adrien written all over it.” She explained with a chuckle.
 Oh. Right. Adrien.
 “Yeah. I was. I’m really sorry.” Marinette apologized.
 “Don’t be. Listen- I know it’s been super hard for you. I know your emotions have been all over the place-”
 “Super all over the place.” Marinette agreed.
 “-Which is whyyy I declare we have an emergency girls’ night, tonight.” Alya finished, singsonging.
 Marinette blinked. “An emergency girls’ night?”
 “Yup.” Alya popped the ‘p’ in the word so as to emphasize.
 Marinette shifted, uncomfortably. “I don’t know, Al. I’m not really feeling it, tonight.” 
 “Oh come on, Marinette.”
“I don’t know.”
 “Listen. I think you- well, every woman on this Earth, but especially you at the moment- need a break from men and their nonsense. You have been hurting for way too long.”
 “It’s only been like, a week.”
 “Exactly. Come on, Mari. Let’s get lit together in a sacred act of solidarity and sisterhood. In the name of feminism! Let’s get fucked up!” Alya declared, yelling out loud as they walked, so as some people around them turned to look at them.
 Marinette snorted and bust out laughing for the first time in what felt like centuries. “Okay, okay. Let’s get ‘lit.’”
 “That’s my girl! Onward!”
 Alya led her towards the bakery, marching like a bandleader in a parade. Marinette’s heart warmed. She really had a pretty gosh darn amazing best friend.
 One change of clothes, one march towards Alya’s place, three hours, and two bottles of rosé later, they were, indeed, thoroughly “lit.”
 Marinette was sitting up on Alya’s bed, girly drink in hand, as Alya stood up and exaggerated her story.
 “-And, I swear to God, Nino can no longer even LOOK at a pineapple without sweating.”
 They both burst out laughing, hard- that is, until Alya tripped and fell on the bed next to Marinette, and they laughed harder.
 As their laughter turned to giggles, and then to contented sighs, for a second, Alya and Marinette just looked at each other. Alya shifted on her stomach and propped her head up to make herself more comfortable.
 Marinette sighed happily, overcome with love, caressing Alya’s cheek. This girl was really there for her. Mari had been so stressed and overwhelmed with heartbreak this whole week- yet Alya knew just what to do. And now, three hours later, it’s like she’s almost completely forgotten what she was even upset about.
 Marinette felt tears come to her eyes.
 “Alya.” She held back a sob, grasping her best friend’s hand and pulling it close to her. “You’re my very best friend. Did you know that?”
 “Mari…” Alya bit back a sob, too, tears coming to her eyes as well. “Girl, stop, before I cry.”
 “No, I can’t stop. I love you, Al. You’re always there for me. You always help me out- even when I’m a angsty mess. You taught me how to highlight and contour. There’s no love like the love I-” Marinette’s drunken love confession was interrupted by a hiccup. “-have for you. I love you, Al. So, so much. More than Project Runway. You’re my fuckin’ lobster, man.”
 “Marinette, oh my godddd…” Alya sobbed for real this time, sitting up and pulling Marinette into her warm embrace. “You’re MY lobster. You’re too good. Too precious for this world. I love you so much, my cinnamon roll. I love you forever.”
 Marinette’s heart warmed, and she felt butterflies in her stomach. She sniffled, then sobbed.
 “I love you forever!”
 They both sobbed in each other’s arms, holding each other tight, until the crying finally subsisted.
 “Okay, okay.” Alya sniffled, sighing and looking Marinette in the eye. “Now that we’ve confessed our love, I- I have to confess something about me. Something SO crazy. Like, if you find out, you’ll like. Supernova.”
 Marinette giggled. “I’ll supernova?”
 “It’s like a crazy galactic explosion. It’ll get ya.”
 “Okay. I’ll try not to supernova. But tell me what it is!”
 “Okay, okay. Here goes.” Alya breathed in, hyping herself up. “Remember Max’s 15th birthday party?”
 “When we played laser tag?”
 “Yeah. And you remember how me and Alix and Juleka and all those guys were on the team opposite of you and Nino and Adrien and whatever?”
 “Yeah! Team Awesome versus Team Spectacular.”
 Alya chuckled, but then took another deep breath. “And you remember how the last two people left on my team were me and Alix? And we were off for like a good half hour on a ‘stake-out’?”
 “We weren’t on a stake-out. We were totally making out.”
 “WHAT?” Marinette gasped, pretending to almost fall off the bed.
 They both laughed hysterically.
 “I can’t believe you kissed Alix! Dude! That was like- like-” Marinette stumbled, being slightly more drunk than Alya. “Like the fuckin’ WEEK before she went on her first date with Kim!”
 “I know! It was like a totally spur of the moment thing. But…” Alya blushed, looking away. “To be entirely honest, even though I have Nino, now, I’ve kind of had a thing for Alix ever since she spitballed Kim in the eye when we were like 13. I don’t really feel that way anymore, but I did and I acted on impulse and we’ve literally never talked about it since but I’ve thought about it so much.”
 “Why didn’t you tell me?” Marinette asked, her eyebrows knitting together.
 “I don’t know.” Alya admitted. “Honestly, I’ve never told anyone. I was sort of gonna ask her out, but then Kim beat me to it and I didn’t really wanna bum anyone out or anything.”
 “Alya..” Marinette was touched. Alya had been holding back this big secret for so long, and now she told her just because she wanted to better their friendship and break all the obstacles between them.
 Maybe it was the rosé talking, but Marinette felt awfully compelled to tell her a secret, too.
 “Alya..” Marinette bit her lip, trying to sober up as much as she could (which, tbh, was not much at all). “I have a big secret to tell you, too.”
 “What is it, Mari? You can tell me anything.” Alya assured her, putting her hand on hers. Alya was such a good friend. She had to tell her.
 Marinette downed another glass in a milisecond, before taking a deep breath.
 “Alya.” Marinette said, seriously. “I’m Ladyboog.”
 Alya stared at her for a moment, before bursting out laughing.
 “L-Ladyboog? Hahahaha, oh my god.” Alya wiped a tear from her eye. “That’s so fucking funny, Mari. Maybe you’ve had enough to drink for one night.”
 As Alya cut her off, Marinette whined, and stood up on the bed, pouting and crossing her arms.
 “No, Alya! I’m serious!” Mari huffed. Why wouldn’t Alya listen? “I’m Ladyboog!”
 Alya laughed again, letting it fade into a satisfied chuckle. “Okay, Ladyboog- prove it.”
 Marinette narrowed her eyes at her smirking best friend. Fine. She wouldn’t take her word for it? Then Mari would just have to prove it.
 “Okay, then.” Marinette declared, placing one hand on her hip and the other pointing up towards the air. “Tikki! Spots on!”
 “Wait, wha-”
 Alya didn’t have time to finish that sentence, because all of a sudden Marinette, her best friend and almost-sister was transforming before her eyes into the very superhero she had been investigating since the day they’d met: Ladybug.
 Marinette heard Tikki’s faint cries of disapproval in the back of her mind before she could process what she had just done. She had just drunkenly transformed in front of, and revealed her identity to Alya.
 Alya’s wine glass slipped from her hand and fell to the floor, shattering. Marinette tried to open her mouth and explain herself but couldn’t. The only thing she could say now was-
 “Oh, fuck.”
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kira-aub · 7 years
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It has been about a month since I’ve done a life update so it’s about high-time I do one!!! Obviously I’ve been very busy this past month, I finished off my portrait project to an acceptable level and worked really hard to do a good job on my three little pigs project!! So most of my time has either been spent working, going to school, or sleeping (my favorite pastime). With the completion of our fairy tale animatic projects came the beginning of the last project for the year the Final Major Project (or FMP). So the next 12ish weeks will be dedicated to one project! Not sure what I will do yet, but I’m getting some interesting ideas!
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This past weekend Rhi took me to London for my birthday!! We stayed at her auntie’s adorable house in Walthamstow (which I still can’t really pronounce). I rode on my second train ever as well as my first underground train (which we took a LOT). Since we took the night train up we went home and went to sleep but on my birthday we went to the Tower of London!
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Even though I’ve been through London three times now, I’ve never actually been TO London, just the airport, so this was really exciting for me! We took the underground into London (lots of detours because of strikes and whatnot but we eventually got to Tower Hill. My tourist side flourished and I took a ridiculous amount of pictures.
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My main reason for wanting to go to the tower was to see the Tower of London ravens! I’m a avid corvid fan and I’ve seen amazing videos of the Ravenmaster interacting with them and they just make the coolest noises! Needless to say, when we finally got to the ravens I took so many videos and pictures that I immediately filled up my phone’s storage. Rhi had to tear me away from them otherwise I would spend the whole day cooing at them. Only two of them were walking around because of a recent outbreak of avian flu, but they were all very lively and adorable. I also may have bought an inordinate amount of raven merchandise in the store.
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We then went to a cafe for some lunch and I had a very nice potato and lentil soup. Unfortunately though I also happened to knock over my 7-UP and it proceeded to spray literally all over me and soaked my pants. I was so dumbfounded that I just let it happen to me and it was such a mess and both of us couldn’t stop laughing. But it wasn’t great to walk around sticky for half the day (I also got very cold because of it). After securing a sweatshirt around my waist to hide most of the spill we went through the White Tower and saw the amazing armory. There were wooden horse sculptures that were older than the United States! It was really incredible. We wandered around and saw the crown jewels (no pictures allowed), as well as some of the other interesting sights and then finished with looking at the ravens one more time. I never got to meet the ravenmaster, but that will have to be a goal for another visit! The next day we went to Camdentown and shopped in the absolutely incredible market. It literally goes on forever and there were some really interesting little shops. I had some really good Mexican food (even though they wrapped the burrito wrong but the chicken was good so I’m not complaining too much. We spent a few hours there until it got unbearably cold and we went home. We took the night train back to Bournemouth and I instantly fell asleep when I got home.
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It was a really incredible birthday and I’m so happy to have an amazing person like Rhi in my life <3. Next year is going to be amazing living with her and Jimmy and Dan in a house together (we just signed the lease and it’s pretty darn cute!) I really can’t wait, it’ll be awesome.
For this week and next week I have Tier 4 required classes, but I don’t really mind because that gives me time to work on my assessment as well as an amazing opportunity I decided to take; helping some 2nd year BA Animation students with their film. They came to our classroom looking for volunteers and I was the only one that expressed interest but I’m so glad I got over my nervousness and contacted them because I just got the shot that I’m going to cleanup and I’m so excited to work on a film of this level this early on. It’s really an amazing opportunity for me. I hope I can give them some quality results! I would post some of the exercises I’ve drawn for it, but I don’t know how they would feel about me posting their character designs, so I’m just gonna keep it a secret ;).
Hopefully my next update won’t be as far between, this week is going to be really interesting! (Not to mention we have a trip up to Oxford for a day so that will be fun too!!)
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galactirisu · 7 years
hey sorry guys i really have to take a long break from working on animatics and art its bc i have so much work to do i have to go my friends house next week her birthday was in few weeks same as my rl older sister and niece my friend and i are gonna eat supper and then watching a movie that was came out in the store recently and i gotta do some more walks at the civic center so my tachycardia wont be as hard as well my walking problems dont worry i will be okay its just my pots went goddamn crazy during walking and thats much about it oh and btw ill be back to work on animatics as soon as possible no rush i will be back for couple weeks i promise
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