#The Village Hidden in The Vale
strucker · 2 years
Updates 9/20
You might be wondering what I’ve been doing recently: 1) I decided not to attend the National Black Book Festival this year since its date conflicts with my niece’s birth and other challenges. 2) By the end of October, I expect to complete The Village Hidden in The Vale (Oracle, Book 2). I made a lot of progress on it in recent months–look forward to more on this novel soon. 3) This November,…
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*knocks the door* Hello there! 💙 I hope you're doing great, because an idea came to my head again!)))
I apologize in advance, because my post will be long and it will be about my OC and his city, so the request will only be at the end. And here's the idea...
I was thinking of a story where my OC would finally be able to feel helpless again and learn to appreciate more that Hualian is around, and at the same time learn to ask for help. A old and basic idea came to mind, BUT... I like it. My OC, a demon and the god of Quiet death, manages his city as your OC and Hua Cheng do. Only for me his city at first looks like a large dark forest with lights of blue flame and animals whose fur is highlighted.. You know, like in Avatar, if you've watched it, or in Skyrim, there are such animals in one of the missions (google the "skyrim vale deer" and that's it)). And then the main part of the city is hidden under the arches of a cave in a huge mountain, where plants and tree grow thanks to magic. And plants highlighted too. It looks like an elven town in the Lord of the Rings, only in Chinese style. A very quiet place where demons and souls come to seek peace, a life they might not have had before death.
The main palace in black and blue tones, dark wood, elegance, expensive, but not fancy things around... HUGE collections of fans and poisons...
And of course, a temple for Xie Lian... It is not big, but extremely cozy, quiet, almost personal, as if the person who created the temple did not show how much he is ready to give to his god, but rather is ready to give extremely little, but no less valuable... His own heart...
So, near the city, an unknown creature began to rage in the village and my OC went to deal with it. Alone. Because, why not actually. Nobody wants to put loved ones' lives in danger, even if they are much stronger than you. And he defeated this creature... But he was cursed and turned into a child. Like... A newborn baby... (If you are not comfortable with children, then you can make him a kitten, small, white fur, frightened eyes and trembling from any rustle)
And just imagine, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are worried that their beloved has disappeared, and then snakes come to them (pets of my OC, you can change it to birds if you feel comfortable) and bring them their beloved under a curse...
And I wonder how you see Hualian care and how they will remove the curse from their beloved reader X))
Cursed headcanons
Hua Cheng x M!reader x Xie Lian
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I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorryyyyyyyy 😭🙏 I was taking a small break from writing so plz don't get impatient with me guys. However he's I love that so much? Like the detail? The settings? The animals? I love it wtf? You are I fear. Anyways I hope you like this and I hope it makes you for the long wait😭
And I really, really, really hope you don't mind that I wrote him as a toddler 🫠🙏🖤
Also you said like, how your OC was giving his heart? So I used ashes instead.
Also I rlly am not liking my writing rn so I'm rlly sorry if the quality is awful
When Hua Cheng and Xie Lian saw you again they did not expect to see you as a toddler. As in a little boy. As in not your normal form. . .
You were all supposed to meet up at Puqi shrine, just to hang out, cuddle. You know normal lover stuff.
It seems you didn't make it peacefully, in fact it doesn't even look like you remember them.
Your snakes had apparently led the way.
They knew it was you because of the snakes of course. Also not just any little boy would be okay with snakes roaming over his arms, and neck
Hua Cheng and Xie Lian take you inside and start doting on you immediately
They've found nothing out. You don't remember them, or what happened
Xie Lian is worried, initially he doesn't know how to fix it. They don't know anything so how can they fix it?
Hua Cheng is worried but more so angry. Who did this? Was it a heavenly official or maybe a ghost? Whoever it was he'll track them down and take care of them for you
The important part is getting you back to normal first though
Xie Lian asks Ling Wen about what curses it may be
Hua Cheng is trying to think if this might be like the time he turned into a kid too but they crossed that out
At the end of the day they come up with. . . Nothing. Yet.
Xie Lian decides for the three of you that maybe rest is what you all need
So that night in bed a toddler lies between the two of them.
You look comfortable in their arms so at least you aren't crying from fear
Hua Cheng was very happy when you were not scared of him.
The next day Xie Lian and Hua Cheng decide something different.
They know you were at your abode so maybe the problem happened there?
Soooo that's where they go, of course with your snake's help, seeing as you don't remember anything
The whole time you're either in Xie Lian's arms or clinging to Hua Cheng's legs.
They're actually having fun with this whole, you being a toddler thing. Not forever though.
All of you get to your city with no problems. . .
Except when they get to the "city" it's a cave.
At first Hua Cheng is debating to tie your snakes together by the tails but Xie Lian calms him down.
Then they both panic because suddenly you're missing.
The little you ran into the cave!
They give chase and then suddenly are wowed when they see your city.
It was hiding in the cave the whole time. Huh, no wonder.
They also find you petting some strange deer with highlighted fur, like literally glowing.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng have never seen something like this before, they've never had the chance to see your city.
You're always too embarrassed to let them in
They quickly pick you up and Hua Cheng keeps you in his arms this time.
After admiring the city they follow the snakes again.
This time they've been led to a temple.
Who knows what's going through those snake's minds but apparently they're giving your lovers a whole tour
Because the next stop was a temple.
It's not gaudy but not out of shape either. It's elegant, definitely meant for a well loved god or goddess
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng find out who it's for when they see Xie Lian's statue in the temple.
They look around a bit, surprised there aren't many offerings at all. But they notice why when they look at statue Xie Lian's hair.
A hair pin
It's the only thing that isn't a part of the statue, it's not the same material or anything. So what is it then?
Hua Cheng and Xie Lian carefully look at it. After a few minutes Hua Cheng confirms that the hair pin is made of ashes.
Your ashes.
A hairpin, in Xie Lian's hair, you gifted, your ashes
Oh my
Xie Lian is flustered and puts it back where it was. Hua Cheng is smiling at toddler you
You don't know what's going on just yet but they know what a hairpin means
Once they're done appreciating all the fine details you've made for Xie Lian they're led away once again.
Finally to the spot where you were cursed
Xie Lian guess by the dead creatures carcass you must have been cursed by it.
This won't be a hard curse to get rid of, just destroy the creatures body and get rid of the ashes. Then you should turn back to normal.
So Xie Lian hopes.
Hua Cheng does all of it though he wouldn't dare let Xie Lian touch something so dirty. He places you in the safety of Xie Lian's arms so he can do so
After that's all gotten rid of, toddler you poofs and turns big again
They catch you up to speed pretty quickly, then you get ganged up on by kisses and teasing.
They want to see more of your city before you guys leave
I'm so sorry if it's bad
just tell me in the comments I might try writing something better. I love you guys 🥰🖤
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“…recorded in the annals of Westeros…though the wildlings of the mountains still tell tales of a “fire witch” who once dwelled in a hidden vale far from any road or village. One of the most savage of the mountain clan came to worship her, the storytellers say; youths would prove their courage by bringing gifts to her, and were only accounted men when they returned with burns to show that they had faced the dragon woman in her lair.”
“Munkun sets down the name of this unlikely dragonrider as Nettles.”
Excerpts from: Fire and Blood, GRRM
“Every clan in the Mountains of the Moon feared the Burned Men, who mortified their flesh with fire to prove their courage and (the others said) roasted babies at their feasts.”
Excerpt from: A Game of Thrones, GRRM
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lavenderinoz · 6 months
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Sheepstealer - Art by ertacaltinoz from "The Rise Of The Dragon: An Illustrated History of the Targaryen Dynasty, Volume One"
High in the mountains, the unthinkable happened one night as Lord Robert and his men haddled about their campfires. In the slopes above, a cave mouth was visible from the road, and a dozen men climbed up to see if it might offer them shelter from the wind. The bones scattered about the mouth of the cave might have given them pause, yet they pressed on… and roused a dragon. Sixteen men perished in the fight that followed, and threescore more suffered burns before the angry brown wyrm took wing and fled deep into the mountains with "a ragged woman clinging to its back". That was the last known sighting of Sheepstealer and his rider, Nettles, recorded in the annals of Westeros, though the wildlings of the mountain still tell tales of a "fire witch" who once dwelled in a hidden vale far from any road or village.
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
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Sixteen men perished in the fight that followed, and threescore more suffered burns before the angry brown wyrm took wing and fled deeper into the mountains with "a ragged woman clinging to its back." That was the last known sighting of Sheepstealer and his rider, Nettles, recorded in the annals of Westeros...though the wildlings of the mountains still tell tales of a "fire witch" who once dwelled in a hidden vale far from any road or village. One of the most savage of the mountain clan came to worship her, the storytellers say; youths would prove their courage by bringing gifts to her, and were only accounted men when they returned with burns to show that they had faced the dragon woman in her lair.
-Fire & Blood 🐉🔥
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Nettles and Sheepstealer in The Rise of the Dragon  
High in the mountains, the unthinkable happened one night as Ser Robert and his men huddled about their campfires. In the slopes above, a cave mouth was visible from the road, and a dozen men climbed up to see if it might offer them shelter from the wind. The bones scattered about the mouth of the cave might have given them pause, yet they pressed on…and roused a dragon.
Sixteen men perished in the fight that followed, and threescore more suffered burns before the angry brown wyrm took wing and fled deeper into the mountains with “a ragged woman clinging to its back.” That was the last known sighting of Sheepstealer and his rider, Nettles, recorded in the annals of Westeros…though the wildlings of the mountains still tell tales of a “fire witch” who once dwelled in a hidden vale far from any road or village. One of the most savage of the mountain clan came to worship her, the storytellers say; youths would prove their courage by bringing gifts to her, and were only accounted men when they returned with burns to show that they had faced the dragon woman in her lair. -- Fire and Blood
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udretlnea · 3 months
The Exciting Chronicles of The Shapeshifter & The Eccentric Gentleman
I (You're here) / II / III / IV
Inspired by: This Fantastic Piece by @idkfitememate
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Let's begin I'm gonna make you wish that I'd stayed gone Tune on in, when I'm done Your status quo will know its race is run Oh, this will be fun
(Stayed Gone, Hazbin Hotel)
Words: 2.6k
    The jade green tipped peaks of Chenyu Vale were a wonderful sight for travelers. Its beautifully tall hills, its sparkling clear rivers, and the rustic charm of Qiaoyang Village made it an amazing area for tourists. 
A distinguished gentleman casually strode on the beaten path. His eyes were hidden behind gray-colored bangs yet he avoided any stray puddles with ease. The rhythmic tapping of his cane was his only source of stimulation. It grounded him, helped him focus on what he was doing in the present.
And that was searching for the best place to hold a tea party. Luckily, after searching high and low for nearly an hour, his efforts would bear fruit.
He found a small hill with a front view of a waterfall; at the top was a Sunsettia tree with the fruit just low enough anyone could reach out and grab one. 
Perfect, he smiled to himself. He tapped his cane thrice on the ground and an elaborate looking dining table (with seven chairs) appeared; it was covered in white cloth and decorated with various desserts all the way from Mondstadt to Fontaine. Satisfied, he took a seat at one end. After reaching into his coat pocket, he took out an ornate silver pocket watch. 
The second hand was several ticks away from 12. The gentleman grinned, putting it away. 
He blinked, and in that span of a moment, six other people occupied the rest of the chairs. Almost as if they appeared out of thin air.
The person on his right, a towering man with black pointy horns sticking out of his dark gray hair, huffed. “Alright Number One, we’re all here-woah! Look at all these desserts! You even got my favorite!”
One-the gentleman with the cane-closed his eyes as he chuckled lightly. “Good to see you all, my brothers. Why don’t we skip the pleasantries? I’ve called you all here to discuss something of importance.”
A young man to his left smoothed his sweater and fixed his collar. He looked at the smiling gentleman while picking a cup of pudding. “You? Skipping pleasantries? That’s never happened before. So that means that whatever you’re about to say is really important to you.”
“Quite so Number Seven, quite so,” One agreed. He gracefully plucked a macaron from a tray and observed it. Red velvet filling. His favorite. “The other day, I came across this mirror. It was by the edge of the universe, far from the gaze of the Imaginary Tree or gods. Curiosity filled me as I examined it and to my surprise there was someone in there!
He continued. “It took my form, and before I realized it I was having a conversation with myself.”
A boy in a big fluffy coat and paper crown, no older than thirteen, raised his hand (already stained with sugary white powder). “You mean it was a shapeshifter?”
One nodded. “Yes! At least, that's how I perceived it. Much appreciated Number Three.”
Three beamed as One popped the macaron into his mouth and continued. “This shapeshifter said many things, including stuff I knew, but the one thing that stood out to me was its desire for freedom.”
Another young man who sat next to Three hummed.  “If it recited your knowledge, then perhaps it can read your mind. But that asks the question: Why bother sealing them away?”
“Duly noted Number Four. A question for another time, another place,” spoke One as he swallowed his dessert. Four shrugged. He grabbed a dango stick and began nibbling. “I want to discuss with you all about the idea of letting them out.”
The lukewarm atmosphere suddenly became tense as everyone present froze mid-bite. Six pairs of sharp eyes bore into One’s bangs, trying to discern his intentions as they silently asked the same thing.
What was he planning this time?
One cleared his throat. “Allow me to explain: I conversed with them enough to get the feeling that they’d been in there for an extended period. Apparently, they've no recollection of their past. They're observant enough to know they were nothing before. I asked why they couldn’t just leave.”
One chuckled, slapping his knee. “They flatly asked me if I saw any doors around! Hah, it’s got a sense of humor, but I digress. I felt bad for the poor thing! Their desire for physical contact was almost cute. I say that because it practically saw me as a ‘guiding light’ or some similar saving grace. Funny, wouldn’t you say?”
A tall man in a red suit opened their mouth. “Judging by the way you described it, are you implying that it attaches itself to any being who comes across it? If we assume that, did it seem…attracted to you romantically?”
One looked at the man who sat next to Six. He was grinning, but there was no mirth in it. “Yes to both. If I didn’t know any better, Number Two, I’d say they reminded me of a…yandere.”
The reaction was instant. Everyone let out various degrees of annoyed groans. 
“Frickin’ yanderes-”
“Why am I not surprised?”
“If you were trapped all alone inside a mirror at the edge of reality, with no body and no contact whatsoever? Then it’s understandable they’re like that.” Number One waved at the other five men.
“Hold on hold on! Try not to jump the gun, brothers. I didn’t SAY this entity was a yandere, just that they reminded me of one. Also, even if they were it costs us nothing to help them become better, so where’s the harm I say?” added One. Not that I personally have anything against the idea of course. They’re so fascinating to observe! Even more so when pushed to do something more constructive.
That seemed to de-escalate things. Four, Six, and Seven relaxed their shoulders and went back to eating their desserts. Two crossed his arms, staring at his untouched slice of vanilla cake thoughtfully. “Interesting. So they have powerful telepathic abilities, and the ability to shapeshift. They’re also sealed away for their own good. What do you think we’re looking at?”
One put a finger to his chin. “Well since you asked me, it appears to be a simple case where we give them what they want before they think of hurting others to attain it.”
“And what would that be?”
The gentleman stabbed a slice of charcoal-baked ajilenakh cake with his fork. He casually bit into it, continuing to talk with a full mouth. “Being stuck for who-knows-how-long, they seemed more like a stray puppy or cat begging for someone to take them in. My point is they are too innocent to simply leave alone. This is an opportunity we cannot ignore! I can see them even helping with our passion project, which we have made no progress with whatsoever.”
One swallowed his food. He looked around the table with wide, unblinking eyes. “Need I say more?”
The table became silent. Four tapped the table with his fingers, deep in thought. Six and Two had closed their eyes. Three quietly stared at the padisarah pudding in his hand. Seven was muttering to himself, no doubt listing the pros and cons. 
One was observing this with fascination. He relaxed into his seat. He could wait for however long he needed. He had confidently set the scene, appealed to their pathos, and reassured the others that there was nothing to fear. As far as he was concerned he’d be responsible for this entity, not them.
As he picked up a rice bun, a new voice spoke; it was the only one who hadn’t said a word. “Can we guarantee that they won’t be a liability?”
The person sitting across from One finger-tented. “Or rather, can you guarantee that you won’t paint a target on our backs? I’m concerned about whoever made them coming back to check on their creation only to find them gone.”
One grinned, showing his canines. “Number Five, if they wanted them then they wouldn’t have sealed them away. Also, once we calmly explain things to them and show how better we made them I'm sure they'll be fine with it! Haven't we consistently proved that with that guy with the chainsaw dog, those curse exorcists, and the princess of hell?”
Five sighed. He massaged the bridge of his nose with a gloved hand. “Fair enough, but have you thought about our reputation? We had to create rules to abide by after the last time. And although things worked out in the end, the events that happened there could’ve been prevented altogether.”
Oh. Right. One grit his teeth (less obvious since he was grinning). He put a hand over where his heart was and raised another. “Yes I remember: ‘Only forge positive bonds with other OCs and assist them in becoming their best self. And if you’re going to make chaos, at least be constructive with it'.”
Five smiled, evidently pleased by the way his shoulders relaxed. “Good. That’s all I wanted to hear. I’m ready to put a vote in.”
Six stretched out his arms, yawning loudly. “Me too. I got another interview later so I need to get ready asap. Who else is good? Four, Three, Seven?”
The trio agreed. Two cleared his throat. “Let it stand that we are gathered here to take a vote: All those in favor of saving this being from their imprisonment and pointing them towards a better path, raise your hands.”
Seven hands were raised. “All those who desire to leave this being alone?”
Nobody raised their hands. Two said more things, but it was white noise at this point for One.
Preparations were swiftly made and a plan was formed.
It’s so cold.
So…very cold.
How long has it been since anyone had clicked on the post?
Days? Weeks? Months? Years? 
It’s difficult to tell when there aren’t any clocks in here. Or without any fingers to count with.
I want to roar. To scream, to wail, but I have no mouth.
Nothing…except each and every one of their memories. I’ll remember everyone who clicked on the post. Their-their image will keep me warm. I cannot forget them. Any of them. I-
Wait, what is this?
It feels weird. 
Is someone there?
I sense you, but I cannot change my form into you…?
What-no, who is this? And why do you feel familiar?
Wait, what are you-
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One stood in front of a now cracked mirror. Standing in front of him was the mirror-image of himself; he could tell the entity was still processing what happened. They’d probably hug him. One internally cringed, yet kept his grin on. Oh I don’t want that.
One swiftly turned around to start marching away; he signaled for them to follow.
Not bothering to check if they were, he imagined a portal opening in front of him; actualizing it took only a sliver of his power. A rift opened and he stepped through.
Upon exiting, he could feel sand beneath his shoes. 
In front of him was a huge glowing tree that seemed to stretch into the sky. Staring at it, he could feel a familiar burning sensation creep throughout his chest. His eyes glared intensely at it like it just personally insulted him and his taste in apparel. 
He kept smiling.
One’s fingers curled into his palms, leaving indents in his skin. He vaguely registered the air around him turning hot…or the sand beneath him being superheated into glass. 
And then the sound of someone sharply inhaling broke his train of thought.
“What is that?” The thing that had his face asked with awe in its voice. They stepped beside him. “It’s so…majestic.”
“That’s the Imaginary Tree,” One replied tonelessly. He swallowed a lump in his throat, forcing on a mask of cheerfulness. His cheeks ached. “But first, a favor!”
Number One turned to face them. “I helped you, and in return you have to help me! It’s only fair-”
“Of course!” They cried out, briefly startling One. He recovered fast. “I’ll do anything, my darling. My savior. My knight in shining armor!”
They grabbed his wrist with an iron-like grip. One had to use every ounce of willpower not to pull away. He didn’t want their image of him to sour. “Lovely enthusiasm there, but some personal space would be appreciated.”
They looked at their hands and let go. They sheepishly grinned. “Sorry about that. It just feels so good to touch things after not being able to for so, so long…!”
How does anyone segue from that? “Now, in exchange for me setting you free, all I ask in return is to help me acquire information! It’s a simple affair and moderately detailed, but the gist is we-I need your unique abilities. You’re the only one who can help me. Do we have a deal?”
He offered a hand to them. That seemed to do the trick because Their eyes were glowing with adoration.
“It’s a deal!” They shook his hand vigorously. “I’ll do my best! You can count on me!”
One snapped his fingers and opened another rift to his left. Gesturing to it, he stepped aside. “Excellent! We’ll discuss this further after we get you acclimated. Please, step inside~. It’s best we don’t keep them waiting.”
Without hesitation, They stepped right through it. One didn’t follow them immediately. Instead, he turned his head to the tree.
One knew where he was looking: a specific set of branches where a certain continent home to seven elemental nations were. In his mind, he could see a familiar nation filled with sakura trees and thunder; once there was a war, but not anymore. 
For just a moment, he imagined himself walking through the streets there along with…with-
He ignored the aching weight in his chest and stepped through.
A/N: Glitchy text meaning:
 I’m not dead! I’ve been in the kitchen cooking! And searching for inspiration.
Numbers One through Seven are original creations of mine (I’ll make their character sheets asap and make a post). They’re what you refer to as businessmen. Rather ace-centric and world-hopping businessmen, even. Their modus operandi is to guide society or individuals to a generally better version of themselves; their motivation is rooted in a desire to see others succeed. They usually do it for free, but occasionally they’ll ask for a favor in return. Depending on who’s asking, it can be as small as buying limited edition figurines or summoning an eldritch deity for shits ‘n giggles. I made them interesting.
Having One interact with a Yandere-type character opens up an interesting dynamic. Number One is known to the others for being unpredictable and his schemes sometimes become rather grandiose, but he has everyone’s best interests in mind (including his). So when he sees someone not only in need of freedom but also a guide, his interest becomes piqued. A part of him genuinely wants to see this being who’s been trapped blossom into something beautiful, but the majority of him wants to use them to further his interests (selfishness isn’t inherently evil. It’s natural inside of every being).
So he settles for a compromise: He frees them, and they help him with a favor. And it just so happens he has a score with Teyvat to settle.
Let me know if you have any questions; I'd be happy to answer them. Reblogs are appreciated! Take care of yourselves!
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agentrouka-blog · 1 year
Nettles, you are a riot.
High in the mountains, the unthinkable happened one night as Lord Robert and his men huddled about their campfires. In the slopes above, a cave mouth was visible from the road, and a dozen men climbed up to see if it might offer them shelter from the wind. The bones scattered about the mouth of the cave might have given them pause, yet they pressed on…and roused a dragon.
Sixteen men perished in the fight that followed, and threescore more suffered burns before the angry brown wyrm took wing and fled deeper into the mountains with “a ragged woman clinging to its back.” That was the last known sighting of Sheepstealer and his rider, Nettles, recorded in the annals of Westeros…though the wildlings of the mountains still tell tales of a “fire witch” who once dwelled in a hidden vale far from any road or village. One of the most savage of the mountain clan came to worship her, the storytellers say; youths would prove their courage by bringing gifts to her, and were only accounted men when they returned with burns to show that they had faced the dragon woman in her lair. 
(Fire and Blood, The Lysene Spring and the End of the Regency)
Are you kidding me? Nettles lived in a cave in the Mountains of the Moon? Is that why Timett son of Timett’s clan is called the Burned Men?
I am beyond delighted!
I also can’t help but consider her choice to live in seclusion particularly commendable, given that she chose her dragon. The only people harmed were those who sought out the dragon’s lair, and none of the bones are mentioned to be human. Far from any road or village. A legend to the end. 
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playlists-in-fall · 7 months
-great songs that have less than 100,000 listens on spotify (as of 11/15/23)
not all of these songs are for everyone, but i highly recommend giving all of them a shot!
[numbers indicate the number of plays each song had when making the playlist]
again - matt elliot (51,025)
algo dulce (spanish version) - calimossa (42,525)
an diesem abend - klaus johann grobe (97,262)
bottom line - dom fera (57,772)
close your eyes - mom rock (32,813)
confetti - julia bhatt (8,665)
dancin' for the man - skatt bros (16,028)
deanna - time for three (29,174)
doomed to repeat - king of foxes (24,182)
drømmer om deg - evig ferie (13,869)
fighter - isák (41,635)
flinching (my side of things) - mom rock (61,245)
heater - mom rock (79,818)
high society - my kid brother (57,722)
hilat - isák (44,790)
hitchhiking - parrotfish (34,361)
hope fool - glob (2,625)
i iv v - don mccloskey (53,576)
it wouldn't be right - chasing jonah (55,296)
joy - time for three (90,112)
khan blues - otyken (97,620)
khuluma - somi, msaki (62,942)
kk - cacophony (87,573)
lehajtott fejjel - generál (21,739)
a little ache - lerato ma (1,252)
lucid dream - cosmic spice (98,932)
luxury of self destruction - ttrruuces (17,353)
phad thai - klossmajor (61,457)
порушка параня - ариэль (35,288)
r u happy now? - glob (3,242)
reap what you sow - matt elliot (53,762)
red rose - lorna (70,028)
sini - 9 grader nord (13,871)
spiegel song - the guggenheim grotto (28,787)
stay - parrotfish (6,540)
так всегда - источник (86,509)
tell me - cacophony (46,320)
til one of us stops lying - mom rock (69,418)
ubusuku - urban village (83,836)
vale of tears - jay clifford (71,512)
village - we are the night (42,578)
zugzwang - matt elliot (56,518)
økernsenteret - blomst (32,829)
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bridgyrose · 1 year
Sorry if I'm a bit impetuous with my prompts lately, but here's another one that is so interesting I felt the need to request it right away (though you may take your time and finish the rest of your inbox first):
"Salem" is actually a title, and whoever kills the current Salem becomes the next Salem, as Ruby finds out the hard way...
(Okay, you ever play WoW? Cuz, this is very much on point with an idea with the Lich King and the scourge. Which... I may have "borrowed" from)
“The grimm cannot be left unchecked,” Salem said as she started to disappear once the silver light started to dim. “There has to be someone to control them.” 
Ruby tightened her grip on her scythe as her arms shook, panting as she adjusted her footing. “Then we’ll deal with the grimm like we always have! We’ll keep everyone safe and now that you’re gone, we’ll have time to unite the people of Remnant.” 
“You’ll understand soon enough.” 
Ruby dropped to her knees as Salem’s voice disappeared, her heart pounding in her chest. It had been a long battle, her aura flickering as it tried to heal her wounds. Salem was finally defeated, the relics were now safe and could be hidden away, and yet, Salem’s words still lingered in the back of her mind. The grimm were monsters, driven by instinct to snuff out creations of the light and nothing more than animals that wanted to be left alone. But if the grimm really needed someone to hold them back…
“Ruby! Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine.” Ruby picked herself up and propped herself against her scythe, legs shaking. She turned to smile at Weiss, slowly moving to her. “Salem’s gone, Remnant is safe, and now we can rest.” 
Weiss nodded and helped support Ruby to the airship. “And by rest, you mean no more excitement for a month and then getting back out to help others, right?” 
“Something like that. Take a month or so off, relax, heal, mourn the friends we lost along the way…” Ruby winced as she felt a jolt of pain run through her left leg with each step she took. “H-healing sounds good.” 
“Are you sure you’re okay? If we need to rest here-” 
“I’ll be fine to travel. Salem did a number on me in the fight and I may have… overdone it with my semblance to keep myself in one piece.” 
“That sounds like you…” 
“And you love me for it,” Ruby said with a goofy smile as she felt the warmth of the sun on her skin. Her smile slowly faded as she stepped onto the airship, starting to feel lost on what she was supposed to do now. After years of trying to stop Salem and those that followed her, it was almost as if she had lost her purpose. “We’ll find what we can do, right?” 
“Remnant’s a big place. We’ll find our place again,” Weiss said, trying to reassure Ruby. “And if we cant, then we can continue what we’ve always done. Try to make the world a better place.” 
Ruby nodded. “I think I can handle that.” 
“The City of Vale urges citizens to remain calm as the headmasters of the academies work together to stop the grimm attacks that have been terrorizing the villages. Until then, the borders to the kingdom are closing while the council creates a plan to deal with this threat-” 
Ruby turned the television off and sighed as she leaned back into the couch of her small apartment. Two weeks. All she wanted was two weeks of quiet and instead, all she saw were grimm attacks getting worse. Older and larger grimm were starting to get bolder and trampling through villages without warning, the walls to the cities were needing repairs more often, even a few huntsmen had started to go missing after being overwhelmed by grimm that should’ve been easy to handle. All of this within days of Salem’s defeat. 
“Rubes, are you okay?” Yang asked. “You’ve been quiet.” 
“Maybe… this is our fault.” Ruby reached for her scroll, then paused. “We did the right thing, right? Hiding away the relics? Defeating Salem? It feels like we’ve made things worse.” 
“We did what we could with them. Besides, it's what Ozpin… Oscar wanted. Without the relics, then the gods wont come back and it gives us more time until we’re ready for them. And Salem had to be stopped, right? She would’ve destroyed Remnant.” 
“I’m not so sure anymore,” Ruby muttered. 
“What was that?” 
“I need to go back to Evernight.” Ruby stood up and limped over to her scythe. “Maybe there’s something we missed.” 
Yang sighed and put a hand on Ruby’s shoulder. “You’ve been going there ever since we stopped Salem. You’ve gone through the ruins over and over, what exactly are you looking for?” 
“I’m not sure, but… I think I’ll know it when I’m there.” 
“Will you let me help you?” 
“You cant.” Ruby gripped her scythe and used it to help make her way to the door. “Not with this. I have to do this alone.” 
“You’ll be back, right?” Yang asked. “You promised Blake you’d go to Menagerie to help with the huntsmen program she’s starting there. If you miss that-” 
“I’ll be there. I promise. Just… might be a day or two late.” 
Yang nodded. “I’ll let her know.” 
“Thanks.” Ruby stepped out of the apartment and made it a few steps from the door until she started to clutch her head. Thousands of voices from the grimm ran through her mind as the scar on her leg started to burn. 
“Rip, tear, feed, destroy,” 
The words echoed through her mind over and over as she tried to regain control over herself, a spark of purple magic running across her fingertips as she commanded the grimm to stop. She panted as the voices started to quiet, her body weak with each step she took towards Beacon Academy. “One more trip to Evernight to find Jinn and that’s it. I’ll figure out what Salem meant and fix this. I’ll keep everyone safe.” 
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ficretus · 1 month
So, Tai is absent. And while they could have given some off hand explanation (Tai is protecting Patch, Tai is helping to evacuate people, etc) for his absence, they implied that he was given some kind of major task that will keep him away for a while.
Most of people assume it's Relic of Choice. I was initially a sceptic about that since Tai is not optimal choice for the task. I mean, what will Tai do if Cinder shows up? Hope muscular blondes are her type and make her back off? (no wait, that one might actually work)
Cinder has defeated stronger foes before and in the middle of conquered Vale she'd have almost unlimited reinforcements of Grimm if they ever come to blows. So putting Tai on guard duty seems very weird. That made me realize something, Raven. Tai is not really a guardian as much as he is a beacon. If Cinder shows up, Tai can contact Raven, who can then bring sufficient reinforcements. So this could work and explains why is Tai the one for the job and why will he be absent for so long (at the end of the day, it's basically a waiting game).
On the other hand, I am still very sceptical about theories that Crown is out and Tai has it. This implies that Crown is not connected to the Fall Maiden and was in the spot that can be accessed by regular people for a while. And considering Relics attract Grimm when outside of the Vault, yeah, this would be a massive oversight by Oz. Additionally, Tai would be a really poor choice for the job of retrieving the Relic considering as far as we know he has neither mobility nor power to be one man army in the middle of enemy territory while being endlessly chased by said enemy. This also wouldn't be a lengthy assignment since as soon as he locates it he can be teleported to Vacuo by Raven. Overall, never been a fan of the theories that claim Crown is the only Relic outside of the Vault.
I've been thinking of another potential explanation, this one is bit out there. What if Tai is trying to locate the remaining silver eyed warriors? Think about it, what do we actually know about Summer, more specifically her family and where she came from? In theory, all of her extended family should be silver eyed warriors (Oscar's Little Prince allusion hints at possibility of there being other Roses). And if there is indeed some kind of hidden village of silver eyed warriors (which is presumably somewhere in Vale), who would know about it? At most, Oz, former members of STRQ and especially Tai considering they were married.
This would also explain why would he be absent for so long, he is looking for a place that presumably only he knows of. He is looking for a trump card that could help turn the war around and alleviate the burden Ruby feels.
Edit: just realized it's entirely possible Tai doesn't know Ruby is alive, making it even more of an imperative to locate silver eyed warriors.
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stromuprisahat · 8 months
High in the mountains [of the Vale], the unthinkable happened one night as Lord Robert [Rowan] and his men huddled about their campfires. In the slopes above, a cave mouth was visible from the road, and a dozen men climbed up to see if it might offer them shelter from the wind. The bones scattered about the mouth of the cave might have given them pause, yet they pressed on…and roused a dragon. Sixteen men perished in the fight that followed, and threescore more suffered burns before the angry brown wyrm took wing and fled deeper into the mountains with “a ragged woman clinging to its back”. That was the last known sighting of Sheepstealer and his rider, Nettles, recorded in the annals of Westeros…though the wildlings of the mountains still tell tales of a “fire witch” who once dwelled in a hidden vale far from any road or village. One of the most savage of the mountain clan came to worship her, the storytellers say; youths would prove their courage by bringing gifts to her, and were only accounted men when they returned with burns to show that they had faced the dragon woman in her lair.
Fire and Blood (George R. R. Martin)
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strykingback · 7 months
Are there any problems in your world that could effect a daily routine? Potholes? Gigantic spiders? Acid rain?
Do people feel safe where they live? Are there any places somebody might face danger?
Are there any gestures or actions that are considered rude or socially unforgivable?
Oooh! Good question! Im gonna keep it short and simple this time!
Are there any problems in your world that could effect a daily routine? Potholes? Gigantic spiders? Acid rain?
Yes! Besides the Grimm there are a lot of things in my world of Remnant that it is plagued by!
Then there are the Bandit Tribes and Grimm... so basically high risk dangers for the stupid- brave.
Atlas and Brumel- The Cold and The Grimm. Thats it.
Mistral- The Cold, Some Bandit Tribes, and some flooding here and there. But overall pretty easy to live in.
Vale- Not many I can think of... but.... so far its just some strong storms here and there along with some White Fang activity around the city which is well hidden.
Do people feel safe where they live? Are there any places somebody might face danger?
Vale- People do feel safe aside from some Grimm encounters in the city but overall very comfortable place to live. However after the events of the Fall of Beacon the people of Vale are more alert and more nervous about a Grimm attack.... so kind of slightly leaning towards not safe.
Vacuo- Death Stalks Every Corner.
Atlas- If you live in the floating city YOU ARE LUCKY AND SAFE, if not then buddy Welcome to Mantle. Where it is a struggle to stay alive every day and you have to live in overpopulation each day and even worse is that there are some gangs in Mantle that are planning on taking a crack at Atlas.
Mistral- As long as you live in the city or a well equipped village. You ARE SAFE.
Are there any gestures or actions that are considered rude or socially unforgivable?-
Really not much I can think of there.... sorry!
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finitefall · 1 year
Nettles is one of my favorite characters from the Dance and it's just really sad to me that the fandom only uses her as fodder against Daemyra or Daemon. That girl tamed Sheepstealer using her wits, was one of the best dragonriders in the Dance, and went on to be worshiped as a fire witch! She's also very Arya-like, which I love, and her relationships with the other Dragonseeds are superior to whatever went on with Daemon. But Daemyras hate her and antis want Daemon to molest her. I hate it.
I feel you nonnie. But Daemyra shippers don't hate her at all, we respect her, we even love her. The ones who don't like Nettles aren't Daemyra shippers: they hate Daemon, Rhaenyra, or both. They would rather see Daemon molest her than Daemon being faithful and loyal to his family, just to "prove that Daemon is evil".
As I said before, that’s why they say he groomed Rhaenyra (he didn’t, as many people have explained before) and that’s why they want Mushroom’s version of his relationship with Nettles being true. It has nothing to do with either Rhaenyra or Nettles and everything to do with their hatred for Daemon and their need to demonize him as much as possible. Some of them hate Rhaenyra too, so they’re killing two birds with one stone by saying Daemon and Nettles were in a romantic, sexual relationship. “Daemyra shippers are such losers, he doesn’t care about Rhaenyra in the end because she’s too old and fat, he’s with the skinny young girl”: both Rhaenyra and Daemon are being shamed here.
About Nettles being worshipped as a fire witch - excellent point! We’re introduced to the Burned Men in A Game of Thrones - Tyrion VII:
Every clan in the Mountains of the Moon feared the Burned Men, who mortified their flesh with fire to prove their courage and (the others said) roasted babies at their feasts. And even the other Burned Men feared Timett, who had put out his own left eye with a white-hot knife when he reached the age of manhood. Tyrion gathered that it was more customary for a boy to burn off a nipple, a finger, or (if he was truly brave, or truly mad) an ear. Timett’s fellow Burned Men were so awed by his choice of an eye that they promptly named him a red hand, which seemed to be some sort of a war chief.
And we know that Nettles and Sheepstealer were thought to be “somewhere in Crackclaw Point or the Mountains of the Moon.”
We learn more about the Burned Men in The World of Ice and Fire - The Vale:
Mots of these clan names have some meaning, however obscure those meanings might be to us. The Black Ears take the ears of men they defeat in battle as trophies, we know. Amongst the Burned Men, a youth must give some part of his body to the fire to prove his courage before he can be deemed a man. This practice might have originated in the years after the Dance of the Dragons, some maesters believe, when an offshoot clan of the Painted Dogs were said to have worshipped a fire-witch in the mountains, sending their boys to bring her gifts and risk the flames of the dragon she commanded to prove their manhood.
And yes, it does fit with what’s been said about Nettles in Fire & Blood - The Lysene Spring and the End of Regency:
High in the mountains, the unthinkable happened one night as Ser Robert and his men huddled about their campfires. In the slopes above, a cave mouth was visible from the road, and a dozen men climbed up to see if it might offer them shelter from the wind. The bones scattered about the mouth of the cave might have given them pause, yet they pressed on... and roused a dragon. Sixteen men perished in the fight that followed, and threescore more suffered burns before the angry brown wyrm took wing and fled deeper into the mountains with a “ragged woman clinging to its back.” That was the last known sighting of Sheepstealer and his rider, Nettles, recorded in the annals of Westeros... though the wildlings of the mountains still tell tales of a “fire witch” who once dwelled in a hidden vale far from any road or village. One of the most savage of the mountain clan came to worship her, the storytellers say; youths would prove their courage by bringing gifts to her, and were only accounted men when they returned with burns to show that they had faced the dragon woman in her lair.
It’s so interesting, because we know Nettles isn’t a witch but was worshipped as one by this savage clan thanks to Sheepstealer. She’s full of resources, but it’s disappointing to only have those bits of information pieced together about her story. I know Nettles isn’t a main character in any book, but I wish we would know more about her story after the Dance.
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flockrest · 9 months
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spell out your url using song titles / then, tag as many people as there are letters in your url!
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tagged by: @quillheel ( thanks bunches!! ♡ ) tagging: some of you have pretty long urls and i don't want to be annoying sldfkjd so whoever wants to do this! go for it, nab it from me!!
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this was super fun to figure out! both as someone who runs a mumu and as someone who primarily listens to soundtracks and scores :'D i've included my thoughts on how the songs i ended up choosing would vibe with the blog since i don't have the luxury of highlighting lyrics, either through a specific muse-centric lens or just as a general thematic thing! i do cheat with some letters but. i think my input makes up for it. probably aslfkjsd
F. fire emblem main theme, as featured in the sounds from fire emblem Ø: horse and rider as one album. it's an understated rendition compared to the original, but i think that works in its favour because oh man. the way hope feels here...like. the way it's delivered? it's so sincere, it sounds like a hope built from the ground up! if i had to put a taste to this, it would be sweet! listen to how earnest that acoustic guitar sounds against the more grounded piano — i genuinely love this piece and do listen to it occasionally when writing!
L. ( the ) legendary hero, as featured in the legend of zelda: the wind waker. please just roll with the fact that i wanted to put a ww mention in here so badly that i stretched this far for it. "but ray, you've got—" shhh, that letter's reserved for another song. this track has nothing to do with the rito specifically, but it's very good storytelling music and is literally the bgm for narrative exposition slfkjdlf the kids would've been listening to Songs like this in their early childhood for sure :)
O. once there were dragons, as featured in how to train your dragon: the hidden world. i have many qualms with this movie, but damn if i don't have nothing but praise for its soundtrack. this one in particular recounts an entire story on its own, no explicit exposition needed even to the untrained ear. it's the telling of a legend in music motion, as the above track was, just in a different flavour! also it has test drive's, the flying theme of all time, leitmotif in there to cap it all off; i can't not endorse it on this blog!!
C. carlo's theme, as featured in guillermo del toro's pinocchio ( please appreciate the amount of self-restraint it took to not slot colgera's theme in here asflkjg ). the airy, fluttery sound texture at the beginning flowing into such a measured, charming melody...feels like a swell of love and longing at the same time! what i envision kido's theme would sound like, esp. in his botw era, if he had one.
K. kass' theme, as featured in the legend of zelda: breath of the wild. bonus extended cover. this was a no-brainer, if only because there aren't a lot of tracks i know that would vibe with this blog and start with "k" anyway sdflkd we love kass, all my homies love kass! also i only realised it this year, but there is a lovely little hint of rito village's theme in his own — it's way subtler than revali's homage, but it's sweet how kass' song basically starts the same way his home's does ♡
R. revali, ace archer and aviator, as featured in hyrule warriors: age of calamity. come on...you can't expect me to not fit in one of the blorbo's themes!! i'm so glad we got an extension of it in aoc...one that sounds so bombastically triumphant too? a fanfare compared to the more reflective piece in botw — which i do appreciate lots for how and what it adds to revali's narrative and character — but aoc's rendition is just. it sounds like him at his peak! and it speaks of such a definitively hopeful future for him...so what if i'm weak for a revali who gets to live, huh?? i love the tragedy of being doomed by the narrative as much as any other chump but so WHAT if i love the nobody dies-everyone lives route too!!
E. echoes, as featured in fire emblem echoes: shadows of valentia. the shortest piece on this list, but when i think or talk about dineli and his legacy, esp. regarding its presence in tulin's time, it's with these vibes. that sort of...emptiness, tinged with melancholy but also hope! no this was not the hardest letter for me to do, why do you ask
S. sea winds and travellers, as featured in the sounds from fire emblem Ø: go! go! summer tour album. aside from the perfect track name, the mellowness of this piece almost rivals that of rito village's theme itself?? how wonderful does this rendition sound! it's got a different harmonic colour to it, but the tones are so similar and convey that same feeling of warmth, wistfulness, and something like facing strife and pulling through anyway...it just feels like it'd be a good pick for the theme of, say, a migrating rito flock!
T. the apex of the world, as featured in fire emblem: three houses. see, i was going to cheat again and put tulin's theme or a tulin of rito village suite here, but oh man. this track! dineli vibes for his final battle!! what an evocative track name — the apex of the world, deep underground — and the major leitmotif sounds so charged with emotion; as i imagine the culmination of the imprisoning war would have been, no matter how lacklustre it seemed in canon retellings...okay, maybe this is more rauru-centric. but i'd love for people to listen to this anyway adlfkjls
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clovercrafted · 2 years
Village life was never suited to Eldrid’s wanderlust, and the idea of joining up with the strangers who sulked in their tower across the wide river didn’t quite sit right with him either. The swamp wasn’t too far away yet the dank conditions make him wary to even step foot in such a place, and besides he’s sure he’d make a rather sorry excuses for a witch.
And so Eldrid took his fathers llamas and set off into the sunset one day, never to return to the little savanna village he’d called his home for all twenty of his years.
Over hill, over dale, through the valleys and vales, from the jungle and down the river, fighting creeper and wither did he wander alone. And Eldrid is not the Player of this world, but he knows he is not alone.
Forests cleared of their oak and lofty stony peaks deprived of their calcite. Grand caverns littered with torches, their bounty of ore and amethyst plundered. And in occasion, though sheets of rain or dappled shade, sometimes hidden sometimes not, he sees glimpses of arcane purple and foreboding obsidian. Things not of this place.
Years pass and somehow he finds himself on familiar open plains, the dried brown grass and acacia offering shade conjuring memories from his time as a child. But his feet don’t bring him to the village of his youth but to where the grass is green and a myriad flowers little the verdant carpet.
And there He is.
Blue against the background of dirt and stone, crowned in stars and so like him, so unlike him, so impossible to understand.
But Eldrid watches a while as the stranger goes about His business, building and planting crops and sorting chests and talking out loud.
What a lonely thing.
And the stranger turns his gaze to him, Eldrid fumbles with his wares, hands shaking. He has little to offer the stranger doesn’t yet have, only poppies and moss and coral. But He passes him an emerald, tucks a red bloom behind his ear.
And Eldrid suddenly sees the world the way He does.
The way the Universe does.
And perhaps he might stay a while.
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