#The Mysterious Mr. Jeeves
v-thinks-on · 1 year
My offers for this year’s FTH auction!
Type of fanwork: Written - Fanfic Fandom(s): Sherlock Holmes: Arthur Conan Doyle stories, A Study in Emerald; Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century, X-Men (comics or movies), Ace Attorney Highest rating: T (Teen) Length/scope: Less than 5k words
Especially interested in: I love established relationships, hurt/comfort, and working through trauma. Also crossovers. Holmes/Watson: I’ve been thinking about putting them in horror or fantastical situations. I also love the role reversal of Holmes trying to care for Watson, whether early in their relationship or in retirement around WWI. Or maybe Holmes reconnecting with Victor Trevor. Magneto/Professor X: I especially like their later relationship, being there for each other despite years of animosity. I’m also fond of First Class, and the idea of Magneto getting used to the mundanities of normal life. In addition, I’m Jewish and bring that perspective to writing Magneto. Phoenix/Edgeworth: A newer fandom for me and a bit more wide open, happy to write something based on canon or an AU (as long as DL-6 stays roughly intact). I’d also be interested in writing Kirk/Spock (TOS only), Superman/Batman (but not DCEU), Jeeves/Wooster, Satterthwaite/Quin (Agatha Christie), Yugi/Yami Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh), Takao/Midorima (Kuroko’s Basketball).
Unwilling to address: I’m pretty set on my ships and would like to focus on them, though I’m fine with open relationships and including friendships with other characters. I also don't write NSFW or noncon of any kind (including drunken confessions and the like), pining isn’t my cup of tea, and I’d rather not do something with an unhappy ending. X-Men - I'm not really interested in the new continuity movies after First Class or complete AUs that don’t include Magneto and Professor X’s canon roles in mutant politics (or something similar). Ace Attorney - I’ve only played the first three games, so I’m not really equipped to write anything that involves elements from later games.
Notes: One of the reasons I’m excited to contribute to FTH is because I’ve been a little short on ideas of my own lately, so I would especially encourage you to bid if you already have an idea (the more detailed, the better) for a story you’d love to see, but just don’t want to write yourself, or would enjoy brainstorming with me to come up with a story that’s tailored to your tastes. I can also be a little picky in regard to tropes, so expect a bit of a brainstorming process in any case to come up with something that we both love. The more involved you are, the more motivated I’ll be, so the faster the project will come together and the more I’m likely to write.
Type of fanwork: Fan Labor - Betaing Fandom(s): Any Highest rating: M (Mature) Length/scope: 1 round of edits on 1k words per $1 bid (more flexible for brainstorming)
Notes about labor offered: I do a very thorough edit for wording and flow, and can also help with brainstorming and hammering out plot and characters. For shorter stories (or a larger donation), I’m happy to do multiple rounds to get it perfect. The main exceptions are I can't cheerlead, and I'm better at sentence flow than grammar.
Especially interested in: I have a particular love of historical fandoms and antiquated prose, but I’m broadly happy with most genres, romance or gen, and am happy to edit for ships and fandoms I’m not familiar with.
Unwilling to address: I can't edit sex scenes, but am happy to read around them, and I would prefer nothing too violent, no noncon, nor teacher/student pairings. I'm also more picky in fandoms that I'm closer to, so unless you think it aligns closely with my work and would benefit from my particular perspective on the characters, or is a very distant AU, I'd be hesitant to edit Holmes/Watson, Kirk/Spock, or Jeeves/Wooster. Pining is also not really for me, so I might not be the best person for editing it.
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the-dust-jacket · 1 year
Hello. I've already read the Kingston Cycle, Half a Soul and I'm about to finish the Stariel books. Do you have more recommendations? Thank you in advance.
Oh absolutely!
A Matter of Magic, by Patricia C. Wrede (for cross-country Regency romps, rogues, magicians, spies, and Ladies of Quality)
A Marvellous Light, by Freya Marske (for murder and mystery and secret Edwardian wizardry, romance, grand old houses and creepy curses)
Spellbound, by Allie Therin (for forbidden love, found family, and frightening magic in 1920s New York)
Shades of Milk and Honey, by Mary Robinette Kowal (for frothy and impeccably evocative Regency magic)
Sorcerer to the Crown, by Zen Cho (for schemes both magical and mundane and the world of fairy crossing into the world of the tonne)
To Say Nothing of the Dog, by Connie Willis (for laugh-out-loud time travel shenanigans and questionable Victorian aesthetic choices)
Soulless, by Gail Carriger (for vampire assassins, werewolf aristocrats, interrupted tea time, and other terrible inconveniences which may beset a young lady)
A little darker:
The Magpie Lord, by KJ Charles (for semi-secret magical society, creepy family estate, steamy romance all in an Extremely Victorian Gothic setting)
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke (clever and deeply atmospheric tour of a magical 19th century England, but definitely not romance)
Salt Magic, Skin Magic, by Lee Welch (for curses and magical bonds and frightening fairies)
Widdershins, by Jordan L Hawk (for Gilded Age mystery and romance featuring Lovecraftian horror and humor)
More fantasy:
Uprooted, by Naomi Novik (for fairytale magic and whimsy, adventure and romance and creepy trees)
Seducing the Sorcerer, by Lee Welch (for wizard fashion, romance and humor and whimsical magic)
Stardust, by Neil Gaiman (for wild romps in the fairyland next door, alternately humorous and haunting)
More historical:
The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting by KJ Charles (for saucy Regency romance and determined social scheming)
Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons (for dry humor, wacky hijinx, and extended family shenanigans)
Hither Page or The Missing Page by Cat Sebastian (village and manor house mysteries respectively, featuring lots of queer romance and found family with a dash of jaded post-war espionage)
I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith (for yearning and laughs and first love and an eccentric family living in an increasingly run down castle)
A little farther from the brief, but might be worth checking out On Vibes:
The Left Handed Booksellers of London, by Garth Nix
The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, by Diana Wynne Jones
His Majesty's Dragon, by Naomi Novik (more Regency fantasy, but full on Age of Sail adventure rather than comedy of manners, romance, or secret magic)
Among Others, by Jo Walton
Arabella of Mars, by David D. Levine
A Natural History of Dragons, by Marie Brennan
It also sounds like a Georgette Heyer or Jeeves and Wooster binge would be really fun right now!
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huanglaoshu · 9 months
I saw her off and returned to where Jeeves kept his vigil in the car, all smiles. I was all smiles, I mean, not Jeeves. The best he ever does is to let his mouth twitch slightly on one side, generally the left. I was in rare fettle, and the heart had touched a new high. I don't know anything that braces one up like finding you haven't got to get married after all. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Jeeves," I said. "Hope you weren't bored?" "Oh no, sir, thank you. I was quite happy with my Spinoza." "Eh?" "The copy of Spinoza's Ethics which you kindly gave me some time ago." "Oh, ah, yes, I remember. Good stuff?" "Extremely, sir." "I suppose it turns out in the end that the butler did it. Well, Jeeves, you'll be glad to hear that everything's under control."
--Jeeves in the Offing, chapter 11
"In the meantime, pigeonholing that for the moment, did Miss Cook and Mr. Porter have their conference all right?" "Yes, sir, they conversed for some time." "In low, throbbing voices?" "No, sir, the voices of both lady and gentleman became noticeably raised." "Odd. I thought lovers generally whispered." "Not when an argument is in progress, sir." "Good Lord. Did they haven an argument?" "A somewhat acrimonious one, sir, plainly audible in the kitchen, where I was reading the volume of Spinoza which you so kindly gave me for Christmas. The door happened to be ajar." "So you were an ear-witness?" "Throughout, sir." "Tell me all, Jeeves."
--Aunts Aren't Gentlemen, chapter 9
I would gladly have continued our conversation, but I knew he must be wanting to get back to his Spinoza. No doubt I had interrupted him just as Spinoza was on the point of solving the mystery of the headless body on the library floor.
--Aunts Aren't Gentlemen, chapter 9
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lesbworth · 5 months
10 characters 10 fandoms
let's gaur
thank you @moff-times for tagging me :)
miles edgeworth - ace attorney
der tod - elisabeth das musical
mrs danvers - rebecca by daphne du maurier/rebecca das musical
bunny manders - raffles
l lawliet - death note
hilary tamar - the hilary tamar mysteries
sherlock holmes - the sherlock holmes stories, all adaptations
basil hallward - the picture of dorian gray
bertie wooster - jeeves & wooster
havelock vetinari - discworld
my hermitlike existence on tumblr means i basically have no-one to tag that hasn't already been tagged by times or tantive </3 LMAO
also this is so short for a list of characters AUGH rem my bestie i'm so sorry i had to leave you out
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I got tagged by @medical-malpractice-malewife 💛thanks for the tag!!
Favorite color: normally I'd say all of them but I started to really love (!) mint green 💛so pretty (I already have t-shirts, pullovers, headphones and bedsheets in that color😂)
Currently Reading: "The Ultimate Wodehouse Collection" by P. G. Wodehouse (mostly the Jeeves stories 😁) and "Amongst Our Weapons" by Ben Aaronovitch (tho I'm reading it in German because the book covers are prettier in German 😌) and the Jeeves and Wooster (and Sherlock Holmes, A. J. Raffles, Phantom of the Opera and Dorian Grey crossover) collections by @vtsuion The Immutable Jeeves and Wooster, The Mysterious Mr. Jeeves and Designation: H.
Last Song: "Irgendwann bleib i dann dort" by S.T.S.
Last Series: Jeeves and Wooster (with Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie). (there might be a pattern here 😂).
Last Movie: "Oscar Wilde" (1997, with Stephen Fry).
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: tho I love sweet I can't eat so much of it, so spicy it is 😁
Currently Working On: passing the time until university starts again🤣🤣
I tag: @dreams-of-middle-earth @somebody-already-took-this-url @buildarocketboys @tiredesperdad @quantifierrasing @ebbet @ed-teach @giogiogundam and whoever wants to do this💛
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saxifactumterritum · 1 year
so far the movie in my head where Jeeves is a private investigator and Bertie Wooster is his rich hanger-on slash boytoy slash nuissance who Just Shows Up:
they meet when Bertie Wooster is playing a rich person game of steal an item then you have to wear it in public for at least an hour (i watched 'The Manhood of Edward Robinson' on a old TV show 'the Agatha Christie Hour' and they play this game and it was chaotic), and Jeeves accidentally on purpose aids and abets him in his 'crime', and Bertie Wooster is for a long time under the impression that Jeeves is a Real Life Jewel Thief (due to shenanigans and misunderstandings, Jeeves doesn't realise it's a game at first, and then ends up absconding with the necklace, so Bertie concludes he was a real thief).
It was a diamond necklace Bertie Wooster stole like in the TV show, he had meant to steal something a gentleman might wear but there was a difficulty and he ended up with the jewels and now he had to dress up as a lady to wear the thing and then him and Jeeves dance since, as Jeeves pointed out, no one would possibly suspect Bertie Wooster wasn't a women so where was the harm?
I got super distracted by this meeting and mostly the movie has just been them flirting and cross-dressing so far, Bertie Wooster thinking Jeeves is a mysterious thief, and Jeeves thinking Bertie Wooster has fluff for brains and if absolutely daffy but swept up in the whole thing and enjoying himself imensely. Usually he's looking for lost cats, here he is getting to use his brain to help this twink escape from justice, much more fun.
Bertie Wooster realises who Jeeves truly is when Jeeves' niece takes him along to a society party with Biffy and Bertie Wooster et al. Bertie Wooster always sort of thinks it would be romantical if Jeeves WAS a thief of mystery, but also watching him masterfully solve a real burglery the night of the party is, Bertie Wooster is ok with this version also.
the main other scene is they are playing poker (Bertie Wooster is terrible at it) (Jeeves is excellent) (Bertie Wooster being terrible helps Jeeves win a lot of money) (they are a team) (a team where Bertie Wooster doesn't need to have a poker face or be good at cards), they are investigating something but they don't know what, it was all mysterious Jeeves just had to Show Up To A Thing.
I say 'they', in fact Jeeves showed up as per mysterious letter, Bertie Wooster was just there. He is pretending not to know Jeeves since Jeeves did not invite him along for the case and he is Sulking. He drinks a spiked drink or something idk but everyone is trying to get him not to slide off chairs or sing or maybe he should go to bed? eventually Jeeves is like, long suffering, 'I will deal with this, he does know me. Very well, in fact. Come on, Mr Wooster'.
And Bertie Wooster is like 'ah yes, my mysterious thief' and Jeeves is like 'please stop telling people I'm a thief' and Bertie Wooster is like 'my thief' and Jeeves is like 'I am neither a thief nor yours, I think you are mistaking me for a WOMAN, sir', pointedly, since they are in company in the 1920s so not out, and everyone laughs uproariously 'Bertie, a woman?! not on your life, Mr Jeeves, he might be mistaking you, but not for a WOMAN!' cus they all know Bertie Wooster is a queer. That's all the scene so far.
I think of them in the city and big country houses, but maybe they go out to the country, like Miss Marple stories.
Did anyone ever read Ngaio Marsh books with Roderick Alleyn and Nigel Bathgate? I think investigator!Jeeves and Bertie Wooster would have a similar dynamic. but gayer of course.
Jeeves was a valet before he became a private investigator, and at least one time they go 'undercover' as a gentleman and valet. In that investigation they probably swap places, half the guests think Jeeves is Bertie Wooster, which I think would be hilarious.
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Things We’ve Yelled About This Episode #3.1
The Inimitable Jeeves, P. G. Wodehouse
The great vowel shift (wiki)
“ “Bertie, we were at school together.”
“It wasn’t my fault.”
“We’ve been pals for fifteen years.”
“I know. It’s going to take me the rest of my life to live it down.” “- The Inimitable Jeeves, Chapter 17: Bingo and the Little Woman; P.G. Wodehouse
This post
“ “Jeeves,” I said, “those spats.”
“Yes, sir?”
“You really dislike them?”
“Intensely, sir.”
“You don’t think time might induce you to change your view?”
“No, sir.”
“All right, then. Very well. Say no more. You may burn them.”
“Thank you very much, sir. I have already done so. Before breakfast this morning. A quiet grey is far more suitable, sir. Thank you, sir.” “ - The Inimitable Jeeves, Chapter 16: The Delayed Exit of Claude and Eustace; P. G. Wodehouse
Downton Abbey (2010-2015)
Jane Austen
The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, The Untamed (2019) 
Jeeves and Wooster (1990-1993)
Stephen Fry (imdb)
Hugh Laurie (imdb)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1984-1985)
Jeremy Brett (imdb)
Fairies Aren’t Gentlemen, amarguerite (ao3)
K. J. Charles
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, Susanna Clarke
The Great Gatsby, F Scott Fitzgerald
“ “You will find Mr Wooster,” he was saying to the new chappie, “an exceedingly pleasant and amiable young gentleman, but not intelligent. By no means intelligent. Mentally he is negligible - quite negligible.” - The Inimitable Jeeves, Chapter 5: The Pride of the Woosters is Wounded; PG. Wodehouse
“Just what occurred then I couldn’t exactly say, but the next few minutes were a bit exciting. I take it that Cyril must have made a dive for the infant. Anyway, the air seemed pretty well congested with arms and legs and things. Something bumped into the Wooster waistcoat just around the third button, and I collapsed on to the settee and rather lost interest in things for the moment. When I had unscrambled myself…” The Inimitable Jeeves, Chapter 10: Startling Dressiness of a Lift Attendant; P.G. Wodehouse
Lord Peter Wimsey, Bunter; characters from the Lord Peter Wimsey mystery series, Dorothy L. Sayers
As My Wimsey Takes Me (podcast)
Dublin Murder Squad series, Tana French
The Once and Future King, T. H. White
The Sword in the Stone, T. H. White
Spats (wiki)
The trial of Oscar Wilde (wiki)
Street smarts! From John Mulaney’s Kid Gorgeous at Radio City (2018)
Leverage (2008-2012)
The meat pumpkin (article)
Coco Chanel (wiki) and her collaboration with the Nazis (wiki)
“Take one accessory off” - fashion advice attributed to Coco Chanel (quote)
Temeraire series, Naomi Novik
A Wook:
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A Goth:
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The Cat Rating
What Else Are We Reading
Discworld, Terry Pratchett
Nigel Planer (imdb)
Nigel Planer Discworld audiobooks (audible)
Dublin Murder Squad, Tana French
In the Woods, Tana French
Britain After Rome, Robin Fleming
The Silmarillion, J. R. R. Tolkien
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Next Time On Teaching My Cat To Read
Howl’s Moving Castle, Diana Wynne Jones
The audiobook
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lenetaylor · 1 year
The Kellys - Paul McCartney's domestics
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George and Gwen Kelly were employed by Paul McCartney for about a year (1966) at his house at Cavendish. The circumstances of their leaving are somewhat mysterious. Here's all the information on them that I could gather from public sources.
Paul bought the house at 7 Cavendish Ave on 13 April 1965 for £40,000. He then spent about £20,000 to renovate and redecorate, finally moving (from the Ashers' house on Wimpole Street) in March 1966. The house had (has) a basement, which served as living quarters for servants, a ground floor, and two floors above it. On the ground floor Paul installed an open-plan kitchen and a formal dining room.
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In Paul McCartney: The Life by Philip Norman (2016), he writes: "Paul’s brief to the Adamses [the designers] was the strangest they’d ever received, or ever would again; he said he wanted the kind of house where a smell of cabbage floated up from the basement...In fact, the house had no basement from which cosy cabbage-smells could waft to its upper storeys." 100% wrong: The house does have a basement, and you can see the windows to the basement in some photos. This was a standard design for houses at the time, with the main kitchen in the basement along with quarters for some of the staff. This is where the Kellys lived.
Even though he gets that wrong, we'll continue with Norman's book:
In those same Sunday colour supplements one could read how, if traditional domestic servants might have no place in the egalitarian Sixties, wealthy young bachelors often employed a live-in married couple, usually Spanish, the husband combining the roles of butler and chauffeur, the wife cooking and keeping house. Paul started out at 7 Cavendish Avenue with just such a couple, albeit Irish rather than Spanish and with the reassuring Liverpool-echoey name of Kelly. When he hired them, he gave warning that his household would be anything but a conventional one, and defined their main role as just ‘to fit in’. He soon discovered the drawback in having domestic servants, as noted by writers like Harold Nicolson back in the Victorian country house era: there are always people standing around, eavesdropping on your conversations, obliging you to shut the toilet door (all the more irksome if you’re fond of sitting there, playing guitar) and generally behave as if you’re in an hotel rather than at home. Mr Kelly, evidently seeing himself as Jeeves to Paul’s Bertie Wooster, would ceremonially lay out his young master’s clothes for the day ahead until firmly dissuaded. Pop star pals who stayed overnight, and expected to be left comatose until after noon, would instead be briskly roused by Mr Kelly with early morning tea. On the big dining-room table, he placed a display of silverware whose highly-polished formality was too much even for Paul; to annoy them, he’d take out the ornate silver cruet and put a cheap plastic one in its place.
The "to fit in" quote is from a short piece that appeared in the London Sunday Times on September 18 1966, by Hunter Davies, titled "ATTICVS: All Paul":
Paul McCartney was in his new mansion in St. John's Wood. He lives alone. A Mr. and Mrs. Kelly look after him. Nothing so formal as a housekeeper and butler. Their job, he says, is just to fit in.
Barry Miles, in Many Years From Now (1997), picks up the silver cruet story:
There was a large dining table with an antique lace tablecloth, which was always beautifully set with all the appropriate cutlery, but it had a plastic salt cellar and pepper shaker in the centre. Paul owned silver ones but insisted on using the cheap ones, mainly to annoy the housekeeper, Mrs Kelly, and her husband, who had previously worked for gentry and let it be known, not very subtly, that they regarded their new position as a step down in the world. The husband had initially attempted to continue his role as gentleman's gentleman by laying out Paul's clothes each morning until Paul made it abundantly clear that this was not required. Every time they set the table the silver cruet was laid and each time Paul replaced it with the plastic one. Paul fired them for selling their story to an Australian magazine... “I had this live-in couple called the Kellys who would wake you up early in the morning like everything was just going normally and we had just stayed up all night and it was like, 'Go away please!'”
Nicholas Schaffner's book The Beatles Forever (1977) has this information from George Kelly:
George Kelly, a veteran of 16 years of service in the Royal Army who went on to become butler and chauffeur at some of Britain’s most stately homes before being hired by Paul McCartney in 1966, recalls with distaste in his memoirs having to bring morning tea for two to Paul’s bedroom when Jane was away, and having to endure the sight of the Beatle stubbing out ciggies on his silver Ivor Novello awards. But nothing seems to have unhinged Kelly more that the time he accidentally stumbled in on “one of the most bizarre scenes I have ever witnessed. There, in front of the television set, were the highest-paid pop group in the world and their manager, bowing down and salamming, chanting and dancing with one another!” Kelly recalls making his way through the billowing incense and flashing colored strobelights to give Paul a message, but “nobody took the slightest notice of me. They were all on their own little clouds. So as the Eastern music…grew louder, I just left the room quietly.” Shortly afterward, the butler handed in his notice, but not before receiving lectures from his employer about the benefits of LSD: “Your whole life flashes before you and you realize all the mistakes you have made.” (p. 76)
Schaffner says this is from Kelly's "memoirs", but I can't find any evidence of these memoirs being published. It's possible Schaffner had access to an unpublished manuscript; the quotes certainly read like something written, not an interview.
In addition to serving morning tea at noon and whatever else they were doing, they had to deal with the endless stream of fans. At Meet the Beatles For Real, Carol Bedford talks about visiting London in the summer of 1966:
“I couldn't have been there for more than two minutes when Mr. Kelly, Paul's gardener, came out screaming and waving a hoe at me. He said that Paul had just come in at 3 a.m. and needed rest. I looked up to see the curtains being rustled on the middle window of the second floor. Mrs. Kelly came out, and when asked if Paul and Jane were married, she answered, "No, of course not! That's a bunch of rubbish!"
(Lizzie Bravo added, "Funny, I remember her husband, Mr. Kelly, we called him "Stick" and he was pretty nasty but I don't remember her...")
So did they quit, or were they fired? They were gone by the end of January 1967. Here's an article published January 12, 1967 that ran in several American newspapers; this was titled "They’ve Had Enough of That Job, Thank You":
George and Gwen Kelly, who were Beatle Paul McCartney’s chauffeur and housekeeper until they quit recently, read a newspaper ad saying a Mr. Brown needed a chauffeur and housekeeper. George telephoned the employment agency that had advertised, said he and wife might be interested and asked for details. “Yes,” said the voice on the telephone. “Your prospective employer lives in St. John’s Wood—” “Did you say St. John’s Wood? We know the area very well. We’ve got friends there. We used to work in St. John’s Wood.” “And the wages are good,” said the agency man. “Go on, please,” said George. “There’ll be lots of entertaining. You will see a lot of interesting people.” “Tell me,” said George, “what sort of a chap is Mr. Brown?” There was a long pause. Then in a low, confidential voice, the agency man said: “Now, you must promise not to say anything, but Mr. Brown is really Paul McCartney—one of the Beatles, you know.” “I know,” said George. “Thank you for your trouble in answering my questions.” “When will you be coming in for an interview?” asked the agency man as George hung up. When the Kellys left McCartney, George said he and his wife thought they would be happier working for someone with more regular hours.
(They're not wrong!)
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Back to Norman:
Paul’s live-in domestic couple, the Kellys, had left his employment in January 1967, after Mrs Kelly talked out of turn to an Australian newspaper, though he still hand-wrote her a reference calling her ‘efficient and trustworthy’. After trying another couple, the Millses, he found Rose Martin (no relation to George), an unflappable, unshockable woman who would serve him with irreproachable loyalty and discretion for many years to come. However, Rose was fiercely loyal to Jane, so treated Maggie with barely restrained hostility.
And back to Miles:
Paul asked his housekeepers, the Kellys, to leave after he found that they had written an article about his home life for an Australian magazine. Paul: “Mr and Mrs Kelly are looking for another place and I’m getting another couple to replace them. There have been disagreements over the running of the household. I haven’t asked them to leave instantly because that would be unreasonable.” They were replaced by Mr and Mrs Mills. (“She still hasn’t given me a tune yet,” quipped Paul, referring to popular pianist Mrs Mills.)
And then we have Mike McCartney, who has a different story - here he's talking about his photo of Paul's smashed-up face:
The fab pic was eventually stolen from Cave Avenue by a ‘butler’ and sold to an Italian mag to illustrate ‘wild Beatle drug parties in swinging London’.
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(I'm pretty sure he's conflating stories here - I don't remember reading anywhere else that his photo was stolen)
The only contemporary account of their departure I can find in the newspapers is from The Daily Mirror on January 6, 1967.
Beatle’s Staff Driven Out By His Fans By Kenelm Jenour
The married couple who act as housekeeper and chauffeur to Beatle Paul McCartney have given him their notices. The reason: They could not stand the fans any more. The couple, George and Gwen Kelly, have looked after Paul at his £40,000 London home behind Lord’s cricket ground since he moved in almost a year ago. Last night, while Paul was recording with John, George, and Ringo, Mr. Kelly told me: “Paul has been a good boss. But the fans have been a terrible strain. “In fact sometimes it’s been murder. We’ve had no private life at all. “Sometimes we can’t even get into the house because of fans crowding around outside. And we get phone calls from all over the world at all hours of the night.” The Kellys, both aged 40, told Paul on Wednesday of their decision to quit. But they did not set a date for leaving. “We don’t want to leave him in the lurch,” said Gwen in their basement flat at Paul’s home. “We will probably go in four or five weeks.” Engaged Gwen, who once worked with her husband for the Lord Lieutenant of Monmouthshire, went on: “We didn’t even know Paul was a Beatle when we came here. All we knew was that we had been engaged by a Mr. Paul McCartney. “And that’s what we have always called him - ‘Mr. McCartney’ or ‘Sir.” He hates any familiarity.” One thing the Kellys stressed: They are not leaving Paul, the only bachelor Beatle because he wants to get married. “As far as we know - and we probably know him as well as anyone - he has no immediate plans to marry,” said George.
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The image at the top of this post is Paul's letter of recommendation for Gwen Kelly, which was sold at auction in 1993 for £250, according to The Paul McCartney Encyclopedia by Bill Harry (2003). It seems to have been sold through Tracks Ltd. in the UK. Here's the description:
A one-page job reference for a housekeeper, Mrs. G. Kelly, who Paul McCartney employed for a brief period in the mid-sixties in his home in Cavendish Avenue, London. Mrs. Kelly resigned as housekeeper due to differences with Paul about the running of the home. The reference dates to 1967. It reads, "Mrs G Kelly, Mrs Kelly worked for me and was a very capable and trustworthy housekeeper. She is an excellent cook and generally very efficient. Paul McCartney". It comes with four black & white modern prints of photographs of Paul McCartney's home which were formerly the property of Mrs. Kelly, (3 of these depict the housekeeper on the forecourt of the house) an original newspaper clipping relating to her resignation and a modern print out of another newspaper cutting. Three of the photographs measure 9cm x 9cm (3.5 inches x 3.5 inches), the fourth measures 10.5cm x 8.5cm (4.25 inches x 3.25 inches). The photographs are not being sold with copyright. The reference letter measures 20cm x 25cm (8 inches x 10 inches). It has tears and tape stains on the folds. The condition of the letter is fair.
Back to Norman:
Paul’s live-in domestic couple, the Kellys, had left his employment in January 1967, after Mrs Kelly talked out of turn to an Australian newspaper, though he still hand-wrote her a reference calling her ‘efficient and trustworthy’. After trying another couple, the Millses, he found Rose Martin (no relation to George), an unflappable, unshockable woman who would serve him with irreproachable loyalty and discretion for many years to come. However, Rose was fiercely loyal to Jane, so treated Maggie with barely restrained hostility.
I have spent considerable time searching online for "the Australian newspaper/magazine" that the Kellys supposedly sold their story to, but I can't find anything at all. Three possibilities:
The story was published in a small paper or magazine but isn't available online or in an archive
They talked to an Australian reporter but the story was never published, perhaps due to pressure from Beatle management (Murdoch involvement? He owned many newspapers in Australia at that time)
It was a rumor that got published as truth and keeps getting recycled; they really left because the situation was intolerable
I can't find any more information about what happened to the Kellys after they left Cavendish. I would love to know the end of their story!
(Honestly, being Paul's housekeeper in 1966 sounds like the worst job in the world.)
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wewerecore · 2 years
CORE Pro #111 From An Evil Night Into A Hostile Day 09/25/22 Bloomsburg Fair Weis Markets Grandstand - Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Attendance: 28,711 (attended the fair)
- The card opened with Brian Myers of the Cardona Family seated on the Bloomsburg Fair Skyride with VSK. Matt Cardona and Mike Knox could be seen in the Skyride chair behind theirs. Myers questioned VSK’s allegiances in tonight’s match against The Trustbusters, as he serves as the Trustbusters’ butler JeeVeS K. VSK swore his loyalty to the Cardona Family. VSK claimed his position with the Trustbusters is just a “shoot job” and strictly business, and that the Cardona Family is his blood.
Match #1
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Erick Stevens vs. DJ Karl Fredericks - Erick Stevens had DJ Karl Fredericks up in fireman’s carry position and went to ram Karl headfirst into the turnbuckle, but Fredericks slipped off of Erick Stevens’ shoulders and spiked him with an implant DDT.   Winner: DJ Karl Fredericks
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- CORE matchmaker Sad Badd was shown watching the Wall Of Death motorcycle show when she was confronted by Kerry Morton. Morton wanted to know what he had to do to get booked without his daddy around. He was shouting now, perhaps to be heard over the motorcycle engines or perhaps out of growing agitation, about CORE creating an entire division for old timers like his father yet the top young talent on the independent circuit can’t get bookings. Kerry claimed to be in the prime of his career yet he can’t get on a card without his washed up father. Sad Badd, who at this point had been pressed against the railing dangerously close to falling into the Wall Of Death, said the anniversary show is already booked, but she’ll see what she can do in November.
Match #2
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Mysterious Q and FOR vs. The Colony (Electro Ant and Ultimo Ant) - Mysterious Q had Ultimo Ant up in the torture rack position when Electro Ant tried to make the save, but was cut off by FOR. FOR stacked Electro on top of Ultimo Ant and Mysterious Q dropped them both with the torture rack powerbomb he has begun calling the Q Drop. Winners: Mysterious Q and FOR
Match #3
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The Trustbusters (Ari Daivari, Parker Boudreaux, Slim J, and Sonny Kiss) vs. The Cardona Family (Matt Cardona, Brian Myers, Mike Knox, and VSK) - The Cardona Family had isolated Slim J and were in total control of the match. VSK tagged in and was putting the boots to Slim J when from the apron Ari Daivari waved a stack of hundred dollar bills at him. VSK refused and said he’d never attack his family. Ari told his part-time butler that he didn’t have to lay a finger on the Cardonas, all he had to do was let Slim J tag out. VSK took the money and Slim J made the hot tag to Parker Boudreaux. The Trustbusters gained the advantage and eventually won with a Boudreaux choke slam on Mike Knox followed by a big splash from Daivari. Winners: The Trustbusters
Match #4
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Athena vs. Maya Yukihi - Maya Yukihi had Athena in position for a tiger driver, but Athena countered by powering Yukihi back into the turnbuckles. Athena lifted Maya up in a delayed vertical suplex before dropping her over the top rope and to the floor. Athena demanded the referee count Yukihi out, and while Maya was able to roll back into the ring at nine, she was met with The O-Face and pinned. Winner: Athena
Match #5 Medicare Coverage Helpline Senior Division
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2 Cold Scorpio vs. Dustin Rhodes - 2 Cold Scorpio went for his moonsault legdrop but Dustin Rhodes was able to roll out of harm’s way. Scorp scrambled back to his feet but was hit with a running bulldog headlock from Rhodes and covered for the Senior Division two count pinfall victory. Winner: Dustin Rhodes
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- A clearly shaken Sad Badd was regaining her composure by the Pennsylvania Dutch Taco Stand when she was approached by CORE owner Jawad Yatim. Mr. Yatim told Sad Badd that he’s been so impressed by her matchmaking that he’s decided to invest in taking things to the next level by hiring her an assistant. Mr. Yatim said he took one look at this man’s resume and he had to have him. Mr. Yatim introduced Sad Badd to “perhaps the most experienced active pro-wrestling matchmaker in the world” and the new CORE Director Of Longterm Creative, John Williams. Behind the scene, and helicopter could be seen landing with FOR boarding.
Match #6
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The Last Wave (Josh Alexander and Titus Alexander) vs. Z-Brats (SB KENTo and Shun Skywalker) - SB KENTo hit Josh Alexander with a spinebuster and locked in the SB Shooter. For the first time in months, Alexander appeared to be in real danger. Titus Alexander entered the ring and connected with a jumping knee strike to SB KENTo, but he held on. Titus Alexander hit the ropes, first impacting with Shun Skywalker and sending him from the apron to the floor, and then hitting a running elbow strike to the back of KENTo’s head. A dazed KENTo fell forward and Josh Alexander locked in a sharpshooter of his own. KENTo fought for the ropes but ultimately tapped out. Winners: The Last Wave
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- In the week following the card, the CORE booking office received a mysterious letter. The letter was allegedly from two descendants of the Gaspar Brothers, a legendary family of pirates that once tormented Antonio Inoki in the rings of New Japan Pro Wrestling. News had reached them at port about the recent passing of Antonio Inoki, and after years terrorizing the high seas, this news reminded them that their family legacy extends beyond the oceans and to the squared circle. They will be arriving just in time for the CORE Anniversary show where they will do battle against another new team of grunt and groaners, Team White Wolf of Carlos Romo and Gangrel.
Upcoming Shows:
CORE Pro #112 Don't Let Our Youth Go To Waste - CORE 15th Anniversary Show 10/28/22 Penn's Peak - Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania 01. Gaspar Brothers (Bobby Gaspar and Bucky Gaspar) vs. Team White Wolf (Carlos Romo and Gangrel) 02. The Trustbusters (Ari Daivari, Parker Boudreaux, Slim J, Sonny Kiss, and DJ Karl Fredericks) vs. CORE Originals (Nate Webb, Josh Abercrombie, Cheech, Colin Olsen, and UltraMantis Black) 03. Athena and Raychell Rose vs. Mei Suruga and Emi Sakura 04. Mr. Takeshita vs. Mysterious Q 05. Medicare Coverage Helpline Senior Division: Ultimo Dragon vs. Christopher Daniels 06. The Last Wave (Josh Alexander and Titus Alexander) vs. Kamikaze USA (YAMATO and Jon Moxley)
CORE Pro #113 Thanksgiving Tussle '22 11/24/22 Kingston Armory - Kingston, Pennsylvania
CORE Pro #114 A Christmas Far More Glorious Than Grand 12/25/22 SteelStacks - Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
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wipbigbang · 3 years
Story Title: Designation: H
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle (with appearances from various other literary characters)
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32490439
Summary: One minute, Watson is hurrying back along the path from Reichenbach Falls, afraid that Holmes has met his fate against the dreaded Professor Moriarty. The next thing he knows, he awakens in the strange Prometheus Institute, unsure whether it was all a nightmare or terrible reality. However, he quickly finds that the real nightmare has only just begun.
Watson is told that the man he knew as Sherlock Holmes is in fact a creature created by the Prometheus Institute as the next step in human evolution, which should never have been unleashed upon the world - and he is not the Institute’s only creation. All Watson is sure of is that he must escape at any cost.
Warnings: Violence to and by children
Characters: John Watson, Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, mentioned past Victor Trevor, mentioned Mary Watson, cameos from various other literary characters
Pairings: Past Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
When I Started: This fic would not exist if not for @umisabaku’s epic of love and superhuman high school basketball players, Designation: Miracle. I couldn’t get the idea of characters being created in a sinister lab out of my head and it got me to wondering how my favorite fictional detective might have acquired his improbable skill set. A plot naturally followed and I started planning way back in August 2017 and began writing the story proper that December (which is way earlier than I thought).
How I Lost My Shit: I don’t know if I ever really had it together from the start. My first mistake was trying to “make things easier for myself” by using other literary characters with improbable skill sets as the Institute’s other creations, who would serve as Holmes and Watson’s fellow inmates. That meant I then had to accumulate a list of characters and read about them, which slowed things down immensely.
Then, I was about half-way through the prologue when I signed up for Holmestice 2019 and was assigned to make a gift for someone who really wanted a BBC Sherlock fic. I had just been toying around with the idea that the premise worked even better for BBC’s Sherlock than the original and it basically fit their request, so I dropped everything and spent 2 weeks frantically writing a BBC Sherlock variant on the fic; Designation: S.
I finally went back to Designation: H and by summer 2020, I had finished a first draft of chapter 1 and was doing a bit of reading to find more characters to show up in the fic, when I happened upon Jeeves and Wooster - a  series about a silly rich young man and his hypercompetent manservant. Jeeves turned out to make way too much sense as a product of the Institute and the series had me hooked. By the time the summer was over, I had written The Mysterious Mr. Jeeves, a 130K sequel series to a fic I still had yet to write (a series I’m very proud of and recommend you check out if you’re interested).
How I Finished My Shit: Having finally come off of my Jeeves and Wooster high, I remembered that I still hadn’t entirely revealed Jeeves’s mysterious origins and had a whole Sherlock Holmes story (which was now a prequel) that I was still planning on writing. So, in March of this year, I resumed work on Designation: H in earnest, encouraged by my last minute sign-up to the WIP Big Bang.
Even then, I admit this story gave me a lot of trouble. I usually write slow and steady and don’t do a whole lot of rewrites, but I couldn’t tell you how many times I went back through the last two chapters, arranging and rearranging until it all came together in a way that really got the ideas across. But it’s finally done and out there for the world to see - along with a fanmix and chapter headers by the excellent afteriwake (pennywaltzy). Without any further ado, I hope you enjoy it!
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v-thinks-on · 3 years
My friend, the esteemed detective Hercule Poirot, who you may have heard of in connection with any of the countless cases he’s pursued since his arrival in England a few years back, was out all morning. When he returned to our flat, it was only to hurry me out along with him.
“There is no time to waste, Hastings,” the little Belgian declared, neatly folding the paper I had so carelessly tossed aside. “It is, as you say in English, the canary.”
I had no idea what to make of that, and as we boarded the train for the countryside, Poirot was hardly more forthcoming.
“It is a very serious matter,” was all he said. “I can only hope that we are not too late.”
However, as we rolled into the station at Market Snodsbury, something began to stir in my memory and when Poirot called for a cab to bring us to Brinkley Court, it snapped into place.
“I just read about the Brinkley Court tragedy in the paper this morning!” I exclaimed.
Poirot hushed me, but not as emphatically as I might have expected.
“You think it was murder then?” I asked eagerly, in at least an attempt at a hushed voice. “The papers were saying it was all just an accident.”
“A man is found standing just above the lifeless victim; it seems open and shut, no? But we shall see,” Poirot said with his usual evasiveness - I had some feeling he was mocking me.
Bertie Solves a Mystery continues!
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Ranking background characters to find Rockerduck a decent Jeeves (Season 1)
After rewatching season one I have found 15... suitable? Extras that would make better jeeves, the criteria is: phisically, dog and male since there’s conflicting info about his background it’s free for all there, his habilities are basically anything but there’s a focus on secretarial work and henchman-ing(?)
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This guy, let’s call him v mouth, applying for the accountant job with Glomgold, he also play the cello and works at the Duckburg bank, for the wide range of habilities and not holding down a job 8/10 not 10 cuz he looks like a twig that can’t punch
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These two, reporters, lets call them clark and v mouth’s father they seem to be upstanding citizens are allways reporting and are invited to rich people parties 3/10 for both
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Three guys here, purple bow, two cups and unibrow, purple bow looks like a rich guy, prolly doesn’t need a job so 2/10, 2cups seems to be a a profecional, however has been seen catering in several different parties so stable job, no facial exprecions at all 3/10, unibrow seems to have been invited however he works in waddle so either he snuck in or he has a high position in a tech company 7/10 cuz it would be cool to have a tech support guy as a new jeeves
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Knives and spike, using public transport so not rich, knives doesn’t look exactly profesional but could pack a punch 6/10, spike is dedicated to the asthetic tm AND looks a bit swole, also is a “guard dog” breed, does not look profesional tho 8/10
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This kid looks badass, has conections with the funzo crowd, and knows how to have fun;Rockerduck is from the 1800 he doesn’t know child labor is illegal, frankenjeeves could use an older brother 9/10
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Ear extensions and the host of the Duckburg billionare Club, ear extensions works for waddle so could use an up grade 7/10 for reasons above, Host has a very fancy job, however is accustomed to catering to billionares 7/10 as well
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Mr mustache, ponytail, and flirting with a father of one, Mr mustache look# like og Jeeves with brown hair and a mustache also is never in clear view of the camera so 8/10, ponitail is rich, and looks way too friendly so 3/10, Mr being seduced while on the job works in catering? Probably? but is not wearing the same uniform than the staff? Idk, he is a mystery but he looks done and that is an attitude that would serve him well when dealing with Rockerduck so 7/10
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This guy appears now and in the auction in the 60’s looking exactly the same so either son or time traveler, he looks very buttlery so 6/10
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emiline-northeto · 4 years
1920s TWW Jeeves & Phryne?
This is a 1920s-ish Worst Witch AU crossover with the Jeeves and Wooster stories (particularly the tv version of them) and with Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. There’s a couple of different plotlines - Bertie and Jeeves know all the teachers and Bertie hasn’t twigged to the fact that Ada and Hecate have feelings for each other, though Jeeves of course has. Mr. Rowan-Webb meets Gussie and they bond over shared love of amphibians and possibly Mr. Rowan-Webb helps Gussie make slightly better decisions. Dimity teaches dance and Hecate is shocked by 20s fashion and dances. (Gwen of course loves them and throws her support in, and Ada thinks it’s a great idea so Hecate is outnumbered) Phryne and Ada had a thing that didn’t work out but they remained friends, albeit long-distance ones, and Phryne runs into Hecate and Ada in a tearoom one day, flirts a little with Ada just on principal, realizes Hecate has feelings for Ada, and generally outrages Hecate’s sense of propriety. (I just realized Julie isn’t specifically in this story yet and she definitely should be).
Snippet! Have a drafty bit of Gussie and Algie chatting:
“But life would be so much simpler if we were newts!” Gussie declaimed. “To have no cares other than those of the simple newt, and to make one’s affection for a member of the opposite sex abundantly clear.”
“I can assure you it would not be as pleasant as you think, Mr. Fink-Nottle, and I can speak from personal experience. Not from being a newt, but through an unfortunate act of perfidy I was a frog for decades.”
To this extraordinary statement Gussie, caught up in the only portion of it that mattered to him exclaimed:
“Then you know how it is, sir! Was your life not infinitely better as an amphibian?”
“Well no,” Algernon replied, much taken aback. 
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Frank’s hints on season 3 part 3
Onto the hints from November 2019:
fanboy2006 asked: Is the Blot in DuckTales still called the Phantom Blot?
Frank’s answer: Yes, but because he seeks to blot out phantoms.
drummergirl231 asked: Will everyone at McDuck Manor have their own main enemy who's involved with F.O.W.L.?
Frank’s answer: Sorrrt of…
animator320-deactivated20200207 asked: More Gibbous in Season 3?
Frank’s answer: More Gibbous in Season 3.
sleaveheralone asked: Who will Daisy interact the most(other than Donald)?
Frank’s answer: Spoilers. (it’s gonna be Della, called it!)
sleaveheralone asked: Is the reason why Scrooge hates Santa stupid or serious(objectively)
Frank’s answer: Serious.
cartoons4ever77 asked: How does Scrooge feel about hippies?
Frank’s answer: Spoilers. (shown in The Lost Harp of Mervana)
saturngears asked: how did duckworth die?
Frank’s answer: Kinda spoilers? (probably FOWL had something to do with it)
sleaveheralone asked: Who will Rockerduck interact with the most?
Frank’s answer: Jeeves.
animatedminds asked: Music fan question! With the other Disney Afternoon series coming in, are we going to get bits of their music too, like all the references to Darkwing's theme and ending songs?
Frank’s answer: Dom Lewis is very talented and frequently delightful.
wickedboy619 asked: Of all the kids on the show now, who would Gosalyn most likely hang out with?
Frank’s answer: Dewey.
i-am-marcus-pines asked: Why age up kit and molly instead of having them be kids in the series ( im not against it im just curious)?
Frank’s answer: To our minds, TaleSpin was always a period piece, so it made sense to have the events of that show take place in the past.
ellylou3 asked: Will Daisy be in more than one episode?
Frank’s answer: Yes
mai-fanblog asked: Will any characters use Gladstone's good luck in season three?
Frank’s answer: Hm. Sort of.
saturngears asked: can we have an ooc quote for gandra?
Frank’s answer: “Yeah, this guy seems REAL judgment free.”
animator320-deactivated20200207 asked: Will B.O.Y.D. meet any other villains aside from Doofus and Beaks? (We know that he probably knows some villains from the party such as Glomgold and some of the Beagles, and God knows if Percival P. Peppington’s a villain or not)
Frank’s answer: Yep. (it’s Dr. Akita from Astro BOYD)
ginger-s-n-a-p asked: Will Selene and Della hang out this season?
Frank’s answer: Yep
sleaveheralone asked: An out of context Daisy spoiler?
Frank’s answer: Has a dream. (likely the Hear My Voice sequence from Louie’s Eleven)
sleaveheralone asked: An out of context Phantom Blot quote?
Frank’s answer: “It’s not strong enough!”
beaglelover62 asked: Will Magica and Lena face off with each other again in S3?
Frank’s answer: Almost certainly.
maximumlightcolor asked: Ooc gosalyn spoiler??
Frank’s answer: Is a badass.
sleaveheralone asked: An out of context Scrooge quote?
Frank’s answer: “Get away from my claim, ya gut burglar!” (I bet it’s from the upcoming Christmas episode)
emeraldshine13 asked: Did Webby ever eat that hamburger?
Frank’s answer: Spoilers.
sleaveheralone asked: Did we already meet the character Scrooge looked up to?
Frank’s answer: Nope!
grandrunawaywonderland asked: Assuming Gladstone and/or Magica will feature in season 3, I was wondering if there’s any chance of these two interacting?
Frank’s answer: Heh.
sleaveheralone asked: Who will Goldie interact the mist with in season 3?
Frank’s answer: Scrooge
sleaveheralone asked: Who will Scrooge interact the most with in season 3?
Frank’s answer: Everybody.
wingster21 asked: Can we expect an episode where it’s just the original adventurers in Scrooge, Della and Donald?
Frank’s answer: You can expect a lot of things.
Frank’s answer: Does not care for coffee.
wurmmies asked: ooc Rockerduck spoiler
Frank’s answer: Ain’t lookin great these days.
henke37 asked: Who will meet Daisy first, Donald or Della?
Frank’s answer: Donald. (Louie’s Eleven confirms it)
helescrythor asked: Sibling squabbles between Don and Della are confirmed. Will there also be tearjerking moments between the two?
Frank’s answer: I mean, I teared up over them last week. But I’m a softie.
veryman asked: If Donald didn't know Mrs. Beakly was a spy why did Della?
Frank’s answer: Spoilers.
goldiejake11 asked: Who is the first to suspect F.O.W.L involvement?
Frank’s answer: Hahahaha, I wish I could tell you. I love the answer to this so much.
sleaveheralone asked: What will Rockerduck be after in season 3?
Frank’s answer: REVENGE!
alongdwdfan asked: Frank. Will we meet any Asian characters besides Toad Liu Hai and Ziyi?
Frank’s answer: Yep
heroanalysis asked: How did Glomgold get interested in sharks? Why does he like them?
Frank’s answer: Spoilers.
arrias-the-enigmatical asked: OOC Santa quote, please.
Frank’s answer: “Oh, by gosh…by golly…”
drummergirl231 asked: Are Huey and Violet gonna be mystery-solving besties like Dewey and Webby?
Frank’s answer: Nerp.
foster-cynical asked: Are we going to get any good Louie and Webby interactions in season 3? I like their dynamic
Frank’s answer: Yerp
naughtydog148 asked: Will we see more Angry Huey in Season 3?
Frank’s answer: Yerrrrp.
maximumlightcolor asked: Any characters that might get betrayed?
Frank’s answer: Yerp
literalfriend asked: What’s going to happen with the Gummi berry juice 👀
Frank’s answer: Spoilers
animator320-deactivated20200207 asked: Any vampires this season?
Frank’s answer: Maybe kinda
avengingducklord asked: Anime references?
Frank’s answer: One kinda big one for sure.
animator320-deactivated20200207 asked: How many episodes this season? Any 44-minute specials?
Frank’s answer: At least one.
beaglelover62 asked: Will we get more sweet "Webby helping Lena" moments?
Frank’s answer: Yes of course.
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the-headbop-wraith · 3 years
3_41 Places Gone
“You’re kinda restless….” Vivi murmured.  “No pun intended.”  This wasn’t going anywhere, she reminded herself.  “Why don’t you try distracting yourself?  I’m not going to believe the van is still in order, Mr. Fuss pants.”  The heap of shadow ducked over the seat, effectively blotting out the amber and golden streams of warm light that had fallen over the sleeping bundle squished into the passenger seat’s half.  His personal illumination tinged the shielded interior with luscious pinks.  “No comment?”  
Lewis used one hand to shield his eye sockets, and stared out into the vague distance.  Pieces of ash flaked off the ceiling as he bent over and retreated further into the vans back.  He knelt down in the small pool of shadow and wedged his elbows behind him, against the trembling walls.  The floor around him remained a frozen tumult of sheets, chip bags, and coke bottles, yet he made no move to hassle over the proposed task.
This is how it had gone for the past few hours. Lewis himself didn’t realize he was doing it, pacing around in the back, accompanied by long gaps of absolute silence. It wasn’t a problem, he was weightless and eerily silent, but the lightbulb in the ceiling would occasionally flicker and while the radio had been turned off long ago; it persisted to malfunction and Vivi could only manage the sporadic pulses of sound when they leapt forth.  Somehow throughout this the van never stuttered from its pace, but that might have been in its distance or the layers of metal that protected it from direct influence. It would have been an interesting study, if they were any place else.
“Heya Mystery.”  Vivi reached up her free hand to scratch under the hound’s chin.  “He’s doing fine,” she says, as Mystery stretches his head out for the scratching.  “I’ll let you know if anything changes.  I got an eye on both my boys.”  Mystery ducked his head down under Vivi’s hand, and moved the side of his head low to set his cheek by Vivi’s shoulder.  Vivi could just barely tilt her head up enough to see around the headrest and check on Lewis, miles away.  A few of the familiar flames sprout around his shoulders, their light flickered as each ember smolders briefly and snuffed out in turn.
For once Arthur had stayed out cold throughout the morning without so much as a twitch, and Vivi was adamant about not interrupting. Judging by the shade under his eyes, Arthur needed every millisecond that could be wrestled free.
“Maybe you should rest,” she suggested, without looking back.  As before Lewis didn’t respond.  “You don’t think that’d help?”  Vivi snapped her hand to the radio and spun the loose dial, the garbled chatter was immediately doused and she breathed a sigh that Arthur hadn’t budged.  Sometimes Vivi’s hand didn’t find its way back from the radio to the steering wheel.  If Lewis was present and braced to the seat with his hands, she would set her fingers over his knuckles.  Lewis was wholly distracted and never noticed Vivi’s grip.
“I can turn around, Lew.”  Vivi maneuvered herself up to see past the headrest and watched the ghost in the back as his skull spun about, the dark walls around him flicker with the movement of his radiant pompadour.  Radiant, she almost wanted to giggle.  “Or have we come to far?  Jeeves, you gotta talk to me.  Is it gonna be worse if I try and turn around?”  Lewis gawked about the walls but his embers eyes seemed to be focused beyond them, and out into the forest that surrounded their transportation; their protective bubble.  The walls of the van suddenly felt very thin, and the windshield felt expansive and open.
Mystery returned to the space directly behind Arthur’s seat. His ears and expression observed Lewis’ erratic patterns.
“What road did you take?” Lewis’ voice scratched out.
Vivi was silent.  She nibbled on her lip.  “I thought you knew,” she uttered.  “Are… Isn’t that why I’m driving?”  Lewis didn’t answer.  “Speak to me,” she went on.  “Tell me I didn’t just fuck up.  This is the only road I—”
“No,” Lewis hummed.  He crept back to the vans front and steadied himself over the bench seat, skull slowly rotating at the edge of his suit collar.  A second after Lewis’ skull spun a fraction, and his eye sockets fell on Arthur.  In turn Arthur, bunched up on the seat, sputtered as he jerked his knees under the wad of blankets that had wrapped about his legs.  He tried to roll over and get upright, without heaving himself upright, but was momentarily disoriented and off balance while pitched on his bad side.
“Mornin’, Art,” Vivi chirped, a little tremble in her voice.  She pushed her elbow under Arthur’s backside, but Arthur managed at long last to twist over from the helping leverage, and thrust his fist into the seat.  The van rattled on the road, potholes the size of Texas littered the tarmac and the shudders only added to his vertigo; though Vivi made all sane attempts to avoid them.  “Sore?”
Arthur mumbled something, wasn’t even sure himself what he was saying.  He paused to reassess his bad memory and trek across conversations, anything he might’ve prattled about in his exhaustion.  It hurt that he had no faith in his own memory.  
“No, um,” he moaned.  “I need a coffee.  Do we still have a coppy?”  Despite his heavy lethargy, Vivi smiled.  In the cup holder was a half empty/full bottle of the iced coffee, a glistening coat of beads slicked the bottles side around what little of the creamy liquid remained within.  “Soda? Poprocks?”  He jumped when Mystery’s nose popped over his shoulder, a little bag in his teeth.  Arthur accepted it and bit the top.  “I got this,” he grumbled, when Vivi held a hand out.  A chilled can of Super Elixir slid down the seat and plopped beside Arthur’s knee.  He shoved the blanket over his knees and scooted more over from Vivi.  What followed was Arthur’s carefully orchestrated system of breakfast preparation; he put the soda can between his knees, while the half opened poprock bag hung between his teeth.  He pulled the cans tab and a puff of foam jumped from the crease in the popped top.
“And people wonder why I’m not surprised that you like Surf’s Up Pizza,” Vivi muttered, shaking her head.  She twisted around in her seat once more and checked where Lewis had stationed himself now.
“I can’t rectify people’s poor sense of taste.” The contents of the candy pack were dumped into Arthur’s mouth and he took a large swig of high octane soda. “Hmm.”  Arthur nearly inhaled when he saw Lewis’ skull staring over the seat at him.
“Jesus Art,” Vivi yelped.  “Don’t choke yourself.  I don’t get points if you choke!”  She would’ve started slapping Arthur, if Lewis wasn’t hanging over the seat again.
“Stop.  We should,” Lewis uttered.  “Two minutes. It was here, wasn’t it? Close.”  Everything looked different in the light, the stretching shadows withering in the confinement.  The trees that bordered the road felt retracted, far away.  Somehow being holed up in the van the way he was, it made Lewis feel exposed, open to the elements.  That made sense to him, in that ever familiar morbid sort of way.
“Where are we?” Arthur wheezed.  He swallowed a bit of the ultra-sweet swill and choked on the heat in his throat.  “Is this where I think we are?  Vivi? What the fuck, Vi?!  You had one job.  One job….” He wasn’t listening to what was spilling from his mouth, Arthur had taken a sudden fascination with the can he was holding and began the ingredients off somewhere in the back of his head.  “How can you fuck up this—”
“He was driving!” Vivi barked.  “I’m a civilian, I’m just doing my job.”
“We’re not stopping,” Arthur gurgled.  He dropped the tall can into the cup holder and jammed the sticky packet of poprocks in beside it.  “We need to keep going, get out of this area.”  He pressed himself beside into the passenger a little more, when he realized Lewis hadn’t budged from his looming poise.
“You don’t need to get out,” Lewis replied.  “I doubt there’s anyplace out there safer than this region.”
Arthur put his arm around his shoulder and frowned at the skull.  “I beg to differ.”
Vivi looked from Arthur, then back to Lewis.  “He’s right,” she says.  “We keep going.  You might get… sidetracked or something.”
“I won’t,” Lewis retorts.  He spun his skull to check the passenger window, and looked out the driver side.  This place called to him, though Lewis was certain he didn’t want to linger here.  Not in the daylight when everything was vastly distorted, equated to the night and the bright moon that always rose to caress the long winding path.  The path that awaited him.  Everything he didn’t want, yet was now a part of him.  The terminology Vivi used when describing the nature of lost souls.
No, he didn’t have any kind of nature.  Lewis wasn’t like that.  He relocated to the back of the van and huddled in the corner thinking, struggling to work this out.  He didn’t want to be here, but he wasn’t sure where it was he didn’t want to be.  Trying to dwell on it, dissect the heart of this contemplating didn’t enlighten his introspection.  They were right, Vivi and Arthur, weren’t they?
“Why don’t you just slip on out, then?” Arthur grumbled. He pulled his legs up to his chest and sipped the drink over his knees.  “You could just do that?  It’s not like you c—?”
“Art, rude!” Vivi snapped.  “We can stop.  If you… if you think you need to, Lewis.”  Truthfully, that had been something she had reflected over, and worried the he would get it into his mind to do so himself, if she didn’t keep up with him.  “This is close to where your mansion was, isn’t it?  Is it…?”  She tapped the brake gently.  The van dragged out of cruise and began to decelerate.  Arthur made a little sound in his throat and poked his head up, he glanced from the passenger window and tilted forward to see far across the sloping hood.  It was a risk, but possibly Lewis was drawn to this place.  “We’ll stop, just don’t, y’know, tamper with the van.  How ‘bout that?  Lewis?”
It was in everything that made these woodlands.  Manmade metal walls only diminished it by a margin – the air, ground, even the light, was saturated with this weaving.  “A couple more miles,” Lewis uttered.  His skull dipped low as before, in his silent contemplation.  He didn’t hear what Vivi said next.  There was a place here and it called to him, he lacked description and word for the sensation of desire in him.  He brought a hand up to cover the gilded locket on his chest but even that failed to nullify its prominent tempo.  Some soul searching clarified for him that he DID want to be here, but it wasn’t where he belonged.  That wasn’t right either, this was where he belonged and he wanted that longing.
A subdued ‘woof’ slipped from below the base of the seats back, where Mystery lay, paws pressed together and his head slumped over the crook of his arms.  His eyes were trained on Lewis, but not intently.  Lewis couldn’t read Mystery’s expression.
“Everything looks totally different in the daylight,” Vivi mused, aloud.  She kept an eye out, though she wasn’t too confident on the specifics of that night. “Arthur?”
Arthur was in the middle of sipping his drink.  He gestured to Vivi with his drink and set it into the cup holder.  “I’ll sit in the van.  Everything will be fine, I’m sure.  Of course,” he chattered on, to himself.
That didn’t sound reassuring.  “Mystery will be here with you,” Vivi offered.  She began to say something more, but her voice went quiet and she leaned a little more into the driver side door.
“Misty?  You gonna look after me?” Arthur prompted.  He turned in his seat as the dog poked his head up.  “You’re good at that, huh?”  Mystery grumbled in his throat.  Of course he would, what could possibly go wrong?  Arthur gave the back of Mystery’s neck a scratch.  The dog clambered into the middle seat where he curled down between Vivi and Arthur, and set his head on Arthur’s lap.
“It’ll be neat to see around in the daylight,” Vivi mentioned.  “That should help.  Takes out the creepiness factor.”  Lewis glanced up but didn’t respond.  “Are you a little tense?  Would some music help?”
“No.  I’m trying…” Lewis’ voice buzzed.  “If you keep driving, that would be good.”  
“Lew?”  Vivi took her eyes from the road to check Arthur, then looked into the back.  She wasn’t sure what to say, if there was something that should be said; aside from appreciating the small glimmer of relief. “Are you sure?  What do you think you need?”  This behavior wasn’t unusual, she determined that much.  She couldn’t forget when Lewis was first… had ventured out with them.  Still, she felt like she was missing some critical element, after all, Lewis had been in a dormant state when he was moved.  It could have helped the transition, but she wasn’t certain of anything. There were no books that she knew of to console her misgivings, at least none she was aware of.
Now that Vivi thought of it, the way she related to Lewis was different.  Probably because she knew his human face, and very rarely associated him with anything ghost like.  Lewis had put great effort forward in helping her see past that aspect of him.  With her thought’s preoccupied, Vivi didn’t see the hand curling around the steering wheel.  It was kind of dangerous, but the road was deserted as far as the eye could see.
Arthur nodded toward the back.  Mystery had relocated himself to the floorboard and squeezed by, as Arthur shuffled over the middle seat.  “I can drive for a bit.”  Vivi didn’t argue, she pulled off to the roadside and hopped into the back. Arthur slipped behind the steering wheel and put the van back into drive.  He managed to keep them moving, without too much of a hitch.  Mystery pulled himself onto the passenger seat and stood up on his rear legs, the little bob of his tail wagged.  “Lemme know if – if things change,” he called.
“How’re you handling it?”  Vivi cooed.  She moved to the wall beside Lewis and sat near him, hands clasped to her knees. “If it helps to talk, or…?”
“Talk?”  Lewis kept his hand pressed over his locket.  “That would, yeah.  Would you hold onto this, for me?  I shouldn’t be asking you, but I don’t trust myself.”  He plucked the locket from his chest and presented it to Vivi.  “Sometimes… I wonder— Never minder.”  He curled his fingertips around the edges of his locket. Vivi stared at the pale sheen glinting along the hearts side, the small mars that always lingered.  Without a word she took the end of her scarf and cupped it in her hands.  Lewis set the locket in the folds, and Vivi wrapped it up and set it on her lap.
“I should’ve known,” Vivi murmured.  “I didn’t think.  How could I have let this happen?”  She slumped her shoulder against the wall and stared at the little lump of her scarf.  “I should’ve been more careful about where we went.”
Lewis raised his skull higher, checking the front seat and Arthur’s tuft of hair stuck up above the headrest.  “It wasn’t your fault,” he hummed.  He slanted his brow and looked away, his eye sockets smoldered.  “You being near, it helps I think.  I appreciate it.”  Vivi raised her hand, but hesitated a moment.
“I know you’ve been trying so hard.”  Vivi paused as the whole of the van rattled over a rough patch in the road.  “It shows. Sometimes I flat out refuse to ask, ‘cause I am scared.  Lew, you get scared too still, for yourself?”  She set her hand on his knee.  “You don’t want to lose who you are?”
The comment made Lewis jar and shift back from Vivi. That might’ve been too close to a truth he didn’t want to acknowledge, but Lewis did tilt his skull lower. “Sometimes I wonder….”  When he failed to continue, Vivi leaned forward. “Cómo me fui robado… en primer lugar. Creo que debo descansar ahora.  I’ve been driving for, forever let’s say.  I thought that was good.”  Lewis hadn’t realized he slipped back into Spanish, until Vivi inquired what he was up to.
“Should I?”  Vivi scooted away, as Lewis stretched his legs out.  She motioned the front seat, but Lewis swiveled his skull.
“Keep an eye on me.”  Blankets were worthless, he Lewis needed no bed, or to feel comfortable in order to ‘sleep’, but he did prefer a sense of grounding if he remained tangible. It wasn’t the same as a deep rest, but Vivi would worry if she couldn’t see him.  And he would worry too.  “Please.”
“If that’s all you need,” Vivi answered.  “I’ll be right here.”  Lewis bobbed his skull minutely as it lowered over the edge of his suit collar, and suspended near the top of his tie.  “I could just… UGH!”  Vivi raised her fists up and growled.  “I had the map.”
“You know, I’m not gunna ask,” Arthur piped up.  He adjusted the rear view mirror and set his hand back to the steering wheel.  “He was on autopilot, I guess.  Typical.”
Vivi sighed and took off her glasses, she inspected them in the light spilling in over her shoulder.  “Lewis was.  He woke me up to take over.  I don’t think that was the only reason.”  Recalling that, Vivi almost wanted to smirk.  “I could be wrong.”  It was best not to worry Arthur too much, he didn’t need that.
“Keep your eyes on the road.”  Vivi set her glasses back on her nose.  She unwrapped the end of her scarf from around her neck and set it to the side of the van beside her backpack.  “Do you think we passed it yet?”
Arthur inched forward in his seat and scanned along the side of the road.  “I dunno,” he sniffed, and shrugged.  “I don’t know if what it looked like was spooked up, enchanted, but I’m not stopping at all.  No power in hell’s gonna stop the van here, even if I have to push it through lava.” Mystery nestled down closer to Arthur’s leg and shut his eyes, though the dog had no intention of sleeping.
“I was curious,” Vivi began.  She cautiously pat Lewis on the shoulder, made certain that whatever slumber state the ghost was in, he couldn’t be roused from it.  She pulled Lewis sideways by his shoulder and lay him down on his back, hands to his sides.  “Nothing can hurt us here, right?  At least, Lewis thought that.”  She pulled one of the blankets over the inert figure, and tucked it along his sides. She half expected his skull to topple from its perch and roll around on the floorboard, or something unsettling like that, but it seemed tethered by that force which kept it in place above Lewis’ shoulders.
“I don’t know,” Arthur murmured.  He did keep his eyes trained to the side of the road. The sky was nearly cloudless and the sun intense, the atmosphere was filled with a creamy haze and a gray veil clung low over the bent and knotted tree canopy.  “This whole area always gave me the skin crawls.  You believe me right, Mystery?”
Usually.  The dog opened one eye and glanced at Arthur.  Mystery swore he wasn’t napping, but Lewis was so good at keeping the van warm.
The laptop chimed its welcome as it booted up, the pale blue became the only radiance in the gloomy back.  Vivi set the wrapped heirloom beside the keyboard as she curled down and went to work, she started by locating the main document for their maps. They used the same ones when they were driving home, but those ant trails needed some alteration.  A complete overhaul wouldn’t hurt, she could start from scratch.
“I can’t blame you,” Vivi said.  “Well, I wouldn’t.  Artie?”  She turned her attention from the keyboard and set her hand on the folds of her scarf.
“I know Lew didn’t say it, but he wanted to.”  Vivi looked at the suit and the skull, a bleached skull.  She’d thought it over and concluded it’d be in poor taste to cover Lewis up completely, even if they did get stopped.  “There are some things he has a hard time saying, and it’s a struggle for him when he wants to say it.”
Arthur wheezed, and he slouched in his seat by the window.  “I know, Vi. He’s told me.”  Arthur pinned his knee to the steering wheel and rubbed at the bandage under the collar of his vest.  The forests thicket was beginning to thin mile by mile, and a sign on the roadside warned of train tracks.  “This is some shoddy recovery, huh?  We’re a mess. I mean, what are we supposed to do? What really are—?”
“Art, hold your Segway.”  Vivi appeared over the seat’s back and put her hands on Arthur’s shoulders.  “You’re thinking too far ahead, okay?  Recovery isn’t a thing that happens overnight, or in our case… however long it’s been.” She spared a moment to look back, and make certain Lewis hadn’t moved.  “Those aren’t your standards, they aren’t mine.  We take it like we can manage it.”
“Like a train wreck.”  Mystery ruffed at that.  “I’m not cherry coating it.”
“Good, ‘cause I didn’t fucking want you to.” Vivi heaved a sigh as she slumped over the seats backside.  “Look at this road.”
Vivi motioned the windshield.  “It’s all sad because it’s a busted, and no one every uses it ‘cause it’s old and forgotten.”
“But it’s a good road,” Vivi continued.  “It’s hard to work with, we had a bad experience along here – a good one too, to be fair – but the road is here, and we can use it. We can use it anytime we feel brave enough, or daring enough, or when we feel like giving up.  You wanna know why?”
Arthur rubbed his eyes on the sleeve of his bad arm and kept his face down.  “Why?” For a moment Vivi paused, for dramatic effect.
“This road will lead us somewhere, always,” she said. “It’s here, it’s stable and reliable, but you can’t tell that by looking at it.  You’re doing good, Art.  Every day you get up, take a step, you’re going somewhere.  It just takes time, don’t forget that.”
Arthur nodded a little.  He set the van to cruise, and tapped his foot the floorboard. “Vi,” he says.  “That was reeaaally terrible.”
Vivi dropped her forehead to the headrest.  “I knoooow,” she groaned, muffled.  “I was trying to come up with something redeeming for the demon road, and… I’m burnt out.  Get us out of here, would you?”
“I can’t muster the strength to argue.  Oh no.”  Arthur accelerated and adjusted the cruise speed.  No matter what, it didn’t change the scenery of the road extending onward, miles and miles, trees on either side.  He shuddered, but managed a small grin for Vivi.  They’d find the end of it, out there somewhere.  “It did help.  I’ll give you that.”
“That’s what matters most,” she replied, and leaned over to give Arthur a little kiss on his forehead.  Arthur snorted and began on one of his thick coughing fits, he buried his chin in his shoulder until the wheezes subsided.
Meanwhile, Vivi returned to the laptop, the locket swaddled in her scarf, and the dozing ghost.  The map didn’t have a name for the road, but it didn’t stop her from taking it off their route.  She spent the next few hours rewriting once trails, while keeping her word to Lewis.  She remembered a time when trips home were full of mirth.
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ao3feed-saintseiya · 4 years
Hangout for all fandoms!!
AO3: https://ift.tt/2VJy9YY
by Marvelous_Stark
Just a place for everyone of every random to hang out and talk about their ships and anything they'd like! :)
This is probably a complete waste of my time, to be honest. Facebook is a thing too lol.
You can comment links to works you've made, or ones you enjoy! Honestly post anything but hate.
Have fun, make friends, and please no arguing 😓
Words: 12, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, ダイヤのA | Daiya no A | Ace of Diamond, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016), InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale, A Court of Thorns and Roses Series - Sarah J. Maas, Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator, Animorphs - Katherine A. Applegate, A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events (TV), A.C.E (Beat Interactive Band), The A-Team (TV), The A-Team (2010), Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018), The A-Team - All Media Types, B.A.P, B1A4, Block B, B-PROJECT 鼓動*アンビシャス | B-PROJECT: Kodou Ambitious, Weiß Side B (Manga), Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23, Понедельник начинается в субботу - Стругацкие | Monday Begins on Saturday - A. & B. Strugatsky, Team B (Band), Z-O-M-B-I-E-S (Disney Movies), B.I.G | Boys in Groove, Left Behind - Jerry B. Jenkins & Tim LaHaye, Grey's Anatomy: B-Team (Web Series), Charlotte's Web - E. B. White, B.I.Shadow, Plan B (2009), Battle B-Daman, Captive Prince - C. S. Pacat, Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis, Political RPF - US 21st c., Political RPF - UK 20th-21st c., Political RPF - France 21st c., Hornblower - C. S. Forester, Coldfire Trilogy - C. S. Friedman, Political RPF - US 20th c., C-Pop, The Big C (TV), Alliance-Union - C. J. Cherryh, Political RPF - Canadian 21st c., Political RPF - Russian 21st c., House of Night - P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast, Chronicles of the Kencyrath - P. C. Hodgell, Flowers in the Attic - V. C. Andrews, Les Petits Meurtres d'Agatha Christie (TV), Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain | Amélie (2001), Les Aventures Extraordinaires d'Adèle Blanc-Sec (2010), La Vie d'Adèle | Blue is the Warmest Color (2013), Reflets d'Acide (Podcast), Les nouvelles aventures d'Aladin | The New Adventures of Aladdin (2015), Les chansons d'amour | Love Songs (2007), Couple d'Ange, Starry - Dahan & D'Angelo, Llibre d'Amic e Amat | The Book of the Lover and the Beloved - Ramon Llull, L'elisir d'amore | The Elixir of Love - Donzietti/Romani, 愛聖女 | Sainte d'Amour - Takarazuka Revue, Anne with an E (TV), The Outsiders - S. E. Hinton, Formula E RPF, Raffles - E. W. Hornung, Shades of Magic - V. E. Schwab, WALL-E (2008), Maurice - E. M. Forster, ボールルームへようこそ | Ballroom e Youkoso, Romeo e Giulietta - Ama e Cambia il Mondo, Villains Series - V. E. Schwab, Biggles Series - W. E. Johns, Nußknacker und Mausekönig | Nutcracker and the Mouse King - E. T. A. Hoffmann, Star Wars: Ahsoka - E. K. Johnston, Leagues and Legends - E. Jade Lomax, Seven Pillars of Wisdom - T. E. Lawrence, Oniisama E, f(x), F-Zero (Video Games), Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald, Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye, F.E.A.R. (Video Games), F. T. Island, David Blaize - E. F. Benson, To Serve Them All My Days - R. F. Delderfield, Wild ARMs Altercode: F, The Poppy War - R. F. Kuang, F is for Family (Cartoon), F. COMPO, F/X: The Series, Logan's Run Series - William F. Nolan & George Clayton Johnson, China Mountain Zhang - Maureen F. McHugh, Enchanters Series - K. F. Bradshaw, Jeeves - P. G. Wodehouse, .hack//G.U., G.I. Joe - All Media Types, (여자)아이들 | (G)I-DLE, G.I. Joe (Cartoon), Psmith - P. G. Wodehouse, WODEHOUSE P. G. - Works, G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra (2009), G Gundam, G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013), The War of the Worlds - H. G. Wells, G.I. Joe: Renegades, 聖闘士星矢エピソード・ジー | Saint Seiya: Episode G, Splintered - A. G. Howard, The Invisible Man - H. G. Wells, Marabilia - Iria G. Parente & Selene M. Pascual, だから僕はHができない。| Dakara Boku wa H ga Dekinai. | So I Can't Play H! (Anime), Cthulhu Mythos - H. P. Lovecraft, LOVECRAFT H. P. - Works, H2O: Just Add Water, Machineries of Empire Series - Yoon Ha Lee, Triple H (Korea Band), Herbert West - Reanimator - H. P. Lovecraft, H.O.T. (Band), Dream Cycle - H. P. Lovecraft, Once and Future King Series - T. H. White, H.I.V.E. Series - Mark Walden, The Time Machine - H. G. Wells, The Tapestry Series - Henry H. Neff, She - H. Rider Haggard, 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! | Watamote - No Matter How I Look At It It's You Guys' Fault I'm Unpopular!, I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again (Radio), I'll Sleep When I'm Dead (2003), How I Met Your Mother, Voyná i mir | War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy, To All the Boys I've Loved Before Series - Jenny Han, I Medici | Medici: Masters of Florence (TV), I Don't Know How But They Found Me (Band), Final Fantasy I, I.O.I (Band), Dark Souls I, I Love Yoo (Webcomic), 10 Things I Hate About You (1999), Withnail & I (1986), Suikoden I, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms, Throne of Glass Series - Sarah J. Maas, Peter Pan - J. M. Barrie, Carmilla - J. Sheridan Le Fanu, The Vampire Diaries - L. J. Smith, Union J (Band), Black Dagger Brotherhood - J. R. Ward, Brave Police J-Decker, MAAS Sarah J. - Works, Night World - L. J. Smith, K-pop, K (Anime), Red Velvet (K-pop Band), Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter - Laurell K. Hamilton, OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, 斉木楠雄のΨ難 | Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan | The Disastrous Life of Saiki K., K.A.R.D (Band), K-On!, Merry Gentry - Laurell K Hamilton, Earthsea - Ursula K. Le Guin, Everworld Series - K. A. Applegate, The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guin, Society of Gentlemen - K. J. Charles, The Broken Earth Series - N. K. Jemisin, L'Arc~en~Ciel, Dracula: l'amour plus fort que la mort - Ouali, Sackett Series - Louis L'Amour, L'appart du 5e (TV), L'agneau carnivore - Agustín Gómez Arcos, L'amica geniale | The Neapolitan Novels - Elena Ferrante, L'amant | The Lover (1992), Dracula: l'amour plus fort que la mort - Ouali RPF, Dracula: Entre l'amour et la mort - Leclerc/Tabra/Ouzounian & Pelletier, Porgi l'altra guancia | Two Missionaries (1974), The Talon and Chantry Series - Louis L'Amour, Les Crimes de l'amour: Eugénie de Franval | The Crimes of Love: Eugenie de Franval - Marquis de Sade, Les Crimes de l'amour: Ernestine | The Crimes of Love: Ernestine - Marquis de Sade, L'apprenti sorcier | The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Paul Dukas (Song), L'art du crime | The Art of Crime (TV), M&M's Commercials, House M.D., Anne of Green Gables - L. M. Montgomery, Baby-Sitters Club - Ann M. Martin, Super Junior-M, Chalet School - Elinor M. Brent-Dyer, Mayans M.C. (TV), Marvel (House of M), Earth's Children - Jean M. Auel, The Culture - Iain M. Banks, Emily of New Moon - L. M. Montgomery, Peter and Wendy - J. M. Barrie, Blue Castle - L. M. Montgomery, Emberverse - S. M. Stirling, Ed Edd n Eddy, Guns N' Roses, N.Flying (Band), N.E.R.D.S. - Michael Buckley, Kid n Teenagers (Web Comic), The Inheritance Trilogy - N. K. Jemisin, On n'demande qu'à en rire RPF, Sleeping Beauty Series - A. N. Roquelaure, M A N I A - Fall Out Boy (Album), The Paper Magician Series - Charlie N. Holmberg, Effluent Engine - N. K. Jemisin, Boyz n the Hood (1991), November Rain - Guns N' Roses (Music Video), Happily N'Ever After (2006), Dreamblood Series - N. K. Jemisin, Aubrey-Maturin Series - Patrick O'Brian, The Rocky Horror Show - O'Brien, Seven O'Clock (Band), The Things They Carried - Tim O'Brien, Modesty Blaise - Peter O'Donnell, 10 O'Clock Live RPF, Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH - Robert C. O'Brien, Twelve O'Clock High (TV), Twelve O'Clock High (1949), 네시 | 4 O'Clock - RM & V (Song), Hairspray - Shaiman/Wittman & Shaiman/O'Donnell & Meehan, Le Petit Poucet | Hop-o'-My-Thumb - Charles Perrault, Back Roads - Tawni O'Dell, Crossroads Series - Nick O'Donohoe, 12時の鐘が鳴る | 12-ji no Kane ga Naru | 12 O'Clock Bell Rings (Manga), Magnum P.I. (TV 2018), Mary Poppins - P. L. Travers, P.S. I Love You (2007), Blandings Castle - P. G. Wodehouse, Prinsessen paa Ærten | The Princess and the Pea - Hans Christian Andersen, Children of the Lamp - P. B. Kerr, Magnum P.I. (TV 1980), 古剑奇谭 | Gujian Qitan (Video Games), 诡秘之主 - 爱潜水的乌贼 | Guǐ Mì Zhī Zhǔ - Ài Qián Shuǐ De Wū Zéi, Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth, 灵契 | Ling Qi | Spiritpact, 秦时明月 | Qín Shí Míngyuè | The Legend of Qin - All Media Types, 法医秦明 | Medical Examiner Dr. Qin (TV), Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth, 庆余年 | Qing Yu Nian (TV), Tantei Gakuen Q | Detective Academy Q, Avenue Q - Lopez/Marx, 情定三生 | Qing Ding San Sheng (TV), 古剑奇谭 | Gujian Qitan (TV), 你却爱着一个傻逼 - 水千丞 | In Love with an Idiot - Shui Qian Cheng, 开封奇谈 | Kai Feng Qi Tan (TV), 大秦帝國 | Da Qin Di Guo | The Qin Empire (TV), Afdeling Q | Department Q (Movies), Power Rangers R.P.M., The Legend of Drizzt Series - R. A. Salvatore, Mary Russell - Laurie R. King, Nightside Series - Simon R. Green, R.O.D: Read or Die & Related Fandoms, E/R (1984), Wonder - R. J. Palacio, Smith of Wootton Major - J. R. R. Tolkien, Deathstalker Series - Simon R. Green, S.C.I.谜案集 | S.C.I. Mystery (TV), S.C.I.谜案集 | S.C.I. Mystery (TV) RPF, The Expanse Series - James S. A. Corey, The Last Unicorn - Peter S. Beagle, Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats - T. S. Eliot, The Daevabad Trilogy - S. A. Chakraborty, Star Wars: Phasma - Delilah S. Dawson, Draka Series - S. M. Stirling, s-CRY-ed, Wings of Fire - Tui T. Sutherland, Green Creek Series - T.J. Klune, T-Ara, Mad T Party Band, T.U.F.F. Puppy, The Tempest Series - T. D. Cloud, The Waste Land - T. S. Eliot, t.A.T.u. (Band), T. J. Hooker (TV), T.M.Revolution, Topp Dogg | Xeno-T (Band), The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015), The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (TV), U-KISS, Hollywood U: Rising Star, U2 (Band), The Girl from U.N.C.L.E., The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015) RPF, Here U Are (Webcomic), Without You - NCT U (Music Video), UC: Undercover, 1-800-WHERE-R-U Series - Meg Cabot, เพราะรักใช่ป่าว | Why R U?: The Series (TV) RPF, The Hate U Give - Angie Thomas, UC (Webcomic), Whitest Kids U' Know RPF, The Hate U Give (2018), Deux ans de vacances | Two Years' Vacation - Jules Verne, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, 第五人格 | Identity V (Video Game), Grand Theft Auto V, V for Vendetta (2005), Henry V - Shakespeare, 第五人格 | Identity V (Video Game) RPF, Final Fantasy V, Code Name: Sailor V, V (2009), V (1983), W.I.T.C.H., Hardy Boys - Franklin W. Dixon, Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys Super Mysteries - Franklin W. Dixon & Carolyn Keene, 君の名は。| Kimi no Na wa. | Your Name., 四月は君の嘘 | Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso | Your lie in April, 田中くんはいつもけだるげ | Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge | Tanaka is Always Listless, 会長はメイド様! | Kaichou wa Maid-sama! | Maid Sama!, 囀る鳥は羽ばたかない | Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai, كتاب ألف ليلة وليلة | Kitaab 'alf layla wa-layla | One Thousand and One Nights, 裏切りは僕の名前を知っている | Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru | The Betrayal Knows My Name, 結城友奈は勇者である | Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de aru | Yuki Yuna is a Hero, ふたりはプリキュア | Futari wa Pretty Cure, 今日から俺は!! | Kyou Kara Ore Wa!!, Koko wa Greenwood | Here is Greenwood, Bounen no Xam'd | Xam'd: Lost Memories, The X-Files, X-Men - All Media Types, Monsta X (Band), X-Men (Movieverse), Hunter X Hunter, X-Men (Comicverse), X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), X1 (Korea Band), X-Men Evolution, Pocket Monsters: X & Y | Pokemon X & Y Versions, Rockman X | Mega Man X, Star Wars Legends: X-Wing Series - Aaron Allston & Michael Stackpole, X -エックス- | X/1999, Hoshi no Kaabii | Kirby: Right Back at Ya!, やがて君になる | Yagate Kimi ni Naru | Bloom Into You (Manga), Y: The Last Man, かくりよの宿飯 | Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi | Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits (Anime), Sarai-ya Goyou | House of Five Leaves, Pokemon + Nobunaga no Yabou | Pokemon Conquest, Y tu mamá también (2001), Ya-ya-yah (Band), Y Gwyll | Hinterland, 传说之主的夫人 - 尹琊 | The Legendary Master's Wife - Yin Ya, Libro de los ejemplos del conde Lucanor y de Patronio | Tales of Count Lucanor - Don Juan Manuel, Yes or No อยากรัก ก็รักเลย | Yes or No: Yaak Rak Gaw Rak Loey (Movies), Olmos y Robles (TV), Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (2002), Ya lyublyu tebya | You I Love (2004), Z for Zachariah (2015), Z Nation (TV), Z.Tao (Musician), The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod - Zac Brewer, A.B.C.-Z, World War Z - Max Brooks, Suite Life of Zack & Cody, Lost Souls - Poppy Z. Brite, Demashitaa! Powerpuff Girls Z, House of Leaves - Mark Z. Danielewski, World War Z (2013), Exquisite Corpse - Poppy Z. Brite, The Slayer Chronicles - Zac Brewer, Mazinger Z, Drawing Blood - Poppy Z. Brite, Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms, Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes (Downey films), Sherlock Holmes (1984 TV), Sherlock (TV) RPF, Miss Sherlock (TV), Шерлок Холмс | Sherlock Holmes (TV 2013), Sherlock Holmes (Rathbone films), Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson (TV Russia), シャーロック | Sherlock: Untold Stories (TV), Murder Rooms: The Dark Beginnings of Sherlock Holmes, The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (1970), Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century (Cartoon), Sherlock Holmes (US TV 1954), Shall We Date?: Guard Me Sherlock!+, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Marvel (Comics), Marvel 616, Marvel Cinematic Universe RPF, Captain Marvel (2019), The Defenders (Marvel TV), Marvel Ultimates, Marvel Adventures: Avengers, Marvel Noir, Marvel 3490, Captain Marvel (Marvel Comics), Star Wars (Marvel Comics), Shazam! | Captain Marvel (Comics), Currently adding more fandoms
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: I'll add more soon - Character
Relationships: I'll add more soon
Additional Tags: I'll add more soon - Freeform
AO3: https://ift.tt/2VJy9YY
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