#The Lion of House Fortemps
elfyourmother · 2 years
1,2,4,7 for Gisele for the ask meme
1.What is the main color associated with them? What connections with that color do they share?
Previously it was purple, in DA, for her eye color and the spiritual symbolism, and I still associate it with her but as WoL I actually think more of red. It's the source of her most famous moniker that isn't "Warrior/Sorceress of Light" ("Sorceress of the Red"), stemming from the closest thing she has to a truly iconic Job (Red Mage). It's also the color of House Fortemps, as seen on the family crest in the scarlet unicorn; I hc that there are sumptuary laws in Ishgard that restrict specific shades to the High Houses and so there's an oxblood shade of red somewhere between Dalamud and Dark that is "Fortemps red".
But there's all the symbolism too. Red is daring and assertive--for all that Gisele is fundamentally a gentle person, she is bold and unflinching. Going back to the idea of balance, red is the color of blood--she sheds it with destructive magicks and her arms, but also preserves it as a healer. "The healer's hands are the bloodiest of all" very much applies to her. Red is also the color of passion, sexuality and romance--all very Gisele concepts--as well as confidence and survival.
It's funny bc even as a Grey Warden, her most iconic outfit was a striking red dress.
2. Drawing from the language of flowers, what flower would symbolize them?
Roses by far, to the point I even wrote a giant meta post about it years ago. tl;dr it's not just because roses are associated strongly with romance and sexuality and "something beautiful that is also dangerous", though that is very much part of it, it's because roses have a truckload of very specific esoteric symbolism that resonates very strongly with Gisele.
Even though that ancient post was obviously written in the context of her story as Heroine of Ferelden I think it's even more applicable to her as WoL. Obviously there are some things I would change/update; she never does the Dark Ritual in this timeline, ofc, so I would think the alchemical Great Work in this context would go back to what I said earlier about the profound personal & spiritual transformation that Gisele undergoes as Sorceress of Light. Solar symbolism fits her much better than lunar nowadays, and also the Rider-Waite tarot symbolism of the lion on the Strength card being subdued by the gentle, rose-crowned woman is so clearly representative of her with Zenos specifically. If I could draw it would be her Phoenix-winged primal form, crowned by roses, with Shinryu's head in her lap. But the fundamental premise of that post is still sound, so I don't want to rehash it too much.
4. What mythical creature would they be represented by?
The Phoenix was this even before I decided she and Louisoix had that deeper connection. It's a powerful symbol of renewal, with its cycle of death and rebirth--both in the literal sense for Gisele, but also in the sense that every time she's knocked down she gets back up. She overcomes so much and seems to rise from the proverbial ashes every time, and most times stronger.
Also, Phoenix along with Shiva has always been my favorite classic FF summon, and so it makes me feel warm and fuzzy that Gisele is associated with Phoenix given that Ysayle is associated with Shiva. There's that fire and ice theme with them, again.
Incidentally this is another reason why the Garleans were scared shitless of Gisele. There's old, old Garlean folktales about a beautiful bird of fire from a faraway land that is either benevolent or vengeful depending upon who you ask, but is almost always a harbinger of Interesting(tm) Times (in the Chinese curse sense).
One of the many, many reasons Gisele avoided using magic during the expedition to Garlemald, but especially summoning.
7. What time of day are they associated with?
The golden hour, that brief time before the sun sets or just after it rises, when everything is awash in warm, golden light almost as if it's glowing from within. When I think of it could mean esoterically, in terms of symbolism, I think of those fleeting moments of perfect clarity where all of the self-created barriers between us and our Higher Self, the Divine, whatever you want to call it--they're gone, and only our understanding of our connectedness to ourselves and to others remains.
That's Gisele. Quite literally, with the Echo, but also symbolically in her acts of boundless love and compassion for others. When she drew The Bole for Haurchefant, when she leapt from the airship to save Ysayle, when she saved Yotsuyu, when she reached for Zenos at the edge of the universe and took his hand. But even in smaller acts, like when she brought water and comfort to the dying on the battlefield at Doma. The warmth of her light shines upon everyone she touches, and they all glow a little bit brighter for it.
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ladyramora · 3 years
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Memes with my girls
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House Whortemps
Summary: Tonight, you would be treated by House Fortemps for a lavish meal. If only you, the Count, and his sons were aware of how quickly the evening would devolve into a sinful, debaucherous ordeal.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Reader/Haurchefant, Reader/Artoirel, Reader/Emmanellain, Reader/Edmont
It was time for dinner in Ishgard as the city-state was bathed in moonlight.
Within House Fortemps there was a feast spread on the dinner table, culinary delicacies and fanciful wonders alike.
Count Edmont would be joined by his three sons, with all four in their best dress.
After all, at this dinner, they would be joined by you, the Warrior of Light, their dearest guest.
You had much to share, having returned from a month-long excursion in lands beyond.
Your tales and excursions through Ala Mhigo and Doma--Count Edmont was most especially fond.
And surely, his sons were intrigued to hear about what you had gotten up to.
But with that alluring dress of yours hugging every curve, the three wondered how they could get a better view.
It certainly did not help that during dinner you were being quite the tease.
Artoirel, Haurchefant, Emmanellain--you had all three wrapped around your finger with ease.
From your extensive history together, it did not take much for you to capture Haurchefant’s gaze.
Especially when you were looking right into his eyes as your tongue licked your lips clean of creamy glaze.
Never to lose out on having your attention to himself, Emmanellain did what he could to have your attention turn towards his direction.
Particularly arching his hips forward while the bottom of your heel traveled ever so lightly over his hardened erection.
Reserved and chaste as he was, Artoirel was certainly no fool.
Seeing his younger brothers behave so perversely during dinner was making him lose his cool.
With harsh glares and even harsher curses under his breath, Artoirel tried to discreetly get his siblings to cease.
Only to refrain when his wine glass accidentally tipped over, a river of burgundy soon spilling onto his lap and seat.
Ever the hero, you quickly rose up to save the day.
With napkin in hand, you sought to pat the liquid away.
Your goodwill and concern was betrayed by the mischievous look on your face.
Slowly and surely, your hand dragged the napkin over his crotch at a deliberate pace.
Artoirel was at a loss for words, his face quickly becoming hot.
All while his brothers looked on enviously, any efforts to catch your attention once more all for naught.
Beneath your touch, the eldest son of House Fortemps felt his cock becoming stiff and erect.
But what soon transpired afterwards was something even you didn’t expect.
“Surely, you will always be a welcomed guest to this family--but I’d rather not see such your naughty wickedness continue to befuddle my kin.”
Having dismissed all servants a moment before, Count Edmont had spoken up, his eyes twinkling, well aware of your sin.
Artoirel, Haurchefant, Emmanellain were wide-eyed and slack jawed, all words at a loss.
The three watched as their father beckoned you over, your dress soon stripped off and thrown away by him in a toss.
With not a thread of clothing on your body, you sat upon Edmont’s lap, your bold brazen actions now subdued.
The Count’s hands proceeded to part your thighs, your body fully exposed and presented as a sight so utterly lewd.
Before the eyes of his sons, Edmont cupped your breasts, his fingers twisting and toying your nipples with a touch well experienced.
His other hand descended between your legs, his palm pressing onto and caressing your core, soon drawing forth moans from your lips that became louder in cadence.
But for as skillfully sinful that his fingers were, Edmont meant for this to be a means to reprimand.
While laying you across his lap and spanking your ass would have been ideal, he chose a different method: more and more he would bring you closer to orgasm, making certain to not allow you to release, if only to drive you mad.
With the Warrior of Light crumbling so easily by the lascivious touch of Edmont, his sons continued to watch on, all overwhelmed by desire.
For all the respect and love he had for his father, Haurchefant was becoming all the more determined and eager to surpass him, the need to join his body with yours while pouring his seed inside your core roaring deep within his chest like fire.
A shocking revelation to witness but one to bear nonetheless, Emmanellain made notes within his mind to follow after Edmont’s masterful techniques, wishing to make you buck helplessly against his hand in an earnest attempt to make you his.
Guilt under the eyes of Halone, the weight of responsibility as the eldest of House Fortemps--Artoirel wasn’t sure how to make sense of this vicious yearning tearing through him, only that he needed to ravish you, his lips meeting yours for a kiss.
It was not much longer until Edmont felt that he had punished you enough, mindless pleasured noises and pleas for mercy escaping weakly from your mouth.
And so he finally offered what you begged, driving his long fingers into your sopping core in a swift rhythm, grinding his palm onto your clit until you were climaxing all over his hand with a breathless cry and shout.
Satisfied and content, Edmont gave you a moment to catch your breath, cradling you in his arms as he helped you up, soon guiding you over to where his sons remained.
Like a lamb led to a den of lions, you would be subjected to the lustful yearning of Artoirel, Haurchefant, and Emmanellain.
Before he passed you along to be used by his sons as they wished, Edmont took a moment to indulge himself with a kiss on your lips that was tender and sweet.
And as the middlest son quickly hoisted you over to where he and his brothers now stood, their father sat down to watch his sons truly feast.
Emmanellain and Artoirel were drawn to your breasts, the mouths of the two latching onto your nipples for them to suckle upon.
Meanwhile it was Haurchefant who took to between your thighs to lap up and savor your taste, his tongue gliding and lapping against your core in strokes most quick and long.
It did not matter which brother indulged and fancied to what.
For each would fuck you thoroughly and make you their slut.
After all, by the touch of Count Edmont alone, the mighty Warrior of Light was already reduced to a shamelessly wanton mess.
But caught in the center of three competing brothers as they vied for your affection, it would be long before you could have a moment to truly rest.
Having finally yielded to depravity he thought himself impervious against, it was Artoirel who had you on all fours as he vigorously drove his cock into you from behind.
If the eldest son was to have this way first then sure--Haurchefant and Emmanellain could wait, all while rubbing their dicks against your face, a claim on your body something both vehemently pined.
As the youngest, Emmanellain was used to being spoiled and having his way.
And while he would do what he could to please you, how could he resist from simply lying back and watching you ride his cock while you bounced away?
Haurchefant would be the one next at last.
He already had in mind to not only flood your core with his seed as he fucked you upon the marble floor, but to do the very same with your ass.
Seeing their brother get to claim both of your holes only served to ensnare Artoirel and Emmanellain with envy.
If Haurchefant was given this chance, then both should be given the same opportunity!
Fair was fair of course, with all three soon having their turn.
They would fuck you over and over until their cocks were the only things you would desperately yearn.
You were right in the middle between Haurchefant and Artoirel, both barrelling their dicks into your core and ass, all while Emmanellain saw to it that your tongue and face was coated with cum.
And onwards Edmont watched, his eyes glinting with amusement until simply observing wasn’t enough, with him soon returning to join in on the fun.
In retrospect, this dinner was simply meant to welcome you back home as their guest.
But surely, as they would encourage the following days after, they hoped that you would see House Fortemps as a permanent home for you to return to and rest.
To all of Eorzea, you were its Warrior of Light.
But to these men of House Fortemps, you were their most cherished treasure and they loved you with all their might.
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keeperofthe-mxxn · 3 years
Fluff is hard. Have some soft/soft ship hcs in hopes of maybe one day writing them out.
For a Bard, he’s terrible at flirting. He sooner stares at Aymeric then try to articulate his love for him. he’s usually in a no reason good mood around him. not that the other scions or anyone doesn’t make him happy, he just smiles more and more widely around Aymeric.
of course he wants a future with him, but they are both very busy people it’s a wonder when they do finally get together that they have any time to be together. 
it’s cheesy, it’s cliche, but yes Aymeric feels like home to him. he doesn’t have to be on guard for anything he can just exist and make mistakes.
only Aymeric has heard Mhol’ito purr (thus far). he does it when they cuddle and only behind closed doors. he gets flustered beyond belief when he’s told how cute it sounds but he can’t stop doing it. it’s a soft sound easy to miss if there’s background noise. easiest way to get him going with it is to pet his face. it’s more effective then touching his ears for whatever reasons. 
of course he wraps that lion tail around a wrist or a leg or whatever limb is closest. 
bunting. unlike purring, that’s done anywhere regardless. (only exception is Alliance meetings.) “See this man. he is mine.” but he’ll do this with the other Scions as well as anyone he knows really well.
the Fortemps are also his safe people. he has a designated corner he crashes in when he visits. rather then waking anyone he just sleeps in the foyer when he needs a place to crash. Edmont had some floor cushions and a few blankets put in that corner for the next time the warrior of light slipped in at unholy hours. he’ll go there when needs a break from the world basically. the house itself is a safe zone for him, it’s no longer a surprise to walk in on him curled up in the corner. the multiple cushions are their to accommendate when Mhol’ito appears as an Elezen.
it can almost be equated to puppy love and it might be. 
Being a Keeper in a sea of Seekers does leave Mhol’ito feeling isolated more often then and the Scions never bring any attention to it anyways. the times he is given shit about it whoever he is with is quick to divert the subject before Mhol’ito starts a fight. 
about the purring. it’s an intimate thing to Mhol so he saves it for family and Aymeric. so the first time the Scions heard what sounded like it was after returning to the Source. someone found him wedged into a corner purring incessantly to calm himself. he’s never purred from anxiety before and there have been plenty of traumatizing events in the past. (or maybe no one was around to hear it. Francel has a story though.) as he gets more comfortable with people being physically affectionate you might be able to sneak in a headpat here or there. but read the room first. he is sorta uncomfortable with purring but once he gets more confident he’ll stop tryna cover it. purrs with the twins after a long day and one or both are with him. when visiting friends (Even First ones). it becomes “I’m happy with you.” signal. 
there is a contest going on with the Scions and Estinien on who can try and make him purr any louder then the softness it already is. Aymeric already has won that a million times over but he doesn’t tell the others. a good tail rub and he’ll get louder, but that’s just for the two of them to know. a few tail kisses. Estinien knows Aymeric has the unfair advantage and sees the lil smirk his friend hides behind his fingers when the topic is discussed. 
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inviouswriting · 4 years
Can you write wol bringing zenos to dinner with their family, the fortemps, for the first time, and the fortemps reactions to wol dating the, yknow, prince of garlemald.
Took me a while to get to this one because I was honestly trying to think of how this interaction would go. Might be a tad humor involved. (hopefully this means I’m on a mend for my mental health)
(This might feel a little stiff as I’m not good at writing Zenos in scenarios still.)
At first it was almost taken as a joke when you presented the idea to Edmont. This was a Garlean, but when he accepted the invitation to sit down and see this through. He was a bit intimidated by the idea of having the prince walking through his door.
Yet here you were walking through the door without a second thought beaming bright at the Fortemps house arm and arm. Zenos took the invitation thinking it might bring him a little amusement. 
Artoirel would find it a little intense being in the same room of someone the nation was at war with, but with a peace reached for temporary. He lets it go knowing this is someone you chose to enter a relationship with. Emmannelain on the other hand he wouldn’t miss this for all the gossip he could have. He spends time asking questions.
Zenos’ tall stature doesn’t go unnoticed either, Edmont and Zenos exchange what pleasantries are, you seem happy and that is what he could hope for. Even with the Garlean, he has always figured you’d chase after one of the leaders or a friend it took him by surprise that you would find your heart with Zenos.
The dinner itself runs as you’d expect. Idle chatter, all in agreement to not bring the political matters inside. The way the Fortemps see it is as if a mouse tamed a lion. An impossible feat that you somehow managed. You wouldn’t tell them how either.
Commentary from Zenos was tamed down per your request of him. That doesn’t stop him from making some comments about the way you look on battlefields. When the evening comes more to an end, you feel enlightened that they even did it let alone entertained the idea. 
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ffxivmingxiajiang · 4 years
This one’s for the uncrowned king
Ruler of the unknown lands
Whose borders are not seen.
Boon unto the weary wanderer
Bridge-builder, gate-steward
The Lord of Silver, guardian guide.
This one’s for the steadfast knights
They whose eyes are eagle-bright
Sharper than a blade.
Heed not their warning at your own peril
Among them stands the rowan-red
Braveheart of the crystal hills!
See you not the myths in these highlands
Roses bloom from thornless trees.
Know you not the legends sleeping here
The unicorn roams with the scarlet lioness
As the bells peal choked with mistletoe
And the shadows stretch across the clouds
Bear witness!
-Part Time Minstrel
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kaoru-takaida · 4 years
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Finished Waist Up colored Digital comissions done for @pugsleybro of @the-lion-of-house-fortemps and @ladyramora
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fistsoflightning · 4 years
9: confidence boost
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prompt: lush || masterpost || other fills || ao3 mirror
word count: 2256
It’s all fun and games until they all get invited to an Ishgardian ball. (Or; Lumelle has never liked anything to do with the high society of her hometown. A’dewah tries to help his friend out.)
Contains canon-divergence bits and bobs, notably pertaining to the Vault, because why not?
“Mel,” Auphine calls from the doorway, fiddling with her boots, maybe—A’dewah can’t quite see her fully from where he stands in front of Lumelle’s (extremely dusty, clearly unused) vanity, more focused on clearing up the mirror than anything. “What are you going to do about your face?”
“Do not repeat this back to Mama, but I,” Lumelle huffs, and if she weren’t standing incredibly still so that Valdis and Lunya can finish taking adjustment measurements for her dress A’dewah thinks her arms would be crossed firmly across her chest. “have no swiving clue what you mean by ‘what am I going to do about my face’, Auphie.”
Duscha raises an amused eyebrow over the brim of his book while Elwin giggles into his palm. No one really expected her to know—at least, among that of the Scions and her usual friends—but Auphine makes an exaggerated sighing motion with her shoulders as she stands straight.
“You know Mama’s going to want you ‘dolled up’, or what have you,” she explains. “And the other nobles—”
“If they give a damn, they can talk to the business end of Fragarach,” Lumelle grumbles as Valdis softly pushes her arms back down. Auphine sighs louder, and A’dewah didn’t think the little conjurer had that large of lungs on her; clearly he’s mistaken, by how her exhale carries.
“Do not tell me I did not warn you!” Auphine waves to Elwin as she leaves the room, the heels of her boots clicking against the wooden floor of the manor. Lumelle groans loud enough to wake Tehra’ir up from his slump against Zaya’s shoulder momentarily, eventually resting his forehead carefully back onto their shoulder, making sure not to press his eyes into the white of their dress shirt.
For his own merit, he does his best to ignore it while he carefully swipes the tube of lipstick across his lips, pausing when Syhrwyda leans over to pick up her hairpin from the vanity. She catches his gloss, too, when it falls on its side and starts to roll away; he could probably hug her for that. Damned glass vials and all.
“Mel,” Elwin says, his swinging feet tapping against the settee. “I think Auphie might be right.”
“...I know, but I—it’s not like I know how to use any of—of that stuff Mama dumped onto me when I came back. Most of it’s probably dried up, by now.”
A’dewah, for the curious bit of him that is right next to all the old cosmetics, opens up a pot of what likely used to be a scented lotion that smelled strongly of sandalwood.
What he finds is nearly rock hard. Well then.
“Dress’s done,” Valdis says quietly, Lunya snipping the last bit of thread hanging from Lumelle’s sleeve. The high house dress… looks incredibly uncomfortable for her, he thinks, compared to the normal surcoats and cuirasses she’d normally prefer.
“You all should get going,” Lumelle says, looking up at the chronometer. Nearly the seventh bell. “I… guess I’ll be here for a while yet.” 
“Here,” he says, scooting over on the bench to leave enough space for Lumelle to sit. He waves the closed tube of lipstick in the air when Zaya tilts their head in confusion. “I can stay behind and help her.”
Lumelle, for her merit, gives him a wary glance that might as well be screeching this better not end with me in a face of powders, but she trudges her way over anyhow as everybody else leaves Lumelle’s room. Zaya gives him a small wink before they turn the corner, pointing to the two corsages sitting at the end of Lumelle’s old bed.
“Why do you know so much about cosmetics, anyhow?” She sits with all the grace of a lion stumbling through a minefield, really, shaking the bench as she falls back onto it.
“I have three sisters,” he murmurs as he fumbles with the containers and pots he’s laid out before him, opening to check the colors and closing when he looks back over to Lumelle’s skin. He should have asked someone else—surely Lumelle’s mother, but Lumelle herself would not appreciate her mother fussing about. Perhaps someone from House Fortemps would have known of some cosmetics common to Ishgard, and a merchant. Aymeric, maybe; he looks like he would know his way around a few brushes. If he’d the willpower, Hanami would have worked, too, having lived in Ishgard long enough to count as one of them... even if he’d probably get his head taken off in the process. “My youngest brother likes to, er, contour, too. Hard to avoid cosmetic talks when most of your siblings, who’ve been very much restrained in their pastimes since forever, enjoy it? And…”
He taps the top of his cosmetics box; small enough to fit into the bottom of his satchel, beneath all the books and draughts he lugs around when he’s traveling by foot, all the pots and brushes neatly tucked away. He’d needed to buy newer paints and cremes when he’d gotten back from the First—a pain, seeing as he’d been without for long enough, but if the urge struck and he didn’t have his box refilled he’d probably see his anxiety spike—but none of them would match Lumelle’s darker skin either way.
“I, uhm, might have a bit of fun with this, from time to time?” The urge to wring his hands together is incredibly strong, but he fiddles with the latch on his cosmetics box. He hadn’t even really shown Haruki, now that he thinks about it—more a private pleasure than anything, now out to his friends. 
Character development, he thinks wryly. You will be fine.
Maybe he should have waited to put on the lip paint, he thinks as he helps wrangle the rest of Lumelle’s hair into a nice crown braid. All straightened out, strange compared to the very wavy-haired Lumelle he’d passed by not a few mornings ago, and the coarse texture of her hair rubs oddly against the pads of his fingers.
“Could you turn to face me?” He carefully opens his cosmetics box to pull out a few small brushes—making sure to set them apart from the brush he’d already used, a new pot of cool red paint, and a small jar of dark powder. “Promise I won’t, er, go overboard.”
“I trust you,” she says, even though it doesn’t look like she believes it, and she closes her eyes.
The quiet click and clatter of closing and opening containers fills the comfortable quiet as A’dewah brushes powders and paints onto Lumelle’s face. He has to remind her with a quiet tap on her knuckles not to scrunch her face, sometimes, but he can’t quite blame her when he’s trying not to sneeze the whole time from the dust that flutters about in motes, the sunset fading through the window making them gleam.
“You’ll keep these after I’m done,” he says while he finishes up the edges of Lumelle’s lip paint, the bright red perhaps a tad too bright for how much he’s put on; maybe he can wipe a bit of it off? “Sanitary things, is all. I—I don’t expect you to keep using them!”
Lumelle doesn’t say anything, not even a quiet protest, instead turning her head to look at herself in the mirror.
“This is weird,” she finally decides, after a few moments of staring intensely at the mirror. “Not used to my lips being… red.”
“Is it bad?”
He pulls out another tube of gloss—thank the Matron he’d decided to get a spare tube from that merchant in Ul’dah—and Lumelle sighs. “Not as bad as I thought it might, no. It’s just…”
Her brow furrows again.
“Here,” he mumbles, a bit awkwardly. “Put that on, and I’ll grab your earring.”
It takes a bit of fishing around in the drawers, unorganized as they are; he sneezes, once, when he opens it too fast and the dust goes flying into the air, but eventually he finds the slightly tarnished House Fortemps earring among the wreck that is Lumelle’s vanity. It gleams, still, in the fading sunlight, the red unicorn standing out among the dark grey metal around it.
“Done,” Lumelle says. He turns, and it’s… not as neat as he’d hoped, but it’s miles better than anything Vahno could have done, at any rate, so he presses the earring into her upturned palm among the light scars and smiles.
“There we go,” he murmurs, gently swiping his thumb to clean off some of the out-of-place gloss. “Grab the corsages for me, and I think we’re done.”
Lumelle nearly tumbles off the seat when she leans back to grab the two corsages, barely catching herself as A’dewah cleans up what he can—part of him nearly sets to cleaning the rest of Lumelle’s vanity, messy as it is, but he manages to hold back. For now.
He pins the (rather extravagant) brightlily corsage into his own hair, the light blue kind of blending into his hair, and hands Lumelle the white one to place in her own. Once she’s got it all pinned down—well, he has to brush a few leaves away from her face; Valdis must have taken the other smaller one he’d made—he stands, and waits for Lumelle to follow suit before he carefully grabs her wrist, ignoring the chill of the thin rose gold bracelets Auphine had shoved onto her sister’s wrist.
“Now,” he says, lightly pulling Lumelle closer to the mirror and stepping next to her. “Try striking a pose, or—or, uh, doing something that feels just a tad exaggerated.” He nearly leaves off there, looking a bit at himself and the light smudge in his lipstick before realizing what might happen. “WITHOUT getting your sword or shield. Please.”
“Killjoy,” Lumelle grumbles, but she takes one look at the two of them in the mirror, and her brow furrows deep enough that A’dewah feels a slight panic rising that the creme and powder on her forehead might crack. “Why with the poses, though. What’s the point?”
He has to think about, well, why he does the silly poses in the mirror before he can answer. “C-confidence? I—mm, actually,” he mumbles, spinning in a small circle and watching the skirt of his dress shimmer, fabric glimmering. Maybe he was right to let Zaya help Lunya design… this. “It’s… nice?”
“Yes,” he says, a bit braver now. “Something that has nothing to do with being ‘heroic’ or ‘strong’, maybe. Just… plain and silly. Normal-ish.”
Lumelle hums just before she moves quick, pumping her fist into the air with her stance widened enough that A’dewah can see she’s still wearing her normal boots just beneath the hem of her skirt. She’s plastered a goofy sort of grin onto her face, brightened by the bright red lip paint and the light bouncing off the mirror onto her.
“There you go!” He sways about again, planting one hand on his hip and swinging his other arm out with the swish of his dress, nervously grinning as Lumelle’s eyebrows raise under her bangs. There’s a few moments of quiet, almost like time is frozen while they stand in their silly poses; a bit awkwardly, seeing how his tail has swung out from behind him and Lumelle had managed to throw her braid over her shoulder. 
It hardly takes a moment for them to both be laughing, A’dewah nearly doubled over because oh gods did he just do that and Lumelle’s hyena-like laughter isn’t helping, either. Something so preciously silly about that exact moment sticks in the aether, singing of first snows and brilliant sunlight as A’dewah tries his best not to wipe at his eyes. He lets his hands adjust the hems of his sleeves instead while Lumelle falls back into her blustery nervousness, cautiously wiping tears from her eyes before it grows quiet again.
“I am… not sure I feel any better about this.” Lumelle’s hands bunch in her skirt, eyes looking downward. “Part of the reason I left, instead of taking another trial by combat, I suppose. Never liked it all.”
That’s… about what he suspected. 
“That’s alright,” he soothes, smoothing out his own dress. He’s likely going to regret the heels in a few bells, but oh well. At least he won’t have to crane his head as much if someone does decide to talk to him. “Everyone will probably be, uh, a bit tipsy anyhow. They won’t notice you too much, either.” He looks to Lumelle through the mirror, watching as she tilts her head back up, the corners of his mouth tugging at a nervous smile. He’s… not sure if he’s assuring her more than himself, really. “If you get nervous, you can come find me, probably hiding behind a—a planter, or something. The lilies the Ishgardians like to use are, uh, big enough to hide the two of us. Failing that—”
“We find Haurchefant and let his enthusiasm distract everyone so we can escape. Got it,” Lumelle says assuredly, nodding to herself in the mirror and finally standing straight.
A’dewah bites the inside of his lip to keep from bursting into laughter. “Right.”
With one last little motion—one he’s seen her do to pump herself up before a mission—-Lumelle strides out to the doorway with a certain bounce in her step that she didn’t have earlier, stomping as she did to Lunya and Valdis’ measuring tapes, the corset on her dress keeping her from moving around as she wished. A’dewah smiles. 
They would be alright.
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lynnslight · 4 years
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I turned Lynn into a parfait, using a picrew tool. If you’re curious on how to make your character a parfait, use this link.
Tagged by @annofravnica
Tagging @the-lion-of-house-fortemps @fair-fae
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annofravnica · 4 years
repost,   don’t reblog.
bold what applies to your muse.
DAISY :   wears their heart on their sleeve. soft voice. minimalist clothing. laying in a field of tall grass. walking barefoot. puts other people’s happiness above their own.
BELLFLOWER :   very consistent friend. happy face with sad eyes. careful touches. hiding a blush. light giggles. makes friends easily. knows how to make you smile.
PROTEA :   proud. big gestures. african heritage. blushes easily. tries to look tough but is really just a big softie. content where they are. doesn’t love easily, but always deeply.
MOONFLOWER :   knowing smiles. doesn’t open up easily. late nights. tired eyes. soft skin. not as innocent as they seem. loose clothing.
BLEEDING HEART :   hopeless romantic. still laughs at dirty jokes. believes they can change the world. caring looks. dyed hair. kisses on the cheek.
SUNFLOWER :   big smiles. always looking for the positive. lots of friends. warm afternoons. basking in the sun. stares off into space a lot. sitting in comfortable silence.
DANDELION :   wishing for the impossible. shooting stars. light breezes through their hair. white clothing. whispered secrets. far off looks. kind eyes.
TAGGED BY: @theaterofmisfits TAGGING: @peopleoftheshadows, @soulessswordswoman, and @the-lion-of-house-fortemps
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rhymingteelookatme · 5 years
Mannerisms/Body Language: Livorette Farouche
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bold what applies + tag mutuals to do the same in a new post!
arms crossed on chest  /   crossing legs   /   fist-like gestures  /  pointing index finger /  karate chops   /   stiffening of shoulders  / tense posture /   curling of lip   /   baring of teeth
hand-to-face gestures /   head tilted  / stroking chin  /   peering over glasses   /   taking glasses off — cleaning   /   putting earpiece of glasses in mouth   /   pipe smoker gestures   /   putting hand to bridge of nose   /   pursed lips, knitted brows
arms crossed  /   sideways glance  /   touching or rubbing nose   /   rubbing eyes  /  hands resting on weapon  /   brows raising  /   lips pressing into a thin line /   strict, unwavering eye contact /   wrinkling of nose / stepping back
hands behind back /   hands on lapels of coat  /   steepled hands   /   baring teeth in a grin  / rolling shoulders  /  tipping head back but maintaining eye contact  /   chest puffed up  / shoulders back /   arms folded just above navel   /  wide eyes  /   standing akimbo  /  heroic posing
insecurity & anxiety.
chewing pen or pencil  /  rubbing thumb over opposite thumb  /   biting fingernails   /  hands in pockets   /  elbow bent  /   closed gestures  /   clearing throat  /   “whew” sound /   picking or pinching flesh  / fidgeting in chair /   hand covering mouth whilst speaking /   poor eye contact /  tugging at pants whilst seated   /   jingling money in pockets   /   tugging at ear (clasps)   /  perspiring hands  /   playing with hair /   swaying  /   playing with pointer / marker / cane   /  smacking lips  /  sighing  /  rocking on balls of feet  /   flexing or cracking fingers sporadically / biting tongue
short breaths  /   “tsk” sounds  / tightly-clenched hands  /  fist-like gestures  /  pointing index finger / running hand through hair  /   rubbing back of neck  /  snarling  /  revealing teeth   / grimacing  /   sharp-eyed glowers w/ notable tension in brow /   shoulders back, head up — defensive posturing   /   clenching of jaw  /  grinding teeth /   nostrils flaring   /  heavy exhales / pacing around room
Tagged by: @the-lion-of-house-fortemps
Tagging: @louderthanthedj, @vreliskriri, @beetlebrownleaf
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ladyramora · 3 years
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Body Language: D’nyr Fellcrest
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bold what applies + tag mutuals to do the same in a new post!
arms crossed on chest  /   crossing legs   /   fist-like gestures  /  pointing index finger /  karate chops   /   stiffening of shoulders  / tense posture  /   curling of lip   /   baring of teeth
hand-to-face gestures /   head tilted  /  stroking chin  /   peering over glasses   /   taking glasses off — cleaning   /   putting earpiece of glasses in mouth   /   pipe smoker gestures   /   putting hand to bridge of nose   /   pursed lips, knitted brows
arms crossed  /   sideways glance  /   touching or rubbing nose   /   rubbing eyes  /  hands resting on weapon  /   brows raising  /   lips pressing into a thin line /   strict, unwavering eye contact /   wrinkling of nose / stepping back
hands behind back /   hands on lapels of coat  /   steepled hands   /   baring teeth in a grin  / rolling shoulders  /  tipping head back but maintaining eye contact  /   chest puffed up  / shoulders back /   arms folded just above navel   /   wide eyes  /   standing akimbo  /  heroic posing
insecurity & anxiety.
chewing pen or pencil  /  rubbing thumb over opposite thumb  /   biting fingernails   /  hands in pockets   /  elbow bent  /   closed gestures  /   clearing throat  /   “whew” sound /   picking or pinching flesh  /  fidgeting in chair /   hand covering mouth whilst speaking /   poor eye contact /  tugging at pants whilst seated   /   jingling money in pockets   /   tugging at ear   /  perspiring hands   /   playing with hair /   swaying  /   playing with pointer / marker / cane   /  smacking lips /  sighing  /  rocking on balls of feet  /   flexing or cracking fingers sporadically / biting tongue
short breaths  /   “tsk” sounds   /  tightly-clenched hands  /  fist-like gestures  /  pointing index finger / rubbing hand through hair  /   rubbing back of neck  /  snarling  /  revealing teeth   / grimacing  /   sharp-eyed glowers w/ notable tension in brow /   shoulders back, head up — defensive posturing   /   clenching of jaw  /   grinding teeth  /   nostrils flaring   /  heavy exhales / pacing around room
Tagged by: borrowed from @the-lion-of-house-fortemps! Tagging: nope!
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