#The Hospice Promise
razorbackmagazine · 1 month
"Walking With Purpose: Explore the Inspiring Journey of Ranger Kielak Across America"
[ Website ] [ Facebook ] [ Support Ranger ] “Path of Purpose: Ranger Kielak’s Inspirational Trek Through America” I’m Ranger Kielak, and I started March 2024, I will be putting one foot in front of the other, starting from the Atlantic Ocean and ending with a dip in the Pacific Ocean. But why, you may ask, why am I doing this? Finding Inspiration in Legacy Back in 2012, as a high school freshman,…
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scattered-winter · 6 months
brain is oscillating wildly between voltron rwby au and voltron running au but i am writing neither of them </3 and quintenary stars is on the brain always but i'm not writing that either </3
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theroadtofairyland · 21 days
May 22nd,
My mom is home! She qualified for home hospice. Her dementia is profound enough that I can get some support with meds and a weekly visiting nurse. However she's been insanely energetic. She's taken her bandages off every time I leave the room. She's very active and is occupying all of my time keeping her from putting that energy into something destructive.
She is much better at home, much less fearful about everything, including walking to the bathroom, but I'm still not sleeping or able to get much done.
I still owe $1200 on my May rent. Apparently, my landlord came down from the mountains while we were in the hospital, looking for payment. I could really use some assistance getting stuff paid. I may not be drawing a paycheck but I promise I've never worked so hard at such stressful work in my life.
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AITA for not helping my family pay for hospital bills?
🎷🔥 so i can find it later
This is going to need a lot of context right off the bat. I (20'sM) am a gay man that comes from an extremely conservative family. My sister (20'sF) is also a lesbian and recently got married and adopted a child. I'm very proud of her, but that's not the issue.
My parents seem to have little to no issue with my sister marrying a woman. They do have a very big issue with me liking dudes, however. Like, it was the reason my parents got divorced "big issue." I'm not gonna go into everything, but my sister ended up with my dad and I stayed with my mom for reasons I'd rather not share.
Our last parting was on... less than decent terms. Upon finding out that I was of the homosexual variety, my dad flipped his lid. He called me several slurs and said some other very hurtful things, and even made moves to physically attack me. My mom, also a very homophobic woman, stepped in and thankfully talked him down. Then divorce, etc etc.
I saved up enough money to move out when I turned 18 and may have done some impulsive things including completely trashing my mom's bathroom, which I know I'm definitely the asshole for, but in my defense my mom kept "forgetting" to pick up my prescriptions and I was manic (I have bipolar). But, again, I know I'm the AH for that.
I now live with my two best friends R (20sNB) and P (20sM) in a house we all pay for. R comes from money so they help out a lot, and I love them both to death. We kind of have a sort of situationship but none of us are poly? Idk it's weird we're just going with it rn.
Anyway, I bring them up bc we all went to my sister's wedding together, and my parents separately chewed me out for bringing them (and for R daring to wear a dress. They're amab for context) and I obviously argued back bc hey they're my best friends and my sister specifically said it was okay for me to bring them (she and R are also friends and they wouldve been invited regardless of me bringing P) and also because R looks very good in a dress and i can handle them shit-talking me but i will not tolerate slander towards R or P.
At the wedding, I went full no contact with them and told them to lose my number. They, ofc, did Not lose my number and I got several calls from extended family saying about what you would expect them to say, so I switched numbers and gave only my sister and her wife my new number.
My sister. I love her to pieces but sometimes she gets on my nerves. She gives my number to my mom to have "just in case," but she reassures me that she won't give it to my dad or any other family. So far, she's made good on that promise, I just have to deal with periodic calls about getting a girlfriend and having kids.
Now, my dad isn't the healthiest guy out there. He has arthritis, osteoporosis, and several other things that i don't really wanna get into. As he's aged he's only gotten worse and there have been several times he's almost died, but recently he's been put on hospice and has an estimated Not Very Long to live.
Here's where I may be the AH. My dad calls me while I'm at a very important, personal event for R (he got my number from my mom) and goes on a long rant on how I'm an unlovable disgrace and how he fed me and clothed me and I could make up for all that by helping him pay off hospital debt. I say no immediately and tell him that he's never been my dad, only my dna donor, and that he's going to be dead anyway and that selling his house could cover all the bills. He calls me many more names and tells me he wishes I was never born (calling my mom some very derogatory names too (she's asian)) and that i should just go ahead and off myself to save the world someone like me. I tell him he should die faster while he's at it because God knows the world already has enough bigots in it and there could never be too many mentally ill queers.
I hung up, but now I'm thinking I went a bit too far. AITA for not helping out with his hospital bills and yelling at him?
What are these acronyms?
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melodymunson · 1 month
Baron Lamram (Marmalade) x fem!reader blurb
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Baron Lamram was the perfect Southern gentleman. The best part about him was that he was yours. There was never a dull day with him around. Having him in your life and his mama Eda who considered you to be a daughter to her meant so much to you. Baron loved that his mama supported his relationship with you. It all started when you were traveling cross-country on a road trip. Once you ended up in the South little did you know your life would change forever. In the park, you were sunbathing and that's when you met Baron by the lake. Not only was he respectable but he had the most adorable lopsided smile. You introduced yourselves to each other and it was all uphill from there. Soon you started dating and he would take you out on the cutest dates imaginable. The best dates were simple and fun like going on a picnic, swimming at the lake, the diner and ice cream parlor, and the local carnival. You were his first lover and first real official relationship. He gifted you matching promise rings once you were dating for a year. His home was now your home too. Baron loved vanilla ice cream cones and would get them every time you went to the ice cream shop together so you did too. It was simple but delicious.
Soon after you had a pregnancy test taken and it was unfortunately a false positive. Baron and you both wanted to be parents. Then the robberies started because Mama Eda was sick and working at the local supermarket together with Baron wasn't enough to make ends meet. Baron's mama meant a great deal to you and she appreciated all your help around the house with cooking, buying groceries, cleaning, helping the household with your job co-working with Baron, and tending to her by her bedside. One day out antique shopping you had the best idea- to buy masks. They were unique and had 3 distinct faces. Soon you and Baron mapped out and planned your first bank heist. The day came and you were incognito with the best disguises. Baron had confided in you he wanted to also dress as a woman but in drag. It was hot and sexy and it turned you on so much that you decided to make passionate love. Lady Baron had the prettiest makeup and the nicest jewelry. The black lacy Madonna-like gloves and fire-engine red lipstick truly completed the look. Lady Baron loved to get pegged and she loved to dress in your clothes completing her look with scarves. The blouse/skirt combination. The dresses she wore were gorgeous and some of them were silky. Your favorite outfits of hers were the black and red dresses, as well as animal print, especially leopard and zebra.
On the day of the robbery, you were the getaway driver and he went in gun in tow and held them up. Before the bank robbery, you wished Baron good luck and kissed him deeply and passionately as if it could be the last time he would ever kiss you. Coming back to the car with the money and goods like expensive watches and jewelry, you and Baron got away. After a few more robberies he was arrested and you made your getaway. He convinced the police it was all on him. In prison, you visited him and had the best conjugal visits with wild and crazy back-scratching sex. Soon you worked as a guard and helped him to escape prison. On the run now you had to get even better disguises and he changed his look by cutting his hair short and going a bit incognito. Lady Baron still made a presence though as you were dressed as a man and Ms. Lady Baron drove the getaway car evading officers. Driving far away from his hometown to visit his mom who was sick in hospice and bringing her the pills was the most important task. The money you had stolen counted up close to a million and with that money you bought a better and nicer car that was a sleek red Corvette. You eventually got matching tattoos of flaming hearts. Soon you got married at a little ceremony with Mama Eda and an ordained wedding officiant. The honeymoon was in Brooklyn, New York City, and Niagara Falls NY was the best part of it. When the time was right you got a puppy together she was a pomeranian from animal control. You named her Spike. Spike didn't like many people except for you, Baron, and Mama Eda. For the longest time, you tried hard for a baby and soon you were pregnant with a beautiful baby girl. You named her Eda. Less than 2 years later you had a boy then another girl. You named the kids Bonnie and Clyde. Thanks to the best doctors and medicine, Mama Eda got the best treatment and recovered gradually. Now living out in the country you had a farm with horses, ducks, goats, and cows. It was a nice farming life and you loved Baron more than anything else. The feeling was mutual.
tag list: @corneliuswatkins @keeryatmosphere @jadeylovesmarvelxo @ali-r3n @mrprettywhenhecries @daisy-is-a-writer @stevesxyellowxsweater @koskeepsake @munson-mjstan @rowanswriting @edsbug @babygorewhore @steveslittlesunflower @emsgoodthinkin @seatnights @probablyin-bed @corrodedcorpses @lovelythoughtfulcupcake @brinasdead @thescoopstroopers @ellharrington @dollalicia
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mylittleredgirl · 7 months
i had a strange dream last night that my mother, when she was in hospice, decided to go back to canada to die. we weren't allowed to go with her. she drove away in a white sedan with her dear lifelong friend who used to be a priest, and left me and my father here. we said our last goodbyes here in the driveway, and she wouldn't promise that we could talk on the phone. we just had to wait and go about our lives, mourning someone who was maybe still alive or had maybe already died, wondering if someone would call to tell us what was happening. i think my dad moved out like he did a while after she died in real life, and it was just me here, remodeling the house.
isn't that such a metaphor for loved ones dying? the hope that they will return to the place they came from and have missed, but the sorrow of not being able to join them. the hope we might receive messages, but it's long distance. that we will never know if they are in peace, in a place they once loved, or if it all ended on the way.
this morning my cousin texted me from canada to tell me that my aunt, my mom's sister, has terminal cancer and she didn't know if anyone had told me yet. (they hadn't.)
there's so much love underneath all the distance (and the family complications that came from my mom leaving the church), but i'm so far and have been since i was a little child. farther now, because i am sick and can't drive nine hours each way for a weekend like i wish i could. i'm not sure if a visit would be welcome (because she's suffering and it would be one more thing for my cousin to manage, not because i'm personally unloved). i could visit my other cousins, perhaps, or my aunts and uncles. i am my mother's representative here on earth now.
my dream wasn't necessarily prophetic, although i hope that it might mean If There Are Spirits that my mom's is going north to support her sister. last week, i re-lived the harrowing end of my mom life while i was writing a letter in support of the death with dignity act. yesterday, i re-read a story i wrote about a son watching his mother suffer from dementia. i wrote it in 2007, two years before my mother's first cancer diagnosis. back then, her great fear was that she would ultimately die from alzheimer's like her mother, who wasted away in hospice for more than 10 years. in the face of that, her dying painfully and relatively young from cancer was a relief to both of us. i guess my aunt will also be spared that fate.
i feel most for my cousin who is closest, who has to hold so much of this. i can't know her experience, but i have done the caretaking, have watched my mother suffer, have had to hold the feelings of my father losing his wife. i don't know my cousin well enough to know how to support her without that support itself adding more weight.
i'm not sure what my next step is. i texted my other cousins, and my cousin's wife who i think will be the best one to help me figure out what will be most helpful. in the meantime i'm processing, i guess.
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starry-eyed-adam · 1 month
For the ask game hehe
“I loved you. With everything I ever had. Why was it never enough?”
The words seeped vulnerability, pain, as much despair as Leo could muster. Eyes swimming, he met his husband’s own dry. Never, in all of his years of loving Yuichi so much, had he ever thought he’d see such a stony expression, such a cold, uncaring stare. The rabbit yokai’s face didn’t even twitch as a tear spilled down Leo’s cheek and his shoulders began to shake.
The silence went on, neither of them saying a word, neither of them looking away.
And then Yuichi cracked a smile, and told him, “Because, as much as you try, kisses and cuddles aren’t adequate subsitutes for actual medical treatment.”
They both burst into laughter, the sound unburdened by age or chest pain or infection, and instead free and weightless as their souls.
“I said I was sorry! An’ you’re the one who didn’t wanna go to the doctor anyway!” Leo grinned and shoved the other man’s shoulder.
“God, you’re too good at that! I wish I could cry on cue,” Yuichi lamented, arms crossed, sighing heavily with clear lungs as he laid on his back beside his husband.
Leo rolled over on the bed and propped himself up on his hand. “The things ya learn to do to survive as a middle child,” he dramatically gestured to himself. “Attention’s always on the youngest. So you gotta snag it for yourself somehow.”
“Oh, poor you.” Yuichi giggled, and settled back into the mattress, stretching out without pain. “I wish hugs and kisses were enough. It’d save a lot on medical bills and hospice.”
“Hey, your ghost was gonna hafta make a lot of trips to visit me if you wanted to try lovin’ me back to health,” retorted Leo. “An’ with all that ‘eternal rest’ talk, I dunno if that’s what you wanna do after ya die.”
“Seriously? Being dead is so boring.” Yuichi rolled his eyes. “Nothing to do but sit and wait for everyone else to. Going first sucks. Especially when you need to wait years and years for your partner to follow.”
“At least you could see me when ya wanted,” Leo spoke, voice suddenly softer. “I missed you, a lot.”
Yuichi sighed and shifted closer, pulling his husband into a cuddle as the blankets wrapped around them. “I know.”
The two shared a comfortable silence for a while, before Yuichi kissed the top of Leo’s head and glanced down at him. “Are you sad? That you died?” he whispered.
Leo shifted under the soft bedding, every texture exactly the way he liked it, the mattress more firm that the way it used to be at home, the comfortable warmth that Yuichi just radiated into his bones. Breathing didn’t hurt. His arm wasn’t full of IVs and monitors. It wasn’t cold, and lonely.
He had his husband again.
“No.” Leo lifted his head to return the kiss, taking it slower, holding on a bit longer. “I ain’t sad.”
“Are you sure?” the rabbit yokai asked, softer. He remembered being alive. He loved it.
“It was my time,” replied Leo, nuzzling his fluffy cheek. “I wish I coulda spent more of it with you. But now we got an eternity together, don’t we?”
“That we do.” Yuichi grinned down at him. “You wanna take me dancing tonight, like you promised?”
Leo returned it. “Hell yeah, cowboy.”
oops! they’re dead. it’s still bittersweet though :)
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simsstuph · 10 months
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Fig sat down beside Lili and held her hand, she opened her eyes slightly.
Fig smiled as he wiped the tears from his cheeks: Hi beautiful.
Lili grabbed his hand, her strength was barely there anymore: You don't look so well, my love.
Fig: Teenagers.
Lili let out the smallest, weakest little laugh: That'll do it.
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Fig: You hungry? Thirsty?
Lili: No dear, I'm fine. Fig promise me you won't let them forget me? Remind them of me every chance possible? Especially Carli and Kodi Jane.. They're so young.. I'm scared they won't remember me..
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Fig kissed her forehead repeatedly, tears streaming down his face: Never in a million years darlin.
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Lili passed peacefully surrounded by Fig, the kids and her beloved dog Turtle. Van ran from the room once the hospice nurse took her pulse and made the official announcement of "I'm so very sorry, please take as much time as you need to say goodbye."
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After an hour and a half Fig walked over and put his hand on her shoulder: Kiddo, it's time..
Delilah whispering and she leaned down closer: This is not goodbye, it's a see you later mom. I'll love you forever.
She gently kissed her mother's forehead and left the room, Fig's arm around her shoulder.
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make-me-imagine · 4 months
Personal Life Update - Possible Long Term Hiatus
So for anyone who cares about this sort of thing, I thought I would make a post. A few weeks back, both of my parents got sick. We thought with the same thing, possibly covid at the time.
While it was confirmed that my mother did in fact get Covid, she also contracted pneumonia. She has copd so this made it quite difficult for her. So she went to to the hospital.
My dad turned out to have something much worse. He developed diverticulitis (pockets in the intestine), fairly common, but, he got severely inflamed and got an infection. He got very sick, very fast. He had been receiving treatment for Liver Cancer previously, but those treatments were only making him worse.
For the last few weeks me and my brother have been making two-hour trips every other day, to visit both of them.
My dad was getting dialysis treatments because his kidneys were in rough shape, but was having a hard time in the hospital. He was not being treated well, and wanted to come home, so he did.
Today me and my brother brought our dad home so he could be comfortable somewhere he feels safe. He will no longer be receiving dialysis or cancer treatments. He will be set up with a hospice service from home hopefully tomorrow.
I do not know when my mother will return home, or what care she will need from this point on either. She has recovered from covid and pneumonia, but must be on a cpap machine at night at this point or she declines in her health/breathing.
I have no idea how much longer I have with my father. Could be days, could be a year. The same goes with my mother, though she is not well, she is better off than my father in some ways.
I have been taking care of my mother every day for the last 5 years. And now I'll need to help my dad as well for as long as he needs.
I may release content on days that are better and I feel like writing, maybe for stress relief. But I cannot promise that I will be able to post anything. I will be around, but just might not be writing for a while longer.
To anyone who sends their love, prayers, or kind messages, I thank you in advance. Please do not be offended if I do not reply right away or at all.
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Private equity finally delivered Sarah Palin's death panels
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Tonight (Apr 26), I’ll be in Burbank, signing Red Team Blues at Dark Delicacies at 6PM.
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Remember “death panels”? Sarah Palin promised us that universal healthcare was a prelude to a Stalinist nightmare in which unaccountable bureaucrats decided who lived or died based on a cost-benefit analysis of what it would cost to keep you alive versus how much your life was worth.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
Palin was right that any kind of healthcare rationing runs the risk of this kind of calculus, where we weight spending $10,000 to extend a young, healthy person’s life by 40 years against $1,000 to extend an elderly, disabled person’s life by a mere two years.
It’s a ghastly, nightmarish prospect — as anyone who uses the private healthcare system knows very well. More than 27m Americans have no health insurance, and millions more have been tricked into buying scam “cost-sharing” systems run by evangelical grifters:
But for the millions of Americans with insurance, death panels are an everyday occurrence, or at least a lurking concern. Anyone who pays attention knows that insurers have entire departments designed to mass-reject legitimate claims and stall patients who demand that the insurer lives up to its claim:
The private healthcare sector is designed to deny care. Its first duty is to its shareholders, not its patients, and every dollar spent on care is a dollar not available for dividends. The ideal insurance customer pays their premiums without complaint, and then pays cash for all their care on top of it.
All that was true even before private equity started buying up and merging whole swathes of the US healthcare system (or “healthcare” “system”). The PE playbook — slash wages, sell off physical plant, slash wages, reduce quality and raise prices — works in part because of its scale. These aren’t the usual economies of scale. Rather the PE strategy is to buy and merge all the similar businesses in a region, so customers, suppliers and workers have nowhere else to turn.
That’s bad enough when it’s aimed at funeral homes, pet groomers or any of the other sectors that have been bigfooted by PE:
But it’s especially grave when applied to hospitals:
Or emergency room physicians:
And if you think that’s a capitalist hellscape nightmare, just imagine how PE deals with dying, elderly people. Yes, PE has transformed the hospice industry, and it’s even worse than you imagine.
Yesterday, the Center for Economic and Policy Research published “Preying on the Dying: Private Equity Gets Rich in Hospice Care,” written by some of the nation’s most valiant PE slayers: Eileen Appelbaum, Rosemary Batt and Emma Curchin:
Medicare pays private hospices $203-$1,462 per day to take care of dying old people — seniors that a doctor has certified to have less than six months left. That comes to $22.4b/year in public transfers to private hospices. If hospices that $1,462 day-rate, they have lots of duties, like providing eight hours’ worth of home care. But if the hospice is content to take the $203/day rate, they are not required to do anything. Literally. It’s just free money for whatever the operator feels like doing for a dying elderly person, including doing nothing at all.
As Appelbaum told Maureen Tkacik for her excellent writeup in The American Prospect: “Why anybody commits fraud is a mystery to me, because you can make so much money playing within the guidelines the way the payment scheme operates.”
In California, it’s very, very easy to set up a hospice. Pay $3,000, fill in some paperwork (or don’t — no one checks it, ever), and you’re ready to start caring for beloved parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, aunts and uncles as they depart this world. You do get a site inspection, but don’t worry — you aren’t required to bring your site up to code until after you’re licensed, and again, they never check — not even if there are multiple complaints. After all, no one at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has the job of tracking complaints.
This is absolute catnip for private equity — free government money, no obligations, no enforcement, and the people you harm are literally dying and can’t complain. What’s not to like? No wonder PE companies have spent billions “rolling up” hospices across the country. There are 591 hospices in Van Nuys, CA alone — but at least 30 of them share a single medical director:
Medicare caps per-patient dispersals at $32,000, which presents an interesting commercial question for remorseless, paperclip-maximizing, grandparent-devouring private equity ghouls: do you take in sick patients (who cost more, but die sooner) or healthy patients (cost less, potentially live longer)?
In Van Nuys, the strategy is to bring in healthy patients and do nothing. 51% of Van Nuys hospice patients are “live discharged” — that is, they don’t die. This figure — triple the national average — is “a reliable sign of fraud.”
There are so many hospice scams and most of them are so stupid that it takes a monumental failure of oversight not to catch and prevent them. Here’s a goodun: hospices bribe doctors to “admit” patients to a hospice without their knowledge. The hospice bills for the patient, but otherwise has no contact with them. This can go on for a long time, until the patient tries to visit the doctor and discovers that their Medicare has been canceled (you lose your Medicare once you go into hospice).
Another scam: offer patients the loosest narcotics policy in town, promising all the opioids they want. Then, once their benefits expire, let them die of an overdose (don’t worry, people who die in hospice don’t get autopsies):
You can hire con artists to serve as your sales-force, and have them talk vulnerable, elderly people into enrolling in hospice care by convincing them they have nothing to live for and should just die already and not burden their loved ones any longer.
Hospitals and hospices also collude: hospitals can revive dying patients, ignoring their Do Not Resuscitate orders, so they can be transfered to a hospice and die there, saving the hospital from adding another dead patient to their stats.CMS’s solution is perverse: they’re working with Humana to expand Medicare Advantage (a scam that convinces patients to give up Medicare and enrol in a private insurance program, whose private-sector death panel rejects 13% of claims that Medicare would have paid for). The program will pay private companies $32,000 for every patient who agrees to cease care and die. As our friends on the right like to say, “incentives matter.”
Appelbaum and co have a better idea:
Do more enforcement: increase inspections and audits.
Block mergers and rollups of hospices that make them too big to fail and too big to jail.
Close existing loopholes.
They should know. Appelbaum and her co-authors write the best, most incisive analysis of private equity around. For more of their work, check out their proposal for ending pension-plan ripoffs by Wall Street firms:
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Burbank, Mountain View, Berkeley, San Francisco, Portland, Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, DC, Gaithersburg, Oxford, Hay, Manchester, Nottingham, London, and Berlin!
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[Image ID: An industrial meat grinder, fed by a conveyor belt. A dead, elderly man is traveling up the conveyor, headed for the grinder's intake. The grinder is labelled 'HOSPICE' in drippy Hallowe'en lettering. It sits in a spreading pool of blood.]
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Image: Seydelmann (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GW300_1.jpghttps://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GW300_1.jpg
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
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blythebewitched · 3 months
Her Name Was Bobby: Smiling Critters Oneshot
Two years . . . It was crazy to think he'd lived in this town for two years now. From a young age, Sunny had always been the center of attention everywhere he went. From his band all the way to his modeling career. At some point, the spotlight started to dim for him. So when Kickin brought up moving into town where he could be with his brothers, and try something new, he moved immediately. 
After two long grueling years, he'd finally managed to finish his nursing schooling. It started out as a hobby. Helping the elderly at retirement homes as a volunteer. But now he could really get into Hospice and care for the elderly properly. Sunny loved being around old people. They were sometimes far nicer than anyone his age.
About three weeks prior, Dogday recommended a hospital nearby to apply to. And of course, he was accepted immediately. Today was to be his first day.
Sunny practically swung out of bed. Firey determination pumping his blood. With a killer outfit and some stunning makeup, he was practically ready to go . . . Oh wait . . . Breakfast!
Dogday jumped at the sound of his front door opening. Peering from the kitchen, he saw his brother strut through to the kitchen doorway.
“Mourning Angel~!” Sunny chirped.
“Hiya Sunny. Lemme guess. First day of work and you forgot breakfast?” He passed his brother a plate of food. 
Sunny sat and munch happily as a response. He always forgot something! Dogday chuckled to himself. 
“Say. Speaking of the hospital? Have you met Bobby?”
Bobby. Dogday and Kickin had a gracious number of friends. The only ones he remembered were Catnap and Picky. So, he shook his head. Not really interested in meeting the guy.
“Bobby is the head nurse of the hospital! You should say hi!” 
Sunny took one last bite and headed towards the door. “I'll think about if that's my boss or not.” And he headed out the door and to work.
. . . 
A few hours into the day and Sunny was already sore. He didn't really mind it though. The staff in hospice were really nice and patient. And the elderly were, for the most part, sweeties. As he was bottling pills, he reached for his left shoulder rubbing out some pain that was there. 
Nurse Nip walked up behind him and grabbed his shoulder. “Hard day?”
“Nah. Its just some pent up tension. Thats what hard work'll do.”
“Mm okay. You should probably have the head nurse check that out though.”
“Huh? Why?”
“Well we don't want the new star nurse to keel over after the first day right?”
“Hahaha! True. Well, let me finish up here and I'll see . . . Umm . . . Who again?”
“The head nurse! Bobby Bearhug!”
Bobby. Dogday mentioned that earlier. He was a little annoyed to have to see someone he wasn't keen on meeting, but he kept his promises to his bros. 
Sun suppressed a groan and gave the other nurse a thumbs up before they left. 
. . . 
The head nurses office was on the top floor. Rather than going up the stairs, Sunny decided to take the elevator. The elevator chimed as it reached his floor. The doors opened and he stepped inside. He had planned on a silent ride on his way to see the nurse, but he oddly felt eyes on him.
Sunny curiously looked down next to him through a side eye. There was a girl, another nurse in the elevator with him. Her uniform looked slightly different so he could tell her position was different. The girl was looking up at him. 
Their eyes locked for a moment. Both curious of the other. “You're very pretty.” Was the words that broke their silence.
Sun now fully turned towards her. “What did you say?”
“Haha. Sorry. Was that too blunt? I just think you're very pretty. I've never seen such a colorful bird before.”
“Oh. Thanks.” He was known to be a charmer. A smooth talker. But when it came to flirting or compliments, he flopped hard. His forte was getting people to do what he wanted. So it was safe to say he didn't know what to do when the girl complimented him.
Sun's first thought was to compliment her back. She was substantially shorter than him. Though he was very tall compared to most. The girl was a bear in a deep red coat of fur. Like fine wine. He couldn't say that though. Perhaps something else? Her blush? Her hair? Her smile? . . . No. 
Often when he attempted to establish relationships in the past, he came across as either creepy. A lot of the time, his pride and vanity made him look full of himself. Nobody ever gave him a chance . . . It was the reason he spent so much time alone or with the elderly. 
So, he said nothing. Afraid of making her uncomfortable in such a small space. Suddenly, he felt a hand run through the feathers of his right arm. He had to force himself not to ruffle and fluff up at the touch. His head swung down facing the nurse admiring him.
Both her hands went up the length of his arm. Her eyes looked up at him through her eyebrows. The look was sultry, making Sunny nervous. He couldn't tell if she intended for the interaction to be so personal. 
“You really do have nice feathers. I like the colors. And you're so fluffy!” She gave him the biggest smile. Sweet and elite. “I haven't seen you around before. Are you new?”
“Y-yeah . . . I'm the new hospice nurse . . . Sunshine. But e-everyone calls me Sunny.” 
“SUNNY!?” She stopped and stared at him wide eyed.
The elevator chimed and the door opened to the top floor. Sun was dragged out and led down the hall. 
“By any chance, do you know Dogday? Or Kickin Chicken?” 
“They are my little brothers. Why? You know them?”
The little bear spun around on her heels and gave him a silly smile. Expecting him to guess. “Didn't DD tell you something about meeting someone today?” She chimed. 
It took Sunny a moment, but when it hit him, he felt his face turn red. When DD mentioned his friend Bobby, HE ASSUMED BOBBY WAS A DUDE! Not some cutie . . . In a nurses outfit no less. He cursed his brother internally. The last thing he wanted to do right now was scare her off, but he couldn't help but like her. 
Once outside her office, Bobby asked, “So! Is there anything I can help you with while you're here?”
Sunny almost completely forgot about it. “One of the nurses recommended I see you about some tension in my shoulder.” . . . It was only after saying it that he REALLY thought about it.
“YOU DON'T HAVE TO THOUGH! IT'S NOTHING!” He was praying she would let him go. 
“WHAT!? Get your behind in here now! I'll have that checked out in a jiff.” Bobby grabbed his arm again and dragged him to the couch in her office. Why was it so easy for this lil mini bear to drag him???
. . . 
The next thirty minutes was torturous. They had a really good conversation and Sunny's original doubts had easily been squashed. But he was falling. HARD. And how could he not!? She was perfect. Super polite, great personality, beautiful and well composed. His problem here was that he couldn't say any of it. They'd just met! She'd think he was a sleaze if he said what he really thought of him. 
The worst part was the intimacy of the situation. Sun and Kickin had a habit of having their feathers ruffled at the slightest touch. Bobby's hands were on his shoulder for a good portion of his visit. It made hiding his delight near impossible. When she was done, she prescribed him a minor pain killer and sent him on his way. 
Walking home, the only part of his wonderful first day that stayed on his mind was Bobby. Her name wouldn't leave his head. Her touch had a phantom shadow imprinted on his body. Nothing about those thirty minutes left his head. He didn't even notice Kickin had walked up next to him. 
“AH! Kickin!”
“Lmfao! What the hell's on your mind?”
The brothers stopped by DD's house where they met up with their brother on his porch. “How was work? You meet Bobby?” 
Bobby. The name stirred excitement he couldn't contain. “YEAH! Why didn't you introduce us sooner!?” Sunny began to ramble uncontrollably. 
DD and Kicks looked at each other slowly. The realization slowly but surely sinking in. Sinister smiles started creeping on their faces. 
Sunny hadn't noticed his brother's on point suspicions. He rambled as he thought of her. The perfect girl from the elevator who was stealing his heart. Sun wondered if this was love at first sight. The thought that he still had so much to learn about her was exhilarating. Bobby. Her name was Bobby. And for the first time in his life, he was truly in love.
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yutahoes · 1 year
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Teaser - Chapter One - Chapter Two
characters: mafia boss! Yuta Nakamoto x innocent! florist! reader
summary: While running away, you seemed to be moving closer to the man you were avoiding. Are you even heading to the right direction?
chapter word count: 1.6 k words
chapter genre: angst, fluff (if you close your eyes)
chapter warning: super innocent main character, language, blood, gun, killing, flirty(?) Jaehyun (I swear this is a Yuta fic)
There are a lot of triggers that don't sit well with minors so please keep in mind that some scenes are disturbing and purely fictional. Inspired by Koi no Dangan.
a/n: I honestly haven't written a follow-up for this. My writing speed is so slow and I'm honestly so lost on what I should do. So if you have suggestions for what you want to happen in the next chapters, I promise that would help a lot. 😁 Thank you for your warm welcome. Sorry, I cannot reply to you all but I'm really happy to be back and see you all again. Thank you for letting me write for you again. 🥰
taglist: @sourirensoleille @kyuprincess @nuoyipeach @anonjyxd @a-bts-world @a-place-filled-with-random @smolbeanieee @yumilovesavocado @imnotsureokay @dhaly-g
But moving away means huge money. And where would you go? Another country? That will cost a lot of money. Another city? But that won't guarantee that you will be safe from another mafia group. 
A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you list your expenses for the month and the salary you’re receiving from this flower shop gig. Should you get another part-time job? A job that would pay you a hundred thousand a night perhaps? Is there even a job like that? 
"What's with the long face?" Sophie, the owner of the flower shop, asked. "It's bad for the business." You apologized but she just stared at you worriedly. "What's wrong, Y/N?" She had always been the older sister you never had. It wasn’t the best impression when you first met her, but she had always been there for you and even took you in when she first built this flower shop. “Is it about your dad? I told you to just send him to the hospice, you can have the freedom by yourself.” But you cannot do that, he’s the only one in your family left. You cannot just abandon him like that. 
You dropped the pen and then stared at her in question. “Do you know any job where I can get a hundred thousand per night?” 
She laughed. A boisterous laugh that made you sigh. Of course, that would be stupid. There’s not a job like that. “You’re pretty and you’re young. You could sell yourself.” The older suggested which made you look at her. Sell yourself? How? Like in a market? “I’m pretty sure those old men would have a field day seeing you.” 
What? You’re so lost. What is she talking about? “What? I don’t get it.” 
Sophie gave you a frustrated sigh. “If you sell your body to those old men, they’ll definitely pay you a hundred thousand. Sometimes even more.” 
“Really? How?” 
“By sleeping with them and bearing them a child.” 
Your eyebrows scrunched in question, “How do you bear a child?” 
You can see how she looked at you as if you were stupid. And with how she judged you, you felt like you were. “You’re a hopeless virgin.” She claimed while shaking her head. “I’ll ask around.” You nodded, thanking her for that. “Y/N, please don’t let anyone corrupt your innocence.” 
Your talk was cut off when the door chime rang and a customer entered. It was weird seeing a guy clad in black clothes and wearing sunglasses, asking for a flower suggestion. But you weren’t one to judge. A customer means business and you’re more than happy that someone is buying flowers at this time of day. 
The guy kept on returning for three days in a row, sometimes twice a day, which you found rather odd. You were convinced that he was after your boss since Sophie would always entertain him and you would just arrange the flowers he would buy. On the fourth day, however, he came in the morning even if your boss isn’t around. He bought a bouquet of tulips, like on any typical day, without asking for Sophie. Maybe he really is a customer. 
That afternoon though, instead of the man in black who usually comes in, a familiar dimpled guy appeared at the door of the flower shop that startled you. “You didn’t call me.” How did he find you here? Is this merely a coincidence? 
“I lost your card.”
“Lost or threw?” He knows. He locked the door of the shop which made you revolt but he only stepped closer to you, pulling the sleeve of your shirt. “You didn’t clean your wound.” he whispered, “You could die because of this, Y/N.” It’s just a gunshot wound. How bad can it get? 
If it wasn’t for Jaehyun, you wouldn’t notice how the part of your arm where the wound is was swelling. He explained it was natural and since you left the wound in the open, it is infected. You didn’t understand anything but felt bad that you dismissed his warning. But why is he so concerned about you? “I gave you my card so I can help you clean your wound or if anything happens, you can call me. I like brave girls but I hate stubborn girls the most.”  
“You don’t need to concern yourself with me.” 
He smiled, a dimple popping out from his cheek. Well, Jaehyun is rather handsome. You had to note that. But he’s related to a mafia and that’s a huge red flag already. “I don’t," You shrugged, he really shouldn't be.
"...but I’m grateful.” He claimed which surprised you. Grateful about what? “If it weren’t for you, the leader of the Nakamoto group would be dead. Of course, you don’t realize how big that is. But because of you, Y/N, the group is alive.” You didn’t know if it was his serious tone or the weight of his statement that made you hush. Jaehyun stared straight at you, “And a young child wouldn’t be more traumatized.” 
“So Miss Y/N Y/L/N, like it or not, you’re already involved in this mafia group.” The words you dread to hear. “Unless you pay off your debt.” 
Maybe Sophie’s suggestion of selling yourself would be a good idea.  
Jaehyun stood by the door. From the outside, you can see the customer you have been noticing for days approaching the shop. He’s pretty late today. “And be careful outside. There might be people after you.” 
If there is one thing that Jaehyun was right about, it is the fact that you were stubborn. It was the reason why you still went to the mafia’s house even if your father told you not to get involved. Yet why are his words repeating in your mind? It wasn’t a big deal. You pushed a guy when you saw that he was in trouble. Anyone could easily do it. But why is it bugging you like this? 
Another is his warning. You didn’t try to notice it before but you were so paranoid right now that you do feel that someone is following you. Why did you leave the shop this late? You should have just come to work early tomorrow to do the inventory and not today.
From the windows of the closed shop, you can spot a tall man in sunglasses walking in the same way as you are. The same eerie man who kept coming back to your shop for days. Is he following you? Why? Hastily, you made a sharp turn to a dark alleyway and started scrambling to get something from your bag, the pepper spray Sophie had given you for this situation.
You weren’t surprised when he appeared in front of you. But your eyes widened in surprise when you heard a gunshot followed by the man falling on the ground, blood quickly pooling on your feet. You looked up to see a familiar pair of dark, predatory orbs staring at the body in front of you while putting down the gun he obviously used. 
Why is the mafia boss here? And why did he kill this person in front of you? “Take him.” You saw how the man with brown hair, who you remembered as Mark, appeared in the alleyway and started dragging the bloody away. You only stared at the trail of blood, your heart thumping fast that you could feel your face heat up. 
“You didn’t have to kill him, boss.” You knew that voice. Jaehyun. “How can we get information from him?” He walked to where you are, greeting you casually. “We’re seeing you too often, Y/N.” 
“What’s happening? Why…?”
“His group is kidnapping girls and selling them as prostitutes to the black market.” It was Yuta who said those words, keeping his gun on the holster by his belt. 
Jaehyun grinned. “You’re lucky you didn’t get kidnapped and sold.” Wow, you thought, you really attract the things you were thinking about. Aren’t you just considering selling yourself? You didn't know you could be near that plan because of that eerie man. “Didn’t I warn you to be careful?” he asked, wiping something from your cheeks. The handkerchief has a splotch of blood that startled you.   
“You can keep on flirting all you want. I’ll leave first.” The leader just turned around and started walking away without looking back. You wanted to thank him for saving you but you cannot find your voice or your courage for that matter. 
Jaehyun asked to drive you home which you didn’t turn down because of what happened earlier. You can still feel your hands shaking at the thought of the vivid scene. Instead of just the street heading to your home, he actually dropped you in front of your house. He handed you his card once again, “I’m not doing this to flirt with you. But if you needed anything, just call.” You nodded, putting the card in your pocket before going out of his car. You thanked him and he immediately left.  
You breathed heavily before heading inside your house. You cannot show your father that you're shaken up like this. Calm down, Y/N. You're safe now. That wouldn't happen again. “Who’s that?” Your dad asked once you were inside the house, him staring outside the window. “Why are you coming home in a car?” 
You didn’t want to lie to your dad but you didn’t want to tell him the truth either. “It was Sophie’s boyfriend. He just gave me a ride home since it’s late.” Maybe a little white lie wouldn’t hurt. You cannot let him know that you’re now involved with the mafia he owes money from. 
Then that sentence replayed to you. Jaehyun was right once again. You are now involved with the mafia. They know who you are, where you work, and where you live.
The shaking of your hands came back, heart thumping real fast that you felt your face will burst from the heat. You will never be safe from now on, Y/N.
Chapter Three
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queenimmadolla · 11 months
How was it for the family when Wayne died?
First of all, why would you think of this?
This is pretty far in the future, but they’re devastated. He gets sick. Beats it once. It comes back and takes him pretty quickly.
No one really recovers from the loss. They just have to keep going because despite their world coming to a halt, the real one keeps turning. But they’ll feel it forever. Obviously, they’ve all got an attachment to him with deep roots, but Maple takes it particularly hard just because up until he goes, she spent the most time with him since Eddie had him move in with the family after it came back (Wayne went through the majority of it alone the first time because he didn’t tell Eddie since he didn’t want his boy worrying about him).
Penny and Way J. spend all the time they can with him but Penny’s got a college workload, her brother has a high school workload and he’s got extra programs and groups he has to attend. Maple is in elementary school so she doesn’t have anything going on and so she was always kicking it with her grandpa, going to his appointments with him, keeping him company and just being by his (and Eddie’s) side during hospice and then comfort care.
That’s Eddie’s dad, man. He tries not to let himself fall apart because he has to look after his family, but make no mistake about it, he’s wrecked. Lashes out sometimes, gets a little reckless and lives up the trashy rockstar reputation for a little while but with your help, and his kids, he pulls himself together.
And Reader breaks, too. Wayne was like a second father to reader. She tries to hold everything and everyone together as best as she can, and when Eddie spirals, she does her best to take care of him then, too. She made that promise to Wayne all those years ago when she and Eddie were just dating, and she intends to live up to it. Despite her rage and hurt at some of the things that occur.
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hoyotournament · 3 months
Round 1: Lisa vs Sirin
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(Propaganda under the cut)
MY GIRL WHO HAS NEVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG IN HER LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HER SO SO BAD. sirin has seen the horrors of all time. she watched her mom die in hospice and was thus left an orphan. she was taken by shicksal for human experimentation to improve valkyries (soldiers with artificial stigmata which allow them to fight against the honkai and not turn into zombies). SHE WAS TOLD THE EXPERIMENTATION (which was painful and often led to death) WAS FOR A "DIVINE PURPOSE". during one of the experiments, she watched as all her friends slowly died around her, leaving her as the only survivor!!! the scientist overseeing the experiment believed she had died too and planned to dump all of their bodies and sirin used this as an opportunity to break out and attack them for revenge. amazed at her survival, they quickly overpowered her and took her back to her cell. she would be subjected to experiments after this, furthering her want for revenge. eventually she gained enough power to literally kill 322 scientist in the facility she was imprisoned at all in one night :3, escaping and becoming the second herrscher of the current era :3 who's new mission, alongside seeking revenge by killing all of schicksal, was to kill all of humanity :3. see what's so so endearing about sirin is that at her very core, she's so painfully lonely and part of her still leans towards any compassion displayed to her even though the larger part of her sees any display of kindess towards her as a guise intended to harm her. sirin attempts to recruit theresa (THE FIRST PERSON FROM SCHICKSAL WHO SHOWS HER KINDNESS) and then vows to kill her when theresa doesn't accept!! sirin "resurrects" her friends (naming beings she drew up after her dead friends) and mourned them when they each died. sirin pledged herself to an unknown god who promised to help her and was so visibly distressed when they eventually abandoned her too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sirin can't help but play along in cecilia and siegfried's dream of her being their daughter because she wants the parental affection they provide, even though she feels as if its fake!! as sirin dies in cecilia's arms (cecilia who recognizes that sirin is just a little girl and needs someone on her side) and in the weakness of her own death, finds herself missing cecilia (even though she literally tried to kill her and her husband :3). sirin is ultimately a kid who experienced so much wrong in the world and in an attempt to protect herself, clung to the belief that any kindness shown towards her was fake, even though she herself could not help but lean into tender kindness :'''')
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renasonworldx · 1 year
our last summer - Mason Mount
concept- you and mason were the love of each other lives until you fell sick and left him alone to raise your Babygirl Eilis
on the day of your 1st anniversary Mason writes you a letter and burns it to send it to you...
my y\n,
my first year without you, I cannot put into words. we've been together our whole lives; you were my typical girl next door, and I adored you and I still do. I remember me and you at about 5 promising to marry each other as soon as we turned 20! God, we thought that was old...we were so young. but of course, we did because we love each other I can't believe that was 3 years ago, you weren't even sick. Eilis really wants her mummy how can i explain to a 3-year-old that her mum is gone, you were her everything. you are my everything and at the moment baby, I'm finding it hard to get through any day without that beautiful smile of yours. i showed Eilis our family holiday last year. our last summer with mum. she loves the part where you and my mum and sister run and jump in the water. i can't believe how much she's like you. i know you were in pain baby, but we would give the world to have one last adventure with mommy like last summer. because growing up all my summers were with you even through our awkward teenage stage and now this is my 1st one alone, i've started a donation fund for the hospital you were in for the hospice care ward, the way they cared for you was outstanding. i'll never forget the moment you left me y\n. one minute we were singing along to your favourite abba songs and the next you were gone. slipped through my arms. just the way you wanted it just us and you leave like Allie from the notebook, i'm really trying baby i promise and our girl loves you and sends cuddles to mommy. she drew this beautiful picture of an angel yesterday and told me it was mommy i had to turn away and cry because you are. like i always called you an angel. my angel forever.
all of my love always and forever
your masey x
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lost-onpurpose · 4 months
The last month has felt like a badly scripted soap opera.
1/22: Sister passed out at the store. ER found no cause.
1/23: Sister called from school bathroom floor because too dizzy to stand. She went to different ER and they determined migraine/dehydration. IV fluids helped.
1/24-1/26: Residual migraine. Missed school.
2/4: Mom got diagnosed with pneumonia. Started meds.
2/7: J called and said Mammaw's oxygen had dropped into the 70s/80s and they were starting her on supplemental oxygen. She wasn't very coherent but she was alert. The only coherent thing she said was making me and sister promise to take care of Mom. My Aunt S came down to sit with her that night. Alerted her son and the close relatives who live out of state.
2/8: Mammaw fell asleep. Could not wake up. Still breathing. Still had pulse and blood pressure. Called local family and updated our of state family. Stayed with her until 6 pm. Aunt S called at 6:30 pm and told us that Mammaw's breathing had gotten raspy. We went back. She had the death rattle. Called family again. Held Mammaw's hands and talked to her. Told her we'd be okay and it was okay.
2/9: 12:22 am. Hospice nurse called time of death. Called Mammaw's son Uncle J, cousin J, brother, dad, and other Uncle J (didn't realize we had so many J names in the family). 4:00 pm met with the funeral director to start planning. Called Y at the florist and got the casket spray and standing sprays ordered.
2/10-2/13: Helped family find hotels and plane tickets to attend funeral on 2/16.
2/14: Sister did Mammaw's makeup for the services.
2/15: We had private family viewing before services on 2/16. Had dinner with family that we hadn't seen in a while.
2/16: Visitation. Funeral (I spoke some). Graveside service. After service meal.
2/17: Had therapy at 9 am. Cried on my therapist's couch. Went to Barnes and Noble, Five Below, Bath & Body Works, and the mall as an attempt at distraction. Didn't help. Saw family before they left.
2/18: Last of family left to go home. Cried again.
2/20: Mom goes to ER with chest pain (started during funeral planning week but thought it was anxiety). Admitted to hospital with fluid on right lung (lower lobe collapsed, middle lobe collapsing).
2/22: Going to drain lung but she had too much eliquis in her system
2/23: Drained lung. Lidocaine didn't help. She felt it all. 1.4 liters of fluid pulled off. Chest X-ray showed it was almost all of the fluid and lung was reinflating.
2/24: Mom discharged from hospital.
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