#The Cove Studios
nyobunz · 1 month
I love Our Life very much 🥹
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transmasculine · 1 year
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canon/implied pan characters!
if you start discourse on this i will fucking block you
cherry, cove holden, deadpool, finnegan wake, walter “fuse” fitzroy, heath burns, monika, spike, willow park
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bonus niran "bua" "lifeweaver" pruksamanee that didn’t fit
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skunkes · 6 months
I like the thot of everyone having their own little area in furryverse. nyalon has a little cat tree thing to go loaf in if he wants to be alone and even smunker has a little blanket covered den in the corner if he doesnt want to sleep in cow al's bed that night....(either that or they sleep on the floor Real Animal Style if its too hot of course)
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showmewhatyouvelost · 3 months
send an ask if you want any content from A Date With Death, Error 143, or OLBA!!
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give-her-my-regards · 2 years
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Kiki’s Delivery Service, Studio Ghibli | Purple, Hollow Coves | Walking the Dunes, Brenda Hillman | Alice Mao | unknown | Loud without the Wind was Roaring, Emily Brontë | Call Me By Your Name, dir. Luca Guadagnino | The Cliffs, Vissia | Princess Mononoke, Studio Ghibli | The Great Serpent Mound, Ohio | Hope for the Future, BASTILLE 
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A year ago I made this exclusive art for my patreon. And now I can release it to the public. Prints will be available through the etsy!
Pledging $5 or more a month gives you access to EXCLUSIVE art modeled after scenes of TWP inspirations EVERY WEEK!
One of the many inspirations of TWP is Dante's Cove, and this scene with a young Stephen Amell all wet was VERY inspiring. Watching him in season 1 is quite surreal. 
Art by Sorbet Mystery
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hendrixwesth2 · 2 years
Important Things to Know When Making a Photography Studio room
Setting up the perfect photography facility is not a basic task. There are usually few important elements, which you should consider for creating a studio that satisfies your preferences. Some involving these factors include your budget, equipments and the necessary place intended for setting up typically the studio. This articles can provide answers for all your current queries along with the things you need for building an exceptional studio. If you are getting to the picture taking field, you may across various choices in front of you. It's rather a wedding party photography, wildlife picture taking, nature photography or perhaps a normal facilities. Once you need decided on these options, your up coming task is in order to select the correct equipments and add-ons required for the kind of photography you are planning to get. Aside from these elements, recognize an attack know the particular available size and even location of typically the studio. Choosing a Studio Size: Typically the size is also one of the important plus initial factors that will you must consider when setting upwards a studio. Generally, a room, that is longer in this length can carry out better for managing the ambient lights as well because the artificial illumination of your studio room. You ought to have enough area for installing very soft boxes, umbrellas because well as additional necessary components of your current studio. 10-12 area can be ideal for setting up some sort of simple studio. Ideal for music videos, editorial and eCommerce photography select to the studio should also have suitable air circulation that can keep your catches comfortable. Location and Budget: The finances that you will be going to invest takes on a crucial role throughout the creating plus quality of your facility. When you are creating a Photography facility, it is quite imperative to include all of the required items that it will be easy to purchase in the budget, it does not make a difference how small precisely how small its. Looking for equipments regarding discounts and gives can assist you to save a few money. There are usually also many sellers in the market place, who are providing employed studio items like muslins, umbrellas, foundation stands in addition to power bills, which could save your money. A part from these, you also have a good option to rent the accessories in addition to cameras.
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gbhbl · 5 days
EP Review: DVRK - Infinite Reminiscence (Season of Mist)
French deathcore band, DVRK, release their debut EP, Infinite Reminiscence, on the 7th of June via Season of Mist. Since their inception in 2019, DVRK has crafted a unique blend of Deathcore, Nu Metal, and Bass music. Formed at first as a solo project, DVRK evolved naturally into the dynamic 5 piece they are today. Hard work and dedication has seen them make waves in the industry and seen them…
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m0e-ru · 2 months
translating and making lyric videos of opm i put in my character playlists just for me ✌️
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thedissociatives · 3 months
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cineviewstudios · 10 months
If you have been looking for cheap photography studio, infinity cove studio is the most ideal choice. It enables you to shoot videos and photography on the same day. Such studio is simply the best for music videos, commercial stills, e-commerce photography, online visuals etc.
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Discover the Outstanding Lymphatic Treatment Near Me
Lymphatics are the circulatory system of the body that filters bodily fluids, primarily interstitial fluid and lymph, from capillaries and circulating blood vessels throughout the body. This fluid is pumped through lymphatic vessels back to the heart where it rejoins circulating blood. Lymph flows opposite the direction of blood movement, thus removing waste products and excess fluids from tissues. Lymph also supports our immune system by helping to remove cellular wastes.
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The lymphatic system has two primary functions:
-To drain fluid from tissues and return it to the bloodstream.
-To protect against disease by fighting bacteria, viruses and other foreign invaders.
Lymphatic drainage is a fabulous way to treat the skin by flushing out the interstitial fluid and toxins from the body. It is a safe and effective treatment suitable for all skin types and shows up when searching for “lymphatic treatment near me” online. It is a gentle, non-invasive treatment that can serve in the comfort of your own home. It is a great way to rejuvenate your skin and restore it to its original beauty without requiring invasive procedures. This treatment can be done by a professional or even by yourself at home with some simple tools.
If you are after a lymphatic treatment that can help to increase the quality of your skin and encourage a healthier lifestyle, look no further than HYPOXI. Based on the simple principle of low-pressure suction, these treatments ensure that fluid is removed from deep layers of tissue and into the lymphatic system to help break down stubborn fat cells. The result is an improvement in skin quality and a reduction in the appearance of cellulite. The treatments are also great for helping to relieve back pain, headaches and migraines and improving your posture.
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For more information about Lymphatic Treatment Sydney, contact HYPOXI today. Their trained therapist will work with you to provide the best solution to suit your needs.
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valorstudio90 · 1 year
Tran Quang Coffee Factory
Trần Quang là một trong những thương hiệu cà phê lâu đời tại Việt Nam. Thương hiệu tự hào về hương vị và chất lượng cà phê của mình, hai yếu tố chính góp phần quan trọng tạo nên vị trí của Trần Quang trong thị trường cà phê Việt Nam.
Các giải pháp chiếu sáng của nhà máy Trần Quang được chú trọng và lựa chọn kĩ lưỡng nhằm hỗ trợ sự sáng tạo và tập trung của nhân viên, đồng thời mang lại sự thoải mái cho thị giác. Ngoài việc nâng cao hiệu suất làm việc, giải pháp chiếu sáng tại nhà máy còn tập trung vào làm nổi bật kiến trúc và nội thất của từng khu vực và của toàn nhà máy. Do đó, các giải pháp của Unios đã được sử dụng khắp cơ sở nhằm hướng tới một nơi làm việc hiện đại và hiểu quả, đồng thời chú trọng vào thị lực và sức khỏe tinh thần của nhân viên.
- Developer: Trần Quang Coffee Lighting supplier: Unios Vietnam Photography. Valor Studio Location. Binh Duong, Viet Nam
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officialwcstudios · 2 years
In the midst of launching our 1st IndieGoGo for our 1st animated series, and in the midst of constructing a brand-new campaign video to push forward on this series.
If you enjoy drama, romance, and a tale covering the human condition, please donate to become a backer today or share the links to any place you can
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A year ago I made this exclusive art for my patreon. And now I can release it to the public. Prints will be available through the etsy!
Pledging $5 or more a month gives you access to EXCLUSIVE art modeled after scenes of TWP inspirations EVERY WEEK! This will be free for the month of June
One of the many inspirations of TWP is Dante's Cove, one of the first LGBTQ oriented TV show I ever saw. It's not that great of a show, but such potential behind the eye candy. I'm sure the more you read TWP, you'll see the similarities between the two stories.
Art by Sorbet Mystery
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amhrosina · 2 years
The Artist and the Sea (Namor x f!Reader)
Requests are open - slowing working my way through them!
Part 2
A/N: Hello Nonnie! Thank you for requesting! It inspired me, and I couldn’t not write it as soon as I saw it. Also, let's pretend we can't see the spears being pointed at Namor in this gif lol. (Again, if any of the Yucatec Maya to English translations are off, please let me know!)
Request: tbh it's my first time requesting something regarding the marvel fandom but can i request a namor x fem reader where they meet at the beach when the reader is painting the landscape of the ocean? if you don't understand or don't want to write this, it's okay <333
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Summary: You meet a stranger on the beach who takes an interest in your paintings, which somehow puts you in the position of painting the King of Talokan’s portrait. 
(Warnings: not a lot?, the kisses gets a little steamy, Namor is a little touch starved, WING TOUCHING!!!!!, no smut (nonnie didn’t specify and I didn’t want to deliver hardcore smut to someone who didn’t want it lol), reader doesn’t speak Namor’s language but loves the nicknames anyways, I think that’s it???) 
ki'ichpam artista – beautiful artist 
pétalo – petal 
ch'ujuk ch'úupalo' – sweet girl 
princesa – princess
The light reflecting off the ocean was a blinding blue, and you had been trying to blend your paint together to mimic the color for 15 minutes already. You grunted with displeasure as your paintbrush stained three shades too dark. Today was a day for painting. The wind wasn’t blowing too hard, the weather was the perfect mix of cool, but not too cold, and the tides were relatively consistent. When you’d walked out onto your back porch earlier this morning and laid your eyes on the little slice of the beach you owned, it almost felt like an invitation.  
Now, you were regretting your decision to lug all of your paint supplies out of your tiny studio and down the beach. You rolled your eyes, tossing the palette down onto the old blanket you used to keep any stray paint from spilling onto the beach. You dipped a clean brush into the tan color you had mixed earlier and began working on creating the right texture for the sand.  
The beach was mostly empty today, but even during tourist season, there wasn’t much foot traffic this far down the beach. Your grandmother’s house was a small, but cozy cabin-like home, nestled in a small cove that only locals knew about. You had spent many summers here, tucked away in your little slice of heaven, painting anything and everything you saw. When your grandmother had passed away, the deed of the house was transferred to you, and suddenly you were a homeowner.  
You had transformed the inside after moving in, turning the office into an art studio, and transforming the bedroom into a library. Your bedroom, if you could call it that, was actually the living room with tapestries hung up as makeshift walls. You didn’t mind, and neither did anyone else. Or they wouldn’t, you thought, if anyone happened to come by.  
You sat back on your stool, looking between the sand around you and your canvas. The texture was coming along nicely, and you grinned at your work. Landscapes had never been your forte – most of your commissions were oil portraits – but you had been working on expanding your skills over the last few months.  
“You are an artist?”  
An unfamiliar voice startled you from your concentration, and you furrowed your brow at the intrusion. You weren’t one to hog the beach, but you’re clearly a busy woman that didn’t want to be bothered. You leaned around the canvas, intent on staying silent and ignoring the man, but did a double take when you made eye contact with the man.  
He was undoubtably beautiful, and definitely not a local. His body was adorned with beautifully carved artifacts draping across his chest and shoulders, and the only actual article of clothing he wore was a pair of green shorts. You glanced down at the light flutter at his ankles, which had small wings sprouting from the sides of them. You brought your eyes back up, not wanting him to catch you staring, but the stranger hadn’t taken his eyes off you since you’d acknowledged him.  
“I’m a...what?” You asked, blinking. You’d been so distracted by his sudden appearance that you’d forgotten the question he’d asked.  
“You are an,” he nodded to the canvas in front of you, “artist. Yes?”  
“Yes.” You nodded, standing from your stool. “But I am not very good at landscapes.”  
He walked around you, facing the canvas and looking over it with a prompt shake of his head.  
“This is beautiful. You are very good.”  
“Oh.” You mumbled, ringing your hands together. “Thanks.”  
You could feel your cheeks heating at his compliment, and you didn’t want to know why his compliments were getting such a rise out of you. This man was a complete stranger, and his opinions on your art should not have gotten that reaction out of you.  
“You are not reacting to me the way I thought you would.”  
You stared at your half-finished canvas harder, refusing to look in his eyes again, as you mulled over his statement. Yes, this was definitely the strangest encounter you’d ever experienced, but you lived in a universe where Avengers seemed to be popping up in every city, so the idea of a man from the sea appearing on your beach wasn’t as farfetched as it sounded. He was clearly a powerful being, but you weren’t afraid of him, or his power for that matter.  
“How did you think I would react?” You finally asked, peeking at him in your peripheral.  
“I am not sure. This is my first time approaching a surface dweller like this.”  
“Surface dweller?” You scoffed, finally meeting his gaze.  
He had a small smile on his face. “You dwell...amongst the surface. Do you not?”  
“I’m assuming you dwell amongst something else?” Your eyes flicked towards the sea and then back at him. 
“You assume correctly.” He dipped his head in a nod, adjusting his stance to face you. “I am Namor.”  
You tested the name on your tongue, repeating it under your breath. Your gaze ran across his broad chest, trying to gauge the colors of paint you would mix to paint the golden-brown hues of his skin. 
“Can I paint you, Namor?”  
The words were out of your mouth before you could stop yourself. He was just so pretty, and the artist in you couldn’t deny how beautiful the painting would turn out.  
“You want to paint me?” He furrowed his brows, but the grin on his face grew slightly.  
“Yes,” you responded quickly, nodding your head with vigor, “I would like to paint you.”  
He was silent for a few moments, before shrugging his shoulders in a very human motion. “Okay, ki'ichpam artista. You may paint me.”  
Your portrait of Namor would take you a few weeks, maybe even a month to complete. You wanted to highlight his strength and the unbridled power he possessed, but you also wanted to emphasize his beauty. Namor would have to visit you many times for you to get every detail just right, and the thought of that sent an excited flurry of butterflies through your stomach. You thought about taking a photo of him, to speed the process along, but quickly decided against it. It’s not every day that a girl gets to sit with a God, let alone paint one. 
The first visit was mostly a sketch session, and you spent the vast majority of the time studying Namor’s features, sketching a few lines, and then erratically erasing different areas of the canvas. Namor sat patiently, watching you mumble under your breath as you captured the angles of his face. He wasn’t used to being studied so closely but being under your careful eye didn’t make him uncomfortable.  
“Why did you become an artist?” Namor asked as you looked between your canvas and his face.  
“Because I love art.” You murmured, squinting at the line you’d just drawn. 
Namor smiled, and you ignored the fluttery feeling in your chest.  
“I know that pétalo. I meant, why do you love art?” 
You glanced up at him, studying the way his lips curled when he smiled. You began sketching again before you answered him.  
“Art brings people together, you know? That’s super cliché, but I guess it’s true.” You shrugged. “Languages are complex. They cause confusion and barrier us from other cultures. But art is a form of communication that doesn’t have those boundaries. Everyone can look at a painting and understand it at its very core, even if they interpret it differently.”  
Namor nodded, leaning back on his hands in the sand. You had a sneaky feeling that not many people got to see Namor in this relaxed state and took a mental picture of it so you could sketch it later.  
“You have a very pretty way of saying things pétalo.”  
You blushed, focusing on the angle of his pointed ears on your canvas.  
It wasn’t until your third session with Namor that he began opening up about his home in Talokan. He told you about his people, and how most of the world didn’t know of their existence due to his vigorous efforts to protect them. You had an overwhelming sense that Namor’s pride lay in the ruling of his people, and that he would do anything to protect them.  
While he described his homelands to you, you snuck another peek at his ankles. You’d have to ask him for a closer look eventually. The only way you could do them justice in your painting was by touching them, but you didn’t know how to ask. 
“You can...touch them, if you need to, pétalo.” 
You looked up, stiffening with guilt. You didn’t know what to say to that.  
“You cannot hurt me. I promise.” He nudged his foot out, urging you to touch them. 
You nodded slowly, softly setting your paintbrush down and standing from your seat. You kneeled down beside him, leaving a trail of featherlight touches along the inside of one of the wings. The texture was unlike anything you’d ever felt before, and you couldn’t help the second stroke you left across the back of the wing.  
Namor inhaled sharply and you pulled your hand away, looking up at him with concern.  
“Did I hurt you?” you asked, squeezing your hands together. 
“No, ch'ujuk ch'úupalo'. They are very...sensitive.”  
“Oh. Oh.” You stood up, swiftly turning to walk back towards your canvas, when his hand lightly wrapped around your wrist, stopping you.  
“It’s okay, pétalo. No one has touched them in many years. It was a feeling I had forgotten, that’s all.” His eyes shone bright with ease, and the soft smile on his lips was comforting.  
You nodded, returning his smile. You noticed that he hadn’t let go of your wrist, even though it was clear you weren’t moving away from him anytime soon.  
“Were you born with them?” You asked, looking up at his tall frame.  
“Yes. And these, too.” He pointed at his ears, and you couldn’t help it when you reached forward, running a fingertip along their edge.  
“Beautiful.” You murmured under your breath, leaning in to get a closer look. Everything about him was beautiful, and you were finding it harder and harder to breathe when you were this close to him. 
Namor stumbled back, facing the ocean with such speed that you stumbled forward in his absence.  
“I must go. Something is not right at home. I am sorry to leave so quickly. It was just getting good. I will see you again, next week, pétalo.” 
You watched him walk back into the water, washing away with the tide, and just like that, he was gone.  
The fourth session you were supposed to have with Namor was nearly ruined by a terrible storm brewing on the coast. You’d startled awake to the loud clap of thunder and watched through your window as the ocean violently responded. The rain came soon after, and just as you convinced yourself you wouldn’t be seeing Namor today, his powerful body trudged out of the water and onto the beach.  
You met him at your front door, ushering him inside as the storm raged above his head. He stood in your foyer/living room/bedroom and looked around. You froze with the realization that this was the first time he had entered your house. It was strange, you thought, seeing someone so ethereal surrounded by the familiar, but common, walls of your home. You hadn’t done the dishes the night before, and your bed was unmade, but his attention had been snagged by the light coming from your makeshift studio.  
“In here, then?” He pointed, gaze returning to you. 
“Yeah. I’ll be in there in a minute. I just have to get my sketches.”  
As soon as he rounded the corner, you bolted forward, straightening the covers on your messy bed and throwing dirty laundry into a pile in the corner. You ran your fingers through your hair, and finally joined him in the room a few moments later.  
He was hunched over, looking at the dozens of sketches you’d drawn of him. You face palmed and internally groaned as you realized that you hadn’t put them away before inviting him inside. This was an embarrassing secret, to say the least, but you couldn’t stop drawing him. Every time he sent you a new look or moved his body in a way that captured your attention, the urge to draw it in your sketchbook wouldn’t leave your mind until you finally gave in and sketched it out.  
“You are very talented, ch'ujuk ch'úupalo'.” he said, standing to his full height. 
“Thanks.” You mumbled through your hands, trying to hide the fact that you were blushing, again. You shifted your focus to the painting, which was nearing its completion. “I’m almost done with the painting. I think after today I’ll just have to do minor touchups.” 
“That is...wonderful, pétalo.” He plopped into one of the chairs you had set up around the room. You moved toward him and reached your hands out, intending to turn his head the way you needed it to finish the painting, but you hesitated. Your arms were frozen, stretched out in front of you as you met his heated gaze.  
He shifted forward, keeping his gaze on you as he slowly leaned into your outstretched palms. Your hands curled into hair, and he shuttered, eyes closing as he forcefully pushed his head further into your hold. You tried to ignore the butterflies his slight movement had spurred in your stomach, but the soft groan he let out as you ran your fingers through his hair ruined any chance you had of controlling your blood pressure. 
“It has been...a very long time since I’ve been touched so gently, princesa.” 
You swallowed, unsure what to do next, but he was quick to hoist you into his lap. You traced his jaw and couldn’t help but glance at his lips as you met his gaze. He wrapped his arms around your waist and tugged you closer to his body.  
“I did not mean to fall for you so entirely, ch'ujuk ch'úupalo', but you have not left my mind since I saw you painting on the beach.” 
His voice was soft, but his hands tightened around your waist as he spoke. He had to physically restrain himself from pulling your lips down to meet his. But he would wait, a lifetime if he had to, for a sign of consent from you before crushing his lips against yours.  
“I finished the painting last night.” You revealed, choking out a laugh. “I just wanted one more day with you before you left.”  
Namor let out a deep laugh, throwing his head back against the back of his chair. “What were you planning on doing all day, princesa?” 
You groaned, resting your forehead on his shoulder. “I was going to pretend to paint for a few hours before showing it to you.”  
“If you wanted to spend more time with me, princesa, you only had to ask.” Namor was grinning wide, running his fingers along the curve of your waist.  
“Don’t you have important kingly things to attend to?”  
“Yes, but nothing that can’t be rearranged, ch'ujuk ch'úupalo'. You are also important to me.” 
You smiled, cradling his face between your hands. His expression turned molten as you leaned into him, parting your lips in anticipation. He cupped the back of your head, pulling you the rest of the way down to meet his lips. The kiss was both sweet and lustful. His tongue dominated yours, begging for more as he ran his hands over your waist.  
He pulled away from you abruptly, squeezing your waist. You were about to crawl off of his lap and begin profusely apologizing to him, but his words stopped you.  
“You said you finished the painting. Can I see it?”  
“Of course.” You jumped off of his lap and ran to the closet you’d hidden it in, suddenly excited to reveal it to him. You’d been keeping it a secret until it was finished, and to say you were eager to hear his thoughts on it was an understatement.  
You set it on your canvas stand and stepped back, allowing him to fully see the painting. It had come out better than you’d hoped, and you’d known by the time you were halfway finished that it would be your best portrait yet.  
He leaned in, marking the tiny details you’d spent hours polishing, and smiled.  
“Ch'ujuk ch'úupalo', I have seen many paintings of me over the years, but none come close to this. You are so talented, princesa.”  
“Do you really like it?” You asked, clutching your hands into your chest.  
“I love it, my ki'ichpam artista. If I could take it with me and hang it for all my people to see, I would.” 
“Really?” You squeaked, trying not to tear up at his declaration.  
“Do you like it?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you. 
“I think it’s my favorite painting I’ve ever done.” You breathed, glancing at it. 
“You should keep it, ch'ujuk ch'úupalo'. Hang it in your home as a reminder of me, for when I have to attend to those kingly duties.”  
You thought it over for a moment, and then smiled. “Okay.”  
Parting with that painting was something you’d been dreading since you’d started it, along with the idea of not seeing Namor on a regular basis, but he’d just relieved your doubts in one sentence. You got to keep the painting and you’d be seeing him again. 
“Okay.” He repeated, pulling at your waist until you were situated in front of him. He leaned down, planting a soft kiss on your lips, and you finally gave into those damned butterflies, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for another kiss. 
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