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iconuk01 · 5 months
Meet Hard Boiled Henwy! Scourge of all!
So in another post, I made reference to hard Boiled Henwy, and was asked for an explanation by @thefingerfuckingfemalefury ... Which is a reasonable request.
Back in the 90's, the Britain based x-book Excalibur had sort of fallen into an unsatisfying langour.
After the gleeful insanity of the early Chris Claremont written, Alan Davis pencilled romps involving the Warwolves, the Crazy Gang and the Cross Time Caper (Even if that DID go on too long). Davis left after 17 issues, and Claremont after 27 issues, and no one seemed to quite know how to deal with a team which wasn't the usual X-Men fare.
So, in issue 42, Alan Davis returned as artist AND writer and the series reached new heights, as Davis did know how to deal with them and had no problem embracing the weird and just plain cosmically silly! It's hard to think of a better exemplar than this, the cover of Davis' first issue
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And worry not, we are soon to meet this agent of doom! And even witness his creation!
Because Davis immediately returns to one of the most outlandish teams introduced in the title: The Technet! The Technet are a VERY long story in and of themselves (Involving Alan Moore, Alan Davis, Doctor Who Weekly, and Captain Britain), but they are summarised in the first panel, so don't worr about it.
Just know that Gatecrasher is the large lady who leads this motley team, and she has a grudge against the Excalibur team, and has a capture contract on Phoenix to deliver.
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So we cut to the Excalibur team having breakfast in their lighthouse home (and base of operations) which is going normally, until Meggan tries to boil an egg.
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What horror could emerge? What unspeakable nightmare lurks within this calcium cage?
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If you guessed a psychopathic, genetically engineered, self-destructing Tweety Bird, congratulations!
Now, whilst Henwy is something of a one shot wonder (literally) fret not, because Gatecrasher can, and has, made others in the years since, all called Hard Boiled Henwy because why change a winning formula?
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shamlesspandanerd · 2 months
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splooosh · 1 year
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VS Technet
Alan Davis - Paul Neary
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nerds-yearbook · 1 year
With cover date of April, 1988, the mutant team Excalibur first appeared in a special edition one shot that launched the on-going series. Besides Excalibur, made up of X-Men Shadowcat, Lockheed Nightcrawler, and Phoenix II along with Captain Britain and Meggan, the issue also introduced Scatterbrain, China Doll, Waxworks, Joyboy and the Warwolves (created by Chris Claremont and Alan Davis). The team was formed at a time when it was assumed that the other X-Men were killed in Dallas, Texas during the Fall of the Mutants event. ("The Sword is Drawn" Excalibur, Comic, Event)
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Captain Britain No. 5, dated May 1985. Cover featuring Captain Britain vs. Kaptain Briton by Alan Davis. Kaptain Briton was a baddie Captain Britain from a parallel Earth although, by this stage, nearly everybody in Captain Britain came from a parallel Earth.
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marvelman901 · 2 years
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Devil Dinosaur! . What do think about Devil Dinosaur? . 1st - 4th slide is from the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe v3 8 (1991) by Keith Pollard and Josef Rubinstein. 5th slide is from Marvel Comics Presents 161 (1994) by Robert Walker and Scott Koblish. 6th and 7th slide is from Marvel Comics Presents 174 (1995) by Paco Diaz Luque. 8th and 9th slide is from Wolverine - Global Jeopardy (1993) by Richard Howell and Bill Anderson. . #devildinosaur #dinosaur #wolverine #xmen #scottkoblish #slapstick #90s #robertwalker #pacodiazluque #richardhowell #submariner #kazar #shannatheshedevil #technet #moonboy https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci54owVsrPH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Microsoft TechNet - Small Basic History
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Post #34: History of Small Basic by Microsoft TechnNet, 2022.
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rankvisionusa · 10 months
Empowering Education and Business Growth with TechNet Consultancy
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In the dynamic landscape of education and business, TechNet Consultancy emerges as a beacon of expertise, commitment, and innovation. Founded on the principles of providing quality education and addressing industry demands, TechNet Consultancy operates as a cohesive unit, fostering the growth of students and businesses alike. With a strong foundation in Vallabh Vidhyangar, TechNet Consultancy has emerged as a trailblazer in offering comprehensive technical training, bridging the gap between academia and corporate expectations.
TechNet Consultancy: Nurturing Skills for Success
TechNet Consultancy is not just a group; it's a mission to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the modern world. The organization firmly believes in the adage that education is not a luxury but a necessity. With this guiding principle, TechNet Consultancy is committed to providing students with the finest quality training, guidance, and consultancy. Recognized as one of India's premier education and training companies, TechNet Consultancy serves as a catalyst for personal and professional growth.
Comprehensive IT Training and Placement Services
At TechNet Consultancy, the commitment to excellence is evident in its array of offerings. With a strong focus on IT training, the organization equips students with the latest cutting-edge technologies. The training goes beyond theoretical knowledge, imparting practical skills that are vital in the competitive job market. Moreover, TechNet Consultancy's placement services ensure that students are not only well-trained but also well-prepared for rewarding career opportunities.
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With a commendable track record spanning over 8 years, TechNet Consultancy stands as a testament to dedication and excellence. The team's collective experience in the IT and training industry has led to a deep understanding of the evolving demands of the field. This experience empowers TechNet Consultancy to offer comprehensive solutions that are in sync with industry trends and requirements.
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TechNet Consultancy's strength lies in its team of experts from diverse backgrounds. Comprising technical, marketing, and business specialists, the team collaborates synergistically to create impactful software solutions for businesses. Each member brings a unique set of skills and perspectives to the table, fostering an environment of continuous learning and growth.
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What is the core mission of TechNet Consultancy?
TechNet Consultancy is dedicated to bridging the gap between education and industry needs, providing top-quality training and consultancy to students while also contributing to business growth.
What sets TechNet Consultancy apart in the education industry?
TechNet Consultancy's focus on practical skills, industry relevance, and holistic growth distinguishes it as a leading education and training company.
How does TechNet Consultancy empower businesses?
TechNet Consultancy aids businesses through digital marketing strategies, automation, and custom software development, enabling growth and efficiency.
What is TechNet Consultancy's experience in the industry?
With a remarkable 8-year journey, TechNet Consultancy boasts extensive experience in the IT and training industry, positioning it as an industry leader.
TechNet Consultancy is more than just an organization; it's a commitment to nurturing skills, bridging gaps, and driving growth. With a focus on quality education, hands-on training, and holistic business solutions, TechNet Consultancy stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and expertise. For students seeking to thrive in the digital age and businesses aspiring to excel in the market, TechNet Consultancy is the trusted partner that paves the path to success.
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it-online · 2 years
Windows 10 Enterprise 22H2 Evaluation disponível para download
Windows 10 Enterprise 22H2 Evaluation disponível para download
Já se encontra disponível para download no Microsoft Evaluation Center, a versão de avaliação do Windows 10 Enterprise 22H2 (2022 Update). O Windows 10 Enterprise foi desenvolvido para médias e grandes empresas, disponibiliza proteção avançada contra ameaças de segurança modernas, permite a gestão e controlo de aplicações e dispositivos e fornece diferentes opções de implementação, atualização e…
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iconuk01 · 9 days
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by Tom Fowler
The New Mutants prank Gatecrasher's Technet
(Yes I know by the time the team wore these outfits, Doug had been killed off, but I LIKE this timeline, so shush!)
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technetmedia · 1 year
Premiera Lenovo ThinkStation PX, P7 i P5 – niezwykła wydajność, moc i szybkość w jednym
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Trzy stacje robocze nowej generacji napędzane przez najnowsze technologie od Intel® i NVIDIA zamknięto w eleganckich, zupełnie nowych obudowach zaprojektowanych wspólnie z marką Aston Martin.
Lenovo ogłosiło 9 marca 2023 roku wprowadzenie na rynek ThinkStation PX, P7 i P5. Są to trzy najbardziej zaawansowane technologicznie stacje robocze w historii firmy. Zaprojektowano je tak, aby mogły sprostać najbardziej ekstremalnym obciążeniom obliczeniowym, niezależnie od branży, w jakiej przyjdzie im pracować.
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Premiera Lenovo ThinkStation PX, P7 i P5
Nowe stacje robocze wyposażono w najnowsze procesory firmy Intel® (do 120 rdzeni) oraz wysokiej klasy karty graficzne NVIDIA RTX™. Dodatkowo, nowe stacje robocze mogą pochwalić się zupełnie nowymi i przełomowymi obudowami, zaawansowanym systemem chłodzenia, a także możliwościami kontrolera BMC do zdalnego i sprawnego monitorowania systemu. Urządzenia te świetnie odnajdą się w środowisku rzeczywistości wirtualnej i mieszanej, przy produkcji wirtualnych treści, uczeniu maszynowym, analizie danych naukowych, komputerowym wspomaganiu prac inżynieryjnych (CAE), tworzeniu modeli 3D i rozwojowi sztucznej inteligencji (AI). Najnowsze stacje robocze serii P spełniają stale rosnące wymagania hybrydowego rynku pracy, w odniesieniu do większej mocy, wydajności i szybkości.
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„Nowe stacje robocze zostały zaprojektowane z myślą o potrzebach naszych klientów. Mają one pomóc w osiągnięciu pożądanych wyników biznesowych i dostarczyć nowe, innowacyjne rozwiązania, z których klienci będą mogli korzystać na przestrzeni kolejnych lat „, powiedział Rob Herman, wiceprezes oddziału Lenovo Workstation and Client AI Business. „Dzięki ścisłej współpracy z firmami Intel®, NVIDIA i Aston Martin, udało nam się stworzyć nie tylko niezwykle funkcjonalny, ale również elegancki produkt, w którym wysokiej klasy układ graficzny, pamięć i moc obliczeniowa są oparte na solidnym fundamencie”.
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W celu stworzenia tych wyjątkowych stacji roboczych, Lenovo podjęło współpracę z marką Aston Martin – znanym i uznawanym w świecie motoryzacji producentem luksusowych samochodów sportowych. Owocem tej kolaboracji jest nowa obudowa dla serii P. Podobnie jak przy projektowaniu pojazdów, Aston Martin dołożył wszelkich starań, aby ikoniczny styl marki Lenovo, charakteryzujący się wykorzystaniem czerwonego koloru, szedł w parze z osiągami i pozwalał na łatwą rozbudowę systemu w przyszłości. Projektanci obu firm współpracowali na każdym etapie produkcji, tak aby forma nie stała się wrogiem produktywności. W tym celu, stworzono ergonomiczną i praktyczną obudowę, którą obsłużymy bez potrzeby posiadania jakichkolwiek narzędzi.
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Trójwymiarowy przedni panel obudowy stacji roboczej jest inspirowany kultowym modelem GT Aston Martin DBS. W tym przypadku projektantom udało się wykorzystać ogromne doświadczenie motoryzacyjnej marki związane z najwyższymi osiągami, w świecie desktopów. Przerobione przegrody powietrza i powiększone otwory wentylacyjne, w zestawieniu z opatentowanym przez Lenovo trójkanałowym systemem chłodzenia, zapewniają niczym nieograniczony przepływ powietrza, który stwarza komponentom stacji roboczych warunki do wytężonej pracy na najwyższych obrotach. Dodatkowo, wszystkie trzy nowe modele mogą pochwalić się innowacyjną, modułową konstrukcją z napędami z dostępem od przodu, co ułatwia serwis i modernizację.
„Nasza trzyletnia współpraca z firmą Lenovo przy projektowaniu nowej obudowy ThinkStation była niesamowitą przygodą” – powiedział Cathal Loughnane, dyrektor Aston Martin Partnerships. „Jako użytkownicy stacji roboczych Lenovo, dostaliśmy wyjątkową okazję stania się częścią projektu, którego owoce pomogą nam przy tworzeniu i rozwoju naszych wysokiej klasy samochodów”.
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Lenovo ThinkStation PX: najlepszy komputer stacjonarny, nie tylko do centrum danych
Lenovo ThinkStation PX to flagowa stacja robocza w ofercie marki. Dzięki możliwościom rozszerzenia i obsłudze większej, niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej liczby rdzeni, jest ona idealnym wyborem dla klientów skupionych na ekstremalnych osiągach. Zoptymalizowana do pracy w standardowej szafie serwerowej, stacja ThinkStation PX oferuje elastyczność potrzebną zarówno w środowiskach biurowych, jak i centrach danych.
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Ta wszechstronna stacja robocza napędzana jest najnowszymi procesorami Intel® Xeon® Scalable czwartej generacji, które oferują do 120 rdzeni CPU i mogą pochwalić się 53-procentowym wzrostem wydajności w stosunku do poprzedniej generacji . ThinkStation PX oferuje również obsługę do czterech 2-slotowych procesorów graficznych NVIDIA RTX™ 6000 Ada Generation, dzięki czemu użytkownicy mogą zarządzać i wykonywać najbardziej złożone zadania spotykane we współczesnych środowiskach pracy, w tym w działaniach kreatywnych i symulacjach CAE.
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Nowa desktopowa stacja robocza, z nawet 4 TB pamięci DDR5 i ultraszybką przepustowością złączy PCIe piątej generacji, zapewnia elastyczność wirtualizacji dla wielu użytkowników w hybrydowych środowiskach pracy – zarówno w centrach danych, jak i klastrach. Urządzenie oferuje wydajny zasilacz 1850 W i opcjonalne wersje z modułami zapasowymi.
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Lenovo ThinkStation P7: oszałamiająca moc z jednego gniazda
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ThinkStation P7 został zaprojektowany tak, aby sprostać najbardziej rygorystycznym wyzwaniom w zakresie wydajności i niezawodności, a które w przeszłości powierzane były głównie serwerom lub zasobom w chmurze. Stacja robocza P7 została także zoptymalizowana pod kątem szaf serwerowych (obudowa 4U) do użytku w środowiskach biurowych i centrach danych.
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Dzięki obsłudze nawet trzech 2-slotowych kart graficznych NVIDIA RTX™ 6000 Ada Generation, ThinkStation P7 jest idealnym rozwiązaniem dla twórców treści, architektów, projektantów, inżynierów i naukowców zajmujących się analizą danych, którzy wymagają bezprecedensowej wydajności w zakresie grafiki, wizualizacji, renderingu w czasie rzeczywistym, CAE i AI. Nic, od stylizacji bryły pojazdów, przez analizę obliczeniowej mechaniki płynów, aż po złożoną obróbkę materiałów wideo i rendering, nie stanowi problemu dla ThinkStation P7.
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„Jesteśmy podekscytowani możliwością zaoferowania nowej linii procesorów Xeon W, zbudowanych w oparciu o nową, przełomową, architekturę obliczeniową i pakiety ze znacznie większą liczbą rdzeni w celu polepszenia wydajności przy dużych obciążeniach” – powiedział Roger Chandler, wiceprezes CCG i dyrektor generalny zespółu Creator and Workstation Solution w firmie Intel. „Te procesory są zbudowane tak, aby zapewnić profesjonalistom, twórcom, inżynierom i naukowcom zajmującym się procesowaniem danych, moc i stabilność potrzebną do dokonywania nowych odkryć”.
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Lenovo ThinkStation P5: Wszechstronność, niezawodność i wydajność na lata
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Stacja robocza ThinkStation P5 została zaprojektowana z myślą o wielu branżach. Szczególny nacisk został postawiony na to, aby zaspokoić zapotrzebowanie użytkowników na wyższą wydajność, możliwość rozbudowy i łatwość zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem.
Stacja robocza nowej generacji posiada nowo zaprojektowaną obudowę, najnowsze procesory Intel® Xeon® W, które oferują do 24 rdzeni oraz obsługę nawet dwóch profesjonalnych kart graficznych NVIDIA RTX A6000. Ponadto, szybka pamięć DDR5 i przepustowość PCIe 5. Generacji umożliwiają ekstremalną konfigurowalność, która zaspokaja potrzeby nawet najbardziej wymagających użytkowników.
Lenovo ThinkStation P5 została zoptymalizowana między innymi pod kątem potrzeb architektów, projektantów, inżynierów i twórców treści. Urządzenie sprawdzi się przy wymagających obliczeniowo zadaniach, takich jak np. BIM, skomplikowanych projektach CAD 3D, tworzeniu modeli 3D oraz wizualizacjach geoprzestrzennych i efektach wizualnych.
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„NVIDIA oferuje najbardziej wydajne na świecie karty graficzne dla stacji roboczych typu desktop”, powiedział Bob Pette, wiceprezes działu Professional Visualization w firmie NVIDIA. „Znajdują się one we wszystkich trzech nowych stacjach roboczych Lenovo z serii ThinkStation. To właśnie one pozwalają naukowcom, inżynierom i innym profesjonalistom na pracę z ogromnymi bazami danych, szybką implementację innowacji, usprawnianie procesów AI i obsługę intensywnych cykli obliczeniowych, które mają wpływ na rozwój naszego świata”.
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Stacje robocze ThinkStation PX, P7 oraz P5 zostały zaprojektowane do pracy w najbardziej wymagających, profesjonalnych środowiskach IT i zapewniają niezbędne funkcje oraz zabezpieczenia wymagane na poziomie korporacyjnym. Rygorystyczne standardy i testy Lenovo, ThinkStation Diagnostics 2.0, wsparcie ThinkShield, rozszerzenie do Premier Support i trzyletnia gwarancja zapewniają spokój niezbędny do pewnej i bezpiecznej pracy.
Trzy nowe stacje robocze dostępne będą od maja 2023 roku. Ceny i dostępność w Polsce podamy wkrótce. Aby dowiedzieć się więcej o najnowszych produktach marki Lenovo w kategorii stacji roboczych, wejdź na stronę: www.lenovo.com/thinkstations
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splooosh · 1 year
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Paul Neary - Alan Davis
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seeingivy · 1 year
christmas kiss
eren jaeger x f!reader 
in which you attend your fake boyfriend, eren’s, family christmas party 
content: fluff, fake dating, little sister gabi, annoying older brother zeke, dead dad :0, drinking, eren calls you bunny unironically
You stand on the porch nervously, balancing the bowl of tiramisu in your hands. Breathe in and breathe out. You can do this. You’ve done it before and you can do it again. 
You set the bowl on the side ledge, reaching down to readjust and fix your sister, Gabi’s, hair. 
She had been jumping up and down in excitement since you invited her to come along, which led to her dress riding up and her hair sticking out of her braids. 
At this moment, you realize this was probably the wrong outfit choice for her. You knew she could barely sit still for an hour at a time - you’d likely be fixing this outfit throughout the night. You readjust the collar, pushing her flyaways securely behind her ears. 
The two of you had gone out to buy new outfits for the dinner, feeling the need to have you and Gabi looking your absolute best. You had gotten Gabi a simple black dress and braided her usually unruly hair back into two pigtail french braids. You’d even let her borrow some of your lipgloss for the occasion. You had opted for a deep red dress and chose to free your hair from the usual ponytail you sported. 
“Are you nervous to meet Eren’s parents?” 
You feel your fingers shaking as you tuck in her collar and her hair, which you’re sure was the dead giveaway. Are you nervous to meet Eren’s parents? Of course you are. 
Eren Jaeger is your boyfriend. Your fake boyfriend, but that’s just semantics. What they don’t know can’t hurt them. He’s a full time Computer Science student, an intern at Fritz Technetics, and a straight menace on the soccer field. He’s been playing first string since your first semester of college.  
For the past month and a half, the two of you had been parading around, going on fake-dates, and planting kisses on each other's cheeks whenever you were in the vicinity of Jean and Mikasa. They were the reason you started fake dating in the first place. 
Jean Kirschtein. Your best friend. Who you were hopelessly in love with. On the first day of your General Chemistry lecture, you sat next to Jean, who had seemingly forgotten his entire backpack for his first class of the day. He turned to you, a nervous look plastered on his place, begging for a pencil. Safe to say, you had been in love with him since then. 
Mikasa Ackerman. She grew up with Eren, the two of them inseparable since they were younger. He thought that they had an unspoken agreement, that they were the only ones for each other. But she never truly reciprocated his feelings, which was made aware to him when she started dating Jean at the beginning of the quarter. He was heartbroken. 
This led to you and Eren making a deal. You remember his green eyes staring into yours, convincing you to do it. Jealousy will have them running back. People want what they can’t have. 
You and Eren shook on it, in the dead of night. You hate to say it, but it had actually been working, in the slightest of ways. You had definitely confused Jean, who suddenly became all too possessive of you, and Mikasa was all too intrigued to hear about the new girl Eren was seeing. 
This dinner? The cherry on top. Every Christmas Eve, Eren’s parents invite a few of their close friends to dinner at their house. Mikasa’s family is always on the guest list. By extension, that means Jean would be here too, being her boyfriend and all. In lieu of that, Eren invited you and Gabi to attend, promising you that it was about to be the show of a lifetime.
But how do you tell your fake boyfriend you can’t come to his parents Christmas Eve dinner because you’re getting real feelings for him? You can’t. So you don’t. And you show up anyways, with a bowl of tiramisu, an overly eager little sister, and a stomach full of knots. 
“A little bit, Gabs. Best behavior okay?” 
She nods, using her hands to brush your flyaways behind your ears. You smile at the gesture and stand up to grab the bowl again. Your hands shake as you ring the doorbell, it chiming against the door. 
A tall, blonde man opens the door. He’s wearing silver, circular glasses, and sporting a full grown beard on his face. At the sight of you, a grin spreads over his face. 
“She’s here!” he screams in a sing-song voice, his voice echoing towards the kitchen, where a large amount of sound suddenly broke out. He pulls you and Gabi in from the cold, smiling brightly at the two of you. 
“I’m Zeke. Eren’s brother.” 
Eren had given you a brief rundown of everyone who would be in attendance at his dinner and had warned you about his half-brother. Apparently, Zeke loved to tease Eren, hence his excitement at your presence. You extend your free hand to him, returning his smile. 
“Hi Zeke. I’m Y/N and this is my little sister Gabi.” 
“No need to introduce yourself. We’d know who you were a mile away, Y/N.” 
Zeke swiftly takes the bowl of tiramisu from your hands and bends down to Gabi’s height. 
“I’ve got the perfect friend for you. Follow me. Eren’s in the kitchen with Carla, Y/N. Just through the hallway there.” he says, as he drags Gabi - and the bowl - away with him. 
There goes your conversation starter for Eren’s mom. You take a few deep breaths, before slowly padding into the kitchen. Carla and Eren have their backs turned, too engrossed in their conversation and the dinner they were dishing out into platters. 
You lightly knock on the wall next to you to signal your presence. Eren turns around first, a big smile spreading across his face at the sight of you. That smile would be the death of you. 
He walks over to you, crushing you in a hug. His smell envelops you, his heart beating against your ear, his embrace warm. 
“Hi bunny. I like your hair. Get in okay?” 
You nod, giving him a weak smile. You ignore the pounding at your heart from the nickname and the fact that he noticed you changed your hair. 
Eren’s mom pushes past him, it being her turn to crush you in a hug. She holds onto you for longer, her hand moving up and forth on your back.You make eye contact with Eren, who is trying his best to hide the smile on his face. She breaks apart, still holding you in her arms and smiling at you. 
“I’m Carla, Y/N. I can’t tell you how nice it is to meet you. You’re absolutely beautiful.” 
You can feel your face getting flushed, your cheeks a bright pink. You step back a little bit, nervous from their matching eyes boring into yours. Eren leans over, slinging his arm around his mom. 
“Stop being weird, Ma. I told you she gets shy. You’re going to scare her away.” 
You ignore Eren, squeezing her fingers that are still interlocked with yours. 
“It’s so nice to meet you too, Mrs. Yeager. I brought a bowl of tiramisu but I’m not exactly sure where it went. Zeke took it from me when he let me in.” 
Your brief response causes Eren and Carla to start talking over each other. 
“What did that bloody monkey say to you-” 
“Oh my goodness, you’re too sweet…” 
“Did he say anything weird to you? I’ll kill him. And where’s Gabi?” 
“And call me Carla. I’d love to hear all about you and Eren-” 
You laugh at the two of them, the two of them stopping in their tracks. They both give each other a knowing look, before leading you into the kitchen. You have a feeling they do this all the time. 
“Eren tells me you and your sister are really good at making gingerbread houses. I was hoping you guys would join our competition later.” 
“We’d love to!” 
Eren walks over, a few packaged items in his hands. 
“Want to help me set up?” 
You nod, the two of you setting the ingredients down and getting to work.  
Carla smiles, not before giving the two of you another hug, and tuts away to the other side of the kitchen to finish dinner. You can feel your heart tingling and your hands shaking as you lay out the gingerbread cookies, the interaction you just had with Eren’s mom replaying in your mind. 
“What’cha thinking, bunny? You’re shaking.” 
You had mentioned to Eren that the holidays were an emotional time for you and Gabi. This time last year, your father had passed away in a car accident. Your families were very close, your parents being the best picture of co-parenting to exist, and the two of you took it pretty hard. You had been living with Gabi and her family since then. 
“Your mom is so nice, Eren. For inviting us and telling me I look pretty and hugging me like that.” 
He leans against the counter, looking over at you. 
“Uh huh. She was super excited to have you come. Really.” 
You smile. You crack open the box of chocolates, the two of you working in silence. Eren stays for a few minutes, your fingers brushing against each other, before attending to the door for the rest of the guests that were filing in. 
He had been tasked with handing out the champagne to everyone as they got here. Well really, Zeke was supposed to do it but he was apparently too busy playing Mario Kart with Gabi and Falco. 
You know some of the people coming based on the list Eren had told you beforehand, which eases the knots in your stomach a little bit. Eren’s family, obviously, was made up of his parents, Grisha and Carla, and his half-brother Zeke who you met earlier. His dad was going to be late from getting stuck with the night shift. 
He had a cousin in town, Falco, who Eren said was likely with Gabi right now since they were the same age. The rest of his family had gone out of town and were unable to take him, hence his presence here. 
Mikasa and her parents would be here as well, Jean being her plus one. The last people in attendance would be Armin and his parents. You had met Armin a few times, since he was Eren’s roommate and all.
As you set out the ingredients, Carla praised you for how wonderful they all looked. I mean, all you did was set out the cookies on a tray but she just couldn’t help it. Eren put his hand on Carla’s shoulders, dragging her away from you all while scolding her about how she was embarrassing him. 
The fourteen of you settled around the Yeager’s grand dining table, you being nestled in between Gabi and Eren. You were right across from Jean, Mikasa, and Armin, who were all chatting amongst themselves. 
Gabi had become good friends with Eren’s cousin, Falco. The two of them were currently playing a game that was lost to you entirely. You nudge Eren, signaling your head towards the two of them. He looks over and then returns your smile, getting the message you were hinting at. 
The two of them had their fingers interlocked and were engaged in an all too serious staring contest. When you asked them why they had to hold hands to have a staring contest, they were too quick to let go, the tops of their ears pink. 
Can she even like Falco if Eren is your boyfriend? Is that some weird incest thing? Well, Gabi is only your half-sister and Falco is really Zeke’s cousin and Zeke is only Eren’s half-brother.
And Eren isn’t your real boyfriend, so it doesn’t matter. 
“You look beautiful, Y/N.” 
You look up, totally caught off guard by Jean’s comment. Your eyes meet his, his gaze hazy and his cheeks a bright pink. You can tell he had a little too much to drink earlier, when Eren was handing out the champagne.
Instead of being flattered by the comment, your heart pounding in your chest, all you can do is turn to Eren, who has a very angry look plastered on his face. You reach for his hand under the table and squeeze twice, which seems to ease some of the annoyance off of him. 
“Say, I like your dress too, little L/N.” says Jean, turning over to Gabi. 
“My last name isn’t L/N. It’s Braun.” 
“Oh, I thought you were sisters.” 
“We are sisters.” you reply, a mere whisper breaking the silence. He doesn’t hear you, the confused look still on his face. 
You can feel the pitcher you grabbed shaking in your hands, threatening to spill all over the table. The room was suddenly too hot, leaving you feeling like you were a fly under a lamp. Gabi’s your half-sister. You live with her because your dad died. Your dad is dead. 
You’d actually spill the water on the table if it weren’t for Eren. He wordlessly took it from you, pouring it into your glass and placing it in your hand, which he made sure was steadied before letting go. 
“Gabi is her half-sister. Y/N lives with them.”
The conversation you’re having is cut off by the sound of Carla, clinking her fork against the end of her glass. You all crane your heads towards her at the end of the table, as she glances over at all of you. 
“It’s time to say grace. Whose turn is it?” 
“No Dad, it’s Eren.” 
“No, it’s Zeke. I said grace last year about how thankful I was that you were moving out for your remember.” 
The four of them silence, turning their necks towards Zeke to say grace. He glares daggers at Eren, before joining hands with those around him. You look over at Gabi, interlocking your fingers with hers before doing the same with Eren. His hand is warm, his thumb rubbing circles against the back of your hand. 
Your hands are shaking for some reason, your blood rushing too fast as it all happens. The room was warm, your dress was burning your skin, the quiet was too loud. You feel Eren squeeze your hand twice before shaking your head. You were okay. You just needed a second. 
You flutter your eyes closed as Zeke starts saying grace. 
“This year, forgive me for taking simple joys for granted. I’m thankful for parents who seeked me out and supported me, even if I wasn’t entirely their own, a brother who begrudgingly supported me like no other, and a family I’ve dreamed of keeping. What a blessing to be included at a table like this.” 
Everyone releases their hands, their eyes fluttering open. You watch Mikasa and Jean’s eyes widen at the sight of you, feeling Eren and Gabi’s hands clasp in yours once again. 
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” 
You look over, Eren’s green eyes filled with concern. It’s only when you reach up to touch your face that you feel the tears on your cheeks. You were crying. Zeke said grace and you literally started crying. You stand up, excusing yourself from the table as you tell them all to continue on without you. 
You shut the door behind you, leaning against the white door. Your tears are still running and you thank that you decided to keep your makeup light tonight. 
In all honesty, it was just too overwhelming. Jean and Mikasa. Falco holding hands with Gabi and Zeke saying grace and thanking his parents and Eren’s hand in yours. 
Eren. You couldn't be really falling for him could you? That crooked smile, big doe eyes, and that long brown hair. You couldn’t. You liked Jean. He liked Mikasa. And that was that. This was all fake. 
So why did it feel too real all of a sudden?
As if you summoned him just by thinking about him, you can hear his knuckles knocking against the door, begging you to let him in. 
“It’s open, ‘Ren.” 
You hear him twist the lock, his eyes pinching at the sight of you sitting on the floor. He sits next to you, lacing his arm through yours. You let your head drop onto his shoulder, the tears falling out even more. 
The two of you sit in silence, Eren’s head resting against yours. You can feel him fingers in your hair, the sensation soothing the pounding in your head. 
“I’m sorry, Eren.” 
“What for, bunny?” he’s whispering, his lips ghosting over the top of your hair. 
“Crying. Getting up from the table. Embarrassing you in front of your mom and Mikasa.” 
He freezes, his hold in your hair tightening. 
“You don’t have to be sorry for any of those things. And nothing you do could embarrass me, especially to my mom. I’m sure if you flipped the table upside down and she would just praise you for how strong you were.” 
You laugh, readjusting your head against his shoulder. He’s a little less tense, his hand hovering around to the side of your waist before he pulls you closer. 
“Yes, Y/N?” 
“I miss my dad.” you whisper. 
At the sound of your words, he pulls you directly into his chest, nearly crushing you with his arms. His weight is heavy, but you can feel the pressure lightening in your chest. Eren’s warm. He smells good, he’s soft, and he/s warm. The two of you stay like that for a while, Eren’s arms around you. 
“Feel better?” 
You look up at him, giving him a smile through your teary eyes. You see his face visibly lighten at the sight of it. God, those eyes really were going to be the death of you. 
“It feels…lighter, Eren. Thank you.” 
The two of you stand up, reaching forward to fix each other’s clothes. Eren’s tie had been loosened, which you reached to fix. Your hair was all unkempt and your cheeks were still wet, which Eren fixed with his nimble fingers. 
Eren brushes the last of the wetness of your cheeks but still holds your face in his hands. He looks down at you, your heart bursting in your chest. He’s breathing hard, his face so close you can feel it on your cheeks. He leans forward and his eyes flutter shut. You swear he’s about to kiss you. He’s going to kiss you for real. No Jean. No Mikasa. Just you and him. 
The door slams open, Zeke standing at the door. You and him and Zeke. At the sight of you two, Eren’s hands still holding your face, your lips inches away from each other, you see a smirk grow across Zeke’s face. 
“Can’t keep your hands off your bunny, can you?” 
“I’ll make you regret the day you were born, Zeke.” 
“Just wanted to check base, see if you guys were okay. Carla’s fretting over you as we speak Y/N. Clearly you’re doing just fine.” 
You feel yourself pale at the thought, pushing past the two of them to re-enter the dining room. You can hear Eren and Zeke following, their whispers (yelling) right behind you.
“Dude, fuck you.” 
“What, Eren?” 
“You fucking cockblocked me.” 
You smile at the words. So Eren did want to kiss you. 
“She’s your girlfriend. You’re acting like you’ve never kissed  gerbefore.” 
“Fuck you. What if I really wanted to right then? You owe me, you goddamn monkey.” 
The three of you settle back into the dining table, which you’re happy to see is still loud. Your absence didn’t cause too much of a damper, which was all but a relief to you. 
Eren tucks you back into your chair and Gabi leans over and presses a soft kiss to your cheek. You don’t miss the non-discrete thumbs up Gabi and Eren give each other. 
You turn to him, narrowing your eyes at him. 
“What was that about?” 
“Nothing. She was going to come after you, after you got up. Told her the boyfriends got it this time.” 
You roll your eyes, trying your hardest not to smile at his words. 
After dinner, Grisha - Eren’s dad - pulls out the camera to take pictures of each family. Apparently this is a tradition for the party, as they like to collect and frame the pictures along the years. 
Armin goes first, his parents sweetly wrapping their arms around their only son. Mikasa’s family goes next, with Jean in tow, the four of them standing in a line with small smiles on all of their faces. 
You walk forward, with Gabi’s hand in yours, to take a picture of just the two of you. You’re excited at the fact that the two of you would get a nice, professional looking picture together since you were all dressed up. 
“Did you guys want one alone too?” asks Carla, running her fingers through the ends of her own hair, patting it down. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. Did you not want us to take a picture?” 
She smiles, pinching the sides of your cheeks. 
“Of course I wanted you to take a picture! I just figured you would take it with our family!” 
You pause, turning your head to Eren. You can’t take a picture with Eren and his family. 
Was it bad that you...wanted to be in their picture? The five of them bore their eyes into yours, waiting for your response. 
“Okay, yeah. Let’s do it.” 
The five of them cheer, pulling you in front of the tree. Grisha and Carla sit in the middle, Gabi and Falco at their sides. You stand towards the back, Zeke on your left and Eren on your right. Eren slings his hands around your waist, his face a few inches from yours. 
As Armin clicks the picture, you feel Zeke’s arm leave your shoulder, suddenly hanging above you. You and Eren look up at the same time, to find Zeke holding a bundle of mistletoe above the two of you. 
You look over at Eren, who stares at you. He whispers, his hands locking with yours. 
“Do you want to kiss me, bunny?”
Somehow, the question feels more serious than what it is. He’s simply asking you if you’re up to kissing him in front of his parents, a deal you made when you guys made your contract for fake-dating. Always ask for consent, even in public. 
But it feels more serious than that, genuinely. His hands are shaking against yours, his eyes expectantly waiting for your response. LIke he’s waiting to jump, waiting for your call. 
If he jumps, you’ll jump too. 
You see him smile, bigger than you ever had before, his hands circling around your waist as he presses his lips to yours. The kiss is warm and soft, a hint of the hot cocoa he drank earlier still ghosting on his plush lips. The two of you break apart, smiling at each other. 
“You’re welcome, Eren.” deadpans Zeke, dropping the mistletoe and leaving the two of you by the tree. 
You turn back to Eren, giving him a confused look. 
“He owed me a favor. Cashed it in just now.”
Before you can respond, Carla and Grisha shove their arms around you, tears almost spilling out of Carla’s eyes. 
“Oh I’m going to print this picture for your wedding.” 
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Captain Britain No. 12, dated December 1985. Cover featuring Gatecrasher and Yap (also known as Bonebag) from the Technet by Alan Davis.
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