#Taurus in the 6th
starsworldd ยท 7 months
๐“๐ก๐ž ๐“๐š๐ฎ๐ซ๐ฎ๐ฌ-๐’๐œ๐จ๐ซ๐ฉ๐ข๐จ ๐š๐ฑ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ข๐ง ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž๐ฌ
long post - thank you for 2k! i apologize for the wait but this took me a longggg time to prepare.
itโ€™s also important to note that planets in taurus/scorpio will effect how you resonate with the interpretations below
reminder that readings are open! iโ€™m now selling persona chart readings of planets/angles as well
take with a grain of salt
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1st (scorpio) - 7th (taurus)โค๏ธ: relationships are a source of comfort and wisdom. scorpio risingsโ€™ experience of reality has to do with trust, hard truths, and taking back your power but their relations with others often bring a sense of peace and value into their lives. people may perceive you to be useful and smart in these similar qualities as well. your partnerships help to balance out the chaos and even insecurity you face at times with your identity and precense in the world
2nd (scorpio) - 8th (taurus) โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ: you are powerful in your resources/skills and in the way you support yourself overall. in this lifetime, how you find worth and appreciation for yourself and what you have (skills, physical resources, etcโ€ฆ). you may feel suppressed or face much controversy for what you value or for how you choose to support yourself monetary-wise or as a person. your biggest comeback story in life may have to do with self-esteem and with how you accumulate worth and value (physical or moral/mental) into your life and goals.
although there may be much turbulence and important realizations/truths that are found in how you support yourself and your goals, the transformations and scary things you face in life ironically enough can bring you lots of support if you choose to make good use out of it (which taurus is naturally good at). of course, this is the house of fears and traumas so a big part of your life story may include building your own sense of independence by learning from times of distress.
3rd (scorpio) - 9th (taurus) ๐Ÿ’‹: you could be especially sensitive to input from others and be able to pick up undertones and double meanings from others easily. communication, creativity (especially having to do with hands or written words), is your superpower. you grab othersโ€™ attention easily with your stories and artistic output when you learn to harness your fears/limitations effectively. this also makes you very intelligent of your community + gossip because scorpio rules over extremes as well
while in your everyday communication and daily life you may uncover and discuss skeletonโ€™s in other peopleโ€™s closet and may be doing a lot of activities that use a lot of your energy (scorpio is ruled by mars, planet of action), this makes you very comfortable (taurus) in being able to adapt to different environments and perspectives (9th house). having taurus in this house can make someone very wise because they find value and meaning in variety.
4th (scorpio) - 10th (taurus) ๐Ÿ’„: people with scorpio in this house have usually had some sort of significant event or trauma regarding their family or childhood or may have regrets as to their actions in the past. these people could be born out of either extreme poverty or wealth too. these peopleโ€™s sense of safety/privacy can be very important to them or they could feel like this aspect of their life is being compromised often (mars = conflict) but you could also find safety/comfort in curiousity or things that are โ€œoff-limitsโ€.
if the private/emotional life of the native is exacerbated and transformative for them the career and reputation for the native is where they feel appreciated and most creative. having these signs in this house-axis can be indicative of a strong comeback story (extreme poverty to extreme wealth or even the other way around). the career-field can be very fulfilling (emotionally or monetary wise) and where you are grateful or feel lucky for the events your work presents.
5th (scorpio) - 11th (taurus) ๐ŸŒน: feelings of creativity, romance, and happiness are taken to extreme lows and highs throughout life. if youโ€™re a cancer rising, i believe this is where the โ€œmoodyโ€ reputation for us comes from. like leo rising, there could have been significant changes or revelations during childhood that changed your way of deriving happiness and familial support. these people may crave for luxury and overindulgence and can do so by turning their pain into power. scorpio in this house can make someone very grateful as well.
if our sense of happiness and luck undergoes significant change and gives us our โ€œcomebacksโ€ throughout life, the 11th house is where we have already found peace and prosperity with our place in society. we encounter valuable experiences when polishing our individualism (5th) within our community (11th). we can find personal contentment and growth in accepting our individual, unique role amongst the people around us. you may like to surround yourself with confident people as well.
6th (scorpio) - 12th (taurus) ๐Ÿ‘ : these people can feel very unlucky or trapped throughout life, with the 6h ruling bad luck + burdens and scorpio relating to extremes. scorpio is a smart zodiac iโ€™ve noticed as well, so these people usually have a certain way (especially that requires much energy) of doing their work and job that could defy othersโ€™ expectations. extreme focus on a certain obstacle or insecurities is also possible and can take awhile to finally figure out what makes you feel secure and satisfied with how you manage your burdens.
if your everyday burdens and responsibilities test your strength to the max in this lifetime, your imagination, creativity and solitude is where you find peace. it could also be that these people do unusual things to satisfy their need for pleasure and wholeness, because the 12th house is where we are easily misled. these people are internally comfortable with their thoughts and ideas, regardless of how odd they may be because it takes them to a place of stability from their scorpio 6h.
7th (scorpio) - 1st (taurus) ๐Ÿ’: these nativesโ€™ partnerships/commitments make the native have to look more deeply into their underlying intentions or feelings with said partnerships/commitment. this can bring a lot of disturbing but also very eye-opening and insightful experiences that affects the nativeโ€™s identity and ambitions going forth. scorpio can also be a curious sign so there can be a little bit of investigative or persistent approach to your partnerships and this is where your power can derive from.
it may seem like your partnerships โ€œdestroyโ€ parts of your identity, because you approach the world from a sense of wholeness and peace. at least, these are circumstances that you are ambitious to achieve in your life. pleasure and steadiness are big life themes and at first it may seem like life is rather dull or boring, but similar to scorpio in its opposite function, taurus asks us to dig a little deeper into the simpler things in life and to find enjoyment.
8th (scorpio) - 2nd (taurus) ๐Ÿซ: when dealing with other peopleโ€™s problems (financially, intimate connection, debts, etcโ€ฆ) it brings about experiences that require you to fix whatโ€™s wrong or holding you back in life in rather uncomfortable ways. this can indicate someone who is afraid to acknowledge psychological blockages or who lacks the necessary bravery/instincts to attack underlying problems. you could earn valuable assets (tangible or not) from others when you engage with activities that are โ€œgrossโ€ but healing/heroic.
this native survives on feeling complete. having a sense of wholeness is very important to these people and makes these people very resourceful because they are able to make the seemingly mundane valuable and able to work in their favor. these people are good at feeling in control of their life, future, and choices because they are committed and secure in their abilities. these people place much importance on authenticity, diversity, and self-sufficiency.
9th (scorpio) - 3rd (taurus) โค๏ธ: when achieving mastery/global knowledge, and self-discovery it may have to do with bringing up topics that you ignored or swept under the rug especially having to do with your identity/precense (in context of the world and society). your global approach and experiences have to do with dealing uncomfortable topics in order to achieve better awareness and understanding of all aspects of the world. how you navigate foreign environments and your sense of flexibility is your strength.
if foreign experiences provide you with strength through perseverance, your intuition and familiar environments provide you with strength through growth (tangible or not). although it may seem like the everyday social rituals and ideas (including intuition), can appear mundane, this setup of houses gives an opportunity to grow a garden that provides roots, beauty, and good taste in the way you perceive and express yourself local environments.
10th (scorpio) - 4th (taurus) ๐Ÿชญ: these people have to have a ton of intiative when working in their career and towards their big goals in life. it may feel as though these people have to start from a bad hand of cards (compared to everybody else) in order to make it to the top or that their working conditions and/or responsibilities throughout life may feel difficult to complete or deals with high stakes/status. but even though there are difficult tasks they have to be done and you have drive/resourcefulness to do it!!
if the workplace is where you see the thorns in your garden (where you have to get rid of them) your home life and condition is where you see the roses. taurus is good at being able to attract good circumstances for themselves because taurus is very representative of wholeness and the feeling of completion. thereโ€™s probably more opportunities for you to setup and manage your domestic life the way you like. wisdom may be found through your domestic life too.
11th (scorpio) - 5th (taurus) ๐Ÿงจ: your surrounding communities/people who support you seem to try to pick you apart. you may feel as if the people who youโ€™re around with donโ€™t actually support you or that thereโ€™s something incomplete or โ€œwrongโ€ with the circumstances and people that made you successful, imposter syndrome possibly? your supporters/friends could show you things you couldnโ€™t see before, likely for the better although they may reveal this in dramatic or difficult circumstances.
if you feel incomplete about the people/circumstances that support your public achievements, your creativity and lust for life is where you find contentment. these people feel most stable and appreciated for their talents and way of enjoying themselves. for these people, they find stability, growth, and satisfaction when they engage with activities that bring them happiness. they find beauty and appreciation from others for their self-expression/creatvity.
12th (scorpio) - 6th (taurus) โ™ ๏ธ: your drive to feel complete is what can you mislead you in life. this may be because you feel as if thereโ€™s always something missing or not being to shown to you but you are persistent in finding what that something is. this same energy can make the native very wise because they have to overcome their demons over and over again throughout life. but at the same time, you could also feel like your sense of resourcefulness and strength fails to manifest in reality.
if thereโ€™s conflict/determination in trying to protect yourself from things that induce bad energy, then thereโ€™s likely to be tranquility and acceptance in doing activities that can put your life back on track. the 6h is known as the house of bad fortune in astrology so these people are good at being able to find the most reliable way out of a difficult situation. and while these natives could be good at finding solutions, slacking off and overindulgence can lead to oversight with tasks.
once again thank you for 2k!
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hope you enjoyed๐Ÿฅฐ
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safiredreams ยท 13 days
more astro notes ย ๐Ÿ–Š๏ธ
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Virgo wants to take care of people in real and very physical ways. They will help you clean your home, cook your dinner when you're too lazy. They don't necessarily have an easy time taking care of you with their emotions.
Those who have a Moon-Saturn aspect in their chart have a very hard time letting people care for them.
Mercury in the 6th house is usually very detail oriented. Jupiter in the 10th house people tend to rise faster in their chosen career and is generally just luckier in that aspect of life.
Libras can be great at setting people up; they have a natural talent at putting people together.
Taurus people are very straight forward, they don't like to overthink and complicate things.
Saturn in Pisces is afraid to trust their intuition.
People born with Mercury Retrograde are more likely to hold back information, they don't feel the need to share everything all the time. Thet tend to be great meditators.
Anyone with the Sun in the 5th House should be someone who enjoys life and expressed themselves artistically, stifling that side of them will not end well.
Moon in the 6th House people need to learn how to be vulnerable and express the need for love to others.
Leos can be so self-involved and over dramatize their own lives that people leave them, they can stand on the stage delivering yet another monologue and not notice that the audience have left.
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astrostaydelulu ยท 4 months
Astrology observation
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Sun conjunct Mercury is one of the most powerful aspects someone can have because the amount of enthusiasm and intelligence it gives is sharp. Their speech is just enough to make their influence prominent and on top of that the presence of mind is also brilliant.
Mercury in the 4th house can have some very smart people in their household. Teachers or someone from the education sector can also be present in their family.
Moon in the 6th house people can have a special spot for self-care, depending on the sign they can love it or ignore it but in some manner, it's healing for them.
Mars/Aries prominent people always have that one nearby death experience. It's like if you have this placement you need to take those major risks.
This a random observation but Taurus placements smell so good. They are like kings/queens of fragrance especially if they are Taurus Venus/moon/ Taurus in 2nd house.
Neptune placement and their sleepy eyes, end the discussion. They can look stunning and nonchalant at the same time as if it's effortless.
Virgo-rising girls are the most 'clean girl aesthetic ' I have ever seen. They have that sophisticated look in them at first glance you can say that they are a disciplined and methodical individual overall.
Saturn in 3rd people are either older siblings in their clan or have a beef with their older siblings. They just lack communication with their older siblings and most of the time they have a very strict one so it's hard for them to talk about things.
Chiron in 1st/10th house or aspect with asc /Mc people, how many times people have told you that you look sad as if you are in a funeral while you are just not showing any kind of emotions or chilling? This individual is prone to a Resting Sad face or a tired-looking face which makes people think they are sad even if they are not.
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scorpihoe1111 ยท 3 months
๐Ÿ’”Chiron In the Houses๐Ÿ’”-Part 2
Chiron in the 8H๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ’‹โ€๐Ÿ‘จ TW: S*xual Content
People with this placement could struggle with themes regarding sex/sexual health. This could be somebody whoโ€™s had a bad experience with sex, such as being used/manipulated into it, made to feel shamed or guilty for having it and/or (TW: SA) sexually harassed/assaulted. Iโ€™ve also noticed people with this placement may have grew up with a very conservative family who had strict views of sex, so the individual is hard on themselves or feel almost guilty for having it or interacting in sexual things. This placement could also struggle with contracting STDโ€™s, or having overall genital/uterus health problems often in their life. I also noticed that people like this are drawn to the occult early on in their life, and something happens that traumatizes them and ruins their outlook on it. A VERY common placement Iโ€™ve seen with people who dabbled in witchcraft and it backfired or someone who consistently goes to witch doctors/psychics/mediums and depends on these people. Also, something about the mother with this placement as well. This placement is also seen in people who have been permanently scarred by the death of someone or a near death experience themselves. The idea of death in general haunts this native and they usually refuse to accept it as a part of life. They could have paranoia of those around them dying and leaving them, or them dying themselves. The mother could have passed early on, and/or the mother could have been abusive or overly possessive and controlling of the Chiron person. Could also indicate someone who went through financial abuse as well, such as a mother or other feminine figures in their life being stingy with money that was owed to the Chiron person, or stealing Chironโ€™s actual money from them. This placement usually has a hard time getting along with the women in their family or women in general.
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Chiron In the 9H๐ŸŒ
Chiron here is one of the placements I sympathize with the most tbh. These people could have grown up in a strictly religious environment and may have had religion forced upon them from an early age. This person could have went through something that traumatized them in regards to church, church goers, pastors or religion altogether. They could have had really negative experiences or mistreatment from those in the church who were supposedly supposed to be good people they can trust. Could have been gossiped about, judged for their interests/personality/looks, or sexually abused as well by those in the religious group. These people are very conflicted when it comes to religion, usually choosing to be atheists/switching religions as they grow up in order to find one that doesnโ€™t hold them back from what they wanna do or who they wanna be. This could also be someone who had extremely controlling parents who prevented them from developing, growing or having their own free will. This was someone who always had to obey their parents even when parents were wrong. Somebody who didnโ€™t have the freedom to do fun or normal things everyone else in their age group may have got to do. These people are deeply traumatized by a lack of freedom and being controlled and refuse to go through that again in their future relationships. These people start to rebel in their teens/early 20โ€™s, and once theyโ€™re free they become their own boss; however because they were sheltered so much they could be still naive and overdo their new freedom to the point of getting themselves in legal trouble or creating baggage in their personal lives. These people could have a lack of responsibility and self control and end up in debt, jail, a criminal charge, unwanted kids, addictions etc.
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Chiron In the 10H๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ผ
Those with Chiron in the 10H could be sensitive about their reputation. This is a placement that has been judged and gossiped about mercilessly in regards to their character. These people may have done something scandalous within their life, or they may have made a mistake that many people throughout their lives have done but get heat for it way harder than others. This placement is usually found in those who care about their reputation and image more than anything else. They put how others see them and think/talk about them on the forefront of their lives. These people unfortunately can also be yes-men, or people pleasers due to wanting to receive validation from others at any cost. These people could have been well known and placed on a pedestal at some point in their lives which is why they usually tend to get gossiped about so much, or on the flip side this person does not get the recognition or acknowledgment they think theyโ€™re owed and this can lead to them feeling like they failed at life. I usually see this placement as one thatโ€™s money hungry or honestly an attention whore in most scenarios, since Iโ€™ve mainly seen those with this placement live for approval and validation even from those they donโ€™t even know. These people could have grown up as an only child or favorite child, and parents could have exaggerated their talents and worth to the point they grew almost narcissistic and convinced theyโ€™re owed something from everyone. Obviously, this can have bad consequences as one steps out into the real world and this placement could be humbled quickly leading to their failure feeling of not being #1 in everything. Another scenario I see is those with this placement who have been involuntarily placed on a pedestal, to where each and every one of their actions, goals and mistakes reflected on their reputations heavily. In this case, this placement could have been severely judged/bullied in their youth, and/or had something happen to them or did something that they became known for and unfairly held against them. Itโ€™s important for this placement to heal in both scenarios, as if theyโ€™re unhealed this trauma can lead to excessive insecurity, co-dependence, anger and very low self esteem. This person needs to learn to live in their authenticity and honestly just stop giving a fuck what others think or say.
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Chiron In the 11H๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป
These placement could have suffered from bullying online or in social groups. Definitely a black sheep placement, theyโ€™ve probably went through excessive outcasting or rejection in their early years from people their age. These are people who were probably loners in school, or simply didnโ€™t know how to make friends. Many people werenโ€™t nice to this native, and they might have always felt like the odd one out in any friend groups they have been in. This placement honestly gives me Janice Ian vibes. That 1 outcast that becomes friends with cruel people, and ends up being vulnerable to the wrong people. They could have been the target of bullying, subject of gossip etc. They may have had friends who were intimidated of them, and friends could have projected HEAVILY on them. These people could also be naive and easily influenced, usually ending up in the wrong crowd or friend group and trusting the wrong people due to desperation of needing to fit in. These people have a hard time being accepted within society as they may be different from most people, or have interests that are considered weird among peers. They could also be subject to online harassment and bullying as well, being the main target of being harassed by fake/anonymous accounts, secrets leaked online, personal information leaked online, posting something that the internet community may not approve of and attack the Chiron person for; etc.
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Chiron In the 12H๐Ÿ’ค
This placement is really interesting for me, I think because I had to do extensive studying and research as well as trying to find people with this placement in order to really figure it out since itโ€™s such a complicated placement. From what Iโ€™ve learned so far, those with this placement may have grew up with sleep paralysis and/or horrifying nightmares growing up. These are people that had an imaginary friend growing up. Theyโ€™re very in touch with their spiritual side whether they want to be or not. These people could be scarred by the things theyโ€™ve seen in their dreams, or may have lived in homes that were possibly haunted and may have trauma in regards to things that may have happened in those homes. These people are usually deeply afraid of the paranormal, because of some type of experience they may have had when young. In another sense, Iโ€™ve also noticed that these people may have been isolated throughout their life a lot and felt very alone. They may have or still struggle with mental health/illnessโ€™s. These people could also be deathly afraid of random things, such as fire, insects, heights etc. with no personal reason as to why, it just provokes something in them. This is because those with this placement have TONS of past life trauma that needs to be healed. The sad thing about this placement is that it feels vulnerable and unsafe to things bigger than life, such as a higher power etc. They could be afraid of the paranormal, God, the Devil, Demons, Angels, ghosts etc. These are very sensitive to others spirits as well. These people often experience a deep, overwhelming sadness and pain without knowing their root cause. They feel uncomfortable and hate that the world is a negative place. Sometimes they might feel like thereโ€™s an invisible wall holding them back from reaching their full potential. In a way, this placement could feel almost as if theyโ€™re being punished by these higher powers I was talking about. Like their mind and overall future is being destroyed and blocked by something bigger than us, and they have no control over it. Overall, I feel like this placement wants to be safe. I feel like this placement doesnโ€™t feel safe or comfortable in the world in general, which is why this placement is one of the very special ones for me. I truly think they are angels sent down from earth. I also feel itโ€™s important that this placement heals deeply, and finds themselves a higher power that brings them comfort. I deeply feel this placement may need religion or spiritually to reach their full potential and happiness, as they seem to be so connected to the divine itโ€™s best to confront their fears and accept the calling theyโ€™re overthinking about.
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k-rising ยท 10 months
What is Juno?: Juno is an asteroid which indicates us about our soulmates, marriage and long-lasting relationships.
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๐€๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ/๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ÿ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž
Your soulmate is someone who's straightforward, charismatic, ambitious, competitive and intense.
This person can be a man or someone with a masculine energy.
They may like exercising and keeping fit.
This person is impulsive and ain't afraid of confrontations.
Your soulmate is confident, strong-willed and passionate.
You'll probably meet them at work or at the gym.
They will teach you to be more confident and independent.
๐“๐š๐ฎ๐ซ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ/๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ÿ๐ง๐ ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž
Your soulmate is calm, polite, charming, materialistic and flirty once they feel confident enough with you.
This person may love fashion and eating delicious food.
They can be pretty good at cooking!
Your soulmate doesn't like being rushed and they can be quite stubborn.
This person radiates a very sensual and down-to-earth aura.
You'll probably meet them at work or while doing something related with the arts, fashion or cooking.
They will teach you how to handle your money and be proud of your values.
๐†๐ž๐ฆ๐ข๐ง๐ข ๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ/๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ÿ‘๐ซ๐ ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž
Your soulmate is an open-minded, talkative, witty, funny and sociable person.
They may have a very versatile fashion style.
This person can be younger than you or they just have a youthful appearance
Your soulmate will teach you to be more confident on your ideas and on your studies.
You'll probably meet them at school/university, at your neighborhood or through your siblings.
๐‚๐š๐ง๐œ๐ž๐ซ ๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ/๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ÿ’๐ญ๐ก ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž
Your soulmate is an emotional and family-oriented person who follows their heart rather than their mind.
They tend to hold grudges and it can be hard for them to let go of relationships.
This person can be a woman or someone with a feminine energy.
Your soulmate may be younger than you or they just have a youthful appearance.
They may have round faces and big, almond-shaped eyes.
You'll probably meet them through a family member.
They will teach you to be more emotional and to openly express your feelings.
๐‹๐ž๐จ ๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ/๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ÿ“๐ญ๐ก ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž
Your soulmate is a sociable, creative, confident and friendly person.
They love being the center of attention.
They have a magnetic aura that makes others turn around to look at them.
This person is ambitious, loyal and tends to dramatize themselves very often.
Your soulmate likes to prioritize themselves and the people they love the most.
They are very generous and have a big heart.
This person may have a beautiful hair and a nice smile.
You'll probably meet them through your friends or by doing some of your hobbies.
Your soulmate will help you with your self-esteem.
๐•๐ข๐ซ๐ ๐จ ๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ/๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ÿ”๐ญ๐ก ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž
Your soulmate is a perfectionist, workaholic, organized and picky person.
They probably like having a routine, stying busy 24/7 and can also be very hard on themselves.
This person loves serving and helping others.
Your soulmate likes staying healthy.
They may dress in a practical and simple way.
You'll probably meet them at school/university or they may live in the same neighborhood as you.
They will teach you to focus more on your work/studies, your health and on details.
๐‹๐ข๐›๐ซ๐š ๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ/๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ÿ•๐ญ๐ก ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž
Your soulmate is sociable, charming and naturally loved by all.
This person is a peace maker, people pleaser and a diplomatic.
They can be very indecisive sometimes.
Your soulmate is polite and very flirty.
This person appreciates everything that is related to the arts, so you will probably meet them while doing a hobby or through your friends.
They will help you on how to express love towards the people you appreciate the most.
๐’๐œ๐จ๐ซ๐ฉ๐ข๐จ ๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ/๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ÿ–๐ญ๐ก ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž
Your soulmate is a person who likes to take their time when meeting someone new; it won't be easy to gain their trust that fast.
This person may seem cold at first, but once they trust someone they are very protective and loyal!
If Juno is bad aspectedโ€ฆ be careful, cause they can be quite manipulative and vengeful as well.
Your soulmate is a passionate, intense and mysterious person.
They can be very quiet and intuitive, but they also may have a very black-or-white mentality.
This person has dark hair/eyes and wears dark colors a lot, specially black.
This connection will change both of you either for the better or for the worst and you will have a very strong bond.
๐’๐š๐ ๐ข๐ญ๐ญ๐š๐ซ๐ข๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ/๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ÿ—๐ญ๐ก ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž
Your soulmate is an optimistic, funny and curious person who likes to experience all kind of adventures.
This person is very intelligent and it's likely that they like to learn languages or exercising.
You may meet them at school/university or while doing a trip. For some of you, your soulmate may be a foreigner.
They will have something on their body thatโ€™s exaggerated, specially their thighs and butt.
This person will teach you to be more bold and trust your knowledge.
๐‚๐š๐ฉ๐ซ๐ข๐œ๐จ๐ซ๐ง ๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ/๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐ญ๐ก ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž
Your soulmate is a workaholic and mature person.
They may be someone older than you or just someone who looks older than their real age.
This person can be seen as cold at first, but once they trust you theyโ€™ll show a more vulnerable side.
Your soulmate will teach you to be more responsible and have confidence on your own abilities.
This person is likely to have a model type of beauty and an amazing bone structure.
You'll probably meet them at work.
๐€๐ช๐ฎ๐š๐ซ๐ข๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ/๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐ญ๐ก ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž
Your soulmate is a rebellious, friendly, open-minded, curious and unpredictable person.
This person loves to socialize and they probably have a large group of friends with individuals from all walks of life.
They may dress in an eccentric/unique way.
You'll probably meet them through your friends.
Your soulmate will make you feel confident regarding your creative side, they will teach you to embrace your quirky side as well and will probably introduce you to so many people.
๐๐ข๐ฌ๐œ๐ž๐ฌ ๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ/๐‰๐ฎ๐ง๐จ ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐ญ๐ก ๐ก๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž
Your soulmate is an empathetic, wise, sentimental, creative and artistic person.
They're a dreamer, which means that it can be hard for them to difference reality from their imagination.
This person has their head in the clouds 24/7.
They can also be quite spiritual.
Your soulmate may have big round eyes and posssess a mesmerizing aura that makes people get hypnotized.
You'll probably meet them in an artistic or spiritual setting.
They will teach you to connect more with your spiritual and intuitive side. They will also help you to express your emotions and, if you have any artistic ability, this person will make you feel confident enough to show that side of yours to the world.
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โ€งอ™โบหš๏ฝฅเผ“โ˜พใ€€๐‘‡โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘˜ ๐‘ฆ๐‘œ๐‘ข ๐‘ ๐‘œ ๐‘š๐‘ข๐‘โ„Ž ๐‘“๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘‘๐‘–๐‘›๐‘”! ใ€€โ˜ฝเผ“๏ฝฅหšโบโ€งอ™
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punksocks ยท 4 months
Astrology Observations: No.28
*just based on my observations, only take what resonates
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(Sorry itโ€™s been a minute, I got my time back then I got sick- like same day! Iโ€™m good now, thank god, but it was absolutely insane and everything has been going on in the world, my God)
-If your moon opposes your ascendant you may be known for making the wrong impressions on people (especially first impressions) at some point in your life
-Not the first time I said this but I feel like Libra Asc tend to need to balance out aspects of their life more bc of their houses having the opposite signs over them.
-On the other hand I feel like Aries asc have a very straightforward, sometimes less complicated world view bc of their houses lining up with their traditional rulers.
-Mars in determemt and fall (Libra, cancer, 12th house) really gives you a finite amount of stamina
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-I feel like cancer venus/moons tend to wax the most poetically and romantically about the nostalgia they feel. Even stronger for Venus.
-Men with cancer placements be like: I didnโ€™t know I was manipulating you into being nice to me until it was already happening (lmao oof)
-I noticed Aries and Scorpio Sun men/masc folks can get romanticized a lot, I think this is bc their identity is ruled by mars traditionally, so they tend to be assigned more masculine traits/act their traits out in a more โ€œtraditionallyโ€ (or even just comfortably) masculine way
-Aqua Sun/asc/venus usually have some features that makes their face really stand out I noticed (unique brow/nose/head shape etc) (idk why I havenโ€™t seen this with moons as much)
-Signs in your 8th house may come off as mysterious or hard to understand
-You may find it really easy to vibe with people that have Sun conjunct your Asc
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-Iโ€™ve noticed that a lot of Virgo mars may eat like really spicy or punishing foods (especially if the mars is in a fire house)
-Saturn aspecting your big 3 can help you age really well- depending on how well you take care of yourself (extreme example: dick van dyke, heโ€™s almost 100 and heโ€™s still jumping around with so much energy)๏ฟผ
-Pisces placements can be like incredibly intelligent and yet still come off as a bit spacey (one of my favorite YouTubers used to head extra credits and he is SO SMART, like just a seriously huge capacity for knowledge but he sounds spacey when he does his chill gameplays and pieces things together unscripted lol)
-Jupiter square/opposition Sun can make you come off as overly pessimistic, it can also make you come off as optimistic at the wrong times (laughing at serious moments, etc)
-Taurus placements are so motivated by food, itโ€™s so real (the amount of times Iโ€™ve had a Taurus sun/moon/mars not hear a word I was saying bc they were scoping out a restaurant? Countless lol)
-I notice a lot of rappers & musicians (especially the innovative ones) have major Pisces placements
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-Aries moons get emotional fulfillment by winning what they chase after (Aries in big 6 tends to make you go after things in general too imo)
-I noticed sometimes Leo moon can make you a bit self centered, like in the most literal sense, you may have trouble understanding perspectives outside of your own
-Virgos and Geminis and 3rd/6th house placements have great memory but they tend to forget certain aspects. They tend to forget or mix up details. (My ex took like 3 years to remember my middle name beyond the first initial lol god; also, I always remember zodiac signs but not birthdays lol)
-I love how Joe Pera has a cancer Mercury and his comedy is like the coziest comedy Iโ€™ve ever heard, he even got his following bc his helping people fall asleep and just talking through his chill podcast (did not expect him to have like the most fire in his chart tho?? Wouldnโ€™t have guessed lol)- Pisces Mercury and Mercury with hard aspects to Neptune probably have a cozy affect on others when they communicate with them too
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mygalriri ยท 1 year
I am not a professional astrologer. Some things I say may not resonate with everyone. However, if it doesn't resonate with you, I'd love to hear about your experience. If there are any professional astrologers who find fault with what I've said, feel free to correct me. I am open to constructive criticism. This is my first astro observations post though, so being nice is suggested. ๐Ÿ˜
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1. Moon Square Ascendant people may not be very expressive. Like their expression at all times is either "๐Ÿ™‚" or "๐Ÿ˜" 2. I don't know why but almost all Virgo risings tend to smile awkwardly in selfies, I've noticed this with celebrities too, either they smile awkwardly or don't smile at all I'm a Virgo rising and I cannot smile naturally in selfies at all like ughhh 3. Undeveloped Mars in Pisces men struggle to come in terms with their femininity and want to be seen as this "alpha male" that is overly masculine; often times being damaging to their mental health. Also prone to promiscuity sometimes. 4. Venus in Scorpios can be mean to the people they like at first but will gradually start to grow a soft spot just for the person they like. I've also noticed that they keep making excuses just to see or talk to the person they like. 5. No idea what the reason behind this is, but when your Moon sign matches someone's Sun sign, chances are you like their cooking. My mom and I have this placement combo (she has gemini sun and i have gemini moon and i have taurus sun and she has taurus moon) and we like eachother's cooking. 6. I know y'all have probably heard this a million times in other astro observations, but I'm gonna say it anyway cause it resonates with me. 12th house stellium in a Solar Return chart could mean a year of isolation. I had to ghost the people that I was talking to on a daily basis almost immediately after my solar return. 7. A lot of people think that venus is now you crush on someone AND how you approach them but I think that isn't true. Venus is how you crush on someone and Mars is how you approach/confess to them. I have Mars in Cancer and I had crushes on two women (not at the same time lol) who have Mars in Taurus which is considered to be a weak sign for Mars and I could sense that they liked me too but we never ended up confessing to each other. 8. Having the same Venus sign as someone's Mars sign indicates a strong attraction at first sight, I have Venus in Taurus and as you read from the previous point I can attest to this lol. 9. Jupiter in Gemini, especially men, can be shorter. This is because Jupiter represents expansion, growth and abundance and it is detrimental in Gemini. Jupiter in Capricorn can be applied to men as well but I feel it applies to women more 10. Pluto in 6th house in a SR chart can mean major changes in your lifestyle, since Pluto represents transformation and the 6th house represents how you go about your daily life.
That's all for now. Hope y'all enjoyed it. See you later, folks!
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astro-tag-9 ยท 26 days
Placements that for better or for worse become โ€œall inโ€ when in love
- Cancer moon
- 7th/8th house sun
- Libra Venus
- Taurus Sun
- Cancer Mars
- 1st/6th/7th/9th house Venus
- Capricorn Jupiter/Mars
- Scorpio/Libra/Cancer stellium
- Taurus Venus/Moon
- 4th/5th/7th/12th house Lilith
- Aries moon
- Libra Sun
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astrojulia ยท 9 months
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Astro Observations from the Deep Sea #4
~Taurus houses edition
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โ™€โŸถ11th house Taurus approach to friendships is pragmatic. They seek out individuals who share common interests and values, forging lasting and meaningful connections. While their social circle may not be vast, they hold a deep appreciation for the relationships they cultivate.
โ™€โŸถ12th house Taurus possess a serene and forgiving nature when at ease, which is complemented by their strong work ethic in a comfortable environment. In times of emotional challenge, they may grapple with bouts of depression.
โ™€โŸถ2nd house Taurus are gifted with a natural talent for handling money, and their reputation for dependability in financial matters precedes they. When it comes to investments and savings, they have a realistic and grounded approach. Yes, they can be a tad stubborn when financial advice is offered, but that stubbornness has often protected their wealth in the past.
โ™€โŸถ10th house Taurus+Virgo Rising harbor a deep-seated drive to achieve professional goals, often displaying intense focus on their work.
โ™€โŸถWhile 3rd house Taurus may enjoy the occasional short trip, they find comfort in staying close to home for their business endeavors. Their warm and outgoing personality endears they to friends, family, and neighbors alike. Their relationships are a source of joy and fulfillment, and they make sure to keep in touch regularly.
โ™€โŸถ8th house Taurus may currently experience emotional discomfort, stemming from a sense of disharmony and insecurity in their life. This unease may have surfaced during challenging experiences with loved ones, awakening possessiveness and inflexibility within they.
โ™€โŸถFor 5th house Taurus singing is more than a pastime; it's an expression of their soul's deepest desires. They take their time to savor and create the finer things in life.
โ™€โŸถIn social circles, 9th house Taurus are the reliable friend who approaches situations with a level head and offers practical solutions. Their down-to-earth nature and commitment to success are their secret weapons.
โ™€โŸถWhile they're open to new perspectives, there's a firmness in 3rd house Taurus beliefs that can be both reassuring and unyielding. Precision and attention to detail are their allies, making they a natural fit for fields like finance and mathematics.
โ™€โŸถWhile 9th house Taurus might take a bit longer to reach their goals, they're unwavering in their commitment to their own pace, finding fulfillment in the progress they make. Their steadfastness is a guiding light that helps they surmount any obstacles that cross their path.
โ™€โŸถ4th house Taurus inviting personality makes they a beloved family member, and they take immense pride in creating a cozy haven that reflects their earthy and sensual nature. Loved ones bask in the tranquility they provide.
โ™€โŸถPracticality and pragmatism are 2nd house Taurus guiding lights when it comes to managing their finances. Security and convenience are their companions on this monetary journey.
โ™€โŸถAlthough 9th house Taurus path may meander before settling into a clear direction, they have an unwavering belief that they'll eventually uncover a practical solution that suits they. While stepping out of their comfort zone may not be their forte, when they do, they navigate new experiences with straightforward gusto.
โ™€โŸถ6th house Taurus begin their tasks with a deliberate, measured stride, often at a slower pace than others. Stress and tension are strangers to they, as they possess a calm and worry-free demeanor even in the face of challenges.
โ™€โŸถThe driving force behind 8th house Taurus actions is a strong desire for material possessions and pleasures, fueled by a thirst for power and control. Yet, this material focus can sometimes lead to chaos and destruction, leaving they feeling anything but secure.To overcome these inner struggles, they must find a source of security within theirself that cannot be easily taken away. By releasing their grip on material possessions, they can begin to lessen the negative impact of possessive tendencies.
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โ™€โŸถThe accumulation of possessions, particularly in monetary terms, is a significant measure of success for 10th house Taurus. Careers in financial realms, such as accounting, stocks, bonds, or banking, hold great potential. Additionally, their artistic and creative talents could provide financial gains or enhance their reputation.
โ™€โŸถChange may be met with resistance to Taurus Rising, but it's essential to keep an open mind. New ideas and experiences can enrich their life's tapestry in ways they can't even fathom. Trust their instincts, honor their values, and they'll continue to craft a life that's not just well-integrated but deeply fulfilling.
โ™€โŸถArtistic expression flows through 3rd house Taurus effortlessly, and pursuits like music, painting, and sculpting call to they like old friends. Consider nurturing these talents, perhaps even pursuing a formal education in one of these fields.
โ™€โŸถ7th house Taurus from 10ยบ to 19ยบ possess a magnetic ability to attract supportive companions who share their drive and ambition. Their partnerships and friendships often stand the test of time, offering mutual benefits.
โ™€โŸถOnce they establish theirself in a profession, 10th house Taurus value control and are unlikely to change career paths. Work and relaxation alternate in their life, and they possess qualities such as purpose, resistance, tolerance, narcissism, and mistrust.
โ™€โŸถ12th house Taurus invites they to transcend the material world and delve into the realm of the subconscious. To ensure a harmonious life, it's crucial to steer clear of legal issues and negative conflicts with others. This is especially significant if they've achieved financial success, as envy and undermining behaviors may surface. Even in matters of the heart, jealousy can rear its head, potentially causing turbulence. It's vital to approach relationships with honesty and openness to maintain equilibrium.
โ™€โŸถWhile 11th house Taurus may encounter challenges in finding their place in society, their sense of security and fulfillment is derived from personal relationships. They select their associates carefully, recognizing that the right friendships can pave the way for wealth accumulation and promising opportunities. Their approach to building and nurturing relationships is a key factor in their overall happiness and success.
โ™€โŸถ10th house Taurus+Cancer Rising possess a capacity for hard work, but they also treasure leisure time, enjoying holidays and entertainment.
โ™€โŸถWhen 7th house Taurus from 20ยบ to 29ยบ make a commitment, they do so with a profound dedication. Even in challenging times, they remain resolute in maintaining strong bonds. Their environment and surroundings greatly influence their relationships, and they deeply appreciate those who uplift and support they.
โ™€โŸถTime spent with friends is enriched by creative activities that bring 11th house Taurus joy and fulfillment. Their friendships play a crucial role in their journey toward success, as they understand the power of collaboration and mutual support.
โ™€โŸถ7th house Taurus from 0ยบ to 9ยบ commitment to nurturing close relationships is unwavering. Remember to strike a balance between their needs and those of their partner, fostering openness to compromise.
โ™€โŸถIn matters of the heart, 7th house Taurus are a believer in the slow burn of love. Quick flings and superficial attractions do not satisfy their soul. They understand the importance of taking their time to build a meaningful connection that transcends the physical realm. However, be mindful of their inclination to hold onto a relationship even when its flame flickers. Their attachment can sometimes hinder their growth, especially if the connection wanes in the realm of intimacy. Their sense of security is most profound when they're in the company of a dependable, loyal partner who cherishes commitment as much as they do.
โ™€โŸถ6th house Taurus unhurried approach, while it may take longer to accomplish tasks, bestows upon they a daily routine steeped in peace and enjoyment. Yet, this leisurely pace can impact their physical health, leading to extended recovery periods from illnesses and colds.
โ™€โŸถ7th house Taurus colleagues find solace in their calming influence. Patience and common sense are their tools for resolving conflicts, making they a cherished team member. Their dedication to long-term relationships extends beyond the personal realm, as they value love and affection above all else. Marriage, in particular, is a sacred commitment they approach with utmost seriousness.
โ™€โŸถIf solitude and isolation beckon to 12th house Taurus, consider pursuing a spiritual path, such as joining a monastery or embracing religious beliefs. While they prioritize security, they may not always invite it into their life as readily as they should, which can create an illusion of instability.
โ™€โŸถ6th house Taurus resilience and high resistance to ailments are remarkable. Their body can handle demanding physical activities when necessary. It's worth noting that their hearty appetite and fondness for rich foods can sometimes lead to overindulgence.
โ™€โŸถ11th house Taurus objectives are pursued with patience and planning, driven by the knowledge that hard work and determination will lead to their desired outcomes. Along this path, their close friendships provide not only support but also opportunities for growth.
โ™€โŸถA harmonious home is 4th house Taurus top priority, and they express their creativity through the art of home decor. Music, a cherished companion, fills their family life with harmony, and they love sharing this passion with their kin.
โ™€โŸถ2nd house Taurus desire for wealth is fueled by an appetite for luxurious and valuable items. They may occasionally indulge in impulse purchases, but overall, their approach to money is practical, and they excel in business. With their financial acumen, quick monetary gains are well within their reach.
โ™€โŸถ4th house Taurus are a nurturing cornerstone of their family. Cherishing traditions and the comforts of home, they embody the essence of warmth and reliability.
โ™€โŸถ10th house Taurus charming demeanor and sensual allure make they stand out in professional circles. While they maintain close friendships, it's essential not to rely too heavily on them for their sense of security.
โ™€โŸถ9th house Taurus dedication to their studies has yielded academic success, and they've developed a wealth of patience and persistence through worldly experiences.
โ™€โŸถ8th house Taurus> possess a remarkable ability for stillness, which serves as a valuable coping mechanism once true healing begins. In matters of intimacy, they approach emotions directly and calmly, viewing sex as a physical and sensual connection. To build lasting sexual bonds, it's crucial to first find comfort within their own skin and gain a profound understanding of theirself.
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โ™€โŸถAs 4th house Taurus age, tranquility and relaxation hold even greater appeal. Their natural intuition for financial and real estate matters is a precious gift to their family. Accumulating wealth and valuable possessions to provide for their loved ones is a legacy they proudly carry forward.
โ™€โŸถTaurus Rising loyalty and commitment to both relationships and possessions are a testament to their admirable character. They prioritize authenticity, and fulfilling their obligations is a sacred duty. In their heart, there's an unshakable stamina and endurance, especially when it comes to those they hold dear.
โ™€โŸถLearning something new may take time to 3rd house Taurus, but their commitment knows no bounds. Once they embark on a learning journey, they see it through to the end, retaining the knowledge for life.
โ™€โŸถ10th house Taurus+Leo Rising please consider learning to delegate tasks to others rather than taking everything upon theirself.
โ™€โŸถChildhood memories for 4th house Taurus are filled with love and joy, motivating they to recreate this atmosphere for their own family. Safety and security are paramount, and they thrive in spacious, nature-connected environments.
โ™€โŸถWhile 5th house Taurus may initially be captivated by a luxurious lifestyle, they're not one to remain stagnant. They seek new experiences once the initial excitement wanes. Their pleasant personality and positive outlook make they a magnetic presence in social settings, and their artistic talents earn admiration from peers who share their interests.
โ™€โŸถTaurus Rising approach to life is deliberate and methodical. Every decision, every step, is taken with utmost care and consideration. Their inner world is a place where every thought, every feeling, is carefully weighed and placed in its proper position.
โ™€โŸถTrusting their intuition has served 2nd house Taurus well, yet expanding their financial knowledge, especially regarding institutions like banks and brokerages, could open new doors to prosperity. Their heart beats with a deep passion for the arts and entertainment industries, promising potential financial success.
โ™€โŸถThere's a natural sensuality within 5th house Taurus that draws others like moths to a flame. Their steady and deliberate nature exudes a magnetic charm, igniting passion in those fortunate enough to cross their path.
โ™€โŸถ7th house Taurus seek someone who not only supports they but also shares their unwavering sense of loyalty. While financial success is not the sole factor in their quest for love, it certainly holds an allure. The ideal partner for they is sensual, someone who can sustain a long-term relationship built on trust and commitment.
โ™€โŸถTaurus Rising possess a remarkable moral compass, a guiding star that steers they towards what truly matters in life. Stability and dependability are their constant companions, and they're motivated by the comforting embrace of material security. But, oh, the siren song of comfort can be alluring, and they must take care not to become too complacent in their cozy nest.
โ™€โŸถ3rd house Taurus communication style is engaging, and their words carry a weight of thoughtfulness that captivates those who listen.
โ™€โŸถ5th house Taurus childhood was likely filled with moments of indulgence and relaxation, shaping their preference for a leisurely approach to creative pursuits. When it comes to children, their nurturing nature shines through. They may have high expectations, but they are always balanced with their kind and caring demeanor.
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starsworldd ยท 1 year
โ€ข ๐•’๐•ค๐•ฅ๐•ฃ๐•  ๐• ๐•“๐•ค๐•–๐•ฃ๐•ง๐•’๐•ฅ๐•š๐• ๐•Ÿ๐•ค ๐•ก๐•ฅ. ๐Ÿก โ€ข
โœฎ only take what resonates and take with a grain of salt โœฎ
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hope you enjoyed!
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safiredreams ยท 5 days
Astro Notes - Venus Edition
Venus doesn't chase, she attracts...
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Venus and Jupiter aspects in birth charts indicates an appreciation of different cultures and an attraction to foreign lands and people. They do however have a need to share a common philosphy or a way of living that is higher than just ordinary existense
Venus and Jupiter aspects also have a hard time tolerating the harder, more diffucult periods in personal relationships. They are mostly always in search for the idealic partner that is next to godliness
Whereas Venus in aspect to Saturn can be an individual that posesses the ability to really stick by someone during difficult periods, they are quite good at dealing with uncomfotable realities of relationships
Saturn aspecting Venus can also be the individual that has a lot of self control and does not overindugle in too much pleasure like the Venus and Jupiter individual does
Saturn aspecting Venus values tradition in their relationships, and their expression of beauty might be more classical and traditional than somebody who has Venus in aspect to Uranus
Venus and Uranus together can be seen in people who break the rules of beauty standards and generally don't conform to traditions, they are the trend setters, always exploring something outside the lines of conformity
Venus in ones chart can show us what we find beautiful, what we value in ourselves and therefore outside of ourselves, a hurt Venus may grow without learning what it's like to feel beautiful and this persons lesson will be in falling in love with oneself despite how they were treated growing up
Venus is our charm, how we go about getting what we want in an easy, come hither type of way
Virgo Venus people tend to be quite self deprecating, especially in front of people that they actually like
Aquarius Venus can make their lover feel like their friend, taking away any form of specialness away from the relationship
Libra Venus can have a hard time expressing their true feelings (especially negative feelings such as anger) to their partners because they tend to feel like they need to be this nice and lovely person all the time but if they want their relationships to last then they need to start facing the not so nice parts of themselves
Venus in the 6th House can be a beloved co-worker, someone that has a lot of tact and diplomacy when at work
Venus in the 8th House can show fears of intimacy, since the 8th house planets often lack trust
Venus is pretty shallow, it's not deep and not unconditional, it's simple pleasures and wanting to be spoiled, it's indulgence and it can be lazy
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moonastrogirl ยท 1 year
Exalted house placements
Credit @moonastrogirl
We often talk about exalted placements only about the signs they are exalted in : Aries sun, Capricorn mars, Pisces Venus,โ€ฆ
Rarely do we talk about the house placements that are exalted and actually are a blessing to anyone who have them.
So no matter the sign, the exalted house placement can create an abundant energy in a birth chart.
Sun in 1st house
Strong will power, incredible energy, easily attract attention without even trying, balanced ego (after many ego deaths), can switch up their style easily, great personality and great leaders.
Moon in 2th house
Sensitive, compassionate, balanced emotions and peaceful inner world, not easily overwhelmed, completely in charge of their behaviours/emotions.
Mercury in 1st house
Sharp and details oriented mind, huge intelligence and learn easily any subject, big boss of debates, smart asf.
Mars in 10th house
Powerful presence, big boss energy, plenty of drive and energy, get things done, goal getter, ambitious and career oriented, bde.
Venus in 12th house
Compassionate, loving, giving, love unconditionally, love has no boundaries, artistic abilities, hidden talents, romantic asf.
Jupiter in 4th house
Great wisdom, fast learner, blessed, spiritual, age gracefully, comes from wealth/big family and if not will have a wealthy life, a big house or a big family of their own.
Pluto in 1st house
Powerful presence and overall energy, divinely protected, high regeneration skills, always come back stronger, power comes from their identity, know who they are deeply.
Neptune in 5th house
Great acting skills, the real drama queens/kings, creative asf, sublime artist, perfect placement to be an actor/singer/entertainer, romantic and mesmerising presence and energy, good intuition.
Uranus in 8th house
The real phoenixes, rise above, constant fast and life altering transformations, cold head, acceptance of changes, always evolving, cannot be tamed, know whatโ€™s up, stand in their power, masters of the underworld.
Saturn in 7th house
Establisher of stable and long lasting relationships, work for the greater good, blessed with natural discipline and perseverance, powerful.
This post is based mostly on tropical astrology and also on Vedic astrology because some of these placements are considered the same way in Vedic astrology aka Sun in 1st house, Venus in 12th house, Saturn in 7th house and Mars in 10th house.
Credit @moonastrogirl
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whispersofmercury ยท 3 months
6th House in Astrology
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๐Ÿฉบ shows where you are prone to illness
๐Ÿฉป rules over the natural tendencies of your body
๐Ÿฉบruler of the house shows areas of physical weakness
๐Ÿฉป can help you find routines that will help you heal
๐Ÿฉบshows where you may be lazy or inconsistent
๐Ÿฉปbut also suggests what routines or things you are likely to stick with!
๐Ÿฉบ this house rules over inherited or chronic illnesses (and other things that can respond well to routines and diets as part of treatment)
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๐Ÿฉป stress induced conditions are also found in this house
๐Ÿฉบ this house is also the house of work, especially in regards to employees or if you are working towards someone else's goal
๐Ÿฉป it's also an area of caregivers and service and can show where you give too much
๐Ÿฉบalso rules over support staff! (Think Healthcare workers, sometimes therapists, nutrionists, nurses, etc.)
๐Ÿฉป overall this house and its planetary rulers rules over EATING HABBITS alongside the moon
For example:
- what we eat and how we eat it (fast, slow, hot food or cold food preference?)
- what flavors do we like (Bland? Spicy? Cool and calming?)
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In modern rulership, the 6th house also rules over
๐Ÿฉบ meaningful work or service
๐Ÿฉป acts of service
๐Ÿฉบ giving back to others
๐Ÿฉป being a support system
๐Ÿฉบ in older astrology it would rule over slaves and slavery, and while horrifically there are still slaves in the world, this house more modernly expanded to significate people that serve you (anyone you pay for a service, like hairdressers, lawnmowers, etc)
๐Ÿฉป Day to day work (can show workaholic tendencies, especially if Saturn or potentially Mars is involved) also indicates how easy it is for the person to delegate work tasks
๐Ÿฉบ Animals and pets (traditionally more so working animals like herding dogs but expanded to include everyday pets in our modern day)
๐Ÿฉป workout routines and what makes you feel better on a day to day basis
๐Ÿฉบ Look to the 6th house to see how you work on an everyday basis! The planetary ruler of the zodiac sign on this cusp will tell you a lot about your relationship to routine, what workouts you need, how and if you delegate work (if you should do more delegating for your stress levels!), potential health considerations, and more! I'm going to be diving deeper in future posts about each planet in the 6th house so if you have planets in the 6th house (or even if you want to know more about the zodiac sign and planetary ruling your 6th house means) watch out for that coming soon! ๐Ÿฉป
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* Disclaimer: Most of this info comes from my notes from a channel called astrology with Heather she's an amazing astrologist, and if you want to look deeper, I'd highly recommend her work!*
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malachiteclouds ยท 2 years
๐Ÿ’‹(18+) natal astrology observations part 2
โœซ I think that your descendant can indicate whether you attract submissive or dominant partners if you partake in those dynamics. (ex: a capricorn descendant would attract more dominant people, libra descendant may attract more submissive people) the planets that are in your 7th house can indicate this as well.
โœซ 5th house moons and their breeding kinks lmfao i-
โœซ scorpio/8th house venus and venus conjunct/sextile pluto can like the idea of ownership. there is something about giving themselves completely or having someone else give themselves completely that feels intensely gratifying. it comes from the desire for intimate and vulnerable sharing.
โœซ moon conjunct venus and moon in 2H/7H/cancer could probably finish by their nipples being sucked or played with.
โœซ leo/5th house venus can love collars. however, the emphasis is mainly on the PUBLIC indicator. they would like an OBVIOUS collar, the type to wear the big, bulky ones that have all the bells and lace and whatnot attached. they do not want it to be subtle.
โœซ libra/taurus/2H/7H venus/lilith are the masters of sensual, purifying vanilla sex. these people know how to go back to the basics and just expand each fractal of the senses. they will make you feel like you are your most beautiful without any toys, spicy lingerie/outfit, or any play equipment.
โœซ mars conjunct moon fuck like animals.
โœซ virgo/6th house venus/lilith/mars are extremely resourceful in the bedroom. they can get things to feel like a damn fanfiction by their ability to piece together anything that is around them. is there a glass of iced water next to you? they will use an ice cube like 50 shades of grey. is there just a loose bedsheet on your bed? they will tie your hands with it. able to make something out of nothing.
โœซ neptune/venus in 12th house/pisces are bulit for sensory deprevation i swear ๐Ÿ’€
โœซ we all know aquarius/11th house venus loves their public sex, I mean come on. it's a cliche but it's a cliche for a reason. they love the experimentation and unconventionality of it. they are the ones that will try everything at least once, along with sagittarius venus.
โœซ saturn conjunct/trine/sextile venus would love to be on money/have money thrown onto them while being fucked. they would also be hellaaa expensive strippers.
โœซ super random but gemini venus would be most likely to fuck on a trampoline ๐Ÿ’€
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sussysluttyscorpio ยท 1 year
Random Astrological Observations Part-9 (18+)
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(This picture does not belong to me at all) (Please take only what resonates. I'm really unsure about several observations this time)
~Mars is weak in Libra, since it's in its enemy sign. However, this may/not affect their sex drive. I mean, most Libra Mars are pretty kinky in their own way. They have a huge praise kink and might cringe over degradation kink. Personally, for me too, it's a huge turn off.
Someone: "You are such a dirty whore..." *degradation kink* Libra Mars: "Oh really? Well", pauses, "Go fuck a whore then coz I ain't one".
~Praise kink ๐Ÿค๐Ÿป Leo Mars. Istg, they want to be ADORED in bed. They want to hear things like, "Fuck, you're so pretty" in the middle of doing the deed. Princess treatment is a hugeeee turn on.
~I've read this so many times that Aries Mars people have an animalistic sex drive. They'll actually "Preying on you tonight. Hunt you down and eat you alive". Haha.
Like tearing clothes and throwing on the bed, biting, nails on the back... And, well, due to all this rush, they finish quite early๐Ÿคก
~Weak Mars (Taurus, Cancer, Libra) are Rope bunnies. They like being tied or restricted probably. Submission is their strong suit.
Doesn't mean that they are strictly submissive. They could have heavy scorpio placements and be Switchers too.
~Gemini Ascendants are some of the horniest peeps (to themselves or to others may vary) after they expose themselves to sex world. After all, they have Scorpio in the 6th house. They might like adding sex to their routine too since 6th house means your routine stuff and scorpio is...
Also, Gemini is depicted by a man and a woman and the connection between them. Hence, Gemini is a more sexual placement than Scorpio itself.
I know. You thought Gemini was symbolised by the twins, didn't you? Well, in Vedic astrology, it is symbolised by a man and a woman.
~Neptune in 8th people might daydream about sex a lot, or may like visualising sex. In fact, they might be Voyeurs (people who get turned on from seeing other people have sex)
~People with Rahu (North node) conjunct or opposite Venus might find themselves being called sex addicts or people who are always called out for always talking about sex.
~Scorpio placements feel no shame in talking about sex at all. Like, if you feel no shame in doing it, why feel shame in talking about it. The hypocrisy pisses them off.
~Moon conjunct Pluto women may find themselves getting called "mommy" a lot and they do not like that usually?
~I'm jealous of people who get Capricorn Venus lovers. They will fuck you like those fictional book men and I'm here for it? Where are my Capricorn Venus men?
The fact that my ex was a Capricorn Venus and the guy I cheated on him was also a Capricorn Venus๐Ÿ™‚ (Please no, I don't take pride over this at all)
~Mars Conjunct Venus people and their sex appeal๐Ÿซฃ You leave me shy with your sexual fantasies please. They might be non-monogamous too.
~Chiron in 7th people might hate their partners to be in open relationships, but they themselves are very comfortable with being in one. I mean, open relationships are good for these people since commitments sometimes may feel overbearing for them.
~I don't know about others but I have a huge thing for Somnophilia, consensually of course. (No, I'm not ashamed of it) I guess it's because of my Venus (And Mars) Conjunct Ketu (South Node) but *shrugs*
~Capricorn Mars people may be into age-difference kinks? Very probable. A friend of mine has this and she fantasises things with older actors a lot. She hates men of her age๐Ÿ˜ญ
~On the flipside, Libra mars (may apply to Taurus and Cancer Mars too) may prefer younger men to older guys.
~What is with Women with Lilith in 1st being called "mommy" by guys? This is one of the most sexualised placements. (even if you feel it isn't, give it some time) Once you start getting sexualised, it fills you with disgust and an even poorer self esteem.
~I've seen guys with Scorpio in 4th not really liking to be called "daddy." They find it weird somehow. Although, they may have NO problem calling someone "mommy." Hmph?
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harmoonix ยท 7 months
Now let me tell y'all, I love Taurus, Cancer and Pisces Venus (And Venus in the 3rd/4th and 12th house+ Venus in the 6th house aswell), the thing is that they nurture/take care of their partners so good, that they can end up like this:
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