tiptapricot · 2 years
Tried to rb this gifset but was unable bc tumblr is weird, but it got me thinking about Layla’s expression when she hugs Marc for the first time in episode six, about that brief moment she just looks wrecked and disbelieving and relieved, and about how the last time she touched him before this, he and Steven were dead. She argued with Marc, pushed him away, and then she heard him get shot, felt the world narrow down to his body falling, to the bullet holes and the weight of the splash. She pressed her ear against the body’s chest and it was cold and wet and silent. She shook as she kissed their forehead, lips trembling. She let them float away, because they were dead. Marc was dead, Steven was dead, and then all of a sudden they aren’t. All of a sudden they are in her arms, pulling her close, solid and alive and talking, bandaged palm cradling her cheek, a pet name falling from Marc’s lips and he is alive. And for that moment, for that moment before the battle begins and before they have to step away, she just has to process that. ‘Til death do us part, as his fingers run through her hair.
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alfazoings · 3 months
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distortion detective been on th brain,,,,, i Am so ill about them
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leoroni · 1 year
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practicing drawing some sillies…….. expect me to be incredibly normal abt them for the foreseeable future
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pastrytown · 2 years
The lobby boy is so moiiiiist i move him soooooo much
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tojisun · 7 months
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KEEGANS VOICE STAYS MAKING ME FERAL????????????? like i already knew im into masks n voices, yea yea, BUT THE DRAWL IN KEEGANS ALWAYS KILLS ME. the way the words roll off his tongue, the way it rumbles from his throat-
im so fucking unwelll
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screamingghosts · 5 months
”what belongs to the sea can always return”
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isaut · 8 months
Okay but..... librarian Chrollo, hear me out okay; librarian Chrollo whose interest is peaked the first day you walk in, librarian Chrollo who takes mental note of the genres you like best, and leaves books he thinks you'll like at your regular table in the hope you check them out, librarian Chrollo in a deep plum sweater vest pushing reading glasses up that pretty nose of his, librarian Chrollo who feels unfamiliar heat in his cheeks when he catches you catching him staring from across the room!! You are the only person I could leave this thought with.
you have a certain spot in the library that you sit at everyday. he always waits to shelve books in that section for when you're going to be there. will pull them from the shelves and put on his cart so he can hand them to you when he passes by. forgive me for being uncouth, but you're definitely staring at him when he's shelving books because his ass looks good in his trousers and you can see his arm muscles shifting under his button up. he starts talking to you more because he realizes that when he's around you, you take out one of your earbuds.
he does anything to make sure he's the one checking you out (at the counter). is absolutely shocked to see that you're checking out books at another branch of the library (you're reading acotar)
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etoilesbienne · 7 months
dbo yiu kiguys think about starhalo snd like why the aro4aor and they trust each other and they can read each ither it s soooo fucjing carszy it makes me soooooooooo unwelll youd duouyou guyd tget it
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kay-selfships · 4 months
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he’s so hot it makes me unwelll
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prettyboykatsuki · 9 months
i agree with you abt oliver bc i also dont even go there w/ that name but the untapped potential is so heady i understand now why ppl lose their cool with this heterochromic villain
“and then never addresses it after” i literally read that and gasped outloud like. oughh. i need isagi to kick him in the shin for me or smth. lock him up. lock him up. lock him up
PLEASE HES MAKING ME UPSET!!!!!! UPSET AND SICK!!!!!!!!!!! its not something i frequently want to write in a personal context nothing against it but its rare i genuinely think it suits a character but . BUT . HE CAN BE SO .
and its worse because hes specifically doing in the affectionate way…. like where he’s rubbing your spine and kissing along your shoulder blade telling you to let go for him. i feel like it’s probably the spur of the moment and he says it first and theres such a strange and unbearable tension and im sick im so so sick!!!!!!!!!!! he does his usual routine but he doesn’t even say anything like you guys didnt have a moment!!!!!!!!!! IM UNWELLL
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katasstrophy · 1 year
RI!!! RI NO you don’t understand the way i’ve been REELING ever since that man is an adonis… yusuke nomura looked at those skimpy little greek god statues and he went “ah, just what i’m looking for” and made a specimen so fucking fine no sane person can resists him
LIKE ,,, ,,,, rin might as well be a greek god statue in that skin tight body suit hello??? no way that material is sturdy impossible i tell you. you know that thin little white dress they sprayed on bella hadid during fashion week??? yeah that’s rin’s slutty little blue lock fit you touch that shit with a finger or a slightly long nail and it immediately crumbles and dissolve (NOT THAT IM COMPLAINING NO SIR)
im gnawing my arm off…. you could probably throw a plate at that jawline and he’d be so unfazed but the plate shatters into a million pieces… don’t even make me START oN HIs tthHHIIGGHHHSSSS NNGFFHFHNFNGGN it’s a masterpiece…. someone call the louvre tell them they’re missing one of their display pieces
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clowngremlin · 3 years
i really feel like it’s 2012 again because i keep ping ponging between being hyperfixated on supernatural and being hyperfixated on jthm......this is like being in grade 9 but better because im not in high school, i dont talk to my ex boyfriend, and im on antipsychotics <3
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tidalpools · 3 years
ive been watching my cousin's national volleyball games and its kinda making me upset i didnt think to pick up volleyball in middle school or freshman year.. cause at this point i feel like its too late for me to start and i have terrible endurance and am generally unwelll.
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CSUAVS prt 11 start. Start it Lance's POV
Waking in a cold sweat, Lance groaned in disgust at soaked sheets beneath him. Every morning had been the same since Allura had left him behind. His dreams a never ending world of darkness. No matter how much he called, no matter how far he ran, all that waited for him was the inky blackness of the astral plane. Scrubbing at his tired eyes, he sat up to see Allura perched on the end of his bed. She never left him alone "Good Morning, Lance" "Nope. Not doing this" Frowning at him, Allura rose to trail after him when Lance climbed out of bed. Since her death, he'd felt broken and lost. His body no longer felt the way it used to. A constant itch beneath his skin that he couldn't scratch no matter how hard he tried. The marks on his cheeks an ever present reminder of the woman he'd loved, and the woman who'd left him behind. He knew her sacrifice was necessary, but she wasn't the one left behind to wonder every single day if things could have been different. When she'd died, he'd lost it. He'd planted field after field of juniper berries, foolishly praying she'd see his work and somehow come back to him. She never did "You can't ignore me, Lance" No. He couldn't ignore her. Her constant lingering presence was there, always living on the edge of his peripheral vision, despite the feeling that he had that maybe he needed to move on "I can and I am. You're in my head" "Lance" "You're dead Allura. You made it pretty clear what I meant to you. You're in my head. You know what you meant to me. I'm just a boy from Cuba and you... you were the princess of a whole planet... I should have known from the moment you said yes, that something was wrong" Hanging her head, Lance didn't know why he was bothering fighting with himself so early in the morning. When Allura had first appeared to him, he'd been excited. He'd thought maybe part of her had still lingered in the blue marks she'd gifted him when they'd parted. It hadn't been until three months after her passing that "Allura's gift" had revealed itself as the curse it was. Falling in, he'd realised this wasn't some usual illness. His scent had changed, his family constantly laughing and joking over the lack of personal hygiene he must have been forced to endure, given that he stank like he hadn't showered in a month. Embarrassed over such remarks, he'd showered three times a day, only for his family to remark he still stank. Aside from the change in his scent, a constant pool of desire seemed to have welled in his body. No matter how many times he jerked himself off, the feeling never passed. Fingers barely made a difference, his body crying out for something he couldn't understand as he locked himself away in embarrassment. The only way he could describe it was as if he was in "heat". He'd seen it dozens of times on the family farm. Bloodied discharge from their pet dog, yowling from the cats. The never ending need to be bred. Between his legs was soaking wet with some kind of fluid, serving to mortify him further as he his beneath his blankets. But what was worse, was through all of this all he wanted was to see Keith for reasons he couldn't understand. It wasn't like he didn't like Keith. Coming back from riding around on the back of a cosmic whale for two years had mellowed him into nearly an entirely different person. His happiness and confidence only served to remind Lance how chickenshit he was, and to remind him that Keith would never look at someone like him. Despite all his flirting, and self proclaimed title as a "ladies man", he'd long since realised he swung both ways. He was simply too scared to let anyone else see it, especially the team. It was awkward enough as it was. Nothing he ever did as a Paladin had been good enough. When Kuron had taken Shiro's place, he'd seriously believed the man hated him. Aside from the verbal taunting, the constant comparison to Keith, and the outright disregard of his ideas, each time they trained together had seemed to be an excuse for Shiro to hurt him. Naturally, it'd all been his fault. His fault he couldn't escape the choke hold. His fault he'd fallen when Shiro had kicked his legs out from under him with enough force that it felt like his knee had broken. He trained harder, but no one noticed. No one noticed as he improved on the training levels. No one noticed when his anxiety left him skipping meals. No one noticed when he wasn't in the room. Pidge was off with Hunk all the time. Allura was with Lotor. Coran was off... being Coran. Lance had no one, and at the time, no idea why Keith had stopped taking his calls. Sighing to himself, Lance opened his bedside drawer to fish out the small white bottle of painkillers that kept him functional. Between the nightmares, and general feeling something was wrong with him, painkillers were the only thing making things manageable. Red didn't like how much he was taking, his lion trying to take as much pain as he could, but there bond had never been as strong as the one he'd held with Allura. Lance had been honestly surprised that Red hadn't dumped his arse after they'd returned without Allura. "Lance! Mijo! Breakfast!" "Coming Mami!" Quiznak. His mother would know the moment she saw him that he'd had another restless night. She'd picked up the pieces of his broken heart the best she could, but none of his family really understood. None of them believed what they'd been through as Paladins. None of them had known how to treat his nightmares, and none of them knew he'd died. It's taken ph-months to feel normal again. He was on Earth. It didn't matter than aliens from every sector of space lived on the planet now, he needed to get his brain back to Earth time. He needed to remember that his time in space was over. Snatching up a random shirt, Lance swapped it for the sweaty one he was wearing. With so many people in the house, it'd be another day without hot water for his shower... an unappealing thought given he'd felt constantly cold since Allura left. Just another thing wrong with this body of his. Crowding into the kitchen, Lance jumped when Luis dropped his hand in his shoulder. Reacting without thinking, Lance swept his older brother's foot as his hand grabbed his wrist, only stopping when the fact it was Luis kicked in "Whoa! Someone's jumpy this morning" Snorting into her bowl of cereal Rachel waved her spoon in their direction "He's jumpy every morning" He loved Rachel. They'd been so close before he'd been shot into space in the Blue lion. Yet coming back to Earth it felt as if there was this invisible wall between him and everyone else. Smacking his sister on the back of the head lightly, his mother smiled warmly "Leave your brother alone. Mijo, you look unwelll" Rachel rolled her eyes at him, Lance ignoring her in favour of forcing a smile to his lips "I'm fine, mami" "You'd let us know if you weren't, wouldn't you? You should talk to that Coran of yours. It's not normal to be falling ill like you do" "Falling ill" was her polite way of referring his scent changed and becoming horny as hell over nothing "Hear that Lance, she thinks something's wrong with you" Smacking her upside the head again, Rachel let out an angry cry "Mum! I'm trying to eat!" "Leave your brother alone. He has a big day coming up" He did? "I don't see why he's going all the way out to Altea to remember the girl who chose death over putting up with his stinky socks" "Rachel!" Lance barely contained his flinch. It wasn't like he hadn't berated himself in a similar manner to Rachel... repeatedly... "Ugh. Fine. You love Lance more than the rest of us, we know "holier than though, Lance", can do no wrong" Gathering up her bowl, Rachel walked from the kitchen leaving his mother watching him as he slid into the free seat at the kitchen bench "Mami, its fine" "It's not fine. Especially not with Allura's anniversary just around the corner. Don't you worry, mijo. I'll talk to her" Oooh. Right. Allura day. For the last six months, Lance had been to Altea almost fortnightly. The constant back and forth becoming annoyingly normal. Especially when every thing there some linked back to something that was in tribute to Allura. He couldn't escape her. Their house sat in a fields of juniper bushes that he hated with a passion. Even seeing his old team barely sparked a fire of interest in his blood. They had their weekly calls. Keith would usually call him in the dead of night for no real reason separately, but those calls had started to taper. Feeling his mother and brother staring, Lance hated knowing what they thinking. He knew they both worried about him. He'd overheard his family more than once whispering about their concerns over his mental health. Should they force him into counselling? Would pills help? Maybe they should think about contacting Hunk? Or would Shiro be better? And why didn't he want to go to space again? What was going to happen to the giant Red lion if Lance didn't want to go back to space? Did he really help save the universe? Was Lance even their son? That was his favourite one. Coming back with glowing blue marks he couldn't explain, someone had mentioned to his family along the line that Shiro had been a clone... He loved his family dearly, but Earth just wasn't his home anymore. No one surfed anymore. Malls and shops were now filled with all kinds of space tech as more and more aliens called Earth home. The places he'd loved so dearly had been wiped out by the Galra. Varadero beach was still a no go zone as pieces of contaminated Galra debris was fished from the water. His dreams of returning to find Earth untouched had been ruined. Hunk's parents forced to work as slaves. His own family thinking he was dead for years, thanks to Voltron magically disappearing for three years and not knowing about it "It's alright. Rachel is just mad because I won't let her use my face mask cream. Where's Papi?" "Already out milking the cows" Where he was supposed to be. Kalternecker had assimilated back to life on Earth seamlessly "I'll head out then" "Not without breakfast you won't. I won't have my boy being hungry" Kissing the top of his head, his mother then went about busying herself with serving him pancakes for breakfast. Her fussing never seemed to dim, not with each passing day since he'd returned. Lance was really in no rush to return to space, but he wasn't blind. His presence was causing all kinds of friction within their family. His nieces and nephews had seen him at an all time low, both crying when they hadn't been able to calm Uncle Lance from a panic attack caused by a car backfiring. His brother had put him to bed more than once when he'd come home then passed out on the sofa from trying to find a way to rid of himself of Allura at the bottom of a bottle. Nothing he did worked, and nothing could take away the lingering festering ache that his lack of belonging brought. It was time to find somewhere new, or even somewhere old. Somewhere he wouldn't keep hurting the people he loved the most. * Allura Day came and passed. Seeing the team again had brought the memories rushing back. The more it hurt, the more he smiled. Keith looked so damn happy, and Lance's poor bi-heart couldn't take it. Keith had Axca by his side. He was the face of the new humanitarian works being carried out by Daibazaal, skipping Earth at his earliest convenience by the feel of it all. His friend had taken him out drinking to ease the pain, yet when Lance had woken the following morning, he found he couldn't recall the previous night at all. That was his story, and he was sticking to it. All he had was Keith looking adorable, half naked and dead to the world. His soft puffy lips parts as he let out small snores, that seemed almost magical in the soft light of the morning. Terrified he'd crossed a line, he'd fled. For years he'd loved both Keith and Allura. The harder he fell for his broody mulleted friend, the more he threw himself into flirting with everyone else. Keith had never been his rival, it'd all been born out his anxieties of never being recognised for himself. In the Garrison, he'd always been compared to the "amazing Keith", who made everything seem so natural as he rose through the ranks. The more he'd tried, the more he'd failed, and hence the more he'd been compared to Keith. He'd failed at absolutely everything at life, and now he barely had a life left. Loosing Red had kicked in the day after Allura day. His nightmares like shattered glass raining over his body without the warm reassurance of Red there to hold him together as he woke in his sweaty bed. When they'd left, he'd felt a moment of pride. Pride that Voltron had laid the path for peace. A peace that didn't need Voltron to uphold. But without Red there, and having watched how happy his friends were without him, he began to wonder what came next. Slowly his self medicating increased, as did his parents worried looks. He needed to leave who he was behind. He needed to leave his friends behind. He was longing for days they could never return to, nor did the others wish to. When the job on Erathus came through his communicator, Lance jumped at it. As part of the diplomatic duties they'd all had to fulfil, each of their individual skills had been highlighted. Speaking with the representatives that had contacted him, the job was a simple body guard mission for a travelling diplomat. The brunette couldn't deny his ego wasn't tickled as his sharpshooting skills were praised highly. Though, at that stage, he would have taken any excuse to get off Earth. Even to its "sister" planet Erathus. Agreeing to the offer, Lance was genuinely excited as he headed down to dinner. Rachel setting the table as his mother placed down a large tray of bread "Mijo? Did something good happen? Maybe with that gorgeous black haired friend of yours?" Huffing at his mother, Lance crossed his arms "Keith is busy. No. I was just offered a job" His mother's eyes widened "A job?! I didn't know you were looking" "It's protecting a diplomat" "Because you protected the last one so well" Stupid Rachel. Well. He wasn't about to let her ruin his mood "He has a tour and needs added security. I'll be heading out to Erathus tomorrow" "Tomorrow?! So soon!" "Mami, I can't stay home forever. It's time" "I get Lance's room!" Gazing at him with searching eyes, Lance nodded at his mother as he tried to mentally reassure her "Lance gets Lance's room" "You said I could have Ronnie's now she's out on the Atlas all the time, but Ronnie said no. I'm older than him!" "And Lance needs his own space" "He's going to space" "I need space! All he's going to do is flirt nonstop. Keith had the right idea running off with Axca before Lance got to her. Lady killer Lance doesn't need his own room" Ouch. Ok. That hurt. It was nearly as good as when she told him "he was literally a lady killer because Allura never came back". They used to rag on each other all the time, but Rachel seemed to have no filter when it came to think he wanted to forget. As the baby of the family, every single mistake seemed to be open season for everyone. Constantly paraded before his eyes as failed to measure up to his brother's and sisters. Why couldn't they simply be happy he finally had a job? A job that meant they didn't have to watch over him every moment of every day "Rachel. Why must you always fight with your brother?" "Mami, its fine" "It's not fine" "See, Lance says it's fine" "You can have my room, too. I don't know how long I'll be off world this time" "You don't know?" Shaking his head at his mother, Lance sat so there was a seat between him and where Rachel stood "No. It'll depend on how Erathus works out. If I do a good job, it's possible they'll hire me permanently" "Mijo... are you sure? It sounds dangerous" "Mami, it won't be any more dangerous than staying here and helping Papi with the farm. We could use the money, and I could... I could use some time off world" "I just worry for you so much" "I know you do, mami. But Earth isn't how it used to be. I can call. And Ronnie is out on the Atlas. I won't be all alone out there" "Fine. Don't think I won't send her after you if you don't keep in contact" "It might be a little hard to begin with. I mean with hours, but I promise I'll message" His mother gave a thin, tight lipped smile "Alright, Mijo. If you're really sure" "I am, mami. They practically begged me for my sharpshooter skills" Piping up, Rachel stumbled and ruined the effects of her own biting words "They probably begged you to shut up. Seriously, my little brother up there protecting a diplomat. They should be making sure he doesn't shoot them himself" Closing his eyes and opening them, Lance took a deep breath then exhaled "Can't you be happy for me, Rachel? I'm leaving" "I know" "Then why are you acting like this?!" Taking the tea towel off her shoulder, he mother raised it threateningly "That's enough. No more. I don't want to hear it. Tonight is Lance's last night on Earth for a while, we must send him off with good memories" They were good memories. A kind of bubbly happiness he'd forgotten had welled up at the idea of being free from the constant pressure of trying to be perfect for them all. Buzzing from the wine he'd shared over the table, Lance smiled as he kicked off his shoes, looking over to see Allura standing near the door "Don't give me that look" "Lance, you shouldn't mix alcohol with pain medication" "And you shouldn't haunt people" "I'm not haunting you" Half hanging off the bed, he picked up his nearest shoe and threw it through the fake Allura "You're not real. Ergo. A ghost!" It wasn't funny in the slightest, still, Lance found himself giggling. When he'd dated Allura, he'd never dreamt of throwing a shoe at her "Now shoooo!" Trying to sound spooky, Lance slipped off the bed with a thud "Hello floor" Nuzzling into the cold wood beneath him, he was still like that when Rachel walked in "What are you doing!?" "Hey, Rach. I'm chillin' on the floor. It's nice and cool" "You're so weird" "Mhmm. And you've been a bitch since I came back" "Only because you've been an arsewipe" "Nope" "Seriously, do you know how worried we were for you?" "Mhmm" "Then why haven't you even been making an effort to get over Allura?" "Allura's a ghost. How do you get over a ghost? They're all see through and you can't hold them, let alone get over them" "Lance..." His warm buzz was turning to nausea as he laid on his stomach "Damn it, Rachel" "You and Allura were never going to work out. Why are you still holding onto her?" "I'm not!" "You said..." "I'm not holding onto her! Your "lady killer brother" killed her!" "Lance... I was joking" "That's all I am to you guys! A joke! You wanted to leave me at the kids table. You told Allura all these embarrassing stories about me. She didn't love me! Ok, does that make you happy?!" "Lance, I didn't mean it like that..." Curling up on his side, Lance wrapped his arms around himself the best he could "I was gone for years... all I wanted to do was come home Rachel... Allura was so beautiful" "I can't believe you got drunk again. Let's get you into bed" "I'm fine" "Lance..." "I'm fine, Rachel!" Walking over to him, Rachel kicked his side hard enough to draw a grunt "You sleep there then. Don't forget to pack all your shit up. If you leave it here, I'm going to toss it" "Sure. Sure. Whatever"
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bigorangecat · 3 years
.....says the dumb bitch who actively keeps using drugs that are making me more mentally unwelll
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