gojosatoruwifey · 6 months
y'know i was really in a bad mood a few seconds ago and im telling you IT DISSIPATED ONCE I SAW THIS MARIUS
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casmybelovedass · 4 years
The Destiel Folder: Season 6
[Season 4; Season 5] Man, this season... an emotional rollercoaster
Episode 3:
Cas admits he and Dean "share a more profound bond." (15:35) uuuhmm okay
"You think I came because you called?" (16:31) cut to "I always come when you call" later on in E21
"When a claim is laid on a living sould, it leaves a mark, a brand." ... like a handprint maybe? (22:33) Cas basically called dibs on Dean and admits it
Dean, I get it, Cas looks hot when he fights, but you don't have to look at him like this (24:42)
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The amount of eye-fucking in this scene (25:56) almost 30 seconds (of Dean checking out Cas) of Old married coupleTM moments. Dean is worried about Cas dying again by the hands of an archangel. He just got attacked and wants to go out. But Cas has to go save the universe from a holy war. Basically a wife asking her soldier husband not to leave for the war.
[(26:28-26:30) Dean was totally looking at the BOOTY]
NOW FOR THE JUICY STUFF: Cas and Balthazar obviously had a history. More than brothers or war buddies. We could parallel them to Dean and Lisa: both old flames coming back after a long time and all.
Also, Balthazar can sense something is going on between Cas and Dean. It's so clear he can (35:26). ICWAW, we would assume Balthazar was an ex, getting jealous over Cas' new love interest
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Episode 6:
"You asked me to be here, and I came", OH what about the whole 'I don't come because you call' thing? (13:40)
How domestic is this moment. Cas pouring Dean a drink, trying to comfort him (14:03). He hates seeing Dean like this, and hates even more the fact he can't do anything about it
Cas knows Dean is hurt enough already, and doesn't want to get him involved with a war that's not his to fight (14:20), but still wants to help
Episode 7:
Second time Cas starts stripping in front of Dean and he just stares (2:32)
Look, all I'm saying is... they really don't have to stand THAT CLOSE to each other (4:07)
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Episode 9:
[Not a destiel moment but Dean struggling to say the words "gay guy" is too fucking funny to me (33:45)]
Episode 10:
Dean, will you not check out the angel in front of your brother, please? (11:54)
Dean is visibly uncomfortable at Cas watching porn practically NEXT to him, and having a BONER practically next to him. Understandable, but still... kinda gay (15:58) Look at Dean's face, my God (16:07)
[I'm screaming Dean looks like he's wondering what it'd be like to kiss Cas (25:29)]
"CAS?!" (26:23) the way Dean gets progressively more worried about Cas fading/being taken away and shit, kills me
[Cas is so fucking confused as to why Dean would suggest he'd let him have an hour alone with Meg (39:25), either that or he's embarrassed he might've actually wanted to. Meg and Castiel were cute together]
"If there's anything we can do-" "There isn't. I wish circumstances were different. *stares at Dean with puppy eyes* Much of the time, I'd rather be here." (39:46)
Also, Dean stares at Cas for 15 seconds, but averts his eyes when saying "We're your friends"? (40:01) Denial? Something's off. ICWAW, this would indicate tension, unspoken feelings
Just... the way Dean looks at Cas, and when he flies away (40:17) HIS EYES
Episode 11:
Balth jokingly calls Cas Sam's 'boyfriend', and Sam reacts normally, letting it fly over his head. When later in episode 17, Balth calls Cas "the angel in the dirty trench coat who's in love with you", Dean gets pissy. Just like later in 10x5. Touchy much? (13:48)
Balth admits he doesn't like Dean, and that "screwing him would delight me", but calls the one brother who threatened to crisp his wings, a "capable young man" (14:46). Jealous much? ICWAW we would read some sort of romantic rivalry between those two.
Episode 14:
This face... where have I seen this face before?
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Oh yes, here
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Dean looks at Lisa, the so called "love of his life", the same way he looks at Cas. Fuck my life
Episode 15:
"Cas" (Misha) starts stripping and Dean... stares... again (9:23)
"Well, Cas... now that you have your sword, try not to die by it." (39:53) Is it a saying? Or a reference to Dean being Michael's Sword? As in "He is gonna be the death of you"? And Balth looks at Cas THAT WAY?! (40:01) You can't tell me there was nothing between these two. Kill me now
Fucking stop being an old bitching married coupleTM already (40:25) you are hurting me
Episode 17:
Balth 'jokes' about Cas being in love with Dean (18:48) ICWAW we would read this as an ex being petty about the new love interest and teasing said love interest about it
Wow, jealous much, Dean? Again, ICWAW, this would totally be seen as jealousy for your crush's ex (27:30). And Dean, you're staring at Cas' lips again (27:37)
[Sam: "So, you killed 50,000 people for us?" Cas: *looks at Dean* "... No, I didn't... They were never born." (37:49) This is so stupid, but... sure, Cas... sure. That's what you ment.]
Cas makes a small speech about fighting for freedom, choosing your fate and all, while looking at Dean (38:55). OKAY SUBTEXT!!!
[As soon as Dean mentions boobs, Cas is gone (39:36) LOL]
Episode 19:
"It's not like Cas lives in my ass. The dude's busy. [...] Cas, get out of my ass!!!" "I was never in... your-" (4:28) and then they stare... Were you having unholy thoughts guys?
"Without your power you're basically just a baby in a trench coat" #MARRIED (10:38), "My friend is very sick." "I have a, uh... painful burning sensation." OH COME ON!!! (11:22)
"You know who whines? Babies. *pats Castiel*" (14:28) I'm sorry, pats him wHERE??!!
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Dean saves Cas again (19:38)
The way Cas says "Dean, Dean!" (23:09)... I'm so fucking weak, and look at those EYES! (23:41) kill me now
"The kid... The little kid, he's one of them." "... Unbelievable." "Yeah, I know, Cas. You told me, all right?" (37:48) #MARRIED
Sam and Bobby immediately think Cas might be betraying them (39:31), while Dean won't even immagine the possibility. "This is Cas we're talking about!" (39:52)
Episode 20:
Even tho Dean can sense something is off with Cas, he won't bring himself to admit it. And the eye-car-sex. That. (4:44-4:53)
"You're distracted. [...] Is that all you're holding, huh? See... the stench of that Impala's all over your overcoat, angel." (6:20) this has such sexual undertones. ICWAW, it would be MENT as having sexual undertones. Also Crowley ships it
Dean protects Cas even tho clear evidence is there, and even feels bad about lying to him (12:06). And Cas feels oh so bad about Dean trying to be loyal to him, even when he was starting to suspect (13:18)
Dean still refuses to acknowledge the possibility of Cas' betrayal (19:56). His speech about Cas... I'm weak. "He broke ranks, gone to the mat, cut and bleeding for us, so many frigging times. This is Cas!" (20:10). ICWAW, this would be read as Dean having feelings for Cas, and as those feelings were getting in the way of his best judgment
Cas goes against the King of Hell to save the boys... but Dean first (21:48), and Dean defendes him against Bobby and Sam, apologizing for doubting about him. Cas hates having to break their trust
The look on Dean's face as he realizes Cas had been lying the whole time... BROKEN (23:35-23:49)
Cas doesn't want Dean to have to sacrifice more than he already had for him (25:19), and when Crowley shows up, Cas' first instinct is to look back at Dean protectively (25:30), and does that again before following Crowley (26:17)
Cas wants Dean to be happy, stay retired, even tho he was so longingly looking at him moments earlier (29:09)
"You gotta look at me, man. [...] Look me in the eye and tell me you're not working with Crowley." (32:38) the absolute desperation in both Dean and Cas, how HURT they look. THEIR EYES! Dean looks devastated
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"I did it to protect you, I did it to protect all of you!" (33:09) one of the many "you, all of you" no-homo saves Cas pulls while talking to/about Dean
"I had no choice!" "No, you had a choice... You just made the wrong one." (34:21) how fucking hurt Dean looks. "Where were you when I needed to hear it?" THE EYES
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"I was there... Where were you? *flashback to Cas looking back at Dean*" I'M DEAD
"It's not too late. Damn it, Cas. We can fix this!" "Run. You have to run, now. RUN!" (35:33) and they do, but Dean looks back at Cas, and the way they look at each other... STOP (35:47-35:52) ICWAW, this whole scene would seem like someone trying to save their loved one, and OH boy, that stare exchange would seem either a silent confession or a reminder of their feelings for the other
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Cas visits Dean in the night, even tho they clearly don't trust him and don't want him there, and Dean leaves it be (38:06), and even apologizes for having to angel-proof the house against him
#MARRIED (38:28), "I'm doing this for you, Dean. I'm doing this because of you." (38:35) ICWAW... do I even need to point this out?
"Next to Sam, you and Bobby are the closest thing I have to family..." the look on Cas' face as Dean says this (39:15) "... that you are like a brother to me." did Cas' eyes just get more glossy? Poor baby. Also, ICWAW, by the way they interact, this statement would feel wrong on so many levels
"You're just a man. I'm an angel." ... why does it feel like Cas is telling that to himself more than to Dean? (39:43) "I'm sorry, Dean." (39:55) Kill me
Cas questions his decisions, asks God for guidance, the moment he understood he hurt Dean. He doesn't want to hurt Dean, but will do what he has to do to if it means he will be safe
Episode 21:
[Not a destiel moment, but "fragile masculinity" much, Dean? (4:20) "I was too busy having sex with women." (why do you feel the need to specify 'women'?)]
This Dean-Balth bickering has such current-former love interest fight vibes (8:52). Come on, ICWAW, this would totally be the case
Here's another Cas/Lisa parallel: how Dean acts here, looking for Ben and Lisa (13:11), and how he acts in S8 while looking for Castiel ("WHERE'S THE ANGEL!?")
Cas saves Dean again (21:46). "I didn't ask for your help." "Well, regardless. You're welcome." #MARRIED
They are both on the verge of tears... "I thought you said that we were like family." (22:22) They hate this situation. They hate not being like always, close, friendly, family
"Dean... I do everything that you ask... I always come when you call. And I am your friend." (22:39) the way he says 'Dean' and how his voice trembles. Dean is basically almost crying now (23:45)
"Dean, I said I'm sorry and I ment it." "Thank you... I wish this changed anything..." "I know.. So do I." (37:45)
[Alright. I do believe Dean really grew to love Lisa during that year they spent together, but I don't buy the "I always loved you, ever since that one hook up on that one weekend we knew each other for" shit. Dean wanted to give a try to the whole 'apple pie life' he'd promised Sam, with a good woman he knew Dean had feelings for.
If he grew to love Lisa over a couple of years after 1 hook up, I'm sure he could do the same thing for Cas after over a decade (he for sure would have already If Cas Were A Woman)]
Episode 22:
["You've always got little old me." "Yes... I'll always have you." (30:26) These two... Come on, they HAD to be ex lovers!]
"We were family once. I'd have died for you. I almost did a few times (Cas did actually, twice). So if that means anything to you... Please... I've lost Lisa, I've lost Ben, and now I've lost Sam... Don't make me lose you too." (39:55) ICWAW, this would be seen as a straight up CONFESSION
The hurtful look on Dean's face when Cas says "You're not my family, Dean.", and the terror when he thought for a second that Sam might have killed him (40:39)
["You will bow down and profess your love unto me, your Lord... or I shall destroy you." ... okay, Cas, honey, I get you are tired of waiting, but this is not the right way to get a confession out of Dean (41:20)]
[Season 7>>]
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adelakryvosheieva · 4 years
“True love stories never have endings.”
Richard Bach
This isn’t one of those stories …
He is like a sunshine trying to came tru after a long tropical storm, trying to overcome those heavy and dark clouds that won’t go away no matter the forse of the wind, that had just pulled up the trees from the ground and crushed down houses to that same ground like they were cartone boxes. She never could have imagined that one persone would be able to have so much effect and influence on her; one persone who could love and could hurt like no one else has ever done; one person in this world that she believed in and considered her family at the end would be her worst enemy at the same time. The last thing she could have thought is that someone could be so kind with so much anger inside, had so much light and darkness inside of that wonderful, most beautiful hart of his; She have never thought that one person could make her feel so broken and so perfect inside when she least expected it.
“That moment I saw him for the first time was something I will never forget. And from remembering how it went from the start it should have been very clear how our relationship would go on. He was walking towards me and the thing that came to my mind was “Oh, no. Why am I doing this?! I have should never agreed to meeting him.” and then “ok, just play it cool, it’s not like you have to see him ever again”. Those words were on my mind for the whole time we were together that night, and strangely enough, those thoughts have never left me and went with me thru the whole time we knew each other. Every little fight or disagreement, every hard moment or disappointment I would had that same feeling, those thoughts. And all I kept saying to my self is that we are never meant to be together because what’s the point?! We are not good for each other, we keep repeating every mistake we’ve made again and again. After many years we have given to each other I wonder what would happen if we would continued. But, the thought of having another five, ten or even more years together in that same massy way was unbearable or, could we have had everything we wanted and become better together?! He become my best friend and my family. For some reason I know his is my “home”.
Who is still didn’t get the image, and I know these are only the outside of happy but, he is the best example of an exiting, existing man who values the women he with and gives the vibes of being “the one” @johanneshuebl.  My fav #johannes huebl sundays
“Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence.”
—Vincent Van Gogh
Those years where rollercoaster. From massy to most wonderful moments. From desperate to happiness. As they started their relationship she knew he wasn’t “the one” and defiantly not someone she could have ever dreamed of for her self. He was the opposite; always on a go but, always late, didn’t care for his looks, massy and confused; not to say she was perfect in any way, but as at appeared to be, they have cared about totally different things, ignoring how other felt about them. She thought that they would never be good for each other; they were so different, so opposite one from another in every way you could think of.
“There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.”
—Friedrich Nietzsche
One of those days of madness she has decided to leave, yet another time. She has done it before for years she has been leaving when she felt not being welcomed or wanted or loved; or, in some cases she has left from where there were no room for rational and analyzed possibility to resolve a certain situation.
I choose to believe that I have done a right thing by making a choose to let go and that my decision wasn’t just irrational act in a moment, even if it was in a moment of yet another exaggerated and misunderstood situation between us. I choose to believe this way because it’s easier to keep living knowing that we weren’t a good match and that no matter how hard we would try it wouldn’t work anyway. I don’t say that I don’t regret or that I believe I have done everything right, but I cannot live and think that after all that pain we been thru and all the work we have done over the years I have now ruined our relationship and my life with my own hands. I cannot think that he could have been everything I’m looking for in a person by my side; to have innovation, fan, spontaneity, protection and love all from one man. Because if someone could have it all it would be him. So I just don’t know what was the right thing to do, I just choose to believe it was right what I have done. And that I didn’t just give up.
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All those memories are just hart breaking. I cannot believe you are not here with me anymore. Times that you took my hand and I just wanted to cry even more from the love I felt, or imagined. I can now just dream and guess what you have felt, what you have thought. When you could sleep only by my side, holding me thru the whole night, tight to you, in your arms. When you kept fighting me because you wanted me to be stronger, better and make me do what I was scared off so I could become brave and free from my fears, from my self. Free from all those dark thought I believed for so many years. Your ways made me who I am today, so far away from you. And I don’t know why this is supposed to be this way. You are one persone I admire and dream of, at the same time the persone I am running away from. I don’t want to remember anymore of anything we build tougher, all that time we spent fighting about the smallest things. I want it all back, and I don’t. I can’t have it anymore, but I miss us so much it makes me want to do it all over again. Our insecurities, luck of trust overwhelmed our souls, but we were full of hope that one day it all would change and we could have the lives we secretly dream of. We just couldn’t admit it, we couldn’t say those words to each other without risking of being hurt, and we weren’t. We just kept going without saying anything, without a plan. I know you wanted it all worked out, and I know you didn’t know how, but you wanted me to be with you, in your own way you really cared about me.
I suppose this is what happens when people don’t really know who they are and can really see them selfs and what they want.
“True love is not a hide-and-seek game; in true love, both lovers seek each other.”
—Michael Bassey Johnson
If you have ever experienced this type of dynamic and if you have ever wandered if you have done the right thing or who is wrong (accepting that there are mistakes made by both sides, always) in the actual relationship non being successful and stressful, who is the one bringing everything down and demolish your effort, that’s assuming that there are actually successful relationships with respect and consideration from both sides.
Let’s immagine a weight scale with two people on opposite sides of that scale, putting all their issues and unresolved baggage on each side (witch we all have, there is no escape from it).
On one hand we a person who has been born into a situation with no support or care, who had to grow up alone and, almost, resented by his family. Who has done all in his power to get attention and validation to be accepted or, even, noticed. How do you think this persone has grown up, who has he be become? Graduated from very prestigious university with high standards and lots of competition (again, the need to be better, smarter and faster to be accepted and recognized has increased) this person has become successful, accomplished and admired. But, some how not yet satisfied. So, his baggage that he puts on those scale would be abandoned issues and constant need for love, approval, admire and, most of all, his need to be “the one”, to be accepted. To some of you it might be not that heavy, but if you consider that those issues have never been acknowledged, they have transformed in one’s constant need to be special and “first” that would never be fulfilled, not that it is impossible but, because no one has that mach love and patience to be around, to give to whom only loves him self and needs your daily proof of it.
On the opposite side we have a persone who has also grown up alone and has been that way all her entire life. But, in in this case, not because there weren’t people around her to love and care for her but, by choose. Obviously, there are abandoned issues as well, being left by one parent and the other one was almost never present because of how much work needed to be done for being able to provide, the only way to cope in this case was the decision to never accept anything from anyone if it is not with the “real” reason, so to be alone was better than to be in “pity” company because (and, here where I really see personality traits) her mind has decided that no one has time or willingness to be around without no good reason that could justify their presence. The only logical weight that has been added to her side of the scale, in this case, would be a childish behavior were she would reject whomever come her way and has developed a believe that in order to be with someone, to be loved and accepted it had to be earned and deserved in natural, very honest way. That if she couldn’t see she would consider being “played” and it was one of worst feelings for her self-esteem.
WHO weighs the most? Who is “heavier”?!
In all honestly the dynamics of both could very well be a learning point and push for growth and improvement. It could have been something special for them, even for the people around them. But, It does not work if they don’t see it or, maybe, only one of them are willing to do something to change the pattern of abuse, disrespect and constant dissatisfaction.
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.”
—Helen Keller
The immagine as per always are form my fav @pinterest
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Soulmate "True love stories never have endings." Richard Bach This isn’t one of those stories … He is like a sunshine trying to came tru after a long tropical storm, trying to overcome those heavy and dark clouds that won’t go away no matter the forse of the wind, that had just pulled up the trees from the ground and crushed down houses to that same ground like they were cartone boxes.
0 notes
adelakryvosheieva · 4 years
“True love stories never have endings.” —Richard Bach
This isn’t one of those stories …
He is like a sunshine trying to came tru after a long tropical storm, trying to overcome those heavy and dark clouds that won’t go away no matter the forse of the wind, that had just pulled up the trees from the ground and crushed down houses to that same ground like they were cartone boxes. She never could have imagined that one persone would be able to have so much effect and influence on her; one persone who could love and could hurt like no one else has ever done; one person in this world that she believed in and considered her family at the end would be her worst enemy at the same time. The last thing she could have thought is that someone could be so kind with so much anger inside, had so much light and darkness inside of that wonderful, most beautiful hart of his; She have never thought that one person could make her feel so broken and so perfect inside when she least expected it.
“That moment I saw him for the first time was something I will never forget. And from remembering how it went from the start it should have been very clear how our relationship would go on. He was walking towards me and the thing that came to my mind was “Oh, no. Why am I doing this?! I have should never agreed to meeting him.” and then “ok, just play it cool, it’s not like you have to see him ever again”. Those words were on my mind for the whole time we were together that night, and strangely enough, those thoughts have never left me and went with me thru the whole time we knew each other. Every little fight or disagreement, every hard moment or disappointment I would had that same feeling, those thoughts. And all I kept saying to my self is that we are never meant to be together because what’s the point?! We are not good for each other, we keep repeating every mistake we’ve made again and again. After many years we have given to each other I wonder what would happen if we would continued. But, the thought of having another five, ten or even more years together in that same massy way was unbearable or, could we have had everything we wanted and become better together?! He become my best friend and my family. For some reason I know his is my “home”.
Who is still didn’t get the image, and I know these are only the outside of happy but, he is the best example of an exiting, existing man who values the women he with and gives the vibes of being “the one” @johanneshuebl.  My fav #johannes huebl sundays
“Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence.” —Vincent Van Gogh
Those years where rollercoaster. From massy to most wonderful moments. From desperate to happiness. As they started their relationship she knew he wasn’t “the one” and defiantly not someone she could have ever dreamed of for her self. He was the opposite; always on a go but, always late, didn’t care for his looks, massy and confused; not to say she was perfect in any way, but as at appeared to be, they have cared about totally different things, ignoring how other felt about them. She thought that they would never be good for each other; they were so different, so opposite one from another in every way you could think of.
“There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.” —Friedrich Nietzsche
One of those days of madness she has decided to leave, yet another time. She has done it before for years she has been leaving when she felt not being welcomed or wanted or loved; or, in some cases she has left from where there were no room for rational and analyzed possibility to resolve a certain situation.
I choose to believe that I have done a right thing by making a choose to let go and that my decision wasn’t just irrational act in a moment, even if it was in a moment of yet another exaggerated and misunderstood situation between us. I choose to believe this way because it’s easier to keep living knowing that we weren’t a good match and that no matter how hard we would try it wouldn’t work anyway. I don’t say that I don’t regret or that I believe I have done everything right, but I cannot live and think that after all that pain we been thru and all the work we have done over the years I have now ruined our relationship and my life with my own hands. I cannot think that he could have been everything I’m looking for in a person by my side; to have innovation, fan, spontaneity, protection and love all from one man. Because if someone could have it all it would be him. So I just don’t know what was the right thing to do, I just choose to believe it was right what I have done. And that I didn’t just give up.
All those memories are just hart breaking. I cannot believe you are not here with me anymore. Times that you took my hand and I just wanted to cry even more from the love I felt, or imagined. I can now just dream and guess what you have felt, what you have thought. When you could sleep only by my side, holding me thru the whole night, tight to you, in your arms. When you kept fighting me because you wanted me to be stronger, better and make me do what I was scared off so I could become brave and free from my fears, from my self. Free from all those dark thought I believed for so many years. Your ways made me who I am today, so far away from you. And I don’t know why this is supposed to be this way. You are one persone I admire and dream of, at the same time the persone I am running away from. I don’t want to remember anymore of anything we build tougher, all that time we spent fighting about the smallest things. I want it all back, and I don’t. I can’t have it anymore, but I miss us so much it makes me want to do it all over again. Our insecurities, luck of trust overwhelmed our souls, but we were full of hope that one day it all would change and we could have the lives we secretly dream of. We just couldn’t admit it, we couldn’t say those words to each other without risking of being hurt, and we weren’t. We just kept going without saying anything, without a plan. I know you wanted it all worked out, and I know you didn’t know how, but you wanted me to be with you, in your own way you really cared about me.
I suppose this is what happens when people don’t really know who they are and can really see them selfs and what they want.
“True love is not a hide-and-seek game; in true love, both lovers seek each other.” —Michael Bassey Johnson
If you have ever experienced this type of dynamic and if you have ever wandered if you have done the right thing or who is wrong (accepting that there are mistakes made by both sides, always) in the actual relationship non being successful and stressful, who is the one bringing everything down and demolish your effort, that’s assuming that there are actually successful relationships with respect and consideration from both sides.
Let’s immagine a weight scale with two people on opposite sides of that scale, putting all their issues and unresolved baggage on each side (witch we all have, there is no escape from it).
On one hand we a person who has been born into a situation with no support or care, who had to grow up alone and, almost, resented by his family. Who has done all in his power to get attention and validation to be accepted or, even, noticed. How do you think this persone has grown up, who has he be become? Graduated from very prestigious university with high standards and lots of competition (again, the need to be better, smarter and faster to be accepted and recognized has increased) this person has become successful, accomplished and admired. But, some how not yet satisfied. So, his baggage that he puts on those scale would be abandoned issues and constant need for love, approval, admire and, most of all, his need to be “the one”, to be accepted. To some of you it might be not that heavy, but if you consider that those issues have never been acknowledged, they have transformed in one’s constant need to be special and “first” that would never be fulfilled, not that it is impossible but, because no one has that mach love and patience to be around, to give to whom only loves him self and needs your daily proof of it.
On the opposite side we have a persone who has also grown up alone and has been that way all her entire life. But, in in this case, not because there weren’t people around her to love and care for her but, by choose. Obviously, there are abandoned issues as well, being left by one parent and the other one was almost never present because of how much work needed to be done for being able to provide, the only way to cope in this case was the decision to never accept anything from anyone if it is not with the “real” reason, so to be alone was better than to be in “pity” company because (and, here where I really see personality traits) her mind has decided that no one has time or willingness to be around without no good reason that could justify their presence. The only logical weight that has been added to her side of the scale, in this case, would be a childish behavior were she would reject whomever come her way and has developed a believe that in order to be with someone, to be loved and accepted it had to be earned and deserved in natural, very honest way. That if she couldn’t see she would consider being “played” and it was one of worst feelings for her self-esteem.
WHO weighs the most? Who is “heavier”?!
In all honestly the dynamics of both could very well be a learning point and push for growth and improvement. It could have been something special for them, even for the people around them. But, It does not work if they don’t see it or, maybe, only one of them are willing to do something to change the pattern of abuse, disrespect and constant dissatisfaction.
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” —Helen Keller
The immagine as per always are form my fav @pinterest
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  Soulmate "True love stories never have endings." —Richard Bach This isn't one of those stories ...
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