aritamargarita · 2 years
GOLDEN || 003
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*walks in* heyyy..how y’all doin….i fixed this too. since there’s only three chapters its easy for me to go back and change the layout YIPPEEEE...now i just wanna say i may make a special chapter where [name] goes back to ecw just to fuck around so if y’all have any underrated wrestlers feel free to scream at me to bring them in!!
now i know i was supposed to post a request but it’s just. ITS NOT REASY y’all im sorry it’s coming i swear. bret hart is next then probably undertaker if everything goes well. i been doing my best. did not really like this chapter but i think it’s because i kept reading it over and over.
now watch me do this sick kick flip
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YOU’RE STILL PISSED off from Marlena’s attack. You’re starting to get even more pissed because Shawn wasn’t putting you down...this is a rough start, but you’re going to fix things one way or another.
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You needed to find Marlena. You had to get her back for even thinking that she could get the best of you.
But it’s hard to do that when Shawn tossed you over his shoulder.
Normally, you’d enjoy this, but you were way too pissed off to function. There’s only one way to settle this. Only one way to be released from Shawn’s hold…….
Shawn just starts laughing at you at first. “JUST KIDDING!” He yells, just so any concerned ears can hear him. “SHE’S JUST BEING DRAMATIC!” He uses his foot to kick open the locker room door.
“Put me down!” You yell, wrangling in Shawn’s grasp. You’re now backstage, but you were about to run away to find Marlena for round two.
“You want me to put you down?” You don’t see it, but Shawn spares a glance at Chyna, motioning his head towards you. “Fine, then. Next time, try to behave. Or else I’ll have to spank ya’!” He does, setting you down onto the ground.
It takes a moment for you to regain balance, but you pull it together. “Thank you!” You sigh out in exasperation.
You take one look around the room with a nod……before turning on your heel and making a run for it out of there. 
Chyna moves quickly, reaching out to you in an attempt to grab the back of your shirt. She catches your collar, but accidentally jams her nail into your back while doing so.
Both of you yelp in pain. That shit really hurt!
“Ha! I knew she’d do that.” Shawn snaps his fingers. “Hunter, told you I was clairvoyant.”
“…I kinda believe you.” Hunter responds, actually swayed that his friend might be psychic.
“Anyone could’ve seen it from a mile away.” Chyna says, rolling her eyes. She, on the other hand, wasn’t swayed at all. They’re just stupid. She adjusts her grip on you and instead wraps her arm around your neck.
You were kind of scared. Hopefully, she wouldn’t choke you out. Jeez.
“Oooh, you smell really nice.” You comment with a smile. You could’ve swore she mumbled a ‘thanks’, but you weren’t entirely sure. “What is that, vanilla?”
The man in the tuxedo steps forward, clearing his throat and capturing everyone’s attention. “Let’s focus, here. I’m sure you know everyone in the room, [Name]. Except for me. My name is Rick Rude. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He holds his hand out for you to shake.
You try turning your head at an awkward angle to expectantly stare at Chyna for a moment and she looks at you.
Sighing, she adjusts her hold to be a little lighter so you can shake his hand, but she goes right back to putting her arm around your neck after you do so.
“Raaaaaavishing Rick Rude, mind you!” Shawn elongates the vowel for dramatic effect.
“I knew you looked familiar!” You chime, pointing a finger at him with a smile. “You wanted to fuck with Shane Douglas! And didn’t you spank Francine?”
Rick chuckles. “Yep. That’s correct. But those days are going to be long behind me. I’ve become an insurance policy for this group, if you will. We’d like you to stay back and listen before you run away.”
You’re willing to listen, but as long as you get to Marlena in one piece. You’ll play their game for now. It’s not like you can go anywhere. “What is it? I promise I won’t run away. Please let me go, Chyna.”
“…Fine.” Chyna relents, letting you free but still backing up to guard the door so you couldn’t run.
He looks around the room for a second before turning back to you. “We want you to join D-Generation X. Creative gave us the go ahead.”
For some reason, it didn’t come as a big shock to you. You figured something would be up, especially since they dragged you all the way back here.
“Yeah, yeah, okay, I’ll join.” You agree, waving your hand. “I’m in….”
Hunter comes over and pats your shoulder with a grin. “Easier than I thought. Our first initiation process is for you to show us the goods.” He lifts his shirt up slightly to insinuate he wanted you to take yours off. “You know. The goods.”
……Wait, what?
“Show off the goods?” You repeat, looking around the room. “Did everyone have to do that here??” You weren’t entirely convinced, but now you were having ECW flashbacks.
“No.” Chyna cuts in. Thank god for Chyna! “They just think you’re an easy target.” If they tried doing that again, she’d knock them upside their head. At this rate, they were going to scare you off.
She’s not quite ready to admit it, but she’s thrilled there’d be another woman in this group.
To be honest, you liked Chyna. She was really serious but she seems really sweet under all of that armor she had up. You wonder if you could get her to go to the nail salon with you.
“Damn. It was worth a try.” Shawn mumbles, snapping his fingers. Those two definitely planned this before hand, tsk.
“Wonderful news!” Rick smiled at you, then slams his briefcase onto a table. “I’ve got papers for you to sign.” And boy, was it a lot of papers to sign. It was like you’re in college all over again.
What the hell did you just get yourself into?
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You never hated paperwork as much as you did right now. Even signing a contract for the WWF wasn’t that much. Rick Rude had you sign a surmount of papers. It got to the point where you didn’t even care, you were signing away. 
You wonder if you accidentally signed most of your estate to him because you weren’t paying attention. Oh well. It is what it is. If you get hurt or maybe even get hit by a bus, you’d probably get money for it! 
The more you’re backstage, the more you think about how things worked around here. Even just being by the ring, you got a general idea of how things were set up.
ECW had always been disorganized. Whenever it came to matches, there’d be a lot of people in the ring at one time, causing a lot of confusion at first. Most of the wrestlers (yourself included), have found a way to work around it, fortunately.
What you couldn’t find a way to work around was the fact your check would bounce every time you’d receive one in the mail. You hated that the most about working for ECW, so you hope WWF would pull it together.
The people were great, but you’ve got bills to pay. And clothes to buy.
D-Generation X had finally let you go, so you decided to wander around the halls. After what’s happened, you’ve lost most of your energy to even try and find Marlena. You’ll wait until she either comes to you or you come across her by coincidence.
It’s not worth the effort. Signing all those papers tired you out. It didn’t help that Shawn had been throwing crumbled up pieces of paper at the back of your head. Hunter thought it was absolutely hilarious too. Whatever.
You’re bored. Very, very bored.
They didn’t have anything for you to do yet. No gimmick, no interference besides the small appearance you did earlier. You’d rather watch paint dry than stick around. It’s probably best to call it a night and go back to the hotel.
You run a hand over your face. Yeah, you could definitely take a nap right about now. As you’re just sorting through your thoughts without a care in the world, you bump into a hard structure.
Luckily, it wasn’t some sort of foreign object! It was a person. Some guy who had his back turned to you!
Oh, no, nevermind. That makes it worse.
“Excuse me, I’m sorry.” You quickly apologize. “I just wanted to pass by.”
The man turns over to you, lightly brushing his hands on your elbows to sturdy you. “Hey, it’s fine.” He says. “As long as you didn’t fall over.”
You finally get a good look at him and..oh no. He’s pink. And he’s wearing sunglasses inside. But he’s pink. Shawn told you not to talk to the pink guys.
You walked yourself right into that.
“You look familiar. Do I know you?” He asks.
Well, you made your bed. Now it’s time to lie in it. Shawn was nowhere to be found anyway, so it’s not like he had to know. You just shrug. “Not sure. I’m from ECW. I’m new. I’m [Name], that’s all you need to know.” And with that, you put out your hand to shake.
“Heh. Right to the point, eh? I’m Bret. Bret Hart.” He takes your hand and firmly shakes it. “I actually think I’ve heard of you. One of the guys in the Foundation mentioned you.”
“Seriously? Who?” You ask, letting go of his hand. Could it have been someone you’ve worked with before? You’ve spoke with a lot of wrestlers and it’s hard to memorize most of their names.
“Brian Pillman. Strike any bells?”
Wait! Yes! It did indeed.
“Okay, yes. But I was too scared to even try and talk to him.” It was true. The guy was unhinged and so unpredictable that you had no clue if he’d even try and attack you or not.
In a sick way, you think he had a crush on you, too. He’d follow you around backstage, leave you dead bugs as a “gift”…it was just a whole other can of worms.
While you could definitely hang in the ring with the men……you didn’t want to send him home crying, of course.
“You’ve got it all wrong. He’s a pretty nice guy.” Bret takes off his sunglasses and shoves them into his pocket with a small smile. “You can take my word for it.”
If he’s here, you hope he’d have some change of heart. “You know what? I think I will. And if you’re wrong, I expect lunch.”
“Are you asking me out?” He outright asks. No! No, you weren’t! Shawn told you to not talk to the pink guys. (Which you’ve already failed..) No way. You’re not asking him out at all.
“Not exactly.” You say. “It’s just a deal. Lets say you’re right, I’ll buy you lunch! Fair trade, right?”
“Suppose so.”
You stand there for a little longer before remembering something. “Aren’t you in a match tonight? Against some guy named the Undertaker.”
“Sure am.” He confirms. “You want to come out and watch?”
It’s not like you had anything better to do. But at the same time, would Shawn tear you a new one?
Ah, who cares what he says. He doesn’t run your life, nor can he tell you who to hang with! You don’t even know why you agreed anyway.
Another man comes out of the room to your left, holding a huge Canadian flag. “Hey, bro!” His voice is as cheerful as ever, even bringing a tired smile to your face. “My match is next. You coming out to help?”
“Not tonight. Got my own match to worry about.” Bret responds.
The other guy looks at you curiously, but then looks down to the floor. He then gives you mischievous grin. “Hey, your left shoe is untied.”
“Oops.” You’re just about to lean down and tie it, but you remember…..you literally don’t have a left shoe since Chyna threw it in the crowd! “Very funny. You know, my shoe actually went to updog.”
He’s confused, shaking his head. He’s about to fall into the trap.
“Wait, what’s updog?”
“Nothing much. What’s up with you?” You respond with a smile. Bret snorts and the other guy can only shake his head.
“Okay, that was a good one!” He’s gotta give it to you, he’s never heard of that before. Perhaps you would become a good ally. For future endeavors of course, nothing involving pranking others.
“My name’s Owen. He’s my brother, but I’m the cooler one.”
“[Name].” You shake his hand too. Duly noted that he was the cooler one. “I can see that, I mean, he was wearing shades inside.”
Bret rolls his eyes playfully. “It’s a stylistic choice. You can try them on, if you want to. Check it out for yourself.”
Hell yeah, you wanted to try them on! It was all a facade. You thought it was a teeny tiny bit cool. “Hand em’ over!”
So he does, taking them out of his pockets and placing them into your hands. You do the honors of putting them on your face.
You feel like the whole world has changed. “Woah. It’s kinda dark in here now.”
Before you can say anything else, Shawn’s voice pops up out of nowhere. “Woah, woah, woah, what do we have here?” Did he show up from hell or something?? Was he following you?? What the hell.
“Trying to steal my teammate?” Shawn asks, wrapping his arm around your waist. “Man, never knew you would go so low.”
“Didn’t know she was apart of your little group of degenerates. What’s a pretty girl like this doing with you, Shawn?” Bret questions. “He didn’t pay you or something, did he?”
Should you take offense to that? “No, of course not. Why would he pay me?”
“I mean, someone like you with the likes of him…” He trails off.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Shawn raises an eyebrow and takes his arm off of you. “You got a problem with me?”
Owen sees that this isn’t going to end well. He steps in between them before Shawn could even walk forward. “Hey, hey. Let’s not do this right now.” Normally, he’d find this a bit funny, but he’s got a match in five minutes and he didn’t want to leave you with the carnage.
You’re right with him. You didn’t know why, but the tension between those two was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
“Owen’s right,” You cut in, stepping in front of Shawn. “We could get in trouble if we fight in the hall. And I literally just got hired, so…”
“Tch.” Bret scoffs, his hostility coming to a boiling point. “You’ll be fine. Shawn here has Vince McMahon just wrapped around his finger. You could trash the place if you wanted to. As long as he’s around, believe me, you’ll keep a job.”
“We’re leaving.” Shawn abruptly says, taking you by the shoulders and leading you down the opposite side of the hall.
“Don’t guide me!” You complain. “I can walk fine by myself. What’s your deal anyway? Why’re you acting like that?”
“Because he’s just bitter.” He grumbled his answer. His behavior was a complete 360° from how he was earlier. You didn’t like it one bit. “I tell you not to talk to those guys, and what do you do? You go and talk to those assholes!”
You hold up a hand. “First, you better lower your tone. If you have any sense, then we’d go about this a mature way…”
Shawn’s not used to getting any backtalk from others, so he hesitated before speaking. “….I wouldn’t be getting loud if you just listened to what I said in the first place.”
You’re starting to get irritated with him. Yeah, he’s hot and all. Earlier you had no qualms with whatever he said, but his attitude is starting to bring you back to reality. “What do you care?? When is it ever that serious??”
“Because I asked you to! Isn’t that enough?”
“No! You sound stupid!” You stop walking, throwing your arms out. “Who do you think you are, telling me what to do like you own me?”
You weren’t going to let him get a word out just yet. “You need me more than I need you guys, I promise that. I’m going to do what I want. If you trust me, you’d let me—“
It’s his turn to cut you off. “Alright, alright, you win.” He throws his hands up. You figure he doesn’t want to argue anymore and neither do you.
Hopefully you two have come to an understanding.
“You can do whatever you want. Just...be careful, I don’t want them to try and steal you away from us already.”
There it is. The truth. Or at least you think it is.
“No one’s going to steal me from anyone.” You say. “You’re worrying for no reason. I don’t want to go anywhere else right now. I’ll stay with you guys. Don’t have to throw a temper tantrum!”
Shawn seems to lighten up a bit. “Good, but it looked like you were the one who was going to have a temper tantrum.”
Be so fucking for real…
“Yeah, okay.” You just go along with it. Shawn swings his arm around your shoulder once more. “Damn, why’s it still so dark?!”
“You’ve got these still on.” He takes the sunglasses off of you. “Almost forgot, if you’re stayin’ with us, you’re cool with being in an intergender match next week, right?”
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pillman not being a loose canon in wwf? they are both mistaken. bret setting reader up LOLL. (their interaction will be next chapter i promise!!!!) is simp reader over???!!! had to scream “GIRL GET UP. GIRL GET UP…” cant let a man get the best of you💯‼️ #ispeakreal #talkaboutit #girlbossing101
and i find it hilarious in ecw you could have 1 (one) match going on with just two people then suddenly half the roster comes out like???? WHATS HAPPENING??????? WHERE DO I FOCUS????? watching ecw is like being on lsd
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blondieeu · 5 months
still in love. onyankopon
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onyankopon who plays “u send me swingin’ “ by mint condition when he’s making dinner.
onyankopon who tries his best to make things romantic, plating the dinner he made for the two of you and lighting candles around the table.
onyakopon who you actually have to fight because he won’t let you wash the dishes and he just does it himself.
onyankopon who runs you a bath after a long day and helps you undress, kissing down your body while he does it.
onyankopon who even takes the time to bathe with you, kissing your arms and massaging your shoulders in the bath.
onyankopon who helps you out of the bath, rubs lotion on you, and almost worships your brown skin while he does it.
“so perfect.” “pretty thing,”
onyankopon who’s always humming some old ass r&b song. “i’m still in love with you” by new edition, “beauty” by dru hill, “i’ll make love to you” by boyz II men.
onyankopon who fluffs and shapes your ‘fro for you, making sure to be careful and to not mess it up.
onyankopon who doesn’t like to fuck fast, he likes to really take his time with you and make love to you.
he’d kiss your neck and keep a hand on your side under your ribs.
and roll his hips into you, always making sure to keep a hand on your skin or even holding your hand.
onyankopon who always makes sure you cum first no matter what you’re doing. like he literally cannot let himself finish if he knows you haven’t.
“you dont have to do that baby, let me take care of you,” or “oh baby get off your knees, lay down.”
onyankopon who’s respectful to other women but not too friendly and makes it known he’s spoken for.
onyankopon who’s patient and takes his time listening and loving you.
onyankopon who takes extra time if you’re insecure about your skin to constantly remind you how beautiful black skin is.
onyankopon who still dresses like he’s in the 70’s-2000s.
onyankopon who’s two toned lips are always soft and taste like honey when you kiss him.
onyankopon who KEEPSSSS a small tub of aquaphore on him at all times “just in case”
onyankopon who always brings you some gift or something he had because he thinks about you so much.
“thought you’d like it babe.”
onyankopon who’s a sweetheart. <3
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blondieeu xx
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leejynz · 1 year
the boyz - younger or older preference | fluff!
*note this is all fictional and just based off of my opinion of the boyz*
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sangyeon | younger
he’s been stuck with 10 younger brothers so he’s definitely used to being the older one
definitely would tease and make fun of his s/o
wants to take bigger responsibilities (man of the house sort of vibe)
big spooning and driving the kids to school
jacob | same age/younger
tbh he prolly doesnt mind age *kevin doesn’t use honorifics for him*
definitely extremely caring to his s/o and will treat you like his queen
he’d take care of you and sleep w/u when you have a cold so both of u can be sick together
will teach you how to play guitar and pat your head when you make mistakes
younghoon | older
even though he’s hyungline, he secretly wants his s/o to be older than him
wants his s/o to comfort him when he cries
teases his noona and gets yelled at for but he enjoys it
younghoon can be shy so having an older s/o can be his perfect half
hyunjae | older
some might disagree but hyunjae would love calling his s/o ‘noona’ all the time
likes to joke around his s/o by calling her full name just to make her angry
sneaky and mischievous and jokes around with his s/o and loves to catch her off guard
wants his s/o taking care of him especially on trips and vacations (putting sunscreen, cooking, setting up plans)
juyeon | same age
i can’t see older or younger idk why?? juyeon definitely wants his s/o to have lots of similarities with him and similar opinions
been together with three other 98liners so he wants his s/o to be his best friend too
he wants to take care of his s/o and be taken cared of at the same time
love at first sight typa vibe.. gets even more attracted if his s/o has more things in common
kevin | same age/younger
at first i thought older but kevin is also on the younger side. like juyeon, he wants his s/o to be his best friend and lover at the same time
would carry you at any random time (with those big ass arm muscles)
panics and starts high pitch screaming whenever his s/o makes mistakes/accidents
calls his s/o cute when she looses in arm wrestles and tries to come up with excuses
chanhee | younger
i’m lowkey contemplating myself on this one but tbh i’ve noticed new gets rlly energetic with the members especially the maknae line
new would find his s/o cute if she was like innocent but immature at the same time
pranks his s/o at a serious situation just to see her reaction after
starts laughing when his s/o cries during a movie but hugs her and comforts her after
changmin | older
changmin def wants his s/o to be more calm and collected (kinda) like his hyungline
loves to see his s/o loose in a bet and does aegyo for the punishment
likes to scare his s/o just like his hyungs and records the reactions
when he sees his “noona” cry but doesn’t know what to do so he lets her head lay on his chest
juhaknyeon | younger
most confident with this one; ngl i thought he was in the hyungline when i first saw tbz
wants to be the “older one” and would teach his s/o english and chinese words everyday
gets mad at his s/o whenever she’d skip meals or gets injured/hurt
during a fight with his s/o, he sees her cry and suddenly worries. puts her to sleep after.
sunwoo | older
no i will not be biasing him or eric bc they r the maknaes
sunwoo is def mature for his age but also a little kid sometimes. s/o def has to match his energy 100%
s/o will put portions of food in his mouth and ask him if her cooking skills are good
will continuously remind sunwoo his daily schedule every single morning
eric | older
eric wants somebody he can lean on to and someone he can learn from.
makes big accidents and pretends nothing happened in front of his s/o (she obvi knows)
whenever s/o starts yelling at him, eric starts joking around and keeps saying he’s sorry
tries to impress his noona with his dancing skills whenever she’s upset (and it works)
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harrywavycurly · 2 months
This is so random but I grew up watching wrestling, I’m talking every Thursday night was Smackdown night at my house and it’s the one “show” me and my brothers all enjoyed and I have just now come to the realization that the WWE is just a violent soap opera let me explain:
-I remember sitting in my living room finding out the Undertaker and Kane the Big Red Machine weren’t really brothers AND then I had to watch Kane take his mask off.
-I watched a whole love story/affair happen with Triple H and the owner’s daughter that was so dramatic I loved it.
-I was in the arena when The Rock got his ass handed to him by Stone Cold Steve Austin for one of the last times (literally nothing beats Stone Cold’s entrance music when you hear that glass breaking)
-I used to have a crush on dude named Edge the “Rated R Superstar” and still do the man is so good looking.
-The Hardy Boyz were the bad boys of tag team and don’t ever get in the ring with them during a ladder match.
-WWE vs RAW was always so intense it was like two gangs meeting up for a fight till the death and I loved every single second of it.
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einsteinsugly · 1 year
That 70s Show: The gang, and their varying music tastes.
In That 70s Show, most of the gang (minus Jackie) loves what we now call stereotypical classic rock. Zeppelin, The Who, The Rolling Stones, Queen, etc. But now and then, we see small glimpses of the gang's varying tastes, from Eric's love for the prog rock band Styx to Donna's Janis Joplin poster on her wall. Here, in this essay, I'm going to present their variations in music taste, as provided by both the show and my realistic speculations (and some real life experiences, via my EDish parents), from character to character.
Donna: She has a singer-songwriter slant/vibe, such as…
Fleetwood Mac, Carole King, Carly Simon, Joni Mitchell, Joan Baez, The Mamas and The Papas, etc.
Also, she'd generally have a slant towards female rock groups and solo artists. Heart, Pat Benatar, Janis Joplin, Joan Jett/The Runaways, and the occasional Blondie tune (mainly, she'd really like Rapture).
She would also, with Eric, like these rock bands more than the others would (they all give me "mom and dad" rock vibes): Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Kansas, The Eagles (and all their solo stuff in the 80s, too).
In the 90s/00s, she would be a fan of Jewel, Alanis Morissette, The Cranberries, Tracy Chapman, The Fugees/Lauryn Hill, Sheryl Crow, Natalie Merchant/10,000 Maniacs, Melissa Etheridge, No Doubt, Evanescence, Alicia Keys, KT Tunstall, etc.
Eric: He has a prog/soft rock vibe, such as…
Chicago, Styx (but he can't stand Mr. Roboto, because Kelso ruined it), Genesis, Pink Floyd, Air Supply, Rush, Foreigner, Boston, The Police, Journey, Supertramp, The Cars, The Doobie Brothers, Simon and Garfunkel, James Taylor, Hall and Oates, Huey Lewis and the News, Genesis, Tears For Fears, Billy Joel, Wings, U2, etc.
He's a huge fan of The Beatles, Paul McCartney in particular. He constantly compares him and Donna to Paul and Linda.
He, along with Hyde, likes more "chill" rock when he's in a good mood, like Eric Clapton and Steely Dan. And James Taylor, after Jackie gets Hyde into it.
See above for the "mom and dad" rock bands. Eric loves "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing," though, and Donna hates it.
In the 90s/early 00s, he'd like a lot of the mainstream/less grunge rock of the 90s, such as Matchbox Twenty, The Goo Goo Dolls, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Green Day, and Weezer (Weezer is such an Eric-y band). He'd like John Mayer, Five for Fighting, and Michael Buble in the 2000s, and the gang would make fun of him for it.
Fez: He has a mix between an R&B/Motown slant (such as Stevie Wonder) and what I would call a "crappy novelty song" slant. This mix leads him to be a fan of KC and the Sunshine Band, which everyone makes fun of him for (although Kelso likes a couple of songs). He's a huge fan of Queen and Freddie Mercury, and a huge fan of Prince and Michael Jackson (and to a lesser extent, Boyz II Men). He, unfortunately, likes Milli Vanilli (even after they were exposed), Ricky Martin, and Enrique Iglesias (he's not as bad as the first two, though). and all those novelty songs from the late 80s/90s (like Mambo No 5 and the Macarena). Currently, he would be a big fan of Bruno Mars.
Hyde: I'm admittedly less knowledgeable about hard rock, and I'm just gonna throw some well-thought out band names at you. He particularly likes Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Santana, Eric Clapton, and Jimi Hendrix. In the 80s, he hates hair metal, minus maybe Guns N Roses (if that counts; Kelso loves it), and in the 90s, he's a big fan of grunge. Nirvana, Soundgarden, The Smashing Pumpkins, etc. He also likes Red Hot Chili Peppers, Lenny Kravitz, and The Black Keys (his kid gets him into it). Jackie gets him to be a fan of James Taylor, Elton John, and Adele (much later), and very occasionally, Billy Joel. He likes Steely Dan when he's in a good mood.
Anywho, I grew up with Eric and Donna "mom and dad" kind of rock (but my dad's a mix of Eric and Jackie music taste wise, and it's the worst) mixed with a bit of some good R&B and Motown (not the crappy Fez kind). My dad grew out of a solid chunk of the harder rock that he listened to as a teen, hence how I personally developed Eric's music taste over time in my verse (it's realistic, frankly). So, if any of you grew up with a parent with Hyde-ish taste in music or just like hard rock yourself (or are just more familiar with it than me), toss some ideas at me.
Jackie: She's the only one that majorly deviates from the classic rock status quo on T7S. She loves ABBA, The Carpenters, David Cassidy (she grows out of that, though), The Bee Gees (my dad does too, eww), Captain and Tennille, Journey, Elton John, Billy Joel, Blondie, Fleetwood Mac, Olivia Newton-John, Donna Summer, and Peter Frampton. She grew up listening to James Taylor with her dad, so it holds a special place in her heart. She gets Hyde to like James Taylor and Elton John, and Hyde gets her to like Zeppelin. She gets Donna to like Blondie, to some extent, and Heart and Pat Benatar is Jackie's angry music.
In the 80s, she loves Madonna, The Go Gos, Whitney Houston, Cyndi Lauper, Paula Abdul, a sea of one/two hit wonders, etc. She loves Dirty Dancing and the song "(I've Had) The Time of My Life." In the 90s, she's a huge fan of Mariah Carey. Since the mainstream music for most of the 90s was either rock/alternative, R&B, or stupid Fez-ish gimmicky songs, Mariah Carey's music becomes an obsession for her. Her obsession calms down a bit with the bubblegum pop revival in the late 90s/early 00s, and she loves Britney Spears, The Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, J-Lo, Christina Aguilera…the list is endless. And today, she'd love Adele and Ariana Grande, and uses them as an example for good music when Hyde complains about mainstream music today. Well, and she'd love Taylor Swift too (minus some of the early country stuff), but for Hyde, Taylor Swift doesn't count as good music. And for Hyde, Ariana just has a good voice. That's it.
Kelso: He likes The Doors, The Police, Pink Floyd, and David Bowie. For Kelso, he never grows out of the most obnoxious rock bands the gang listened to as teens. KISS, AC/DC (to be fair, Hyde doesn't, either), Alice Cooper, Molly Hatchet, Foghat, etc. He loves 80s hair metal, like Twisted Sister, The Scorpions, Def Leppard, Van Halen, Poison, etc. In the 90s, he loves Smash Mouth and the Barenaked Ladies. He can recite "One Week" and "It's The End of the World" by REM by heart. The Talking Heads and the B-52s are also a guilty pleasure of his (especially "Love Shack"), and "Mr. Roboto" by Styx. He also has a soft spot for Boston and The Cars (he listens to "My Best Friend's Girl" on repeat when Jackie first gets with Hyde).
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kamiversee · 2 months
OOOOO GIRL I know I be too involved with my nose everywhere in evb business🙄🙄 ✨💕(especially on the base of Sukuna's dick) 💕✨ BUT IM PRRRREEETTTTYYYY SURE THAT IF CHOSO DISAPPEARED THAT QUICK THEN ITS BCS HES GONNA SQUARE UP WITH SUKUNA. THE FIGHT STARTIN FR!!!!! THE BOYZ R FIGHTINNNNNN🗣️🔥🔥🔥‼️💯💯💯
I have a big feeling that if it's not gonna happen it's something that would've happened... Idk. That's something Chosie would do for his bbg Y/N honestly!!🤧🤧🙏
Y’all will see soon fr🙏
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basilnth · 2 years
What are some of yalls headcanons for your campaigns or stories?
I make it where, save for the witch hunters, the Empire isnt as ass backwards and fucked to its people as it gives off. Yes industrial age, yes corruption and rich folks and factories, but we also have this world where unified, survival is actuslly on the line, so while there is smaller scalled corruption, i feel like living in the Empire isnt as awful as some ways depcit it...save again for the with hunters who i think DO make evrything a bit if a hell because your being scared shitless everytime they come around, and its a 50/50 if they are going to be resonable.
Orks: not as icky (no s words or r words). Just stupid fight obsesswed chaotic nuetral boys who see strength above all else and dont want to fully anilate something by their own hands. Once the fights done they walk off, which means leaving whatever theybwere fighting to pick itself up not die. If they are strong enough to not inly survive their attack and even fight back "Den Gork/Mork smiles upon us boyz!" Otherwise kf you die you die.
Dwarves: i think they are so cool and honor bound and petty af. I love that in total war they can be one of the end game calamities. A good guy faction that can let thier hubress and pride send them on a massive downfall.
What you got?
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haet-sal · 1 year
Babe I don’t know about the background for the yandere robot one but surely TBZ would be so controlling of Y/N.
Like let’s say Y/N is like a extrovert and loves to party and shit. Hook up and all. She decides to like buy 11 robots (she’s rich rich. Like FLEX ALL DAY MAN IF YKYK) to look after house for her and stuff when she’s not at home.
So if Y/N decides to go to a night bar once she has TBZ as her robots they would NOT let her step a foot out of the house. Especially when she is wearing that short ass dress. If Y/N does sneak out (it was their trap. Like come on. They’re robots of course they know what is happening around them) they just track her phone down and force her to come back to the house.
No way Y/N will win against like what…11..robots-
And since then they just don’t let her leave the house. Always looking at her when she is asleep. For them they’re just keeping her safe. Then checking her phone from time to time. Again for her safety.
And the WAY CHANHEE will be like the clingy when it comes to Y/N. Always keeping that innocent image but when you do something he does not like he gets all mean with you. Even to the point he keeps giving you unwanted opinions.
Anon 🐾
DUUUUDE U HAVE SUCH A THING FOR ALL 11 members at the same time I’m laughing sooo hard... like imagining all 11 fighting over her???? You just KNOW they're gonna fight for domination pfkskkks
But watching her sleep is soooo cuuute. "Y/n" or WHAT IF THEY CALL HER MISTRESS FUUUCK "Mistress can I be the one to sleep with you tonight?" Bc theres maybe room for 3 people on the bed. And you need space. So one lucky boy a day. Of course y/n would have biases and sleep with those boyz more?? And the others r like *angry glare*
Alsoooo the scene where they come to take y/n back home??? Imagine her clubber friends r like "omg who are THOSE handsome men" and the boyz that came to take u back r like 🙄🙄 "we hate you just give us y/n"
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nicole-gasbarro · 2 years
A Look Into the "Golden Age" of R&B
From its funk and jazz influences, show-stopping vocalists, sassy and confident girl groups, to the expressive falsettos of boy groups, R&B from the 90s was truly an era to remember. 90s R&B paved the way for today's landscape of popular music. Black female artists such as Brandy, Aaliyah, and Mary J. Blige dominated the scene and defined what it meant to be an innovative voice in the music industry. If you want to take a deeper dive into the music of this scene, I would recommend checking out the songs Complex named the fifty best songs of 90s R&B. But today, we will be exploring four songs from this scene that I feel really represent its overall sound and ethos.
Everything about 90s R&B was iconic. The fashion, the attitude, and of course, the romanticism. One song which fused the romantic and confident elements of the scene's lyricism was Brandy and Monica's "The Boy is Mine". The song is considered by some to be the female version of Micheal Jackson and Paul McCartney's song "The Girl is Mine".
Brandy and Monica were only 17 and 19 at the time of the song's release, revealing their early talent and promise. The two received a grammy for "Best R&B Performance by A Duo or Group" for this song and it became the all-time #1 female duet in chart history. The song is from the perspective of two girls who are fighting over a guy and it is both entertaining and impressive to see how far the girls took this fictitious drama. With self-righteous lyrics like "You're the past, I'm the future", the track is filled with competitive and feisty energy that makes the imagined beef almost seem real. The music video equally depicts the feud as fiery as it is in the lyrics and tone of the girl's voices. The song goes to show the petty behavior that girls may treat each other with when they get involved with the same guy, but as the video depicts, in the end the girls work through their disagreements, confronting the two-timing guy who had relations with both of them at the same time.
Other female artists who wrote with conviction about love and romance were the best-selling American girl group, TLC. TLC included singers Tionne "T-Boz" Watkins, Rozonda "Chili" Thomas, and rapper/singer, Lisa "Left-eye" Lopes. Women in 90s R&B often emphasized their high standards for a boyfriend and the common link between female artists of the time was expressing their desire for a guy who offered his proper time and attention, but also a guy who could provide for her financially. TLC's "No Scrubs" exemplifies this standard and expresses frustration with dating guys who couldn't financially sustain themselves and had to rely on their girlfriends for money. The song made it apparent that they would not tolerate this type of behavior and makes kicking a broke boyfriend to the curb sound incredibly catchy.
The most popular male R&B groups of the time had a more gospel and choir influenced sound from the female artists I have mentioned above and explored their perspective on love and romance in their lyrics differently as well. Although many explored this topic through cringe-worthy innuendos expressing their desire to "freak", there are also gorgeous romantic ballads that have come from these groups. One of the most popular boy groups of the time, Jodeci, consisted of two groups of brothers: Devante Swing, Mr. Dalvin, K-Ci, and JoJo who joined forces to make beautiful, soul inspired R&B music. Their breakout single "Come & Talk to Me" put them on the map to success. In their songs, they mainly discuss love and romance and putting everything on the line for the person you love. Their songs are relatable to anyone who has experienced love before and their vocals are enough on their own to keep you hooked.
Another boy group with sensational vocal skills and soul is Philadelphia-based acapella and vocal group Boyz II Men. Their career was jump started in the 90s with top singles "End of The Road", "Motownphilly", and "It's So Hard to Say Goodbye". In their songs, members Wanya Morris, Michael McCary, Nathan Morris, Shawn Stockman, and Marc Nelson engage in exceptional balladry and express their deepest emotions and feelings about their partners. The amount of sheer vulnerability and emotional expression from their lyrics was refreshing and a real shift from the sentiment expressed in hip hop by male artists.
Overall, 90s R&B was a beloved era of music for all the right reasons. There was no other time in which R&B artists really pushed the envelope and topped the charts with their groundbreaking sound and style. R&B and pop music of today would not be the same without the sheer originality and unique sounds R&B artists of the 90s brought to the music industry. Never again would such incredible vocalists thrive and exist in this space and have such commercial success at one time. Long-adored artists such as Micheal Jackson and Janet Jackson had actual competition alongside new artists who were making music of similar quality. It is hard to imagine this ever being possible today with the formulaic and uninspired music on the charts today. With today's popular music being so underwhelming, it is easy to see why so many people return to 90s R&B to reminisce on all its nostalgic glory.
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cronaz-diary · 25 days
TW: Rape/death threats. If you're not in the right frame of mind, please delete or read this later - as much as I disagree with you I don't want you to hurt yourself.
hey i don't know if you even like... care about this. but lesboys frequently receive graphic death and rape threats. regardless of what your personal opinion is on us the least you could do is not add fuel to the fire. i personally have gotten countless death threats, a dox threat, and a couple rape threats from exclus. it's never okay to tell anyone to kill themselves. please try to make the internet a kinder place. the people you disagree with are human too.
thatz awful and ppl shouldnt be sending that to u i waz mostly refering to ppl who fetishize lesbianz or make fun of lesbianz in my post idk why ppl cant grasp that or deny it when itz so easy to find ppl do that (not referring to u just saying thiz so ppl who told me that doesnt happen stfu) i dont get lesboy still and think itz still a harmful term bc lesbian haz alwayz been a sexuality that isnt for boyz no matter how many ppl who sit on their computer all day say bc itz only like recently ppl tryna add men to lesbian (not he him lesbianz or genderfluid) which iz weird bc all these ppl say they wanna listen to elder queerz yet go on to listen to young bad ppl labelz r there for a reason and have meaning behind them and yea i shouldnt of said kys in my post but i waz upset and wasnt rlly thinking straight and upset bc i kept seeing ppl talk abt lesboyz and ppl using it to mock lesbianz and kept seeing ppl say they r it just bc they wanna get with lesbianz those ppl honestly should be away from like everyone they r actual freakz, all yesterday and still today im getting death threatz, rape threatz, slurz, called horrible shit and ppl being actually fucking stupid and when i tried fighting back no one cared abt those ppl oh no i waz the problem when im guessing most of these r adultz from the way they r talking, talking abt how tthey hope me, a 16 yr old child, should get raped and killed and calling me a dyke and lesbo which also most of these ppl arent lesbian so they never had a say in the first place, most lesbianz all dont like lesboy bc it goez against what lesbian iz therez already so many other termz ppl can use that isnt harmful to a group of ppl or made to hurt otherz or the ppl who say transmen can use it r also transphobic bc they r jsut calling transmen fake men or the transmen who use it dont wanna admit they r stright half the time and thiz frustratez me more bc u never see ppl make anything abt gay (mlm) but girlz so why do that for lesbianz? like i said therez already many termz ppl can use and already termz for butch so ppl need to stop harrassing me and otherz and instead be nice or dont say shit at all and educate themselvez
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shop-korea · 1 year
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'HOW - 2 - SUCCEED - AS - BLKS -
INDIA - 2 - REVOLT - 2 - GET -
'THE WAY - 2 - WIN A WAR -
IS - 2 - LIVE - 4 - YOUR -
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micoc84 · 1 year
Top Movies 1990s 1990- Pretty Woman -g marshall, j.roberts, r. gere 1991- Robin Hood PT - k reynolds, k.costner, m. mastrant, m. free 1991- Terminator 2 - cameron, e.furlong, schwarz, l.hamilton 1992 - Singles - c.crowe, k.sedgwick, c.scott, b.fonda, m.dillon 1992 - Aladdin - j.musker, r.williams, s.weinger, l.larkin, j.free 1993- Jurassic Park - spielberg, s. neill, l.dern, a.richards, j.gold 1993- Poetic Justice - j.singleton, j.jackson, t.shakur, r.king 1994- Forrest Gump - zemeckis, t. hanks, r.wright, s.field 1997- Titanic - cam, l.dicaprio, k.winslett, b.zane, k.bates 1999- Matrix - wachowski, k.reeves, c.moss, l.fishburne Ed Scissors (90), Goodfellas (90), Total Recall (90), Home Alone (90), Ghost (90), House Party (90), Dances with Wolves (90), Green Card (90), Mermaids (90), Days of Thunder (90), Grifters (90), Joe Volcano (90), Bonfire Vanities (90), Dick Tracy (90), Godfather 3 (90) ||| Frankie and Johnny (91), Bill Ted Bogus (91), Hook (91), Raise Red Lantern (91), Once China (91), Beauty Beast (91), Rocketeer (91), Point Break (91), Silence Lambs (91), Boyz in Hood (91), Thelma Louise (91), JFK (91) Bodyguard (92), Wayne's World (92), Basic Instinct (92), Sister Act (92), The Player (92), Glengarry Ross (92), Army of Darkness (92), Crying Game (92), Unforgiven (92), Dracula BS (92), Last Mohicans (92), Few Good Men (92), Far and Away (92), River Runs (92), League of Own (92), Batman Returns (92) ||| Free Willy (93), Groundhog Day (93), Mrs. Doubtfire (93), Fugitive (93), Sleepless Seattle (93), Falling Down (93), Demolition Man (93), Nightmare Cmas (93), Dazed Confused (93), Sandlot (93), Tombstone (93), Schindler's List (93), Age of Innocence (93), Name Father (93), Much Ado (93), Firm (93), Benny Joon (93), Philadelphia (93), Perfect World (93), Carlito's Way (93), Even Cowgirls (93), Gettysburg (93) Reality Bites (94), Pulp Fiction (94), Red Three Colors (94), Lion King (94), True Lies (94), Mask (94), Speed (94), Shawshank Redemption (94), Flintstones (94), Muriel's Wedding (94), Four Weddings (94), Dumb Dumber (94), Ed Wood (94), Professional (94), Chungking Express (94), Clerks (94), Hoop Dreams (94), Little Women (94), Interview Vampire (94), Legends of Fall (94), Bullets Broadway (94), Wyatt Earp (94) 1 9 9 5 : Clueless, Friday, Before Sunrise, While You Sleep, Braveheart, Toy Story, Apollo 13, James Bond GE, Pocahontas, Batman FO, Seven, Empire Records, Showgirls, Kids, Tommy Boy, Mortal Kombat, Babe, Rumble in Bronx, Welcome Dollhouse, Casino, Ghost in Shell, Usual Suspects, Heat, Waterworld, Bridges Madison, Mighty Aphrodite, Dead man Walk, Dangerous Minds, Jumanji
Swingers (96), Independence Day (96), Space Jam (96), Twister (96), The Rock (96), Mission Impossible (96), Happy Gilmore (96), Birdcage (96), From Dusk Dawn (96), Romeo Juliet BL (96), Trainspott (96), Fargo (96), English Patient (96), Scream (96), Crucible (96) ||| Grosse Pointe Bl (97), Chasing Amy (97), LA Confidential (97), Boogie Nights (97), Goodwill Hunt (97), Life is Beautiful (97), Fifth Element (97), Men in Black (97), As Good Gets (97), Austin Powers (97), Face off (97), Princess Monoke (97), Gattaca (97), Seven Years Tibet (97), Anastasia (97), Donnie Brasco (97), Jackie Brown (97) Rushmore (98), Big Lebowski (98), Something Mary (98), Save Private Ryan (98), Shakespeare Love (98), Godzilla (98), Bug's Life (98), Half Baked (98), He Got Game (98), Out of Sight (98), Truman Show (98), Great Expectations (98), Prince Egypt (98), Dark City (98) ||| Phantom Menace SW (99), Office Space (99), Iron Giant (99), Fight Club (99), Tarzan (99), Mummy (99), American Beauty (99), American Pie (99), Blair Witch (99), Never Been Kissed (99), Ten Things Hate (99), Three Kings (99), Galaxy Quest (99), Sixth Sense (99), Magnolia (99), Being J Malkovich (99), Girl Interrupt (99), Eyes Wide Shut (99), Snow Fall Cedar (99), Sweet Lowdown (99)
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bhultra · 1 year
Unfortunately we knew this day was coming. We've been sitting on this footage for a long time and the longer we wait to release it, the worse the timing gets. We're not here to make fun of anyone or to target anyone for bullying or harassment. what we are here to do is... read terrible web comics So once again (maybe for the last time) The Boyz gather together in the hidden library to read the heartbreaking, cringe inducing, fight starting web comic that swept the nation, SONICHU!!! ZAP TO THE EXTREME Season 8 Boyz Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BoyzHubUltra Boyz Merch: https://www.redbubble.com/people/heelnatts/shop Boyz Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/BoyzHubUltra/ Boyz Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/BoyzHubUltra Boyz Twitter: https://twitter.com/BoyzHubYT Boyz Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/boyzytofficial/ Boyz Character Artist: twitter.com/veronicandjelly Boyz Appeared In This Video: Andrew Will Kyle Edited By: Andrew
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ledenews · 2 years
The Evolution of Marshall County Crime … According to Sheriff Bill Helms
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The year was 1994. Boyz II Men was the big band, “Forrest Gump” made its worldwide premier, and the Buffalo Bills lost the Super Bowl for a fourth straight time. O.J. Simpson led police on a low-speed chase, big-league baseball players went on strike, Bill Cinton was the president of the United States, and marijuana was the evil weed because parents watch TV commercials with their children’s brains frying in a pan. It is also the year when Bill Helms became a cop. He was 24, heard about the Civil Service Exam, and took the test with about 200 other men. Helms then signed up with the Moundsville Police Department. “That’s back when we didn’t have the internet yet,” Helms recalled. “Can you imagine a world without Google and Facebook?” Or a world without Fentanyl and Narcan? “When I first started in law enforcement, marijuana was the big drug on the streets and it was the drug we were looking for all of the time. These days, marijuana is nothing compared to the drugs we have on the streets now. The drugs we have now can kill you instantly, and that’s never, ever been the case with marijuana,” Helms said. “I never expected the drug trade to reach the point it has these days. “That makes it very scary to think about where it might go in the near future,” he said. “I’d love to see it all go away but that’s never going to happen in my lifetime.” Where it is now, though, is frightening enough. “I have deputy sheriffs who carry Narcan on their belt, and that’s definitely something we weren’t doing when I first started back in mid-90s,” Helms said. “They do that in case they have to save someone’s life because of an overdose, or because they accidentally got a dose while doing an arrest. That has happened with Fentanyl on the street. “The danger now is so strong and the drugs are really, really intense now, and with Fentanyl, it only takes a whiff of it,” he explained. “And if you do get a whiff of Fentanyl? You could die. It’s that easy to understand. You could die, and if you don’t have the Narcan close by, you probably will.” Street drugs have changed over the last 30 years since Helms became a member of law enforcement. In With the New? One invention was nicknamed the “Electric Rifle” because instead of bullets it shot less-lethal electrodes to stop fleeing or resisting suspects. It is, of course, has been known as the “Taser” since deployed in the 1990s, and it’s been a tool for law enforcement across the world. The electroshock weapon incapacitates people when necessary, and Helms reported that Tasers are rarely deployed by deputies in Marshall County. “When tasers became a part of law enforcement, that was a big-time game changer for law enforcement because it meant we weren’t going to have to fight with people as often,” Helms said. “Before tasers, we had to fight with people a lot because so many of them would resist. We would say, ‘OK, you’re under arrest. Turn around and put your hands on your head,’ and they would say, ‘Make me.’ “So, yeah, we would have to make them, and it was never a fun thing to do,” he said. “But with the tasers, that turned around almost by 100 percent because no one wants to be tasered, trust me. Pepper spray helped, but the tasers made the most difference. People are afraid of those things, and they should be.” Another invention that came into play was the in-cruiser camera, but its implementation was not made without an angry narrative between government officials and law enforcement leaders. The police opposed the cameras, Helms recalled, because it felt too “Big Brother” to officers who felt they were the ones under surveillance instead of the criminals.   “I remember when the in-car cameras came into play, there were actual VCRs in our trunks. That was really, really weird,” Helms said. “And the people in law enforcement were averse to those things because it seemed like it was infringing upon us somehow, but we sure changed our minds about that once the results started coming in that we did the right thing, and the people we were arresting were really doing those things no one believed us about. “Nowadays, we wouldn’t go out there with those cameras because of how much they protect us while we’re on duty,” he insisted. “Those cameras were the beginning of the technology we started seeing come into law enforcement, and it’s all been very, very positive.” Helms approved the purchase of a $25,000 surveillance drone for the sheriff's office. Lost and Found Not until recently did mainstream websites and smartphone app companies have to start asking users for their approval to “track” their locations. The practice, however, was perfectly legal before new laws were established following lawsuits and court battles. The smartphone, though, never stops recording a person’s position because of the need for a signal from a nearby cellular tower. Many individuals have exclaimed such practice to be an infringement on privacy, but it is that exact system that aids law enforcement in various ways. “One of the first things we do when we launch an investigation is ping the connected phones,” Helms said. “When a young person goes missing, that’s the first we do is ping their phone because of how many steps it allows us to skip when it comes to things we used to do. Now, there are several things we’ll always have to do in those situations, but, again, technology has changed so much when it comes to law enforcement. “Our phone never stops tracking us unless they are completely without power,” the sheriff said. “Of course, there are always the negatives with the positives, and what that means is that we’ve seen criminals using technology, too.” Once a location allegedly connected to criminal activity is determined, Helms deploys the department’s new drone for surveillance purposes. The results, the sheriff confirmed, have made the purchase well worth the $45,000 expense. “We added a drone to our department a few months ago, and wow, is it amazing, and it really can help with so much that we do. We’ve used it for reconnaissance, with high-risk warrants, and missing persons cases,” Helms explained. “It is night-vision capable, the resolution on the camera is incredible, and the range is much farther than I thought it would be. When it was demonstrated for me, I found it to be a must-tool our department needed immediately. “Our drone can fly so high, you can’t even see it from the ground,” he said. “Let me put it this - our drone was expensive, it really was, but it’s already paid for itself.” Read the full article
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avaliveradio · 2 years
New Music Release Radar Unfiltered Music Spotify Podcast with Jacqueline Jax
Today’s episode of the New Music Release Radar Spotify Podcast with Jacqueline Jax.
Listen on Podcast <here>
This spotify music podcast episode features a lot of some new pop music, indie rock and songwriter selections. Update your summer spotify playlist with some new music arrivals.
Enjoy these singles and more on our featured playlist:
Fresh New Indie Songs : New Music Release Radar
The indie music scene is overflowing with fresh new music, follow our daily updates to discover what's happening on the Indie Music Scene. Curated by Jacqueline Jax . 
Featured Artists
Atomic Blonde - You Became God
Release date: Jul 15, 2022 (18 days ago)
Genre” Indie Pop, Adult Contemporary
Alternative singer/songwriter from Kansas City, Atomic Blonde, has experienced the positive effects of music firsthand. Growing up, singing was always an outlet for her in difficult times, and she hopes that her music can provide an outlet for others in the same way. Her haunting, emotional sound is inspired by artists like Lana Del Rey and Billie Eilish. Atomic Blonde's first single, "Hard to be a Woman," captures the image of a woman in a toxic relationship. When she is pushed too far she begins “brewing the perfect storm”, as the lyrics state. She doesn’t fall easily. She fights for what is right. Eventually, she won’t remain quiet.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atomicblondeofficial/
Listen on Spotify
Release date: Jul 29, 2022 (4 days ago)
Approved for: New Indie Music Release Radar, Fresh New Indie Pop Picks
Genre:  Neo-Soul, Contemporary R&B, Alternative / Indie R&B
This single is a snappy summer bop that gets you up jigging around the office. Get this one into your earphones and enjoy what’s left of these bright and cheerful days. 
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/kidtravis/
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Nabz (Rocco Boyz)- Weld Nass
Release date: Jul 30, 2022 (3 days ago)
"This song includes a mix of Moroccan melodies, latin elements and UK lyrics. 
Released by: Independent
Submission detail | Artist profile | Premium
Contemporary R&B
Rocco Boyz are a duo from West London with Moroccan origins who have been best mates from the age of 11. Their bouncy and energetic sound uplifts and captivates any room it is played in. Nabz and Fino's energy and chemistry can be heard in their tracks as they complement each other with their melodic rapping and singing.
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Sweet Undertow- Kingdom Come with Me
Release date: Jul 29, 2022
"Album out 8/26 - cool video for this too! Hope you like!"
Released by: Mother West
Genre:  Blues, Alt Country
Sweet Undertow is a blues-rock operation out of San Francisco, CA - A brand new sound that you've never heard before.  Long, wild years on the road, mixed with a deep base in roots and funk - like Joe Cocker playing with Creedence and the JBs - shaped Sweet Undertow into a modern explosion of new sound. Sweet Undertow has played across America, India, Ukraine, France, Singapore and Vietnam.
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Cabela and Schmitt New Single 'Birthday Party'
A song about life Cabela and Schmitt New Single 'Birthday Party' is a dreamy indie pop song with feel good vibes. ‘Birthday Party’ by Cabela and Schmitt is a dreamy indie pop song about celebrating life.  The song embodies that feeling that nothing is going to stop you from your life mission as you walk forward ready to take on the world and capture all your goals.
Feeling young and full of vigor, you celebrate with your friends and you show them how confident you are about your future. Dreams do come true!   
Listen on Spotify
More from this artist: <here>
Michael Mayo x Raul Raspao- OYE
Release date: Aug 04, 2022 
"This is a true party song much like Pepas this song will definitely the perfect chorus that anyone can sing and get the meaning ooyoye  off!"
Reggaeton, Commercial
Michael Mayo x Raul Raspao OYE  gets the party started 
Michael Mayo is an American singer, award-winning songwriter, music producer, and actor. Mayo does a mixture of pop, EDM, and afro-pop music! Born and raised in Connecticut, Mayo began his music career as a songwriter licensing one of his songs to Cirque Du Soliel's Volta project. Later, Michael would go on to release and write music for Bass Cartel, C Y G N, Michael Roman, Subfer, Erik Nyxx, PIXELORD, and more. Michael has also composed tracks for film and TV as well as multiple Instagram models and promo campaigns one being Jackie Wyers.
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roseprlnce · 4 years
on the other hand actually i have no hope of anything and i feel like there’s no future no matter what,,,,,lol
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