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I think I’m ready to allow this to leave my askbox
Thank u it’s cute 💕✨☺️
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massivewaffle · 3 months
I am so excited whenever you do a little update on the fics you're working on here on tumblr, it's like a little teaser for what's to come and I'm just vibrating eith excitement to read it!!! Aaahhh+!!!!
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unpretty · 2 months
Hello! I am the tumblr anon who keeps getting you stuff from your wishlists. i was having a horrid day, went to your throne selfishly to see if you had anything that would cheer me up, then realized that i couldn't think of anything to buy for myself that i wanted, so i settled on buying stuff for an internet stranger that they wanted, hoping that at least that might make things in the world somewhat brighter. hope it worked!
i was actually going to post about my throne wishlist ONCE AGAIN getting cleared out, because my stuff got here
and while throne alerted me to the fact that i would soon be receiving many novelty beverages to drink while listening to a podcast about alex jones, i did NOT realize there were also AMAZON WISHLIST ITEMS
so now my desk at work finally has a matching pink cat paw mousepad, and i have a little cold roller for my aching feets, and a special serum distributor to distribute serums on my scalp. i don't actually have any serums right now so i cannot review it but now that i have a special thing i'm gonna invest in some serums.
here are my reviews thus far of NOVELTY BEVERAGES, which you did not ask for but i'm doing it anyway
so i added an olipop sampler to my throne wishlist because i was intrigued but wary. they have a health angle and stevia so it seemed like it would taste bad. but i liked their design and also i didn't mind the stevia in that apple pie tea, so i thought maybe i got over my stevia thing
olipop cream soda: this was a bad one to try first because the flavor profile of a traditional cream soda is mostly sugar. it's just vanilla sugar, carbonated. so a sugar-free version is very stevia-forward. there's not enough other flavor to overpower the weird mouthfeel. i can drink it but it needs to be chilled and sipped in small amounts, maybe in a fancy glass.
olipop root beer: tbh i may have been wrong about the cream soda because this one also had weird overpowering Something flavor. i assume it's the stevia but maybe it's their proprietary blend of plant fibers, which is a weird thing to flex about your soda having. as a sarsaparilla and birch beer enjoyer, i like more bite than a standard root beer, and this has less. you'd think with their branding they'd be able to really lean hard on MEDICINAL ROOT FLAVORS but instead they chickened out and made it so mild it's barely different from the cream soda.
i haven't tried the other olipop flavors yet, but will report back with my findings
i also got a wild bill's craft soda sampler because. it looked good. and i was right. also now they keep sending me emails like YEEHAW PARDNER THANKS FOR BUYING OUR PRODUCT HOWDY GIDDY UP
wild bill's strawberry cream soda: it's so good. you can tell it's bad for you. the strawberry flavor is powerful and candy-like. it's like one of those crunchy grandma strawberry hard candies, in drink form.
wild bill's rocket pop soda: literally tastes like a melted popsicle got carbonated. it's everything i dreamed. i cannot possible afford to drink this regularly but i want to.
i haven't tried grape or orange cream yet but i'm guessing they'll be good. their website says they have a ring pop flavor now and i wanna try it so bad.
i'm also very excited to try the hot cocoa when it gets here, and to have more of the tasty beef jerky :3
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dustykneed · 8 days
Do you think you'll ever draw some nsfw art with your fem designs?
oh absolutely!! thank you for the interest in my fem!trek designs 🥺 not sure if you had a ship or prompt in mind (in which case...👀👀👀 lmk) but i found this scribble of f!spones being really sappy that i forgot i had in my notes. so here you go anon <333 (full view here on my ao3!)
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imminent-danger-came · 11 months
do you think MK is gonna have a circlet arc?? Going along with your eldritch mk theory jt could parallel his past life being contained and also more parallels to SWK and MK how fun
This ask has haunted my ask box for 3 days. Circlet arc??? CIRCLET ARC???? THAT WOULD BE TERRIBLE AND SO SO SO GOOD.
I have no idea if it would actually happen in show, but I have a feeling MK is at the very least going to have an "anti-circlet" arc. Go with me for a moment:
So, we know MK's bandana parallels Wukong's phoenix feathers in design, right?
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MK with the two ends of his bandana and Wukong with the two feathers coming out of his cap.
However, MK's bandana is ALSO a parallel to Wukong's circlet:
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And MK was given this bandana by Pigsy (presumably):
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This is basically a long winded way to say that MK has already been "crowned", in a sense. Unlike Wukong, MK never needed to be controlled in the same way his mentor did at the beginning of his journey. MK, instead, was given morals and love by our wonderful Dadsy from a young age, which effectively functioned as a "circlet", if that makes sense.
So, the bandana, a symbol of both who he is/was raised to be and the crown, is already his circlet. As MK is now, he doesn't need a circlet to exert control over him because of who he is—a good kid who is trying his best to make the right choices.
But, you know, there was that really scary scene that one time where MK didn't exactly feel like MK and he kind of went off the rails...and...WHAT IS THAT
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Say MK were to rip his own bandana off, symbolically showing his complete decent into his "harbinger of chaos" role...that would mean another crown would have to go on to replace it, right?
Whether MK get's crowned symbolically with another bandana or an ACTUAL circlet remains to be seen, but the potential is definitely there! And I'm normal about it
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madamemiz · 1 year
My dumbass thought y/n was pulling gummy worms out of Sun’s chest
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tfw you're trying to get frisky w your robot bfs and find year old candy in their chassis. happens to the horse of us
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fluxweeed · 10 days
hey. hope this message doesn't bother you. I love you. I love your work. you are one of my favorite fic authors, I am absolutely obsessed with everything you write. reread everything ten times over, drarry or not, fluffy or angsty - even when it absolutely shatters my heart (e.g. for lack of wanting, SUCH a great fic btw i'm so obsessed with it). the four doors? life changing. two to lie and one to listen? engraved into my brain for eternity. what's mine is yours? what a ride holy shit, im VERY normal about it. wrapped? my comfort read. and so it goes.
if I could aggressively smother you with kudos and love I WOULD!!!
awhile ago you said that there's no such thing as "big deals" in fandom and I 100% agree but at the same time you are a big deal TO ME!!! not in the sense of any kind of hierarchy but purely based on the fact that I think you are such a cool person and your writing is amazing and poignant and your presence in fandom makes it so much better. it's been a pleasure following you here on tumblr and just reading your tags and posts.
idk I just think you rule. that's it. thank you for hanging with us. MWAH 💛
ahhhh anon sorry for leaving this message sitting in my inbox for a couple of days but !! i have zero idea how to react to this!! you're so kind!! thank you!! please discard any and all inclinations u have that i am a cool person bc i can assure you i am NOT!!
#tumblr tag essay time? tumblr tag essay time#why can't i do this in the main body of a post u ask? pure obnoxiousness ig idk#scarier when it's not greyed out and in a little whisper innit#1) anon i love and appreciate you + your kind words so so much but i rly cannot stress enough that literally nobody here is a big deal 😭#like i know u don't mean it in That Way but even so!!!#this is a hill i could write another 1k words about before i die on it again but i will spare u 😅#2) ur also v v kind to say the thing abt my presence in fandom#but unfortunately i'm coming to terms with the fact that my presence in fandom is v much on the sidelines#a non-presence#i'm embracing my role as the crotchety old hag who does not attend the functions#i have a hut in the woods and u can find me there (here in tumblr tags) muttering to myself#occasionally i'll wander into the town square (ao3) and present an unnerving thing i made from mud and twigs (a fic) and then i'll fuck off#that's about all i can handle in terms of group settings i think 😅#but the door to my hut (my DMs) is always open if u want to stop by!#3) i can't even begin to acknowledge all the nice things u said about my fics kjhsdf you are truly too generous 😭#let me smother YOU with love!!! cmere!!!#4) this is the second nice anon message i've had in the last couple weeks which is !!!!#anon(s) i'm kissing you wherever u consent to be kissed!!!#but ofc now i'm paranoid ppl will think i'm sending these to myself skdljf#can't stress enough how open my DMs are on here/twt/discord if ever u wanna chat in a way that i don't have to post publicly to reply to 😅#5) i'm soooo sorry about these tags#could have just said “thanks!” couldn't i#please put me right in the bin#anyway sorry again thank you again ilu very much ❤️
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juiceofmoons · 1 year
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The berth surrounding my body, crushing every bit of bone The salt, it seeps in through the pores of my open skin I wait on you inside the bottom of the deep blue sea
Hyunjin -> deep sea
Requested by -> Anon
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muzzlemouths · 2 months
For me, i once tried the same thing; cutting myself off quote unquote from making a ton of AUs so i would focus on some to actually make, but it ended up just piling up guilt and i ended up writing less than ever! So i just accepted my cross to bear is like. 35 docs of DCA AUs looool. Don't feel bad - just write what makes you happy. Get the rust off, keep the creativity flowing! 🌞 be wild and crazy and indulgent!
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Anon you are gonna make me CRY. you're right, i oughta stop preventing myself from creating more stories if it's preventing me from creating at all. it's a hard habit to break but i will give it my best shot or die trying etc etc
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mcl4r3n · 10 months
dando anon here and OH MY GOD!!!! i've had way too much alcohol to deal with this new dando photo dump 😭 THEY'RE IN LOVEEEEEEE
They really are so very. ;___; And it’s like. Okay. It’s soft and sweet and fun. Just thinking truly about how Lando gets to enjoy being with a different Danny now than last year. Thinking always about how Daniel really could have left Lando in the dust and cut all ties with McLaren, but nooooOOOOoooooo—he loves Lando. He loves Lando and the way Lando looks at him: fond, annoyed, affectionate, happy. . . it’s everything that they couldn’t properly have last year, and now Lando gets him on the grid, with him every race weekend again. This year has afforded them the chance to distill all the good parts about their relationship and leave the rest behind. 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
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vetteldixon · 4 months
honestly i didnt say it in the ask but I was just thinking about how Seb would not come back if it meant he would be fighting for points again, as much as he loves racing in general, he loves to win even more. he said multiple times he was there to win and I think he would only come back if all those stuff you talk about happened but also if the team was good, the car was good etc etc
honestly, cause why the fuck would he comeback just to fight for points again? and I think knowing what he knows now about everything, he would make his requests be known and I doubt he would want to deal with certain times of bullshit (ferrari 2019-2020).
in my little dream world he comes back to win championship 5 for car number 5.
(there is also the matter that he saw his idol come back to the sport just to be fighting for points or not even that sometimes and I highly doubt schumi was having fun and not a bit angry.... once you win, you want to keep winning)
I also would LOVEEEEEEE for seb to do a wec and have a triple crown (since he's a NERD he would love to know he did that and be smug af about it cause that's how he is - even if he tries to be humble about it). wec is very sustainable and the calendar is very short, besides, since he's enjoying his little side quests I think he would definitely enjoy this one. (also how he didn't rule out the possibility and said he was thinking about.... maybe in 2025?) but one thing is for sure Seb is not the time to just sit idly
these are all lovely dreams anon! and good points! i'm not too hot on wec (partly because for a variety of reasons including time zones and tv rights the viewing experience for americans is basically actively hostile) but i won't deny that yes he knows people, it's got a lot of things going for it, and like you said that triple crown.
which i have to say the indy 500 leg of it takes much, much more commitment than you might realize and much of the f1 world likes to pretend. fernando proved this especially when he got bumped, and the training for it will be easier if he's younger—so i'd suggest fixing your hopeful eyes on his landing a good indycar seat so he can get busy before worrying about wec!
but yes he will not sit idly, he hasn't been altho it's been small adventures and not exactly anything full time. but yeah his work ethic is insanely high and he takes to travel like a fish to water so i'm sure he'll get busy doing SOMEthing surprising and delightful!
pics of junior series seb from his archived website:
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interlagosed · 7 months
Just saw the clip from Dazn on twitter. He’s so cute 🥲
“Ah, Carlos would be good :>” YOU LITTLE TWERP!!!!!
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blindmagdalena · 1 year
how do you think homie would react to reader breaking up with him because they have very different morals (homie kills people, ik he's babygirl but he does just brutally kill people, reader is a pacifist)
-bree(sorry for multiple asks in short time :P)
cw gaslighting, imprisonment, manhandling. no more mr. nice homelander.
"Fine, listen, listen, if it means that much to you, I won't do it anymore," Homelander says, hands lifted placatingly. The way he says it makes it sound like he's doing you a favor. Like you're overreacting to a mild infraction. You stare, mouth agape. "This... This isn't some bad habit. You kill people."
"Yeah," he agrees, a slight strain creeping into his voice. "Yeah! Okay. And? Lots of people kill people. And typically, I only kill people who're also killing people." "Typically," you echo, at a loss. How can he be so flippant about this? It's like he hasn't heard a single word you've said. "You don't care. At all." "Why should I care? Why should you care? It's not like I'm killing people you like, or even know," he says, his exasperation with you intensifying. "But you love me. So just... Cool off, alright? Sleep on it. Before you do something you'll regret."
The shift in his voice when he says that runs a chill up your spine. "Are you threatening me?" "What?" Homelander laughs. "No! Of course not. Babe, listen to yourself. C'mon, I know you're upset-" he moves to take your hand, but for the first time, you yank it from his reach, crossing your arms. His hand hovers in the space yours had been for a moment, his eyes locked on the same spot. He inhales a slow breath, his fingers curling into a fist before dropping back to his side.
When he looks at you, his gaze is bereft of any playfulness. Your denial of him has flipped a switch in him that you've never seen before.
"You're tired," he says, voice set low. Any traces of the lighthearted pretense from earlier has been dropped. "It's late. You have a lot to process. So, we are going to put this aside for tonight. You are going to come to bed with me, and we'll talk about it in the morning, when you're calm." "I am calm," you tell him, refusing to let him make you feel like you're the one being unreasonable. "Please move. I already told my friend I'm on my way," you lie. You wish you had. You wish you realized sooner you would need to. Homelander had always been so utterly devoted to you. He hung on your every word, met your every whim, loved you so thoroughly that he made you feel like his entire world. Only now have you realized the dangers of that kind of love.
His mouth twitches. "Which friend?"
You begin to answer, wanting to give validity to your fiction, but an awful thought occurs to you. Would he hurt them? "It doesn't matter," You reply instead, clutching your overnight bag. "I need space, and I don't want you coming to me before I'm ready. Please, move," you say, voice wavering. He was making this so much more painful than it already was. You do love him, but he's making you feel like you barely even know him.
Homelander taps his hands on his thighs, considering you. After a prolonged silence, just before you open your mouth to speak again, he claps his hands together. "Alright. Sure," he says, stepping forward. You step backwards. "Door's right there." You're immediately relieved, but there's a nagging feeling in your gut. "Thank you," you say softly, adjusting your grip on your bag. "I'll call, okay?" Homelander offers a sideways nod, seeming... resigned. You feel the guilt of it weigh heavily, and for a split second, you question yourself, whether what you're doing is right or fair. You have to steel yourself before your resolve falters. You need time away from him to collect yourself, and figure out what to do about the man you, as it turns out, know very little about.
Just as you pass him, you feel a sudden grip on your arm, and in a flash you're spun around, stumbling back into the penthouse. You stare wide-eyed for a moment, turning back around. Poised exactly as he had been before, Homelander stands in front of the door, hands on his hips. His brows lift slightly. "Well?" Your heart is racing now. "What are you doing?"
"Go on," he says, ignoring your question. "Door's right there."
Anger rolls through you in a heated wave. "I'm not playing this game with you," you say, moving to shove more forcibly passed him this time, but once again he catches you with a hand on your wrist, spinning you around with such ease, you may as well weigh nothing at all. Yet again you stumble back into the penthouse, tears welling in your eyes as you round on him. "Stop it! Get out of my way!" "Door's wide open, babe. All you have to do is get to it, and you can leave," he says, voice perfectly relaxed, devoid of any passion or empathy.
With a frustrated cry, you hurl your bag at him, and full on sprint towards the door. You get closer this time, but just as you reach for the knob, Homelander takes you by your shoulders and spins you right around. Your own momentum carries you further in. You barely catch yourself from falling, letting go a sob that's equal parts rage and heartbreak. Who is this man?
This time, you throw yourself bodily towards the door, screaming your distress, your anger. You do it again and again and again, and every time, Homelander spins you right back around. On the final attempt, as he once again redirects you, the force of your own momentum hurls you to the ground.
"Do you get it yet?" Homelander asks, cocking his head to the side, checking to see if you're picked up on this lesson in futility. "You don't call the shots here. You don't get to just decide we're done. Relationships go two ways, sweetheart," he says. That petname used to give you butterflies. It sounds sour on his tongue now. You hear him sigh, closer to you now.
"Didn't think you'd be that stubborn. But I guess I've always loved that about you when it wasn't pointed at me, huh?" He asks, a playful little lilt slipping back into his voice. You struggle when he scoops you up, you make an animalistic noise of pure aggravation, but it's as fruitless as ever. Homelander is both an unstoppable force and an immovable object, his grip on you like steel. He cannot be stopped, or even hindered, as he carries you towards the bedroom. He sets you down on the bed, and out of pure unthinking fury, you raise your hand to slap him across the face. The strike lands, but Homelander doesn't so much as twitch. Your hand smarts, you may as well have slapped a brick wall. You clutch your wrist, letting go another sob. It aches immediately, frail in comparison to his unyielding frame.
Cupping either side of your face, Homelander swipes away your tears with his thumbs, watching you impassively. There's patience in his expression, though it looks stretched thin.
"I know you're upset," he says, an echo of earlier, as if picking up right from where he'd left off. As if nothing of the last twenty minutes had even happened. "But we'll get through this. And hey, hey, I'm not even mad at you, okay? Because that's what it means when you love someone. You forgive them." You feel numbed by your own plethora of tumultuous emotions, strung out and exhausted. You close your eyes, unable to stomach the loving way he's gazing at you. He kisses your forehead, wringing a weak, hiccupped little noise out of you. "That's my girl. I love you more than anything. You know that, right? That I would never do anything to hurt you?" No matter how gentle his hold on you is, it's inescapable. You have no choice but to face him, bleary as he is through your tear-welled eyes. Unable to push an answer through the tightness in your throat, you just nod.
"That's right. Of course you do. Because if I wanted to hurt you, I would have. It would have been easy, huh?" Those words break something in you. You lose whatever bit of composure you had built back up, and you begin to sob anew, an agonized sound. Homelander's expression twists. He's never liked seeing you cry. He's also never been the source of it.
"Shhh, shhhh, hey, it's alright. You're okay. I would never let anything happen to you," he says, as if he wasn't the very thing happening to you in this moment. He kisses your forehead again, your tear-streaked cheeks, and finally your lips.
You don't have any fight left in you. Not against the press of his lips, and not against the way he brings you under the covers with him, clothes and all.
He pulls you against his chest the same way he has a hundred times before, as if this is any other night that the two of you have fallen asleep in each others embrace.
You hug your arms tight to your chest, crying hard, while he rubs your back, hushing you. Comforting you, as any good boyfriend should.
"It's alright. I've got you," he says, his arms an oppressive force around you. "I've got you."
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henbased · 7 months
oh man. if you ever feel the need to try greek yogurt again, get the full fat kind and mix in a couple spoons of your favorite jam. maybe it's just the jam i use (blackberry), but it tastes like icecream that isn't overwhelmingly sweet?
it'll def give it a go if i get my hands on greek yogurt anytime soon!! it's def a texture thing for me -- i like my yogurt really smooth and not at all chunky or thick.
im trying to eat better / be more explorative with food so thank you so much genuinely !!! i appreciate you so much and im def gonna look into that (RAPSBERRY JAAMMMMM)
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mizzmellos · 11 months
One of the m2s is sick. What happens.
All things considered w how dramatic he is usually, Mello isn't too bad when he gets sick. Or he's just good at hiding it because he hates looking weak. Matt dotes on him and Mello finds it unnecessary and corny. But when Matt gets a tiny cold, you'd think he's suffering from a necrotic bullet wound. Soooo helpless 🤒🤧 Mello usually tells him to toughen up and get over it but if he's actually unwell Mello might get him some soup and a warm blanket all while making this face -> 😑🙄 and Mello tries not to kiss Matt when Matt's sick because he doesn't want to catch it but Matt is like 😚 spit in my mouth baby we'll be sick together <3 ☺😋🤤
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youngpettyqueen · 11 months
Every time I read GFA, my brain translates it to Grand Fefth Auto.
Thank you my brain is now also going to do that
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