veekaj25 · 4 months
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Watchin' CV again I miss him sm
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bobokitty · 8 months
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Castlevania: Nocturne is out, and I want to thank everyone for giving the show a chance! It's been an absolute blast working on Nocturne and seeing all the hard work and passion that went into it. Everyone worked their butts off!! Ahahaha I had more to say but I'm too full of emotions to process words well ;;^ w ^
Anywho here's a bonus doodle of these dorks <3
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alicenpai · 11 months
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my piece for the Hemisphere: a Witch Hat Atelier seasons themed zine! thank you for having me! they're having a leftovers sale until stock runs out 🖋🍀🌷🍁❄🌧 WIPs + inspiration board + symbolism under the cut! got some requests to put this on my inprnt! the site has sales very often & you can grab it as a small or big size print.
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I had a pretty good idea of the composition from the get-go. I took inspiration from art nouveau (primarily Alphonse Mucha), German fairy tales, and some 1920s perfume ads. I wanted the girls to look like fairies, akin to The Root Children by Sibylle von Olfers.
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Olly just didn't work out in this drawing due to time restraints. I do love him very much though.
I actually kinda stopped making illustrations like these (including the TGAA/DGS tarot card + TGAA/DGS zine pieces a while back) because they were starting to get very hard on my arm, as I had an RSI (repetitive strain injury) a few years back during school. (Not putting the onus on the zines at all ofc! I genuinely love working with zine projects! it's def a me thing WAHAHAHA. my style was getting too anime and too detailed for my liking and everything was just taking forever to finish ngl. but I didn't have time to experiment with a more simple style outside of all of my deadlines)
I think that realizing you need to stop is okay. It's something that Shirahama teaches us in her story and I want to learn to take it to heart.
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MILD SPOILERS AHEAD (for those who havent read the story I guess)
each character's symbolism:
- Coco - spring, clovers - Coco is the quintessential spring girl, and I wanted her to symbolize new beginnings, and oh boy did Coco bring a big one. The four leaf clover in particular symbolizes luck and good fortune - to some characters, Coco may have brought fortune, to others her presence brings misfortune, take that as you will.
- Tetia - summer, gladiolus - the name "gladiolus" comes from the Latin word "gladius", meaning "sword", based on the shape of the flower. you can interpret it as "you pierce my heart", perfect for a girl like Tetia, who has a contagious energy, with a romantic and grandiose nature.
- Agott - autumn, marigold - I read somewhere marigolds symbolize strength and power, perfect for our little magical powerhouse Agott. They can also symbolize jealousy (yellow flowers in particular have this association), which reflects on her rivalry with Coco in the beginning.
- Riche - winter, snowdrop - The white color of snowdrops has a strong connotation to innocence, which reflects on Riche's wish to stay a child forever. It can also symbolize rebirth and new beginnings (like Coco's clovers), as the snowdrop is the first flower to bloom in the spring, when the snow has not yet melted. I wanted the concept of "rebirth" to associate with Riche's friendship with Euini, and of his sort of "rebirth" into a new being.
- Qifrey - he does not have a flower per se, but as the caregiver and educator of the four girls, he represents the rainy season - precipitation being the one thing that binds all of these seasons together. (Note some areas of the world do not have a rainy season like where I live). I think somewhere along the line I wanted to put hydrangeas behind him, to really bring out the "rainy" theme, but the thought probably got lost somewhere in translation...
- bg flowers - honestly I just picked whatever. white lily, daffodil, hydrangea, zinnia, tulip
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ruiniel · 8 months
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thank you Powerhouse Animation for having me simp over yet another 2D character in your universe Castlevania: Nocturne (2023) S01E01 - A Common Enemy in Evil
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artisminerva · 9 months
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Had the pleasure to contribute the new sonic superstars´s short as an animator and Story artist!
Thank you so much to Powerhouse animation for the awesome opportunity!!
Fang sketch to celebrate!
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Idk if this can be considered a request:
Epel, Rook, Jamil and Idia (quite an interesting line of characters) with an s/o that has incredible strength especially in her legs. Her legs are so powerful, one kick is all it takes to knock someone out. The best part? She's the same height as Ortho.
oooh! short but strong legs!
F!Reader (bc she/her pronouns were used in the request, but you/your is used in the writing so anyone can interact)
aaaaaaa Trey has so much stuff going on so sorry if Trey doesnt do your request, I'll be clearing out my drafts and requests after this but REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN! If you really wanted your request done if you requested perviously, you can request it again if you'd like! terribly sorry!
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He had never expected that'd you'd be so strong with your legs, considering your height. Your height is similar to his, and he's a little powerhouse himself, so you're the perfect duo. You two do really well in fights, no matter how much people you're against, you're always on top.
When he had first witnessed your strength, it was when you had kicked a guy right in the face, and knocked him out instantly just from the one kick. He was fascinated! If you can do it in heels as well, he'll be very confused on how you keep your balance. You had kicked a guy in the downstairs once as well... long story short, that guy suffered that pain for about a month.
"Reader! Can you help me train to be as strong as you?"
"Hmm... Sure! But be ready for a lot of stretching and excercises!"
Oh dear... how strong your legs are... he is quite impressed, "impressionnant!"
He first witnessed it through one of his stalking sessions. while spying on you, you had kicked some guy in the face, sending him flying across campus at lightning speeds like he was a baseball and your leg was the bat. He knew it was best not to mess with you, but he still continued his stalking of you, because how could he not? you are just so intresting! You could probably beat his ass and he'd thank you.
(I'm sorry Trey had no ideas for this one...)
...yikes... but also holy sevens you're attractive while you're beating someone mercilessly in the face with your legs and feet, he's a mix of scared and in love, constantly teetering between the two emotions as he watches you teach this random guy a lesson more harsh than Vargas' 100 laps everyday in P.E. class after this guy had tried to hit on you despite how many times you said "go away" and pushed the guy, at this point in time he was completely passed out and covered in bruises, and Jamil just stood there all flabberghasted and frightened like it was the most horrifying thing he'd seen since he'd watched that horror movie last week. He's at such a complete loss for words because he's now afraid that if he says one wrong thing, he gets a foot to the face.
Omg you're like that anime character!!!!!!!!!11!!!!1!!
He fanboys over it so much because you remind him of some anime or game character, he sometimes even asks you to cosplay the character as he holds a cosplay of them in your exact size in his arms hoping you say yes, and he gives you puppy eyes, but other than that, he's kinda scared of you? Not too, too scared but scared in a sense he knows you could possibly kill him with one swing of your leg like it was meant to be a murder weapon. Other than that, he's pretty chill... besides the fact he's shaking in his boots whenever he talks to you because he feels like if he makes one wrong move or says one wrong thing the next moment he'll be passed out on the ground with you looming over his unconcious body menacingly like how a bird looms over its unsuspecting prey before swooping down and snatching it.
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fancyfeathers · 5 months
Can I request a yandere genshin impact character/s of your choice with a reader that's like millie from helluva boss?
For those who don’t know what Helluva Boss is or Millie, Helluva Boss is an indie animation series for adults (strong language, sexual references, and so on)
Blitz, a classic demon Imp, sets out to run his own small assassin business with his weapons specialist Moxxie, his bruiser Millie, and his receptionist hellhound Loona. Together, they attempt to survive each other while running a start-up in Hell.
Millie is the powerhouse character who has a sweet and lively personality, she does her job, killing people, and then outside of it she cares deeply for her loved ones.
sorry I hyper fixated for a second, I just love Helliva Boss…
anyway on we go…
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Immediately I thought of Wriothesley, a prison warden, a former criminal.
Putting this in the world of Genshin I could see this being a black market business, assassinating people who their clients want dead. This business gives Fontaine officials a headache, not only are the kill sights nightmares to clean up but the perpetrators always seem to slip right out. The reader, in the role of Millie here probably lives a normal life outside of her work, just a normal unsuspecting citizen of Fontaine, perhaps originally from somewhere else like Natlan.
Wriothesley will be out one day, either before and on his way to a meeting with the Iudex of Fontaine or right after when he meets her. His darling will be perhaps walking the street, chatting next to someone, a friend perhaps, next to her happily. At first he is taken with her outgoing personality, even going out of his way to make a fool of himself, acting like he doesn’t know where Neuvillette’s office is and needing directions.
He can’t get her off his mind even during his meeting with Neuvillette on a group of assassins that have been silently lurking on the streets on Fontaine.
When he meets her again, it’s under very different circumstances. He was on his away to take a criminal into custody when he hears a scream followed by a gunshot. He rushes to where he heard it, only to see his darling standing over a body, talking to someone nonchalantly, as if this was just another day.
He doesn’t confront her right away, no he follows her back to where this organization’s headquarters are. He then goes to report it to Neuvillette, then the next thing you know Fontaine law enforcement has you and your colleagues under arrest.
Of course you are all guilty, and you find yourself being transferred into the Fortress of Meropide where Wriothesley has you places under pretty much isolation. Being treated different than the other prisoners where you can only see him and maybe a few other guards. He says it is to keep you and your colleagues apart, but in reality they’re walking around the fortress just fine. It’s just to you, special treatment…
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
imagine billy having an identity reveal (probably not willingly) and some league members being assholes about it
billy’s just taking everything for a while until they throw jabs at the tiger plushy he’s holding, because that’s his friend
so he throws tawny at the member who insulted tawnys honour and that member doesn’t think to dodge because it’s a plush thrown by a malnourished little kid, but just before it hits tawny transforms into a giant tiger
i imagine that tawny wouldn’t hurt anyone too bad to not upset billy but the league learns their lesson
This ask has been painting such an awesome scene in my mind and has never left it once, thank you so much for sending this ask!
I can imagine Billy having his identity revealed being an extreme invasion of his privacy and unwanted, but to the league it would represent a huge dramatic event. After sending in what is one of their most powerful powerhouses into battle constantly against foes that rival gods and monsters who eat gods for breakfast, the reveal of that teammate being just a child would shake them to their core.
Captain Marvel being revealed as a child would absolutely make them extremely upset, rightfully, at that. Having to sit him down during a meeting as plain old Billy Batson, to confront him for all the lies of omissions and deceptions with a heavy heart is one thing, but to look at the blue eyed, malnourished child in the eyes and see him holding a stuffed animal tightly would tear them apart.
Billy would understandably be nervous at the whole mind breaking event going on, having summoned Tawky Tawny for emotional support to get him through this chaotic meeting going from talking softly to him to interrogating him. After all, a secret as big as this being exposed would lead to a long meeting being held about his future status on the JL.
Still, no one is outright mad at him. Upset and heartbroken, but no one has made him cry yet. That's good. That's great. Billy was now seen as a child in their eyes, he didn't need any more help on that. He could get through this.
That's when it happens. Someone crosses the line. Billy was defending himself as Captain Marvel aka The Champion of Magic, making his statement that he was more than mature and responsible to handle the burdens he carried so often.
"Ha! Are you shitting me? Listen, kid, we've been here for hours. Let me tell you this. Mature people don't go hugging a stuffed animal when they're about to cry. For fucks sake, what is that anyway? A cat? You can't go hugging that thing when you're out in a battle! Look. I'm not mad at you, no one is mad at you, but I'm going to say it. No one. Can trust you now. Never again. If you think you have a future on the league with that dumb stuffed cat in your arms, you're so grounded-"
"Huh? Kid. Speak up. Don't mumble when you're speaking to an adult."
"I said. He. Is. A. TIGER!"
Before anyone can react or think, the stuffed tiger in Billy's arms begins to stretch and grow, leaping out of his arms and pouncing onto the man. The sudden presence of a growling and gigantic tiger in front of the league startles everybody, to the point no one notices that Billy was currently wiping away the tears that were flowing down his face.
Tawny would have detected that Billy was feeling unsafe and anxious, not wanting to hurt the man in any way, just scare him enough to stop making his friend cry. Whatever happens afterwards is a mystery, but some say....that the league member who made Billy cry that day developed a fear of tigers 🐅
I absolutely adored this idea you sent in! It's helping me through my writer's block right now!
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hrodvitnon · 2 months
Shimo Stuff From The Novelization
So, we got some new lore thanks to the GxK novelization. To start with, there’s a bunch of Shimo stuff. Namely:
- Shimo was the one who originally froze Ghidorah in the ice, meaning she’s the big reason he was out of commission for so long. This also means that Shimo could probably kick Ghidorah’s ass if need be, which is probably a sore point for the genocidal space noodle’s pride. 
- Shimo’s breath can freeze/slow down atoms. 
- The Iwi knew of and referred to Shimo as “the original Titan”, or “the ultimate Titan” or “quintessential Titan”. It is not elaborated on what this means.
- Shimo was quite likely the previous Alpha before Godzilla prior to her capture and imprisonment by Scar King, which lines up neatly with the idea she was Ozymandias’ mate. Whether they were co-Alphas and had a King & Queen relationship like Goji and Mothra is up to you, but I like to believe this was the case.
- Shimo is at bare minimum 3 million years old.
- Shimo and Kong are “bonded”. No idea what this means, but shippers go wild.
- The Shard is implied to have been part of Shimo.
Beyond that, we also have some other stuff:
- All animal life on the planet is implied to have originated from the Hollow Earth. This is already implied in the movie itself, but the novelization is more in your face with it. 
- Kong can sense Godzilla and Mothra are like “family” (HUSBAND AND WIFE HUSBAND AND WIFE HUSBAND AND WIFE HUSBAND AND-Ahem). 
- Jia was chosen because as a deaf Iwi, she could detect Mothra’s vibrations somehow.
- Godzilla absorbed part of Tiamat’s DNA. Initiate cope about how we can somehow revive her in the main MV timeline.
- Remains of Mechagodzilla are in the Monarch facilities my Assimilation!Ren AU is alive and well
- The mere existence of Shimo could potentially lead to government attempts to take over the Holloa Earth, which could cause a “world-ending event”.
- Godzilla likes Rome because the architecture reminds him of his old temple. We are never getting him out of that goddsmn coliseum.
- Project Powerhouse was built using MechaG tech.
- Red painted Skar King apes are called “Red Stripes”.
- Several new Titans/Pseudo-Titqns mentioned or given names.
Time to get the novelization!
I’d said in one of the many previous asks that maybe Goji finds the Colosseum vaguely familiar enough to be cozy, and it’s really cute (and bittersweet) that he likes architecture that reminds him of home... and it’s also sad, because that implies Goji can feel homesick...
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tag meme for posting your favorite 9 books read in 2023
Thank you @meadowlarkx! I'm loving getting to know everyone's book recs from last year.
Tagging with no pressure @sallysavestheday, @mayfriend, @theghostinthemargins, @thalion71, @247reader, @melestasflight, @nablah, @camille-lachenille, @m-b-w, and anyone who'd like to share their recs!
I took the liberty of writing a little about every book under the cut, because it is 22:30 and I am passionate about these books.
Lavinia, Ursula le Guin. It's le Guin, do I have to say it? I really have, because the depths of study on ancient animism in the Italian countryside is extraordinarily well researched, and even aside from the ambitious narrative approach of Lavinia speaking with Aeneas, the study that went into it is one of the most respectful and involving approaches to ancient spirituality I have read.
The Fury is Silvina Ocampo's recently translated short-story compilation! Whole-heartedly recommend any of her short works, which I understand are published with different titles. Reading anything of hers feels like the pervasive grey silence of staying awake till four a.m. as you consider all the familiar people and strangers you have known and reconcile with the strain of incurable isolation and cruelty present in human nature. Life, Silvina tells you, is sharpened and not redeemed by the possibility of understanding. You are not safe from Silvina Ocampo's studies in unsettling mundanity; no one, Silvina warns, is ever safe within themselves. But at least Buenos Aires is very beautiful, and so are all her deliciously malicious women.
The Fée et Tendres Automates (Béatrice Tillier-Téby) graphic book series starts with this book, about Jam, a young man who is not so young, surviving in a dystopic Victorian society while trying to reunite with the sentient mannequin he's in love with...it is moving, it is bold, it has class warfare and magic and a mad scientist, it is gorgeously written and illustrated.
I read The Blue Castle (L. M. Montgomery). Loved the Blue Castle. 'A book about being in your twenties' is a bad summary, but technically not wrong?
I wavered on putting on Claúdia Andrade's short-story collection 'Quarter Finals and Other Stories', because it's not translated, but it was my favourite book of the year, in many ways! An incisive and imaginative writer with a delightfully chilly grasp on human nature. I find myself thinking about the scenes she invokes several times a week. For instance, I think all dying old women should be cursed to speak the truth of every secret they ever knew.
Lords and Ladies was a lot of fun! Also reread Wyrd Sisters. Every years Granny Ogg grows hotter wait who said that.
The Fox (D. H. Lawrence) is about cottage-core lesbians, but like, detestable cottage-core lesbians in post-war England. It's terrific psychological work - I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. The last paragraphs haunts me. Will never trust seaweed metaphors again.
The Painter of Birds (Lídia Jorge) is translated. I recommend it. I recommend it a normal amount. I might be lobbying Lídia Jorge for a Nobel, idk. In all seriousness - she is an absolute powerhouse with a career of profound, invasive, masterful works, she's got most Portuguese language and French awards, do get a Nobel while she's still kicking. God!! This book!!!!
What Is Not Yours Is Not Yours (Helen Oyeyemi) is like nothing else. Ruiz Zábron married Angela Carter and then had an affair with Olga Tokarczuk? But it's queer and it's not white and unapologetic about being undefinable speculative fiction. Still chewing on it. Wonderful, wonderful, terrific.
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pitviperofdoom · 1 year
So I decided a little while ago to do a full series reread of Redwall. I’m still early in it, I just finished Redwall and started Mossflower, and you know what? Might as well express my thoughts as I go. Blacklist “redwall reread” if you don’t want to see this, there WILL be spoilers.
So! Thoughts, on reflection, about Redwall:
Something I forgot along the way is just how competent Matthias is right from the start. Granted he lives in a society that hasn’t seen war in several generations so it’s not like he has a lot of competition, but he still goes from Bumbling Novice Who Doesn’t Quite Fit In to a martial and tactical powerhouse alongside Constance, the one who closed negotiations by picking up an entire banquet table and throwing it.
And not only that, people listen to him! As soon as negotiations break down, Matthias jumps in with a plan and all his elders listen. I watched the animated series growing up, which was... not super great, quality wise, but enjoyable enough for a kid. And one of the changes the show made was playing up Matthias’s childishness and inexperience. In the adaptation, when everyone’s panicking about the legendary warlord marching on the abbey, Matthias jumps in with this rallying speech about how they’ll fight back, and the abbot scolds him for it. “No more talk of fighting,” when Cluny the Scourge is almost at their doorstep. In the original book?
“Do? I’ll tell you what we’ll do. We’ll be ready.” The Abbot could not help shaking his head in admiration. It seemed that young Matthias had hidden depths. “Why, thank you, Matthias,” he said. “I could not have put it better myself. That’s exactly what we will do. We’ll be ready!”
(Years later, a certain wizard in a certain film adaptation would ask a question calmly.)
This book has a beaver in it. And a horse. And the mention of a dog. And Portugal.
Speaking of which, one of the many things that I think sets this book apart from the rest is that it feels like Jacques is making an attempt to write a book that takes place in a smaller Mouse World that exists within a larger world. The abbey is mouse-sized, of course, but an entire army of rats rides in on a single horse-drawn hay cart. Matthias climbs hay bales in a barn and falls into a cat’s mouth. Again, Portugal exists.
Idk what my point is, it just goes to show that BJ really was gradually building this world as he wrote it. I didn’t obsess so much over canon continuity, I just came up with my own explanations for things.
Ah, phonetic accents. I have mixed feelings about phonetic accents these days. I know logically that it’s better to avoid them, but like. I read the moles’ dialogue and try to imagine what it would look like without every word misspelled to exaggerate the dialect, and I just. Couldn’t visualize it. Moles just aren’t moles if you aren’t rereading their lines two or three times to parse what they’re saying. (Excepting Egburt the Scholar, of course, but I won’t see him for several books.)
I think my lifelong obsession with ferrets can be traced back to Killconey. I just. I know he’s a villain but I just love this guy so much. He’s adorable, he’s got a solid head on his shoulders, and he never tries to screw over his comrades, murder his comrades, bully his comrades, or flat-out lie to Cluny to get ahead, like SOME people, Cheesethief. RIP Killconey you were a good henchman and Cluny shouldn’t have thrown you at Matthias to get chopped in half.
Sela named her son Chickenhound no wonder he didn’t mourn her. Of course, his idea of a better name was “Mousedeath” so it’s not like he had room to judge.
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skiplo-wave · 8 months
I finally got the time to sit and watch Nocturne. And I'm trying my best to stay normal about the black characters. As someone who really values her natural carribean hair I'm so in love with how they respect the hair or black people. Maybe other series have done better but I'm not a huge consumer of animation. But I'm glad that for once in a fantasy setting the people looked like they are meant to and not just color swapped and that the hair wasn't just silk press. Again trying to stay very normal about Drolta. But I think I finally understood and experienced what my childhood peers felt when watching Dragonball, I just needed a different package. Anyways thanks for blogging about it, that's how I discovered it. ❤️
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When she first appeared I got so excited!
Like she’s not first woc vampire we see in castlavnia show ( hopefully not the last either)
But bro fact every scene she was in she had new outfit, different hairstyle is so 💕💕💕
You can tell the crew had so much fun and love designing her. ( all characters in nocturne tbh) but Drolta man she had fans and crew on their knees for her 🥴
Pity she got killed off but what a powerhouse she was. I hope crew just keeps going with banger character designs. Like don’t just peak at her
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miloscat · 10 days
[Review] The Legend of Korra: A New Era Begins (3DS)
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A cromulent companion game.
Platinum's console/PC Korra game was accompanied by a 3DS release. Well I say accompanied; unlike that game, Activision only bothered to release this one in North America. Now I finally have a chance to play it thanks to custom firmware! I know developer Webfoot Technologies best for their Legacy of Goku GBA games, and now here they are with another handheld game based on an animated licence. But how does this tactics RPG stack up against its action sibling?
Despite the new subtitle, this game is built on the same story as the console game. Creepy old guy blocks Korra's bending, the alliance of Triads/Equalists/dark spirits, returning to the Spirit World via the South Pole. But this version has some additional details, like the inclusion of Amon's lieutenant as a miniboss, Korra seeking the advice of spirits in Republic City's spirit wilds only for them to turn dark and attack, or visiting Wan Shi Tong's library for help relearning spiritbending (complete with a boss fight against the big owl himself!) I also enjoyed entering the cosmic universal energy dimension for little puzzle challenges when Korra was regaining her bending powers. In addition to these additions, a big change in how things play out is the extended cast joining her on the adventure, an upside to the shift in genre.
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From the start, Bolin and Mako are with Korra, then Tenzin and Kya join in, and finally Lin making for a team of six bending powerhouses. Bumi and, sadly, Asami are still conspicuously absent. But the extra tag-alongs make for actual conversation and more convincing bridging exposition in cutscenes, more appropriate elemental tutelage as Korra relearns her bending styles, and some choice quips. For example, we learn that Bolin named his fists Juji and Roh-tan after Nuktuk's animal sidekicks, and that he has become genre-savvy as a result of his mover career: "when there is fog, something bad happens."
There are understandable presentational drawbacks that offset this. Gone are the full animated sequences, replaced by brief motion comic-style cutscenes. There’s no voice acting either, which is fair enough. And gameplay just cannot look as flashy when you’re just moving sprites around a grid.
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To be fair, the sprites look very good. And you get an adorable graphic of Korra riding Oogi on the menu screen. When it comes time to make an attack, the game cuts to a short (and skippable) 3D sequence showing the results, complete with decent little models doing mocapped martial arts moves. The spirits and the main antagonist Hundun can look a bit goofy in these but the mecha tanks are pretty cool if low-detail. The latter in particular have hilariously tiny sprites on the battle map, a stark contrast to their humongous chungus depiction in Platinum’s game.
The tactical gameplay is competent for the most part with decent map designs. The controls and interface can be a bit clunky but they get the job done. There’s a shield mechanic that’s a neat twist, as well as an elemental weakness system that lets you bypass the shields. I liked how each character had their own niche: Mako has many ranged attacks, Lin and Bolin get area effects, Kya can heal, and Tenzin can replenish mana energy points which I had him doing almost every turn once he learned it.
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Any attack or even healing and support moves get you experience points which is nice, and every other level-up you get to choose between two skills. These can be new moves or passive bonuses but choose carefully because you can’t change them later! I found myself with a Korra who only knew waterbending for the vast majority of proceedings, and you only get one shot at each other element. Everybody was max level (15) a few stages before the end, but if you’re having trouble with a battle there’s a training stage you can do freely for some extra XP and money (used for buying healing items). You can’t replay completed levels though, even though you get graded on side objectives.
I was pleased by this little tie-in. I’m not a huge expert on tactics RPGs but this one seems good for intermediate gamers like me, not too punishing. There’s some amount of crunchy depth to the elemental system and using each character effectively. And as a Korra fan it’s nice seeing the characters and world rendered in a different style, especially those cute sprites. Not to mention the slight expansions to the storyline. If you’ve got a 3DS, there’s no reason not to head to your local flea market hShop to pick this up!
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wat-zu · 1 year
After watching the thing a few more times I can't help but appreciate the Bounty Hunting team fr.
They ALL just have such defined movesets and personalities ALREADY, even if we've just seen them in action they just have a special place in my heart now fr fr.
Sunglasses being the team leader, calling the shots, just having this aura of confident ability considering that he squared up against BOTH Chosen and Second no problem AND schooled them. He's definitely going the one that gets the most screen time.
Warning Signs was also good and just the best source of unintentional comedy due to their limited animation but also just having the biggest vibes of being capable as fuck but also somewhat dumb lmao. THE LOCAL HIMBO OF THE GROUP, IF YOU WILL.
Pixel was, bar none, the second most badass of the group. The TINEY POWERHOUSE WHOMST I LOVE FR FR. Fucking murked several sharks, can make GIANT ASS SWORDS. I just love characters who are small but also just exceedingly strong.
Caveman Drawing is the least thoughts BUT they are still cool as fuck fr fr. Love the whole transformation thing they have going on, very lovely.
In general, I love these guys, I wanna see ALL OF THEM MORE. And just, I wanna see them interact with eachother, what are their dynamics with one another and just JHYJBHJGHJJGHH A BIT FERAL FOR THEM FR....
Ava spoilers!!
Also the fact that sunglasses guy didn't overshadow his pals is so good. It's like he's letting them have their moment before absolutely rocking the shit out of the hollowhead duo. Like he's perfectly capable of 1v2-ing second and chosen now that chosen is rendered weak and second is mainly in the defensive.
It could be just tactical or just a way for them to show off their perks to the audience but eh it's a nice thought to have.
Bathroom sign guy is so funny USBUSBS really makes you underestimate the guy because of his animation but he did kicked the absolute shit out of second 😭😭
I love the interpretation of caveman being all inky and sketchy. Helps with the vibe USNJS also the fact that they use like, spears and arrpws and the others are just shill woth that USBUSHS
I like to think Caveman just brings an entire freshly killed boar to the bounty hunter gang and go "I have boar. We eat!! Hope you love :))" and the others are just "thanks man just roast it over here that'd be great"
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But fr i'd love to see them interact and what theyre dynamic is. I love to imagine theyre homies.
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just-jae · 7 months
Just binged Earthspark
Fucking hilarious
Animation is so yes- like visually effective, like, I actually was creeped out by the villain.
Blatantly addressing how a grey situation and grey characters were narrated into black and white, good and evil type stories.
Kids with personalities and relatable/familiar diversities. Like. They based those characters off of real people dude.
It also got so dark! Like- I love that. I love that they showed that the world is both beautiful and dangerous, kind and cruel. Even the kid who was like "racism is no big deal its fine" didn't immediately flip es attitude, but it didn't take any more arguing, just time to process/digest things. They literally showed that it's dangerous to go off with strangers bc of trafficking. Like, these were based on real people and real dangers.
Even the situation where they're working for the very people they're hiding from is just great. Like. Yes it be like that sometimes.
The whole, embracing family, finding family, working through conflicts instead of just being distracted from them- mwah
The story and themes are great, the Cybertronians AND the Humans are great, the violence and choreography are great. They do so many things justice.
Except- idk Wheeljack could have been nerdier, the bots could have been more scuffed up when they took hits instead of just bouncing back until the literal last episode, the approach to non-binary portrayal could have been more graceful (like, they did so well handling Jawbreaker's slowness but were so stiff and to-the-camera about Nightshade's identity thing- but it think that's just a matter of cybertronians being a poor way to explore gender identity- considering the closest they get to explaing why an asexual race has binary genders is that the "female" bots came from a different planet with different norms- except some came from cybertron.... yeah not the best species to explore gender with- it's like trying to explore sexuality- romance yes- sexuality will just... never work with them imo....)
Loved Arcee's Hula Guy. That like, brightened up my world though. Like, i'm so serious this show was so great. Megatron was a BEAST who was definitely scratching that "powerhouse perfect for protecting your kids" scratch dude, like they milked that bear for all the Megatron lovers and I had a great meal thank you.
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Journey Through the Disneyverse: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Sides of the Mouse
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I think there aren't any companies and studios with more polarizing legacies than the ones owned by the mouse.
Defenders of Disney will paint the company as a bastion of creativity and childhood nostalgia, while haters will paint it as a symbol of greed, mindless consumerism and everything wrong with American capitalism.
The truth is much more complicated, because both sides are absolutely correct at the same time.
The company is linked with some of the best pieces of animation of all time, and with some important advances in filmmaking, technology and theme park design.
Their movies and parks are careful created gems that to this day continue to draw and enchant people, becoming part of the collective imaginary of the whole planet.
A huge chunk of Hollywood movies today wouldn't exist without Disney, because they draw heavily from films from the golden age of the studio, or from other films that tried to compete with the studio.
People call the process of sanitization of fairy tales "Disneyfication", but this is not true. This is a long process that started in the Victorian Era, and reached fairy tales that Disney itself didn't reach until the 21st century.
But Disney movies are so influential that creators can't help but draw from them, even with the threat of being sued into oblivion by the mouse.
Visual cues and story beats from animated films from their golden age keep appearing in fairy tale movies, no matter how much darker, because it now feels weird to tell a fairy tale without them.
In a way, Disney is like the modern version of Charles Perrault or the Brothers Grimm, reinventing folktales to an middle class audience, but such in a well crafted way, than the original versions are sadly forgotten.
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At the same the company is also linked with early cases of consumerism in Hollywood, shady and ruthless business practices, deals with undemocratic foreign powers, as well as with the lobby that killed public domain. Bob Iger also transformed the company from Hollywood powerhouse into a global monopolistic force in the last twenty years.
Disney bullies movie theater chain into showing more and more of their movies, they censorship their own films to appease China, use cheap exploited labor from China to make products . They along every single big corporation in America tries too hard to appease both sides of the political spectrum, even with the looming threat of the far right.
Is Disney wholly evil, or is the good side of it, the creative side of it, capable of redeming the bad?
I honestly don't know.
That's the downside of living under Capitalism. Everyone is corrupt, and you can't really choose much. Disney is as greed and corrupt as the rest of the Hollywood powers. As greedy as the system that created it.
All I can say is that, flowers managed to grow even among the concrete.
Even with Disney's greed, writers, animators, directors, producers, cast members, managed to create magic that surpassed generations and brought so much happiness to my childhood and many others.
Disney, as in the people that work for Disney and created the Disney brand, is magic, even if the off touch CEOs can't understand with what they are dealing with.
I can totally live with the obscene Disney Empire collapsing in the next few years. I can live with more voices and more competition in Hollywood. I CAN'T live with the Walt Disney Animation Studios or the theme parks ever closing down.
Because despite it all, they inspired me and continue inspiring me.
With Disney 100th anniversary coming soon I would like to thank all the creative forces at Disney, both credited and unfairly uncredited. Your struggles weren't in vain, and you created magic.
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@tamisdava2 @ariel-seagull-wings @natache @angelixgutz @princesssarisa @adarkrainbow @thealmightyemprex @the-gentile-folklorist @the-blue-fairie @thelittlehansy
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