The ocean sunfish is… a fish. But is there a fish that means more to you? A favourite, perhaps?
it's dumb to devote time and energy to having a single opinion about the ocean sunfish. HOWEVER have you seen the deep sea anglerfish??? WHAT A FISH!! im just a guy im no ecologist like that lame hater blog, but i can tell u that for ages when they were studying the anglerfish they were really confused cause they were only ever fishing out females. and because all ecologists are naturally huge misogynists, this wasn't good enough for them.
they also noticed that these bad bitches were often covered in weird unidentified parasites. more on that in a sec.
because, as it turns out, they were looking for the lads on the complete wrong scale. these deep sea anglerfish have some CRAZY sexual dimorphism and the males are actually teeny teeny tiny. and with them being so itty bitty, and the deep sea being so fuckin huge, finding other anglerfish to mate with is kind of a nightmare, so when they DO encounter one another, they don't wanna let go.
like. they really don't wanna let go. the male anglerfish grabs on somewhere. anywhere really. and then digests himself! fusing into the body of the female until he's basically a portable nutsack she can use whenever she pleases. a kind of clutch purse of jizz for the woman on the go. a little slug of a creature that can trick marine biologists into thinking he's just a parasite and that a good man is hard to find.
also the ladies just hang about in the deep sea vibing until their bioluminescent party hats draw in tasty snacks temporarily overwhelmed by the single brightest light they've seen in their soon to be over little lives. what's not to love about the anglerfish
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hi annie! 🤭
mercury, taurus, 1H💕
Heyo Aerie!!
mercury ⇢ are you a talkative person?
For sure. Barely shut up.
taurus ⇢ what's your favorite food?
I rarely answer this the same but I am a chocaholic so maybe that?
1H ⇢ describe your style
Day to day is a little 70s, a little boho, and a little all American
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And my work outfits are genuinely pretty put-together and simple
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Astrology ask list
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drfaustus · 2 years
Your favourite things about Sherlock Holmes? :)
i really like how jonny lee miller puts its here!! (also he’s just an amazing holmes. :))
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also i just love that’s he’s a weird guy with niche interests that happen to make him this great detective. he’s so funny. he’s just some guy!!!!
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ladytauria · 8 months
Twick or tweat :D! 😶‍🌫️
<3 thank u!
the opening scene of the vampire!tim fic, bc i realized i hadn't actually shared that one anywhere?
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“Jesus, Tim, are you still down here?”
Tim deliberately doesn’t startle, despite the unexpectedness of Jason’s voice, right next to his head. He knows the pause in his work doesn’t go unnoticed. Jason mercifully doesn’t tease him this time. Still, he lets himself finish a final line of code. Jason keeps talking.
“Seriously, babybird, what are you, some kind of vampire?”
This time, the pause is longer. More deliberate. Tim turns his head until he can see Jason—arm propped up in the back of the computer chair, looking down at him with something like fond exasperation. Normally, this is enough to warm his chest, send his heart skipping a beat, despite how familiar the sight is becoming. This time, though, incredulity swallows the symptoms of his crush.
“Uh… yes?”
Jason blinks at him. “You’re fucking with me,” he says.
“…no?” Tim raises an eyebrow. Jason blinks at him again; honest confusion painted all over his face. Tim ignores the little thrill he gets, from being able to see Jason’s emotions unguarded. “You… really didn’t know?”
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ink-flavored · 2 months
favorite fridge of yours so far? (for poetry or otherwise)
well my current fridge WOULD have been my favorite if the ice maker actually worked, because it has one of those little pushy dispenser things on the freezer door. but it's BROKEN :/
as for the poetry, it's really hard to choose!! i like a lot of them, and in general i appreciate the challenge that writing with a limited pool of words offers. if i have an idea for a line that includes a word i don't have, i have to think of a different way to express the same idea. it's fun and flexes my Writing Muscles. so instead of picking one, i'll give you a Top 5, in no particular order:
Magnet Monday Week 25: Velvet
Magnet Monday Week 12: Sins
Magnet Monday Week 5: Universe
Magnet Monday Week 29: Devour
my gay ass gender angst poem
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cassyapper · 4 months
Hi!! I adore your Kakyoin from the WWA/TA, and recently watching the Death13's arch made me wonder if in your version the Crusaders know/will ever know about what happened back then? Since he survived, there's a chance he told them, but I don't think Kakyoin would have done that, since he doesn't need to be thanked for it or anything, and he had enough of the rejection and disappointment from them during those events. But, damn, it's so unfair and I wish they knew!
Thank you for your reply in advance 🥰
By the way, Joseph's story in the last chapter about how he experienced the loss of Caesar absolutely destroyed me😭😭I wasn't expecting this at all! Your story is incredible
AND THIS IS A GOOD QUESTION!!! and it will get addressed a little in story <3 but not much so: yeah as it stands, between dio's mention of all the standusers in his cult in his diary, testimony of dio's minions that survived after the fact (like hol horse, oingo, wheel of fortune, etc), and their own like. knowledge (avdol knows a death stand has to exist cause the tarot card and like. joseph/pol/jotaro did see kakyoin go nuts and then jsut stop going nuts), they know that Something happened. they dont know if it was actually the baby or if the stand was just impacting kakyoin's perception of reality (and their's, cause they saw kakyoin with the words on his arm and then suddenly they werent there anymore), but they know like. It Was There. and whatever happened, kakyoin dealt with it. but no one has addressed it directly there's kinda just a quiet sorta-understanding kakyoin was right and kakyoin picks up on it and accepts it. but they will talk about it a little in-story <3 i wont spoil the specifics tho until we get to it heh
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chiqitadave · 7 months
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@laundrycephalopod That's quite the 🌿 collection!! Do you have any pictures to share? I'd love to see them!
i have a plant folder on my phone with almost 300 images and im pretty sure thats not even all of them
pink aglaonema - gifted to me by jakes wife, mel, last year. it had a rough patch where it lost like 8 leaves and was just down to three but shes bounced back big this spring and gave me 5 flowers? (aglaonema flowers are not pretty)
varigated string of hearts baby, its slightly bigger now but shes a slow grower.
polka dot plant when i first got her, my second plant ever! shes now super tall because i kind of like her taller even though shes supposed to be bushy
my monstera adasonaii pre chop death <3 she was so tall and beautiful but i repotted her and then we had a cold front so shes on the decline now and i had to chop her up
my biggest monstera adasonaii leaf
my zebrina keeps flowering!!
and my beloved pink angel that is now a true angel because i went through a rough patch and didnt water her - shes a very demanding drinker that couldnt hang
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strawberrystepmom · 8 months
💛hello my lover girl kendy! what is gojo’s favorite scent on you?
himself LMFAO he's like a bratty little pet.....but besides that, he rather enjoys the scent of my favorite lotion. it has coconut oil and almond oil and it smells like sweet almond. i don't tend to wear a lot of heavy fragrance unless i'm trying to get something (a sweet sweet dicking down) so he knows my tells and prefers my natural smell if any
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14, 24, 44 for the weird asks, boo
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
if thc gummies do not count, i genuinely don't know if i have an answer. i'm not really a big non-chocolate candy girlie, i don't know. it usually hurts my teeth, so i just avoid. if thc gummies do count, though, the 25mg green apple from owlslee, most definitely.
24. favorite crystal?
amethyst, though the ones i wear on the every day basis are rose quartz and opal. i wear the rose quartz with red heavy outfits and the opal with blue heavy outfits. i used to wear an amethyst set all the time, but i lost one of the earrings and integrated the necklace into one of my altars (i'm a home and hearth practitioner and i was incorporating a gift from my best friend for ritual purposes, anyway), so i only wear the earring sometimes when i mismatch the earrings in my second holes.
44. favorite scent for soap?
for body soaps, i'm in my vanilla era atm!! vanilla is my neutral, and then an old spice scent is my masc. if hand soap, i like milk and honey. it's very homey to me.
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sweetartagiia · 17 hours
the haisu bookclub au is sooo cute 🥺 ur recent post about it made me giggle ehe , i would love to know haitham’s friends ( 4ggravate i suppose :3 ) initial thoughts of u ?? do they take to u immediately or does it require a bit of time to warm up to each other ? do you meet them before you n haitham are an item or after ! 🤲 <- me begging for crumbs ૮꒰ྀི⊃⸝ ⸝ ⸝⊂꒱ྀིა
ahh thank u coco <3
sooo haitham and i initially meet thru kaveh since i am best friends w him ! i’ll talk abt general thoughts for kaveh. i would say he thinks i’m too good for alhaitham, he knows how sensitive i am as a person and thinks that alhaitham will be terrible for me bc of how blunt he is and such. so initially, it really bothers kaveh how much alhaitham and i get along swimmingly. as my best friend he tries very hard to look out for me (has threatened him on more than one occasion for sure).
tighnari i think warms up initially. i take genuine curiosity into things about science and nature, so asking him about botany and wildlife makes easy conversation between the two of us. he even lets me tag along on his routes for being a forest ranger.
cyno would probably take the longest just bc i feel that is his personality to be a bit skeptical of ppl? (also i think cyno would intimidate me a lot so it goes both ways) but once we warm up of course we get along fine. he thought me how to play tcg and gave me my first deck ^_^
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vroombeams · 11 days
Hello!! For the fanfic writing game:
4. How do you choose which fics to write?
10. Do you work on multiple wips or stick to one fic at a time?
27. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
I've loved every fic I've read of yours so far so I've gotta admit I'm so curious about your process, but totally fine if you don't want to answer some or any!
HIYA MOSSY!! that's so sweet of you to say, i'm so glad you've been enjoying!! 🥺
4. How do you choose which fics to write? i do not choose the fics.... the fics choose me..... really though, i've never really thought about it as a choice?? like if the inspo hits for something i'll just... start writing it. i might not finish it but i'll certainly take a crack at pretty much whatever crosses my mind?? sometimes there's an actual goal in mind (ie delicate topographies), sometimes someone makes a joke and my commitment to the bit renders me unable to do anything but just like. go at it (ie sweet talk) so yeah. truly they choose me and i've got no choice in the matter HAHA
10. Do you work on multiple wips or stick to one fic at a time? gaze upon my tabs and find thine answer
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really though, i tend to bounce around a bit if i'm not like locked in to one thing? but with the proper inspo and prodding i can stick to one piece... i can..... affirmations...... lmao
27. What area of writing do you feel strongest in? oh boy. i guess my strengths would lie in like, smaller self-contained things??? those are the pieces that are the most manageable to me so they feel stronger i guess?? i like also to think that characterization is something that i'm pretty solid at?? i suppose it depends what the definition of a Strength is but as far as what i'm confident with......... it is often character voices and headspaces. lots of waffling to get to a simple answer there huh
fic writer asks :)
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tamakigf · 9 months
hey, just wanted to come here and ask real quick if you’re okay bc you’ve been inactive for a few days! dont worry about updating anything, take all the time u need i just worried a bit a bout you! - lots of love, from one isabella to another 🥰🫶🏻
so, to make a long story short,,, i got my heart broken LMFAO! but i’m feeling a lot better so i’ll start updating soon! <333
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mouthwblood · 1 year
Why physics?
my interest in physics awoke when i began to learn about the universe, since i was a little girl i was quite curious, devouring books by neyl degrasse tyson and carl sagan, documentaries, magazines, etc. i feel like studying physics is the only way to learn its most hidden secrets, how that other world out there works and also ours. the fact that there is a theory that can explain all the fundamental forces in the universe is totally crazy and exciting, things like that motivate me. i would also like to get a PhD in astrophysics later on
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augustinewrites · 1 year
hi! I was wondering- who are your fav characters from some of the fandoms you're writing for?
hq - osamu, IWA, suna
jjk - gojo, megumi (cries)
genshin - alhaitham, zhongli, ayato, diluc
bnha - bakugou, shouto, dabi
bllk - rin, kunigami, reo
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angelcloves · 5 months
Are you feeling better today?
yes i might even film a dance warm up because ive been in the mood and havent been on the floor much lately
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violetshades · 3 months
5:A song that needs to be played LOUD
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