#T started out w this post w my help and i finished it
eastberlin · 6 months
Doing some Serious Painting for the first time in uh over a decade and holy shit y’all I’m…good? Like, I periodically step back to check things and go “hot damn!”.
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secretwritingspot · 6 months
Pairing: OPLA Sanji x Reader
Hihihi!!! Welcome to my first post, lovelies!
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Rating/Content Warnings: somewhere between PG-13 and R? Like there's definitely a L O T of sexual themes, but no actual doing of the do. Mostly just a lot of Sanji oggling the reader and trying so hard failing not to be a creep.
Summary: I love the idea of teasing Sanji in general because he's such a man whore (affectionate) but there's something especially funny to me about doing it completely on accident, so here's approx. 2k words of Sanji having a full on breakdown because reader wore a short skirt with long socks literally once.
Disclaimer(s): okay this is for all my fellow thick thighed bitches because I just KNOW, K N O W Sanji would go crazy for that shit. Do not ask me why. it came to me in a dream. it was revealed to me in visions. he told me himself. That being said, because of that and story reasons there are a few specific physical traits mentioned (thick thighs and being too short to reach a shelf) and the reader is wearing a skirt, so keep that in mind!
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Sanji considers himself a man of tremendous patience.
He might not seem it with how often he finds himself oggling the women on the crew, flirting with any woman he sees, what have you- but really, all of it's tame in comparison to his thoughts. His desires. The warmth that floods his chest when he sees a particularly attractive woman walk by.
He's as chivalrous as possible with his crewmates, trying not to be too distracted by their beauty, flits of the eyes, flicks of the hair. He prides himself on his ability not to react. And then...well, then today happens. Then, he sees you - the most recent crewmember - in a tiny, swishy little skirt.
It makes sense, he supposes, for you to wear something so short. It's sweltering out.
Still, ever since he first saw you in the morning, he hasn't been able to get the sight of your plush thighs out of his head. Hence his early start on cooking dinner, attempting to clear his head the only way he knows how.
He's sweating a bit from the heat himself, but he tries to focus on the food and the cooking, not thinking about you. He just wants to get the food done and be finished with this day-long distraction. The sooner he finishes cooking the sooner they can have dinner and the sooner he can retire to his room, wrap his fist around his cock, finish himself off, go to sleep, and forget about all of this.
He reassures himself that it can't be too long before he's able to lock his door and unwind when there's a gentle, rhythmic knock at the open doorframe, alerting him of someone else's presence.
"Hey Sanj!"
You. Of course. As if his life weren't hard enough already.
"Whatcha making?"
You ask curiously, short skirt swishing with your movements as you walk in and hop up on one of the counters he isn't using, watching him with rapt attention. He looks up at you for a moment and smiles before looking back at his cooking, trying to avoid stolen glances at your legs.
"Just cooking up dinner. Nothing exciting."
It makes sense, he supposes. You were by far his closest friend on the crew, so of course you'd be the liaison for the rest of the crew (read: Luffy) to send to spy when they wanted to know what was for dinner.
Still, doesn't make you any less distracting.
"Disagree. Watching you cook is fascinating," you counter softly with a fond smile, thankfully oblivious to his staring.
Your words go straight to his ego, before moving down to his...nevermind. The point is, your admiration makes him happy. He's always been a sucker for compliments to his cooking. You're a good audience, too- quiet and curious and good company, mostly either doing your own thing (reading, mending old clothes, drawing - though you've never let him see your sketchbook, he's asked) or watching intently as he works.
Still, his mind is drifting elsewhere. He can't help but imagine how soft your thighs would be in his hands, how warm one would feel pressed against the skin of his cheek with your legs wrapped around his head-
Sanji freezes for a second at that thought and then quickly tries to focus back on the food cooking.
"You think so?" He asks with a calm smile, trying to keep his composure, "I'm sure I'm not too special to watch."
"You sell yourself short," you respond with a click of your tongue and a fond shake of the head. You really do enjoy watching him cook, eyes scanning across his hands while he works, admiring his skill and technique with soft eyes. "It's...relaxing. Watching you work, I mean."
Sanji chuckles nervously, looking down at his hands with a slight blush and pointedly avoiding your eyes.
"Oh please. I'm sure it's perfectly enjoyable to watch anyone cook."
You hum softly in consideration and there's a comfortable pause, the galley going silent again, save for the sounds of utensils scraping and the sizzling of oil in a pan.
It's no surprise to him that he's been so distracted all day, unfortunate though it is. Everyone knows he really, really likes women, it's common knowledge. But in particular, Sanji's always had a weakness for thighs. (Anything soft, honestly, he's always been one for soft.) But thighs in particular have always been a surefire way to raise his blood pressure (among other things).
He tries to avoid looking at you while he cooks, but he can't help himself at times. You really do have lovely thighs and he wants to feel them for himself, wants to know if you're truly as soft and warm as you look, wants to know how quickly they'd bruise in the shape of his fingers or his teeth. He really does try not to look, but it's taking its toll on him and he finally turns back to you in curiosity.
"Is that really comfortable?"
You cock your head at him in confusion for a moment before realizing what he's talking about, laughing softly at the question and looking down at the skirt on yourself with a shrug.
"I mean, it's like a bajillion degrees out. If I wore something else, I think I might've melted."
You hop off the counter gently, smooth and coordinated on your feet as always as you stand before doing a little twirl to show off the outfit to him.
"Plus, it's actually super practical, since it has the shorts built in."
He's used to you showing off to him like this any time an outfit you've picked out is unexpectedly practical - dresses with pockets, hidden weapon holsters, shockingly soft fabrics and the like - and he usually finds your excitement quite cute.
This time, though, is different. Your twirl makes the skirt flare up and he swears his heart explodes in his chest. There are built in shorts, but calling them that is more of a stretch than the average fighting move from your captain. They must be at least 3 or 4 inches shorter than the skirt itself, made of some sort of legging material. The action only flashes him a better view of your thighs and he knows it's not on purpose, but good god.
Sanji gulps a bit, his eyes caught on that wonderful sight you inadvertantly just showed him. He tries so hard to not stare, to be respectful, to focus on the food.
"Practical indeed!"
His voice cracks on the forced, over-enthusiastic response, begging himself just to be normal for one second, let the moment pass by naturally.
But he's never been good with self-control. And his mouth has always been much faster than his brain.
"You know, you really do look amazing in that, sweetheart. You should wear that style more often."
As soon as the words come out, he's kicking himself over them. He'd tried desperately just to look you up and down quickly and say you look amazing, a simple, averagely flirtatious comment that no one would look twice at. But he knows the main reason he likes how you're dressed so much, and his traitorous mind is caught between telling himself to get it together and begging you to let him feel you.
"Aww, thanks!" You chirp happily at the compliment, doing another cute little spin. It would be precious if it weren't making it so hard for him to think, but he thinks the soft blush his words put on your cheeks is worth showing his hand a bit-
"Maybe I should, I do like it."
-he might've doomed himself to never being able to focus again, though.
Sanji is trying so hard not to stare. He tries to look at anything else- the kitchen, the walls, the food, anything at all. It's like a scene from a cartoon with a heart-eyed schmuck trying to look anywhere but at a woman's cleavage. He takes a breath and tries his best to settle back into his usual, teasing demeanor.
"Yep, I really think you should. You make for a lovely view."
He succeeds, for the most part, you biting your lip with a soft smile and mumbling a flustered little "thank you" in response, and goes back to his cooking, mind still on you.
Still, it's a respite, and he manages to distract himself well enough by focusing on the food.
It's silent for another few, calm moments before he tastes the sauce he's making and finds it missing something, sighing softly. He calls to you without thinking, since you're already there, and always quite eager to help him in the kitchen any way you can when he'll let you.
"Could you fetch me the coriander, love?"
He doesn't think it through, he must've done it a million times before, but this time...
Of course you go to get it, angel that you are. It was never in doubt that you'd be willing to lend a helping hand, especially when he'd asked in that soft, quiet voice that seemed reserved for you and you only.
The problem is that you can't quite reach the shelves, hopping up on your tip-toes, the bottle less than a fraction of an inch from your fingertips. But the view it gives him, the angle- christ, he can see fully up your skirt, the fabric riding up in your attempt to reach for the jar and barely covering your ass.
"Oh god," Sanji mumbles to himself under his breath, now very distracted by the view. You look so cute. Your thighs look so good in that skirt, and the angle he has gives him a full view up it. He almost walks over and gets the bottle for you on instinct, used to grabbing things for you when you can't reach.
But...he doesn't.
It's complete sin, but he doesn't. He feels guilty about letting you struggle to reach the bottle of spice rather than just getting it down himself, but he can't resist the opportunity to oggle you in this position a little longer. So he doesn't say anything, do anything, ashamed of his thoughts and his own inaction. He knew he could be a touch desperate at times, but he promised himself that he would never be...he wasn't the type of man to do this. Christ, he can't believe he's actually doing this now.
Eventually, you hop to reach it, finally able to grab the container with a satisfied little 'ha!'
He only has a few seconds to stare at how good that little jump makes you look - gravity doing the work and making your thighs, your ass, your tits bounce for a moment when you land - before he has to school his reaction back to normal. Look professional. It only makes him feel worse how proudly you hand him the spice jar after turning around, completely unaware of the show you just gave him.
"...thank you, love."
You nod happily in response, walking back out from behind the galley so as not to get in his way, the act guilt-inducingly thoughtful.
"I'll tell them it'll be a few more minutes, yeah?" You ask, flashing him that dazzling smile and he can't do much else but nod as you leave the room to tell the rest of the crew the ETA on dinner, skirt swishing around your hips. He puts his head in his hands, elbows on the counter, and groans.
This is gonna be a long fucking night.
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wonwoonlight · 7 months
just one day / yoon jeonghan
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⇢ Jeonghan x fem!Reader
⇢ word count: 4.5k
⇢ fluff // angst // nonidol!au // brother's best friend // fake dating!au // they're idiots lmao // not edited nor proofread so pls bear w me lol // cursing and. two? kissing scenes.
⇢ A/N: this has been sitting unfinished in my google drive since... either last year or the beginning of this year lmao. i have always wanted to write brother's best friend and i had this sudden urge to finish it earlier so i did. been some time since i posted a proper fic so, enjoy~
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He must be dreaming.
He must be.
“What?” Jeonghan says just for the sake of saying it.
“I like you.”
“No, you don’t.”
You blink at his firm voice, wondering what kind of situation this is. Sure, you shouldn’t be confessing to your brother’s best friend, but you feel like you’ve been obvious enough and you don’t see why you shouldn’t confess when it’s been eating you inside out.
And, yeah, you didn’t expect him to do anything about your confession (or even say that he likes you back), but you didn’t expect this either.
“What do you mean I don’t?” you frown, looking at him accusingly. “I like you.”
“You don’t, kid.” He sighs, already feeling a headache coming. He’s not stupid, alright, he has enough sense to gather that his best friend’s little sister probably has something on him–a crush, perhaps, but he’s never thought it was real enough for you to feel the need to confess.
It doesn’t help that he is attracted to you, has always been since you’ve gone back from Sydney after finishing university a year ago. He admits he’s always thought you’re attractive, and if he’s being honest, he would’ve asked you out first if not for the fact that you’re literally Joshua Hong’s little sister.
As if it’s not enough that not dating his best friend’s little sister has always been a code he follows, Shua has always been a little too protective as a brother. He’s seen firsthand how the guy scared off some who had the guts to flirt with you, seen how for two decades only two guys had ever been declared good enough to date you (he couldn’t do anything about the flings you had when you were abroad, but at least you’ve always been appreciative of his protectiveness and you never missed to inform him of some guys who were actually trying to get it on with you).
Long story short, Jeonghan does not wish to be on the receiving end of Shua’s scrutinizing eyes regardless of how much he’s actually into you.
“Look, you know me,” he starts when he realizes you’re not backing down. He looks away, pretending to be frustrated, though it’s really just because he thinks he’ll relent if he looks into your eyes a second longer. “I’m not gonna make a good boyfriend and I’m literally your brother’s best friend.”
You don’t seem to care about the first part of his sentence, irked by the fact that him being best friend with Shua would be an obstacle in your way. Shouldn’t it be easier for him to get a seal of approval if he’s already close with your brother? But, then again, Shua probably knows Jeonghan inside out and knowing too much is never a good thing.
“So what?” you say anyway, because if there’s any word that would describe you perfectly, it’s ‘stubborn’. “Why does it matter that you’re his best friend?”
Jeonghan sends you a look, and you pout because you actually get what he means. You know Shua, after all, and as much as you want to condition yourself to believe that Jeonghan would be the person Shua approves of with all his heart, you also know that even if your brother actually approves, he would put him through hell just for the fun of it.
Anyway, this doesn’t tell you at all where Jeonghan actually stands about you.
“So, you don’t like me?” you shoot straight to it, as if Jeonghan wouldn’t be able to hear your heart beating like there’s no tomorrow if he takes even one step closer–as if your ears aren’t hot from saying it out loud. Jeonghan does not need to know how flustered you actually are.
And it works, because he seems to be taken aback by your boldness and you try your best to hide a victory grin at that. You should probably be more grateful that he can’t stand to look at you for more than three seconds; if he had, he would’ve seen the tip of your ears turning red and the speck of blush on your face, which means he could’ve easily taken control of the situation and turned it against you.
His silence encourages you, because if he really doesn’t like you then he would tell you so. As much as Jeonghan is a master of tricks and he’s great at acting, he’s never been good at hiding his feelings.
Jeonghan bites his lip, trying to get a way out of this. Why can’t he just say no and be done with it? Sure, he’s not in love with you or anything (yet?), but it’s a straight out lie to say he’s never seen you that way.
After all, there’s a reason why he’s been avoiding you the past few months. 
You just have to be more daring these days, and as much as he wills himself to behave, there are times when he’s already flirting with you before he knows it. He’s just lucky Shua has never caught you two.
Plus, you’ve taken a liking to wearing a crop top and it’s the absolute death of him.
“Tell you what,” you say before he does. “Date me.”
Jeonghan chokes on nothing, violently coughs that his shoulders are shaking and you actually need to pat his back so he’ll calm down.
“Are you okay?” You ask worriedly, and he’s terribly conscious of your hand on his shoulder and the other on his arm, of the way your brows furrow in concern, of the way your lips are a little ajar and if he moves forward just a little–
“Yeah.” He shakes his head despite the word, then clears his throat and squares his shoulders before he looks the other way around. He doesn’t step away though, and it’s so fucking stupid that he frowns when you do. “Sorry. You were saying?”
“Date me.” You repeat anyway, though you know this is Jeonghan’s way of  giving you an out in case you want to pretend like you didn’t just say that earlier. He opens his mouth, and you can hear what he’s going to say even if he hasn’t said anything so you cut him yet again. “Just for one day.”
“Stop,” you say firmly, something akin to determination flashes through your eyes that he’s actually taken aback. “Stop calling me that.”
He sighs out your name, but you’re not hearing it because if you back down now you know you won’t have it in you to say this out loud again. You’re fueled by nothing but impulse and you’re not going to let Yoon Jeonghan himself slow you down.
“Han, I see the way you look at me–you’ve gone past seeing me as a kid since I came back from Sydney and it’s been a year since then. I’m not stupid.”
It’s hard to describe the way he looks at you, and he’s not blaming you because he is confused. The mixed feelings bursting in his chest is much too complicated for him to explain. Let alone through words, even his consciousness does not know how to register what he’s feeling.
Your face falls at his silence, and whatever courage that drives you up to this point is starting to ebb little by little. You’re so goddamn stupid–did you really think confessing to him would lift the weight off your shoulders? What made you think Jeonghan would be able to treat you as usual after you confessed?
Didn’t you confess only because it’s heaving you down? Because you thought you’d regret it if you stayed silent?
Then what is this weight on your chest? 
What is this disappointment looming all over your body?
Why the fuck are your eyes pricking with tears?
Still, you stand your ground and square yourself up in front of him. You’ve gone this far. If you’re going to be embarrassing, might as well do it for a reason. 
“Okay,” he breaks his silence, his tone defeated for whatever reason. It’s not discouraging though, more like unsure and maybe a little hopeful, and when you look up, he’s biting his lip in contemplation. “Just one day, right?”
“But you have to actually treat me like I’m your girlfriend.” You push, heart beating both in excitement and fear. Because what if he backs out of nowhere? He’s not that kind of person, but this situation is nothing sort of normal and his consciousness just might get to him if you don’t push him already.
Jeonghan bites his lip, looking at you like you’re a bad idea that he’s caving into. And he’s starting to think that it’s true. But if he’s being honest, he’s not against this at all. He also wants to know how it’d feel like to hold your hands and just listen to you talk without thinking about Shua and whatever that will follow if he ever finds out.
Frankly, one day wouldn’t be enough, but that’s better than nothing, right? And he would never have the guts to propose it himself, he admits, so this is a chance that he knows he wouldn’t get his hands on ever again.
He sighs, praying to every god up there that this won’t backfire on him.
“Okay,” he whispers, more to himself than to you, and then repeats it once again, this time firmer, looking at you straight in the eyes. “Shua’s going on a business trip next week, right?”
You nod.
“I’ll see you next Saturday?”
You bite down your lip so hard that you taste blood to stop yourself from smiling like an idiot.
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Tuesday, 26 July
[14:32] Yoon Jeonghan😠: beach or amusement park
[14:50] ?????
[14:50] its not a surprise?
[14:54] Yoon Jeonghan😠: just pick one, kid
[14:55] 🙄 beach ig
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Thursday, 28 July
[01:11] Yoon Jeonghan😠: festival or night market
[01:12] ?????? sir?? go to sleep??
[01:12] didnt you choose a place alrd???
[01:12] but night market
[01:13] Yoon Jeonghan😠: you go to sleep
Yoon Jeonghan😠 is typing…
Yoon Jeonghan😠 is typing…
[01:17] Yoon Jeonghan😠: good night, kid
[01:18] nightttttt
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Friday, 29 July
[22:20] Yoon Jeonghan😠: wear something light tomorrow, but bring a jacket just in case it gets cold at night
Saturday, 30 July
[00:03] k, boyfriend 😌
[00:03] sorry, i was on the phone with chaeyoung earlier
[00:07] Yoon Jeonghan😠: i really cant with you
[00:07] Yoon Jeonghan😠: and chaeyoung as in vernon’s cousin? your friend from high school?
[00:07] Yoon Jeonghan😠: you still talk to her?
[00:08] yes!! surprised that u rmb her :0
[00:08] and i actually just met her by accident earlier today and we decided to catch up thru the phone bc i had to go somewhere
[00:09] apparently, she’s dating choi seungcheol or smth 👀
Incoming call from Yoon Jeonghan😠 - 00:11
Call ended - 02:27
[02:27] Yoon Jeonghan😠: you fell asleep. night, babe 🤪 see you
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You bite your lip in giddiness as you keep on rereading Jeonghan’s text, like you’re not giddy enough already at the prospect of today.
You fell asleep last night while on the phone with Jeonghan, but whatever curse you were about to dump into yourself for falling asleep during what might be your only chance to be on the phone with Jeonghan during ungodly hours was immediately wiped out when you saw his text.
Yes, you’d flirt with each other from time to time–but never through texts, and the prospect of having a message from him that you can read over and over again some time in the future is both delightful and… sad.
The sudden tug on your heart and consciousness is a little heavy, a reminder that he’s doing that because you asked him to. That whatever’s happening in the span of today is an illusion, one that Jeonghan agrees on creating.
Why, you don’t want to dwell on it too much.
That should be your motto for the day: fuck it.
So what if it was an illusion? Jeonghan agreed and you’re going to make the best out of it. If you’re never going to be Jeonghan’s girlfriend, might as well be shameless and live your teenage (and adult, if you’re being honest) dream and be his girlfriend for the day now so you can stamp it in your memory. You only have today and you’re not going to spend any second thinking about the technicality of it.
As far as you know, Jeonghan is your boyfriend and he’s taking you out for the day.
You jump when your phone pings, the notification on your lockscreen rids you of whatever negativity that was in your mind literally seconds ago as you grin and make your way out of your apartment.
[09:17] Yoon Jeonghan😠: am in the lobby. get ur pretty self here, angel.
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For all you know, the world is plenty unfair. But seeing Jeonghan looking like that with a simple white tee and a faded pair of jeans reminds you just how unfair the world actually is. Like it’s not unfair enough already because he’s not your actual boyfriend.
“Come on, let me take a picture of you,” he says as he softly takes your hand, pulling you up from the mat. “The wind isn’t too strong and you’re looking particularly pretty today.”
You scrunch your nose as you mock annoyance, a failed attempt to mask your blush. Hopefully, Jeonghan would think you’re simply flushed because of the sun and not because of him.
“I don’t like taking pictures.”
“How dare you lie to me.” Jeonghan says without missing a beat. “I know you make Shua take a ton shit pictures of you when you’re out somewhere.”
You pout at this, and as much as you know Jeonghan doesn’t mean anything by it, the mention of your brother isn’t exactly welcome today because his name just reminds you that this isn’t real and he’s a big part of the reason why.
“Can you not talk about my brother?” You say softly, which Jeonghan easily catches even if he’s not sure you mean for him to hear or not. The sadness in your voice is genuine though, and he makes a mental note to stop mentioning Joshua for the rest of the day. He’s starting to question once again if this is the right thing to do even for a day–after all, Joshua is his best friend, and this particular conversation is the exact reason why he’s not supposed to do this.
But he’s promised you he’ll treat you like his girlfriend–perhaps another personal agenda of his because he does want to experience being able to be your boyfriend even for a day. He should’ve thought more before okay-ing your proposal instead of thinking about it right now when you’re in front of him, in a simple white shirt and a black skirt that stops just below the middle of your thigh but somehow still the prettiest he’s ever seen. 
He wonders if this is how you usually dress up for your dates, and something bitter makes it to the tip of his tongue as he thinks about someone else taking you on a date. 
“Sorry. Come on, let’s take a picture together.” His fingers wrap around your wrist to pull you closer before eventually linking them with yours. “You’re very pretty today, have I told you?”
“You have.” You scrunch your nose and pretend to roll your eyes at the sudden sweetness he basks you in even though you’re liking every second of it. “Literally one minute ago.”
“Well, you really do look very beautiful and I want you to know.” He lowers his voice an octave and stares right into your eyes before he eventually bursts out laughing.
“Stop!” You giggle, knowing that he’s doing this on purpose to annoy you. “That’s too fucking cheesy and you know it.”
He laughs along with you, then tightens his fingers in yours like they’re not interlocked already.
“I mean it though.” He whispers one last time, not looking at you this time around because his heart might fucking burst to say it to your face without the faux of messing with you. “You do look beautiful.”
At least you share the sentiment, as you quietly duck your head to hide your smile, whispering a thanks that’s only meant for the two of you.
Jeonghan keeps his end of the bargain, you’re happy to know, as you don’t even think about your brother and the pretense that is your relationship for the rest of the day. You freely flirt with each other, cheeky smile and winks being thrown here and there. His hands never seem to leave you, and you gladly cling on to him even if you don’t need to.
You get ice cream, insist that you want the plain strawberry one only to eventually switch with Jeonghan’s cookies and creams because his looks better. He plays hard to get before giving in to you, but not before swiping ice cream from the side of your lips and licks his thumb like that shit isn’t going to give you a heart attack.
It’s around seven when you both get to the night market not too far from the beach, and you’re both even gigglier than earlier which you didn’t think was possible. Your cheeks hurt from smiling, but you’re the furthest thing from complaining as you continue at whatever dumb jokes Jeonghan throws your way.
The night market isn’t as crowded as you think it would be, but it still is crowded and Jeonghan makes a show of throwing his arm around your shoulder because he ‘doesn’t want to lose you’ and you seem a little cold (which you kinda are).
You elbow him at this, shake your head and pretend like you’re not internally dying from the closeness between the two of you.
“That’s so lame.” You snicker. “Just say you want me close and go.”
“I do want you close.” He whispers unexpectedly, catching you entirely off guard that you trip on your own foot you almost fall on your face. He doesn’t seem to realize you tripped because you’re flustered, which works good for you, and he flicks your forehead as he scolds you to be more careful and goes back to holding your hand.
“Seriously. How are you still so clumsy?”
You don’t like being reprimanded by Jeonghan, because it awfully reminds you that you’re younger than him–that you’re his best friend’s little sister. And as much as you know Jeonghan definitely does not see you as a sister, the implication that he has to see you as one because of the association is very disheartening. 
“Why are you frowning?” He copies the gesture, and you shake your head, telling him it’s nothing. The night is ending, and you don’t want to waste more time thinking about stuff that you can think of tomorrow when you’re not in a time limited relationship with Yoon Jeonghan. “No, tell me–”
The both of you turn at the call of his name, and your frown deepens as you see Jisoo in front of you, Jeonghan’s ex that he amicably broke up with. The one ex that has always made you feel like shit because she’s everything you’re not and they were such a picture perfect couple that you’re sure they’d go back together someday.
It does not feel good to see her today of all days.
“Oh, hi!” She kindly greets you, her smile way too genuine for you to think she’s just being polite and secretly hates you inside. Gosh. You need to stop watching too many TV dramas. “Joshua’s sister… right?”
There it is again. The reminder that you’re his sister–something you really don’t need to hear today.
“Hi.” You smile awkwardly, and only then remember your hand is still pretty much joined with Jeonghan’s. You don't know how to feel about the fact that his reflex is not to let go of your hand in front of his ex who obviously knows your brother. You try to let go of his hand, but Jeonghan holds on tighter, as if telling you it’s okay and there’s no need to worry about Jisoo.
They share a small chat for a bit before eventually parting, and Jisoo wishes you both a good night, which makes you hate yourself so much for being jealous of the girl when she doesn’t even have an ounce of bad energy towards you.
You try to enjoy the rest of the night, but Jisoo’s appearance just reminds you that this whole thing is pretty much fake. That someone out there is going to be in your place for real–able to hold his hand and just be with him all the time without having to wait for your brother to go on a business trip to even hang out with each other. Without some stupid request and guilt eating them inside out because they’re not supposed to do this.
Trying to be subtle, you put on an act of wanting to visit every stall in the festival and pretend to be tired after about thirty minutes or so. You’re surprised Jeonghan isn’t already tired to begin with, this guy has the battery of a five-years-old phone, you didn’t expect him to actually bring you around until night if you’re being completely honest.
Jeonghan complies when you tell him you’re ready to go home, and you don’t even realize he’s also being weirdly quiet because you’re too deep in your thoughts. And it’s once his car is parked on the parking lot of your apartment building that you finally open your mouth trying to say something–anything.
You want to thank him for today. To thank him for making a memory that you’ll dearly hold on to, for giving you a standard of what a boyfriend is supposed to be even for a day. For fulfilling your dumb request when he doesn’t even have to.
But what comes out of your mouth is something entirely different and you almost want to bash your head against the door of his car right after.
“Whoever’s going to be your girlfriend is very lucky.”
You can hear Jeonghan takes a sharp breath, and you bite your lip to stop yourself from crying because you’re just so fucking stupid like that.
You try to remind yourself that you asked for this. That Jeonghan is doing you a favour and owes you nothing. That you should be thankful you’ve even gotten the chance to play girlfriend with him when he could’ve just embarrassed you and walked away after your proposal.
The deafening silence inside the car is very loud, and you feel like you’re suffocated by things unseen that you just want to get out of the car and take a very deep breath. So you do just that: reach for the door of his car because you can’t take being so close to him anymore.
It’s your fault. You shouldn’t have asked for this. Shouldn’t have asked for a taste of heaven because surely you would want more and you’ll die of thirst right after. Now you’re just going to be awkward with him until god knows when and you’re regretting it already. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You should’ve been satisfied with your close friendship with him, with loving him from afar. Now you’ve ruined things between you and him and who knows when things will get back to normal? He’ll fucking think of you as pathetic and it’s just going to be pity in his eyes everytime he looks at you now.
“Hey!” Jeonghan jumps in alert the moment you step out of his car, quickly follows through and catches you before you take another step away from him. “What–why are you in such a hurry?”
You look down to your shoes, because you can’t stomach looking at him right now just in case you’ll see what you fear will be reflected in his eyes.
“Hey… Look at me?” He tries once again, tone getting a little helpless. But you shake your head, because you’re sure you’ll start crying if you do and you want to preserve the little dignity you still have in front of him. But Jeonghan doesn’t stop there, he whispers a ‘please?’ and lifts your chin gently so you’ll look at him, his heart breaking when he sees how close you are to tears and his throat closing at how he’s the reason behind all this.
“Thank you.” You brave yourself. It’s the least you can do, because as much as you’re going to grovel for the next few months, you know that this particular memory with Jeonghan will always be dear to your heart and you’ll treasure it forever. “I’m sorry for taking your time and–”
“Ah, fuck it.” You hear him say before he dives into your lips, not minding the way you’re frozen in place out of shock. He hums against your lips, and it’s then that you finally kiss him back, your hands settle over his shoulders and your whole body relaxed under his touch.
When the both of you pull away, you’re a little out of breath and your thoughts all over the place. But there’s a small smile in Jeonghan’s face that gets you mirroring the gesture. He closes his eyes as he places his forehead on yours, and you follow suit, feeling the warmth of his breath on your face.
“It’s… okay for me to do that, right?” He asks, albeit a little too late. You still don’t know what the whole things mean, but you find yourself chuckling, because you honestly would let him do anything to you. But he doesn’t need to know the kind of power he has over you, so you simply nod and let him have his peace.
“Han?” You say after a while. “What does this mean for us?”
Jeonghan stares into your eyes, deep in his own thoughts as if he’s trying to rearrange his words so they don’t stumble out of his mouth like a trainwreck.
“Let’s see where this takes us?”
“But Shua…?”
He presses his lips together and wraps his arms around you, pushing you into his neck as he breathes in your scent.
“Whatever happens, happens.” He decides, already resigning that he can’t possibly let you go now that he knows how it feels like to have you like this. He’ll make your brother understand somehow, but right now, he wants to be with you and savors the little time he has with you before your brother comes back, not even minding the way his phone has been vibrating in his pocket.
[Joshua sent a picture.]
Joshua: heard from Jisoo you’re on a date w my sister??????????????????
Joshua: did you finally get out of your ass and stop being in denial lmaoooooooooooooo
Joshua: just pls be safe
Joshua: she’s still my sister
Joshua: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved. I don’t allow any reposting, translation, and any other kind of redistribution of this fic. Please tell me if you’re aware of anyone doing this without my permission.
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moamidzyism · 4 months
oh, baby (c.bg)
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wc. 1149
genre. smut
request. trying to get pregnant w beomgyu so y'all have been having sex nonstop everytime you're ovulating
tags. husband!beomgyu x fem!reader, breeding kink, pet names (baby), implied kitchen sex, implied shower sex, unprotected sex (lol duh), impreg kink, pussy drunk beomgyu, (slight) marking, manhandling (if you turn your head to the side and squint), mommy used twice non-sexually
a/n. repost; i was thinking about this nonstop since i saw the request anon i need to kiss your brain. you sent this over almost two month ago i'm sorry it took so long but i hope you enjoy <;333 thank you to @sunnylovespickles and @huenation for helping me read this and organize my thoughts
more of my work
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you and beomgyu had been married for a year and a half when he finally brought up the idea of having kids with you. you were scrolling through your feed in bed one night when you stumbled upon a post from an old classmate at her baby shower. beomgyu absentmindedly responded, i bet our kids would look cuter, prompting the very serious and incredibly long overdue conversation about one day growing your little family. and after that night and some doctor’s appointments, he was determined to get you all pretty and round before the end of the year.
one thing about beomgyu is that he genuinely cannot keep his hands off of you. so on a sunday morning, when he wakes up to an empty space in the bed beside him, he searches for you all over the house before stumbling into you in the kitchen. he sees you making pancakes and can’t help but think about your kids one day running around, helping you cook, and setting the table. he wraps his hands around your waist from behind, his hard cock prodding your ass. nuzzling his head into your neck, he mumbles, good morning, baby. you hum in response, melting into his touch. he takes this as an opportunity to slyly turn off the stove. you whine his name, protesting for him to let you finish cooking. but that doesn’t stop him from pulling you towards the island and hoisting you up on the counter. he looks up at you with a smirk. you’re the only thing i wanna eat this morning, baby.
a few days later you find beomgyu sitting at his desk when you come home from the gym, he glances up at you but his eyes can’t help but stop at your chest glistening with sweat, your boobs spilling out of your tight sports bra. and of course that naturally leads him to fantasize about what your boobs would look like when you’re pregnant, so swollen and so so beautiful. going to take a shower, then we can figure dinner out. you tell him as you retreat to the bathroom. it’s not up to five minutes later when you hear the shower curtain open, your husband slides in behind you. if we’re gonna have a baby, we should start saving on our water bill, don’t you think?
but beomgyu wasn’t the only one who was entirely insatiable. some days, like today for instance, when you spend the entire work day thinking about your husband and how much you need him to fuck you, the last thing you want to see when you come home are his friends sitting around your living room. internally groaning, you wave to them while signaling to beomgyu to follow you into the bedroom.
“your friends.” you state one the two of you are in the privacy of your room.
“what about them?” he asks, his face marked with confusion. you give him a look that conveyed frustration and yearning and the realization dawns on him.
“aww,” he coos. “does someone need me?”
“please can you just tell them to go home?” you whine and without hesitation he leaves the room. you sink into the bed for what feels like an eternity until beomgyu saunters back into the room towards you.
“took you long enough.” you mumble as you pull him closer to you.
“i was gone for five minutes.” he chuckles in response.
“felt like twenty.” you reach up to kiss him passionately, your hands trailing up his torso, taking his t-shirt up with it.
“can we–” he tries to break away from this kiss. “can we slow down?”
“need you so bad.” you mumble against his lips.
“yeah?” he asks coyly.
“yeah,” your hands race to unbutton your work pants. “need you to fuck a baby in me.” beomgyu’s eyes widened. sure, you had both agreed to try for a baby but to hear you say this so explicitly just confirmed for him that his desires to start a family with you weren’t one sided. beomgyu joins you in taking off your clothes, his hands swiftly unbuttoning your shirt, nearly ripping the buttons off.
you’re laying in bed clad in nothing, with beomgyu hovering above you. his gaze falls upon you, tracing your form, as if you were the most alluring thing he’d ever seen.
“you’re so beautiful,” he breathes out before leaning down to kiss you. “i know i joke a lot,” he confesses between kisses. “but i want this so bad. you, us, our family. everything.”
he slips his throbbing cock between your warm folds causing you to let out a soft gasp. “me too. i want you. everything.” you parrot his words. he steadily grinds his hip against yours as he stares into your eyes and for a moment it seems like it’s only the two of you in the world.
loosely wrapping your arms around his neck, you pull him down into a kiss. your hands explore the contours of his body trying to find the best way to keep him in your grasp, to make sure that this was not an eerily realistic dream and he was actually here with you, in you. “i love you.” you moan out clenching around him.
his eyes close shut and a groan erupts from his throat when he feels your walls tighten around him. “fuck, your so… so tight baby.”
beomgyu accelerates his thrusts, his movements becoming sloppier and messier by the second. your hands find themselves resting on the nape of his neck, playing with his hair. he hides his face in the crook of your neck, taking this as an opportunity to paint your skin with marks in between the sloppy kisses he was leaving.
as he inches closer to his climax, you feel his movements slow down as he fucks deeper into you. he’s trying to prolong his orgasm, trying to feel you around him for longer. “m’gonna cum, baby. gonna get you all pretty and pregnant for me. gonna make you a mommy tonight.”
his eyes clouded over as his movements became weaker and hips began to stutter. you let out a loud moan, your eyes fluttering closed when you felt him pumping his load deep inside you, filling you up with his seed.
still inside of you, beomgyu rolls over so you are laying on top of him. he caresses your hair, whispering i love yous between kisses on your forehead. you rest like that, tangled in each others’ arms, for a moment before you convince him to take a shower with you. when you actually get pregnant, you make it a routine to look at your baby bump in the mirror every morning. beomgyu sitting in front of you, tenderly caressing your round belly before pressing a loving kiss and murmuring something about you being the prettiest mommy in the world.
taglist: @atinyniki @boba-beom @dearlyjun @wiisoob @isabellah29
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ellieswifie · 5 months
cuddling w chris while watching a movie in his bed and falling asleep on his chest and he finds it so cute and falls asleep after
cuddling with chris then falling asleep
𐙚 shortish fic!
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warnings: boyfriend!chris, slight angst,
authors note: this has been in the drafts for a while sorry about that, but i was just watching ‘a walk to remember’ and thought hey how about i finally get up and start posting some fics.
˗ˋ.*✧·˚ ೃ࿔₊•
CHRIS ISN’T THE SUPER AFFECTIONATE TYPE. sure he’ll want to go out on cute dates here and there, or do cheesy couple things, but if you ask him to couple up on the coach or in his room and watch cheesy romo coms his first response will be no.
you weren’t always annoyed by this though. you knew how scary it is for him to be a relationship considering how intense youtube has been for him, but it always deep down seems to bother you.
it was a late thursday night and chris had just finished filming with his brothers when he noticed you sitting on the couch strolling through instagram with a cheesy movie on, he couldn’t help but smile a little bit. nick had editing to do so he immediately darted to his room, while matt sat on the opposite end of the couch, staring at his phone.
you looked up at chris, smiling before bringing your eyes back to the tv. "how was filming?" you asked, leaning for the blanket to your right, and covering your lower half.
chris groaned, laying his head on top of your from behind the sofa. "you know how hectic filming is." you really do. as his girlfriend you’ve only been in a few videos bc of how creepy and weird the fandom is, but it does get a little intense.
“yeah…" you muttered, shutting of your phone and making room on the couch for chris. "we could watch a movie? something less cheesy."
chris straightened, looking at you then his brother. "umm maybe we could watch it in my room? and it’s your turn to pick a movie."
your eye brows scrunched as you looked at matt. matt looked up from his phone, confused as he looked at you and chris. then it clicked in his head and he immediately stood up from the couch. "oh no! by all means i’m going to my room. sitting in a room with just the two of you is like sitting in a room with-"
"okay thank you matt!" chris said stopping him from finishing his sentence. you giggled as you also stood up from the couch. "but is okay we can just watch in my room. besides i’m already exhausted."
matthew nodded, but still dashed to his bedroom down the hall. in his head he was taking no chances.
you wrapped your blanket around your shoulders, and slipped into your slippers beside you on the couch. it was nearly twelve o’clock so you were already dressed and ready for bed. you had no plans staying the night due to your crazy early classes in the morning, but you just couldn’t help yourself.
chris moved beside wrapping a lazy arm around your shoulders as you guys made your way upstairs.
you sat on his bed, while he made his way towards his dresser, looking for some pjs to toss on. he ended up finding some plaid pajamas and a plain white t-shirt to toss on. he grabbed his laptop from the corner of the room, before settling on the bed beside you.
"so we can watch anything but the notebook. deal?" chris said opening the laptop. you groaned, pushing yourself into his long arms.
"come on you forced me to watch some karate movie a few nights ago."
chris gasped as he remembered last movie night. "karate kid is the movie of the century. you can not dis on that movie ever babe."
your eyes rolled, as your moved your hands to the keyboard. “yeah yeah, whatever." you opened netflix, scrolling through the now trending movies, to then opening the romance movies.you see the past movies your boyfriend had been a baby through, and you simply just giggle to yourself. but when your eyes land on a walk to remember you gasp while chris groans,
"again?" he whines, looking at the title.
“what do you mean again? we’ve never watched this together." you correct, looking at him. he kisses your forehead gently, looking down at you. "but you have and that doesn’t seem fair." he replies.
"alright fine." you say, clicking out the movie preview and continuing to scroll.
chris frowns looking at the change in tone. as much as he hates romance movies he hates upsetting you more. "wait no if you really want to watch it we can."
"no im not going to force you to watch something you don’t want to watch." you say, trying not to sound annoyed or sad.
“no im serious we can watch it. you just have to promise not to fall asleep." he says, smiling at your face slightly light up.
you click back in the movie, rubbing your face against into your boyfriends chest. "no promises. i’m already sleepy." you giggle, while chris rubbed his fingers through your messy hair.
and you were beyond right. twenty minutes in you were passed out. snoring slightly and holding chris like he was a teddy bear. he wasn’t even watching the movie, he was watching you.
the way you were smiling at something in your sleep and slightly drooling seemed so adorable to him. your hair was just scatted across his chest while he kept playing around with your loose strands.
his eyes glanced at his phone in his hand and frowned at how late it was. he turned off the running movie, putting the laptop on his end table, being so careful not to wake you.
you rolled over to your side, so you were completely against chris’ chest. he just couldn’t stop smiling.
he rubbed your cheeks slightly, before kissing your temple good night, drifting asleep with you in his arms moments later here with you.
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sugarnspice630 · 5 months
Jealousy is the Best Form of Punishment - Yunho + San
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"Darling, you know how when we’re hanging around the guys and I, softly place my hand around your neck? Have you ever noticed that San can’t stop staring at you when we do this?”
•pairing: dom!yunho x sub!fem!reader + sub!san
•word count: 1.5 k
•tags: mdni, suggestive, choking kink out the wazoo (f receiving), San's a little horn-ball, Yunho is a jealous boyfriend, praise kink, slight degradation, sex implied but not written out, lots of eye contact, voyeurism
Summary: Yunho teases reader by slightly choking them while hanging around the members, San can't control his eyes and Yunho notices, causing him to drag the both of you into his room and teaching him and you a lesson.
A/N: Inspired by this post I saw from my dear friend @shinestarhwaa (ily pookie!) Please be sure to drop a like, reblog if you enjoyed it, and comment your favorite part! Happy reading!
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆───
It started out as an innocent joke. Yunho would gently place his hand on your neck when around the members and occasionally give it a slight squeeze. Nothing too harsh, just a firm grip to cause you to get dizzy for a few seconds. Since he has naturally big hands, his fingers would reach perfectly around the sides, applying pressure to your sweet spots. Yunho knew you were into choking, and damn was he good at it. San was not oblivious to these minor gestures. He saw how flushed your cheeks would get every time his hand came near your neck, and that look of bliss on your face when he applied the slightest pressure to your neck. Although you were happily taken by Yunho and had been for a long time, San couldn’t help the thoughts he had about you since you first started hanging around the members more often. He thought you were very attractive, and the looks on your face when Yunho would jokingly choke you definitely did not help his situation. On the flip side, Yunho saw San’s reactions every time he did that to you. The way his eyes fleeted back and forth between his hand wrapped around your neck and watching the expression on your face morph, softly biting the inside of his lip and his eyes darkening. Yunho is most definitely the jealous type, so he would lightly choke you every chance he could get to show San that you belonged to him and no one else.
Yunho got home one day and found San sitting on the couch, playing his video games. He was going to confront San peacefully about his observations.
“San, can I talk to you for a second?” Yunho said in a monotone voice with no expression on his face.
“Sure hyung! I’ll be there in a sec.” San replied as he was finishing up the round he was playing. Yunho nodded softly and walked into his bedroom. When Yunho walked in, he saw you sitting on his bed, playing on your phone. You looked up at him with a big smile. Sitting your phone on the bed, you got up and wrapped your arms around his waist to hug him.
“Hey handsome! What are you doing back so early?” Yunho placed his finger over your lips to silence you with a soft “shh” coming out of his mouth. Your eyebrows contorted, and you looked up at him, confused.
“Baby, I’m about to do something and I need you to not get mad or upset about it. Okay?”
Confused as hell by what he could be doing, you softly nodded your head, still with a confused expression on your face, trusting Yunho that you would be in good hands (haha). Not too long after your brief conversation, San walks in.
“Everything alright hyun-?” San stops his sentence when he sees you in the room, as well as Yunho. “Y-Y/N! I didn’t know you were here!” San’s expression becomes nervous as he looks at Yunho. His throat becomes dry, and he swallows his spit to try and alleviate it. Fumbling with his hands, San finally opens his mouth again. “W-what did you need me for Yun-?”
“Sit down.” Yunho barks at San and tilts his head toward the chair in his room. San nods a few times before making his way over to the chair, his eyes not leaving you or Yunho. You turn to Yunho and notice the slight angry expression on his face. Your heart sinks down into your stomach at the cold expression he’s giving.
"Yunho, what’s going on?"
“Quiet Y/N.” Yunho pauses for just a moment, glaring at San one more time before turning to you, placing his hands on your hips, and turning you to face him. “San thinks it’s all fine and dandy to stare at something that isn’t his.” Your eyes go between staring at his right eye and his left eye. Yunho’s eyes darkening as you keep staring at each other. “Darling, you know how when we’re hanging around the guys and I, softly place my hand around your neck?” Yunho’s movements follow his words, acting out his speech. Your heart rate increases slightly as Yunho’s hand gets closer to your neck. You dare not break eye contact with Yunho right now. “Giving you the gentlest of squeezes, right on your sweet spots? Causing you to see a hint of stars?”
Yunho’s eyes glance over at San, and he can see the younger member struggling to keep himself together. Harshly biting his lip, his legs crossed to hide the slight erection forming in his pants, gripping the arms of the chair so hard that his knuckles are white. Yunho smirks and directs his attention back to you. Your cheeks are perfectly flushed and eyes droopy just the slightest bit.
“I asked you a question. It’s nice to respond, you know?” Yunho grips your neck a little tighter, causing your mouth to drop open and let out the softest whimper.
“Y-Yes Yunho! I-I’m sorry! I know what you mean."
“Good girl~. Have you ever noticed that San can’t stop staring at you when we do this?”
Completely forgetting that San was also in the room with you guys, you softly turn your head as much as Yunho’s hand would let you and see San struggling to stay still. His foot is now bouncing up and down, legs still crossed, but one of his hands has left the arm of the chair and is now placed in his lap, right where his crotch would be. Fidgeting like a nervous dog.
“Princess! Stop ignoring my questions!” Yunho’s booming voice echoed in your ears, causing you to turn back to him quickly.
“S-sorry! Y-Yes I have noticed!” Yunho inches closer to your face, leaning in toward your ear.
“How does that make you feel~?" You had to think for a moment because in all honesty, it made you feel good, but how could you tell Yunho that? You were beyond thrilled when he started to show more risque public displays of affection around the members. You wanted to know what they really thought of you. How many of them secretly liked you or what they would do to you behind closed doors when Yunho wasn’t there to claim you for himself?
“M-makes me feel good sir!” You closed your eyes in fear of what his reaction would be to your honesty.
“Good huh?” He paused for a few seconds to let your answer sink in. “Didn’t think my girlfriend was such an attention-seeking whore."
The grip around your neck tightens and your arms wrap around and come up Yunho’s back and grip onto the shirt he’s wearing. You tilt your head back and let out a choked moan. The sensation of him squeezing your airways shut was so intoxicating and you genuinely could never get enough of it. The thought of Yunho being in control of your breathing drove you insane. His grip around your neck loosens, and you take a deep breath. Eyes opening up to see Yunho smirking menacingly at you. You don’t break eye contact for a few seconds until Yunho looks back over at San and sees what a mess he’s becoming. Yunho chuckles softly and turns your head for you to look at him.
“What a mess he’s becoming, and it’s all because of you. Isn’t that so special~?” You can’t help but notice San is now rutting his hips into his hand, trying to provide some stimulation in his situation. His lip appears red and swollen because of how hard he’s been biting it this whole time. His face is lightly covered in sweat and he’s breathing heavily.
“Fuck…d-don’t look at me like that Y/N, p-please.” He mutters out, his eyes focused on you staring at him in his desperate state. His eye twitches, and he pants out as he continues to push his hips into his hand.
“S-San.” You calling out his name caused him to whimper softly and lean forward a bit to try to get closer to what he was seeing in front of him. Seeing him act like this sent a wave of heat down to your core. You never knew he was this down bad for you.
“He so desperately wants to cum. Do you think we should let him?”
“W-We?” You stutter out, surprised that Yunho is giving you an option. Looking back at San, you can see him nodding his head profusely and whispering ‘please’ a thousand times. “Yes Yunho.” You say while staring at San, and you watch as his eyes light up and he quickly unzips his pants and whips his dick out. Before you could look any harder at San’s cock, Yunho pushes you down on the bed and sits his weight on top of you. His hair falls gently over his face, and his expression gets darker.
“He can deal with himself over there, but now I have to deal with you for acting like a whore all the fucking time.” He growls through gritted teeth as he unzips his and your pants, pulls yours down along with your underwear, and does the same for him. Pinning your hands above your head and holding them together with one of his massive hands. You knew you were in for a night of trouble.
Tags: @pre1ttyies @isiloiale
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willownwisp · 4 months
ree's leon valentine's day advent <3
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hi everyone. <3 as the leon kennedy fluff truther, i'm making an advent for valentine's day because pookie deserves so much love! everyday, i'll be posting a fic ranging from nsfw/sfw fluff for babu leon, i'll be putting out the scenarios and snippets below if y'all are interested. author's note: i've been meaning to put this out like a week ago when i finally figured out the problem w my account as to why tumblr wasn't letting me reply to comments :( but sadly, college got me so head empty. anyway, i've already got 2 days worth of fics already finished so i hope y'all can give me a read. <3
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FEBRUARY 8 𖹭 nice legs, daisy dukes. (vendetta!leon x fem!reader) Leon feels like a creep, fuck that. He definitely looks like a creep. Thirty-six year old in all of his 5'11 glory standing outside his girlfriend's college leant against his Ducati like a dick, carrying a box of those, instagrammable pastries you always like to look at. It doesn't hurt to be sweet. Not when you walk — run, at the sight of him in your preppy mini dress, highlighting those long, long legs. Nothing is sweeter, especially when it's wrapped around him.
FEBRUARY 9 𖹭 starry skies, blue eyes. (re4r!leon x fem!reader) Stars dot stygian skies, the night is young, the moon is high. Leon's heart soars with your every laughter. The way your eyes close and your nose scrunches. God he was so in love with you, he could forgive the fact that the tent should have been up hours ago before night. You swear you remember your knots from your wide-eyed Girl Scout days, and he swears these silly moments with you are what makes life bearable.
FEBRUARY 10 𖹭 cold woes. (re4r!leon x fem!reader) Leon S. Kennedy. The apple of his instructors' eyes (and yours), he's a top graduate in the Police Academy for fuck's sake. He's decimated hordes of zombies in his first day as a rookie cop. Endured military training in the middle of nowhere, he's saved the President's daughter. He doesn't get sick. Only that he does catch a cold at the expense of prioritizing you, his clumsy girlfriend, who forgot to wear a jacket on a camping trip, offering his warm clothes to you. He doesn't regret it, he likes taking care of you, but there's something adorable about your sheepish apologies as you wait on him. He could get used to being babied. FEBRUARY 11 𖹭 love on me. (di!leon x fem!reader) As much as Leon loves the sun, the beaches, the tropics. Oh what he would give to become a beach bum in his next life instead of being smacked by bioweapons day in, night out, and being a good bitch to good ol' U.S of A. Unfortunately, after the events of Alcatraz, maybe he's had enough of the sea for now. He gives himself a pat on the back, takes out a chunk of his savings to go to Japan because you've been eyeing it. You said you were interested in the food, culture, and sights. So why in the world were you dragging him to a love hotel? FEBRUARY 12 𖹭 fill up your cup. (re6!leon x fem!reader) He feels himself spiraling recently, turning to the bottle because a glass is never troubled by his woes. He breaks them of course, can't help it, seems like his life is doomed to him breaking in the end. Fragments of glass scatters on the floor, vodka spills on the floor splashes it around like his grief because his body can only take so much. You arrive as he tries to pick them up, attempts to pick himself up. You whisper assurance, he doesn't deserve it. The way you look at him ardently, the gentleness that is your existence. You empty out his pain, and fill it with love. FEBRUARY 13 𖹭 the thrill, the love. (damnation!leon x fem!reader) He wills his old Yamaha to go faster. Your dainty arms clinging to him, the softness of your touch as his speed breaks the sound barrier. What started as mere curiosity turns into rituals. Secrets that only the both of you know. He knocks on your door at midnight, drives you around town. He scolds you every time your arm breaks free, throwing them to the wind. You don't care, you love the thrill, you love him. Leon admits that there is something alluring to the thrill of the chase. Perhaps that's why he's spent his years chasing Ada, but with you it was different. FEBRUARY 14 𖹭 kiss it better. (di!leon x fem!reader) Leon is a man full of stories, his pain, his peace, his fears, his needs. There is more to him than just being a formidable weapon against bioterrorism. He never was a weapon, just a flesh and blood human, and in his mortality there are scars. Deep within him, and littered in his skin. You kiss the faded slash on his hand, he tells you how he'd got it from when Ashley Graham had tried to stab him under the influence of the plaga. You kiss it again, and what he doesn't tell you is the wave of warmth that washes his entire being, it tugs on his very soul. You kiss the scars because it's there, because it's him, and in his reverie, he thinks you truly are his person.
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zerobaseone-zhanghao · 4 months
Hi, lovely! I hope that you're doing well! If its alright may I request a smutty fic where Bada and her idol gf reader record a spicy dance video that turns into something more and it was ment to be private? Maybe one of them accidentally posts a cut version of it on their social or something. With them dancing like this?
t/w: major smut so if any minors are lurking look away rn, older!bada & younger!reader, also your fans hate Bada (I’m sorry), a lot of namecalling
a/n: Hiii thank you so much for your request!! I’m doing so good lovely thank you! I love writing smut so hopefully you like it! The link didn’t work so I’ll be using Bada’s pussy fairy choreo but hopefully it’ll be similar enough to what you’re asking for :) also Bada is a boob girl, argue with the wall.
You’re a member of Kpop girl group aespa, you’re pretty successful and you are an insanely popular member, even those who don’t stan know you and love you!
What people don’t know is behind the scenes you’ve been getting pretty cosy with your choreographer Bada Lee. You really liked her since you met her so you asked her out and you’ve just recently started dating. Today you’ve met with her to dance, it’s one of your favourite things to do together.
Bada prepared the song and the choreo before you even came to the studio, once you got there you jumped into her arms and gave her a kiss, you haven’t seen her in a while so it was a mustttt.
Learning the choreo went really smoothly but you got so flustered by the routine there’s so many moves you do together - like at one point you both spin around and Bada’s hand lands on your waist and there’s moves where you lie on the floor and Bada hovers over you and then you swap places and you basically ride her!!
It’s fair to say you were hot and bothered after you finished the dance but Bada thought it was so good she wanted to record it so you agreed and you did the dance again, during the part that you’re on top of her she lets out a moan which surprises you and Bada can’t hold back anymore and kisses you deeply.
You also start to moan, you need more than that. Bada moves down to kiss your neck as her hands travel your body. She hits a sensitive spot and you tug on her hair, she moans and it sends electricity though you. You need her, now.
Bada pulls your shirt off followed by your pants which leaves you in your sports bra and underwear, you also help her strip to match you. You sit on her lap as she squeezes at your breasts, you ride her, desperate for some friction.
She holds you still “be patient baby” she pulls your sports bra off and sucks on your nipples, you tip your head back and let out more moans as you stroke Bada’s hair “unnie.. unnie please I need you” your begging now “you need my fingers in your pussy do you?” you nod eagerly.
Bada removes your underwear and admires your pretty pussy which makes you hide your face in your hands, Bada pulls your hands back down and makes eye contact, winking before circling her tongue on your clit. You gasp at the contact, moaning and thrusting your hips into Bada’s mouth.
You whimper as Bada teases you, dragging a finger around your hole. She shoves a finger in you and you whine from the pain “fuck you’re so tight” Bada says through her teeth. Once you’re okay she begins to pump her finger in and out of your hole “a-another finger… unnie please” Bada pushes a second finger into you, the burning sensation comes back as Bada stretches you out even more. The pain goes away and your moans increase.
“Tell me when your going to cum baby” Bada keeps her pace and attaches her tongue onto your nipple. You throw your head back and grab Bada for support. You can feel your orgasm begin to grow, it doesn’t help when Bada has also started to rub your clit with her thumb. Your moans begin to get breathier and high pitched “unnie.. please.. I need to cum please” “such a polite girl, you can come for me baby” your orgasm squirts out of you and your body falls limp on Bada’s. She’s a gem, she rubs your back and whispers sweet nothings into your ear to bring you down from your high.
Bada cleans you up and helps you get dressed again, also putting her own clothes back on and you both sit on the couch in the studio and cuddle and chat for most of the day. Later on, Bada drops you back at your dorm, she walks you up and you’re greeted by the rest of your members when you walk in, you and Bada say your goodbyes and share a kiss and a hug before Bada leaves.
When you go into your bedroom, you remember that Bada had filmed it, “omg I just made a sex tape” you sit at your desk and upload the file to your computer to edit it. You split the file in two having the dance in the first part and the sex in the second part, you click into the first part to double check that it’s just the dance, you don’t watch it all the way through but it looks good so you post it on the group Instagram with allowed from your manager.
Pretty soon the hate comments begin rolling in, there’s comments about you being a slut but most are directed towards Bada calling her things like desperate, slut, ugly, undeserving and the worst ones pedophile and groomer because you’re a few years younger than Bada.
You delete the video immediately after watching the video all the way through to see you and Bada making out at the end. As tears stream down your face you rush out of the door and run to Bada’s house, luckily she doesn’t live far from you, only a couple blocks away and the alleyways make the journey shorter.
You get to Bada’s apartment building and click her floor on the elevator, once it arrives you go to Bada’s door, unknowingly pounding on it. Bada gets a fright and looks through her peep hole before opening the door. She immediately embraces you as you sob into her chest.
Bada brings you inside and sits you down on the couch, making you a hot drink and bringing it over. You calm down and begin to tell Bada what happened “I loved the dance so I wanted to post it and I thought I had cut the sex part out of it but our make out session was still there and people were so mean to you, I deleted the video as soon as possible but it could still spread around. I get if you want to break up with me, I was careless and what I did was unforgivable”.
“Baby no it’s okay, we can’t keep our relationship hidden forever, I don’t care about the hate it’s just a challenge that we’ll overcome together. Don’t cry, it hurts me to see you cry, I’m really okay I think it’s best that everyone knows now” “but I don’t want to be the reason that you could lose an opportunity like you might lose your job as our choreographer” “I’m sure my girl will fight for me to stay” “you bet I will”. You cuddle all night with Bada constantly reassuring you that she’s okay and that she’s not mad or upset.
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bad268 · 4 months
Hi can I request Brock Purdy bcs he just look so hawt when the NFL posted that the 49ers are in the building
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This picture did something to me pls, I want a fluffy but really hawt smut
Iykyk 😉
In The Building (Brock Purdy X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/NFL
Requested: Clearly (Happy Super Bowl yall)
Warnings: none
Pronouns: Second POV (You/your)
W.C. 691
Summary: Pre-game anxiety requires pre-game reassurance
As always, my requests are OPEN
“You do realize that this is the Super Bowl and not the Met Gala, right?” You complained from your spot on the bed. Brock had woken up impossibly early. From nerves, excitement or just his mental alarm not letting him back to sleep, you will never know. He decided now was the best time to frantically look through his suitcase for his outfit. You groaned as he kept mumbling to himself, causing you to sit up and throw a pillow at him. It hit him in the head, and he finally looked over at you. “You’re walking through a tunnel and then putting on your gear. Do you really need to fuss this much about it?”
“It’s the Super Bowl, and it’s Vegas,” He sighed as he gently threw the pillow back as he stood up and walked to the bed. He sat back on his side as he pulled you into his chest, just needing something, someone, to hold onto. “They’re gonna tear into me unless I look perfect.”
“I swear, no one cares,” You laughed as you rolled yourself up to sit on his lap. “It’s clothes and as long as you’re covered, I do not think they will care. For god’s sake, where is the guy who casually wore a stained t-shirt and jeans to the NFC Championship game? Huh? Where is the carefree attitude? You’re letting everything pile before the pile has even started.”
“It’s stressful being the quarterback, and it’s stressful trying to find something acceptable for the Super Bowl,” he laughed. You gave him a short kiss before standing up and walking to the closet where you hung up a suit you thought he would look good in. Before you could get to the closet, you stopped and pointed at his suitcase. “What about it?”
“Did you bring your entire closet with you?” You accused as you started to put the clothes back in the case. “Do you not remember me packing your suit because you said you didn’t want to stress about it later. This whole conversation could have been avoided, Brock.”
“Oh, I forgot in all the chaos,” He admitted as he stood up to help you clean it up.
“No, go put the suit on. I’ll worry about this while you get in the mindset for the game. The last thing your team needs is a distracted quarterback,” you lectured, pushing him toward the bathroom. “We’ll go get breakfast when you're done and head to the stadium.”
He just needed to calm down and think of it less as a Super Bowl and more a more of a normal game. Otherwise, he would overthink everything. Relatively speaking, it did not take long for him to get in the zone.
And you were off.
Vegas was not known for having a lot of good breakfast places, but the hotel you were staying at had a decent spread. There was stuff that you liked, stuff that he liked, and there was no need to compromise. It was fairly lax so there were not a lot of people around. You both were able to sit down and enjoy the calm before the storm that would be inevitable at the stadium.
When you finished up, it was already time to leave. The car was in front of the hotel, ready to pick up some of the key players and take them to the stadium.
When the car pulled up to the tunnel, all of the other players and their significant others climbed out and were practically flash banged from the paparazzi’s cameras. You two hung back a minute letting the hectic news die down before you faced the masses.
“Are you ready to make your debut?” You asked, grabbing his hand in reassurance as you rubbed your thumb over his knuckles. “You’ll do great, you know.”
“Let’s do this thing,” he said strongly before letting out a breath and moving to step out of the car, holding out a hand to you. You walked hand-in-hand down the tunnel through the flashing lights toward the hectic locker room
“And the San Francisco 49ers are in the building.”
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(Due to tumblr marking my blog as explicit I have posted this from my original blog as it’s a request from there but I’ll be posting it here to so it actually shows on tumblr!)
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I love the idea of overstimming him! Making the ‘feared angel’ whimper and cry while you tease his shaft into yet another release
Oh but praising him after each load, thanking him for giving into his urges and cuming for you🤍
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Gabriel (overstim, small dick,)
“My Lord? D-didn’t I say? T-this is too much o-on me.” Gabriel complained, hips twitching forwards as you try to regain your grip on his shaft. With how much he’s leaking, it’s hard to keep the little thing in your hand! It kept slipping out and when you tightenen your grip-
“A-ah!” A surprised yelp escapes him upon the tightness engulfing his shaft. “I-it’s so-“ He hissed in what you couldn’t tell was pain or pleasure. He tries to protest as you force him to release in your hand again.
“Thank you,” You praise, earning a confused whimper. You were pleasuring him, why were you thanking him? Gabriel tried to protest but it died in his throat upon you taking as much of his cum as you could and brought it up to his face. “See this? With this I can live in your world longer, will you give me more?”
Gabriel nodded quickly. “Anything f-for you, I’ll give you everything-“ He keeps pathetically as you use his cum to lube his shaft and continued stroking him. He squeaked and kept squirming, you know his sensitivity must be heavy by now but you don’t stop. He bucks into your hand, trying to help but struggling. “I-I want to-give you more! I dare say it’s s-starting to hurt!” He whimpered out.
You slip in front of him, him, dropping to be face to face with his groin. He jumps when you exhale onto his aching manhood. You take his cocklet into your mouth fast, he’s trembling upon the very first suck and he’s gasping.
“W-wwaait! You-my Lord! You cant put something so f-filthy in your mouth please!” He whined out as his thighs try to snap shut around your head. “I beg of you, it’s so hot down there…I-it burns mercy! Mercy!” You realize it means he’s close to getting off again.
You hold his legs apart as you harshly suck on the trembling organ like a pop before he wails out desperate praise and finishes once more. You’re surprised by how much his cocklet gives you this time, filling your mouth with his seed as you swallow it down quickly.
He trembles, you imagine that was a lot for his first blowjob, but he doesn’t voice any complaint as you sit up, then yank him to the edge of your bed so his hips are flush against yours. “I’ll help you get cleaned up.” You leave him with his legs spread, still catching his breath as you get a wet (but warm) towel to clean up his mess.
Upon your return, Gabriel almost looks like he passed out, but upon the cloth grazing his exhausted shaft he jumped a bit and his eyes opened again. “N-no it’s…it needs more rest…” He whined out half asleep. With a glance down he realizes it’s a towel. “Ah…thank you, just…gentle? S-sorry, it wasn’t as much as you wanted, I-I’m not that good with stamina…”
You cooed and leaned over to kiss him, hand cleaning his shafts abruptly turning to rubbing the limp organ. He mewled in response.
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Absolutely weeping over your whb gabriel headcanons 😭 Small and sensitive cocks my beloved. Because I am Mean, would you consider doing something with him and overstimulation? (Something something reader acting as though each orgasm he gives them is a sacred offering idk I haven't thought that part out)
I love the idea of overstimming him! Making the ‘feared angel’ whimper and cry while you tease his shaft into yet another release
Oh but praising him after each load, thanking him for giving into his urges and cuming for you🤍
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Gabriel (overstim, small dick,)
“My Lord? D-didn’t I say? T-this is too much o-on me.” Gabriel complained, hips twitching forwards as you try to regain your grip on his shaft. With how much he’s leaking, it’s hard to keep the little thing in your hand! It kept slipping out and when you tightenen your grip-
“A-ah!” A surprised yelp escapes him upon the tightness engulfing his shaft. “I-it’s so-“ He hissed in what you couldn’t tell was pain or pleasure. He tries to protest as you force him to release in your hand again.
“Thank you,” You praise, earning a confused whimper. You were pleasuring him, why were you thanking him? Gabriel tried to protest but it died in his throat upon you taking as much of his cum as you could and brought it up to his face. “See this? With this I can live in your world longer, will you give me more?”
Gabriel nodded quickly. “Anything f-for you, I’ll give you everything-“ He keeps pathetically as you use his cum to lube his shaft and continued stroking him. He squeaked and kept squirming, you know his sensitivity must be heavy by now but you don’t stop. He bucks into your hand, trying to help but struggling. “I-I want to-give you more! I dare say it’s s-starting to hurt!” He whimpered out.
You slip in front of him, him, dropping to be face to face with his groin. He jumps when you exhale onto his aching manhood. You take his cocklet into your mouth fast, he’s trembling upon the very first suck and he’s gasping.
“W-wwaait! You-my Lord! You cant put something so f-filthy in your mouth please!” He whined out as his thighs try to snap shut around your head. “I beg of you, it’s so hot down there…I-it burns mercy! Mercy!” You realize it means he’s close to getting off again.
You hold his legs apart as you harshly suck on the trembling organ like a pop before he wails out desperate praise and finishes once more. You’re surprised by how much his cocklet gives you this time, filling your mouth with his seed as you swallow it down quickly.
He trembles, you imagine that was a lot for his first blowjob, but he doesn’t voice any complaint as you sit up, then yank him to the edge of your bed so his hips are flush against yours. “I’ll help you get cleaned up.” You leave him with his legs spread, still catching his breath as you get a wet (but warm) towel to clean up his mess.
Upon your return, Gabriel almost looks like he passed out, but upon the cloth grazing his exhausted shaft he jumped a bit and his eyes opened again. “N-no it’s…it needs more rest…” He whined out half asleep. With a glance down he realizes it’s a towel. “Ah…thank you, just…gentle? S-sorry, it wasn’t as much as you wanted, I-I’m not that good with stamina…”
You cooed and leaned over to kiss him, hand cleaning his shafts abruptly turning to rubbing the limp organ. He mewled in response.
(Due to tumblr marking me explicit and ghosting me, this will be posted on both my blogs!)
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lxmine · 2 years
I really liked your itto hc, can I request one more?
We know how well he's clothed in the game so the reader can't help but keep staring at his chest and eventually reaching out to touch it. They feel him up a little before realising what they're doing and promptly remove their hand. I'd really like to know how you think he would react.
Thank you for indulging our requests and working so hard on them.💪
❝i know i shouldn’t but….❞ + itto, capitano, dottore x gn!reader
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+. Crackfic kinda?, big honkers, slight suggestive,, lower cased letters
+. Summary : them reacting to you wanting to touch/touching their broad chest :p
+. A/N THIS OMG T-T im surprised but HELL YES HEBEIDBEJDBI i added capitano and dottore bcuz why not >:) and im having writers block rn and i tried my best to post pls forgive me for this ugly ass writing T-T AND IM SORRY BUT I GOT CARRIED AWAY AT CAPITANO’S
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it’s raining pretty heavily outside, and you’re laying in bed with your beloved oni who’s rambling about this and that.
he’s half bare, it’s cold yet he doesn’t really mind. he looks and observes you as he talked.
a grin then creeps up to his face seeing that you’re looking at his chest and your hand that was resting on his waist was now on his chest feelings him up.
“sigh, my chest is that distracting huh?” realizing what he meant and said, you quickly took your hands off him and covered your face with the blanket.
“shush! you just looked comfy is all.” he chuckles and scoots closer to embrace you, you’ve hugged him many times before but you’ll always find his chest so damn comfortable.
“don’t get shy on me now, i know how much you love to cuddle onto me.” he pulls the blanket down to pamper you with kisses. “go on, i’ll be your personal pillow for the rest of your life baby.” he smirks pulling you even more closer to him.
“stop that, you’re embarrassing me!” you chuckled burying your face into his chest while he laughed and caressed your hair at the same time. “let’s just take a nap.”
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he’s working on his piled up desk while you sat beside him doing some of his easy paper work he forced you to because he doesn’t want you to annoy him while he worked
you were getting hella bored, his office have nothing interesting in them so you just stared at the masked man who is too focused to even spare a glance at you.
“did i allow you to stop?” he sighs as he continued to sign papers, you only responded with a grumble and stood up to grab a treat. “do you maybe want coffee?”
he humms in response and so you quickly went out to take some.
coming back with a lollipop in mouth and hot coffee in hand. you noticed his coat is now off and is lying on his couch near his desk.
skipping over to him “careful, don’t want you spilling that thing on you.” he says still not averting his eyes from his papers not like you can see his eyes but you get what i mean
“damn, i wouldn’t mind working with you if you looked like that everyday.” you said sarcastically, taking your seat beside him and placing his coffee next to him and he only scoffed.
he then took his mask off while you admired him as he took a sip of his coffee. he looked so……….. so hot. the outline of his chest is visible through his black turtle neck and his stern expression draw you into him more
“get to work, thought you wanted to eat dinner out tonight. help me finish these, faster.” he ordered giving you a small glare. a small blush creeping up to your face while you looked up to him and his chest
“w-well if you want me to work for hours, i need motivation you know…!” you said crassly teasing him, but he didn’t look to happy about that (when did he ever?)
“if you wish to touch my chest then you must finish at least a dozen of these, do we have a deal?” he offers, grabbing your pen to start writing
“yes, sir!”
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“nah, how the hell is that even gonna work?”, “you seriously think that’s gonna work?”, “i just know that’s not gonna work.” and more of your annoying comments about the ruin he’s experimenting on repeated.
you love annoying the living shit out of him just so he could do what you want so you wouldn’t annoy him. he groaned glaring at you, who is sitting at his couch.
“zandik.” you called and received no response, only the sound of grinding metals are heard.
“zandik..” “…” “zandik!” “…” “zandik, zandik, dottore, dott-“ “IN THE NAME OF THE TSARITSA, WHAT IS IT!?”
“it’s warm, can you take your coat off already?” you said standing up from the couch to grab some candies from your candy jar that he kept in his lab for you they’re totally not poisoned or filled with some weird medicine
he gave you a look before rolling his eyes and taking his coat off along with his mask. “if you wanted to see my chest, you could’ve just asked, you insolent brat.” he then throws his coat at you and genstures you to come closer to him. “now would you be so kind and tie my hair for me, love?” he smirks and kisses your cheeks. “sure, sure! as long as you’re gonna come home with me tonight so we can cuddle.” you winked.
he sighed, he rarely comes home because of his piled work and experiments but he guesses he can make exceptions for you.
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was twirling my hair and swinging my feet while writing this LMAO and i just turned 15 back in october 30th yay!!! anyway, here ya go. i apologize for not posting in so long i ws busy grinding my ass off for scaramouche cuz i couldn’t help myself and wished for nilou LMAO and just so u guys know my requests are open and you’re free to request fics or hcs you want! just not nsfw/smut ones. anyway stay safe and hydrated, take care of your mental and physical health I LOVE YOU <3
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ctimenefic · 4 months
So @strawberry-daiquiris wrote an incredible F1 Traitors AU (seriously, go read it) and was kind enough to let me paddle around in the Galex end of the pool.
Many thanks to @latecomersprivilege, for whom this is a belated birthday gift, an almost on time Valentine's gift, and ultimately not what she asked for but what she's getting!
It’s a month since the last episode aired and George hasn’t messaged him.
Oh, he’s in the group chat - he’s the admin of the group chat. He’s posting memes, even the ones about himself, nearly every day. Asking very sincerely after people’s partners, their kids. Adding little crying laughing emojis to almost all the jokes. (Almost all - never Alex’s. Not even once. Which. Come on. Checo’s not even that funny.)
So. Yeah, it’d been bad, at the end, at their last round table together, George damp eyed and smiling through it and Alex nearly fumbling his own defence trying to tell him one more time “it’s just a game”.
But. Like. Not so bad as to cancel out everything else. Or at least, Alex had thought so. Hoped so.
It’s been a month.
Hey just wondering if we shd have a coffee or smthg? Clear the air?
Sure. When?
Nxt wk? Peckham?
(George told him all about his little flat in Dulwich, how he properly loved all the twee village-y shit like the wooden sign-posts and bougie cafes, in their murmured conversations in the hotel corridors, heads ducked together and voices low. Alex had taken the piss, but so softly he’d barely recognised his own cadence. That- that had been the first clue, before he’d started noticing how George’s adams apple bobbed when he got loud.
But Dulwich is packed to the brim with Traitors fans, has to be, all middle class mums and families that gather round the telly of an evening to actually spend time together. They’d be spotted in seconds. So Peckham feels safer, crowded and anonymous and too fucking cool to pay attention if Alex has to get on his knees and beg George to- to-)
The cafe’s still a bit posh, which means it’s basically deserted. George is wearing the kind of T-shirt that only fits that well because it’s expensive.
He’s ordered tea already, and Alex wants to remind him to drink up, like he did at breakfast every morning, because George would always get too into their conversation to finish before it got cold. He’d slug it back anyway, wincing, and Alex would pretend to ignore the line of his throat.
“I’m sorry you didn’t win,” George blurts. “I know I- I didn’t help, I know, but after, I did want it to be you. You’d worked so hard.”
Alex stares at him. “I never thought I would. Maybe near the end, a bit, but. Well. I got lucky.”
George pulls a face. “Come on, you were brilliant at it. So convincing. I really thought I’d find out you were, like, an actor or something.”
George smiles at that, small and tight. “Oh, yeah, the office have been so weird about it. Saying they didn't watch, and then making jokes that prove they did. I've stopped paying attention to it.”
Alex tries to laugh, like it’s a joke. Like he hadn’t talked George’s ear off about the practice. How he’d use the money, if they won - as Faithful - to get back to his veterinary degree, properly qualify. “Nah, still at my old place. They’ve, uh, let me take the backroom stuff for a bit, while it dies down.”
Alex nods. Pretends George has got better at lying. “Hope they're not being nasty.”
“Oh, not too bad.” The ‘too’ makes Alex want to snarl, set his teeth in someone's neck. Bastards. And George's blasé tone runs a little thin as he goes on. “Might quit, actually, try the influencer thing for a bit. It's basically the same as sales, just, you know. Different product.”
“You'd be good at that,” Alex tries. “Influential. I'd be, uh, influenced.” In the time it takes George to blink three times, Alex experiences all nine levels of hell and a few more added just for him.
I'd be influenced. Christ.
“How are you doing with that, sponsorships and stuff?” George asks and Alex shrugs. He’s got his fans, the ones who think he was robbed, rather than bottled it. His Insta’s big, now, not millions but, like, decent. Marketable. Problem is, he isn’t.
“Turns out, being known as a really good liar doesn’t get loads of hashtag spon ops,” he says, trying to keep it light. Like money hadn’t been the whole point. George’s face falls, the first unrehearsed expression Alex has seen all morning.
“Oh crikey, I’m sorry, I didn’t- cause it’s been alright, and I was a traitor too, at the end so-”
“Yeah, but I forced you into it, didn’t I? I’m the bad guy.” There’s a decent TikTok edit of him to that Billie Eilish song, all his smiles and laughs and fond looks, set to the beat of sociopathy. It’s very slick; turned his stomach on the second watch. “Plus, you know, you look like that, which probably helps.”
He knows it’s been more than alright for George. He hasn’t liked any of his Instagram posts, too… proud? ashamed? But he’s seen them all, including the Stories, so George must know he’s been there. Or maybe he doesn’t, maybe there’s hundreds of people, and they’re not mutuals, he remembers abruptly. George didn’t follow him back.
He flips his phone in his hands, once, twice; worries at the crack in the screen down by the bottom right corner, just enough to feel the scrape against the pad of his thumb.
George notices, of course. Those big blue eyes, all the better for spotting clues. Terrible at knowing what they meant. “Do you wanna take a picture for insta then? Show people it’s all water under the bridge?”
“Uh, not really? I mean…” it doesn’t feel under the bridge, or air cleared. Alex still feels like he’s choking on it.
That small wrinkle he used to make fun of appears between George’s brows. “Wasn’t that the point of this?”
“Jesus, no, I’m not-” Alex feels sick, properly sick, hot chocolate coming back on him for a second. “I wanted to be friends - I want to be friends. Again.”
“Again,” George repeats, after a beat.
Alex swallows. Presses the tip of his tongue against the edge of his front teeth, where they turn sharp enough to cut, like a bit of pain now will soothe the sucking void where his stomach used to be. “Right, no, of course. Forget it, look, I'll get these and-”
George catches his wrist before he can make a break for it. His thumb lands in the soft spot between the tendons, where Alex’s pulse beats - ha - traitorously fast.
“Wait. You haven't told me how your mum is. And your sisters. And Luca, obviously, and the cats.”
“The cats?”
“Yeah, obviously. Can't go before I hear about the cats, ‘Lex. All of them. So you should probably, um, sit back down.”
So he does.
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bonebrokebuddy · 2 years
Okay, I just saw ur WIP challenge post, and cuz I'm addicted to DPxDC, could I ask about numbers 22 to 25? Cuz W H A T- all of those short-circuited my brain to think about consecutively
(If I can only ask about one per ask, could I ask about the Amity Park Nuclear Blast Zone one? Cuz omg that would explain so much if the timeline was lined up JUST the right way-)
Ty for all these suggestions because I now have the motivation to complete them. Most of 22-25 I have nearly completely done or have the beats planned out but need more research.
I'll make sure to tag you when each gets finished so you can see the ones you requested!
So far, you got me to finish up 22!  
A Summoning Going Dead Wrong (an ask by @sagaduwyrm I commandeered from @stealingyourbones that got stuck in WIP hell for the past month and is FINALLY done.)
The original ask: 
Tumblr media
stealingyourbones original intro section:
Oh my god. 
I love this so much this is incredible.
Batman is grumpy, Flash is pissed, Superman is confused, all of the leaguers are frustrated because Madame Xanadu’s instructions weren’t working.
Go to the middle of bumfuck nowhere Illinois: check.
Recreate an insanely intricate summoning circle using a grocery list worth of extremely rare items: check.
Precisely at 3am start chanting the words from an ancient scroll that was written in a long forgotten dead language: check.
They followed Madame Xanadu’s instructions to the “T” and yet the ritual isn't working.
Where I continued: 
It always starts the same. An icy wind tears out of the circle as a it begins to glow a viscous green hue.
 A metallic taste filling their mouths as the taste of ozone thicky permeates the air. The static almost reminiscent of touching your tongue to a 9V battery. 
 Oozing toxic green sludge begins to seep upward from the center of the circle, the color so bright it flickers out of human perception. The pile suddenly loses it’s viscosity and like popping a balloon of paint over someone, the goo splashes down, disappearing into the summoning circle, revealing, once again, the wrong damn person floating in the center. Danny Fenton.
Hal let out an annoyed groan as he sunk into the shitty lawn chair and let his head fall limp to the side as he watched Batman’s fifth attempt that week to summon The Ruler of Infinite Realms, yet again the wrong guy.
They knew Danny already, hell, he was a sweet kid who helped to set up the damn summoning circle on the first day of the JL’s arrival.
Danny and his Aunt Alicia were the ones who offered to let the League use a small section of her cornfield to do the ritual.
That same Danny, now out of his farm working clothes and in his pajamas, is currently floating above the summoning circle meant to bring The High Ghost King to earth. Hovering as if an invisible wire is holding his chest up while the rest of his body is slack for just a moment as Batman finishes the last incantation. 
The humid night summer air hits them with full force as the icy wind gets harshly sucked back into the portal leaving their ears and noses bitten with the rush of cold air, leaving their ears pop with the pressure drop, along with it disappears the eerie green glow. 
The only sign that the circle was active is the lingering taste of acid and the quickly dispersing feeling of static electricity. As last words are spoken Danny drops like a sack of potatoes from his position floating five feet in the air. 
The Flash zips over to and catches him before he hits the ground. The movement jarring Danny awake instantly, who quickly takes a glance around him at the cornfields and back at the Flash and relaxes. 
Then immediately tenses again as Flash zips him over to an empty lawn chair, the cornfield rustling his wake, and sets him down before heading back to his own lawnchair next to Hal’s. 
Bonelessly, Danny seeps into the lawnchair’s hold as he groans, looking exhausted, then glancing at his clunky neon green and white watch with his father’s face peering up at him from the end of the watch’s hands. 
“You guys know that I get up at 5 to milk the cows, right? Not at 3. Thanks for the wake up call but this is a little earlier than I’d like.” Danny said. 
Batman turned to face the pajama-clad farm boy and sighed, “We’ve had this discussion before, Fenton. The summoning must begin at the witching hour per the instructions or we risk summoning another entity instead.”  
“World’s greatest detective and he cant punch a hole through reality right,” Danny groaned as he limply flopped his head toward Batman who was heading to join the rest of the group around the fire, “At this point I should just stay up with you guys and wait if this keeps happening.”
Batman narrows his eyes and begins to open his mouth when Danny cuts him off, “If you say another word about me knowing what nights you try to summon the Ghost King on may interfere with the process and might decrease the odds of a successful summon, I am going to find the High Ghost myself and ask it to remove every gargoyle and grotesque perch in gotham and dump them into the sewer.” 
Flash scrubs his face in his hands and distantly looks over to Batman, “Give the kid a rest Bats. It’s been five times we’ve dumped him in this field without a warning. I can’t blame him for being at least a little displeased.” He turns to the yawning kid fighting off sleep next to him,  “Sorry man, we really thought it would work this time” 
“No, that's fine. Again, I really shouldn’t have tried to sleep if I knew you guys were going to keep up at it.”  Danny looked around at the other supers huddled around the campfire, sitting in lawn chairs that were all similar states of decay. 
“We still doing s’mores?” 
Hal grabbed the mostly empty bag of jumbo marshmallows next to his seat and tossed them to Danny, “Saved some just for you, kid.”  
Batman’s eyes narrowed from where he sits, now also sitting on the opposite side of the fire as Danny with Wonder Woman on his left and Superman on his right as he maintains direct eye contact with Hal.
The fire crackled inbetween them as Hal sighed and looked at Bruce, “No kidding, he’s pissed Bats. You're the one who keeps pressing that we need to summon this Ghost King. From what the kid says, if it’s still summoning him then it’s just finding the highest source of ectoplasm in the area and bringing it to the circle. Doesn’t help that the kid’s ecto-contaminated enough from his upbringing that it just pulls him in. I cannot imagine that he’s pleased at being awoken at ass-o-clock in the morning for the fifth time.”
“Hhm, you’re just mad you’re not getting your beauty sleep, Hal.”
“Oh trust me, I am. But we can’t just keep summoning this poor kid over and over.” 
“I’m 18!”
Ignoring the kid, Hal continued, “We need a way to fix this. Have we called Constantine yet?”
Batman sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose, “I’m aware this was another failure,” 
“You can say that again” Danny grumbles as he assembles his s’more with more force than necessary.
“It’s been a repeated mistake so far, I will admit that Daniel.” 
“Don’t call me that.” Danny snaps.
“Don’t call me that either.”
“Danny, then. It is important that we keep trying. Constantine will be here in three days if this is not sorted out by then. However, I’d prefer to not interact with that man if I can help it so we will continue until then to do it with our own efforts.”
Danny, not Daniel and especially Not Dan, now gripes, roasting (or more accurately, burning the everloving shit out of) his smore over the fire, “I don’t even understand why it’s so important to summon him- oh shit!” 
The marshmallow melted off the stick and fell into the flames, already being a charred brick of carbon, it probably wouldn’t taste all that different from the cinders it fell on. 
Danny turned to Hal, “do we have more?” 
“Sure do, kid. Got a whole bag.” Hal grabbed and handed Danny a new marshmellow who viciously skewered the poor thing and shoved it mercilessly back into the flames. 
As his marshmallows immediately burst aflame, he turned back to Batman and repeats, “I don’t even understand why it's so important. He’s not even that cool of a guy, I swear.” Danny retrieved his newly made lump of coal from the fire and turned away to assemble the rest of his s’more, clearly not done with complaining but deciding to not test any more of Batman’s limit to dealing with half-dead children. —-- Clark sighed to Bruce’s right. His cape rustled lightly in the slight breeze that ran through the cornfield. That same breeze was also blowing the smoke from the fire directly in his face. He was told to be in this spot. Or more accurately, he was bullied to by Hal and Barry while Bruce, (who Clark just knew was getting a kick out of seeing Superman, The Man of Steel have to deal with directly inhaling campfire smoke for hours on end) stood watching from the shadows with a slight grin on his face because while Bruce didn’t admit it out loud, he was an asshole who liked seeing Clark in minor amounts of misery) who said that there wasn't enough spaces around the fire for someone to not be directly in the smoke’s path so he should sit there because technically didn't need to breathe.
The bane of his existence, the lot of them. Especially Bruce. At least tomorrow he’ll be able to watch Bruce struggle to milk a cow. The nerve of city boys these days. 
Clark took his eyes off the fire and turned to look at the asshole who’s made his days a little more bearable, “What do we do now Batman? This clearly isn’t working right.” He spoke quietly, turning his unnaturally sky blue eyes to observe Danny who was now making his second s’more while asking(interrogating) Hal again about the aliens he’s met while working for the Green Lantern Corps.
To his right he could hear the sound of heavy shifting fabric and quietly squeaking leather, the beat of Bruce's heart still as steady as ever as the white lenses of the cowl’s eyes stared at Clark’s back. 
Despite his frustration, Bruce hid it well, as he always did. But Clark could tell. “We did everything exactly as Madame Xanadu instructed. Either her instructions were wrong or we’re missing something,” Bruce spoke back in barely a whisper as he knew that Clark would be able to hear him no matter how quiet he attempted to be. 
After all, there was no need to talk louder on Bruce’s end. As long as Clark spoke loud enough for him to hear, they could converse partially in secret among the heroes around the fire.  
“Constantine is coming in three days.” Clark shifted his gaze back to Bruce who sat in his lawnchair with his typical guarded posture, the fire casting dramatic shadows across his face covered in the sculpted cowl, “You sure Captain Marvel is not available?” Clark asked.
“Marvel is currently dealing with matters at the Rock of Eternity.” Batman whispered. “It’s important that we continue to try to get incontact with the Ghost King with as least outside help as we can manage. Madame Xanadu said that he may be a powerful ally but could turn into a great threat if we’re not careful. The faster we establish contact, the faster we can determine whether this Ghost King can be trusted.”
“And be able to determine how to take him down if he goes rogue.” 
“The faster we get him on our side, the longer I have to-” Clark huffed and cut the Dark Knight of Gotham off. 
Leaning his arm back over the chair, he raised his eyebrows at his friend. All too used to Bruce’s need for contingency plans. “And the faster you’ll be able to find a way to take ghosts down? I know that you need us here in case something goes wrong because otherwise you would have done this yourself.” 
Clark continued, “But if this doesn’t work, Perry is going to threaten to fire me again if I don’t come back with a story about a peace treaty with the Ghost Realm.”
Bruce shifted his cape around himself, “He’s a powerful ghost with unknown abilities and is rumored to be able to take down entire cities with a massive skeletal army. I’m obviously out of my depth here, Clark.” 
They both fell into a comfortable silence for a moment. A light rustling breeze passed through the cornfield, making them wave softly as the sound of crickets in the distance and the crack of embers, pierced the humid night air. The sky overhead was filled with stars with the moon almost at its fullest. 
The silence was quickly broken by Hal who piped up from across the now dying fire, “Hey lovebirds! Now that you’ve stopped having one of your creepy one way conversations. I’d like to head inside for the night.”
Clark could hear Bruce just fine, it wasn’t his fault that Hal didn’t have the superhearing necessary to understand the other half of the conversation. It helped that the reactions it got were funny.
Hal continued, “it’s now 3:30 in the morning and Danny over here,” he nodded his head in Danny’s direction, “looks dead on his feet.” 
Danny, sure enough, looked absolutely exhausted.  
“Pfft, nah, only about half dead. I used to only get way less sleep in high school. Guess I’m just not used to it anymore.” Danny yawned and rubbed his eyes.
Hal patted Danny on the back and stood up, “Come on, kid. Let’s head back inside so you can catch up on your sleep.”
Danny waved him off, “It’s all good. I went to bed at eight so I got a good seven hours of sleep. Just not quite used to being magically summoned in the middle of a cornfield at 3am yet,” he said, brushing off his pajama pants and standing up.
“I better head inside and change so I can get a head start on cleaning the cow shed.” Clapping his hands on his legs, Danny hauled himself to his feet freeing himself from the ratty lawnchair’s grasp and headed down the gravel path to the farmhouse.
To the average human, the night sky just ever so barely illuminated the long path back. But to Clark, he could see the boy retreat as if it were day. Watching the boy reach the junction of the path then pause and think for a moment. Turning around he called out to the group of heros,
“By the way, who is Constantine?”
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When the little brother goes for an 'adventure': Riddle, Leona, and Azul edition. Short stories(?)
I saw someone post this idea under platonic yandere and I wanted to try my hand at writing it. I really hope that I don't mess this up. Link to the post. I hope that I did the idea justice.
Warnings: Yandere and this is insanely long by my writing standards.
Riddle Rosehearts
Shortly after my brother's overblot, Riddle became more and more controlling over what I could and couldn't do. I could color my heart out but I wasn't allowed to eat on my own. He was very confusing on what was allowed and what wasn't.
Normally, I'd never dare to leave Riddle's side but today, the outdoors was practically calling out to me for an exploration. Plus Ace has been making fun of me for my vitamin D deficiency. I get it! I'm pale. Not my fault.
Riddle was busy in his room, determined to finish all of his homework before our mandatory tea party at six. It's four right now, so I think that I have time to go and explore NRC campus and get some sunlight.
I decided that it would be for the best if I changed out of the dorm uniform and into a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. This way, my body will produce more vitamin D and I can get my cardio work done. I quickly exited Heartslabyul and quickly made my way to Ramshackle dorm. I remember Yuu talking about how there was a forest around there and I personally love to run next to nature.
The forest that Yuu was talking about was actually quite lovely. There was plenty of natural wildlife and a whole bunch of different flowers. I also noticed that while I was running that there were violets growing everywhere. Trey-senpai loves candied violets and he has been helping me out with Riddle for a while now. I should make him some a thank you.
I got close to the ground and started picking the violet heads without them crumbling on me. I just kept picking more and more until I realized that I was lost. I left my magic pen back at the dorm because I didn't think that I was going to travel this far into the forest plus looking up at the sky, I would say that it's close to 6:30 at this point.
Riddle is going to have my head, isn't he?
"Ah... Crap. I've really messed this up, haven't I?"
I started muttering to myself to try and calm myself down. Sadly, it wasn't working and the next thing that I heard terrified me to my core.
Riddle looked like a mess. His face was red and his dorm outfit had stains all over it, meaning that he has been searching for me for a while now.
I did what any normal person would do in this case. I ran. I ran far and fast. Riddle in this mood was dangerous and I'm not feeling brave enough to face him right now.
I quickly ducked and saw a collar flying over my head. It wrapped around a tree branch before disappearing. Riddle was throwing everything that he could at me. Thank you Mother for all the agility training lessons and steak knives that you threw at me.
I jumped to see a wave of water rush underneath me but I wasn't ready for the tree branches to cross together to block my path.
I felt the collar wrap around my neck this time. I wrapped my hands around the collar from reflex and next thing that I knew, Riddle ran into my back knocking us both to the ground. All of the violets that I had picked were now muddy and worthless. So, much for doing something nice for Trey.
I felt my body start to shake. Riddle when angry was always terrifying and this time was no different. I felt his eyes bore into my body, awaiting my answer.
"I thought that it was okay to go outside for a bit..."
My voice was small and shaken, unlike my normal monotone voice. I felt like a child for once.
"Well, it's not. Okay? You should have just waited in the main dorm room until I was done with my homework. Now, because of your little 'adventure', we don't have any time for a tea party and we're both messes. Come on."
Riddle grabbed my arm in a crushing grip and pulled me to my feet. He didn't relinquish his hold the whole entire walk back. In fact, I was pretty certain that he kept on tightening his grip. Even though I am the stronger brother, Riddle's grip still hurts me. I wonder if that's because of the spell that Mom used years ago...
Finally, we reached Heartslabyul and everyone was shocked to see us both not looking our best. Dirt can really ruin someone's appearance. Riddle was getting angrier by the second. First, I completely ruined his time schedule and now, I'm ruining his appearance to the rest of his dorm.
Riddle pulled me all the way to his room and swung me in. I stumbled slightly, not used to being able to walk on my own, and saw Riddle lock the door to his room. He then walked into his personal bathroom, motioning me to follow suit.
I went into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. This was one of our weirder family traditions. Because Mom saw me as less of a human being, she would make Riddle and I wash together because "You don't deserve your own bath." So, now we just always bathe together. I tried to bathe on my own one time and Riddle threw a mild tantrum that had four other Heartslabyul students losing their heads.
Riddle got the water ready and we both just sunk into the water. The personal bathroom for a dorm leader is quite huge to be honest so we had a good amount of distance between us. Riddle was just staring me down while I sunk further into the water, wishing to disappear.
We got clean and put on clothes but Riddle's eyes never left my figure nor did it soften at all. He then pulled up two chairs and sat in one. Oh boy, it was time for a talk.
"(Y/N). What did you do wrong today?"
"I was late to our daily tea party."
"And that I went outside without you by my side."
"You do realize that you broke your most important rules as well?"
"I was aware. I just thought that you weren't going to need me when you were saf-"
"That is no excuse."
I flinched at Riddle's cold tone. I wasn't looking forward to what he had planned.
"For breaking rule #5 of (Y/N)'s protection guidebook, you're now stuck by my left side for the next four days while doing your normal duties."
"Yes, my Queen."
"Good. Now come on. I have a different tea party to attend with Cater."
I nodded my head before standing up and going over to Riddle's left side. I held out my hand for him. He grabbed it and I helped him out of the chair. We then made our way to the tea party. Cater was there waiting for us and he gave a peace sign to us.
"Hey~! I didn't know that (Y/N)-chan was going to join us!"
"This was a last minute development."
"Okay! Well, pull up a chair and enjoy~!"
I only shook my head before pulling out Riddle's chair and pushing him in. I then took my place to his left. I wasn't about to put Cater in trouble. Cater then looked at both of us before he put his phone up and took a photo of us. Riddle's eyes widened slightly.
"#HeartslabyulTeaParty, #RoseheartBros, #AdorableBrotherlyLove! This photo is going to get so many likes!"
The rest of the tea party continued like normal. I was so thankful when it ended. I lost feeling in my legs and was ready to crash. Riddle gave me a light smirk while I held the door open for him. We both got ready for bed and we just crashed.
"I hope that you'll think twice before going out on another 'adventure'."
"Yes, my Queen."
Leona Kingscholar
(I really hate that I have two little brothers for Leona. But here we go! Also for the first brother, this will be before your complete kidnapping and for the second, this is before your transfer.)
Brother A:
"Dang! It's such a boring day! What's the point of having a weekend if you don't have anything to actually do?!"
I was just complaining to myself while lying in my dorm room. All of my roommates were out, practicing Spelldrive most likely, and the other first years are busy trying to get their homework. Those dorks not getting their homework done faster.
I got up from my bed and grabbed my trusty ax. It took me forever to get it onto campus. Crowley wouldn't stop making me promise over and over and then eventually, I had to sign a contract made by Azul. If I ever try to attack a student with said ax, I get teleported straight to Crowley's office. Honestly, it would be a pretty useful escape mechanism.
I decided that I was going to explore the Diasomnia dorm. It has some of the most interesting terrain out of all of the dorms and I want to see it. I made quick track over to the hall of mirrors and rushed into Diasomnia. If anybody from Savanaclaw saw me, Leona would hear about it.
Diasomnia has quite an interesting aura about it. I heard that it's close to Briar Valley in décor and flora. I quickly walked up to the castle and went inside. There were plenty of Diasomnia students in the lobby who were just staring at me like I had three heads. In fact, I saw a few of them getting their pens ready to attack me but thankfully, Lilia came out of nowhere to greet me.
"Fufufu~! It's not everyday that we get a Savanaclaw visitor. Especially one that's related to the dorm leader. What brings you here?"
"I'm glad that there is a friendly face here. I was just wondering if I had permission to go and explore the forest around your castle?"
Lilia's face morphed into a shocked one at my request.
"T-that's what you want to do? I truly thought that you came over to hang out with Sebek."
"Nah. Don't get me wrong, I love Sebek but he's busy with the other first years. I think that he's yelling at all of them for messing up the work."
"Oh~ Love?"
"Easy there. Platonic love."
Lilia's face formed into a pout. I let out a light laugh.
"Sooooo, am I free to prowl your grounds?"
"Of course! I'll let Malleus know of your presence so that you don't end up being fried cat!"
I exited the castle and quickly scaled down the cliff to the forest below. All of the trees didn't have leaves which I guessed was normal for this dimension. There were also no animals around which I sort of expected. There was no actual food in the area for anything. No green = no small prey. No small prey = no predators. But honestly, I think that it's better this way.
I heard a twig snap behind me. It was a few miles away so I wasn't too worried about it. What started to worry me was the whooshing that was coming up behind me fast. I turned around and saw Malleus floating at me at full speed.
I started to run myself except a bunch of fire lit up around me, keeping me in the circle. Malleus then walked through the flames, glaring down at me.
"What brings you here, Kingscholar Two?"
"Just wanting to explore the area."
"Without asking permission from those who live here?"
"Lilia seemed okay with me being here."
"You are not welcome here. Leave."
Malleus normally isn't like this. I've seen him interact with plenty of people. Heck, even I had a few friendly conversations with him. Something must have really made him mad.
"Why aren't I welcome here? It isn't as if I'm messing anything up with your dorm."
"You're contesting me? I shouldn't have expected less from Kingscholar's little brother."
"Yeah, if you want me to leave, you're going to have to make me."
A smirk appeared on my face and a slight smile appeared on Malleus'. We always had small fights with each other to test each other's magic. Everyone is always afraid to fight us so we just fight each other.
Malleus was the first to send out a spell. A powerful fire wave that I was able to dodge by a millisecond. I sent back to him a water shot, trying to douse out his flames. I did hit him in the arm but he only laughed it off. This happened for a while before my ax accidently flew off my back and almost hit Malleus straight in the face.
Thankfully, the contract worked and I was teleported to Crowley's office with my ax now stuck in a wall.
I sat in Crowley's office until Leona arrived after five hours. Crowley refused to let me leave without supervision in case I went out of control. Listen, I may be able to hurt anybody and everybody but I have more control than that!
"You woke me up for this? Are you serious?"
Leona was given me the biggest death glare while I was just looking off to the side.
"Yes, because he belongs in your dorm and that he is your family, you must take responsibility and discipline your brother correctly to make sure that he won't harm somebody."
"A: What did he even do and B: Why should I care?"
"I can answer B. You should care because it will a bad rep for NRC and Savanaclaw together.
Your dorm will suffer if the press heard that one of your members either killed or severely wounded someone.
You also wouldn't get any beauty sleep. (Y/N), you have to answer A."
I glared at Crowley before telling my part.
"I went over to Diasomnia."
"...are you kidding me right now? Diasomnia!?"
"Listen! I know that you don't like the dorm leader but you don't have any right to forbid me from going over!"
"I've told you plenty of times! How many more times do I have to tell you!?"
"Keep yapping because I'm still not listening! But I was exploring the forest around the castle and Malleus and I started fighting."
I saw Leona clench his fist slowly. I was so in for it later.
"I had my ax strapped to my back and when I went to send my own spell, I pulled a maneuver that ended up having the strap slide off of my back and sent my ax flying towards Malleus' face. It was all accidental."
"Why were you fighting that Lizard in the first place?!"
"Because he was in a bad mood and one of the easiest ways for him to get out negative emotions is through fighting! You are the exact same way!"
Leona slammed his hands on Crowley's desk before standing up to glare at me.
Leona's roar was terrifying that it almost made my tail go between my legs. Almost is the key word. I stood up as well and just glared back with just as much fierceness. We both were letting out growls and getting tense. I was the first to strike.
I jumped onto Leona sending both of us flying over Crowley's desk, messing everything up.
"You've never cared about who I hung out with before! WHY DOES IT MATTER SO MUCH NOW?!"
Leona then kicked me off, my back making contact with Crowley's window, shattering it. The glass dug deep into my back. weakening me.
"Because you're starting to get on my nerves with who you choose to hang out with! First, it was that herbivore and now, it's that stupid Lizard!"
Leona then grabbed me and slammed me down on the floor, pushing the glass deeper. I saw black spots consuming my vision but I wasn't out just yet. I looked towards Crowley.
"Survival of the Fittest."
Crowley then collapsed while I felt more energized than ever. I was able to ignore the glass in my back and was able to wrestle Leona off of me.
I never realized how much power that Headmage actually had. Considering he never makes any effort in trying to do anything.
"I am your hunger, I am your thirst. I am what steals your tomorrows. Kneel before me! King's Roar!"
Leona's power was slowly draining the power that I stole away. We had to either wrap this up soon or until one of us submits. The rest of the faculty barged in and separated Leona and I from each other. Crowley's office was a mess, full of sand, glass, and blood. Leona was in worse shape than I was except at least he wasn't phasing in and out of consciousness.
"You pups need to be better disciplined! Two months worth of detention!" Crewel yelled at us, before we both were being ushered to our dorm by Coach Vargas.
We got healed once we hit our dorm and Leona demanded that I go to his room. The aura that we were radiating scared the rest of the dorm to get out of our way.
"What more do we need to talk about? We nearly just killed each other. I think that we got enough across to one another."
"You're done with going to other dorms."
"Excuse me?"
"I know that you heard me but I'll repeat for my slow little brother. Since you obviously can't be trusted by yourself, you have to be either at the main building or at Savanaclaw at all times. Ruggie will accompany everywhere with you."
"You can't just do that! I have other friends from other dorms!"
"Ah, thank you for reminding me! Drop them."
I just stared at Leona in disbelief. This man was trying to dictate my entire school life.
"You must be joking."
"I'm not. That's a command to you from your dorm leader. Now off you go."
I just glared at Leona before walking away in a huff. There was no way to get through to him while he's like this. My ears immediately picked up lighter footsteps.
"Go away, Ruggie."
"No can do, (Y/N). I'm not too happy about this either but I'm not about to go against Leona."
I just continued walking down to my dorm and I just slammed my door closed. I heard Ruggie knocking but I refused to open the door and just put a pillow over my ears. I started to grit my teeth together, trying to keep my emotions under control.
"Leona will snap back to his senses. He has to. He has to."
If he doesn't, I don't know how much of my sanity will last this year.
Brother B:
"So, you're telling me: that you messed up a potion and then spilled it on my brother!?"
I held out my hands and started to do grabby motions. I want upsies!
"Now, now, let's discuss this calmly like adults! Just put the chair down!"
I turned my head to witness Azul cowering behind his desk while Leona was trying to attack him with one of the comfort chairs in the VIP room. I wasn't getting upsies anytime soon.
"Ehh~ I knew that pouring that potion on Honey-chan would be funny."
"You're the reason why (Y/N) is now a toddler?!"
Leona then turned the chair towards Floyd while Floyd wasn't paying attention. Jade was trying to keep in his chuckles while watching from behind Azul's desk. The room was just full of chaos.
I kept trying to get upsies but everyone was distracted. I got bored and left the VIP room. The Mostro Lounge was so full of pretty lights! My eyes then caught another shiny thing! A golden arm band on a white haired student. He was leaving the Mostro Lounge and I was quick to chase after him.
I came upon a weird mirror that many people were walking through and disappearing but I didn't care. I just wanted the shiny! I bolted through the mirror and came out of the other side. There were more people on the other side and more mirrors. I saw another shiny outside of the building and ran out. The shiny turned out to be the sun but it was really pretty.
There were also a bunch of pretty birds and two of them dropped a flower crown on my head. I let out a light laugh before deciding to follow them. I don't know how long I was running for but eventually, the birds flew off and I lost sight of them.
"Bye, friends! I hope to see you another day!"
I shouted and waved goodbye before I took a look around. I was in the middle of a forest and I don't know where I am.
Where is my big brother?
Where are my big brothers?
I picked a direction and ran as fast as I could, shouting out for my brothers. They have to be nearby! They have to! I felt tears leak out of my eyes before the next thing that I knew, I couldn't see anything because it was so blurry. My foot caught a root and I went tumbling. I felt plenty of ouchies form and I eventually stopped rolling. My whole entire body hurt so badly.
"Na-Na? Lena? Help me please."
I felt my eyes start to close and I couldn't keep them open any longer.
"(N/N)? (N/N)!"
"(Y/N)! Where have you gone?!"
"Honey-chan~! Come out so I can give you a nice big squeeze!"
I slightly reopened my eyes before whispering out one last time.
I saw Leona rush over to me and I felt him pick me up. He felt so warm and comfy that I couldn't help but nuzzle deeper into him.
"I'm sleepy, Na-Na."
"No! Don't go to sleep yet, (N/N)! Stay awake for Na-Na! Please!"
"I'll try, Na-Na."
I really was trying. Whenever one of my eyes were starting to droop, I put my hand near that eye to lift it back up the eyelid. I didn't want to disappoint Na-Na.
"This is all your fault, Floyd!"
"My fault?! How?!"
"If you had just behaved, (Y/N) wouldn't be in such a fragile state!"
Floyd and Azul shut up after Leona yelled at them. The forest was zooming past and eventually, I saw the big castle that I saw from the weird mirror building again.
"Na-Na? Are we going to go to the big castle? Are we in the sky, Na-Na?"
"We're going to the big castle but we're not in the sky! You are not going to be in the sky anytime soon! I swear on my life!"
"But the sky is where all of the birdies live."
"But if you went to live in the sky, Lena and I couldn't visit you. Do you want that?"
"No. I want to visit Lena and Na-Na together."
"Good. Now stop trying to get to the sky."
"Eh, Honey-chan, if you want to get to the sky, I think that Azul can help you~"
"Floyd! Silence!"
Leona rushed me to a room with curtains and beds before setting me down on a bed.
"Fix him. NOW!"
I felt some relief in the places that were in a lot of pain. I felt a smile break out on my face. I opened my eyes to see Leona just there staring back at me. He looked quite grumpy. But I knew that was Leona's normal face.
I let out a giggle before putting my palm on his left cheek.
"Na-Na came and saved me."
"Yeah, Na-Na will always come save you. You should take a nap now though, (N/N). I'll be right back."
"Okay, Na-Na."
I closed my eyes and started to snooze.
"Now you two and I are going to have a talk. COME HERE!"
The door then slammed shut and I heard a lot of banging from the hallway. Thankfully, the thuds were in rhythm and made it easier to fall asleep.
I wonder what dream I'll have this time.
*Leona's POV*
"Ugh, those stupid sea creatures. Making me waste energy on their problems."
I walked back into the nurse's office after beating Azul and Floyd to the ground to see (Y/N) just snoozing away on the bed.
"He's all healed up. He'll be right as rain by the time that he wakes up again."
I only nodded at the nurse, signaling to him that he could leave. He did leave and I crawled up next to my little brother.
"You're going to be the death of me. You should be thankful that you have me for your brother."
I'll make sure that nothing ever hurts you, even if I have to take you away from all evil.
Azul Ashengrotto
Land is awful. I need a break from the land. Azul, why did you have to bring me to the land?
"I want to go swimming."
"We can't go swimming today, (Y/N). You've got a debut to do today anyway."
Azul put the finishing touches on my outfit and I looked ten times more dapper than I usually do. I decided to practice my magic and manipulate water into beautiful shapes. A few Scarabia students saw the shapes and immediately ran up to me to watch what I could make. They even gave suggestions on what I should make and it was quite fun.
Azul found us doing it and from there on, he made me start putting on water shows for evening shifts. He did pay me but I didn't even want to perform. I just wanted to swim.
The lights started to blink, signaling that it was my time to go to the small stage. Azul gave me a warm smile before petting my head lightly.
"Knock them dead, little brother. Show them what Ashengrottos can do."
I walked out onto stage and turned towards the crowd. I was thankful for my time at my last school for the fact alone that everyone would always stare at me. I can take the stares.
I quickly bowed to the crowd before I activated my magic. Jade and Floyd put large containers of water all over the Mostro Lounge for me to manipulate. I started by having thin streams of water travel throughout the entire dining area. People were in awe with how soothing the running water sounded. I then separated the paths into different sections and formed shapes with each section.
The show was a huge hit. I would be constantly scanning the crowd to see what thing I should create out of the water and which table I should send it to. By the time that I was done, everyone was applauding and I even got some whistles. I did one last bow before rushing backstage.
"That was excellent! If you keep doing acts like that, profits will skyrocket! Although I don't know how I feel about all of the eyes on you. I might lock you up for a week after each performance, just so that they all understand that they can't see you all the time."
Azul whispered that last part but I still heard him loud and clear. It may have sounded like a question but I knew that he was actually going to do that. A week?! I can't stand only Azul for a week!
I felt my hand twitching and I was so tempted to run then and there. But no, I have to be careful about this. So, I waited and waited in the dressing room. I checked the clock and saw that enough time passed and that the Mostro Lounge would be at its busiest.
I peaked out of the dressing room to see Floyd and Jade rushing everywhere and I also got a peak of Azul taking someone to the VIP room. It was go time. I moved in short sprints until I made it to the mirror. I went through and saw nobody in the hall of mirrors.
I sprinted to the outskirts of NRC campus. Because of it being on top of a cliff, I could just jump off and straight into water. I saw the coliseum and just kept on the path. I quickly came to the wind mill and rushed past it. The cliff was safe from sharp rocks at the bottom and sharp edges that I could hit.
"Deep breath. Let's go!"
I jumped and performed a dive into the deep water below. I felt my body shift back into my mermaid form and I just started swimming. I've never been allowed to explore the water around the Isle of Sages, mainly because Azul liked having a tight grip on the metaphorical leash around my neck.
The water felt so nice and cool on my scales. There were so many different types of fish around, I found at least five new types that I've never seen back at the Coral Sea! Plus there were so many different shipwrecks! One of them still had skeletons from the crew. Those poor souls, unable to break free of their containment.
I originally just planned to time myself fifteen minutes but... It's been so long that I couldn't help but break that limit. I haven't felt this free ever since I got here. My need for adventure has never felt so fulfilled before.
"I wonder what's under this rock?"
"Well, you're not going to find out."
I jolted upwards, wasn't expecting a voice. Let alone it being Azul's voice.
"Here I thought that I made it clear that you weren't allowed to go swimming. I must have been much too lenient with you. I'll make sure to remedy my mistake."
I felt Floyd wrap around me and then, I felt his teeth bite deeply in my arm. I let out a scream, plenty of pain flowing through my body. My vision was really blurry so I could only rely on touch to tell me what was happening.
I felt my head be lifted up and a potion going down my throat.
"There we go. Let's get you your legs back."
I passed out and woke up in Azul's room.
"No... No, no, no, no."
I quickly got out of the bed and went to try and open the door. As expected, it was locked.
"Let me out! Let me out please!"
"Little brother... It's three AM. You need your sleep."
I felt Azul's tentacles wrap around me before pulling me back to the bed. I was shocked that Azul was willing in his octo form but I couldn't let the shock stop me. I had to try and break free of his grip. But sadly, my human form is still quite weak.
Azul brought my head to his chest and put my ear above his heart to assure that I could hear it beating.
"Shhh, shhh. I know that you're upset. You woke up and put yourself in a fit. Don't worry, your big brother is here to protect you from all of your worst nightmares. After all, you're going to be in here with me for two whole weeks. We can bond and become very close together. Of course, I'll need to leave from time to time but I'll be back to spend all the time in the world with you."
"Two... weeks?"
"Yep! It'll be fun!"
Great Seven, please save me.
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sterekchub · 11 months
Jock Derek decides to get into the competitive eating game. Starts a YouTube channel. Gets some fans, who suggest crazy eating challenges. Derek keeps pushing himself to fulfill all the ridiculous challenges, but his stomach is so stretched out that he’s hungry all the time. Starts gaining weight. Slowly, his eating challenges videos just become mukbangs as Derek goes from jock to exjock to chub…and eventually Derek starts showing off his growing belly as he goes from chub to just huge fatty.
"W-Welcome ...*BBBRRRpp*... to Eatin' ...*blurrrRPPP*... w-with ...*BRRRPPpp*... Derek
10 Viewers "Hey...I'm Derek. I twisted my ankle during practice so the Coach benched me for the semester and if I don't play, I don't get money towards my tuition. So umm....I'm not sure how this works but my friend makes money gaming on his channel so I thought maybe....I'd start reviewing local restaurants or campus food or something."
You turn off the chat, disinterested. There's enough bad food ASMR and mukbangers online, he's attractive, but nothing special. You have better things to do than watch him fumble his way to unwrapping a Chipotle takeout bag like it was something special.
50 Viewers You find yourself back on Derek's channel a week later. He still looks uncomfortable in front of a camera. His room isn't even set up to stream, a bunch of random lights behind him and his dinner clearly on the desk next to him, 2 liter of soda and some Pop-Tart boxes. You're about to click away when the otherwise dead-chat pings:
Try the 2L soda challenge!
Derek nods and brings the soda bottle up to his lips. "Easy," he brags, suddenly much more confident and you get the aura of a cocky, self-assured jock. He chugs the entire bottle down within 2 minutes, waving the empty bottle in front of the screen and letting out a long burp. "Done. Damn, I need some pizza after that..."
He goes back to sitting there in mostly awkward silence as he scrolls on his phone, clearly ordering food. You leave the stream again. 200 Viewers You can't help it - you check back into Derek's stream. He's gained more followers in the last few weeks since you saw him and you see the last few videos he's posted all see to have a theme - Eating Challenges with Derek.
Looks like he's been eating well. There's more softness to his jaw and cheeks and the sports T-shirt he's wearing looks stretched a little tight.
"Tonight I'm trying the milk chugging challenge - one gallon in one hour."
The chat is more active than usual.
Got Oreos to go with that?
Derek holds up 3 boxes "not going to get through all that milk without them."
Gotta love jocks who eat like they're still training
if he pukes, I'm leaving
Bet he's done this before
Derek finishes 2 boxes of oreos and the entire gallon of milk, ending the stream reclining in his chair looking satisfied, hands rubbing his milk-swollen gut.
500 Viewers Derek has become your new favorite streamer. You're not sure if he knows the chat is entirely full of feeders egging him on, but he clearly loves the attention and is willing to do almost anything for donations.
"Thank you to *feedemup72* for the donation, tonight's challenge is $100 at Taco Bell." He points at several bags sitting next to him. "Actually $108 because I got 3 sodas, hope you don't mind."
Only his top half is visible as his streams, but in the last few months he's developed a curve to his belly that presses into his computer desk.
damn he's gotten fat in a few months
ii hope he does the donut challenge next
Derek slows down when he's three quarters of the way through. He shoves the last bite of a burrito into his mouth and groans. "Don't think I can do this one." He's got rice spilled onto the front of his shirt, and a few inches of bare, furry belly are visible where his bloated stomach is pushing his shirt upwards.
You're feeling reckless and type into the chat '$20 if you can finish 3 more burritos." You can see the determination as he leans forward to grab another from the pile, like it's the winning point his team needs. "Uggh I might burst..."
1000 Viewers "I'm getting a little chunky," Derek laughs, standing up in front of his computer with both hands lifting up his pudgy middle. It's not only his middle that has gotten thicker. His jeans look painted on and his shirt is so tight you can see the lovehandles just starting to poke out over his jeans. "Hope the coach doesn't mind. Got my clear bill of health for my leg so practice starts again tomorrow." are you still going to stream? Sure the coach won't mind you waddling on the field? forget sports, fatboy, you were made to eat! "This might be my last one in a while, practice keeps me busy. But for my last challenge- I got a cake to celebrate!" It's just a plain cheesecake, but Derek looks at it like it's better than sex. The little groans of pleasure he makes when he takes a bite somehow feel dirtier than watching him devour the entire thing in under 45 minutes. 3,000 Viewers It's been almost 6 months since Derek's last stream and you've almost forgotten about his channel entirely when you see he's gone live again. His follower count has almost triple and the chat is swarming with excitement at his return. OMG finally he's got to be 300 by now has he said anything no he's been eating for almost an hour! Think he knows he's live? Are you okay? You can't take your eyes off the screen. Derek has Chinese takeout containers in front of the screen and is digging into them like he hasn't eaten for months. The arms on his gamer chair are no longer visible under hefty love handles and his belly is fully resting into his lap by several inches. Derek keeps eating, double chin wobbling with each fast-paced bite, until he finally stops to reach for a can of soda. He drains it in one go and then looks at the chat, still shoveling food in his mouth as he talks "c-coach ...*mnfgghhhulp*... kicked ...*mmnnch*... me ...*chew... o-off ...*nibble*... de ...*gnaw*... team." I'm sorry too fat for the team? Look at him- he's not running anywhere! He hasn't stop eating What a fucking pig You have to know, typing in the chat. "$50 if you tell us what you're weighing in at." You watch as Derek scans the chat and reads your message. He finally puts down the food and stands up to show himself off to he chat. "Three-twenty-seven." From the size of his hips and ass as he turns, you would have guessed closer to 350. He looks upset, pinching and grabbing at the excess blubber that's thickened him up everywhere, but when he sits back down and grabs another soda, he almost looks relieved. "So.. guess I'm back to streaming. Any suggestions for another *gulp* *swallow* food challenge? 5,000 Viewers Doesn't look like a jock anymore he's a fucking blimp any ideas how to blow him up more bet he'd eat straight lard if we paid him fuck look at that gut Did he really just fall asleep? bet he wakes up and starts eating again You're $500 poorer- but looking at the size of Derek, it seems like money well spent. In the last three months, you've paid Derek to do the ice cream gallon challenge, the milkshake challenge, the donuts-burger challenge, and the carbo-load challenge. And you were also to blame for the current stream. Tonight had proven too much even for his monstrous appetite and he had needed a break, too full to even speak, just sitting in front of the computer groaning and grunting and burping, rubbing his boulder of a belly until his overstuffed moans had turned into tree-splitting levels of snoring. The last quarter of his fifth footlong cheesesteak (With extra cheese and meat of course), fell out of a pudgy hand and onto the floor. Derek had weighed in at 398 last night, and you impatiently wait for him to wake up rounding out the scales at over 400lbs of blubber. 10,000 Viewers
This stream was a special one. Derek had tipped the scales at a whopping 500lbs, reluctantly heaving himself out of his bench-sized seat to show off for the chat just where all of those pounds had piled on to. Face swollen with fat, his jawline completely obscured by chins and a tire-sized neck. Thighs wider than his former waist, and of course, the unmistakable belly which was not so round and lard-filled it rested on his knees when he was sitting. "Finally hit a follower milestone," Derek wheezed proudly, wiping sweat off his forehead from the exertion of just standing for several minutes and then collapsing back down into his seat. It creaked ominously. On instinct, you check his Amazon wishlist. Candy, funnel, XXXXXXXXL shorts, more candy, bariatric scale...huh. No bench. Guess he thought the one hw as currently straining was going to last longer than it sounded like. "So someone sponsored to me to eat a hundred-thousand calories, one for each follower!" You thought you misheard. 100,000? That can't possible be right. And Derek was popular sure, but with a niche group. You double-check and his follower count was sitting at 10,002. Confused, you check the chat. did he say 100,000!!? looking and thinking like a pig no one said jocks were smart That's going to take days think he'll realize? too late to back out, he took the money That's like 30 pounds of calories. No way is he going to do it! Derek was reading the chat and checking his phone in confusion. "I did...misread a bit there." Do it eat it 100,000 blimp he's gonna pop come on fatty, EAT EAT EAT! Derek still looks confused, but puts his phone away and smacks a hand to his belly. "I can handle it. Better start now..." You can't watch the entire stream, having to pull yourself away at some point to go to bed and go to work. You haven't missed much - Derek sits at his computer, struggling to his feet every few hours to get his latest food delivery he doesn't bother to turn off the livestream and everyone gets' a perfect view of Derek's swinging, wobbling obese frame as he slowly shuffles in and out of view. Even at night, he waddles out of view to go to bed but leaves the stream running, his snores rattling around the empty room and the only view the staggering amount of fast food containers thrown haphazardly everywhere. Think he'll reach 600? he's too fat to stop now he should eat like this all the time It takes Derek 2 days to eat it all. Even for someone used to all the eating challenges, Derek was eating with a frenzy and a determination you'd never seen. The chat kept his calorie counter for him, and he was absolutely struggling to keep on pace, looking like every bite was a Herculean effort. You tune back in, the afternoon when Derek is down to his last 2,000 calories in a bag of greasy burgers and fries and milkshakes. He looks bloated and fat in a way you've never seen, like at any minute he was going to just start expanding and become a fat filled-balloon the size of the room. His body was clearly protesting, Derek had to keep taking longer and longer breaks inbetween to massage his belly, although he couldn't fully reach around it. Gurgling farts and thunderous belches that chat kept telling him meant he had room for more. 100,000 calories. Almost done. Just a few more... Derek guzzled down the rest of his milkshake and looked triumphantly at his camera, eyes glazed over and face smeared with food.
T-Told ...*puff*... ...*BRRPFFBLTTT*... you ...*uhhnngh*... ...*thbbbt*... I ...*hmphhh*... ...*Brrbllpfft*... c-could ...*blurrRRPPP*... ...*Splrrpffrtbtlt*... do ...*BRRRPPphh*... ...*Frrrpffltbtt*... it.
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