#Sustainable Energy for All
indizombie · 2 years
Many Indian cities recorded their highest average temperatures this summer, breaching century-old records, with multiple heat wave alerts announced by local administrations. With the average global temperature having warmed about 1.2 degrees Celsius above the preindustrial times, such heat waves in South Asia are 30 times more likely, scientists have said. In India, almost 323 million people are at high risk from extreme heat and a lack of cooling equipment, found a report released last month by Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), a U.N.-backed organisation working on energy access.
Anuradha Nagaraj, ‘Indian workers suffer as heat waves turn factories into 'furnaces'’, Thomson Reuters Foundation
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cleanenergyday · 4 months
Statement by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for SE34ALL and co-chair of UN-Energy on International Day of Clean Energy 2024.
"On this first International Day of Clean Energy, I urge governments, businesses and organizations to make use of Energy Compacts to register or strengthen their energy commitments on the world stage," - Damilola Ogunbiyi, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All and Co-Chair of UN-Energy
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melyzard · 5 months
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It's not over! It's not hopeless! Progress is still happening and we have a chance to undo the damage or prevent any further! We are not doomed!
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re-alku · 9 months
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the weekly reread has come to the blackbox/divorce arc and no one is happy 🤲i give you shitposts
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
If Tony Stark was real in our reality
all the villains he " "created" " would be, like:
- oil tycoon pissed that Stark has made renewable energy free for the whole state of NY and has plans to expand the tech to other states, countries, the world
- CEO of a predatory student loan company enraged by Stark making college widely affordable through an endless supply of scholarships
- corrupt politician whose career is over after his dirty laundry gets aired - in a leak that can't be traced to Stark Industries.. but also can't not be traced to it
Tony: attempts to make the world a better place with the power he has
Literally all the people who benefit from the world being a bad place:  time to break out the tights and commit crimes???
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suddencolds · 2 months
#not snz#more musings 📝 / mini vent:#not sure why my social battery is so limited 😭 and also so inconsistent#i feel like i can't sustain the amount of... like continued/consistent enthusiasm i see others giving esp in group settings#i just don't know how to engage in that way without burning out#over the past few weeks i've been stuck in like#a strange state where i can't muster the energy to properly respond to even the people i'm most excited to reply to#which is strange??#(and if that is you i am sorry 😭 i love you and i will get back to you)#i think i can't even like manage to get myself into the mindset of enjoying something for myself (eg. a conversation with a friend)#i think a part of it is the stress from work leeching into my personal life#i feel like i've been working so hard and for such long hours but its the kind of work where the progress i've made is very hard to track??#:( i just want to be off of ******* work so i can work on ******* work again#i also want to get ahead enough on everything in my life so that i write y+v D:#i feel like i haven't had a properly restful day in weeks... even over the weekend i was busy attending to others' needs#i just want a break from it all... but i dont have enough time to take off... but i dont know how much more of this i can take#i remember also feeling during uni like i was drowning#like there were simply not enough hours in a day to deliver everything i promised. it's such an awful feeling#i just feel defeated. like i've felt exhausted for weeks and weeks on end and like i spend every waking hour working on something or other#but ofc there is nothing to do but to keep at it 😭 other people can handle all of this and more#there are so many people i refuse to let down
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dailypokemoncrochet · 2 months
hey pls let yourself rest and do smth other than pkmn crochet !!
judging by that one post, youre drifting into some sort of burnout :(
pkmn crochet is super impressive and looks fun (i say but trying to crochet 30 dolls was hell so i stopped haha), but pls be aware of what your body and mind need. internet clout and personal accomplishment arent worth the risk of ruining the fun of a hobby </3
hi!! Thank you for your concern! I am doing some other stuff than my pokemon crochet, which is helping with the burnout and general depression, but it's still there and tough 😞 It's kind of hard finding the line between not doing the hobby because I don't *need* to be doing this one specific thing as if it's my life's purpose and not doing the hobby because I'm too depressed to do it
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trans-cuchulainn · 4 months
I think people watch those things as punishment because they don't have the means, time, extra money, etc, to do anything meaningful to help. So at least they can acknowledge and bear witness to the horror, even if they're not able to actually help.
right but like. "at least they can do this" makes it sound like doing that is actually materially useful, and i'm not convinced it is. i think in many cases it is only increasing the number of people suffering in the world. i agree that people are doing it because they feel powerless in other regards but in the majority of cases i think it's harming more than helping
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rokry · 8 months
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4. Angel x Demon
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carpathxanridge · 6 months
won’t comment this on the same post because it’s probably not what they want to hear rn but i know that some people HAVE “cured” their CFS, or rather have been able to manage it and return to moderate activity levels, by essentially “gradually building stamina.” but the approach and mentality behind the pacing approach is SOOO different than what the average person assumes “gradually building stamina” must look like, and always errs on the side of MINIMUM activity because of the seriousness of PEM. like it sucks to have the 3 mile walks you were once accustomed to suddenly make you bedridden the next day. that’s why pacing would mean, for a very long period of time, going on… a five minute walk, if that’s where you’re at. a one minute walk around your living space a few times a day. or ten seconds of standing, if completely bedridden. but if you’re not bedridden and are doing things around the house, even just if sitting up to work at a computer, pacing ALSO means laying down flat and having a full body rest multiple times a day, scheduled throughout the day. it means not just allowing rest, but ENFORCING it. the barrier to people with CFS slowly building their stamina back up is usually this idea that part of that endeavor involves willpower, that if you can just will it hard enough, try harder, the CFS will go away. how could you possibly need MORE rest when you’re doing nothihg? when this mentality is the opposite of what CFS needs. people who’ve successfully gotten their old lives “back” after CFS have done it by respecting PEM, erring on the side of caution, being so gentle with themselves and careful not to send themselves into a flare-up.
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badolmen · 5 months
Nazis and Holocaust Exceptionalism
Re: this very good post but I didn’t want to derail it so I made my own post instead.
I’m trying to find a way to articulate this more fluently but at its bare bones I guess what I’m thinking is that, especially in USAmerican culture, the Holocaust and Nazis are exceptional examples of genocide. As in, they’re uniquely horrible* and the most horrible. And that makes comparisons to the Holocaust and Nazis an exercise in dehumanization instead of an exercise of political and social analysis.
(*per the original post ALL genocides are uniquely horrible and tragic)
That exceptionalism - that the Nazis were THE worst people in history, the genocide of the Jewish people was THE worst genocide to ever occur - dehumanizes both the Nazis and the Jews. And that’s a dangerous precedent to set.
For one, treating Nazis (and by extension Neo-Nazis today) as these inhuman, incomprehensible monsters distances them from the human reality that made them. It erases the centuries of antisemitism and xenophobia in Europe, the economic factors leveraged to enhance and inflame those deep rooted biases. It hides how white nationalists today take advantage of socially isolated and inherently biased young men. Which makes it easy to think you could never do something so horrible, so monstrous - you’re not a monster like them, after all. When in reality you too are a person with biases and social frustrations that can be leveraged by others for personal gain.
Additionally, this exceptionalism dehumanizes the Jewish people, in a very different but still awful way. They’re given this air of mysticism, rarity and supernatural strength. How amazing that they survived at all - how high the pedestal for a people who were nearly destroyed but endured in spite of it all. I recognize a similar pattern in the treatment of indigenous peoples in the US - their morality is inherently superior because of the horrors they survived, their religion is ‘more pure’ for having survived, but they’re also held to a much higher standard than others because of this. They’re both inhumanly perfect and destined to be torn down from that pedestal at the first sign of humanity.
I’m sure there’s better articulated essays on the above phenomenon but for the sake of this argument I think the above is sufficient. Because in USAmerican culture the Holocaust and Nazis are exceptional - not just unique. Which makes comparisons between genocides reduce the humanity of all parties involved by drawing a line from Nazis to modern actors, from the Jewish people of the Holocaust to modern victims.
It’s not that comparison should be discouraged - there are facets of similarity worth exploring in disenfranchisement, dehumanization, and how social and political anxieties are warped to indefensible atrocities in the name of those fears. And it’s only natural for USAmericans to first think of the Holocaust given the strong association between genocide as a concept and the Holocaust in the public mind - but the space the Holocaust occupies in the public consciousness is so deeply dehumanized and mysticized that those comparisons are used as shortcuts to ‘x is a monster acting in its evil nature and y is an innocent lamb incapable of acting for itself’ instead of as constructive analysis of how historic biases and modern fears are used by political forces to achieve economic and social goals, however heinous those may be.
*I’m not a historian or philosopher, nor do I profess any professional study of the topics here. I study trees and bugs for a living. I’m happy to engage in productive conversation regarding these topics. I will block you if you’re an asshole though.
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serenity-the-firefly · 3 months
there are soooo many people in the notes of that save ofmd campaign post that are like “these people are EVIL for contributing to this campaign they deserve to be BEATEN in the STREETS for spending money on things that aren’t stopping the genocide in palestine!!!” which okay yes i do agree that this is absolutely not the time to be having a fundraiser for a pointless “save our tv show” campaign….that being said, people can contribute to/care about more than one cause at once & i doubt anyone out there is stuck in a saw trap-esque situation where they have exactly $5 and it MUST be donated to either palestine relief efforts OR saving ofmd. like a person who cares about the palestinian genocide would be donating to relief efforts regardless of this campaign and vice versa.
Anyways the point of this post is that there’s a lot wrong with the save ofmd campaign but i do think some people are getting WAY too aggressively upset about it. and the main sin these people are committing is being dumb as hell, for which they will receive their comeuppance (being fleeced of their money).
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ohfugecannada · 8 months
Flora Colossai/Groot Headcanon 1/?: Diet and Eating
Though they can mostly sustain themselves on water and sunlight like most plants and trees, The Flora colossi are technically opportunistic omnivores. They can/will eat solid food such as fruit, vegetables and/or even meat if the circumstances call for it.
When they are driven to hunt, flora colossi can use their shapeshifting powers to make themselves look like non-sentient trees and ambush prey of small to medium-sized animals.
Though, again, most modern day Flora Colossi sustain themselves fine on water/sunlight a good chunk of the time, so eating solid foods like fruit or meat is pretty much optional for them.
Flora Colossi such as the Guardians of the galaxy’s Groot even seem to enjoy eating solid food for fun. Particularly in social situations like when he’s with teammates such as Rocket.
#gotg#guardians of the galaxy#marvel#marvel comics#Groot#flora colossus#flora colossi#headcanons#gotg headcanons#I watch a lot of videos about carnivorous plants and thier evolution#so the idea of an omnivorous plants or carnoivorous trees fascinates me#the flora colossi are such insane creatures when you think about their diet and how it could sustain them#like it would make sense for a plant organism that developed sentience and high intelligence to be omnivorous to get more energy#but then you consider how freaking big they can get#like they would need to eat a lot/a lot of big things to sustain themselves#and that’s not even taking into account the energy required for them to use thier shapeshifting powers and health factor and all that crap#I guess that’s why most of thier energy would come form sunlight and water#it would take way less energy to get than hunting prey#plus since sunlight from the arbor masters gives fc saplings photonic knowledge maybe the sun(s) of Planet X have a lot more powerful#or nutrient rich energies compared to the Earth sun?#I’m defiantly reading too deep into funny alien tree biology#I mean superhero comics have taken way more questionable liberties when it comes to science#plus I’m sure no one at marvel has ever thought about flora colossus biology as hard as I have#also all this scifi pseudo science talk offsets the mental image of being ambushed and eaten by a giant tree monster#lucky unless groot gets trapped in the darkest and driest cave ever for a few days I doubt he’d ever try and hunt/eat any of his friends
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websitesdotcom · 1 month
I love having hobbies this shit is so awesome . I think this is why i’m feeling unsure abt my career path
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the-rockers · 10 months
Don't get me wrong, the fusion energy breakthrough is really cool from the angle of, like, scientific progress, but...
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symphorine · 3 months
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