#Sugar and Joel 💕
desuidesu · 4 months
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Just a little WIP O wanted to make since reading the latest chapter of ‘ The Girl in IT ‘ and I was immediately floored !!! Your honor! I love them!!! Please go and check out their entire masterlist! @chiriwritesstuff 💗
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themechaneer · 2 years
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noisynaia · 5 months
Written for the lovely @pedrostories Secret Santa event 2023
My dear giftee is @katiexpunk, hope you like it! 💕
pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader 
word count: 3.2k 
summury: You moved into your new house six months ago, and you love your new home. It is spacious and has a lovely little garden, and it also just so happens to include the hottest single dad with the sweetest little girl you’ve ever met as your new neighbors. Over the months you have gotten to know them more and more. Little Sarah has fallen head over heels for your labradoodle Sofie and often comes over to play with her in your garden, and as you have gotten to know him more and more, you have fallen head over heels for her father, Joel.
note: Pre/no outbreak. Next door neighbors. Fluff. Baking. This is the first fic i've written in seven months, so sorry for being super duper rusty. English isn't my native language. This was supposed to be something completely different, but my laptop broke, (the 'screen part' literally just fell off?!) so I didn't have near as much time for this as I would have preferred, so sorry if this seemed rushed (it sadly was). But nonetheless, happy holidays ya'll! I'm so happy to be back, and aiming to write much more again in the new year ♥︎
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Joel stands in the kitchen, staring hopelessly at the empty sugar canister while cursing under his breath, feeling the dull pressure behind his eyes and nasal cavity which usually indicates an incoming tension headache. He had been sure that it was full, but no, it’s as empty as his hope for successfully making these damn muffins. The curse words escape his lips like a symphony of frustration, echoing off the empty walls of the kitchen. Joel can feel the frustration sinking into his bones. 
He had promised Sarah that he would bake muffins for her school function, despite not being a very good nor patient baker. But he would do anything to make his little girl happy. He had thought that they could bake them together, that it would be a fun father-daughter activity, but work and chores and Sarah’s soccer practice and honestly just life in general had gotten in the way of those plans. 
So now he stands here, the night before Sarah needs the muffins, without one of the most essential ingredients. It’s late, way past Sarah’s bedtime, who is sleeping soundly in her room.  Joel would  have to wake her up and take her with him if he’s going out to buy more sugar. But he really doesn’t want to wake her, she needs her sleep, but there is also no way in hell he’s leaving her alone while he runs to the store even if she’s just sleeping. 
As he stands here contemplating his options, you appear in his mind. You do that frighteningly often these days, and deep down he knows exactly why, but he has to suppress it. He is too busy, and too grown, to go around getting crushes on pretty women with cute dogs who move into houses next door to him, and who is always so sweet and funny, and who is so sweet and nice to his daughter, and…. No. He has to stop this. He shouldn’t think about you like this. 
He is mature enough to admit to himself that he is attracted to you, very attracted to you, but admitting to the feelings he has caught is a whole other can of worms, which he is not going to even attempt to look into. He is a single dad to a six year old, focused on taking care of his daughter and providing for her needs.
But in this moment, as he stands in the kitchen with an empty sugar canister mocking him, he feels a tug in his heart, a desperate need for help. He reluctantly gives in to the idea that perhaps you might have some sugar to spare… 
It would be nice to see you, but he also really doesn’t want to disturb you, and something about knocking at your door this late at night gives him a funny feeling in his stomach. 
Joel shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts as he focuses on the task at hand. He glances at the clock on the wall, realizing that time is slipping away. With a sigh, he reluctantly decides that he has no choice but to go next door and ask you for some sugar.
As he walks across the lawn and up to your front door, Joel can feel his heart racing. Why does he feel so nervous about such a simple request? He hesitates for a moment, contemplating whether he should knock or just turn around and forget about the whole thing. But the thought of disappointing Sarah and ruining her school event pushes him forward.  He takes a deep breath and knocks on the door, attempting to calm his racing thoughts.
Shortly after, the door swings open, and there you are, standing with a warm smile on your face. Your eyes light up as you see Joel, and Sofie, your adorable dog happily greets him as well. Joel can’t help but feel his heartbeat quicken even more at the sight of you.
“Hi,“ you smile at him. “What brings you here at this hour?” you ask curiously.
Joel awkwardly shifts his weight from one foot to the other, his nerves getting the best of him. “I hate to bother you, but I’m in a bit of a jam. I promised Sarah I would bake muffins for a thing at her school tomorrow, but I ran out of sugar. Do you, by any chance, have some to spare?" 
Your smile widens, and you tilt your head slightly. “Of course, I’d be happy to help you out. Come on in, I’ll grab it for you.”
Joel breathes a sigh of relief as you invite him inside. He steps into your warm and inviting home, noticing the pleasant aroma from what he guess must be a scented candle or something of the sort. It feels comforting and familiar, contrasting with the chaos and frustration that he left behind in his own kitchen.
He follows you into your kitchen, taking in the sight of the cozy space. The countertops are clutter-free, and a few potted herbs sit on the windowsill, basking in the moonlight. It’s a stark contrast to his own kitchen, which is always a whirlwind of activity and unfinished tasks.
As you retrieve the sugar from your well-stocked pantry, Joel can’t help but admire the ease with which you move around the kitchen. Your familiarity with the tools and ingredients is evident, invoking a sense of calm in him. He wonders how you manage to maintain such a serene environment amidst the chaos of daily life.
Unable to contain his curiosity any longer, Joel finally musters the courage to ask, “How do you do it? How do you manage to keep everything so neat?”
You pause for a moment, a kind smile on your face as you hand Joel the sugar. “Well, for starters, I don’t have a kid," you chuckle, “and I guess it’s just about priorities, and since I work from home, I find that having a clean and organized space helps me stay focused and reduces unnecessary stress.”
Joel nods at your answer. He can’t help but admire how put-together you seem, both in your home and in your life. It’s something he strives for but often falls short of, with the chaos that comes with being a single parent. 
“You’re doing really well by the way,” you smile at him, interrupting his thoughts, as if you can sense his doubts. “Sarah is really lucky to have you.” Joel’s cheeks flush at your compliment, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over him. He never believed he was doing enough for Sarah, constantly doubting himself as a parent. But your words validate his efforts and provide a much-needed boost of confidence. “Thank you,” he says softly, a mixture of appreciation and relief lacing his voice. “I always worry that I’m not doing enough, that…” he pauses. 
Your expression is filled with understanding. “I can’t talk from experience, but I know that parenting is never easy. But trust me, Joel, Sarah knows how much you love her and how much you’re doing for her. And I think you are doing a wonderful job,” Joel’s eyes meet yours, and he sees genuine sincerity reflected in them. It’s as if a weight has been lifted off his shoulders, the burden of his self-imposed expectations slowly dissipating. You speak with such warmth and wisdom, Joel’s heart swells with gratitude for your presence in his life. He never imagined that a simple request for sugar would lead to such a meaningful conversation. 
“Thank you,” Joel says, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. “That means more to me than you’ll ever know.”
 You smile warmly at him, reaching out to gently squeeze his arm. “Joel, you’re a great dad. Don’t ever doubt yourself.” As Joel thanks you once again, he can’t help but feel a warmth spreading throughout his heart. It’s a feeling he hasn’t experienced in a long time, and it fills him with a sense of hope and possibility. Before he leaves, Joel can’t help but ask, “Would you wanna come over for dinner sometime? I am a much better cook than baker and Sarah has begged me to have you and Sofie over and visit.” 
You smile and nod, your eyes sparkling with excitement. “I would love that, Joel.” 
Joel feels a surge of warmth, at your smile. Thanking you again he turns to leave, sugar in hand, he musters up the courage to say one last thing. “I’m happy that it was you who moved in next to us.  It’s been nice getting to know you and having you around.”
You smile warmly, your eyes twinkling, and an almost bashful expression on your face which catches Joel a little off guard. “Likewise, Joel. I’m always here if you need anything, whether it’s sugar or just someone to talk to.” you add the last part with a teasing smile, but the sincerity in your words are clear. 
“I really appreciate that,” Joel says, his voice filled with sincerity. 
“And just so you know…” you give him a bashful smile.“That includes help with baking muffins.”  
Joel feels how his stomach does a flip as he understands what you’re saying. “Would you like to help me bake some muffins?”  
“I’d love to,” you say happily, your smile growing and Joel can’t help but feel a sense of excitement through his body. “I’ll be over at yours in ten, how’d that sound?” you ask. 
Joel’s heart leaps at the thought of spending more time with you. “Sounds good to me.” 
“Cool, see you in ten then.” You grin at him. Joel smiles back at you, feeling a sense of anticipation building within him. 
As Joel heads back to his house, sugar in hand  he can’t help but smile, he had been so tired and frustrated only a little while ago, but now he suddenly feels fully recharged. 
Ten minutes… You have ten minutes to make yourself look somewhat decent, in a casual, ‘I’m just going over to my extremely attractive dilf neighbor whom I have a big fat stupid crush on’ way. No pressure at all. 
As you race to your bathroom to check yourself over in the mirror, you take a deep breath to calm your racing heart. You touch up your makeup, adding a touch of lip gloss and swipe on a new coat of mascara, you brush your teeth, and spritz on a little perfume. After making sure you look presentable, you opt for a comfortable yet cute outfit, realizing that you don’t want to come off as too overdone. 
Satisfied with your appearance, you grab a small container of homemade blueberry jam from your fridge. It may not be muffins, but it’s a sweet treat that you can bring to share. With jam in hand, you head out the door, your heart fluttering with anticipation.
As you approach Joel’s house, you can’t help but appreciate the calmness of the night. The moon shines brightly above, casting a soft glow on the neighborhood. You hear the faint sound of crickets chirping, and the warm breeze carries the scent of blooming flowers. Everything feels serene and magical, heightening your excitement.
You reach Joel’s doorstep and take a moment to collect yourself. You remind yourself to be casual and relaxed, even though your heart is pounding in your chest. With a steadying breath, you knock on the door.
Joel opens it with a warm smile, and you instantly feel at ease. His eyes light up as they land on you, and you can't help but blush under his gaze. “Hi,” he greets you softly. “I'm so glad you could make it.”
You return his smile, extending the container of blueberry jam towards him. “I brought some homemade jam. I thought it would be nice with the muffins and I remember Sarah telling me she loves blueberries.”
Joel's eyes widen in pleasant surprise, and his smile widens. “That is so thoughtful of you. Thank you, darlin’.”
‘Darlin’...’ Your heart flutters at the endearment as you step inside his house, the word falling so naturally from his lips. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, mingling with the scent of warmth and comfort. It’s a homey and cozy feeling that instantly puts you at ease.
As you enter the kitchen, you notice the ingredients for the muffins laid out, ready to be used. There’s a twinkle of anticipation in Joel’s eyes as he gestures towards them. “Do you want to get started?”
You nod eagerly, not wanting to waste any more time. “Definitely. Let’s make these muffins amazing.”
For the next few hours, you and Joel work side by side, measuring ingredients, mixing, and chatting as you go. The conversation flows effortlessly between you, ranging from lighthearted jokes to more personal stories, and the atmosphere somehow turns more and more flirty, making excited butterflies flutter in your stomach. With each moment, you can feel the connection between you deepening, like ingredients coming together to create a perfect blend.
As the muffins bake in the oven, filling the kitchen with their delicious scent, the two of you take a well-deserved break. Joel pours two cups of coffee, and you find yourselves sitting at his kitchen table, sipping the warm brew in comfortable silence.
The soft glow of the overhead light casts a warm and cozy ambiance over the room. Despite the tiredness in his eyes from a long day, a smile tugs at the corners of Joel’s lips as he watches you take a sip of your coffee. There’s a comfortable silence that envelops the two of you, a sense of ease and contentment that comes from being in each other’s company.
As you set your cup down, you turn to Joel, your eyes filled with a mix of playfulness and sincerity. “You know, Joel, I have to say. These muffins wouldn’t have turned out as amazing as they did without your expert baking skills.” A teasing smirk dances on your lips.
Joel chuckles softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Well, I may have had a little help from a certain someone,” he says, a hint of affection lacing his voice.
You playfully nudge him with your shoulder. “Oh, so now I’m just your personal baking assistant, am I?” you retort, pretending to be slightly offended.
Joel’s smile widens, his eyes sparkling with humor. “No, no, not at all. You’re so much more than that,” he reassures you, his voice brimming with sincerity. “You’ve brought light into my life, darlin’. Ever since you moved in next door, things just feel...better.”
The warmth in Joel’s words seeps into your heart, igniting a deep stirring within you. A connection that goes beyond the simple act of baking muffins is forming between the two of you, growing stronger with each passing moment.
Before you know it, the timer for the muffins goes off, snapping both of you out of the gentle bubble you’ve created. You share a laugh, realizing that you may have gotten carried away in the moment.
Joel stands up and walks over to the oven, his movements fluid and confident. He takes a deep breath, a look of anticipation on his face. “Well, here goes nothing,” he mutters to himself as he opens the oven door and retrieves the tray of freshly baked muffins.
The delightful aroma wafts through the kitchen, filling the air with its tantalizing scent. Joel carefully sets the tray down on the counter, the muffins still warm to the touch. He reaches for a plate and begins arranging the muffins, creating a beautiful display.
You watch him with admiration, seeing the dedication and love he pours into everything he does. In that moment, you can’t help but feel an overwhelming surge of affection towards him.
As you join him by the counter, your hands instinctively reach out to brush against each other, sending a spark of electricity up your arms. Your eyes meet, and in that instant, everything else fades away. It's just the two of you, connected in a way that feels destined. 
Joel's gaze is warm as he gazes at you, and his voice is filled with sincerity as he speaks. "I just want you to know how grateful I am for your help, for everything. You've brought so much happiness into our lives."
You smile softly at him, feeling your heart swell with affection. “The feeling is mutual, Joel.”
Joel takes a step closer, his gaze unwavering and filled with a mix of vulnerability and longing. You can’t help but notice how his gaze keeps darting from your eyes to your lips, and you feel your own heartbeat quickens in response, but a sudden surge of bravery fills you as well. You can’t just be imagining this. “You can if you want, you know.” you whisper.
You can almost see how Joel’s breath catches in his throat by your words, his eyes widening slightly in surprise. He searches your face, trying to comprehend your words. “If I want...what?” he asks, his tone laced with both curiosity and hope.
A soft smile graces your lips as you reach out to gently take his hand in yours. “You can kiss me,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper. “If you want.”
“I want to, more than anything.” He brings his free hand up to gently cup your cheek, his fingers grazing your skin with tender affection.
With bated breath, the world seems to stand still as your faces draw closer together. The anticipation hangs in the air like an electric current, and as your lips finally meet, it feels like a rush of warmth cascading throughout your bodies.
The kiss is soft, tender, and filled with an underlying passion that has been building between you. It's a culmination of longing, uncertainty, and hope, all coming together in that single moment of connection.
As your lips move against each other, the outside world fades away, and all that matters is the tenderness you share. Time seems to stretch, allowing you to savor each second of this newfound intimacy.
When you finally break apart, breathing slightly heavier, Joel's eyes search yours, seeking reassurance and confirmation. "Was that okay?" he asks, his voice laced with vulnerability.
You smile warmly at him, a sparkle in your eyes. “More than okay,” you reply, your voice filled with sincerity. “It was everything I hoped it would be.”
A wave of relief washes over Joel as he pulls you into a gentle embrace, his arms enveloping you in a sense of security. Resting his chin on the top of your head, he whispers, “I'm glad, because I've been wanting to do that for a long time.”
And in that moment, as you stand in Joel's warm embrace, you realize that sometimes the sweetest moments in life come unexpectedly. As you snuggle into his embrace, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your cheek, you can't help but be grateful for the empty sugar canister and the twist of fate that brought you together. Love has a funny way of sneaking up on people, and you can’t wait to see where this new chapter with Joel and Sarah takes you. With muffins in the oven and love blossoming in your hearts, this late-night adventure is just the beginning of a sweet, heartfelt journey together.
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forever-rogue · 1 year
hi miss bee 🐝💛 would you pls bless us w more joel x wife!reader 👉👈
since it was joel being protective of reader maybe this time it can be the other way around where he comes home from a patrol and is slightly injured and she makes a huge fuss over him and then tries to o make him feel better through some sugar and spice 😋🫶
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AN | Well, well, well how the turntables have…anyway, I love this concept so much! 💕
Pairing | Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 2k
Masterlist | Joel, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You paced around the kitchen as you waited for him to walk through the door. You’d already been waiting…and waiting and waiting. You’d done so much that you’d made enough baked goods to feed a small army; it was something to keep your mind and hands occupied. 
“Holy shit,” Ellie’s big, brown eyes went comically wide as she stepped into the kitchen and looked at the mountain of cookies and muffins and breads. You turned to face her with a guilty little expression on your face, “that is a lot of food.”
“I…yeah,” you admitted sheepishly, “I was going to go and give some stuff to the neighbors…I needed a distraction.”
“Joel?” she asked hopefully, her eyebrows perking up as you leaned against the counter and shook your head.
“Nothing yet,” you sighed, trying to keep all the bad thoughts and worries at bay, “I’m sure he’ll be back any time. Soon.”
“Of course he will,” she promised, wanting to keep you from panicking while trying to convince herself of the same thing. The truth was that she too was worried about how long he’d been gone. He should have been back two days - he was almost never late, “Joel’s a stubborn old man. He’s coming home no matter what.”
“He is and he will,” you agreed, “I just…I want him home.”
“Me too,” she confessed quietly, “me too.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Long after Ellie had gone to bed, and you should have as well, you were still sitting on the couch. Waiting. After every couple of minutes, you’d look at the door as though you were somehow going to will him to come home. You’d read the same page of your book about ten times, but still weren’t fully sure what was happening. 
But then - as you were almost dozing off - you heard it. The unmistakable sound of the door being unlocked and then slowly opening. You tossed your book to the side and jumped, scampering to the door. When it fully opened you found yourself face to face with your husband. 
“Joel,” despite your best efforts, tears were rolling down your cheeks, ‘you’re home.”
“You’d never get rid of me that easily,” he smiled, a tired and crooked thing, “hi baby.”
“Oh my love,” you threw yourself into his arms and held onto him tightly, melting into his familiar body, and enveloping yourself in his scent, “I’m so glad you’re home. I’ve been…”
You trailed off as you pulled and looked him over. You could see the grimace on his face, despite his best efforts. It was then that you noticed the bruising and cuts on his cheek. He could sense you growing worried and shook his head, “baby-”
“What happened?” you stood in front of him and reached up to take his face in your hands, gently brushing your thumb over his cheek, “who did this? Where else are you hurt?”
“It’s fine,” he insisted, but he knew that you weren’t going to relax. That wasn’t your nature; you were caring and nurturing and always fiercely protective of those you loved, “I’m not that hurt.”
“I don’t believe you, Joel Miller,” you reached for his hand and gently pulled him over to the couch. You reached for the hem of his sweater and silently looked for permission to take it off. He gave you a small nod and you tenderly pulled off his sweater, and set it to the side. Your frown only grew when you noticed all the bruising on his left side, “what happened? I hugged - oh no. I squeezed you so hard. Did I make it worse?”
“I did this to myself,” he insisted as he reached for your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, “I tried and fell - landed too hard on my side. Just a clumsy old fool.”
You huffed lightly - you were still worried. Nothing that he could say would change that, “has one of the medics or anyone taken a look at you? Are you sure-”
“I’m sure,” he tugged you softly towards him onto the couch and you reluctantly sat down next to him, “nothing permanent and nothing terrible. Just a lot of bruising and soreness and some cuts. I’ll be alright, I promise.”
“You know that I’m still going to worry,” you huffed, making a small sound of surprise as he shuffled you so you were perched on his lap. You delicately ghosted your fingers along his ribs, sighing softly at the lavender haze on his skin, “you’ll tell me if it hurts?”
“Of course I will,” he set his hands on your hips and gave them a gentle squeeze, “baby, let me just enjoy being back with you. Let me enjoy you.”
And you almost gave into him - almost. You wrapped your fingers around his wrists and shook your head. Your husband groaned heavily as he tossed his head back dramatically, “nuh uh, Joel Miller. Not right now.”
He was a good man through and through, so while he was going to be dramatic, he was going to respect your wishes. He sighed softly as he took your hand in his and brought it to his lips, placing a delicate kiss to your knuckles, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you melted under his reverent gaze, “I’m glad you’re home, my love.”
“I will always come home to you,” he promised and you knew it was true. It still didn’t mean, however, that you weren’t going to take care of him. Oh no; as long as he was hurt, you were going to take care of him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Joel was fast asleep next to you, snoring softly and bundled up in blankets. You, meanwhile, weren't able to sleep and were sitting up and leaning against the headboard, an unopened book on your lap. You were too busy worrying about Joel, and if the extent of his injuries were more than he was letting on.
You'd made him take a long, hot bath before getting into bed, taking care of his cuts and scratches. There wasn't much you could do for the bruising besides be gentle with him. 
"Baby," he murmured softly, eyes still closed as he rolled onto his side, "sleep."
You couldn't help the small snort of amusement that escaped your lips. He knew you way too well. The book was tossed onto the bedside table as you turned the light off and snuggled up to him. He wasted no time in throwing an arm around your waist and pulling into his body. He could feel you tensing up with effort to keep from hurting him.
"Relax," he insisted through kisses pressed to your shoulder, "'m alright."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You slipped out of the house before either Joel or Ellie were awake. You pulled on some clothes and walked over to Tommy Miller's house, going over the conversation you planned on having over and over again in your head. You didn't want to be over the top or dramatic but you also felt instinctively drawn to protect your loved ones.
You knocked on his door and rocked back and forth on your heels, trying to remain calm. When Tommy opened the door a few moments later you reached for his hand and pulled him onto the porch light. 
"Hey - hi- what's up?" He looked confused for a moment before noticing the worried expression on your face.
"What happened to Joel?" And yeah, everything you'd practiced in your head faded into non-existence. You sounded as hysterical as you felt, "he c-came home and he was hurt."
"It's okay," he put a hand on your shoulder and gave you a gentle squeeze, "I had him checked out as soon as we got back."
"He's -"
"A stubborn old fool," Tommy insisted as you couldn't help but chuckle at him, "but he's okay. The steps to the cabin on our route were slippery and he fell. He wasn't paying enough attention and down he went. That's all."
"And you're not lying to me?" You visibly relaxed when he nodded. At least now you had the reassurance that nothing was seriously wrong, "good. I know I probably seem -"
"Protective," he finished for you as you smiled softly, "loving. That's all."
"Yeah," you agreed, "thank you, Tommy. Thank you for keeping him safe."
"He does just as much for me. Besides, we're all family," he gently nudged your side as you laughed softly, "but you're welcome."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
By the time you made it back home, you heard commotion in the kitchen and were met with the smell of coffee and delicious foods. Your heart kicked into overdrive as you almost ran into the kitchen, expecting to find the worse but instead -
“Hey baby,” Joel wore a lazy smile as he looked at you from over the cup of coffee he was drinking while Ellie was busy making pancakes. You relaxed sightly at the sight of your family, “what’s wrong?”
“I…” you ran a hand through your hair in exasperation before shaking your head fondly at them, “Joel, you should be resting!”
“Hey,” his voice turned soft as he put his coffee mug down and stepped over to you and touched your cheek gently. You pouted at him, and if you weren’t so upset he might have laughed and kissed it away, “it’s okay, I’m okay - I’m right here. Please don’t worry about me.”
“But you’re all…bruised up,” you looked at him with big doe eyes and he sighed wistfully, “I don’t want it to get worse.”
“I know,” he promised, “I know it’s all out of love. I’m sore, but that’s all. It already feels better just being back home with you.”
“I like to worry,” you admitted as your face grew warm and he brushed his knuckles along your jaw, “I can’t help it.”
“And that’s okay,” he insisted, “I love you, baby. You know you’re not getting rid of me that easily.”
“Or me!” Ellie chirped from the stove, a bemused little smile on her face.
“I love you yoo,” you went over to the young girl and gave her a tight hug which she pretended to abhor but you knew she loved it. You turned your attention back to Joel and gingerly hugged him too. Joel responded with a bone-crushing hug that had you breathless and giggling, “Joel!”
“It’s alright,” he leaned down and kissed you softly, stealing away all of your worries and fears, “promise.”
“Okay,” and finally, a real giggle bubbled up as you leaned up to kiss him in return, “I love you too, stubborn old man.”
“But I’m all yours, baby.”
“And I’m yours too.”
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missannwinchester · 9 months
Plaything, Joel x Reader SMUT
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Thank you for the moodboard, @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog 💕
adults only
SUMMARY: You're Joel's pretty doll.
part 2 here
WARNINGS: creepy behaviour, Joel dresses reader up like a doll, sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship mentioned, oral sex, sex, rough sex, hair pulling, pet names (baby, doll, darling, etc.), spanking, age gap (reader is in her late 20s) You sighed in your sleep when Joel opened up the blinds. The sun was shining straight at your face and you rolled over, facing away from the window, but Joel didn’t give up. You heard him walk around the bedroom and fiddle with his old, beloved record player. He always corrected you, “it’s a gramophone”, he would always say, but you didn’t really care.
Stars shining bright above you
You smiled when you heard the song, hiding your face in one of the pillows.
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
Joel walked up to the bed and sat on the edge. His calloused fingers stroked your hair, gently, almost hesitantly. You hummed to encourage him to keep going. It was way too early to get up, but you knew you didn’t have much of a choice.
The thing with Joel was that he liked his routine. He was strongly set in his ways and some people found it bizarre, but it never bothered you. Before every work day he needed to prepare his clothes for the following day. He always ironed what had to be ironed, and folded what had to be folded… or more like he folded even the things that you would never bother to fold. After that, he always poured two glasses of water and brought them on a tray to your nightstands. In the morning he liked his coffee strong and bitter, his toast crispy and with butter. For you, however, he was willing to scramble eggs or even make something as extravagant as chocolate chip pancakes. There were days though, when his routine looked different. Like today.
Birds singing in the sycamore tree
Still stroking your hair, he started humming the song, admiring your soft smile and barely noticeable, shallow wrinkles. He leaned down and kissed your cheek, making you finally open your eyes. “Come on, sweetheart,” he encouraged you and pulled down the comforter.
“I wanna sleep,” you argued. “Not now,” he said and grabbed your shoulders to pull you up to a sitting position.
He was very strong, never had problems with lifting you up. Sometimes it made you wonder how that was even possible because most men his age couldn’t stop complaining about back problems.
“Get up, I need to get you all ready,” he said, holding you by your chin and you reluctantly got up.
Was Joel a weirdo? Most definitely. You tried not to think about it because it creeped you out too much. At first you thought of it as a deal breaker, but you quickly realized that it was actually one of your favorite things.
“Get in the shower, I’ll be right there,” he instructed and you nodded before kissing him on the lips.
He smiled and watched you go. You left the bathroom door open and you knew he could see how you stripped from your pajama set and turned the water on. After a short while he joined you in the shower, and placing his big palms on your hips he turned you around to face him. You were both standing under a wide stream of water, watching each other’s bodies, tracing water droplets down your shoulders and chests. Joel’s cock was semi - hard, and your fingers traveled so far down his chest you could now brush your thumb along his length. Joel took your shampoo and poured a generous amount on his hand, getting ready to wash your hair. Your eyes closed as soon as his hands touched your head. His fingers rubbed the shampoo into your hair, applying just the right amount of pressure. He massaged every inch of your head and you’d lie if you said you didn’t enjoy it. When he was convinced that your scalp and hair had enough, he directed you gently under the stream of water again. He made sure to leave no foam, rinsing your hair thoroughly. Then, he put some conditioner on and you had to wait. It was a well practiced routine by now. You knew exactly he didn’t want you to be idle. He helped you kneel down on the slippery shower floor and he took his bar of soap and started cleaning himself.
Your greedy hand rushed to his balls, caressing them, feeling every inch. Your other hand grabbed his cock at the base. He sighed, loud enough for you to hear it over the running water, when you took his tip into your mouth. You sucked on it, still massaging his balls. He grew harder under your touch and you smiled, licking water off Joel’s shaft with your tongue. The bitterness you tasted came from the soap and you grimaced. You waited a short while for water to rinse the soap residue from his body, using your hand to pleasure him. Then, you licked the side of his length again before taking him into your mouth as deep as it would go. He let you control this experience so you picked your own pace, taking breaks to suck his balls too, pressing your nose into his pubic hair as you did. After a while his hips started rolling into your face uncontrollably and you knew it was a sign that he’s close. You focused all your attention on his balls for a little longer and then swirled your tongue around the tip to tease him just a little. Then finally your mouth slid down his length and the tip brushed your throat. You bobbed your head, picking up the pace until he grunted, grabbed your head pressing you into him and spilled his cum inside your mouth. Some of it ran down your chin, mixed with your saliva and water, but you managed to swallow most of it.
You stood up and Joel ran his thumb across your chin in an attempt to clean it. He turned water off and wrapped you in a towel before drying himself.
“Head,” he muttered and you bent over.
He wrapped another towel around your hair and let you straighten up.
“Upstairs now,” he ordered before kissing you softly on your lips.
Upstairs. The upstairs was a part of the house that the two of you would never ever want anyone to know about. You walked up the stairs slowly and as always you felt as if you were flying backwards through time. You knew you could open a museum here. You walked through the dark corridor towards one particular bedroom. You opened the door and walked up to the windows and started opening the old fashioned drapes, letting the sunlight into the room. Everything here wasn’t just old. It was historical. From the carpet to the chandelier. You unwrapped your hair, letting it fall down your shoulders and you took off the towel covering your body as well. You hid those under the bed just in time for Joel to walk into the room.
“So beautiful,” he admired you.
At the beginning of your unique relationship it bothered you that Joel wasn’t a talker. You couldn’t get out of him what he liked, not even his favorite color. Even though you were very uncomfortable the first time he took you upstairs for this, you really appreciated how he could open up here.
“Come here, my doll,” he requested and you took a few steps to get to him.
He was wearing the clothes he had prepared for himself last night - dress pants and a shirt. The sleeves hugged his bicep perfectly and stretched dangerously when he grabbed you and pulled you against him, kissing you passionately. He could still taste himself on your tongue.
“Come on, let’s get you all ready,” he whispered and walked up to a chest of drawers.
He pulled a pair of white underpants, the kind that women used to wear sometime in the past, and kneeled down to your feet. You grabbed onto his shoulder and lifted one of your legs, sliding your foot into the underpants. Then you did the same with your other leg.
“That’s right, sweetheart,” he praised you and ran his fingers up your legs before pulling the underpants on.
“Now something for the top,” he told you, stuffing you into something that resembled a corset, but wasn’t as restrictive as you imagined a corset to be.
“Beautiful. Who’s my most beautiful doll?” He asked and you knew he expected an answer.
“I am, Joel,” you said and reached out to caress his cheek.
“Yes, dear. Sit down, I don’t have much time,” he said lovingly and you let him lead you to the most extraordinary vanity in the whole world (at least according to you).
The carvings in the dark wood were very detailed, gold elements around the edges looked like the most thoughtful embroideries. You looked at yourself in the framed mirror of the vanity, completely unbothered by a crack in the top left corner. You remembered asking Joel why he never replaced it, but he told you that it just wouldn’t have been the same vanity.
“When do you have to be at work?” You asked.
“At 9,” he sighed. “I think it’s gonna be a really tough day today, you know?”
Joel reached for a vintage perfume bottle that you knew had been filled with your very modern detangling spray. He sprayed your wet hair with it and grabbed a hair brush. Gently, starting with your ends, he slowly brushed through your hair.
“Why, what’s going on?”
“The boss is coming over, you know how he is,” he explained.
He took a hairdryer from a drawer and plugged it in and you remembered the first time you saw it. You laughed hysterically at the absurdity of all of it and life flashed before your eyes because you were sure that your perverted sugar daddy would choke you to death with a medieval pillow and bury you in the backyard. Since that hadn’t happened, you convinced yourself to just go with it until you started enjoying it probably as much as he did.
Joel finished drying your hair leaving it damp and hid the dryer meticulously. He gently ran a brush through it again and then clipped a section at the top of your head. He took a basket with rag rolls he made himself and started carefully putting them on your hair.
“Your hair is so soft,” he commented and you caught his gaze in the mirror. “And so shiny,” he said and leaned down to smell it.
He slid his lips down a strand of your hair before putting it in a rag roller. It was things like that that used to make your skin curl, but you got used to them. Sure, if you thought about it it was still creepy, and even though your mind was telling you to run and never look back, your heart always gave you excuses to stay.
“It’s because of all those fancy conditioners that you use on it,” you say with a smile and the corners of his lips also lift up.
“Anything for you, my pretty doll,” he hummed in your ear, brushed his stubble against the soft skin on your neck and left a sloppy kiss on your pulse spot. 
You had been wet since the shower, but feeling his lips on your neck awoke the desire in you again. The desire you knew you had to repress for now. Joel’s thick fingers were surprisingly skilled and he quickly managed to curl the whole bottom section of your hair and unclipped the rest. He was humming Dream a little dream of me.
“I’m gonna be thinking about you all day, you know? I’m gonna be thinking of your hair and your lips and your thighs and your breasts, all of you, you know that, darling?” He told you when he was done.
“I’m gonna be thinking about you too,” you confessed and he kneeled next to you.
Joel put his hand on your lap and rested his forehead on your shoulder. You would have turned to face him, but the massive chair you were in didn’t allow it.
“I know, my doll, I know,” he said and brushed his fingers against your clothed clit.
“Please, Joel, I need you to touch me,” you told him huskily, but he shook his head.
“Not now, now get up,” he instructed and you bucked your hips to chase his hand. “Up!”
You reluctantly obeyed and walked up to the bed. You crawled on top of the embroidered blanket and sat, looking at him with a pout.
“Now, be a good doll and wait for me,” he said and kissed your forehead, stroking your cheek. “I’ll come play with you at 5.”
You nodded and watched him leave the room. You heard his heavy steps  on the creaking stairs and you lied down, waiting for him to leave the house.
Your days always looked the same. You ate breakfast, cleaned up a little, watched tv, and listened to music. When you didn’t have anything in your hair you could go to a mall or on a walk, but today you just read a book in the garden. You kept checking the time so that you didn’t disappoint Joel. You wondered what he might do if he didn’t find his doll where he left her, but you decided not to check. Not today, probably not ever. He was a peculiar man and you thought he was fairly docile, but you knew his rough side and you certainly knew how strong he was. So, you made a compromise with your brain to at least be obedient if you chose not to run away.
You heard the creaking steps before Joel opened the door to the bedroom. He looked tired and you knew that his day was just as bad as he had predicted.
“Good afternoon, darling,” he muttered tiredly and crawled onto the bed to kiss you.
“You’re such a good baby, waiting here for me,” he whispered in your ear and grabbed your hands, pulling you off the bed.
You let him lead you towards a big closet, the one you were told not to open under any circumstances because the heavy door had a tendency to fall out of hinges. Joel opened the door carefully and you took a few hesitant steps. You reached out to touch a collection of old dresses, well to be fair some of them only looked old, but were made for you by Joel who had a few hidden, pretty unusual talents.
Joel chose a dress of his liking and started dressing you up. Corset, ribbons, lace inserts, tiny buttons. He looked like he was in a trance and you didn’t dare to interrupt him, just wanting him to relax. Next, he sat you on a stool to put on your stockings. He gently caressed your legs while putting them on, and kissed both of your knees. Your least favorite part was the uncomfortable shoes, but it wasn’t like you had to do a lot of walking anyway.
“My prettiest doll,” Joel said and looked at you with a shy smile. “Go sit in front of the mirror, darling, look how pretty you are.”
You did your best not to wince with every step, but soon you made it to the vanity and sat on the massive chair in front of it. You knew that now, Joel would take your rag rollers off and he did. One by one, they were gone, being put into a basket you held for him. He pinned half of your hair up, leaving the rest of the curls intact and took a dark green ribbon to tie it on top of your half updo. When he was satisfied with the look, he grabbed the massive chair by its armrests and turned it towards him. He kneeled in front of you and wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his nose in the crook of your breasts. His hot breath tingled you and sent a wave of arousal down your body. The corset had your breasts pushed upwards and Joel rested his face on them as if they were pillows. He moved his head to the sides, scratching your delicate skin with his graying scruff, making it red. He pressed his clothed crotch into your calf with a grunt and looked up.
“Almost ready,” he panted.
You wondered if he didn’t take more pleasure from this than from sex and you thought about asking him, but you weren’t sure you wanted to know the answer.
Joel searched for something in a leather bag and a while later he pulled out a lipstick. He put it on your lips with precision, then he colored your eyelids and he glued on fake eyelashes.
“Perfect,” he gasped, still on his knees in front of you.
“Am I your prettiest doll now?” You asked, stroking his cheek.
“You are,” he nodded eagerly. “You are my prettiest doll, darling, you always are.”
Even though Joel was a fan of routine, he still managed to surprise you. This time you didn’t expect him to grab your head and kiss you as passionately as he did, smearing your red lipstick all over you. One of his hands made its way up your leg, under the long dress, the other was behind your head, fisting your curls, pushing your face into his with unprecedented strength. He pressed his thumb against your clit over the underpants and your hips rolled in search for some friction. Joel reluctantly pulled his tongue out of your mouth and started rubbing your lipstick down your neck. Still assaulting your neck, he nestled himself between your legs and wrapped them around his waist.
“Hold on tight,” he instructed and you clung to him.
Joel lifted himself up from his knees and carried you to the bed. He laid you down only partially so that your butt was still in the air and kneeled down again to pull the underpants down. Then, he lifted both of your legs to rest them on his shoulders and hiked the dress up, covering you with it. Your arms freed you from under the dress, but it was so big that you could only see your feet swaying in the air as Joel ate you out like a man starved.
He made a dozen new hickeys on the inside of your thighs and nuzzled your wet heat with his nose, inhaling your arousal. His tongue slid between your folds and he lapped at your wet pussy humming contently from time to time. You were horny all day long and waiting finally paid off. You squirmed on the bed, desperately trying to stop yourself from pressing his head into your crotch. Joel’s mouth was now on your clit as one of his thick fingers slid inside you. Your pussy was making obscene sounds as he finger fucked you, the vibrations from his muffed moans were sending waves of pleasure through your whole body. You started whimpering, tossing your head left and right, fisting the sheets beneath you and then, finally, you let out a husky moan and your legs trembled around Joel’s head as you came hard on his tongue. Joel brought his wet fingers to your lips and you sucked on the greedily, tasting your own juices.
“Perfect little doll,” he commented.
He let you sit on the edge of the bed and he stood up, your face level with his crotch. He pressed your face into it, and your cheek pressed into his considerable hardness. Your tongue nudged at the side of his still clothed cock and he guided your hands to his belt. You quickly took off his pants and he slid his boxers down his legs, freeing himself finally. He grabbed you by your hair, pulling lightly, then forcing you down on his length. Tears streamed down your face and saliva dripped down your chin as he face fucked you for about a minute. Then, he pulled out of your mouth and wiped the tears off your cheeks. You unbuttoned his shirt and he tossed it behind him before climbing on the bed. You followed, moving to the center of the mattress. He never fully undressed you. This time the only thing he took off were the underpants.
“Turn around, all fours,” he instructed and you obeyed, struggling to move in the layered dress.
When you finally managed to assume your position, he pushed your head into a white pillow and hiked the dress up. He pulled your hands behind your back for leverage. One of his strong hands was holding your hands behind your back by the thick material of the sleeves and the other was slapping your butt, with each slap your buttcheeks jiggled harder. You whimpered into the pillow, the white embroidery was scratching your cheek. When Joel was satisfied with your rosy butt cheeks he entered your wet pussy, bottoming out with a grunt. You moaned as his big cock split you in half, but he probably couldn’t hear you. Now, both of his hands were squeezing your wrists, using your own body as something to hold on to as he fucked you relentlessly. You could feel his tip so deep inside you you thought you might come any second. He didn’t show his rough side very often, actually probably just in the bedroom. You knew it was pointless to try and match his rhythm so you didn’t move, letting him rut into you, moving your body further up the bed with each powerful thrust.
“Fuck so tight!” He panted. “Fuck, you’re taking me so well, pretty doll,” he praised you.
This position was your favorite, it really allowed deep penetration, nudging spots inside you you never even knew about.
“I’m gonna fuck you so good, baby, so fucking deep, fuck! Yeah!” He gritted through his teeth.
Next, he let go of your hands and they fell, limp on your sides. He dug his fingers into your waist and literally fucked you on his dick, moving you effortlessly as you lied, being a whimpering mess, unable to move as another orgasm shook your whole body. Joel felt your walls fluttered around him and it only made him more feral. You could feel that his movements were becoming more erratic, less rhythmic and you knew he was close. His stamina was incredibly impressive, but it didn’t surprise you anymore. Finally, he bent over, pressing your body into the bed, you now laid flat on top of it, under his pressing weight. You couldn’t feel him as deep inside you anymore, but his strong movements rubbed your clit against the tactile bedding. His nose was buried in your hair, he was grunting right into your ear, a little too loud, but there wasn’t much you could do about it. The next thrust pressed you under the bed for a longer while and you knew Joel was cumming deep inside you. You didn’t know if it was the thought of his cum inside you or the harsh bedding under your clit, but you came again, just as strongly as before.
Joel was panting on top of you now, but a moment later he rolled off you, his softening dick sliding out of you and you whimpered quietly. You lied like that, with Joel by your side, his heavy arm draped over your worn out body. He kissed the back of your neck and sighed. When your heart finally calmed down a little, you rolled over on your back. You brought your hand to your face to discover that one of your eyelashes fell off and the bow that was once in your hair was now just a dangling ribbon, sticking to your sweaty forehead like the majority of formerly perfect curls. Joel’s face was covered in your lipstick and you could only imagine what your face looked like. Even your corset came loose and somehow got a bit twisted to the side. Both of your stockings were pooled around your ankles and one of your shoes fell off and was nowhere in sight.
Joel moved closer to you and his hand moved all the sweaty hair off your face before leaving an open mouthed kiss in the corner of your lips. You lazily caught his lips and slid your tongue along his bottom lip.
“Look at you, little doll…” he muttered, still panting heavily.
He picked up the lash from the bed and shook his head with disapproval.
“Did I play too hard with you, little one?” He wondered.
He sat up and looked at you with a sigh. He reached out to pull your stockings up.
“All broken now…” he muttered, looking for your shoe.
You supported yourself on your elbows and looked at him, his hands running through his disheveled hair.
“Let’s get you fixed up, pretty doll.”
Thank you for reading ~missannwinchester
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burntheedges · 2 months
March Fic Madness - Fic Recs 💕 pt 1
I'm following @the-blind-assassin-12 Alyssa's lead and doing March Fic Madness! Here's Alyssa's masterlist. The goal is 63 reblogs/reads in 31 days and I think I've lost track of where I'm at (I have a lot of tabs open), so I wanted to share and rec everything I've read so far in one place.
I decided to sort it by P boy but I'm counting chapters/posts as separate reads. I'm also not counting fic I've read in other fandoms this month.
I recommend every fic in this post but please heed the tags/warnings!
Current total count: 83 reads Date updated: 3/30
recs continue in part 2
Joel Miller
Centrifugation (ch 1-6) by @theclairvoyage, x f!reader As long as you want by @auteurdelabre, x f!reader Sequins by @trulybetty, x f!reader (reread) DECLINED (pts 1, 2, 3, 4) by @alltheirdamn, x f!reader TikTok Trend by @justagalwhowrites, x f!reader Stranger in a Bar (pt 1) by @justagalwhowrites, x f!reader Mr. Right Next Door by @jobean12-blog, x reader Buttons and Voicemail by @fuckyeahdindjarin, x f!reader Date Night by @ghotifishreads, x reader Snowbound by @joeloverture, x f!reader Wet Nights by @shellshocklove, x f!reader Take Care of You (ch 10) by @theidiotwhowritesthings, x f!reader Amateur by @ezrasbirdie, x f!reader Gimme what I want (series) by @atticrissfinch, x f!reader (reread) new perspective by @thetriumphantpanda, x f!reader The girl in IT (ch 8, 9) by @chiriwritesstuff, x f!reader Third Date by miera (ao3), x f!reader Sugar, Spice & Please Fuck Me Nice (ch 1-3) by @syd-djarin, @katiexpunk, x f!reader Seasons of You (yr 1, spring) by @kedsandtubesocks, x f!reader Asking for Trouble by @jobean12-blog, x f!reader
Javier Peña
Scathed (ch 7, 8) by @dancingtotuyo, x OFC Call me Javi by @wildemaven, x reader Reconnaissance by @ghostofaboy, x OMCs Sweet Summer by @bluestar22x, x f!reader
Frankie Morales
sweet treat by @mrsmando, x f!plus-size!reader Do Me Yourself (ch 4, 5, 6, 7) by @undercoverpena, x f!reader Adrift With You (ch 9, 10, 11) by @morallyinept, x OFC Bonfire Night drabble by @softanon, x reader the book of love by @undercoverpena, x f!reader (reread) The Sweepstakes: Frankie Epilogue by @katareyoudrilling, x f!reader Nice and Easy by miera (ao3), x f!reader You're My World by girlwithaplan (ao3), x f!reader Right on Cue by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin, x f!reader what comes after by @mrsmando, x f!reader
Marcus Pike
Confetti by @secretelephanttattoo, x f!reader Hummingbird Has Landed by @wardenparker, @absurdthirst, x f!reader
Dave York
The Sweepstakes: Dave York & Epilogue by @katareyoudrilling, x f!reader (reread) Love at First... Sight by @goodwithcheese, x f!reader I can see the end as it begins (pt 2) by @janaispunk, @joelscurls, x f!reader no one has to know what we do (pt 2) by @janaispunk, @joelscurls Out of Sight by @goodwithcheese, x f!reader
Dieter Bravo
stay gold, baby boy by @chronically-ghosted, x f!reader (reread) Go Play Your Video Games by @kedsandtubesocks, x f!reader dieter x poppy one shot by @wildemaven, x OFC Cruel Summer by @fhatbhabie, x plus-size!reader
Din Djarin
Dark by @frannyzooey, x f!reader Be-All and Endor by @djarins-cyare, x f!reader (reread) Enchanted to Meet You by @beskarandblasters, x f!reader
Marcus Moreno
Second Chances series by @bluestar22x, x OFC
Jack Daniels
Vulture Culture (ch 1) by @beelzebeth87, x OFC
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chaotic-mystery · 1 year
heyy darling how are u? 💕 idk if you accept requests but i have dbf joel on my mind x f reader where she has an argue with her dad so she goes straight to joel’s house crying in his arms and he’s like so soft and supportive with her tryna comfort her with kissess and praises and it ends with a passionate smut with praise kink ofc and a lot of cuddles i’d melt so bad🥹🥹🥹 if u don’t take reauests just ignore this :) ps: sorry english’s not my first language lmao
(A/N: oh babe you're kicking my daddy issues into overdrive with this one LMAO. This one is kind of long since I wanted to make the argument kind of something they wanted to talk about before I just jumped into the smut, so bare with me.)
Word Count: 1189 (oops)
CW: SMUT (the passionate kind hehe) 18+, angst (if you look through half closed eyes, praise!, nicknames, age gap, established relationship.
Your knuckles tapped against Joels front door, the tears still pouring from your puffy eyes. The door swung open, Joel leaning against it as his brows are furrowed, ready to ask what happened. You walk inside his house and stand on the little mat he had by the entryway. "Can you just hug me for a second? I'm sorry, I didn't want to see anyone but y-"
He embraced you swiftly, suppressing your need to explain yourself. "Hey, it's okay sweet girl, you don't have to explain anything to me. I'm glad you stopped by." His hand smoothing over the back of your head, swaying your close knit bodies slowly.
"What happened, baby doll?" He asked as he handed you a glass of water, your bodies making their way to the couch. He sat down next to you, his body facing yours as he gently took your hand, rubbing his thumb over your soft skin.
"I dunno, one thing led to another and we were arguing and he started screaming at me, saying I was a bitch, and that I should just go for awhile. I just wanted to see you, nobody else. I know he's like your best friend or whatever and I don’t expect you to say anything bad about him I just…” you paused for a second to look at him, tears pricking your eyes again. “I just wanted to see you Joel, I needed you.” You finished as you buried your head in his chest, his arms folding around your neck to pull you closer.
"Sweetheart, he may be one of my best friends but he has no right calling you a bitch over something so small. That's something he's gonna have to work towards fixing with you and if you choose not to forgive him over that, I don't blame you. You didn't deserve that sweet girl, and I'm sorry you had to hear that comin' from him. You're safe with me if you want to stay here tonight, sugar." His thumb brushed against your cheek as he rested his chin on top of your head.
A sigh of relief escaped your lips, nodding in agreement to Joels offer. He shifted his shoulder under you, and grabbed your still damp cheeks, looking into your glossy eyes. "Seriously though, baby, you are always safe with me if you ever need to stay here. I'm always gonna be here for ya. Don't matter if he's my friend or not, you matter more to me. I care too much about you to let that shit slide, personally I wanna go over there and kick his fuckin' ass for talkin' to you like that."
You giggled softly just imagining kicking your dads ass for making you cry. Hearing that you mattered to him more than your dad did something to you, to your heart. It felt like there was no longer a reason to cry, no reason to feel empty. Joel wasn't very vocal about his feelings for you, but he didn't hesitate to tell you any of that. You moved in towards Joel, closing the space between the pair of you. He laid you on your back against the cushion and kissed you deeper as he placed his hand on your hip.
"Let me take your mind off things, baby, alright?" he muttered against your lips before pulling away to kiss your neck. Your brain was a little foggy already, but you knew you needed him, you wanted him. He made you feel so safe, so good inside, fuck was he was good at doing that.
His mouth worked down your soft skin, trailing kisses all over your chest, the peaks of your breasts and the valley between them. His hands snaked up your shirt and tugged it off you, exposing your torso which was soon being covered in kisses. The button on your pants was undone and soon after were your pants tossed to the floor along with Joels white tank top and his jeans. Your hands raked through his hair as he nipped at the band of your panties, teasing you while he dragged a finger across your clothed cunt.
"You're such a beautiful girl, sweetheart. So pretty when you whimper and moan my name like that when you're impatient" His brown eyes were locked onto yours as he slowly pulled your panties down , letting them fall to the floor. You grabbed his face and kissed him again, he planted himself between your legs as he ran the tip of his hard cock through your slick, covering the head with it before he went inside you. Your eyes squeezed shut as you moaned, Joel instantly peppering your neck with kisses again.
"S'okay baby, I gotcha. Just like that baby, you take my cock so well, such a good girl for me." He started thrusting into you, your legs wrapped around his waist. Your nails dragged down his back as he took his time with you, taking in every second he was buried inside you. "Fuck I love your tits, darlin. Such pretty nipples that deserve to be paid some attention to, you think?" He teased as you bit your lip and only managed to moan 'mhm' as he slowly licked one nipple, toying with the other. Joels mouth latched onto it, sucking and flicking his tongue around the hard bud as he thrusted deeper from you.
Your moans got louder as he saturated your body with pleasure, his groans vibrating against your sensitive nipple. He released it slowly, meeting your eye level with a small grin. He took in every detail of your satisfied face, the way your brows scrunched together when he was making you feel drunk on lust, the way you bit your bottom lip before groaning for him to go faster. Joel caressed your face, leaning his forehead onto yours, "Open those eyes for me sweet girl, I wanna see your beautiful eyes when you cum all over my cock, let me see."
You fluttered your eyes open and his hand reached down to relieve your needy clit. You lips opened as a hoarse groan slipped out, Joel matching your groan through gritted teeth.
"Fuck, baby I'm so close, cum with me sweet girl, cmon. You can do it, cmon baby. Cum with me" He pants as you can feel his cock twitch, knowing it's only a matter of seconds before he cums. The circles he's making on your clit get faster and harder, sending you over the edge as you squeal his name, your body shaking underneath his. Seeing you shake under him sealed the deal for him, and he came inside you, thrusting his load deeper inside you as it mixed with your juices.
He collapsed on your chest, your fingers playing with the damp curls that hung slightly over the nape of his neck, just holding him there as you both came off your high of pleasure. He softly kissed your jaw and made his way to your lips, pecking you a few times as you giggled at the mess of clothes and shoes around you. "Feel better, sugar?"
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unrefinedmusings · 1 year
Tumblr media
pairing: joel miller x f!reader warning: 18+, MDNI, smut
a/n: my life got flipped turned upside down this past month, so sorry about no new stories. but there's a pt 2 to sweet, sweet sugar in the works still, and i promise i'll get to my requests. in the meantime, i felt compelled to write this. *sigh* that old man never leaves my mind
- - - - -
joel miller joel miller joel miller
and how much he would ache after settling in jackson. now that he doesn't have to constantly be on the lookout for danger, all that focus shifts to you. everything you do gets him worked up: bending over to get something out of the oven, your hand wrapped around the neck of a beer bottle, a whiff of your hair as you pass him in the hallway.
you're out together at the tipsy bison. you meet his gaze across the room. you flush. it's clear what he's thinking about. his stare is like a beam of sunshine, warming you to your bones as it sweeps over your body. you know he gets worked up like that, just from watching your every move. the sway of your hips, the blush in your cheeks, the teeth that bite into your lips when you catch him staring.
you're saying goodbye and out the backdoor before you know it. he's not far behind. joel's hasty exit makes tommy smirk. he was used to it by now. the way you two always seemed to leave early, no matter the function. other folks in town assumed you liked to turn in early. they weren't completely wrong, but going to bed doesn't have to mean going to sleep.
(when ellie was around, "going to bed" sometimes meant being railed against the side of the house, joel's hand over your mouth muffling screams loud enough to wake up every man, woman, and Infected in the state.)
but tonight a screening of the lion king is scheduled, so all jackson residents under the age of 17 are currently munching on jiffy pop in the rec center. being able to tumble into the house with joel, lips and hands clinging to one another, is almost worth hearing ellie's inevitable rendition of hakuna matata later tonight.
joel is standing in the living room, hands on your hips and lips on your neck. he eyes the stairs and decides they're too far. why not take advantage of an empty house? he's bending you over the side of the couch with one hand and undoing his belt with the other. your jeans come off and he's home. the sweet warmth of yours he's grown familiar with welcomes him back, easing the ache in his bones and the weight of his heart.
you're helpless and give in to the current of joel's deep, powerful thrusts. your back arches and his hands cup your breasts, nipples growing hard under his rough touch. the edge is so close when he rasps in your ear.
"want ya' all the time darlin'. finally found us some peace, and all I wanna do with it is ruin my sweet girl everyday."
nothing sounds better, so you cum. one of many times that night. - - -
a couple of hours later, ellie is home and the three of you are seated at the dining table while she recounts the film. she's at the part when nala reunites with simba when joel's hand starts tracing patterns on your bare knee. your eyes focus on the bowl of dry cheerios serving as your late night snack. you don't need to look at him to know.
he's not finished with you.
- - - - -
💕💕💕 Thank you for reading 💕💕💕
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ghostfanwriter · 1 year
🔥✨ Safe with him ✨🔥
Part two to Safe✨🔥
🔥 Pairing: Raider!Joel Miller x afab!Non-innocent Reader.
✨Synopsys: Joel is trying his best to stay away, but you're also doing your best to break him. When one of his men try to hurt you, you understand why his people respect fear him so much. And just how safe you are with him.
🔥 Features: 🔞 content — Attempt of sexual assault (not graphic), violence, murder, teasing, oral sex (m and f receiving), unprotected p in v sex, riding Joel's face, choking, praise with degradation (my favorite 🌟), creampie (he does it twice), a bit of cockwarming at the end.
✨ Word Count: Over 6k.
🔥 About this: First part of this felt so organic, so natural, it was hard to write something that felt like stood up to it. This part is more packed with smut, with some story in-between. Also, make sure to always read the alt text of the gifs I use, in this one I explained the face I imagine him doing sometimes.
✨ Author's note: It took me forever, but it's finally here. Hope you like it as much as you did the first one. The reception to it was insane, and I can't thank you enough for all the love 💕. Once again likes, reblogs and comments are very, highly appreciated 💖
Good reading ✨🔥
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"Joel, Joel... Joel."
Some days it was the only word you'd say out loud besides 'Yeah, I'm alright. Don't need anything.'
You called, but he seemed to never listen. To never feel you call, to never come back.
You just hoped he would if you actually needed him.
You thought Stockholm syndrome needed some time to settle in.
But apparently not. From day one, you're into this.
You're into him.
You honestly don't even think about the people back home. How scared and worried they must be for all of you, looking for you and hoping to find you all well one day.
You sometimes think about your people who are here, but The Man always reassures you.
"Told you, doll. They're working. Helping us build, cook, hunt. They're all alive and safe."
Was it true?
Maybe, maybe not.
But you were blocking all of those places in your mind. It was easier if you didn't think.
If you focused on making The Man happy.
If he were happy with you he wouldn't hurt your people, because you cared for them.
You could only hope. Only trust him somehow.
So you do what you can.
You keep him happy.
You clean, you cook, you wash his clothes. You brush your hair, put on pretty clothes he got you and use some perfume he told his men to find for you on a run for supplies.
You make sure to let him watch you. To finish cooking when you know he's coming home, always when the sun is setting, because you know he likes to see it. Clean — specially low places — when he's around, so you can bend over and give him a glimpse of you underwear.
Those were his favorites: domesticality and profanity.
Playing house with you while enjoying the view, while fantasizing about you.
The problem was...
He never let you touch him again after that night.
He'd look, his eyes always on you, but he wouldn't come close, he wouldn't give in again.
But each night you needed him more, you craved him.
So you used your weapons.
Today he only left once, first thing in the morning for a couple of minutes, before coming back home and staying for the day. He had lunch with you, talking and laughing as you did, played his guitar on his porch, and watched you while you cleaned his wardrobe.
His favorite hobby.
"I thought you never wore anything under your dresses, baby." He said from his bed as you bent down to clean, giving him a full view of your covered ass.
"You never check." You responded, an edge of disappoinment on your voice.
"Thought I could trust you, sugar. But apparently not, will have to see for myself everyday now." He said, and you stopped cleaning, and, keeping your knees straight, slowly removed your panties, throwing it at him.
He took it with a grunt and slowly started stroking himself, just from looking at you. When he was getting close, he called you.
"Fuck, baby, come here. Don't wanna make a mess for you to clean." He panted, beckoning for you to come over.
You walked to him, seeing that your panties were in his hand, around his cock, wet, covered in his precum.
You kneel in front of him and he grabs the back of your neck, pulling your mouth down on him.
"Just the tip, baby. Just enough for you to take it." You happily do as you're told, sucking his tip for a couple of minutes, while he pumped himself deep and slow, his other hand holding your hair up so he could watch your face, your eyes never leaving his.
His hand was there also to prevent you from taking him in deeper. Which you try to do.
"I said just the tip, baby. Be good for me, don't get greedy on me now."
So you behave. Just the tip, just enough to not let it fall on the floor.
He cums with a grunt, filling your mouth twice before being done, softly pushing you away from him.
"So pretty." He praises as you lick your lips.
Panting, he looks at you and hands you your panties. "I think you should keep it, you'll make better use of it." You say with a smirk as you get up.
"There you're right, angel. This only knows how to stay on my way. But put it back on, there's men around the house today, don't want them seeing what's not theirs."
You lift your right foot, mentioning for him to put it on you. He smiles and passes it through both your legs, caressing and squeezing your thighs as he went up.
His face, close to your pussy, watching it as his thumbs lightly part the front of your folds. He grunts and shakes his head once with a sigh and a smile, pulling your panties all the way up and kissing your clothed mount before adjusting your dress and lightly slapping your ass. "C'mon, finish what you were doing."
You do so, finishing his wardrobe and turning back at him, finding him sitting on the edge of his bed, looking out the window.
"Can you tell me your name?" You ask and he looks at you, without turning his head, just his eyes. "Why do you need to know?"
"I'd be good to put a name to my moans, so you know it's you I'm thinking about." You say with a sweet smile, and now he turns to look at you, shaking his head, smiling and grunting the same way he did while looking at your pussy. "You're the price I pay, angel. Now I get it. You're making me pay for all the things I've done in this life, making my life so fucking hard."
"You know, you could just do it. I don't understand why you think it'd be so bad." He scoffs. "I told you. Don't want your daddy, or your mommy, or your boyfriend to come over later and try to bother my people. We have women... pregnant women. And children. Don't need that right now."
The fact that he is being so true to his word, that he's really not doing anything to not harm his people, so you could go back home one day, just makes you want him even more.
How he never tried anything, how even when he was getting hard from watching you cook, you wouldn't feel bad like you felt when his men look through the window.
You liked how he looked at you. It felt different.
It all makes you wanna keep pushing him.
"You kidnapped me. Us. You think my people aren't looking for us already?" You ask.
"But I'm letting you go. Told you, if I have you, I won't want anyone else to. Will keep you here, with me. Mine." He said, a hint of pain in his voice, and you notice a volume returning to his pants, your own core burning with his words.
"Well, if it makes you feel better, I don't have a mommy, or a boyfriend... Or a daddy to come after your people." You say, touching his shoulder and internally moaning — at least this one you managed to hold back — at how he stiffens under your touch.
"I just want to make you feel good." You say, that low and aroused voice back on your lips. "Want you to make me feel good too." You whisper, now running your fingers through his hair, and he closes his eyes, indulging in the gesture.
You caress his hair for a few seconds, and he hums, moving his head onto your hand for you to reach new places.
"Joel." He says with his eyes still closed. "The name you should call is Joel." You run your fingers over his hair one more time, pulling it away from his face and kissing his lips softly, holding his head from both sides.
He doesn't pull away, allowing you to touch his lips for the first time.
"The man I'll call is Joel. And I hope you listen. Hope you come when I call you. When I need you." You whisper over his lips, his eyes opening to look at you.
You let him go and walk away, his eyes following you.
Joel was not soft.
That he wasn't.
But a pretty girl is any man's perdition.
And when your voice calling him sounded so sweet, so nice, so needy, he couldn't not come to you.
"Sounds like a fucking angel, baby." He said, standing by the door, that you convenently left open for him. You whimper when you see him, your eyes dropping to his pants.
"Don't get any ideas, though. I'm just here to watch. C'mon, take this off you." He said, walking towards you and removing the blanket you covered yourself with — knowing he'd come and remove it. Your knees are bent, so you palm yourself, closing your legs and looking into his eyes.
He sits by your feet. "Open them, baby. We both know you're not shy." But you don't, just looking into his eyes, smiling and biting your lower lip, and he laughs.
You want him to touch you.
"I see. Won't work, though." He spreads your legs, then pulls your hand away. You lift your hips, trying to brush on his hand, and he grunts, seeing you all wet and swollen, pushing your hips back down.
Knowing it's all for him, right in front of him, makes him almost fall mouth first on you, makes him want to taste you and make you cum for him.
But he knows he can't.
"It's because of you." You moan, and he shoots you a stern and scary look, his eyebrows low and his eyes dark. "For you." He swallows, sitting further from you onto your bed and opening his belt.
You mention to go to him, but he shoots you that look again.
The look that simultaneity makes you want to behave and misbehave. To be good for him so he'll praise you, and to be bad to see what he's gonna do about it.
But you know that, slowly, you're gaining him. So you sit back down and spread your legs.
"Good girl."
He pulls himself out of his boxers, already hard and wet. You lick your lips and return your circles around your clit, inserting one, then two fingers inside yourself.
He grunts and groans softly as his own movements become more desperate. His eyes never leaving your pussy.
You're dripping onto the sheets. There's a puddle forming underneath you, and he can't take his mind out of how good you must feel. How nice and tight, warm and wet you have to be.
He moans once and you retribute the sound. You fasten your circles, being as deep on him as he is on you. Thinking about how nice and painful it'd be to take him in, how thick and big he is. How much you crave to feel him twitch and pulse inside you. How rough he'd be with you, how he'd care for you after it.
That's the thing with him. You know how rough he can be, but you've also seen his softer side. You want him to heartlessly pound you, be mean to you, make you cum until you're dumb, whisper things in your ears, call you names.
And then call you his angel, tell you how good you were for him while he caress your hair until you fall asleep on his chest.
The thought makes you cum, a loud and shameless "Joel" leaving your lips, then being the only word you can put out. Calling and crying out for him, needing him.
He touches your thigh, making you look at him. Your eyes hazed, showing him how far you were, how high he took you before even touching you.
"I'm here, baby. Come here to me." He coos, and you craw until him, lowering yourself in front of his dick, his hand coming for your hair, helping it up.
He doesn't say anything about how deep you can go, so you start sucking just his tip, careful and tight, feeling his precum drip and leak into your mouth. He thrusts into your mouth and you take him in further with a moan, going as deep as you can, opening your throat to make room for him.
He grunts and you can already feel him pulsing on your tongue. "So fucking good, baby. Gonna cum in this mouth."
You moan as you taste him flood your mouth, drinking it like you haven't seen water in weeks.
You keep sucking him after he's finished, and he lets you, caressing your hair and moaning as you do so.
"You know this could end up really bad for your people, don't you, baby?" He asks, stroking your hair as you run your tongue up his length.
"I know, Joel. But I think I want to see it. Watch you keep me with you." You say right before licking around his tip like a lollipop and taking him in your mouth again. He furrows his brows, piercing his lips together.
"You have no idea what you're saying, sugar. Not something you'd like to see." He says, pulling himself out of your mouth and fixing his pants before getting up.
He gives you a light and sweet peck on the lips, grabs a towel on your bathroom and comes back to you. He opens your legs, cleaning you. "I would love to see it, Joel. Not to my people. But I'd love to see what you'd do."
You say as he kisses your forehead and walks outside your room, never turning around to look at you.
Joel was not soft.
That he wasn't.
So when he spent his days thinking about you — not only wanting to come home to see you, but actually started to think about you, to wanna come home to see you — he knew he had to go away.
Your people were of great help for his people, so it still wasn't the time to let you go, but he needed distance.
So he called some of his men on a few days long run for supplies and food.
He left men watching his house. "I want one of you by this fucking door every second I'm not here. She tells me anything happened to her, anyone, any of you, fucking looked through the window and I'm killing every single one of you." You heard him tell the men.
Then he came to you, holding you on a loose embrace, removing the hair from your face. "You need anything and they get it for you, okay? Anything. Just ask. Keep the curtains closed and don't give them any smiles or looks. These men are animals, they don't know how to behave close to a pretty girl like you."
And with that he left.
For days.
Days where you called him, desperately, breathy, over and over again. Your bedroom walls tired of the name, tired of your whimpers, your moans, your cries.
"Joel, Joel... Joel."
Some days it was the only word you'd say out loud besides 'Yeah, I'm alright. Don't need anything.'
You called, but he seemed to never listen. To never feel you call, to never come back.
You just hoped he would if you actually needed him.
His name, always so passionate and sweet on your lips, was now a desperate cry for help. A prayer, a beg.
His men never dared to try anything with you. They'd knock on the door and you'd answer without opening it, saying you were alright and didn't need anything. But not today. Not this one.
You screamed his name as one of his men, the biggest one that he left to keep watch on you, pinned you down on your dinner table, your hands behind your back and your face painfully pressing on the wood.
"Keep screaming, bitch. He won't fucking hear you. And no one's gonna come to help you. No one's gonna fucking dare walking inside his house." He says with a laugh. "The more you scream the longer this will last."
You keep screaming, calling for help and calling for him.
Then the man let's you go, a heavy thud following.
You turn around, finding Joel. His eyebrows low and nostrils wide, his lips pierced and his hair disheveled. He's holding a thick piece of wood.
He looks at you and his eyes soften instantly, coming towards you to cup your face. "Did he hurt you?" He asked, his eyes attentively watching your face for any bruises or scratches.
"No, no he didn't. He just walked in, I... I asked him for some things and when I opened the door he— I should've waited for him to walk away before opening the door, I'm so sorry, Joel. I'm so sorry, you told me to not do it." You cried, burying your face on his chest and blaming yourself for giving the man the opportunity to invade his house.
"Don't, hey. Don't fucking say that. You could've smiled at this piece of shit, talked to him. He shouldn't have tried anything. Shouldn't fucking hurt you like this. It's not how I fucking work around here." He says, his voice and expression darkening at the end, when he hears the man grunt under him.
He carefully lets go of you, turning to the man and grabbing him by the colar of his shirt.
None of the tenderness with which he held you left on him.
"Stay away from the windows." He tells you sternly while dragging the man on the floor.
The man's twice his size. But still he pulls him out of his house like he's nothing. Anger boiling inside him, making him straddle the man on the floor, punching his face once, twice.
Again and again.
The man is screaming, pushing him, begging him to stop, trying to get way.
But he's not himself. He is an animal, he is consumed by his darker self.
The man drags himself around on the floor and he holds him in place, punching him.
His backpack and rifle still on his back.
He could just shoot the man, but that wouldn't make it.
He had to do it. With his bare hands. He wanted to feel it, to take his life away from him.
"You like screaming, don't you, son of a bitch? Wanted to hear screams? Then fucking scream!" He shouted louder than the man, the people around him just watching.
The man's body goes limp, blood pools around them and runs on the floor, but he keeps going, until there's not a man under him anymore.
Until there's not a face, not anything but a puddle of meat, bones and blood.
He gets up, his face like you've never seen before, his eyes wide, fully black, eyebrows low, nostrils widening as he breath, his mouth open and his teeth clenched. His hand hurt, blood from the man and from himself dripping from it.
"This is not how I fucking work!" He shouts, turning around to look at everyone. "And you don't fucking fuck with what's mine!" His voice coming out as a snarl. Like a feral dog, spit flying from his mouth.
Now you see it. Now you understand.
That's why his people are so lawful.
Not only because he's brutal.
But because he's brutal to protect.
The ones that don't respect or trust him, fear him. They know what he's capable of.
He killed a man twice his size with his bare hands to keep you safe.
He killed a man he probably trusted, considering he trusted you to him. All to keep you safe.
And you loved it.
You loved it and part of you wants to see it again. To see him act so brainless, to kill a man like it's nothing. All to keep you safe.
To hear him call you his.
He sees you through the window and worry invades his face, making him rush back inside. His heavy and loud footsteps sending chills down your spine.
He finds you by the window and stops on his feet. Your eyes are wide and scared, your chest raising and falling with force.
"I told you not to look out the window." He says.
This is what he never wanted.
He never wanted you to see this part of him. The part he knew would push you away, would make you never want to see him again.
Would make you afraid of him.
He holds his hand up in front of him, letting go of his backpack and rifle. "I'm sorry. None of this should've happened. I shouldn't have left you here alone, with these men. This was why I kept you here, with me, so they wouldn't hurt you." He says. "I'm sorry you had to see it, I couldn't let him go any other way."
This is what you wanted to see. Him feral, protective, caring for you.
Keeping you safe.
You run to his arms, climbing on him. Your lips looking for and crashing against his.
It takes him a second, but when he realizes what's happening, he groans and wraps his arms around you, holding you tight and close to him. Like he's afraid you'd snap out of it and push him away.
You lick between his lips, right where they meet, and he grunts, opening his mouth for you, taking your tongue in his and letting you explore his mouth before pushing his tongue inside your mouth and rolling it around yours. His beard scraping your cheeks, making you moan and press yourself further onto him.
Wanting to finally feel all of him.
Your arms are tugging and squeezing around his torso and his arms, sometimes pulling on his hair and earning grunts from him. His arms are pressing you against him, his heart beating against your chest. He squeezes your waist and your hips, firmly holding the back of your neck and your cheeks.
Your hands not satisfied with touching just one place at once. All the desire and hunger emerging to your surfaces.
You stay tangled like that for what feels like hours before he pulls away, out of breath, staring at you.
"I loved watching. You were so... Brutal. I loved it." You say as his eyes roam around your face.
"You don't have to do this." He whispers, giving you a final chance to step away and not regret this later. "I want this, Joel. It's all I think about. You. Called you everyday, every night, since you left. Couldn't finish sometimes without you with me. And when I did it was for you, all thinking about you." You say, snuggling your face on his neck, pressing your nose against his vein.
"I need you, Joel. Please."
He's gone.
He did his best to avoid it, to please himself with you without actually touching you. But he can't deny what he craves since he first saw you.
"You beg so nice, baby. Should make you do it more often." He says right on your ear, making you shiver and moan softly. Turning into a puddle under him.
He bites your neck, sucking and licking, your perfume guiding him, making him want to crawl under your skin, to merge his body with yours.
You're drowning on him, dazed and high, indulging on the way he holds you, grunts against your skin and how open your whole body is for him.
But when you're starting to fully get lost...
He pulls away.
"My room. C'mon." He pants, turning and pushing you towards the stairs. You giggle and run upstairs, him laughing and following close to you, his long steps enough to not let you get too far.
When you reach his bedroom, he grabs the back of your shirt, turning you around and taking you in his arms, his mouth all over your jaw, neck and collarbones. "Please, Joel. I need more of you."
"Always so impatient, baby." He says before pulling your shirt out of you and skillfully unclasping your bra. He stares at your boobs for a second, his mouth hanging open while he breaths heavily. He grabs them, kneading them and grunting. He squeezes them a bit too hard and you whimper.
He groans and takes you back in his arms, still squeezing your boobs and kissing you again.
He tastes like cheap alcohol and cigars, and you drink every drop of him like he's the thing you needed all along.
You could live off of just him. Just looking at him, just smelling him, just eating and drinking from him.
Your hand goes to his belt, but he pushes it away. "I ain't tasted you yet, baby. Not fair that you get it again." He says, pushing you on his bed.
You fall and start removing your skirt. He helps you and falls down to his knees, kissing a path from your bellybutton to your lips. "Can't wait to taste you baby. Know you taste so good for me." He whispers while kissing your throat before kissing his way back down, stopping only at your nipples to suck and roll his tongue around them.
He stops when he reaches your mount, going to your inner thighs, his hands keeping you spread, squeezing the skin of your thighs. "Always on my fucking way." He growls at your panties, roughly pulling them out of you.
Then he gets paralyzed. His gaze never leaving your pussy, his mouth open, his jaws moving from side to side.
"Joel, please." You beg and he hums against your skin. "Right here, baby. Won't go anywhere." He says right before licking a — painfully slow and strong — streak up your folds. From your entrance to where they connect at he top.
"As good as I dreamed." He licks you again, returning to your entrance and inserting his tongue on you, rolling it around inside you, making you sink yourself down on his face. "Even better, actually." He sucks on your clit, humming against your skin as you pull his hair.
"Want you to do it, baby." He says pulling away and grabbing your arms, sitting you up. He lays with his head on his pillow and beckons for you to come over, which you do, going for his belt again.
"No, baby. C'mon, up here." He says with a smile, and you move up higher, straddling his chest. "You know I could kill you like this, don't you?" You say, going higher and hovering above his face.
"Sweetest death a man could have in a world like this, angel." He breathes before pulling you down on him, practically french kissing your pussy, his tongue rolling around your entrance and your clit, going inside you and rolling around. Sucking, licking and even biting everything he could reach, his hands squeezing your ass, your hips and your thighs.
You pull his hair and roll your hips, sinking yourself, his eyes snap open to watch you as you moan and whimper, your whole body shaking as you feel your insides burn, ready to release what you craved to give him for so long.
"Joel." You moan, feeling yourself get closer and closer, and he groans as you grind yourself harder on him, swiping his nose and only pulling away to let him breath. But he quickly pulls you back down, sinking you on his tongue.
The closer you get to your orgasm, the further you go from reality. The deeper you dive on the man underneath you.
Hunger and desire marking the route of his tongue all over you, finding all your favorite spots.
He holds you down as he sucks on your clit, your hips rolling circles on his chin, his beard scratching your entrance, making you pull away.
He groans and sinks you back down, his hands squeezing your hips and keeping you steady as you cum, your insides convulsing around nothing, his eyes open, focused on your face as it contorts and your body tries to stay up.
He grunts as he dries you, sucking every drop out of you as your body twitches at how sensitive it feels.
He lets go of your hips and you collapse back on top of him, laying on top of his belly, breathing, your body going up and down as his own breath moves his chest up and down.
You feel high, like you're on a boat, his breath like the tide. You move up and down, slow and deep, swimming on him, in awe of the fact that this is actually happening.
You're actually with him.
He inserts a finger inside you and you feel his dick twitch inside his pants, against the back of your head.
"So fucking tight, baby. Gonna feel so good."
You try to flip around, wanting to taste him again, but he holds you by the knees and goes on top of you, kissing you again as you eagerly undo his belt and remove his pants.
He finishes them off and climbs back on top of you. You grab him and stroke him deep and slow, getting lost on how hard and thick he feels on your hands, whimpering just to imagine the stretch he'd need to go inside you.
"Think you're ready, baby? Waited for this for so fucking long." He says with his mouth glued to your throat, kissing and nibbing at your skin. "Please, Joel." You moan, fastening your movements on him.
He grunts, thrusting into your hand for a while, groaning as your other hand pulls on his hair.
He removes your hand from his length and guides it to your folds, running his tip through them a few times to gather some of your slick — and tease you.
"So nice, so wet for me. All for me." He pants before teasing your entrance with his tip, rolling it around it and thrusting it in slowly, your insides engulfing him. "So — grunts — fucking tight too." He smiles on your neck, and you lower yourself, trying to get more of him in.
"Joel, please." You cry, and he raises himself to looks at you. "Please what, baby? You keep saying it but you don't use your words."
"Fuck me, please. I need you inside me." You say with a smile, your voice a mix of arousal and almost pain. "Good." He smiles, kissing you, rolling his tongue around yours and pushing in, your legs spreading further apart in an attempt to make more room for him.
The air inside your lunges freezes, and you can't exhale while he's moving.
He goes all the way in, grunting at how good you feel around him. How warm, tight and wet you feel. How your arms held him tight on top of you, how your nails dug into his skin. Things he hadn't felt in forever.
Things he knew only you could give him.
Things he wanted only you to do.
"Doing so well, baby. Opening up for me like this." He praises when he bottoms out, giving you some time to adjust as you twitch and pulse around him.
You move your hips, and he corresponds the movement, slowly thrusting out before going all the way back in, setting a deliciously passionate pace. Slow and deep, making your insides move and readjuste to receive him.
You whimper when he supports himself on his hands, missing his weight on top of you. He starts moving faster, harder, even deeper somehow.
His eyes fixated on your breasts, on how they move with the force of his thrusts. "You like them?" You ask, keeping your voice sweet and low, and he looks at you through his lashes, his low eyebrows and his smile making his expression almost sinister.
It makes you go back to when he was on top of that man. To remember how feral he was, how violent and visceral he was. How much you want him to use that on you, to fuck you with as much voracity as he killed the man.
Thinking about it makes your pussy clench around him. Makes your eyes falter and your heart to pound faster against your ribs.
You wrap your arms around his neck, lifting yourself and holding onto him, his strong arms keeping both of you away from the mattress. You bite his neck, his pulsing vein too welcoming to deny.
"I loved watching, Joel. How you did it, how you did it with your hands. I fucking loved it." He grunts, his own orgasm feeling just a thrust away. "Being inside you makes me want to go back there and fucking kill him again, baby. You feel so good, he'd have hurt you and I don't know what I'd do if I let that happen."
You moan, his thrusts getting harder and sloppier. "But you did, Joel. You kept me safe, like you said you would. I loved it." You say between moans, the burn on your core about to snap. You reach for your clit and draw fast circles around it, almost immediately cumming around him, squeezing and almost expelling him out of you.
He grunts, your pussy milking him, making his orgasm hit him hard, probably harder than ever.
He fucks his cum inside you, rough and deep, as you fall back on the mattress and become a puddle underneath him. He holds your knees up, going even deeper and making you scream his name, the tip of his dick hitting that perfect spot inside you, making your eyes close shut and your mouth hang open.
His pace is anything but tender now. He's fully lost on how good you feel, how much he thought about you, how good it feels to finally give in, to finally be inside you, to finally claim you as his.
Another orgasm crashes over you, his name falling from your lips in a way that shows he's the first one to make you feel this, to make you feel this much. In a way that shows that he's the only one you'll ever think about, the only one you'll ever need and crave after this.
When you manage to open your eyes, you find his stare on you. His nostrils wide, his eyes dark and passionate, his teeth clenched and his neck looking like it would burst.
"Joel." You cry. "Right here, baby. Looking so pretty all dumb like this for me, just saying my name, calling me like I'm ever gonna leave your — grunts — fucking side again." He says, your belly fluttering with his words.
He flips you both around, laying on his back and holding you on top of him, your body doing it's best to not collapse over him.
"C'mon, ride it, baby. Want to see you." His words fuelling your muscles, making you roll your hips around him, gathering the conscience to move up and down.
You support yourself on his shoulders, his muscles flexing as you squeeze them. You moan when he pulls you down into a kiss, one of his hands on your hips and the other going from the back of your neck to your clit, drawing overwhelming circles around you.
"Joel, I can't." You cry out when your clit throbs on his fingers. "Course you can, angel. Do it for me, c'mon, give me another one." He asks, and you focus on him, on his muscles, his face, the way he fills you, the way his rough fingers work you, the way his hands is hurt from what he did, the way he brutally punched the man, the way he yelled, called you his.
You feel your orgasm approaching again, and your body starts to give in. But as soon as it hits you and your body softens, one of his hands leaves your hips and come for your throat, squeezing tight. Your eyes snap open, your hands holding onto his forearm.
"Joel." You whine.
"Just holding you up, baby. Just keeping you steady." He says with a smirk, your insides convulsing around him, trying to hold onto him, as if to never let him go.
It hugs him so nice, so deep and so tight, he can't help but allow his own new orgasm to hit him. He maintains his hand around your throat, but his body jerks up, and he pulls you down enough to kiss you.
He grunts as his tongue rolls around yours, his lips sucking yours, his beard burning your face.
A burn you already love.
His thrusts get rougher, deeper and faster as he empties himself inside you again, grunts and groans leaving his throat as you feel him twitch inside you.
He lets go of your neck and you fall on top of him, breathing and praying that this isn't just one of the dreams you've had with him. Praying that he's here, underneath you, still inside you, holding you around his arms, his warmth comforting your exhausted body.
You snuggle your nose on his collarbones, right on the middle of his pecks, and he strokes your hair.
"As bad as you thought?" You ask with a laugh. "Fucking devastating, baby. Don't even want to get out of you." He replies with a smile, and you clench around him, so he knows you're in no hurry to be empty again.
"Mine. My good girl, gonna be all mine. Can't wait to always find you home. Won't ever let you go." You smile, you don't wanna go anywhere.
"Nowhere else I'd rather be, Joel. No one else I'd rather be with." You confess, your head buried on his neck. "No one would keep me safe like you."
"Would do anything to keep you with me, baby. Anything." He says, hugging you tighter.
You hope so.
You're counting on it.
So... Did you like it? Writing the last sex scene was so hard, it always felt like there was something missing to it. But at end I was happy with it.
Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear your feedback 💖
@https-hann 🫶🏻
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toxicbrothel · 4 months
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Joel knew he wouldn’t be able to get you back to his place. He lucked out when you parked next to him in the darkest corner. Over the first drink, you told him how well Sarah was doing in class, then after one more, you admitted things weren’t good with your fiancé.  Your engagement was falling apart, all on its own–It was only the second time Joel had seen you. To lighten the mood again and make you forget, Joel told you about Sarah’s new obsession with Captain Jack Sparrow. Then, when he was closing the tab, he put an Altoid mint in his mouth. You looked at him shyly and took one from the tin. Oh, you wanted it bad. He brushed your bare inner thigh with his hand as he stood up, and you didn’t pull away. Hell yeah. 
At your car, Joel latched onto your mouth and pinned you up against it. He held your head while he fed you his tongue, and he slipped his other hand into his pocket to unlock his SUV. He thrust his raging arousal against you and when you moaned, he pulled you off your car with both hands on your ass. He kissed you for another moment, feeling you melt in his arms, then pivoted you toward his SUV and opened the back door. You paused, and he growled into your neck, “C’mon, baby. I’m hot for teacher" with a firm grab of the ass.
As you got in, he unbuckled his belt. “I’m comin’, sugar.” Then, in one swift motion, he pulled his t-shirt over the back of his head, knowing his physique would erase any last-second doubts.  As he shut the door behind himself, you spread your knees, hot damn. “Attagirl,” he muttered to himself. He took in the sight of you laid out for him on your back, dyin' for his cock. “Hot as hell,” he murmured as he got on top of you. Then he laid his hips into yours, grinding his hard-on against your front, kissing you ravenously. You hooked a leg around him and he breathed, “Fuck yeah,” before hiking up your skirt. 
------ First one: (2003) Night Chalks (400) ------ Ty for reading! ty romana for the hot gif! 💕
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proxima-writes · 1 year
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Title: help me hold onto you
Pairing: Joel Miller/Female Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ MDNI)
Chapters: 1/1
Read on AO3 | Join the tag list | Masterlist
Joel always tries his best to keep his mind from wandering to its darkest corners, but occasionally, the frayed threads holding him together with sloppy stitches start to unravel.
Sometimes you need to give him something to hold onto.
Warnings/Tags: explicit sexual content (18+), mentions of past s*icide attempt, depression/ptsd, lotsa emotional hurt with lotsa comfort, p in v, oral (m/f receiving), body worship, dirty talk, praise kink, mild breeding kink, established relationship, pet names, soft fem dom. Let me know if any are missing!
Author’s Note: please consider leaving a comment if you enjoyed this fic! Also open to requests 💕
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Joel always tries his best to keep his mind from wandering to its darkest corners, but occasionally, the frayed threads holding him together with sloppy stitches start to unravel.
You always seem to notice, so in tune with him and his mind. You’ve split him open and have started to put him back together, piece by piece, building a safe space for a man who hasn’t felt at peace in ages.
He can feel himself slowing to a crawl as he sits at dinner one evening, sandwiched between you and Ellie as conversation flows around him. He can only manage noncommittal noises in response, pushing his food around his plate, physically there but mentally thousands of miles away.
Your soft hand rests on his thigh, grounding him the slightest bit. Your eyes keep flicking to him with concern that he wants so badly to wipe away. He rests his hand over yours, thumb running across the smooth skin with his rough calluses.
Walking home, Joel’s got an arm around your shoulder and you’ve looped one around his waist, leaning into him. He loves having the weight of you pressed against him, like your body was built to occupy the space beneath his arm just like your love was built to fix the cracks in his heart.
“Love you,” you murmur sweetly. He knows that you can feel the shift in his demeanor, and it makes him feel guilty. He doesn’t want to shoulder you with his darkness.
“Love you, too, sugar,” he replies, turning his head to press a kiss against your hair, the soft strands tickling his face.
Back in the house, Joel removes his coat and boots with heavy limbs. You’ve already put your own away in the hall closet and have gone upstairs.
“Joel?” You call down.
“Yes, baby?” He calls back, already climbing the stairs.
You don’t reply, but when Joel enters your shared bedroom, he sees you’ve lit every half melted candle you’ve collected. You stand in the middle of the room, changed into one of his t-shirts and nothing else, the hem skimming your bare thighs.
“Take off your clothes,” you command. He blinks at you, wondering briefly whether he’s just dreaming, but you move to stand in front of him and curl your fingers into the hem of his shirt, your nails scraping against his tummy and making the muscles jump.
You help him get the t-shirt off, tossing it to the ground. Your hands smooth over his chest and shoulders reverently.
“You’re so beautiful, Joel,” you murmur. Your hands find his belt and fly, undoing them with confident fingers. “Every time I look at you I feel like sixteen again with a big ol’ crush.”
He can feel the heat rising to his cheeks at your words. He doesn’t know how you could feel that way about him of all people. He’s old, weathered, made up of jagged edges and sharp words. You’re so gentle despite the world’s atrocities, and the fact that you turn that softness on him never ceases to amaze him.
You’ve managed to get his pants down to his ankles and he kicks free of them, hands sliding around your hips for stability. You take hold of them, pulling him along as you walk backwards towards the bed. You turn until the backs of Joel’s knees hit the mattress, urging him to scoot back as you crawl up beside him. The shirt you’re wearing shifts, revealing your panties as your ass sways with your movements and he’s hypnotized by the sight.
He lays back and you swing a leg over his hips, the heat of you welcome in the chill room. Your hands press into the pillow on either side of his head, your hair a curtain around him that envelopes him in your scent.
You press a kiss to the side of his head, right over the scar from a time when the darkness almost won. It makes him flinch, and you place a hand to his cheek to sooth him.
Another kiss to the bridge of his nose that’s been broken and reset more times than he cares to count.
A third kiss to the patch of beard that never grows. You like to say it was made just for your lips.
Joel can feel his cock start to harden with your gentle touch. He tips his face towards you to capture your lips with his own, soft and slow. You withdraw and Joel can’t help the low whine in his throat.
“Shhh, baby,” you whisper, mouth on his neck. “Just relax.”
His muscles loosen just the slightest bit and he feels your smile against his chest, where your mouth has wandered in its pursuit of covering every inch of hurt with your love.
Your tongue traces the myriad of scars across his chest and abdomen and he starts to shift restlessly beneath you.
“What do you need?” You murmur. You’ve shifted lower, nuzzling your nose against the coarse hair that trails below his boxers.
He can’t form words when your sweet mouth is that close to his cock, your teeth nipping at his hip bone.
“Want your mouth, sweetheart,” he says. You tug the waistband of his boxers down, tucking it beneath his balls.
Your tongue laves across one, then the other and Joel lets out a groan, head dropping back to the mattress. Your fingernails drag up his thighs as you bring a hand up to your mouth and lick your palm.
“You wanna know somethin’?” You ask, voice innocent despite your actions. “I dream about this cock. How it feels stretchin’ me open.”
“Christ, baby,” Joel moans. He lifts his head to watch through half lidded eyes as you run your tongue along the vein on the underside before circling the head. “Fuck.”
You slowly urge his length into your mouth and Joel swears his brain short circuits at the tight wet heat of it. You slide him as far back as you can take him, throat tight and lips stretched wide as you look up at him through your lashes.
“Look so good like this,” he tells you, running his fingers through your hair.
You pull off of him with a lewd pop and smile at him. “Like what?”
“Like you were made to take my cock.”
“Oh, but I am, baby. A toy just for you.” You swallow him down once more, starting a rhythm that has Joel’s hips flexing to chase your mouth as you draw up. He gathers your hair in his fist, not to control your movement, but just to hold onto you as you treat him to ecstasy.
“Wanna taste you,” Joel says. “Come on, baby, come sit on my face.”
You don’t need to be told twice. You scramble to remove your panties, but Joel halts your movements with a hand on your thigh.
“Keep the shirt,” he requests. You smirk.
“Why, Mr. Miller,” you tease. “You like me in your clothes?”
“Appeals to my inner caveman,” he says, urging you to crawl up to the head of the bed. “My pretty little woman.”
You grin down at him as you swing a leg over his broad shoulders, knees pressed against either side of his head. He wraps his hands around your thighs and pulls you against his mouth.
You’re already gloriously wet as he licks up your seam. He groans against your folds and he feels you sag against the headboard, a breathy sigh escaping your lips.
He finds your clit and gives it all his attention, swirling his tongue and sucking it between his lips, relishing in the earthy taste of you.
“God, Joel, just like that. Such a good boy, baby,” you moan, fingers scratching at his scalp and your hips rocking against him. He feels his cock jump at the praise. “Your mouth is so goddamn amazing.”
He lets his tongue drag lower, slipping it into your leaking hole. His nose brushes against your clit with thrust and the grip you have in his hair goes near painful as you clench your thighs against his head.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you chant, movements sloppy as you grind against his face. “Make me cum so I can have your cock.”
His lips return to wrap around your clit and he drags his teeth lightly over the sensitive nub in the very way he knows will make you explode.
Your release coats his chin as you come, your hips stuttering and breath catching on a shout of his name. You collapse to the side, dipping down to give him a dirty kiss, licking into his mouth to chase the taste of you from his tongue.
“Good job, sweet boy,” you murmur. “I think you deserve a reward.”
You straddle his waist and take his cock in your fist, the sudden friction making him jump. Positioning him at your entrance, you slide slowly down his length, watching his face as the deliciously tight heat engulfs him.
There’s no room for any other thoughts but how good you make him feel. The grip of your cunt around his cock, the feel of your hands on his chest as you rock your hips, the smell of sex and sweat in the air.
The darkness never stood a chance against you.
“That feel good, sweetheart?” You ask, knowing damn well he’d be happy to die just like this. “Want you to fill me up ‘til I’m dripping.”
And what you want, he’ll make sure you get.
Joel sits up, wrapping an arm around your waist to flip your positions. His arms loop beneath your knees, pressing your thighs close to your chest as he pounds into you ferociously.
“Joel!” You cry out. Your pussy pulses around him and he chases his release, slamming his hips to yours. As his cock empties inside you, he drops his hold on your legs to press your bodies together, sweat damp skin sliding against yours as he shifts forward to capture your lips with his.
“I love you, Joel,” you murmur into the space between your mouths. “I’ll always hold onto you.”
He rests his head against your chest, knowing his head is quiet and his heart is safe as he listens to the beat of yours.
Tag list: @ghostofjoharvelle @liati2000 @mydailyhyperfixations @thedeadsingwithdirtintheirmouths @dragon-of-winterfell @yellingloudly @pedr0swh0r3 @whereasport @hopelessromantic727 @johnwatsn @huffle-punk
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chiriwritesstuff · 5 months
💕500 Follower Celebration💕 - 'Love, Joel', a 'The Girl in IT' Companion Piece.
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The LIST │ Series Masterlist
Series Rating: T
Series Summary: A three-part look at how Joel loved Sugar for 10 years, and the things he has done during that time.
A/N: You guys, we did it. 500 of you have found my little corner of my Pedro Pascal brain rot and decided to stay! In honor of that, I wanted to give you guys a little gift - a love story, from Joel's perspective.
We all know that Joel has been in love with Sugar for the ten years that they have been apart - and he has worked his (cute) ass off trying to be worthy of her. From the moment she swept him off of his feet to building her a home, she's been there (in his heart) every step of the way. This is his story.
Story List:
The Tornado Watch - 2K
Who Wants to be a Millionaire? - Coming Soon!
To Build a Home
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desuidesu · 4 months
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✨To really love a woman
Let her hold you, 'til you know how she needs to be touched
You've gotta breathe her, really taste her, 'til you can feel her in your blood
And when you can see your unborn children in her eyes
You know you really love a woman✨
I FINALLY FINISHED IT!!! Sugar and Joel slow-dancing *swoons dreamily 💕
Thank you @chiriwritesstuff for sharing your story! 💗
Yall go read ‘ The Girl from IT’, i can’t believe that we are just a few chapters away from the epilogue 💔
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nerdieforpedro · 4 months
Weekend Update 01/21/2024
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Hey Nerdie! How has your week been?
I’ve been good. It snowed, twice. Snow is for Hallmark movies. I hate cleaning my car off and digging out. Very much hate driving in it, felt like a stunt driver. 🤣
Wow…That’s a lot. Um, thanks for sharing?
I know, you didn’t ask all that. I overshare. It’s my jam. In addition to odd humor, innuendos and food jokes. Many food jokes. 😎
That is very on brand for you. The pickle is gone. We’re thankful. 🥹 What did you read this week?
I've been trying to work through different lists I have but I get them confused - most of the time. 😵‍💫 A quick list:
Locked out of Heaven by @fhatbhabie (Dieter Bravo)
A Baker's Dozen - Nine by @avastrasposts (Pero Tovar)
His Little Hawk by @iamskyereads (Pero Tovar)
the art of shaving by @lunaselena (Marc Spector)
isn't it by @undercoverpena (Din Djarin)
Lunch @javierpena-inatacvest (Javier Pena)
PMAMC 2024 Challenge Masterlist (haven't finished it yet - has a multitude of Pedro characters) organized by @wannab-urs
A Work of Art by @boliv-jenta (Lucien Flores)
Expensive by @laurfilijames (Raymond from 'The Gentlemen")
I read a lot but I feel like I'm missing some. 🤨
What did you put out this week?
...You heard that right?
We did, we regretted it as soon as we said it. Just answer the question.
I have no idea if I post a lot or a little. Maybe too much? I have no clue. Some of what I did was organization and grouping.
Drops of Sugar Masterlist (Joel Miller)
Weddings 101 with Dieter Masterlist (Dieter Bravo)
The Mercenary and his Witch (Pero Tovar - part of PMAMC 2024)
Watch me and Touch it Quierda (Santiago Garcia)
Filthy Hooligans (Lucian Flores)
Don't know what you mean (Tim Rockford)
Geez Nerdie, do you do anything besides work and fanfiction?
It's a way of life. Not for the weak. I also don't have a lot going on so I need to keep occupied somehow. 🤓
I also am trying out some temporary tattoos to see if like the placement. I would like to get a tattoo this year. 🥳
Anything else Nerdie? You always have lots of things planned.
Nothing for now. I have to finish some other WIPs I've been working on. Slowly but there has been progress.
Until next time!
Stay warm, stay safe, hydrate!
Love Nerdie 💕
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trulybetty · 8 months
Sunday | Week In Review VIII
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This week's Sunday in review is sponsored by your local Farmer's Market sugared doughnuts, proudly provided by @secretelephanttattoo IYKYK 🍩
Hope everyone had a good week this week! 🙌 Tumblr is still doing it's thing with it's notifications in my activity tab. It's mostly just full of likes and some mentions (I still come across a couple on my dash I wasn't notified of), but mostly it's affecting reblogs. Anyway, if you have something you think I'd be interested in seeing or want to share - feel free to send me an Ask/DM or tag me!
Light reading week again, but it's not to say it wasn't filled with some gems!
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T R U L Y U P D A T E S . . .
Happy Birthday (Joel)
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W H A T I R E A D . . .
Grocery List (Frankie) by @frenchiereading I'm a sucker for domestic fluff and even more so when it stems from the Shared Breaths universe 💕 - not going to spoil this one if you haven't read the main series (which I will always shout out) - but there's a broccoli recipe here that still makes my mouth water when I think about it and I really want to try making it (if only I could conjure Frankie just as easily)
You’re Perfect for Me (Marcus P.) by @boliv-jenta The Marcus Pike thots were out in full effect this week and it started for me with this little one shot. Marcus needing some help unwinding from a tough day? Sign me up!
machine wash warm (Marcus P.) by @idolatrybarbie some more domesticity, this time from our boy Marcus (he's made for it really) and while short, it doesn't skimp on the feelings and a man who will wash your bedding and deal with the fitted sheet? Yes please!
Delta Landscaping | Chapter 6: Jeeps, Texts, and Sliders (Triple Frontier) by @rhoorl This series has be in a permanent choke hold and I'll eat up anything Jess puts out (have you checked out her Dieter series and her Frankie one shot, because you should!) and this series is the gift that keeps on giving and helps satisfy my Will Miller thots. This weeks installment is no different - we've got tensions building with Will and Katie, Benny and his big brother relationship with Connor, Santiago being Santiago and David living his best life (I want to be his bestie). Hands down one of the best things to come from thots over the Delta boys clearing Reader's garden in @goodwithcheese's 'Layover Series' (which you should read too)
The House (Jack) by @gemmahale I was so happy to get started on this series this week! The week took a left turn and I couldn't devour the rest of it as I wanted, but this is on the docket to catch with this week! It's full of intrigue and mystery and that's just the first chapter! I can't wait to see how this plays out with Andrea getting reacquainted with her grandfathers property and the history it holds.
glass (Marcus P.) by @idolatrybarbie I could be bias because this was written based on the prompts I sent over for Bea's fifty follower celebration, but it doesn't need that, because it's so good all in on it's own! We've got fluff, we've got Marcus (did I mention it's Marcus?), we've got some spice and we've got action! I'm never one to pressure authors to write fanfics, but if Bea were ever to expand on this I'd be all over it.
Butter (Joel) by fuckyeahdindjardin A happy birthday celebration for our main man Joel Miller was more of a gift to us I think. This is so incredibly sweet (pun fully intended) and was just a delight to read that had me squealing all the way through with it's toe curling pure fluff at it's best. In need of a birthday cake to bring home Joel comes across Reader closing up for the night and in exchange for fixing her shutter, she bakes him a cake. Don't sleep on this one!
What Do We Have Here (Javier P.) by @secretelephanttattoo El treated us twice this week! Now I'm still behind on Narcos (hey, I managed an extra episode this week, now a staggering five and a half episodes in!), but even if you didn't have a clue who Elisa was, the spiciness of this fic would soon make up for it! I also learnt a new word, epaulettes. Smut and education in one fanfic? What more can you ask for?
Headshots (Marcus P.) by @secretelephanttattoo Okay, the second of El's offerings this week? Not only has she been bringing the Marcus thots this week, but the fluff too! Imagine showing up to the FBI headquarters to take head shots for the agents and running into Marcus Pike multiple times over the course of a week? Wait, you don't have to! El has crafted it for us and I hear there may be a second part (series?) in the works!
Hypothermia (Joel) by @morallyinept I am the worst camper, so much so Joel Miller would probably leave my sorry ass for the clickers after the grief he'd have with me. But I hope that would be after I get to snuggle up to him for just warmth...
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M E M O R A B L E P O S T S . . .
I had some interesting confessions in my Ask Inbox: Joel Thots + Oscar's Cupcakes
All of @penaonthestreets-javiinthesheets's mood boards, because they are all a mooood and a delicious delight for the eyes
The Gif™️ thots were out in full force
Maggie getting the Marcus Pike Puddles going with pancakes and cuddles visuals
Will Miller visual thots, I don't need an excuse to enjoy this over and over again.
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B R O U G H T T H E J O Y . . .
How well and truly this community is so lovely - I had a really shitty day at work yesterday and by time I logged in later that night I had some wonderful messages, tags and mentions from absolutely amazing people. I can't even remember how I stumbled back onto Tumblr, but I'm so glad I did. This space really can feel like you're shouting into the abyss sometimes, but sometimes you get a response back with a 'my thots too' and you start to build your own little community.
I think I mentioned it the other day, but likes and numbers really won't hold their value. It's the reblogs with the comments, the thousand gifs/emojis or the back and forth discussions of WIP's in DM's that really make this all the worthwhile.
And also a Costco sized container of pico de gallo... it's about balance friends. But seriously, I've pushed the limits of what I can put it on this week.
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T H I S W E E K ' S J A M . . .
This week's song is brought to us by my Chiffon feels as I got back into writing for Dieter x Bryony and this song is very them coded...
Hope everyone is having a fabulous Sunday, whatever it is you're doing and I wish you all a great week ahead! 💕
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saradika · 11 months
Hon, I would be honored and obsessed if you could make me a mood board for my sugar daddy!Joel fic 'Take Care of You'. 😌
However, if you're not feeling the sugar daddy Joel vibe then I will take a mood board on any of my series. Your choice. I just love the stuff you make so much.
hi JJ!! Ah oh my gosh the way I INHALED this fic this weekend! 💖 Your writing is so fucking good and I love the story you are weaving with them! Thank you so much for sending this in!
I hope this captures some of their vibes! In love with the necklace he gave her, and all their soft coffee and bakery and date moments 💕 he is so charming!! Can’t wait to read about the Vegas trip!
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[saradika’s sleepover celebration - closed]
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