#Strix otus
queersrus · 1 year
Owl Theme
tagging @bpdxhoardic, @w-onderhoy
Owle, Owlet/Owlett/Owlette, Owlin/Owline, Owler, Owlie/Owly, Owel, Owling, Owled/Owledd, Owletta, Owlina, Owletto, Owlino, Owlucious, Owllouicious, Owlouis/Owlouise, Owlouisa, otus, otos, owlbert, owlberta, owlester, owlestar, owlastair, owlaya, owlex, owlexa, owlexo, owlexi/owlexie/owlexy, owlexina, owlexander, owlexandra, owlexandre, owlexandro, owlexis, owlfred, owlice, owlisia/owlicia, owliver, owlive, owlivier, owlivia, owliviar, owlivera, owliveira snowy/snowie, scop, screech, strix, sova, sowa athena, alba, azio, axio, asio, Atenea, Athenais, Athene, Afina, Athenodoros, Archimedes minerva wise, wiser, wisdom, wing, who, whoot Glaukopis, glaux, great, grey/gray, Gaebora barn, bar/barr, barred, burrow, beak, beaker, bumin, buho, baykuş, bufniţă eagle, eostrix, eule tawney/tawny, talon/tallon, true, tyto, tokori, tuto hoot, hooty/hootie ural, ugle, uil flores, feather, fly, flight, flyer knowledge, kotori, Kaepora, koukouvágia noctum, noct, nocturn/nocturne, nocturna, noctua caligo, cato, coruja, chouette, civetta jarli intel, intellect Laxmi, lilith pollo
1stp prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
ow/owe/owl/owline/owlself ow/owl/owls/owlself ow/owe/owly/owline/owlyself wi/we/wy/wise/wiseself wi/wise/wises/wiseself kni/know/knows/knowself kni/knowle/knowly/knowline/knowlyself kni/knowle/knowledges/knowledgeself ni/noc/noturn/nocturns/nocturnself ni/nocturne/nocturnes/nocturneself ni/ne/ny/noctine/nyself ni/noct/nocturnals/nocturnalself pri/pre/predi/predators/predatorself fi/fea/feather/feathers/featherself wi/wing/wings/wingself
2ndp prns: you/your/yours/yourself
ow/owler/owlers/owlerself wo/wiser/wises/wiserself kno/knower/knowers/knowerself no/noctur/nocturns/nocturself pro/predator/predators/predatorself fo/feather/feathers/featherself wo/wingr/wingrs/wingrself
3rdp prns: they/them/theirs/theirself
ow/owl/owls/owlself o/owl, owl/owls wi/wise/wises/wiseself wi/se, wi/ise, wise/wises kno/know/knows/knowself know/knowledge, know/knows, know/ledge noct/nocturn/nocturnes/nocturneself noct/urnal, noct/nocturnal, nocturn/nocturnes, nocturnal/nocturnals pred/predator/predators/predatorself pred/ator, predator/predators fea/feather/feathers/featherself feath/er, feath/feather, feathers/feathers wi/wing/wings/wingself wing/wings, wi/ing
the owl, the owler, the owlette, the caretaker of owls, the protector of owls, the owl trainer, the nocturnal one, the day sleeper, the night flyer, the barn owl, the snowy owl, the horned owl, the nocturnal predator, the one who hoots, the night hunter, the wise one, the wise owl
(prn) who flies at night, (prn) who hoots, (prn) who sleeps during the day, (prn) who hunts at night, (prn) who trains owls, (prn) who is owl-like, (prn) who cares for owls, (prn) who is nocturnal, (prn) who protects owls, (prn) who is wise
this owl, this owl trainer, this nocturnal predator, this wise owl
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ghouletteanon · 11 months
Now it‘s confession time for me!
I fell in love with Tyto albas because the main character in my childhood/youth favourite book series (it‘s still my favourite, honestly) actually is a Tyto Alba
There are three other main characters, one of them being an elf owl, one a Strix nebulosa and one an Athene cunicularia.
And there is an Asio Otus, which is why I learned that name xD
I remember there being a YA book series with owls on the cover but I think I had moved on to other types of books and had aged out of the target audience when that series was super popular.
It's funny how big of a difference just a few years can make.
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worldwidedino · 2 years
If you think about it, there’s a good chance that after the events of Owlboy, the owl species will go extinct altogether. We only see Strix’s students as the owl survivors of the battle of Advent, so it could be possible that Strix, his students, Asio, and Otus could be the last of the owls.Though, since Advent is mentioned to be the capital city, there could be a few other floating cities with owls in them. This is just speculation though.
I’ve never thought of that. I kinda assumed Fib and Bonacci would get together but like never beyond that. And there’s the whole “Are half owls really owls?” thing. Because they might not be because of Fib and Bonacci in the beginning, but that might also be some kinda racism. Because (assumedly)they’re like 12-13 like Otus and Solus are. And not only are 12-13 year olds like the worst people, they somehow know everyone’s deep dark secrets, they also had enough time to have that racism baked into them by adults(aka their parents). And since Asio and Otus are the only half owls we see, it’s hard to know the norm.
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blacktiger666 · 2 years
The names of the species of owl characters from Owlboy
As I have time to waste, this post is a bit between informative and fun. After, I can be wrong on a species because it is complex to identify for some. 
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Small screen from the game on Nintendo Switch to illustrate this post
Lets' go! 
...Ah yes, just one small thing : owl-humans like Asio and Otus (and Asio's ancestor) don't count, since it's a bit difficult to identify the base species ^^’ 
So let’s go! >:3 
Aegolius - Eagle-owl (Anyway it kinda looks like it 🤔)
Solus - Snowy Owl (Easy x)) 
Noctae - Barn Owl 
Fib - Little Owl [Athene Noctua] (Damn, that species is too cute! TwT)
Bonacci - Great Gray Owl (?) 
Strix - Northern White-Faced Owl (?)
Bonacci’s ancestor - (?) 
The ancestral owl that still holds a dagger - (It looks a bit like an Eagle Owl but white in color... Difficult to identify ^^’) 
Surnia - (A little close to the northern hawk-owl species) 
Here is what I was able to identify for fun and information, if I ever made a mistake about a character with his species, tell me, it allows me to correct my mistake and say to myself "ah well yes, that's true! 😮" 
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marryjojo · 4 months
Owls in South Carolina: A Fascinating Look at 9 Unique Species
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Owls are mysterious creatures that silently roam the night skies of South Carolina, captivating the imagination of those who catch a glimpse of their enigmatic beauty. South Carolina is home to a diverse range of owl species, each with its own distinctive characteristics and habits. Let's read about  nine of these remarkable owls, shedding light on their diets, scientific names, and unique features. So, let's embark on a journey into the world of owls in South Carolina.
Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)
The Great Horned Owl, also known by its scientific name Bubo virginianus, is a majestic and imposing bird of prey that can be found throughout South Carolina. With its striking tufts of feathers resembling horns and large, round, golden eyes, it's easy to see how this owl earned its name.
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 Great Horned Owls are formidable hunters, feasting on a varied diet that includes mammals like rabbits, squirrels, and even other birds. These powerful raptors are not picky eaters and are known to adapt to changing conditions, making them a common sight in both rural and urban areas.
Eastern Screech Owl (Megascops asio)
The Eastern Screech Owl, scientifically known as Megascops asio, is a petite and charming owl species found throughout South Carolina. These owls are masters of camouflage, with plumage that can range from gray to reddish-brown, allowing them to blend seamlessly with their surroundings. 
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Despite their small stature, Eastern Screech Owls are formidable hunters, preying on insects, small mammals, and even small birds. They are known for their distinctive trilling calls that echo through the night, creating an eerie yet enchanting ambiance in the woodlands of South Carolina.
Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
The Barn Owl, scientifically classified as Tyto alba, is a silent nocturnal predator that inhabits the countryside and open fields of South Carolina. Easily recognizable by its heart-shaped facial disc and ghostly white plumage, the Barn Owl is a sight to behold.
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 These owls have an appetite for rodents, making them valuable allies to farmers as they help control crop-damaging pests. Unlike most owls, Barn Owls possess exceptional hearing, allowing them to locate prey with remarkable accuracy even in complete darkness. Their hunting prowess and unique appearance make them a captivating addition to South Carolina's owl population.
Barred Owl (Strix varia)
The Barred Owl, scientifically referred to as Strix varia, is a distinctive owl species that inhabits the lush woodlands and wetlands of South Carolina. With its mottled brown and white plumage and soulful, dark eyes, the Barred Owl has a unique charm.
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 These owls have a broad diet that includes small mammals, birds, and amphibians, making them versatile hunters. One striking feature of the Barred Owl is its eerie call, often described as sounding like, "Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you-all?" This vocalization adds an air of mystery to the nocturnal forests where they reside.
Long-Eared Owl (Asio otus)
The Long-Eared Owl, scientifically known as Asio otus, is a slender and cryptic owl species that occasionally visits South Carolina during the winter months. Sporting distinctive tufts of feathers atop its head, these owls are masters of camouflage, blending seamlessly with their tree-dwelling habitats. 
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While in South Carolina, they primarily feed on small mammals, particularly voles and mice. The Long-Eared Owl's preference for dense coniferous forests makes them a rare but captivating find for bird enthusiasts exploring the state.
Short-Eared Owl (Asio flammeus)
The Short-Eared Owl, scientifically classified as Asio flammeus, is a fascinating owl species that occasionally graces the skies of South Carolina during the winter months. With their distinctive facial disk and striking yellow eyes, these owls are a sight to behold. Short-Eared Owls are diurnal hunters, making them unique among owl species. 
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They primarily prey on small mammals such as meadow voles and shrews, and they can often be observed hunting over open grasslands and marshes in the state. Their habit of flying low over fields during daylight hours makes them an exciting find for birdwatchers in South Carolina.
Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia)
The Burrowing Owl, scientifically known as Athene cunicularia, is a small and charming owl species that can be found in South Carolina's open grasslands and prairies. Unlike many owls, Burrowing Owls are active during the day, making them easier to spot. 
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They are named for their preference to nest in burrows underground, often using abandoned burrows dug by small mammals like prairie dogs. These owls primarily feed on insects, small mammals, and occasionally small reptiles. Their distinctive, long legs and bright yellow eyes give them an endearing appearance that has made them a favorite among bird enthusiasts.
Northern Saw-Whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus)
The Northern Saw-Whet Owl, scientifically classified as Aegolius acadicus, is a petite and elusive owl species that occasionally visits South Carolina during the winter months. These owls are known for their secretive nature and are often found roosting quietly in dense coniferous forests. 
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Their diet consists mainly of small rodents and birds. Despite their diminutive size, Northern Saw-Whet Owls are fierce hunters, using their sharp talons to capture prey with precision. Their haunting, high-pitched calls can sometimes be heard during the night, adding an air of mystery to their presence in the state.
Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus)
The Snowy Owl, scientifically referred to as Bubo scandiacus, is a majestic and iconic owl species that occasionally makes its way to South Carolina during the winter months. These owls are known for their pure white plumage, which provides perfect camouflage in their arctic tundra breeding grounds. Snowy Owls primarily feed on lemmings, small mammals, and waterfowl. 
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Their winter visits to South Carolina are a rare treat for birdwatchers, as these Arctic nomads undertake long migratory journeys southward in search of food during periods of food scarcity in their native habitats.
What is the Biggest Owl in South Carolina?
The largest owl species that can be found in South Carolina is the Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus). Great Horned Owls are formidable birds of prey with a wingspan that can reach up to 5 feet (150 centimeters) and a height of about 18-25 inches (45-64 centimeters).  They are known for their impressive size and striking appearance, with distinctive tufts of feathers resembling "horns" on their heads. These powerful owls are at the top of the avian food chain in South Carolina and are often considered the largest and most dominant owl species in the region.
Are Owls Good to have Around your House?
Having owls around your house can be beneficial in many ways, depending on your perspective and location. Here are some reasons why owls can be considered good to have around: Natural Pest Control Owls are expert hunters and primarily feed on small mammals such as rodents (mice, voles, rats). Having owls nearby can help keep these potential pests in check, reducing the need for chemical pest control methods. Silent Predators  Owls are quiet hunters, and their presence doesn't disturb the peace and tranquility of your surroundings as much as some other forms of pest control might. Their nocturnal hunting habits also mean that they often work when you're asleep. Ecological Balance Owls play a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance by controlling populations of prey species. This can help prevent overpopulation and its associated issues. Unique Wildlife Observation Owls are fascinating and elusive creatures. Having them around provides an opportunity for wildlife enthusiasts and birdwatchers to observe and appreciate these beautiful birds up close. However, it's important to consider a few factors if you have owls around your house: Noise: Owls can be noisy during the breeding season when they hoot to establish territory and attract mates. While many people find this soothing and enjoyable, it can be bothersome to others, especially if you have a sensitive sleep schedule. Predation: Owls are predators, and if you have small pets like small dogs or cats, they could potentially be at risk if they roam freely at night. It's essential to take precautions to protect your pets if owls are in the area. Nesting Sites: Owls might choose to nest in your vicinity, which can be both a positive and a negative. While it offers the chance to observe owlets, nesting owls may become territorial and protective, which can sometimes lead to conflicts with humans.
Exploring the fascinating world of owls in South Carolina reveals a rich tapestry of biodiversity and ecological significance. These majestic birds of prey, with their distinctive calls and nocturnal habits, play a crucial role in the state's ecosystems. As we've journeyed through the different species found in South Carolina, from the enigmatic Great Horned Owl to the diminutive Eastern Screech Owl, it's clear that these creatures are not just integral to the natural balance but also a source of wonder and intrigue. Protecting their habitats and understanding their behaviors and needs is vital for conservation efforts. As stewards of the environment, it's our responsibility to ensure that the haunting hoots of these remarkable birds continue to echo through the night skies of South Carolina for generations to come.
What is the most common owl in South Carolina? The most common owl in South Carolina is the Eastern Screech Owl (Megascops asio). What are the most common owls in the world? The most common owl species worldwide include the Barn Owl (Tyto alba) and the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco). Why do owls hoot at night? Owls hoot at night primarily for communication, marking territory, and attracting mates. It's a way for them to communicate with other owls. What is the largest owl? The largest owl in the world is the Blakiston's Fish Owl (Bubo blakistoni), which can have a wingspan of over 6 feet (2 meters) and is found in parts of Asia. What is the most powerful owl? The Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) is often considered the most powerful owl due to its size, strength, and ability to prey on a wide range of animals, including larger birds and mammals. Are owls intelligent? Yes, owls are considered intelligent birds. They possess excellent hunting skills, problem-solving abilities, and have adapted to a wide range of habitats, demonstrating their intelligence in various ways. Read the full article
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owlbites · 3 years
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No, no I don’t take criticism. They’ve been hanging out and having fun and you can’t do a thing about it (please let me have this.)
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Otus : Tell me a random thing about space.
Solus : Strix is president of mars.
Otus : What the fuck.
Solus : I don’t know, Bonacci said it and it’s been haunting me since.
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hiaennyddei · 7 years
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It’s the last one I swear
Owlboy belongs to @dpadstudio
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opal-owl-flight · 7 years
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More owl memes from the 2000's bec I can't find anything better to do All chars belong to @dpadstudio
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sugarrrush · 4 years
hey in case y’all are still wondering i’m theorizing that “one of the four awaits” is referring to noctae purposefully setting up the hologram shit for otus, who is one of four owls (the other three being fib solus and bonacci)
strix and asio don’t count they’re boomers
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maripr · 5 years
Post canon owlboy content where
Strix refuses to teach Solus any longer, after knowing what the boy caused.
So Asio, feeling responsible for how Otus and Solus have been treated and wanting to grow as a person, offers him to become his student.
Otus is really happy.
So the three of them kinda become a family.
Otus and Solus now have each other to study with and they comfort each other if they feel anxious and Asio tries his best to make up for the years of verbal abuse he put Otus through, in a way learning more from the students than they learn from him.
And eventually, Solus and Otus develop feeling for one another. Asio doesn't know how to deal with teenagers but he does his best. When the two of them get their diploma it's an emotional moment for everyone, even if Asio really knows deep inside that the two pupils could have graduated right after they saved the world, years ago, but he just wanted to keep them around.
Nothing changes much after they graduate though, they still like to hang around their stern yet now kind father figure. And they invite him to their wedding.
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icpsalbermu-blog · 5 years
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worldwidedino · 3 years
Interesting Owlboy Name Things
Since Simon says several names have a double meaning in an interview here’s all the interesting name facts in Owlboy I can think of
Asio, Otus, Strix, and Aegolius are all names of owl genuses
Asio otus is the scientific name for the long-eared owl
All Scops owls are under the genus Otus and Otus’s dad is named Scops
Aegolius comes from an Ancient Greek word meaning “a bird of ill omens”
Strix is a Stygian Owl which as the scientific name Asio stygius and him and Asio are rivals
Solus is similar sounding to the word solace and the Latin word solus
A dirk is a type of blade found in the Scottish highlands
Molstrom sounds like maelstrom, which could be either a powerful whirlpool in a river or sea or a situation or state of confused movement or violent turmoil.
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blacktiger666 · 2 years
[Wakfu X Owlboy] - Dragon Solus (Fan-Concept)
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What the characters on the drawing say : Bonacci (in Solus's mind) : Really, we wonder at what age you learned to walk... Around 6 years old? 😏 Fib (in Solus's mind) : Hahaha! Bravo, Bonacci! 😂   Solus (himself) : Calm down, Solus, it's not your style to get upset like that... Ignore them as usual, they'll eventually get bored... ------- At first, the idea of integrating the Dofus in Owlboy, as crossover Wakfu X Owlboy, was just for fun because it sounded too good between the names of Otus, Solus and Dofus (See here : www.deviantart.com/lordblackti…)! I didn't think I would go so far as to invent a "sequel" as a concept! 😭 I even made a story about it but be careful, this summary is quite long : Just after studying the dofus with his friend and neighbour, Solus takes the dofus with him to study it on his own because he didn't really want to bother Otus, given that the latter has to rest for his day off. tomorrow because of Asio... The snowy owl still has energy to study his discovery, however, that was all there was to find out about this egg, he still didn't know where it came from or even if it has a specific name (I remember that Solus and Otus do not know the name of "Dofus") or even how it had landed in the Owl Temple if the Ancestral Owls had nothing left behind (no messages or anything) it was just an egg that shone a beautiful blue that sometimes reacted weirdly at times (especially in contact with the snowy owl) The next day, Solus took the dofus with him to school because he was afraid his parents would find it and get rid of it, given how the object reacted strangely, he didn't want to lose a rather interesting discovery. Besides, it would have interested his professor Strix who was also studying the past of the owl community. As usual, Fib and Bonacci come to annoy Solus by tripping him surprise (it was Bonacci who had tripped him) and obviously Solus fell on the ground. After his fall and just after this unbearable duo had finished bothering him as usual, Solus got up and could no longer find the Dofus (in reality, when he fell, Solus absorbed him without realizing when the Dofus had again reacted strangely to his touch), he thought it was Fib and Bonacci who had stolen it from him because the egg was really pretty for anyone with its sparkling blue and they were really able to steal it from him but now he didn't want to REALLY NOT lose this discovery and went to them directly to ask them what they did with the egg. Surprise, they didn't take the dofus since they didn't know what it was but in their words, they would have said "Yes, we would have taken it from you and we wouldn't have given it back to you!" Just at these words, Solus was furious inside, they were really kids these two! Even though they are only 12 and 13 years old and it was normal at that age. But Solus was more emotionally mature than them, although he lacks self-confidence. Returning to the scene of his fall, Solus suddenly panicked : What if he was broken? Oh no, no, no! It was unimaginable for him! Otus arrived and saw his friend panicking as he searched everywhere where he had fallen. Solus saw his mute friend from birth, he confessed to him that he lost the egg but that he will find it, he had written everything down anyway but as there were lessons, he will come back later... Later, after class, after a final search, we had to face the facts, the dofus was definitely lost (when in reality, he had been in Solus since his fall), this deeply saddened the snowy owl ... Back home, he kept thinking about the loss of his discovery, he also thought about Fib and Bonacci, that unbearable duo... He remembered the times when those two kept looking for him crosses, knocking him down every time he passed them and every time, he said nothing, that it's going to pass... But there, it was too much! He wants to defend himself even if violence is not the right solution! Geddy had told Otus and him too to ignore them but they had to have a good lesson, karma always strikes! Solus was not violent by nature, he was calm and composed, he always kept his cool (snowy owl 👀) in the most delicate situations unless a butterfly landed on his nose, there was general panic ! That night in his room, although he was calm, Solus was really pissed, it was not his habit to feel so much anger inside him, that it burned inside him just because of brats coming there. annoy for no reason! And just thinking that, he clenched his fists very hard on his textbook... Seeing that he was starting to get angry, he told himself to calm down by breathing calmly... wasn't an early teenage crisis all the same, maybe overwork due to revisions... Yes, it was surely fatigue. Getting ready to go to bed, Solus felt numbness in his hands... He was shaking them to get the blood flowing. This is what happens when you clench your fists too tightly! But there, it didn't stop and very quickly he felt the shearing at his fingertips while he rubbed his eyes to fight against fatigue... Looking attentively at one of his hands, the left for to be precise, he saw that he started to have claws coming out of his fingertips... Was he dreaming or...? Judging by the pain he was feeling in his hand, which was starting to get a little bigger, no. The pain didn't stop at his hands, it also reached his mouth where his teeth became little fangs, it throbbed in his gums as his fangs grew in his mouth to such an extent that he was crying, it was so painful! He then felt a pressure in his forearms where there are his kind of leather bracelets around his wrists and realized that he was growing, the pressure being too strong, the bracelets exploded! That's when Solus realized what was happening to him when he felt something grow in his back (the wings) and in his lower back (the tail): he was turning into a dragon! Passing from the stage of fear to pleasure (hence his smile revealing his sharp fangs), he had not understood at first since he was scared when he saw that claws were growing on his fingers. As he had understood that he was turning into a dragon, Solus had to go out, he had to make a monster effort (the involuntary pun 😭) to "hold back", "slow down" the transformation and therefore unable to leave his home. him if he was too big and for that, he shouldn't wake up his parents by holding back his little cries of pain (although this one is unbearable). Once out of his house in silence, with his freshly grown wings (and not with the owl cloak he left at home, he had taken care to remove it when he understood what was happening to him), he isolated himself to complete his transformation... The cave of Vellie will do the trick... He had already heard and read dragon stories but they were legends, tales, he could not suspect that he could be one without knowing it! In the cave of Vellie, he could scream at the top of his lungs to relieve himself from the pain of the transformation, you could hear that his voice was unrecognizable, monstrous, his body had already reached the height of 7 meters and his head hadn't completely finished transforming, spines were "popping" from the top of his head to the tail, his nose had grown in size and was sharp (like the human becoming a werewolf with his nose without the muzzle to find the same context ^^) almost hiding his mouth and the elongation of his skull was really painful! This transformation, being quite exhausting, Solus lay down on the ground to regain his strength.
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the-owl-boy · 5 years
One of Otus' favourite places in Vellie must've been the lookout point in the leftmost corner of the plaza. Whenever it was a patrol day like today, he always found time to pay it a visit and just stare out into the open sea of clouds and distant islands.
(He would've invited Geddy to come along, but he seemed to be off in Advent again ...)
And so he headed there, through the cavern and down the wooden stairs wrapped around a stone pillar(which he never used, he could fly-), onto the swaying grass leading to the cliff with the bench and the flowers and ...
Otus stopped himself midair, caught off-guard by the silhouette of a person peeking from the back of the bench. Were Strix and his students visiting today? Was that Mandolyn? Was- who was that?
... Couldn't be a pirate, could it? He froze in place at that thought, his wings instinctively retracting and allowing him to land on the ground, his tufts raised in alarm. What was he supposed to do if he found a pirate again? Find Asio, find Bomboman, fightnd- fight them, probably fight them, right!? Is he capable of doing it alone? Aha, probably not! Is his mind racing so fast that he'd completely forget that he's in no way supposed to just approach and pick a fight with what he thinks is a pirate? Yeah ... yeah, that’s what’s happening, isn’t it-
The owlboy spread his wings, and, send himself flying towards the girl settled on the bench. Hopefully the careless, clumsy takeoff wouldn't send him tumbling right past her off the cliff-
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