#Story Tellling
l0kiabsinthe · 4 months
You can not curb my enthusiasm!!! I am on the charts baby! 5th & 7th place out of 100!!! Woooooooooo!
Yes, I am on TikTok...in towels! 😂 please feel free to follow me there:
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jefflaflamme · 4 months
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We meet Fergot the fish for the first time at yet another sporting event. A football homecoming game.
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wlofallon · 4 months
Because it makes so much more sense to have 3 blogs...fml.
THE:[ROGUE]:DJ @lokiabsinthe
Hermione X Magneto fanfic @hermagneto
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himemeiya · 3 days
You are not immune to tiktok anime edits [x]
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safflowerseason · 3 months
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this is what the reddit commenter didn't include their summary of Sepinwall's response to MB's interview.
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socksandbuttons · 8 months
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vanadiumcore · 2 years
Haven't really posted anything but here are my OC's Null (white hair) and Derek (black hair) from my story Vanadium core!!
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intramoon · 2 years
Will you be posting Brutally Soft content again?
Hmm, that’s a great question! Like how I used to story tell, with somewhat regular posts ... probably not. The thing I work on posts all the time I just never end up posting them, like I have this one I was working on that just a night time moment between Nes and Amelia that I’ll probably never post.
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I have three or so flashback posts just sitting in my drafts I am not sure I’ll ever post either. I like making story content but I have this gnawing reminder in the back of my head that is people don’t really interact story content and/or do not particularly enjoy mine, sometimes it feels like my story posts just clog up other people’s timeline. Maybe that’s not true, maybe I hit the mark, I’ll never know! I’ll still do one off posts like I’ll still be doing their wedding but I am not sure what I’ll do about all the other plots I had planned because there were a lot. 
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spiltlove · 2 years
im kinda (really) drunk rn and just thinking abt how sometimes we give so much energy to hearing how abt abusive relationships r exhausting to hear abt but sometimes we dont focus on the induvial going through through it.
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notebooknonbinary · 2 years
this has probably already been asked, but was there ever a set alibi for where will was when he was missing? Or did they just tell the general public he was wandering around lost in the woods? cuz like i know they retconned the season 1 version of the article about him (where it mentions hawkins lab), but then in season 2 the doctored version of the tape nancy and jonathan send to the press could likely still mentions "what happened to your brother and Miss Holland's death", so maybe calling back to the retconned article, Will was "kidnapped and pyschologically tortured by hnl" or something--unless the tape was very doctored to remove mention of him? but then we're back to the original question? With how "good" the govt in ST is at covering stuff up, Will "wandering around in the woods" doesn't feel like a rocksolid alibi to me.
And it's not like they can pin it on Lonnie Byers (pls die horrible in s5 man) since his only crime in s1 was being a spectacularly large bastard, rotten father (and a potential icky disgusting teenager-groomer, depending on how old his "gf" is).
And if they never set an alibi, what do you think the best one would be? A kidnapper who died when the "police rescued will"? or something else?
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wlofallon · 3 months
Seeking Beta Readers! For a cute YA novella: Author’s choice version of my turn the page for this action novella! Also seeking a french translator who would want to help me build the French/English side by Side versions of the books!
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nanamiiiiiiin · 2 years
self indulgence is the biggest writing motivator istg. i know that of course you oughta write for yourself, but sometimes I think you gotta let the reigns of a planned narrative go a little and let what you like about stories stitch itself up. 
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I want a Sunday kinda love | JC X JB
Backstory: Jordyn chase is Jamar chase’s twin sister (younger by 4 minutes but wtv) who is “best friends” with his best friend Joe burrow who they both grew up with, watch the “łøve” unfold and them grow up
(Kinda insta au)
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Just_.chaseyyyyy: Tiger pride💜💛
Liked by J.sheisty and 51 others
Thebetterchasetwin: can’t believe you acc made the team
Just_.chaseyyyyy: @thebetterchasetwin talk to me when you can make it in the end zone
J.sheisty:@thebetterchasetwin you gon take that???🥶
Just_.chaseyyyy:@J.sheisty your next🥸
Lsuvolleyball:clap it up for our team captain 💛💜
Alana.b12: so proud of us bestieeeee
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Just_.chaseyyyyy: @Alana.b12 I hope you took notes bcs this is what me and @j.sheisty did all class
Liked by Alana.b12 and 43 others
Thebetterchasetwin: tell burrow to watch the hands😒
Alana.b12: my fave lsu couple🤩(also yess i did take notes and i did see yall but i wont say what i saw😚)
Just_.chaseyyyyy: @Alana.b12 thx girl Lysm (also not a couple)
Thebetterchasetwin: @Alana.b12 what you see👀👀👀
Alana.b12:@Thebetterchasetwin don’t worry about it
Just_.chaseyyyyys story:
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Thebetterchasetwin: ey burrow watch the hands 😒😒😒😒
Liked by Alana.b12 and 12 others
Just_.chaseyyyyy: leave him alone😤🙄🙄🙄
Alana.b12: leave them alone 😤🙄🙄🙄
J.sheisty: leave her alone😤🙄🙄🙄
Thebetterchasetwin:@Alana.b12@[email protected] gtfo my comments
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Alana.b12: “we’re just friends”
Liked by Just_.chaseyyyyy and 574 others
Just_.chaseyyyyy:bcs we are just friends💀
Alana.b12: @just_.chaseyyyyy yall in the back of the classroom says diffrent
Thebetterchasetwin:@Alana.b12 what they be doin????
Alana.b12:@thebetterchasetwin nun 🫥
Thebetterchasetwin:@Alana.b12 telll meeeee
Alana.b12: @thebetterchasetwin i ain’t no snitch🫡
J.sheisty:GYAA- I mean yeah just friends
Lsuteaaaa:joes comment 😳😳
Alana.b12: I needa post yall more im blowing up🫣🤯🤯
Lsuteaaaaa: @Alana.b12 plsssssss😩😩
Thebetterchasetwin:@j.sheisty ima smack the shit outta you
J.sheisty:@thebetterchasetwin 🫣🫣🫣🫣
First chapter did yall like it 👀👀👀👀
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thewistlingbadger · 9 months
Into the Spiderverse is about expectations. It is a theme that is brought up time and time again throughout the film. Miles has to battle the expectations of his parents, school, other spider people, and society in the movie. The homework assignment that's given to Miles at the beggining of the movie after being caught trying to fail out of school, is an assignment on the book Great Expectations. The art piece Miles makes with Uncle Arron says "No expectations". By the end of the movie, Miles doesn't conform to anyone's expectations, he does things his own way and still manages to succeed. He's become a better spiderman, he's gained the respect of New York and other spider people, and he's excelling at school (he gets a 100 on his Great Expectations assignment).
So the theme of Into the Spiderverse is expectations, but what about Across the spiderverse? I've been thinking about this alot and I think I've come to the conclusion that Across the Spiderverse is about Story.
Across the Spierverse literally starts with Gwen telling miles' story. "His name is Miles Morales. He was bitten by a radioactive spider," "He hasn't always had it easy,". Throughout the movie, Gwen contiunes this behavior. Gwen withholds information from Miles because she wants him to live a certain way. She wants him to live carefree as long as he can because she didn't get that luxury, even if it's wrong. She gives him advice about how he should live his life (she tells him not to tell his parents about his identity because it went poorly with her.). Miles' guidance counselor insists that he has to have a story in order to be successful. She suggests a story that isn't even true, but insists that it's his. and then there's canon.
The concept of canon is literally forcing a story upon spider people. A story that Miles doesn't want to adhere to because it would mean his father would die. And it comes to no shock that the antagonist of the movie, Miguel O'Hara, is the main force trying to enforce the canon.
Lastly, most people would agree that the chase scene in Across the Spiderverse is equivalent to the Leap of Faith scene in the first movie. Both scenes are the biggest moments in their films. In the first movie, the Leap of Faith is the resolve of Miles' internal conflict. It is the moment where he becomes his own spiderman and embracesses his uniqueness. The chase scene in Across the Spiderverse is the moment that Miles puts his foot down, and he literally says,
"Everyone keeps tellling me how MY STORY is supposed to go! Nah. Imma do my own thing"
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silverxcristal · 2 years
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Happy 3rd anniversary FNaF AR: Special delivery!
Im a little late (25/11) but this monster took their sweet time to be ready.
This silly little game that I cant even play on my own cellphone means a lot to me, I had so much fun designing gijinkas for all the skins and important animatronics additions (Shadow Bonnie, 8bit baby, Golden Freddy) and I’ve enjoying tellling stories with them on my AU.
The fandom is like... 15 people /j but honestly it feels nice to be in a niche place where the only “drama” is the people complaining about a game they dont like, demanding stuff that doesnt even fit with the narrative Illumix (and steelwool) was delivering to us. Im just here to have fun.
So... which one is your favorite?~
Edit: Tumblr eat most of the tags please please how do i make this be seen now im already shadowbanned oh my god /neg
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papirouge · 5 months
let's not forget that when Black & brown radfem recalled that white radfem have never been real ally when it came to support women in Palestine, a bunch of them used the excuse that they "didn't know" and that it was unfair to expect them to know & cover any story happening at the other side of the globe (but they'll make sure to make the karen meme -unknown to any person who's not terminally online- every woman's problem)
We're now in 2024, FEMALE palestinians journalists or civilians are doing regular Livestream on social medias (such as Bisan on TikTok). They don't have the excuse of "not knowing" what's going on. Not anymore.
Especially when they will sneakily reblog post denouncing the sexual abuse of Israeli women - but NEVER of Palestianian women. They will say "stop being entitled to female labor" but will absolutely feel entitled to women of color labor to bear the burden of defending white women honor and dignity (Amber Heard).
They know. They just don't see non white women as equal and worthy of the same attention as them. Ask yourself why radfem made a big deal of that german girl abducted and raped by the Hamas but NEVER had the energy to remotely speak up about any story of Palestianian women raped and brutalized by Israeli men. Those women admit BY THEIR OWN WORDS that they consider the sexual abuse of Israeli women "notable" and "particular".
When someone tellls you who they really are, believe them.
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