#Spruce Shave
steddie week day 4 - hurt/comfort [read on ao3] @steddie-week
eddie wakes up four weeks after the fault lines open up and threaten to drag all of hawkins into the pits of hell.
steve isn't in the room for it, because that's just his luck, isn't it? but eddie isn't alone. wayne's been staying permanently and helping the nurses care for him where he can. helping them bathe him, washing his hair and keeping his face shaved.
three visitors per room, a nurse had told them once eddie was wheeled into recovery thirteen hours after he'd been rushed through the o.r's double doors.
they'd moved him to a permanent room on the west wing of the surgical unit once he was stable enough and it's where he's been ever since. they've spruced the place up a bit over the past couple weeks; flowers and cards line the window and balloons fill one corner of the room. wayne's coffee mug sits on the table beside eddie's bed and his duffel bag stays by the pull out chair he sleeps on.
the kids visit every day, traveling between eddie's room and max's a few doors down the hall, but steve's the only one that's been constant. he brings wayne a change of clothes every other day and takes his dirty laundry home to wash them. he can't do much for either of them in the current moment, but it'll do for now. he keeps wayne company and holds eddie's hand when it's just the two of them in the room.
but when eddie wakes up, it's only wayne by his side.
they tell him later that he wasn't gone long before he did, but steve still feels like he was hours too late, even though he was only two floors down in the cafeteria.
when he comes back into the room, they both turn to look at him and it feels like the wind's been knocked out of his chest, leaving him gasping for air. his hands go numb but before he can even think of dropping the two coffee's he's carrying, wayne takes them while muttering about giving them privacy and shuts the door behind him.
"hey, big boy."
eddie gives him a tired smile that's a touch too dopey from the morphine he's got coursing through him and tries to reach his hand out, but his arm just flops onto the bed.
it's a mere second of movement that tells steve that eddie is alive and breathing. he stumbles forward, hovering his hands over eddie's body like he's too afraid to touch.
eddie blinks slowly up at him, smile still in place. his eyes are glassy and unfocused– exactly like someone on a good high. but they still hold the same intensity that originally drew steve in. like eddie's seeing into his very soul. it was unnerving at first, in the beginning, but now there's a comfort in it.
"i'm okay, stevie," eddie whispers. "ya ain't gonna break me."
steve's face crumples and he gasps out a sob, collapsing at eddie's bedside and burying his face in the front of his hospital gown, staining it with tears and snot.
eddie comforts him with a weak hand in his hair and quiet reassurances but he can't do much from his spot in the bed.
"come up here, stevie," he says.
eyes bloodshot and his cheeks wet, steve sniffs and shakes his head. "i'll hurt you."
"you won't hurt me, baby," eddie says. he winces as he shuffles over in the bed, not by much, but enough that steve won't roll onto the floor. he makes grabby hands. "c'mere, need my favorite boy."
"i'm your only boy," steve giggles, but he carefully moves to tuck himself into eddie's side as gently as possible. he buries his face in eddie's neck and clings to his gown, as if eddie's liable to disappear at any second.
eddie snorts. "don't let henderson hear you say that. i'll never hear the end of it."
steve hums and presses a kiss to the side of eddie's neck, where the skin is unblemished and unmarred. eddie's hand in back in his hair and carefully brushing his fingers through the strands, and steve rests his over eddie's heart, the beat of it steady against his palm.
a kiss is placed on top of his head and steve can feel his eyes getting droopy.
"rest, sweetheart," eddie whispers, lips brushing his forehead. "i'll be here when you wake up, i promise."
wayne comes back a while later to both boys sound asleep, curled around each other in a way that'll have eddie whining about the ache in his sides later as steve rolls his eyes and scolds him. wayne can already see the exaggerated pout on his nephew's face as he breaks out the puppy eyes they both know steve is immune to.
chuckling to himself, wayne settles into the pull out chair and sips his coffee. he'll let steve call everybody over in the morning; no doubt eddie will want to know about the mayfield girl, but for now, they can rest.
after what wayne's been filled in on (by steve, the chief, and some government suits) his boys are gonna be in for a hell of a fight.
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blu3-tea · 28 days
Gift - G/t
TW: Pet trope, swearing.
Premise: A world in which genetically engineered tinies or Littlins are viewed as pets. Ellen is gifted one on her grandpas' party, as she had graduated the week before.
Word count: 1,352
Note: I'm considering of writing more parts to this.
The dining room was livelier than ever. Chittering voices drowned out the clattering of forks and knives ripping through the steak. The smell of her aunt's golden casserole was overpowering. Colourful banners hung from all four walls. Rotund balloons were thrown around the room by her little cousins, across the dining table at times. Her grandpa, who was now a grand 80 years old, would occasionally join in their game, grinning like a schoolboy.
It was very rare for all of the family to gather together at once, so Ellen tried to capture every memory on her cellphone. They almost seemed normal. She showed the pictures she had taken of her grandpa blowing out the birthday candles to her aunt.
"Ellen! Come over here." Her dad called from the other end of the table. As she slid behind the occupied chairs, he placed a large box wrapped in blue wrapping paper in front of him.
"It was my idea." Her grandpa chimed in.
Her parents beckoned her to unwrap the gift right there and then with bright smiles. Her dad boasted about how expensive it was and Ellen in turn had repeatedly explained that she didn't need such expensive gifts.
"But grandpa should be opening his presents tonight."
"This is an exception. Come on! It can't wait."
Ellen felt a fluttering excitement grow in her chest, as she gingerly teared away the wrapping. What kind of computer had they bought her? Was it a monitor instead? Perhaps a jewellery box with the porcelain twirling ballerina inside? With a utility knife she carefully cut through the wide tape at the top of the box. She leaned over the open top. Her smile faded away.
Inside was a small hamster cage. Its floor was covered in spruce shavings. A blue plastic structure with a round roof stood in the corner, from where a tiny face peaked out from. Their eyes met her eyes for a moment, which felt like an eternity. The face disappeared back underneath the plastic.
What the actual fuck.
"Well, what do you think?"
"It's..." she forced a smile on "Wonderful."
"Before you go we'll give you its food."
"Ah... great. Thanks." She hugged them tightly, even though her skin tingled with disgust.
"Won't you take it out?"
"I-" Ellen stammered and glanced at the cage.
No, no, no.
"Yes, of course. I'll, umm, take them somewhere quieter." She shot a worrying glance at her clumsy cousins.
Before her parents could protest, she swiftly picked up the box and carried it upstairs to the spare bedroom. She slammed her door behind her and set the box in front of the nightstand. She kneeled down before it, looming over it.
She had always wanted to adopt a pet, either a dog or a cat. The last one, a goldfish, wasn’t fed whilst she had gone camping. So, when she had returned she found it floating on the water’s surface; her parents had forgotten to feed it. As long as she lived with them she could not have any pets or plants. Now, that she bought her own apartment she daydreamed of having a little furry friend run around the place.
What she never wanted was a littlin. The uncanny human resemblance cringed her. She knew that they were technically human, just shorter. Perhaps it was the sheer size difference that threw her off. Whatever it was that made her fidget with her dress and avoid looking at the box, she had to face it.
Ellen released a shaky breath.
Just do it already Ellen.
With stiff hands, she removed the cage and put it on the nightstand.
"Hello?" She didn't mean for her voice to crack.
A tiny figure marched out from the plastic cover to the centre of the cage. Under the yellow light, Ellen saw a bony girl with untamed, short, curly hair and chocolate coloured eyes as round as buttons. The littlin had to crane her head up to meet her gaze. She greeted her back, showing a toothy smile and placing her hands on her hips.
Ellen couldn't help but scoot a bit further back.
Just why?
Finally the cage was taken out. Any more hours left in that darkness and Nelly would have lost her marbles. Just as practiced, she presented herself as best as she could, in the hopes of making a good first impression and getting some food to eat. In her mind she battled the thoughts of hunger. She had to stay attentive for her new owner's commands.
For a couple long seconds the giantess remained silent. Her titanic eyes darted around the cage.
You hate it too? Great. Then for the love of god change it.
Nelly kept her stance friendly as she stared at the giantess, whose eyebrows twitched a bit into a frown, barely enough for a human to notice. She noticed a big lump travel down her throat - she had discreetly gulped.
I'll enjoy her nervousness while it lasts.
It felt somewhat empowering to watch a human struggle to meet her gaze and feel uncomfortable in her minuscule presence without even having to do anything. Every time, however, they turned into the others. She was no exception.
Two minutes had passed and Nelly's hands started to sweat.
What was she waiting for? Did I already fuck it up?
First impressions dictate almost everything. If you’re “good” you’re fed and cleaned right away, even though they toy with you at the same time. The next days they keep coming back, cooing at you to come out. If you’re gifted to children that a completely different story, which she didn’t need to worry about for the first time! That giant was unmarried and single, with no animal pets whatsoever; she heard her parents talk about that as they were strolling about the pet store. She seemed perfect. She would probably leave her alone most of the time and keep her well-fed. To Nelly she had won the lottery.
Just then the giantess turned to the box and dove her hands inside. She frantically rummaged through it, as if she had lost something. Nelly eyed her curiously.
"Is there a return card in here?"
Nelly's face momentarily went blank.
Return? We barely spent five minutes together! What the hell is wrong with her?
She couldn't- she wouldn't return to that hellhole they called a pet store.
"No, there isn't." Her smile returned.
"Does the shop accepts returns?"
"No." She lied. Hopefully, she’s naive enough not to google it.
The giantess crossed her arms and closed her eyes, creasing thin lines around them. Nelly's heartbeat quickened. That was certainly not a good sign.
Would she instead leave her at a park or on the streets? Her mind raced with all the horrors she would encounter if that were the case. Dogs, cats, birds, kids, rain, wind - everything out there can tear her apart.
"Do you mind staying in that cage a bit longer? It's just that there's kids downstairs and uh- you know. The party will be over soon." The woman explained quickly.
"No problem at all!"
Good enough. I might have more opportunities to convince her to keep me. Perhaps I should take on a more talkative approach.
"Alright. Great. I'll be right back." The woman hurried back to the dining room, making sure to silently close the door behind her.
Nelly could still hear the humans' loud voices and music, but at least she wasn't right in there pressing her hands against her ears to muffle the deafening noise.
She limped to the wall of the cage behind her and slumped down against it, her right leg bent close to her chest and her left one outstretched, releasing a sigh of relief. Even though it's been a year, her left leg still screamed with pain every time she moved it. It couldn't be helped. She had to perform for survival.
Thank you for reading!
Part 2: click here
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waywardangel-wilds · 22 days
Inspired by this post by @littlemarianah and this post by @mellarked-katnisseverdeen :
Katniss propped up her father’s frameless shaving mirror, watching herself in the setting sunlight as she anxiously rearranged her hair. She brushed her fingers down the front of her dress. It was ironed, clean, and never before mended. It was the nicest piece of clothing she owned. Was it alright? She turned herself to profile in the mirror. Would he like it?
“Birdie, what are you puttering around in there for?” Her father hobbled towards the bathrooms doorway. His bad leg usually gave him a harder time on rainy evenings, like the one they were having. “My,” he paused to smile, “aren’t you a pretty picture?”
She smiled. “Oh daddy, don’t tell me you forgot already.” She reached over to put the mirror away. “You promised you’d be on your best behaviour.”
“For what?” He asked, but his slight smile gave him away. Katniss rolled her eyes while she straightened the collar of his shirt. “I’m just joking, ‘course I didn’t forget. What are you messing with my shirt for? He's not coming to see me!” He laughed.
“This is important to me,” She met her father’s smiling eyes with her own nervous gaze. “I want him to like it here. I want you to like him.”
“We’ll see about that,” he chuckled at his daughter’s stricken expression. “Don’t give me that pout! I just want to know if he’s good enough to be on your arm, is all.”
“Daddy,” Katniss shook her head. She glanced out the window at the sun. He’d be by soon. “I need to finish getting ready!”
“You’re beautiful already, birdie. I don’t see what all the fuss is about.” He was laughing as she pushed him out of the bathroom. “Alright! Alright! I know when I’m not wanted.”
“Please don’t let mama say anything embarrassing!” She begged before she shut the door in his face.
“You heard that? Your daughter thinks we’ve no self control,” he snickered into the kitchen where his wife offered him an amused tweak of the brow. “You’d think the boy was the prince of Panem or something.”
“Hm, I think it’s sweet.” His wife replied, lifting the lid of the stew she’d been working on for the better part of the evening. “Young love, remember it?”
“You’re calling me old?” He pulled her into the circle of his arms. “These Everdeen women sure are difficult to impress.”
“Spruce,” she shook her head. “Why don’t you make yourself useful and help me with this food, huh? Your daughter put a lot of work into tonight.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He walked over to their makeshift ice box. “I promise to keep the commentary to a minimum.”
“Mama! If Katniss marries the baker do we get free cakes forever?” Prim little head stuck into the house from where she sat on the front steps. “Cause that’d be really neat!”
“Primrose Everdeen!” She said around a laugh. “Don’t you have to get dressed for dinner?”
“He’s not marrying me,” the girl replied sullenly as she shuffled towards the bedroom.
“No one’s marrying anyone!” Spruce called out. “In fact, what does anyone need boys for?”
“You’re a boy daddy,” Prim replied.
“Now that’s an entirely different thing,” he replied. “I’m your father. That makes me better than the rest.”
“Mmhm,” his wife replied sarcastically. “Taste this?” She placed the spoon before his lips.
“Sour,” he coughed. “What have you been doing over there?”
“Well you could fix it if you know so much,” she handed him the spoon. “I could use a rest, you know. It takes a lot to look like this.” She fluffed her hair.
“Yes, I noticed. You look lovely, dear.” She smacked his shoulder. “I mean it!”
“Uh huh,” she replied.
“Mama! Could I borrow your lipstick?” Katniss’s voice came from the bathroom still. “Is it in your room?”
“Yes, darling.” His wife replied, shooting him an amused look. “In the drawer!”
They didn't hear anything else before they saw her zoom by to the bedroom, her hair trailing behind her like a river of molasses.
“Don’t sprain something now!” He called after her. “This kid better be the best thing since sliced bread. I don’t remember you putting this much work into making me happy.”
“Hush,” his wife tried to peek into the bedroom before the door shut behind their daughter’s back. “She’s nervous enough as it is.”
A thudding noise from beyond the closed door caught their attention. “Hey!” Prim yelled.
“Oh no, now they’re fighting.” She patted his arm. “I’m going in there.”
“You have my thoughts and prayers,” he replied sarcastically. She didn’t spare that a response, but she smiled, so that was a win.
He set about fixing the stew, adding some extra water to try and counteract the excess vinegar. He was cutting up some wild onion when a tentative knock befell the open door.
"Ah, there he is," He glanced towards the doorway with a friendly expression. "The man of the hour."
At the threshold, a shy-looking eighteen-year-old boy peeked halfway into the house. He smiled self-consciously. "Good evening, Mr. Everdeen."
"Mr. Everdeen? That was my father. You’ll call me Spruce. Come in! What are you doing hanging out in the rain?" He waved him over. "Do you know much about cooking?"
"The basics, I think." He shrugged good-naturedly, taking a moment to wipe his feet on the cheerful mat his wife had laid out there ages ago. He walked in strangling some unfortunate daisies. "These are for Katniss."
"We've got a vase somewhere," He ducked to check the cupboard, his back protesting the whole time. "Here we are. One chipped jug, close enough." He smiled over his shoulder. "It's Peeta, correct?"
"Yes, sir." Peeta accepted the old milk jug and went to fill it at the sink. He quirked a brow at that. "Uh, Mr. Spruce, sorry."
"Whatever floats your boat." He accepted, "Is that for us?" He looked at the covered dish in the boy's other hand.
"Yes, of course!" He awkwardly set it down on the counter as his hands were full. Spruce was starting to feel bad for the kid, he'd never seen anyone so nervous. "Katniss loves the bakery's cheese buns so I figured it might be nice to bring some."
"That she does. Do you think she'd mind if I took one?" He asked cheekily, removing the dish's lid.
Peeta smiled. "Maybe a little."
"I think I'll risk it," He took a big bite out of a nice warm bun. He nodded in approval, "This is good."
Peeta's smile widened, "thank you, Mr. Spruce."
"You're here!" They turned towards the sound of his daughter's voice. She stood in the doorway to the bedroom, looking as lovely as she'd been since the day she was born, but this time she had a light touch of lipstick on her cheeks. "You met my dad."
Peeta nodded, "I did." He started blushing. "I-uh, brought you these." He extended the flowers in her direction, which she leaped across the room to accept. "You look beautiful."
Katniss glanced over her shoulder self-consciously. Spruce averted his eyes to give her some privacy. "Thank you," she said with a voice as sweet as honey. "You look nice too."
Peeta's face took on a love-dazed look and Spruce shook his head. Oh man, that's why his mother had constantly made fun of him back in the day.
He turned his back on the kids. Might as well spare them the extra embarrassment. "We're having a big dinner tonight. Katniss caught all this game all by herself." He returned to the stew, "Right, birdie?"
"Yep," the awkwardness seemed to be a common denominator. "You brought me cheese buns?"
"Yeah, I know how much you like them," Peeta replied with an awkward little chuckle.
"Thank you, I do-- like them, I mean. Yeah." Katniss spoke haltingly. "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"Oh!” His wife finally made it out of the bedroom. “Prim, come say hello!" She called back into the bedroom. "Peeta! How are you? Did the rain give you a hard time?"
"No, no, not at all, I'm great" Peeta replied. "Thank you for inviting me over tonight. You have a lovely home, Mrs. Everdeen."
"Thank you, and it's no trouble at all. We've been curious about you." She walked towards the table with Prim following close behind, a curious look to her. "And please, you don't have to call me that, Lily is fine."
"Lily," Peeta repeated with a smile.
"So since you're the baker and all, do we get freebies when you marry my sister?" Prim challenged.
"Prim!" Katniss chastised. “You don’t have to answer that. We’re not even engaged Prim.”
"And I'm not the baker. I just work there." Peeta answered with an amused smile. "My dad's the baker but I can still make you anything you'd like."
"You don't have to," Katniss said.
"Great! My birthday's coming up." Prim went on shamelessly. She pulled out one of the dining chairs and sat down. "Could you make it a heart-shaped cake? Oh! And cover it in pink frosting?"
Lily put a hand to her mouth to stifle her laughter, meanwhile, Katniss looked mortified. Spruce tsked, joining his youngest daughter at the table. “Don’t scare him off, you’ll cost us our in at the bakery!”
“Daddy,” Katniss complained. She picked up her boyfriend’s hand and tugged him towards the table. “They’re just joking. They do that a lot.”
“I really wouldn’t mind making it though,” Peeta smiled gregariously. “It’s not every day you get an order for a pink and heart-shaped cake. It sounds like fun.”
“In that case, could it be tiered too?” Prim interjected.
“That’s enough, Prim. Don’t disrespect.” Lily said. To Peeta she added, “has Katniss offered you something to drink?”
“Oh wow, I’m sorry I forgot. Do you want some water?” Katniss smiled her embarrassment.
“No, I’m okay, thanks.” Peeta and her seemed to have some sort of secret conversation which resulted in Katniss laughing.
“Should we eat?” Spruce stood. “I can serve the stew.”
“I’ll get the bowls,” Lily readily added. Once they were a sufficiently far away from the children she stage-whispered, “what do you think?”
“I think we’ve got ourselves a problem.”
“A problem? What do you mean? He seems perfectly nice to me.”
“No, he is. Problem is we’re gonna lose our kid.” He peaked over his shoulder. The kids were all seated at the table and having a normal conversation. “This looks permanent.”
Lily’s face grew sentimental. “We weren’t that much older when we got married.” She bit her lip. “ironic, huh?”
“How’d you mean?”
“You and me, town and seam. I chose the coal miner over the baker. Now, our daughter and her boyfriend, still town and seam, but she’s choosing the baker. It’s almost by design.”
“You’re reading too much into it,” he said. “What we should be worried about is how this affects me and the actual baker. First his girl and now his son? I can't go back there.”
“Spruce,” Lily laughed. "You and your jokes. Would it kill you to take this seriously?"
"Yes, it would." He grinned shamelessly. "But you knew that when you married me."
"You're terrible." She handed him a bowl. "Hurry up."
"So demanding," he shook his head. "This is cripple abuse."
"Cripple," Lily snorted.
"Thank you," Peeta smiled winningly as Lily deposited his bowl in front of him.
"So Peeta," Spruce interlaced his fingers. Time to look serious. "If you're not going to be the baker, what will you do? I'm assuming one of your brothers is the next baker, right?"
"Dad," Katniss complained.
"It's an important question." Spruce leaned forward slightly on his forearms. "Peeta?"
"That's right, Mr., Uh, Spruce, I'm not the next baker." Peeta managed to maintain eye contact with him. Good. "I'm apprenticing at the justice building for the rest of the year. My mother's side of the family has connections there."
"Interesting. What will you be doing?" Spruce cocked his head. "It pays?"
"Dad," Katniss groaned. "You know I'm sitting right here right?"
He put up a placating hand, "Peeta?"
"It pays," the boy nodded. "It should be enough, for um, multiple people." He blushed then.
"Please, I could probably provide enough for all of us." Katniss rolled her eyes and muttered. "Talking about me like a goat up for auction."
Spruce stared hard at them both for a long moment. Peeta looked like he was sweating. Katniss looked like she wanted him to keel over. He nodded. "Alright."
"Alright?" Katniss asked derisively.
"I'm giving you my blessing, birdie. Don't spend it all in one place." He smiled as Katniss gave in and softened. "That's my girl."
Part 2
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misscinnamonroll16 · 2 months
John pulls his goggles over his face when he's embarrassed, been crying or hasn't slept in a while
Floyd sometimes draws on facial hair
John Dory is often over caffeinated. He can't sit still bc he's got way too much energy. He often paces while eating bc if he sits down, he'll shake
All the boys talk with their hands when they really get into what they're saying. They are passionately talking about something and their hands Moving ™️
John's first tattoo (I believe he would get a few more but Floyd would still be the most tatted) he doesn't remember bc he was really drunk while it happened. He got it done on Branch's birthday way before the band got back together. He was in his feelings that day
Floyd looks the youngest, he's short and baby faced.
John can also look younger when he shaves his face (which offended Bruce when it happened)
If John covers your mouth with his hand, licking wouldn't get him to pull away. He has four little brothers who have all done that at one point and isn't phased by it
The boys shared a room when they were kids
Clay puffs out his cheeks when he gets mad. When on his own at the course, he had to train himself not to do that bc people (trolls) didn't take him seriously when he did. But with his brothers back in his life, that habit resurfaces.
John Dory can not resist the puppy dog eyes, and the little brothers know this and use it to their advantage
Floyd can cry on command
John Dory and Branch mumble to themselves. They just walking around talking to themselves, no biggie.
John Dorys writing style has improved from "baby, baby, girl". He wrote his own songs while on his own. It's mostly feelings stuff, talking about going back and changing things, stuff like that
Floyd has the ability to silently communicate with any of his brothers. Whether it's queer on queer communication with John or younger sibling communication with Clay. He can speak through looks but it only works with whichever brother he's doing it with. He can rope in another if he wants to
Bruce is the self care king. He has to force the others to do self care, mainly JD and Clay.
Floyd has also written his own songs while on his own, he has his own album.
John and Spruce forced Clay and Floyd to go into a haunted house with them as kids. Floyd DID NOT wanna go, practically had to be dragged in. Needless to say, the two of them almost pissed themselves with fear and JD never forced them to do it again. Spruce however, did try it again and was told no by John.
Floyd is afraid of clowns
John is incredibly handy but it's only out of necessity.
Bruce is still a little self conscious about his body. He has some bad days but as long as he's comfortable in is own skin, he's happy
Clay likes puzzles
John also likes puzzles but he likes the 'figure it out' type puzzles not put it together puzzles
All of the boys will have at least two kids at the minimum. They loved having siblings no matter what they say and want the same for their kids
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Splatoon 3 Version 6.0 Patch Notes Breakdown
Been a little bit since I did one of these, but Nintendo released the Chill Season 2023 patch notes about three hour ago, and while in terms of balance changes this is one of the smallest patches ever, it's got a ton of quality-of-life changes, so let's dig in, shall we?
So let's start from the top. In terms of new content, this patch includes a new catalog, two new stages (Robo ROM-en and Bluefin Depot), two new Specials (Splattercolor Screen and Triple Splashdown), nine new weapons, two new multiplayer songs, the new King Salmonid Megalodontia, and eleven new Tableturf cards.
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Additionally, you'll note that they're including a line about giving you one Sheldon License at the end of each season. This is actually really relevant to a change coming down in line, so tuck that in the back of your mind for later.
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The balance changes are all buffs, but they're relatively minor, and only six Main weapons and one Special are seeing any changes this time around.
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Starting off, .96 Gal is having its ink efficiency buffed by 8%. It currently gets 40 shots on a full ink tank, so I wager this increases that number by about 5-10, but it's 5 AM my time at time of writing and I am bad at math, so I don't know for sure.
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Ranged Blaster's explosions get a 15% paint buff. Note that this applies only to the final explosion and not the trail, so it's not a straight 15% paint buff.
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Dread Wringer gets a 10% ink efficiency buff, and since it currently has ten sloshes on a full tank, that increases that number to eleven.
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And finally, for Main Weapon changes the Heavy Edit Splatling now paints more. Unlike the Ranged Blaster's paint buff this is a lot harder to gauge, but Heavy Edit's paint can be kind of spotty and inefficient, so this is undoubtedly a good thing for it.
After that, we've got only two points-for-Special changes.
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Jet Squelcher and L-3 Nozzlenose both get some points shaved off their Specials, taking their Ink Vac and Crab Tank to 180p and 190p respectively. On one hand, I am biased and hate the Jet Squelcher, and I think this buff was completely unwarranted and unnecessary, but on the other hand I love the L-3 and want only good things in life for it, so they balance each other out, in my book.
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And, for the final balance change of the entire patch, we've got a Reefslider buff, as it now makes you invulnerable during its startup 13 frames faster. The thing about this change is that like, it's a buff, and that is good, but the problem Reefslider has is not getting the Special off, it's that you very rarely survive the aftermath of using it, and this does nothing to solve that. With Triple Splashdown on the horizon I think things might be rough for this Special in the future.
And that's all of the balance changes! There being so few of them indicate two things to me: That Nintendo is overall happy with the the state of the game, and that they are wary of touching anything unless they have to. And one hand I get it, after all, competitive players are currently saying that there really isn't a meta at the moment, just picking weapons you're good at and playing well, and that's probably not an environment you want to shake up too much. But on the other hand, there are a lot of things like Line Marker, Undercover Brella, and Reefslider to name a few, that could really do with some sprucing up to help them keep up with the just the middle of the pack. I think raising the bottom bar a bit higher would be to everyone's benefit.
But we've got two Specials being added, so I suppose now's not the time to rock the boat too much. We'll see how things have shaken out come the mid-season patch in January.
But the balance changes are a very small part of these patch notes, and nowhere near the most interesting, so let's keep moving on.
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Anarchy Series and X Battles are receiving a whole slew of changes, the most prominent of which are some new badge rewards for win streaks and attaining high X Rankings. Additionally, matchmaking in X Battles is being changed to more strictly separate people with high and low X Ranks, as well as allowing more team compositions. To cut a long story short, weapons have a set of internal values that the game uses during matchmaking to try and balance the team compositions. Matchmaking in high-power X Rank infamously takes a very long time, so I have to imagine that this change aims to speed things up by making the matchmaking more lenient on that front.
Salmon Run, in addition to the new King Salmonid, is getting some significant changes, starting with some changes to the Specials:
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Kraken Royale and Triple Splashdown are being added to the pool of available Specials. Additionally, Mr. Grizz has finally agreed to always provide at least two workers on every team with a long-range Special to handle all the pesky Stingers and Flyfish. Be sure to thank your local union representative the next chance you get.
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This change is particularly spicy. Your Salmon Run stage badges will now boost your starting difficulty on their respective stages, adding more incentive to play beyond the two superbonuses, as well as making the grind for future badges easier. This certainly gives me more motivation to go for those VP 400+ badges.
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You'll now be able to tell what King Salmonid is present during each Shift, and the Salmometer will change to match it, as well. Can you believe they didn't change that when they added Horrorboros?
Also I am curious what this means for those Shifts where the King Salmonid was random. Will the Salmometer become a question mark? Are they not gonna do those anymore? We'll have to wait and see.
But this next change, is a big one, and it's for, what else, Big Run:
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Big Run trophy requirements will now be set in advance, and no longer scale off top 50%, 20% and 5% player results.
I am in two minds about this change. On one hand, I always thought that people complaining about overfishers in Big Run were kind of petulant and entitled, especially when the rewards were as minor as locker decorations and badges. Maybe that's mean-spirited of me, but there was never a way for me to read it as anything but people demanding to be given the same reward as the people working the hardest without putting in the effort themselves.
But on the other hand, the 5% cutoff has been steadily rising as overall Big Run participation decreased, which is just a natural result of time passing and casual players falling off the game, nothing weird there, but this means that the top becomes more stacked, further disincentivizing casual players as getting even the bronze trophies becomes harder and harder for them. Giving the players much clearer and more achievable goals will likely serve to pull a lot of people back into Big Runs, and that is undoubtedly a good thing.
And hey, I said the rewards weren't worth getting upset over, and by that same metric, I don't think it's worth getting upset over more people getting them, either. All the better, if it makes more folks happy. And as for the people who do want to grind their hearts out, well:
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There's still some recognition for that, too.
So that's the gist of the Salmon Run changes, so let's finish up with some miscellaneous changes.
Remember how I told you to keep that bonus Sheldon's License in mind for later?
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Players who own every currently available weapon will now be able to trade extra licenses in for Shell-Out Tokens. In other words, that extra license serves as a failsafe so you don't lock yourself out of buying future weapons by spending all your licenses on gacha rolls.
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The Splatfest Battle Pro queue is receiving the same matchmaking changes as X, presumably for much the same reasons.
And finally, the most important change of all:
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mamaspeckles · 5 months
NSFW headcanons for spruce?? 💕
Hey babes of course I can do this!! I know this took a long time to even get this out I just been super busy(and also blushing at my new shop name and headcanon from that one anon🤭) but here if your headcanons!
Spruce NSFW headcanons
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-Spruce is a father that has all his shit together.. but that changes quite drastically when it comes to you-when he sees you it just makes him want to make slow and sweet love to you.
-He will always make sure you're okay and comfortable(before and after sex).- spruce will clean you, bring you water or anything you might want. He'll hug you tightly against his plush body, as his fingers caress your hair.
-spruce’s favourite part of your body has and will always be your hands. He loves to hold them- he also loves it when they are all over his body and gripping onto him for dear life.
-Your husband/boyfriend spruce loves putting babies in you/his sperm, you will often catch him cumming inside of you whilst whispering dirty words in your ears. “You would such a great mom/dad baby~”
-spruce is a vocal, he whines, groans and curses when you ride him/when he fucks. He is a soft dom but definitely wishes to bottom out
-this guy definitely has a fucking sex playlist 😭 like not a normal one but some corny ass careless whisper type playlist(you can’t change my mind.)
-There’s something that spruce finds thrilling… having sex at the beach. Maybe it’s something about you riding him/ him slowly pumping into you and being able to hear the sound of the waves crashing. Everything just seems so natural.
-He doesn’t care or even like shaving, He is delightfully hairy, his chest soft and downy with the stuff, and a downright beautiful happy trail leading to gorgeous curls that frame the base of his dick.
-the man does jack of ladies and gentlemen! if you aren’t near or at home spruce is hand is all he has, he tries to grip his cock as tightly as your pussy/mouth does.
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This is so baddd helllp i am sorry😭
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gravedigginbbydoll · 1 year
pencil shavings and shared smiles {pt.2}
Fem! Teacher Reader x Teacher! Eddie
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Previous Masterlist Next
AN: I’m honestly so grateful to find people who enjoy my writing :) This started as a bit of fun aside from my current WIP that I’m DETERMINED to not immediately trash, so I wanted to practice some writing on the side, and hey, it’s been a while since I’ve done fanfiction (like, over 6 years…. I think my last fanfic was at age 16! I'm now 23.) so I figured why not? Anyways, I hope you enjoy this next bit (I’ll be honest, I was struggling with it, but the next chapters will be better, I swear!) I don’t have an exact plan for how many parts this will be, but I’m excited to see where it’s headed! 
WARNINGS AND CONTENT:  Minors DNI!!!, Noncanon, Hawkins AU, Normal Hawkins, Rumors about Eddie, Eventual Smut, Very fluffy, Outcasts and Bullying, Mentions of Loneliness, Flirting, Fem!Reader, use of Y/N, older! Eddie, short-haired Eddie, 1995/1996 Hawkins, F! Reader has a dark past, angst.
Summary: You settle into Hawkins, looking for a way to spruce up your place, and bump into a familiar face. You maybe even meet some new friends. Things are looking up. 
The next few days following your encounter with Eddie, you throw yourself into trying to get settled in and getting to know the town. You had been there for a few days before coming to the school but still had boxes piled high and needed some items. 
You focused on moving all the boxes into their designated spaces. But then, you realized you didn’t have much when it came down to it. You had work clothes, plates and bowls, cutlery, basic toiletries, cleaning supplies, and three makeup items. 
In your rush to leave the city, you left so much behind you hadn’t realized. As a result, your apartment looks abandoned in its barren state, and the hideous peeling pink floral wallpaper from the 70s makes your skin crawl. 
That’s what led you to this moment. A shopping spree throughout Hawkins. You’re determined to make the “blink, and you miss it” town feel cozy and like home. It is home now, after all. Though you may need a blanket to cover the ugly cracked green leather couch that came with the place. 
You’re piling up blankets, knick-knacks, and even plants to busy the place. By the time you get to the antique store, you’re sure you’ve burned a hole in your savings. You look around, admiring old furniture with history you wish you knew. You see a large wooden bookshelf, probably older than you, and bite your lip, picturing the perfect reading nook in your large window, a chair with too many pillows, and a table to set your favorite cup of coffee on. You did just buy some new mugs, after all. 
In your daydreaming, you barely notice the presence creeping toward you. 
“As lovely as that little vintage piece is, I heard it’s haunted.” 
You jump a bit, startled by the sudden speaking. When you turn, you feel that familiar creeping of heat across your skin, your stomach twists with nerves while your heart thumps a loud, steady beat. Eddie. He’s wearing a super distressed band shirt with the sleeves cut off, his slightly muscular inked biceps on display. Your thighs tighten at the display, and you mentally scold yourself. 
Now is not the time! Get a hold of yourself.
His brown eyes twinkle with mischief as he tilts his head at you, sticking his thumbs in his jeans pockets. You are instantly reminded of a puppy and feel your insides practically melt. Your heart is thumping embarrassingly loud. You hope to god the cute metalhead in front of you doesn’t somehow have super senses. 
“You redecorating?” 
You shrug, a shy smile gracing your lips. “You could say that, I guess.”
He nods and looks back at the bookcase with intrigue. His expression is thoughtful yet almost solemn as he speaks softly, his words barely reaching you. “Seriously though, that bookcase is bad luck. Belonged to a notorious killer. Henry Creel. Killed his whole family when he was like 9.” 
You feel a chill go up your spine, the sense of fear deep in your belly. But, of course, you knew the old trope of sleepy towns never really being sleepy. Still, the last thing you would’ve guessed to happen in Hawkins was premeditated murder. You peek over at Eddie, who looks at you; his eyes are almost sorrowful as he rubs your shoulder comfortingly. You feel an electric current shoot through you at his touch, and goosebumps shoot up your neck. A flutter in your stomach reminds you that you are far too emotional about this man, despite barely knowing him. 
“Sorry,” He rasps. “I sometimes ramble and forget what I’m saying. I didn’t mean to spook you. It was ages ago. He’s in jail now.” He pulls away his warm touch, and you almost find yourself leaning back for more. 
You shake your head. “It’s fine. Everyone has skeletons in the closet, don’t they?” You remark jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. 
Eddie’s eyes don’t sparkle as they usually do, and he looks a bit more guarded as he smiles softly. “Yeah.” 
You feel a tug at your heart and remember the encounter between the grouchy bookstore owner and Eddie. It’s clear he has a past, but you won’t bring it up. After all, you’re the last person who should be digging through someone’s history. 
“Hey, so a few friends and I are headed to a bar called The Hideout; tonight to bid adieu to summer. I was just wondering…if you’d like to join?” Eddie says shyly, scratching the back of his neck as his cheeks flush. “Of course, I understand if not; I just figured since you’re new here, it may help you get more acclimated and maybe even meet some people-” 
You cut off his rambling with a hand, your lips fighting the urge to smile so vast your jaw may break. “Eddie, I’d love to. What time?” 
He grins, his signature dimples appearing and making your stomach flutter. “Great. Around 7 pm tonight. First drink on me.” 
You feel your cheeks heat once again as you nod, tucking some hair behind your ear. “Can’t wait.” 
Later on in the evening, you are stressed and pacing. You remember dancing and singing to calm anxiety as a young teen and get the bright idea to turn on the radio to your favorite rock station. 
Now, you're dancing around your living room as You Oughta Know by Alanis Morrisette plays on your radio. You’re dressed in a black slip dress, the satin fabric accentuating your figure. Maybe you’re dressed a little too nice for a bar. Who cares? Dr. Martens on your feet create a more casual look but also possibly causes a noise complaint from your neighbors as you stomp and sing, applying makeup. 
You scream into your hairbrush, jumping around. 
The singing calms your nerves a bit, and by the end of the song, you’re panting and thinking maybe you should try to hit the gym more. 
You glance at the clock and realize the time is flashing a red and angry 7:30 pm. 
“Shit shit shit shit shit!” You scramble, tripping over your feet, quickly putting on earrings and a choker, trying to rush out the door. 
Fucking Alanis Morissette. 
You arrive at the bar, hoping to pass off as fashionably late. You look around before spotting Eddie, his back to you in a well-loved leather jacket. He’s at a booth with some friends, a dark stout in his hand. 
You tremble slightly as you walk over, your body thrumming with nervousness, and tap him on the shoulder. He turns, lighting up the minute he sees you. “Hey! You made it! Come on and sit down.” 
You feel embarrassment sink into your skin, hands nervously fiddling as you sit beside him. He introduces the rest of the table, practically making your head spin. There’s Nancy, a petite and beautiful brunette who works as a Chief Editor for the local paper. Steve, a handsome man with an impressive head of hair, works as a coach at Hawkins Middle and High Schools. Robin a talkative and nervous blonde who works as a band teacher at Hawkins High. According to Eddie, this wasn’t everyone in their circle, just the ones he could fit in a booth. You laugh, nerves wracking your stomach as you hope to make a good impression. 
A few minutes in, you’re laughing and practically snorting at a story Steve is telling about Eddie accidentally flashing everyone in a Romeo and Juliet drama production, where he insisted to the drama teacher that they swap the actors and actresses. Eddie had been playing a side character, a plain maiden, when he tripped over his dress and - “Absolutely ate shit! He landed with his head between his legs, and everyone could see his Garfield boxers!” 
You can’t stop laughing at the image of a smaller and younger Eddie, his loud personality causing so much chaos on the stage. You were glad he had gone to buy your drink, seeing as you had laughed so hard you were sure tears had fallen from your eyes. You wiped your eyes and sighed, taking a breath in. 
Eddie returned at that exact moment with your drink, settling it down while playfully glaring at Steve. “Harrington, you better not be talking shit.” 
Steve flicks a paper straw wrapper at Eddie and scoffs. “Can it, Munson. I could kick your ass any day.” 
Eddie immediately leaps into action and pulls Steve into a headlock, tousling his hair while laughing. Steve yells, trying to fight off the taller man and protect his hair. Robin laughs and rolls her eyes while Nancy softly smiles, shaking her head. 
“Knock it off, you two. You’re letting on that you’re both children way too early. I need new friends,” Robin whines, covering her face in embarrassment. 
You feel sheepish, smiling. You’re not used to the attention. Not this much, anyway. But you’re having fun. Eddie’s friends are vibrant, loud, and the most genuine people you’ve ever met. 
Eddie lets Steve go, Steve grumbling about his hair and sitting back next to Robin, who smirks at him while she messes his hair up even more. Eddie then takes his spot next to you, sliding in, and due to the small booth, your thighs touch. You can’t help but feel warmth creeping across your insides from the alcohol and Eddie’s clothed leg pressing against yours, which is bare. You ignore the heat pooling between your thighs at the contact and the ever-so-sinful thoughts about his ringed and masculine hands. 
Eddie leans over to you, his blinding grin causing your stomach to join in on the anatomy shuffle currently happening in your body, fluttering to the point that you think you may have swallowed a bird. 
“Sorry if we’re a bit much. But, now you’ll have a few familiar faces, right?” 
You nod, smiling softly. “Yeah. Thanks, Eddie.” 
He nods, and you almost swear you see his eyes dart toward your lips before he turns back towards the group, all arguing about what the next movie night should be. You feel your heart skip a beat. You can’t help but be grateful for this introduction and even the awkwardness it brought. You now felt a little less of a stranger in Hawkins. A sense of relief rushes through you. Maybe, things won’t have to be so lonely. 
Eddie interrupts your thoughts once more when he leans over towards you. You almost feel drunk on the scent of tobacco, vanilla, rum, and something spicy like cloves and cinnamon. Your thighs tighten, and you curse your brain for instantly thinking dirty thoughts. You’re in no state to have a physical or romantic relationship. Your throat tightens as you push down the ideas and look at Eddie. 
“Hey, so we're goin' to hang out at the Palace Arcade. It’s usually super packed, but tonight they’re having a party there, so no one under 21. You wanna join?” His eyes sparkle with mischief and something you may be misreading as hope. 
You bite your lip, thinking that maybe you’re too deep and should head to the comfort and quiet of home. You haven’t been to an arcade in years. Much less a party. Sour memories threaten to come up, but you push them down and set your resolve. You are just a woman in her mid-twenties trying to have fun. You deserve that, at least. Even if it’s really a lie. 
You smile at Eddie, nodding. “Sure, I’ll tag along. I haven’t been to an arcade in years.” 
Eddie grins, his dimples flashing. “Great. You can meet the band.” 
You perk up, looking at Eddie quizzically. “Band?”
He nods but puts his finger to his lips and winks, signifying it’s a secret. You furrow your brows and feel your stomach flutter as the ever prominent question wracks your brain again. 
Who the hell is this man?
taglist: @bebe07011 @corrodedcoffincumslut @kurdtbean @nerdflash
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danicadenniss · 5 months
DreamWorks Trolls
Branch: Troll Of The Wildglade
Chapter 3: Branch Meet Poppy
In the Trolls Brotherhood AU, the brothers grew up, Spruce became a blacksmith and a father who got married and had 11 children, his wife is pregnant, Poppy as the village grump, Branch became a strong adult.
-20 Years Later-
Years had passed since then and Branch grew up into fine, handsome and strong adult. He wore a brown patched up pants, he wear a leafy green vest with it, a blue dragon scales bracelet and necklace on it, given to him by his dragon friend named Sky. It has been 20 years since his father's sacrifice and now Branch had reached the age of 20 and has become more mature, responsible, cautious, but as usual, he still have some faults. He can still be quite naive and his curiosity can get the best of him. But he's loved by everyone by the clan for his heart and fairness.
John Dory became a second captain, his hair got shaved in the back and the sides, he wear a brown leather jacket with a white and dark brown spotted fur collar, green pants that go to his knee and signature green skiing goggles with a pink lenses.
Spruce became a blacksmith, he wear a necklace around his neck, black loose shirt, and white pants with styled back hair, he is the second taller and he has a plump face and body, and his lost physical fitness and still attractive. He got married with his wife Brandy who is a Vacay Islander, as she is pregnant with her baby. He has a daughter and 11 sons.
Floyd became a swordsmen, his became dark magenta pink, and twisted around his head partly covers his face. He is shirtless, as he wore a black ripped shorts with a black belt around his waist and a black stud earring, he have a black tattoo of his father Thorn on his upper back, he having shy and meek personality.
Over the years, Ivy and Rosiepuff have grown as well. Ivy's had a light grayish pink streaks and some wrinkles, but she is a grandmother of Spruce's 11 kids but Alder help watch over the clan. Rosiepuff grew wiser and also gain various white streaks, but she's young at heart, at least that's what Branch like to says. Ivy proudly decided to step down and gave their father's leaders to Branch.
Branch: Let's go, bud! Sky took up, spreading his wings gallantly. As they headed towards some trees, Branch saw several of his handmade targets that he had set of arrows. Pulling back his bowstring, he fired and hit a perfect bullseye. Branch hit perfect bullseyes on each and every one. Sometimes he would hit one target with two arrows after another just for the fun of it.
Branch: Great work, Sky. Now let's pick up some speed!
Sky didn't hesitate and the two of them flew like a rocket. Flying across the valley, they passed mountains, and even some creeks on the way. Branch held on to his friend tightly but would let go of hold, spreads his arms out and shouts of joy as he felt the breeze through the air. It wasn't long when the two of them reached whooped happily.
Branch: That was great, my friend. Never cease to amaze me. (Floyd walked to them and saw taught, he smiled proudly)
Floyd: Bro! This is amazing! How did you do this?
Branch: Floyd, like our father before me, I'll becoming a leader of the Glade Clan and with that honor, came responsibility. (A sudden growl had alarmed them, they turned and saw John Dory running in horror)
John Dory: Bros! Come quick!
Floyd: What is it, John?
John Dory: A purma is gonna to kill the trollings. But we got to warn the whole clan, right now.
They look and saw a Purma creeping into the bushes. Purma are feline creatures that resembles a mountain lion, only they have purple fur with red spots, white underbelly and long tails. They are dangerous considering they are ambush predators, taking their prey when they least expect it. Branch set his eyes onto three trollings playing on the soft grassy away from the clan that were located on top of a hill having picnics and fun together. The clan was too far and busy the danger the children were in. Ignacio Carapax became older, he wear a khaki hat, a black collared button up shirt, dark brown cargo pants with gray belt around his waist and tan combat boots, he patting it's head, as smells.
Ignacio Carapax: (smiled evilly) Ahh, trollings I got to tell Reyes about we'll hunting today, now my pet! I want you to grabbed the trolls and bring them to me. (Purma run to the grass, with an evil laugh)
Bounty Troll Hunters #4: We almost got them now!
Taking action, the brothers quickly warned their clan and the trollings.
The clan raised their heads in alarm, including Ivy, Alder and Rosiepuff who became alert of the situation. A few seconds later, Purma jumped out of bushes, heading towards to the children. The three kid gasped and ran away with the Purma chasing after them. Ignacio walked out of the tent with the other hunters are watching them, as they ran, Harper suddenly tripped and fell. The Purma pounced towards her, Arthur Slugworth walked toward her with a butterfly net.
Arthur Slugworth: Little trolling is scared of my butterfly net, and you can't escape from the hunters.
He looked at an arrow suddenly landed between them, preventing him and the beast from hunting Harper. At the moment, Floyd jumps in to save Harper from getting caught by him.
Floyd: Run, Harper!
Spruce: John, what is your plan (threw a rope at Arthur Slugworth's feet as tripped and fell down to the grass and his butterfly net, the Purma whipped it's tail at them) Ow!
John Dory: Ow!
She didn't hesitate to quickly got back on her feet and safely run towards the clan as the Purma focused on Branch. Branch stood definitely with a loaded arrows at the Purma. John and Spruce got up, they got his dagger and his spear. Floyd got his sword fighting against the Purma. The animal attacks with it claws, but Branch rolled away and shot an arrow at it, grazing the cheek. It started to ran off. Thinking he had scared off. The brothers relaxed a little, only to hear warning shouts from the clan.
Ivy and Rosiepuff: Boys, look out!
Brandy: Behind you four!
The brothers heard him and looked back. The Purma pounced behind them pinning him down John, Spruce, Floyd and Branch immediately started to started to try to shove him, using his bow to prevent its fangs and claws from getting to him. Nothing a big stone near them, Branch then thought of an idea. The brothers stretching their hairs, they grabs the Purma's tail, twirled him around and threw it against the stone, hard towards Arthur Slugworth's lap.
Arthur Slugworth: Oof! Don't just stand there! Gets those little creatures! Not me! Not me! Why!
John slashed it tail back, Spruce and Floyd stabbed it's underbelly and pulled out, the beast roared in pain and panicked when Arthur got up and ran away from them, when Branch loaded an arrow at his face for the finishing blow, only for it to fire near its face, giving it a warning to stay away.
Branch: Never come back! (Glared and the Purma rose and ran away with Branch in pursuit. Shouted) Get out of here! Nobody gets hunt on our watch. (Snort and then he and the brothers smiled victoriously.)
The Purma screeched and disappeared into the woods.
Ignacio Carapax: What! NOOOOOOOO! (growled angrily)
Bounty Troll Hunters #4: It's no use, we most go back to the village now. Madame, we explained to ourselves.
They turned back and the whole clan ran to them happily.
Alder: You boys, were amazing! (Rosiepuff and Ivy ran to hug them)
Rosiepuff: (checked all over them) are you boys alright? No scratches or bruises?
Branch: (chuckled) We're fine, Grandma,
John Dory: We're heroes!
Rusty: That was amazing!
The purple trolling: We are now!
Harper came to them and hugged them gratefully.
Harper: Thank you for saving us, my heroes!
Floyd: My pleasure, Harper!
John Dory and Spruce: You're welcome!
Branch: Anytime, Harper.
They looked around, being surrounded by their trolls, all of them cheering and congratulating them on their heroic rescue. The brothers felt proud of themselves. Including a grayish pink troll clapped to them. She was walking in the village carrying sticks with her bare hands, she looked around the forest, and she met Branch. She rarely ever sing again because of her sister's disappearance, she's always depressed with emotions, excluding happiness.
Grayish pink troll: Bravo, Branch, what do you want? That's cat is looked scary. Huh? In my bunker, it wrote Your NOT welcome here. The hunters almost captured my sister, 20 years ago.
Branch: Poppy! We defeat the Purma, Alder want to keep the villagers safe from bounty hunters.
Poppy: What's the hell, are you talking about? But thank you, Branch. My mother died from her natural cause of illness, 10 years ago, since I was 10 years old and I miss her so much.
Branch: Sorry to hear about this, (sobbing) I kept having nightmare, since Clay's disappearance along with your sister during the fire cause explosion, in the forest, since father sacrifice himself to stop the hunter's leader as he burned to ashes, heard his last words until he died, since I was six months old. I will take his place as a new leader of Glade Clan. (Wiped his eyes trying stop his tears from flowing) He is in my heart.
Poppy: One day, you're going to be leader, I'm going back to my bunker. (She walked away from him and going back to her bunker.)
After finally reaching their home, They saw Rosiepuff serving some tea for herself and Ivy whom tell to Spruce's kids a story about her husband's sacrifice himself to save them from hunters during the fire cause explosion in the forest. When she saw the br, they walked towards them as they shared a hug together.
Branch: We love you, Mom, we love Grandma.
Ivy: We love you boys too! Sweeties. Your father would be so proud of you boys and so are we forever. (Made a candlelight vegil for her husband's sacrifice in the picture frame) I hope Clay will be okay.
Branch: Good night, brothers. Good night, mother.
Ivy: Good night, boys.
Floyd: Good night, bro.
Spruce: Night, brothers. (Yawned)
John Dory: G' Night, brothers. (As they watched Branch leave)
He walked out the pod and climbed towards a branch where he not only could see the Wildglades, but also the clear, starry night sky. Clutching his necklace, he stared at the night sky.
Branch: Dad, I know you're out there somewhere watching over us. I never knew that someone like me could be a hero as well as a leader until today. My brothers and I are heroes, even though I'm doing fine, I still miss you a lot. You must be so proud of me and my brothers, but I have a feeling that you always will be. I see a grayish pink troll who's live in her bunker, she looked very depressed without her happiness. I will always remember you and love you for all time. (wiped his eyes, trying to stop his tears from flowing.)
He smiled as much as a troll could as he watched a shooting star streaming across the sky above him.
Fun Fact: The Purma was inspiration for the cougar scene. Poppy as an over cautious, unpleasant and cynical princess who hates singing, dancing, hugging and music, after she turned gray due to her mother's death just like Branch in the first movie. Protect The Wildlife from hunting them, then I donate for Night To Shine next month.
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clarasunflowers · 1 year
radfems against food waste! 🥬
here’s some good info compiled from kathryn kellogg on how to make use of food waste - remember to compost the rest! (click link for more from her including zero waste recipes!)
1. make your own apple cider vinegar
save all apple peels and cores in a mason jar. add 2 tbsp sugar, fill with water. let sit 3 weeks in the dark. strain water into new jar. let sit 3 more weeks in the dark. done!
2. how to eat broccoli stalks
trim off the bottom and shave the rough sides. slice long-ways into thin pieces. toss in with the “tops” and prepare how you like.
3. banana bread recipes using overripe bananas
4. revive wilted kale
cut off the stalks, then soak the leaves in ice water 30 mins. store them upright (like a flower bouquet!) in a jar with water in the fridge.
5. preserve lemon peels
boil 4-5 lemon rinds/peels for 30 mins. add rinds to jar, pour in ¼ cup olive oil, ¼ kosher salt. mix. store in the fridge!
6. get the most out of your squeezed fruit juice
simply microwave your lemons and limes 15-20 seconds and squeeze out a whole lot more!!
7. preserve wilted herbs
chop up wilted herbs and fill up and ice tray. add in water or oil or butter or lemon juice. freeze!
8. make stock from your veggie scraps
this is NOT for cruciferous vegetables! save veggie scraps in the freezer until the bowl is full. simmer 1 hour on the stove OR 6 hours in the crock pot. add herbs to your liking.
9. use carrot “tops” in place of parsley
honorable mentions
save and reuse other organic components!
1. maintain your flower petals
air dry or oven dry your flower petals (85°C/200°F for 20 mins). add in dehydrated orange peels and cranberries, rosemary, cinnamon sticks, and/or anything else you like. put in a covered bowl overnight. add to small fabric bag and let sit in your drawers/closet for that lovely potpourri scent!
2. upcycle your christmas trees
trim small parts of your pine, spruce, or balsam fir christmas tree branches. add to a jar with 1x1 mix of vinegar and water. shake shake shake! strain and use as a cleaner spray!
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vagabond-umlaut · 1 year
⁙ spick and span, ft. gojo and geto
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or, how well they keep themselves and your home clean.
▸gn! reader; 0.65k wc; manga spoilers + fluff, fluff and fluff; gojo and geto in their twenties (mid to late, maybe) (couldn't find another image, sorry); established relationship (married in case of geto) ▸the classic 'wrote this instead of studying/sleeping' (it was one a.m. when i wrote this lmao). anyways, characters, image and divider used aren't mine. please don't plagiarize, translate or repost this. enjoy reading! ❤️
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gojo satoru
at a personal level, the man is unbelievably spruce and tidy.
i mean, you've seen him, right?
designer clothes or clean ironed uniform, neatly trimmed hair with *those* bangs, clean shaved face - there's no way in hell he is not hygienic. i bet you, he also uses those costly af soaps, bath bombs & perfumes with citrus scents and woody undertones.
the literal king of self-care, if you will.
yet when the story comes to his surroundings...
umm, let's say you'll be a lot a little disappointed. and a little mad. maybe. definitely.
if the two of you live at an estate with servants at your beck and call, you'll have a lot less mess to yell about.
but if you both decide to stay in a place by yourselves - y'know, the way ordinary people do - well... friendly advice, keep a strip of aspirin handy. [you'll need it, trust me.]
from empty candy wrappers beneath the couch to dirty clothes in a heap outside the washroom to mission papers strewn across the dining table to bed unmade till the noon, this man just *does not* know how to clean up after himself.
initially, it isn't a problem. you're in love with him, he's in love with you - every extra chore you do for him doesn't appear a chore.
and gojo, being the oblivious busybody he is, continues leaving his messes behind for you to manage.
[not knowingly, of course. satoru loves you way too much to trouble you that way. but he does it all the same.]
years of being the spoilt brat of a loaded clan might do that, you reckon - so you excuse him, again and again and again - until it becomes too fucking much and you decide to talk to him.
cue hours of scolding countered by flirting, followed by a decision to sleep separately, followed by a terribly sad, terribly sleepy, terribly cute face begging for your forgiveness at three in the morning.
the next weekend and every weekend after that, satoru and you clean your house together. like the equal partners you are. [not that you've a lot to clean, though. your darling of a boyfriend turns awfully careful about keeping your home tidy after that night's drama. to your immense relief and glee. ;)]
geto suguru
another man who is perfect in personal hygiene.
being the leader of a cult, he has to meet many people throughout the day, so obviously he has got to keep himself presentable.
and yes, he is a worthy contender for the throne of self-care.
moisturizers, face washes, face packs, shampoos, conditioners, fragrant soaps, colognes - you name it, the man's got it in his self-care cabinet. [which is periodically updated to keep up with the trends, thanks to mimiko and nanako.]
now, with respect to his surroundings...
suguru is a pretty neat and organized person - a polar opposite to his ex-bff. [why do i always drag poor gojo into everything? smh.]
fruit peelings disposed into the right bin, worn clothes thrown in the laundry basket, papers arranged in stacks on the study table, bed made within minutes of rising.
no matter the stress he has to face from dealing with curses and monkeys, suguru never fails to tidy up after himself.
although there are times when he is too tired to do anything - in those instances, you always clean up after him with a soft smile.
your husband works hard day and night to provide for you and your daughters. the least, you think, you can do in return is lighten the weight on his shoulders, in whichever way you can.
though, i must warn you - be prepared to drown in a sea of his apologies and affections for the next day [or days - depends on how much work you've done for him].
one hell of an immaculate mass-murderer, and special-grade simp, if i must say.
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▸ masterlist
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artstar1997 · 6 months
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The BroZone’s younger years are not as perfect as what they seemed because there are some setbacks they had been facing. In the human au, I kinda imagine they had some awkward moments as they grow up, usually what occurred when hitting puberty.
John Dory had bad acne on his face and monstrous pile of hair growing on his body that he tends to shave his untamed bush and Clay ends up cleaning out his shavings from the bathroom drain. He soon stopped shaving after the band broke up.
Spruce had his own share of growing pains aside from growing hair and bacne because I kinda HC him as a trans man because I think he underwent testosterone therapy and took hormone blockers at the age of ten under his own choice and changed his real name from Beatriz to Bruce. Spruce would keep on wearing a binder, secretly ask for period products like pads or tampons when he gets a bathroom surprise, and he always uses the accessible toilet instead when he does his business. He hid his identity during his BroZone days and didn’t tell anyone, not even the fans until he entered college where he joined a support group for trans people and made friends with them. After graduation, he worked his way to the top until he started owning a hotel in Hawaii called Vacay Island Hotel and Beach Resort alongside a trans woman named Brandy, who understood his shortcomings during his teenage years because she endured the embarrassments that he experienced as well. Spruce was easily accepted by Brandy’s parents and her tribe because of his identity as a mahu and he felt like he found his calling in Hawaii. He and Brandy got married in an indigenous Hawaiian ceremony and stopped taking testosterones, which result having thirteen children, a son named Bruce Jr., pair of twins, triplets, another son, quadruplets, with their fourteenth child still in development. He had knowledge about the indigenous Mexican traditions as much as Brandy knows a lot about Hawaiian customs that they were well respected by the community.
Clay didn’t have any humiliating moments entering puberty, except for growing body hair or having zits on his shoulders but he is proud of growing taller than his classmates in elementary and middle school. John Dory forced him to wear contacts whenever they perform onstage. He later wore glasses in his later high school and college years.
Floyd had a few setbacks when he became an adolescent like having his crooked teeth fixed with orthodontic braces but what he is embarrassed of was his attraction to men. He once had a crush on his classmate at the age of twelve but he tries to hide his attraction to men. He joined a support group for students when he was in middle school and high school until he went to college in Australia to pursue a solo career. He later came out as gay to his friends there, who accepted him for who he is.
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chiprewington · 2 months
Do you have any head canons for a human AU Chip?
HEY HI I'm so sorry its taken me so long to get around to this!!! I don't have nearly as many head canons for human AU Chip, but I do have a few to share! I also sketched a little thing for this a while back as well!
He's got well-kept long hair and a full beard + mustache combo alongside his trapper hat. This is something many businesses would not want for their employees, but he's a highly-valuable consultant. For every business that refuses to take him in unless he shaves and trims, there's five more willing to accommodate.
On that note, he doesn't have the Override which puts him in much higher spirits compared to his canon counterpart. That being said, he does have Ursinethropy.
He's very strict about his work hours, refusing to work nights on a full moon. Additionally, he still has his preference for a quiet workspace, as his Ursinethropy is still additionally triggered by overstressing/anger much like the Override.
The caveat to this is under the full moon, he retains emotional/bodily control over himself. He's just... stuck as a bear. There may have been moments where he's had to take calls only for the other end to just hear a variety of growls.
Emotional distress leads to him "losing control" in his werebear state more akin to the Override. Only difference is you have a feral and rabid-adjacent bear instead of a cold and unfeeling machine simply following orders.
I wanna imagine he's somewhere in the 6-foot range, and still a complete brick shithouse/strongman.
also incredibly hard to take photos of him because of the way light reflects off his eyes makes him look horrifying
Not completely related to him, but Spruce in this AU has a part-time job as a Werewolf Hunter. It should be noted it's a running bit that Spruce doesn't hunt down Chip because he hunts Werewolves. Not Werebears. He'll be fined for poaching if he does!
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blu3-tea · 23 days
Gift - G/t - Part 2
Part 1: click here
TW: Pet trope, swearing.
Premise: A world in which genetically engineered tinies or Littlins are viewed as pets. Ellen is gifted one on her grandpas' birthday party, as she had graduated the week before.
Word count: 1,505
Note: more parts are coming!
Ellen sulked her way back to the dining room, million of thoughts swirling inside her mind.
She cannot keep a littlin pet person. She was not ready to face the daunting anxiety of living with such a fragile tiny person. How could she move around the apartment without the horrifying thought of crushing the girl under her slipper? Sooner or later, Ellen would get employed. How could she type away at work whilst the girl stayed stuck at some table’s surface unable to get off on her own in the case of an emergency? She made a mental note to search for any solutions online to that problem.
“So, how is it?”
Ellen almost dropped the halfway-filled glass she was staring at blankly. “What? What did you say?”
“Oh, you look like you’ve just seen a ghost!” Her mom teased “I asked how your new pet is. Isn’t she just adorable?”
“Ah, yes. Sure, she is.”
“Did you give her a name already? I have some suggestions. Penny or Daisy. They fit her just right, don’t you think?”
“They sure do…” she twirled nonchalantly the glass, forming a little whirlpool in the middle. She hoped that the girl was doing alright.
“Don’t fret about it too hard.” - she got up - “give me a hand with the dishes will you?”
“Of course.”
They gathered all the plates and cutlery, and began loading the dishwasher together. From the kitchen she could hear the tv playing and abrupt commentary. Ellen should have probably given something to the littlin to pass the time. As she tried to figure out what kind of entertainment someone her size would enjoy, her mom’s rambling about some miniature multiple-story houses she had seen on social media distracted her.
“They have working lights and running water!”
Ellen realised that she would need another solution to the expenses involved. She had seen in person the three digit numbers on the price tags of miniature items. Yet, she could not bring herself to keep the hamster cage- it just looks so uncomfortable.
“The moment I saw her I knew that she would be the best choice for you. She’s the perfect tiny model to dress up.” She let out a chuckle.
A voice in her head told her that she did not necessarily have to keep the girl. She could just look after her until she found another pet store or person who would be willing and capable of keeping her. This could be a temporary thing.
“Aunt Jessica!” A shrill voice cried from behind, making both women to whip around alarmed.
“What’s wrong? Did something happen?”
“My truck is in your car. I forgot it there. Can you open it? Right now? Please!”
“Yes, of course. Give me a moment.” Jessica rubbed her hands dry. “What are you going to do with it?”
“Play with Mouse. Duh.”
“What mouse?” Ellen’s voice trembled slightly.
“Your pet.”
His answer hit Ellen in the gut like a ton of bricks. Fearing the worst, she bolted out of the kitchen.
Please, please, please be safe.
She rapidly climbed the stairs, two steps at a time, her heart pounding like drums in her chest.
They better not have dropped her.
Ellen practically flew inside the spare bedroom, to her horror left open.
“Put her down. Now.” Ellen growled.
Nelly picked and tossed around the spruce shavings that covered her cage’s floor, high enough to collide with the overhead metal. Eventually, a noticeable lump of shavings concentrated somewhere in the middle of the compartment, a testament to her ever life-draining boredom.
“This is going to kill me…” she groaned.
Usually she would have slept through it, but the eagerness of securing her near future let her wide awake. Earning the giantess’ favour was earning a roof over her head and a full belly. Not only that, she would also be earning some well deserved alone free time, which the pet store had robbed her of. As of now, she was still working.
Nelly rested her head against the cage’s wall, facing upwards. She listened intently to the noises of chairs grating and shoes clacking on the floor downstairs.
Oh, if only she was not the size of a mouse she would be on her way to buy real food, visit the park or some other place, and make real friends. She has been a friend to several human children who were not and could never be her friends; people do not keep their friends in cages after all.
Nelly hugged her bent leg closer to herself. That is how things are for every littlin, none of them can ask for anything more than the basics just like her. Yet, in the stillness of the room, she longed for something so frustratingly beyond her reach- literally.
Footsteps interrupted her train of thought.
Finally! Let’s get this over with.
Supporting herself on the mesh, she got up, straightened her shoulders, pulled curly locks of her hair behind her ears and cleared her throat. She looked as perfect as she could for her owner.
The colossal door creaked open at a snail’s pace. Two short figures stood at the threshold. Two children about the age of 10.
A look of hurt and disappointment crossed her face. All of her hopes of having a quiet few years, were shattered. The possibility of being given away to relatives had not even crossed her mind.
She was not prepared to be prodded and grabbed and pinched by their chubby fingers again. She could already feel ghosts of their digits push against her chest and tug her legs.
The children’s eyes widened in excitement and they approached, already bubbling about her.
“It’s so small! Just like a mouse.”
“It’s shorter than my dolls.”
“It could fit in my truck!” With that the boy run off.
Dread filled her as she knew exactly what he was planning to do. Nelly has had the unpleasant, nausea-inducing experience of riding on top of toy cars before.
I can’t go through this again.
With no hesitation the other one opened the overhead latch and reached a hand to grab Nelly. Her mind raced, a whirlwind of confusion and fear. She darted sideways, heart pounding, eyes wide, desperately trying to slip out of reach.
Greasy fingers as long as her body, encased her in a firm grip, way too firm. The world around her swirled, as she was lifted upwards fast, way too fast, close to her captor’s face, way too close.
The human girl’s mischievous face took up her whole vision. She frantically squirmed with all her might, despite the pain in her left leg, to slip and hide away from that familiar expression she knew led to excruciating ‘play time’.
Another hand approached Nelly’s hair. She jerked her head away from the advancing digits.
“Put her down. Now.” The deep guttural sound that the giant released sent shivers down Nelly’s spine.
The digits withdrew immediately. Her world spun again, as her captor turned around, clutching her close to her chest.
“But I’m not doing anything.”
“Natalie, put her back.”
“I don’t understand. Aren’t you supposed to play with it? Mom said that I could.”
“Well, she’s mine. Isn’t she?” That dried up Nelly’s mouth. Every human, no matter how nervous at first, was the same at the end of the day. “If you want to play with her you have to ask me first.”
“Ok.” Natalie nodded “Can I play with it? Please?”
“No, you cannot.”
“But I said please!” Nelly squeaked as the fingers around her tightened.
“Not today Nat.” Ellen sprawled her palm in front of Natalie “Give her back.”
“Fine.” Natalie spat out and hesitantly dropped her in Ellen’s soft palm. She fell uncomfortably face down and she took in a sharp breath. Another palm draped over her, covering her completely from view.
The “platform” bounced slightly up and down with each step, turning the insides of her stomach around, as if it were a washing machine.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. So, so sorry. I didn’t think this would happen. I’m really sorry.” The giantess said, her voice barely above a whisper. “We’re going home now, ok? I’ll leave you in my car and I’ll be back with my things right after, yeah? I promise I’ll be super quick. Sorry.”
What the hell is going on.
Nelly curled around herself, her body trembling with confusion and frustration. The hands around her seemed to close in, their radiating warmth suffocating her. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision, and a sob escaped her lips. She thought she could lie and manipulate to turn things in her favour for once. Hopelessness, just like the very first time, gripped its claws in her chest.
Thank you for reading!
Tags list: @i-am-beckyu , @whumpinthepot , @heroofthe13thday
Part 3: click here
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invisiblequeen · 2 months
Extra Possible Entry For @cawthorntales Rose BC: Gon Dro
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Name: Gon Dro
Age: Young Adult
Aspiration: Business Magnate
Traits: Flirty, Perfectionist, Bro
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Born to a pair of seasoned Galactic Privateers, Gon Dro's childhood was more speedy getaways than playgrounds. As exciting as the chaos was to him, his parents had one too many close shaves to keep him with them guilt-free. So, at 10 years old, they sent him to live with his aunt and uncle back on SimWorld to keep him safe. It was clear that he'd inherited his parents' salesman-savvy nature when he was trading textbooks for candy in elementary. Luckily, his new guardians nurtured his entrepreneurship in a more legal direction, and when he was old enough, he majored in Business at Britechester College. (To this day, he still gets care packages from his parents, equipped with his father's signature space biscuits.)
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Now, Gon Dro runs a business of his own. You've probably never heard of it. "Gadgets and Gizmos." 😏 Where the galactic meets the antique. Different items from all over the galaxy are bought, sold, traded, or repaired. Some are worth a couple simoleons with a bit of sprucing up; others are valued in the thousands. It's the perfect place for the techie AND the casual consumer. As the only gizmo-thrift-store of its kind, Gon has taken a niche and gradually made himself the pioneer.
Through word of mouth and a mysterious social media marketing campaign, G&G is growing in popularity, and so is its creator. But just like his business, Gon Dro is an outlier. An outsider. Charming a room of sims can only distract him form his loneliness for so long. And the few flings he's had only left him lonelier.
So he's here. On a bachelor challenge where everyone can see him possibly fall flat on his face, after years of cultivating a cool, suave, mysterious image. Because what he wants most in this world is someone to share his world with.
Could Rose be that someone?
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Submitted this to a few more blogs but I thinking im getting most accuracy here, from what i've seen around:)
Asking for advice as I'm going through another [sparkle sparkle] gender crisis [uiii ]
So I tend to present really androgynously/masc most of the days. It's comfortable, it's not tight fitting, it looks eccentric, you can't tell I'm afab so bonus points, and it feels like me.
On those days I just go by they/them. In my mind. I'm not out, mind you. My parents aren't supportive. :')
But then I have days when I'm fine with people she/her-ing me. Even tho I present the same way, because it feels good.
And then there are days when I dress like a dude and act like the most fem person ever.
Then there are days when I totally switch up my style, go from loose baggy men's jeans and overshirts to the classic flared jean and crop top and I'm definitely a girl. Except for when I decide I'm uncomfortable and just switch up, go to the bathroom, put my binder on, gel my hair and start acting like a dude dressed in girls' clothes. [A little note:I started carrying a few men's items like cologne and gel at first for fun and to spruce up my looks whenever I need some confidence, but yeah they've been life savers :] ]
Then I don't even bother with pronouns, people are just going to assume whatever ig.
And then there are days when being called a girl is just straight up offensive and I just hate all the hair on my head and need to shave it but then I don't feel he/him, because boy is also nasty those days and I'm just an angry gremlin and idk.
And then there are days when I love flowery patterns and knitwear and those hippie round hats(not beanies, idk what they're called. The ones that look like a fishmonger's staple piece and are a sort of floppy downsides) and I love menswear those days but paired with dresses and sometimes makeup and sometimes shorts and it's all weird and genderfuck and I just don't bother.
Then there are days when I just play with my appearance for fun, not because of gender but because it's also how I express myself and idk.
...Basically I just broke my gender and now it's also a style somehow but not always and it's so frigged up. And I've done my research and the top labels would be one of the demis or genderfluid but meh
And I'm mostly sure I'm not bigender/trigender/pangender etc because it doesn't resonate and also I never got this thing with half a gender or more than one, I just thought demi-s at first because it leaves room for parts and bits that don't really fit. And I also dunno if what troubles me is my gender or my style as binarised and if I'm reffering to stuff correctly because SINCE WHEN IS GENDER SO COMPLICATED MOST PEOPLE DON'T EVEN THINK ABT ITT whyyyy
And I'm usually fine with being called a girl but !not! with being feminine and I feel like ~ meh~ and I want a dude's body and stubble, yeah, stubble would be cool.
And I think that when I was a kid I never particularly cared, I mean I was tomboyish sometimes but not always and it usually depended on the environment. And yeah I hated dresses but now I don't and being called a girl never gave me pause but now it does and it is uncomfortable too.
And I'm also thinking it's just me overthinking everything because nothing EVER gave me pause until my pinterest insisted "yeah ur trans" because of my more masc style and I was like "fine let's see. I might get rid of the soft fem outfits in my feed" and it was a downwards spiral.
And I had been warned that after questioning ur sexuality comes gender identity and I said "I'm fine, I'm just nonconforming cis" and now idk nothing makes sense anymore.
I'm sorry if this is triggering at all to anyone, with my binarised thinking and stuff but thing is: IM NOT OUT YEYY(not that I'd know what to come out as and not that my family would support me :l ). That's how people perceive me. And I just want to give a picture of what caused me to be questioning.
I know it's a lot to handle, but advice? :)
And also some fashion tips. :))
Tyssm <3
I get it! Gender can be really confusing. My main advice is to test out using different labels to find out which one you like the most! And for fashion, it really depends on your style!! Pinterest can be really helpful for things like this. Good luck <3
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for-quill-with-love · 1 month
The first thing I did in the morning after waking up was stuff my furnace full of the iron I'd gathered.
Hopefully this would be enough to start with.
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I checked my communicator, and then turned my attention to the map.
It took some fiddling to figure out how to get the waypoints working, but I tagged my home as-- well, home.
I wasn't going to get lost now.
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I took a good chunk of the iron to make myself armor and some better tools. There was something new in my recipe book too. It was called a knife?
How was this different than a tiny sword?
Surely it had some sort of use. Maybe my-- the-- what in the world was I supposed to call the people who could see what I did?
Well. If they could see this knife maybe they could tell me what to do with it.
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I slipped into the boots and leggings as soon as I had them made, pulling them through my inventory and right onto my body-- too fast.
It sent my heart jackrabbiting. I backed away from my chests. Surely someone had trapped my bed while I was gone. I glanced at the latches of my chests-- no red. I didn't see anything but grass underneath it.
I spun around, eyes on the horizon, scanning the ground for anything that'd changed--
My axe handle bit into my palm, knuckles white. It was still new enough I hadn't quite shaved all the splinters away.
Was the air thin up here? Or was it just me?
The axe dropped to the grass, stained red. A few stray drops pooled nearby. My hand burned. My eyes burned. I tried to take an aborted step backwards and tripped over my boots.
It was a while before I could breathe without hiccuping. I felt sick.
I made a helmet and breastplate, but I didn't dare put them on.
There was no danger here.
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I left my armor in a chest and went to go chop trees. I got tired of babysitting the ores smelting surprisingly quick, so i took some of the iron and made hoppers to make things easier.
Large spruce trees were great for getting wood quickly. I would probably use them to make chests, though. I didn't really care for the color of the wood. I didn't hate it-- not like Acacia. It just wasn't my favorite.
The sun started going down while I was up high. I took a moment to watch the sunset, before I finished cutting down the tree.
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I threw together a campfire before I went to bed.
It was still cold.
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