#Sorry I wrote a mini essay I just love her so much and I think about everything about her constantly
hamartia-grander · 7 months
Number one Ada Wong fan I’m scurrying up to you as a pathetic lover of the blonde sad lil guy. I just wanted to know. Why do you think Ada kissed him in re2??????????
Ada showed signs of genuinely being attracted to Leon, though maybe not as much as he clearly was to her. That being said, I honestly think it was a tactic that she considered would be effective in getting Leon to stop talking, and also giving him the boost of confidence he was clearly in need of. She could tell he was attracted to her (who wouldn't be😩), and even if those feelings might've been reciprocated in the slightest, Ada would never have allowed herself that kind of affection if it wasn't advantageous to her situation. Maybe she also enjoyed it a little, but her purpose for kissing him was to encourage him to finally get off her back in a way that would be helpful to her. Leon spends the entire game after they meet trying to follow Ada around and "help" her when she never asks for it nor needs it, and even when she eventually allows him to tag along, it's reluctant - and she's always on edge, always looking for a way out. She knew they'd have to separate eventually, and the the sooner the better, because Leon was not just a cop, he was also a naïve young man who wanted to be the hero, and that was detrimental to Ada's mission from the start.
Ada is incredibly smart and perceptive, and so she realises about halfway through that her tactics to get Leon off her back have all failed and only gotten him to want to help her more. So she switches gears, allows him along, starts to actually care about him against her will, and then realises that because of Leon's hero instincts, she could get him to help from a distance by playing up her injury. She never goes so far as to be out of character (telling him not to push it when he offers to carry her) but she definitely could've completed her mission without him, and when she walks up to him towards the end, she's hardly limping. But despite wanting to help her the whole time, when she finally gives Leon something to do, he begins arguing that he shouldn't get involved (which is what Ada was telling him the whole time. Lol.) Whether he was aware of it or not (and he honestly probably wasn't aware of it) he was looking for her validation, he just wasn't giving her the chance to say anything. So she shut him up with a kiss, that he very much liked, and used his dazed state to encourage him.
Again, I'm not saying she didn't also enjoy it - we know she certainly cared a lot about him, to the point where she was willing to forfeit her entire mission just because she couldn't kill him. (And I could also talk forever about how faking her death was not just to benefit her but also to help Leon move on but that's another discussion). My point is that Ada wouldn't have kissed Leon just because she wanted to. She'd have to have another reason, another motive that was pertinent to her job, in order to do something like that. And her guess was right, because it worked in her favour.
We do also have to be aware of capcom's misogyny, and how they've always used Ada's character to be the mysterious, sexy love interest of Leon's and nothing else. Now she does get to be more, she does get to be her own character, but they still can't stop tying her to Leon. So this explanation of mine is an attempt to explain the in-game reasoning behind Ada's actions as a character, ignoring capcom's reasoning of having Ada kiss Leon just because they wanted that to happen all along. If that makes sense
Thank you for this ask!!! I love Ada asks
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artsy-n-smartsy · 19 days
I see you like scoutpauling, what's your favorite thing about them? I personally don't ship them but I do think they're cute together! I like that Scout is always trying to show off and look cool around her even if he's a total dork about it, it's really sweet imo :)
HEHEHE well firstly, what you mentioned! I adore how much of a dork Scout acts around her, I just find it so sweet and it really shows that he is IN LOVE with her, yknow?
Not to mention the fact that in the comics, when he sees her again at one point, he goes up to hug her and says something like "I'm just glad you're alright" and.....AAGHHHHH it's so sweet ToT He isn't into her just because she's hot or whatever, no. He ADORES her! He cared for her well-being and it's just...awwww <3
Also I find the "opposites attract" idea really cute. He's casual and chill, she's more formal and stern...there's just a lot of potential with them, be it romantic or comedic. And even if they don't end up together romantically, their dynamic is still sweet. :3
...OK sorry, you said favorite thing and I wrote a mini essay explaining every reason XD ^^; but yeah! In short, it's their dynamic that has me hooked :]
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hollandorks · 2 years
I read chapter 9 immediately when I got home from work before getting in the shower. I had planned for an essay. Now I am out of the shower, and I am so very tired bestie.
Here are some thoughts.
Immediately giving all my chef kisses to Alfred and her. I loved their interaction in this chapter. I know Alfred grounded her, but having her there was very grounding for him. I love their bond so much. Alfred was totally scared when she told him that she doesn’t know if she can do this. Alfred of course understands what she means, but it still gave him a mini heart attack. Alfred needs to talk some sense into Bruce. Not like he’ll listen, but he’s also not listening to her. Also I need to riddler to wreck her shit. Not because I want something bad to happen to her (even tho I do….but I feel like you know what I mean) but because I feel like it would wake Bruce up. He’d be like “oh! This is what she feels like!” It would be an epiphany for him. Also Alfred hugging her as she was sobbing on the ground make my heart do all the things. It reminded me of Alfred when Bruce had his meltdown after he thought she died. 
I love that Gordon immediately responded to her text. He’s in this high stake situation from the outside, but he knows if he doesn’t answer she’s coming down. That’s probably why he immediately gave her the update on Batman’s condition. I can see an officer being like “what are you doing?” and him being like “nothing.”
I love how she threatens Bruce with violence when he’s hurt. That’s also how I show my love. Batman’s greatest enemies are teenagers and buses. I love how she’s so mad at him, and she lets him know. But she’s also like “love you, glad you’re alive.” that’s something someone should regularly tell my wet sock Bruce. He needs to hear it 3 times a day. Once at breakfast, once at lunch, and once at dinner. He also needs to eat 3 meals a day.
Predictions? Yeah bestie. She’s involving herself now. No ifs ands or buts about it. Sorry Brucie Boo, you can’t just get blown up and expect to do it on your own. She’s not allowing it. However I personally need the riddler to mess with her. I love angst and that would be hella angsty.
Love ya lots!
also I know I mentioned before what type of cat dad Bruce would be, but could you imagine Alfred dealing with a cat? I feel like at first he would be mildly annoyed. He’d grow to love the cat though. Cats jump on everything. They give zero fucks. Alfred would be like “this cat needs to stop jumping on the table. We eat here.” But then the cat would roll over or something on the table wanting pets and Alfred would be like “okay” and pet him (I picture their cat as a male) because he’s cute. I also feel like the little guy would knock over a priceless vase or something and Alfred being so annoyed at how little Bruce cares about the priceless item. Bruce would be like “it was ugly” and pet the cats head. Alfred would end up agreeing after Bruce leaves and also petting the cat.
ch 9 spoilers!
Hi bestie! Love how you said you were too tired for an essay and basically wrote one anyways 😂
I too loved Alfred & the reader in this chapter! I love exploring their relationship more. Love how it reminded you of Alfred & Bruce after the gala etc! I agree--reader probably needs to wreck her shit in order to get it through Bruce's thick skull 😂
Gordon's coworkers: who are you texting? Gordon hurriedly putting his phone away and having shifty eyes: no one! (We all know he loves y/n, this proves it I think. Secret besties!)
"My wet sock Bruce" gave me a good laugh 😂 but yeah, he needs to punched in the head while simultaneously having love affirmed for him tbh. Both at once. And then he needs a meal and a nap.
And omg Alfred as a reluctant cat dad! I love it! He would 100% be grumbling about cat hair being everywhere but then they'd catch him sneaking the cat treats or fresh fish/ chicken or something 😂 also now my headcanon is that Alfred buys stuff for the cat and blames either Bruce or y/n
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renidrag · 3 years
you're so right, the one thing everyone in generation needs to do is communicate with each other 😭 but what has me on edge is what's going to happen with luz now she's, like, mad with greta bc she doesn't like her. she has the "not yet" that can potentially hurt greta and im actually wondering if she's gonna tell her or if riley will first (which i kind of doubt? since riley seems to be pushing her away from the looks of it in the sneak peek?). Idk!! what are your opinions? i like reading your posts. Thank you alsjhs
thank you for reading! I just think the character dynamics and the acting and the writing are so so good and something I've never really seen done before (also I'm so sorry this got a little bit off track by the time I'd finished writing lmaoooo)
oh I absolutely believe luz is gonna weaponise that info like there is no way they specifically wrote that asshole mini-monologue for her and had her tell riley 'not yet' to not use it when they want to cause even more problems. I think riley's gonna self destruct next episode (callback to Sam in ep 9 'you don't wanna blow yourself up in the process') out of some sort of misguided sense of self loathing - you can see in ep 13 when aquarium pablo turns up she looks so guilty and upset with herself more than anything
when stuff goes wrong for riley she always makes a joke out of it but then turns the rage inward to hurt herself - all the shit with her parents has obviously just taught her that she's the root of everyone's problems. she's so self sacrificing (when she says she's happy for greta and luz and has a photo that she LITERALLY CRIED OVER for their couple photo album??? riley pls be nice to yourself) and finds it so hard to ask for what she needs (she has to force out that she's having a shit time with her parents and needs chester to come inside with her and then we find out that her mum has totally invaded her space and done god knows what with all her belongings to have her weird play room which is funny yes but also like so deeply distressing to me)
god my heart aches for her like up until recently with the GSA kids probably no one has ever really told her that she's worthy of time and love, I don't even know how she's as functional as she is but I guess kids are resilient. I could argue that sometimes riley uses sex as a form of self harm or like a tranquilliser for all her feelings because at least when people are having sex with her she knows they actually want and desire her in some imitation of honesty. but I digress and also it's a show about teenagers so maybe it's not that serious and dark.......idk
I'm not really sure where the end of that episode is going to leave us but then episode 15 according to the plot synopsis is where greta and riley finally have their cards on the table convo about where they stand with each other. I would love the luz thing to come up so it doesn't blow up everything later, but if greta is asexual and says that to riley as one of the reasons she was/is confused about them then I think there's no way riley's going to say 'hey sorry but when you rejected me and accidentally called me a slut I went and found someone who would actually fuck me to make myself feel better and that happens to be luz lol'. it's going to be so much worse that she didn't just go off and have sex with some random guy but she had her first sexual experience with a girl that wasn't greta like they're somehow interchangeable (obviously not but that's how it would feel I think)
the last episode I'm thinking riley and greta will be maybe like circling each other with ~meaningful~ eye contact and stuff like they always do which would hopefully finally culminate in one good honest mitski kiss where they actually know how intensely they feel about each other. there's footage of marisela and chase rehearsing a scene for the finale that definitely looks confrontational and given that I'm like 75% sure that luz will either tell greta or threaten to tell greta just to be the asshole she's promised to be. I hope greta understands riley enough at that point to know it wasn't personal but it's gonna be bad and painful whenever it happens
tl;dr for this unhinged essay: I agree with you that I think riley won't do it herself, luz will either have to do it or coerce riley into doing it which will make everything a disaster and I hope that it won't ruin it forever but I am SCARED
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i found your blog at 2am and scrolled through every post on a whim, and i just wanted to say it makes me really happy to know that fans of the original nier are still here and active. and thanks for posting an original replicant playthrough, i hadn't heard weiss's voice at all and it was nice to check the differences
lastly, i saw one of your posts about how love is the central theme of nier and i think that pov makes a lot of sense, even more than the others about justice and revenge.
you get to see how the main four grow closer, and how each of them sacrifice so much in their quest, because all of them so badly need a family, people to depend on
nier fights for his friends, and yonah. he said it best himself; he fights to protect them, and if someone puts them in danger, they must stand aside or be cut down. papa nier lost his wife, and bro nier lost both of his parents, losing yonah is not an option.
weiss chooses to fight with the others and abandon the gestalt project, because even if he didn't remember rubrum, some small part of him knows that he doesn't want that to happen again, he doesn't want to lose those precious to him.
kaine originally only fights because she needs somewhere to belong, and along the way she discovers that this is where she belongs, being nier's sword, bickering with weiss, camping with emil.
and emil... poor emil. an ultimate weapon, made only to destroy. he fights so his sister's sacrifice won't be in vain, because he hates his body, because at least he could be useful that way. after all his adventures with the party, and having a kindred spirit in kaine, his last act is to sacrifice himself, to protect them.
so in summary these four are all severely damaged people and deserve to be happy as a found family. sorry for the mini essay i had a lot to say on this. might also be a bit weirdly structured cause i wrote this on only three hours of sleep. thanks for readin, have a good day-
No worries, Anon, thank you so much for taking the time to write this!
Ending E also drives the point home, both in its original prose version and the playable version added to Replicant. Kaine hasn't spent her new life fighting for revenge and justice; it's to protect. Even if she doesn't remember exactly who she pledged herself to, she's going to protect what's important. That's love.
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esepoimipullula · 3 years
Alright, so... this is the utterly self-indulgent essay. XD
For any non-Italian readers: remember the introductory note on my translation of Goofy and The Perfect New Year’s Eve Handbook? About Italian Goofy (Pippo) having a huuuuuuuuuge family? Well, everyone in this family is, ofc, either just as quirky or nearly as quriky as Goofy himself... which makes for a lot of interesting personalities. Like Goofy's cousin, Indiana Pipps. Or Arizona Goof, in English. Presumably to make the joke at least a little bit subtler.
... yes, "the joke" is that he's literally an Indiana Jones parody. Who happens to be related to Goofy and look almost exactly (or exactly, depending on the story) like him. He's an "adventure archaeologist" who spends most of his time scouring South American jungles for lost pre-Colombian temples full of traps and treasure, travelling through scorching deserts to find legendary Egyptian ruins, and stumbling into fantarchaeology/Ancient Aliens/magical/mystical relics. He's brave, smart, passionate, confident to the point of being actually a bit arrogant, kind of reckless and hotheaded, a little rough, rather snarky, and has a strong sense of justice... and a bunch of strange habits and quirks. Like his penchant from entering buildings from the window rather than from the door (because that would be too easy), his preference for sleeping bags over beds and tents over houses (though he does have a house just out of Mouseton... in a dangerous swamp complete with crocodiles), his dislike and distrust for city life in general, and his love for a particular brand of strong-flavored liquorice candies called "Negritas" that almost everyone else finds adsolutely disgusting. Through the years, he's fallen in love with a bunch of female characters (starting with Clarabelle Cow, or so the internet tells me... Goof guys trying to steal her away from Horace must be a bizarre family tradition) and he's had a bunch of female characters fall in love with him, as you can expect considering he's the Dr. Jones of the Mouseverse and everything. But none of these crushes has ever really gone anywhere... whether because of a bout of obliviousness preventing him from realizing his temporary sidekick had been head over heels for him the whole time (sorry, Martina), a misguided attempt to present as a more traditional academic for a nerdy professor who unexpectedly turned out to be really into the adventurer type, or fairy law forbidding him to marry his French fairy sweetheart (yup, that happened).
Ironically, his most constant and long-lasting is with his nemesis, Dr. Kranz. (Nope, no name given.) (Yes, this is going to be an "enemies to lovers" kinda thing... except with, like, A Twist. So if you don't like that kind of dynamic or think people shouldn’t like messed-up ships or anything like that, you'd probably better stop reading.)
Kranz and Indiana appeared together in Indiana's first story, Mickey and Goofy in: Raiders of the Lost Temple by Bruno Sarda, and have been chasing each other for one reason or another ever since. Kranz is an adventure archaeologist, too, but despite being (almost) as skilled and succesful at his job as Indiana, he spends an awful lot of time following him around and trying to steal his discoveries... most often by putting on some disguise, stalking him from a distance, and popping out of nowhere with a gun and a mocking smirk as soon as Indiana finds the hidden lost idol/treasure/artifact/city.
Despite some weird occasional foray into the world of attempted world domination, Kranz is (mostly) into the whole villain business for the money and the fame. The money because he loves luxury (especially fast cars and five-star hotels) and sells a good chunk of what he finds or steals to unscrupulous clients or outright villainous organizations to afford to live the good life, and the fame because he has a big ego and (somehow, still) a reputation as a respectable archaeologist that feeds into it... and he's always trying to overshadow Indiana, because he hates being always second best to him. Which is just as well, because Indiana hates his attempts to steal his own discoveries, his criminal activities, his utter lack of ethics, and his greed. Whenever they see each other without either of them ending up on the wrong end of a gun or tied up for the local authorities to find, they usually still end up at each other's throat anyway. Or at least, insulting and teasing each other the whole time.
Except... it wasn't always like that. Back in the day, Indiana and Kranz were actually students in the same college. And roommates (YES, "and they were roommates!"). And "inseparable" best friends who got along very well despite their differences and genuinely cared for each other. And after graduating, even adventuring partners, at least occasionally. Kranz already loved money and luxury, and Indiana had already started to develop his simpler yet more bizarre tastes, but they were good together.
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There's actually a recent mini-series about their college years written by Bruno Sarda himself, Young Indiana. It's pretty much a shipper's delight, as it contains high amounts of fluff, overdramatic (and suspiciously coupley imho) friendship drama with a happy ending, hugs, kisses, straight love drama taking a backseat as the focus stays firmly on the friendship drama, and a certain amount of foreshadowing of (angsty) things to come. But their old friendship was already an established fact before that...
Like in the story Indiana Pipps and the Return of Doctor Kranz, where Indiana ends up telling Mickey the story of how they parted ways and became enemies. Which was apparently inspired by something that happened in the Martin Mystère comics, but I've never read them so I wouldn't know. Long story short, Indiana and Kranz where on an expedition together when they unexpectedly found an absurdly powerful ray gun left behind by Ancient Aliens. As it turned out, by that point Kranz had already been in contact with a shady organization that would have paid good money for something like that, so he proposed they should sell the gun to them and share the profits of the sale. Indiana immediately opposed the idea, of course, being all like, "wtf dude idk about YOU apparently but I have morals and also a sense of professional ethics"... so Kranz knocked him out, took the gun, wrote him a note about how you shouldn't slap good luck away, and fled to the other side of the world, where a man from the organization would await him. But when Indiana woke up, he immediately started trying to track him, eventually ruining the sale right before it could go through and throwing the gun into the sea, where it would never be found again. At that point, Kranz swore he'd have his revenge on him by basically costantly tailing him and ruining his life and career, never leaving him a moment of peace.
Which he's sometimes been pretty succesful at, considering there's been a whole story about Indiana being so stressed due to Kranz appearing out of the blue to ruin his day, it turns into some sort of bizarre mania where he believes everyone and anyone is secretly Kranz in disguise. However, the same story also has Kranz being so stressed due to Indiana constantly foiling his schemes that he goes on a cruise to just forget about him and relax for a while... and ends up jumping off the ship when he mistakenly believes Indiana might be on it, too. So, that's a two-way street, I guess.
So, basically... friends to enemies, genuine affection being ruined by greed and ambition and turning into resentment and spite and straight-up hatred, a degree of mutual obsession and general unhealthiness. But that's not really all there is to their relationship.
There's also stories where they're forced to collaborate to reach the same goal and have to behave more or less civilly, or even where they choose to do so willingly and end up actually still being a good team. There's stories where getting good results while working together makes them behave almost amicably, as much as they're able or willing to. Stories where they acknowledge their past together, if not their old friendship, and even the similarities between them. Stories where they find themselves with someone they both look down down or hate even more than each other, and find some common ground insulting and snarking at them in-between doing the same to each other. Where they grudgingly help each other out.
And then, there's Indiana Pipps e il soccorso obbligato. The story I blame for getting me into this ship in the frist place, when I could be here reading and writing Scroldie or Dimeshipping or Donsy or Mickey/Minnie or literally any other of my Disney comics ships that people other than me actually ship.
In Il soccorso obbligato, Kranz gets kidnapped by some shady guys while he's working on a revolutionary archaeological discovery, except he's not been kidnapped and he's not actually close to finding anything that awesome, and it's all just a convoluted trap to get back at Indiana for laughing at him one time because he's terrible. But Indiana doesn't know that, and so he and Mickey rush to the rescue and fly to a whole other continent to find him...
That story really has everything. From Kranz coming up with a ridiculous and ridiculously cruel plan because he might be used to Indiana insulting him and mocking him but sometimes his former friend laughing at him and acting all superior and better than him still hurts, to Indiana actually falling for it and trying to justify to himself why he does, telling himself that after so many years spent (fighting) together there's a bond between them and he owes it to Kranz... and admitting he’s worried about him. From Indiana still remembering little details about Kranz and their past together and looking almost fond as he talks about them, to Kranz being both petty and obsessed enough to leave a journal full of insults to Indiana for him to find as a clue and setting his password to a mocking phrase about him (and Indiana, who should expect some stuff like that or at least be used to it, still getting riled up and planning on giving Kranz an earful when he finds him). From Kranz assuming Indiana would only come save him if he threw an imaginary fantarchaeological discovery into the mix because then Indiana wouldn't be able to resist his "archaeological curiosity", to Indiana considering said discovery more of a secondary concern and actually regretting and feeling almost guilty for mocking Kranz the last time they saw each other before the supposed kidnapping... and recklessly, unthinkingly running over a thin ice bridge over a gaping chasm just to get to him, throwing all caution to the wind even as he tells himself he doesn't even know why he's doing it. And the way they still KNOW each other despite everything that happened, maybe even because of everything that happened! The angst! The complicated, unspoken, repressed things! Being a softie and a sap, I'm always a sucker for "the hero and the villain actually have a bond and care for each other on some level even if it's not the healthiest or most normal thing"... but considering the history between these two? Though the story in itself is very fun and entertaining, it never fails to break my heart a little.
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And in all honesty, I might end up writing fanfictions about them. Fanfictions full of angst and pining and conflicted feelings and "we were never lovers but oh god we could have been --- if you hadn't screwed up everything in the end, at least" college stuff with a mess of obliviousness and repressed feelings, most likely.
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x0401x · 3 years
<SPOILER> I admire your works, which I had put into plenty heartfelt youtube tributes. I just saw the movie, then read your summary. Hope I can infuse enough Doll writing skill to elicit empathy for a dissenting opinion.
Hiiii, omg. It’s great having you here again! I put my reply under a cut, if you don’t mind. Also, you have more than enough “Doll writing skill”, whatever that is. Your writing style is great!
By the way, I get a bit serious when I write long replies and you had me going all-out, so props to you! My friends tell me that I sometimes seem angry when they read these mini-essays, lol, but please don’t worry. I’m not angry at all. In fact, your message was food for thought, so I’m very grateful. I hope my reply is worthy enough... >_<
FWIW, I agree with the summary in the context of the type of love that is eros. But in the movie, I saw agape through and through. Violet showed just that. She showed inexhaustible grace, and unconditional love. I assert that this is proof of her character growth after writing various letters. Her joke of punching Gil showed she indeed understood her situation, at least from Hodgins’ perspective. She respected Gil’s wish to be left alone, and even contented to just being able to hear Gil’s words again, even when those words were painful. Yes, the anime Gilbert doesn’t come 100 miles close to the dashing novel one. Yet Violet accepted this broken man who had hurt her in countless, inexcusable ways. This flawed man who definitely does not deserve her, which he admitted himself. Yet in her last letter, she expressed nothing but gratitude, and longing yet willingness to let go. Thus the audience couldn’t help but shed tears.
“The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.“ V.G.
Okay, I guess I never really wrote about it using these terms, so it wasn’t clear enough, but whenever I talk about Violet’s feelings for Gil, I’m never referring to eros. Both in novel and anime, from beginning to end, the love that she feels for him is obviously agape, no doubt. That being said, I don’t see what difference this makes. If anything, it just proves my point.
I’m sorry if I made it look like I was saying that Violet’s feelings are the problem. They aren’t. Gil is. The way he treats her, the way he does the bare minimum and still gets everything, the way he takes it all for granted. Violet is amazing with her undying love and devotion, sure, but Gil should also have been. Because that’s what she deserves. If you look at everything he’s done, he didn’t even have the right to forsake her. He owes her his entire life.
That’s what the novel never fails to assert. He lives for her, because she’s more important than himself to him. She’s bigger than his mental illnesses, his traumas, his self-sacrifices. And if he weren’t protecting her from the sidelines, she would’ve died. As long as this possibility existed, he couldn’t have the luxury to lock himself in his own little world and drown in sadness. He can wallow all he wants, but it shouldn’t get in the way of watching over her; not when her life is on the line. If she dies, it’s all for nothing. She’d be just a pawn that he used in the war and then threw away.
Therefore, I maintain that abandoning her to sheer luck is completely inexcusable. Violet shouldn’t be the only one putting him on a pedestal. That’s my whole point.
Further, having served for a decade in the military. I have come across those who lost limbs, eyesight, and minds. These broken men and women then made decisions that hurt their loved ones in various inexcusable ways. They earned plenty pain coming their way, just as Gil. Thus it began to rain hard when Violet showed nothing but unconditional love.
That first sentence caught me by surprise. We’re surely not from the same country, but still, thank you for your service!
Now, I know that this seems like an understandable comparison at first, but... the loved ones of those people were not in the military with them, were they? If Violet weren’t part of the army and hadn’t gone through way worse than Gil did, I would have no objection about his actions. But she was. She served at a much younger age, killed more than anybody else in the battlefield, did dirty jobs behind the scenes and overall exerted herself far more than her comrades and Gilbert himself. Then why does she have to be the only one still faithfully, loyally dedicating herself to him? If they were a real-life couple, they would definitely be frowned upon. All the more as a fictional one.
The additional characters in the movie may seem redundant at first. But from the context of how letter writing changes Violet, who in turn, change those around her is profoundly poignant. Daisy was able to express her true feelings to her parents thanks to Violet’s legacy.
Fair point, but I’m not sure if a completely new character was necessary for that. I’d rather have seen the way she changed the people that she had already had contact with. I think it’d be a good means to show what happened to everyone else after Violet went to live with Gil. One of my pet peeves with this anime is that Violet is the only character who receives proper attention, and when there’s a chance to focus on anyone else, the studio will much sooner focus on original characters who only show up once than the canon ones who have always been there. I know they meant to depict what happens even after Violet is gone, to “finish writing about her story” by using Daisy, but I think that’s a bit too gloomy for what’s supposed to be a happy ending. Just my opinion, though.
Now I need to go buy this film
I can help you purchase it if you want! Just PM me!
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An Explanation of Why Louis and Violet are Both Terrific Love Interests [5/5]
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+Why both romantic routes are not only amazing but better than other games I’ve personally played in the past.
+Why some people are idiots and get off on picking stupid fights.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
[the final season and damn near perfect love interests]
I would die for both of them and so would you
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Now that I’ve spent hours talking about these different games and comparing their characters and romance plots to TFS and Louis and Violet, allow me to recap:
Louis and Violet aren’t 100% equal. We’ve all talked about how the dev’s talk more highly about Violet or how toxic Louis’ fans can be, and it’s a horse that we just keep beating to the point where the horse is just dust now. 
I know, guys. I know. 
Trust me, there’s a reason I don’t follow any of the developers or writers or voice actors because while sometimes they give interesting info, sometimes they say dumb things and I have to close my eyes and force down my bitch mode because 
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I’ve given my two cents on those topics before, but know that in comparison to other games, Louis and Violet are more equal than others and arguing about it isn’t going to solve anything, and if you put your nasty energy into something good, then it wouldn’t matter if Louis didn’t get a mini-game because then you could create one fo the community!
Not necessarily a game game but a piece of artwork, or a short story. You get what I mean. 
Hell, remember when we almost didn’t even get episode 3? Or episode 4 because Telltale did dumb things? 
We could’ve stopped at episode 2. We could’ve just gotten our happy little date and confession with Louis and Violet and never got their full development, their backstories, or any other content with them. 
We wouldn’t have gotten Clementine’s ending. 
But we did get the whole season. You get to confess and smooch them, you watch them better themselves because they care about you and want to be better for you and the rest of Ericson. 
We’re lucky that we can even romance them in the first place. They didn’t have to give that to us. They didn’t even have to try as hard as they did with these two but they did. 
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They could’ve made the romance shitty and forceful. They could’ve made it so unbalanced that it’s laughable. They could’ve made it inconsequential, throwaway characters. They could’ve made Louis and Violet so terrible that we would end up wishing they weren’t even characters in TFS. 
But they didn’t. 
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Louis is my favorite character out of the entire series. Yes, I dare say I love him more than Clementine or even Lee. He’s my absolute favorite. 
And while I chose not to romance Violet, she’s still one of my favorite characters and I hold her on a high pedestal when it comes to romanceable characters in general. 
For this next part, I’m going to talk a little bit about why I love Louis’ romance route so much in comparison to the games that I’ve talked about, but I want to mention that I understand how important Violet is, too. 
She’s important because it’s amazing to see a wlw story portrayed like this with a loveable character like Violet and I can see why she and Clementine’s relationship means a lot to the community. 
I’m not ignoring or disregarding her worth and meaning in the story in this next section, I’m just giving my experience and thoughts on my playthrough of the game as someone who picked Louis. 
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Louis is a character I’ve talked about non-stop since I started this blog. 
He is so many things, and his story over the course of TFS is one of my favorites that I’ve encountered in any of these games. 
From his character design and voice acting to his realistic portrayal of grief and anger at the loss of his traitorous best friend but eventual acceptance and forgiveness of it, to his insecurities hiding behind a smile and a song, to his love for Clementine whether it be romantic or platonic, down to his backstory and growth from episode 1 to 4 of having a home and people worth stepping up to protect, I love everything about him. 
When I first played episode 1, I deeply hoped that I would because to start something romantic with him because how many times has a game pulled a Yosuke on me and said, “Oh, that one? Nope, you can’t have that one,” and I just accepted it in sorrow? 
So, imagine my delight when it was possible in episode 2, only to learn that we probably wouldn’t get the rest of the season. 
We almost didn’t get it, remember?
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Then we did, and we got to finish it and I got to see the end of Louis’ role in Clementine’s story. I got to watch them end up together, even though I had to sacrifice Violet’s eyesight and complete trust in me, as well as Tenn’s life. That’s not something that I’m happy about, but damn it, I love him enough to live with it. 
Louis is important to the story, and his role is anything but inconsequential, no matter what route you take. He isn’t forced on you, and he doesn’t turn into a whiney asshole you if reject him. If you reject him, the story as a whole still makes sense. Louis is fucking loveable. 
And this applies to Violet, as well. All of it!
There is no stupid love triangle between them and Clementine, they’re affectionate and supportive, and they’re both loveable as fuck. 
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Louis and Violet are both terrific love interests for Clementine because of this. 
Everything that I’ve pointed out in the past 5 goddamn posts supports this. 
At the end of the day, Louis and Violet are both amazing characters in their different ways, and they’re both perfect options for Clementine. They both treat her with love and respect, they both lay down their lives for her and AJ, they’re not above calling her out on anything she does wrong but is also willing to say they’re sorry for their own mistakes. They’re complex and interesting to spend time with, and you want them to survive and be happy in the end. 
And I know, I get asks about these certain topics and opinions like “Well, I just felt like this thing was unfair and here’s why” and that’s fine. There’s a difference between having a discussion about something that you think can be improved or something you didn’t like and going to someone with the intention of being an idiot and picking a fight because you get off on it. 
I didn’t write this whole thing up to tell everyone to shut up, I wrote it to point some shit out because some people don’t realize how lucky we are to even have Louis and Violet in the first place! Think back to the examples and comparisons I did and think about what we COULD’VE gotten!
People are still going to pick fights about it because they’re idiots. That’s why they do it. There is no reason to be an asshole to each other just because you share different opinions, and there’s no reason to personally go after the developers and writers. 
I get mad, I get annoyed, so I write five-part essays about topics that no one asked for but make me feel better to get all out. 
I don’t go into inboxes or on Instagram and be a dick. 
Because there’s no point. Because Louis and Violet are both great. 
Have I nailed that point into your brains yet?  
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In conclusion:
Quit being ungrateful and enjoy the fact that Louis and Violet are as amazing as they are and that TFS was finished. Be nice and quit picking fights. Louis and Violet would both be ashamed of you for being an asshole. Use the energy you’re putting into this nonsense and put it towards something good for the community. 
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go on Instagram and see if anything’s changed in the past 48 hours while hoping I don’t come across any more vilouis content. 
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youcantundothepast · 4 years
Ask Jack - Chapter 1
Here’s part of the first chapter of a mini fic I wrote and have posted on AO3! :)
The journalism staff at Duane High School was responsible for three things. The newspaper that was printed bi-weekly and given to every student, the yearbook that would published and sold at the end of the year, and the tumblr that would publish articles every so often that wouldn’t make the paper and cover more pressing stories.
Surprisingly, a lot of the students actually enjoyed what the journalism staff put out. No doubt to the fearless leadership of the newspaper’s editor and chief and basically the boss of the room, Katherine. By her side we’re Darcy, editor of the yearbook, and the manager of the tumblr, Bill. They also had an advisor, Bryan Denton who was an English teacher, but he gave most of the control of the classroom over to the editors. The rest of the staff had titles and specific responsibilities as well, but they were the three bosses that would be telling you if your work was publishable or not.
Most of the time, Jack stayed out of the bustle and chaos around deadline time in the journalism room. His main responsibility was drawing the comic for each paper, and he could whip it out pretty quickly. Sometimes, he did a graphic for the yearbook or took photographs of events when the photographers were out, but when he wasn’t needed, he mostly did his homework or something else to pass the time in the corner.
On less hectic days, Davey would sit with Jack, but more often than not, Davey would be busy with his own projects, especially now because he was going after one of the editor positions after Katherine and the other two editors graduate after the year’s end. Jack didn’t mind. He thought it was cute whenever Davey got all passionate about something. It was like there was a fire behind his eyes that couldn’t be extinguished. Though, Jack knew if he didn’t get the position, (which Jack was also doubtful of) he’d be crushed. If he did, he’d put every waking moment making sure the published piece was perfect, throwing all concerns of his own health out the window.
The bell rang, signaling the end of the period. Everyone saved their work before putting it away and heading out, including Jack who was out quickly because he just to put up his drawing tablet. When he got out of the door frame, someone grabbed the sleeve of his shirt and dragged him towards the teacher’s bathroom that the students weren’t supposed to use. It was private and big enough for two people to have a conversation (or make out which it was sort of known for). 
“I have a new project for you,” Katherine explained when the door was closed and the lights were turned on.
“And it required you to drag me into the teacher’s bathroom?” Jack quipped which made Katherine roll her eyes. 
“For our next newspaper, we’re going to have an advice column. Ask Shirley. We’re going to test it, and I thought you’d be a great candidate. People will send asks over the tumblr, and who’s writing it will be completely anonymous. The only two people who would know are you and me.” 
“What about Davey? He’s the mom friend of the group. And I’m not even a writer,” Jack said. 
“Davey is already doing more than enough for the publication. And the advice column really isn’t a big deal, maybe three or four paragraphs at most. Besides, you’re the dad friend. Everyone goes to you for advice as well. It’ll be like you’re writing to one of them. Please? It’ll only be one question for each bi-weekly publication,” Katherine begged, well Katherine didn’t really beg because whatever she wanted she knew how to get. 
She was right when saying Davey was overworking himself already which would make Jack an asshole if he insisted Katherine give him another job. He sighed. Though he was no Shakespeare, he could write well enough, and Katherine would help him edit it. “Fine,” he conceded. Katherine did her excited thing where she jumps and claps her hands with a small squeal. 
“Great! Here’s your first question, and I’ll need a response by Thursday. Feel free to work on it during class time since you’ve already got this edition’s comic in,” she told him, handing him a sealed envelope. Wow, extravagant much, Katherine?
Dear Editor of The Duane Banner,
I was hoping to get some advice about my boyfriend. We’ve been dating for the last two years (since freshmen year,) and I love him. But, one night recently, we were out with my friends, and after, when he was driving me home, he told me my friends are so hot. Hotter than me. I’m wondering what I should do. I haven’t told my friends, either. I just think that’d be too weird. I don’t want to lose him and feel like I’ve wasted two years of my life into our relationship, but the comment made me really self-conscious. 
Sincerely, Pretty Funny (she/her/hers)
Dear Pretty Funny,
First off, I’d like to say sorry, but I’m not the editor of The Duane Banner. Katherine read your letter and gave it to me for our new advice column (though I’m sure you can see that now). Anyway, about your ask. 
I don’t know who you are, and you don’t know who I am; but I know for a fact that you are hecking beautiful. Just because your boyfriend can’t see that shouldn’t make you doubt that.  How do I know that? Because only a fool would think otherwise, and I already know your boyfriend obviously isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.
Honestly, if your gut is telling you to do this or if your boyfriend has and will make more comments like this, I’d drop him. Someone you love shouldn’t make you doubt yourself or make you feel that you are worth less than you are. It sounds like you got some good, close friends too. Make sure that you are able to talk to them about it, as well, if you feel comfortable so you’re not alone, and they know what’s going on.
“Jack?” Davey said, breaking Jack’s stream of consciousness. “What are you writing? I didn’t know you had an essay coming up,” he said. Davey knew of all of the essays and projects Jack had coming up because he was the one who often helped him with them. 
Quickly, and not very discreetly, Jack slammed the lid of his laptop shut. 
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rosemaryfm · 4 years
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『ANYA TAYLOR JOY ❙ CIS FEMALE』 ⟿ looks like LYDIA MONTGOMERY is here for HER JUNIOR year as a COMMUNICATIONS student. SHE is 21 years old & known to be HOPEFUL, IDEALISTIC, DEPENDENT & MALLEABLE. They’re living in PERKINS, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ JAMES. 21. EST. SHE/THEY.
hllo. .. sorry fr switching muses so suddenly .. bt lydia will stick. i swear. as always gib this a like if u’d like 2 plot <3
knee highs and platform mary janes, tulle skirts and bubbles and beads and lace, and heart-shaped mirrors and heart-shaped bruises, gaudy mirrors and gaudy faucets and gaudy frames and chandeliers and gaudy gold, handwritten love letters and kiss-stained envelopes, flowers braided in hair and dying flowers in vases and flowers pressed in between pages, vintage perfume bottles and old ballet slippers and discarded head-shots, short skirts and satin slips and tiny cardigans, melted candles and burnt fingertips and dripping wax, floral baths and beach waves and seashells and summer breezes, renaissance paintings and statues and praying hands and rosaries and empty beds, masks and identities and sobbing and crying and yearning and wishing and learning and wanting and needing and the cycle repeating and repeating and repeating.
basic info.
full name: lydia rosemary montgomery
nickname(s): lydia delia, lyds
b.o.d. - june 22nd, cancer
label(s): the allegiant, the chameleon, the crestfallen, the facade, the gregarious, the grifter, the malleable, the marionette, the neophyte, the obsequious, the rose-colored glass, the sybarite, etc. ...
height: 5′7″
hometown: new york city, new york
sexuality: bisexual
inspired by: amy march (little women), lydia bennet (pride & prejudice), lucy pevensie (narnia), daisy buchanan (the great gatsby), moira rose (schitt’s creek), karen smith (mean girls)
the product of an affair between christian montgomery, an esteemed doctor at his hospital - and one of the nurses there, allison dermont. the half sister of caleb montgomery (shoutout 2 alli!)
named after her maternal grandmother (deceased before lydia even turned one) and rosemary because it reminded allison of her childhood (rosemary always in the air, growing from pots on their porch and baked into the bread they’d eat)
growing up, lydia never knew her father. but she knew of him - her mother told her stories often of him, and the work he did to save others. built him up as a hero, a role model, someone admirable and brave and just despite the fact he’d no longer look her in the eyes when crossing paths in the hospital’s hallways. lydia idolized him.
was a very lonely child - her mother worked long hours, and babysitters were often distant. tended to attach herself to them, anyways, clinging to legs and arms and having to be peeled off and scolded (which then resulted in tantrums, of thrown toys and stomping feet and red, tearful faces)
her schoolmates were cruel to her, an easy target as a child - she followed behind the girls who seemed the most well liked, trying to mimic how they were. it’d always been a little off, and a little off-putting, and she cried often.
abandonment issues led to an obsession with perfection - as if she accomplished the most, her father would be blown away with her talents when he finally reached out. it’d always been a hope for her - her father contacting her, bringing her into his life. being a full family, loved and attended to. 
strove for the highest marks in all her classes, though there’d been hiccups here and there. she’d done ballet for a number of years before her dance instructor had essentially told her she’d never make it to a company, which led to her abruptly quitting. even put out a portfolio and contacted modeling agencies - she’d done a few small photoshoots as a teenager, but she’d never made it to anything big.
tried her hardest to act and work the part of someone important, elegant and better than who she really was. it showed in the aesthetics she indulged in (thrifted nearly everything she owned, from trinkets to her clothing) and the way she acted. in high school, she trailed behind the popular girls. molded her personality to cater to them, to be more like them. a mean girl, in a way. 
did the same when it came to boyfriends and lovers - she’d mold herself into exactly what they wanted, tried to be the perfect girlfriend for them, or sexual partner, or anything. she just wanted the attention, the love. had a myriad of relationships in high school (and it bled into college, too) where she’d give her all, and ultimately end up used and disappointed.
never felt like the first choice, only the second. always the bridemaid, never the bride. never good enough, no matter how hard she tried. but always remained hopeful - idealistic, always thinking that she’d get her turn one day. optimistic, but with lowering self-esteem and a mountain of insecurities.
became something of a habitual liar, in the process - always wanting to seem better than she was, so she lied about where she lived (instead of a measly apartment, she lived in a penthouse) and her accomplishments and her experience, and her feelings and who her parents were.
found something she was genuinely good at during her senior year of high school, when she’d chosen a fashion elective for one of her class periods. the practical aspect, she was good at - creatively? she had nothing to offer.
because of her lack of ideas, she never pursued it further. in college she chose to go into communications, specializing in public relations, though she’d never thought of actually finishing college. it was just a way for her to find a beau, to marry - to leave new york and have children. has always wanted to be a housewife with a white picket fence and 2.5 kids. to be loved and held for the rest of her life.
without cliques in college, it was hard for her to find her footing among peers. joined a sorority, molded her personality once more into something they would desire, and was accepted. got a frat boyfriend until it burned out, and another, and another, until she had something of a reputation.
with all of these expenses adding up - lydia’d never wanted to work a retail job, or food service, or anything measly like that - she found use for her sewing skills in the back of npc shops. worked in a shady operation producing fake designer items. she’d been excellent at producing exact replicas.
it wasn’t a very safe job and it’d ended her up in danger on some occasions, but it paid, and she was desperate.
met caleb for the first time at his mother’s funeral and became obsessed with the idea of having a brother, of being closer to her father somehow. cyberstalked him as much as she could and found radcliffe, where she eventually transferred to when caleb had decided to go back. practically followed him like a lost dog.
got into perkins because she literally pre-wrote her essay to get in and basically sobbed her story in front of secretaries and deans and housing faculty until she’d been granted permission to move in.
currently interning at a company where she has control over their social media accounts, alongside a team of other interns. when she’s feeling particularly upset she’ll post passive aggressive or straight up distraught, distressing messages (tweets, captions, etc.) on their official accounts, sometimes featuring the mascot of the company/brand. they haven’t figured out its her, yet.
i won’t lie. she’s a bit of a mess. 
constantly changes her personality to fit whoever she’s talking to, desperate for their approval in even the most minimal ways. consistently lies about literally ... whatever, sometimes for no reason, if it’ll make her seem cooler or better in some way. type of person who wants to one-up others.
excessive, in that way. clingy and pushy, she tends to latch onto people and designate her ‘favorites’ - their opinion means the world to her, and when it falters she essentially crumbles as a person.
pretty fragile as a person - emotional, and unable to be yelled at because she’ll wind up crying. takes a lot of things very personally, and always accuses herself as being the problem, which leads to her changing aspects of herself.
loves often, and viciously, will fall for someone at the drop of a hat. yearns, often. sulks often, too.
still has a ballerina’s posture, model’s demeanor, very upright and it could be mistaken as intimidating, though the facade cracks immediately when she speaks. loves gossip and unintentionally - or, intentionally - spreads it at the drop of a hat.
can get very possessive, and jealous, and outright mean. very highly defensive at times, when pushed (it doesn’t take much to push her)
sentimental to a fault - she still has her last pair of ballet slippers despite the fact that she’d dropped that pursuit when she was fifteen.
her room is adorned with mirrors, handheld and mountable and tabletop - they’re all heart-shaped.
has an obsession with hearts, actually, and florals, and gold, when it comes to decor. has hanging plants and flowers falling from her ceiling. her sink is a gold swan (her favorite animals are swans) faucet that she paid to get installed without permission from perkins.
basically her decor is very gaudy. loves fur coats and silk slips and mini skirts, brandy melville, platforms and socks. very specific style that she doesn’t falter from, often.
takes baths often to distress but setting them up is an hour-long process in itself, flowers and herbs and candles surrounding her tub. she’ll stay in there until she’s pruny and the water’s gone cold.
likes to garner sympathy when she can - though she herself tends to be a very sympathetic, compassionate, person. cries for others even when they’re not crying themselves. it’s a lot. tends to make things about herself, in some way.
a smoker, and a bad one at that, does it whenever she feels the slightest amount of stress. she’s very stressed, very often.
likes the aesthetic of art, like renaissance paintings and roman statues, but isn’t deeply knowledgeable on them.
very impressionable, easy to impress, and is loyal to a definite fault. doesn’t tend to give up on people, and holds out for the best.
a dreamer, excessively hopeful and idealistic - is often let down. wears rose-colored glasses and doesn’t see it, anyways. can be vicious, but ultimately just wants to be loved. obsessed with the idea of it.
very finicky and picky, but is also? a hypocrite? says she’s a vegan but she isn’t - she has indulged in mcdonalds nuggets more than once.
very materialistic in that she loves high-end things that she ... can’t afford, but is also financially irresponsible and loves to spend her money on things she absolutely doesn’t need. selfish and immature, at times.
vastly insecure, likes reassurance. double texts. overthinks. romanticizes.
laughs when she’s nervous - laughs a lot.
patient until she’s impatient, the reason why she burns her tongue and the roof of her mouth so often on hot teas and coffee and treats.
is either over-prepared or under-prepared; over-prepared in academics, always doing the upmost she can do (still a perfectionist) and under-prepared when it comes to dressing out - never wears a jacket and is always cold (anemic, too) because she’s hoping that a handsome stranger will give her theirs’
wishes on dandelion puffs and shooting stars and each and every 11:11, wishes for a lot of things - they never come true, but she keeps wishing.
loves romance novels, and period / historical dramas/romances especially. like, frankly obsessed
has a collection of erotica novels, too.
sleeps around often but there’s no guarantee that she won’t get attached to who she’s sleeping with.
la croix fan :/
got onto the cheer team the same way she got into perkins. crying to the coach. but she does have immaculate form, so.
can’t say no to anybody, about anything and for anything its a genuine Problem she feels like she always Has to do what people ask because that’s how you get people to like you (no it isnt!)
tdlr; she listens to marina and the diamonds, lana del rey, and mitski far more than any normal fucking person would and that should be enough to describe her.
wanted connections.
okay so i kind of imagine her as being New to radcliffe so these may not be instantaneous but.
a ride or die... someone tht she wld probably die fr at the drop of a pin or w/e, they dn’t have to be Her ride or die though,, y’know what i mean
bad influences... she’s very impressionable and wants to fit in with people... they cld get her to do anything...
people she annoys... she does that a lot :/ she’s just intense. high care. needy.
friends! just friends... please ... give her friends ... she’ll lay down her life for them ...
a drug dealer... y’know ... just fr funsies.
party pals... needless 2 say ...
unrequited feelings... mostly if not entirely on her part, because she’ll ‘fall in love’ with just about anybody
attachments... that she has on other people. just won’t quit!
new yorkians... who might’ve known her in her youth! she went to a public school.
associated with caleb... people who only know her because she’s caleb’s bastard sister
bad time... something went wrong along the way of their friendship and now it’s ... super bad ... 
enemies... she’ll probably cry to your face or maybe even yell at u! who knows! u hate each other.
perkins roommate... i repeat, mayhaps a perkins roommate? who got thrust with her in the middle of the semester?
something soft... idk what ... cld be cute
the world is our oyster ... we can always brainstorm too... idk!! she’s new in town!! john mulaney vc !!
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godsofhumanity · 5 years
I very vaguely remember you saying that October asks are closed. So if you're going to answer this in November that's all right! You talked about how Hades is pretty much Thanatos' dad. But what about Thanatos' biological, Erebus? I never see anyone talk about his parents, Nyx and Erebus, in any Greek god ask blogs. How do you feel about them? Personally I think Thanatos has the MOST powerful family in all of Greek mythology. Even down to his nephews from Hypnos. Zeus himself even fears Moros.
Okay now let’s get into this.
So in my imagination, I feel that because Thanatos is constantly with Hades, delivering souls, etc. therefore Hades has sort of unintentionally assumed the role of Thanatos’ dad. But of course, yes, Thanatos does have biological parents- Nyx and Erebus. I guess in my interpretation, Nyx and Erebus are sort of just busy out there, y’know, being the night and silence and all that, and I think that sort of could be plausible considering that Greek mythology doesn’t really abide by linear family structures to begin with. 
Nyx is an interesting character in my opinion. As the personification of the night, I like to think of her as sort of, really in-tune with the universe. She gives really deep and spiritual reflections when it hits night time and she also can throw a hella good party to be sure. 
Then Erebus, who personifies darkness, and was born from chaos, becomes sort of the perfect soulmate for Nyx. He too prefers the night to the day, and maybe he’s not a party freak but he’s not a gloom to be with. Erebus I feel is probably quite erratic at times, given his roots with Chaos, but Nyx has a sort of calming effect on him (since she is the night = sleepy time). Also Erebus is THE go-to person for dark jokes.
As for Thanatos’ family being the MOST powerful family? I mean, on one hand, yeah, Thanatos and Hypnos alone are a fearsome duo. Then you add in Moros (god of impending doom, gloomy i know), and then the Keres (female spirits of violent deaths and terminal illnesses, ouch), and well, wow that’s quite a load. So I suppose yeah they could be. 
On the flip side of the coin, I’d argue that death in itself isn’t really what defines how powerful you are, if we’re talking about the ability to inflict suffering, or just the general ability to make an impact. Therefore, it’s what CAUSES the death that makes one powerful. Let me point you to a line by the metaphysical poet John Donne to help me explain it better, “Death be not proud, though some have called thee mighty and dreadful for thou art not so... Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men, and dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell, and poppy or charms can make us sleep as well...” (Death be not proud). What this means, is that death is in fact subjected to whatever caused it to begin with. So like, death is powerless without something or someone instigating it- it’s war that causes death, or poison, or sickness. So from this angle, I’d say that actually the main Olympians are in fact the most powerful because they are directly responsible for causing death and violence- Ares and Athena with their war, Zeus with his thunderbolts, Poseidon with his tsunamis, Hera with her jealous spats, etc. (I don’t know if I wrote that out clearly, but hopefully you catch what I’m trying to say) and Thanatos and co. simply are just there to help all the poor souls who fall victim to the Olympians get on their way to the afterlife.
Anyways, I think they’re all valid opinions. I personally think that they’re all pretty tough and pretty scary, and I don’t think I’d want to be enemies with any of them. Each of them have their own pros and cons, and of course, having a role as a minor or major, or subservient or leader type god doesn’t necessarily dictate whether you’re weak or strong. Thanatos and Hades are a prime example of that- neither one is a force you’d want to reckon with (yes, we are ignoring that one dude in Greek mythology who knocked Thanatos out and kept him under his bed because he didn’t want to die).
Thank you for the ask, love! This was really thought provoking and I really enjoyed it :) ((sorry for turning this into a mini essay))
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
I Hear My Heart Breaking Tonight
Going off of my earlier lil mini essay thing on that question about a character I like writing for, I wrote this for/about Eggsy. 
It’s kinda messy, but I wanted it to be very...mental flow, like being in his head as much as possible, if that makes sense. Hopefully I achieved that!
Title is a lyric from Pink In The Night by Mitski.
My love to all who read/like/reblog!
He doesn’t tell Tilde he’s going back for a bit; he doesn’t really have to. She knows the job, and doesn’t question if he’s just gone for a day or two. He always checks back in with her, to give her an update, let her know that he’s safe. 
But Kingsman hasn’t called him back to England. No one has, in fact. 
No one living, at least. 
And he can’t really blame it on his dad, or Merlin, or Roxy, or even sweet JB. They couldn’t actually call him back there, of course. It’s just where they all sit, all the losses stacking up, balanced ever so carefully so he doesn’t think of them at an inconvenient time. 
But they always topple when he least expects it, is least ready to deal with it, and there’s no easy way to stack them up again. 
Walking helps, though he couldn’t say exactly why. He doesn’t have a destination, doesn’t stop for more than a moment or two here and there, and that it always seems to rain weirdly makes it even better. 
He can feel the tears sitting at the edge of his eyes, but can’t get them to fall no matter how hard he tries or how alone he is, so the rain is close enough. 
He could call someone. He could tell Tilde. He could call Harry. He technically could call his mum, though they talk only briefly nowadays. Mostly updates on Daisy, and to speak to her and see how she was. 
But the last time he’d tried, speaking to Tilde about it all, she’d listened but...
It just hadn’t worked. She’d offered kind platitudes, and apologized for him losing who he had, and said it wasn’t fair, and he appreciated it all, and that she sat and let him talk. But she seemed distracted for most of it, bothered, uncomfortable, and he didn’t want to make her feel like that, or Harry, or his mum. 
The sidewalk doesn’t give a shit though, and the streets are either quiet and busy inside or loud and thrumming with people he has to weave around, either way with no time for him and the thoughts making his head hurt with how fast they whip around inside.
He makes a tour for himself: first to the Kingsman shop, to stop there and talk to Merlin and Roxy. Late at night, there’s usually no one around, and no one to question his standing there silent, the words all spilling out in his head. 
“I’m sorry for what happened. I’ll never stop being sorry, either. It isn’t the same without you two, and I know what Harry says and what you guys would say-we carry on, make sure the world is safe, and then we mourn. Well, I did that, and I’ve mourned, and I don’t think I can stop it now, because it never gets any easier. You should still be here, both of you. Missions aren’t the same, and they never will be again. And it’ll never stop bothering me, always the first thought when I’m told there’s somewhere to go, someone or something to save. You were a safety net for me, and I should have been the same for you, somehow.” 
It isn’t a great apology, but then again, the best one would be if he could bring them back. 
And as he walks on, all he can think about is how he can’t. 
JB he talks to on the way back to his Mum’s old flat. 
JB is easier, and yet not, somehow. He can tell him in his head what a good dog he was, how much he was loved, how sorry he is, but JB would never have understood it all fully, or why he died. And that hurts just as much as JB being gone, because if JB had any last thoughts, it would have been that he was hurt, and he didn’t know what he had done to deserve it, and wasn’t he a good dog? He tried so hard to be a good dog, so why did he have to hurt? 
He hopes, prays (to who? he isn’t sure), that JB died quickly, with no time for pain or thoughts like that. 
The apartment he always gets close, can almost feel the tears falling, but something holds them back as he asks his dad everything he can think of.
“Did you really plan for it to be like that, knowing you might die like that? For Mum to feel so alone, and unsure? Of course, she could have reached out to Kingsman like Harry said, but she was grieving, not thinking rationally. Surely you had to know that might be how she’d react. Or did you never even think of it, never even consider what it might be like after you were gone? Nobody wants to think of their own death, but I’ve got an idea, if I go doing something for Kingsman. Tilde will be taken care of, not just financially or whatever, not that we were really anyway. But emotionally, to make sure she doesn’t fall to pieces when I’m gone. And Mum. For her, that’s the least I can do, since you apparently didn’t.” 
The anger tastes bitter in his mouth as he walks away again, and he almost regrets it, because it isn’t pure anger, he knows that. It’s tinged in his own grief for the father he can’t really remember, not in a way he can cling to when he needs it. And it isn’t fair to his father, or to him. Not healthy to hang onto like that. 
But then none of this is. 
He’ll ponder it as he finds a hotel room for the night, calls Tilde once he’s in the room to let her know he’ll be home in another day or two, and how is she? What did she do today? He’d love to hear it, and he hopes it was a good day. 
Then it’ll be just him and his thoughts of how he ought to think about getting a therapist maybe, instead of just hoping one of these night long run away and walks will somehow cure him when the hurt gets so sharp it feels it might slice him to ribbons, leaving him breathless and sobbing in a hotel room that he pays too much for just so he doesn’t have to go home right away and risk Tilde or anyone else seeing the ice of his lake finally break. 
In the later morning, the lake has frozen over again, and he washes his face with cold water before checking out to get on a plane and go home. 
Everything stacked and orderly again, stiff upper lip. 
And no one is ever the wiser, and he can be there for them, smiling and helpful and caring and loving, just like they need. 
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fragcc · 5 years
Are We The Fools? | Prologue
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The Series
Synopsis: Maybe it wasn’t as special as he thought. Maybe she couldn’t really control all the aspects of her life. The realization of being wrong can be terrifying, but it can also reveal what conce was unbelievable.
Word count: 1458
Warnings: cursing, mentions of sex
A/N: UPDATED! Sorry for all the trouble during editing, I think I managed to fix everything. This is an Alternative Universe created by the awesome @evaroze​ and I super recommend you to go see her work. I wrote this fic ‘cause I just fell in love with these character, I couldn’t help it.  Once again, I hope you like it!
Diane is smart.
And that, combined with her stunning looks and stubborn personality, is enough to grant her all she wishes. She can get anything and anyone she wants, but she loses interest really fast.
Dumping popular guys after one month of fun is one of her favorite things, not that she’d go after it, though. It’s just that their complaints are absolutely hilarious. And since she knows that falling in love with someone is the same as being fooled, she’ll never commit such a mistake.
Walking through the corridors, she seek a victim. Her white crop top caught as much attention as her mini skirt, her high heels echoing with each step. All the heads turned towards her gorgeous figure, boys and girls looking at her with dreamy eyes. Diane loved the attention.
Soon her sharp stare landed over a tall young man by the lockers. He had light blue hair and was wearing a black jacket and a jeans ripped on his knees, black all stars on his feet. A smirk appeared over her thin lips. “Not bad for a nerd.” She murmured to herself.
He is Rick Sanchez, the secret genius in the college. He never admitted aloud to know most of the things the others were still learning, but Diane already caught him in a heated discussion with the professor he usually talks in the corridors. They were super excited talking about some theories she didn’t care.
For what she heard, he was perfect to do her physics homework.
Standing beside him, she leaned her right shoulder against the locker and tightly crossed her arms under her breasts. She faked a warm smile when Rick finally took notice of her, his cheeks growing red as he tried not to look at her cleavage.
Her actress mode was on. Diane faked her weakness and her sweet voice asked for his help, implying he was the only one who could solve her problems. Her pleading eyes watched as Rick rubbed the back of his head with an embarrassed smile and agreed to do her homework.
Of course he agreed. He, just like most of the guys, dreamed with the privilege to be noticed and desired by her. But she wasn’t stupid. Whenever Rick finished doing her homework and essays, she’d read them and learn at least the basic. Diane definitely wouldn’t give him the pleasure of being needful to her.
As payment, she’d give him a kiss. She had to guarantee he’d keep doing all she wanted, after all. And as she knew he liked her, he wouldn’t deny such reward. And it was settled: Rick foolishly did all her scientific work and she had fun when it came to his payment, for she didn’t think his kiss was bad, not at all.
Whenever Diane kissed his lips, even if it was a quick peck, he‘d look back at the her in contemplation, a goofy smile adorning his face. Part of her enjoyed seeing him so head over heels for her, for his kisses were always so sweet and slow, the opposite of the intense and lustful ones she’d hungrily give him. But she quickly came to her senses and banned the feeling.
Sometimes, they’d make out as his prize for making her pass the exam with an “A” or for not letting anyone know about their deal. At these moments, Diane wouldn’t hold back. Straddling him, she completely abused of his upper body, leaving hickeys all over his chest and neck. Rick, on the other hand, tried his best not to touch her skin too much, focusing on caressing her waist and sometimes her tights.
And it oddly made her want more. The shy behavior that prevents him from doing more than kissing also makes her desire his touch. How come she was over his lap, ready to make his dirtiest dreams come true, and he did nothing to her? It was unacceptable that she, Diane, couldn’t get a nerd like Rick Sanchez. It was absurd, and she was determined to change that.
On a Sunday morning, Diane went over his place with the excuse that she needed to study. While Rick went after the brownies she asked, she quickly removed her clothes and put his lab coat on. She didn’t even bother to button it up, for she wanted her new white lingerie to show. Sitting on the table he usually works at, the blonde girl casually crossed her legs and focused her attention on painting her lips with her favorite red lipstick.
On the back of her mind, a low voice was questioning why do all of this — this whole plan of seduction — for someone like him? Gosh, she even bought a new lingerie just to “match” his lab coat, hoping it’d somehow turn him on. It’s not like he was some super athletic popular guy or something, for God’s sake! But it was no use: her huge pride shut all the other thoughts that weren’t about making him pay for leaving her untouched some nights before.
Rick soon returned, plate in hand, apologizing for making her wait. His jaw dropped at the sight of Diane half-naked over his table. She greeted him with a malicious smile, stretching her hand to grab the brownies. With the corner of her eyes, while she elegantly bit the sweet, she saw Rick’s eyes scanning her body from the bottom to the top. His dumbfounded face made good to her ego.
Rick poorly tried to start a conversation. Stuttering in almost every word, scratching the back of his head, his hands lightly shaking… Diane stuffed her chest as she noticed all the effects she had over him. The one effect that she hated the most was his gaze going anywhere but her body. When will he learn that his attention should be on her and nothing — no one — else?
The words “I-I will - I will need my lab coat back, D-Diane” fell from his lips and she seductively uncrossed her legs the instant by he finished the sentence. Rick gulped as she rested her right foot over his left shoulder, her long white leg inviting him to come closer. Diane’s red mouth seductively danced as it told him to take the lab coat from her body.
Rick slowly approached her, his eyes fixed on the stolen clothes. Diane quietly spread her legs and the scientist stood between them, his heavy breath caressing her chest with each air puff. Her intense stare didn’t leave his face as his shaky hands lightly removed the fabric from her shoulders. He held his breath at the sight of her small body only on her undergarments, the lab coat stopped on her elbows.
The realization of he being the one removing the only proper clothing she was wearing finally hit him and he looked up at her. Their eyes met and she raised one eyebrow. His eyes somehow asked for permission to take off his clothes from her. Diane didn’t say a word, she simply leaned few inches forwards, her green eyes waiting for his next move. Rick was the one who took action. Leaning forward, he passed one hand behind her neck, the other around her waist and pressed his lips against hers in a passionate kiss.
And just then Diane got what she wanted. All her work was rewarded as they had sex right in his “office”. She was more than satisfied with Rick’s performance during the act. Right, she could tell it was probably his first time, but he had potential.
Diane couldn’t ignore how Rick treated her during sex. While all the guys she sleeps with are too worried about touching and memorizing her body, Rick wanted to touch the right places to make her feel good. He wanted to give her as much pleasure as she gave him and he kept saying she looked perfect and how her skin was soft.
An idiot, really. But maybe she needed this.
She couldn’t deny that the way he treated and looked at her, like she was some divine figure or something, made her feel good. His eyes showed admiration and love for her, his mouth always opened to praise her doings and he never dared to leave marks on her. Diane’d never admit aloud that he was making good to her ego, to her self esteem.
Rick was a nerd and that wouldn’t change. She couldn’t let anyone know she has slept with a loser like him, so she made sure he’d keep his mouth shut in order of it happening again. Maybe. Probably. It felt good anyway. Anything for him to continue doing her homework.
Rick Sanchez is the name of her brand new toy, after all.
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Another tag game to spread the love: Tag 3 (or more) fellow authors and name their strengths! – Chanel #2
I am absolutely heartbroken because I have just spent the best part of an HOUR answering this ask because there are authors on here that I just ADORE and I legit wrote a mini essay on each one and TUMBLR LOST THE WHOLE THING AS I POSTED IT! 😭💔 SCREW THIS CRAPPY WEBSITE SOMETIMES! 
I will create a post about this another time in detail because it deserves to be said but for the moment while I recover my sanity here is my list and a very brief outline of what makes these authors so bloody fantastic! I’m so sorry for missing any of you out because there are SO MANY TALENTED WRITERS IN THIS FANDOM! 
Here they are: 
@avesatanormalpeoplescareme - my QUEEN OF SMUT with her amazing descriptions that make you feel fully in the moment. Her attention to detail and ability to make a simple sentence sound like filth is so enviable to me! Plumper is such a good example of how description can be used to eek out every delicious moment in a story! 
@langdonsoceaneyes - Jacqueline writes from what she knows, which is the sign of a great author! Her brand is fashion and that is what makes Millions, Baby and What Do You Wanna Wear This Season? so damn good because of the unique perspective! Plus Vertigo is an absolute masterpiece and I have such respect for anyone writing a long, slow-burner series!!!! 
@sojournmichael - Eva is able to soften her characters, creating beautiful moments of fluff and romance without losing the nature of Jim, Michael and Duncan! Her SHY!HAWTHORNE!MICHAEL MASTERLIST is just incredible and highlights a side of Michael we don’t get to see very often. 
@thelangdoncooperative - I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, my OG inspiration! I wouldn’t have started my blog without this girl and her fics! I admire her dedication to writing series like ‘Forbidden Fruit’, ‘Seven Wonders’ and ‘Scary Love’. I think she inspired the foursome without me even realising it as there’s nothing I love more than a good juicy love triangle! https://thelangdoncooperative.tumblr.com/post/178709129650/masterlist
@ritualmichael - She is one of the most prolific content creators in this fandom. She is truly here for her friends and followers, answering so many asks and developing them into drabbles and mini fics! She is another author who writes smut so damn well, “Red Handed” will forever be one of my favourite fics because of her ability to create a Y/N who is a fully three dimensional character. A Y/N I am SO jealous of! 
@cryptid-coalition - Sonny unlocks the psychosis behind Michael Langdon and other characters. He roots his stories in the mentality and motivations behind a character, creating relationship dynamics that are completely believable such as the bratty sub club and sub!Michael/dom!Cordelia verse! In may opinion that trajectory is far more interesting than how AHS Apocalypse played out at all because it comes from the base and humanistic desires in all of us. You know you’re good when you’re writing better than the season itself! https://www.tumblr.com/blog/michael-langdon-appreciation
@lvngdvns - WOW is Mallory good! She creates some of the most interesting and exciting dynamics and verses I have seen in the fandom! I read ‘Toying Somewhere Between Love and Abuse’ just this morning and her ability to create a new world with these characters and keep them completely authentic is spellbinding, not to mention she captures the romance and a vivid realism to her characters. Mallory is another who always answers and develops her asks with such detail and dedication, I admire her so much! https://lvngdvns.tumblr.com/post/185508794199/toying-somewhere-between-love-and-abuse-michael-x
@ccodyfern - I may not have partaken much in the rise of Jonathon but I see him, I read him and I know him! This girl has created an entirely new character with so much precision I’m sure she knows what he ate for breakfast today! There is real skill in creating something from nothing, or just a stimulus. Despite what happens in the upcoming season, Jonathon is here to stay. He’s sexy, dangerous and everything we love in this fandom. He’s a multilayered complex character, the villain we all want to murder us….literally. 
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shipping-receiving · 5 years
i forgot to mention in my comment how much i loved the part where *hyle* tells brienne she's beautiful, because jaime states that is something she'll never hear from him and not because he doesn't believe it but because she doesn't so i loved that he was sneaky-ish and said it anyway, even if it was as hyle and even if he made up a pretty good reason (i don't think hyle would ever say that about brienne, but i like how jaime's mind works)
Thank you! Honestly I think Jaime was really trying to teach her something there (about how to not let your personal prejudices get in the way of the job) – that’s how I imagined it when I wrote it anyway. It is one of my biggest pet peeves when Jaime just calls Brienne ‘beautiful’ in fic, without the implications of it being properly explored, when she’s canonically supposed to be ugly (or antithetical to traditional female beauty in almost every way), not to mention the whole Brienne the Beauty thing, though that phrase isn’t in my fic. That shit scars you and just because your husband/partner/friend/whoever tells you otherwise, doesn’t mean it goes away. (I’m drawing on my personal body image issues here, and my complicated relationship with words that describe my body.)
I’d imagine that Assignment!Jaime won’t insist on thrusting that word on her if they’d had a conversation about how she doesn’t like it. I said something in Chapter 16 about how Jaime won’t patronise her by telling her something about her body that doesn’t feel like it’s her truth. But he knows that’s what unsettles her and he wants her to be prepared for something like that to happen, if she’s planning on using her body to try to get information from Hyle or anyone else. Like he said, if Hyle says it, he won’t mean it – but it’s still something Brienne has to respond to in the moment. And she can’t resort to her knee-jerk reaction, which is to get hurt and angry. It might not be that particular word, but any kind of word describing her body. In addition to all her baggage, it might be difficult for Assignment!Brienne to accept those words because I wrote her as demisexual, so she doesn’t necessarily understand physical desire and attraction in the same way. Jaime’s beauty, for example, is just one of many pieces of the puzzle for her.
Definitely on some level I think he wishes he could say it to her (that’s why I put that part in about Brienne realising maybe Jaime doesn’t think it’s a lie to call her ‘beautiful’), but it’s so fucking complicated and I wanted to dig into that over this chapter and the last. I think attraction, desire, beauty, etc. are often too easily conflated. But that might be the demisexual in me speaking!
Anyway I just dropped a mini-essay on you for no reason, sorry about that lol
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mind0vermind · 6 years
OFF Day 2: Romantic Relationship
The second day of @originalficfest‘s party. I must confess, this is not my favourite part. That's because I can't write romance for my life. I don't know why, only that when I try to make my characters do something romantic, suddenly action happens.
Like, April and Nelly (from Changing or whatever name I will be giving that in english) are holding hands, and April realizes, that Nelly's shampoo is that of the drug store further away, and suddenly someone is shooting a ball at their head.
And when they are lying in Nelly's bed (just sleeping, because wtf is romance???), April wakes up and realizes, that somebody is dead.
Me: Just kiss. The story: Why is there an elephant on the third floor of the hospital?
Me: Now kiss! The story: Omg, April, why are you no human anymore?
Me: Ok, now, start kissing. The story: There is a tiger on a motorbike, but maybe later...
That means, there is not much to say yet about the relationship between those two brilliant and ridiculous girls, but I'm working on it. Their romance is relevant to the story. 
For my other two sweet babies, Paul and Fini... in the first book of probably three or something of not-a-blue-frog, they are 12 and 14. There is no romance. It just... isn't. They are actually just friends.
But I wanted to explore their relationship a few month ago, so I decided to write a Fini-and-Paul-in-Hogwarts-original-fanfic-mix-thing, where they are 16 and 17. Which turned out hilarious (to me lol), so I want to share one part with you. I translated it, of course, so sorry for my english.
The mini story has about 11k words, but I'm not completely satisfied with it so nobody will ever read it :D#
Fini (that’s Elle Fanning)
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Paul (yes, that’s baby Zayn)
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Snippet (690 words):
[There is a curse, which requires a "virgin, who is not in love" to cast it. Yes, that's thing. Somebody (Fini's dumb ravenclaw friends) decided, Fini should be the one, because she is not-in-love™. She goes to the Gryffindor Quidditch player Paul Hadid in the library, who is not-interested-in-her™, but is very excited about the adventure/curse]
"Ok. What you are supposed to do: Pretend to be my boyfriend in front of the school until the teachers find my friends and stop the whole plan."
Paul raised his eyebrows and Fini blushed again.
"That's a shitty plan."
"It's not. Do you have a better one?"
"Don't take it personally. Babe. Honey. Deary. Sweetheart?"
Fini buried her face in her hands.
"What. I'm practicing. Darling. Pricess? Cuddle Muffin?"
Behind her hands Fini snorted against her will. "This is really horrible. Pumpkin. Snookums. Hunnybunny."
Paul laughed, ignoring Mrs. Pince's huffing. Fini paused and stared at him. When he laughed, Paul was terribly beautiful. His dark eyes were nearly hidden behind his long lashes, he even screwed up his nose. Fini shook her head and joined his laughter.
"We would only have been together for a short time, so maybe we just use Fini and Paul?", Fini finally suggested.
Paul shrugged. His grin told Fini, that she should prepare for more pet names and she couldn't bring herself to not look forward to it.
"As you are already here, Angel Face, you can help me out with my essay structure."
Fini drew his papers to herself and flipped through the pages and sketches.
"Charms. Oh, inspired by Crafts and Morelle. Good idea." She kept turning the pages and stopped at a drawing of a dragon. "Did you draw that?"
Paul pulled it out of her fingers and stuffed it into his bag. "Maybe.", he said.
"I liked it.", Fini said and turned another page. "Ah. I think, when we concentrate on Morelle, it should already be enough for three feet. Myrianne Morelle was the first one with the glorious idea that there should be rules for Charms to prevent accidents. Like in Transfiguration with food, liquid and gas, which must not be transfigured; so no one is drinking a table in form of water and dies, when the spell subsides. For example, Morelle established how far a levitation can be cast away from the caster. Or which attributes an animated object can't have. For example, they are not allowed to be aggressive. They should not think for themselves. Look at household spells. The spoon doesn't know it's a spoon. It just stirs. That's so exciting."
Fini looked up and saw Paul staring at her.
"How do you know all of this stuff?"
"I'm reading.", Fini murmured and fished for a quill. She scribbled some ideas on blank page and when she finished, she studied it for a few seconds and then wrote numbers next the to bullet points. She tipped on the paper with her wand and the bullet points sorted themselves into a strucure for Paul's essay. She pushed the paper across the table to a very silent Paul and got up.
"Maybe it helps you. See you... later.", she said and turned around. She only reached the shelve next to a young Hufflepuf boy, when she was grapped by her arm and turned around. Paul was standing there, so much closer than usual. He bit his lip and looked at her. Finis breathing was suddenly much shallower and her eyes traced the movement of his lips, before she looked up to his eyes.
Paul leaned closer and brought his lips to her cheek.
"Thank you.", he whispered in her ear. His nose brushed her hair, his breath brushed her skin and Finis heart fluttered in her chest. Then he was gone and she leaned heavily on the shelve behind her and tried to catch her breath.
The little Hufflepuff smirked: "You got it bad, eh?"
Fini swallowed and nodded with a hot face. "Yes. We are together. As a couple."
"Good for you.", he nodded and turned back to his notes.
"Yes,", Fini said and stalked past Mrs. Pince out of the library. "Yes. It's fantastic, isn't it."
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