#So even though Bruce is CANONICALLY a bad cook--I still headcanon that all the Bats are at least decently competent at cooking.
thecruellestmonth · 3 months
Yes, poor people insist on eating cheap food and refusing to learn to cook. They wouldn't want better even if they did have the resources, that's just how they are by nature.
Thank you for correcting those ignorant Jason stans. Their headcanons of Jason being a good cook and enjoying fancy food are so seriously harmful.
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Cass (who canonically lacks a lot of home skills and greatly enjoys eating other people's food) is one of the best cooks. Bruce (canonically a terrible cook who can't even make a sandwich) "does okay"—sure, it's your headcanon. Alfred, the classy British guy, is logically a great cook and "super posh". We can sum up Tim's unimpressive cooking skills just briefly.
But we need an entire section describing your headcanon about how Jason can't cook and needs to stick to "poverty comfort foods", because he comes from a poor background.
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burins · 5 months
headcanon meme: Steph? or Talia.
oh THANK you. (has self-control voice) i'll do both! i haven't read batgirl 2000 or the talia stuff with lexcorp (which i hear is the real good talia stuff) so we're going fast and loose.
Headcanon A:  realistic
Steph fought desperately hard for Bruce's approval, but she never really liked Bruce. "Like" is not the emotion you feel towards the man you're killing yourself to get the occasional pleased grunt from. Now that she's older and is learning how to wear the Bat without being the Bat, and remembering what she knew back when she was making her own costume– how to be a hero in her own right– she wonders why the others are still so hung up on this guy. And then he'll nod his head her way, or make a little surprised hum when she does something well, and the rush of vindictive satisfaction reminds her that she may be older but she's not immune, not yet.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
meme queen. has a curated folder of tiktoks specifically for bullying purposes. her chat history with tim is mostly sending him increasingly wet-looking cats captioned "this u?"
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Babs is a good mentor. As far as being controlling and secretive, though, she could give Bruce a run for his money. Cass is not a great sounding board for talking about this, because she thinks Bruce's shit is normal. Steph thinks about trying to talk to some of her school friends about anything she does in costume and gives it up as a bad job. Even if she described it as a movie plot, or a book she was reading, it's all too unbelievable.
It's okay. She's good at working alone, at feeling alone, even if the whole point of having a mentor was that she wouldn't have to patch herself up anymore. At least sometimes she gets to fight with Cass, though.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Steph thinks Dinah is soooooo cool and pretty and amazing. She desperately wants Dinah to train her, and unfortunately, whenever Dinah is around Steph devolves into complete and wretched incompetence, so she never actually makes it past a few sparring sessions in the Clocktower.
Headcanon A:  realistic
Talia is good. She's good at what she does. She always has been. She keeps her networks clean, her informants precise, her operatives surgical. The only thing she's ever failed to do is kill her father. Give it time.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Likes to cook in the way rich people often like to cook, which is that about once every six months, when the mood strikes her, she will descend upon the kitchen of whatever house she's staying in, leave her bracelets in a jumble in a bowl, and wreak absolute havoc making something stupidly elaborate. The food is delicious! She doesn't believe in doing things poorly. She has never once washed a dish. (She and Bruce are two peas in a pod in this regard.)
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
She misses Damian. She misses Jason. She misses Bruce. She misses everyone she has ever sent away to keep them safe from her father's claws. She knows better than to think she is ever getting out, but it's a comfort to know that they did.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
[I don't want all of these to revolve around Talia as mother but also I primarily know her from my Damian read so with that caveat:]
Talia was never particularly interested in being a mother when she was younger. She doesn't think her father was ever particularly interested in being a father; or if he was, that was several hundred years ago, and she came along too late to benefit. She always assumed she'd have children if she needed to, and someone else would handle it.
And then she has a son. Someone else could have handled it, but she thinks about playing chess with her father, his back disappearing down all those empty hallways, the sword in her hand never quite fast enough to catch his eye. Bruce's son deserves better. She doesn't want her son to grow to resent her. And she's never been one to shy from getting her hands dirty. She raises Damian herself; she teaches him everything he ought to know; she makes him strong enough to survive, and then the part she has never quite managed herself: strong enough to leave.
The one thing she didn't think to account for is that Damian grows to resent her anyway.
(send me characters!)
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dilfdoctordoom · 4 years
your head canons are just perfect. What are some random ones you have for Dinah Lance and Bette
Uhhhh gonna be going off the top of my head here (& under the cut because guess who wrote a load whooo) but
Dinah is trans!!! I liked it Bombshells, I’ve decided its canon across all universes because you know what? It’s amazing
Dinah’s metagene got activated because Alan the JSA accidentally irradiated her throughout her childhood. Barry got lightning, Dinah got a weird family. It’s equality
She adopts Mia!!! Her & Ollie do, since I don’t think that officially happened in comics even though we all know it should have
Hal/Dinah/Ollie is absolutely a thing that I need. They’re in love, there’s nothing you can do to disprove it
Though, like, personal headcanon for Dinah’s relationship is that her & Ollie are in an open relationship, Hal’s their third & Dinah is dating Babs but Ollie is not because. Could you imagine. Oliver Queen. Dating a bat. The thing nightmares are made of, I tell you
When Hal dies, his ring goes to Dinah. I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules, this is just how it is
Ollie & Dinah have a third wedding since their other two were, uh, messy & technically not legal in the new timeline. No supervillains attack & it doesn’t take place in a hospital, so she considers it a win
By the time she dies, she’s in the top five fighters on the planet
Dinah (with the help of Ollie) once attempted to assinate the Guardians of the Universe
She & Zatanna dated
Babs brings up the Ra’s Al Ghul incident whenever she wants to win a dumb fight. Tragically, Zinda & Helena have picked it up too. Will Dinah ever escape her shameful past? Probably not, the Birds refuse to let her live it down
Thanks to her dip in the Lazarus Pit, Dinah’s eyes like... glow in the dark. It’s not very noticeable, but when it’s pitch black, her eyes are a really faint green
She can’t cook. At all. In the Arrowfamily, your options for food are Ollie’s chili (a safety hazard, 50/50 chance you burn to death) or Dinah’s unspeakable, ungodly creations that are probably an insult to the Presence himself. Or you can beg Connor to make you some delicious vegan thing
She’s got a little coffee addiction. It was really bad when she was on tour, a lot better now, but yeah, if you approach this woman before she’s had her first cup, she’ll scream in your face
This woman is bi & there’s nothing you can do about it
Dinah runs Sherwood Florists in Star City & all of the fam help out
Look, not technically a headcanon, but I want to make one thing abundantly clear: while Dinah Laurel Lance will always be a metahuman to me, I like Dinah Drake-Lance to be cursed by a wizard. I just think it’s fun
Okay, again, she’s bi. Like, we all know it, it’s not a secret, no cishet is working her original Flamebird costume
Bette loves glitter but even she knows that’s a little unsafe & never incorperates it into her costume. One day, though, one day...
She goes back to Flamebird around the same time Steph becomes Nightwing which is definitely inspired by @dykegreenlantern‘s death, but, yeah, she works as Flamebird again for a little while
When Kate retires, she suits up as Batwoman. It’s an awkward transition, but she makes it work
Oh, you think Tim has a caffeine addiction? He has nothing on Bette. Bette’s been in beauty paegents, winning tennis tourements, maintaining a 4.0 GPA & running around in a costume. Do you honestly believe she achieved that without caffeine? No. This girl is wired 24/7, there’s nothing that can be done about it
She came out to Bruce first. It would’ve been Kate, but Kate was in the army at the time & they hadn’t talked in years, so. Bruce
Bette’s one of the most forgiving members of the Batfam. Just look at how many of her friends turned into supervillains. She’s, like, yeah, okay, you’re evil now, are we still on for movie night? No? You have an evil scheme planned? Well, cancel it, we’re watching Mean Girls
I know Bette didn’t show up at Zero Hour, but she should have. Exclusively to judge Hank. He’s trying to destroy time but it’s very hard, she’s pulling the ultimate ‘I am disappointed in you and you have brought shame upon this team’ face & they haven’t even been a team in years. It’s not fair how does she even do this the Bats are weird. And then Parallax just. teleports her away. She’s too distracting to Extant, goddamn
I maintain that her & Terra II would’ve eventually become friends. Maybe even enemies to friends to lovers, since Terra II is a lesbian
She isn’t as huge on the whole no-kill thing as Bruce. Like, she’s never killed anyone herself, nor does she plan to (people like the Joker excluded), but she also doesn’t mind if her teammates cross that line
Her fights with Slade are always petty. She took Addie’s side in the divorce, okay, she’s gonna go in for the (emotional) kill when they’re fighting
She makes a lot of quips & is one of the best people at getting Batman to smile. Like, specifically Batman, and not Bruce. She’s seen him crack a grin at one of her puns, she swears
Artemis Crock is her ex girlfriend
Jesse Chambers is still, like, iffy on Bette after she... accused Jesse’s mother of murder. What a fun team up that was
I don’t know how or why it would happen, but Bat-Girl absolutely worked with the original Green Lantern at least once. Got no reasoning behind this, they’re just two of my favourite characters. I don’t think they’d get along (see: anything with Alan in it ever) but... it’d be an interesting team up, that’s for sure
She also knows Jason Blood but instead of being a fun adventure, that was more ‘okay yes I understand that Hank’s gone a little insane, he’s gonna be a future dictator, he’s committed mass murder, etc, but maybe you have some magic to undo all that? Pretty please?’
Her endgame relationship... I honestly change this all the time, but right now I’m on Bettenelli. Strong arguments have been made for Holly Robinson & we cannot ignore the possibility for a Bat/Cat next gen relationship, we simply can’t
Bette Kane deserves to be a doctor, screw what the N52/Rebirth said. Military Bette is gross & we do not support that in this house
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valkerymillenia · 4 years
What are ur headcanons for brudick?
That is a VERY good question... I actually need to think about it and add more details to this list later.
Anyway, here are some hc's, many are nsfw.
Autistic Bruce.
Sorry, the way I see it autistic/Aspergers Bruce is basically canon and the reason why I'm mentioning it in ship headcanons is because I hc that Dick learned to understand Bruce well enough that, other than Alfred, he's the only person that figured out Bruce is in the spectrum and thus knows certain things others don't (like how to tell what Bruce is feeling by his stims, knowing what causes sensory overload in Bruce, knowing how Bruce likes to be touched and when not to touch him at all, knowing when Bruce is trying to be humorous, understanding Bruce's SI's, etc, etc, etc).
Basically most people assume Batman is just emotionally and socially constipated, brooding control freak but Dick knows that Bruce actually just has issues interacting and expressing himself (unless he's playing a role like "the billionaire playboy" because scripting) because of how his brain works, and even though he doesn't know how to really express emotions he's actually hyper empathetic.
Surprisingly gentle in bed
They totally have potential to be kinky af in the bedroom (I mean, masks and leather and between Bruce's vigilante persona and Dick's flexibility...) and their relationship is often intense and turbulent but they're actually super dedicated and gentle with each other because Dick is a helpless romantic and Bruce is secretly starved for affection and will take all he can.
Nonetheless, they do have kinky sides, like:
Bruce is more experienced and knows a lot of positions, some of which can only really be performed with someone as bendy as Dick.
Both of them are thrill seekers and kinda get really turned on by danger even if they won't admit it (Bruce keeps trying to be responsible and not get distracted in dangerous situations but when Dick is also around sometimes things happen, specially if Dick gets bored).
Dick kinda really likes roleplaying (and likes the idea of pulling out his old police uniform or Robin costume to play with).
Sparring as foreplay.
They are both pretty flexible in bed when it comes to who tops and who bottoms but ultimately they are both just very generous lovers
Dick is the loudest is bed but the thing he loves most is when he gets Bruce to be a little noisy too
Dick is a damn tease and Bruce secretly gets jealous easily. On the other hand, Bruce knows how to tease back by letting others flirt with him in public because he knows it riles Dick up
Bruce really likes backrubs. Dick really likes cuddling.
Bruce also gets grumpy and jealous of Dick's fanboying over Superman (although they both secretly have Clark as their guilty choice for a threesome)
They actually argue a lot less than people think
A lot of awkward pinning for the longest time
Bruce doesn't mean to but occasionally dads Dick, surprisingly Dick doesn't mind and actually find it kinda... amusing
Bruce learns Dick's Romani dialect specifically to have private (and affectionate) conversations with him in public
Bruce is actually really frustrated by Dick's puns and word play but he doesn't say anything because Dick's smile is worth it
Bruce really, really, really doesn't like Midnighter because he gets irrationally jealous when the man interacts with Dick (he's not sure why)
Sometimes people start talking about vigilantes around Bruce Wayne because it's Gotham, Bruce pretends to be disinterested, however if anyone mentions anything negative about Nightwing, Bruce goes immediately defensive and tense ("what do you mean some people don't like Nightwing? Who? I need names")
Whenever they have a fight, Bruce has a really bad habit of buying Dick gifts instead of apologizing (because he's way too stubborn), they are always thoughtful and interesting gifts though, he actually puts more effort into them than he cares to admit (there was one memorable time that they didn't speak for two weeks and Bruce ended up buying Dick a rare classic car)
Bruce often has nightmares but Dick knows how to soothe him, on the other hand, Dick usually only has nightmares when he's sleeping alone and sometimes he'll call Bruce in the middle of the night because he "misses him" and Bruce immediately knows what's up
Dick is not the best at it but he actually likes to cook for Bruce so sometimes he'll give Alfred evenings off; the one single time Bruce tried to do the same, well, they ended up eating Chinese takeout
Dick is naturally more paternal towards Damian than Bruce is and it's actually a big thing in their relationship that nobody really has the guts to talk about (except Talia, who hates it)
Damian once caught Bruce and Dick making out in the batcave showers and spent the rest of the week avoiding them like the plague because he just didn't know how to cope (Jason actually took the kid out for ice cream and Tim chose not to give him a hard time about it because they can both relate)
Whenever Bruce buys Godiva chocolates for Dick it's because he did something Dick will be mad about
Bruce has had more than one fantasy about proposing to Dick but never actually goes through with it
Dick has a habit of sending flowers to Bruce's office every once in a while just because he likes flowers and wants Bruce to know he was thinking of him (he likes people to know Bruce is taken)
Dick's desktop picture is a photo of him and Bruce at the circus
Their first kiss was a hot mess, all desperate and anxious and intensely emotional. There were a lot of mixed feelings going around because they still kinda had some hang-ups about their past mentor/ward relationship but they also dragged out the pinning and sexual tension for so long that it ended up being a hell of a rush
Dick really likes pet names but Bruce isn't creative in that front so while Dick will call Bruce a myriad of things like "old man", "big bat", "daddy bats", "big guy", "B", "honey", "sweetheart", etc, Bruce usually just sticks to "Dick" and occasionally "dearest" ("Robin" also slips out sometimes, as does "chum" out of habit)
Bruce steals the covers at night (Dick doesn't really care that much though)
Bruce remembers everything, every special date, every little casual comment Dick might have made about something he likes, every kiss, every memory, every request, every birthday, every anniversary. He just remembers everything about Dick (who isn't forgetful either but doesn't make as big a deal out of it)
Bruce doesn't curse often, Dick does but usually not around Bruce. Unless they're in bed, then they both curse but in a good way.
If Dick gets hurt Bruce just automatically feels guilty (even when there's nothing he could have done to prevent it) and will do anything to fix the situation. He will also avoid Dick out of said guilt.
When Bruce gets hurt, Dick also has the unbridled desire to fix everything but rather than blame himself he tends to angry at the situation in general and does all he can to fix it. Unlike Bruce, Dick will actually hover and refuse to leave Bruce alone.
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m00nslippers · 5 years
How do you think Jason's relationship with Cass and Steph would be like? I mean canon already shows us (depending on the writter) that Jason has a friendly relationship with Barbara but it does not show much on his relationship with the other batgirls.
Well, I thinking ‘friendly’ is over-stating Jason and Barbara’s relationship a little, but I digress.
Okay first, Cassandra. I’ve seen people argue that Cass would hate Jason because he kills and I’ve seen people insist they would be like best friends. I think a lot of their relationship hinges on whether or not Jason is killing people at the time, but I don’t think Cass would ever hate Jason or call him an enemy.
Cassandra would empathize with Jason, would see his pain and the emotions behind his actions. I believe that she would see that Jason’s motives for most of the things he does, especially those things the bats don’t approve of, are not based on selfishness, madness, sadism or any of the other things that the other bats occasionally accuse him of, but rather most of his actions are based out of fear and an earnest desire to protect. Cassandra recognizes that Jason is not in need of lectures/punishment for the vast majority of mistakes he makes, but of empathy and acceptance. Furthermore, because Cass cares about Bruce so much, she recognizes that the broken relationship between them is painful for Bruce, and she is vested in mending that relationship.
So basically, if Jason is still killing, Cass would not see him as an enemy, but a fallen brother-in-arms, someone who is fighting the same crusade she is, and who used to wear the same symbols she idolizes, but who has been hurt so much that he’s turned away from the path out of fear. She would want to ‘save’ Jason, both for herself and for Bruce. Unlike the other bats, she would probably work with Jason without question and trust him without issues, because she can see that his heart is in the right place and because she knows he was Robin once and Cass holds the bat/bird-symbols to be almost sacred–in her eyes, no one who was ever one of them could ever truly be bad, that would be an impossibility in her mind. However, if Jason tried to kill someone she would absolutely stop him. If he somehow managed to get away with killing someone in her presence, she would definitely be angry, and probably question herself and her beliefs, but I think she’d still forgive him after some time to grieve.
As for Jason, because she has killed before and it obviously affected her adversely, he would respect Cassandra’s vow not to kill, but wouldn’t put up with her trying to make him stop or trying to get him to reconcile with Bruce. He’d admire her pure motives and beliefs, but ultimately think she’s really naive and even childish to think she can always find a way without killing, or that just because she’s borderline-superhuman and can maybe do that, that others who don’t have that same ability should also abide by her rules. I think Cass is a bit of a shallow-thinker in some ways, she deals with the problem in front of her and thinks about the consequences later. She sees a gun pointed at someone, she tries to stop someone from being shot–whether that person surviving means they kill other people is a whole separate issue to her, but to Jason they are connected intrinsically, they are direct cause and effect. Thinking about whether it would be better if that person was dead is secondary to the issue of that person being killed for Cassandra but that kind of thinking is just wrong and childish to Jason.
But that aside, assuming Jason reconciles with the family and stops killing, I think Jason and Cassandra are the type to not appear especially close from the outside but who have a lot more mutual respect and shared moments than people might expect. Jason is an introvert. As such, he is easily overwhelmed by social interaction, especially if the encounter is outside his control, and when that happens he lashes out and gives people a reason to leave him alone or for him to leave. Cass and his relationship would be pretty good I think because she can tell when he is becoming overwhelmed and would leave him alone or help to extricate him from whatever situation he is in when that happens (like she’d distract other family members so he could slip away, give people false information about where he is so he could avoid them, etc.)
Cass herself is more of an extrovert though, and she would probably feel the need to push him to interact even when he doesn’t want to on occasion, but mostly it doesn’t backfire on her, because if nothing else she isn’t loud/chatty about it. Cass and Jason are also both very hands-on people, they enjoy physical activities, though Jason also enjoys the kinds of quiet, intense things Cass finds difficult, like reading, history, art, contemplation, etc and I think she would admire that about him, that he can do both. And Jason would like that interest and want to share that with her, but her lack of attention span would keep it from being something they did very often.
The things they would do often together are taking rides together, racing, sparring, and Jason reading to her or cooking for her. Rarer things might be her reading to him, them teaching each other things (maybe Jason teaching her cooking, her teaching him sign language?), going out to public events, watching movies at home. They aren’t like joined at the hip, but there is camaraderie and respect there. Like, others would think they barely know each other, because they never really see them together doing much but maybe sitting together quietly, but they could predict each others actions/reactions to things with like 100%, they aren’t the type that have to constantly hang out to maintain their friendship. Between them, they are both very good at reading people–Cass is amazing at recognizing emotions in others and Jason is good at predicting/interpreting thoughts and motives (that’s one of his problems sometimes, he makes assumptions about what others are thinking, usually negative, and doesn’t give them a chance to prove him right), so they manage to ‘get’ each other more than almost anyone else does. That doesn’t mean they always get along or they always agree, but that ‘why did he/she do that? What was he/she thinking?’ is never really an issue.
As for Steph, Jason and her have so much in common, similar background, similar issues with Bruce, similar personalities and even fighting styles. I think Jason would see himself in her right away. They are the type who would either love or hate each other, no in between.
The issue of Jason killing would definitely be a problem with Steph. She doesn’t condone killing any more than Cassandra does. Honestly? I think he would try to recruit her away from the bats like he did to Mia Dearden and Scarlet. It probably wouldn’t work, Steph isn’t as jaded as Jason is, she still thinks she can change things without resorting to killing. Stephanie would probably actively dislike Jason, and even if he gave up killing and rejoined the family, she would be suspicious of him until he proved himself to her. But I think even if Jason thinks her idea that Gotham still has any hope of changing without someone putting down the rogues is naive and ignorant, he’d still admire her courage a lot and would actively back her up in most situations. He’d want to help her be a better vigilante, teach her things, not put her down or tell her to go home, like so many have in the past (i.e. Bruce and Tim).
In this way Jason would eventually win her over. Even in situations where Tim would probably be on Bruce’s side, Jason would be on hers and would probably try to step in the way and take the heat off her (since he’s such a target for Bruce’s lectures anyway). At first she might be annoyed about this as if Jason thinks she can’t protect herself, but when she realized it wasn’t manipulation or some demeaning sense of chivalry–he just honestly thinks she is right–it would mean so much to her.
Once Stephanie warmed up to him, she would take it upon herself to interact with him more. She is definitely an extrovert and she would actively invite him to things and interrupt his alone time to bother him. Since she and Cass are best friends, they would probably do this together often and try to drag him off to places. Jason would hate this the vast majority of the time, and try to actively sneak way. Whether Cass helps Jason or Stephanie is completely based on if she thinks Jason can take the social interaction or not. If she does, she isn’t going to give Jason any breaks and let him brood or hole-up, she will hunt him down and drag him off like a prisoner to whatever Stephanie is planning. If she doesn’t, she’s going to nudge Stephanie into giving up and doing something else.
One thing I think they would be able to bond on a lot is school. Jason likes to study, read and learn. Steph will notice him reading so much and take advantage of this. Jason will be proofreading all of her essays and reports for college as soon as she realizes he’s a wiz at reading comprehension/writing, and will probably try to get him to read her textbooks and do worksheets and such for her too when she’s swamped. Jason would grumble but probably help and she would be one of the first people to see that he is interested in higher education but has lingering self-doubt and encourage him to just go for it.
Also I don’t think Steph is big on personal space or ‘alone time’. I headcanon Jason is a great cook and she would also take advantage of this as often as she could get away with, dropping in unexpectedly all the time to the point it would drive Jason crazy. She is used to people who don’t talk much (Cass) so she’s unusually good at holding one-sided conversations and doesn’t push people to talk if they don’t want to but on occasion she might still push Jason to socialize more than he wants to and get blown up at, but she would confront Jason about that and not give him long to beat himself up over it, and since she actually listens they would figure things out fairly quickly. All in all, once Jason managed to win Stephanie over, nowhere is safe for him, he will find himself being dragged everywhere, shopping, cafes, events, school stuff, dropping in  on him and hanging out without warning. Possibly even against Jason’s will, they would be very close.
If/when Jason began killing and left the family again, both of the girls would be pretty devastated. Cass would be bent on getting him to come back and Steph would probably be angry and feel duped and betrayed and even grieve him as if he was dead at first. Cass would convince Steph to help her ‘get him back’ though and she’d come around to the idea that he hadn’t been trying to hurt her, but he was himself hurt and needed to be ‘saved’. And I think once she came to that idea she’d be extremely determined and stubborn about it. Jason wouldn’t stand a chance against them both.
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