#Slay the princess AU
swanpyart · 1 day
Slay the Archivist (TMA and STP Crossover AU)
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I haven't seen a fully fleshed out Magnus Archives and Slay the Princess Crossover, so as someone whose binged both, its my duty to create it.
After the end of MAG200, Jon, Martin, Annabelle/the Web and some remnants of Jonah Magnus/Elias are shunted into the multiverse, and into a new world where they can spread their fear. Being exposed to the Fear Entities in such an upfront way that no other mortals have ever managed to achieve, Jon, as the Avatar of the Eye, is prioritized by the Fear Entities and proceeds to absorb them into his Avatarhood, basically becoming a God of Fear itself. While his old self and humanity isn’t completely gone, it’s certainly much more diluted amongst the new influx of power.
Annabelle of course, as the Avatar of the Web, which was once the Brain of the Fear Entities but has essentially been usurped by Jon, decides to trap him and Martin in a sort of pocket dimension. Both of them forget their names, and have their memories wiped, now convinced they are still working in the Institute and having no memory of their relationship. Using Jonah Magnus as a sort of puppet, Annabelle uses his voice to guide Martin into destroying Jon once and for all.
Speaking of, what is Martin in this case? Martin’s personal connection to the Lonely, Annabelle empowering him with the Web, and Jon subconsciously empowering him through the Eye means that Martin, like Jon, is empowered by multiple Fears, which gives him more of a chance to kill Jon then she does. Yet, Martin still retains his humanity for the most part and therefore Jon's power relates specifically to Martin's own fear, making him a sort of antithesis to Jon: If Jon is the God of The Things That Are Fear, then Martin is the God of The Things That Are Not Fear.
The Construct
Within the construct Annabelle created is essentially a dollhouse-like recreation of the Magnus Institute. Jon and Martin both are in the mindset of their season 1 selves, with Jon being distant and bitchy and Martin being insecure and a bit of a pushover. Both are actually Gods, but have no clue to their true natures.
Annabelle, using Elias’ voice, calls Martin to his office and demands he kills Jon in order to protect the world, taking the role of the Narrator to guide Martin into doing the job right. In the hallway is a knife on a desk, which Martin has the option to take or not.
Jon, being an Avatar of all of the Fears, now has an interesting caveat in that, depending on how Martin chooses to interact with him, his appearance and personality changes in tandem with what they are BOTH afraid of. Jon embodies a different Fear in every route, changing the more he and Martin butt heads.
Because of their godhood and the nature of the Construct, Martin and Jon can’t ever actually die, even if they kill each other; they’ll simply be shunted into a new chapter picking up from the previous one.
Blade VS No Blade
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Much like STP, the "Player's" choices alter how Jon appears. If Martin takes the knife, Jon’s demeanor is more like his Season 2 self; paranoid, angry, distrustful and secretive. Without the knife, he acts more like his Season 1 self; incredulous and snobby.
That's it for now, but I'll be expanding on this in the future with the different Fear Vessels.
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tumblr plays Path Through the Woods. wahoo. it'll be just like my other fics but it cuts off and you get to make the actually meaningful decisions.
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[There's no going back for the blade.]
[Most routes can still be gotten regardless of if you went to the Caravan or Clearing first.]
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saelrum · 5 months
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Wait... That's not how the plot goes--
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circusmantis · 17 days
I love it when the princesses are slay
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artificial-radiance · 3 months
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a slay the princess au (path through the woods) in which you are a young woman escaping her cabin through the only way you know: the path through the woods, despite (or in spite of) the fact a monster is said to dwell among its trees.
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beartitled · 3 months
You're on a path in the woods.
And at the end of that path is a cabin. And in the basement of that cabin is a prince. You're here to slay him.
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He will lie, he will cheat, and will do everything in his power to stop you from slaying him.
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As soon as I saw “slay the prince au” tag, I knew I had to 👀
(also I saw the opportunity to draw beautiful men with long hair and I t o o k it 💥)
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lady-ladybug · 7 months
slay the princess au where the Princess and the Hero switch places. I've been imagining all the voices as chapter characters also blended with those versions of the Princess. So far I've decided his "Damsel" route would be called "the Knight" and he tries to rescue you and sweep you off your feet but he is also still chained up in the basement and he looks silly doing it. the voice of the Damsel is still charmed by the display
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toon-topaz · 6 months
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Here we have the Princess and the Damsel, in their AU outfits and colors
For more worldbuilding, I decided that the world would be similar to the Construct, but on a larger scale, and populated exclusively by fragments of the Shifting Mound (except for the Long Quiet, Narrator and Voices). Since she's infinite, she definitely has enough potential to spawn enough vessels to populate an entire fantasy continent.
(and yes there would be men, because who's to say SM can't have trans vessels lol)
The Princess in her vanilla form and the Damsel would play the role of sisters here, with their own nation to rule.
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imtheant · 6 months
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"It's you"
Wanted to make a screenshot redraw with my design of The Long Quiet, lol. Original inspo under the cut.
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queerava · 5 months
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you're here to slay the prince. if you don't, he will bring about the ruin of the world.
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hatchethive · 7 months
Adding to the previous bit of me and my fiancé’s slay the princess au/ head cannon. Here are the different birds and their voices:
Voice of the Hero- Eagle. High on the food chain; a common symbol of strength
Voice of the Smitten- Peacock. Focused on preening and their appearance; a symbol of beauty, love, and elegance
Voice of the Hunted- Sparrow. Small and pretty low on the food chain; rarely predator, mostly prey
Voice of the Broken- Chicken/ Turkey. Commonly farmed in terrible conditions; sad and is used to seeing the worst in a situation
Voice of the Cold- Shrike/ fire hawk. Both known for their violent hunting tendencies; ready to kill
Voice of the Cheated- Cockatoo. I just thought this one was funny. Voice of the Opportunist- Seagull/ Pelican. Will take anything given the chance; always looking for a way to have a situation fall in their favor
Voice of the Contrarian- Cockatiel. Once again, just thought it was funny.
Voice of the Stubborn- Pigeon/ Seagull/ Bluejay. That’s just their whole personality
Voice of the Paranoid- Hummingbird. Quick birds that are skittish Voice of the Skeptic- Potoo/ Frogmouth. I just really wanted one in this head cannon.
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dangthatscrayz · 3 months
Slay the princess swap au part 18
(No route yet)
Cw blood
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The long quiet incomplete form is here
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jubjubmaz · 3 months
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I love lesbians 🗣️🗣️🗣️
The Princess is so Barbie core
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pinkelotjeart · 3 months
So I’ve recently played Slay the princess and me and my friend have been obsessed with the idea of a shuake au for it👀
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Maruki being the narrator (but also still a crow/raven thing)
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Bug eyed freak…
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artificial-radiance · 3 months
Path Through the Woods: The Monster
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gets home from work. makes a reference within an hour + a half or so. gets off computer
i needed to make a ref at some point (and i saw people may wanna draw stuff for this au, which, thank you for the support <3)
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phoenixablaze666 · 6 months
Imagine an au where the Long Quiet and the Shifting Mound are just, like, people
The princess really is/was the princess of a kingdom locked away by her subjects
The Long Quiet is just a guy, a knight probably given the circumstances
Maybe the LQ and the voices are all some merry Robin Hood crew or smth
There's no changing reality
No multiple universes
Just some good ol' Medieval fantasy au drama
Idk it seems neat
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