#Sir your hand in marriage please
ritcchamadayo · 1 year
Please, Part 3 of Punk Jade, you're giving me more of a reason to simp for this man-
I will honestly GLADLY turn into a Jade-fic blog i am so far gone when it comes to this man... Sorry for the wait guys! Uni had me in a chokehold (again) but LETS GET BACK TO SIMPING
A Look Into The Past (Pt. 3)
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Jade Leech x Reader ;
On a rare day off, Jade found himself pondering Professor Crewel's fashion tips when it came to styling his piercings but couldn't decide for himself. Who else to ask for opinions other than you?
(we're back again folks!! again thank you so much for the love on this fic!! I'll be considering posting this on Ao3 as a full series after this one XD THANK YOU!!!)
Reader is a Sophomore in this fic, just like the twins!
Read Part 1 Here! Read Part 2 Here!
"U-Um, so that's what you called me out for?" "Yes, exactly."
When Jade had contacted you saying that there was a "disaster", you certainly didn't expect the disaster to be the eel-mer's own wardrobe. You were surprised at the amount of clothes he had, but a few of them are quite... distasteful, to say the least.
When Jade wore his ear piercings to school the other time, he was stopped by none other but Professor Crewel and was given an earful about how to dress and act when wearing such flashy accessories. Granted, they were at school so it can't be helped, but Crewel made sure to make Jade remember his fashion tips for days off like today.
"Did Floyd get you this?" You hold up a purple shirt with a drawing of an eel, and big blocky text saying "Mentally Eel". You grimaced at how tacky the shirt was. "Ah, yes he did. Floyd has the habit of collecting anything eel-related in the surface world, you see."
You had to stifle a laugh at the thought. "Ah, that's where he got those eel keychains."
You rummaged through Jade's wardrobe (with permission, of course) and pulled out most of his clothes, gently putting them down and organizing them by type. There were a few normal button-up shirts, a pair of pajamas, Jade's hiking clothes and equipment, and let's not forget the winter clothes he wore on his trip to Harveston. (You wonder why he wore shorts AND leggings with his hiking wear, but you're not gonna question it.)
"What did Crewel say about them anyway? And uh, why me out of all people? I'm pretty sure someone like Vil or Cater could give you much better insight?" You ask. Jade tilts his head, pondering for a second. "Why, I suppose it's because you were the first person to pop up in my mind. I couldn't hope to bother our seniors, after all. Besides, your sense of fashion is quite good."
Bullshit reasoning. Or so you say, but you feel your ears heat up from the thought of Jade thinking of you. "Oh. I-I see." Jade wasn't lying when he said you had a good sense of fashion though, your choice of outfits on days off were always endearing to him. You were wearing a blouse paired with black overalls today, which looked both comfortable and fashionable at the same time.
"What did Crewel say?" "Hm... He said that a relaxed, mature look would suit for a lesser amount of accessories, to put it simply. Either that, or something simpler to accentuate the accessories if we were to wear more amounts."
Perhaps it's time for a little fashion show, then?
You quickly look around and pull out a few pieces of clothing- A pair of white pants and bright blue and yellow short sleeved shirt, giving off a bit of a tropical vibe. Jade took the clothes gratefully, putting them on the bed for him to change into.
"Oh? Are you perhaps going to watch me change, or~?" "I-I'M NOT! I'M LOOKING AWAY!!!" Your face shone red, quickly turning around to look at the door instead. Jade chuckled quietly, unbuttoning his shirt and taking them off. You can clearly hear the sound of him unzipping his pants as well, making you wipe your sweat off your forehead. (there's the urge to peek, but you better not.)
"Alright, I've finished changing. What do you think?"
You nervously turn around, and closely examined Jade in your chosen clothes. "It looks pretty good! I think a bit of a messier look would look nice with lots of accessories on your ears, like if you unbuttoned a few from the top of your shirt."
Jade complies, messing up his hair slightly and unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his collarbone, and you feel yourself regretting your words.
"I quite agree. The colors of the shirt pop with the addition of the white pants, and the silvers of the metal can be clearly seen."
"A-Ah, yeah!" (remember to look respectfully, dear) "Can you lean down for a sec?" Jade kneels down to your level sitting on the floor, and you take out a few of his accessories from the little wooden box he kept neatly inside his wardrobe. You picked up a few unused piercings and tried mixing and matching them on his ears, laughing when Jade comments your fussing over his ears tickles quite a bit.
"But it's not really your style, honestly... A flashy look like this kinda fits Floyd more." You comment, but deep down you think it wasn't a bad change of pace to see Jade in something other than buttoned-up shirts and suits. Turning back to the clothes pile, you pick out another set of clothes- this time, it was a comfy white turtleneck with black dress pants. You also found a brown trench coat in the depths of his wardrobe, which Jade said his parents' acquaintances gifted him for his birthday and he didn't know how to style it.
You looked back to the door once again as he changes out of the clothes, putting the new set on quickly and gracefully. "Oh, this definitely feels much more my style."
You turned around to see for yourself, and your eyes shone excitedly seeing him in the new getup. "Oh! Definitely!!" You cheered, giggling while at it. "You surprisingly suit the more mature-but-comfortable look, Jade." The eel-mer chuckles, sitting back down on the floor. "I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. What about the accessory choices, then?"
"Hmm... Crewel said that less is better in this getup, so just a little..." Picking up a few ring shaped ones, you carefully put a few piercings on Jade's ears- a simple look, consisting of the double helix on top of his ears and a couple of silver studs along his lobes.
"There! Well it isn't exactly a little either, but..."
Jade looked at the mirror in his room, a satisfied smile on his face. A smile that is neither shady, plotting, or emotionless- a genuinely happy smile. "My my, I was correct in assuming you had good taste in fashion. I'm rather confident in this look, actually. It's comfortable enough for me to move in, and yet still maintaining the fashionable aura from the coat."
You had a grin on your face, proud of your handiwork. "All thanks to you being a good model! And for having a variety of clothes I can choose from, haha."
You had quickly put the rest of his clothes back into his wardrobe after making a few other suggestions, and dusted yourself off as you stood up. "I should probably get going now, I wouldn't want to invade for too long." You say, stretching your arms and getting ready to get back to your dorm. You open the door, stepping out from his neat room.
"Ah, before that." Jade called out, following you outside. He quickly (and rather smoothly) took your hand in his, closing and locking up his room. "Since we're already in decent clothes, what do you say I take you on a small trip around Sage's Island? Perhaps we can stop by and grab some food. My treat of course, after you've oh-so graciously helped me."
Your cheeks heat up, and you feel your gaze lowering to stare at the floor instead of the man in front of you.
"...Is this your way of asking me out?" "Perhaps. Do you accept?"
You couldn't bring yourself to decline his offer. (Your empty stomach also couldn't.)
"S-sure then. I'd love to, Jade."
"Splendid. It's a date, then."
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awesamforehead · 10 months
Sam's new mullet is driving me crazy oh my fucking god
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xamaxenta · 3 months
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im so fucking in love with the Sabo stage actor its unreal hes so cute
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alpal55 · 2 years
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the piss man of my dreams <3
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formulalina15 · 6 months
good evening a much better reminder that jameson winchester hawthorne 🫶🏽💕🥰
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b0bbyfish · 11 months
If Andy has a million fans, then I am one of them❗ If Andy has ten fans, then I am one of them❗ If Andy has only one fan then that is me‼️ If Andy has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth‼️
If the world is against Andy, then I am against the world. 🗣️📢
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babiestmunson · 2 years
I feel totally normal about this
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edspeleerscock · 9 days
james harcourt 😵‍💫 HES JUST SO
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scaredstupid · 1 year
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its a good thing you exist!
(please REBLOG my art! likes dont do anything!)
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anyasathenaeum · 5 months
I get to age today (yay for my birthday) ~ I feel like I should do something to commemorate it here on Tumblr but my head is empty. Anybody got ideas?
I’m just gonna be here simping over my anime husband pantheon.
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gamma-gal-24 · 1 year
You know which fictional man doesn't get enough credit OR love?
Ozzy the opossum.
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This lovely fellow is a single father, a good provider for his little family and their forest community, and loves his teenage daughter more than anything!😭💞💕
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emp-blast · 2 years
Cypher got added into the range and WOW,,, he is SO cool
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wynndynights · 2 years
I just speed ran all six routes of Thoma's hangout event and I AM HERE TO POP OFF ABOUT MY BOY!!
He definitely initially comes off as just sorta background guide character in the initial archon quest and I know quite a few people tend to overlook him a bit but god honestly he deserves so much more credit and love both in and out of game 😭😭😭
Man cooks, cleans, mends clothes, and does all of the housework for the Kamisato clan, and he still somehow finds time to be a friend to Ayaka and Ayato who most definitely need that steady friendly presence in their life, as well as everyone else around him. He gets random strangers coming up to thank him because he somehow made some big change for the better in their life without even realizing it. Even if it doesn't involve him, if he sees something wrong, he does everything in his power to fix it. He doesn't even do it for reputation because people will openly fucking insult him to his face and he does not even care because he knows the work he's doing is good and that is literally all he cares about. HE KNITS SWEATERS FOR THE GODDAMN STRAY CATS AND DOGS SO THEY WON'T GET COLD IN THE WINTER HOW MUCH MORE WHOLESOME AND PERFECT CAN ONE PERSON GET?!?!?!
And all the fucking stuff about Mondstadt genuinely made me s o b because he clearly and obviously misses it so much and states on multiple occasions how much he would love to go visit, but even so his top priority is still to his work in Inazuma. Whether he gets recognized for it or not, he holds the people of Inazuma in such high regard and doesn't want to leave them until he's sure all his work for them is finished and just hdhdjkejdldkd please my heart cannot.
He ended up there by fucking accident and has zero obligation to some of these people who treat him like shit for not being Inazuman by birth but he still dedicates his entire life to them unconditionally.
Give this motherfucker an award for being the literal best person in Teyvat. The world honestly does not deserve a boy so pure and good. I would fight God for this man that is all thank you and goodnight.
If I don't get him from this banner I'm going to sob bye 😃🥲
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Literally no one:
Me: I want to be mrs cooldown so bad.
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seokjins-wings · 1 year
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spirit-of-helimire · 2 years
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A more dressed down Christopher, shortly after his accident that gave him his scars/partial blindness
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