#jameson hawthorne the man that you are
formulalina15 · 6 months
good evening a much better reminder that jameson winchester hawthorne 🫶🏽💕🥰
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reminiscentreader · 22 days
Yall dont understand-
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Im literally obssesed-
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annamatix · 3 months
you and your jameson hawthorne tag in that post make me want to read it i hate u😞
i started re-reading it last night and like. i love tig i forgot how much i liked it
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latte125 · 2 years
xander hawthorne forever being offended by his brothers doing things without him will never not be funny to me
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I hope Odette and Knox know I love them
(no it doesn't matter that I don't know them)
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blocked-zombieartist · 7 months
Reading The Brothers Hawthorne. Some of my reactions so far.
Of course Jamie’s a Leo and Gray’s a Virgo. That makes everything make sense now. Pg. 50
Stfu IAn JohNStonE-JaMesOn nobody likes you pg. 59
Jamie’s down so goddamn bad for his girl. I love it. Pg. 63
Every page he’s on so far: I hate Rohan. Fucking Zayn Malik rip off, you can stfu too
I figured out a Hawthorne code: “Going to check on Gray”. Pg. 73+74
Love Gigi
All of chapter 27: Grayson being Mr. Hawthorne level god over here I love it
(Gray’s internal thought) “Get your hands off my sister.” I TEARED UP THAT IS MY BOY pg. 141
The cover Gigi came up with for her and Gray on pg 142 I wheezed there too I think
Pg. 148. Fuck. That. Bitch.
Pg. 151+152 Well fuck you too you old, now dead(thank goodness) bastard. How dare you call my baby boy ORDINARY HE IS INCREDIBLE, AMAZING, BRILLIANT, CONNIVING, EXTRAORDINARY, AND MORE THAN YOU EVER WERE
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averysjameson · 2 years
“I stalked toward the gown, feeling mutinous, then saw the note dangling from the hanger: WEAR ME, IF YOU DARE.
That wasn’t Alisa’s handwriting.”
jameson jameson jameson
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starrynightsxo · 28 days
jameson: *breathes*
me & the fandom: *claps in appreciation* jameson hawthorne, the man you are.
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megumisgirl · 11 months
coming home injured and worrying the fuck out of you, but he says it's nothing, but the truth is that it's far from nothing. bruises, bad cuts that probably need stitches, scratches, clothes covered in blood. in the dimly lit room, you carefully tend to his wounds. he ocasionally hisses when the anti-septic hits his open cuts. "i'm sorry, but this will hurt a bit, baby." you whispered, this time barely grazing over the cuts. "you don't have to do this, y'know?" he grunted as you bandaged him up. tapping him in the arm so you could clean up his bruised and red knuckles. this time he's too distracted to react to the pain, his eyes just stay focused on you— how you, so gently, wiped his knuckles, your fingertips grazing against his rough calloused skin, he just watches you. how much you care for him, how stubborn you are to take care of him. furstrates him and makes him happy at the same time. "i love you," he whispered, barely audible to you. "yeah?" you sighed, "next time don't get so badly beaten up because it's hard to love you then." you mumbled, he frowned at you, making you look at him with a weird look. "i love you, too, baby." he grinned widely, before hissing again when you accidentally pressed the anti-septic cotton pad on his wound again. "I SWEAR TO GOD-" "I'm sorry!"
𖦹°‧★ —— megumi fushiguro, gojo satoru, simon ghost riley, daisuke kambe, dante russo, aaron warner, jameson hawthorne, aki hayakawa, kaz brekker, yuta okkutsu, john soap mactavish, jacen solo, your man.
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As many of you have seen from my previous post about this wonderful event, I met Jamie irl and our moms are friends from uni!! I called him at 1 am where we live and talked for nearly an hour. We had talked at the embassy for a while, but we really got to know each other and our full names (his middle and last name are even better). So his full name is James Maxime Beaumont and he's part FRENCH. LIKE WTF?????? Yeah, I actually asked him if he had heard of tig and reminded him of how I said that he looked like Jameson, but guess what?! MY MAN'S READ THE FIRST BOOK!! HE ALSO HAS TWO BROTHERS, GABRIEL AND THEODORE (I'LL TRY TO SET SOME OF YALL UP). He made the dumbest jokes and when I asked him to ask me a riddle (yes @f4iry-bell, I asked him) and you know which riddle he asked me???? "What can be touched but can't be seen?" Out of the millions of riddles he could've asked, he picked this one?!?!? And you bet it touched my heart 😉(please tell me someone understood that). We just rambled on and on about the weirdest things and it was really comforting for some reason. WE'RE ALSO GOING TO MEET UP WHEN OUR MOMS DO!! I CAN'T WAITTTTTT
@f4iry-bell @jamcarven @his-littlefox @jkriordanverse
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hearthown · 2 months
Hawthorne Love Languages
- I can see Nash appreciating acts of service especially stuff like preparing meals, folding his laundry, and just helping him out with stuff in general.
- It was mentioned in TIG that he was badly in need of a haircut so maybe constant reminders about that too 😭 (I'M SURE LIBS CAN CONVINCE HIM)
- Making sure that he takes care of himself / rests as much as he works - I really think he'd appreciate that since he has that nomadic lifestyle and really needs someone to ground him like that (hope it makes sense!)
- This man NEEDS to know that he doesn't have to have everything figured out so SOMEONE (ahem) needs to tell him that and knock some sense into him so he doesn't fall into an endless abyss.
- Words matter to him. I know they do.
- He needs someone who won't give up on him no matter how impossible he is, someone who is not afraid to stand up to him and someone whose words can act as a weapon as much as a way of expressing love.
- Do I need to explain? He's a sensation-seeker so cuddles and hugs and kisses are definitely his love language.
- We've seen a lot of his interactions with Avery and they involve physical touch. (Even their tracing game, the one where they draw stuff on each other's hands mentioned in TBH)
- Jameson is someone who needs to FEEL to know that something is real.
- OMG Xander strikes me as the kind of guy who is superrrrr excited if you tell him you got him a gift plus, he loves surprises.
- Spending quality time such as, building a contraption with him, movie night (STAR WARS), baking(!!!!) are definitely things that make him happy.
- Bantering. Bantering. Bantering. Talking about nonsense while staring into each others eyes. (MAX, I'M LOOKING AT YOU) Burst out laughing as the conversation gets more and more ridiculous.
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inmyheaddd · 18 days
heyy love your work could you please do the Hawthorne siblings headcannons?
hawthorne sibling head cannons
thankyou sm for the reqq, hawthorne brothers you will always be famous!! wc: 848
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when nash saw how skye was with grayson when he was first born, he was finally happy that his mom was more involved, but that was extremely short lived.
grayson would sit and talk to baby xander up until he was around 3 because he felt like he couldn’t really talk to anyone else.
xander and jameson made it their mission everyday to annoy grayson.
deep down they didn’t want to annoy him; they just wanted some sort of reaction out of their brother, like all little siblings do.
“grayson can i borrow your camera really quick?” xander would ask, knowing that he and jameson snuck into his room and hid it.
they would be stifling their laughs while grayson looked around his room for a minute, when he finally realized.
“you guys aren’t funny.”
whenever they’d pull something like this and it would go on for too long, nash would have to get involved.
xander and nash were getting ‘told off’ by nash, grayson standing beside him.
“jamie, would you like it if somebody took your things and you had to search the whole house to find them?" he rhetorically asked with a serious look on his face. jameson on the other hand, was anything but serious and was smiling widely.
“actually yes, i love searching for stuff.”
there was a beat of silence followed by nash muttering under his breath,
“yeah, i shouldn’t have asked you that.” he turned his attention to xander, who was starting to fiddle with his small hands and bite his lip.
“xander, would you like it if if someone too-“
“okay fine i’m sorry!” he blurted out suddenly. “i just wanted to play with you guys but i didn’t know grayson would actually get mad, jamie told me he wouldn’t, he said it would be funny and- and-” he rambled on so quickly nash couldn't even comprehend some of his words.
nash’s attempt at a stern face softened, “aw kid, you can always just ask to play, you know that, right?”
“but you guys are always busy,” 6 year old xander countered.
grayson finally spoke up after staying silent for 10 minutes. “i’ll always play with you, i just don’t like it when you steal my things.” he said quietly.
jameson agreed “yeah same, ill always play with you.” he paused and then continued, “but i actually really like it when we steal grayson’s thi-"
nash, grayson, and jameson came to the realization that they didn't make the best decision that day, because xander was like a never-ending talking machine, constantly asking them to play.
one time, nash and alisa were hanging out, and 8 year old xander burst into the room. “hi guys, can i play robots with you?”
5 minutes later, alisa and nash were sitting in silence, their clothes slightly wrinkled, sending each other looks sometimes, while xander was droning off about the game, the different robots, and what they do.
he went silent for a few seconds, then suddenly spoke up. “nash, were you playing with mommy’s makeup?”
“no?” nash responds confusedly, as this question was extremely out of the blue and caught him way off guard.
“then what’s that red stuff on your neck?”
hangouts were at alisa’s house from then on.
grayson and jameson were honestly inseparable before emily came around, and the old man’s expectations tore them apart.
whenever they would actually get along, for days in a row even, grayson would suddenly snap and go back to being distant. jameson would think he did something wrong, and he was honestly angry at grayson in a way, because all he wanted was to just talk to his brother. but he never ever voiced those thoughts outloud.
grayson on the other hand, felt like he was becoming weak and like he had to put on that strong persona and unbreakable facade in front of everyone, even in front of the people who were practically half of him.
"it's going to be you one day," the old man’s voice echoed in his mind
though sometimes his brotherly love for jameson — for all his brothers —overpowered and silenced that voice in his mind. 
at the end of the day, his brothers always came first. above everything.
xander and jameson (and sometimes nash) lowkey make fun of grayson when he acts all emo — xander's words.
“honestly, he’s like if edward cullen had a child with chuck bass. the most broody, seriois, and annoying guy to walk the earth.” 
xander’s attempt at being quiet at the dinner table failed, and grayson heard it. he tried to hide his laugh by taking another sip of his water.
xander and jameson always feel like they’ve accomplished something when they make their older brothers laugh.
when everyone was in different stages of their lives—xander in high school, jameson about to graduate, grayson already being graduated, and nash always off somewhere—moments when they were all having fun together were cherished tenfold.
one time jameson called a 911 because he “missed everyone too much." grayson didn’t come, and then the leather pants punishment came to life. 
the lack of their childhood in the books is literally criminal
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reyreadersblog · 13 days
Now let's be fr.
As much as i love them...Hawthorns aren't THAT perfect.
And it shows.
Bcs, Grayson, pookie, we don't threaten a girl, who is clueless and scared AND whose life just turned around 360°, just bec your grandpapa decided to disinheret you, especially, since you're so called "gentleman". (He is and he's also a pookie💟)
And Jameson, dearest, you are no better than your brother for treating Avery as a game (in the first book) and using her like a doll for your own amusment and distraction, okay...let's not do that. (The man that you are♡)
Oh..Nash..if you really love someone..like, truly love them, you don't leave them bec of their loyalty to someone..alright..you just sit and have a big talk with them, and accept them how they are.( leave Libby and marry me)
And Xander...stop exploding things ig, i can't really find any flaw about him, he's just 💫FLAWLESS💫(best Hawthorne if you ask me).
This is a joke..mabye it's not..but, at least it's the truth.
(Love all of 'em)
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annamatix · 3 months
i love nash hawthorne so much its so crazy.
" 'Course not, darlin', " FUCK. MEEEEEEEEEE
he's so so so hot the way he's so gentle and caring and so protective YOU JUST HAVE TO READ THE SERIES TO GET ME
his southern drawl is SO hot and his idgaf agenda but he cares so much actually AND HIS COWBOY HAT AND BOOTS OH MY GOD IM FAINTING and when he gets mad his southern drawl becomes sharper and and and and
"'Nash, I've taken the liberty of cueing up the Taylor Swift for you,' Xander says." JUST AS I THOUGHT THIS MAN COULD NOT GET HOTTER.......
"she gazed up at him like he had hung the moon" me too, mellie, me too
"Nash has a sort of savior complex" well he better use it to save me ASAP
team jameson this team grayson that GIVE ME NASH HAWTHORNE
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 2 months
hawthorne weekly dinner head canons
this has been sitting in my drafts for so long (although i only started posting earlier this week, i've had a few posts in my drafts for a while) you can't tell me they don't have weekly dinners. they're all literally so cute. like i can just imagine the four brothers, avery, libby, max, and even rebecca and thea sometimes spending some time all together. i might make a part two bc i honestly love the idea of all of them spending time together at dinner.
max and xander are always talking about the weird things that happened to them that week (once, they managed to get stuck with a lion in a cage at the zoo)
libby and grayson usually cook the food together. xander will help libby make the desserts.
once grayson starts dating someone (lyra probably, for some reason i'm still not convinced they'll end up together), obviously she joins these little dinners.
avery sometimes forces alisa to stop working and join too. she slowly starts to get over nash bc of them (she realises she's a girlboss and doesn't need a man in her life (i hc that she's bi))
grayson really enjoys the meals. he slowly starts to loosen up and smile more (this makes everyone really happy).
they once dared avery to make the food one night, but she's a horrible cook so they just decided to order take out.
jamie, when the plates and everything have been taken away from the table, gets on top of it and starts twerking.
the dinners always lead to everyone settling down in the living room and watching movies/tv shows (in two other posts, i mentioned that xander, grayson, libby, and avery love medical dramas so they probably all just watch that)
rebecca doesn't really like socializing with so many people at once so she brings a book with her. thea notices her all lonely and starts to talk to her bc she's such a good gf (istg they're so cute together).
avery and jameson always sit next to each other and are touching each other (sometimes jamie has an arm wrapped around her shoulder, other times he's holding her hand or places his hand on her thigh.
grayson canonically loves photography, and so these dinners give him the opportunity to show his work. he also takes pictures of them at dinner
sometimes he'll also show everyone some piano pieces he composed (this guy most definitely plays the piano)
these dinner usually end up becoming games of truth or dares, never have i ever, two truths and a lie etc. these games reveal so many things about everyone. so people get to know each other better
libby always has a slew of funny stories about baby avery. avery's always blushing from embarrassment.
sometimes, thea's just on her phone the whole time replying to comments and stuff.
xander likes to sit next to grayson cause he likes to talk about his gadgets and, bc gray doesn't really speak, he can talk freely (gray loves hearing him talk about things he enjoys). xander also has max sitting on his other side so that he can talk to her too, but usually she's busy talking to avery and stuff
during one of these family dinners, they learned that gray had an emo phase when he was 11.
they also learned that avery used to be a hopeless romantic thanks to max and libby (the four brothers, thea, rebecca, and alisa were all shocked cause she doesn't seem like she would be one but then they realized it made sense)
during a game of truth or dare, jameson managed to bang his head so hard on the table he passed out (idk what the dare was)
libby tends to sit across grayson and they start talking about cooking and stuff.
grayson once forgot about the dinner but really wanted to attend. he couldn't find a shirt he liked though and he was so tired that he just showed up shirtless (everyone had no words)
sometimes, avery or one of the brothers will post pics of their dinners and fans always think it's adorable.
jamie and avery will talk about the trips they took together
nash loves to talk about taylor swift's easter eggs/cryptic posts, etc. max who's also a hard core swiftie joins in. the rest of the table, at some point, start to like talking about these easter eggs too, and it becomes a huge thing (i hc that all of them were already swifties prior to these dinners. some less addicted to her music than others though)
they all like reading (except for thea, she doesn't get the point of it) so they start talking about thebooks they like or are currently reading.
at one of these family dinners, its revealed that nash reads smut (people already knew max and xander read smut already cause they aren't ashamed to talk about the weird shit they read)
max is always threatening avery to reveal all of her dirty secrets (they've been friends since childhood, of course max knows things about avery that no one else does)
at first, libby was kinda shy to talk at the table bc she felt like people didn't really care about what she had to say (fuck you drake, it's all cause of him) so nash started comforting her and encouraging her to talk. grayson overheard the conversation and started a conversation with her to encourage her. he told her that she was part of the family whether she wanted to or not, and people wanted to talk to her (she teared up).
sometimes, when libby gets anxious about speaking, nash will put his hand on her thigh and hype her up.
at first, grayson was so happy to have these dinners and be surrounded with people that love him that he would start to tear up in bed at night. over time, he started to accept that these people would always be in his life and stopped crying at night.
if anyone has requests, feel free to leave them! hope you guys like these <3. also here's a little seating plan i made for fun :) when lyra joins someday, she sits between gray and rebecca.
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the-inheritance-games · 5 months
So I’ve been thinking, one thing that never made sense to me was why Tobias made Grayson believe that he would be the heir, especially after reading tbh and seeing Tobias say the words “it is going to be you”.
That never made sense to me bc he said that it would BE Grayson, but he also never said the words “inheritance”, so clearly he meant something else.
I also find it intresting that earlier in that chapter (ch. Eight years ago, after ch. 49) that Grayson said “bc. I’m a Hawthorne” and Tobias said “no”….he told gray he wasn’t a Hawthorne…..he also said that “Xander is a Hawthorne,” the old man said intently. “Nash is a Hawthorne. Jameson is a Hawthorne. But you…”
So tobias didn’t think grayson was a Hawthorne then what is he?
At first I thought maybe he meant Grayson was a GRAYSON, like Sheffield, BUT tobias probably doesn’t have much respect for Sheffield and would see him as lesser so why would he believe Grayson was a “GRAYSON”…..
Then I realized what if he sees Gray as an O’day….like Alice…..and what if by “it is going to be you” Tobias meant that, it will be Grayson who finds Alice and convinces her to return or helps her heal and return to her family or something like that.
I think grayson inherited more of the O’day genes than any of his siblings. The rest of them all sort of look like their dads, but I’ve tried to find a description of Sheffield and I couldn’t find one but I don’t think it was ever mentioned that he was blonde just that he had Graysons eyes but that’s it.
Some might point at savanna to prove gray did inherit his looks from their dad BUT Grayson pointed out that sav got her hair from her mom as soon as he met her.
Gray most likely got his blonde hair from Skye AND Skye probably inherited it from Alice O’day….so Grayson is more of an O’day which would explain why Tobias pushed him to be more bc he saw his Alice in him and wanted him to live up too his potential bc he belived his Alice was better than he was and pushed gray to be that too…but idk I still have SOO many questions about that man. The more I learn about him the more questions I have about ALL of Tobias Hawthornes words and actions
What do y’all think?
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