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Sarah Kim Gries als Vanessa, Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht als Leon
Die Wilden Kerle 4 - Der Angriff der Silberlichten (dir. Joachim Masannek)
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dwkinternational · 2 years
Hey, for the purpose of writing fanfiction, what's the english name for the Silberlichten? Do they have an official one or is it more common to just use the german name? I googled it but I found no answers. Thanks!
According to the Samfilm Website its "silver lights"
Do you mind me asking what the fic is about? :3
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1337wtfomgbbq · 2 years
Okay fuck it. Sit up in bed junky we explaining this shit to @f1yogurt . (Yes, I actually wrote a lot of this yesterday at night, cause I have no self control)
Way back in the early 2000s there were those YA and kids novels, 'Die wilden Hühner' (the wild chickens) and 'Die Wilden Kerle' (the wild soccer bunch... there is an english translation)
Die Wilden Hühner:
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- A clique of five girls who go about their day to day life (Sprotte, Frieda, Trude, Melanie and Wilma)
- They have a rivalring gang of four boys, the 'pygmies' (Fred, Willie, Torte and Steve)
- The girl gang's whole deal is that they love chicken (and I mean as pets, not to eat. They take an oath where they actually swear off from eating chicken)
- One book is about the boys trying to break into the house of Sprotte's grammys, to steal her treasure (that grammy is actually quite the cunt)
- Another one is about the girls saving that aforementioned grandmothers chickens, as the grandmother wants to slaughter them (the chickens)
- It deals with a lot of adulting, and problems kids could be dealing with, like: parental abandonement (as Sprotte's dad walked out on her and her mom), having only one parent (like Sprotte), divorce of parents (for Trude), physical abuse through the parent (for Willie), loss of job for a parent and the consequences of that for the family (for Melanie) teenager relationships in general.
- It even deals with homosexuality, as in the last book Wilma figures out she only likes girls. The girls have to deal with coming to terms with that, there is a big falling out between Wilma and Melanie. The author, Cornelia Funke, has a really great way of dealing with this issue. A very dignified and understanding way.
- There were five books, that they made into three movies (though we mostly ignore the third one, as it destroyed a lot of our beloved characters #notmyfred)
Die wilden Kerle (the wild soccer bunch):
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- A clique of boys who only eat, sleep and prey soccer
- There was a book series (but I never read those) and 6 movies (though the newest is more of a remake)
- Yes, all those books and movies are basically about playing soccer and having adventures
- In the first movie they have to play against the 'dicke michie' (fat michie) to get their soccer field back
- They are joined by a girl in the first one, Vanessa. ('holy shit' I know. But at that age that was really 'holy shit')
- In the second one they wanna play against the german national team, and Vanessa leaves for a period to be with that skater boy 'Gonzo Gonzales' (who was a discount Cpt. Jack Sparrow. And all of our girls hearts were broken, cause we wanted her to be with Leon. Motherfucker, even Vanessa's actress didn't want for Vanessa to be with Gonzo. #teamleon)
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(Look at him. Apparently they actually showed the actor pirates of the carribean and told him to copy Jack)
- Third one is about an old member of the bunch and his all girls team challenging the boys.
- Forth one had some weird soccer match at 'Ragnarök' with some wolf themed team and 'Silberlichten'... I never understood that one.
- And the fifth one had vampires bro.
- They had those cool curses, „Kackeverdammte“, „Hottentotten Albtraumnacht“, „Shitte nochmal“, „Kaninchen Wattebausch Bommelschwanz Po“, „Schwabbelbauch“.
- There are concepts in the movies, especially later on, that make you think, 'is this shit supernatural'.
- Gonzo in the second one for example is working with and worshipping this witch, 'Staraja riba'.
- The 'Silberlichten' in the fourth one are... I have no fucking clue what they are.
- THERE ARE FUCKING VAMPIRES IN THE FIFTH ONE MAN! (they were completely riding the twilight wave back then)
Anyways, back then you were either a 'Wildes Huhn' or a 'Wilder Kerl'.
We actually had cliques like them. We wore necklaces with chicken feathers like 'Die Wilden Hühner'. I don't know if boys had one ear ring like the pygmies. 'Die Wilden Kerle' had so much merchandise.
It was just a huge thing, and quite literally influenced a whole generation of us.
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incorrectdwkquotes · 3 years
Gah, having to choose between the books and the films. That is so hard. Like, the books have so many more layers that the films do not go into. But the films have other layers. And each has their own characters that the other does not have (Rocce/Annika/Feliks)(Nerv/Klette/Silberlichten/Vampires). Tho I must say that after a few rereads the books really loose a little bit of their shine (safe the 13th part, but I digress) where as I keep on loving the films (here is to the Masanek brothers growing up super neat!)
Exactly!!! Like, both the books and the movies have different merits and faults, and it's also true that the books, being for kids, after some time might lose their spirit (we all grow up after all!), I should really try to read them again to see for myself. The movies still retain their magic, but I admit I grew to not like that much some things about them that I loved as a kid instead lol
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zukosgay · 3 years
nonono the first movie was OG, second movie gonzo gonzales (der blasse vampir, but he was not really a vampire, just a skater boi), third movie biestige biester, fourth movie Silberlichten/ Wölfe from Ragnarök, and fifth movie is actually about the real vampires pls this is important to me. 6th movie is just new wilde kerle kids and the old ones appear like once
The way I'm being educated on a kids movie franchise from the 2000s fjskf i only watched the first 2
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Yeah of course! How about something set during dwk 5 where the reader and maxi have feelings for each other but aren't actually together because talking?? About feelings?? No thanks! And when they're with the schattensuchers reader gets jealous of blossom?
Okay anon, I finally did it :D I hope you enjoy what I have written!
Maxi x F!reader
Warnings: no one
She was beautiful. So beautiful. Her curly, blonde hair, her bright green eyes, shining in the candle light as if they were smaragds. Her way with words.
Oh God, she surely would take Maxi because she can. And there was nothing you could do about it.
The moment she stepped out of the dark and Maxi’s eyes were fixed on her, you knew it was over. You had seen this look. You knew what that sparkle in his eyes meant - he was in love. Maxi had only giving Vanessa this “glare” before, but never you. You had not mind Maxi crushing on Vanessa during your problems with the Silberlichten because Vanessa was still happy with Leon - but this? This woman was a solid 10/10, and you were barely even a positive number compared to her. The dirt under your fingernails, your hair sticking to your head. Your trenchcoat was ripped apart from the months of searching. The journey to search for Leon had taken its toll on everyone. But you came with them, because you loved your friends. And especially Maxi.
After the failed soccer duel and having to stay a night with the vampires, apart from Vanessa and Klette, everyone was able to flee. Maxi already had a little bite mark on his neck, but it wasn’t deep enough to draw blood. There was still a chance to get him back. But the clock was ticking, close to midnight. Close to him becoming a vampire, becoming one of Darkside’s slaves. And your heart broke only thinking of Maxi with the same smaragd-ish eyes as Blossom had.
You were sitting on the edge of the roof, your legs dangling as you leaned against the rails. The voices of the other Kerle were audible in the back, muffled, but it seemed like two were having an argument. But you couldn’t tell whose voices they were. The voices became louder, more heated up.
“Just go to her and tell her! Or go to that vampire idiot! It is up to you!”
You sighed, closed your eyes as you pressed your head against the rails. The cold metal cooled down your warm forehead, the sweat of the past few hours clinging on you. Everything was crashing down, tumbling on the edge, with no balancing point present. 
Footstep approached you, and someone sat down next to you. You hadn’t bothered to open your eyes again as you were expecting Raban or Nerv.
“Hey.”, it wasn’t Raban or Nerv. It was Maxi. The sound of your voice encouraged you to open your eyes again as you gave him a tired smile.
“How are you?”, you asked, your gaze travelling to the faint bite mark on his neck. The sign that he was head over heels for Blossom. And you were losing him, one by one, to a vampire. She could get everyone she desired, but she had to settle for him.
Maxi looked down to his hands, fidgeting as he tried to find the right words. He was struggling to voice his feelings - just the Maxi you knew and fell for. An awkward giant with his heart on the right spot. But now, his heart was in the wrong hands.
“I don’t know.”, Maxi muttered, his gaze still on his fingers. There were cuts and bruises on them, a bit of dried blood was by his left thumb. Maxi always bit his left thumb when he was anxious. It’s a surprise he hadn’t bitten down to the bone with all the troubles you had lately. 
“What’s on your mind, Maxi?”
“Leon. Blossom. Klette and Vanessa. You…”
“Me?”, you asked, kind of surprised by his answer. Why would you be in his mind? In the end, you were save with the guys, and while Jekyll and Hyde tried to bite you, the two tiny vampires hadn’t even be tall enough to reach your throat. You understood his answers, all of them, apart from yourself.
Maxi cleared his throat, finally looking up from his fingers. He looked right into your eyes, that sparkle… “You know, I am not sure if I am doing the right thing now. Getting closer to Blossom could lead to Leon being rescued. I don’t mind putting my hand into fire if it means my friends are safe.”
He was the most selfless person you have ever met, and each and every time he showed that side of himself, you were amazed. Maxi would turn into a vampire for 100 years just to make sure his friends were alright. How dumb and amazing.
“You have to decide what’s right and what’s wrong for yourself, Maxi. I cannot take this off your shoulders, as much as I want to.”
“Becoming one of them can help you rescuing Leon. I don’t know how we should do it, but we will find a way.”, Maxi said, a bit more confidence in his voice.
You nodded, still looking at Maxi, “I will miss you so much, Maxi. And don’t think I’ll ever forget you…if you do this.”
Maxi raised his eyebrows at this statement, not knowing what to say back to you. Instead, he cupped your cheeks and brought you closer, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“I swear, I won’t disappoint you. But now, I have to do what has to be done. For Leon.”
Maxi pulled away as your forehead was glowing with heat, your whole face was probably fire red. He gave you once last smile before heading back to the camp, and you could swear you had seen the same sparkle in his eyes, the same sparkle he had when he looked at Vanessa or Blossom.
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zhoufeis · 4 years
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♫ Das Einzige, das zählt, ist, dass du mir jetzt vertraust. Und ich will, dass du stolz bist, wenn du auf mich schaust. Denn egal, wie ich mich entscheide, ich will dass du weißt, mein Herz ist bei dir. ♫
DIE WILDEN KERLE 4 - Der Angriff der Silberlichten (Germany, 2007, dir. Joachim Masannek), auch bekannt als: #13 Jahre später und ich bin noch immer auf Vanessa’s Seite
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captivating-animals · 7 years
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Nebelparder IV by Silberlichten
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Anne Mühlmeier als Horizon
Die Wilden Kerle 4 - Der Angriff der Silberlichten (dir. Joachim Masannek)
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these two scenes are just so absurd and i love the movie for that
Die Wilden Kerle 4 - Der Angriff der Silberlichten (dir. Joachim Masannek)
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Laura Bruckbauer als Koyote Karl-Heinz
Die Wilden Kerle 4 - Der Angriff der Silberlichten (dir. Joachim Masannek)
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incorrectdwkquotes · 3 years
DWK movies or DWK books?
Another million-dollar question!! This is gonna be long
Well, to be honest I like both in different ways, even if at the end of the day I must admit that certain elements lead me to slightly prefer the books after all.
Here's what I like the most about the books:
the fact that we get insights about each single character without sacrificing the narrative; of course this is a clear advantage of the book medium, since the same cannot be done with a movie
the fact that we get a lot of focus on each character's relationship with the others, with their families, and so on (the first example that comes to my mind is Juli with his mother and father, or Marlon and Rocce's friendship for example)
Rocce, Felix and Annika. I LOVE those three (as you can probably tell from this blog's content lol) and it's truly a shame they weren't in the movies, but again I understand this decision was probably made because it was difficult to juggle and explore too many characters in the movies and they were likely the easiest to remove
Here, on the other hand, is what I like the most about the movies:
the visuals, the details, EVERYTHING. I love how every single element in the setting brings you to these kids' world, from the Teufelstopf to the changing-flavor beverages to the uniforms, every detail (even the most absurd ones) are very well tought-of in my opinion
the fact that the movies' storyline spans through a timeline of several years (so, differently from the books' one that covers around one year and a half), which allows us viewers to actually watch the kids grow up and learn in their own way
the Silberlichten and the vampires are cool characters not gonna lie, though I wish we were given more insights about them as well
NERV AND KLETTE. I love them, and I love how their playfulness contrasts with the other characters who are trying to get more "serious"
All in all, probably one of the things I like less about the movies is how the storyline shifted suddenly between the 3rd and the 4th and 5th movie, and I mean like how first you have just a bunch of kids who decide to embark on a road trip adventure to go face a rival team made of girls and then you shift to the same kids wandering through the forest for 10 MONTHS because one of them has been kidnapped by vampires; I mean, I don't know I just never digested how the supernatural element got introduced in the story this way, I always found it a bit out of place tbqh (but again one point of force for the 5th movie for me is how they partially shifted the main character focus from Leon to Maxi (and Vanessa too), I think they deserved it!).
So yeah, that's about it. I personally think the story told by the books is a bit more linear and cohesive, and this element is kind of lost most of the times in the movies, and I like how each character is given their own space (especially because I'm always very fond of secondary characters, Markus being the primary example), but again I think this is largely due to the differences between mediums so we can't really do anything about it.
Thank you for this question :)
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dwkinternational · 4 years
Where is horizon from? (I agree with the post btw. She should be paired with Vanessa. 💘) her outfits indicate that she's from the middle east at Least. But at the same time... She's not. Whatever. I'm getting anger treatments so I hope my question didn't sound rude..
Unfortunately that’s not really something I have an answer to.
If you only go off of the look of the Silberlichten, they are inspired by the Tuareg who live in the Sahara desert. But obviously she’s not african (would have been cool If they had casted a person of colour though.)
So, Idk it was kind of the point of the character that you didn’t knew exactly where she came from. Just that she lives behind the fog in the grasslands of the Silberlichten. That makes her more mysterious.
Heh, I don’t know which post you mean, but It’s no secret I ship them. The two of them had so many boy troubles, (and EIGHT love interests in total, nine if you count Leon twice) that it makes you think. If they are so undecisive about the boys, maybe a girl would be able to understand them better you know? Would be such a slap in the face for all the boys out there that are pining after the two and fighting over them, just for the girls to say: You know what? Fuck this. We’ll leave you all to fight and be happy somewhere else.
Oh, it didn’t sound rude at all, hope you are okay?
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dwkinternational · 7 years
But I'd love to see the group return from hinter dem horizon. Marlon would get word that they are back and race to meet them. Juli would gather Jojo, Fabi and Deniz and welcome them home. They would be feasted, sat amoung Biesten and Wolven and even Silberlichten.
Yes, a thousand times!
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dwkinternational · 8 years
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