#and we wanted to write a YA novel about drug deals on a hprse farm🤔🤦‍♂️
1337wtfomgbbq · 2 years
Okay fuck it. Sit up in bed junky we explaining this shit to @f1yogurt . (Yes, I actually wrote a lot of this yesterday at night, cause I have no self control)
Way back in the early 2000s there were those YA and kids novels, 'Die wilden Hühner' (the wild chickens) and 'Die Wilden Kerle' (the wild soccer bunch... there is an english translation)
Die Wilden Hühner:
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- A clique of five girls who go about their day to day life (Sprotte, Frieda, Trude, Melanie and Wilma)
- They have a rivalring gang of four boys, the 'pygmies' (Fred, Willie, Torte and Steve)
- The girl gang's whole deal is that they love chicken (and I mean as pets, not to eat. They take an oath where they actually swear off from eating chicken)
- One book is about the boys trying to break into the house of Sprotte's grammys, to steal her treasure (that grammy is actually quite the cunt)
- Another one is about the girls saving that aforementioned grandmothers chickens, as the grandmother wants to slaughter them (the chickens)
- It deals with a lot of adulting, and problems kids could be dealing with, like: parental abandonement (as Sprotte's dad walked out on her and her mom), having only one parent (like Sprotte), divorce of parents (for Trude), physical abuse through the parent (for Willie), loss of job for a parent and the consequences of that for the family (for Melanie) teenager relationships in general.
- It even deals with homosexuality, as in the last book Wilma figures out she only likes girls. The girls have to deal with coming to terms with that, there is a big falling out between Wilma and Melanie. The author, Cornelia Funke, has a really great way of dealing with this issue. A very dignified and understanding way.
- There were five books, that they made into three movies (though we mostly ignore the third one, as it destroyed a lot of our beloved characters #notmyfred)
Die wilden Kerle (the wild soccer bunch):
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- A clique of boys who only eat, sleep and prey soccer
- There was a book series (but I never read those) and 6 movies (though the newest is more of a remake)
- Yes, all those books and movies are basically about playing soccer and having adventures
- In the first movie they have to play against the 'dicke michie' (fat michie) to get their soccer field back
- They are joined by a girl in the first one, Vanessa. ('holy shit' I know. But at that age that was really 'holy shit')
- In the second one they wanna play against the german national team, and Vanessa leaves for a period to be with that skater boy 'Gonzo Gonzales' (who was a discount Cpt. Jack Sparrow. And all of our girls hearts were broken, cause we wanted her to be with Leon. Motherfucker, even Vanessa's actress didn't want for Vanessa to be with Gonzo. #teamleon)
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(Look at him. Apparently they actually showed the actor pirates of the carribean and told him to copy Jack)
- Third one is about an old member of the bunch and his all girls team challenging the boys.
- Forth one had some weird soccer match at 'Ragnarök' with some wolf themed team and 'Silberlichten'... I never understood that one.
- And the fifth one had vampires bro.
- They had those cool curses, „Kackeverdammte“, „Hottentotten Albtraumnacht“, „Shitte nochmal“, „Kaninchen Wattebausch Bommelschwanz Po“, „Schwabbelbauch“.
- There are concepts in the movies, especially later on, that make you think, 'is this shit supernatural'.
- Gonzo in the second one for example is working with and worshipping this witch, 'Staraja riba'.
- The 'Silberlichten' in the fourth one are... I have no fucking clue what they are.
- THERE ARE FUCKING VAMPIRES IN THE FIFTH ONE MAN! (they were completely riding the twilight wave back then)
Anyways, back then you were either a 'Wildes Huhn' or a 'Wilder Kerl'.
We actually had cliques like them. We wore necklaces with chicken feathers like 'Die Wilden Hühner'. I don't know if boys had one ear ring like the pygmies. 'Die Wilden Kerle' had so much merchandise.
It was just a huge thing, and quite literally influenced a whole generation of us.
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