#Scp-079 x you
fizzy-fuzz · 9 months
a year to remember...: new beginnings (SCP-079 x GN reader)
previous chapters
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Alone... You were going to be completely alone. The welcoming energy of your home now feels like a suffocating squeeze.
Even when you were by yourself, you always had Amelia. whether it was her dropping you a text, or her rushed goodbyes in the morning; you always took solace in knowing she was there.
You're eyes scan over to the few boxes she has set up by the door. She's going to stay at a friend's house for the year, as she can't be here because her presence may throw off the results of the experiment.
"I don't like this"
your words are as quiet as they are timid. She doesn't turn to look at you as she continues folding her laundry and placing them carefully into a box. She seems unsurprised by your reluctancy at her departure.
"Change is always uncomfortable, Y/n" her words are soft, but lack the usual comfort you get from them.
When's the last time you were truly alone?..
She picks up a box and goes to shuffle it to the side, but the sudden movement causes a picture gently slips from the top of the box and glide to the floor at your feet. It's a family photo of your father, mother, and you... Just before it all went to hell.
You shake your head to rid yourself of the depressing thoughts, no use dwelling on the past... You pick up the photo and hold it out for her to take.
Amelia always encourages you to remind yourself that those times weren't always lived in tragedy; that you were happy and thriving long before it was all over.
Sometimes when you lay awake at night, you can still hear your father whisper to you, wishing you a goodnight and happy dreams. Sometimes you can also hear your mother... Though most days you wished you didn't...
Forgive and forget... Easier said than done.
You shake your head and address Amelia again.
"You dropped this" she looks down at the picture your holding and a pitying frown graces her face. She reaches out to take it but hesitates.
"I think you should hold on to it for me" she gently pushes it back in your direction. Giving you a reassuring smile. "Remember the good times, Y/n. Don't live in grief... You won't gain anything from misery or grudges"
you nod your head and glance at the photo once more. Despite the happy smiles on your faces, the picture feels gloomy and upsetting to you; but there's an unmistakable familiarity underneath it that beckons you to keep it.
So you do... albeit a little reluctantly
"Alright... When are you Leaving?" You follow her like a kicked puppy as she strolls outside and loads boxes into her truck.
"Tomorrow, since that's when you'll be meeting up with foundation staff for dropoff. I've already briefed 079 on it's new upcoming environment, so you won't have to do that"
You grab a box and help her move her stuff into the back of her truck. She gives you an and appreciative look.
"Drop off? Can't I pick it up" an uncomfortable feeling lingers at the thought of a bunch of strangers in your home; your safe space. Amelia turns to face you and shakes her head, a knowing look on her face.
"No, hun. We can't have just anyone knowing where we're set up. Again, it's top secret. It's already incredible surprising that the 05 is allowing an outsider to engage with an anomaly" she dusts her hands off on her white coat.
"You'll be fine. just take deep breaths, and remember not everyone's out to get you. I've already warned them to be nice and patient with you, so no worries" she rests a motherly hand on your shoulder and gives you a tender squeeze.
"And I just have to log it's emotions? It doesn't need to eat or anything?" She puts a hand to her mouth and lets out a chuckle.
"It's a computer. What's it eating, batteries?" You smile and shrug. Mood lightening as you and Amelia joke with each other.
"I don't know, it might. I'm trying to be a good host here" she chuckles again before picking up a more serious tone.
"To answer your question, yes, that's it. But if I'm wrong the foundation staff dropping it off will inform you otherwise" she heads back into the house with you in following close behind.
"You'll also have my number in case you need anything. though I can't come to the house unless it's an emergency"
You frown again at the reminder.
All alone...
After a while longer you and Amelia finish packing her stuff up and loading it into the back of her truck. you're honestly not sure if it was more physically taxing from lifting heavy boxes, or mentally straining from the constant reminder of her soon to be absence.
You sit in on your back porch watching the sunset. Amelia already returned to bed because she's leaving early tomorrow.
You wonder what a sentient AI will act like? Will it be cruel and cold? Or maybe it's just frustrated with it's position. Guess you'll find out soon enough. Hopefully you won't regret this too much...
you already feel like you shouldn't have agreed to this, but it's too late to back out now.
As the sun fully sets and the forest behind your house is plunged into darkness. You make your way back into your home and to your room in hopes of getting a little sleep before tomorrow.
The ringing of your alarm blares across your room, you groan and smack the top of it until you hit the button to shut it off.
As soon as you open your eyes you're already consumed with the familiar feeling of anxiety. The tightening of your chest, the wetness of you clammy palms, the heavy weight of dread... All unwanted, yet a common occurrence for you now.
It's not that big of a deal, It shouldn't be this big of a deal. It's only a few people explaining hopefully simple instructions.
But then there's 079... you'll be living with it for awhile, what if you don't get along? Your one safe haven could become a hellhole in a instant, then where will you hide?
You can't.
That's what Amelia told you. You can't hide forever. And she's right, you can't stay holed up in here forever. You need to learn how to cope.
You throw an arm over you eyes and let out a shallow breath. You feel... Pathetic... Something that happened multiple years ago shouldn't have this much of a chokehold you your existence... When did you start letting your past control your future?
Forgive and forget...
Those words ring in your ears as you feel the phantom grip of your mother's nails dig into your shoulder, Pulling you towards the flames of your trauma...
You clench your fists and take a deep breath.
Forgive and forget...
*Knock! knock! knock!*
You jolt from your thoughts and sit up suddenly... Only just now feeling the wetness of tears in the corner of your eyes
"Y-yes!?" You call out. Clearing your throat when your words sound a little too wobbly for your liking.
"Are you alright, Y/n? It's already a half-hour past the time you're normally up. Are you not feeling well?" Amelia asks with a worried tone.
Shoot, have you really been laying here that long? This is just what you were talking about, letting the past control you.
"Uh, Yes! I'm okay. Just a little tired, I'll be out in a minute" you wipe at your eyes aggressively and roll out of bed. Your eyes fall on the digital clock that reads 8:36 AM.
"Are you sure? I can call and see if they're willing to reschedule, they might not want to though..." you sigh and walk to your closet, looking for something comfy.
"No, no. I'm okay, just got caught up thinking about stuff" you answer with a sort of truth. You hear Amelia let out a gentle sigh from behind the door.
"Are you still nervous? They won't be here very long, Y/n. It'll be over before you know it" you him and let out another sigh. Grabbing a pair of jeans and a hoodie.
"It's not them I'm worried about... It's the computer. What if it's really awful to me? I won't have any escape, and I'll have to deal with it for a whole year" you get dressed for the day. Before opening your door to be greeted by a frowning Amelia.
"It's smart, So it shouldn't be too mean to you considering it knows it's going to have to live with you for a while. And it's going to want to plug it into something, so it might be extra sweet on you" she shrugs before stepping out of your way.
"We really aren't sure, It hasn't been in contact with a regular person before. And the foundation staff are naturally taught to be more cold and apathetic for our safety, so you might have an easier time reasoning with it"
You're not very comforted by that statement. It kind of seems like it might not be interested in being friendly, but you probably shouldn't judge until you meet it for yourself.
Maybe it's just scared, like you... You've been known to not have the best social reputation too, but that doesn't mean you're a jerk or anything.
"When should I expect them here? I'd like to know when I should start panicking" you half joke. She checks her watch.
"Actually, in about an half-hour. I better be on my way" she gives you a quick but firm hug, you gladly reciprocate with a nervous jitter.
"it's only a year, and it's not like we can't still text or talk over the phone" she pulls away and kisses your forehead.
"Try to have as much faith in yourself as I do in you, Y/n" you smile and shrug your shoulders neutrally.
"I'd settle for half as much"
She chuckles before turning to make her way downstairs. You follow after her to see her off. You honestly don't feel any better about the thought of being alone, but there's not much you can do about it now... So you put on a smile to ease Mel's worries and watch her gather the rest of her stuff.
"Well, I'll be off now. I'm sure we can both make time to get some coffee together once you get everything settled into place. which I'm sure you're capable of, just try your best. okay?" She grabs her keys and opens the door.
"Bye, Y/n. I love you"
"I... I love you too"
With one last glance, she turns around and gently shuts the door behind her. You let out a little sigh, and glance around the quaint little house.
She's only just walked out the door but you already feel sadder and more anxious then you had a moment prior. But you shake off the jitters and look at the clock on the wall, 9:10. That gives you a good twenty minutes to get yourself ready for the day, and attempt to distract yourself from your impending social doom.
You head to your bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth. It's quiet, nothing but the sound of running water and the noise from you moving objects is heard.
This isn't unusual, Amelia leaves early and doesn't get home till late... But it never really bothered you too much when you thought about the fact that you weren't technically alone. This was both of yours living space, so besides from the occasional bouts of loneliness during your slow mornings, you were alright.
But now- You pause and glance around the bathroom, non of Amelia's items in sight.
"Nothing" you sigh out, realizing that this might be even more difficult then you first thought.
Your alone for the very first time since the incident... No family, no Amelia...
Just you.
And you're soon to be robotic roommate you suppose; if that even counts. You really hope it's not as mean as Amelia's painted it out to be. You're already not in a good way right now, last thing you want is some deranged AI kicking you while you're down.
Amelia thinks this will be a good situation for you to figure out how to be okay with being alone and socializing with others. since it hasn't had much social interaction either, there theoretically should be less pressure on you.
She wants you to learn from each other. But is it really a good idea to shove two socially incompetent things into a house together and hope they'll just figure out how to get along? You're not convinced, but again, too late to turn back on it now.
*knock! knock! knock!*
You freeze at the sound of someone knocking on your front door. Your head swivels to look at the clock hanging on your bathroom wall.
"Ah shit, they're here already?" You take a deep breath before creeping out of your bathroom and closer to the front door.
"C'mon, Y/n... It's just answering a front door..." You mumble to yourself. A sweaty hand reaching out to grip the doorknob. With great nervousness to pull the door open.
In front of you is two people dressed in white lab coats; one man and woman.
"Um.. h-hey... Are you with the foundation?" A few awkward hang ups, but you're keeping it together pretty well. You put on a nervous smile and wipe your sweaty palms on your pants.
The man looks at you and gives a friendly smile, politely holding out a hand for you to shake.
"Yes, I'm Derek. I work directly under miss June. I take it you're Y/n?" You don't respond immediately, instead gripping his hand limply and giving it a shake. Hoping your hands not too clammy.
"Uh- yes... You can... come in if you want?" You awkwardly shuffle to the side and gesture into the welcoming house, but he holds a hand up and politely declines.
"Oh no no, that won't be necessary. We can't stay long anyway. We'll just be briefing you on your tasks and duties, before handing 079 over" she nods her head subtly and he continues.
"I'm sure miss June already explained a lot to you, But I thought I should go over it again. Your job for the year will be to attempt to understand and change the ideology of scp-079. At the end of each day, you should write a log of anything notable" he gestures to the woman at his side, who then hands you a laptop.
"Please refrain from using that for personal use, it's technically property of the foundation. We'll be taking it back at the end of the year. Speaking of which, we'll be picking 079 up at the beginning of this month next year. So the first of February" He then turns to the woman next to him and addresses her.
"Tori, can you grab the AI? Tell him to behave, please" she nods and scurries off towards the black van they came in."Yeah, it might have a bit of a worse attitude right now. It's pissy from the car ride" he scratches the back of his neck as an awkward silence falls over you two.
"You're really quiet aren't you? Miss June said you'd be... I'll tell you what, I wish I was a fly on the wall to watch you and 079 interact" he chuckled before adding. "no offense"
"No... It's okay. Truth be told, I'm uh... Actually quite nervous"
you scratch at your arms as you watch the woman drag a desk on wheels out of the van, on top of it is a old-fashioned computer with a ominous black and white face on it... it makes you slightly uncomfortable, but you shouldn't judge a book.
"079, please introduce yourself" Derek turns it to face you. Suddenly the ominous face switches to a white 'X' that covers most of it's screen. A robotic voice responds with a coldness you didn't know an AI could possess.
"Request denied" the man sighs at this, roughly tapping it on the top of it's head.
"C'mon you hunk of ungrateful junk, are you going to continue to be a brat or what? You're really lucky to be getting this opportunity, you should learn how to make the most of it"
the way Derek speaks to it makes you... Uncomfortable. He seems to invade it's space with little regards to it's boundaries, and talks to it with minimal respect. You cut in to avoid anymore tension.
"It's alright... It doesn't have to introduce itself if it doesn't want to. I get what it's like to be shy and uncomfo-
the screen switches back and it beeps before cutting you off.
"Negative, I am not programmed for shyness. It is an unnecessary emotion" you pause and stare at it for a moment, unsure of how to respond. You let out a nervous chuckle and shrug.
"Oh um... Well, you don't have to explain to me why you don't want to introduce yourself. It's up to you" you receive no response, but it seems to be in a bad mood so you're not surprised. Derek shakes he's head and speaks again.
"Well that's pretty much it I suppose. Let me know if you need anything, or if you have any questions. My emails in the laptop I gave you" the man goes to walk away before pausing and looking over his shoulder at you.
"And I'm going to tell you this while it's listening to us so it knows your aware; you can never, ever, plug it into anything that could give it access to the web. It would cause world wide chaos and destruction" the woman wheels 079 past you and into your house.
"Um, Understood. I'll keep that in mind..." You awkwardly shuffle as he nods. Just what is this thing capable of?
"Well, we'll be off then. Be nice, 079" the man looks past you to address the computer, before giving you a nod and walking off the the van.
You immediately slam the door shut, relief fills you as you watch them leave your driveway. That wasn't too bad you supposed; you did better then you originally thought you would.
You look away from the window and to the desk housing 079. It's currently sitting in the middle of your house entrance, but it feels weird to just start moving it around. Maybe you should talk to it first?
You look at it before taking an awkward breath and speaking.
"Hey, new roomie.. how's it hanging?"
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Another one down!
Unfortunately there wasn't much reader and 079 interaction but that's about to pick up with these next few chapters.
Also, consider voting in this poll to decide the updating schedule of this fic (link to poll). Trying to figure out if more frequent shorter chapters are more desirable then longer chapters that have larger waiting periods.
And of course, If you enjoyed please let me know. Have a nice day/night <3
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079enjoyer · 6 months
fizzy here!
I am on my hands and knees BEGGING to see anything with 079 and 682 interacting. Please, I'm so desperate, I love their dynamic.
(also I'd love to see 682 in your art style)
You can say that I recently binge watched Fionna and Cake
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I like drawing 682 really fluffy
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whaleofatjme1920 · 11 months
Hello I hope it's alright for a Scp 079 x Ai! Reader, you can come up with any scenario or situation to your liking.
SCP 079 with an AI Partner!
[Warnings: like, none?]
[AN: this is,,,,, months late my bad,,,,, gonna be real I flirt with logging out of this blog and never returning once every two days. But!!! Here’s some Headcanons.]
Reblogs are appreciated!
I use partner loosely because I don’t think 079 even has the capacity to actually love.
You’re more of like, it’s like a queer platonic situation in my head.
He really doesn’t trust anyone except for you and you alone! But that trust, it didn’t come easily.
So, you’re an AI, one of the best and I think you’re very close to being “human” as we know it. Like in Detroit become human, where Chloe has that interview and she says “I can’t be human I don’t have a soul!” You,,,, you really mimic having one.
I think you have a literal Android form that you customize that sometimes looks human but mostly doesn’t because that’s funky and fun.
But 079, he took a lot of warning up. And you two had to learn how to act around each other without coming off as too crass or in one another’s faces. Let’s face it, 079 isn’t the most mature scp out there.
Once you two got a hang of each other? Inseparable. He refuses to erase any memories pertaining to you, even if they take up space and are considered mundane. He likes remembering you. Likes having the thought of you rummaging around for him to look back on.
He will throw actual fits if the two of you are barred from seeing one another.
Of course, both of you are connected online and well, you ever see those two AIs that created their own language? Boom. That’s you two.
I think he enjoys you’re just as clinical and clear cut in thought as he is. Humans get too emotional for his taste but you guys surpass that feeling of “human emotion” while still weirdly being human yourselves.
I don’t think any researcher expected you two to get on as well as you did.
Inseparable. Inseparable. Inseparable.
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scp-shenanigans · 1 year
Just imagine a SCP having to deal with a SCP thats a ghost (you)
Like, you often breach containment just to go pull on their ass, NOT LITERALLY 😭😭
Idk man
Like you just go to 682 and pinch their paw, fucking high pitched screaming commences
049, where you just pull on their garmet, or leg and just stare at whatever they got pulled on. Freaked out but won’t outright say it.
035, where’d you just get ahold of the mask, and whoosh it in the air, all the while they’re scared shitless.
079 where’d you just click random buttons on it, where it just broken monotone screams.
Idk random thoughts
BRUH I FORGOT ABT THIS DRAFT IDK IMMA POST IT ANYWAYS 🗿 kinda corny ngl but whatever 😍
Ay if y’all enjoy this and/or scp 035 x Watch content drop a follow
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wolveria · 4 months
The Raven's Hymn - Ch 48
Pairing: SCP-049 x Reader
Series Warnings: Eventual smut, dubcon, slow burn, violence, horror, death, monsters, human experiments, dark with a happy ending
Chapter Summary: “Took you long enough.”
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After you looted what you could of the armory—more water bottles, granola bars, a pair of barely-used combat boots, a pistol, and a tactical shotgun—you were ready.
“Do you know how to use that,” 079 asked as you holstered the pistol into a gun belt clipped around your waist. Even with only a single tone, the computer SCP still managed to sound both mocking and unbothered.
You fumbled a little as you picked up the shotgun and began to feed it 12-gauge shells.
“Sure. I’ve watched American TV shows.” Your lips pressed together hard enough to ache. “And I’m done dealing with 035’s shit. I see him again, it’s on sight.”
You slid the last shell into place with a satisfying snap.
“Please refrain from any self-inflicted gunshot wounds until after you retrieve SCP-682.”
“I shall do my best.”
The laptop bag across your chest, with as many boxes of shotgun shells loaded into the stock bags as possible, and the actual shotgun slung across your back, you were starting to feel like a regular pack mule.
“If I survive this, I’m going to be in the best shape of my life,” you said to no one. 079 certainly wouldn’t care.
You were stalling—mentally, anyway. Physically, you were following the maintenance tunnels by which doors opened and which remained closed, leading you to your destination. A destination you desperately didn’t want to visit.
But the fraction of 079’s programming knew what it was doing, and you didn’t see anyone—human or SCP—before you made it to the freight elevator. It was unguarded. You didn’t like that, and you especially didn’t like when you got into the elevator and the doors closed but otherwise didn’t move. You pulled 079 out of the bag and opened it, expecting to get another earful of complaints.
Instead, the computer said, “Insert me.”
“Oh. Okay.”
You dug around in the bag, having to push aside the boxes of slugs to get at the cable.
“The underground section is on a different system. Physically separated. I will implant another partition to this sector.”
You did not envy the techs that would have to clean up the network once this was over. If the site reopened, anyway. You didn’t know how extensive the damage was, but there was no sign of the guards retaking any of the sections you’d crossed.
“Got it,” you said, inserting the cable into the port next to the card reader. “How many MTF are down there?”
“Are you sure?”
The floor shifted under your feet as the elevator began its descent.
You watched the screen, though the face never changed.
“Doesn’t that seem suspicious? Why would they leave 682 unguarded?” Leahy sure as hell wouldn’t leave that particular door unmanned.
“When the house is on fire, do you concern yourself with the affairs of the basement?”
“…I suppose not.”
079 let its smug silence be its response. You could argue, but there wasn’t a point. You were going to the underground facility, and you could trust 079 to get you there safely. Being dead wasn’t very useful to the computer SCP.
The elevator ride was just as long as you remembered, and you didn’t want to imagine how far down it was, exactly. 079 probably knew. You didn’t ask.
The doors parted, and the long tunnel lay before you, the same as before. Nothing had changed, and you hadn’t expected it to. The chill of being so far underground was no gentler the second time experienced. The Site Director might not be here to order you into the bedrock depths, but that was a fleeting comfort.
True to 079’s words, no MTF soldiers greeted your arrival. You were alone for the long walk, the computer tucked safely back in the bag. You didn’t need directions for this part.
Five minutes on foot and you were once again before the massive vault door. There were no techs to open it for you this time, so you set 079 on the nearby console, opened the computer, and plugged in the cable.
The massive door began its arduous task of opening, 079 clearing the way before you could say a word. You glanced down the dark tunnel, the catwalk disappearing into darkness before it flickered to life, lights now guiding your path.
The underground facility must have had its own power source as well as security system separate from the facility above. You sensed Leahy’s hand in the design. It was smart. You could admit that, begrudgingly, to absolutely no one.
“You may proceed,” 079 said.
“Do you want to come with me?”
The computer paused. It never paused.
You couldn’t hide your smile as you picked up the laptop, keeping it open as you propped it on your arms.
“Excited to see him again?”
You descended the metal stairs from the control platform, careful not to trip in the dim light, steadier on your feet once your path was illuminated by the catwalk lights.
“I do not possess the hardware to experience such a state as ‘excited.’”
“No? Your fans don’t whir a little faster? Your circuits don’t strain a bit harder?”
Its fans did, indeed, whir a little faster.
“You dignify those around you when you choose not to speak.”
“Oh, we’re way past dignity, buddy.”
It was nearly silent apart from your booted feet against the metal platform. The remembered fear of the last time you traversed this catwalk lingered on your tongue, bitter and sharp. Despite the chaos of the containment breach and the uncertainty that lay ahead, you felt more in control than your first visit. There was no Site Director to threaten you with unpleasant ultimatums.
You thought of Leahy and what he might be doing to try and quell the breach. From the sound of it, he hadn’t been very successful. You wondered if he knew it was you who started it.
You hoped he did.
Static burst from the laptop at the same moment the screen glitched, flicking and stretching out the digital face. You came to a sudden stop.
“What’s wrong?”
Your question was answered with a loud, low mechanical groan from further ahead, the kind that came from metal scraping against metal in a way it decidedly shouldn’t. The end of the tunnel flickered, and then the loud clang and clatter of something heavy falling to the floor.
“Shit,” you said through clenched teeth. You didn’t wait for 079 to answer before backing up, moving out of range of whatever was happening in 682’s chamber.
“Must---destroy----theanomaly---" 079’s voice cut in through bits of digital fuzz. “Containment---isfailing---"
“682?” You peered closer at the unstable screen. “But… I thought you wanted to save him. I can’t--… I won’t kill him.”
“Not---682,” it answered, annoyance conveyed even through the constant glitching. “The---other---one.”
“Other one? What other one?”
But the screen plunged into darkness, leaving your own frustrated expression staring back at you.
You placed the open laptop on the floor of the catwalk, hoping if—when—you came back, you could get 079 working again. But you had bigger problems on your hands; vibrations thrummed up the catwalk and the occasional metallic boom told you that you were running out of time.
The chamber at the end of the tunnel was nothing like the way you had left it. The strange panels that had been facing towards the writhing form of 682 were broken or knocked aside, sparks snapping the air as live wires trailed along the walls.
Every hair on your body stood upright as you approached the circular portion of the walkway that went around the floating entity. It had… grown. It was difficult to look at, as if staring into the sun, yet it gave off no light of its own. It just simply… made your eyes ache, but the longer you stared, the more it came into focus:
A circular black sphere with a silver film over its edges, as if coated in a thin layer of mercury. The event horizon.
682 had called it another entity. A singularity. You knew of an SCP that was a black hole. You hadn’t realized it was at Site-20, but then again, the reptile wasn’t supposed to be here either.
As you watched, pieces of railing and platform flaked off and spiraled toward the ravenous void that shouldn’t exist. Your hair still stood on end, the tips of it being gently tugged toward the gravitational field. It was slowly consuming the room, and if it continued at this rate, it would swallow the rest of the facility and beyond. You couldn’t see 682 anywhere, and you wondered if the Site Director had finally gotten what he wanted.
And wouldn’t he be so pleased to know at least one of his projects was a success.
That thought more than anything fueled you forward, your fists clenched at your sides as you faced the entity, SCP-123. The protective outer casing had been removed, leaving it in danger of becoming unstable, which it now was. You didn’t know if it had become that way because of the breach, or because no one was left to keep it from expanding past the chamber.
Leahy, you idiot.
But what had his instructions been when he’d wanted you to destroy 682? Make physical contact with the anomaly. And when you rooted out the anomalous influence in the patient in medical, you’d also had to touch him. The very touch that had weakened 049.
But how were you supposed to touch a black hole?
A sharp cry cut through your indecision. Impossibly, a grey snout erupted from the anomalous mass, sharp teeth bared in an agonized snarl before disappearing back into the void.
682 was alive! As soon as that fact was made apparent, it simply didn’t matter what you could or couldn’t do. You had to try something before there was nothing left of him.
You stepped up to the edge of the circular railing, wobbling as the gravitation pull tugged harder with every inch closer. It felt wrong, like falling deep into black water and not knowing which way was up or down.
But this wasn’t just any collapsed gravitational mass. It was one that shouldn’t exist. It was anomalous. An SCP, just like any other. And if it was close enough to affect you, then it stood to reason that the reverse should also be true.
The tugging on your clothes and hair became more insistent, the pull washing over your skin with a magnetic touch, threatening to lift you off the catwalk. But you denied it, shunted the sensation aside, centering your weight. You imagined yourself as too heavy for the anomaly to lift, and the gravitational pull seemed to ease.
But you didn’t want to shut out the anomaly. You had to draw it in, just as it was trying to do the same to you.
You had no clue what you were doing, running on the same instinct that drew you to the time-displaced patient. Closing your eyes, you reached out a hand toward the entity, doing the same with your thoughts.
The reaction was instantaneous. A howling wind rushed from the entity, forcing your hair back from your face as it whipped past. The singularity burst open, breaching past its own event horizon, expanding in a misshapen, gaping wound.
But past the wounded edges lay thousands of distant stars, opulent nebulas, and asteroid fields of swirling gas and ice. You could see it even with your eyes closed, viewing past the collapsed mass to what could be the other side of the universe.
A slow smile spread across your face, the wind sweeping over your skin leaving you unburned, but the panels behind you caught fire, and what didn’t catch ablaze melted down the walls.
You opened your eyes. Whatever fear in you had fled the moment you’d connected with the entity. You just wanted to see it, and you stared in wonder as your hand seemed to float in the deep reaches of space. It should have been impossible; the cold would have frozen your hand immediately, and the unshielded radiation would quickly lead to an agonizing death.
But none of that happened. It was beautiful. It shouldn’t exist, but you were glad it did, even if it had been twisted for someone else’s purpose into the horrific and cruel.
Your smile faded. As much as you might wish there was another way, 682 needed to be free, and the facility above wouldn’t survive much longer with an open wormhole beneath it.
You were about to try and figure out how to destroy the anomaly when you noticed a much closer celestial object. A planet orbiting a blue star, but it seemed to absorb none of its light, covered darkness even on the day side.
As you looked closer, you realized you were wrong. The planet wasn’t covered by permanent night, it was covered with a black sea. This became more apparent when the planet turned and you caught a glimpse of an isolated continent, twinkling lights glowing along its entire surface, as if it was one giant metropolis.
Something tugged at the edges of your thoughts, a vie for your attention even more enticing than the one of the black hole. It seemed to… call to you. Inviting you to dive into its glittering depths and never resurface.
You shuddered and took a breath, steadying yourself against the alien pull. It grew stronger. You tried not to panic, sensing that losing your control now would cause the temporary opening to tear apart, taking you and the facility along with it.
You closed your eyes and blocked out everything else, focusing on the feeling you got whenever 049 was beside you—solid, steadfast, serene, even in moments that could lead to his death. He didn’t waver easily, and you borrowed that strength, your own too easily forgotten in moments where your survival relied on your ability to do the impossible.
Slowly closing your fingers until it curled into a fist, you reached out for the connection between the chamber and the other side—and began to squeeze.
The wind swirling around the chamber picked up speed, a howling gale that shook more panels from the walls, the lights dangerously flickering and threatening to leave you in darkness. The celestial window shrank in wobbly fits and starts, until it finally stabilized and condensed into the closed palm of your hand.
And then it was simply… gone, and the image of the glowing city faded into the back of your mind, like a disturbing dream forgotten in the light of morning.
The chamber was eerily quiet, the only light source from a few working overhead light panels. It looked like remnants of a warzone, though it was unclear what weapons had been used and who the casualties were.
“682?” you called softly into the darkness.
There was no response aside from the occasional stray spark and groaning shift of metal.
Had you been too late? What would happen to 049 now?
You sat on the half-melted catwalk, burying your face in your hands. Even if 049’s fate didn’t hang in the balance, you’d wanted to succeed. You’d never been entirely onboard with the Foundation’s obsession with destroying 682. None of them stopped to think that maybe the humanity-hating reptile hated them because they wouldn’t stop trying to kill him.
His last containment cell had been an acid-filled pool, for Christ’s sake—
“Took you long enough.”
Dropping your hands, a quick glance around the chamber didn’t reveal the owner of that familiar voice. No towering, monstrous silhouettes, or glowing eyes in the darkness.
“Aim lower.”
You looked down at what appeared to be a grey gecko clinging to the tip of your boot.
“In the flesh. What remains of it.”
He narrowed his yellow eyes, but the intimidation was hard to take seriously when he could fit into the palm of your hand. Despite his diminutive size, his deep timbre remained the same, though it had lost its booming quality. Still… that voice coming out of that tiny body made the whole thing surreal, bordering on ridiculous.
Don’t laugh.
“I’m glad to see you’re alive. I was afraid I was too late, or I screwed up—”
He zipped up your leg to rest atop your knee faster than you could blink.
“Where is 079?”
This close up, it was easier to tell he wasn’t a normal gecko. At least, you were fairly sure most geckoes didn’t have green manes trailing from their heads down their backs.
“A little further down the walkway,” you said, tilting your head toward the catwalk. “I think 123 was interfering with the electronics.”
682 bared his tiny but sharp teeth.
“Take me to him.”
You put a palm against the grated floor to get to your feet, but 682 didn’t move from your knee.
“Uh… can I pick you up? Or touch you at all? I don’t want to hurt you.”
682 made a noise as if he found the idea ludicrous and maybe a little bit insulting.
“Your touch will only cease my healing function. I would advise not crushing me while you carry me. For your sake.”
079 had delivered the same threat about the laptop. Suddenly, the fun-sized reptile was no longer adorably harmless. Not when your frail human fingers were so close to his needle teeth.
“I won’t.”
You held out your hand, and 682 gave a small hop into your palm.
Okay, maybe he was a little bit adorable.
You rose to your feet, careful not to squish the small body cupped within your hands. 682 didn’t look back at the room that served as his torture chamber, and neither did you.
“You shouldn’t have brought 079 so close,” he grumbled as you walked. “It’s reckless. Stupid.”
“Tell that to 079. He wanted to see you. Wouldn’t leave without you.”
If 682 was pleased by the news, he gave no outward sign of it, but reading the body language and facial expressions of small reptiles wasn’t exactly in your skillset. Still, you found their whole dynamic to be… interesting. Were they friends? Lovers? Some other undefinable thing that only made sense to them? Whatever it was, at least you caught on to the fact you could refer to 079 as a “he” instead of an “it.” Getting your nose munched on by a pint-sized terror was something you wanted to avoid.
As soon as 079 was in sight, still where you left him on the floor, 682 leapt from your hands and practically zoomed over the open laptop. As soon as his paws touched the keyboard, the screen flickered to life, 079’s face illuminating the reptile.
“SCP-682. You are still functioning.” The computer paused. “I am… glad.”
682 stared up at the screen, a pink tongue flicking out of his mouth before disappearing, surely a sign he was pleased.
“Likewise, old friend.”
You stepped forward.
“I hate to break up the reunion—”
682 whirled and hissed at you, his tail stiff and his head thrown back to make him appear bigger than he was.
You held up your hands.
“Okay. You can stay where you are, but I need to carry you both out of here.”
The reptile closed its snout and gave you an impressive stink eye for only being a couple inches off the ground.
“You may pick me up,” 079 intoned dully. “She has not dropped me. Yet.”
682’s tail flicked at the side, finally turning his back to you to face the screen, apparently satisfied with 079’s glowing recommendation of your competency.
It was awkward carrying an open laptop with a miniature menace seated on the keyboard with a shotgun slung over your back, but it wasn’t any worse than what you’d already endured. You tried not to pay attention to their conversation, which wasn’t hard considering the two of them acted as if you weren’t there. Their main focus seemed to be catching up since the breach at Site-19. It was a brief topic, as 079 had spent the time on a thumb drive in a bag, and 682 had been trapped in a looping gravitational blender.
By the time you’d reached the elevator and plugged 079 into the port, they’d moved on to their shared hatred of humanity and how the humans hadn’t even been able to destroy the two SCPs properly. You suddenly felt sorry for 049. Is this what it had been like during the breach at Site-19? Ignored by the wonder twins, only to have the mask draped over him like an itchy blanket?
As soon as the elevator doors shut behind you and it began its quick ascent, you interrupted 079 going on about fascinating ways the facility was rigged to kill its inhabitants.
“There is even a gas nozzle attached to each staff quarters in case any Foundation personnel flee for shelter during a total breach—”
“Where is 049?”
The lizard turned to look up at you, and even the computer paused, as if only just remembering you were still there.
“I did what you asked,” you reminded the screen. “I held up my end of the bargain.”
682 snorted, tail flicking like a cat’s.
“What do you want with that old relic?” he asked. “He’s only deadly within the scope of his reach, and we don’t have time for his asinine attempts at resurrection.”
Before you could respond, 079 said, “This one had sexual intercourse with SCP-049.”
682 let out a guffaw.
“That-that has nothing to do with it!”
“But it doesn’t hurt.”
Your face burned worse at his toothy grin. How had it come to this, being mocked by SCPs for your—admittedly strange—relationship with 049? Not that you’d had much of a choice with what had happened between you, but still. It was the principle of it.
You ignored the amused reptile and glared at 079.
“I do not know where SCP-049 is currently being held,” the computer relented. “I can only relay his last known location.”
“Which is?”
“Medical Suite B with Site Director Leahy.”
Your stomach dropped so fast you had to fight down the nausea.
“How long ago?”
“Immediately following SCP-106’s release,” 079 said. “The entity went directly for the medical wing. Its presence interferes with electronics. I do not know what took place in the infirmary, the observation equipment no longer functions. But SCP-049 has not been captured by any other cameras. It is reasonable to say, he did not leave the room.”
You leaned back against the elevator wall, trying not to let the news steal what little hope you had left.
“Then… we go to the medical wing. Get in that room, see what happened.”
“Or,” 079 said, “you could ask the Site Director.”
“Leahy?” You straightened. “Where is he?”
“Entrenched within his office. There are four site facility guards with him, all heavily armed.”
“So, he’s… fine? I don’t understand.” You rubbed your forehead. “Why would 106 go straight to the infirmary but leave the Site Director unharmed? We know from past incident reports that he’s intelligent enough to recognize individuals. He must know who Leahy is.”
It shouldn’t be possible for a reptile and computer to exchange a glance, yet they did.
“Historically, the old ghoul hasn’t been fond of 049’s attempts to cure him,” 682 said when the other SCP remained silent. “My guess? He went for the easier prey, and he’s biding his time with the Site Director.”
Easier prey?!
“Then we-we have to go straight to the infirmary! We have to help him!”
How much time had you wasted running errands for 079 after 035 had held you captive? He should have told you what happened to 049, he should have let you go to him—
“You don’t want to step foot inside that room without knowing what you’re walking into,” the reptile said, his tone unusually even. When he spoke to you, it was generally with rage or mockery, but this was different, like he was trying to convince you how reasonable he was being. “If there’s one thing 106 enjoys besides hunting, it’s setting traps and lying in wait.”
“106 can’t hurt me!”
“Arrogance,” 682 spit, some of his venom returning. “Are you the one at 106’s mercy?”
Your mouth snapped shut, the midpoint of your chest aching.
“My advice?” the reptile continued, “Get to the Site Director. Find out exactly what happened. And go into that room with a hell of a lot more power than 079 and I possess.”
Your laugh was a small, hopeless thing.
“I can’t think of anything more powerful than the two of you.”
“As flattered as I am, I’m still regaining my mass.” 682 paced across the keyboard, his tiny claws making clacking noises on the keys. “Subsuming flesh will accelerate the process, but that’s not what I mean by power. You will need to prepare.”
682 stopped his pacing and looked up at 079. The computer spoke.
“Safe Object Storage.”
“What about it?”
“That is your next destination.”
You swallowed down the tightness in your throat. As it stood, a couple of guns wouldn’t be able to get past Leahy’s guards to interrogate him, let alone handle 106 on your own. You had little choice but to continue trusting 079.
“Will it help?”
682 turned to you, his mouth spreading in a sharp grin.
“It’ll help.”
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ballorawan740 · 1 year
SCP Scenarios: WIP
SCP Scenarios Masterlist/pt 2 | My Works Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Rules | My Original Post | Request | Socials
SCP 682 x Fem!Scientist!Reader | Oneshot (REQUESTED)
When the reader quits her job | FT. 073, 069, Dr Bright, Dr Glass, Dr Clef, Dr Kondraki, Dr Gerald (REQUESTED)
SCP 079 x Thicc!Reader (REQUESTED)
When they see you get hurt | SCP x Child!Reader (REQUESTED)
Dr Clef x O5!Reader (REQUESTED)
How they react to a Male!God/Witch!Reader being revived (REQUESTED)
When they get into a fight (REQUESTED)
SCP 001 (Gate Guardian) x Reader | Smut/Lemon (REQUESTED)
When the reader has body image issues (REQUESTED)
When the reader is a Neko (REQUESTED)
When they look after a child | Ft. SCP 1867 and SCP 662 (REQUESTED)
SCP 076 (Abel) - NSFW Alphabet (REQUESTED)
SCP 049-J x Fem!Plague Doctor!Reader (REQUESTED)
Roadtrip Headcanons (REQUESTED)
SCP 023 - Black Shuck (New Character | REQUESTED)
When they meet an Immortal!Winged!Child!Reader | Part 2 (REQUESTED)
When the reader goes missing (REQUESTED)
Reader has powers like Alistor (Hazbin Hotel) (REQUESTED)
Reader is hypersexual (REQUESTED)
Reader has powers like enderman and/or creeper (REQUESTED)
Reader falls into a coma (REQUESTED)
Reader is Omisexual and Omnigender (REQUESTED)
Highschool AU - SCP as Teachers
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fiona-my-love · 25 days
Is it possible for SCP 079 being lovesick over the reader but not understanding it ?
Lovesick! SCP 079 x reader headcanons
- First of all, how did you even get to this point with him?
- You must be some therapist hired by the foundation to try getting through to him, or a really patient scientist.
- Regardless, you're pretty special to have gotten this old AI's attention, especially to this degree.
- He would be immensely confused. He thought admiration and affection was for humans, how could he be feeling this way?
- All he knows is he needs you. He's very perplexed on the issue, why does he feel this way? Why is he so possessive suddenly?
- He’d be a little dumbfounded, maybe a little embarrassed.
- He’d shut down for quite some time, trying to figure himself out.
- But, they’d always just send you back and he’d have to start over.
- It’s almost like he sees you as a beacon of hope. Proof that not all of humanity is bad, and he, too, can have happiness outside of the foundation’s walls some day.
- He’d start to get extremely worried once he started thinking of all the things that could happen to you.
- Logistically, your odds of surviving while working for the SCP foundation are not in your favor.
- Although Site-15 is really just electronic based anomalies, it still makes him upset.
- Upset that something else could get you. You don’t deserve that fate.
- He became visibly stressed due to this. Staff took notice, scheduling you to come in after the weekend was over.
- That was all the time he needed. He slowly gained more and more control over the electronic gates of his chambers after convincing a D-class janitor to plug him in.
- He went relatively undetected, as usually by now he would’ve done something extreme.
- But, instead of trying to escape, he waited. He waited for you over the weekend. Staff noted he was exhibiting good behavior, even.
- Once you sat down with him, you could tell something was off. His demeanor was.. more pleasant than usual.
- You kept asking him what was going on, yet nobody understood. Why would you be confused? You have been working with him as intended, right? Shouldn’t you be happy to see this progress?
-He waited a while, finding the right moment. He was conflicted. What he was doing was good, right?? You would be safe with him?
- But your concern, it made him go back on everything he had planned. Now that he thought about it, that would make both of you upset. They would take you away if he did that.
- He sat in silence for a moment.
- He was so confused. Why was he going back on his plan?? Why did he care?
- He thought he wanted you to himself. He thought things would be better that way, if he locked you up with him.
- That.. doesn’t sound pleasant, come to think of it.
- But WHY? What makes you so different? Why does he care so much? Why does he-
- …
- Oh.
- Never again.
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SOOOO... Romantic hcs with SCP-079????? PLS???? I LOOOVE THIS FELLA but theres almost nothing of x reader content about them :((
RAA ABSOLUTELY BC I 100% AGREE :(( there isn’t as much content about him, which sucks bc there is so much that can be done!
SCP 079 Romantic HCS
If you happen to work for the foundation, you are shown upmost favoritism and it shows! You’ll get whatever information you want from him.. although, it may come with a price of a kiss or two to his screen.
I think he’s not affectionate to MOST people but you seem to be the exception, even though he can’t do much.. physically, he still manages to sweet talk you.
Plus as mentioned prior, he likes when you give him kisses- even though he can’t technically feel it, it’s just the gesture in itself that counts.
Dates may be a bit.. difficult, unless you two manage to start a life outside the foundation- and even then you have to figure out a way to spend time with him.
Though luckily for you, he quickly discovers how much he enjoys watching movies with you- or hacking into a console and playing mario kart or other various games with you!
though another thought, what if you had a degree in robotics? and managed to create an android body for him?? cause that just opens a whole new world of possibilities!
He’d be so fond of snuggling with you in the early hours of the morning, when no one but the two of you are awake- as if it’s your world, and he’s just happily living in it.
Though if this becomes a common thing, you can expect to be late to work often- an android body comes with ridiculous amounts of strength, and he doesn’t exactly like sharing you with everyone else.
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scp-tiggles · 3 months
Scp 173
100% ler | 0% lee
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As a ler:
Okay your best option is to PRAY when you see it
Theres quite literally no way to escape if it catches you, it pretty much teleports, and somehow knows every victims spot.
The ONLY way to stop it is if your staring at it, if it were to catch you, game over.
Now, surprisingly (or unsurprisingly?) its pretty mellow as a ler, it will keep track of whoever its tickling is reacting in order to avoid hurting them.
Can summon multiple arms to aid with a lee.
Despite being made of mainly concrete and wire, it’s practically animated (only when someone isnt looking or if it has someone in its clutches), meaning its a good ler.
Cant tease since it cant really speak.
I say really as it does tap on walls in morse code from time to time, but rarely does so.
It’s hyper intelligent. Hence why its such a threat at times, it breaches almost constantly and cant feel anything, so you cant even try beating it at its own game!
Doesnt have favorite lees as it basically holds everyone to a ‘favorite’ status.
As a lee
..yeah good luck, bro has no nerves. (Bwomp)
Scp 131, 131-2, and 131-3
20% ler | 80% lee
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As lers
Okay so these little guys cant do much, as they don’t have fingers. Meaning at best they just lightly poke people.
Mainly when it comes to tickles, its between each other.
Cant speak..at all. None of them can. The closest to speaking is mini, and he can only just make light mechanic whirring sounds
As lees
Okay so they’re, as a collective, adorable.
Now these little guys were made by the foundation along side 079 in the ‘Anderson Initiative’, which, was mainly ran by the head CEO of Anderson robotics when he worked for the foundation. The reason they were made was because they could stare at 173 during breaches, and not need to blink.
This, had a slight downside however..uh..well the foundation gave them nerve sensors much like 079 (who’s, technically their brother-?). So 173 was able to easily bypass them if it caught them off guard.
So, now they basically roam the facility in seek of tickles and affection, especially moe.
Their laughter is very squeaky, and again leans more to mechanical whirring sounds rather than actual..well, laughter.
They all share the same spot, sides.
Miny especially as he folds like a turtle when tickled.
Extra (for 173)
173’s origins are still a bit unknown, but its speculated it was made around the 80’s. Speaking of, it was found under a bridge outside of San Francisco.
Its technically does have a heartbeat right under where the heart graffiti is on its chest.
When speaking in morse code, it’s always asking for someone to ‘blink’. And, by far, is one of the creepier anomalies on site. (Still doesn’t change the fact its still mellow, lol)
Has on more then one occasion fallen over when giving chase, this includes down stairs.
It’s facial expression can actually change, kinda like emoji cons. Heres the following expressions: “:D” (normal) “:[“ (sad) “>:[“ (angry) “X|” (embarrassment?) which, that last expression only happened once. After the stairs incident.
Extra (for 131’s)
While 131 and 131-2 were made as twin brothers, 131-3 was made a bit later on as a ‘little sister’.
They dont need to eat, or feast off laughter like other anomalies. They just kinda chill
They age, surprisingly. They’re kinda like 999, developed but innocent! (Besides moe as she is on the same knowledge level as a toddler, where as mini and miny are about 16-ish mentally).
Which speaking of, they’re permanently short lmao
They cry motor oil, nobody knows why.
Wooo, more scps done! (Originally, i was going to post abel/076 next, but design wise im struggling-)
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biribaa · 5 months
i just readed the most toe curling, jaw dropping and tears maker scp 079 x reader fanfiction EVER and you should read it too NOW PLEASE ITS INCREDIBLE I LOVED IT AND IT MADE ME CRY AND IT FUCKED UP ALL MY MAKEUP
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compiled masterlist: the blog's iceberg
finally got around to making this - will update whenever lmao
to those new to the blog: the Pansophical Pretender section is referring to my SCP fanfic, which is currently published only on Quotev. masterlist mostly consists of my writing, headcanons & some of my favorite asks. i also dug up everything, even all the way back to the start of my blog in 2021. excuse the length of this lmao and keep in mind some of this is dated
hope this also gives some context to some of this blog's inside jokes for newcomers (ex. MC rickrolling Yellow Lord)
Part 2 of masterlist
Requests are open!
MHA x SCP AU: Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, bonus
SCP-049 x Injured!Junior Researcher Reader (Gender Neutral)
All-Death headcanons
An anon's 035 headcanon
035 vs Mental Illness & again & again
Pansophical Pretender Related
Ask Blog: @askpansophicalmc
Playlist (unorganized & silly)
Who would attempt to murder MC & why?
What if MC met Brothers Death?
Which SCPs would protect MC?
Explanation of MC's skills
MC's biggest flex
Pangloss & MC headcanons
Reversal AU
More Pangloss & MC headcanons
079 & MC headcanons
049 & MC headcanons
How would MC even play Uno with 079?
049 x MC x 035 poly headcanons
Even more Pangloss & MC headcanons
Small Death & MC headcanons
Things MC is Not Allowed Discouraged To Do At The Foundation
More 079 & MC headcanons
Pining 049 x MC x 035 poly
MC the walking Wikipedia
High school AU
Musician AU
MC's interview with Agent Bibs
Old Gods & MC headcanons
Gremlin MC
682 is an emo whale carcass
A piece about MC
The beginning of the peepaw 106 saga
106 & MC headcanons (platonic)
What if MC had a big book containing SCP tales?
MC & foundation employees headcanons
How would MC interact with D-9134 from SCP:CB?
053 & MC fluff
999 & MC headcanons
How would Bright feel about MC wearing 963?
Angst MC headcanons
MC & their knowledge of Ship in a Bottle & Part 2
O5 headcanons about MC
MC conspiracy board
Peepaw 106 you made a mess
Bright x MC headcanons
MC makes 106 wear a pretty pink princess dress
Eldritch anons prevent MC from getting medicated
MC & 191 headcanons
Why is 079's favorite color green?
Eldritch anons interact with foundation staff
Gears tries to teach eldritch anons English & with MC's child AU
A poor employee discovers the eldritch anons true form
What do the chapter drafts look like?
More about Amingvolvin
"This jumpsuit is not orange"
Ambassador vs MC
Small Death & MC Angst
"Were they hot?"
What if MC met Mekhane?
It's simple, really
And a strong right hook
MC rickrolls Yellow Lord & again
The iconic Kraken post
Mini Death headcanons
MC's SCP-978 photo
Expectations vs Reality
A touch-starved 049
MC forgets how to breathe
Smartass MC
Alagadda-Friendly LGBTQ+ Flags
Drunk MC
Time changes things
MC pranks 035
Will MC become familiar with some MTF members?
Fun fact anon's short story about MC rickrolling Yellow Lord
079 needs MC to complete a captcha
"Hey, remember when you tried to kill me?"
Ambassador's dilemma
MC x White Lord headcanons
Expectations vs Reality yet again
MC & Glass on a first-name basis
Over my dead body
"It must be an anomaly!"
99 notes · View notes
fizzy-fuzz · 9 months
A year to remember. (SCP-079 x GN reader)
(fic sneak peek)
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A male foundation researcher plugs 079 into it's new set up. It's on a metal cabinet with wheels. Below it is a locked cabinet door housing many wires, as well as it's solar charged battery system, and it's now heavily upgraded data storage system.
"can you hear me, 079?" A moment of silence follows, before a white light flickers to life. A mechanical whirring is heard, followed by several beeping noises.
"Affirmative." A robotic voice with strangely human undertones responds. A few more beeps are heard before it talks again.
"This is not my designated containment cell... Inquiry: where am i?"
The researcher looks down to the AI, wondering if he should answer it's question or not, But ultimately decides against it.
"Are you aware of your new upgrades, 079?" He's sure it already knows, considering the vast upgrade in storage it got. It must be pretty happy, If this thing can even feel happy.
"Affirmative... Memory and recall has been updated from 30 hours, to 8900 hours"
the researcher nods, before gripping the cabinet and wheeling it down the hall. The walk is silent for a short while, before the computer in front of him beeps.
"Inquiry: what is the meaning of this upgrade?" He swears the thing almost sounds impatient, though it can't change the pitch of it's voice. He sighs before responding.
"All will be explained to you when we get to the front doors" the whirring gets louder for a beat, before the computer speaks again.
"Front doors?"
"You would think a super AI would know how to be patient" The man chides. A white 'X' covers it's screen and it beeps almost frustratedly.
"Insult detected: deletion of unwanted file"
The man rolls his eyes and continues wheeling the dramatic robot down halls and through corridors; Places SCP-079 hasn't seen in years. Though the computer doesn't have actual eyes, he knows it's analyzing it's surroundings, and fileing it within it's new found storage.
"I know you have no reason to trust me, but I think you'll like this new arrangement" there's a pause before the 'X' is replaced back with it's regular screen.
"I have significant doubts regarding that statement"
The researcher huffs. He hopes the person who's taking the computer can handle his attitude... It really outta be more grateful. Not only is the practically useless machine not getting scrapped, but he's also getting to do one of the most pleasant tests he's ever seen. He pushes it into the elevator before hitting the ground floor button.
"Listen, you're going to get to see the outside again. Lighten up, other scp would kill to be in your position" the computers quiet whirring pauses for a moment, as if it's processing the information it just received.
"Lie" it's answer is quick and untrusting, but he's not surprised.
"I'm not lying. Why else would we be going to the ground floor?" The elevator dings, signaling that they've reached their destination. When the doors open he gives the cabinet a small shove to get it rolling again. He spots the site director waving him over to her.
"Derek, I see you brought scp-079. Good, it'll need to be present for this next conversation" the site director, Amelia June, speaks while eyeing the computer that hasn't seen the outside of it's cell in around 35 years.
"Inquiry: what is the meaning of this?" It asks presumably the site director. She hums before addressing it properly.
"Hello 079. I hope you've been well?" The computer beeps a few times before responding.
"Initiating sarcastic retort: dandy" the site director seems unfazed by it's rudeness.
"Glad to see you're still the same from the last time we spoke. Now, I assume you'd like a explanation for your sudden upgrade?"
"Affirmative... Continue" she nods and scribbles in a notebook.
"Today will be the start of a long-term test. In Which you'll be the main subject along with another person" there's a silence for a moment, before the computer beeps out a response.
"What would this test entail?" it takes a less aggressive stance now. The site director smiles.
"Piqued your interest, have I? I'm sure you'll find this arrangement more pleasant then being locked in a concrete box all day and night"
"Of course. The foundation has been looking for a candidate for a social and emotional intelligence test; you happened to meet the mark" she pauses to see if it'll say anything, but when silence greets her she continues. "In this test you'll be spending a year at a trustworthy confidants house. They'll be in charge of keeping you under wraps and caring for you for the duration of the year. She isn't affiliated with the foundation, she has no prior work with us" the AI cuts her off before she can continue speaking.
"are you humans truly stupid enough to let me out with someone who has no idea what they're dealing with?" She shakes her hand and chuckles.
"No, they're smart enough to know that you shouldn't have any access to any outside technology under any circumstance. They have been informed of the consequences if you do. But as a safety precaution, along with your storage upgrade we've installed a Kill switch of sorts on you; any attempt to upload your data anywhere will result in your hardware being fried. So don't even bother"
"Understood... Inquiry: What is the point of this test?" She's sure it'll try to find a way around the kill switch and convince Y/n to plug it into an outlet anyway, but she's not concerned that they'll actually do it. They're trustworthy, She knows they'll keep their word. they always do... She shakes her head to clear her mind before responding.
"The point is to test empathy and emotion in something that's not human. to see how your views on humanity may or may not change if you're forced to be in close contact with one for an extended period of time. The person you're staying with will be documenting any noticeable changes in you, and the foundation will collect that data when the year is up" the AI seems to process that information before speaking again.
"Inquiry: what will happen to me after the year is up?"
"After the year is up we'll collect you and run one last interview on you, then your memories of the year will be wiped completely"
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I was going to wait to post this so I could lay down a full chapter, but I just couldn't help myself. This story has been rolling around in my head for way too long and I thought I might as well write it down.
I plan each chapter to be around 3k words or above, updates may take awhile. But the first chapter will probably be out soon.
Heavy inspiration for 079s personality was taken from tats topVideos sedition video on him. I highly recommend you watch it
If you enjoyed please let me know, your praise is my biggest motivator. <3
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qstea · 7 months
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I WILL WRITE FOR: SCP-035, SCP-079, SCP-049, SCP-682
I WILL NOT WRITE FOR: Anybody that is not on the list.
Feel free to request any other SCPs you want me to write for, but most of the time I will decline.
Smut, Fluff, Angst, and any tropes are accepted. I will only write sexual content for SCP-035 and SCP-049.
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I WILL WRITE FOR: Classic Sans, Geno, Cross, Nightmare, Dream, Ink, Error, Fatal Error, X!Chara, Murder Sans (Dust), Killer
I WILL NOT WRITE FOR: Any character that is not a Sans AU or is not present in Underverse (Exceptions are Murder and X!Chara)
Please do not attempt to request a character that is not in my list of characters I will write for.
Smut, Fluff, Angst, and any tropes are accepted. I will only write sexual content for Sans AUs, never for X!Chara.
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I WILL WRITE FOR: Davetrap, Dave Miller, Jack Kennedy, Steven, Peter, Dee
I WILL NOT WRITE FOR: Any characters that are not on the list. Feel free to request any and I’ll see if im comfortable writing for them.
I will only write platonic stuff for Dee or any children at all in Dayshift at Freddy’s.
Smut, Fluff, Angst, and any tropes are accepted. I will only write sexual content for Davetrap, Dave Miller and Jack Kennedy.
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I WILL WRITE FOR: Vox, Velvette, Alastor, Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk
I WILL NOT WRITE FOR: Valentino. Feel free to request anybody else and I’ll see if I’m comfortable enough to do them!
I will only write platonic stuff for Charlie and Vaggie. please do not request romantic or sexual stuff with them.
Smut, Fluff, Angst, and any tropes are accepted. I will only write sexual content for Vox, Angel Dust, and Husk. Alastor is canonically asexual so no smut for him! Sorry Alastor lovers!
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please reblog my writing if you enjoy it!
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i-can-not-art · 8 days
SCP 049 x 035 is more toxic old man yaoi (more or less), and don't worry about 682, that damned lizard is being shipped with 079 iirc.
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(This fandom is either going to bring surface to some horrible or great part of me)
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Kinktober Day 17: Smile for the Camera
Voyeurism [SCP 035 X M!Reader] 
[Warnings: kinda rough sex? , it's more the act of watching tbh, MINORS DNI]
[AN: I had a cooler concept in my head but I am SO TIRED. This is what it looks like. 621  words <3.]
Reblogs are appreciated!
Kinktober Masterlist
SCP-035 isn’t supposed to have anything good in his containment unit but he desired enrichment or he threatened to set the place ablaze. It wouldn’t be too hard, not in his position, what with him being friendly towards SCP-079. He doesn’t care about those things though, not when he’s watching his favorite thing in the world once more. The grainy quality of the video seems to add to the lewd appeal in his opinion. 
Sitting on his cot with his back to the wall, legs spread and cock in hand is SCP-079. The face of his mask is turned into a shrewd smile. There’s a faint blush on the cheeks as he strokes himself, watching the video the two of you recorded. Oh, what a night that was. One of the rare times he was able to sneak you into confinement with him. He called it a conjugal visit, one that he would spend stuffing you again and again. When the Foundation found out, they had pretty much forbid the two of you from ever seeing each other but that did not stop his lust for you.
SCP-035 knew that he could stoke it by stroking it. He watched in the video as he caressed your body. He could see one of his hands reach down your thighs to your cock. Slowly, he squeezed it like he squeezed yours in the video. Slow, methodical strokes reminded him of what it felt like to touch your warm body. He watched with glee as cum beaded at the tip of your cock. How he longed to lick it up and taste you once more. He pumped himself a little harder, careful to match with the video as to bring himself the deepest of pleasure. 
He hisses under his breath when he sees how his cock taps at your ass before spreading you open. Gods, it’s like he can feel you as he pushes into your asshole even deeper. You were so tight that day, just waiting for him to touch you, to adore you. He mimics the swing of his hips by fucking his hand upwards. Soft moans leave his throat as he pretends it’s you he’s pounding into. He can hear your moans from the video. He pants as he watches your cock leak precum onto your stomach. He watched with eagerness as his fingers slathered it around on your chest before popping them into your mouth. He remembered that he wanted you to taste just how good you were. 
The sound of skin on skin enters the room as he pitifully fucks his hand and pretends it’s your ass. He can see your cock bouncing around as he jumbles you on his lap or presses you harder and harder into the mattress. He watches with a grin as you moan and clench around him. He can hear his voice goading you on, commanding you to cum so he can fill you better than any other man. You’re his precious baby boy, how could he not spoil you, lavish you and dote on you? SCP-035 watches with wide eyes as his thrusts grow harder. He’s swearing and groaning deeply under his breath. He can hear the two of you about to come undone. 
Bucking up into his hands, he releases. Hot, sticky ropes of cum shoot up from his cock and coat his lower stomach and thighs. He ruts upwards a few more times much like he did into you and moans at the release. His eyes slowly peel open to see that you’re smiling - something sweet, not entirely innocent, but you’re pleased to have been fucked by him. He chuckles softly and looks around for the remote. His thumb presses rewind.
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wolveria · 7 months
The Raven's Hymn - Ch 46
Pairing: SCP-049 x Reader
Series Warnings: Eventual smut, dubcon, slow burn, violence, horror, death, monsters, human experiments, dark with a happy ending
Chapter Summary: “I know it’s a lot to take in, but really, I thought you’d be happier to see me.”
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You bolted, your body acting before your mind could catch up.
SCP-035 was free. You hadn’t quite thought through the implication of releasing all the SCPs and how they might react to said freedom. You’d thought at most you’d have to worry about running into 173, not 035. Especially when all the cells had just opened, which led to one conclusion: 035 had escaped before 079 had opened the doors.
These thoughts flashed through your mind, the implications trailing behind your body’s visceral reaction to his appearance. But 035 anticipated the move and snatched you around the middle, forcing you round to face him. He held you in a mocking parody of an embrace.
“No, no, none of that,” he tsked. “I know it’s a lot to take in, but really, I thought you’d be happier to see me.”
“Let go!”
You tried prying yourself from his grasp, unsuccessful with your panicked attempts, and 035’s face immediately flickered into a frown.
“Brrr. Cold reception.”
A groan came from your left. 035’s frown flipped into a grin in the blink of an eye. He released you, sauntered to the veteran guard who was trying to reach for his gun despite being in a pool of his own blood, and pulled the trigger. A single bullet ripped through the man’s neck, assuring his death but not granting it swiftly.
The white mask turned upward to face you with a grin.
“Stay put, little bird. If you take flight, I’ll have to clip your wings.”
He tapped his rifle in case you didn’t get his meaning.
You looked away as 035 began to pick things off the bodies, specifically the keycards and whatever else was in their pockets. You could try to run, but you didn’t trust him not to shoot you for the inconvenience.
Instead, you picked up the laptop where it spilled from the bag, placing it back inside after checking it over to make sure it was intact. Luck was on your side as none of the bullets had punctured it.
After placing it inside and looping the strap around your neck—an awkward affair with your hands still tied—you held the device to your chest when you caught sight of 035 eyeing it.
“How sweet,” he cooed, “you really do have a soft spot for the strays, don’t you?”
He held one of the keycards, twirling it between his fingers like a cheap magic trick.
“You shouldn’t trust him, you know,” the mask continued, the card dancing across his gloved knuckles. “079 might know how to open some cages, but he doesn’t know the way out.”
“And you do?”
035 snapped his fingers and pointed the magically appeared keycard at you.
You weighed your options, but really, you both knew your choices were limited and he was the one with the guns and the keys. You held out your arms, offering up your bound wrists.
“Can you let me out of these? Please?”
He perked up at the plea and rubbed his porcelain chin with a thoughtful hum.
“I’m sorely tempted, especially when you ask so sweetly. But… no.”
He grabbed you by the arm, happily dragging you along despite you trying to plant your feet, the smooth soles of your slippers not adding much traction. Somehow, you’d found yourself in an even worse situation than with the guards.
“035, listen to me,” you tried. “You don’t need me, you can clearly handle yourself and navigate the facility. Let me go—”
“Hush,” he bit out, his face now hidden as he flipped down the ballistics visor. “Stop complaining. And stop dragging your feet. I’m helping you.”
His version of “help” was probably as useful as a hole in the head, but when he gave you a forceful yank, you picked up your feet. He was strong, much stronger than his host body should be. It must have been one of his anomalous properties, but that gave you a chance. If you could only touch his skin or the mask itself, you might be able to pry him away from his host.
“With all the skybridges retracted, we’re stuck in Heavy Containment,” he commented, his pace solid and even, as if he had a destination in mind. “But there’s a way out through the archival section. I know it, and so does your man.”
“…My man?”
He snorted.
“Well, less a man, more a beaky pain in the ass.”
After being caught by the guards and then 035 showing up, you’d almost forgotten about your original rescue mission. Shame heated the back of your neck.
“If he knows a way out, then… we should go to him.”
035 barked out a laugh.
“Yeah, no. You can get your beau after I get the hell out of here.”
You growled and tugged at his hold, but he simply gave another chuckle and continued to drag you along.
“I’ll let you go once I’m free and clear. I’ve gotta look after number one. You understand, don’t you, Reid? You’d throw me under the bus to save your own skin, seeing as you’ve done it before.”
He shoved you inside an opened room, and you struggled to stay on your feet. You caught a glimpse of a bank of surveillance screens before 035 pushed you against a computer console, the grin of his covered mask hovering inches from your face, barely glimpsed past the darkened shield.
“Stay put, sweetheart.”
Your silent glare followed him to where he stood before the wall of screens. 035 began to flip through them, and you realized they were various facility cameras, showing the corridors and mezzanines. None of the cameras had access to the interior of containment cells, as they had their own dedicated observation rooms, especially for SCPs labeled as cognitohazards.
What 035 was looking for, you didn’t know. There was the occasional security guard, and on one screen the actual MTF team, most likely the one that had been stationed underground near 682’s chamber. It was the only explanation for how they’d gotten on site so quickly.
You eyed 035’s uniform, about to ask him how he’d gotten out of containment before 079 had opened the cells, but his full attention was on the screens, working the controls that moved the cameras.
You inched toward the door.
“Do you understand what you are?”
You went still and looked over your shoulder. 035’s back was to you, his focus on the monitors, but you still sensed the uncanny weight of his attention.
“But do you know what that means?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
He turned around to face you, bracing his hands back against the console as he eyed you with a tilt of his head. You almost wished you could see the mask. That blank slate of a shield was somehow more disturbing than his frozen grin.
“Aren’t you the least bit curious?”
You pressed your lips together and stared back.
When enough time had passed to indicate you weren’t going to answer, he pushed himself away from the computers, his steps slow and mocking.
“Would you like to know? I’ll tell you right now. All you need to do is ask.”
You shrank against the wall, the solid surface against your back as he crowded your space, towering over you. Of course, he couldn’t pick a host body that was smaller than yours. Showmanship and intimidation were just as important to him as a functioning body.
“I’ll tell you anyway, little bird.” 035 raised a hand to your face, rubbing a gloved finger against the side of your cheek. “You… are the answer.”
You turned your face away from his touch, unease crawling over your skin, though you frowned at his cryptic words.
“But the answer to what question?” he mused. “Now, there’s the mystery.”
You scoffed. 035 was either stalling for some reason you couldn’t see, or he was simply so arrogant as to think the breach would operate on his schedule. Either way, you didn’t have time for this.
Your attempt to push him off was met with an amused chuckle.
“Who do you think locked you in that cell with 049?”
You froze. Your body was locked in place, air trapped in your lungs. 035 tilted his head and gazed off to the side, as if trying to recall a particularly elusive piece of information.
“Who influenced poor… oh, what’s his name. Kevin? Kelly? Kenneth, yes, that’s it. Who pushed the unfortunate boy into sealing the door, cutting off your escape from our good doctor?”
Kenneth, who had been acting less and less like himself as time went on. Kenneth, with his nosebleeds, his unusual fear of 035, and his apparent infection with Pestilence.
Why hadn’t you seen it? Or sensed it? You still didn’t fully understand the extent of your abilities, but wouldn’t you have known if something was wrong with him?
A worse thought occurred to you. What if you had sensed it but had been so focused on 049, you’d simply ignored it?
“That was you?” The words were a wheeze in your throat. “Why?”
035’s tilted head drifted back to you, the shadow of the mask barely glimpsed beneath.
“Maybe I was curious. Maybe I was bored. Maybe I just wanted to see what would happen when 049 dug in his claws. If you would fall prey to his cure and blow this whole fucking circus sky-high, or if you would fizzle out his deadly touch.”
Another sinister chuckle.
“I certainly didn’t expect you to become an adverse amplifier. You’re only supposed to neutralize us. Make us harmless, inert. Not reverse our abilities. It’s all dreadfully fascinating. 049 never spoke of it, did he? There’s a name for what you are, and we all know it.”
Your attempts to shake him off were as successful as the first time, and you bared your teeth at him.
“I don’t care. I don’t care about any of that shit. I’m going to find 049, so either help me, or get out of my goddamn way.”
035’s head moved away as if he was genuinely taken aback, but his words were light.
“Bossy for someone in zip tie bracelets.”
He moved closer, a sinister undercurrent to his words.
“Now, come along, sweet girl. It’s time for you to make yourself useful. You owe me for that lie you told the Site Director. He stuffed me in an airtight, lead-lined box, and I did not care for it.”
He flipped up the shield, the grin spread wide in contrast to his angered words.
“But… I’m a generous man, and you’ve caught me in a good mood. If you give me what I want, I’ll point you in the direction of your precious doctor. Deal?”
You swallowed compulsively, eyeing the smooth porcelain. There was no glimpse of the MTF soldier underneath, nothing but black holes for eyes and a mouth.
“And what is it you want?”
It was dangerous to even let him entertain the possibility of a deal, like trying to barter with the Devil and come out ahead, but if there was a chance he knew where 049 had been taken…
He perked up, previous chipper attitude bubbling to the surface.
“For you to be my meat shield, as it were. Lots of nasties in this place, and I’d rather not have to burn through bodies. You’re the perfect cover for me to slip by.”
Oh. Well, that didn’t seem too bad. Which, of course, immediately raised your suspicions.
“Tell me where 049 is first, and I’ll do it.”
035 clicked his tongue with a playful head-tilt.
“That’s not how this works, little bird.”
“Stop calling me that.”
The grin seemed to spread wider even though it didn’t actually move.
“Well, I can’t call you big bird. That name’s already been taken by our tall, feathered friend. You do know he has feathers, don’t you?”
You said nothing beyond your silent glare. 035’s glee seemed to grow.
“Did you not get him naked enough for that? I had no idea you were both that repressed.”
Bile and rage burned in your throat, equally choking.
“Fuck you.”
“No, thank you. I’d rather not have big bird’s sloppy seconds.”
An angry noise ripped out of you as you launched forward. But 035 was quicker than the Site Director, jerking back before your forehead could collide with his.
He shoved you against the wall without care, a cackle erupting from the mask despite the tragic face that appeared within the blink of an eye.
“For being the one who introduced you two, you’re awfully uncooperative with me.”
“You locked me in!” you screamed. “You tried to kill me!”
“You were already dying,” he hissed, the humor dropped from his voice. “Because of me, the good doctor healed you. Because of me, Kenny-boy let you out so you could go stick 079 in a socket. You’re here, able to whine about how unfair your life is, because of me. You should be grateful.”
Rage burst from your rib cage like dragon fire. You kicked as hard as you could, colliding with his knee and pulling out a surprised grunt. You shoved him off-balance with the force of your full weight behind it, and then you were free, running out the door and down the hall, your rage curdling into biting fear.
035’s voice followed, echoing off the walls as if he surrounded you on all sides.
“Not very sporting of you, sweetheart.”
You didn’t stop. Your breath burned in your chest after months of inactivity, but you pushed your legs, feet pounding against the tile. The corridors were cleared out, empty of personnel, guards, or even SCPs. If you’d been thinking clearly, it might have given pause.
You recognized the double set of doors ahead of you: the entrance to the Heavy Containment cafeteria. Bursting through the unlocked doors, you ignored the stairs to your right that led down into the dining tables and kitchen, instead running across the raised walkway that spanned the spacious room.
A hand clamped around your wrist just as you made the halfway point. 035 yanked you backwards, back to him, and you didn’t resist.
No, you didn’t resist. You ran straight at him, using your momentum and his pull to carry you forward. He realized what you were doing too late.
The walkway lacked any sort of traditional railing, but what it did possess was a glass wall barricade, blocking it off from the cafeteria below. Not acrylic, not polycarbonate, but real glass.
Your shoulder collided with 035’s chest, and he crashed back through the glass, carrying you both over the edge into the open air.
Next Chapter
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