#Scientist Cg
cgsartwork · 1 year
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Chaos in Miitopia?🤨 impossible!
them all and confused and done with everything,perfection.
here are : Alex who is an Imp Jacqueline who is a mage and will avada kedavra anyone at this point Cyber (ahaha my persona-) a scientist and Evpraksia as a popstar and last but not least Chôros who is a slaying warrior.
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saiscribbles · 1 month
If you could make an oc for each Diamond court what would they be?
Actually... I kinda already have.
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First there's Star Sapphire, my off-color Sapphire Gem OC who has retrocognition (ability to see the past), only she can't control what she sees. She'd be in Blue's court. Technically.
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And Olivine, my Era 1 Peridot Gem OC, who in Era 3 basically becomes a mad scientist who experiments on other Gems. She'd have been in Yellow's court.
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And the Honey Agates I designed just to be redshirts in a Pearl showcase Switcheroo AU entry. Someone asked if they're Honey Agates and I stuck with it. They'd also have been in Yellow's court.
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And of course some people would argue CG!Spinel is basically an OC at this point so there ya go.
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angelbaby-fics · 9 months
No Matter What
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Pairing: CG!Steve Rogers x Little!Reader (fem nicknames used)
Word Count: 1k
A/N: omg this idea has literally been in my docs since i started this blog and i only finally wrote it all out!! y'all know i loooove thinking about pre serum steve, and i love exploring that concept through the eyes of his little 💕 also i just wanna add, i dont think worms are icky or slimy! little was just being cheeky!
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“Daddy? Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
 The question took Steve by surprise; why would you even ask something like that? You were splayed out across the couch, torso propped up by pillows and one leg limply strewn over Steve’s thigh, exhausted from an hours-long playdate at Peter's house. The two of you had been sitting in silence as he read a book and you watched a cartoon on your tablet, when suddenly you popped the question.
“Why, babydoll? Are you planning on turning into a worm any time soon?” He said with a chuckle, which was apparently the wrong answer. Your face fell.
“You was s’posed to say yes, daddy,” you said with a frown. 
“Absolutely I would, my baby, I’ll always love you no matter what.” Steve reassured you, giving a light pat to your socked foot. But you weren’t entirely convinced.
“You sure daddy? You’d still love me even if I was a icky slimy worm?” You raised your eyebrows at him. 
“You’d still be my babygirl, right?”
You thought for a moment, pondering the logistics of worm transfiguration, before nodding. 
“And you’d still have the same loving heart? And the same brilliant mind?”
You nodded again. “Then of course I would still love my beautiful baby, even if you were an adorable, tiny little worm.”
You giggled at this, and repositioned yourself to be nearer to your daddy, abandoning your tablet on the ground. Setting his book down as well, Steve wrapped his arms around you with a smile. As you buried yourself into his body, he softly ran his thumbs in circles on your back. Snuggling into his biceps, you mumbled into his muscles. “You’d have to be careful if I was a worm, cos daddy’s so big and strong!” 
Steve kept stroking your back, but his hands slowed down as he began to get lost in thought. It didn’t take long for you to notice the change in his mood, so you pulled your head out from his embrace to check on him. 
Your daddy had a look on his face you’d never seen before… not sad, but distant. Like his body was here with you, but his mind was back in the past. As soon as he felt your curious gaze on him, it was as if he snapped back into reality. Not wanting you to worry, he put on a soft smile and kissed you on the head, but you couldn’t let that moment go. “What’s wrong, daddy?” You asked, your eyes serious and pleading with him to be honest with you. He thought to himself for a moment and took a heavy breath.
“You know, babydoll, daddy didn’t used to be so big and strong. He was small once upon a time” Your eyes widened in disbelief.
“You mean you were small like a baby? Small like me?”
Steve nodded, cracking a smile at your shocked reaction.
“That’s right, only I wasn’t a baby. I was a grown up, but my body stayed tiny.”
“How come?”
“That’s just how I was born, sweetpea.”
“And then you work out lots and lots and eat your veggies and turned into big daddy like now?”
Steve sighed again. 
“Not quite, angel. You see, I tried really hard to get big and strong like I am now, eating my veggies just like you said, but nothing helped. Then one day, a scientist gave me a special medicine, and it made me grow. All this happened before you were born, babydoll, so you didn’t know me back then.”
You furrowed your brows in contemplation. Although Steve had omitted any details unfit for a youngster like yourself, he hoped it still made sense in your tiny mind. You just couldn’t believe it though, daddy was always known for being strong and brave, it was even in his theme song! The thought of him being anything other than the man you’ve always known and loved just wouldn’t compute in your little head. Steve could tell you were still confused when he had an idea. Carefully, he stood up with you still entangled in his arms, and brought you over to the big bookshelf in the living room. 
Steve went straight to the top shelf, the one you couldn’t reach, and pulled down the old photo album you’d always been curious about. The worn leather of the cover reminded you of an ancient spellbook, and no matter how many times you asked, Steve had never brought it down for you to look at until now. He brought it with him as he sat you back onto the couch, and took a seat next to you, opening the book across both of your laps.
Inside the book, you didn’t find spells at all, just pictures of people you couldn’t recognize. Black and white photos of a boy, who kind of reminded you of your friend Peter. He wore clothes that were just slightly too big on him, almost like he was pretending to be a grown up instead of actually being one. And his face looked familiar.
Suddenly, your jaw dropped. You looked up at Steve, back down to the photograph, back up at Steve, over and over, processing the puzzle you had just put together. “That’s you, daddy!” You cried out.
“I know!” Steve laughed. “Can you believe it?”
You shook your head, and resumed staring at the photo, your daddy’s familiar features becoming more and more obvious to you the longer you looked at it. Your attention was only torn from the image after a few minutes when Steve spoke up from beside you.
“Would you still love me if I were small?”
You looked up at him, his hopeful smile and his love-filled eyes. The same ones in the photo you’d been studying for the past five minutes. Softly, you reached up to cup his face in your tiny hands, feeling his cheeks fill with warmth as you did so.
“Same smile… same eyes… same daddy?” You asked.
“Yeah baby, same daddy.”
“Then yes. I always love daddy, no matter what.”
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fanfic-obsessed · 1 month
Well...That Esclated Quickly
Here is another idea that came to me during my walk to work.  I want you to know, though it goes in a humorous direction it really is not a full fix-it. 
When Order 66 went live, some of the chips did not activate. There is no rhyme nor reason as to which chips activate and which did not. Not a huge amount compared to the whole, but some. Enough that a few hundred Jedi and a Few thousand Clones regroup in the aftermath. 
While you can fill in most of the blanks the following are included in my idea
Obi Wan Kenobi and a company’s worth of 212th clones, including Cody: Obi Wan was still shot off the cliff, to the horrified eyes of the still free clones. The still free clones don't have enough numbers to take on their brethren who appear to have gone insane, but do have enough to steal one of the midsized transport ships, one capable of hyperspace flight.  They reluctantly allow Obi Wan to go to Coruscant on his own, with the rationale that one person can sneak to the surface much easier than a whole company, while the clones establish a regroup point.  From there Obi Wan goes on the Mustafar, which ends as it did in canon. Obi Wan brings Padme to the transport ship where she still dies of complications of her pregnancy
Fox, Hound, a dozen other members of the CG, and the Younglings: Fox and the few members of the CG that were unaffected by O66 raced to beat the 501st to the Temple. They made it just a few minutes before their enslaved brothers. Just barely in time to evacuate the children in the creche with the help (and insistent sacrifice) of the adult Jedi.  While there were a few Creche Masters evacuated with the children, it was now basically just Fox and his CG functionally in charge of baby Jedi ranging from Babies to Pre teens. They connect with remains of the 212th before the events of Mustafar. 
Yoda, who did still have to kill his commander in order to escape, but was able to bring a few clones with him.  They still end up being collected by Bail Organa.
Ahsoka, Rex, Jesse and  a portion of the maintenance team for their battalion: They do not meet up with the rest for quite some time (at least three years). Rex’s chip did activate but he was able to get Ahsoka the message about Fives. After Rex is freed they find Jesse and the other free clones (soft shells all) looking on in horror at their controlled brethren. With the help of the maintenance team they are able to escape from the ship without freeing Maul or crashing into the moon.  By the time they are able to look past the immediate situation, the Temple is already burning and it has been announced that the Jedi are traitors. These 25 or so go to ground in Mandalorian space and try to figure out how to free the clones from the chips (beyond surgery which really does not work with the numbers they have to deal with). They do not realize anyone else has survived. 
Aayla survived, due to one of the clones (not Bly) pushing her out of the way and sacrificing his life for her. Bly’s chip does work. She escapes with two dozen free clones and six chipped clones tied up in the back (Including Bly, even the clones agree they cannot save everyone and hopefully it means that they can figure out what is going wrong).
Shaak Ti, 10 Veteran clones, 40 ‘Shinies’, 300 child and teenage cadets, three junior Kaminoan Scientists (not Nala Se) none of which knew about the chip or Order 66, and Omega.  Shaak Ti had been working with a few Kaminoan Scientists to see the clones as sentients in their own right and the reactions of the clones under the chip's control horrified a few of those scientists.  Between them and Omega, who had been paying attention and used this as a chance to escape the lab (the Bad Batch being off planet at the time) they were able to evacuate anyone not under the control of the chip. 
All of these people (Barring Ahsoka and Co) converge on the ship that had been stolen by the free 212th clones. Had less children survived (about a third of the living Jedi are children under the age of 11, plus the cadets) they all would likely have split into small groups and made their own way through the galaxy. But there was just no way to break into small enough groups to be safe AND still make sure the children (and to some extent the Shinies) were taken care of.  They were also too large a group to go anywhere in the Republic, or even anywhere in Mandalorian space (There were an awful lot of uninhabited planets in the galaxy but most were uninhabited for a reason). Thus there was only one thing they could do.
Take over the Hutt Empire.
To be fair the take over part did start out accidentally. The actual goal was to find a place to lay low in the Hutt Empire, possibly the only place Palpatine’s Empire could not reach quite yet(at least until Palpatine solidified his rule). 
So they found a planet within the Hutt Empire to lay low on, While Bail Organa left to begin planting the seeds for the rebellion (No Leia as the twins were not being split up). As much as I want it to be Tattoine, it just has too small a population to not have a couple of thousand people (Most of whom hide their very distinctive faces) showing not be noticeable. So they choose a planet with a higher population. 
This is where the trouble began. All of our adults are deeply traumatized, trained warriors who are not used to sitting by, universally feeling useless. They are facing an insurmountable task, still mostly directionless, and deeply angry at life.  
It starts with the local Hutt’s minions trying to shake down some newcomers, who were not looking for a target to vent their spleen but found one just the same. It does not end well for the minions. Nor the next six attempts, with different groups of Clones and Jedi each time.  No one has told Command yet, but they look at each other and ‘shit we can’t keep drawing attention to ourselves but we can’t leave either’
The solution (Commander Cody himself would like to reiterate this was not the correct solution)? Take out the Hutt. Then they realize that taking out the Hutt has just drawn more attention to this city as the other Hutts for the planet try to figure out who took out this one.
The next Solution? Take out the rest of the Hutts on the planet. 
They have now drawn even more attention to the planet from yet more Hutts. This is the one thing that is critical they do not have. 
The next Solution? Try three to make this plan work (Commander Cody reminds you that trying the same thing over and over again, hoping for different results, is the definition of insanity) and take out the Hutts looking for answers. 
By the time that these small groups have admitted to Command (Obi Wan, Cody, Yoda, Shaak Ti, Fox) what is going on, a few months later, they have accidentally taken over the Hutt Empire.
The Hutt Empire that is still nominally allied with Palpatine’s Empire. The Hutt Empire that has to stay allied to Palpatine’s Empire if they do not want to draw the attention of the entire Imperial Forces to the largest concentration of living Jedi and free Clones in the galaxy.  The Hutt Empire that no longer has any active Hutts. 
In this the human centric leaning of Palpatine’s Empire is actually helpful.  They very rarely wanted to deal with other species, so it was easy to appoint someone unknown but human to deal with the com calls and visits. It does mean that they have to make up a Hutt that they essentially have to play ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ with, a couple of times a year when a representative insists on meeting with the Hutt in charge. 
Also the fact that Palpatine’s Empire is more interested in enslaving their own citizens for free as opposed to buying them from the Hutts means that they can shut down the slave trade within Hutt Space (over time).  Fox both loves and hates running a criminal empire. 
It should be noted that, even with Bly and the five other chipped clones, no one actually knows what is going on until Rex and Co find their way back to them.  We are going with the thought that a level 5 atomic scan is a ludicrously high level of scanning. Like sitting on a Nuclear Reactor to get an X-Ray kind of ludicrous, so not only does no one think to do that level of scanning to see what is wrong, but they do not even have that kind of equipment readily available.  The reports about Fives from Rex never made it to any kind of centralized repository, there is no way to know why most clones suddenly started to kill Jedi. Bly and Co spend the three years before Rex shows up in a makeshift brig, they can function almost normally until a Jedi is brought up or in the room with them. 
Bail laughs his ass off when he is told, through several intermediaries and coded messages, that the Jedi and the Clones accidentally took over a criminal empire.  Then he starts funneling the Path and the people his rebellion are rescuing into Hutt Space to find the Jedi. 
Three years in Rex, Ahsoka, the clones with them (now having grown to nearly another thousand) arrive with the news that they can disable the chips from a distance of about a large cruiser. 
That is how the Hutt Empire became freedom fighters.
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madocactus · 8 months
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Can a scientist save a test subject from her own life’s work?
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For over 20 years, Dr. Deidre Destrange produced groundbreaking papers on cybernetics under STOP: a world-renowned cybernetics security organization. But those papers have birthed STOP’s Youth Training and Development Initiative (YTDI): an unethical program that transforms children into powerful cybernetic soldiers.  Since Deidre’s research founded the YTDI, she believes she has the power to end it.
Will her upcoming case study save STOP from itself?
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1-2 hours of playtime
High-quality sprites and CGs: with blinking, speaking and dynamic camera movements
Interactive records to explore
An original, immersive soundtrack
Partial voice acting
Accessibility options such as image captions, sound captions, and text legibility functions
One ending
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Download protoViolence on Itch.io
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stem-sister-scuffle · 4 months
Lotus/Hazuki Kashiwabara (Zero Escape) vs Lup (The Adventure Zone)
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Lotus/Hazuki Kashiwabara is a Computer Scientist and Programmer/Hacker!
Lup is an Astrophysicist and Extraplaner Researcher! (she researches inter-dimensional space travel)
Lup fanart made by @herbgerblin
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Lotus/Hazuki Kashiwabara:
"She's practical she's smart she is caring, she will force hack a security system while she is kidnapped and maintaining a deep conversation like is no biggie and will info dump about science and psychology facts in the middle of said kidnapping"
"At first you think she’s just the token sexy lady character but then like 3/4 into the game you find out NO she is PROFICIENT IN EVERY PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE and CAN HACK ANYTHING and IS A PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE ENGINEER. She does all this dressed as a belly dancer with her whole tiddies out. Her science-ness is a mild spoiler so I’m not sure how you’d handle it?? But tbh I think it’s fine it’s the least spoilery reason I’ve seen any zero escape character submitted to a tumblr poll"
"SHE'S GREAT SHE'S LOVELY SHE IS A GIRLBOSS. She's also a mom and loves her daughters so much 🥺 Lotus is her codename, not her real name. Most people call her by that name though, since her real name is only mentioned a couple times total... I wouldn't technically consider her real name a spoiler since it's not plot relevant, so do with that what you want"
"milf who loves her kids. a very entertaining character but also helps a lot with the game by using her programming skills. look up her coding cg it is Something"
"She's digital security consultant and a talented computer hacker! She helps you out a lot with one of the puzzles ingame, she has 2 daughters, and she likes to bellydance! also she's divorced"
"canon milf single mother slay. she mean and i love her"
"badass trans woman who is not only a highly competent astrophysicist who was chosen to be part of the first extra-planar expedition, she is also an incredibly powerful evocation (blowing shit up) wizard and uses her powers to full effect. in addition she has, along with her husband, transformed herself into an incredibly powerful lich, just all around badass and competent woman in stem we love to see it"
"Literally studied space and inter-dimensional travel and magic and necromancy for 100 years. She was part of her home planet’s first inter-dimensional expedition on a crew of 7. She’s got that transfem swag and literally became a lich for love and science and to save the universe"
"She’s incredible. She’s trans, she’s a lich, she and her husband pined for decades before getting together, she’s an elf, she’s a twin, but that’s all just spices in the cake. She’s genuinely a genius and a total badass and is so full of love. She is the first character i thought of for submitting to a women in stem bracket because she’s just so iconic. Lup Adventurezone i would die for you"
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mayoiayasep · 8 months
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alkaloid climax bingo<3
[Id: a bingo card labeled "alkaloid climax bingo". the rows read, from left to right top to bottom:
"event makes me cry" / group hug unbloomed cg / tatsumi ballad / kaname mention"
"mayoi vkei song / swords in album art / no drama in event story /tatsumi's parents appearance"
"drama✨ [tatsumi's leg?] / hiiro's solo sounds like monologue note / the happy prince story mention / vocasongP i know is involved"
"mad scientists or frankenstien theme / alkajuniors learn about reimei / tatsumi childhood lore / aira's solo sounds like a mona song"
end id]
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randomalistic · 2 months
Ok oh my god. OH MY GOD. I just saw treasure planet for the first time and It was fucking amazing. Like yeah Duh I KNOWWW i know it’s like. “underrated Disney movie bla bla it was a commercial failure” . You know the deal.
But if there is 1 thing I want to say:
I cannot emphasize enough how meaningful and touching it is to the audience when you allow your male main characters to cry, and hug, and be emotionally vulnerable without shame. That brought this film to a whole new level 🥺
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its a beautiful movie that took so many creative risks and that’s so admirable. It’s so clear they had a vision and they crafted that vision with endless amounts of love :’] I DID CRY.
More rambling below
I was CONSISTENTLY delighted by how creative the characters were and incredibly entertained throughout. So fucking fun and engaging and it feels like a 2 hour movie so much happens. How is it only 1.5 hours.
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I CRIED !!!!!!!!!! John Silver and Jim’s relationship was so COMPLEX like actually amazing. The father figure dynamic is so sweet and heartwarming and so heartbreaking simultaneously like I was not expecting that AMV montage in the middle like that shit cut me so deep it was outstanding. A montage about Jim’s troubled childhood with a neglectful absent father and then DIRECTLY PARALLELING THAT WITH HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH SILVER. LIKE HES FINALLY OVERCOMING THOSE FEELINGS AND LIVING HIS LIFE. GODDAMN!!! THATS SO POWERFUL!! THATS SO INCREDIBLE!!! THATS JUST IN THE MOVIE!!!!??!
Also the character/creature designs are RELENTLESS in how good they are. And they have so much fun with it. It’s so silly.
They had an old snapping turtle pirate???? hello?? He was introduced and then he died ❤️
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The animation is also MIND BLOWINF like OH MY GOD!??? the seamless integration of 2D and 3D interacting is so impressive especially for 2001 like this was a technological feat for sure . Only rarely does the CG look dated (those whales at the start <\3 poor guys) BUT JOHN SILVER’S CYBORG ARM WAS FUCKING AMAZING LIKE I COUKD STARE AT THAT THING FOR HOURS .
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Can’t find a gif of it but during his introduction there was a ROTATING SHOT of him cooking (❤️) while using his arm and his arm has so many tools inside it like a cyborg Swiss Army knife it’s the coolest fucking thing ever. Just Amazing
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Also the fact they introduced an entirely new character 53 minutes in when the main cast has already been established was such a risk, but it so paid off. I love B.E.N. The fact he’s fully 3D animated and he’s THAT expressive. WHILE BEING A ROBOT? adorable. He’s Adorable. He’s so mentally ill and strange.
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What is wrong with him. He is. dare I say. spamtonlike. pathetic and unhinged. Houses forbidden knowledge. What a Pitiful creature 🧡his glowing CRT eyes are really cute. There was a moment when the lights went out it was only his eyes and I Liked That
I love weird little robot guys in early-late 2000s movies. I need to watch Bluesky robots. I need my fix.
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Morph could’ve been a really obnoxious comedic relief animal sidekick but they somehow managed to make him really cute and likable. (Also They only used him for plot points A LITTLE. Turning into anything couldve been overpowered as fuck. But alas… he is a mindless animal...) We love Morph. His relationship with silver is so fucking cute.
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Kind of a Delbert centrist honestly. I liked him but also kinda dislike him. Bro kinda gives self centered misogynist scientist vibes. But he’s also silly and self conscious though guyssss.!! I thought I would like him more than I did. BUT He’s animated SO wonderfully though I love the shape of his hands and his weird goat face. Solid 7/10 weird guy. Idk why he came with Jim on the ship though❤️
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Captain Amelia was fucking awesome for the first half of the movie. One of the best characters. Yeah. ……………. They fumbled her so hard. MAYBE ITS JUST ME BUT ME AND MY FRIEND WERE NOT A FAN OF HER AND DELBERT AT ALL. Disney was like. We have a competent woman character ! Competent woman has to get injured and then the incompetent man has to take care of her and then they HAVE to fall in love. It’s actually so tragic like they did NOT deserve her.
IN FACT HERE’S MY SCORCHING HOT TAKE: Delbert should’ve been the one to get injured and Amelia nurses him back to health. Delbert might apologize profusely because of his self confidence issues and cuz he internalizes things that go wrong as his fault. Amelia reassures him, realizing that she was too harsh on him earlier. Delbert becomes less intimidated by her because she opens up to him and they grow to trust one another. Amelia stays with him while Jim goes to hide. And whapow !!!! Same relationship is built up without disempowering a female character. It doesn’t even have to be romantic they can just be friends……. 🫶 cuz it comes off as weird because since the start Delbert was like “wtf the captain is a GIRL?? Wait ooh la laaa she’s pretty” and she had 0 interest in him. so like the ONLY way they could pair them together was to get her injured and have him care for her . And she falls in love with him out of nowhere. No. Being cared for does not mean you’ll fall in love with your caretaker. She’s so ace coded to me and my friend. Until SUDDENLY. Am I crazy
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Ok so like yeah the forced heterosexual love interest moment. I did not want to see their FOUR (4) hybrid babies at the end. I’m losing my mind. also did Jim become a cop? I swear to fucking god LOL
The movie was SO good that disney didn’t know how to wrap it up without ruining it ❤️ WHICH IS VERY INTERESTING I think they had to compensate for all the risks they took with a safe and weird ending where the police like him now and the police are ok guys. Disney approved
Anyways watch/rewatch the movie right now. Skip the final minute <3
One of my new favorite movies goddamn!
Edit: I would’ve forgiven them if Delbert got pregnant instead
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gaykarstaagforever · 5 months
The 1999 Mystery Men movie is now free on YouTube, I guess because Universal finally realized that if no one paid to see it when it came out and so no one remembers it, no one is going to pay $3 to rent it.
Which is a shame (for the people who made the movie, who gives a shit about Universal), because it's good. Based loosely on the Flaming Carrot / Mysterymen indie comics of the 1980s (I'm only familiar Cerberus the Aardvark, which the same company published around the same time), it is meta superhero parody in the style of Gunn's Suicide Squad / Peacemaker, just 20 years before any mainstream American audience would give a crap.
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This is a universe where there is one real superhero, who is so effective that crime is basically non-existent, so that the sole superhero himself is getting bored. When he comes up with a scheme to give himself something to do, it goes badly, unleashing a notorious supervillain on Champion City. When the Mystery Men, obnoxious wannabe heroes with virtually no powers, try to help, they typically fail, but so badly this time that now they are the city's only hope. Will they put petty grievances aside and learn to work together before Cassanova Frankenstein destroys the entire city?
Well, of course they will. It's a superhero movie. The point is watching fun wacky characters bounce off each-other for 2 hours, and this certainly delivers on that. The cast is a who's-who of 1999 charisma, with notable turns by Geoffrey Rush as the scene-chewing, disco-themed Frankenstein, Wes Studi doing Batman if Batman was doing Yoda, and Tom Waits as a benevolent mad scientist with a grandma fetish. Paul Reubens doing a lisp and Kel Mitchell in blonde Sisqo hair are especially fun as a team within a team, farting and getting naked on their path to victory.
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Ben Stiller is the lead, playing a typical Ben Stiller-is-the-lead character, the kind of well-intentioned but self-absorbed incompetent that is charming when Ben Stiller plays him in movies, but everyone would despise in real life. And if you are a person who also isn't a fan of him doing this in movies, you'll also not like it, here. I like Ben Stiller doing this, but Roy here really is a useless pain in the ass until the very end.
There are lots of Gunn-type sitcom jokes about superhero tropes and general goofiness, and similar tonal shifts between slapstick comedy and people being slowly melted. Fans of The Boys will enjoy Greg Kinnear as a G-rated Homelander, complete with product placement on his costume.
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It is about 20 minutes too long at 2 hours, and has way too many annoying closeup 90s fight scenes with mediocre choreography. More scenes of just the cast improving should have replaced a lot of this, because this is what the movie is really about. And there is some amazing 1998 CG that is used well, but man. It looks like what it is, certainly.
Props on someone greenlighting a superhero parody movie in a world where the only things to make fun of were the Schumacher Batman movies (Blade, the first "real" Marvel movie, came out the same year as Mystery Men). But it is obvious that only hardcore comic book nerds were going to connect with this, and there were not enough of them, outside of the big mainline "event" comic speculator market of the 90s, to make up for a $68 million budget.
This was made specifically for a movie-going public that has fallen in love with good superhero movies, then gotten sick of them, and appreciates someone making fun of them in a smart way. That is a thing we barely have now, in 2024. Mystery Men the big budget movie really is a thing that was just 20+ years ahead of its time. Watching it feels like watching an episode of Peacemaker that is intentionally aping the style and production design of Batman Forever. I suppose it is worth seeing, just for that.
Also the 90s Hollywood cameos. Dane Cook shows up, unfortunately. No, he isn't funny. He is a "superhero" who burns people with a waffle iron. I realize that may sound funny, but believe me, it isn't when Dane Cook does it.
See for yourself. That scene is in the original Smashmouth video for "All Star". Because that song being from the Mystery Men soundtrack before Shrek is literally all most people know about this movie.
And that's not fair to it. Go watch it.
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graytrailcam · 3 months
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Indie Xenofiction; Data Lion
"Data Lion is a short visual novel about a lion who gets a camera collar put on him by a group of scientists wanting to document his journey. It has choices, 2 love interests, and many alternate endings including bad ends (game overs)!
The idea was inspired by masterpieces like The Lion King and the manga/anime Kimba The White Lion."
Found this game while searching around on Itchio, the game is completely free to download and can be completed within just a few hours. It is described by the author as being unfinished in its current state, but I think it can be played through completely with a feeling of some satisfaction. Here is the link for those interested
More in depth review under the cut featuring spoilers. If you're looking to play I do recommend going in blind, it's fairly simple and the fun is really found in unlocking the CGs, which isn't too hard to do.
This is a short game that reminds me a lot of media I grew up with on dA back in the day, so it was very entertaining. I can definitely tell this takes a lot more inspiration from Kimba than it does TLK with a lot of its story concepts and overall character design. The game itself runs on a seven day cycle so it's fairly short.
I enjoyed the main character's design, he's an intersex, mostly maneless lion that you can name, though the default name that pops up is 'Lion McLionface' (your character was supposedly named via an Internet poll made by the scientists attaching your radio collar)
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You're also able to choose your stats, as this game does have (extremely basic and limited) combat. For my playthrough I named the lion 'Lasaga' to be a bit silly and I dumped all my stats into strength.
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I'm not really sure what the stats of Skill and Speed do for you. I completed the game by getting all the CGs and didn't encounter anything that was explicitly skill or speed required, perhaps it has a factor in combat that I'm unaware of.
You make a series of choices, some meaningful some not as most of them lead to the same exact events playing out. You can acquire the only pickable item, a thorn you can use in combat, in the game earlier on based on where you choose to make your home if you pick the Acacia Tree.
At some point a Safari Car will come by and observe you, if you make the right dialogue choices you can get some exposition on the setting you're in.
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The animals in this particular section of Africa are apparently Bio-Engineered to have heightened, near human intelligence. The author of the game, Caveboy Tup has elaborated in a comment on the game's itchio page which I'll leave below;
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This is definitely something that shows a lot of Kimba inspiration though it goes in a different direction that has some interesting implications. I would have been interested to see this explored in a more elaborate narrative.
The two love interests in this game are Jetsway and Rrred;
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Their routes are very straight forward, I'd say you would have to really go out of your way to not pursue either of them, which makes it easy to pick and choose which one you 'romance', as it's also pretty bare bones in that regard too.
The one most advertised is definitely Rrred the lion who is featured more prominently on the game's page. He's not got a whole lot of depth, you have the choice to fight him or join up with him in a coalition immediately upon meeting him.
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I do like the game's expression work, I find the animals emote in ways that are fun to look at and easy to read.
If you defeat him he will simply retreat and will show up again later to give some brief exposition on Jetsway's character.
Joining up with him starts his short route, which mostly consists of him scaring off crocodiles at the watering hole for you, which you are able to avoid without him regardless (The only time my character got a bad end was when I chose the wrong evasion option at this point in the story) The other portion is an encounter with a clan of hyenas that was pretty comedic, this got a good laugh out of me. It was the only time the game was particularly vulgar.
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You escape the hyenas, as you are outnumbered no matter how high your strength stat is. The rest of the route is pretty uneventful, you travel together and it's implied there's some romantic interest between the two of you.
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I will admit I found Rrred to be the less interesting of the two routes but I can see what appeal they were going for here.
The other route is Jetsway's which I found to have slightly more meat on its bones.
You meet Jetsway first in fact while looking for food but he only says that the radio collar you have on means you aren't one of his 'targets' before sprinting away.
Encountering him later finds him injured in the middle of the night after a fight.
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There's more lore exposition with Jetsway regarding the largely left out bio-engineering aspect. He's some creature part of Glo's work that was created by them, it's specified he has some sort of Tech in his eye that isn't explained very much.
Poking around the dialogue options with him will give you the option of fighting him once he reveals he got these injuries fighting and killing lions, which explains why he specified you weren't a target earlier.
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Upon defeating him, you can kill him here which I found interesting. But you can also choose to stay the night and nurse his wounds until he recovers.
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You are given the option to walk him back home, and doing so will trigger an interaction between you two and Rrred, who calls Jetsway a murderer. Pushing Jetsway for more answers will only get you this in response.
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There is no further elaboration on this plot point after this. I assume given the larger narrative that was mentioned by the creator that he's killing lions that are either human aggressive or resistant/unsuccessful in the Bio Engineering stuff. But that's only an educated guess.
Walking him home will after lead you to Utke town, where he says the humans will give him more medical treatment but that your character cannot stay.
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You're able to stay the night, where you'll find Jetsway gone in the morning, but you are spotted by a Glo operative prior to this who takes this photo of you and Jetsway to 'share on the internet'.
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After these two CG's, the final day is always the same. Your radio collar falls off on the seventh day and the scientists come to retrieve it. You have two options after this, to hide in wait to observe the humans at first, which will lead to you being tranquilized again while they retrieve your collar.
You can also attack the scientists, which will result in you ripping off the arm of one of them, the one named Saito.
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They escape you after this, and leads to the final CG where Saito has been given a replacement prosthetic arm.
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This concludes the game as currently published. I found it very charming to play and a nice way to spend part of an afternoon. It was definitely worth sharing since I haven't seen anyone discuss playing it or knowing it exists.
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natsuki-bakery · 5 months
Cg Ada and little Leon headcanons
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Hi! I was wondering if you could do Cg Ada and Regressor Leon headcanons? /nf
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•Ada takes on a nurturing role, safeguarding Leon with her exceptional skills. She's fiercely protective, making sure Leon stays out of harm's way, just as she does during their missions together
•Mama Ada uses this opportunity to teach Leon a few extra tricks of the trade. She imparts her knowledge, turning this unique situation into a learning experience for him
•She would called him Champ, kid/kiddo or little Leon
•Though not her usual style, Ada might indulge Leon briefly, offering a moment of attention or picking him up (if comfortable with it) as a gesture of care, balancing her composed nature with a soft moment of affection
•Leon calls her Protector or Mama Ada !
•While Ada maintains her usual cool and composed exterior, those closest to her might notice a softer side emerging while caring for the younger Leon. She's patient and caring, even if she doesn't readily show it.
•Ada engages Leon with stories from her past missions, creating a bond by sharing her experiences. This helps Leon see her in a different light, beyond their usual dynamic
•Ada is adaptable, handling the challenges of a de-aged Leon with poise. She's resourceful and quick on her feet, finding creative solutions to unexpected problems that arise.
•Ada juggles her usual secretive dealings with her newfound responsibility, trying to keep Leon safe while not compromising her missions or secrets.
•Ada's resourcefulness would shine as she seeks remedies or information to aid in Leon's recovery, using her knowledge and connections to procure anything that could help
•When Leon is non-verbal : She'd exhibit patience, adapting her communication style to be more visual or tactile, using gestures, expressions, or physical cues to interact and understand Leon better
•Ada might take on various roles within the space scenario, during those time of play pretend being astronauts, possibly becoming the mission commander, an expert scientist, or even an alien encounter, adding depth and excitement to their play !
•Ada might stay nearby, offering a comforting presence to reassure him as he settles down for sleep, possibly by sitting close or providing a familiar item for comfort.
•She'd also ensure Leon is tucked in comfortably, maybe using a blanket or plush toy to add a sense of security and warmth
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ember-owlet · 5 months
Could you maybe do a Viktor cg fic please??? Or headcanon or anything you want.
But like, cg Viktor x male or nonbinary little reader who's like... Baby, like 0-1, nonverbal
If not, that's okay!!
a/c: yes, definitely!! i know viktor has been a very popular topic in my asks as of late, and i can see why! it took me a while to think of the perfect scenario for you, i hope you enjoy this little fic firelight! thank you for waiting ʚ♡ɞ 
tw for brief mentions of viktor pondering his death!! stay safe, you can always come back to this when you're ready (ૂ′ᵕ‵ॢං)
dynamic: gn!little!reader x cg! viktor
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The warm glow of morning shone through the still air of the scientist's lab. Papers scattered endlessly around the scuffed desk, and resting atop them was none other than the main resident of his second home. His body rose and fell to the soft whirrs of the hexcore, filling in the gaps of silence around the overbearing steel walls, the foreign object rotating seamlessly above him. The unsure creak of a door alerted Viktor to wake to an alarmed position, his head whirring around instinctually before his mind could register the intruder's identification.
An endearing effort, nonetheless it was near impossible not to wake Viktor; He was truly the lightest sleeper in Piltover. Growing up in the undercity developed a skill to wake at the drop of a pin to danger, and though moving to a city like Piltover would be no cause for such concerns, some habits never left him. You can take the boy out of the city, but you can never take the city from the boy. Letting the foggy images clear, his shoulders relaxed, exhaling at the presence of Jayce with you in hand and rubbing your eyes with a soft yawn. "Oh. Good morning, you two." The scientists' voice was hoarse, dropping his guard he released the scalpel from his grasp. "I assume you both had an eventful night?" Viktor stood up from his spinning chair, walking over to see the dark circles under your eyes that reflected his own. "Jayce, don't tell me you made my little one stay up too late." Jayce rubbed his neck and chuckled, it wasn't rocket science for your caregiver to guess how late your adventures turned out. "Sorry Vik, they just couldn't fall back asleep and I didn't know what else to do. We spent the night making a pillow fort and playing blimp captain." You quickly waddled over to Viktor, widening your arms to embrace your papa. He sighed, closing you in for a gentle hug. "What am I going to do with you poklad.." Viktor patted you along towards your designated corner of the room filled with toys, coloring books, and sensory items. Jayce was the first to close the distance, waiting until you were out of distance to make his comment to the other. "They really missed you, y'know. I get that they're not allowed in the lab while you're working with the Hexcore, but they were really worried when you didn't show up."
There was an audible exhale when Viktor shook his head. It pained him to even ponder the fact that you were alone and frightened for him. "I know, I just-'" If he had been honest there were more than a few times where he wouldn't have been able to return to your arms again. "I would never want them to be here in case something were to happen to me." Jayce instinctively reached out to console his companion. "Of course. But it won't happen. Not as long as we're together." He pulled the corner of his lip in a small smile, rubbing Viktor's shoulder in confidence. "But make sure they get some sleep. I'm supposed to keep my reputation as the fun one here." Nodding, Viktor watched the broad figure walk himself out of the office. He let the air settle, exhaling with a small wheeze. You were able to catch his attention, weepy eyes to the contrasting brightness. His eyes would widen to the sight of you grasping at the air towards him. With every attempt to stand, your knees would buckle to exhaustion; further frustrating you in your need to be held. "Hmm." Viktor's throat rumbled. If not for himself he would at least allow his body to recharge for you. "I think we've been up long enough myška. Let's have a rest, shall we?" Lifting himself in unsteady movements he hobbled towards you, his head gesturing towards the door leading to the bedroom. You lifted yourself onto the bed, watching as Viktor dragged the drapes slowly. You couldn't help but giggle as your caregiver playfully joined your side with a chuckle, curling yourself against his slender stature. Grunting, you could feel his aching body move to turn on the lamp and grab the journal off of the nightstand. You looked at your caregiver's notes, each observation recorded with their own key for additional thoughts. Viktor tilted the journal so you could see it better. "I think we're making real progress, there's just- something missing." He rambled on about what adjustments he would be able to make once the two of you were awake. But for you, the feeling of his body with the rumble of his voice was safe, and sleep would begin to make your eyes grow heavy from exhaustion.
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caledfych · 2 months
Fandom: Homestuck Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Archive Warnings: Major Character Death(s) Category: Gen Characters: Sollux Captor, Karkat Vantas, Terezi Pyrope Additional tags: Doomed Timeline(s) (Homestuck), Computer Jokes, Suicidal Thoughts, Or Are They Technically Homicidal?, Anyone out there wondering what the Mage class does, it's probably something like this, Existential Angst, Moral Ambiguity, Trolley Problem, ~ATH (Homestuck) Summary: CG: WHAT I'M ASKING FOR IS A HINT ON THIS PROGRAMMING PROBLEM I TOLD YOU ABOUT LAST WEEK, YOU RECALCITRANT BEESLURPER. CG: I'VE BEEN LOSING MY GODDAMN MIND TRYING TO COME UP WITH A SOLUTION THAT SEEMS LIKELY TO TERMINATE BEFORE THE END OF THE UNIVERSE. TA: 2ee, that2 probably your problem riight there. CG: WHAT. WHAT IS MY PROBLEM. CG: WAIT A SECOND, IS THIS ACTUALLY A HINT?! IF SO, IT'S TERRIBLE. TA: never miind. ju2t a 2hiitty joke.
Quantum bogosort: A hypothetical sorting algorithm based on bogosort, created as an in-joke among computer scientists. The algorithm generates a random permutation of its input using a quantum source of entropy, checks if the list is sorted, and, if it is not, destroys the universe. Assuming that the many-worlds interpretation holds, the use of this algorithm will result in at least one surviving universe where the input was successfully sorted in O(n) time. -- From the Wikipedia article for "Bogosort"
This started out as a joke fic because obviously, obviously, any real implementation of Quantum Bogosort would have to be written in ~ATH. But I found myself engaging seriously with the premise, which gave it all quite a bit darker (though canon-typical) flavor. At the end of the day I'm always pleased to find new ways (for me!) to engage with beloved and familiar characters.
Fondly written for the Retcon Timeline gang. Happy 4/13, friends, and thanks for sharing a fandom with me. :)
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pumpkzsafeplace · 9 months
anon questions 💌: dealing with guilt & vulnerability issues in a dynamic.
guilt & vulnerability issues can be incredibly hard to deal with when thrown into a new dynamic, especially when you've been looking after yourself for so long <3. so here are pumpkin's top tips to help! <3.
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letting your guard down. ⭐
letting your guard down, especially after being your own safe space for so long, can be incredibly difficult. sometimes the fear of getting hurt could quickly end a dynamic before it even has a chance to begun. take baby steps, know that fear will always be there but sometimes we still need to jump into the water to finally understand the beauty of the sea <3.
❀•°❀°•❀ opening up. 🌙
opening up and trusting somebody can look different to every person. some people open up and trust others easily- whilst others battle incredibly hard. don't be fooled in thinking theres a time limit- it took me around a year to be completely open with my caregiver, and look at us stronger than ever <3. do whatever makes you feel comfortable, just make sure to communicate that you're trying so that the other person doesn't feel too lost <3.
❀•°❀°•❀ knowning mistakes are going to happen. ⭐
mistakes happen in every dynamic, platonic or not and that's completely okay! i know if you're anything like me- the moment something bad happens your mind can go into overdrive, thus leading to panic attacks and meltdowns. but honey bees, without faliure even the greatest scientists wouldn't be able to create their long standing projects. we learn from our mistakes and grow in time. even three years later, me & my caregiver are still learning about each other. it's okay to mess up sometimes <3.
❀•°❀°•❀ it's okay disagree sometimes. 🌙
just like it's okay to make mistakes- it's okay to disagree on opinions sometimes too <3. remember, you two are two completely different brought up in two completely different households that would have held their own beliefs and standards. we can disagree, argue points and find the middle ground. it doesn't harm the dynamic at all by dicussing each others sides, who knows- you might just even come up with a more knowledgable solution <3.
❀•°❀°•❀ understanding boundaries & asking for help ⭐
understanding boundaries and battling with your guilt for bothering other people might be one of the hardest things you tackle in a dynamic <3.
i know it was in mine. i would upset muself by thinking my cg didn't care- and yet i wouldn't tell them i was upset because i didn't want to overcross any boundaries & force them do something. but what we need to realise as littles is that if we do something that bothers our caregivers, or upsets them in anyway- they will tell you. they're not expecting you to pick up on make believe signs to figure them out, they're there to help and do their best too. & nine times out of ten- when you're worried about upsetting them, they're probably thinking the same about you. it's okay to be nervous, you'll get through this together i promise <3.
❀•°❀°•❀ some things take time. 🌙
building a strong relationship with someone doesn't happen over night, it takes mistakes, laughter, disagreements, learning, postivie re-enforcement. remember life is a marathon, not a sprint. people's life journeys go at different paces, you've got this i promise <3
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gif isn't mine
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k0nstanta · 2 months
the game looks rly cute! do you have an eta on when it's going to get released? also what is it abt? i really like k0tya's design too
hi! thank you so much ^_^
im hoping to maybe finish it sometime by the end of may / beginning of june, but these dates are just me guesstimating based on how much work i still have to do.
the game itself won't have any substantial story on account of it being very short (30 minutes maybe). essentially it's just one big fetch quest about k0tya helping the scientists to catch lab rats that have escaped from their cage. you can also learn a little bit about k0tya (& her backstory) and all the other characters through conversations & interacting with the environment. and there's also (a few) CGs because i wanted to add cute images to the game.
its my first time making a game of any kind so i wanted to make something cute and simple to familiarize myself with the process. im hoping that ill continue making games after this (i have a lot of ideas! i really want to make a romance vn and a detective point & click game, both of them about kotya & shurik though not the robot verse ones)
im very happy you like k0tya! i love her very much too. she's my little bug :)
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madocactus · 1 year
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CAUTION: Escape from this supervillain at your own risk...
Introducing my NaNoRenO 2023 entry - malViolence!
You’re a low-level agent for the worldwide security organization “STOP”. 
Motivated by a dedication to international safety, geopolitical stability, and a generous salary bonus, you set out to gather intel on a certain villain. Unfortunately, that villain's sidekick, Cautionne, got to you first!  
Now, ‌you need to solve his dastardly escape rooms with your life on the line...
A gripping, villainous scenario written by Mado, Brian Mulholland, and Z.
Escape rooms with several brain-bending puzzles, crafted by speck and KigyoDev.
3 main endings and even more bad endings.
Animated, speaking CGs: all drawn by Mado!
Partial voice-acting by the talented Carrick Inabnett and Vyn Vox, with the direction of Very Berry Studio's Phebe Fabacher!
Gorgeous, rendered backgrounds by Reina!
A slick UI by spicaze!
An 100% original soundtrack by Melo-dii and Doran.
Organic audio mastering, SFX design and voice mixing by Cooking Companions'  D.ray!
An eye-catching trailer by jennymhulla! (coming soon)
1 cute mad scientist with a hidden agenda…
Get malViolence for FREE on Itch.io!
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