#Scarves and Coffee
ritco · 1 year
Imgur is cleaning out their database
I know this is a long shot and it's mostly a reddit thing, but if anyone has at any point hosted any remotely NSFW fan content on Imgur, they will soon be removing it. They are also removing all images uploaded by people without accounts they call "old, unused, and inactive content", which will be years worth of things just gone.
They'll be using automatic detection software to help delete things, so I'd recommend you back up anything you have hosted there in general just in case. I'd hate to lose more fandom content and art than we already have in the Tumblr purge.
I used to recommend using Imgur (among other sites) to host images used in stories on S&C, so please be aware of this and preferably use a different site going forward. If you did use Imgur for this, or for any other reason across the internet, please make sure you update this content and/or host it elsewhere to minimize the loss. This will go into effect on May 15, 2023.
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Scarves and Coffee IS BACK!
Yup! It sure is! Check it out HERE. ~Lynne
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florentism · 9 months
my uni tips as a second year student 🍂🧸💭
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💭 know when your classes start!
This may seem like a no-brainer but believe me when I tell you there are students who won’t know when or how many classes they have. This will only lead to stress and an unorganised mind. Check your schedule for the first period/semester ideally 2 weeks before school officially starts. That way you’ll have plenty of time to plan other activities around your lectures!
🍂 make friends, especially the first few weeks
Now, call me naive but I thought I could go through uni all by myself, without the headache of keeping up with the social scene but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Most studies are fairly big, with the number of students being 300 or even more if you follow a popular study. Simply put, this means chaos. Having friends to answer questions like: “When did the professor say the deadline was? Do we get the extra points if we do x, y, z? What was the new date for the midterm?” will save your academic life more than once. Two people know more than one, so help each other! Plus sitting next to someone you know and having people to talk to about your courses is very comforting to have :)
🕰️ make your assignments on time!
I know this is an obvious one, but trust me when I say that pushing that assignment, project, or homework to the very last day will only give you unnecessary stress. Ideally you should start your assignment on the day it’s been published so you can really take your time to grasp the concepts being discussed, thus preparing you better for the upcoming midterm and finals (less work for future you!)
🧸 make time for rest and relaxation!
Many students will tell you that they don’t have time for anything besides their study. In my honest opinion, this is easily dodged by simply having decent time management. I try to plan the following week on a Sunday so I know what assignments are due, when my classes are, etc. In my experience it’s more difficult to follow the planning I made than actually making it, so try to keep it realistic. You’re probably not gonna manage to write 2 essays and make an assignment in one single day so keep that in mind. I’d suggest to go to campus (or a cafe or library or another cosy study spot) in the morning and stay there until the afternoon. This makes you more productive and gives you free time for the whole evening!
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I hope you found some good tips in this mini guide and please, do let me know if you liked it and would like to see more such posts <3
Xoxo, Florentism
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
So what's one of your favorite Tsutsumi fits 😉
random as hell question to be askin 🤨 so mysterious...
but since you did ask probably this one <3 from the second episode of pure <3
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#snap chats#i love his scarves and turtlenecks in this too- i love a lot of toru's outfits tbh. i just think he's cute in general </3#highkey its prob one of my faves cause this is also my favorite sequence of scenes#he and yuka are just esp cute it makes me giggle#their autism4autism love is my favorite..... fr this sequence is so cute like CAN I. RAMBLE about it real quick#cause it's a scene where yuka invites toru home but there's a sign left by her mom on the door that says not to let strangers in#and With His Eyes toru reads it like 'is it ok if im here ??' and yuka just 🥺 'youre my friend and a nice person so its ok :)'#and then he just gives her The Stare™️ yk the one and i cry. AND THE SCENE AFTER WHEN SHE'S TRYING TO MAKE COFFEE--#guys this is my favorite episode for a reason idc pure still has a chokehold on me 😭😭😭 theyre so cute..#back to the outfit tho its also just. VERY city-goer to me idk what it is. prob all the denim. prob cause its somethin my dad would wear--#im usually denim's number-one hater but if ttm's wearing it it's ok#OH ALSO update on OMC2: ttm IS in it TECHNICALLY but it's just a quick flashback segment#it's. it's a flashback to the ending scene ☠️#even in a movie he's not technically in he's still shirtless girl i cant#and yet he was never shirtless in THIS show... lol....#anyway yeah it this one <3 def had plans of stealing it since the store i usually shop at's having a sale and they're sellin a similar shir#that'll have to be plans for christmas i think....
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xiaomao-ai-wo · 6 months
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Cozy bear in a scarf :)
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vulpinesaint · 9 months
it's fall so obviously my whole family is in hot chocolate mode nd my mom's asking me if i want hot chocolate every night. which is wonderful except for the fact that we live in southern california where fall is Wildfire Season aka Summer 2: Less Pleasant aka Not Cold and it's 90 degrees every day so i do not really want to drink a hot beverage at 5 pm all that much </3
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joytri · 2 years
Fall to-do list 🍂📼
- Watch a Fall Movie
- Watch a Horror Movie
- Read
- Light a candle
- Hot Chocolate
- Float a Lantern
- Bake Cookies
- Go Trick or Treating
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soft grunge winter
grid scarves, snow, combat boots, flannels, black skinny jeans, books, knee socks, black trent coats, coffee, jean jackets, city streets.
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(pics aren't mine they're from pinterest <3)
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tedhead · 1 year
i love local theater but the windchill is like -15F rn and walking to the playhouse sounds like a shit idea
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ritco · 11 months
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woah, I see AO3 is down today! normal total users is like 120-160 a day for S&C.
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scarves-and-coffee · 2 years
Scarves & Coffee Now Has Tags!
Tags have been added to the site! Authors can now add tags to entries in the submit/edit form. Tags should be separated by commas. As you type, tag suggestions will come up for existing tags that you can click on to add. Tags that don't already exist will be created when you submit the entry. Some categories were converted to tags and were added to those entries that were in them.
Several pages were added for tags including a tag search page and tag detail pages to sort through tagged posts.
A Community tab has been added. It's currently pretty bare, but will be expanded as time goes on.
We now have a full user search in the Community tab. Previously, you could only search through users marked as Authors or Betas.
The user profile page has been slightly rearranged because you can now add HTML to your biography. This includes things like images, gifs, and as many paragraphs as your heart desires.
Shouts (comments) have been added to user profile pages. Let your favorite author know how much you love and appreciate them!
User site settings have been moved to a separate settings page in the user dashboard (notification and site settings were previously on the same page) to allow for future expansion.
There was a huge issue with certain user-related database tables not being created when they should be, causing everyone that made an account since around the middle of September to have issues logging in and updating their profile. This should be resolved now. Thank you very much to Cerriddwen for bringing this to my attention.
The category and character selection in entry forms has been changed from a scroll box to checkboxes as the scroll box was difficult for authors to use. The layout is temporary and will be improved in future updates.
Yes, I'm still working on getting PDF downloads working. Still having an issue getting the required program onto the server.
A user has reported an issue logging into the site on mobile devices, specifically on Android. Currently investigating this.
PDF downloads
Tag filtering and an updated Library search
As always, if I broke anything with this update or you have any suggestions for the site or features, please let me know or send in an ask.
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Hi! I can't log in to S&C for days. Sorry for the kind of off topic, but is anyone else having the same problem? I've registered again, changed my password several times, but I still can't get in.
IDK anon, I got into S&C just fine. Anyone else having issues? ~Lynne
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n33k5 · 1 year
Here is a round up of what I have made in January 2023 it's not everything just most of it.
Starting off with my finished infinity scarf for the Alt Knots January 2023 Mood Snood crochet along (CAL)
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Here are my January Spider Stitch squares for the year long Alt Knots Mystery Blanket CAL for 2023
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Here is a velvet blanket I've been working on with some yarn from my stash I'm using a Granny Spike Stitch.
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Some more wearables in the form of a hooded shrug I've started and some very sparkly shorts I still need to finish.
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Here is a scarf I made as a gift using Cat Stitch motif and a hairpin lace roses in yellow orange variegated cotton thread which is a one of many I'll be gifting during Valentine's Day.
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And finally my gremlin ass in the finished infinity scarf/snood pretending not to be cold.
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the-busy-ghost · 2 years
Oh to be an utterly bewildered hiker wandering around Kingussie during the Camanachd cup final on Saturday...
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cherrys1lk · 2 years
So its fall now right?
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the-foolish-ghoulish · 10 months
I know no one asked but...
I like scarves and ponchos. I don't wear scarves at all though.
I do wear a black poncho. Ponchos are kinda comfy though :/
And you know the drill.
Don't. eat. coffee grains.
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