#Save Israel
floralcavern · 4 months
Bring the hostages home
On October 7, Hamas broke into Israel and slaughtered, raped, and kidnapped hundreds and thousands of civilians, and recorded themselves doing so. Now Israel must fight to get their civilians back. Multiple hostages have already died, some from murder and others from poor conditions. 2 hostages who were recently saved said that Hamas did not let them have the medicine they needed. Hamas also has a 1 year old child in custody, and some women who have been released haves stated that they have been raped while in custody.
Donate if you can
If not, obviously that’s fine, just spread this post. Bring them home now.
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neptuphile · 6 months
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Not even in a horror movie you would see this.
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shitakimooshrooms · 8 months
I understand how terrible the things going on on both sides are, but no matter what you say, you can’t say that you are pro Palestine while also saying you aren’t antisemitic. Zionism is the idea that the Jewish people deserve and have a home land. Israel is that home land. By saying that you are anti Zionist you are also saying that you are antisemitic. Israel has tried in the past to make peace. They have given offers, they have told them they will give everything they explicitly asked for, and Palestine refused. Palestine attacked, even after we tried to make peace. This is not on Israel. They did not start this war, they did not ask for this war, but by god do i hope they end it. Because palestinians arent the only ones who live there. People with friends or family in Palestine? Your not the only ones. Everyone with any relation to either side is suffering.
I dont know how to close this off but i will say that i stand with Israel and people who are pro palestine can go ahead and block me because i dont want anything to do with you either.
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acourtjester · 1 month
Mosab Hassan Yousef was born in Ramallah to one of the founders of the Islamist Hamas movement. He later became an Israeli informant having seen Hamas members murder and torture their own people while in Israeli prisons.
“Most people think that the environment they grow up in is normal and is what everyone else is growing up in, most people think their families are the same as every other family. You think that of course this is the only reality you know and now the question do we have the courage to fight against, our conditioning the conditioning of the society of the parents of our environment and to rebel and think out of the box. But if you dare to challenge the flow of your Society or the conditioning of your culture, then you better be ready to ready to walk into the unknown.”
“Jewish hatred this is not a secret thing, hatred towards the Jewish people towards the infidels, towards the Christians it's part of the Islamic common teaching it was just in the air, it's in the book, it's in the mosque, it's in the school and people think that it is normal to just preach hatred towards other people because they are different or because they don't agree with the Islamic principles.”
“Palestinian population celebrated, praised a suicide bombing attacks, even though it targeted civilians mostly civilians and everyone knew that everybody knew that in fact people would celebrate more.”
“I had my problem with the culture, I did not like the abuse, I did not appreciate the beating, I did not appreciate the rigid, rough discipline. To beat up a child you know because they did not follow the religious protocol and this child is not going to question what that was for? To get t beaten up by the teacher by the principal by the parents by the people in the street by the Imam at the mosque whenever you know I did some Adventure that went against the protocol uh many people volunteered you know uh to discipline me, to violence and I you know I survived it. But it was not pleasant many people get broken at the early beginning but somehow you know I found my strength to just fight and fight back.”
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zelena777 · 2 months
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Yesterday when i heard the siren from Israel, i watched the news how Iran blamed for Israel and assaulting her because of Palestine or Hamas. I think he tried to [mortis] Israel, but Russia, Azerbaijan and Germany came here to save her from her toxic dad Iran. And yeah, Azerbaijan and German are supporting Israel because they're her friends.
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jonatgan-official · 8 months
genuine question to zionists each time israel does something bad and then releases some excuse which gets debunked and then a totally different excuse which gets debunked and then a different excuse which gets debunked etc. do u believe them every time. cus yall were fighting for ur life defending israel’s fourth or fifth attempt at covering up the hospital bombing meanwhile the NEW YORK TIMES of anyone just concluded it was fake. or do u spread misinformation on purpose because in ur head it’s a “necessary evil”
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beefin-speedrun · 1 month
Alright so i did some thinking. I'm chilling, sitting around in class learning about imperialism. Why do so many people say to save the middle east and to save Africa? Then they turn around and say imperialism was horrible. Don't get me wrong it was horrible, but one of the biggest parts was changing the culture of non European/American people. That's the same thing a lot of people want to do. "Send over our technology to help them." That tech isn't part of their culture dude, by giving it to them, trying to make them use it, learn it, and integrate it you're attempting to change that certain culture. "The land they live in is a struggle." Yeah and that land they live in is their home, their land, their inheritance, and a huge part of their culture. "Oh but they're being attacked" by an outside source or a their own inner land people? If it's an outside source I can understand being worried, even though I think America never should have gotten into the middle east or Ukraine. When people say save almost all of their styles of "saving" are changing that areas culture. The same people who say that saving and preserving that culture is important. "But they have inner turmoil they need help to figure out." No they don't, if there is an inner turmoil they need to figure it out, help from an outside source almost never helps a country understand and solve it's inner turmoil. "But the culture could be ruined!" Not the entire culture, but part of it probably. Culture is meant to change throughout time, it's meant to have differences. It shouldn't be surprising that part of it falls. "Well Africa and the Middle East are underdeveloped." And I understand that, though that development is still a cultural thing. If the U.S and Northern America were different things would you want to help native Americans develop or let them do it themselves? If you want to do it you're going to affect their culture, you're going to put a bit of your own in it.
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Art by: Henry James Garrett
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nando161mando · 1 month
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floralcavern · 7 months
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So mature!!! Wow, what a peaceful movement these people have here!
No, I don’t support genocide. Denouncing Hamas is not supporting genocide. Wishing for the downfall of Hamas and antisemitic terrorism isn’t supporting genocide.
In fact, supporting Hamas is supporting terrorism and genocide. They’ve explicitly stated they want to kill all the Jews and that they want to kill every person in Israel.
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neptuphile · 6 months
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youdontknowwhotfiamm · 2 months
Help Hamza get his family out of gaza.
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genuinelyshallow · 3 months
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zelena777 · 3 months
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This is Radi, he supports/saves Israel of the pathetic terrorists in Hamas who [mortis]ed Israeli people in October 2023, terrorists from Hamas did. Which the forms of him you choose? Make sure that do not giving me hate.
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astraystayyh · 5 months
the fact that Israel can precisely target ONE apartment in an entire residential block in BEIRUT to kill two hamas leaders, proves once again that they CHOSE to carpet-bomb Gaza and murder 31.000 Palestinians to "defend themselves" against Hamas. Israel CHOSE to kill civilians, they CHOSE to bomb every hospital, every school, every refugee camp, every residential block. israel does NOTHING to spare the lives of palestinians, they want to thin out the population of gaza so they'd be able to settle their citizens there.
this is a genocide it's an ethnical cleansing PLEASE WAKE UP don't stop talking about Palestine it is not a trend, people are still dying, Israel has no plan to stop if WE don't force it to, through public pressure and protesting and boycotting. it's the least we can do.
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anymouslydone · 3 months
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