#Sasha X Donnie
vdragon-creations · 3 months
Dropping a wip! For what exactly, stay tuned! :3
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forestcat666 · 5 months
My blog
greeting, I'm forestcat666, i have several other blogs so if you think you know me or recognize my user, you probably do.
this is a general blog, i will post anything from any fandom i am in, including
Game of Thrones
The little club (specifically stuff from little Kelly and Little Carly channel)
fairy tail
yeah GOT, anime, and Minecraft youtubers, i'm a mess.
Ships from aphmau: Zene, Zanus, Zane x Gene x Zenix x Sasha, Dante x Zenix, Sasha x Lucinda, Vylad x Kacey (Katelyns little brother not Nana)
Ships from GOT: Jon x Satin, Jon x Tormund, Sansa x Margaery, Robb x Theon, Jon x Theon, Aurane Waters x Aegon/young Griff, Aurane Waters x Jon,
Ships from the little club: Raven x Little Leo, Little Kelly x Donny, (Not many for little club)
ships from fairy tail: Gray x Natsu, (even less ships for fairy tail)
DNI terfs, homophobes, racists, sexists, zoophiles, and people who support maps
unless you are hurting anyone i couldn't care less.
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richonnesgf · 1 year
What are your top 5 ships in TWD?
richonne first always. no one is beating them.
sasha x abraham (underrated. deserved more time together; makes me so sad)
tara x denise (underrated. also deserved more time together)
tyreese x karen (underrated. also deserved more time)
aaron x jesus (gah also deserved more time)
honorable mentions: donnie and carzekiel
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sir-cuckington · 7 months
Master Post to find my brabbles again
Tags & what they are for:
Sasha's blorbo thoughts: Partners in Crime: Grandis, Sanson Hanson
Sasha's blorbo thoughts: that sexy necromancer: Kotaro
Sasha's blorbo thoughts: Versace boy: Donatello
Sasha's blorbo thoughts: favorite salaryman: Nanami
Sasha's blorbo thoughts: Satanic rhymes: Ryo
OC: Mikey : Mikey
Trailer Blues: Donnie x Mikey
AraTaro: Arata x Kotaro
Chevvy Days: Ryo x Mikey
Stitching Dolls: Mikey x Kotaro
Office cries: Nanami x Mikey
Gangster era: Grandis Gang x Mikey
Graveyard Summer: Mikey x Donnie x Kotaro
Mikey's boys: they all interact
I did oopsie: shitposts or memes
Lovers content: templated stuff
Sasha's AMVs: AMVs I made
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the1trueanon · 3 years
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A giant post of these two being nerds that love each other.
Rise of the TMNT belongs to Nickelodeon Sasha and art belong to me
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romancemedia · 2 years
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Couples First Meeting (10)
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eternalslingshot · 5 years
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Simply one of those days
***Reader Request***
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When - Prison, pre flu outbreak and post Woodbury residents joining
Relationships - fabulously confident Reader x don’t-ever-let-anybody-know-I-like-somebody Daryl
Genre - light and fluffy
TWs - Daryl swears in his head some, and the reader experiences self esteem and confidence issues including that of body image
Pronouns - she/her
Perspective - 2nd person reader, and 3rd person Daryl (same set-up as ‘Guardian Angel?’ but please note that the two stories are unrelated one-shots)
Word count - I keep typing a little too much, apologies y’all.
And thank you for the request!
**story line continued here**
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A little more, a little more...oof, is this thing is unbelievably heavy, come on, come on…just a little more so it won’t fall! Come on, you can do this! Almost...aw, yes!
The massive box finally slid back enough and you were able to push it all the way. “Lordy, am I strong or what?” you cheer in triumph, bending down to rest your hands on your knees as you lean against the truckbed and pant with relief.
Sasha’s even more out of breath. She’d collapsed onto the ground when her muscles gave out getting that thing into the truck. “Cannot believe we pulled that off. Thank you!”
You toss your hair before insisting, “It’s these thighs, babe, they don’t quit.” But they sure are exhausted.
“Are your muscles shaking like mine are?”
“Oh yeah. Feels fabulous,” you sigh. “No better sensation.”
“Well, I can think of several,” she grumbles, still breathing hard. “Alright, I’m starving. You wanna head back? Whatever Carol was cooking up earlier smelled amazing.”
“Yeah, girl, let’s go eat. We can drive out here again tomorrow,” you agree, grabbing her hand to help her up. “I worked hard to get nice and thick, Sasha, no way am I intending to lose it to some silly apocalypse.”
“I don’t think after this heavy-ass thing that we should pack more in the truck, anyways.”
“We’ll use two or three of the cars tomorrow, this place is a gold mine. Let’s bring Daryl and the newlyweds, obviously, maybe convince Michonne to come along. Really, can you believe how this place is barely looted?”
“It’s wild. Only two walkers in the whole thing, too. You know, I’ll ask Tyrese, too. There’s plenty more heavy stuff in there, and he and Daryl are the two strongest we got.”
“That they are.” And both very pleasing to look at. “We should ask Karen along if Tyrese is coming. Oh. Or,” you pause. You have a fun idea. Pressing your hands together and facing her, you offer, “Since I am obviously going to be there and as we have learned, am so very, very strong...what if I ask that new guy to join us, instead?”
She raises her brows at you before rolling her eyes and getting in the passenger seat. “Y/N. That’s enough.”
Smoothly hopping into the driver’s seat and buckling up, you tease “Robert Stookey is like a sunbeam, and he shines ever so much brighter when you’re around.”
“Good for him. But I don’t trust him enough to come on a supply run, it’s as simple as that.”
“If you insist,” you relent. She is right, thought, you barely know the man. He certainly is a ray of sunshine, though, and he certainly smiles more around Sasha. “But can you blame him, my love? You’re gorgeous.”
After an uneventful ride home during which she relaxes to her Donny Hathaway CD, you stop briefly to siphon fuel out of some old cars to fill up the tank again.
Once you two make it back to the prison gate and are let in, you swing the pickup truck around so that the trunk faces inwards and then back it up slowly so it’s close to the main hub, making sure to sing-song out the window “We have a surprise, everybody! Just you wait!”
Because oh, yes are you about to show off what you’d brought back. And good, there’s Daryl, you’ll need him in a moment. You give him a little wave as you hop out of the driver’s seat.
“Daryl, darling, come over here, please. We’re going to need to borrow your brute strength,” you call to him. “Because look what we have!”
Gleefully flipping open the back window of the camper shell and clicking down the tailgate, you pose with your arms outstretched like Vanna White to display the prize that Sasha and you worked so hard to bring home.
“State of the art, top of the line, hybrid power station! This one was meant to be a floor model because, according to the pamphlet, it wasn’t even due to be released until the end of 2011. We are so lucky it was still boxed up in the backroom.”
“Would’ve been insanely expensive, too,” Sasha states, albeit with less dramatic flare as she chugs a water bottle. “The starting price was $16,000. And that’s before the luxury tax, and without any add-ons.”
“We had to open up a store card to get it, but it was worth it for the discount,” you pretend to whisper to Daryl. To your delight, he snorts and then does that thing you love where he looks down and almost rubs his neck but instead decides to be overly interested in his fingernails, a bolt, or his knife.
Is it terrible that you adore when he gets bashful like that? It’s just so cute coming from somebody so manly, what can you say? And Lordy, that confidence boost it gives you! Not that you of all people need it, but it feels fabulous.
If only he wasn’t a brick wall when it came to your flirting, but c’est la vie. His interests must simply lie elsewhere, so instead, you get an interesting, gruff, muscular friend.
Meanwhile, Patrick and Carl appear to have just jogged over all the way from the pig pen. Last time you came back from a supply run, you’d found a six-pack of Red Bull and gifted it to them. Those two had far too much fun with the caffeine jolt.
Naturally, you promised to keep your eye out for different energy drinks they could try. And you may have just nabbed a five-hour-energy mini bottle for them during the supply run, in fact...
“Whoa! Where did you ladies go to find that?” Patrick asks, wide-eyed and in awe. You love that little nerd, he’s such a gentleman. He’s now telling Carl how “When things started to get...scary, I used my study hall to look up different ways to keep the power on. Just in case things, well, things turned out like they did.” He shrugs and coughs out a nervous giggle. “Um, anyways – this one was one of the best ones! I referenced it in the first draft of my research project.”
“Tell you what, once we get this hulking thing down off the truck and opened up, we’ll give you the info packet and directions.” With a smile, you ask “Will you lead the set up? Rick would be thrilled.”
He stammers a little when he replies, “I-I’d be honored, miss – oh, sorry! – ma’am.”
“Yeah, so, people usually wanna mess those up in the opposite order there, kid,” Daryl grunts, arms crossed, and a cigarette hanging from his mouth.
You wonder if Daryl knows just how intimidating he is. In the least, it’s impossible that the man doesn’t see how much Patrick looks up to him. Just look at how red the boy’s face is getting! Even Carl appears to be experiencing sympathetic embarrassment...
Hands on your hips, you purse your lips at Daryl before giving Patrick a wink. “I’ll answer to any and all, so long as it’s said as sweetly as you did.”
The kid blinks a few times in confusion before clearing his throat to hide another nervous giggle. Carl nudges him in the ribs while you reach into your jacket pocket.
“Now, boys, before you go, there’s something else I’ll need you to test out.” You look around quickly as if what you’re hiding is contraband, then reveal the energy shot and tap your nose twice. “Go slowly, and if you get queasy or sick from it...” You pause to place a hand on your chest and lean forward. “I’ll deny everything.”
It’s impossible not to smile around this chick. Or to not blush and clam up like an idiot.
The first time they’d even crossed paths, she’d made him laugh.
Well, once she’d determined that he wasn’t about to kill her or otherwise and vice versa.
It was before his group even found the prison. Happened in the middle of the damned woods near a shopping mall. Beth went to fill up her water bottle at a stream and came back Y/N in tow.
Daryl had misread the situation and aimed his bow at her, shouting at Beth to get down. But Y/N had also misread the situation, and before he even his crossbow aimed, she instead threw Beth behind her and shoved Daryl back, aiming her knife at him while telling Beth to run.
“Oh my – put those things away! Daryl, this is Y/N, she’s okay! And Y/N, this is Daryl, he’s part of my group. He can be rough around the edges but he’s good, I promise. See how he got all protective? Let me take you to meet the others!”
And at this, Y/N had immediately eased up, sheathed her knife, and broke into a smile. The woman looked exhausted and was damned filthy, but you’d never guess by the way she carried herself.
After tossing her hair, she’d casually touched his arm (and he didn’t even flinch when she touched him, ain’t that something?), sighed in relief, and said “Thank goodness I didn’t have to fight you with that silly thing. The only thing I want to use a knife for is cutting open a bagel and spreading it with cream cheese.” 
Then, cheerful as ever, she she linked her arm in Beth’s and allowed herself to be lead to the others. “On that note, I have some granola bars left in my bag. Do your people need food, sweet girl? The granola bars obviously can’t tide one over for very long, but they help.”
Daryl just stood there dumb as a box of rocks and watched those two saunter off. He also didn’t realize that he hadn’t moved until T-Dog called his name.
Anyway, yeah, she’s something. Fun, funny, helpful, sweet. And holy shit, man, she’s drop dead gorgeous. And her confidence is so damned sexy.
And, right now, he wished he had the balls to chat with her more or at least apologize for freaking out that teenager, but he had no idea what to say…
Damn, there she goes rummaging the truck for something. Another chance blown. Well, guess I better hop up to unload that big-ass box, the guys are on their way over.
Shit, this thing is enormous. How the hell they get this thing up there by themselves?
And why are you finding that such a turn-on, Dixon? Chill out.
Now, where is Carol? You’d brought back a gift for her, too, you just need to grab them from under the passenger seat. Oh, there she is, by the tables. While Daryl hops up into the truck bed to see about getting the power station out, you wave as you walk towards her.
“Hey there, you. Found you a little something I thought you’d like.” You hold out the book and the holster.
“Concealed carry. It’s one of the super inconspicuous ones, I thought it would suit you.”
That woman is a secret badass, mark your words, she just needs some more tools. “As for the book, you’re just getting so quick with a knife! I reasoned you could breeze through this then teach all of us how to do the tricky stuff, that one included,” you gab on, gesturing behind to Daryl.
She truly has been getting skilled with one, though, you’re not lying.
And you do adore that playful little grin she’s making right now. “I could work with this, Y/N,” she offers with a modest shrug.
“You certainly can.” You turn around to check on the power station. Daryl, Rick, Glenn, and Tyrese are all gathered around the truck, with Glenn spotting while the three others carefully bring it to ground-level, muscles straining.
“Is it just me,” you whisper. “Or would this be more fun to watch if they were shirtless?”
She chuckles in good humor and shakes her head. “Wicked thing, you."
“I think of it as admiring the art in a museum. I can appreciate it, but I’m not about to go take the art off the walls. Well, unless I know for certain it’s for sale by the artist and the piece really speaks to me.”
With a little pout, you then think to yourself that it’s such a pity that that one particularly rugged, crossbow-wielding artwork is limited to the museum, because you really do think he’d look fabulous with your décor. But, no matter, you keep standing tall and proud. We each have our tastes, no?
That cracks her up as she gives a little wave to Maggie who’s walking over. “There comes the bride,” she greets her. “Y/N here was just admiring the ‘art,’ so she called it.”
“Maggie has to agree with me, her husband is among the art pieces.” You smile warmly, wondering “How delightful is it to hear people refer to Glenn as your husband now?”
“I don’t think I’ll get tired of it any time soon,” she responds happily. “And he is nice to look at.”
“Thatta girl.”
“I tell you, if I had half the confidence this one does,” Carol comments to Maggie, pointing at you. “I could’ve taken over the world.”
“Oh, you still just might,” you insist. “You’ve got a queenliness about you. I could see you owning a pet tigress and saving countless lives through intrigue and guile. On that note, I’d really adore to plan that library run we’ve been considering.” You clap your hands together. “Alright now, have either of you eaten dinner yet? Sasha and mine’s stomach’s were simply aching out there and I swear mine’s about to eat itself.”
Maggie shakes her head and says “Perfect, I haven’t yet. I’ll grab you both a bowl.”
“Thank you, babe. I’ll go grab Sasha. What about you, mama, have you already eaten?” you ask Carol.
“I did, but I’ll be walking in your direction. I wanna check out that power thingy you girls brought back.”
Carol beside you until you reach where the big box was offloaded, you then stride to where Sasha is chatting with her brother.
“Ready to eat?”
“Am I ever, let’s go. Ty was just telling me how impressed he is by us getting that monster into the truck by ourselves.”
“As well he should be, we’ll both be sore tomorrow.”
“I’m sore already,” she jokes back.
Tyrese holds his hands up. “I tried lifting it on my own just to see how heavy it was. All I’m saying is, I’m glad neither of you threw out your backs.”
“Your baby sister was a firefighter, she knows to lift with her legs,” you sweetly toss behind as you escort Sasha back to the tables.
“But I still got no idea how you managed to finish pushing it up there on your own after the ramp fell, my legs dead-ass gave out,” Sasha tells you.
“I told you, babe, these thighs don’t quit.”
And right when you say this, you find yourself unexpectedly catching the stare of that familiar pair of blue eyes. Lordy, is that man attractive.
So, first you offer a wink at Carol who’s standing by him, then you look back at Daryl straight into those blue eyes of his. “You heard me, Mr. Dixon. See these curves? Form and function, darling.”
How the hell can a person be so damned attractive? Everything about her! And that was the sexiest damn thing she’s ever said. Ever.
Dammit, I’m getting all red, I can feel it. Hopefully Carol ain’t saw it yet. Shit, nope, she did. She’s smirking at me again. I didn’t ask for no wingwoman, Carol.
Aw hell, so is Rick.
At least Y/N is already walking away...c’mon now, don’t stare at her ass, Dixon, it’s rude and creepy. Just go kill some walkers by the fence or something, get your mind off it.
Late the next morning
“Ooh, makeup? That’s fun! What made you decide to put some on today?”
Oh right, you should probably answer her. Beth is staring expectantly at you for a reply while you’re just staring into space.
Pasting on a confident expression and mentally getting yourself back ‘onstage,’ you give a little shrug and take a dainty sip of your tea.
“It’s nice to feel fancy every so often, sweet thing. Who needs an occasion?” There, that seemed very like your usual self. Hopefully you didn’t overdo it.
For whatever reason, you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Like, it’s possible you’re starting to PMS or maybe it’s just one of those days, but either way, you feel so...low. The only thing on your mind are all the times you’ve failed and all the people you’ve lost.
You feel like a fraud. You don’t like the sound of your voice, the feel of your body, or the way you look – and you’ve managed in a very short amount of time to convince yourself that just maybe, nobody else here likes you either, that they find you repulsive, and that they are only being good to you out of pity.
Nonsense, isn’t it? But you couldn’t get that silly idea out of your head no matter how much you tried to reason to yourself…
First, you skipped breakfast and quietly slipped out to go on fence duty, but instead of feeling satisfied that you were working to keep everybody safe, you felt unfeminine and gross.
So, after washing, you then tried to gussy yourself up with some makeup and a long-sleeved shirt loose enough that it falls off your shoulder in the hopes you’d feel less poorly about yourself.
That didn’t work, either, so you immediately shaved your legs, arms, underarms, and face. That still didn’t work, either, you only felt smoother.
So, after that, you went and snuggled Judith and made her laugh until she grew tired and fell asleep in your arms.
But then, you hyperfocused on how she must’ve fallen asleep only because your body must feel squishy to her, and that made you feel even worse. So, finally you gave up, put her in her crib, and slumped to one of the tables with a book.
The others should be ready soon to drive back to that outdoor rec warehouse, so you’re nursing a mug of wild mint tea and staring into space while Beth reads her book and you read yours.
And now you feel like a clown in your silly makeup.
Something seems a little off about her today. She doesn’t usually sit so hunched over. And at a corner table? Y/N likes to be where the action is.
Is she sick?
Did somebody upset her?
“Hey, you awake?” Oh, real smooth, Daryl.
Y/N, back onstage. “Just daydreaming, Daryl.” Clearing your throat and putting your smile back on, you shove your bookmark in and finish your tea as if it were a shot of whiskey, asking him “Ready to go?”
Then you stand up, stretch, and take care of your mug as you say “I didn’t mention it, but they had a good assortment of bolts there for your crossbow, you should stock up.” That sounded like normal-you, right?
“Hey, good morning, guys. Ready to head out?”
“Good morning, Glenn!” Keep it upbeat, Y/N. “I think we’re both all set. You and the missus ready, too?” 
“Yeah, I’m psyched. Sasha said they have portable heated showers?”
“Yes, indeed! Who knew those existed, right?”
He makes a victory fist and mentions “We’re also hitting up this drug store a couple miles from the place you guys found. Maggie and I grabbed what meds were left, but we didn’t have room for the best thing in there: toilet paper.”
She didn’t sing along or sway with the music like she usually does during the car ride. Seemed kinda zoned out.
Maybe she slept bad? She looks great, as always, even with all that junk on her face, but maybe the makeup is to hide the circles?
The only time she really spoke was to ask to share his cigarettes. Her exact words were “May I have one to tide me over? Forgot all about breakfast.” She doesn’t really smoke, though, so that seemed off, too.
Then in that little pharmacy place, when everybody was carrying out packages of toilet paper, he noticed her eye catch something on the shelf. He figured he’d grab whatever it was and bring it back for her. Until he saw what they were.
Why the fuck would she be looking at diet pills? There ain’t nothing wrong with –
–The next thing he knew, he was scooping them all up into his arms and jogging over to the hair color section and dumping them in a pile. No one would be coming to this section, so no one would find them. That shit’s unhealthy.
That was odd whatever happened at the drug store. Those pills just vanished. Not that you would’ve necessarily grabbed a bottle or two, but...maybe you were tempted.
Ugh, one of those days, that’s all this is. It’s simply one of those days, Y/N.
On the car trip back to the outdoor goods warehouse, Daryl asked “You feelin’ alright?”
Being in a mood, you berated yourself internally for not having filled in the silence, therefore making things so awkward that even Daryl would try to make polite conversation.
And this threatens to get those tears rolling, so quickly throw out “Would you believe it? I accidentally woke up far too early and thought it would be fun to get myself out of bed right then.” For added effect, you complete this statement with a wave of your hand at how silly that was of you to do.
Everybody uses the excuse that they’re tired when they feel like shit but don’t wanna tell nobody that they feel like shit.
As low as you feel today, at least the group is happy with the findings at this place. It’s a great, big, warehouse-style store with hunting goods, camping gear – and a massive part of the store was locked tight and never got picked over during the lootings.
Glenn’s enthusiastic praises, Michonne’s subdued delight, and Daryl’s quiet approval followed by near-drooling when pointed in the direction of the bolts should be enough to spark your mood back up, but it’s not.
Sasha and Maggie are now loitering in the women’s clothing section to browse through what’s there. When they told you to come join them,  all you did on the inside was compare your body to theirs. Then you told yourself that they feel bad for you, which is the only reason they asked. As untrue as that is, you kept thinking ‘well, what if?’
And you couldn’t and still can’t seem to remember that you love your body. It’s strong, it’s soft, it’s womanly. It’s part of you.
So, you declined with a sparkling grin and told them to surprise you instead, feeling yourself swallowing back a heavy lump in your throat as you pretended to wander off with a purpose.
Michonne is browsing the knives, Glenn is in seventh heaven carrying a portable heated shower to the truck, and Tyrese is entranced by the wall of gardening seeds and equipment. You don’t see where Daryl is, but he’s probably upstairs slow-dancing with a package of crossbow bolts around the hunting section.
You were too self-conscious to start packing up the freeze-dried food and MREs, so you ended up uselessly perusing the untouched assortment of life jackets a few aisles down.
And now you’re staring blankly at the life jackets and paddles and are trying not to cry...
Life jackets? We don’t need those...
Still, he decides to not bother her. She probably won’t want to be bothered, maybe she just needs space.
Until he’s grabbed all the bolts he can carry and notices from all the way upstairs that there are dark smudges running down her cheeks.
Okay, time to take this into my own hands, and he resolves to make her smile as he stomps his way to the stairs.
What the hell can I do to cheer her up, though? There’s gotta be somethin’ in here to show her.
Nobody caught you blubbering, thank goodness, and you’d found packages of no-rinse bathing wipes that you used to clean up your face. You had no idea those were a thing for camping, but it makes sense. And they removed your tear-stained, smudged makeup like a champ.
It was nonsensical of you to wear that stuff on your face, anyway. What must people have thought of you? It’s the apocalypse.
For Glenn and Maggie’s wedding it was one thing, and when that baby was born to the Woodbury woman and a little party was thrown, okay. But full-face makeup for no reason?
Oh Lordy, there you go again, assuming people think the worst about you over something as inane as makeup. Ugh, what a day.
“Hey, you okay?”
Whoa, where on earth did Daryl come from? You even dropped the used wipe on the ground.
“What’s that?” he asks, bending down at the same time to pick it up.
“Sanitary camping wipes, they’re like a bath in a bag. Elegant, right?” you attempt to joke.
“Y’look nice.”
You look nice?
Well, if that’s not the very thing a woman wants to hear when her makeup is removed. You’re about to thank him, albeit confused, when he next asks “Can I use one of them? Seein’ you look all fresh makes me wanna scrub up, too.”
Still surprised, you hold out the package to him and don’t need to fake a smile as you share “Well, they feel fabulous. Very refreshing.”
“Mm, they smell good,” he mumbles, and uses two to begin wiping his neck and face – oh, and underarms, too, what a guy. You have to crack up in amusement when he does that.
He looks at you for a second and almost appears to become nervous, but then lightly teases that it’s “A step up from me bein’ all smelly and covered in dirt, right?”
You’re feeling a little more like yourself already, enough to respond “Darling, we’ve been friends long enough that I can be honest and say that you tend to wear dirt very well.”
Though you do hope that wasn’t too much for him. The poor man has that special brand of self-loathing where even genuine good will from others can be seen as suspect.
He gives a quiet little hum and looks at the wipe. “So, you’re sayin’ I should try to put some of this gunk back on?”
Clapping your hands in delight, you forget about how low your self-worth rating feels today and sass back “I have faith some will find its way back on you. Just give it time, handsome.”
He playfully mutters “Stop,” in his shy way as he balls up his used wipes and tosses them. “C’mon, I wanted to show you this thing I found, it’s real damn funny,” he then says, beckoning for you to follow him. “Saw it by the tent section.”
“Well, I’m intrigued. What is it?”
“Patience, Y/N.”
“Oh, Daryl, your cheeks,” you notice. “They’re red! Was that the wipe?”
“Nah, s’just kinda warm in here,” he hurries. Hm. You’re finding it rather chilly in there.
Leading you down the aisles, he must see whatever it is he wants to show you, because he quickly jogs over to a wall display and hides something from it behind his back “Of everybody here, I wanted to show you first. It’s so,” he pauses to crack up, then shakes his head. “You’ll see. Look at this thing.”
Now, you aren’t sure what you’re expecting to be shown, but for Daryl to bashfully present a tubular, curved, funnel-like device being sold as “The Original She-Nis ®!” is not it.
And before you know it, you’re grabbing his arm for support, bent over with laughter. “‘She-Nis?’” you wheeze. “How does this – how does this thing even work? Does one just unzip and shove it under there, or?”
Face redder than ever, he cracks up again and shyly responds “I guess? Ain’t like I got the right parts to test it out for ya.”
“‘No more crouching and spilling when nature calls!” you read off the package in between belly-laughs. “‘Easy and discrete!’ How is this purple thing ‘discrete?’”
He can feel how red his damned cheeks still are. But hell yes, it’s so good to hear her laugh, she ain’t done it all day. And that he is the one who made her laugh...it makes him stand up a little straighter.
“Joke’s on you, Daryl, I’m bringing these back,” she chuckles, still holding his arm. He really liked it when she did that kind of thing. It didn’t make him feel uncomfortable, just felt natural.
“Yo, guys, what’s up?” Glenn calls out. He’s jogging over. Good, that kid’ll love this shit, too.
With some pride, he sees Y/N wipe her eyes from laughing so hard when she exclaims “Daryl, show him!”
After Glenn howls out with laughter at that truly unique bit of camping gear, he grabs it and a second one at your request to show to Michonne (“It’s perfect, we were just talking about not enjoying having to crouch to pee in the woods!). He then races off to show Maggie, shouting “Dude! Wife! Check this thing out, it’s hilarious!”
You rub Daryl’s arm a few times before you let go and wipe your eyes one last time.
“M’glad you’re smiling again,” you hear him mumble.
“What?” You cock your head and twist your expression into a wry grin. “I smile all the time, silly man.”
Opening his mouth, then closing it, he finally puts his hands in his pockets and says, “I was just, dunno, worried you’re havin’ one of those days. Ain’t seemed like yourself today.”
You look down and swallow. For all his rough edges, you know Daryl has a soft heart, you’ve seen it. But still, it’s very...uncommon for him to display it like this.  
“Maybe I woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” you quietly admit. “We're all familiar with those days where our sense of self-worth seems to malfunction, no?” Then you decide to lightly tease in the hopes of making him smile, too. “I must not have I not flirted with you enough today.”
Daryl scratches his neck and shakes his head, grinning. “I missed that, too,” he murmurs. Now he’s digging the toe of his boots around like he does when he’s nervous. “Just – whatever bad stuff’s goin’ through your head right now, it’s bullshit. Alright?”
Now truth be told, you obviously aren’t normally one to get flustered. But at this, you have the most wonderfully warm sensation in your chest and cannot help but light up into a wide, bright, school-girl smile.
And it doesn’t dim one iota when he suddenly inhales in recognition of how vulnerable and nurturing he’d just been, then grunts “I gotta, I got to, um. I’m gonna go –”
“Now, wait a moment,” you croon, sliding your arm around his before he can scurry away and hide. True, you’re in his friendzone, but you already feel so much better that you remember that’s fine! We each have our tastes, and you are fabulous regardless.
“I’m not being emphatic when I say that this is the best I’ve felt all day, Daryl. Thank you.”
And with that, you feel a surge of confidence as you gently cup his face with your free hand and give him a small peck on the cheek.
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Oh dear, was that too much? It looks like he’s stuck, as if he’s buffering. Okay, it’s time to direct this sweet man to a task.
Holy. Shit. Yes.
Whoa, when did she get over there? Aw, and she’s not holding his arm anymore. Hot damn, that smile, though. I fuckin’ love that smile. I’m so glad she’s smiling again, I could stare at it all day.
And her confidence is so damned sexy! She’s thoughtful, she’s fun, she’s strong, she’s gorgeous –
“Daryl,” she repeats. “Come on now, handsome, we’ve still got work to do. Let’s you and I get some of those fire log packages to the truck, okay? I wanna see those muscles of yours in action.” His pulse flutters when she does that hair toss thing he loves so much, and then she turns her head back toward him. “Just try to keep up with me, alright? ’Cause like I said before: all this is form and function.”
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lunafeather · 5 years
Top 5 ships that should have happened and Top 5 ships that should NEVER have happened
Anon, this is fucking hard and that’s why it’s taken me a week to answer. It was also a really good one. You’re gonna get descriptions for everything!
Top 5 Ships That Should Have Happened
1. Wynonna x Dolls (Wynonna Earp). For fuck’s sake, it was a perfect slow burn between two messed up, truly good people. They had chemistry, they had humor, they had each other’s backs. They are seriously one of my OTP’s of OTP’s. Xavier Dolls is one of if not my absolute favorite character of all time, and he still deserves better than what he got. He deserved to fall in love with Wynonna, he deserved to know she loved him, they deserved to find happiness with each other and their found family. I’M STILL MAD ABOUT IT.
2. Jack x Elizabeth (Pirates of the Caribbean). STILL MAD ABOUT ELIZABETH SWANN’S ENDING, GONNA DIE MAD ABOUT IT PROBS. Look, Will is nice enough and whatever, but Jack saw who she really was and stoked that fire. She’s a fucking pirate, not a little mom who sits on an island with her kids waiting for Daddy to come back from sea every 7 fucking years. Jack and Elizabeth had chemistry out the wazoo, they would have OWNED the 7 seas. Please pretend Jack isn’t played by Johnny Depp but still looks like he does.
3. Jane x Maura (Rizzoli and Isles). I was so done with this show’s shit that I almost buried all my memories of it lmao listen. LISTEN. Maybe Sasha made it gay on purpose. Maybe they had no idea what they had on their hands. I don’t know. All I know is that there is so much chemistry between Sasha Alexander and Angie Harmon that you could power the United States for 10 years. THE LOOKS. THE TOUCHES. THE FLIRTING BANTER. This show was painful to watch. This show is also one of the absolute best examples of actual queer baiting. It pains me to think about the “bound for life” promo poster. IT PHYSICALLY HURTS. These two are god damn soul mates and you can’t change my mind. Fuck JTam. They did their level best to not let it be gay, and yet they somehow failed.
4. Jackson x April (Grey’s Anatomy). Lord have mercy, I know this ship technically DID happen, but it should have fucking KEPT HAPPENING instead of all the god damn bullshit that happened instead. Slow burn, friends to lovers, perfect for each other. Ugh, I stopped watching the show because of the crap they kept putting these two through. THEY WERE SOULMATES. At least they didn’t kill April off I guess???
5. Katniss x Gale (The Hunger Games, books). I am still so god damn mad that this series ended with Katniss marrying Peeta and having his babies and settling down like a little farmer girl (this is apparently a trend in media). Katniss and Gale were best friends and should have ended up together. He understood her. I just… I really hated the second half of Mockingjay. I think the author just stopped getting her own characters?? Gale’s narrative made no fucking sense! It wasn’t who he was! She turned him into this violence, for-the-greater-good asshole just to make it easier for Katniss to end up with Peeta and I’m always gonna be mad about it.
Honorable Mentions:
Clint x Natasha (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Why have Nat wear a fucking arrow necklace? Why throw away that chemistry? Why randomly create and insert a family for Clint?? It makes no sense, Joss Whedon can go fuck a cactus.
Elliot x Olivia (Law and Order: SVU). We could have had it alllllll. And we almost did. At the end of Season 8, I really thought they were gonna do it. They didn’t. I stopped watching.
Mulan x Aurora (Once Upon a Time). STILL MAD ABOUT THIS.
Top 5 Ships That Should NEVER Have Happened
1. Lorelai x Christopher (Gilmore Girls). I literally stopped watching the show because Lorelai slept with Chris at the end of Season 6. I mean, Season 6 was just not written well AT ALL to start with, everyone was super out of character. But for Lorelai to run to Chris when Chris was such a huge sore spot between her and Luke? When her parents had been pushing Chris on her their entire relationship? When she had repeatedly hidden her conversations with Chris from him? When he (rightfully) was worried about her connection to Chris? Like, yes Luke sucked for hiding April and for delaying their wedding indefinitely, but jesus. Cheating on him with your ex and the father of your kid? Fucking low. I still can’t watch Season 7. Some people say she needed to be sure that her and Chris would never work – I say that how deeply she loved Luke should have shown her that.
2. Wynonna x Doc (Wynonna Earp). Ohhhh boy. Look, I would have been cool with them just hooking up a couple times, but the second this shit turned romantic – nah. They are too alike to EVER work as a romantic couple. He literally knew and was likely romantically and sexually involved with her great great grandfather. Doc should have been written as the father figure Wynonna so desperately needed. Barring all that, when she got pregnant, they could have gone the progressive route and been like, alright, we obviously aren’t good as partners but we can definitely coparent this baby since you are obviously in love with Dolls. BUT NO. We have to have a fucking love triangle (oh I’m sorry, a not love triangle that is oddly shaped like a fucking triangle). Ugh.
3. Rose x Finn (Star Wars). Nope, no. Uh-uh. Nopers. No chemistry, no time, no lead up. Rose hero worshipped Finn and came crashing down and suddenly loves him??? After like 2 days??????? Finn who showed no interest in her because he is clearly in love with Rey???? God, fuck this. Fuck The Last Jedi. Give Rose Tico the substance she deserves.
4. Jane x Casey (Rizzoli and Isles). If you’re gonna force Jane to be straight, at least pair her with a decent dude??? I kind of shipped her with the police guy in season 1 (can’t remember his name, Donnie Whalberg played him) because he took her sass in stride and was attracted to all her tomboyish BS. I thought they would have been good if she just HAD TO BE WITH A DUDE. But instead we’re gonna pair her with this manipulative, gross, christian-values-but-only-so-we-can-say-christian-values veteran dude? Who treated Jane like an accessory and not the badass boss detective she was??? Fuck that. It still pisses me off.
5. Rachel x Joey (Friends). Look. I shipped Ross and Rachel when this show aired. I still kind of do even though the ship is so problematic it hurts (their chemistry is insane, y’all.). But for serious? You’re gonna put JOEY and Rachel together?? Really?? I checked out during seasons 9 and 10 because of this. I mean, first of all, how gross for Joey to just go with the whole proposal snafu despite knowing how Ross felt. How fucking selfish. Second of all, Jennifer Aniston and Matt LeBlanc have literally no sexual or romantic chemistry of any kind. It was so forced, it was so awkward, I still can’t watch reruns of this time in the show because it is so painful.
Honorable Mention:
Ted x Robin (How I Met Your Mother). WHAT KIND OF MISOGYNISTIC HETERO BULLSHIT VOMITED ONTO THIS SHOW, I DON’T EVEN GO HERE AND I KNOW THIS IS WRONG. Straight white whiney Nice Guy™ Ted should have ended up alone.
Put “Top 5″ anything in my ask and I’ll answer!
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Someday We’ll All Be Free
Pairings: Sasha Williams x Female! Reader / Rosita x Abraham / Maggie x Glenn
Word count: 573
Written by me based on characters from The Walking Dead
Abraham was still with Rosita upon his death. Rosita, Abraham, Sasha and Reader all shared a strong bond as friends, and for that Sasha wanted to help Rosita avenge his death.
Sasha and ‘Female Reader’ are a couple.
           It wasn’t until Simon and the other saviors left that I realized Sasha was missing. Over the past week or so, she had been keeping secrets from me, the kind you keep when you want to protect someone you love. She was planning something big and she didn’t want me to know.
           When Daryl told me Sasha and Rosita were gone and where they went, I wanted to go after her, but Maggie told me it was too dangerous. Maggie said, “We’ve lost a lot of our people and if we want to bring Sasha back home, we need to be prepared.”
           Sasha made a choice. I knew when Rosita came to Hilltop it was going to change everything. Rosita had a bloodlust for Negan. She wanted to be the one to take him out for we he did to Abraham, and for what he did to Glenn.
           But, Maggie is right; our group is scattered between Alexandria, The Kingdom, and Hilltop. We’re divided, yet united by our devastating losses. We need to prepare for a battle; we need to prepare for a war. But some of us are a little more impatient than others.
I just couldn’t see why she would leave me behind…
           When it came to her heart, Sasha was impatient. She always had been. I picked up on this the first time we met at the prison in Atlanta. I fell in love with her almost instantly. She was a stoic leader, and if she’d set her mind to accomplish something, she was going to go through with it.
           Before, when the world had order, she was a firefighter, which requires an exemplary amount of strategic thinking. Sasha had a good balance of logic and love, but sometimes, the scales tipped too much.
           Shortly after my arrival, there was an influenza that swept through the compound. Before the dead walked, I was a Medical Assistant at the hospital, and I was required to have immunizations every year; it came to my aid when the sickness hit. When Sasha fell ill, I remember thinking, “We just met and this is it. She’s going to die right in front on me.” All the medical training and background didn’t prepare me for what do when there’s no access to modern medicine. But Daryl, Michonne, and Bob’s supply run was plush with remedy.
          When Sasha came to, I’d never felt happier in my life. I planted my lips on hers for our first kiss. There was no other way for me to let her know how I felt, no words, only action. My affections were reciprocated and I felt her heart open up. Dating was different now. I couldn’t take her to the movies or out to dinner at a fancy restaurant. At night, we would climb onto the roof of the compound, lay on a blanket and watch the stars. We would wait up all night just to catch a glimpse of shooting star. She would sing Donny Hathaway’s, “Someday We’ll All Be Free” to me. Once a star slid across the night sky, we’d make our way down into our cell. From that first night on, I never slept alone. I always had Sasha.
“Take it from me, someday we'll all be free, yeah Keep on walking tall Hold your head up high Lay your dreams right up to the sky Sing your greatest song And you'll keep going, going on”
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Feedback appreciated! Requests are open.
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vdragon-creations · 10 months
Meet Mutant Mayhem Sasha!
EDIT AUGUST 4TH: Yeah, sooooo I just finished watching the movie, so a lot of this is gunna be rewritten!
I have yet to see the new MM movie just yet (gunna go see it Friday!), but I can't help myself! (I'll edit any of this if the movie has details that would change any of what I've written.)
I finished drawing out the concepts for Sasha's Mutant Mayhem version! Yes, everyone! She now has ten versions! See my previous post's about her other versions here!
But for now I'd like to introduce MM Sasha!
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Sasha was once a normal Cheetah Cub, but she wasn't raised like a normal cub. Sasha and her older brother Kenai where snatched up from their home in Africa by people who where in the "Exotic Pet" trade! This wound up getting to two of them brought to New York to be sold to some shady people. However, Sasha's older brother was able to get them out by attacking one of the men who let him out of his cage to show him off to a buyer.
Now being set free but lost in such an unfamiliar place, Sasha and her brother wondered the streets, doing their best to stay away from human eyes. They fed off birds, Rats, and other smaller animals that they could find. Kenai would help protect Sasha, as she was very much a shy cat and not a fighter in the slightest. And life, while hard, was okay for the most part.
One day, while looking for food, Sasha and her brother where drawn to the sewers by a strange green glow they found. They fallowed it till they saw a sewer drain flowing with a glowing green goo. Sasha accidentally got spooked by a rat running past her tail and ended up falling into it. Kenai went in after her, getting himself covered in the strange goo too! After getting out of the pool of water, Sasha and her brother started to change! Their bodies became more human like, and they became much smarter.
For years they spent their time trying to find a more decent place to stay, and eventually they found themselves setting up a home in an abandoned part of town, in a half demolished apartment building. And there they stayed for 15 years!
Meeting The Turtles!
Well, after The Turtles saved the city from Superfly, and were accepted by the humans and starting school, Mutant's started becoming more comfortable being seen. Sasha and her brother finally decided that they'd start showing the world their talents too! And maybe be the first Mutant Influencers! Kenai started posting himself singing covers of his favorite songs, and eventually got super popular when he started making his own music. Meanwhile Sasha was head deep into the world of Drawing, Anime, and Cosplay. She would handmake (or clawmake in this case) her own cosplays for both popular characters, or just based of things that inspired her! And it didn't stop there, she sewed every piece of clothing she or her brother had ever worn, and loved taking pictures of herself and her brother showing off their new threads! Sasha was a very shy girl, but it was like a switch flipped on inside her when she started cosplaying! She became more confident and open!
One day, Donnie sees Mikey jamming out to a YouTube video of what looks like two mutants singing a duet! Mikey explains that he's been binge watching this cheetah mutant dude for the last few hours, and his music was just so fucking cool! Donnie had a listen, and was about to roll his eyes, until the video moved onto Sasha's part of the duet, and he froze. She was cosplayed as Kyouka Jirou from MHA, and her voice was so damn beautiful. (This must've been how Leo felt seeing April for the first time) He asked Mikey if he knew who that was, and Mikey (knowing exactly what was happening to his brother) told him that this was the singers sister. Donnie looked for her on Instagram and Tik Tok, finding her going by the name "Citty Cat Cosplay"! He was hooked instantly, she loved posting about all the anime she was watching, sharing playlists of her favorite K-Pop and J-Pop songs, and Showing off all the cool art and outfits she was making.
This continued for a few months, when by chance, he and his brothers heard some of the other human students that two new mutants had just enrolled at the school! This was pretty exciting, as they kinda wanted some more mutant friends! But after about a week, they still hadn't seen them, and just thought the other student's were just playing a prank. That was until one day, Donnie was stopping by one of the soda machines on his way to his Computer Club meeting. After grabbing his soda, he heard the sound of someone starting to put a coin in the machine next to him. It almost spooked him, since he didn't even hear footsteps! His head whipped to see a Cheetah mutant girl reaching for a soda, but she was frozen in place. Staring right at him.
He knew exactly who she was, even without the cosplay on, her eyes where a dead give away. And Sasha stared in awe at him too, she knew that The Turtles that saved the city went to this school, but she hadn't seen any of them since enrolling. And yet, here was one right in front of her! She remembered him from the news footage when fighting Superfly, He was the one with the stick and glasses. She also noticed the JoJo hoodie he was wearing and felt some butterflies stirring around in her stomach. He was a lot cuter in person! The two of them just stared on for a few more minutes, before Sasha just stood up straight and quickly turned her back to him and sped walked away. Donnie tried to call back out to her, as she left her drink, but his words wouldn't come out.
He ended up running all over to find Mikey to tell him what just happened, but as he found his brother, he saw Mikey was talking to the brother of Sasha. Mikey introduced him to Kenai, and not so smoothly implied that Donnie was a huge fan of his sister. Kenai was actually pretty happy to hear this, as his sister really needed to try and make more friends, and offered to take him to her.
At first, things didn't go quite so well, as Sasha was so scared of them that she scurried under her workbench to hide. But after Donnie explained that he was giving her the drink she bought and was a huge fan of her content, she seemed to open up a bit more. They then started talking about anime, games, and as soon as K-Pop was brought up, the two could not shut up! Eventually, Sasha started talking to all The Turtles and April, offering them to make outfits if they ever wanted to go to Comic Con with her one day!
Her Relationship With The Turtles!
Leo~ She's not above taking jabs at him like his brothers are, but she's not nearly as cruel about it as they can be. She may be a big cat, but she's got the heart and constitution of a new born kitten. She likes his style of dress, as it's a bit like what she would wear normally herself.
Raph~ She's honestly a bit spooked by him, as he's very much the opposite of her personality wise. Loud, Outgoing, Strong, and Violent! But she is able to tell when he just needed a bit of time to himself, or needs someone to talk to. And she's always down to be that ear for him.
Mikey~ Despite his brothers not thinking he's all that funny, Sasha genuinely seems to think he's hilarious! When she's down in the dumps or needing someone to talk to, he's a pretty safe choice for her turn to with her troubles.
Donnie~ These two are like a match made in nerd heaven! They both feed into each others obsessions and could talk for hours or days about almost anything! The two share their hobbies, skills, and wishes with each other all the time. Sasha was worried that they only had a Parasocial Relationship, but after coming to terms with the fact that Don seemed to genuinely care for her and not just her content, and that she had started to catch some feelings for him too, that fear was quickly evaporated. They're the best of friends, and perhaps, more then that one day.
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The main theme played... It sure should've been silence or music since main Sasha died, but no... :/ Thoughts?
I’m not that worried. Sasha’s death episode was different from other death episodes, similar the season premiere. The theme song did not play in 6x16, the episode that Glenn and Abraham actually died in, but it did play in 7x01. Their deaths were flashbacks in that episode, thus not in the show’s current timeline. Both episodes had the same hopelessness and loss, but the theme song was already silent in the season six finale. The episode title even referenced a quote from 1x06: I’m grateful [to live]./The day will come when you won’t be. Sasha’s death episode, The First Day of the Rest of Your Life, centered on new beginnings. As I mentioned in an earlier post, Maggie’s speech essentially reset the show (X). The theme song played because though there was an end, the episode was more about the future. Sasha died so her family could live. The only episode which focused on a death and ended on a note of only grief and tragedy, yet still had the theme song playing, was Coda.
Furthermore, Sasha already had her “sad music” in place of the theme song. She chose a song to listen to as she died. She fell asleep to Donny Hathaway’s Someday We’ll All Be Free. When I looked up the song, I found a short article about its appearance in the TWD, and I think the author summed up the song’s purpose well: In this instance, Sasha got to choose her song from the iPod gifted to her by Eugene […] and it gave her a powerful send-off (X).
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the1trueanon · 3 years
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Gib him teeny smooch on cheek -w-
Rise of the TMNT belongs to Nickelodeon/Flying Bark Studios Sasha and art belong to me
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the-dead-skwad · 7 years
Red Neck Part 2 X Daryl Dixon X Reader
Hope you like this part.. I struggled a bit but there will be more parts :) You didn’t know what to say “Donny?” “Ain’t you gonna give your big brother a hug?” he held his arms out to you. Everyone was staring at you “You stopped being my brother the day you walked out the door.” “Aww come on sweetie. I know you missed me” You stepped closer to him “The only reason I wanted you to come back was so you would get the beatings and not me!” His face dropped suddenly “I... I didn’t think he would hurt you... I didn’t know” You unzipped your hoodie ripped it off and threw it on the floor, all your arms, back and chest were covered with scars. They ranged from cuts to cigarette burns. “You didn’t know! The only thing leaving did was make him more angry!” Daryl had ran up behind you by this time “what’s going off?” he could see you shouting at someone with everyone crowded around you. Donny looked at you “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left you.” Daryl not knowing who he was got angry. Assuming this was an ex of yours. “Hey! How’s about you leave her alone man!” he stepped forward to stand next to you. “This problem is between me and my little sister” he said to Daryl. Daryl turned to look at you “This is your brother? The one you told me about” “He ain’t no brother of mine!” Donny got closer to you and looked Daryl up and down “I know you!” Daryl frowned at him “No you don’t.” “I do! You’re merles brother, yeah you used to follow him around.” He laughed at him. “Leave him alone!” you shouted at him. “Come on, let’s go home” you said softly to Daryl. “Where you going?” Donny shouted to you. “Away from you!” “Yeah chose him over me but remember bloods thicker than water!” You walked back up to him and pulled your knife out to his throat “Oh yeah. Shall we see how thick yours is?” He raised his hands “oohhh. You got fire in you, like you always did.” “Just fuck off.. and don’t touch my truck” You and daryl walked back to your house. You plopped down on the wooden steps at the front and sighed. He sat next to you and put his arm around you. “Are you alrigh?” You shrugged “Yeah.. I just shouted in font of everyone about my past.” You hadn’t picked your hoodie up and all your arms were out. “They can think what they think. I think you’re perfect.” He ran his fingers up and down your arm gently. You rested your head on his shoulder “You got a smoke?” He reached into his pocket and pulled one out for you. Just as you lit it Glenn came running to you. “What’s wrong?” You both stood up. “The gate was open... he drove off in your truck.” “Mother fucker!” you shouted. You passed your smoke to Daryl and ran. “You won’t catch up to him!” Sasha shouted as you ran out the gate. “Don’t worry he won’t get far in that.” You ran up the road and sure enough there was your truck right in the middle of the road and a very angry Donny at the wheel. “Hey asshole” You pulled your gun out. “This is a piece of shit” he slammed his hands on the steering wheel. You laughed slightly “Do you really think I wasn’t gona have a kill switch? Now move over!” He climbed across to the passenger seat. “Now” You still had your gun pointed at him “I’m gona give you 1 chance. You can stay in the back of the truck but if you fuck up even once I’ll kick you out those gates with nothing. I don’t want to talk to you at all. Understand?” “You’ll warm up to me sis” he laughed. You dropped your gun and punched him “I said understand?” “God fuckin damn! Yeah I understand!” “Good” you flicked all the correct switches for the truck to work. You drove back to Alexandria where everyone was stood waiting for you. You pulled up and jumped out. Donny got out holding his bloody nose. He didn’t say anything. You walked over to Rick and Daryl “I told him he can stay in my truck. I’m giving him one chance. He fucks up in any way he’s out there.” Rick nodded to you “If that’s what you want” “Just watch him. He’s a fucking asshole” you told both of them. They agreed to. “Hey beautiful” You heard donny behind trying to talk to Rosita. You turned around quickly and glared at him. He raised his hands “OK ok. I’ll be good” “Are you ready to go?” You looked up to Daryl. He nodded to you “As long as you are.” “Yeah I’m fine.” You smiled at him. “Good” he gave you a slight peck on the lips surprising you as he’s not one for public affection. Everyone looked shocked. You hadn’t quite told anyone about you two yet. -- You loved your first hunting trip with Daryl. It felt so good to have someone out there helping you. You both crept around silently. You had caught a couple of squirrels that were tied to your belt. All of a sudden you heard a noise behind you. You both spun around fast with your weapons up. Donny appeared from behind a tree with his arms up. You dropped your gun “What did I tell you! What if I had shot you!” you shouted. “I’m sorry, I didn’t trust you out alone with this redneck.” He nodded to Daryl. Daryl stepped forward but you put your hand on his chest to stop him “Are you serious? He is the best person in my life right now. You lost the right to care about me years ago! Also you can’t say shit. Your more redneck than any of us put together! I trust him more than I ever trusted you. You’re a dirty slimy scum bag.” He stepped forward towards you angry. His face got right up to yours. You knew he was just like your pa. As soon as they got angry they couldn’t control themselves “Watch your mouth little girl.” “Or what?” You couldn’t believe how angry you were “You gona hit me?” He stood there breathing heavy in your face. You could see he was ready to hit you, as he brought his hand towards you you headbutted him hard. He fell to the ground. “I knew I couldn’t trust you! Don’t you dare come back to Alexandria or I’ll fucking shoot you next time!” you turned to look at Daryl. Your chest heaved from the adrenaline. He pulled you into a hug “Let’s get back.” You both started to walk home. You rubbed your forehead where you had hit donny. “Ya alright?” he looked concerned “I’ve never seen someone change like that. One minute he’s looking out for you yhe next he tries to punch you.” You shrugged “I’m used to it, my pa was just like him. They would protect me with their lives but as soon as I pissed them off they would punch my lights out.” You got to the gates where Rick was standing. “Where’s Donny? We saw him follow you guys” “He ain’t coming back” you rubbed your head. “You killed him?” Rick sounded shocked. You laughed at him “No, he’s still family. I just knocked him the fuck out” Rick looked at your face “With your head?” “Yep” you smiled. You took the squirrels off your belt and passed them to Daryl and walked off towards the house. They both watched you walk off “You got one tough girl there man” Rick said to Daryl. A smile stretched across his face “That I do” -- Later that night you both sat on the porch swing talking. You let out a big sigh. Daryl nudged you “Are you okay?” “Yeah” You gave him a half arsed smile. “No you ain’t. What’s wrong” His arm was around you so you snuggled closer into his chest “If I know Donny he’ll be back” @areuforreal
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he-s-dead-jim · 7 years
Tagged by @allionne
  Name: Len, Alex, Sasha (these are my favourite, but my name is Alessandra)
Birthday: May 29th
Height: 159 cm
Sexual orientation: This is difficult. I honestly don’t know how to define myself and it’s probably pointless.
Relationship status: Single.  
Favourite colours: Red, black. In general. For clothes usually grey, brown, dark green.
Average hours of sleep at day: 6 (I go to bed early and I wake up at 4:45)
Favourite movies: Movies are my passion. Before Hannibal I watched four, five movies every day. I can list the movies of my life, the ones that explain better what I think life is about: Big Fish, El Laberinto del Fauno, Bridge to Terabithia, Donnie Darko, Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain, Predestination (this last one is perfection).
Favourite TV shows: Hannibal (this is on top because I’ve never felt this way for anything else) then Lost, Breaking Bad, Doctor Who, Star Trek TOS and NG, Torchwood, Sherlock, Queer as Folk, Game of Thrones, Buffy, X-Files, Bones, Criminal Minds, Mr Robot and many others I watch but just for completeness.  
What I’m wearing rn: grey long sleeved shirt and brown sweatpants.
Last movie I watched in theaters: I don’t go to the movies anymore because I know every single actor’s voice and I can’t stand dubbed movies, so the last one was Silent Hill in 2006.
Dream pet: Dogs everywhere. If I were rich I would be worse than Will, but I can have only three.   
Dream job: Writing. But a bit more than that. I’d love to make people dream, laugh and be happy with what I write even for just one minute.
Dream vacation: Space.
Pancake or waffles: Pancakes.
Text or call: It depends. People I like or love… Calls. But I know text is more comfortable for everyone.
Contacts or glasses: Glasses at school but now, miraculously, I don’t have to wear glasses anymore.
Day or night: Day. I hate night.
Makeup or natural: If you see me with makeup it must be… I don’t know, the end of the world?
Last thing you googled: Translations. Always translations because when I write in English I’m not sure about what I’m writing and when I write in Italian there’s always an English term that better explains what I want to say and so I spend hours trying to find a suitable Italian translation to it.
Drawing or painting: I love drawing but I am hopeless. The only one that appreciated my efforts was a 5 years old girl who saw one of my drawings and said “Wow, you are really good at drawing crows!” It was a drawing of Magica De Spell’s crow.
Why did you choose your URL: Years ago, I was obsessed with Star Trek TOS. Now I’m fond of it, I wouldn’t change it.
 I tag everyone of my followers. If you want...
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vdragon-creations · 1 year
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I imagine that the first time Sasha heard Donnie's snort laugh, she thought it was just the cutest thing she ever heard in her life! Meanwhile I could see Donnie being mortified by it! Eventually he'd be more open about it, but I could see him being a bit self conscious about his laugh around strangers. Or in this case his lover.
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