#Sandra Antonelli
marcogiovenale · 1 year
"il cappello del prete", di emilio de marchi: presentazione a roma il 22 aprile
Sabato 22 aprile ore 18:00 Mercato Trieste via Chiana, 109-115 – Roma Presentazione della nuova edizione del libro di Emilio De Marchi Il cappello del prete «il primo ‘giallo’ (o forse ‘noir’) della letteratura italiana» Illustrato da Sandra Antonelli con 26 tavole in b/n fuori testo. Prefazione di Francesco Crisafulli. Progetto editoriale di Fabrizio M.…
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pirapopnoticias · 7 months
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giancarlonicoli · 9 months
25 lug 2023 16:21
Estratto dell’articolo di Silvia Fumarola per repubblica.it
Ride: «Lo so, lo so, la gente si chiede sempre se ci sono o ci faccio. È il destino delle bionde, che per definizione sono senza cervello. Ma io in realtà sono mora». 
Antonella Elia, una vita in tv — al fianco di Corrado, Mike Bongiorno, Raimondo Vianello — due volte all’Isola dei famosi, una da vincitrice nel 2012 e una passata alla storia per la rissa con Aida Yespica, è molto simpatica. Gioca a fare la svampita e le riesce benissimo. «Ho fatto l’ultima Isola in onda sulla Rai e Aida era tra i finalisti, sembrava diventata santa, santa Aida, una trasfigurazione come nei quadri di Raffaello».
Però nel 2004 vi siete prese per i capelli, non bellissimo.
«Sì, ma a riguardare quel filmato fa ridere. Anche perché lei era il doppio di me, mi poteva sbriciolare».
Da settembre sarà presenza fissa su Rai 2: con Diaco a “BellaMa’” e con la coppia Perego- Ventura a “Citofonare Rai 2”.
«Pierluigi è una persona colta, libera. Con Paola e Simona mi trovo benissimo, sono donne generose, amorevoli, mi sostengono. In tutti gli ambienti deve prevalere l’umanità».
A novembre compirà 60 anni: Dna, ginnastica, dieta?
«Tengo molto al fisico, amo fare sport, mi muovo per produrre le endorfine è importantissimo. Poi ho la paranoia dei rumori, se sento Pietro (Delle Piane, il fidanzato ndr) respirare, mi disturba. Sto diventando isterica».
Corrado la scelse per “La corrida”. Cosa lo colpì?
«Al provino scoppiò a ridere. Corrado era un essere umano con valori profondi, affettuoso, ci davamo del lei è diventato un punto di riferimento nella mia vita. Non avevo nessuno, mi accompagnava anche dal dottore. Era un papà».
Raimondo Vianello la strapazzava, e Sandra Mondaini?
«Mi volevano bene, Sandra con me era materna, dolce. Raimondo mi prendeva in giro. Siccome facevamo Pressing e io di sport sapevo poco, gli chiesi: studio le squadre? “Per carità non perda tempo”. Lasciava tutto all’improvvisazione, e il gioco era quello. Ripeteva: “Lei non si preoccupi, si faccia le unghie”. E infatti avevo mani perfette».
Mike si arrabbiò davvero con lei per la pelliccia?
«Eccome. Anche lui è stato una figura paterna, quando applaudii la signora che aveva rifiutato la pelliccia fu un gesto spontaneo. Mike mi asfaltò: anche se sei animalista, lo sponsor è sacro. Me ne disse di tutti i colori e mi misi a piangere. Poi mi abbracciò: “Non fare così solo perché ti ho detto che sei rincoglionita”».
Allora: lei fa l’oca e poi si è trovata comoda nel ruolo? Spieghi.
«Io c’ero: stordita svampita oca distratta. Alla fine mi fa gioco, mi trovo bene a fare la scema, sono fuori dal mondo, il mio è “il favoloso mondo di Antonellie”. Corrado mi disse: “Continui a fare la scema che sarà il suo successo”».
Ma questo nasconde altro.
«Un’enorme malinconia, una voragine di dolore e solitudine. Sono inadeguata, c’è un mondo che non voglio esternare e magari esce fuori in un’intervista. Odio fare pena».
«Sul lavoro è andata come doveva andare, mi sono pentita di aver lasciato la tv per fare La bella e la bestia, forse se fossi stata più coerente oggi sarei una conduttrice canonica. Nel privato, ho il rimpianto di non avere avuto un figlio, con Pietro mi sarebbe piaciuto. Non ho grande istinto materno ma una cosa l’ho capita: le donne scelgono il compagno per costruirsi una famiglia».
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ladyherenya · 4 years
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Books read in June
I didn’t read everything I had planned. I was distracted reading other things and now I have to decide which library books I will return unread.
Part of me is stubbornly convinced I should retain my eleven-year-old self’s ability to borrow armfuls of books and read all of them at least once before the return date. Which is ridiculous. Back then I had fewer responsibilities and read shorter books. And having too many books to read is a better problem to have than running out of books.
Favourite cover(s): Thorn, Battle Born and White Eagles.
Reread: All Systems Red by Martha Wells.
Still reading: Descendent of the Crane by Joan He and Riviera Gold by Laurie R. King.
Next up: Aurora Burning by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, and The Enigma Game by Elizabeth Wein.
One day I’ll get back to posting other things on Tumblr but for now, it’s just book reviews.
(Longer reviews and ratings on LibraryThing and Dreamwidth.)
Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett (narrated by Stephen Briggs): The wizards of Unseen University play football. This is humorous, clever, sharply observant about people -- very much what I’ve come to expect from Pratchett. I enjoyed it a lot. 
Girl Gone Viral by Alisha Rai: Katrina is horrified when a conversation she has with a man in a café is overheard, twisted into a romance, documented on Twitter -- and goes viral. Her bodyguard offers his family’s farm as a safe retreat. I enjoyed reading this and liked how it’s romance about a woman dealing with panic attacks, but by the final act, its priorities had diverged somewhat from mine. It wanted to get to its happily-ever ending, whereas I thought it had raised interesting issues worthy of further exploration and slower, more complex solutions. I wanted a happy ending, too, but wanted more story first.
Blame It On Paris by Laura Florand: I’ve read a few of Florand’s romances and even though the descriptions of Paris and chocolate shops were lovely and vivid, as stories they were not really my thing. But I loved her memoir, which is very funny. During her year in Paris, Laura isn’t looking to give up her independence, travelling or career plans for romance. But then her friends talk her into asking out the French waiter she admires. Getting to know Sebastien allows Laura to see France from a different perspective, and challenges her assumptions about serious relationships, her (American) culture and her own family.
Stepping From the Shadows by Patricia A. McKillip: A story about growing from childhood into adulthood. Published in 1982 as McKillip’s “first book for adults”, I can see why this is now out-of-print. It is strange, even by McKillip’s standards for strangeness. In merging the mundane with the magical, the mythical, it attempts something rather interesting and thoughtful, but it isn’t quite successful. However, the descriptions of places are wonderfully vivid, the narrator’s emotions are conveyed with intensity, and there were moments that felt like catching a fleeting glimpse of myself of a mirror. I didn’t always like it, but I’m glad I got to read it all the same.
True to Your Service by Sandra Antonelli: Kitt is sent on a mission to the Netherlands and his boss insists that Mae accompany him. This spy-thriller is, like At Your Service and Forever in Your Service, a bit too violent for me. However, I liked that Mae and Kitt talk about their reactions to distressing events with each other. In fact, the two of them are constantly discussing their thoughts and feelings about what’s happening, including the way Kitt’s job collides with their personal relationship. I really like the way their relationship is an on-going conversation.
The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer:
Cress (narrated by Rebecca Soler): Following on from Cinder and Scarlet. Cress, born without the Lunar gift for manipulation, has spent years living alone in a satellite orbiting Earth, using her tech skills under the orders of the Lunar thaumaturge Sybil and dreaming of escape. I really enjoyed this. I like how it wove in elements from “Rapunzel”, and dealt with Cress’s perception of herself as a damsel in distress, a girl in need of rescuing.  There is an increasing focus on teamwork and friendship -- this means we see the characters from different perspectives, and we also see different sides to them. 
Winter (narrated by Rebecca Soler): Princess Winter, step-daughter of Queen Levana, is determined that she will never use her Lunar gift to manipulate others -- even though refraining makes her a bit crazy. Meanwhile Cinder and her friends plot to overthrow the queen. This is tense and entertaining, and the narrator does a wonderful job of bringing all the characters to life. I love that the gang are so accepting of each other’s weird quirks and that the romances are given time to develop. I love their teamwork, banter and perseverance. The focus is on the characters’ relationships and the action, and both are excellent.
Thorn by Intisar Khanani: Fifteen year old Princess Alyrra is sent to marry the prince from another kingdom but en route is forced into swapping places with her lady-in-waiting. This retelling of “The Goose Girl” is riveting. I instantly cared about Alyrra, and appreciated how thoughtfully and effectively the story walks a line between darkness and hope -- between fear and trust, sadness and joy. Alyrra’s new life has dangers and difficulties, but also positive things -- satisfaction in her work, a supportive found-family. She becomes increasingly aware of injustice around her, but her story is shaped by her choices -- to be kind, to seek justice and bring change.
The Physicians of Vilnoc, a novella in the World of the Five Gods by Lois McMaster Bujold: Penric and Desdemona are summoned to deal with an outbreak of a mysterious disease. This could easily be an intense story and, oddly enough, it isn’t. Given the current state of the world, I’m glad Bujold didn’t go with the dark, harrowing possibilities and instead wrote about Pen investigating how the disease is transmitted while treating as many patients as he can. Still a stressful experience for Pen, but I was confident his worst fears wouldn’t transpire. And it was satisfying to get a better understanding regarding the best way for Pen and Des to use their knowledge and skills.
Hamster Princess: Ratpunzel by Ursula Vernon (aka T. Kingfisher): Like Of Mice and Magic, this is another entertaining twist on a fairytale. When Harriet helps her friend Wilbur to find a stolen hydra egg, they come across someone else in need of help -- a rat with a very long tail.
Battle Born by Amie Kaufman: A satisfying conclusion to Ice Wolves and Scorch Dragons, with a couple of unexpected developments and a lot of expected emphasis on wolves, dragons and humans working together. I liked the realism of this. Anders and his sister Rayna have both cool shapeshifting abilities and special status arising from their parentage. But their success depends upon the support of resourceful friends and wise, trustworthy adults. They save the day, not because they know all the answers but because they bring people together. This trilogy is one I wish I could send back in time for my eleven year old self.
Time of Our Lives by Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka: Two teenagers cross paths while touring East Coast colleges. There’s a lot I found interesting: Fitz’s fascination with words; Juniper’s enthusiasm and passion for the college-choosing process; the way they challenge each other; their intense family situations; and the glimpses of university life. However, I ended up feeling oddly annoyed. I was drawn into the story because Fitz and Juniper’s perspectives and motives were so very real and understandable, but something about some of their later choices and thoughts seemed too pat. Like the level of realism slipped slightly because the authors wanted to get their Message For The Teens across.
Tweet Cute by Emma Lord: Two teenagers, two business Twitter accounts and one very public argument about grilled cheese. Pepper and Jack see each other in class and cross paths training at the pool, but they don’t realise that they’re at war on Twitter nor pseudonymously chatting on a school-based app, like something out of You’ve Got Mail. This was a lot of fun -- super cute and full of Pepper’s passion for baking, Jack’s passion for his family’s deli, complicated-but-ultimately-supportive family relationships, and references to internet culture. I like how the story explores the strengths, the pressures and the problems of social media.
Text, Don’t Call: an illustrated guide to the introverted life by INFJoe by  Aaron T. Caycedo-Kimura: The text offers a basic explanation of introversion. It might be a decent introduction for someone new to the topic, but I found it a bit too basic to be interesting. However, the illustrations were great! Very funny and often relatable, and in one or two cases, usefully thought-provoking.
White Eagles by Elizabeth Wein: When Germany invades Poland, eighteen year old Kristina of the Polish Air Force has a chance to escape with her aeroplane ‐‐ and an unexpected stowaway. Her journey allows for a fascinating bird's-eye view of Europe in 1939 and of the challenges posed by such a trip. This novella-sized story is aimed to be both accessible and interesting to reluctant or dyslexia readers. It has moments where I, personally, would have liked more detail but I've worked with struggling readers and I think it's so awesome this sort of thing exists.
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meganwhalenturner · 6 years
At Your Service
Have you ever read the dedication in The Thief?  It’s dedicated to my best friend in high school. We had a shared universe of Star Wars fan fiction, though we didn’t call it that back then.  We had a secret horde* of personae we wrote stories about.  Spy stories.  Murder mysteries. She leaned toward con artists and I preferred jewel thieves.  At school we exchanged little triangles of folded paper between classes updating our adventure in epistolary fashion. We both read voraciously, but didn’t always like the same books.  She forgave me for hating Summer of My German Soldier.  I forgave her for not recognizing the BRILLIANCE of Alistair McLean’s Fear is the Key.
I went away to college.  She went away to college.  Life happened and then one day I sat down to write my first novel.  I knew what I was aiming for.  I wanted to create something she and I would have read and loved and shared.  So The Thief is peak Megan-writing-for-her-high-school-friend. That’s why it’s dedicated to her.
My friend also grew up to write books.  Ones very different from mine.  Thank God, she hasn’t written anything like Summer of My German Soldier, either. Her name is Sandra Antonelli.  I’ll let her introduce herself:  https://sandraantonelli.com/about/
A few years ago, she sent me a draft of  At Your Service.
It is PEAK Megan’s-favorite-stuff and I love it.  Passionately.  It is all those notes we passed back and forth grown up to be a real book.   It’s not YA, though plenty of YA readers would enjoy it and young adults who do read it might learn sooner rather than later that even when you grow up -- you don’t have to leave the stuff you love behind.  Adventures don’t happen only when you are young. 
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So, yeah, this is what the inside of my head looks like:
*or secret hoard, both spellings are accurate
UPDATE:  HA.  I only now noticed that it’s dedicated to me. : )
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perfettamentechic · 4 years
Vincenzo Ferdinandi, stilista italiano e tra i fondatori dell’Alta moda in Italia. Deve la notorietà grazie al taglio dei suoi apprezzati tailleurs oltre che a una rigorosa conoscenza sartoriale ereditata dalla secolare tradizione di famiglia di costumisti e sartoria presso la Corte Reale dei Borbone nel Regno di Napoli.
Vincenzo è nato a Newark, nello Stato del New Jersey, il 29 novembre 1920 da Antonio ed Ernestina Roefaro; una famiglia originaria di Pontecorvo, italiani, trasferiti agli inizi del secolo negli Stati Uniti dove avevano aperto una sartoria. Sin da giovane, Vincenzo apprende i segreti di un mestiere, tramandato da più generazioni, e inizia il suo percorso fortunato nel mondo della moda.
A metà degli anni ’40 si trasferisce in Italia, paese d’origine dei nonni e, dopo aver trascorso un periodo nella sartoria di famiglia in via del Babuino a Roma e affina il suo stile nella sartoria di Fernanda Gattinoni. Periodo in cui sposa Annamaria Malpieri e ha tre figli.
È stato tra i primi grandi stilisti di alta moda a competere con i più blasonati couturier francesi in ambito internazionale. Nel 1949 va a Parigi chiamato da Christian Dior, conosciuto l’anno prima, per una collaborazione stilistica con la celebre maison francese.
Dopo quell’esperienza anche Londra lo chiama per la progettazione di una linea di calzature che porta a termine con estro e creatività tutta italiana. Nel ’51 a Londra, per il mercato inglese, sigla un contratto con la Clark & Morland Ltd, per una linea di stravaganti calzature, elemento accessorio cui il giovane sarto crede fermamente.
Torna in Italia e, Ferdinandi forte della esperienza parigina, apre un atelier haute couture in via Veneto proprio al centro della Dolce Vita.
“Riconosciuto innovatore già negli anni del dopoguerra, si afferma come uno dei fondatori dell’haute-couture in Italia alla quale imprime con il suo stile un’indiscussa traccia, meritando appieno l’appellativo di maestro del tailleur che gli ambienti della moda nazionale ed estera gli conferiscono”.
Mi sono cucito addosso una passione e l’ho trasformata in un mestiere. Hanno definito ogni mio tailleur “il Signor Tailleur”… Non so se è stato realmente così, so solo che ne ero infinitamente onorato.
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Il suo stile era asciutto, privo di quei fronzoli tanto amati invece dall’amico e collega Emilio Schuberth con cui condivise un giovanissimo apprendista, Valentino Garavani.
Ferdinandi amava lo stile con misurato buon gusto e aveva una innata abilità nel taglio. La sola leziosità che aveva, come gesto scaramantico, era quello di cucire personalmente l’ultimo bottone del capo realizzato.
La donna ferdinandiana ideale era moderna e impegnata, per cui lui realizzava tailleur dalla vita sottile, le spalle prive di cuciture e imbottiture.
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Vincenzo Ferdinandi è fra gli importanti stilisti invitati dal nobile fiorentino Giovanni Battista Giorgini a sfilare il 22 luglio 1952 a Firenze per la prima storica sfilata nella famosa Sala Bianca a Palazzo Pitti insieme alla Sartoria Antonelli, l’atelier Carosa, Roberto Capucci, Giovannelli-Sciarra, Germana Marucelli, Polinober, la Sartoria Vanna, Jole Veneziani e sedici ditte di sportswear e boutique. La sfilata contribuì a confermare la nascita e la legittimità di una moda italiana contrapposta alla moda francese e dando il via a “quel pionieristico fermento creativo” ben descritto da una giovanissima Oriana Fallaci inviata a riportarne la cronaca dal settimanale Epoca. 
A Palazzo Pitti nel 1952, sfidando le convenzioni dell’epoca, fece sfilare per primo su di una passerella internazionale di Alta Moda, una modella di colore, l’americana Dolores Francine Rhiney che gli costò polemiche e ostracismo.
Vestì Ingrid Bergman, Sandra Dee, Rhonda Fleming, la moglie di Sammy Davis jr. May Britt, Virna Lisi, Anna Magnani, Gina Lollobrigida, Sylva Koscina, Lucia Bosè, Ilaria Occhini, Elsa Martinelli, Marta Marzotto,Eloisa Cianni che fu Miss Italia nel 1952. La figlia di Gabriele D’Annunzio fu sua cliente affezionata.
Nel 1953, Vincenzo Ferdinandi, concorre a fondare il SIAM – Sindacato Italiano Alta Moda (diventato poi Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana) -, in disaccordo con il fondatore dell’Alta Moda in Italia il nobile fiorentino Giovanni Battista Giorgini, insieme ad altri grandi nomi dell’epoca, tra cui: Emilio Schuberth, le sorelle Fontana, Alberto Fabiani, Jole Veneziani, Giovannelli-Sciarra, Mingolini-Gugenheim, Eleonora Garnett, Simonetta. I secessionisti, come vengono chiamati, sono gli stilisti romani che polemicamente fanno sfilare le loro creazioni nei propri atelier a Roma, due giorni prima delle sfilate di Palazzo Pitti a Firenze.
Nel luglio del 1954, insieme alle Sorelle Fontana, Emilio Schuberth, Giovannelli-Sciarra, Garnett e Mingolini-Gugenheim partecipa ad Alta Moda a Castel Sant’Angelo ambientato nella suggestiva cornice del celebre castello.
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Jole Veneziani, Emilio Schuberth e Vincenzo Ferdinandi
In quella occasione fu premiata la statunitense Sally Kirkland, Fashion Editor di Life e di Vogue USA, per il suo ruolo di ambasciatrice della moda italiana negli Stati Uniti che ricevette l’onorificenza direttamente da Ferdinandi. Il cocktail/conferenza stampa per la fondazione del SIAM si tenne a Roma all’Open Gate di Rudy con Consuelo Crespi. Tra i partecipanti, un giovane Beppe Modenese che sarebbe poi divenuto presidente della Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana.
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Jennifer Jones indossò un suo tailleur nel film Stazione Termini diretto da Vittorio De Sica, anche se nei titoli di coda i costumi vengono accreditati a Christian Dior.
Rimasi incantato dal suo portamento ricordava Ferdinandi, mi disse che voleva un mio tailleur che la facesse sentire a suo agio durante le riprese del film, ma ne aveva già uno di Dior che gli aveva fornito la produzione. Sottolineò che avrebbe però tranquillamente scelto il mio se le fosse piaciuto di più. E così fece.
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Quell’anno Dior vinse l’Oscar per il miglior costume e, da vero gentiluomo gli confidò: “Vincenzo…. a bòn retour….“.
Lo stile asciutto e privo di ornamenti aggiuntivi, valse allo stilista, molti riconoscimenti. I tailleur  impeccabili by Ferdinandi, lo fanno apprezzare molto anche all’estero. Negli anni sessanta il produttore di moda tedesco Frederich gli chiese di disegnare una linea prêt-à-porter, cui dà spessore e validità stilistica non indifferente.
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Tailleur comodi da indossare ma sempre eleganti tanto da meritarsi l’appellativo coniato per lui da Vogue/USA di A Star Tailor, nel settembre del 1952, e numerosi servizi su riviste specializzate di moda e di settore tra cui Harper’s Bazaar e Marie Claire. 
Le creazioni Ferdinandi sono state indossate da attrici e mannequins di quegli anni come: Virna Lisi, Sylva Koscina, Lucia Bosè, Luciana Angiolillo, Eloisa Cianni, Lilli Cerasoli, Jennifer Jones, Eliette von Karajan, May Britt, Ivy Nicholson, Janet Sprague, Loredana Pavone, Anna Maria Ghislanzoni, Marta Marzotto e una giovanissima Elsa Martinelli sono solo alcune.
Elsa Martinelli, molto giovane, accompagnava le sorelle maggiori che lavoravano per Ferdinandi ogni giorno. Restava lì, con loro, fino a tarda sera, trascorrendo del tempo tra tessuti, modelli e disegni, in un mondo tutto suo, fatto di sogni. Elsa voleva esibirsi, non voleva altro che quei vestiti, ma era troppo giovane e mio nonno Antonio l’avrebbe cercata in modo protettivo. “Sei troppo giovane”, le avrebbe detto, ed Elsa non vedeva l’ora di diventare una “ragazza grande” come tutte le altre. Un giorno, alla premiere di una collezione, una modella non si fece vedere e mio padre – contro i desideri di mio nonno – le permise di indossare quei vestiti e la catapultò letteralmente nell’enorme soggiorno, instillandola con coraggio; “cammina con un’altalena come una vera signora”, ha detto, “e tutto andrà bene”, finalmente lanciando la sua carriera. Fu un successo immediato perché la modella in provetta affascinò donne, compratori e giornalisti con la sua elegante postura. Fu proprio quell’esperienza che lasciò il posto a una lunga carriera trascorsa sulle passerelle di diversi atelier prima che, finalmente, arrivando al cinema, diventasse il suo mondo…
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Elsa Martinelli nel 1955 con un abito della linea “Sfinge”
Al Festival della moda, tenutosi a Napoli nel ’54, si riconoscono a Vincenzo Ferdinandi anche i meriti per la creazione di cappelli – altro accessorio che lui stesso disegna e fa realizzare da Canessa – quali gli impeccabili “tamburelli” guarniti di visone o ciondoli neri e oro, le sue “pagodine” di velluto nero e le sue piccole “cloches” di feltro fumo di Londra.
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Vittorio Gallo realizza per la Astra Cinematografica il docufilm Sete e Velluti sulla moda italiana degli anni ’50 colta negli ateliers romani delle case di moda Ferdinandi, Gattinoni e Garnett.
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Ferdinandi è stato tra i primi ad intuire l’importanza degli accessori applicata alla moda – come borse, scarpe, cinture, profumi – marcata con una propria griffe.
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Personaggio estroverso – nel pieno della Dolce vita capitolina è rimasta famosa una sua scommessa calcistica col pittore Antonio Privitera in occasione di un derby Lazio-Roma, persa la quale fece sfilare per la celebre strada undici mucche addobbate con mutandoni giallorossi.
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Ferdinandi negli ultimi anni di vita si è dedicato anche alla pittura, con un suo stile basato tutto sui contrasti e i chiaro-scuri, con una tecnica a olio e ad acquerello.
Con l’inizio degli anni ‘60 Ferdinandi non sfilerà più, ma continuerà con l’attività del suo atelier e lavorerà come consulente per diverse industrie di abbigliamento in Italia e all’estero.
Nel 1963 decide di allontanarsi dal mondo delle grandi istituzioni di moda e con il successo del prêt-à-porter assume una posizione più defilata, pur creando abiti fino alla sua scomparsa avvenuta il 22 aprile 1990 a Roma.
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Il suo percorso gli ha portato onorificenze e riconoscimenti: i suoi abiti da cerimonia sono stati indossati da molte donne dell’alta società italiana e internazionale. Molti altri sono stati i riconoscimenti conferiti alla sua arte e alla sua creatività nel corso di tutta la sua esistenza.
Nel 2014 il museo Maxxi di Roma all’interno della mostra Bellissima lo considera tra i pionieri della moda italiana.
aggiornato al 19 aprile 2020
Autore: Lynda Di Natale Fonte: wikipedia-org, patrimonio.archivioluce.com, https://ferdinandialtamoda.com/, web
Vincenzo Ferdinandi #vincenzoferdinandi #ferdinandi #creatoredellostile #creatoridellamoda #perfettamentechic #felicementechic Vincenzo Ferdinandi, stilista italiano e tra i fondatori dell'Alta moda in Italia. Deve la notorietà grazie al taglio dei suoi apprezzati tailleurs oltre che a una rigorosa conoscenza sartoriale ereditata dalla secolare tradizione di famiglia di costumisti e sartoria presso la Corte Reale dei Borbone nel Regno di Napoli.
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marcogiovenale · 2 years
"il cappello del prete", di emilio de marchi (ikonalíber): presentazione a l'aquila, domani 14 settembre
“il cappello del prete”, di emilio de marchi (ikonalíber): presentazione a l’aquila, domani 14 settembre
http://www.ikona.net/emilio-de-marchi-il-cappello-del-prete/ Mercoledì 14 settembre, alle ore 18:30.   Libreria Polarville, Palazzo Micheletti, via Castello 47, L’Aquila presentazione del libro IL CAPPELLO DEL PRETE di Emilio De Marchi illustrato da Sandra Antonelli   “il primo giallo – o forse noir – della letteratura italiana”   Conduce l’incontro Valeria Valeri, con Sandra Antonelli e Fabrizio…
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giallofever2 · 7 years
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Dedicated to the Great Italian Showman 🇮🇹 artist ❗(...Singer 👨‍🎤 , Presenter 🎤, Actor of Cinema and Theatre...) ... ... JOHNNY DORELLI 🎤 Johnny Dorelli "Born as Giorgio Domenico Guidi" Co starring in the Movies:Lino Banfi Laura Antonelli Gloria Guida Edwige Fenech Ursula Andress Paolo Villaggio Marina Suma Monica Vitti Sandra Milo Giuliano Gemma Zeudi Araya Barbara Bouchet Andréa Ferréol Margaret Lee Enrico Maria Salerno Mariangela Melato Sidney Rome Giuliano Gemma Renato Pozzetto Movies Directors: Sergio Martino Steno Sergio Corbucci Luigi Zampa Flavio Mogherini Luigi Comencini Dino Risi Marco Vicario Pasquale Festa Campanile Nanni Loy Luciano Salce Piero Schivazappa
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ladyherenya · 5 years
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Books read in March
If there was a theme this month, it was: retellings. This was something of an unintentional theme, since what I read next depends a lot on what’s available from the library, but certainly a theme which is indicative of my tastes.
Favourite cover: Sherwood.
Reread: Nothing, too many other things to read.
Still reading: Stand on the Sky by Erin Bow.
Next up: Pride by Ibi Zoboi, Song of the Current by Sarah Tolcser, A Ruin of Kings by Jenn Lyons and Undying by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner. 
... and I just checked my library account and there are five more books waiting for me! FIVE. Why must you all be available at once?
(Longer reviews and ratings are on LibraryThing. And also Dreamwidth.)
The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson (translated by Rod Bradbury, narrated by Steven Crossley): On his birthday, Allan Karlsson escapes from his nursing home and gets on a bus, taking with him a suitcase that doesn’t belong to him. The story alternates between Allan’s adventures in the present day, and his bizarre exploits throughout the politics and conflicts of the 20th century, travelling through (or trying to escape from) different countries, meeting an unlikely number of important world leaders and blowing things up. I listened to the audiobook, a format that I find much more conducive to being amused by this sort of story.
Dragonshadow by Elle Katharine White: Sequel to Heartstone, a fantasy retelling of Pride and Prejudice. Aliza has married Lord Alastair Daired. When Alastair and his dragon Akarra are offered a contract in the north, Aliza insists on coming too. Aliza is still processing the trauma of war, and adjusting to a new stage of life. It’s less common for fantasy to show the early days of a marriage (and of a pregnancy), which makes for some interesting territory to explore. As for worldbuilding, I needed a glossary or more in-text reminders. I enjoyed Heartstone more, but I want to see what’s next for Aliza.
A Sudden Spark of White Fire by Sangu Mandanna: Esmae, the secret twin sister of an exiled prince, has a plan to see her brother regain his throne. It involves going against the advice of the war goddess Amba, winning a competition, revealing her identity and pretending to take her uncle’s side. This hooked me from the very beginning. I liked the worldbuilding, the complex family relationships, the sentient spaceship, the prose and how some of the twists took me by surprise. It would have made an even bigger impact if it’d made me more invested in all of Esmae’s relationships, but I have high hopes for the sequel.
Possession by A.S. Byatt: Two English scholars investigate a relationship between two Victorian poets. I read this with delight, then disappointment, then an urgency that surprised me and then, finally, with bittersweet pleasure. Possession is about things I feel strongly about: libraries, poetry, fairytales, academic interpretations of past women, the joys of language and of narratives. It’s about the possession of, and the desire to possess, knowledge, objects, relationships, the full story. I like the parallels -- themes and variations -- between the two sets of characters. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings. I’ve bought my own copy and carefully bookmarked all the quotes.
Named of the Dragon by Susanna Kearsley: Lyn, a literary agent, is invited to spend Christmas with a couple of authors in Wales. The Overdrive description makes this sound sombre and creepy. But although Lyn’s backstory is sad, this story isn’t. It has warmth and a web of relationships like something from a comedy of manners. I liked the historical details about Tudor kings, the references to Arthurian legends, Lyn’s confidence in dealing with writers with strong personalities and the delight she finds in exploring coastal Wales. The mystery of her dreams and Elen’s fears was a good amount of suspense with a hopeful resolution.
The Tea Master and the Detective by Aliette de Bodard:  A novella about a mindship and a scholar investigating a death. I read this not because it is a Sherlock Holmes retelling but because it promised one of my favourite things: an AI with feelings! Also: tea! It’s set in an unfamiliar universe -- “a galactic empire inspired by Vietnamese culture” -- and involves mind-altering substances, something I’m irrationally squeamish about. But being a Holmes retelling gave this story a comforting sort of familiarity and predisposed me to liking the characters. (Although I would have instantly warmed to The Shadow’s Child anyway. I just want ships to be happy...)
Circe by Madeline Miller: I impulsively borrowed this, and then doubted whether I’d like it. Was this going to be an exercise in watching everything go wrong? I kept reading because I’d become invested in Circe, and because the prose is so compelling. This is sharply written and unflinching about gods and mortals, but it is not as bitter as I expected. It’s a lot more hopeful -- a story about freedom, transformation and life in a way I found surprising and deeply satisfying. It’s also a fascinating and complex portrayal of Odysseus that focuses on the impact this charismatic and deeply flawed man has on others.
Jane by Aline Brosh McKenna (illustrated by Ramâon Pâerez): Jane moves to New York to study art and gets a job as a nanny. This graphic novel follows Jane Eyre loosely, which allows for changes that suit the contemporary setting and the format, and introduces a greater level of surprise for someone familiar with Jane Eyre. It’s not as complex or as serious as Charlotte Brontë’s novel, but it isn’t trying to be. There were a lot of things I really liked about the illustrations, such as their use of light, colour and perspective. I wasn’t such a fan of the way faces were drawn. Not quite my style?
A Study in Scarlet Women by Sherry Thomas: Very satisfying as a story playing with the Holmes-and-Watson mythos in some unexpected ways, as a murder mystery and as a story about the constraints and opportunities women in Victorian society had. Disgraced Charlotte Holmes runs away from home and tries to find a job in London. When one of the gossips responsible for exposing Charlotte dies, suspicion falls on Charlotte’s sister and Charlotte uses the persona of “Sherlock” Holmes to direct a murder investigation. I’d have liked to have seen more of relationship between the Holmes sisters. Maybe there will be more of that in the sequels.
Maskerade by Terry Pratchett (narrated by Nigel Planer): Another story about telling stories. Agnes suspects that Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg have her in mind to become a witch, and she goes off to Ankh-Morpork to join the opera. After Lords and Ladies I wanted to read more about Agnes. I enjoyed the mystery, the play on The Phantom of the Opera, the further adventures of Granny and Nanny, and the appearance of some of the Watch. The conclusion to Agnes’ opera career was less satisfying.
Grumpy Fake Boyfriend by Jackie Lau:  An introverted SF author agrees to pretend to be a boyfriend for a weekend. I liked the set-up and the way the characters discover that they don’t have to agree or have the same tolerance for socialising -- they can be themselves with each other. But on the whole, the execution of this romance didn’t really appeal to me.
Forever in Your Service by Sandra Antonelli: I had a mixed reaction to At Your Service, but liked Mae and Kitt enough to read the sequel. Sometimes I wanted it to slow down and explain things -- like characters’ thoughts, theories and feelings -- a bit more. That said, the tendency for understating rather than overstating is one I appreciate. And I like that, as Mae and Kitt navigate the challenges of Kitt’s job, their relationship is believably complicated. While this spy story isn’t quite my genre (I’m more of a cosy mystery or romantic suspense person), it certainly wasn’t boring or predictable.
Sherwood by Meagan Spooner (narrated by Fiona Hardingham): I love the way this twists and reimagines the Robin Hood story, putting Marian at the centre. Her grief, her history with Robin and her ideas about what he would do, her skill as an archer, her passion to fight injustice, her frustrations and discomfort with being a noblewomen, her relationships, her mistakes, her discovery that she’s the only one who wants to change things. Sherwood surprised me, gave me lots of feelings and made me stay up until 2am. It successfully does something different while still including much that is familiar. A poignant, compelling retelling. I was completely hooked.
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donnamcdonald · 6 years
Author Spotlight - Sandra Antonelli
Author Spotlight – Sandra Antonelli
From the author…
My books feature older couples–forty-something and up– as the lead characters. I write romance fiction, not Women’s Fiction and by this I mean the love story drives the plot rather than being a romantic element of the story. I am passionate about making women over the age of 40 visible, and portraying these women as intelligent, vibrant, sensual, sexual, whole people rather than…
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elcorreografico · 7 years
Este miércoles el intendente Jorge Nedela firmó el Decreto Nº 668 que dispone la creación del Departamento de Adicciones y Salud Mental, área dependiente de la Dirección de Atención Primaria de la Secretaría de Salud Municipal.
El nuevo ámbito comunal tendrá la función de proponer, definir, aplicar y evaluar políticas de promoción de salud mental, la prevención de la enfermedad y la asistencia orientada a la comunidad; trabajar articuladamente con efectores municipales, provinciales y nacionales, referentes de las problemáticas; establecer estrategias de referencia-contra referencia con centros asistenciales en salud, escuelas, ONG e instituciones culturales.
Del acto realizado en la Colectividad Italiana de nuestra ciudad, participaron el director de Desarrollo Territorial del SEDRONAR, Juan Carlos Mansilla; la directora de la Región XI de Salud Mental de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Noelia López; los secretarios de Salud, Alberto Augstaitis; de Gobierno, José Méndez; de Promoción Social, Manuel Simonetti y de Economía Alberto Amiel; los delegados Municipales zona I y II, Gabriel Kondratzky y Carlos Lozano, respectivamente; el director de Salud, Santiago Ramírez Borga y la directora de Atención Primaria, Gabriela Fonseca.
También se contó con las presencias del director del Hospital de Berisso “Mario Larrain”, Alfredo Zanaroni; el director de Adicciones del Municipio de La Plata, José Nieto; el representante de la ONG “Tomar Conciencia”, Néstor Antonelli, la presidenta del Concejo Deliberante, Ana Lara; los concejales de distintos bloques Sandra Carzolio, Miguel Yacenko, Ángel Celi, Edith Sosa, Santiago Rodríguez, Miguel Nadeff, Hugo Novelino y Julia Jaime; directores comunales, consejeros escolares, inspectores de educación, directivos y alumnos de escuelas públicas y privadas, de instituciones médicas y clínicas locales, gremios e instituciones competentes en el área, entre otros.
En relación a la presentación del nuevo departamento, el director de Salud, Alberto Augstaitis comentó que se trata de “un área inexistente hasta ahora en el Municipio”, la que “viene a formarse como consecuencia a un trabajo que venimos haciendo desde hace un año junto a la SEDRONAR con un relevamiento estadístico local donde tenemos datos propios”.
Con relación a esos relevamientos que se encuentran en etapa de estudio, el Secretario de Salud indicó que “a través de encuestas hemos obtenido datos locales, nuestro equipo de Salud participó de la recolección y análisis de información en las Unidades Sanitarias de la ciudad, así se encuestaron a 800 personas, y a partir de la obtención de un diagnóstico de situación se proyecta un plan concreto”.
Al respecto el funcionario adelantó que “en nuestra ciudad en el área de adicciones lo que más resalta son los casos de tabaquismo y el alcoholismo, en un tercer lugar se encuentra la ingesta de psicofármacos, sobre todo de tranquilizantes; luego siguen la marihuana y cocaína, con muy bajos índices tenemos sustancias alucinógenas como LSD y paco”.
“Para la puesta en marcha de este nuevo Departamento que atenderá este tipo de situaciones, se contará con la implementación de políticas locales, se podrá elaborar un plan local de acción con un proyecto propio participativo con nuestro equipo de Salud y articulando con el Hospital de Berisso, con la Región Sanitaria XI de la provincia de Buenos Aires y con la Nación por medio de la Sedronar”, precisó Augstaitis.
El intendente Jorge Nedela, calificó a esta instancia “como un paso de gran importancia”. “Esta era una demanda de la comunidad desde hace mucho tiempo, se venía trabajando en el área, pero faltaba esta articulación y un espacio propio dentro del Municipio para que cuente con las herramientas necesarias”.
El intendente destacó la labor del equipo municipal de Salud y a los representantes provinciales y nacionales por haber podido concretar esta instancia. “Esto es fruto de un trabajo que llevó meses haciendo un diagnóstico sobre la situación y la necesidad de tener una herramienta desde el Municipio que aborde una problemática como esta, que sabemos que es muy candente en nuestra sociedad, pero debemos asumir esos compromisos y ponerlos sobre la mesa para atacarlos desde distintos frentes”.
Nedela agradeció la presencia de los referentes de sectores e instituciones que acompañaron este anuncio, “el problema de las adicciones no distingue edades, sexos ni sectores, este debe ser un trabajo en conjunto”. “Como Estado decidimos enfrentar la realidad como un nuevo desafío y tomar medidas para mejorar la calidad de vida de nuestros vecinos, pero esto requiere de la participación y compromiso de todos los sectores, teniendo como primer foco la familia”.
Esta instancia tuvo entre sus aspectos la adhesión de la Municipalidad de Berisso al programa “Municipios en Acción” que lleva adelante la SEDRONAR, cuyo integrante Juan Carlos Mansilla, hizo alusión a sus alcances: “Es una iniciativa que propone el desarrollo de las políticas territoriales en el consumo problemático de drogas que hoy en día ha llevado a nuevas estrategias y de incluir a los municipios como un actor destacado”.
El director de Desarrollo Territorial de la SEDRONAR, subrayó la decisión tomada en nuestra ciudad para crear un área específica y atender estas necesidades. “El intendente Jorge Nedela junto a su equipo de Salud han dado un puntapié inicial, no hay muchos municipios en la provincia de Buenos Aires que lo hayan hecho. Además, para esto se anuncia la participación de profesionales y personas capacitadas para el abordaje de estas temáticas”.
Mansilla insistió sobre este aspecto, marcando que en muchos sitios esto no ocurre “porque esto genera encontrarse con problemas que no son fáciles de resolver, pero no se observa que los problemas existen igual”. “Hay que visibilizar lo que está pasando y en ese sentido se trabajará en conjunto con Nación a través de la capacitación, el acompañamiento técnico y un programa de financiamiento, contando también con la participación de la provincia de Buenos Aires”.
Mansilla quien adelantó que próximamente se desarrollará en la ciudad de Berisso una capacitación regional sobre el tema adicciones y salud mental, apuntó también que desde el Estado Nacional se cambiaron los puntos de vistas de las acciones. “Hasta ahora se respondía ante cada hecho que ocurría, ahora lo que buscamos es anticiparnos y generar el mayor nivel de respuesta preventiva posible”.
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Nuevo Departamento de Adicciones y Salud Mental en #Berisso Este miércoles el intendente Jorge Nedela firmó el Decreto Nº 668 que dispone la creación del Departamento de Adicciones y Salud Mental, área dependiente de la Dirección de Atención Primaria de la Secretaría de Salud Municipal.
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