Six Feet Under the Stars | Rudy Pankow | Prologue
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When Thea Ross comes back into Rudy Pankow's life five years after he graduated high school, he's not prepared for her to tell him their last encounter resulted in more than he bargained for.
words: 3.5 k
A/N: Oh look I finally got around to posting this. This has been edited and this version @teelagurl558 hasn’t read yet teehee. Okay I am going to bed now.
tagging people who might be interested: @pankowperfection @pankhoeforlife @sweettartforrudy
“Dorothea Claire Ross, how dare you enter this room without giving me a hug.” Chase Stokes' voice rang out across the meeting room from where he sat on the opposite side and end of the table from where the bleach blonde had just sat down. She held back the urge to roll her eyes at the twenty-eight year old, standing up to walk around the table to give him a tight hug.
“Where’s Em?” He whispered in her ear, “You didn’t tell me you got the role, bitch.”
“Mama Jen has her, Rylie said she would bring her in a couple weeks when I’m settled in my apartment.” She whispered back. “And after I got the role, I disclosed to Jonas that you are my cousin and asked him not to tell you, it was supposed to be a surprise. Speaking of surprises, he’s not here yet?”
“No. He’s stuck in traffic but should be here soon, he’s supposed to be in front of you.” He confirmed. “You’re gonna have to tell him.” 
She glared at him but said nothing, pulling away to return to her seat and sip at her too large, extra caffeinated salted caramel cream cold brew. She knew Chase already had the order memorized from how long he’d been buying it for her, and she could tell he remembered as he made a gagging motion as she took a drink. With a smirk, she sent a playful middle finger his way. 
“So, uh, not to pry or anything but what was that about? Clearly you and Chase know each other.” Madison was the first to speak after a moment of silence. 
“Oh. Yeah, we do.” Thea confirmed. “Known him for all 22 years of my life.”
“Thea is my cousin.” Chase explained. “My mom and her mom were sisters. Thea’s mom unfortunately passed away when she was a kid, and my mom kind of took over in the mom department because no offense to Uncle Grant but he had no idea what he was doing, so she’s like my little sister. She moved to live with my mom when she was 17 and that’s when we got super close.” 
Thea snorted, trying not to burst into laughter at him when he referred to her as his sister. From the corner of her eye she saw Rudy walk into the room, so she didn’t say what she was about to, just bit her lip and smiled politely at the blonde who sat down in front of her, apologizing for being late.
Throughout the table read, Rudy kept staring at her like he knew her from somewhere, but couldn’t quite place where. She knew she was going to have to tell him everything and she was dreading it. As the room cleared out, the pair stayed at the table, and Chase shot her a look as he left, silently asking her if she was okay. When she nodded, he smiled and left, leaving her and Rudy the only two still in the room. 
She could see the wheels turning in his head, making her try not to laugh as she sipped on her coffee and gathered her things to head back to her apartment. Finally, with a shake of her head she spoke to him for the first time in nearly five years.
“Ketchikan High School.” She told him. “I can still read your mind, Rudeth. Just because it’s been five years.” 
“I thought it was you.” He said. “Your hair changed, and uh, you look good.” 
“Uh, thanks. You look good too.” She half smiled. “Hey, uh, I actually need to talk to you about something. It’s not work related and I honestly should have told you five years ago, but I didn’t know I needed to tell you.” 
The blonde man raised an eyebrow at her in confusion. “Oh?”
“Yeah, uh, would you want to come back to mine so we can talk?” She asked. “I mean, if it would be okay with Elaine. I don’t want to cause an issue with her, I’m not trying to break you up over you hanging out with me or something. Not that I think she’s a controlling person or anything. Jesus Christ, I’m just going to shut up now before I have to bury myself alive.” 
Rudy cracked a smile as he laughed. Thea stayed quiet as she took him in again. She couldn’t help but notice for the first time just how much her daughter actually looked like her father. It was the same crooked grin that Emma gave her on a daily basis, and if she was being honest it was probably her favorite thing about her ex best friend. 
“Yeah, no, it’s fine.” he told her. “She’s out running errands then she has a meeting as well. I’ll just text her I’m catching up with you. Did you drive?
“No.” She told him. “I took an Uber.” 
“Excellent, you give me the address and I’ll drive.”
So admittedly, the drive to her apartment was tense. She knew it wouldn’t be as carefree as the drives they took in high school. Chewing on her lip, she glanced at the man driving as she tried to not imagine how different her life would be if she’d managed to tell him about Emma when she found out she was pregnant, but she couldn’t help herself. 
Would they still be acting, or would Rudy have given everything up to support his family? Actually, that was a stupid question because she knew the answer to that one. She knew that if Rudy had even had an inkling that she was pregnant when he moved to LA, he’d have been back in Alaska, or joining her in Florida. He’d be working a dead end job to support his daughter and would be doing everything in his power to make sure she was getting everything she wanted and more. 
That had been a huge reason why she hadn’t told him, knowing that he’d give up all of his success in a heartbeat to support his daughter. She couldn’t dwell on that now, knowing that in just a few minutes he was going to know about Emma Raine Pankow, and she didn’t know how he was going to react to that. All she could do was hope that it went well. 
One thing was for sure and certain, Rudy Pankow was about to get the biggest shock of his lifetime in the form of a blonde haired, blue eyed little girl and Thea wasn’t the one to blame for him not knowing, at least completely.
☼☽⋆。°✧ ✧⋆°。☾☼
As soon as the pair were in Thea’s apartment, she was nervous. She didn’t know how to bring it up, but knew it was going to have to happen and soon. With a sigh, she let them and made a beeline to the kitchen to find them something to drink, playing her words over and over in her head as she considered how to break the news. 
“Who’s this? She’s adorable!” Rudy had picked up one of the framed photos of Emma waiting to be hung up from the counter, studying it closely. “Are you a mom, Thea?”
Okay, so maybe she didn’t actually have to tell him that she was a mom now. She did however, much to her dismay, have to tell him he was a father. That was the scary part. You can do this, Thea, just say it. Rip it off like a bandaid.
“I am. She’s four as of February 19th.” She told him, pulling two Pepsis out of the fridge and handing him one. “Her name is Emma, by the way. And her Nana and Gammy absolutely adore her.”
“She’s four?” He raised an eyebrow. “Oh fuck, Thea, if she’s four and she was born in February. I-.”
“I didn’t find out until I was already in Florida, Ru,” she said. “I didn’t have your new number and I tried messaging you on social media but you never answered. Your mom and dad, Gammy and Gamps, by the way, didn’t even know until I went back for Christmas. I was eight months in at that point.” 
“Can I meet her?” He asked. “I mean, I want to meet her. What does she call your dad and stepmom?” 
“Poppy and Lola.” She told him. “And Chase’s mom and stepdad are Nana and Pa.” 
“So Chase?” He asked quietly, not sure if he was really ready for the answer.
“Is my cousin, Ru.” She told him. “His mom is my moms sister. But he has been nothing but the best Uncle Chase to Emma Raine this whole time.” 
“Emma Raine?“ he smiled softly. “Like, after your mom?” 
“Mhm” she hummed, “Emma Raine Pankow. The plan was always to tell you, Ru. You have all your rights to your daughter, you’re on her birth certificate.” 
It was quiet for a moment, like Rudy was trying to absorb the information that she’d just told him. He was a father. He’d gotten his best friend pregnant the one time they slept together before they both moved to separate sides of the lower forty eight, and she’d kept it from him for nearly five years. He had a four year old daughter, and he didn’t even know it. This had to be some sort of cruel joke, right?
“Press is gonna have a field day with this, you know.” He half laughed. “”Outer Banks actor teen father” I can see the headline now. Of course, they’ll have to actually read the article to see that the mother of said child is my friend with benefits from high school turned co star. And I had no fucking idea the kid even existed.” 
Thea didn’t exactly like his tone when he said that, spinning on her heels to glare at him and trying to contain her anger. Unfortunately her temper had always been an issue for her, although it had gotten better with motherhood. But standing here, looking at him with so much anger on his face, like all the information had just caught up to him, and his condescending tone made her snap.
“Excuse me?” She started walking towards him. “I tried to tell you! I messaged you multiple times, I called your mother to get your new number and she never called me back. Which I took to mean that you didn’t want me to have your number. So I made an executive decision, asshole. I chose to keep my mouth shut. You wouldn’t understand, you can’t. You don’t understand Ru, I chose to do this. I chose to keep her a secret, the only other damn person on set that knows about our daughter is Chase. This far from my first role, you can fucking google me, but you won’t find one mention of Emma Pankow on the internet, unless you follow my damn private Instagram. Which you, by the fucking way, unfollowed six days after you moved. I wasn’t even settled in Florida yet but you know what was settled already? Your daughter in my body. I chose to keep my mouth shut, to keep her a secret and not ruin your life because I chose to ruin mine!”
“That wasn’t your decision to make,” he seethed at her. “It wasn’t your right to keep my daughter away from me for four fucking years, Thea! I had no idea she even fucking existed! I lost out on four years of being a fucking father to my child! Four years, Thea! I missed it all. I don’t have a god damn bond with my daughter because of you. Yeah, we were fucking teenagers when I oh so unfortunately ruined your life, but that wouldn’t have stopped me from giving everything up for her, for you. But you know that and you still selfishly kept her to yourself for four years. You’re right by the way, I did tell my mom not to give you my new number but it was for your own benefit, Thea! I thought you deserved better than me.”
Before she could stop herself, her hand came up and made contact with his face. The force of the slap made him gasp in shock as his hand came up to run where he was sure a red mark was forming. Deep down he knew he deserved it, but at that moment he didn’t really care. 
“I’m selfish?! You told your mother not to give me your phone number. I told her it was important, which she found out two months before your daughter was born. That’s selfish Rudy. If you wanted to cut ties with me you should have told me in the airport that day. Did you? No. Instead, you told me you loved me and that you would wait for me to finish high school and come to LA with you. That was the plan right? I go to Florida for my senior year and then I move in with you in LA.” Her voice was raw as she yelled at him. “So, yeah, Rudy, you missed everything, four years of it but it’s not entirely my fault, is it? You missed every doctor's appointment, every kick, the birth of your daughter. You know what else you missed? Me going back to school two and a half weeks after I had an emergency c section, against doctor’s advice, because I was so sick when I was pregnant I didn’t have any days left. You missed Chase working nights and then staying with your daughter from 7:30-4 every day so I could fucking graduate. You missed me not even getting to walk  across the stage because your daughter was in the NICU with RSV and they didn’t know if she was going to make it. That was the fourth time I tried to get your number, asshole. I thought that if she didn’t make it, you’d at least like to know I did everything in my power to make sure she did. You missed her first day of preschool, you missed her first steps, first words — which was fucking dad, by the way, and you missed so many sleepless nights, you prick. Not because I was up with her, but because I was crying over you. You were my best friend, I gave everything to you, and you moved to Los Angeles and dropped me like I was nothing to you.” 
Before he could respond properly, the door swung open, as she hadn’t locked it behind her and Chase came walking in, sighing and rubbing his temples as he took in the scene in front of him. Thea was seething, her chest heaving as she stood in Rudy’s face, waiting for him to respond and Rudy held a pissed off look on his face, his cheekbone starting to bruise from the force of the smack he’d taken minutes before. 
“Separate it.” He demanded. “I’m serious, I could hear you both from downstairs.”
“You don’t get to come into my apartment and boss me around, Chase.” Thea sent him a death glare as she turned to look at him. He knew she was pissed so he held back the urge to roll his eyes at her. 
“I have been bossing you around for twenty two years, Dorothea, and considering you can’t be trusted to not assault your fucking baby daddy? It’s clearly not stopping now.” He tried to stay calm. “Sit your ass down on that couch right now. Rudy, you can sit on the chair there.” He took a few steps into the kitchen to check her freezer for something to put on the blonde's face, deciding that the bag of frozen carrots was going to have to do before wrapping them in a dish towel and handing them over to him. 
“You’re bruising, that should help a bit.” He sighed. “Now, we’re going to talk like adults because we aren’t seventeen anymore. You guys have a child together whether you like it or not. You have an amazing four year old daughter that I knew was yours, Rudy, the moment I met you. And sure, I could have betrayed my little sister and told you but it wasn’t my place and right now we have bigger things to worry about than your butthurt feelings that you didn’t know because you chose not answer your fucking phone because your child is going to be here in approximately four hours.”
“Four hours?” Thea questioned. “No, Rylie isn’t supposed to bring her for two weeks. I don’t have her room set up yet.” 
“Rylie called me because she’s been trying to call you.” Chase told her. “Mom had to go out of town and Rylie has classes she can’t miss so she’s gotta bring her today. I came over to help finish getting the apartment ready,  but walked into world war three.” 
“Right so Rudy should leave.” Thea said.
“You told me I could meet her!” Rudy interjected. Thea rolled her eyes, but decided not snip back at him. 
“That was before you called me selfish for doing what I felt was right.” She was calm, almost scarily calm. Chase knew she’d reached a point in her anger where she was so angry she was calm, and knew he needed to step in. 
“Okay here’s what we’re going to do before Thea decides to break your nose, Rudy.” He started. “You’re going to leave, and tomorrow, I am going to take Emma to the beach. While I do that, you two are going to talk. Like adults, none of this screaming at each other shit. You don’t need it and neither does Emma.”
“Again.” Thea muttered. “Break his nose again.”
“I’m sorry what?” Chase questioned. It was Rudy’s turn to snort in laughter, wincing as it spread pain through his bruised cheek. 
“Thea broke my nose six years ago.” He explained. “That’s how I got the deviated septum.” 
“He deserved it then too.” Thea deadpanned. 
“I did not!” Rudy argued. Thea rolled her eyes at the blonde. It seemed like, for a moment, they were back to their old selves. 
Chase rolled his eyes, moving to stand between them as he fought off the urge to scream. He was twenty eight and it currently felt a lot like breaking up fights between his younger siblings growing up, except this time it was the woman he considered his sister and her baby daddy. 
“I don’t care if he deserved it or not.” He spoke calmly. “Rudy, I am politely asking you to leave and when you guys meet up to properly talk tomorrow, for the love of all things holy, do it in a public place.” 
“Why because she won’t assault me in public?” Rudy’s snark was back, making Thea clench her jaw. “Clearly you don’t know Thea very well then.” 
“Pankow, if you don’t leave I am going to let her knock the shit out of you.” Chase told him as he pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “You and I both know she can throw a punch, and I’m about four seconds from letting her do it.” 
“Okay, I’m going.” Rudy stood up, handing the bag of half thawed carrots to Chase. “Tomorrow then. I will text Chase to tell you where to meet up.” 
The Stokes-Ross cousins watched as the younger man walked out of the apartment, Chase sighing as he looked at Thea. 
“You can’t just hit people because you’re mad at them.” He sighed. “What exactly happened?” 
“I don’t want to talk about it right now.” She told him. “I need to get Emma’s room ready and now I have to figure out childcare.” 
Chase looked at her with a frown. He knew that she was stressing out, and he didn’t know how he could help it but to help her get the place ready. The absolute one thing he knew for certain was that Rudy and Thea were a hot mess. They always had been, he knew that. He’d spent several weeks trying to get her out of her funk that she was in because of him only to have the truth come out that she’d given everything to her best friend before she moved. He’d been the one that drove her to Walmart at four am to get a pregnancy test, held her when she cried for days because it was positive and she had no way to get ahold of the blonde man. 
He’d been the one to sit at the hospital with her for nearly thirty two hours while she was in labor with her daughter, then was the one who stayed with Emma during the day so that Thea could graduate. In a way, he felt like he’d been playing dad to his co-star’s child from the get go, but he was going to make sure that Rudy got the chance to be the dad he deserved to be, even if Thea wasn’t happy about it. 
With a soft smile, he turned to look at the blonde girl and sighed.
“Okay” he confirmed. “Tell me what you want me to do.” 
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muxas-world · 26 days
I want to live in warever delusional state carlos has goin on he just say to canal+ that if the safety car didn't happen he could have won 😭
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jackinalex · 1 year
I want to hear your theories on why they got married and have stayed married 👀 please share
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I knew this was going to happen when I said this ughhhh. The only reason I don’t like speculative posts is because I get anons calling me weird and delusional. I am aware of that fact, so I don’t need someone to tell me. :) Thank you very much to the person who said I’m their favorite blog, though. 🥹 idk how that could be, but it’s so sweet.
Alex has such a weird past with women. There was the married woman who inspired CSS and SFUTS, there was Lisa, and then there was Meg. I really think Meg fucked him up because he was young and he stressed in Vegas and remembering Sunday that he wanted to marry her (after a very short time; troubling). But regardless, she left him, and I think that made him want to go back to Lisa. All she’s ever wanted to be is Mrs. Gaskarth, and I almost wonder if Alex thought he’d eventually find someone else, but didn’t, so he proposed. I think they stayed together for so long (like 2012-2020) bc they’d been so fucking on and off for so long that they felt they had a point to prove. I used to think that Lisa was just pathetic and wanted Alex so badly that she put up with his shit (to a point, I still think this), but they’re both so Sagittarian that they get sick of each other, but they (namely Alex) don’t want to see the other with someone else. It’s beyond toxic and stupid, but I don’t see them ever changing. I wish Alex would just let her fucking go, but I also don’t see that ever happening.
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Instead of a line you get a snippet of SFUTS
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starconchse · 11 days
sfut the fuckup
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just-absolutely-super · 6 months
Braces crack
Lan: so I've found out that making out with braces doesn't get them stuck in each other
Mega: You made out with someone that has braces instead of Mayl!?
Lan: what? No
Mega: I can't believe you would so much even think about someone else then Mayl!
Lan: I haven't made out with anyone
Mega: then how come you know this then? Huh!?
Lan: someone else did okay!? There are other people in this school with braces you know
Mega: oh... You should really confess to Mayl you know
Lan: sh-sfut up!
Mayl: So Keiko was caught making out with Shouya by the school’s janitor!
Yai: Shut up! Really?
Mayl: Yes! But they’re not saying they’re exclusive. It’s becoming news all over the school! And…
Yai: And what?
Mayl: They both have braces and they didn’t get stuck together!
Yai: Uhh how is that relevant?
Mayl: O-Oh I had just heard a rumor that braces get stuck together during kissing…
Yai: …Were you afraid you’d catch Lan literally getting caught up with another girl?
Mayl: N…No…
Roll: Yes
Mayl: Roll! Shush!
Yai: Braces may not get stuck together, but what if you just kissed Lan anyway? Would his braces jab into yours and hurt?
Mayl: …You think that would happen?
Yai: It might, but you have to actually kiss him first to test that theory
Mayl: M-Maybe waiting for them to come off would be a good idea then?
Roll: *sighing* Hopeless, the both of them
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subir-astrologer · 8 months
To understand this we have to understand the mantra first. I am trying to explain it according to my knowledge, in very simple way.
Firstly what is mantra ?
It is a bunch of words which produce vibrations in subtle form when enchanted several times as per the directions of the guru or teacher. Mantras are divided into sfut /open and gupta/hidden.
There are two way to enchant it,one maukhik ( speaking it loudly ) and other is manasik ( speaking inside mouth without making sound ).
Now mantras are classified according to their varnas. Not mentioning much about varnas, it is further classified into Tatvas i.e Agni, Vayu, Prithivi and Jal tatva.
Now the tatvas of the person who will enchant a mantra should match with the tatva of mantra otherwise it won’t yield any result. There are other tatvas which is not discussed to keep the article short.
The number of enchanting mantra plays a very vital role in the enchantment of mantra. There are fixed stipulated number of time the mantra should be enchanted to produce desired vibration, failing which will not yield result. Muhurat ( auspicious time to start enchanting mantra ) of the mantra is a very important.
Every mantras are classified in for a particular muhurats of a month on a particular date/tithi, nakshtra ( sometime the pada is also considered ), var/week and time. If not taken care of the muhurat then the whole effort will go waste. Every mantra is associated with a direction, the person need to sit in a particular direction only to enchant the given mantra.
Now lets know the Asan of mantras. Asan means the sitting posture and another asan means to sit on. There are different Asan prescribed for different mantras example sitting in padmasan posture for certain mantra and sitting on Kush asan, silk, wool, cotton, skin of a particular animal etc of different different mantras as per prescribed.
To count the number of mantra enchanted different beads malas are used like rudraksha mala, tulsi, spatik, haldi, hakik etc etc. This mala is also important as per the nature of the mantra and so it shouldn’t be taken casually that for mere counting any mala can be used.
Now vastra to wear are different for different mantras that shouldn’t be taken lightly as the Devatas associated with that mantras will never be pleased if different colour vastra is wore during the mantra enchanting.
Before starting to enchant mantra, Sankalp has to be made that every day at a stipulated time x number of mantra will be enchanted daily, failing which will not yield result. Now many a time people call Brahmin pujari at home to do do some puja or enchanting mantras on their behalf. Here 90% of the times the pujari forget to do sankalpa to do the mantra enchantment of the person’s behalf and so the whole effort is wasted.
Secondly concentration and focus on mantra is also very very very important as it brings in Prana/life in the mantra, so if either of pujari or the person himself enchanting mantra fail in this part then the effort of enchanting mantra is only in physical form seen from outside but the resultant out put is zero.
In order to keep it short there are many other things not included in the articles. Now the last part which is that one have to perform in a nice quite place Without any disturbance because without concentration on enchantment of mantra it won’t yield result AND IT SHOULD BE GIVEN BY A GURU.
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highqueenofelfhame · 5 years
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When his teeth grazed her skin, a soft moan fell from her lips. Julian paused, pulling back to look at her. His own chest was heaving much like her own.
“Do that again,” he breathed, dragging a finger down her throat and the v of her t-shirt.
“Make me,” she teased, but it was short lived because as soon as his mouth closed back over her throat and his tongue flicked at her skin she was unable to hold any of the sounds in. If he was this good just kissing her body, she couldn’t even think about how good he would feel everywhere else. “Julian.”
//six feet under the stars, gen x jules, coming soon//
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nettart · 5 years
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So this is my oc - Raven Blair. I’ve posted drawings of her previously, although she had black hair, and possibly a tad different clothing. Despite this, I’ve never really explained anything about her.
Raven is the “oldest” of the two Blair siblings - Raven and Linnet. I say “oldest” because they are twins. At the age of 15 Raven moves to Villton ( the name is not yet 100% confirmed ) - a small town in the middle of Pennsylvania - with Linnet and their parents. They move to the twins’ grandparents old house, after the grandma has passed away, and left the house completely empty.
Raven ( as well as Linnet ) is a part of the Blair family - from her mother's side. The Blair family is one of five witch families, and is the time and space family. The four other families are mind, atoms, energy and life. Each family has a different skill set and each individual member of each family possesses a different skill. The skill typically starts showing early signs of it around the age of 11, and as soon as that happens, the child should immediately go to the witch council to be evaluated. The witch council consists of five members - one from each witch family, while each one of them possesses an extremely powerful skill. Upon being evaluated, the witch council ranks the witch between 1 and 10. Witches who were ranked 8 or higher are sent to training, and will eventually work in the magical world, let it be a council member or something else. If a witch's skill is not discovered until the age of 17, they automatically get a council rank of 0.
Raven’s skill is the ability to see past surroundings and Past surrounding events. She is able to duplicate objects from the past into the present as well. Her council rank is 6.
Raven may seem tough and emotionless sometimes, but she cares about her family more than anything in the world (especially about Linnet ), and there is absolutely nothing she wouldn't do for them. As she often has to state - she is neither emo, nor goth. She does not listen to their music. Raven has an irrational fear of ladybugs - that she will deny at any cost - and it’s probably the only thing that can truly freak her out.
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Raven likes to get draw and to creative write - therefore she never leaves the house without a sketchbook and her favorite pen. Her sketchbook is filled with observation drawing from visions of the past as well from the present, and with pieces of text which are scattered messily and seemingly in a random fashion.
As far as personality goes she is quiet ( that trait should not be confused with shyness ) yet not afraid to speak her mind, she is cynical, reserved, suspecting, witty and generally calm.
BTW, this project is called ‘Six Feet Under the Snow’, or ‘Under for short ( the name may change in the future, don’t kill me if it will ), and I’m working on it for (way too long) four years as of 2019. I’vestartedworkingonitwhenIwas14wtf?!
My English is shit, and everything I wrote is probably not understandable in the slightest. Oh well.
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wittyy-name · 3 years
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Six Feet Under the Stars - Chapter Four on Ao3
✨Klance ✨King Keith / Royal Mistress Lance ✨Medieval Fantasy ✨Fake lovers to lovers ✨A Choose-Your-Own-Adventure fic from my Patreon
The fourth chapter of the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure fic from my Patreon is now on Ao3! Become a patron to cast your vote and help curb the story while I write the chapters.
I also makes posts on my Patreon about what what the other choices would have meant, and how deep the influence of the choices go!
Patreon | Ko-fi | Twitter | Ao3 | Insta
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allucka · 3 years
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naive-elf · 7 years
fffhdjdksjdlau someone make a lyric comparison between Six Feet Under The Stars & Vampire Shift
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kreiiideprinz · 6 years
your top 5 mutuals
(this is based off the people that are statistically my top followers)
M: @rockystiltskin-bellamy
F: @fuckthe100-sfuts (i had to, i have a TERRIBLE sense of humor)
Kill Hang out w: @pulsar-constantines
Kiss: @otto-wood
C: @citrusgeoff
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You know all of 26 Letters stuck with me that fic fucking HURT
But also like, one of my favorites was Love You Through it. The scene of JJ just sitting there holding her hand like “I want to try again but I know youre not ready” and he’s just being so patient sitting quietly with her so shes not alone. Fuck thats so good.
Also… that original part of SFUTS. Rudy suddenly realizing he isnt just trying to have sex with his best friend, almost getting his ass beat. I loved that. There were several good scenes in those parts you had and I know youve been thinking of rewriting those. It was one of my favorite fics you wrote.
Okay so… 26 letters hurt me. It still hurts me.
Love you through it was my original therapy fic ngl but I’m glad you like it so much.
I am rewriting SFUTS but the original holds dear place in my heart.
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Tagged by @fuckthe100-sfuts
1. Which of your friends are you proudest of? Why?
S: my best friend, probably. his photography career is taking off and it’s amazing and he’s like my favorite person so I mean. i’m proud. also he’s tryna recover from some stuff that’s personal n it makes me happy to see him happy
F: I’m proud of my friends all the time for various things but currently I’m extremely proud of my friend Milo for some thinks they said to their ex (which i won’t elaborate on)
2. Do you enjoy spending time with your family?
S: not really, they belittle me at times but sometimes it’s okay. i love my brother, though
F: Ha Ha Ha No
3. X-men and Avengers?
S: avengers ftw
4. If you could time travel, where would you go?
S: i’m with frank, i’d go to a BP concert, i’d go to a lot of concerts that i missed or never got the chance to attend (BP, bikini kill, etc) and i’d attend stonewall lol
F: Lowkey this sounds lame but I’d literally kill to go to a BPT show, i really fucking love their music and it sucks that they didn’t last (although we might not’ve gotten parx if they hadn’t split so idk)
5. Do you have a bucket list?
S: kind of. mentally
F: no but i’ve been meaning to start one
6. On a scale of 1-10, how strict are/were your parents?
S: i have no idea tbh. they’re not too bad. 3, 4, maybe?
F: 8 i guess. They’re the worst combination of neglectful and helicopter parents.
7. Do you feel like a leader or a follower?
S: i’m a leader even though i’m like. not confident
F: I feel the urge to be a leader but I’m not assertive enough and I cry too much so
8. If you could choose your own nickname, what would it be?
S: sie. my name. it’s not my full real name but i love it and it’s what makes me most comfortable. or like. actual nicknames others have given me
F: Tbh I prefer to let other people nickname me just because I find it more special that way. In one specific context that I won’t go into detail on, i love being called Bear bc it’s super cute.
9. Do you ever talk to yourself? When and what do you say?
S: i always do lmao but not specific situations
F: I think out loud a lot of the time. Never about anything specific.
10. As a child, what did you wish to become when you grew up?
S: i really wanted to be a singer, like. bad. then i gave up because everyone told me my voice was shit. now, my voice is a lot better and it’s back and in full force.
i’d never admit it irl, but i wanna be the lead singer of some sort of band, and i wanna get big enough to have people scream my lyrics back to me and ask me to write out tattoos. it prob won’t happen though. pop punk bands with feminine singers never get credited enough.
F: I’ve always wanted to do music and comics. that hasn’t ever really changed.
11. If someone made a movie of your life would it be a drama, a comedy, a romantic-comedy, action film, or science fiction?
S: a comedy because my life is a joke. nah fr though it’d be sad as fuck. unless i come around in the end: then it’d be some weird inspirational film.
F: probably an educational film on the effects of abuse on ASD kids/teenagers.
y’all know us. we’re too lazy to tag anyone. if u wanna do this, go for it and say we tagged u
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la-la-lalobotomy · 6 years
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 blogs to do the same!
I was tagged by @fuckthe100-sfuts (thanks!!)
nickname: katie
gender: female
star sign: aquarius all the way
height: 5′10″
time: 3:14 pm
birthday: February 16
favorite bands: waterparks, as it is, all time low
favorite solo artist: troye sivan
song stuck in my head: out of my limit by 5sos
last movie I watched: love, simon
last thing I googled: lyrics to silver lining by Panic!
do you have any other blogs: nope!
do you get asks: not really, but it always makes my day when I do get them :)
following blogs: 174
followers: 98 
nationality: american
favorite color(s): orange and blue (but not together)
average hours of sleep: 6-7ish
favorite song right now: i could never pick haha
what am I wearing: sweatpants and the shirt patty walters designed for rocksound because it just came in (!!!)
how many blankets do I sleep with: just a comforter
dream job: author
Dream vacation: australia
favorite food: naan
I have no idea who’s done this already, so sorry if I’m tagging you again! @theghostofashton @thebluepoptarts @@awwwsten @starry-knight12 @plmslnd @adminover20 @devastate-my-space or anyone else who wants to do it!!
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