#Romanian national holiday
jonathantaylor · 1 year
would anyone care for a little history lesson?
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eyesfullofmoon · 10 months
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Jewish Old Hollywood actresses
• Hedy Lamarr
✡︎ Born to a Galician-Jewish father and Hungarian-Jewish mother.
• Lauren Bacall
✡︎ Both her mother and father were Jewish. Her father was born to parents who were born in Valozhyn, a predominantly Jewish community in present-day Belarus.
• Shelley Winters
✡︎ Born to Jewish parents, Winters' education included attendance at the Jamaica Jewish Center in Queens, New York and learning Hebrew songs at her public school.
• Theda Bara
✡︎ Born to Jewish parents.
• Paulette Goddard
✡︎ Born to a Jewish father.
• Sylvia Sidney
✡︎ Born to a Romanian-Jewish mother and Russian-Jewish father.
• Judy Holliday
✡︎ Born Judith Tuvim (she took her stage name from yom tovim, which is Hebrew for "holidays") to a Russian-Jewish father, who was executive director of the foundation for the Jewish National Fund of America, and a Russian-Jewish mother.
• Alla Nazimova
✡︎ Born to Russian-Jewish parents.
• Piper Laurie
✡︎ Born to Jewish parents. Her paternal grandparents were Jewish immigrants from Poland and her maternal grandparents were Jewish immigrants from Russia.
• Carmel Myers
✡︎ Born to a Russian-Jewish father, who was a rabbi, and an Austrian-Jewish mother.
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vladdyissues · 7 months
Please give us som Vlad headcanons!!! :)
Oh boy, you're gonna wish you'd never asked 😆 Long post ahead
🎧 Vlad is a huge fan of 80s synth-pop and new wave. Depeche Mode, The Cure, The Smiths, Duran Duran, Tears For Fears, Pet Shop Boys, a-ha, and New Order, to name just a few.
🎵 On a similar (quarter) note, music from the late 70s and early 80s is still difficult for him to listen to because it reminds him of the years he was pining for Maddie, the accident, and being hospitalized. Mid-80s music and beyond, when he began to take his life back and build his wealth and power, is his "good old days" music.
🎹 Another music headcanon: In Familiar, I hinted at Vlad being a pianist. I think he'd look pretty hot playing a saxophone, maybe even a trumpet. And Martin Mull is a pretty good guitarist and singer, so Vlad also having those talents would be really cool. But I like to believe that Vlad plays the geekiest, dorkiest, nerdiest, most Slav-coded instrument of all: the accordion. Just imagine him torturing Danny and Sam and Tucker with polka music and ballads about cheese while on a camping trip. Maybe Wulf howling in agony from somewhere in the woods.
🧀 Yeah, he’s basically the negaverse equivalent of Weird Al.
👂 Vlad got his ear pierced in the mid-90s.
🔥 Despite being a fire specter ("having a fire core", to use the phandom terms), Vlad loves the cold. Winter is his favorite season, Christmas his favorite holiday. A bit of a spoiler for either chapter 13 or 14 of Familiar: Vlad is a superb ice skater.
💔 Besides his mother, Maddie was the only woman Vlad ever loved.
🐄 Vlad grew up the son of a poor Wisconsin dairy farmer. His mother was a first-generation Romanian* immigrant. He was the first member of his family to go to college, and on a full scholarship. He has no siblings. (*I may adapt Vlad’s nationality depending upon the story/art/situation, but generally I like to HC him as Romanian, which you can see on his backpack here in this AU.)
👊 Vlad was a victim of bullying in his teen years. Because of his first name and his ethnicity—not to mention his appearance and disposition: skinny, gangly, "ugly", shy, nerdy, poor—Halloween was always a miserable time for him: getting pelted with plastic vampire fangs in the hallways at school; cruel nicknames like "Count Vladislob" or "Vladis-louse"; racist remarks about his Romani mother; "Bleh bleh! I vant to suck your bluud!" It was awful.
✌️ Because he spent so many years being made to feel ashamed of his unusual name, when he became rich and successful after obtaining his ghost powers, he put his name and initial everywhere. V for Vlad.
🏈 Vlad got his love of Green Bay from his father. Apart from a shared surname, it was one of the only two (2) things he and his dad had in common.
🔧 Working on farm machinery like tractors and hay balers was the other. Vlad and his dad would often fix the farm equipment themselves rather than hire a mechanic—mostly out of necessity. Vlad is still pretty good with a monkey wrench, though in college his focus shifted from engineering to physics after meeting Jack and Maddie.
🚀 Vlad grew up in the sixties. Space race, the moon landing, the Cold War. Every kid his age had space fever. Vlad was no exception. His bedroom walls were a collage of stars, rockets, shuttles, astronauts, and cosmonauts. Yuri Gagarin was his hero. He wanted to be an astronaut when he grew up. (Just like Danny.)
🩸 I mentioned this on another post, but I'll add it here, too: Vlad's obsession with gaining more power stems from the trauma and weakness he experienced when he was hospitalized. He made a vow to never be that helpless again.
🪦 Both of Vlad's parents were dead by the time he got out of the hospital. He was estranged from the rest of the Masters family and therefore had no one to turn to.
👶 Because of this, Vlad became obsessed with having a family of his own. Ironically, the accident sterilized him. He will never be able have biological children.
🍪 Some of Vlad’s happiest memories are baking with his mother. He had (and still does have) quite a sweet tooth—and a penchant for cooking.
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mademoiselle-red · 1 year
Crazy Rich Asians and Grandma Young
A few years ago, when I saw CRA in theaters, I remember being charmed by the extravagant costumes and setting, the concept of all Asian cast in a Hollywood romcom, and the Asian-American protagonist, Rachel Chu. Her fish out of water experiences among her fiancé’s Peranakan Chinese family in Singapore were very relatable. She is ethnic Chinese like them, but from a very different culture and country. I’ve had very similar experiences when visiting my relatives in China as a teenager: I was born in China but grew up in the US (since age 5), and all my aunties, uncles, and grandparents took every opportunity to bemoan my foreign mannerisms and cultural attitudes (despite the fact that I spoke and read Chinese fluently).
Sometime in high school and during college, I developed an academic interest in Chinese culture and diaspora history and did a lot of independent studying on the subject. And because of this knowledge, my immersion in CRA broke as soon as Rachel entered her boyfriend’s family home and I started watching a completely different movie.
We are told the boyfriend’s family, the Young family are among the oldest Singaporean families, emigrating from southern China in the 1800s. This makes them Peranankan, a community of people spanning Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia descended from Chinese merchants who settled there between the 1600s and 1800s and assimilated into malay culture, speaking a malay language as their native tongue. When the independent nation of Singapore was created in 1965, Peranankans were classified as ethnic Chinese along with the Southern Chinese immigrants of the 1900s, who spoke Hokkien (~70% of the Chinese immigrant population), Cantonese (the language spoken by Nick’s mother), Hainanese, Teochew, and Hakka as their native language. Mandarin was introduced to Singapore in 1920 through Chinese schools founded by immigrant teachers from the Republic of China (which chose mandarin as its official language) and slowly gained population among the educated classes in the Chinese immigrant and Peranankan community. Widespread fluency in mandarin did not happen until after Singaporean independence (1965), when mandarin was chosen as a “mother tongue” for all ethnic Chinese Singaporeans and mandarin classes became required in school.
But Nick’s grandmother speaks mandarin with a Beijing accent and makes northern Chinese dumplings! As soon as I heard the accent and saw the dumplings, I stopped paying attention to Rachel’s story and started to imagine the fascinating life Nick’s grandmother must have lived (I have not read the books and thus am working only with how she is depicted in the movie). She was probably born into a Beijing family, thus growing up with that strong Beijing accent and a fondness for northern Chinese dumplings. Her family probably gathered around the table to make dumplings to celebrate various holidays like Chinese New Year and Winter Solstice (a cultural tradition unique to northern China), so when they immigrated to Singapore in the late 1930s (sometime before World War Two, before the Japanese occupation of Beijing), she was in for a culture shock.
In the late 1930s, barely anyone outside her tiny northern Chinese refugee community would have spoken fluent mandarin, and as a young woman marrying into a wealthy and influential Peranankan family in the 1940s or 50s, she would have had to learn Malay (to speak to her elders), Hokkien (to speak to other women in the merchant class), and English (as was expected of an upper class lady, because of the British colonial legacy) in order to get by. English and Malay are in completely different language families. Her native Mandarin and the southern Chinese languages like Hokkien and Cantonese are part of the same language family and share a written script, but are as different as Spanish and Romanian. And their cultures, etiquette, customs, and cuisines were equally as different as Spanish and Romanian. The only dish she and her husband’s family shared in common was plain white rice. Peranankan and southern Chinese dishes would have been completely foreign food to this Beijing woman (especially in the 1940s and 50s, before globalization and cultural homogenization within China). No one in her husband’s family would have eaten northern Chinese dumplings as a comfort food. If they had never traveled to China for work or study abroad, she would have been the first to introduce them to this foreign comfort food. She would also have had to learn the foreign customs, culture, and etiquette of this perenankan family and the customs and cultures of the southern Chinese people who made up a majority of Singapore’s ethnic Chinese community.
By the time we meet her as an old lady in 2017, she is now the matriarch and Singapore has had decades of mandatory mandarin education, so everyone around her can speak mandarin to her and eat dumplings as a comfort food. But when she arrived in the Young family as a young bride, she was just as foreign to them as Rachel Chu.
(The casting of a Beijing mandarin speaker in the role of Nick’s grandmother may have been an unintentional mistake on part of the production, since the movie seems more interested in emphasizing the Chinese aspects of the Yeong family over their Singaporean / Peranankan heritage)
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canary0 · 1 year
May 4 - Dracula 2023
When I came out for breakfast, the hotel concierge let me know that the count had contacted them to ensure I had the best seat in the bus over the mountains, which… Is there a best seat on a bus? I suppose one with a good view that lets you get out easily. I asked for more information, but they pretended not to understand, despite having answered all my questions earlier. When I used a translator to ask in Romanian, they said it came out as nonsense and still couldn’t answer me.
A little bit of checking showed that that was nonsense, but if they didn’t want to answer, such is life.
The front desk staff did look at each other quite nervously when I asked after Count Dracula. One of them crossed themselves, and the other assured me that they knew nothing at all, aside from what they were given when things were arranged. There wasn’t much for it. I went to gather my things, since it was nearly time to leave, but when I left the room again with my bags, one of them appeared at my door, a woman, her expression tight with fear.
“Must you go? Oh, must you go?” They spoke quietly, perhaps worried that their coworkers might overhear for some reason. Those phrases were most of what I got from her – Translate doesn’t exactly give one an understanding of the language. Eventually, after a lot of questions, she asked if I knew what day it was.
“The… fourth of May…?” I asked. I wasn’t quite sure where the line of questioning was going.
“Yes, but do you know what day it is?” She insisted, staring into my eyes with determination, as though this should be obvious.
I truly gave it some effort to figure it out – National Day in Romania was December 1st, I think, so it wasn’t that. No major holidays that I knew of, and she didn’t seem… positively inclined about the date, if I had to put a point on it. Finally, I shook my head. “I’m afraid I don’t follow.”
“It is the eve of St. George’s Day! Even around here, most people don’t remember much anymore that when the clock strikes midnight tonight, all evil things hold sway. And here… Do you know where you are going? To whom?” She asked, insistent, seeming in great distress with her fervor. “Please…! I will pay for tonight myself, if only you will not leave.” She reached out, taking my hand in a tight grip.
It was quite honestly very uncomfortable. I tried to assure her that it would be all right, but nothing I said seemed to help, since I couldn’t delay. Mr. Hawkins entrusted this task to me. I told her that – my work is imperative, and I couldn’t delay just for the sake of the date. I took my hand from her, as well, the grip almost having become painful in her panic.
She nodded and wiped her eyes, and allowed my hand to go. She took a crucifix from her neck and held it out to me. I wasn’t sure about it – religious or not, it feels odd to accept a crucifix as someone. She seemed to be able to tell and shook her head, pressing it into my hand.
“Please. For your mother’s sake,” she finally insisted, putting it around my neck herself.
How is one supposed to say no in a situation like that, with someone in such obvious distress? I just nodded, and she seemed relieved, but I was left uneasy. Maybe the crucifix made some of those old superstitions she brought up feel more real? Either way, I’m left waiting for the bus, mulling over what she said. I find my hand making its way to touch the crucifix around my neck – I can’t help but be aware of it.
I suppose, if something happens to me, Mina will have this blog. At least I can say I called her and heard her voice before we took off.
Here’s the bus!
(A/N: I had to make a few adjustments to these scenes to account for a less religious world and a more modern Romania. The Coronea de Aur (The Crown of Gold, I think) hotel is quite the modern business hotel in Bistrita, so it’s a very different setting to suddenly be reminded of the spookiness of the region in. England is also a good bit less religious than in the Victorian period, so I’m trying to subtly account for that, too.
I had to make a decision in this scene, because the book says it’s a crucifix specifically attached to a rosary, but uh... you don’t wear those around your neck for the most part, not casually when you’re not praying it. As far as I could find. Catholic people, feel free to correct me.
BTW, in the last chapter, Lucy technically has a more Mori Girl aesthetic board, but Jon doesn’t know the difference between that and cottagecore. She just seems like the sort of person who would.)
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brookston · 9 months
Holidays 8.31
Baloch-Pakhtun Unity Day
Cow Chip Tossing Day
Crop Dusting Day
Day of Solidarity and Freedom (Poland)
Festal Day (Order of the Eastern Star)
Flag Day (India)
Hari Kebangsaan (Malaysia)
International Blog Day (a.k.a. International Day of Blogs and Bloggers)
International Day for People of African Descent (UN)
International Overdose Awareness Day
Limba Noastra (Day of Our Language; Moldova)
Love Litigating Lawyers Day
Merdeka Day (Malaysia)
National Box Car Day
National Dan Day
National Diatomaceous Earth Day
National HalfCut Day (Australia)
National Leslie Day
National Matchmaker Day
National South Carolina Day
North Borneo Self-Government Day
National Zoo Awareness Day (UK)
Opioid Misuse Prevention Day
Overdose Awareness Day
Princess Diana Memorial Day
Rabbit Rabbit Day [Last Day of Every Month]
Romanian Language Day (Romania)
Sărbătoarea (a.k.a. Limba noastră; Language Day; Moldova)
Take a Seat Day
Tank Day (Lešany, Czech Republic)
Walnut Day (French Republic)
We Love Memoirs Day
White Rose Day (Australia)
Withdrawal of the Last American Soldier Anniversary Day (Afghanistan)
World Distance Learning Day
World Sanskrit Day
World Solidarity Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bacon Day [also 12.30]
Eat Outside Day
Grape Blessing Day (Armenia)
Invent A New Sandwich Day
National Trail Mix Day
Vegetable Day (Japan)
5th & Last Thursday in August
National Banana Pudding Day [Last Thursday]
National Cabernet Sauvignon Day [Last Thursday]
Thoughtful Thursday [Thursday of Be Kind to Humankind Week]
Independence Days
Befshire (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Kyrgyzstan (from USSR, 1991)
Malaysia (from UK, 1957)
Trinidad and Tobago (from UK, 1962)
Feast Days
Aidan of Lindisfarne (Christian; Saint)
Alter Ego Day (Pastafarian)
Aristides of Athens (Christian; Saint)
Cuthburh (Christian; Saint)
Dominguito del Val (Christian; Saint)
Fourth Onam (Rice Harvest Festival, Day 4; Kerala, India)
Frey’s Blot (Pagan)
Gai Jatra (Cow Festival, in remembrance of people who died the previous year; Kathmandu Valley, Nepal)
Henry (Muppetism)
Isabel (Christian; Saint)
Joseph of Arimathea (Christian; Saint)
Jouffroy (Positivist; Saint)
Nicodemus (Christian; Saint)
Paulinus of Trier (Christian; Saint)
Paul Reubens Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Raymond Nonnatus (Christian; Saint)
Roger Dean (Artology)
Wala of Corbie (Christian; Saint)
Waltheof, Earl of Northumbria (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [48 of 71]
All Or Nothing At All, recorded by Frank Sinatra (Song; 1939)
American Idiot, by Green Day (Song; 2004)
Andor (TV Series; 2022)
Bad, by Michael Jackson (Album; 1987)
The Big Sleep (Film; 1946)
Bolero (Film; 1984)
Bugsy and Mugsy (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
The Commuter, by Philip K. Dick (Short Story; 1953)
The Constant Gardener (Film; 2005)
Document, by R.E.M. (Album; 1987)
Fly, by Dixie Chicks (Album; 1999)
Foundation and Earth, by Isaac Asimov (Novel; 1986) [Foundation #5]
Get Rich Quick (Disney Cartoon; 1951)
Goat’s Head Soup, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1973)
The Great Gildersleeve (Radio Series; 1941)
Jack Ryan (TV Series; 2018)
Only Murders in the Building (TV Series; 2021)
Orient Express, by Graham Greene (a.k.a. Stamboul Train; Novel; 1932)
Pluto’s Judgement Day (Disney Cartoon; 1935)
The Psychology of Intelligence, by Jean Piaget (Science Book; 1947)
Raising Demons, by Shirley Jackson (Memoir; 1957)
The Threepenny Opera, by Bertolt Brecht (Play with Music; 1928)
Wildest Dreams, by Taylor Swift (Song; 2015)
The World According to Garp, by John Irving (Novel; 1978)
Today’s Name Days
Paulinus, Raimubd (Austria)
Josip, Nikodem, Optat, Paulina (Croatia)
Pavlína (Czech Republic)
Bertha (Denmark)
Arved, Arvi, Arvid (Estonia)
Arvi (Finland)
Aristide (France)
Aidan, Anja, Paulinus, Raimund (Germany)
Bella, Erika (Hungary)
Aristide (Italy)
Aigars, Aira, Labite, Vilma (Latvia)
Raimunda, Raimundas, Vilmantas, Vilmantė (Lithuania)
Berta, Berte (Norway)
Bohdan, Paulina, Rajmund, Rajmunda, Świętosław (Poland)
Nora (Slovakia)
Ramón (Spain)
Arvid, Vidar (Sweden)
Aden, Aidan, Aiden, Ayden, Edan, Edana, Eden, Edina, Egan, Egon (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 243 of 2024; 122 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 35 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Geng-Shen), Day 16 (Xin-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 14 Elul 5783
Islamic: 14 Safar 1445
J Cal: 3 Aki; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 18 August 2023
Moon: 99%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 19 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Jouffroy]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 71 of 94)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 10 of 32)
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katyshandmadeladen · 1 year
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Did you know that March 1st means the beginning of spring, for Romanians, it is closely linked to the tradition of offering mărțișor, an ancient symbol celebrating the change of seasons and the rebirth of nature. Last year, a bill was even submitted to the Senate calling for 1 March, the day of the "Mărțișor", to become a national Romanian holiday. The aim was to promote the traditions associated with Marțișor. Only that Romania has already had this obligation since 2017 when the Mărțișor entered the select list of UNESCO intangible heritage. #martı #luxury #abundant #UNESCO #martisor #martisoare #gratitude #familienzeit #martisor #mărțișor (hier: Amsterdam Netherland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CovZ8bwscNY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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naggingatlas · 1 year
me finding out tudd (my favorite composer on the spark series, arguably, along w staple and yeoung ofc) (author of all the orgasmic techno in 3: historia hysteria, stratoria interstellar, alpine carrera, All Of Utopia Shelter Including The 10 Minute Ambient Masterpiece In The Depths (16-bit) Which Probably Cures Cancer Idk) AND CLARITAS CENTRALIS AND FLOATING POINT ERROR (THE ENDLESS DIVE BOSSFIGHT OST) AND THE FNF MOD) is Romanian and i could like. Realistically. Meet Him For A Couple Gins. should be a national holiday. it is to me.
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dani-dimitrescu · 1 year
RULES.  repost, don’t reblog. tag ten.
TAGGED.  Stole it.
TAGGING. Just do the thing if you want to.
FULL NAME.  Daniela Dimitrescu (former:  Valeria Lois Lupei)
NICKNAME.   Dani, Fruitfly, Firefly
AGE.  90+
BIRTHDAY.  April 1931/January 1950
LANGUAGE.  Romanian, Italian, English, German, French
RELATIONSHIP STATUS.   Single (except in one verse)
CLASS.  Upper class
HOME TOWN / AREA.  Unnamed Village in Romania
CURRENT HOME.  Castle Dimitrescu
PROFESSION.  Spoiled youngest daughter (xD)
HAIR.  Red
EYES.   Gold, with hints of Green in her right eye (former blue and green)
BLEMISHES.   Heterochromia
SCARS.   Long scar on the left side of her heads
TATTOOS.   Rose on her forehead
HEIGHT.   5′5″ (human)  7'2" (Current)
WEIGHT.   confidential
USUAL HAIR STYLE.   Straight/Sidecut
USUAL CLOTHING.  Dresses,  High Heels
FEAR.  Death, losing control,  abandonment
ASPIRATION.   Marry a beautiful girl to share her indefinite love with. (hopeless romantic)
POSITIVE TRAITS.  Humorous, Loyal, Imaginative, Adventurous, Romantic
NEGATIVE TRAITS.    Possessive, Nosy, Jealous, Rebellious, Reckless, Scatterbrained
MBTI.    ENFP:The Enthusiasts
ZODIAC.   Aries
TEMPERAMENT.    Your temperament is sanguine. The sanguine temperament is fundamentally spontaneous and pleasure-seeking; sanguine people are sociable and charismatic. They tend to enjoy social gatherings, making new friends and tend to be boisterous. They are usually quite creative and often daydream. However, some alone time is crucial for those of this temperament. Sanguine can also mean sensitive, compassionate and thoughtful. Sanguine personalities generally struggle with following tasks all the way through, are chronically late, and tend to be forgetful and sometimes a little sarcastic. Often, when they pursue a new hobby, they lose interest as soon as it ceases to be engaging or fun. They are very much people persons. They are talkative and not shy. Sanguines generally have an almost shameless nature, certain that what they are doing is right. They have no lack of confidence.
FATHER.  (former:  Alexandru Lupei)
MOTHER.   Alcina Dimitrescu / (former: Dakaria Lupei)
SIBLINGS.  Bela and Cassandra / (former: Fabiu Lupei)
EXTENDED  FAMILY.  Mother Miranda, Donna Beneviento, Angie, Karl Heisenberg, Salvatore Moreau
NAME MEANING.    God is my judge
BOOKS.   Romances
MOVIES.  Has never seen a movie
MUSIC.  Classical and Jazz
DEITY.   Venus
MONTH.   June
SEASON.    Summer
PLACE.  Library
WEATHER.   Warm and sunny
SOUND.  The sound a body makes when it falls from great height, Rain
SCENT.   Blood, Lavender, Roses, 
TASTE.   Blood, Fruits, Cake
FEEL.   smooth marble, warm skin
ANIMAL.   Bats
NUMBER.   11
COLOR.   Green
TALENTS.   Singing
BAD  AT.  Dancing, Hunting, Empathy
TURN  ONS.   Blood, neck kisses, hugs from behind.....
TURN  OFFS.   rude behaviour, being ignored......
HOBBIES.   Reading
TROPES.     Alliterative Name,  Beware the Silly Ones,  Evil Cannot Comprehend Good,  Flirting Under Fire,  Psychopathic Manchild,  Villains Want Mercy,  Actually Not a Vampire,  Ambiguous Situation,  Artificial Family Member, Alphabetical Theme Naming,  Assist Character,  Blonde Brunette Redhead,  Cute Monster Girl,  Dark Action Girl, Daywalking Vampire, Delinquent Hair,  Excessive Evil Eyeshadow, Facial Markings,  Flies Equals Evil, Happily Adopted,  Humanoid Abomination,  Leitmotif,  One to Million to One,  Shout-Out,  Sibling Team, Sinister Scythe,  Statuesque Stunner,  Synchronized Swarming,  Villainous Breakdown,  Was Once a Man,  Weaksauce Weakness,  The Worm That Walks
 AESTHETICS.  Vampire, Victorian Goth
MAIN  FC. Nataliia Kubyshyn 
VOICE  CLAIM.   Nicole Tompkins
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educating-bimbos · 1 year
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!
Also just a blanket happy holidays, there are like 50 holidays within December and it would take me a while to go over them
The feast day of Jesus Christ
New Years eve
Christmas eve
Romanian Independence day
Rosa Parks day
National Bartender day
World Wildlife Conservation Day
National Gazpacho Day
Boxing day
the two saturdays and a sunday that make up the mystery days
and more
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
WARSAW, Poland (AP) — The Polish president and other officials marked their nation’s Armed Forces Day holiday Monday alongside the U.S. Army commander in Europe and regular American troops, a symbolic show of support for NATO members on the eastern front as Russia wages war nearby in Ukraine.
Gen. Darryl Williams, the new commanding general of U.S. Army Europe and Africa, attended the ceremony in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Solider in downtown Warsaw.
Nearby Polish children climbed on top of a U.S. and other other NATO tanks, helped by smiling American, British and Romanian soldiers.
Despite the festive atmosphere, Williams told The Associated Press that the U.S. presence was meant to deliver a message of “strength and resilience.”
WARSAW, Poland (AP) — The Polish president and other officials marked their nation’s Armed Forces Day holiday Monday alongside the U.S. Army commander in Europe and regular American troops, a symbolic show of support for NATO members on the eastern front as Russia wages war nearby in Ukraine.
Gen. Darryl Williams, the new commanding general of U.S. Army Europe and Africa, attended the ceremony in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Solider in downtown Warsaw.
Nearby Polish children climbed on top of a U.S. and other other NATO tanks, helped by smiling American, British and Romanian soldiers.
Despite the festive atmosphere, Williams told The Associated Press that the U.S. presence was meant to deliver a message of “strength and resilience.”
Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak ahead of the ceremony told reporters: “Years pass, but one thing is constant — when Russia tries to rebuild its empire, it is always an evil empire. It always commits war crimes.”
Polish troops from the different branches of the armed forces paraded down a street lined with fluttering white-and-red national Polish flags, and Duda promoted new generals.
The military held picnics seeking to recruit volunteers into the armed forces amid a new sense of threat fueled by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
American troops have taken part before in the Aug. 15 celebration before but it is the first one since President Joe Biden announced at a NATO summit in late June that Washington was establishing its first permanent U.S. military presence in Poland — something Poland has long sought.
The newly named Camp Kosciuszko in Poznan, western Poland, is a shared Polish-U.S. base that becomes the permanent headquarters in Poland for the U.S. Army’s V Corps, and the easternmost U.S. Army base in Europe. Many of the American troops there, however, still serve on a rotational basis.
The base is named after Gen. Tadeusz Kosciuszko, a hero of the American Revolution who strengthened the fortifications of West Point, and who later returned to Poland to fight imperial Russian forces.
Maj. Kevin Andersen, a U.S. Army public affairs officer, said that troops are having trouble saying the name Kosciuszko (roughly pronounced koh-SHOOSH’-koh) and many have been calling it “Camp K” instead.
He said the Army has created a video helping the soldiers to learn to say it as a gesture of respect to Poland as it welcomes the Americans.
“For now it’s a lot of Camp K., but we’re really trying to convince the soldiers to pronounce the full Camp Kosciuszko,” he said.
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brookstonalmanac · 17 days
Holidays 5.23
Angelica Day (French Republic)
Aretha Franklin Appreciation Day (Michigan)
Aromanian National Day (Balkans; a.k.a. Aromanians, Vlachs, or Macedo-Romanians)
Asian Corpsetwt Day [Every 23rd]
Best Friend-in-Law Day
Bifocals Day
Bluebell Day
Caracal Day
Climb A Tree Day
Day of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Azerbaijan)
Day of Ukrainian Marines (Ukraine)
Divorce Day (UK)
Empire Air Day (UK)
Empire Day (Bermuda)
EMS Save-a-Life Day Day
Festival of Saint Sarah the Egyptian (Sara Kali the Black Queen; a.k.a. Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, France) begins [until 25th]
Go For A Walk In Your Swim Fins Day
Go Nissan Day
Harvesting Healing Day
Heroes’ Day (Ukraine)
International Day of Women’s Football
International Day to End Obstetric Fistula (UN)
International GM1 Gangliosidosis Awareness Day
International Synthesizer Day
Isis Asteroid Day
Kids Ocean Day (California)
Kiss Day (Japan)
Komagata Maru Remembrance Day (Canada)
Labour Day (Jamaica)
Linnaeus Day (Sweden)
Lucky Penny Day
Mass Graves Day (Iraq)
Mayoring Day (Rye, Sussex, UK)
Melissa McBride Day
Mesmerism Day
Moog Day
National Apology Day
National Best Friend-in-Law Day
National Braid Day
National Canine Cancer Awareness Day
National Day (Morocco)
National Ethan Day
National Fill Your Thermos Brand Bottle Day
National Girls Learn Coding Day
National Goat Day
National Infantry Day (Ukraine)
National Medical Coder Day
National MILF Day
National Reed Day
National Stop the Bleed Day
National Tea Cosy Day
143 Day (Mr. Rogers)
PitDark Pitch Day
Stormy Daniels Day
Students’ Day (Mexico)
World Crohn's and Colitis Day
World Day Against Melanoma
World Turtle Day
World Wrestling Day
Youth Day (Tajikistan)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Dunkin Iced Coffee Day
National Asparagus Day
National Drinking with Chickens Day
National Pork Roll Day
National Taffy Day
Independence & Related Days
Ausveria (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Bonumland (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Constitution Day (Germany)
Plan for Palestine Independence by 1949 (Approved by UK Parliament; 1939)
Reberia (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
South Carolina Statehood Day (#8; 1788)
4th Thursday in May
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day [Thursday of Memorial Day Weekend]
Red Nose Day (US) [Last Thursday]
Throwback Thursday [Every Thursday]
World Chardonnay Day [Thursday before Memorial Day]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 23 (3rd Full Week)
National Safe Sun Week (thru 5.29)
Festivals Beginning May 23, 2024
Asian Festival of Children’s Content (Singapore) [thru 5.26]
Book World Prague (Prague, Czech Republic) [thru 5.26]
Hay Festival of Literature and Arts (Hay-on-Wye, United Kingdom) [thru 6.2]
Hot Luck (Auto, Texas) [thru 5.26]
Kerrville Folk Festival (Kerrville, Texas) [thru 6.9]
Kodiak Crab Festival (Kodiak, Alaska) [thru 5.27]
Main Street Port Clinton Walleye Festival (Port Clinton, Ohio) [thru 5.27]
Patriotic Festival (Norfolk, Virginia) [thru 5.26]
Ware Shoals Catfish Feastival (Ware Shoals, South Carolina) [thru 5.25]
Feast Days
Aaron the Illustrious (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Amaldus Nielsen (Artology)
Anathansius (Positivist; Saint)
Appreciate Reptiles Day (Pastafarian)
Bertholet Flemalle (Artology)
Bluebell Day (Shamanism)
Bufi the Toad (Muppetism)
Carl Bloch (Artology)
Carista (Day of Peace in the Family; Pagan)
Declaration of the Bab (Baba'i)
Desiderius, Bishop of Langres (Christian; Saint)
Desiderius of Vienne (Christian; Saint)
Euphrosyne of Polotsk (Christian; Saint)
Franz Kline (Artology)
Giovanni Battista de' Rossi (Christian; Saint)
Guibert of Gemblours (Christian; Saint)
Harold Hitchcock (Artology)
Ivo of Chartres (Christian; Saint)
John Baptist Rossi (Christian; Saint)
József Rippl-Rónai (Artology)
Julia of Corsica (Christian; Saint)
Leontius of Rostov (Christian; Marty)
Margaret Fuller (Writerism)
Mitch Albom (Writerism)
Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler (Episcopal Church (USA))
Peter Matthiessen (Writerism)
Quintian, Lucius and Julian (Christian; Saints)
Rosalia (Ancient Rome)
Simon the Zealot (Abkhazia)
Slim Pickens Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Tubilustrium (Ceremony to Purify the Ceremonial Trumpets; Ancient Rome) [also 3.23]
Turtle Day (Pastafarian)
Vulcan's Day (Ancient Rome)
William of Perth (Christian; Saint)
William of Rochester (Christian; Saint)
Lunar Calendar Holidays
Full Moon [5th of the Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Bright Moon (Celtic)
Buddha Day (Buddhism)
Budding Moon (Traditional)
Corn Planting Moon (Alternate)
Dragon Moon (China)
Egg Laying Moon (Traditional)
Fell Moon (South Africa)
Flower Moon (Amer. Indian, North America, Traditional)
Grass Moon (Neo-Pagan)
Hare Moon (England, Wicca)
Leaf Budding Moon (Traditional)
Milk Moon (Colonial)
Panther Moon (Choctaw)
Planting (Cherokee, Traditional)
Southern Hemisphere: Beaver, Frost, Hunter’s
Buddha Day [Around 5th Full Moon of the Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Buddha Jayanti (Nepal)
Buddha Purnima (Parts of India)
Buddha Purnuma (Bangladesh)
Hari Raya Waisaki (Indonesia)
Lord Buddha’s Parinirvana (Bhutan)
Saga Dawa (Sikkim, India)
Shyadar Pidar (Parts of India)
Vesak Day (Singapore, Sri Lanka)
Visakha Bucha Day (Thailand)
Visakh Bochea (Cambodia)
Wesak (Malaysia)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Addicted to Love (Film; 1997)
The Asphalt Jungle (Film; 1950)
Blended (Film; 2014)
Born This Way, by Lady Gaga (Album; 2011)
Brassed Off (Film; 1996)
Bruce Almighty (Film; 2003)
Catching Fire, by Suzanne Collins (Novel; 2012)
Cat Nipped (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1932)
The China Plate (Silly Symphonies Cartoon; 1931)
David and Goliath, by Malcolm Gladwell (Book; 2014)
Doctor Faustus, by Thomas Mann (Novel; 1947)
Dragonquest, by Anne McCaffrey (Novel; 1971) [Dragonriders of Pern #2]
The Dwarf, by Pär Lagerkvist (Novel; 1944)
The Fabulous Riverboat, by Philip José Farmer (Novel; 1971) [Riverworld #2]
Fidelio (Final Version), by Ludwig Van Beethoven (Opera; 1814)
Fish Tales (WB LT Cartoon; 1936)
Follow That Dream (Film; 1964)
Gigantic: A Tale of Two Johns (Music Documentary Film; 2003)
The Gong Show Movie (Film; 1980)
I’ll Be There For You, by The Rembrandt’s (Song/Friends Theme Song; 1995)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Film; 1984)
Injun Trouble (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1951)
Island of the Blue Dolphins, by Scott O'Dell (Novel; 1960)
The Kids Are Alright (Documentary Film; 1979)
Law and Audrey (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1952)
Lights Fantastic (WB MM Cartoon; 1942)
The Lost World: Jurassic Park (Film; 1997)
The Marshall Mathers LP, by Eminem (Album; 2000)
Much Ado About Nutting (WB MM Cartoon; 1953)
A Mutt in a Rut (WB LT Cartoon; 1959)
Nutty News (WB LT Cartoon; 1942)
Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (Film; 1973)
Patience, by Gilbert & Sullivan (Operetta; 1881)
Persepolis (Animated Film; 2007)
The Shining (Film; 1980)
Silly Scandals (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1931)
Taking the Long Way, by the Dixie Chicks (Album; 2006)
The Thin Man (Film; 1934)
Tommy, by The Who (Album; 1969)
X-Men: Days of Future Past (Film; 2014)
Today’s Name Days
Alma, Desiree, Renate (Austria)
Deziderije, Nada, Vilim, Želimir, Željko (Croatia)
Vladimír (Czech Republic)
Desiderus (Denmark)
Lii, Liidi, Liidia, Ly, Lydia (Estonia)
Lyydia, Lyyli (Finland)
Didier (France)
Alma, Désirée, Renate (Germany)
Dezső (Hungary)
Desiderio (Italy)
Leontīne, Ligija, Lonija (Latvia)
Gertautas, Ivona, Tautvydė (Lithuania)
Oddlaug, Oddleif (Norway)
Budziwoj, Dezyderiusz, Dezydery, Emilia, Iwona, Jan, Leontyna, Michał, Symeon (Poland)
Mihail (România)
Želmíra (Slovakia)
Desiderio (Spain)
Desideria, Desirée (Sweden)
Allard, Desirae, Desire, Desiree (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 144 of 2024; 222 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 21 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 12 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 15 (Ding-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 15 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 15 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 24 Magenta; Threesday [24 of 30]
Julian: 10 May 2024
Moon: 100%: Full Moon
Positivist: 3 St. Paul (6th Month) [Anathansius]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 66 of 92)
Week: 3rd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 3 of 31)
0 notes
wikiuntamed · 2 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Wednesday, 17th April
Welcome, benvingut, 欢迎 (huānyíng), ласкаво просимо (laskavo prosymo) 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 17th April through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
Tumblr media
17th April 2022 🗓️ : Death - Radu Lupu Radu Lupu, Romanian pianist (b. 1945) "Radu Lupu (30 November 1945 – 17 April 2022) was a Romanian pianist. He was widely recognized as one of the greatest pianists of his time.Born in Galați, Romania, Lupu began studying piano at the age of six. Two of his major piano teachers were Florica Musicescu, who also taught Dinu Lipatti, and..."
Tumblr media
Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by Ermell
17th April 2019 🗓️ : Death - Alan García Alan García, Peruvian lawyer and politician, 61st and 64th President of Peru (b. 1949) "Alan Gabriel Ludwig García Pérez (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈalaŋ ɡaβˈɾjel luðˈwiɣ ɣaɾˈsi.a ˈpeɾes]; 23 May 1949 – 17 April 2019) was a Peruvian politician who served as President of Peru for two non-consecutive terms from 1985 to 1990 and from 2006 to 2011. He was the second leader of the Peruvian..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores from Perú
17th April 2014 🗓️ : Event - NASA NASA announced the discovery of Kepler-186f, the first exoplanet with a radius similar to Earth's discovered in the habitable zone of another star. "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA ) is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government responsible for the civil space program, aeronautics research, and space research. Established in 1958, it succeeded the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) to give the..."
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Image by National Aeronautics and Space Administration
17th April 1974 🗓️ : Birth - Victoria Beckham Victoria Beckham, English singer and fashion designer "Victoria Caroline Beckham (née Adams; born 17 April 1974) is an English fashion designer, singer, and television personality. She rose to prominence in the 1990s as a member of the girl group the Spice Girls, in which she was nicknamed Posh Spice. With over 100 million records sold worldwide, the..."
Tumblr media
Image licensed under CC BY 3.0? by Owl Bridge Media
17th April 1924 🗓️ : Birth - Donald Richie Donald Richie, American-Japanese author and critic (d. 2013) "Donald Richie (April 17, 1924 – February 19, 2013) was an American-born author who wrote about the Japanese people, the culture of Japan, and especially Japanese cinema. Although he considered himself primarily a film historian, Richie also directed a number of experimental films, the first when he..."
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Image by Urashimataro
17th April 1820 🗓️ : Birth - Alexander Cartwright Alexander Cartwright, American firefighter and (disputed) inventor of baseball (d. 1892) "Alexander Joy Cartwright Jr. (April 17, 1820 – July 12, 1892) was a founding member of the New York Knickerbockers Base Ball Club in the 1840s. Although he was an inductee of the Baseball Hall of Fame and he was sometimes referred to as a "father of baseball", the importance of his role in the..."
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Image by unattributed
17th April 🗓️ : Holiday - Christian feast day: April 17 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) "April 16 - Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar - April 18 All fixed commemorations below are observed on April 30 by Eastern Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar.For April 17th, Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar commemorate the Saints listed on April 4. ..."
Tumblr media
Image by njk92
0 notes
littlemissidontcare · 6 months
me add - especially for custom orders and not like pre-made choices for you to pick from online. we know miss witchmother loves peonies - the romanian national flower. so it makes even more sense that they sent in the order way earlier, knowing, at least seb, will be busy weeks prior.//Ok anon,you made some valid points. I still think they are together for the holidays, maybe somewhere sunny. For Annabelle to no be present at Drew ' s party after she attended all her friends holidays parties this past month, it's a sign. But if they are together we will know. Someone will post a photo, video now or next month like usual. We should wait and see.
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goggledoddle · 6 months
Tumblr media
Great Union Day 2023 Date: December 1, 2023 Today’s annual Doodle celebrates Great Union Day, or Ziua Marii Uniri, in Romania! This holiday commemorates the unification of several different ethnic groups under one single banner. On this day in 1918, the National Assembly of Alba Iulia voted unanimously in favor of a greater union between Transylvania, Bessarabia, Bukovina, and the Kingdom of Romania. As a result, the country was officially recognized by the international community and welcomed to the world stage. Romania’s territorial size nearly doubled, and its population increased by 10 million. The first ever celebration in Alba Iulia marked the end of years of struggle for self-determination, and instilled a sense of identity and unity among its diverse residents. On Great Union Day, Romanians attend military parades, musical and dance performances, historical plays, and flag-raising ceremonies throughout the country. The blue, yellow, and red stripes of the Romanian national flag — like the one waving in today’s artwork — represent liberty, justice, and fraternity. Great Union Day acts as a symbol of their shared heritage and collective spirit, reminding them of their country's rich history and the importance of unity during times of challenge. Location: Romania Tags: @GoggleDoddle is only here on [tumblr]! #GoggleDoddle goggledoddle.[tumblr].com
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brookston · 17 days
Holidays 5.23
Angelica Day (French Republic)
Aretha Franklin Appreciation Day (Michigan)
Aromanian National Day (Balkans; a.k.a. Aromanians, Vlachs, or Macedo-Romanians)
Asian Corpsetwt Day [Every 23rd]
Best Friend-in-Law Day
Bifocals Day
Bluebell Day
Caracal Day
Climb A Tree Day
Day of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Azerbaijan)
Day of Ukrainian Marines (Ukraine)
Divorce Day (UK)
Empire Air Day (UK)
Empire Day (Bermuda)
EMS Save-a-Life Day Day
Festival of Saint Sarah the Egyptian (Sara Kali the Black Queen; a.k.a. Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, France) begins [until 25th]
Go For A Walk In Your Swim Fins Day
Go Nissan Day
Harvesting Healing Day
Heroes’ Day (Ukraine)
International Day of Women’s Football
International Day to End Obstetric Fistula (UN)
International GM1 Gangliosidosis Awareness Day
International Synthesizer Day
Isis Asteroid Day
Kids Ocean Day (California)
Kiss Day (Japan)
Komagata Maru Remembrance Day (Canada)
Labour Day (Jamaica)
Linnaeus Day (Sweden)
Lucky Penny Day
Mass Graves Day (Iraq)
Mayoring Day (Rye, Sussex, UK)
Melissa McBride Day
Mesmerism Day
Moog Day
National Apology Day
National Best Friend-in-Law Day
National Braid Day
National Canine Cancer Awareness Day
National Day (Morocco)
National Ethan Day
National Fill Your Thermos Brand Bottle Day
National Girls Learn Coding Day
National Goat Day
National Infantry Day (Ukraine)
National Medical Coder Day
National MILF Day
National Reed Day
National Stop the Bleed Day
National Tea Cosy Day
143 Day (Mr. Rogers)
PitDark Pitch Day
Stormy Daniels Day
Students’ Day (Mexico)
World Crohn's and Colitis Day
World Day Against Melanoma
World Turtle Day
World Wrestling Day
Youth Day (Tajikistan)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Dunkin Iced Coffee Day
National Asparagus Day
National Drinking with Chickens Day
National Pork Roll Day
National Taffy Day
Independence & Related Days
Ausveria (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Bonumland (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Constitution Day (Germany)
Plan for Palestine Independence by 1949 (Approved by UK Parliament; 1939)
Reberia (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
South Carolina Statehood Day (#8; 1788)
4th Thursday in May
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day [Thursday of Memorial Day Weekend]
Red Nose Day (US) [Last Thursday]
Throwback Thursday [Every Thursday]
World Chardonnay Day [Thursday before Memorial Day]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 23 (3rd Full Week)
National Safe Sun Week (thru 5.29)
Festivals Beginning May 23, 2024
Asian Festival of Children’s Content (Singapore) [thru 5.26]
Book World Prague (Prague, Czech Republic) [thru 5.26]
Hay Festival of Literature and Arts (Hay-on-Wye, United Kingdom) [thru 6.2]
Hot Luck (Auto, Texas) [thru 5.26]
Kerrville Folk Festival (Kerrville, Texas) [thru 6.9]
Kodiak Crab Festival (Kodiak, Alaska) [thru 5.27]
Main Street Port Clinton Walleye Festival (Port Clinton, Ohio) [thru 5.27]
Patriotic Festival (Norfolk, Virginia) [thru 5.26]
Ware Shoals Catfish Feastival (Ware Shoals, South Carolina) [thru 5.25]
Feast Days
Aaron the Illustrious (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Amaldus Nielsen (Artology)
Anathansius (Positivist; Saint)
Appreciate Reptiles Day (Pastafarian)
Bertholet Flemalle (Artology)
Bluebell Day (Shamanism)
Bufi the Toad (Muppetism)
Carl Bloch (Artology)
Carista (Day of Peace in the Family; Pagan)
Declaration of the Bab (Baba'i)
Desiderius, Bishop of Langres (Christian; Saint)
Desiderius of Vienne (Christian; Saint)
Euphrosyne of Polotsk (Christian; Saint)
Franz Kline (Artology)
Giovanni Battista de' Rossi (Christian; Saint)
Guibert of Gemblours (Christian; Saint)
Harold Hitchcock (Artology)
Ivo of Chartres (Christian; Saint)
John Baptist Rossi (Christian; Saint)
József Rippl-Rónai (Artology)
Julia of Corsica (Christian; Saint)
Leontius of Rostov (Christian; Marty)
Margaret Fuller (Writerism)
Mitch Albom (Writerism)
Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler (Episcopal Church (USA))
Peter Matthiessen (Writerism)
Quintian, Lucius and Julian (Christian; Saints)
Rosalia (Ancient Rome)
Simon the Zealot (Abkhazia)
Slim Pickens Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Tubilustrium (Ceremony to Purify the Ceremonial Trumpets; Ancient Rome) [also 3.23]
Turtle Day (Pastafarian)
Vulcan's Day (Ancient Rome)
William of Perth (Christian; Saint)
William of Rochester (Christian; Saint)
Lunar Calendar Holidays
Full Moon [5th of the Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Bright Moon (Celtic)
Buddha Day (Buddhism)
Budding Moon (Traditional)
Corn Planting Moon (Alternate)
Dragon Moon (China)
Egg Laying Moon (Traditional)
Fell Moon (South Africa)
Flower Moon (Amer. Indian, North America, Traditional)
Grass Moon (Neo-Pagan)
Hare Moon (England, Wicca)
Leaf Budding Moon (Traditional)
Milk Moon (Colonial)
Panther Moon (Choctaw)
Planting (Cherokee, Traditional)
Southern Hemisphere: Beaver, Frost, Hunter’s
Buddha Day [Around 5th Full Moon of the Year] (a.k.a. ... 
Buddha Jayanti (Nepal)
Buddha Purnima (Parts of India)
Buddha Purnuma (Bangladesh)
Hari Raya Waisaki (Indonesia)
Lord Buddha’s Parinirvana (Bhutan)
Saga Dawa (Sikkim, India)
Shyadar Pidar (Parts of India)
Vesak Day (Singapore, Sri Lanka)
Visakha Bucha Day (Thailand)
Visakh Bochea (Cambodia)
Wesak (Malaysia)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Addicted to Love (Film; 1997)
The Asphalt Jungle (Film; 1950)
Blended (Film; 2014)
Born This Way, by Lady Gaga (Album; 2011)
Brassed Off (Film; 1996)
Bruce Almighty (Film; 2003)
Catching Fire, by Suzanne Collins (Novel; 2012)
Cat Nipped (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1932)
The China Plate (Silly Symphonies Cartoon; 1931)
David and Goliath, by Malcolm Gladwell (Book; 2014)
Doctor Faustus, by Thomas Mann (Novel; 1947)
Dragonquest, by Anne McCaffrey (Novel; 1971) [Dragonriders of Pern #2]
The Dwarf, by Pär Lagerkvist (Novel; 1944)
The Fabulous Riverboat, by Philip José Farmer (Novel; 1971) [Riverworld #2]
Fidelio (Final Version), by Ludwig Van Beethoven (Opera; 1814)
Fish Tales (WB LT Cartoon; 1936)
Follow That Dream (Film; 1964)
Gigantic: A Tale of Two Johns (Music Documentary Film; 2003)
The Gong Show Movie (Film; 1980)
I’ll Be There For You, by The Rembrandt’s (Song/Friends Theme Song; 1995)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Film; 1984)
Injun Trouble (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1951)
Island of the Blue Dolphins, by Scott O'Dell (Novel; 1960)
The Kids Are Alright (Documentary Film; 1979)
Law and Audrey (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1952)
Lights Fantastic (WB MM Cartoon; 1942)
The Lost World: Jurassic Park (Film; 1997)
The Marshall Mathers LP, by Eminem (Album; 2000)
Much Ado About Nutting (WB MM Cartoon; 1953)
A Mutt in a Rut (WB LT Cartoon; 1959)
Nutty News (WB LT Cartoon; 1942)
Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (Film; 1973)
Patience, by Gilbert & Sullivan (Operetta; 1881)
Persepolis (Animated Film; 2007)
The Shining (Film; 1980)
Silly Scandals (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1931)
Taking the Long Way, by the Dixie Chicks (Album; 2006)
The Thin Man (Film; 1934)
Tommy, by The Who (Album; 1969)
X-Men: Days of Future Past (Film; 2014)
Today’s Name Days
Alma, Desiree, Renate (Austria)
Deziderije, Nada, Vilim, Želimir, Željko (Croatia)
Vladimír (Czech Republic)
Desiderus (Denmark)
Lii, Liidi, Liidia, Ly, Lydia (Estonia)
Lyydia, Lyyli (Finland)
Didier (France)
Alma, Désirée, Renate (Germany)
Dezső (Hungary)
Desiderio (Italy)
Leontīne, Ligija, Lonija (Latvia)
Gertautas, Ivona, Tautvydė (Lithuania)
Oddlaug, Oddleif (Norway)
Budziwoj, Dezyderiusz, Dezydery, Emilia, Iwona, Jan, Leontyna, Michał, Symeon (Poland)
Mihail (România)
Želmíra (Slovakia)
Desiderio (Spain)
Desideria, Desirée (Sweden)
Allard, Desirae, Desire, Desiree (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 144 of 2024; 222 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 21 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 12 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 15 (Ding-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 15 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 15 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 24 Magenta; Threesday [24 of 30]
Julian: 10 May 2024
Moon: 100%: Full Moon
Positivist: 3 St. Paul (6th Month) [Anathansius]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 66 of 92)
Week: 3rd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 3 of 31)
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