#Rich Stabler
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rahleeyah · 4 months
You expect me to believe Elliot Stabler has two sisters and a rich brother who lives in Florida and somehow the son who avoided her for years and was on a whole ass other continent for years and just lost his wife and works all hours at a dangerous demanding ass job that put her in danger during the Wheatley arc is the one who is taking care of their mother? Bro pls lmao
Like that's the thing about finally addressing the siblings is like thank God they are but also none of this makes sense. Joe Jr is like. That actor is like what 40? He was probably born around the same time as Maureen. He and Elliot didn't grow up in the same house! They weren't kids together!! He was still at home and in school when 1.0 started! Elliot left a kid brother alone with his parents and no mention of it!
I know that's not the kinda shit they can fix and none of this is stuff they're worried about but like. Come on.
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chestnutninny · 1 month
Drunken Love
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(Sonya Paxton x Reader- Fluff)
Warnings: Talks of SVU topics, substance abuse, feisty Stabler.
It had been a few months since Sonya had started working at the Special Victims Unit as the new ADA. She had taken a particular liking to you despite her dislike towards the other detectives, especially Elliot Stabler. You had been seeing each other for a few weeks before she asked you to bee her girlfriend.
Dating Sonya was absolutely amazing, a complete refreshment in comparison to all the dates that you had been on with rich, snobby men and women. The only downside to the potential relationship you could have with Sonya was the fact that she was quite a bit older than you.
You had been working with Benson and Stabler recently and you had noticed the tension that had been rising between Stabler and Sonya, which had only increased even more after the squad found out about your relationship with Sonya. Elliot had been distant with you since finding out the relationship, which had been causing a lot of arguments and mistrust within your friendship with him.
Sonya hadn't opened up very much to you despite being in a relationship with her. You put it down to it being the fact it was a new relationship and she struggled opening up to new people in her life. However, you had your suspicions that something was wrong and you knew that it went further than her issues with Stabler.
You had heard about what had happened at the courtroom, where Sonya had been drunk whilst representing one of your SVU victims at the courthouse. Elliot stormed into the precinct office and over to your desk, slamming his hands down, which made you jump and look away from your computer screen.
"You need to sort out your girlfriend. Showing up to court drunk! Who does she think she is?"
"You need to watch your mouth, Stabler."
Your arguing went back and forth for a while, until you heard the doors to the precinct office swing open, directing your attention towards them rather than the raging man stood before you. You saw Sonya stood at the other side of the office, her face looking flushed and puffy, as if she had been crying.
"We need to talk." You gestured towards the conference room, making sure that Sonya was following your lead into the room.
You could see the regret and fear in Sonya's eyes as soon as she sat down at the table in the room. You sat opposite her as your hands layed in the palms of your hands, your elbows resting on the surface of the table.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I've embarrassed myself and I've dragged you down with me. You don't deserve a low life junkie like me." Her head hung lowly, as her shoulders shook from the sobs that wracked through her body.
You could see the embarrassment and shame that took over her face, the fear that she showed, the fear of losing you.
"Sonya. I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to get you the help you need and I'm going to be there to support you through it all."
She looked up at you, her face stained with tears. She looked at you with confusion, as she tried to comprehend whether you had actually said what she had heard. You nodded at her as you flashed her a big grin, which she returned gratefully.
"I'm going to stick by your side through it and nothing will change the way I feel about you."
"Oh my God, I love you." Sonya admitted. Her eyes widened at the realisation of what she had just said to you. Her eyes held pure adoration for you and you couldn't help the giggle that escaped from your mouth.
"I love you too, Sonya." You admitted back to her, watching as her cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink. "Aww, I never thought I'd see the soft, vulnerable side of Sonya Paxton."
You chuckled as she rolled her eyes.
"Shut up." She joked.
"Make me." You winked as you left the conference room, smiling to yourself as you collected your belonging, ready to take Sonya home.
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svu-bracket · 8 months
playoffs (round 5)
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episode descriptions under the cut
abuse -> benson and stabler suspect parental neglect in the death of the son of two famous singers, the detectives fear for their surviving daughter, who has a history of serious injuries, and benson grows attached to her. her parents resent benson attention to their daughter, and they take out a restraining order, which puts benson's job in jeopardy (imdb). a rich olivia text. moments of note (to me), "this has nothing :) to do :) with :) my mother :)"
fault -> a serial paedophile murders members of a family and kidnaps the two younger children (imdb). Girl. moments of note (to me), fin's reaction to liv post getting slashed in the throat is always funny. how does she make you do anything?"
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myth-blossom · 3 months
For your ask game! Do you have/Have you had other ships that are very similar to Diana/47, like with a similar dynamic or feel?
Oh that is a GREAT question, Nonny! I have shipped many a blorbo over the years, but I’m not sure that I have any pairing that is quite so similar to Diana/47? Certainly, there are many pairs who are shown to have incredible chemistry but have never/will never end up together (Olivia Benson/Elliot Stabler, for instance)—people who work together and will do anything for each other, but never quite cross or stay over that romantic line.
There are some ships with a few similarities, but they have entirely different vibes. Bulma Briefs/Vegeta is probably a good example from DBZ/DBS, in that you have Bulma Briefs, a rich, intelligent woman with strong independence, married to Vegeta, an alien with incredible skill and quite the bloodied past. They would do anything for each other, even if that meant going up against a God of Destruction. BUT, that being said, they are far from the subtle nature of Diana/47–passion and bickering is more of their thing.
If anyone has or thinks of Diana/47-like blorbos, please let me know!
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sarking · 11 months
I said on Twitter:
Elliot showing up to the parade in sunglasses and an "I love my bi son" crop top and Olivia's like, "Rich and Eli are straight." "Yup. Hey, Noah, how's it going, kiddo?"
And people said write it, so I started to write something in the neighborhood, but now it's mid-July and I need to restart my computer to install some updates and I don't feel like saving this unfinished thing in a file, so:
"You taking Noah to the parade on Sunday?" Elliot asks, shoveling noodles into his mouth with a complete lack of manners Olivia hasn't seen from him in a dozen years.
"The... parade? You mean Pride?"
"Yeah. That."
She has, she thinks, a reasonable idea of why Elliot is asking her. But she's still not going to inadvertently out her eleven-year-old -- not to Elliot, not to Fin, not to anyone -- so instead she asks, "Why would I take Noah to Pride?"
Elliot opens his mouth, hesitates in that way that means he's thinking better of something, and finally says, "It's a parade. Kids like parades." He stuffs some more noodles in his mouth. "I could take him."
Olivia narrows her eyes. "You can't even say Pride."
"I can say Pride. I can -- I could take Noah to Pride." He looks at her with the expression that once led her to google which puppy dogs have blue eyes. "Can I take Noah to Pride?"
"No," Olivia says, like snatching a present away. 
Elliot chews slowly. "You were never homophobic before."
He's baiting her, the fuck. He's baiting her, and she knows it, but it doesn't stop her mouth from dropping open. "Seriously? I won't let you take my son to Pride, which you couldn't even say, and I'm homophobic?" She crumples her napkin in her fist and breathes slowly through her nose. "Why do you even want to take him? I don't remember Pride being some grand Stabler family tradition when your kids were little."
"No," Elliot allows, "but maybe it should've been. So they knew it wouldn't have mattered."
Oh, Jesus Christ. Olivia lets go of her wrinkled napkin and jams her fingers into her forehead, hard enough to distract herself from the building headache. "El, just -- stop, okay? I know. I know, and I'm taking him to the parade."
"To Pride, you mean."
"Yes. I am taking my son, who is bi, to the gay pride parade in the Village. On a Sunday morning in June, when it is going to be unbearably hot, and neither of us really wants to go, but I am taking him. Is there anything else you want to know?"
He wipes his mouth with his own napkin. "Can I come? I like parades."
She laughs even as she gets teary-eyed. "You hate parades."
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wily-one24 · 6 months
Not ao3 wrapped but it/your answers made me think and wonder.
What is something in Wicked Game, not Tucker related, that surprised you when writing?
And what was something that surprised you from the responses to Wicked Game? Either as a whole or specific chapter or scene?
As a whole, I think the most surprising thing about Wicked Game, to me, was that so many people responded to it.
It's not a comfortable fic. It deals with dicey issues. It's a shipper fic, to a point, but the relationship in that fic is unhealthy and damaged and needs a lot of work to be something good for either of them.
It highlights the worst parts of both of them (though it really does highlight Elliot's flaws more, tbh).
I am a very new, late comer to the SVU franchise. It was into S24 when I came aboard.
So the fact that it picked up traction, to me, was very surprising. Because the readers had to trust me to take them on that journey, which is a big ask for a relative newbie in that fandom.
Like, usually, with fandoms, especially big ones, you jump in with a few quick one shot PWPs, because... while angst pays the bills, smut is the money maker. You build readers. THEN you hit them with "oh, by the way, now that you trust me and I have your attention, here's an epoch of angst and tears and bloodshed and draaaaammaaaaa".
I entered SVU with that last one and have yet to really do a PWP one shot.
It's been discussed before, that I originally saw Wicked Game as a much shorter fic, and much darker. So I guess more surprise came with how much story there actually was in it and tempering the outright darkness did give it a depth that ultimately was truer to the characters, but also became insidiously darker as a result.
I think the limitations I placed on myself for this fic also surprised me. It was probably a good thing. Because... usually I start from a canon place and then take characters on a journey, but in this fic I kept them in canon AND on a journey that totally defied canon... and in doing so had many limitations on what I could write and when. The plot of the actual show hemmed in what I could write for them.
But also? After coming off such a long hiatus, it actually developed my creativity. I had to write around stumbling blocks that, if they weren't there, I wouldn't have had to think so hard about it, so the fic would have been totally different and - most likely - not as good. Those limitations saved me. Which is weird, because it's not how I usually work.
Actually writing, finishing the fic, writing so much, and keeping my muse alert throughout the whole thing was a huge surprise to me. I was so burned out by the time I stopped that I thought for the longest time my fic days were behind me.
Hmm... I think all of that was your second question, wasn't it?
The first was... something not Tucker related (aka, Jacqui, don't give me the same fucking answer you always give, ffs, tell me something new! ;) )
Hmmm... How rich the ancillary characters became. The Stabler kids had personalities and stories of their own. Kathy had a back bone, but wasn't a bitch. Munch and Fin and Cragen had their own little outsider perspectives and motives (and yes, even He Who Shall Not Be Named also had more to say than I thought). The Dom Olivia visited, Mistress Anna, had a life of her own. Their couple's therapist had so much to say.
OMG. Mistress Anna. That was a surprise. Like, Wicked Game is a M/F fic all the way, but Mistress Anna entered all "where's the gay ladies at?" and bought the biggest F/F vibe. My brain just sighed and went "oh, yes, we're writing f/f again, let's go!" and I had to try really hard not to make it f/f. I couldn't stop Anna from having a thought or two about Olivia, but... who can blame her, really?
@dahllaz, you always bring the deep thoughts out of me. :D
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gaypexredditor · 7 months
the point of fascism historically, and now with its rebranded astroturfed "post-capitalist" modern day equivalents espoused by radlibs was to crush communism but also, yes, to move beyond the unstable and difficult to manage system of capitalism, to resolve its contradictions which frequently destabilized society and so also the ruling status of the individuals in the bourgeois class, but to move beyond capitalism in a managed fashion on the terms of the bourgeoisie and with elements of leftist analysis coopted and bastardized into a politics of scapegoating, dependency, and class-collaboration rather than being based around any understanding of the proletariat's historical role as the ultimately uncompromising gravedigger of the bourgeoisie that would take power from them and eventually end class society once and for all
in mussolini and hitler's cases the ultimate aspiration was to convert their imperial spheres into racist tributary empires whose ability to function was no longer hinged entirely on the profit motive, and thus would theoretically be all the more stable for that. this was the motivating force behind the big business money that flowed into fascism and allowed it to manifest in the real world, money spent by rich industrialists who wanted to transcend their roles and ultimately become part of a new aristocratic class with their privileges carried over into a stabler postcapitalist context, but first it was theorized by mussolini, mussolini having been raised in a "libertarian socialist" household and theorizing fascism as a raciological society with class distinctions resolved by shared allegiance to a leader who represented the soul of the nation, (this conception itself based on the status of european kings in the middle ages as embodiments of their nation) tho which he directly based on the kum-ba-ya model of society proposed by the man commonly considered "the father of anarchism" pierre proudhon, a man who also directly called for the extermination of all jews
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Casey Novak!!
favorite thing about them
her fierceness, how she wears her heart on her sleeve and isn't afraid to break the rules to do what she believes is right.
least favorite thing about them
her fashion sense in the early years. yeesh.
favorite line
THERES SO MANY. uhm... either the "hi, what did i do?" "richie rich and daddy starbucks" "are you an idiot, she's in rehab!"
her & kat tamin would be absolute chaos besties (and tbh grace would be in there too)
rita or alex
olivia, and lort the people who ship her with stabler pls... no...
random headcanon
loves all sorts of animals and creepy crawlies. has no problem with bugs whatsoever. would absolutely be the type of person to have a ridiculous animal as a pet.
unpopular opinion
i think this would just be unpopular through the whole fandom, but she's the best ada.
song i associate with them
oh lort.. i have NO idea.
favorite picture of them
very rude of you to make me choose.. uhm... here's a couple
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windshield91 · 1 year
The idea of Muncy and Jamie to resembles Stabler and Benson was really interesting, but something went terribly wrong. Their characters were rich and made SVU early seasons a success. Having a mini reboot to beloved characters was a gamble. It'd have been good to see parts of their characters that weren't explored with originals handled with them and how different it'll be since time changed.
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thegoddessprose · 1 year
Tag Game
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better. I was tagged by @caesarflickermans (Thank you for giving me something to do for today :p)
Three Ships
I'm also honestly "meh" about a lot of ships lately but surely I could pull a few out.
I guess I'll stay on theme the lovely person who tagged me and list an OC/Canon... Not only that, but my own Plutarch/OC ship:
Plutarch/Chiasa: This was not a planned ship, like at all, I even thought of it as crack in the very beginning because these two seemed so different without any deep dives, but now it's a comfort ship for me. I guess because it is centered around them giving one another hope (For her, that there are people brave enough to fight against the status quo and for him, that there are still a handful of people who are good without an ulterior motive), and that they are each other's safe space in a hellish time. It develops over a fairly short time, but at the risk of sounding cliché, they ended up being what the other lacked and needed in life. I do have an AU where she's actually part of the rebels, and thus they're together for a longer time, but I'll stick to the main story in a nutshell, otherwise we'd be here all day.
Now for some others:
Bensler: I love a good ride-or-die, and Benson and Stabler were it for the first 12 seasons of Law & Order SVU. I loved their relationship, I loved their chemistry, I loved how comfortable they could be with each other, what they were willing to do for one another, like, get someone like that. I was devastated when he left the show, and honestly, it hadn't really been the same since then. I was so hyped when I heard he was coming back, and that they were going to cross paths again. Now, I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of Organized Crime, and killing off Kathy was unnecessary (Like, there were a bunch of ways it could have opened... And they could have just been split up, it's happened before), but it was amazing to see Olivia and Elliot back in the same circle and I'm very excited to see if they get together for real. (I'm behind, don't spoil me)
Hayffie: Honestly, I can't really explain this one. Maybe it was their chemistry in the movies? Or maybe it's the dynamic in general that's interesting to me? Or how hilarious Katniss's reaction to them would be? I don't know, I just like these two together. I guess a few things need to be acknowledged, like Effie's line of work literally being to escort innocent kids to a death match and her being okay with it for who knows how long, but it's hard for to vilify her for it for the same reason it's hard to vilify a good amount of Capitolites; this is all they knew, having propaganda thrown at them left and right, and most were kept unaware about what the Districts were really like. The more Effie learned, it seemed the more she turned to the rebels' side, so in my eyes, maybe it could work, whether it's right after Mockingjay or even a few years ahead.
First Ever Ship
I'd have to say Kataang. This was before I knew what shipping was or even the word for it. I think back then, I just thought it was cute, they meshed together pretty well, and not much else.
The first ship I really got into after finding out what it was had to be TamaHaru. I loved the way they snarked at each other, I loved how they genuinely cared about one another despite poking at each other. It was funny how Tamaki had all this wonder surrounding Haruhi's "commoner" life, and Haruhi growing to like a few things about the bizarre world of rich people. I love how they form a genuine relationship despite their clashing backgrounds and personalities and bring out the best in each other; her bringing him back down to earth for a bit, and him teaching her there's a life outside of the grind and she's allowed to have a joie de vivre. Hell, I love them so much, I have an OC/OC pair that's pretty similar to them.
Last Song
Nowadays/Hot Honey Rag by Renee Zellweger
Last Movie
At the time of this writing, I literally just finished watching Chicago
Currently Reading
Katheryn Howard: The Scandalous Queen by Alison Weir. I wouldn't give it points for historical accuracy, but I like a lot of content relating to the six wives and all around just the way these books are written. I also like how Katheryn is portrayed as naive rather than oversexualized like she seems to be everywhere else... There more than likely was some truth to that, at least.
Currently Watching
Ghosts (CBS). I don't really have the energy for a lot of heavy stuff right now, so I decided to start something a little more lighthearted. I have seen the BBC version, which I enjoyed. I wondered how this would go, what kind of ghosts there would be since the US is a much younger country, and I wasn't disappointed. There are a few things I like better, such as deeper lore on how being a ghost works, the husband not being completely useless, and overall a little bit more character growth. Overall, it's a nice show if you want to laugh and like the idea of historical figures discovering the modern world.
Currently Consuming
I had some chips (Or crisps for the Europeans) a little bit ago, will start dinner in a bit.
Currently Craving
Happiness, at the very least some hype. If we're talking food, seasoned fries and a chocolate shake from Red Robin. The one nearby closed a while ago... Maybe that's why I want it so bad.
Tagging: Whoever wants to do this because most of the people I want to tag have already been tagged :p
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doctorgreys · 2 years
Mellel academic discount
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It's probably the only other programme that comes near to Nisus in performance and features. Its clean looks, small memory requirements, and speed have given it an almost cult following.
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1.8, $39, If you're into good-looking software (and like the brushed aluminium look), Mellel might be for you.
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In fact, I downloaded it, had it running in five minutes, and am writing this column on it now! As one reviewer put it, this is a "writer's word processor." Nisus offers a 30-day full featured demo, downloadable from their website. It also feels very Mac-like, which means you don't have a big learning curve. I particularly like how customizable it is (especially menu items and keyboard commands), and the toolbar that slides out from the document window is far less intrusive than floating palettes. It is still not perfect (no TOCs or index function, footnotes are buggy, font selection can be hit and miss, and it has display problems at times), but in many ways it even surpasses Word: it handles Japanese text natively, setting styles is far more intuitive, tables are effortless, and it has a useful multiple clipboards function. Version 1 was extremely slow and buggy, but this latest release is much faster, stabler, and more feature-rich (without the bloat of Word). In recent years it has languished a little while being ported to Apple's new operating system. Nisus Writer Express (ver 2.01, $60, Before OS X came along, Nisus Writer was one of the major MS Word alternatives. That hasn't happened yet, but thankfully the Mac's enthusiastic developer community is offering a few alternatives. The big hope in the Macintosh community has been that Apple would add to its iLife lineup with an iOffice-style suite to replace its solid, but aging, AppleWorks. It has most of the functionality of Microsoft Office, is open source (so is constantly being improved), and best of all, it's free! We will be reviewing this suite in a future TLT Wired column, so this month's column focuses on alternative word processing programmes for the Macintosh. The most obvious choice is the OpenOffice suite /mac/. With such poor local support for non-Japanese users, many people have begun looking for alternatives.
#Mellel academic discount upgrade#
Locally, only Japanese versions are shipped, and even though the Japan Apple Store now offers an English version, there is no upgrade pricing (I eventually bought the academic package from New Zealand). And, like those others, I found getting an English version in Japan was almost impossible. As such, we suspect many simply won't bother with it.Īnd so although it's something of a cop-out to recommend downloading and trialling the software yourself, it's the most sensible advice we can offer if this review has piqued your interest.Like many other upgrade junkies, I was looking forward to getting my hands on a copy of Microsoft's new Office 2004 suite for Macintosh. Mellel is only really suited to authors working on technical documentation, academic writing, novels, or any projects that require accurate reference. Also, translating documents between applications isn't perfect, and Mellel can't deal with Word's. This limitation is ludicrous and made us less inclined to save our work regularly. Most damning is Mellel's inability to undo past the most recent save point, which was enough for us to lop half a star off its score. In general use, however, shortcomings become apparent. The search and replace function rivals anything found in competing software. Using the auto-titling function, you can easily structure and reorder elements within huge technical documents, and Mellel's performance is such that it never gets bogged down, even when documents run to many dozens of pages.įooters are a breeze to deal with, and headers can be dynamic, with content based on a relevant heading level from each page. Under Mellel's hood is an extremely worthy engine that enables you to outline lengthy documents, cross-reference elements (even pointing to virtual targets that haven't yet been written) and build a A couple of hours spent methodically working through examples reaps rewards, and opens up a world of possibilities – at least for specific kinds of authors.
#Mellel academic discount manual#
The built-in manual is clear, concise and helpful, and the online video tutorials provide insight into the application's most important functions. Mellel's saving grace is its help systems.
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s3810994spatial · 2 years
Week 8 Readings
Mariam Gviniashvili - Q&A
“Mariam Gviniashvili is an Oslo-based composer and sound artist originally from the country of Georgia. Her current focus is on multichannel electronics and investigating the role of spatiality in composition. Her artistic practice extends to audiovisual and interactive sound-art works, live improvisation as well as collaboration with performers.”
I really like this video. The relationship between the audio and the visual really makes for an immersive piece. It’s a pretty simple idea too, by positioning the listener in the middle of the singers it creates an experience that wouldn’t really occur in real life. The way the sound pans around you head is kind of disorientating
The sound design adds a strong characteristic to the dancers movement on screen. The soundtrack isn’t that musical, most of its pace is derived from the sounds that sync up with the dancers movement (or is it the environment that’s making these chaotic noises?). The score builds to a crescendo that leaves me feeling unsettled.
Relating back to the hereditary soundtrack, the discreet use of ‘living noises’ could be a good tool in adding this sense of character to my soundscapes.
The contrast between the guttural ramblings of the vocalists and the machine like drone make me feel as though they’ve vomited up the sound. It’s an uncomfortable experience. The panning also builds on this contrast. The voices seem to pan all around the head, whereas the electronic sound seems to be much more stabler and front and centre, giving it a much more dominating presence.
This is making me begin to question how a sounds behaviour in a space can effect how we perceive it. The human voices in this piece seem nervous, unable to find their position in the room, none of them seeming to stand out. The Electronic sound however, is much more steady. It has a long sustain and its positioning in the room makes it feel much more sure of itself.
This is my favourite piece of work from this article. I really see potential for its use and influence on my work. Through sound effects alone (some atmospheric stuff at the end too) the score adds a depth to the visuals that is rich with character.
Im still feeling a little lost with where to go with my project. But I'm thinking now that I could at least start off with some visual material to flesh out a soundscape
White aura articulated by low end atmosphere.
Intense panning on white noise
Sparse soundscape juxtaposed as explosion happens, soundscape made denser with noisey drones,
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kathleen 🤝 eli
having the least original names in their family
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63l3 · 6 years
family tags
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yesmadamepresident · 3 years
I've never seen an episode of SVU. Here's the storyline according to me
This post is for @rahleeyah but maybe some of y'all will enjoy this too
(this is mostly about eo bc y'all know why) (some of this is stuff I'm only like 60% sure about but I figured bold confidence would make it more fun)
Okay so some people work in the Special Victims Unit in the new york police department. These people include but are not limited to:
-Olivia Benson, badass, possibly secretly rich. Got into svu because her mom was raped and had her so it's ~personal~ for her also I'm pretty sure both her parents are dead. Has a lot of one-night stands but not a lot of longterm relationships.
- Elliot Stabler. Catholic. Knocked up his girlfriend kathy when they were both 18 and so naturally they got married and had four kids
-Cragen who I think is their boss. I imagine him as being kind of old and gruff and intimidating with like white hair and he WILL yell at his staff but he loves them just shh don't tell anybody
-Another dude named Fin who has a beard
-Another dude named Brian Cassidy who Liv sleeps with at some point
Eliot and Olivia are partners and everything's going gr8 but WAIT they're kinda 👀✨🥰 but NO he is a good catholic boy and she is not a homewrecker so they will both just endure 10 years of silent torture and it's fine until it's not fine because their love for each other makes everything complicated, including but not limited to
- They're chasing a murderer and Olivia's throat gets cut and Elliot stops to help her instead of chasing the murderer and then a child dies bc he prioritized Olivia
-Elliot's wife is a lil suspicious of him and Liv at times
-something bad happens at some point involving someone named Gitano
-I'm gonna go ahead and guess that Elliot kills somebody at some point because he had too many feelings
At some point Elliot goes undercover and doesn't tell his wife and so Olivia sneaks in to tell him to call his fucking wife but someone walks in and so Olivia does what anyone would do and takes her shirt off and pretends to be a hooker and calls Elliot "daddy." Desperate times, desperate measures.
Eventually Kathy wants to divorce Elliot but he doesn't want a divorce so Kathy tells Olivia to tell Elliot to sign the damn papers and before Olivia can tell him he finally does sign the papers and so they're divorced for like. 2 years.
But THEN Elliot has a Bad Day bc of a bad guy named Royce or something and goes home to Kathy and they sleep together and due to Elliot's incredible virility and terrible luck he gets her knocked up AGAIN and once again he is a good catholic boy so he marries her AGAIN because I guess history is just doomed to repeat itself. And Olivia delivers her fucking baby for some reason?
Just for fun let's see how much I can remember about Elliot's children
-There's definitely one named Eli, pretty sure he's the youngest one that made Elliot and Kathy get back together
-there are some twins
-I think the oldest one is a girl and something in my gut tells me her name starts with an M that's all I got
Also at some point Olivia finds out she has a half-brother named Simon via her rapist father and that's Rough on her because apparently he was like, a good dad and she doesn't know how to reconcile that with her mental image of him. But she and Simon have a little bit of a relationship so that's cool.
Also also Olivia really really wants to be a mom but when she tried to adopt she was told she wasn't a good candidate because of her risky job :(
So after 10 years of working together, Elliot kills a teenage girl because she did something Bad and Elliot generally has a bit of a problem where he keeps killing people. And after that he freaks out and yeets himself to Rome and doesn't even tell Olivia just fully ghosts her. She comes into the office the next day and finds his desk cleaned out and Cragen is the one to tell her Elliot's gone.
So Olivia moves on, lives her life, gets promoted to Sergeant and then Captain, and adopts a lil boy named Noah! I think at some point she gets a new partner named Sam? But that could also be just a fanfiction thing idk (looking at you Leah). She falls in love with someone named Tucker but he kills himself so that's Traumatic and also I think her brother dies. She also gets like, kidnapped at some point?
So then ten years after Elliot fucked off to Rome without ever contacting Olivia again, he shows up in new york fucking city except now he's working with the organized crime unit. Kathy is murdered. She dies, and who does Elliot call? Not his kids, no, he calls Olivia. And she comes. And they have this huge confrontation in the hospital waiting room and I swear if you'd asked me a few months ago I could have quoted this thing VERBATIM from the gifsets in my dash but I can't remember all of it so here is my best attempt even though I know I'm gonna butcher it.
E: Liv, I'm sorry.
O: We don't have to-- you wanna do this now? Are you sorry for leaving? Or are you sorry for not telling me to my face? Or for all the years--
E: All of it.
O: I had to find out from Cragen. You were the most...single most important person in my life, and you just *insert hand gesture representing the fleeting nature of life's joy* disappeared.
E: i was afraid that if I heard your voice, I wouldn't have been able to leave.
So like, that happened. Elliot continues to Not Be Okay and Olivia knows he's not okay so she and his kids stage an intervention and Olivia says "tell me what you need" and Elliot says "I love you" and her jaw drops just a teensy tiny little bit and then he goes on a whoooooole face journey as he realizes what he just said but he tries to cover for it, says "I love all of you" like they don't all know who he was talking to when he said that and then he says "I can't do this right now" because this man has one (1) fear and it's his own feelings.
Elliot also gives Olivia a mysterious letter at some point? And Mariska Hartigay made a video on Instagram where she pretended to reveal what was in The Letter but there was like, construction noise in the background lmao
Anyway then there's this other scene where he and Olivia are in the car and she's trying to get him to face the fact of his ptsd and he says "you mean the world to me, Liv" and also tells her to stop trying to help him so like, there's a running theme here of him dropping emotional bombs while also running from his emotions
So then there's this other woman named Angela and she's like a therapist? And she and Elliot get weirdly close and he kisses her at some point but then it turns out that WHOOPS she murdered his wife so maybe not the prime target for his affections. But the reason she murdered his wife is that she thought he was responsible for the death of his son and she wanted to get back him buy hurting the woman he loved but THEN this other guy who I think is her husband tells her that she failed because there's another woman, the ONE TRUE LOVE OF HIS LIFE and she's still alive so take THAT, Angela.
So Elliot continues to not be doing well and then he goes undercover and doesn't tell Olivia because he's a dumbass but then someone drugs him and he shows up at her apartment high off his ass and like, flails around reaching for her and she lets him in and he tells her kathy wrote The Letter and she's like "kathy wrote the letter you told me you wrote me?" and he's like "I didn't know what to say so she dictated." And then he quotes the letter which apparently said something like "what we meant to each other was never real" or something like that? and olivia quotes the end, "but in a parallel universe--" "it will always be you and I," he says. "i wrote that. slipped it in before I sealed the envelope." and then he flails again and she kind of catches him and his thumb brushes against her lip. No I do not know the name of his children but I know that his THUMB brushed against her LIP okay y'all know who you are.
So that's....it? I think? I swear on my mother's life I have never seen an episode of this damn show and I did not google any of this information, but tumblr osmosis is powerful stuff and I am INVESTED and having altogether too much fun with this shit.
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