#Renzou the flirt
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
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A smile you can totally trust, lol
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everyryuujisuguro · 10 months
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askingexorcists · 1 year
Not sure if it’s been done, but Ryuji x Rin relationship headcanons. Your blog is fucking AMAZJNG BTW!
Ah tysm I appreciate that sm ❤️
Ryuji x Rin
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• Rin was totally into Ryuji first
• Like that first day in cram school he saw him sitting there with his rebellious blonde Mohawk and piercings and that was it
• We all know Ryuji’s first impression of Rin
• Like Rin was always goofing around, flirting badly, and being genuinely cute tbh
• Bon hated it omg
• He thought Rin was purposely messing around, and just making everyone’s goal, his own goal, seem like a joke
• Rin tried to pay extra attention in class, do extra homework and even asked Yukio for some tutoring just to seem impressive in Bon’s eyes
• Poor baby still failed his tests
• Everything changed when Rin saved Bon from the reaper that day in cram school
• Suguro had a new respect for Rin, and saw him in a whole new perspective
• Bon would start talking to Renzou and Koneko about Okumura and how he might be a decent guy after all
• Rin continued doing little things to win over Bon
• It totally worked because Bon kept talking gushing to koneko and shima about Rin
• Shima teased him constantly, poking fun at Bon’s little crush
• Ryuji had actually started to like Rin, but he didn’t know how to go about it, and decided ultimately to ignore it and focus on his work
• When everyone found out about Rin’s secret, Ryuji felt especially betrayed, and incredibly pissed off
• He felt so conflicted…he wanted to defeat Satan, so he should start with Satans son right?
• His heart was telling him no, and his head was screaming yes
• It wasn’t until everything happened in Kyoto that he was calming down about the idea, but ultimately didn’t want anything to do with Rin just yet as he was untrustworthy
• It wasn’t until Rin got close with Bon’s dad, and helped Bon realise how he should hold his dad closer to him
•Bon’s dad finally talked to him and rather then discussing important matters about the temple he was just like …. ‘Son, go get a piece of demon ass!’
• Whilst fighting the impure king together, Ryuji has fully realised Rin is still Rin, and he knows he can trust him
• That hardly mattered anymore to Ryuji thought because he was convinced that was it…holding that barrier up was going to be the end of him
• When he told Rin, to run whilst the barrier was still up, and evacuate as many people as he possibly can, he was also saying ‘Please go, I can’t stand to watch you die, please save yourself!’
• Then Rin starts rambling on about Kyoto tower and Suguro just regrets his life decisions and honestly hopes death comes quicker
• He’s insanely mad, and just has to yell at Rin
• Though he’s also thinking about how Kyoto tower could be their first date, and how they could explore it together for the first time
• Then Ryuji said it…he thought it’s probably the end, so he might as well confess…
• “I’ll go along with your ridiculous optimism…after all, we’re more then friends right..”
• “I believe in you!”
• That was it for Rin, he couldn’t quite comprehend that Bon had forgiven him for his demonic blood, but not only that, had called him his friend, and told him that he believed in him
• He was fumbling over the word more, and what it meant…but he knew he had to save Kyoto before thinking about it too much
• After Kyoto was saved, and Rin and Bon reunited with everyone and saw they were safe, they finally had a chance to talk
• “So…Suguro-san….what did you mean by mo-“
• “I LIKE YOU OKAY…MORE THAN A FRIEND! I knew I’d have to spell it out for you Okumura! Your so dumb!”
•Rin was shocked, like he was stiff … but he just dived on Bon tail wagging
• After they returned back to the academy, Bon didn’t really announce their relationship, he just held Rin’s hand, sat next to him, had an arm around him…death glares to anyone who looked at them funny
•The exwires all figured it out just from looking at the two, Koneko was so happy for Bon, and Shima was a little hurt tbh that they weren’t told sooner, although him and Konekomaru both knew they’d be together sooner or later
• Yukio, whilst happy for his brother in a sense, was more concerned as he wasn’t sure if a relationship was best for his brother in the long run, and often urged Ryuji to ‘let him down gently’
• Of course Bon refused, saying he’s with Rin through thick and thin
• Suguro insisted that he was gonna help Rin study, he thought Rin was a smart guy that just had trouble with taking in information or the way that cram /normal school taught
• He soon regretted the decision….
• Rin is a very hands on learner, and struggles hearing or reading information so he can’t fully take everything in, only bits…where Bon has a perfect memory and remembers every little detail
• It was the final straw for Bon when Rin struggled to answer a basic mathematical equation
• Yukio and Bon shared a silent nod where they both just understood the pain of trying to tutor Rin
• Rin can’t quite understand Bon’s love of sutras, studying and temples…but he’s more then happy to just sit and listen to him recite sutra after sutra…he honestly just loves the sound of his voice
• They’re dates are incredibly planned down to the last detail by Ryuji, however Rin totally goes off track and rather then following the most direct route to the restaurant, he’ll follow a random cool looking cat down a backstreet and convince Ryuji to take the ‘exciting’ route
• Honestly their favourite dates are just quiet nights in, Rin cooks an amazing meal, and Bon puts up some lights and candles, some futons, blankets, and pillows on the floor and they watch a movie together, eating a home cooked meal and some snacks cuddling
• Rin has a habit of fiddling with Bon’s piercings, he hated it at first but now he finds it relaxing
• Rin has a habit of wrapping his tail around Ryujis leg when they cuddle, it annoyed him at first but now he just finds it cute 🥰
• Bon was insistent on being big spoon, so that’s how they fall asleep
• However when morning comes Rin has both arms and his tail wrapped around Bon
•Bon wakes quite early, though rather then getting up out of the embrace, he just lays there a little, enjoying being held
��Though when he does wake up, he gets up really gently as to not wake Rin
• He goes on his morning jog, and by the time he’s on his way back, Rin wakes
• He’s always sad Ryuji’s always gone when he wakes, but he knows his routine, so he always prepares a yummy, nutritious breakfast for when Bon returns
• They sit and eat together, just talking about whatever, and enjoying each others company, before walking hand in hand to school together :)
Sorry if this was slightly long! I hope this is what you meant, and sorry it’s been so long, it’s been sat in the ask box a while !! Thanks for being patient!! Requests are open so feel free to send them in <3
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Anime Masterlist
Death Note
Imagine: Being half-shinigami...
Preference: Someone flirts with you...
[Light Yagami, L Lawliet, Mello, Near & Matt] 
Blue Exorcist
Preference: “Mephisto has a kid?!” Being Mephisto’s child... 
[Rin Okumura, Yukio Okumura, Ryuji Suguro, Shima Renzou, Konekomaru Miwa, Shiemi Moriyama & Izumo Kamiki]
Preference: Their reactions to meeting you - an Angel
[Rin Okumura, Yukio Okumura, Ryuji Suguro, Shima Renzou, Konekomaru Miwa, Shiemi Moriyama, Izumo Kamiki, Shura Kirigakure, Mephisto Pheles, Astaroth & Amaimon]
My Hero Academia
Headcanons: Bakugou having a crush on you would include...
| Updated: 18/03/23
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 4 years
kou and teru are the rinshima love children, don't @ me
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silvermahogany · 3 years
Reinstalled this app just to put this here cause my god the yukishima fandom is starving and I have mega brainrot for them <3
Au where Yukio has all his demon features bc they're fun to draw also clingy Renzou flirting in inappropriate situations supremacy :)
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yukiokumura · 4 years
24: “Oh my god! You’re in love with him!”
100 prompts list
“Oh my god!” Paku gasped, covering her mouth as her eyes lit up with a mischievous realization. “You’re in love with him!”
“HUH?” Renzou lifted his head up from where he was hanging off the bed, looking at her upside down. “Wait! Where did you get that idea?!”
It wasn’t the first girl’s room he’s been in, but definitely the first one he’s been in platonically. Paku and he really hit it off, becoming closer and closer friends the more they talked. It was strange, looking at a girl and feeling more appreciation for her in a platonic manner than anything romantic. Renzou was taken with her on a personal level. It was no wonder that Izumo and her were friends.
“Oh come on.” She smirked. “You were just talking to me about how his eyes remind you of an ocean you’ve never seen.”
“Okay. Look, I said that, but that doesn’t mean--”
“And you spent like ten whole minutes ranting to me about how you really can’t stop staring at him while he’s handling his guns.”
“Okay, but--”
“And how you memorized the nomenclature for three different herbs because you couldn’t forget the way his voice sounds when he says it.”
He opened his mouth and then closed it. Paku rose her eyebrows as if daring to ask Renzou for a rebuttal.
“Oh my god, I’m in love with him.” Renzou felt dread sink into his stomach. There was absolutely no way he could have fallen for his young icy teacher and yet, here he was, thinking about him constantly, talking about him constantly, to the point where Paku had even gotten the hint before he did.
“So what are you gonna do about it?” She grinned as she shifted closer.
“What do I do about it?!” Renzou grabbed his head as he was slowly working his way through the realization. Resolution soon followed after. “Well, there’s only one thing to do!” Determination fired up into his eyes.
“Yeah?” She prompted, though in a way that said she already knew the answer.
“I’m going to flirt with him!” He announced courageously.
“I’ll be sure to plan your funeral.”
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aonogifreactions · 6 years
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thank u cutie <3 here we go~
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☀ hes kinda suspicious about all of this???
☀ like who is it exactly?? its not that old lady from chemistry classes righT????
☀ may go on a small investigation
☀ eventually goes to Mephisto to congratulate his taste in women (rin what XD) ((idk whether or not this makes sense in english but i hope u got me))
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☀ hes excited 
☀ spies on Mepho
☀ flirts with teacher
☀ is doesnt end well
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☀ he doesnt really care??
☀ doesnt wanna be a part of rins investigation nor end in a hospital lol
☀ but wishes luck to Mephisto
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☀ for some reason shes embarrassed lol
☀ almost screams when finds out whos Mepho’s crush
☀ cant sit calmly on her lessons cuz now she and Mepho are her otp
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☀ she thinks its hilarious lol
☀ gives small hints for the teacher that Mepho’s in love with her
☀ teases the teacher
☀ *draws a caricature of a human with tail and sasuage on the top of the head* “this is how your kids gonna look like, Y/N”
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
raven pretty pls - yukishima ice cream date?!?!
For you, of course <3<3<3
Yukio had always struck Renzou as a vanilla man before they started dating. Everything about Yuki came off as carefully neutral, void of too much joy less he fall into some trap and give away too much of himself. He hardly seemed the type to even allow himself a sweet treat.
Yuki had a big sweet tooth. Renzou knew that now, and he'd actually learned it before they started dating. He saw his now boyfriend sneak extra bites of any sweet he could get, and secretly pour an extra pack of sugar in his supposedly black coffee. Renzou had won Yuki’s heart with consistent flirting, and several gifted truffles.
Yuki like vanilla ice cream, but Renzou was certain it wasn’t his favorite.
— — — — —
“Why here?” Yukio asked as Renzou looped his arm through Yukio’s and steered him into the new shop. It was all shiny surfaces and modern tables, and he far preferred it to the traditional and homey style of Yukio’s favorite coffee shop.
“Because I want ice cream.”
“They also have a hundred flavors! Can you imagine that?! A hundred different flavors? I wanna try everything.” It was the sticky kind of hot outside, and he wanted something cool. Cold kisses in summer were the best sort.
Yukio’s teal eyes shot to the counter in sudden interest. Renzou hugged his captured arm tighter, and pulled him to the line. The counter seemed to stretch on forever, and there were a hundred flavors, even if several of them seemed to just be vanilla with a bit of something mixed inside.
“What are you going to get?” Yukio didn’t attempt to free his arm and just used his free hand to pull his wallet out. Renzou had no problem with Yukio paying. He liked being spoiled by his cute boyfriend, and it wasn’t like Yaouzou gave him a lot of free money. Generosity wasn’t something his father was known for.
Renzou scanned the options quickly and froze on the pale pink ice cream with bright red bits inside. “Pomegranate,” he decided. “You?”
Yukio made a point of pulling his wallet out and advancing down the line before he answered. Finally, in a bit of a softer tone, “Sweet potato.”
“Yeah?” He wouldn’t have paired Yukio with the sweet potato, but now that he thought about it, the warm autumn flavor fit. Sweet potatoes weren’t something Renzou partook of a lot, but when he had, it had always been a special treat on the coldest days. Something warm to wrap his hands around and try to keep away from Kinzou’s grabby hands. His buff boyfriend was always warm to hold, even if Yuki never actually felt warm. That was okay, Renzou was happy to wrap around him and keep the chill at bay.
Yukio ordered them two scoops apiece, more than Renzou expected, but not enough to be insensible and ‘ruin’ their dinner. (Because his boyfriend always thought of things like that.) Renzou added nuts to his–partly so he could wink at Yukio and make a few nut jokes, and partly because he loved the flavor and crunch–and a bit of cinnamon. Yukio went with caramel and coconut.
They chose a spot outside under the cypress. Renzou plopped himself down next to Yuki, hooking his ankle around Yuki’s and taking a nibble of his ice cream. The bright flavors filled his mouth, satisfying a hunger he’d barely been aware of, and sending sparks of happiness through him.
Yukio took a dainty lick of his own cone, carefully catching a few trails of melting cream before they could escape the cone. Renzou watched him, thinking about fall days and the candied sweet potato Rin would make in the dead of winter. He stole a few pieces of coconut, and had a few of his nuts stolen in return. He popped his mouth open for a joke, only to break down in laughter at the immediate look of warning he received.
Yukio kept him from falling off the bench in his laughter, and gave him a sticky cheek kiss once he’d regained his composure. There was melted ice cream on his knuckles, so Renzou licked that up and watched as Yukio kept his own cone perfectly contained. He stole a bite, dodged a smear of caramel on his cheek, and finally stole a sweet kiss.
The flavors worked strangely well together, even though there didn’t seem to be any reason they should.
He was immensely proud to find a few melted drops of ice cream on Yukio’s fingers when he finally pulled away, and he got a special delight in pulling Yuki’s hand to his lips and kissing them clean.
“See,” he said as he resumed licking up his own messy cone, “much better than the coffee shop.”
“Well,” Yukio swallowed and pulled his own ice cream closer. Renzou couldn’t help but notice he wasn’t going for all the melting streams of ice cream now. They were going to get on his fingers again. “we’ll have to come back to make certain. After all, I don’t think we can make that call when we’ve only tried two of their hundred flavors.”
Renzou took another sweet kiss, and could hardly wait to taste all the combinations they could make together.
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Renzou Shima
Cheer Me Up
Also, I’m Probably in Love with You (Nonbinary!Reader)
Crush/Flirt (Headcanons)
Calling It Quits
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askingexorcists · 7 years
May I get some shima x rin headcanons please
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Wait? Do you mean relationship hcs? I’m guessing u do :)
On the first day of cram school, Renzou instantly liked Rin
He thought he was super cute, and not to mention pretty funny how he started arguing with the teacher on the first day
But was super pissed when he saw Rin staring at Bon
One day after school he was standing with Koneko and was waiting for Rin to walk out, and once he saw him he loudly said to Koneko, “Hey, where’s Bon? Oh he must be on a date with his girlfriend!”
“Huh? Shima-san, Bon doesn’t have-”
So eventually Renzou starts flirting with Rin
And later that night Rin’s talking to Yukio right before bed 
“Shima’s a really nice guy, don’t you think?”
“I guess so.”
“He’s really sweet, and friendly, also he gives a lot of compliments!”
“Nii-san…he was flirting with you
“Are you serious? Did you not see him wink at you?”
“I thought a bug flew in his eye?’
So basically, Renzou asks Rin out, and Rin get’s super embarrassed about it 
He can’t believe he’s being asked out?
He usually does the asking?
They go to a movie, and Shima does the sleazy yawn arm thing
But Rin soaks it up
He loves it
The two end up tossing popcorn at each other throughout the movie
Renzou might even try to kiss him on the first date
After the movie they go to the arcade 
And Renzou wins Rin a stuffed bear
Shima kinda melts when he sees how happy Rin is with the bear
His tail wagging is the cutest thing 
The two would walk hand in hand back to the dorms
The two were partners for pair work in cram school, but they were always distracted by each other so were separated
After school they hang out in Rin’s dorm, since Yukio is usually out on a mission
Rin makes them both food and they chill out 
They spend the whole night cuddling and watching cheesy movies
Rin’s tail wraps around Shima’s leg, and he falls asleep on his chest
Rin steals some pf Renzou’s clothes too
Renzou was a little pissed when he caught him
But wouldn’t admit he actually stole Rin;s hoodie first a few weeks back
Rin isn’t smart enough to suspect Shima of taking it
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tsuners · 7 years
Rain Showers (Go Away) - Shizumo Week
The rain was never on Kamiki's side... nor was Paku, for that matter. ...
It had been raining for four days straight.
Four days.
"Four days, huh?"
Kamiki glared at Paku.
"Shut up."
"I mean it's no good denying that he's like some Greek god out there, all that water running down his body -"
"Oh my god, shut up Paku." Kamiki hissed, groaning as Paku laughed out in delight. It had been four days of absolute hell and Kamiki was certain that Paku was enjoying every moment of Kamiki's eternal purgatory. She was enjoying the fact that four days ago (it had really seemed like years at this point) Kamiki had came into work, sat at her work bench, began to organize her supplies, looked up and saw none other than Shima Renzou unloading a shipment of who knows what into the alleyway between the hardware store and the Suguro Grocery Store.
In the pouring ran.
God it was worse enough that she had realized that she was in love with literally the worst person ever but now she had to sit all day as she watched Shima periodically come out and lift very heavy boxes as rain ran down his straining muscles.
"Looking at him you wouldn't think he's that ripped, but when he lifts things you can really see those arms muscles," Paku was enjoying this way too much, "Makes you really wanna have them circle around you -"
"Paku, I'm begging you." Kamiki pulled on her friend's hand, trying to focus on the manicure she was giving, "Please don't make this harder for me... I mean yesterday he was wearing a white t-shirt."
"Oh my," Paku mocked fanned herself as she turned back, inspecting her pink manicure. "I bet he wore it just for you."
Kamiki looked at her in horror, unable to even compute the words her friend said. Sure, Shima had been flirting with her for years (ever since high school to be accurate) and he had said on multiple occasions that he would take her out after their shifts, but Kamiki knew how guys like Shima operated. They were players, flirted with girls up and down the block, and Kamiki wasn't going to fall for it.
Except she already had, but no one other than her closest friends needed to know that.
"Well, let me just say that whenever Suguro comes out, take a few pictures for me, yea?"
"Seriously, Paku, you need to shut up." ...
On the sixth day it had stopped raining.
The sky was still dark, threatening to spill any second, but Kamiki was grateful when the morning shipment came and Shima came out - no water, no slick muscles, no, ehm, rain-induced wet daydreams. She could finally get on with her day without being distracted and she was so happy she decided to treat herself for lunch, walking down the street to the dessert shop for something special.
"Why are you in such a good mood, Izumo?" Rin was covered in flour, standing behind the counter, a dorky smile on his face.
"It stopped raining." Kamiki answered, surveying the day's offerings at her favorite sweets shop. "I'm treating myself."
"Hmpf, would've guessed that you liked the rain. Chicks like you always dig rainy days."
Kamiki spared a glare up at her friend. "You're an idiot."
"Maybe so!"
After picking out a lovely piece of strawberry shortcake and eating half of it whilst talking to Rin, Kamiki took the rest of the cake in a cute little to-go box that she had designed for the Okumura's a few years ago and left back down the street toward the salon.
And maybe it was her good mood, or the fact that Rin had a knack for jinxing things, or it was just the universe's way of putting her back in her place - but it started off as sprinkle and before Kamiki could even process what was happening, a pouring rain dumped down from the sky. Cursing under her breath, she rain towards an awning from a building across the street.
Unlucky for her, she wasn't the only one who had that idea. About six people stood under the oning and as the last one to arrive, Kamiki was still feeling the rain run down her arm and pooled on the top of her cake box. Occupied with her beautiful cake on the verge of being ruined (she was really looking forward to eating it that night whilst gossiping on the phone with Paku and Moriyama), she didn't noticed the group of people shifting around her.
"Hi -" she recognized the voice immediately and regretted her entire life decisions - "Izumo."
"Shima!" Kamiki looked up in horror, slightly embarrassed to have been so concerned with her dessert to notice her idiotic crush was literally a centimeter away from her. His white (goddamn it, why was it white?) slightly damp shirt dangeroulsy close to her cheek. "What- What are you doing here?"
"Rin texted me that you were at his store and said I should join you guys, but I didn't see the text until just now..." Shima laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck, his t-shirt pressing tight against his chest, making Kamiki want to punch him in the gut. "I got caught in the rain though."
Kamiki tore her eyes away from that damned white shirt and looked in suprise up at the pink haired grocer. "Why would Rin text you?"
"You turn me down every time I ask you out, so I've had to take drastic measures."
"By stalking me?" Kamiki really wanted to punch him now.
"What? No!" Shima laughed again. "I just told all the guys that if they see you around to let me know."
Kamiki scoffed, resisting every urge to push him, "Figures you do something like that, you pervert."
"Hey, it was Paku's idea." Shima leaned down a bit, smiling slying, his hand getting dangeroulsy close to Kamiki's side. "Blame her."
"Paku?" Kamiki felt her blood boil. She looked up at Shima, his stupid grin still on his stupid idiot good-looking face still made those stupid butterflies flutter in his stupid stomach, and wanted nothing more than to melt into the ground.
Instead, she turned on her heel, sacrificing her precious cake and stormed off down the road, ignoring the snicker from a few of the others that still stood under the awning. She ignored Shima's call after her and kept on walking down the street. She was going to kill Paku, or, even better, storm right into Suguro Grocery Store and tell that idiot gorilla that Paku had at least one sex dream about him a week. Revenge would be sweeter than her poor cake that was probably now a mushy mess.
"Hey wait!" A cool hand wrapped around her wrist, halting her in her angry revenge mission. She spun around, dropping the poor cake in the process, and pushed at Shima's (oh god, his shirt was completely transparent now) chest.
"You're dreaming if you think I'm going to talk to you." Kamiki snapped her wrist away and Shima let go, leaving her skin burning at the contact.
"Wait, Izumo, let me explain! I promise I can explain!" Shima put his hands up in some sort of defeat or peace offering. When Kamiki crossed her arms, her cheeks puffed out and her eyes shooting bullets, he continued. "I swear I never meant to creep you out! Paku came in the store the other day and we were talking and she told me I had to up my game if I wanted to get you and, well, 'ya know, it just kinda happened this way..."
"Oh my god." Kamiki groaned, wanting nothing more than to go and shake her best friend until she repented. "I can't believe this."
"Listen, Izumo, you gotta know I'm crazy about you and Paku said you were into me..." Kamiki groaned, her cheeks ablaze. "She even told me to wear more white t-shirts 'cause you were into that..."
"I didn't know why but she just told me you liked guys who wore them and, who am I to argue? I mean I've been trying to get your attention for years and, ugh, lately it's been harder like how can I ignore you when you're laughing with customers and wearing those shorts -"
Yes she was pissed, yes she wanted to punch both Paku and Shima into next week, yes she thought her heart was going to overheat by how crazy it was pounding, but, more than anything, she wanted - no, needed - this idiot to stop talking. Embarrassed beyond repair, she pushed her soaked hair out of her face, grasped ahold of that dumb as hell white t-shirt and leaned up as high as her tip-toes would take her.
It wasn't her first kiss but it sure as hell was the wettest one - literally.
It was the sixth day of rain.
Not that she was complaining anymore.
"So yea, I told Bon that you have an appointment today and since it's so hot I told him he could leave his shirt inside."
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Damn, sensei is hot 🥵
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