brett-is-afraid · 4 months
Google form prompts 137
Ship: Wilbur x Tommy x Ranboo x Tubbo
Character or creator: Creator
Prompt: High school/College/University au where Ranboo is the volleyball varsity captain, Tubbo is part of the gymnastics team, Tommy is in the AM/V club, and Wilbur is president of the theater society. They're a polyam group with a shared exhibition/voyeurism kink and will fuck in various locations around their school, which is particularly risky because they're popular and people know them. Optional but I like Wilbur as a senior while the rest are freshmen/sophomores, and he angsts over how he's a bad influence for all of them. Thank you!!
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animemakeblog · 16 days
“Garouden: The Way of the Lone Wolf” Netflix Announces For Anime for May 2024
Netflix Japan revealed details on the theme songs, and promotional material for an anime that would be based on Baku Yumemakura's Garouden novel. On May 23, Netflix will provide the anime, titled Garouden: The Way of the Lone Wolf, for streaming anywhere in the world.
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penwingstar · 1 year
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“Take my heart, pull it apart”
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dilebe06 · 2 years
Choosing Spouse by Lottery
Una legge che ferisce le persone...non è una legge giusta.
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A mani basse il drama più interessante che ho visto quest'anno. Magari non il più bello ma sicuramente quello più rilevante.
In un Giappone con bassa natalità, il Governo per coprire uno scandalo del suo Primo Ministro, pensa bene di promulgare una legge shock per tenere impegnati i cittadini e non farli accorgere che il loro capo di governo è un mariuolo:
Tutti gli uomini e donne tra i 26 ed i 39 anni - più o meno - ancora single, SONO OBBLIGATI ad andare ad appuntamenti romantici con gente scelta dal Governo. Con finalità procreative possibilmente. Si possono rifiutare 3 partner ma al terzo rifiuto si viene mandati per 2 anni nell'esercito, sezione ANTI- TERRORISMO. Che ha nomea di non essere proprio un luogo di relax.
Ovviamente questa legge, piove come un fulmine a ciel sereno nella povera popolazione giapponese che si ritrova a partecipare ad appuntamenti obbligatori con gente scelta dal Governo. Ma soprattutto piove sui 4 protagonisti di questo drama: Tatsuhiko, Nana, Ranbo - anche se l'assonanza con Rambo è solo di nome - e Yoshimi.
Tatsuhiko è il protagonista maschile di questa serie. E' un ragazzo chiuso, introverso, germofobico e misofobo. Non parla quasi con nessuno - men che meno con le ragazze - e quando lo fa... balbetta intimidito. Pare un caso umano ma in realtà è un personaggio meraviglioso, profondo e traumatizzato. Questa legge - che per lui dovrebbe essere l'equivalente della morte - in realtà viene presa dal ragazzo come prova di coraggio: una sfida. Per essere migliore, per essere coraggioso e poter cambiare. Personaggio stupendo.
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Yoshimi è quella che io pensavo fosse la lead femminile. Ma non sono sicura che lo sia. @veronica-nardi Comunque sia, è un personaggio che al pari del lead - ma meno - inciampa con le parole, è timida e super gentile. La classica protagonista di un drama giapponese. E che ho ODIATO CON L'INTENSITA' DI MILLE SOLI.
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Poi c'è Ranbo, gnocco super elegante e raffinato a cui le donne gli si buttano ai piedi come lucertole al sole. E infatti è fidanzato con Nana ( mia gioia ) gnocca ed elegantissima pure lei, desiderosa di portare il loro fidanzamento al livello successivo. Solo che...non va. Nana le prova tutte per suggerirgli il matrimonio. Ma lui fa così il vago che alla fine lei si propone proprio. Ma Rambo, con una glacialità invidiabile - e dopo 1 anno di fidanzamento - non solo la respinge...ma la molla proprio. E se ne va. sto stronzo
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Bene a questo punto è facile intuire dove la storia possa andare a parare: una commedia romantica con i due timidini che si incontrano, i due gnocchi che si lasciano e riprendono ecc ecc... ma no. Assolutamente no! Ed è questo che ho adorato.
Prendendo spunto da questa legge e questi personaggi, inizia un viaggio tra le molteplici vite e psicologie di varie personalità e della società stessa. Choosing è una serie sociologica, psicologica ed un faro sulle complessità della vita.
Ho amato come abbiano gestito questa parte: le problematiche portate in campo sono così realistiche, vere e profonde che non puoi non fare un applauso alla serie: dall'omosessualità all'indipendenza, dal trovare coraggio al sacrificio... la serie fa un lavoro encomiabile sotto questo punto di vista.
Ma lavora bene anche nel tratteggiare Nana e Tatsuhiko. Loro sono i due personaggio più sfaccettati, profondi e analizzati psicologicamente: le loro personalità, incertezze, desideri, dubbi, paure. Sia presi singolarmente che insieme, sono una gioia per il cuore ed anche per la scrittura. Scritti da Dio. Ed infatti un'altra caratteristica importante della serie è il tema della crescita dei personaggi. Su questo frangente, Choosing fa un lavoro eccezionale. Perfetto. Non potevo chiedere di più.
Ma potevo chiedere "meglio" per Yoshimi e Ranbo, due dei personaggi - sia assieme che singoli - peggiori che ho trovato quest'anno. E mi fa girare le scatole in maniera assurda come, per colpa di questi due, io debba abbassare il voto di una serie che è un vero e proprio gioiellino.
La trama poi scorre benissimo ed in modo fluido senza annoiare mai ma portando alla luce grandi spunti di riflessione. E con qualche colpo di scena: qualcuno telefonato...altri meno.
VOTO: 8.1
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Mannaggia a tutti i Ranbo e Yoshimi di questa terra!
Tralasciando che io sin dall'inizio li avevo etichettati come personaggi con zero spessore, sia da soli che presi come coppia. Ranbo conosce Yoshimi, la tempesta di domande e nel giro di una settimana le fa la dichiarazione d'amore. E si cala i pantaloni. Non c'è costruzione, tensione, conoscenza. Nulla. Due che si guardano come due gorgosprizzi [ cit Il trono del muori ] e nel giro di un episodio - si conoscono all'inizio del 5 ep e vanno a letto alla fine dello stesso ep - vogliono farci credere di essere il grande amore uno dell'altro.
Ranbo poi, insiste con il matrimonio e alla fine rivela il segreto che tutti in sala sapevano che stava nascondendo: una figlia. Parte quindi tutta una storia assurda su una figlia mai riconosciuta che vive in Thailandia e che lui non ha mai potuto -anzi voluto - conoscere. Ed ecco spiegato perché, nella condizione della legge del matrimonio, aveva scritto che voleva una donna "con istinto materno". Ed anche perché aveva rifiutato Nana. peggio per te, ci hai perso tu
Yoshimi la prende male. Malissimo. Lo butta fuori di casa, piange, si dispera (non ho capito granché il perché...perché ti ha detto questa cosa troppo tardi e ti ha tenuto il segreto?) e scappa senza dire nulla a Ranbo con la madre in un isola sperduta a fare l'infermiera. Ed incinta. Ohibò. Potrei dire un sacco su questo ma taccio.
Passa un anno, nasce il bambino e Yoshimi si ostina a non rispondere alle email, messaggi, piccioni viaggiatori che Ranbo le manda. Salvo poi rimanerci male quando lui le dice che visto che lei non risponde, non la cercherà più.
Ma mancano pochi minuti al finale quindi c'è da chiudere questa storia. E come? Semplice. Yoshimi manda un sms a Ranbo annunciandogli - tramite sms con foto annessa - che è diventato padre. Ranbo quasi sviene. Poi la raggiunge nel buco dove si è nascosta e ancora con il fiato corto, la prima cosa che le dice è:-" Sposami". E Yoshimi risponde:-" Si.".
La loro storia si chiude con questa coppia ed i due figli - perché lui è andato a recuperare la figlia - che mangiano tutti assieme felicemente stile famiglia Mulino Bianco.
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Io non ho parole per scrivere quanto questa storyline sia stata da me reputata un minutaggio sprecato. Chiariamoci, di per sé la storia poteva essere interessante: aveva le caratteristiche per approfondire il concetto di essere padre e madre, il tema della responsabilità, la paura di diventare genitori...ed invece è solo una storia fatta da sequenze di eventi senza nessuna introspezione, pathos, approfondimento:
Ranbo e Yoshimi sono due personaggi vuoti, profondi come tavole da surf a malapena tratteggiati. Soprattutto se si mettono a confronto con Nana e Tatsuhiki. Il confronto è impietoso. E poi...mi aspettavo un minimo di discussione per quello che era successo tra di loro. Che ne parlassero e discutessero, magari scusandosi a vicenda e mostrandoci un minimo di costruzione dei loro personaggio e della loro storia. Eh mi aspettavo troppo mi sa.
E poi, la legge. Mi fa morire come abbiamo tentato di risolvere il problema della bassa natalità con l'obbligatorietà. Come se il problema fosse quello. In realtà poi, questo è davvero un tema caldo e vero per il Giappone odierno. Ma non credo che sia la mancanza di appuntamenti il problema, anche perché sul finale della serie stessa hanno fatto vedere come alla fine la legge sia stata abolita: su più di 120 milioni di persone questa legge ha creato appena 3000 coppie di cui 300 in via di divorzio. Wow... ha davvero funzionato. Ma infatti non ci credeva manco il Ministro che l'aveva proposta. Per dire.
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Bellissimo invece lo spazio dato alla comunità LGBT: le sue problematiche, paure, insicurezze, prove di coraggio e l'occhio della società e della famiglia, il suo "esserci" in un paese che inizialmente con questa legge, non li aveva nemmeno presi in considerazione, obbligandoli ad uscire con persone di cui non erano neppure interessati. Molto bello, interessante e profondo.
Ed infine Nana e Tatsuhiko: bellissimi. Sia presi da soli che come coppia, sono stati una gioia. Prima di tutto perché sono stati analizzati, approfonditi e caratterizzati divinamente. E poi perché non solo la loro storia è stata costruita passo passo ma anche perché si sono dati manforte a vicenda: Nana ha supportato, aiutato, consigliato il ragazzo, dandogli quella sicurezza in sé stesso che disperatamente lui cercava. A sua volta Tatsuhiko ha mostrato alla ragazza che anche lei aveva punti di forza, dandogli il coraggio di cambiare e di cercare una strada per sé stessa. Stupendi. E poi...erano anime gemelle: entrambi hanno scritto sul foglio della legge sul matrimonio, la stessa cosa. Pi�� anime gemelle di così!
Ed anche il loro finale è stato perfetto. Niente fidanzamento o scene da Mulino Bianco ma un finale quasi aperto, che lascia presagire una via d'amore tra i due - visto che stavano filtrando spudoratamente - ma senza buttarcelo in faccia. Carino e delicato...e perfettamente in linea con l'idea generale della serie.
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meteor752 · 1 year
Oh shit right, I have a blog
I wrote disssss
A piece of my dsmp Pokémon AU, the second fic I write for it.
Pokémon showcases has always been my favorite part of the XY anime, and maybe of Pokémon as a whole, so it was really fun to research, play around with, and expand upon it. Also, first time writing Boo, surprisingly fun!
There’s some implied TubboXRanboo childhood crush thing that can be read as platonic, but I thought I’d warn ya
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ihaveasparagus29 · 8 months
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uhm i was feeling a little silly This was originally a colour palette test that went out of hand. I also have versions without lyrics, made for phone backgrounds and made for tablet backgrounds so if an ybody wants those let me know and i can put it in the reposts Lyrics are from Perfectly Sweet by Vane Lily
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knockcare · 5 months
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Fount this january ranboo sketch. I was COOKING
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the-final-sif · 2 years
apology cake au ranboo my absolute beloved, the way you portrayed his memory loss was amazing!!!! also sam trying to bullshit an explanation about dream to freshly wiped ranboo was priceless.
Honestly thank god c!Ranboo didn't ask for his name because c!Sam would've 100% said Dream without thinking. He's a fool like that.
Although the good news is if Ranboo thought it was weird that there was another guy called Dream, Sam could point out there's already like 3 other guys called Dream on the server. Maybe that's the real reason it's called Dream SMP. It just attracts people named Dream. Ranboo has no argument against that.
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stillnotspamdog · 4 months
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dafukdidiwatch · 2 months
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brett-is-afraid · 3 months
Google form prompts 102
Ship: Tubbo x Ranboo or Tommy
Character or creator: Creator
Prompt: Tubbo is sharing a hotel room the day before filming a vlog and his roommate can’t help but fuck him. Maybe he wakes up halfway through too??
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oleander-grows · 1 year
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every day i do things to myself
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anonymous-dentist · 2 years
Thanks for 200 followers and 469 You’re Dead kudos! Here’s a oneshot taking place between chapters 18 and 19 of You’re Dead! 
Now, Wilbur isn’t robbing the McDonald’s, per se. He would never do such a thing. That is a crime, and Wilbur likes to consider himself an upstanding citizen. He paid his taxes. He did jury duty. (And then he died and stopped doing those things, but ignore that.) 
No, Wilbur is not robbing the McDonald’s. He is simply scoping out the competition, that’s all. It’s just him and his singular employee sat in an empty McDonald’s fifteen minutes past closing chewing on stale hamburgers and complaining about their lives. 
There’s a lot going on these days. Wilbur has the van to tend to, and he has his little brother sleeping on his couch because someone burned his house down a week ago. There’s also Techno being… out of commission because of said fire, and Phil dealing with the fallout of the Syndicate headquarters getting destroyed by some nameless vampire. That’s just embarrassing. Oh, and then there’s the whole Schlatt-is-missing thing that’s got Wilbur all excited. If Schlatt doesn’t come back, then that means… 
Wilbur slurps at his soda happily, thinking of all the good times ahead. Schlatt can fucking burn, the piece of shit. If he wasn’t so powerful, Wilbur would’ve staked him ages ago. Maybe this vacation that Quackity keeps talking about is just him covering up Schlatt’s murder. That would be fucking fantastic. 
But first, and always first, there’s the van. And first, and always first, there’s Tommy. Tommy keeps coming home early in the morning with another bruise or another cut. Frankly, it’s worrying. Wilbur thinks he might just kill whoever it is that’s hurting him. He’d ask, but Tommy shies away from the subject whenever he tries. Wilbur has his suspicions, but he can’t exactly confirm anything until he gets some evidence. 
“-but Tubbo says that the blue contrasts with his eyes, which I don’t think is true at all,” Ranboo rambles, ten minutes deep into a conversation about the secret wedding that’s happening. Wilbur is honestly only half-listening, but he thinks that Ranboo is just fine with that. The only reason that Wilbur knows about it happening in the first place is because, A, Tubbo is his brother and it’s Wilbur’s job to know what his brothers are doing at all times, and, B, because Ranboo is his employee and friend and it’s Wilbur’s job to know what his employee is doing at all times. 
(Also, two weeks ago, Wilbur woke up behind the counter of the van just before closing to hear Tubbo and Ranboo discussing their wedding outside. They’re cute, even if the wedding is allegedly only for tax purposes.) 
Wilbur hums non-committedly, idly watching the street outside the window. He and Ranboo are in a booth next to one of the wide bay windows. The rest of the restaurant is empty, which makes sense considering how late it is. The Wendy’s across the street, though, seems to be popping. Even from this far away, Wilbur can see a crowd of kids inside driving the employees up the wall. And then there’s the guy clearly having a panic attack on the phone in the drive-thru, but that’s none of Wilbur’s business. 
“So are you guys going for the green?” Wilbur asks. He’s personally a fan of the brown-and-green theme Tubbo put forward, but Ranboo says it’s a bit drab for a wedding. “I think you should go for the green.”
“I don’t like the green,” Ranboo protests. “It makes our wedding look like a national park!”
“What’s wrong with national parks? It’d be modern.”
“Screw modern,” Ranboo grumbles. He grumpily tears a French fry in half and chews on one half, leaving the other in the container. “You know, he didn’t even want a ceremony? He just wanted to go down to the courthouse. What kind of a wedding is that?”
Oh, Ranboo. Poor, poor Ranboo. 
Wilbur shrugs. “Sad one, I guess. Dunno. I’ve never exactly been married.”
Ranboo winces, an apology clearly on his tongue, but he thankfully doesn’t say anything. Wilbur doesn’t think he’d be able to stomach another apology. Sally’s long dead, anyway. Doesn’t matter.
But Wilbur and Ranboo are not robbing a McDonald’s. They are scoping out the competition. They are holding the workers up, though. There’s a loaded pistol in Wilbur’s coat’s inside pocket, and he was happy enough to show it to the girl behind the counter when he and Ranboo walked in. 
First, and always first, comes the van. 
Wilbur watches as the guy having a panic attack outside the Wendy’s hangs up his phone and goes inside the building. Rip. 
“I think Quackity’s wedding was red,” Wilbur eventually says. His soda is running empty. Sigh. 
“A red wedding,” Ranboo mumbles. “Sounds right.”
Wilbur and Sally never got married, but she wanted there to be pink at their wedding. White and pink. The ring Wilbur picked out for her had pink gemstones inlaid in silver so striking it could be mistaken as platinum in the right light. He and Quackity once got drunk and had a long conversation about things. The ring Quackity gave to his- to Karl was also silver, no gemstones because he said that he knew Karl would pick the stones out to sell. And he sounded so happy about it, too. (Wilbur hates Karl. Not because he got to Quackity first, because Wilbur only realized what he lost just recently, just years after Karl and Quackity’s first meeting. No, because Karl Jacobs one time tripped Tommy down a flight of stairs and laughed.) Quackity and Schlatt’s rings were black steel, simple. 
Weddings are stupid, Wilbur decides, fully knowing that he’s been volunteered to find an officiant for Ranboo and Tubbo’s. He’s catering. He’s helping pay for the damn thing despite Ranboo being richer than half the damn city combined. The only way this wedding could get stupider was if Quackity found out it was happening. Not because Quackity would put a stop to it, no, but because he would try and outdo Wilbur at everything involved. Fucker. Wilbur hopes Schlatt does come back, almost. 
Two years after dying and coming back to life much against his will, Wilbur bought a food truck. He set it up in the mouth of an alley right across the street from the old Schlatt and Co. Law Office, and he used to smile and wave at Quackity every night as he closed and as Quackity went in to work, scumbag husband in tow. 
Wilbur likes his van. The hunting life was never for him. It was the family business, that’s all. Yeah, Wilbur was alright at it, but he’s always been more of a talker than a doer. The only reason he tried running for office was because there was just- just something about the hunting community that he needed to fix. There was Technoblade, just recently arrived in the city, a vampire moonlighting as a vampire hunter. Vampires couldn’t be all bad, Wilbur figured. And then he met Quackity and realized just how human they could be. 
And then he met Sally and he realized that monsters are only monsters because of the scared little humans that label them as such. Sally was a water spirit of some kind, she never really explained. She lived in a pond just outside of the city limits, and she had freckles like galaxies and hair that shone in the sun like a bonfire. 
The night Wilbur died, he had a suicide note in his pocket. Tommy wasn’t supposed to be there, but he was. He held Wilbur’s hand as he died, all of 12 years old. It took Wilbur a year and a half to work up the nerve to talk to him again after that, and he did so with wings on his back and a scythe in his hand. 
It’s hard to be a hunter when most of the hunting community wants you dead. But, well, it’s hard to kill someone made of death itself. Wilbur’s pretty sure that his mother would have words with anyone stupid enough to kill him (God knows he got an earful before being sent back to the mortal plane the first time.) 
But Wilbur likes his van. It gives him something to do during the day. He doesn’t need to sleep, not anymore, so it’s nice to have something to fill the hours with when he isn’t writing songs or slaying monsters. Sometimes Tommy comes around, but he’s usually either with Dream (gross) or Quackity (also gross, just slightly less so.) Sometimes Tubbo shows up, but never for long. 
And then there’s Ranboo. 
Ranboo is one of Phil’s bunch. One of the Syndicate guys. He claims not to have a side in this stupid unofficial war between monsters and humans, which is fucking stupid when he’s literally half vampire and he’s literally marrying a former vampire hunter. Oh, yes, be neutral and still join a hunter’s guild. You’re still definitely neutral, yes, soak up that pity like a sponge, you spineless little thing. 
Wilbur likes Ranboo. They’re best friends. It’ll be a shame when Ranboo dies. Wilbur doesn’t want to have to escort his soul to the Beyond, but sometimes that’s just how the cookie crumbles.
Just as Wilbur and Ranboo are leaving the McDonald’s, two very familiar figures go running past them arguing. 
One is running, the shorter one. His cheeks are flushed, and he looks vaguely panicked. As he runs, he has one hand holding his beanie to his head keeping it from flying off. The other has Karl Jacobs’ hand in a firm grip over the handle of what looks like a duffel bag. 
“-so fucking stupid,” Quackity snaps, breathless despite not actually needing to breathe. 
Oh, Wilbur realizes, knowing that tone very well after years of knowing Quackity. He’s panicking. Should he…?
Ranboo puts a hand on Wilbur’s shoulder, keeping him still. 
“I’m stupid?” Karl asks, incredulous. He’s not in nearly as much of a rush, calm as ever. “It was your idea to leave him alone in the first place!”
“It was not,” Quackity snaps. He groans, frustrated, and Wilbur can just barely make out an annoyed-sounding, “You are sleeping on the fucking couch tonight, I swear to God…” before they plow into the Wendy’s and out of earshot. 
Wilbur stands there for a second, almost concerned. 
“That was…” he says, trailing off, unsure what to say to that. 
Ranboo nods sagely. “Yup. Um, d’ya think me and Tubbo are ever gonna end up like that?”
Probably, Wilbur wants to tell him. But, well, Wilbur has been working on this whole being-nice-to-people thing. Doctor’s orders. 
“They’re fiiiine,” Wilbur drawls. He shrugs Ranboo’s hand off and starts down the street back towards the van. “Don’t worry about them. Worry about us. The cops are probably on their way already.”
Ranboo pales and skitters his way back to Wilbur’s side, wringing his hands. “What? Really? I thought there wouldn’t be any problems. You said-”
“I said there shouldn’t be any problems. But we overstayed our welcome, just a bit, don’t you think?”
“I can’t go to jail,” Ranboo despairs. “I have a son!”
“You have a cat.”
“He’s like a child to me.”
“He is literally a cat, Ranboo. Tubbo can take care of him while you’re in prison, don’t worry.”
Wilbur smiles at the way Ranboo buries his face in his hands. Silly little neurotic man. 
But Quackity and Karl Jacobs… hmm… They mentioned a third person, a mysterious ‘he’. There was a man panicking in the drive-thru on the phone that went into the restaurant. They went into the restaurant. 
Somehow, Wilbur has a bad feeling about all of this. But, well, until Quackity inevitably shows up on his doorstep just begging for help, it’s nothing that Wilbur has to worry about.
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pineapplesaresweet · 1 year
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canonically-a-genloser · 10 months
rainbow sketches later maybe yippee
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doodlebloo · 2 years
LITERALLY. YOURE SO RIGHT. like at the very core of it the reason why this sucks is because "cbeeduo are established to be narratively important to each other and now theyve dropped off the face of the earth and no matter what thats going to be unsatisfying and bad writing" like thats it. not 2 keep discoursing wiht u sorry youre just sooo right. cbeeduoers are right 2 feel upset about this its like, not good for the story, not good for their characters, doesnt make sense and literally can not be satisfying. i truly believe cranboo and ctubbo cant have their stories end in a way that Makes Sense without a reconciliation. and i DO mean Specifically "reconciliation", not just "they talk one more time", or "they hate each other now" but i get we r all desperate here so just talking again would be like water in a desert. but with how their stories and characters work i dont think it makes sense for them to hate each other, i also dont think a divorce arc makes any sense or would benefit their stories/characters? they can have a fight or argument but they wouldnt just. cut each other out of their lives. they care too much, thats deeply established. i just wish they would talk and wed have a Resolution on them. even if its rushed, even if its not the best writing, even if i go out of it thinking hm there should have been more, i want SOMETHING! wailing crying
(Ur fine don't worry)
Yeah I think part of the reason it bothers me so bad is that c!Tubbo just keeps having massive plotholes in his story caused by ooc stuff and I am getting so tired of that. I could elaborate on that but I already have oh so many times before lol.
I mean, practically no character on the DSMP will be able to have an ending that wraps up ALL their character's loose ends, because the nature of the DSMP is that plotlines sometimes get dropped or change mid-''season'', but I think this is a pretty big thing to leave out. And I think what bothers me most about it is that - much like c!Tubbo losing his son, c!Tubbo killing c!Aimsey, c!Tubbo waiting so long to go and see c!Tommy after c!Dream's release, I could go on - this is a plothole that could be Explained. I can think of literally dozens of things they could say to explain why they won't interact again. Would these reasons be satisfying? No of course not. But it's just so tiring that Tubbo overlooks so many plotholes in his character's own story so often when all he'd have to do is mention on Twitter or in stream "yeah I think the reason my character didn't notice Michael was missing is xyz." If that makes sense
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