#RS Candy Hearts
sometimes they come back
Happy birthday to our favourite poor little meow meow, now have some first war angst
Written for @goodboylupin’s Candy Hearts Challenge; my prompt was"I like you”.
cogit amare magis, sed bene velle minus
Wordcount: 2.3K
Rating: T
Tags: Canon Compliant // First Wizarding War // Angst and Hurt/Comfort // Breaking Up & Making Up // Getting Back Together // Minor Injuries // Kissing // Angst with a Happy Ending // POV Remus Lupin 
Summary: 1980: Remus and Sirius after their last breakup.
“The stab of pain in his left hip is so sharp it might as well have been teeth.”
Keep reading on ao3
Psa: I've been out of the RS fandom for over a year, so I have no idea about the current trends and stuff. This is old school RS.
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ohimsummer · 5 months
— minors dni, period cramps, poly!satosugu rs, established relationship, jokes about period sex (from Suguru lmao), suggestive comments, i wrote this when my uterus was uppercutting my ass
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You read recently that a broken femur and childbirth are two of the most painful things a human could experience. The way these cramps feel at the moment, you’re willing to fight someone on that.
“No more of these.”
Gojo snorts. It’s like Geto just revealed the worst news in the world, when in reality he’s just concerned for your health.
Your head jerks to look at him, blinking rounded, puppy dog eyes and hand still reaching for the bottle of pain meds. “Satoru, make him!”
He glances back at Geto, who’s tucking the small pill bottle into his pocket and giving Gojo a sinister side-eye that he doesn’t like being on the receiving end of. “ ‘Fraid I can’t help ya this time, baby, Suguru’s word is law.”
“A lie!,” you whine and try to stuff your hands in Suguru’s pockets. “Suguruu!”
“Darling, you’ve taken enough of these already.,” Geto tries to console you, fingers combing your hair as you bury your face in his neck. “It’s not safe to take anymore within 12 hours. You’ll have to hold off for a bit, my love.”
Your pitiful whine breaks both their hearts, and Satoru reaches for another one of the dark chocolate bars he'd bought for you earlier. “Here, open wide. These should help ease your pain, yeah?”
You sniffle, groaning. “You eat it, 's not workin' for me.”
A beat passes before Satoru replaces the candy bar on his nightstand. “I’ll start running you a warm bath, then. That sound good?”
“. .Okay.” It comes out a feeble whisper, and you shiver in Suguru’s arms. “My nipples hurt.”
Satoru is thankfully out of earshot for that comment, but Geto hears you loud and clear, thumbs massaging the backs of your sore thighs. “I’ll suck on them later.”
“No.,” you mumble into his neck. “You’re gonna try and fuck me after.”
A low chuckle rumbles in his chest, a soothing vibration. “Maybe.”
Geto's shoulders tremble as he tries to hold in his laughter. "Ya know orgasms help reduce cramping, too?"
“You would know something like that, weirdo." Your head turns and you catch a peek at the upturn of his lips. "Besides, I don't want blood all over us.”
“Surely it's nothing I can’t lick up?”
“Good grief, Suguru!,” you push yourself up and away from him, scowling at his laughter and the smirk on his face. “You’re disgusting!”
Satoru calls from the bathroom. “Is he talking about period sex again?”
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stariikis · 3 months
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞 | 𝐧𝐫𝐤 ˖ ࣪⭑
synopsis ; like the moon needs the stars, riki's whole life would crumble without you. his inspiration, greatest motivation, and his muse.
pairing ; artist!nishimura riki x muse!reader genre ; fluff, established rs, realllly really short drabble of thoughts
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this love's possessing me, but i don't mind at all
There are a million ways to say, 'I love you.'
Aren't there?
One chasing after their certain eye-candy may purchase a whole bouquet of that person's favourite flowers. Another would pour their heart and soul onto a piece of paper, a subtle love confession decorated with stickers and fanciful designs. Another might try their hardest to impress them with whatever their forte is.
Riki, however, takes all these and mashes them into one gorgeous painting on an easel.
He emerges from his 'workplace', one of the study rooms in your shared apartment. A blank canvas, about the size of his hand, accompanies him out. Not to mention the various brushes, the bristles sticking out all over the place revealing how loved they are. The paints, watercolour in a small box, acrylic aligned in their designated tubes, and oils of any colour possible.
Lips puckered in a pouting motion, he scans you as if wondering what light he wants to paint you in today. Where he wants to set up his painting station for the next few hours.
The reasons for his choice of background go from the smallest of things to the most obvious. It could simply be the style of your choice of clothes, but once it had been because of the way you reacted when he woke you up in the morning.
He used a fiery red base colour for that artwork. Perfectly encapsulating the constant frown you wore the rest of the day. His words, not yours. They could only ever be his words.
When he finally dismissed you from 'work', he paid you for your efforts with a kiss.
Your sour expression morphed instantly. In the blink of an eye, it was almost as if you had never woken up on the wrong side of the bed.
it's taking over me, don't wanna fight the fall
Today he quietly brings you to the edge of a field, just as sundown occurs. He looks up at the sky, cotton candy clouds bleeding into a warm hue of orange. Nothing leaves his mouth. An absolute silence has overcome him.
And knowing that there's no need for you to break it, there's no need to coax him out of this state for the better, comforts you deep down to the core.
It's like you know exactly how to go about routine, as you settle yourself in the wispy, tall grass and wait for him to set up his materials. However, after propping up his easel, he doesn't unpack his paints and brushes like he usually does. He doesn't unroll his scuffed-with-paint marks apron.
He merely gazes at you, soft and mesmerised.
As an artist, he should have neutral feelings towards his muse. He should be evoking surrounding emotions and feelings. He should be drawing them from deep within himself, and expressing them on the canvas before him.
A muse is only meant to be an inspiration. At times, it's the subject of the art piece. However, it's never the sole purpose.
But the way Riki looks at you proves all that wrong. The way his calloused hands held yours on the way to this destination. The way he scoots closer to you just as you drift off into sleep, and whispers all the newest paintings he's made. He confesses all the sketches he makes are of you. He can't get you out of his mind, he murmurs in a shaky tone, he can't rid himself of your influence on his artistry.
But he's so in love.
Why would he ever want to?
it's like supernatural ₊ ⊹.𖥔 ݁ ˖
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thank you for reading! i'm so sorry to anyone expecting me to write any other members. i'm just too addicted to writing for riki... i promise they will have their own fics soon. pls scold me if i don't churn them out... TT
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For @goodboylupin 's RS Candy Hearts (nearly a year late 🙃 but will I ever forget about it? Maybe never ...)
Maybe Never - Three Times Sirius Won’t Shut Up About His Husband, and One Time Remus Won’t
“You know, MY husband is an author. Writes all kinds of things. See, he started in journalism and then made his way to publishing. These days, MY husband writes high fantasy instead of hard hitting journalism. Though in my opinion it’s still ‘hard-hitting’…” Sirius trails off with a smirk and a nudge to Remus, who is standing beside him, hands in his pockets.
Remus blushes, leaning in to grumble, “Really? Must you talk about me at every opportunity? I thought you wanted to get in and out of this benefit your brother’s hosting. You hate these things.”
“I do. But I love talking about MY husband. All accomplished, supporting me and my art.”
“Like you don’t make well enough money selling under your family name anyway. Will you ever tire of talking about me?”
Sirius hummed, “Maybe Never.”
Another Sunday brunch with Remus’ parents, another meal sitting back and watching Sirius drone on about him. Remus has already finished eating is sitting with his arms crossed, leaning against the back of his chair and occasionally sipping his tea.
“See, MY husband just submitted his newest work to his editor and so MY husband is taking us on a little vacation to London to celebrate while he waits for edits and feedback. Not that there’ll be much that needs editing, MY—“
“Yes, dear, Your husband. Our son, must you refer to him like that every time, he has a name that we gave him,” Hopes says with a teasing smile. Truthfully she finds it endearing more than anything, but she has to call her son-in-law out on it anyway.
“Yes, I must,” Sirius says matter of factly.
Remus scoffs, “Don’t you think you’ll get sick of it?”
“Maybe Never, so get used to it.”
“So anyway, MY husband loves this recipe. MY husband says it’s the only good think my parents ever gave us, besides me and my brother of course.”
“Sirius, who are you— oh. Hi, instagram,” Remuss says as he sees the phone propped up against a bag of flour.
“Here he is now, MY husband. Say hi everyone.”
The comments flood with greetings as Sirius continues on baking away. Remus walks up to him for a brief kiss.
“Will you ever even consider stopping referring to me so formally?”
Sirius smiles ear to ear, “Maybe Never.”
Remus stands beside Sirius at the art gallery opening, glass of champagne in hand and smiling politely at whoever comes by to talk to Sirius about his art. Currently, some gentleman is talking about considering buying some art for his office, something about sprucing up the family practice.
“Well,” Remus interjects during a brief lull in the conversation, “MY husband, I’m sure, would also be more than happy to do some commission pieces for you too, if there is a theme you have or if you wanted something relating to… teeth? Dentistry, correct?”
“Yes, yes, that’s correct. You think that would be something he— you could do?” The man looks from Remus to Sirius.
“Absolutely, MY husband loves the opportunity to create things especially for patrons. I’ll take a business card if you have one and have MY husband reach out later this week.”
“Yes, I will contact you and we can discuss what you might have in mind for the pieces,” Sirius says, extending a hand to shake before turning to Remus as the man wanders away. “Really? MY husband?”
“How’s it feel?” Remus asks with a smirk.
“Will you ever not tease me? I just like calling you mine.”
“Will I? Maybe Never,” Remus whispers as he leans in for a kiss.
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 8 months
(i don't usually rec things, or make rec lists, but the occasion has presented itself so here's a short little list of wolfstar recs. some from authors i know and love and trust, and some from strangers who I've never met but love anyway:
edit: i got to the end of the post, and decided to call this my beach read collection of wolfstar fics because they're all just...delightful to read. some angst, but otherwise. beach reads!)
-i'm not going to tag them, because every time i make a rec list these two are on it, and i'm sure they're tired of me being a banshee about their works but. here is a short list of some of my recent reads by aerid0nis and dykesiriusblack (@ steelycunt and @ dykefever on tumblr respectively
by aerid0nis and it only felt good while moving (written for their RS Candy Hearts and its SO CUTE) station to station : i read this one not too long ago after conjuring my courage because ridi's writing does things to me and ohmygosh was it lovely and fucking worth the fucking wait. there is angst and there is pining and there is so much love standing, by the wall honestly, just read it. by dykesiriusblack the shape and sound of god: a wolfstar fleabag au. i'm obsessed with the way this is written. lover, you should come over: look, the boys are messy in this and its beautiful.
Fearless Liabilities by @femme--de--lettres: a wolfstar summer camp AU. I admittedly have not yet finished this one, but I have read enough to comfortably rec it. andies writing never fails to make me laugh-- like audibly out loud. multiple times. i don't know anyone who is better at illustrating absolute shenanigans as well as andie can and this story is SO FREAKIN' CUTE. it has romance. it has camp. it has complicated families and friendships and. yah.
Only Fools are Satisfied by grumposaur (aka tumblr user @pancakehouse). AGAIN. I admittedly haven't finished this yet, but i'm going to rec it because sports AU girlies rise up and-- YES. this is a wolfstar tennis AU. Do i know anything about tennis? No. Am I hooked? yes. I am in love with sirius as we all should be, and it is so fun. (also, i can't explain it, but tumblr user pancakehouse, there is something...so like...nonchalant and casual about the way you write? effortless, every sentence and i'm enjoying every bit of it).
Just what the doctor ordered by wrappedup: i feel like everyone and their dog recs this one (pun intended) but rightfully so. beware tall remus, but the banter and pacing in this is so good.
Hard to Find by accioromulus. this one is short, easy breezy read. the dialogue is so fun and quick and its just...simple and cute. Muggle Roadtrip AU.
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helix-studios117 · 10 days
Halo Reloaded: Meeting The Parents
The balmy summer evening on Harmony IV seemed to cling to the air with a lazy, almost cheeky insistence that today, of all days, was perfect for a garden party. It was the kind of day that was warm enough to make you appreciate the shade and cool enough to make you thankful for the sun—a Goldilocks climate that Linda had always praised, but which now made her sweat more than usual. Beside her, John strolled with an unshakable cool that would've been infuriating if it weren't so darn attractive.
Linda's grip on John's hand was iron-clad as they approached her parents' house—a picturesque little cottage with ivy creeping up one wall and a front garden that was a riot of colors. She looked over at him, his face as serene as a pond at dawn, and muttered, "Remember, my mom likes to test people with her 'mild' borscht. Just smile and claim it's delicious even if it tries to dissolve your spoon."
John's chuckle was a low rumble, like distant thunder. "Don't worry. After years of MREs, I'm pretty sure I can handle your mom's soup."
The front door of the cottage burst open as if on cue, and out barreled Linda's parents, her mother in a flour-dusted apron and her father wiping oil-stained hands on a rag, both wearing wide grins that somehow matched the garden's exuberance. "Линдочка!" her mother exclaimed, sweeping Linda into a hug that likely required a chiropractic adjustment afterward.
Her father, a bear of a man with eyes twinkling behind thick glasses, extended a greased-smeared hand to John. "And this must be the famous John," he boomed, his voice thick with a Russian accent that rolled his 'Rs' like they were downhill. "We've heard much about you, young man. All of it good, some of it unbelievable. You're not secretly an alien, are you?"
John’s handshake was firm, and his smile was genuine as he replied, “No sir, just a regular guy from Eridanus-II.”
As they moved into the garden, where a table was laden with dishes that smelled of dill and smoked meats, Linda's father continued, "We remember hearing about a young boy from Eridanus-II at the academy. Never imagined that boy would grow up to stand beside our Linda."
Her mother, wiping her hands on her apron, added softly, "Such a tragedy, to lose your planet so young."
John's gaze softened, touched by their concern. "Thank you. It's been a long journey, but meeting Linda... it's brought a lot of light into my life."
Linda glanced at him, her eyes shining with a mix of pride and relief. She chimed in, her voice steadier now, "Mom, Dad, John has been incredible."
Her father chuckled, leading the way to the table. "Well, anyone who's got our Linda speaking so fondly must be something special. Let's eat, and you can tell us more."
Her mother, while ladling out what looked like a vibrant red concoction into bowls, leaned in and whispered conspiratorially to John, "This is the mild borscht. Don't worry, I have emergency antacid hidden away just in case."
As they settled down, the conversation flowed more easily. Linda's parents were keenly interested in John's thoughts on the latest starship enhancements—a topic he discussed with enthusiastic detail, which delighted Linda's father, a retired engineer himself.
Linda’s father didn’t waste any time grilling John about his experiences. "So, John, tell us about these starships you tinker with. Any chance you could fix my old tractor beam back there? It's been a bit stubborn, like a mule with a hangover."
John launched into an enthusiastic explanation about propulsion systems, clearly enjoying the chance to discuss his work outside of military jargon. Linda watched him light up, her heart swelling with a mix of pride and love.
"Look at him, talking engines and excited like a kid in a candy store," Linda’s mother observed, passing around a plate of pirozhki as if she were dealing cards at a high-stakes poker game.
Linda, now thoroughly relaxed and amused, leaned back and soaked in the scene—her formidable, boisterous family slowly wrapping John in layers of affection and beetroot stains. Linda murmurs to herself, "Yep, he fits right in."
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mkaugust · 1 year
For @goodboylupin 's RS Candy Hearts challenge. My candy heart prompt was "Way To Go."
It was as though he had just been startled awake, Right there in the middle of the day, Staring at his head from the back. * There was only one way to go from here, He had suddenly realized. * It was as inevitable as the rising tides, As the snow slowly falling, a gentle and complete coating. As the moon’s cycle, as its monthly rise… * There was only one way to go from here; He had already fallen. * The books were right, He was in the middle before he knew he had begun, He was filled to the brim, half agony, half hope. * There was only one way to go from here, He knew it was true as he gathered his courage… * Tapped Sirius on the shoulder… * Asked for a moment alone… * Finally leaned in for a kiss… * And as they completed their descent together, As one.
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someusername · 1 year
These are our constellations
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For @goodboylupin​‘s RS Candy Hearts Challenge. My candy heart prompt was "Always"
Remus used to like the night sky, until he doesn't. Sirius never liked the night sky.
They create their own version of the stars. 
Remus used to like the night sky. When he was a little boy, he used to lie down in the garden with his parents and look up at the stars.
His father would tell him all about the constellations and the stars they could see. He was not an expert in astronomy, but his knowledge was enough to amaze a four-year-old.
His mother would also tell him some stories about how the ancient civilizations had used the stars as a guide to finding their way around the Earth; and how the stars have meant different things to different cultures. She even told him that someday humans will be able to go to the moon!
He enjoyed these evenings with all the enthusiasm a four-year-old can have in his little body.
However, this happiness was not long-lived. They had stopped going outside at night because his father said so. He still showed Remus some star charts he had done when he had gone to Hogwarts. It was not the same, but Remus never complained about it; he still enjoyed watching the stars.
One night, with the full moon shining through his window, a horrible monster appeared in his room and changed his life. He was now forced to face a brutal transformation full of pain every month. He fought against the monster that was inside him every time, but it just caused him more pain.
He started to fear the night sky, to hate it. He didn't want to see the stars anymore. They shared the sky with the moon. Even on nights when the moon was not full, he felt her taunting, showing him that, no matter what he did, she would always return to be full.
Continue in AO3
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justtoarguewithyou · 1 year
for @goodboylupin's rs candyhearts fest.
a little wolfstar as a treat. My candy heart prompt was "I Still F'in Love You"
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doubleddenden · 2 years
Rather than sleep, I'm gonna talk about a Pokémon fan game I recently beat:
Realidea System
Like Opalo, it's another Spanish fan game, this one focusing more on aesthetics and mechanics with a little less under the hood in terms of new Pokémon, but still having a lot to offer story wise and game wise.
Spoiler, 8/10 for the good stuff, but a point docked off for incomplete translations and just a tad too many mini game issues.
More under the cut
So Realidea System came out around September I think, and the main you'll see right away is a gorgeous art style with bright colors and very intricate tiles. Every location looks cozy af or scary where appropriate, and it has a ton of different aesthetics that it works very well with for each.
Also, unlike most fan games, there's talk portraits for the story that help convey who is talking and the emotion conveyed- this is actually very pleasant tbh, and there's a lot of good designs you can better appreciate due to it. Tbh I have issues reading, and sometimes it's hard to tell who is talking via text alone. This actually helped me a lot more than the creator probably intended, but it's something I'm still thankful for.
The sprite work, what's made for the game anyway, also looks very good and has a unique but simplistic style with eye catching shading and colors. I'm actually pretty jealous of it and sort of taking notes from it, because there's not a lot of the same style of shading as the gen 5 or 4 sprites, but the style still works in its own way. I'd almost compare it to a 2d cell shading style, but idk if that's accurate? I like it, I'll say that. Not to mention that there's a lot of fun Overworld sprites that convey just as much if not a tad more emotion than the portraits.
The sprite work also extends to fakemon. Now I am a little bit disappointed that there were so little new Pokémon to experiment with, I'm not gonna lie. There's the starters, a legendary, and... about 5 or 6 variants. That's it. However, obviously they went with Quality over Quantity, which I can respect. Each of these are really well designed and excellently sprited, and most importantly fun to use! I chose the water starter, and it's ability and 2 signature moves are really fun in a fight and can potentially let it sweep.
Continuing off of this, to make up for the lack of new Pokémon, there's obviously a huge variety of old Pokémon to choose from, including lots of starters such as Chikorita and Rowlett. Megas also make a return, and some regional variants appear too.
Now on the technical aspect, there's a lot of cool shit under the hood, mainly the Realidea System that is the heart of the game's story. What this does is replace the HM mechanics (hallelujah), such as the Fly mechanic, which is now Teleport (although it functions exactly like Fly), and Surf, which now just happens as soon as you touch the water without any prompt needed.
The RS also comes with a couple extras that require certain points attained from using items on your pokemon or just generally bonding with them. Some of these include a repel system that repels as many steps as you use, a heal system that basically functions as a Pokémon Center, and an automatic level up feature that functions as a Rare Candy. The last two were actually very helpful for my journey and filling out the dex.
Outside of the RS there's codes you can put in at the Pokémon Center to sort of help with grinding, which can exist if you want or just completely bypass it by changing the levels of any Pokémon in your party up to the highest level in your team (be mindful that this will not trigger evolution, the Level Up feature will tho). Honestly, it feels dirty, but I actually do like this feature just so I can keep everyone around the same level. The EXP all works in conjunction with this btw, about like the Switch games function without making the game too easy. Basically all of this is to ensure you can just catch a new little guy and bam, he's already caught up, and grinding just isn't a thing anymore, so you can just be on your happy little way.
You can also remember moves on your own from the party menu, which honestly is just very helpful and makes it so you don't miss any by using the level up trick. If you're so inclined, you can also change the nature's of your pokemon via 3 heart scales from the party menu.
Basically a lot of tedious bs is completely ironed out, letting the game be fun without too many hold ups beyond a puzzle.
But speaking of puzzles... good lord there's a lot of mini games. Mind you they're doable, but a lot are kind of trial and error, especially the ones that require the ability to read and understand Spanish. You may think "oh just Google translate," and you'd be correct in assuming that does help with a good portion. But I'm not lying when I say that there's a section dedicated entirely to PUNS. It was fucking hilarious just trying to guess what's going on, but also frustrating. Even without the Spanish though, the rhythm games kill me.
The translation is also just not complete. I'd say 70% complete, because you still get bits of Spanish in normal gameplay and a good many puzzles are only instructed in Spanish. Not to mention the journals are ALL Spanish, so i had to have some friends help me read it. What is finished is about 95% decent though, with only a small handfuls of grammatical errors or odd translations, so kudos for that.
Now, characters and story. The story is about standard fair for a normal Pokémon game, but there are some interesting twists here and there. In cooperation with gorgeous visuals and art, the story is told pretty well and is really immersive. The characters too are also very entertaining and hilarious, and also have a fair bit of depth. I have to say I found myself attached to Elliot, Owen, and Alba, which is very strange since I'm usually not one for rivals or Lilly type characters. There are some groan worthy moments, cliche bits, or some not so ideal things done, but I do think it's a passion project someone put a lot of heart and soul put in.
Oh, and this game is hilarious. Check everything that looks interactive and you'll see what I mean.
Oh oh, there's also a very well managed side quest system. Tons of side Quests pop up and are easily found in the overworld, so that's a bonus if you're like me and hate having to hunt a specific NPC.
Lastly, the music: i believe the music is mostly original, which is amazing because every town and route sound magical in some way, and the original trainer themes are very, very good. When I say prepare yourself for the champion, I mean that in so many ways but ESPECIALLY the music. My one grief is yet again the reuse of the BW gym theme. I think it's okay, but I was really hoping for something original. But what is here is awesome.
Overall it's a fun time and a lot of effort went into this. There's a lot of fun poked at the series (especially towards Kanto) and the entire game feels like a fun adventure. I hope to see another project by this dev, maybe with more fakemon? Please? That's my favorite part of playing fan games.
Anyway, 8/10
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murdercouple · 2 years
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Chucky: Yeah yeah, whatever, but hurry!
Tiffany: I'm here, ain't i? (quoting Violet, lol).
Chucky: Chucky!
Tiffany: Tiffany!
Chucky: Pooh! One should keep their house free from such low life forms! (then he gets his kids a dog/cat and ends up loving it).
Tiffany: All, but tarantulas have my heart. They're cute and dangerous, just like me.
Chucky: Red.
Tiffany: Dark blue.
Chucky: Chucky!
Tiffany: Jennifer Tilly. It was such an honor to have her playin' my human self!
Chucky: She's a pinecone in the @r$£, but she's MY pinecone in the @r$£! Love ya, Babe.
Tiffany: I could say the same 'bout ya.
Chucky: The fact that she's sweet, as opposed to me. Yes because i can also appreciate the people who are different than me, as long as they are genuinely so.
Tiffany: The bluntness of his tongue.
Chucky: What happens if i say yes?
Tiffany: Nope! I treat myself well. I do smoke a lot though...
Chucky: Yes!
Tiffany: Yes!
Chucky: Swedish meatballs. Don't people know me at all!?
Tiffany: Cupcakes and cherry flavoured candy in general.
Chucky: Coffee.
Tiffany: Tea.
Chucky: Pinocchio.
Tiffany: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.
Chucky: Can't remember when, if ever (he's reluctant to disclose such things in public so who knows).
Tiffany: A couple of days ago..
Chucky: Pizza! Who the hell eats raw fish?
Tiffany: Pizza.
Chucky: Nah...
Tiffany: Not ripping those concerned's @rs£ when i had the chance to.
Chucky: Hmm, i'm pretty sure my cinematic counterpart did. In Nica's body, to be precise! (these two right here are actors).
Tiffany: Almost everyday.
Chucky: My butt. Y'all can kiss the entire seating of it!
Tiffany: My eyes.
Chucky: I'd say my nose. It looks like a potato (lmaooo).
Tiffany: My legs. They once were longer and slenderer...
Chucky: Occasionally.
Tiffany: Hanged if i do!
Chucky: F√¢k you very much.
Tiffany: Follow us, sweethearts!
I tag: @askglenandglenda + @askchuckandtiff + @splinterdsoul + literally ANYONE!
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titstraction · 1 year
cunties hunties get your gum and go read the morsel that is the first chapter of bubblegum, my entry to @goodboylupin rs candy hearts 2023!! my prompt was PLAYTIME 🍬🍬💓
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goodboylupin · 1 year
I posted my work for the RS Candy Hearts a few days ago, but I don't know why it seems that the tag #RSCandyHearts is not working for me. It doesn't appear when I look into the posts there 😓. So I'm sharing it with you here, if that's fine.
Thank you so much! I don't know why the tag has been such a crapshoot this year :/
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autumnsup · 1 year
🍀About Me, and Why I'm Here🍀
It’s been a little over two years since I rekindled my enthusiasm for fanfic, and I’ve finally decided to give this Tumblr thing a whirl, despite my salty attitude toward social media and other distractions. 😅
My early inspiration was in the realm of the Potterverse, which is where most of my fanfic contributions are based, despite/in defiance of the increasing weirdness of the JKR's views. I would say that in the beginning I was most influenced by the likes of who_la_hoop, Saras_Girl, and MsKingBean89, but my style has continued to morph over time, as has my exploration of various ships and fandoms. You can find my work, listed below, under crimsnclover on AO3.
Outside of fanfic, I get regularly lost in books, films, TV, and music, sometimes at inconvenient moments. 🫠 I like too many to list, but I do think it's worth mentioning that Todd Haynes’ 1998 film Velvet Goldmine was very influential, in terms of learning to accept and celebrate my queer little heart. 💖
Because at the end of the day, that’s what art, including fanfic, is all about, right? It’s a means of understanding oneself a little better, and connecting with others along the way. To me, the characters we love are almost as real as people, they just happen to live on a different plane of existence than we do. 🌈
Thank you for being here, and for being part of the magic. ✨ If you like what you read, or just want to say hi, comments are always welcome!
Blame It On The Boys (111k, E, MWPP era with music)
Scar Issues (14k, E, American AU)
Sweetly Burns the Evergreen (173k, E, '80s time travel AU)
In Somnio (66k, M, Teddy-centric AU with Remus POV)
Hopeless (6k, T, for Wolfstar Microfic prompts)
Derailed (2k, M, for RS Candy Hearts fest)
God/Monster (35k, M, Harremus-centric AU mostly from Remus POV, for Harry Potter Rare Pair Fest)
Hope is a Many Feathered Thing (79k, E, post-War)
Draco and the Hidden Lacuna (121k, E, post-War Draco POV)
Bar None (31k, M, post-War Harry POV)
A Show of Wands (15k, T, post-War friendship)
In Somnio (66k, M, Teddy-centric AU with Harry POV)
But You Will (4k, M, for HD Candy Hearts fest)
All the Colors in the World (11k, M, for HD Wireless fest)
Sleepers Awake (Dark Is Rising "where are they now?")
Kissing the Tomb (Velvet Goldmine post-film events)
Please note that not all of my works are accessible to the public, and require the reader to have an AO3 account. I have not linked these works here, but you should be able to access them through my crimsnclover works page once you've logged into AO3.
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 5 months
Can I ask for 4 and 14 please? ❤️
sure thing, friend <3
4) total number of words you wrote this year
this is a great question. 56,492 according to AO3 and my one published work for 2023 (and i'm just going to round that up to 60,000 for the chapter that is currently being written for clear eyes)
+about 3,000 for my cruel summer fic-fest fic, and my RS Candy Hearts. so 63,000.
i'm sure there were some other odds and ends in there too that were posted to tumblr but, my guess is no more than 70k (which compared to other years...its relatively little but, that's okay. its okay!)
14) a fic you didn't expect to write
i did not expect to write a Friday night lights au at all. also in answering that first question, i realized i have been posting this fic since July? which is by far the longest it has taken me to write and post/update a fic ever. Guess 2023 was the year of just...taking my time.
But truthfully, i didn't have plans to write clear eyes, full hearts. i didn't even know if i would be able to finish it once i DID start writing it either. But i am sure glad i did <3
end of year asks!
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ebaytelemart784 · 1 year
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