#Public speaking dvd
“Mastering the Brief: A Comprehensive Guide to Dynamic and Informative Congressional and Federal Agency Briefings” is now available on Amazon
by Embassy Row Project
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“Mastering the Brief: A Comprehensive Guide to Dynamic and Informative Congressional and Federal Agency Briefings” is an all-encompassing resource for CEOs seeking to understand and perfect the art of briefing. This guide peels back the layers of successful briefings, combining theory and practice to provide readers with a step-by-step process to create and deliver briefings that captivate and inform, while ultimately driving action.
Key Takeaways
· The Power of a Brief: Start by understanding the crucial role that briefings play in the strategic operation of congressional and federal agencies.
· Defining Your Purpose: Learn to identify and articulate the core purpose of your briefing, serving as the guiding light throughout the planning and delivery process.
· Crafting a Powerful Executive Summary: Master the art of summarizing complex information into succinct, powerful overviews that grab attention from the outset.
· Establishing Context: Gain insights into the importance of providing comprehensive background information to set the stage for your briefing.
· Data-Driven Presentations: Discover how to incorporate factual data and evidence into your briefing for maximum impact and credibility.
· The Art of Analysis: Develop the skills to interpret information effectively, adding depth and meaning to your briefing content.
· Creating Meaningful Recommendations: Learn to translate data interpretation into actionable recommendations that drive decisions and policy changes.
· Enhancing Briefings with Visual Aids: Understand the significance of visual elements in enhancing the understanding and retention of information.
· Mastering the Language of Briefings: Uncover the linguistic tools and strategies to communicate clearly, persuasively, and effectively.
· Preparing for Your Briefing Delivery: Embrace the power of practice to perfect your delivery, mastering both the content and the performance of your briefing.
“Mastering the Brief: A Comprehensive Guide to Dynamic and Informative Congressional and Federal Agency Briefings” is more than a book — it’s an invaluable resource for any leader seeking to influence and inform on a grand scale. This book provides a deep dive into the planning, creation, and delivery of briefings, transforming complex information into actionable insights and guiding policy decisions. Whether you’re a seasoned CEO or a rising leader, this guide will hone your briefing skills, enabling you to command attention, respect, and action from the most prestigious agencies. Empower yourself with the expertise to deliver briefings that don’t just inform — they inspire, influence, and ignite change. Let “Mastering the Brief” be your stepping stone to elevated leadership and influence.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -
Now Available on Amazon!
Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Brief-Comprehensive-Informative-Congressional-ebook/dp/B0CD93ZJ7G/ref=sr_1_8?crid=1O32I4P63KNGZ&keywords=Presentation+of+self+in+everyday+life&qid=1693402390&s=digital-text&sprefix=presentation+of+self+in+everyday+life%2Cdigital-text%2C341&sr=1-8
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For more books, please visit James Scott on Amazon.
You may also visit Embassy Row Project.
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lonely-dog-song · 3 months
having a Jack Nicholson double feature with The Little Shop of Horrors as one of the movies kind of feels like if you did a Hayden Christensen double feature including In The Mouth of Madness.
also never trust those DVDs that come in the thin cases and have multiple movies on one disc, because the quality is such ass. they don't even have subtitles
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maplemonarchy · 1 year
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I recent moved into my own apartment and have set up my living room accordingly.
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beemovieerotica · 5 months
so there's a movie from the 1960's I wanted to post a video essay on - it's not available anywhere online, and you have to get the DVD from re-sellers, which I did - and I spent weeks on this thing only to try posting a clip of it and discovered it was blocked due to a copyright claim
i only found this out ahead of time, before wasting any more of my life making this essay, because the official DVD had incorrect / completely absent subtitles on a song in yiddish (e.g. the speaker says "menschen alle" and the subtitles say "mention Anna", then it goes [speaking foreign language]) and I wanted to upload that 5 minute bit of the film with the transliteration + english translation over the footage because it does not exist anywhere. I could not. there is no corrected footage with subtitles for this song.
so, a movie that you cannot stream anywhere, that has been removed from the public for all intents and purposes, still exists within the google copyright detection framework in full. meaning the production company uploaded it at some point in the last decade or so of these algorithms being put in place, but in a manner that is inaccessible to anyone browsing the internet, except to be caught for copyright infringement and prevent any piece of it being distributed for viewing. tell me that's not fucking stupid
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fushiglow · 5 months
Gojō Satoru and Ryōmen Sukuna: symbols of celebrity?
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What does it say about Jujutsu Kaisen's influence and popularity that it could convince the two leading national newspapers in Japan — rivals and competitors — to run a joint marketing campaign where readers must buy both papers to complete the set?
The attention to detail is incredible, too! Asahi — Sukuna's paper — is one of the oldest in Japan. Meanwhile Yomiuri — Gojō's paper — has the largest newspaper circulation in the world. Such a brilliant way to illustrate "the strongest sorcerer in history vs the strongest sorcerer of today" in promotion of the new volume. Extra points for the fact that the two newspapers have opposing political leanings, too.
I'm really fascinated by this — so, some thoughts on celebrity and the fourth wall in Jujutsu Kaisen below the cut!
One of the things I love most about this series is how self-aware it is at times. I feel like Gege Akutami is quite purposeful is how he uses his characters to speak directly to the audience, especially in recent chapters. Along with the 'tickets' for Mei Mei's livestream and the promotional video that's reminiscent of a wrestling announcer bigging up the event, the entire campaign for the release of volume 25 feels like it's breaking the fourth wall in a way that's perfect for Jujutsu Kaisen.
It also makes me even more hopeful that 'The Battle of the Strongest' is going to be a film, if only for the meta effect of the audience 'purchasing tickets for the livestream'. Imagine if they market it so you feel like you're actually paying to watch this fight between two gods unfolding in real-time on the other side of the world? Considering how successful the first one was, I have no doubt the film would perform incredibly in the box office too, further adding to the meta effect.
The potential for hype is enormous and I actually feel like they won't disappoint, simply because Gojō is too much of a money-maker — look at the DVD sales drop off from the Hidden Inventory arc. I know I bang on about the chapter all the time, but this is spawning all kinds of additional thoughts to my analysis of Gojō in 236, especially regarding how he's written as this almost unknowable character.
I feel like Akutami's interest in the dark side of the entertainment industry actually shines through in Gojō the most out of all his characters, because he's practically a celebrity both in-universe and out — people made an actual shrine for this character when he died, as though he's the People's Princess or something!
Everyone knows who he is, but no one knows who he *really* is. He's beautiful and isolated and powerful and lonely, and it makes absolute sense that he sought understanding from Sukuna, because he's kind of like the blueprint for Gojō — a legend about whom everyone has a story, but no one really knows anything at all.
I promise I didn't make this post just to plug my fic, but it's a neat little coincidence that the precarious power dynamic between celebrities and the general public is a big theme in the most recent chapter of my idol fic, Over the Threshold. The reason I started writing a music AU in the first place is because this topic is something I have a personal and academic interest in, and the parallels between the 'strongest' and a music industry legend are simply too good to ignore.
Perhaps it's because it's on my mind as I'm writing the fic, but the marketing for the new volume got me thinking about the symbiotic relationship between artists and their fans, and I'm wondering if Gege is going to bring this into play somehow. Could it have something to do with the source of Sukuna's strength and therefore the key to beating him? Conversely, could it have something to do with the loss of Gojō's strength if he returns without it, making his death a symbolic death of celebrity instead?
I love the idea of the death of the 'strongest sorcerer' (the celebrity) bringing down the veil that separates him from the people around him (the public), allowing them to see Gojō Satoru for the very first time. No longer 'the strongest' or the Six Eyes or the one-man Gojō clan — not a symbol or a power ceiling or a weapon or anything like that — but simply a person, which is all he really is at the end of the day.
Am I coping by twisting myself into knots hoping that Jujutsu Kaisen is about the deconstruction of celebrity? Maybe, but at least I'm coping in a very smart and sexy way!
Just kidding, I'm still undecided about whether I think a Gojō comeback is likely. However, I completely disagree with people who say his character arc is finished or there's no space in the narrative for his return. I also disagree with those who say there's no evidence for it, because I think if it happened it would seem incredibly obvious in hindsight. It's a bit like Sukuna taking over Megumi — very few people saw it coming at the time, but when you look back, the clues were sprinkled all over the place.
Time will tell, but this story is really special to me whatever happens in the end. We all love to shit on Gege Akutami — and sure, he's not a perfect writer and I don't like a lot of his decisions — but when he gets it right, it's genius level stuff. Considering how overworked and commodified and exploited mangakas are, I think he deserves a lot more credit for the stories and characters he's weaving, and his art has never looked better if you ask me.
Anyway, I rambled a bit at the end, but here's my idol fic if you want to deconstruct Gojō as a celebrity some more. It's *so much* fun, I promise!! Did I make this post just to plug my fic after all? You can decide.
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eyeodyssey · 2 years
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Photos from the elusive early-80s Tokyo Grand Guignol play Mercury, also known as Mercuro and Merbro. While the Tokyo Grand Guignol are more well known for their subsequent work in the original 1985 version of Lychee Light Club, Mercury was an ambitious debut effort that was as much Tetsuo: The Iron Man and Alien as it was Ranpo. In the two-act narrative, an unstable school teacher runs a health program where students volunteer to have their blood replaced with the outdated medicinal substance Merbromin. The Merbromin substance turns the students into sentient machines, with their organs being made “valuable” in how the doses of mercury turns their innards metallic. In the midst of all this, a mysterious transfer student infiltrates the school grounds to uncover the whereabouts of his missing sister. Plots ultimately intertwine, resulting in a nightmarish Oedipal bloodbath in a macabre science lab that’s riddled with many taboo secrets. The play contains several infamous special effects standouts. One of the centerpieces was an extended sequence at the beginning of the second act where the schoolmaster (performed by the now mainstream actor Kyusaku Shimada, originally working under the pseudonym Lovecraft Shimada) carries out a live vivisection on a student to surgically extract his pubescent urges, which had manifested as a chestburster. The screenplay is decorated with intricate surrealist details with characters speaking direct quotations from dadaist poets of the early Showa period, resulting in an experience that is as much nocturnal poetry as it is taboo horror. The play only had one run in 1984, with a heavily truncated TV performance being done a year later on the “Youth Performance Special” morning Nippon TV program where the set pieces from the openings of the first act and second act are strung side-by-side. While a full video recording is known to exist of the play on both DVD and VHS, the recording has never surfaced. It’s a damn shame.
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The only available bits of media in relation to the play to this day are the screenplay, a handful of grayscale photos and some parts of the soundtrack. The known songs that were featured in Mercury include: 1. Four Enclosed Walls - Public Image LTD 2. Sons Of Pioneers - Japan 3. The title theme of the 1956 film “Des gens sans importance” 4. Brilliant Trees - David Sylvian Bits of media relating to Mercury’s short 1984 run are steadily being resurfaced every day. Two of the images in this post were digitized by yours truly. The source was the 28th volume of Yaso magazine, a volume that concerned underground theater which included and interview with Norimizu Ameya, the lead director of the Tokyo Grand Guignol.
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thesoftboiledegg · 3 months
On Saturday, I visited the bigger mall for the first time in a minute. Barnes and Noble had season seven on DVD ready to go. Physical media is slowly dying, but I guess huge franchises still get releases.
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Rick and Morty merchandise tends to congregate around the trinkets and accessories. I wandered to the game section and found...playing cards! I'm still waiting for Adult Swim to sign off on licensed tarot cards. Other franchises have, including Marvel.
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The toy store had a different game: Monopoly! Explore the world of seasons one and two.
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The first couple of seasons are basically their own isolated little world that produced 90% of the general public's perception of the show (aside from Pickle Rick.) It's 2024, but everyone still thinks the entire series is about gloopies and shleemies and Rick turning himself into a pickle, then saying "wubba lubba dub dub" and doing a little dance afterward.
For the record, that's not a bad thing--it's the same for most entertainers and franchises. Their peak/early years create their enduring public images.
Speaking of seasons two and three, the same store had these pins:
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Rick and Morty falling out of an overturned ship...that's a new one.
Onto a clothing store, which had a new set of boxer shorts. Why do undergarments always get the best designs? Nobody sees them but you!
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Spencer's had the Rick and Morty cubes neatly lined up on a shelf. They're not sure how to feel about it.
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I don't drink alcohol (I'm not against it, I just hate the taste), but I love this Pickle Rick shot glass. He emerges from the jar to tell you what's what! 🖕
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New blankets! I enjoy seeing their awkward hug everywhere.
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Today, I visited the smaller mall. One of the "nerdy" stores had a few Funko Pops scattered around. A Funko knock-off in a sea of collectibles, Dorbz Beth smiles from the top of the heap.
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They also had TWO Mad Max Summers. Her "normal" counterpart stood nearby, but she was engrossed in her phone.
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Another season seven DVD, this time with anti-theft packaging.
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Spencer's had new ear gauges. Zap!
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I usually stop by the other "nerdy" store before I leave. Today, they had exciting merchandise that I'd never seen before: a giant diorama.
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I love finding unique merchandise beyond the usual Funko Pops and boxer shorts. It's like spotting a rare Pokemon. I don't physically collect merchandise because I don't want to spend the money--instead, I collect it mentally, which is just as good!
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foxy-eva · 2 years
Movie Night
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Summary: Spencer didn’t know that having a movie night was a synonym for having a make-out session but he sure didn’t mind
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader 
Category: Smut, Fluff
Content Warnings: (18+, minors DNI) heavy kissing, grinding, fingering, handjob, protected penetrative sex
Author's Note: I wrote this a standalone but it could also be read as a part two for Safekeeping. 
Word count: 3k
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When I invited Spencer over for a movie night and told him that he could pick what we should watch, I really thought that he had caught onto the playful tone in my voice. We had met at a bar last weekend and ended up making out in public like some hormone-driven teenagers and I haven’t been able to think about anything else all week. I really thought that we would continue that tonight. 
However, when he showed up at my door with a 3-hour long Russian sci-fi movie from the 70s, I realized that he might not have gotten my hint. 
“Don’t worry,” he said when he noticed my raised eyebrows as I held the DVD in my hands, “there are English subtitles. I don’t have to do whisper translations.” 
“Having your lips close to my face would sound nice, though,” I snickered while motioning for him to sit down on my couch. His cheeks took on a lovely pink shade at my words. 
After starting the movie I found my place beside him and noticed the scent of his cologne. It instantly brought me back to the moment he stood in front of me in the bar last week when he seemed so confident and strong. Tonight he gave off a very different vibe. Spencer seemed nervous and I found that very endearing. 
Instead of paying attention to the movie, my eyes glanced over at him every now and then while the Russian speaking actors became background noise to my wandering thoughts. We were sitting close enough for me to feel the heat his body radiated but there was still a gap between us. His eyes were glued to the screen but I could sense that his thoughts weren’t solely preoccupied by the movie. 
His fingers were nervously fidgeting against each other as if he had trouble keeping them in place and not letting them wander to the person sitting by his side. His touch would have been welcomed but he kept his composure, not daring to focus on anything other than the screen. I really tried watching the movie with him because he seemed so excited about it. I would have loved to be able to talk about it afterwards, to hear his thoughts and to learn why he liked it so much. 
But any attempts to focus my attention on the TV were futile when I had the most gorgeous man I had ever seen sitting right beside me. So instead, I accepted my fate and let myself get lost in the fantasy of crawling into his lap to show him what my interpretation of a movie night really was. If only I had the courage to actually do it. 
The more I thought about doing what I so desperately craved, the louder my heart was thumping against my ribcage. It was a silly thought but I was convinced that he might have been able to hear my heartbeat if he hadn’t been so focussed on the actors instead. My eyes fell to his hands, still fumbling against each other, and my skin started tingling at the thought of his fingertips brushing over my body. 
I started to wonder whether Spencer was too coy to initiate contact or if he actually only came over to watch this movie with me. Trying to remember who initiated the kiss when we met, I lost myself in the memory of the sensation of his lips against mine. They were soft but demanding at the same time and the way he held my body against his made me feel like I was the only woman on this planet he would ever want to touch. 
The tingling I felt on my skin quickly evolved into a burning sensation only his touch could soothe. My cheeks felt hot when I remembered how he pushed me into a wall when we kissed and my knees started to get weak just like they did then. I wanted to feel like that again. I needed to feel like that again. 
“This part actually foreshadows something very important happening later on,” Spencer’s words brought me back to reality. 
I turned my head to look at him like a doe caught in headlights and I think he may have noticed the cluelessness in my look. Instead of calling me out on it, he smiled at me before looking at the screen once more and said, “But it’s almost impossible to catch on everything when you watch it for the first time.”
Truth be told, after thirty minutes of watching this movie with him I still had no clue what it actually was about. The longer I sat by his side, the more I lost interest in finding out. There were other things I longed to explore and I needed to know if he felt the same way. To test the waters, I shifted my position beside him and moved a little closer until our thighs touched. I noticed how he instantly stopped moving his hands and turned his head to look at me. 
“Is that okay?” I breathed. 
He granted me his beautiful smile. “More than okay.”
That was all I needed to hear to lean against him and nestle into his side. He placed his arm around me and put it on my shoulder to pull me further into his body until my head was resting against his chest. My fingertips found his hand, inviting it to make contact with mine. He didn’t hesitate and intertwined his fingers with mine as if he had been waiting for me to make the first move all along. 
It was comfortable being this close to him and it soothed my yearning for now. His hand around my body descended from my shoulder to my upper arm, gently grazing over my skin until it broke out in goosebumps. We stayed like this for a few moments and I relished the sensation of being close to Spencer. I felt his heartbeat against the side of my face ever so slightly and I thought I could relax and focus on the movie for once. 
That was until I heard the thumping of his heart getting stronger and faster and noticed his fingertips twitching against my skin. He audibly exhaled and I could feel his hot breath against my hair. It was as if he contemplated what to do next as my nearness clearly affected him. That realization gave me enough confidence to take things a little further. 
Shifting my position, I turned my body to be able to face him, a smirk prominent on my face. I expected him to look at me just as shyly as before, but he didn’t. Instead, he was reciprocating my grin as if he had been waiting for me to finally put into action what I had in mind all evening. Only now he was the one getting impatient. 
Before I realized what was happening, his hands were cupping my face and pulled me closer until our lips met. I placed my hands on his chest to steady myself as I lost myself in our kiss. It felt soft but demanding at the same time, a week’s worth of longing for one another finally paying off. His mouth moved over mine as if he was starving for something only I could give him and it was exhilarating. 
One of his hands dropped from my face to make contact with my waist instead, his fingertips gripping my shirt as if they held back from ripping through the fabric. I moved my palm to the nape of his neck, my fingers intertwining with his curls before pulling gently until I got a reaction. Spencer gasped against my lips and it made me thirsty to learn more about each and every one of his responses to my touch. 
The movie playing in the background was long forgotten when I climbed into his lap, straddling him to feel him as close as possible. His body welcomed me as if I was his queen taking a seat on her throne. Both of his hands found their home on my back to hinder me from moving away while it felt like we would melt into one another. 
Spencer was the one who deepened the kiss, his tongue brushing over mine until the need for oxygen became overwhelming. His mouth was still adamant to explore more of me as it wandered over my jaw and down my neck while I gasped for air. When he found my pulse point, he started sucking on the sensitive skin until he elicited a moan from my throat, making him hum in delight. 
I was starting to feel lightheaded at the heat rushing through my body, the burning sensation between my legs almost becoming unbearable. I needed to feel him even closer, so I shifted my position in his lap until there was no distance to be found between our bodies. When I felt the extent of his desire pressing against my thigh, a gasp fell from my lips. He seemed irritated at my reaction and pulled back, apparently misinterpreting my excitement for shock. 
“I, uhm, I’m sorry. Just… ignore that,” he muttered. 
But how could I ever do that? My mouth found his ear, my lips grazing over his skin before whispering, “What if I don’t want to ignore it?” 
Before he could respond, I rolled my hips against his, grinding my core against where he was straining hard against the fabric of his pants. He instantly threw his head back and groaned, “Fuck!” at my movements. 
My lips wandered along his neck, kissing and biting his skin while rocking against him. I felt his throat vibrating as moans fell from his lips, clearly enjoying what I was doing. It wasn’t until I felt his hands harshly grabbing my hips to move with me that I realized how close I had brought myself to my own breaking point. 
I found his ear once more, gently biting his earlobe before breathing, “You feel so good, Spencer. I can’t wait to have you inside me.”
His cheeks had taken on a crimson red shade now and he looked at me with dilated pupils and a hunger in his eyes. He found my lips in a hasty kiss as I ground against him and realized that I was seeking my own pleasure more than trying to tease him. My ministrations seemed to turn him on regardless. 
A familiar tension was building in my loins and begged to be released. My mind was clouded but I still hesitated to allow myself to fall over the edge before he had even touched me where I wanted to feel him the most. As my thighs started quivering, I knew that Spencer must have noticed my current state. 
He broke our kiss to look at me instead. We locked eyes and I felt like I might lose my mind at the way he stared at me. He looked at me like I was a goddess worth worshipping, his eyes wide and filled with wonder. As if what was happening was some epiphany he needed to witness, he didn’t dare avert his sight from my face. 
I slowed down my movements before it got too much. 
“Spencer, I’m…”
His grip on me tightened, almost bruising my skin underneath my clothes and he started bucking his hips upwards to meet my motion. 
“Please don’t stop,” he pleaded, “You look so pretty like this.” 
It was then that I knew that I would never be able to refuse Spencer anything he begged for. My lips found his once more but our kiss was interrupted by the sighs and moans escaping me. I ground my core against his length almost erratically, the fabric of my panties soaked by now. 
When Spencer answered the sounds of my pleasure with his own groans, I came undone right in his lap. Burying my face into the crook of his neck, I panted against his skin as I trembled on top of him. His hands wandered over my back in soothing patterns, helping me find my way back to reality. He placed a gentle kiss on the side of my face and whispered, “You’re amazing,” into my hair. 
Before I could get embarrassed about what had just happened, I felt his hardness twitch against my core while he groaned, “God, I want you so bad.”
Leaning back, I smirked at him and snickered, “Then take me.” 
It took him a second to understand the meaning of my words but once he did, he motioned for me to get off his lap and show him my bedroom. I expected him to be more hurried after what just went down between us, but he took his time to peel me out of every layer of my clothes. It was as if he wanted to imprint the sight of each patch of revealed skin into his mind, taking in the sight of me until I stood bare in front of him. 
His fingertips ghosted over my skin, making me break out in chills wherever he dared to touch me. Leaning into a gentle kiss, he mumbled against my lips, “You’re incredibly beautiful.”
My fingers found the buttons of his shirt, undoing them in the same unhurried way he had undressed me. He moved with me, helping me rid him of his clothes and giving me time to admire him. I was curious to explore every patch of skin that was revealed and kissed along his chest, shoulders and arms as I pushed the fabric of his shirt aside. 
Whenever we locked eyes, he softly smiled at me, clearly enjoying the attention I was giving to him. When his shirt joined the pile of my clothes on the floor, my hands started unbuckling his belt before making quick work of the buttons of his pants.
"Getting impatient now?" Spencer chuckled.
And the truth was that I was getting impatient, so I just nodded and giggled as I pushed his pants down. His lips were on mine once the both of us were nude, ungracefully falling onto the mattress together to continue what we started on the couch. Curious hands wandered over exposed body parts, caressing one another while our lips and tongues moved in perfect synchronicity.
When his palm glided down my stomach, I parted my legs to make room for him. He didn't waste any time letting his fingers glide through slick folds, exploring me until he was certain where his touch was needed the most. Carefully he dipped one of his digits into my waiting heat, working it against my tightness until my sighs and whimpers interrupted our kiss. 
He added a second finger and I could only guess what it would feel like to be filled with all he had to offer. One of my hands found his erection, eager to make him feel good as well. His skin felt hot and velvety against my fingertips and when I let my thumb glide over his leaking tip Spencer groaned and threw his head back. Wrapping my fingers around him, I moved my hand slowly up and down until his whole body started quivering. 
"If you want to… there are condoms in my nightstand," I whispered.
When he grasped what I was suggesting, his hand left my core and he reached for the drawer beside my bed. With the small foil in his hand, he kneeled between my legs and let his eyes roam over my body. The sight of him like that was almost too much for me to handle and I knew that I would certainly lose my mind if I wouldn't feel him soon. 
"Please, Spencer. I need you."
I thought that he might tease me for being impatient again, but he didn't. He suddenly seemed just as needy as I was, quickly putting on the condom before leaning over me. I reached between our bodies to guide him to my entrance, tilting my hips to help him glide into me. Spencer groaned at the sensation of stretching me open and I joined him with my own sounds of pleasure. 
With a scrunched up face and eyes filled with lust he breathed, "Fuck, you feel so good!"
With a steady rhythm he started to push into me while his lips refused to leave mine, only separating for split seconds to gasp for air. My arms around his neck brought him closer to me, making it impossible for me to tell apart where my body ended and his began. Our bodies merged and were keen on guiding one another into the sensation of pure bliss. 
I really tried to prolong this feeling of being one with him but with everything that had happened before this moment, it was impossible not to lose myself way too quickly. I could tell that he felt the same way, relief clearly visible in his look when he noticed that I was just as close as he was. When I started to pulsate around him, I felt him twitching inside me as well. 
With a few erratic thrusts he helped the both of us to ride out our highs before collapsing into my arms. After evening out his breathing, he disappeared in the bathroom for a moment before joining me in bed once more. There was no need to speak words, we just enjoyed each other's nearness with entangled limbs and lips still hungry for more kisses. 
When Spencer started to drift off to sleep, I needed to get up to get a glass of water. I noticed that we never turned off the TV and smiled to myself when I reached for the remote. Maybe next time we would make it to the end of the movie but I sure wouldn't mind if we didn't.
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Feedback helps me stay motivated to write more fics and your comments mean the world to me! Let me know what you think here!
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sewmice · 3 months
Hai as a decently new utapri fan I wanted to ask your opinion on how new fans should get into utapri after finishing the anime. Should they play through the otomes games or maybe try listening to the Masterpiece shows instead?
Welcome to Utapri! I hope you're enjoying the ride so far! And as someone who has been here for 12 years, welcome to Utapri hell, this is your life now! (with love of course)
Since the Masterpiece shows are all alternate universes/acting, it doesn't technically matter? So the real question is, do you like the idol side or the romance side more? Idol side, go for the masterpiece shows. Romance go for the games. And honestly switch around as you please. Just get to SOME game knowledge at some point because that's where you really learn about the boys after all. Personally it's best to know at least a little from everything.
Also the next most important thing will be whether you know Japanese or not. Because currently the anime, movies, and Starish special are the only things available in English. So what you can enjoy is more limited. Shining Live was in English for it's lifespan, and has some archives out there. Live Emotion we can only hope will have an English version but we do not know currently.
Now my answer to assist gets real long so gonna put it under a cut for everyone's sanity.
If you know Japanese, absolutely go enjoy the otome games, all of which have updated ports on the Switch! The release order and thus suggested order would be Repeat, Amazing Aria and Sweet Serenade, Debut, All Star, and finally All Star After Secret. And one day we'll have Dolce Vita.
If you want Quartet Night, while you meet them in Debut, their routes start with All Star. Ringo and Ryuuya have routes in Sweet Serenade and All Star if you're looking for them. Mitsuo in Amazing Aria is well....you'll see.
If you don't know Japanese, I still suggest looking into the games, but your options are more limited. ShiningWonderland has a fantastic crew pushing out translations. They're working on Repeat for Starish and All Star for QN currently. Couple of the routes are finished for at least one ending and others seem to be nearing completion. But I can't speak for that team past that. They are all wonderful people though!
If you don't mind getting a shortened, not amazing experience. There are some old summaries floating around from Breadmasterlee. Those, plus some friends who could understand enough, were how I learned parts of the games back in the day. Not the preferred experience though.
You could also technically struggle your way through with like Google Lens translation? Definitely not recommended though.
As for the masterpiece shows, again if you know Japanese, just enjoy them. If you wanna know what order they released in, the sets were as follows: Masquerade Mirage, Tenka Muteki no Shinobimichi, and Joker Trap Bloody Shadows, Pirates of the Frontier, Every Buddy!, and Polaris Lost Alice, Trios, and The Forest of Lycoris Dreaming of OZ, Never Again Neverland, and Faust Last Cantata
I know that next to last set, the Shining Masterpiece Shows, have translations by Kanasmusings. You can also find translations for some other dramas there, and subtitles for a majority of the stage plays (you will need your own file or DVD/BD).
The most recent Dramatic Masterpiece Shows seem to be works in progress at the moment. I know utapri-translations-uuuu is working on Heavens! And the CDs can be found in my masterlist.
The older ones I don't know off the top of my head if translations exist at all.
There are also Discord servers amongst the community, some public and some private, with resources and amazing people. But I'm not sure on how appropriate it would be to post the public ones. They don't allow piracy so as much as I push buying legally, uh, understandably linking from my blog publicly feels wrong. You can very likely find said discords via the Twitter fandom. Or talk to me in DMs.
This is a lot of info I know. Trying to cover as many bases as I can off the top of my head! Enjoy Utapri!
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aihoshiino · 7 months
chapter 131 thoughts
PLEASE NOTE BEFORE READING: because of the content of this chapter, i will unavoidably have to discuss CSA, grooming, victim blaming and parental abuse and the long term effects of surviving these things. the chapter in question does not depict any of the above but reveals that this is an aspect of Ai's history we were not privy to before and as The Ai Guy, this is something I can't NOT dig into. Basically, stay safe and if you're not in the headspace for it, I'll see you next chapter!
First off though, it's immediately striking to me how quickly the lines are being blurred between the movie's fiction and Ai's reality and how unclear it is when we transition from one to the other. The narration appears to be picking up from Ai's DVD but the visuals are very clearly from the movie as we can tell when Melt shows up as Ichigo. Not only that, but when Ai is introducer to the other B-Komachi girls, we see Mei portrayed as being there even though we know for a fact via 45510 that the founding members were Ai, Takamine, Watanabe and Nino. Over and over, we are shown that the movie is increasingly breaking away from the actual story of Ai's life out of a need to dramatize and fictionalize it into something that can be commodified.
In short, even though this is the supposedly 'real story' of Ai's life, it's just the same shit over and over again. Slicing her fundamental humanity into hunks of meat that can be prepared into something for the public to tear into. That this tragedy is being perpetuated personally by people who supposedly love and wanted the best for her really got me doin the Tragedy Enjoyer boogie
enjoy that one single joke btw i get the feeling this post is going to be pretty light on the yuks
Speaking of inaccuracies, of particular note is the way this retelling clashes with Viewpoint B in a way that feels extremely intentional -- if this was a straightforward retcon, I don't think the people behind OnK would be so far out of their way to make that story as widely accessible as it now is (the audio drama and bundling it with the Spica novel). 15YL depicts Ai as running away and conveniently falling in with Saitou as soon as she got to Tokyo and being whisked out of the children's home and placed in someone's care at great cost to Saitou, all before she formally joined B-Komachi. The reality is so much more dull and mundane: Ai just stayed in the children's home even as she worked as an idol until she aged out of the system. But sad, commonplace reality like that doesn't sell movies.
This especially becomes clear when we finally get to the real meat of this chapter and the introduction of a character whose presence has lingered on the fringes of the story since the prologue arc: Ai's mother, Ayumi Hoshino.
Ai's mother has been a dark shadow lingering in the corner's of Ai's history ever since the start of the story. In both the side stories, her abuse and abandonment of Ai is emphasized and we know that Ai experienced horrific physical abuse at her hands, likely hand in hand with emotional abuse and neglect. Ai is a child who describes herself as a 'people hating liar' who has never loved or been loved by anyone. It paints an incredibly grim portrait of her past and her mother was a boogeyman to such an extent that I'd even seen people speculate she may have had a hand in her own daughter's death.
But of course, the sad and mundane reality isn't quite so dramatic. Abusers very rarely look or act like cartoonish monsters. Ayumi Hoshino isn't some Saturday morning supervillain who cackles evilly as she gloats about making her daughter's life a misery. She insists that she loved Ai and that of course she planned to go back and get her daughter in the same breath as confessing to violently abusing Ai -- AN EIGHT YEAR OLD CHILD -- because she was jealous that her adult boyfriend had taken a sexual interest in her.
I genuinely can't overstate how much this reveal shook me. Based on the way this is phrased, I do not Ai's stepfather followed through on his intent, but I have absolutely no doubt that she was made aware of it given that Ayumi confesses that she began to physically abuse Ai out of jealousy and that the family fell apart as a result. I'd picked up on a lot of stray threads relating to this idea in Ai's behaviour but I had never followed it through to the end result of 'Ai narrowly avoided CSA and was abused by her mother for it'. So many aspects of Ai's behaviour suddenly click sharply into place with this piece of information. Her fucked up relationship with her own totally normal sexual desires, her tendency to blame herself first before anyone else when things go wrong for her - how is she supposed to do anything else when she was abused and then blamed for her own abuse by her own mother?
It's also so, so telling that even as Ayumi cries and paints herself as the martyr in this situation, she admits she would do it all over again and centers Ai as the reason for their marriage falling apart, Ai's beauty and her growing into a woman as the cause of their issues rather than centering her own anger and jealousy or, you know, blaming her boyfriend for being a fucking pedophile. Though she cries and talks about 'atonement', Ayumi doesn't mourn her daughter's suffering but focuses on her own pain and her own regrets. It's so frustrating to read because it's real. Real toxic parents are like this. Real abusers behave like this. Ayumi Hoshino is, as I've previously discussed, yet another example in OnK of a mother who failed her child when she was needed most and it says so, so much about what an incredibly strong and kind person Ai is that she broke that chain and was such an incredible loving mother to Aqua and Ruby.
One last thing before I move on: something that has been a quiet underlying motif of Ai's tragedy for a while is the ways she, as a child, was often... is there a word that's the opposite of infantilization? Adultification, I guess? The point being, she was often objectified, sexualized and evaluated as an adult woman despite being a child. Ayumi's confession takes this implicit idea and makes it explicit and textual: Ayumi did not see her daughter as a child being victimized but as an adult woman to be evaluated and destroyed as a sexual rival. Even before she became an idol, this enforced adultification has been inflicted on Ai as a method of abuse.
oh god. jesus, right. other things happened in this chapter.
I won't lie i did the fattest eyeroll imaginable when I saw Akane hanging around outside lol. Her not revolving around Aqua was nice for the, what, three chapters while it lasted?
maybe I'm being unfair because I think it would be weird for her not to be interfering after she did her death note ass I'LL STOP YOUR PLAN speech back before the arc kicked off but I was so, so glad to see Akane doing literally anything in this story that wasn't solely about Aqua and this feels like some horrible foreshadowing that she is once again going to be reduced to orbiting Aqua because Akasaka is terrified of letting her do anything else. can we PLEASE get some akane focus that isn't to do with Aqua!!! I'm on my fucking hands and knees here bros
break next week.... oshi no ko is my favourite biweekly manga
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Every single plot inconsistency and error In UrbanSPOOK in order.
This covers the first 6 episodes. Content warning for just about everything. As for why I am doing this? I hate bad writing that relies on shock value.
EDIT: apparently Urbanslug is Swedish which honestly explains the lack of understanding of American gun culture and some of the bizarre logistical details. Either way, I take back nothing. If you googled enough to describe murder in this much detail, you can google enough to understand the setting of your story.
These uploads are digitized versions of the tapes in question so we can assume they were found recently. However, the number at the end of the tapes is a 985 number which is an area code that used to be used in Lousiana for the areas outside of New Orleans. However, it was only used from 2001 till Hurricane Katrina. After the hurricane hit most numbers were switched back to a 504 area code which the 985 one was meant to replace. This means the murders had to have taken place between 2001-2008 when the code was switched back to 504. While this might not seem like a big deal since VHS was still around in the early 2000s, DVD had already outpaced VHS sales by 2001 and by 2008 VHS tapes themselves stop being produced on a wide scale. Given these taps are implied to be a method of locating victims and or the killer, it seems like a pretty bizarre way to go about doing that since the format these tapes were made in was already beginning to die when they were made. And given how the internet was becoming more popular around this time, its strange how the person making these takes did not use that format instead given it was both available and made more sense to get the word out there.
Speaking of the tapes: they are formatted in a very bizarre way. If the person making these tapes wanted to bring the killer to justice why is a majority of the focus placed on how the people in the tapes were murdered and the paintings left behind? Why would the focus not be placed on clues left behind by the killer like fingerprints, camera footage, personal effects, or anything that might point people in the direction of where the killer is? Why are there VERY FEW exact locations mentioned? Why are the details so vague? If this is meant to raise awareness or find answers why are all the details that might do that so vague? If these tapes were meant for the police like as a "this is what is going on" kind of way (like what we see in the first episodes of Mandela cataloge regarding the alternates) why does it have a contact phone number at the end? If a PI made this the same general "why would you graphically describe the murder but not include any other relevant information" issue still applies. And if this is a recording of, lets say, a true crime type show: where is the host, B-roll footage, or anything else to indicate this is a show? And if the killer made these: why add the number? I get the killer is cocky since he is leaving paintings behind: but this is a bit too much "suspend your disbelief"ey for me if we are going by the rules of normal reality, which it seems we are. These tapes seem to not have any reason for existing other to provide a backstory to the paintings. They serve no in-world purpose.
Why were the police in a random abandoned warehouse and why were all 3 paintings stashed in that 1 specific place. Was this where the killer was camping out? Where were these other 2 paintings found? Why Is the tape leaving out so much relevant detail?
While 2 of the first victims are women which implies this being sexually motivated, the last victim out of the 3 initial victims isn't. Along with this, there is no pattern between the parts taken/mutilated nor a connection between any of these people. Since we are not shown dates or locations there is no way to know how connected these victims are. Why is the killer going after these people?
If this has gone public, why is more not being done to stop the killer or at least track him down? Why are people not on higher alert? What police department is investigating this? And since "2 days ago" is mentioned in the episode: ONCE AGAIN WHAT TIME FRAME ARE WE OPERATING ON HERE?!
Why is the killer targeting cops? It makes sense from a "haha fuck you, you cant catch me" perspective but it does not make sense for the painter to target bill specifically and deviate from the "pattern" already kind of set by episode 1 unless Bill was somehow the head of the investigation, which was not ever stated.
"A few miles" is a long distance for corpses to be dragged or for people to be taken on-foot (which they presumably were). If the collins family was still alive when this happened, given Bill was a cop, why did he not fight back? And if not, how was the painter able to get them from point A to B without being caught (unless the car was ditched after)
If some of the paintings were found BEFORE the events of the lighthouse (including the ones featuring Jennifer and the bunt kid) why did the police not cross-reference the missing person's names with the names found on the paintings?
If those photos shown are supposed to be in-universe photos of the Collins family before they were murdered, they were either turned into something (other than mush) by the painter or those are not actual photos. They look too much like the paintings for me to think of them as in-universe photographs.
Why did the painter rip the twins in half and sew them back together again? While his mutilation of Cory's genitals and the stuffing of a brick down the throat of his sister (in a manner similar to a blowjob) seems consistent given the fact the painter is more or less a sex offender: the sewing people together does not. Unless you want to look at the parts which... given Cory was mutilated from the waste down and his sister's torso was sewn onto his legs... you cannot make the argument that it was for the intent of making a "futa". It is just brutality for brutality's sake.
If that cabin is implied to be the home of the painter just like the lighthouse is implied to be a body dump WHY ARE POLICE NOT LOOKING INTO IT FURTHER
How was the painter able to get into Tom's 3rd-floor apartment via the drainage pipe on the outside and manage to encase him entirely in wax? Was Tom a candle enthusiast? Did the painter have a vat of hot wax with him? How was this logistically possible in the time frame we are given. Along with this, given how Tom is neither a child nor woman (or police from what we know), why was he targeted? Further more: since wax does not always dry the fastest, especially when there is that much, how was Tom not able to free himself/why was he in an upright position? Unless Tom was drugged, even with the lack of arms he could have still moved.
Sean is a PI helping the police with a series of violent murders. He also presumably lives in Louisiana, AKA the South. This is presumably post-9/11. Why was Sean not armed and why did no neighbors come to actually help? How was the dog also not able to do anything either? If he got Sean by surprise I might be more understanding but for a PI investigating a violent serial killer in an area of the US known for its gun ownership: I feel like the fact the Painter has not been shot either by the cop, Sean, or ANY of the neighbors or victims is impressive
Assuming Sean installing a security camera was motivated by the painter, why does Sean only have 1 SINGULAR CAMERA. WHY WOULD SEAN NOT HAVE ADDITIONAL CAMERAS? And furthermore, why would nobody else have additional cameras around Sean?
This part about Tina' and the "south coast" road trip is confusing since the "South Coast" is apart of California which is on the other side of the country. If they meant "Gulf Coast" (which is where Louisiana is located the murder location would make more sense. However, due to it being named strangely, I am not sure if they meant California or Louisiana given other named locations (IE Tiger lake) is in Louisiana. Once again, I have no idea where things are happening.
If the cops found Tina so shortly after the attack, why was the painter also not found then either?
Why did the painter inject her with something? It does not seem to alter her mental state, she is still totally conscious, and I do not think the painter is using anesthetics before he amputates her ENTIRE ARM and her feet or is attempting biological warfare. What was the point of being injected in the first place?
Tumblr got mad at me so I need to break up the list.
18. Why is the painter so angry Tina lived if he really did not do anything to kill her in the first place. He might have had more planned, I am not sure, but all the painter did was inject her with something that does not seem to be important given we are never told what it is. If its medicine that is wildly out of character. And besides amputating body parts, the bodily damage done to Tina is nowhere near what has happened to other victims. The fact Tina lived is not surprising, at all. Tina would have bled out after awhile but it is not like the hammer to the face, the lighting on fire, or the stabbing in the taint.
19. The painter looks like Riff Raff from rocky horror picture show. This is not a plot hole I just thought it was funny.
20. Once again how is a retired cop who LIVES ON A FARM not armed or able to defend himself from a singular person?
21. This is never addressed but why is the horse skinned in the photo? It died by heart failure due to being pumped full of viagra. Where did its skin go? I get it is supposed to be implied that the horse SAed the wife to death, but I am wondering why the skin being gone is not being acknowledged or if its just from the fact the artist made the horse itself too red.
22. How was the killer able to live in that milk house without ANYBODY noticing.
23. So the painter now have several gimmicks. He seems to target women and children to sexually assault and then mutilate, the people living with them as collateral, and current and ex-police. The painter is also "the painter" so they paint twisted portraits of these people. BUT NOT ONLY THAT, THEY ALSO WEAR THE SKINNED FACES OF THE VICTIMS. So they are a pedo-zoophile rapist who hates cops and skins people that also paints their victims at some point before they die. This is a lot of shit going on. This is also why the victims seem to be all over the place. This serial killer targets too many groups at once.
24. So it is now implied that the painter is making the tapes which,... again, why? Why would the painter have an incentive to do that? They are already taunting the police enough.
So in short:
The victims in relation to each other make little sense due to how many "targeted groups" the painter is pulling from. Most serial killers have a type. The painter seems to have several.
The VHS tapes make no sense since they do not really do anything other than info-dump for the viewer of the series. They serve very little in-world purpose and we never see any other media from this universe outside of the paintings left behind or these tapes.
The details regarding location, time and character relationships are extremely vague at best and do not set up a good timeline for us to follow.
The painter being 1 person or even human is really questionable since its kind of implied there is either more than 1 person behind the painter (like a killer and the painter are separate people) or the painter is a demonic/paranormal entity.
For being such an in-universe threat the police seem to be doing fuck all (minus the one PI who is now dead) to stop anything. Its implied we found the painter's lil hideout, why is fuckall being done?
The lack of guns in post-9/11 America, specifically a post-9/11 South.
Why is nobody able to overpower or harm the painter if he is "just a guy"?
Why is there no other in-universe worldbuilding or even testimonies from still living family?
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magz · 10 months
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Post Banner Image: Magz art of a black angel. Icon Image: Art by かめぱすた of Cirno the ice fairy as a Fumo plush. Edited with Disability Flag.
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ProtectPalestine.org - Palestine Activism Resources
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"The Half Year Reset: How to turn your year around" Guide (Transcribed)
Autism Terminology Masterpost (not by Magz)
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make plushie pattern from 3d model (not by magz) / site: https://plushify.net/
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i don't exactly know how to deal with this - I'm not a big enough person on tumblr to have ever been confronted to this type of comment :
Tumblr media
but it still surprised me to see this when my experience on here has honestly been overwhelmingly positive and I've never really talked or met someone who'd comment something like that on here.
i don't honestly think it's wrong to put this person on "blast" (even though, let's be honest, me posting about it is less of a blast and more of a nice summer night breeze.) since they have commented this publicly for everyone to see - so i see no issue in answering in a just as public of a way.
anyway just wanted to say that I think it's kind of sad that you value fictional characters and people in general based on their physical appearance, and that you seem to forget there is an actor aka a real person behind that role.
and oops - guess what - whatever you think of the appearance of any fucking actor - that's not the part of their job that fucking matters!!
Now, let's try to see walk a few centimeters in your shoes. In your eyes, Foggy is ugly as fuck. So that means he can't get the girl, right? Is that how the story goes? Whatever his personality, his humor or his charm - everybody always only looks at physical appearance and there is not ONE person on this earth who cares, or should care, about what's really underneath.
now apparently, Hallelujah, Karen is attractive in your eyes so she deserves love. Ugh, but that is SO RUINED by the fact that she's ANNOYING AS HELL.....EW.....
There's 2 ways for me to take that Karen is annoying comment.
1 - it's the Skyler White Syndrome and any woman who worries, cares, makes mistakes or has any kind of character flaw is just a nagging annoying woman who's ruining your badass man show. like "guys? what the fuck? there's someone else than a muscular superhero dude or the very evil/murderous/manipulative/actually annoying guy that i somehow forgive on my fucking screen!!! hide that shit or else my masculinity will dissappear!!!!!!!!!"
Now since I don't know your gender or your background - this could be either internalized misogyny or plain old sexism at play. Couldn't care less. Either way it's stupid to think that a female character is either perfect or horrible, a mary sue or a bitch. and that you'll complain either way.
2. I give you the benefit of the doubt. You finding Karen annoying has nothing to do with your gender or what you think of women in media and entertainment and more with the fact that you honestly do find her annoying. What exactly has she done to be described as annoying? Is her dialogue bad? Is her story taking away from Matt's? Are her decisions stupid or irrational and you just can't take it when a character makes actual mistakes?
What exactly are you criticizing her for? Because since I've written my post about romantic relationships i'm willing to bet that your "Karen is annoying" thing is said in a romantic context and that it's just the way she speaks or her personality that you dislike, and this has nothing to do with what actually makes her character interesting or how her backstory has shaped her actions and behavior.
Now I get that we all have our favorite characters - and we have characters we don't like to see on screen. But I wouldn't say that Foggy "being ugly" and Karen "being annoying" qualify as legitimate reasons for you to think they don't deserve to have romantic relationships or that they. "TERRORIZE" MATT??
What kind of show have you been watching? Did you get a bootleg iron man dvd and get confused? where are you getting this from?
Are you saying that you take any conflict that Matt can have with his friends is terrorism? That they're ruining his life? That every time they say they're worried, everytime they tell him not to be Daredevil, because of their own love for their FRIEND, that's terrorism???
Matt cares about them just as much as they care about him, and I'd hardly qualify their overprotectiveness, or honestly, with Matt putting himself on the brink of death all the time, just protectiveness, as TERRORISM.
These "two bums" deserve to be on the show because they're an essential part of Matt's character development and Matt's life in general. He needs loved ones to protect, loved ones to worry about him, loved ones to encourage him, loved ones to call him out from time to time, loved ones that have been through it with him and have stuck with him for a long time.
And the two actors that play them deserve just as much of a chance to get to bring something new to their performance and get to share the screen with long-time friends.
you know.
in the reboot of a show that they were major characters of.
i think i got everything out. hope you're willing to expose yourself to a different opinion and that you read this whole post @nyxxhecate
also. your blog is pretty empty. you should get on that if you don't want people to think you're some spam account.
the end :)
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filmnoirsbian · 11 months
i'm from south asia and have loved your work for years. but bc i'm from a third world country that doesnt have paypal or proper international internet banking, i've been so far unable to buy any of your books or support you the way i want to. every time i read your poems, i want to buy a collection or subscribe to your patreon lol... one day i will! if i manage to go abroad or get an international job. i have hope!
but all this to say, what do you think about books? i asked myself why i can't just be content reading the work you have made public, and my first thought is "i want to own a collection", so then i asked what it is about ownership...? its strange, you as a writer will always own your work, being the creator, but when i think of my favourite books or poetry, i dont think of the title, i think of a well-loved cover and a yellowing page and the edges of the page slightly soft and curling from the turning of multiple re-reads. something about have your work printed, bound and in my hands, for some reason, feels like a more Real way to love your work. it makes no sense to me lol
so i wanted to know what you thought! why do we want to buy books or magazines?
Speaking as someone who doesn't tend to buy or hoard books (and in fact I usually will give them away once I've read them), I do think there's something to be said for wanting to be able to hold the things that we love. When it's tangible, in our hands, it feels more real. That makes complete sense to me--while I'm not given to buying/keeping books or dvds or such, I do collect physical art prints/paintings for a similar reason. That said, while I'm obviously very touched by your urge to buy my books, and I wish you the best in that endeavor, I do want to stress that your reading and loving my works on here never feels any less supportive to me, and I cherish everyone that reads and appreciates my work, in whatever form, because more than anything I just want to share it with others. ❣️
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flammentanz · 10 months
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Sherlock Holmes and his faithful friend Dr. Watson have a very long tradition over here in Germany. Personally I’m an avid fan since my teens when I watched “The Hound of the Baskervilles” (1939) starring the immortal Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce when it was first broadcast on East German television in 1984.
Nearly all important film adaptions of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson have been dubbed and broadcast in Germany either in the cinema or in television. Here are a few examples:
In 1969 and in the early and mid Eighties East German television first dubbed and broadcast nearly all movies starring Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce. All films about the Nazi issue were only dubbed after the fall of the wall. All films are relaesed on DVD and they are are frequently repeated. Theses films are so hugely popular over here that Basil Rathbone is considered as the epitome of Sherlock Holmes by most viewers. For me personally he is the reason for my lifelong enthusiasm for Sherlock Holmes. “The Hound of the Baskvervilles” in the first German dubbed version from 1984: https://youtu.be/sD9M7pxP7Nk
In the early and mid Eighties East German television dubbed and broadcast the Russian television series starring Vasily Livanov and Vitaly Solomin. It was very well received but never hugely popular in the former GDR and was never repeated since its premiere. This series was never broadcast in West German television, Sadly not all dubbed films still exist in the archives but the remaining ones have been released on three DVDs in 2019 in the German version. As for me I simply love these two wonderful actors in these roles and so I made a video tribute in honour to their unforgettable portrayals: https://youtu.be/0jaSdOrntDc
The miniseries “The Hound of the Baskervilles” (1982) starring Tom Baker and Terence Rigby as Holmes and Watson were dubbed and broadcast at East German television in 1985.
In the mid and late eighties East German television dubbed and broadcast the Granada series starring Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes. The series didn't achieve anywhere near the popularity with the general public as it enjoys in the English-speaking world. The series was only very rarely repeated but is now completly available on DVD.
The Hammer film “The Hound of the Baskervilles” (1959) starring Peter Cushing as Sherlock Holmes and André Morell as Dr. Watson was a great success in West Germany. The German dubbed version can be watched here: https://youtu.be/SWgtjG8O_qQ The television series starring Peter Cushing and Nigel Stock as Holmes and Watson was never broadcast on German television. The episodes were only dubbed for DVD in 2017.
In 1962 Terence Fisher directed the movie “Sherlock Holmes und das Halsband des Todes” (Sherlock Holmes and the Deadly Necklace”) starring Christopher Lee as Sherlock Holmes and Thorley Walters as Dr. Watson. The cast included numerous German and Austrian actors includig Hans Söhnker (1903 - 1981) as Professor Moriarty. Fun fact: actor Harry Wüstenhagen, who dubbed Christopher Lee in this movie also dubbed Ian Richardson, John Neville and Nicol Williams in their portrayals of Sherlock Holmes. This movie is available on DVD as well as the other ones I mentioned.
“Murder by Decree” (1979) starring Christopher Plummer and James Mason as Holmes and Watson was dubbed in West Germany and called “Mord an der Themse” (“Murder at the Thames”). It is available on DVD. The German dubbed version can be watched here: https://youtu.be/AANCR2K17F0
In 1982 West German television dubbed and broadcast the series “Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson” starring Geoffrey Whitehead and Donald Pickering. It was quite a success but only very rarely repeated. Meanwhile it is available on DVD. German dubbed episodes can be watched on YouTube: https
Sherlock Holmes in Germany
Alwin Neuß (1879 - 1935) was the first German actor to play the master detective in a movie. In 1914 he played Sherlock Holmes in “Der Hund von Baskerville” (”The Hound of the Baskervilles”). This silent movie was so successful that three sequels were made between 1914 and 1915. Oddly enough Dr. Watson does not appear in them at all. The first film can be watched here: https://youtu.be/PMhVAqef2nY
"Der Hund von Baskerville" (“The Hound of the Baskervilles”) made in 1929 is the last German silent movie about an adventure of Sherlock Holmes. It was directed by Richard Oswald (1880 - 1963), who also directed a German version of "The Hound of the Baskervilles" with three sequels (1914/15) starring Alwin Neuß. Oswald also wrote the screenplay for the very first film version of “The Hound of the Baskervilles” in 1914 which was directed by Rudolf Meinert. The cast is international: an American actor as Sherlock Holmes, a Russian actor as Dr. Watson, a German actor as Stapleton, an Italian actor as Sir Henry Baskerville, an Austrian actress as Beryl Stapleton, an Austrian actor as Dr. Mortimer and a German-Baltic actor as Barrymore. Remarkably, Fritz Rasp (1891 - 1976), who portrays the demonic Stapleton in this movie, plays the servant Barrymore in the sound film version "Der Hund von Baskerville" from 1937. This version is available on DVD and can be watched on YouTube: https://youtu.be/dOO1BwcpP_g
The sound film "Der Hund von Baskerville" (“The Hound of the Baskervilles”) was made in 1937 by Czech director Carl Lamač. The film has a great atmosphere and a cast of then very popular German actors. Especially Erich Ponto (to foreign film viewers very well known for his sinister role as Dr. Winkel in “The Third Man”) as Stapleton and Fritz Rasp (who mostly played sinister roles during his long film career) are great. Unfortunately actor Bruno Güttner (1909 - 1945) as Sherlock Holmes is pretty bland in his role, he even was dubbed by a more experienced actor in this film. Fritz Odemar (1890 - 1955) gives a good and amusing performance as Dr. Watson and does not portray him as a buffon. The movie is available on DVD and can be watched on YouTube: https://youtu.be/XrbMR9NZkVc
“Der Mann, der Sherlock Holmes war” (“The man who was Sherlock Holmes”) (1937) is a crime comedy directed by Austrian director Karl Hartl. The film starres Hans Albers as Morris Flynn and Heinz Rühmann as Macky McPherson. Albers (1891 - 1960) and Rühmann (1902 - 1994) were two of the most popular German actors at that time, and they are still very popular over here. The film deals with two broke English private detectives who decide to pose as Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson to get lucrative jobs. The official authorities obviously do not know that the English master detective and his friend are only products of the imagination of writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and want them to to solve the theft of the Red and the Blue Mauritius. When their real identity is established, they are taken to court for fraud. Only now writer Conan Doyle (played by actor Paul Bildt without a moustache) declares that he is the spiritual father of Holmes and Watson. As he is very satisfied with the appearance of Flynn and McPherson, they are acquitted by the court. The false Holmes and Watson even sing a song called “Jawohl, meine Herr’n” (“Yes, gentlemen”) while taking a bath. This crime comedy is very entertaining, I can't find any hints of the Nazi period it was made. The movie was released on DVD and can be watched on YouTube: https://youtu.be/vWz-ZYIKsEI
Altough Holmes and Watson were immensly popular in East Germany there was never made a movie nor a television film or series especially about them. There are only exist spoofs.
In the Seventies the drawing of the lottery numbers were enriched in East German television with short films of different genres. When the number 19 was drawn it was always a humourous crime film. In three of them appaered the English master detective Sherlock Holmes and his faithful friend Dr. Watson. In "James, der Butler" ("James, the butler") we see Ezard Haußmann, who later dubbed Vasily Livanov in "The Hound of the Baskervilles", and Hannes Stelzer. In the monochrome version of "Spuk im Schloss" ("Haunting in the castle") Jürgen Frohriep and Horst Torka played Holmes and Watson. Torka repeated his role as Watson in a new and colorized version of the same story while Alfred Struwe played Sherlock Holmes. These episodes are part of the DVD edition “Die Tele-Lotto Kurzkrimis”. Alfred Struwe returned to the role of Sherlock Holmes in 1979, when he played in a spoof with the absurd title "Kille Kille Händchen" ("Kill, kill little hand"). Photos of it can be seen here: https://www.tumblr.com/flammentanz/626097658197622784/completely-unknown-german-sherlock-holmes-in-the?source=share
The East German children movie “Unternehmen Geigenkasten” (“Operation violin case”) made in 1984 deals with two school boys who want to solve crimes like Holmes and Watson after they have seen “Der Mann, der Sherlock Holmes war” on television. This film can be watched here: https://youtu.be/5CDlfPl6ibU
“Sherlock Holmes und die sieben Zwerge” (“Sherlock Holmes and the Seven Dwarfs”) made in 1992 by director Günter meyer was one of the last big production of East German television after the fall of the wall. The eight part children series starres Alfred Müller (1926 - 2010) - a big star in East Germany - as newly retired Detective Inspector Hans Holms (the only real connection to the master detective is his name and sometimes his clothings) who looks after his grandchildren Anne and Martin while his daughter and his son-in-law are abroad. With the help of a magical armchair, Holms and his grandchildren can travel to Wonderland, where they are inter alia asked by the seven dwarfs to search for the kidnapped Snow White and meet other fairy tale characters. Their great adversary in all adventures is a demonic black magician. The whole series is available on DVD. The trailer can be watched here: https://youtu.be/blrc8cE6jSk
For a serises about famous detectives the television movie “Sherlock Holmes liegt im Sterben” (“Sherlock Holmes is dying”) was made for the West German television in 1954. It starres Ernst Fritz Fürbringer (1900 - 1988) as Sherlock Holmes and Harald Mannl (1904 - 1964) as Dr. Watson. The complete movie is lost, there is only this fragment that still exists: https://youtu.be/LGvELtv6Q10
“Der Hund von Baskerville” (“The Hound of the Baskervilles”) was made for West German televsion in 1955. It was directed by Fritz Umgelter and starres Wolf Ackva (1911 - 2000) as Sherlock Holmes and Arnulf Schröder(1903 - 1960) as Dr. Watson. I don’t know if this movie still exists in the archives.
“Das Zeichen der Vier” (“The Sign of Four”) was made for West German television in 1974 starring German actor Rolf Becker (born in 1935) and French actor Roger Lumont (born in 1934). It was never repearted since, and I don't know if it still exists in the archives. Here are Becker and Lumont:
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In 1966 the television movie “Conan Doyle und der Fall Edalji” (“Conan Doyle and the case Edalji”) directed by Karlheinz Bieber was made. It starres Paul Klinger (1907 - 1971) - who mostly played likeable roles and was very popular because of it in Germany (because of his sonorous voice he also was a verya renowned voice actor) - as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The film is based on facts that took place from 1903 until 1907. Young Indian solictior George Edalji was exposed to racist hostilities and was wrongly accused of animal mutilations. Arthur Conan Doyle made his own investigations which led to an acquittal of Edalji. In the movie Conan Doyle uses the methods of Sherlock Holmes to solve the case. The film is available on DVD and can be watched on YouTube: https://youtu.be/32H3PmBcJrM Paul Klinger as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle:
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In 1968 Germany got its own Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson at last. In 1967 the WDR (Westdeutscher Rundfunk), a local TV channel of the West German television, produced a six episode television series about the English master detective Sherlock Holmes. Strangely enough, the series was not broadcast under the title “Sherlock Holmes” but the opening credits name the author Arthur Conan Doyle. The series was based on translated scripts written for the BBC series starring Douglas Wilmer. The series was first aired on Sunday afternoons from from October 1, 1967 to March 18, 1968.
Erich Schellow (1915 - 1995) - actually a theater star, that only rarely appeared in movies and on television (the critic Friedrich Luft said about him “He speaks like a God!”) played Sherlock Holmes, while his faithful friend Dr. John H. Watson was played by Paul Edwin Roth (1918 - 1985). The actors knew each other from their theater work in Berlin and got along very well during the filming.
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Paul May, a renowned director in film and television with a long-standig career, had a certain idea of Sherlock Holmes from the start. He wanted an impeccable, dignified, and noble master detective. To create a contrast to other television detectives at that time May avoided any action scenes. Erich Schellow wanted to play a bit more depraved Holmes including the use of cocaine but May refused strictly. In 1991 Erich Schellow was made an honorary member of the German Sherlock Holmes Society.
Paul Edwin Roth were allowed more liberties to portray Dr. Watson and he gladly took the opportunity. He is not a buffoon but instead he is amusing and witty (sometimes he even philosophizes), has a perfect name and address memory, he knows how to handle a weapon (usually his army revolver) and is a faithful friend in all situations. His favorite words are “very interesting”, a fact on which he comments ironically in “Das Haus bei den Blutbuchen” (“The Copper Beeches”)
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While the use of cocaine was refused by the director, the consumption of tobacco and alcohol by Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson is immense. Even dear Mrs. Hudson (Austrian actress Manja Kafka), who is not only a devoted maid (not a landlady as she actually is) but also amusingly cheeky, is hard-drinking. The running gag within the series is that the cane of the umbrella of Dr. Watson serves as a vessel for alcoholic beverages.
It’s incomprehensible that this wonderful series was only repeated once in 1991 and never since. Sadly Germany’s Sherlock Holmes was never given the the attention and appreciation he deserves. Fortunately this gem was released on DVD in 2012 and re-released in 2021.
For any information about Erich Schellow and Paul Edwin Roth as Holmes and Watson please check my blog.
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mmc-veronica · 1 year
Flavor of #HAPPY - A’ Translation
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Hi hi!! I translated the first of the three drama tracks of A’ and his girlfriend! I will hopefully get the other two translated when I have the time to do so :) 
Translation under the cut!
[On the phone] …Isn’t that obvious?! You see, I’ve been up for two hours already!
The reason is… To be late to a date with my beloved Honey would make me a failure of a gentleman!
NYAHAHA! Just kidding!
*He trips*
Oh now that was dangerous…
No no no no! Nothing’s wrong! I just happened to trip over some stuff on the floor!
Anyways, just as promised, I’ll be waiting by Pachiko at 11:00!
So for now, I’ll see you~!
Alrighty, I guess I should head out…
Oh… Ah… I see. It’s coming for me too now, huh?
The other side… [He leaves]
[In the movie theater]
Oh did I already run out? No, no, no! It’s alright! That’s for you to eat, Honey!
[Walking out]
What even was that?! That was so insane!
Right, seriously that! I was even about to jump out of my seat during that scene! I was able to sit still, though- Oh this too, please!
Haah… Movies are seriously so cool! On top of that, watching movies at a theater is just so… It’s more impactful too, but to be able to watch something that will impact your soul in the middle of Shibuya! 
Speaking of which, what do you want to do now? We came all the way to Shibuya anyways, do you want to go somewhere?
Okay! Okay! If you have somewhere you want to go, I’ll follow you anywhere! From shopping to game centers to karaoke… Um… Hahaha!
Speaking of karaoke, this last week I went to karaoke with Joshushushu-sensei and instead of Momo-sama, we tried inviting Reo-sama and wow! Isn’t that in itself so hilarious?!
Oh, why? 
Nonononono! As long as I’m with you I’ll have fun doing anything! Even doing karaoke every day isn’t a chore…!
Is that so?! Hearing that coming from my Honey makes me blush~
But… of course going to karaoke means that I have to make it as exciting as a live so I have a couple songs in mind! 
What’s wrong? Last year's fes…
Really? Don’t tell me… there’s something that you happened to notice… Whisper whisper whisper!
Nyahaha~ So you did notice? An eight, two and a one, Honey! This time, I properly did it on the stage!
Right, right! If I’m not mistaken, we first established it at karaoke somewhere around here! 
Aside from that I really wanted to do something, and even more, this time’s fes is going to be on DVD, so my love for my Honey will forever be on video! I’ll purposefully excite the crowd so much that they won’t be able to cut that part out! I’d like to see them try to cut that part out, that stupid, stupid staff! 
Huh? Hm? Eh? Oh! That’s right! I got so riled up that I completely forgot that we were in public!
Before people catch wind that the Charisma is here, let’s hurry up and leave the scene! 
With that being said, your hand, please.
Ah, it really is such nice weather out! 
Well, I guess so. Since it is such a nice day, karaoke would be a waste!
If that’s the case, where do you want to go? If we go straight, we can walk to Harajuku.
Ohhh you’re right, you’re right! I haven’t been to that part of town lately anyways. We could go to a nice cafe and I want to see my Honey to let loose a little~ But a place that’s nice would be so busy we wouldn’t be able to relax!
Oh? What is it? 
Hm… a place that specializes in candy…
That kind of sounds interesting! Do you want to go?
Okay! Then from here, it’s off to Harajuku go-go!
[At the store]
Hey, Honey look at this! It says free samples are okay! 
Here we go! And one for you too, Honey, ahh~
And one for me, too! 
Mm.. Mm? Mm!
This is… an unexpectedly creamy candy! So good!
You’re right! We have no choice but to buy- oh? There’s a bag full of them! That’ll do! You’ll eat them too, right, honey?
Hmm… anything else…? But now that I notice, our basket is already quite full…
It’s fine, it’s fine! It’s not like we’ll eat them in one go! Besides, of course we’ll want to buy a lot! We’re in store with this much array!
Right, right! You’re right! Sometimes, we can go on a spending spree.
And with that, I’m going to check out! You can go outside and wait for me~
It’s fine, it's fine! We split the price of the movie tickets so I want to pay for these! We’re on a date, anyways!
I had so much fun for my first time back in Harajuku after a while!
It was impromptu, but it turned out to be such a great day! 
Even at the cafe earlier, we were able to take such nice photos!
Right! It was so fancy that they didn’t even have any cola! But sometimes I guess some tea is good. Besides, I was able to drink cola at the movie theater, and I have some at home anyways.
From starting at the theater to having such a fulfilling day to being able to go home and mess around with my Honey..! I knew this before but having some days off is insane!
Oh sure, then I guess I’ll have one too~ Which one do you want? Now’s the time to choose since we have so many flavors! But I guess we’re going on the train soon so I guess one without a stick would be good… Oh? As expected of my Honey, you have such a good eye! I was thinking of eating that one too!
This? I wonder what flavor it is… I’m not sure but… Some kind of fruit? Right! I guess humans don’t have that good of a sense of flavor!
But… this is the flavor of something I’ll never forget or mix up… kiss
But lately the timing of taking masks off is valuable here! There’s no reason I’d miss this chance… Oh? 
I guess it’s pretty crowded… But I guess it’s rarer for the Yamanote Line to be empty.
Speaking of which, are you alright not eating any food?
Well I guess you’re right. Then according to plan, let’s go home and take it easy~
[On the train]
Honey, you can be over here! As long as you stand over here you won’t get pushed around, right? I’m an avid Yamanote Line user so I know all the tricks~ Well, I guess next is Shibuya so people will get off, after that… 
Hm? Oh, I just realized there was someone really pretty in the reflection of the window but it was just my Honey, like usual! 
What are you saying? From your back to your profile view to diagonal 45 degrees view, I know everything about you is super cute!
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